Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Mark van der Velden




Request for Comments: Traits for PHP


If it doesn't affect performance *MUCH* then I'm all for it ! It can
bring better structure for complex designs. Also by reusing, I'm
assuming less memory will be needed for the code base which is beneficial.

- Mark

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Richard Quadling

 during last six months I've studied a language construct called Traits.
 It is a construct to allow fine-grained code reuse and in my opinon
 this would be a nice feature for PHP, which I did like to propose here.
 The following RFC deals with the questions what Traits are, how they are
 used, why they are usefull and how they do look like in PHP.
 A patch implementing this new language construct is available, too.

 Thank you for your attention and I'm looking forward to hear your comments

 Kind Regards

 Request for Comments: Traits for PHP


 ... contents::

 This RFC will discuss at first the motivation for Traits describing the
 and presenting a short real world use case. The main part will describe the
 concept of Traits in detail using the syntax for Traits implemented in a
 which is part of this proposal. In the end, the URL of the patch and
 additional resources about Traits are given.


 *Traits* is a mechanism for code reuse in single inheritance languages such
 as PHP. A Trait is intended to reduce some limitations of single inheritance
 by enabeling a developer to reuse sets of methods freely in several
 classes living in different class hierarchies.
 The semantics of the combination of Traits and classes is defined in a way,
 which reduces complexity and avoids the typical problems associated with
 inheritance and Mixins.

 They are recognized for their potential in supporting better composition
 and reuse, hence their integration in newer versions of languages
 such as Perl 6, Squeak, Scala, Slate and Fortress.
 Traits have also been ported to Java and C#.

 Why do we need Traits?

 Code reuse is one of the main goals that object-oriented languages try to
 with inheritance. Unfortunately, single inheritance often forces the
 to take a decision in favor for either code reuse *or* conceptual clean
 hierarchies. To achieve code reuse, methods have either to be duplicated or
 to be moved near the root of the class hierarchy, but this hampers
 understandability and maintainability of code.

 To circumvent this problems multiple inheritance and Mixins have been
 But both of them are complex and hard to understand. PHP5
 has been explicitly designed with the clean and successful model of Java in
 mind: single inheritance, but multiple interfaces. This decision has been
 to avoid the known problems of for example C++.
 Traits have been invented to avoid those problems, too. They enable designer
 to build
 conceptually clean class hierarchies without the need to consider code reuse
 complexity problems, but focusing on the real problem domain and

 Traits: A Mechanism for Fine-grained Reuse

 A Trait is a unit of reuse much like a class, but only intended to group
 functionality in a fine-grained and consistent way. It is not possible to
 instantiate a Trait on its own. It is an addition to traditional inheritance
 and enables horizontal composition of behavior.

 The following code illustrates the current implementation of an extended
 version of the PHP reflection API which provides detailed access to doc

 ReflectionMethod and ReflectionFunction are classes from the reflection API
 have to be extended with exactly the same code. In some situations it
 would be possible to add a common base class, but in this case it is
 impossible, because the extended classes are not under our control, i.e.,
 are implemented in third party code or even in C, like it is the case here.

  class ezcReflectionMethod extends ReflectionMethod {
/* ... */
function getReturnType() { /*1*/ }
function getReturnDescription() { /*2*/ }
/* ... */

  class ezcReflectionFunction extends ReflectionFunction {
/* ... */
function getReturnType() { /*1*/ }
function getReturnDescription() { /*2*/ }
/* ... */

 With Traits it is possible to refactor this redundant code out.

  trait ezcReflectionReturnInfo {
function getReturnType() { /*1*/ }
function getReturnDescription() { /*2*/ }

  class ezcReflectionMethod extends ReflectionMethod {
use ezcReflectionReturnInfo;
/* ... */

  class ezcReflectionFunction extends ReflectionFunction {
use ezcReflectionReturnInfo;
/* ... */

 This is just a small example of what Traits are useful for.
 The next sections will discuss on more advanced techniques and describe how
 current implementation of Traits for PHP works.

 The Flattening Property

 As already mentioned, multiple inheritance and Mixins are complex
 Traits are an 

Re: [PHP-DEV] PHP mail() header patch for SafeMode

2008-02-19 Thread Paul van Brouwershaven

Daevel wrote:


without any patch you can modify the sendmail_path parameter and add 
what you want no ?

With mod_php I use this in my virtualhosts :
   php_admin_value sendmail_path /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i -f 

Yes, I have done this.. but now is the question where is the spamming script?

An with CGI module, we already have the username.

It should be enough to identify which member is involved ; no ?

Yes, but not to identify which the script

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stefan Marr
Hi Mark,

 If it doesn't affect performance *MUCH* then I'm all for it ! It can
 bring better structure for complex designs. Also by reusing, I'm
 assuming less memory will be needed for the code base which is beneficial.
the current implementation does not save any memory compared to a
user-level copy'n'past solution. But there might be the opportunity to
optimize the op_array handling.

The performance impact is almost the same for a trait usage as for
inheritance or interface definitions. The only costly operation is
copying the method body from the trait to the class where it is used.
But this should be much cheaper than parsing the method for each
single class, what would be necessary if one would use a good old
copy'n'past approach.

Kind Regards

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Error messages for wrong coding

2008-02-19 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Felipe,

Tuesday, February 19, 2008, 4:21:20 AM, you wrote:

 Looking on Feature/Change Request, i have seen curious things, and i
 think that them should issue any error message. See above.


