Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed - test results

2005-03-06 Thread Robin Laing
Steve Bibayoff wrote:
On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 09:45:23 -0700, Robin Laing
Sven Neumann wrote:

But GIMP is Free Software with the source code open to everyone.
So the GIMP's development team could be as large as it's user base.

You are correct but many of the users wouldn't know C++ from JAVA so
wouldn't be much help in the optimization.  I am a user but I don't
have any time to assist in the development other than submitting bug
reports which I have never had to do with GIMP.

Fallacy #1(at least I consider it #1) w/ regards to Open Source
development, "I can't help because I'm not a programmer/coder".
There are many ways to be helpful and be part of the "development
team", submit bugs, submit suggestions/wishlist, write docs/howtos,
help out w/ the website, demo The Gimp to people local to you, etc...
. This applies to almost any project.
Good points.  I was thinking of how to optimize coding to make GIMP 
run faster as speed is the issue of the thread.  And the comment was 
based on code development in regards to Photoshop and GIMP.

I submit bugs when I come across them.
I have thought about the documentation point of view.  This is one 
area that many open source programs have problems.  I do want to help 
there but again time is an issue.  I am subscribed to the LDP.

Writing good documentation takes time but it is necessary.
On the note of development, I read that Adobe is releasing some code 
to the Open Source community and I thought that I read some of it was 
from Photoshop.

Robin Laing
Instrumentation Technologist   Voice: 1.403.544.4762
Military Engineering Section   FAX:   1.403.544.4704
Defence R&D Canada - Suffield  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PO Box 4000, Station Main  WWW:
Medicine Hat, AB, T1A 8K6
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed - test results

2005-03-02 Thread Steve Bibayoff

On Wed, 02 Mar 2005 09:45:23 -0700, Robin Laing
> Sven Neumann wrote:

> > But GIMP is Free Software with the source code open to everyone.
> > So the GIMP's development team could be as large as it's user base.

> You are correct but many of the users wouldn't know C++ from JAVA so
> wouldn't be much help in the optimization.  I am a user but I don't
> have any time to assist in the development other than submitting bug
> reports which I have never had to do with GIMP.

Fallacy #1(at least I consider it #1) w/ regards to Open Source
development, "I can't help because I'm not a programmer/coder".

There are many ways to be helpful and be part of the "development
team", submit bugs, submit suggestions/wishlist, write docs/howtos,
help out w/ the website, demo The Gimp to people local to you, etc...
. This applies to almost any project.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed - test results

2005-03-02 Thread Robin Laing
Sven Neumann wrote:
Robin Laing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Now Photoshop has the benefit of large development teams and the
necessary funding to support optimization.  It would be nice to have
that with the GIMP as well.

But GIMP is Free Software with the source code open to everyone.
So the GIMP's development team could be as large as it's user base.
You are correct but many of the users wouldn't know C++ from JAVA so 
wouldn't be much help in the optimization.  I am a user but I don't 
have any time to assist in the development other than submitting bug 
reports which I have never had to do with GIMP.

But volunteers do have the personal pride as a better driver than that 
dollar paycheck.

Robin Laing
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed - test results

2005-03-01 Thread Sven Neumann

Robin Laing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Now Photoshop has the benefit of large development teams and the
> necessary funding to support optimization.  It would be nice to have
> that with the GIMP as well.

But GIMP is Free Software with the source code open to everyone.
So the GIMP's development team could be as large as it's user base.

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed - test results

2005-02-28 Thread Robin Laing
Dana Sibera wrote:

For GIMP - Version 2.2 on OSX, Tile Cache set to 400, 500, 600, 800 and 
1400MB - all had the same results within a second or two. Any less than 
400MB tile cache with this image and the visible changes in both preview 
and the final 'OK' would hit a wall part way through the change and slow 
down drastically, with times for each change doubling or more.

Undo levels set to 1 and Maximum undo memory set to 128MB. GIMP shows 
the image taking 230MB at the bottom of the image window.

Adjust curves - 15 seconds to complete 'preview' across the entire image 
on each & every movement of the curve. It takes the same 15 seconds to 
'apply' a change across the image if preview is off, after pressing 'OK'.

Color Balance - 16 seconds to preview across the entire image on each 
movement of an RGB/CMY slider. Stretches to 36 seconds on each preview 
if "Preserve Luminosity" is turned on. Same 16/37 seconds to complete 
the whole image if preview is turned off, after pressing 'OK' .

Levels - 16 seconds to preview across the entire image on each movement 
of the black/white/grey points, 16 seconds total to complete the whole 
image if preview is turned off, after pressing 'OK'.