 Bug #39915 - Trying to access the index of an integer should throw a

 Actual result:

 $a = 1234;
 $a[0]; // Not shows error

  - Shows error message (Fatal error, as happens with objects) for
 integer and float variables.

This patch results in two error message for type long, one complaining about
long, one about double. You can use function zend_get_type_by_const() to
avoid this. Also make sure that we see the new style message for type bool
and anything else that is not handled right now (aka just use default case).


 Bug #42852 - Inconsistent message when creating default object from
 empty value:

 Actual result:

 $obj1-p = 1; // Shows 'Strict Standards ...'

 $obj2-p[] = 1; // Not shows

 $a = 1;
 $obj3-p = $a; // Not shows

  - 'Strict Standards' for all cases.

Looks good.

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stefan Marr
Hi Larry,

 It sounds interesting to me, and I can definitely see the value.  I think I'd
 suggest having multiple included traits override each other, however, so

 trait A {
  function foo() { echo A; }
function bar() { echo A; }
 trait B {
  function foo() { echo B; }
function bar() { echo B; }
 class C {
  use A;
  use B;
 $c = new C();
 $c-foo(); // prints B since that came second.
Lets suppose you will need here the A for some domain specific
reason. This is not possible with this mixin semantics, with traits it

 That said, the conventional OOP mechanism to get the same result would, I
 think, look something like this:

 interface iface {
  function foo();
  function bar();

 class I implements iface {
  function foo() { ... }
  function bar() { ... }

 class A implements iface {
  protected $iface;

  function __construct() {
$this-iface = new I();

  function foo() { return $this-iface-foo(); }

  function bar() { return $this-iface-bar(); }

 The class/interface method takes a little more typing and an extra function
 call on the stack, but otherwise what is the advantage of Traits over this
 method?  (Really, I'm genuinely curious.)
Yes, it is the typical delegation pattern. Often used to achieve code
reuse without the need to inherited and clutter up interfaces with
unnecessary stuff.

The advantage of traits here is the preservation of the encapsulation
property of your classes. In many situations you would need to
propagate some state to the delegate which is not a nice thing in all
situations. Instead it would be more elegant to have a method in the
class to preserve encapsulation. The method could be provided by copy
and past, or for consistency and conceptual reasons, by a trait :)

 You also note that this mechanism has no runtime impact.  That's unfortunate,
 because I'd find the ability to add methods to an object at runtime
 conditionally based on some other value far more useful in my work. :-)
 Especially since, as above, there seems to be a way to implement this
 functionality now as-is with a little more typing, yet runtime modification
 is still impossible without eval() and similar scary stuff.

 Vis, I'd find the following more useful in the code I write:

 trait Baby {
  function crawl() { ... }

 trait Teen {
  function complain() { ... }

 class Person {
  protected $age;
  function __construct($age) {
$this-age = $age;
if ($this-age = 3) {
if ($this-age =13  $this-age =19) {

 $p[1] = new Person(19);

 $p[2] = new Person(1);

 foreach ($p as $person) {
  if ($p instanceof Teen) {

 I don't know if that's technically not feasible or technically not a Trait
 anymore and therefore off topic in this thread (if it is, that's fine, let me
 know and I'll shut up about it g), but that strikes me as more useful than
 just runtime composition.
This is not Traits anymore, yes :) and as Rasmus suggests there would
be definitely some problems.
But you might be interested in Context-oriented Programming, it tries
to solve such crosscutting concerns you've described in an dynamic
Unfortunately I've no code example at hand but you could have a lock
ContextR for Ruby is very promising to solve such problems.

I've had a thought on this for PHP, too. But think there would be many
people against something like dynamic behavior even if this looks
like an oxymoron ;)

Kind Regards

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stefan Marr
Hi Richard,

 A question (and again, no idea on feasibility, internals, etc.).

 The above proposal covers adding/overriding internal methods with
 external ones. Is it possible to also include additional properties?

 If not, then you would have to override the constructor method (this
 could be demoted to documentation rather than code then I suppose).
the current proposal does not allow state in your traits.

At the moment the solution would be like this:

trait A {
   abstract protected function getFoo();
   public function doSomeFoo($bar) {
 return $this-getFoo().' baz ' . $bar;

Traits can defined abstract methods to define a required method. This
abstract methods can be implemented in the class or in an other trait.

There are also notions about stateful traits out there. For instance
Scala does implement them, but state is an additional level of
complexity and I have tried to avoid it in this implementation, since
I have had expected much more complains about the aliasing and exclude
operations and its pretended complexity.
In my opinion stateful traits are the next logical step, but with the
cost for some additional complexity, since you need handle conflicting
properties. (The stateful traits approach is to make it private to a
traits composition, but this might not be obvious to every user.)

Kind Regards

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Error messages for wrong coding

2008-02-19 Thread Felipe Pena
Em Ter, 2008-02-19 às 12:28 +0100, Marcus Boerger escreveu: 
 This patch results in two error message for type long, one complaining about
 long, one about double. You can use function zend_get_type_by_const() to
 avoid this. Also make sure that we see the new style message for type bool
 and anything else that is not handled right now (aka just use default case).

Ooops, I forget that! :D


Em Ter, 2008-02-19 às 01:25 -0300, Cristian Rodriguez escreveu: 
 you need to handle offset of booleans too..

Oops! Thanks.