Turning previews off makes things quicker by only requiring one 
15ish-second pass over the image - however it also makes each tool 
effectively useless when trying to adjust by sight. A bit like working 
around having a dirty windscreen by driving with your eyes closed.

Photoshop 8.0 - Percent memory used set to 92% of available = 500MB on a 
fresh boot. Scratch disk is boot disk, and 'cache levels' left at 4.

Adjust curves - preview is instant, well under a second across the 
entire image area on each movement of the curve. After clicking OK takes 
one second to complete a curves change on the whole image. With preview 
off, also takes one full second to complete a curves change on the whole 

Color Balance - preview is instant, perhaps 2-3 changes per second are 
reflected in the preview when moving the slider, and well under a second 
to complete the color balance after pressing OK. Same sub-second time 
when preview is off.

Levels - preview seems a bit faster than with color balance, almost 
smooth realtime transitions reflected in the preview. Pressing OK gives 
an instant change of levels across the image regardless of preview.

I also have an athlon 2600+ (1912MHz) running Debian and GIMP 2.2 that I 
had a chance to use earlier while it had 512MB RAM in it, and though I 
didn't get to use this exact test image, I tested with another I was 
working on at the time and had similar results to the 1GHz G4, just 
scaled in speed. That is - a color change in gimp that took 30 seconds 
on the 1GHz G4 would take say 18 seconds in gimp on the Athlon 2GHz.

In order to get past any background processing photoshop may have been 
doing, I also tried adjusting the curve in the curves dialog then 
quickly hit OK - this came out taking the same time as if I moved the 
curve and waited 10 seconds before clicking OK. Closing the image 
immediately afterwards was also instant, so there seemed to be no tricky 
background processing happening over the whole image area.

I hope this helps show the large image size type problems. I wouldn't 
expect two apps to give identical times for every process, but there's 
some big inefficiency in GIMP here that's making it more than ten times 
slower - especially considering that Photoshop on a Powermac 7300/200 
(200MHz PPC604e with 140MB RAM) is not much different to GIMP on a 2GHz 
Athlon with 512MB for these particular operations on images at this 
particular size. (That's not a glib exaggeration either. Color Balance 
across the same panorama while I was constructing it on the 604e took 
about 10 seconds. It is running Photoshop 5.5). I stress "these 
particular operations on images at this particular size" because in 
other areas GIMP's speed is fine, however I'm often working on images at 
this size or larger.

Of course, if there are some memory/cache settings I'm missing out on to 
get GIMP down to the sub-second adjustments on images of this size, 
please tell me!.

I just tried the file on my computer and I didn't find GIMP to be that 
slow.  Color balance was the slowest with you image at ~8 sec for a 
preview.  All others were under 2 sec.

I am running Fedora Core 1 with 2gig ram, ATI 7500 graphics card and 
Intel 2.5G

I am wondering if you are having issues with your graphics card and 
it's refresh on Linux.  I was running SETI at home.  I had GIMP 1.x 
and 2.x open at the same time with the same image.  There were also 
other applications opened as well.

I would have to try the image on my home computer which is much faster 
to see if there is any change.  I do know that memory makes a big 
difference as I have just upgraded my memory from 512 to 2gig because 
of working on large files as well.   Processing times have dropped 
drastically from hour

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed

2005-02-28 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Sven Neumann wrote:
Michele Petrazzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

On the same machine with photoshop, a preview of a "curves" tool
spend only 4-5 seconds, but when press the OK button, it spend about
the same time of gimp.

As you already guessed, the preview of the color manipulation tools in
GIMP isn't really a preview. It's the full thing and no attempt is
made to for example restrict the effect to the visible area or even
render it on a scaled-down version of the image. That's a known
problem and should not be too difficult to improve. Just needs a
motivated hacker who has some spare time. Do you volunteer?
I am not a C/C++ programmer, I know only python, and I'm following the
development of three sourceforge projects. I hope that there are other
volunteer person that want to help the community.
Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed

2005-02-26 Thread Sven Neumann

Michele Petrazzo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On the same machine with photoshop, a preview of a "curves" tool
> spend only 4-5 seconds, but when press the OK button, it spend about
> the same time of gimp.

As you already guessed, the preview of the color manipulation tools in
GIMP isn't really a preview. It's the full thing and no attempt is
made to for example restrict the effect to the visible area or even
render it on a scaled-down version of the image. That's a known
problem and should not be too difficult to improve. Just needs a
motivated hacker who has some spare time. Do you volunteer?

Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed - test results

2005-02-25 Thread Dana Sibera
This message contains the results of a few comparison tests with GIMP 
and Photoshop across one large image - I posted a message earlier about 
some of the speed problems I was having with GIMP - and Michele 
Petrazzo seemed to be indicating some similar problems in the same 
areas (namely color operations across large images)

All of the below tests are done with the image at, a panorama created from 3 
rather dirty snapshots out of a cheapie film camera, scanned & joined 
manually (forgive the distortion :) The image is about 946KB, and is a 
5889x3711 image.