... I was sleepy :P

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread troels knak-nielsen
On Feb 18, 2008 8:27 PM,  [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 during last six months I've studied a language construct called Traits.
 It is a construct to allow fine-grained code reuse and in my opinon
 this would be a nice feature for PHP, which I did like to propose here.
 The following RFC deals with the questions what Traits are, how they are
 used, why they are usefull and how they do look like in PHP.
 A patch implementing this new language construct is available, too.

 Thank you for your attention and I'm looking forward to hear your comments

 Kind Regards

I know this is in the bike-shed department, but the following syntax
doesn't look very PHP to me:
  use B { !bigTalk, talk = bigTalk }

Could we separate exclusions from aliases somehow?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Christian Schneider
Larry Garfield wrote:
 On Monday 18 February 2008, Richard Lynch wrote:
 Why not just allow 'include' here instead?

 Because include requires the code in question to live in another file, which 
 don't always want.  

I'm with Richard Lynch here: Simply allow inclusion. No new language
concept, instead an existing one is made more orthogonal which is A
Desirable Thing(tm) IMHO.

About having it in the same file: You then need to also have the two
classes using the Trait to live in the same file (or include_once that
file) which is something I'm trying to avoid.

I've gotten fond of one class per file for the sake of an autoloader
anyway so I don't think separating the common code into a separate file
is a big disadvantage.

The part about being able to do partial Trait use seems hackish and
somewhat complicated to me so I'd rather not have it in the language. It
feels a little bit like being able to partially implement an Interface:
I think a class should either have a Trait or not. If we're using
include to emulate Traits then the same could be accomplished by
separating the parts into files (if *really* desired).

-1 for Traits as proposed
+1 for allowing include in class definitions

- Chris

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Error messages for wrong coding

2008-02-19 Thread Cristian Rodriguez
2008/2/19, Felipe Pena [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Em Ter, 2008-02-19 às 01:25 -0300, Cristian Rodriguez escreveu:
  you need to handle offset of booleans too..

 Oops! Thanks.

There is a similar case with unset() an offset of booleans and integers.

$foo = true:
/* should throw a fatal error, like it does when trying to unset string offsets.
actually $foo remains unchanged after unset() (!!)

Index: Zend/zend_vm_def.h
RCS file: /repository/ZendEngine2/zend_vm_def.h,v
retrieving revision
diff -u -p -r1. zend_vm_def.h
--- Zend/zend_vm_def.h  11 Feb 2008 15:46:10 -
+++ Zend/zend_vm_def.h  19 Feb 2008 14:32:18 -
@@ -3281,6 +3281,7 @@ ZEND_VM_HANDLER(75, ZEND_UNSET_DIM, VAR|
zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, Cannot
unset string offsets);
ZEND_VM_CONTINUE(); /* bailed out before */
+   zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, Cannot
unset %s offsets, zend_get_type_by_const(Z_TYPE_PP(container)));


Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Stefan,

  a userland copy'n'paste does not allow to reuse already compiled opcodes.
Traits do at least conceptionally.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008, 1:09:24 PM, you wrote:

 Hi Mark,

 If it doesn't affect performance *MUCH* then I'm all for it ! It can
 bring better structure for complex designs. Also by reusing, I'm
 assuming less memory will be needed for the code base which is beneficial.
 the current implementation does not save any memory compared to a
 user-level copy'n'past solution. But there might be the opportunity to
 optimize the op_array handling.

 The performance impact is almost the same for a trait usage as for
 inheritance or interface definitions. The only costly operation is
 copying the method body from the trait to the class where it is used.
 But this should be much cheaper than parsing the method for each
 single class, what would be necessary if one would use a good old
 copy'n'past approach.

 Kind Regards

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
To unsubscribe, visit:

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Rasmus,

Tuesday, February 19, 2008, 2:45:15 AM, you wrote:

 Larry Garfield wrote:
 You also note that this mechanism has no runtime impact.  That's 
 because I'd find the ability to add methods to an object at runtime 
 conditionally based on some other value far more useful in my work. :-)  
 Especially since, as above, there seems to be a way to implement this 
 functionality now as-is with a little more typing, yet runtime modification 
 is still impossible without eval() and similar scary stuff.

 The idea here is that we want to be able to cache opcodes, classes and
 functions and optimize them out of the runtime context so the executor
 can skip creating classes and functions on every single request.  A lot
 of the traffic on this list over the past couple of months seems to
 ignore this basic premise.  Features such as autoload and runtime object
 manipulation incur a huge performance hit in the sense that they change
 something that was free before and not only add the cost of the feature
 itself, but it also means the object in question now can no longer be
 cached and has to be created on every single request.

 This doesn't mean we can't consider such features, but people need to
 also consider the performance implications.

For that reason allowing traits in favor of include inside a class body is
much better.

Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf
Marcus Boerger wrote:
 Hello Stefan,
   any dynamic aspect of a class has brought us to problems in inheritance
 and required us to design the objct/compile model in a way that
 inheritance often is done at run time. Imo traits are a way out of this.
 In fact I'd love to issue a deprecated message as soon as class is found
 outside of a main block.

That would mean deprecating autoload as well since autoloading a class
is effectively the same as defining it outside of the main block.


PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello php,

  looks good to me. See more detailed thoughts in separate mail resonses.
The biggest issue I see is finding a syntax everyone likes.

Personally I like everything but one tiny piece, that is you do '!method'
to ignore a method from a trait. Since renaming happens in a php array like
style I would prefer to have that approach apply for ignoring methods as
well. The way to do that imo is 'method=false' or 'method=NULL' which both
should be obvious to PHP programmers that heard about Traits.

Other than that I'd even appriciate it, if we could get this for 5.3. I mean
come on guys it is ready and a very nice solution to the code reuse problem.


Monday, February 18, 2008, 8:27:00 PM, you wrote:


 during last six months I've studied a language construct called Traits.
 It is a construct to allow fine-grained code reuse and in my opinon
 this would be a nice feature for PHP, which I did like to propose here.
 The following RFC deals with the questions what Traits are, how they are
 used, why they are usefull and how they do look like in PHP.
 A patch implementing this new language construct is available, too.

 Thank you for your attention and I'm looking forward to hear your comments

 Kind Regards

 Request for Comments: Traits for PHP


 ... contents::

 This RFC will discuss at first the motivation for Traits describing the
 and presenting a short real world use case. The main part will describe the
 concept of Traits in detail using the syntax for Traits implemented in a
 which is part of this proposal. In the end, the URL of the patch and 
 additional resources about Traits are given.


 *Traits* is a mechanism for code reuse in single inheritance languages such
 as PHP. A Trait is intended to reduce some limitations of single inheritance
 by enabeling a developer to reuse sets of methods freely in several
 classes living in different class hierarchies.
 The semantics of the combination of Traits and classes is defined in a way,
 which reduces complexity and avoids the typical problems associated with
 inheritance and Mixins.

 They are recognized for their potential in supporting better composition
 and reuse, hence their integration in newer versions of languages 
 such as Perl 6, Squeak, Scala, Slate and Fortress.
 Traits have also been ported to Java and C#.

 Why do we need Traits?

 Code reuse is one of the main goals that object-oriented languages try to
 with inheritance. Unfortunately, single inheritance often forces the
 to take a decision in favor for either code reuse *or* conceptual clean
 hierarchies. To achieve code reuse, methods have either to be duplicated or
 to be moved near the root of the class hierarchy, but this hampers
 understandability and maintainability of code.

 To circumvent this problems multiple inheritance and Mixins have been
 But both of them are complex and hard to understand. PHP5
 has been explicitly designed with the clean and successful model of Java in
 mind: single inheritance, but multiple interfaces. This decision has been
 to avoid the known problems of for example C++.
 Traits have been invented to avoid those problems, too. They enable designer
 to build
 conceptually clean class hierarchies without the need to consider code reuse
 complexity problems, but focusing on the real problem domain and

 Traits: A Mechanism for Fine-grained Reuse

 A Trait is a unit of reuse much like a class, but only intended to group
 functionality in a fine-grained and consistent way. It is not possible to
 instantiate a Trait on its own. It is an addition to traditional inheritance
 and enables horizontal composition of behavior.

 The following code illustrates the current implementation of an extended
 version of the PHP reflection API which provides detailed access to doc

 ReflectionMethod and ReflectionFunction are classes from the reflection API
 have to be extended with exactly the same code. In some situations it
 would be possible to add a common base class, but in this case it is
 impossible, because the extended classes are not under our control, i.e.,
 are implemented in third party code or even in C, like it is the case here.

  class ezcReflectionMethod extends ReflectionMethod {
/* ... */
function getReturnType() { /*1*/ }
function getReturnDescription() { /*2*/ }
/* ... */

  class ezcReflectionFunction extends ReflectionFunction {
/* ... */
function getReturnType() { /*1*/ }
function getReturnDescription() { /*2*/ }
/* ... */

 With Traits it is possible to refactor this redundant code out.


Re: [PHP-DEV] _REQUEST and variable_order

2008-02-19 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

I would like to see $_REQUEST be just GET | POST

That's what ini-recommended is configured for.

I also see no reason to not keep $_GET if 'G' is missing from GPC
ordering, so that would be a fine second choice.

That changes semantics of existing switch, so I don't feel comfortable 
to do such change...

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Rasmus,

  not really. We can have a table that keeps track of which class was
declared in what file. Then we could actually break down files into class
definitions and only import the requested part. In a perfect world each
class would be in its own file. A file would only create a single class and
nothing more or contain the code to generate output, probably some short,
flat procedural code. Then each of these files would get compiled and
cached. And loaded from those output generating files...


Tuesday, February 19, 2008, 4:59:19 PM, you wrote:

 Marcus Boerger wrote:
 Hello Stefan,
   any dynamic aspect of a class has brought us to problems in inheritance
 and required us to design the objct/compile model in a way that
 inheritance often is done at run time. Imo traits are a way out of this.
 In fact I'd love to issue a deprecated message as soon as class is found
 outside of a main block.

 That would mean deprecating autoload as well since autoloading a class
 is effectively the same as defining it outside of the main block.


Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith

On 19.02.2008, at 15:32, Marcus Boerger wrote:

In fact I'd love to issue a deprecated message as soon as class is  

outside of a main block.

err .. deprecated?
as in you want to deprecate the possibility entirely?
or you just want to hin to the user that its a bad idea .. (not sure  
if even E_STRICT would be a good fit there).


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Re: [PHP-DEV] [RFC] Annotations

2008-02-19 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith

On 19.02.2008, at 00:22, clynx wrote:

I have thought about a new feature for some days now. The initial  
plan was to create a new keyword deprecated which should simply  
trigger a warning when the right error level was set. This could  
have been combined with the E_DEPRECATED level from 5.3 (maybe,  
otherwise E_STRICT).