These main tests are done on a 1GHz G4 eMac with 640MB RAM. The GIMP 
and Photoshop tests on the eMac were both done after a fresh reboot, 
each app being the only thing running apart from the system.

For GIMP - Version 2.2 on OSX, Tile Cache set to 400, 500, 600, 800 and 
1400MB - all had the same results within a second or two. Any less than 
400MB tile cache with this image and the visible changes in both 
preview and the final 'OK' would hit a wall part way through the change 
and slow down drastically, with times for each change doubling or more.

Undo levels set to 1 and Maximum undo memory set to 128MB. GIMP shows 
the image taking 230MB at the bottom of the image window.

Adjust curves - 15 seconds to complete 'preview' across the entire 
image on each & every movement of the curve. It takes the same 15 
seconds to 'apply' a change across the image if preview is off, after 
pressing 'OK'.

Color Balance - 16 seconds to preview across the entire image on each 
movement of an RGB/CMY slider. Stretches to 36 seconds on each preview 
if "Preserve Luminosity" is turned on. Same 16/37 seconds to complete 
the whole image if preview is turned off, after pressing 'OK' .

Levels - 16 seconds to preview across the entire image on each movement 
of the black/white/grey points, 16 seconds total to complete the whole 
image if preview is turned off, after pressing 'OK'.

Turning previews off makes things quicker by only requiring one 
15ish-second pass over the image - however it also makes each tool 
effectively useless when trying to adjust by sight. A bit like working 
around having a dirty windscreen by driving with your eyes closed.

Photoshop 8.0 - Percent memory used set to 92% of available = 500MB on 
a fresh boot. Scratch disk is boot disk, and 'cache levels' left at 4.

Adjust curves - preview is instant, well under a second across the 
entire image area on each movement of the curve. After clicking OK 
takes one second to complete a curves change on the whole image. With 
preview off, also takes one full second to complete a curves change on 
the whole image.

Color Balance - preview is instant, perhaps 2-3 changes per second are 
reflected in the preview when moving the slider, and well under a 
second to complete the color balance after pressing OK. Same sub-second 
time when preview is off.

Levels - preview seems a bit faster than with color balance, almost 
smooth realtime transitions reflected in the preview. Pressing OK gives 
an instant change of levels across the image regardless of preview.

I also have an athlon 2600+ (1912MHz) running Debian and GIMP 2.2 that 
I had a chance to use earlier while it had 512MB RAM in it, and though 
I didn't get to use this exact test image, I tested with another I was 
working on at the time and had similar results to the 1GHz G4, just 
scaled in speed. That is - a color change in gimp that took 30 seconds 
on the 1GHz G4 would take say 18 seconds in gimp on the Athlon 2GHz.

In order to get past any background processing photoshop may have been 
doing, I also tried adjusting the curve in the curves dialog then 
quickly hit OK - this came out taking the same time as if I moved the 
curve and waited 10 seconds before clicking OK. Closing the image 
immediately afterwards was also instant, so there seemed to be no 
tricky background processing happening over the whole image area.

I hope this helps show the large image size type problems. I wouldn't 
expect two apps to give identical times for every process, but there's 
some big inefficiency in GIMP here that's making it more than ten times 
slower - especially considering that Photoshop on a Powermac 7300/200 
(200MHz PPC604e with 140MB RAM) is not much different to GIMP on a 2GHz 
Athlon with 512MB for these particular operations on images at this 
particular size. (That's not a glib exaggeration either. Color Balance 
across the same panorama while I was constructing it on the 604e took 
about 10 seconds. It is running Photoshop 5.5). I stress "these 
particular operations on images at this particular size" because in 
other areas GIMP's speed is fine, however I'm often working on images 
at this size or larger.

Of course, if there are some memory/cache settings I'm missing out on 
to get GIMP down to the sub-second adjustments on images of this size, 
please tell me!.


Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed

2005-02-25 Thread Carol Spears
On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 10:30:12AM +0100, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
> Hello list,
> my customer say me that he want a new graphic workstation. He said:
> "give me a good machine with win xp and photoshop for handle tiff image
> that can have 400/500 MB ", and have replied: "xp and photoshop? No!
> linux and gimp!".
> I install it, but after a day of tries, I see that gimp can't work very 
> well with these big images! My tries:
> hardware: cpu amd 2600+, 1GB ram, hd 80GB Maxtor, ati 7000 64MB
> OSgimptime open(400MB)time curves
> linux mdk 10.02.0 40 sec  80 sec
> linux mdk 10.01.2 20 sec  70 sec
> win xp2.2 35-40 sec   70 sec
> OSgimptime open(300MB)time curves
> linux mdk 10.02.0 20 sec  40 sec
> linux mdk 10.01.2 15 sec  35 sec
> win xp2.2 35-40 sec   40 sec
you should start over with these numbers with the gimp preview turned off 
at the tools dialog.

and dont bother with gimp-1.2.

and there is something wrong with a test environment where the windows
gimp is newer than the linux gimp.

your customer said he wanted a good machine, so the problem might also
be that you are relying on binary installations of a linux application
and an honestly good machine should be able to build their own gimp.

so, race it on the good machine your customer wants, first.  count the
seconds without the previews toggled on or tell him to wait until
photoshop can provide real previews so it can be a fair race.


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed

2005-02-25 Thread Carol Spears
On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 10:54:42AM +0100, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
> Carol Spears wrote:
> >On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 10:30:12AM +0100, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
> >
> >>I try to install photoshop on win and it work very well with these
> >>images and bigger images.
> >>
> >
> >how about some numbers showing that windows/photoshop work better?
> On the same machine with photoshop, a preview of a "curves" tool spend 
> only 4-5 seconds, but when press the OK button, it spend about the same
> time of gimp.
> I think that photoshop don't create a real preview, like gimp, but for a
> user that make a lot of changes (and preview) whit a single tool, for
> view if the changes are right, the photoshop solution is better.
> Try to think is a user want to make 5-6 tries to find that seem better,
> he must wait 50-80 seconds every time (50*5 = 250), while with photoshop
> only 4-5 seconds! (5*5 = 25)
well, then play fair.

turn the previews off and see how fast gimp seems.

you mention Curve Tool.  that preview is toggled on the dialog and by
default.  if you toggle this off and you haven't messed with the other
default setting, it should remain off from session to session.

i was anxious to see the same numbers from your machine using windows as
i did with the linux instance.  since these numbers are apparently not
available in that form, then run gimp using the same conditions.  no
previews and some "time marks".

it has taken me about 10 minutes to find the gimp preview and explain it
to you.

can you spend 10 minutes and tell me how to show how photoshop works on
windows with the same type of numbers as you did originally with gimp?


Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed

2005-02-25 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Carol Spears wrote:
On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 10:30:12AM +0100, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
I try to install photoshop on win and it work very well with these
images and bigger images.
how about some numbers showing that windows/photoshop work better?
On the same machine with photoshop, a preview of a "curves" tool spend 
only 4-5 seconds, but when press the OK button, it spend about the same
time of gimp.
I think that photoshop don't create a real preview, like gimp, but for a
user that make a lot of changes (and preview) whit a single tool, for
view if the changes are right, the photoshop solution is better.
Try to think is a user want to make 5-6 tries to find that seem better,
he must wait 50-80 seconds every time (50*5 = 250), while with photoshop
only 4-5 seconds! (5*5 = 25)

Gimp-user mailing list

Re: [Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed

2005-02-21 Thread Carol Spears
On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 10:30:12AM +0100, Michele Petrazzo wrote:
> I try to install photoshop on win and it work very well with these
> images and bigger images.
how about some numbers showing that windows/photoshop work better?


Gimp-user mailing list

[Gimp-user] Cpu usage and speed

2005-02-21 Thread Michele Petrazzo
Hello list,
my customer say me that he want a new graphic workstation. He said:
"give me a good machine with win xp and photoshop for handle tiff image
that can have 400/500 MB ", and have replied: "xp and photoshop? No!
linux and gimp!".
I install it, but after a day of tries, I see that gimp can't work very 
well with these big images! My tries:
hardware: cpu amd 2600+, 1GB ram, hd 80GB Maxtor, ati 7000 64MB

OS  gimptime open(400MB)time curves
linux mdk 10.0  2.0 40 sec  80 sec
linux mdk 10.0  1.2 20 sec  70 sec
win xp  2.2 35-40 sec   70 sec
OS  gimptime open(300MB)time curves
linux mdk 10.0  2.0 20 sec  40 sec
linux mdk 10.0  1.2 15 sec  35 sec
win xp  2.2 35-40 sec   40 sec
Time curves is a modify of a color curves. (image -> color -> curves)
I see that on linux OS, there are a lot of cpu work (with top) about
100 % all the time. On win OS, there are a lot of HD work, and
the cpu work about 40-50 % (see on task manager).
I try to install photoshop on win and it work very well with these
images and bigger images.
Is this correctly, so gimp don't work well with these big image?
P.s. This is not a critical about gimp, only a little question.
Thanks for replies and for gimp work,
Michele Petrazzo
Gimp-user mailing list