The goal was to have a possibility for PHP projects to mark some  
functions, classes or methods as no longer recommend to use. The  
first step would be to set this new keyword, and after some releases  
the developers could remove this item. Just as it is handled in PHP  
I know that there is a phpDoc property for this, but when you  
execute your code you'll never realize that.

Well the topic of annotations is a big one in its own right. However  
once we have E_DEPRECATED you can at least use trigger_error() to get  
your desired effect.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Lukas,

  it doesn't work with opcode cashes. So I want at least an E_STRICT here.
And yes I mean what I wrote. That's why I wrote it.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008, 6:40:08 PM, you wrote:

 On 19.02.2008, at 15:32, Marcus Boerger wrote:

 In fact I'd love to issue a deprecated message as soon as class is  
 outside of a main block.

 err .. deprecated?
 as in you want to deprecate the possibility entirely?
 or you just want to hin to the user that its a bad idea .. (not sure  
 if even E_STRICT would be a good fit there).


Best regards,

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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Re: [PHP-DEV] Role model RFC

2008-02-19 Thread Daniel Brown
On Feb 19, 2008 2:09 PM, Lukas Kahwe Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I really like what Stefan did here with his traits RFC. Very solid
 work, even if there are still some people not convinced if they want
 this feature in, I have seen little complaints about the way this
 proposal was made. Quite the contrary actually. I would like this kind
 of detailed thought to become more the norm. Even if at the very
 beginning of an idea this quality may not be immediately attainable,
 it should be the goal. So for every idea we should have at least
 someone who tries to bring the proposal to this kind of level as the
 discussions progress.

 For this proposal I would hope that it would be put on some host we
 can trust to not disappear and be updated with the feedback. I am
 still dreaming of a wiki for this kind of stuff. If interested
 I do of course offer to host these RFC's for the
 time being. Using has the draw back of requiring karma for maintenance, which would be problematic for new
 comers, unless we can do karma on a per file level for this?

I'd certainly be a +1 for a wide-open Wiki on for this and
similar activities.  It's been mentioned for quite some time, and it
seems as though - despite the fact that PHP drives the most popular
Wiki software - we're the last to adopt it.  In any case, keeping it
open means that ALL people involved and with more than just a passing
interest can get involved in the C part of the RFC.

If it goes through, feel free to count me in as a volunteer to
moderate submissions, vandalism, and such.


Daniel P. Brown
Senior Unix Geek
? while(1) { $me = $mind--; sleep(86400); } ?

PHP Internals - PHP Runtime Development Mailing List
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[PHP-DEV] Role model RFC

2008-02-19 Thread Lukas Kahwe Smith


I really like what Stefan did here with his traits RFC. Very solid  
work, even if there are still some people not convinced if they want  
this feature in, I have seen little complaints about the way this  
proposal was made. Quite the contrary actually. I would like this kind  
of detailed thought to become more the norm. Even if at the very  
beginning of an idea this quality may not be immediately attainable,  
it should be the goal. So for every idea we should have at least  
someone who tries to bring the proposal to this kind of level as the  
discussions progress.

For this proposal I would hope that it would be put on some host we  
can trust to not disappear and be updated with the feedback. I am  
still dreaming of a wiki for this kind of stuff. If interested  
I do of course offer to host these RFC's for the  
time being. Using has the draw back of requiring karma for maintenance, which would be problematic for new  
comers, unless we can do karma on a per file level for this?


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Re: [PHP-DEV] Role model RFC

2008-02-19 Thread David Coallier
On Feb 19, 2008 2:09 PM, Lukas Kahwe Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I really like what Stefan did here with his traits RFC. Very solid
 work, even if there are still some people not convinced if they want
 this feature in, I have seen little complaints about the way this
 proposal was made. Quite the contrary actually. I would like this kind
 of detailed thought to become more the norm. Even if at the very
 beginning of an idea this quality may not be immediately attainable,
 it should be the goal. So for every idea we should have at least
 someone who tries to bring the proposal to this kind of level as the
 discussions progress.

Most definitely, thanks to Stefan for this. I have rarely seen such
RFC in PHP lately. This is.. wow, from simple example to a bit more
complex and real life examples, simple texts, the reason why we need
this and a bit more about MI.

The external links to further readings on the subject are great and
the thesis is even better (A bit long but very interesting).

I think this can make a lot of good to PHP's RFC process if handled
correctly. Let's just hope we do it correctly :)

 For this proposal I would hope that it would be put on some host we
 can trust to not disappear and be updated with the feedback. I am
 still dreaming of a wiki for this kind of stuff. If interested
 I do of course offer to host these RFC's for the
 time being. Using has the draw back of requiring karma for maintenance, which would be problematic for new
 comers, unless we can do karma on a per file level for this?

Wiki is such a great idea, what were the (political?) reasons for not
having it ? No one to maintain it ?


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Re-read what you are replying.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Lars Strojny
Hi Stefan,

Am Montag, den 18.02.2008, 20:27 +0100 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  class ezcReflectionMethod extends ReflectionMethod {
use ezcReflectionReturnInfo;
/* ... */

I'm not sure if the use-keyword is a good idea as namespaces are already
used. If we use use for traits, maybe going back to import for
namespaces would be the way to go.

cu, Lars
Lars Strojny
Senior Software Developer MediaVentures GmbH (

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Marcus Boerger
Hello Lars,

  we could even go for include here if we wanted to avoid use as much as
adding a new keyword. Personally I don't mind using keywords for different
stuff as long as it cannot conflict. That is in this case true for both
include and use.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008, 9:31:29 PM, you wrote:

 Hi Stefan,

 Am Montag, den 18.02.2008, 20:27 +0100 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  class ezcReflectionMethod extends ReflectionMethod {
use ezcReflectionReturnInfo;
/* ... */

 I'm not sure if the use-keyword is a good idea as namespaces are already
 used. If we use use for traits, maybe going back to import for
 namespaces would be the way to go.

 cu, Lars

Best regards,

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Lars Strojny
Hi Marcus,

Am Dienstag, den 19.02.2008, 17:58 +0100 schrieb Marcus Boerger:
   looks good to me. See more detailed thoughts in separate mail resonses.
 The biggest issue I see is finding a syntax everyone likes.

I can't agree more.

 Personally I like everything but one tiny piece, that is you do '!method'
 to ignore a method from a trait. Since renaming happens in a php array like
 style I would prefer to have that approach apply for ignoring methods as
 well. The way to do that imo is 'method=false' or 'method=NULL' which both
 should be obvious to PHP programmers that heard about Traits.

The irritating thing is that currently it would be null = 'oldmethod'.
This is what I would critisize in general. I would prefer
'oldMethodName' = 'newMethodName' instead. 'oldMethodName' = null
would be really cool.

 Other than that I'd even appriciate it, if we could get this for 5.3.
 I mean come on guys it is ready and a very nice solution to the code
 reuse problem.
This would be a killer feature for 5.3! How realistic is it to get this

cu, Lars

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Larry Garfield

On Tue, 19 Feb 2008 13:23:57 +0100, Stefan Marr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Traits can defined abstract methods to define a required method. This
 abstract methods can be implemented in the class or in an other trait.
 There are also notions about stateful traits out there. For instance
 Scala does implement them, but state is an additional level of
 complexity and I have tried to avoid it in this implementation, since
 I have had expected much more complains about the aliasing and exclude
 operations and its pretended complexity.
 In my opinion stateful traits are the next logical step, but with the
 cost for some additional complexity, since you need handle conflicting
 properties. (The stateful traits approach is to make it private to a
 traits composition, but this might not be obvious to every user.)
 Kind Regards

(Sorry for the double email; I meant to send this to the list.)

So if the Trait is not stateful, what is the advantage over delegation?  That
was cited in an earlier email as a shortcoming of delegation, but if the Traits
implementation doesn't address it either except through a getter/setter, then
it's still functionally equivalent to delegation.

--Larry Garfield

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Lars Strojny
Hi Marcus,

Am Dienstag, den 19.02.2008, 21:42 +0100 schrieb Marcus Boerger:
   we could even go for include here if we wanted to avoid use as much as
 adding a new keyword. Personally I don't mind using keywords for different
 stuff as long as it cannot conflict. That is in this case true for both
 include and use.

I'm not sure about this. I can imagine it would not be really intuitive
why someone use a namespace and use a trait while he also includes
a file and includes a trait. So my only concern is that this great
language feature would be harder to understand as it must be.

cu, Lars
Lars Strojny
Senior Software Developer MediaVentures GmbH (

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stefan Marr
Hi Marcus,
Hi Troels,

 The biggest issue I see is finding a syntax everyone likes.
Well, lets try some variations.

 Since renaming happens in a php array like
 style I would prefer to have that approach apply for ignoring methods as
 well. The way to do that imo is 'method=false' or 'method=NULL' which both
 should be obvious to PHP programmers that heard about Traits.
At first I'll have to make this clear. Aliasing != renaming.
It is not renaming operation. Aliasing will give you an additional
name for a method body.

By example:

trait Foo {
  public function foo() {echo 'foo';}

class FooFoo {
  use Foo {
bar = foo

This will eventually result in the following class at runtime:

class FooFoo { /* RUNTIME */
  public function foo() { echo 'foo';}
  public function bar() { echo 'foo';}

My idea behind this notation was the key = value thing

use Trait {
additionalMethodName = method

but may be we should use a keyword here which will be more clear.

Troels ask for a separation of aliases and exclusions.
Here are some notation proposals:

[1] Explicit Except/Without List
use Trait except foo1, foo2 {
  bar = foo1

the keyword except could may be replaced by exceptfor or without if it
fits better.

[2a] ! is not readable -- except
use Trait {
  except foo1, foo2;
  bar = foo1

[2b] ! is not readable -- without
use Trait {
  without foo1;
  without foo2;
  bar = foo1;

[Aa] Aliasing is not obvious
use Trait {
  bar is foo1;  //aliasMethod is method

[Ab] Aliasing is not obvious
use Trait {
  bar from foo1;  //aliasMethod from method

I'm not sure about Aa and Ab because they do not read well in my opinion.

What do you think?

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Jochem Maas

firstly, I'd like to reiterate the general sentiment
that Stefans RFC is blinding! (that's a good thing in this context ;-)

Marcus Boerger schreef:

Hello Lars,

  we could even go for include here if we wanted to avoid use as much as
adding a new keyword. Personally I don't mind using keywords for different
stuff as long as it cannot conflict. That is in this case true for both
include and use.

how about 'possesses' or 'exhibits' - both these words are closer to the
natural language usage of 'trait' with regard to a subject.

John exhibits a  trait
Jack possesses a  trait

a person coming accross 'use' or 'include' in the context of
trait attribution may either make assumptions or become confused as to
possible changes/additions to the use and/or include functionality, a
new keyword that aptly describes the intention will more likely force
users to actually find out what it means.

an another alternative might be 'applies' - which doesn't fit the
natural language usage of 'trait' but does succintly describe what is happening.

just a thought.


Tuesday, February 19, 2008, 9:31:29 PM, you wrote:

Hi Stefan,

Am Montag, den 18.02.2008, 20:27 +0100 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 class ezcReflectionMethod extends ReflectionMethod {
   use ezcReflectionReturnInfo;
   /* ... */

I'm not sure if the use-keyword is a good idea as namespaces are already
used. If we use use for traits, maybe going back to import for
namespaces would be the way to go.

cu, Lars

Best regards,

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Todd Ruth
In case anyone is really excited about traits and traits 
don't make it in soon, I'll point out that something similar 
has been available in php for years.  We've been implementing
traits based on the fact that $this has a different meaning
in php than in other languages.  In php, $this is the most
recent object context.  So... it's easy to create a trait
class and make calls to it from your non-trait class using
:: syntax.  - calls within the trait class automatically
go back to the non-trait class.

This makes the purists shudder and they added a STRICT
message for it.  (If you're a purist please don't bother
replying with how evil I am.  I already know this makes
your stomach turn.)  It obviously isn't as clean
as a well defined trait feature (or doing a re-architecture
of your app to elimate the need), but if you need traits
today, this may work for you.

- Todd

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stefan Marr
Hi Stanislav,

  traits the included trait is using). Ok this is the scope. Now we
  would need to adjust all those method bodies, find all method calls on
  $this-oldMethodName() and change them to $this-newMethodName().

 You can't - PHP has dynamic method resolution (think $this-$foo()).
 Also, it has callbacks - what happens if method is registered as
 callback is renamed?
thanks, this is very good reason not to allow renaming, but aliasing.

Kind Regards

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

traits the included trait is using). Ok this is the scope. Now we
would need to adjust all those method bodies, find all method calls on
$this-oldMethodName() and change them to $this-newMethodName().

You can't - PHP has dynamic method resolution (think $this-$foo()). 
Also, it has callbacks - what happens if method is registered as 
callback is renamed?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stefan Marr
  Personally I like everything but one tiny piece, that is you do '!method'
  to ignore a method from a trait. Since renaming happens in a php array like
  style I would prefer to have that approach apply for ignoring methods as
  well. The way to do that imo is 'method=false' or 'method=NULL' which both
  should be obvious to PHP programmers that heard about Traits.

 The irritating thing is that currently it would be null = 'oldmethod'.
 This is what I would critisize in general. I would prefer
 'oldMethodName' = 'newMethodName' instead. 'oldMethodName' = null
 would be really cool.
It is not renaming is aliasing :)

Feels like I should give some thoughts on why renaming is not a good idea.
The question is, how should renaming work and in which scope is it applied?
Renaming would imply to adjust all references to a method name in all
methods of one composition. A composition are all methods flattened
into a class from one specific trait usage (including all methods from
traits the included trait is using). Ok this is the scope. Now we
would need to adjust all those method bodies, find all method calls on
$this-oldMethodName() and change them to $this-newMethodName().
Think this would be possible, yes.
But think the original traits idea goes a step further.
By excluding a method from a trait it is possible to mesh traits
together and build compositions where the result is a interleaving
construct, like gears.
The problem with renaming is, you will have no chance to achieve such
a meshed situation without additional glue code.

Excluding a trait method can be thought of as punching a hole into
your class which is either filled by another trait or by a method
defined in the class itself.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Evert | Rooftop

Stefan Marr wrote:

Hi Stanislav,


traits the included trait is using). Ok this is the scope. Now we
would need to adjust all those method bodies, find all method calls on
$this-oldMethodName() and change them to $this-newMethodName().

You can't - PHP has dynamic method resolution (think $this-$foo()).
Also, it has callbacks - what happens if method is registered as
callback is renamed?

thanks, this is very good reason not to allow renaming, but aliasing.

Aliasing doesn't make a lot of sense, as you can always :

function newMethod() {

  return $this-oldMethod();


just seems like unneeded complexity, without a clear benefit..

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread troels knak-nielsen
On Feb 19, 2008 9:54 PM, Jochem Maas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 how about 'possesses' or 'exhibits' - both these words are closer to the
 natural language usage of 'trait' with regard to a subject.

 John exhibits a  trait
 Jack possesses a  trait

I prefer ``without`` over ``except``, because ``except`` is close to
``exception`` and because it has a different meaning in other
languages (Eg. ``catch``).

  I'm not sure if the use-keyword is a good idea as namespaces are already
  used. If we use use for traits, maybe going back to import for
  namespaces would be the way to go.

I agree that ``use`` is a bad choice, because of the nameclash with
the namespaces syntax (pun intended). ``possesses`` is hideous, but
``exhibit`` isn't too bad.

On Feb 19, 2008 10:02 PM, Stefan Marr [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here are some notation proposals:


 I'm not sure about Aa and Ab because they do not read well in my opinion.

 What do you think?

[Ac] How about this:
class FooFoo {
  exhibit Traitor {
alias foo as bar;


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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stefan Marr
Hi Evert,

 Aliasing doesn't make a lot of sense, as you can always :

 function newMethod() {
   return $this-oldMethod();

Don't think so.
You do use aliasing to handle conflicts and in the case of a conflict
there is no oldMethod.

trait A {
  public function foo() {echo 'foo';}

trait B {
  public function foo() {echo 'fooBar';}

class MyClass {
  use A;
  use B {
!foo, fooBar = foo

The result will be at runtime:

class MyClass {
  public function foo() {echo 'foo';}
  public function foo() {echo 'fooBar';}

Here you can't do something like this:

class MyClass {
  use A;
  use B;

since eventually there wont be any method in MyClass.

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stefan Marr
Hi Larry,

 So if the Trait is not stateful, what is the advantage over delegation?  That
 was cited in an earlier email as a shortcoming of delegation, but if the 
 implementation doesn't address it either except through a getter/setter, then
 it's still functionally equivalent to delegation.
Think the difference is not the functional part here but the
conceptional goal which is achieved.

Delegation has still a strong right to exist even with traits.
The idea of delegation is to reuse a complete entity. May be not the
best example but still a good one is the OO Stack build from a linked
list. You did like to reuse the list as a container for the stack
data. It is full-fledged object here, which will do something for you.

But in situations where you have a strong coherence of the state and
the behavior you need and the state may consist of several properties,
the natural thing would be to implement the behavior in a method in
this class, because delegation would require you to make this
properties accessible by getters/setters or have methods with many
Here the real question is, does the delegate has a right to exist
without this client? Are there any other clients using this class, or
is it more appropriated to merge it directly into this class?

This questions could only be answered seriously for a specific case.
Traits are meant to simplify the code reuse for single methods or
groups of methods while delegation allows reuse of complete autonomous

Well, think the above is only true in a world of perfect design ;)

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread troels knak-nielsen
On Feb 19, 2008 10:51 PM, Evert | Rooftop [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Aliasing doesn't make a lot of sense, as you can always :

 function newMethod() {

return $this-oldMethod();


 just seems like unneeded complexity, without a clear benefit..

I believe the idea was to resolve nameclashes.


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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Lars Strojny

Am Montag, den 18.02.2008, 20:27 +0100 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 To underpin this relationship, it is possible to declare that a Trait
 implements an interface like this::
  interface IHello {
public function sayHello();
  trait SayHello implements IHello {
public function sayHello() {
  echo 'Hello World!';
  class MyHelloWorld {
use SayHello;
  $o = new MyHelloWorld();
  var_dump($o instanceof IHello);  // bool(true)

We have discussed that in IRC a bit and a lot of questions remain. The
most important issue to me how to handle interface implementations in
cases where methods from the interface implementing trait are renamed in
the trait consumer class.
I would propose to not overcomplicate things here and I see no real
advantage in allowing traits to implement interfaces. I think also for
the sake of conceptual integrity separating interfaces clearly from
traits is a good idea: interfaces define structure while traits are
function buckets. A class may use traits, may implement interfaces and
may extend another class. This paradigm is pretty easy to explain to the

cu, Lars
Lars Strojny
Senior Software Developer MediaVentures GmbH (

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stefan Marr
2008/2/19, Lars Strojny [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Am Montag, den 18.02.2008, 20:27 +0100 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
  To underpin this relationship, it is possible to declare that a Trait
  implements an interface like this::
   interface IHello {
 public function sayHello();
   trait SayHello implements IHello {
 public function sayHello() {
   echo 'Hello World!';
   class MyHelloWorld {
 use SayHello;
   $o = new MyHelloWorld();
   var_dump($o instanceof IHello);  // bool(true)

 We have discussed that in IRC a bit and a lot of questions remain. The
 most important issue to me how to handle interface implementations in
 cases where methods from the interface implementing trait are renamed in
 the trait consumer class.
Well, it is aliasing, not renaming.
Think only the exclusion of a method will break the interface, but
since the interface is propagated to the class the class has to take
care that it is implemented properly and an error will be raised if it
is not implemented correctly at compile time.

Let say I modify the example like this:

class MyHelloWorld {
  use SayHello {

the compiler will give an error that sayHello is missing since
MyHelloWorld states it is implementing IHello.

 I would propose to not overcomplicate things here and I see no real
 advantage in allowing traits to implement interfaces. I think also for
 the sake of conceptual integrity separating interfaces clearly from
 traits is a good idea: interfaces define structure while traits are
 function buckets. A class may use traits, may implement interfaces and
 may extend another class. This paradigm is pretty easy to explain to the
Yes it is definitely a conceptual problem to propagate interfaces,
because the notation does not imply this behavior and you can not see
the interfaces added by the trait.
Therefore, I'm with you, interface propagation might be a point to not
be included.

Kind Regards

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Jochem Maas


Lars Strojny schreef:


Am Montag, den 18.02.2008, 20:27 +0100 schrieb [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

To underpin this relationship, it is possible to declare that a Trait
implements an interface like this::

 interface IHello {
   public function sayHello();
 trait SayHello implements IHello {

   public function sayHello() {
 echo 'Hello World!';

 class MyHelloWorld {
   use SayHello;
 $o = new MyHelloWorld();

 var_dump($o instanceof IHello);  // bool(true)

We have discussed that in IRC a bit and a lot of questions remain. The
most important issue to me how to handle interface implementations in
cases where methods from the interface implementing trait are renamed in
the trait consumer class.
I would propose to not overcomplicate things here and I see no real
advantage in allowing traits to implement interfaces. I think also for
the sake of conceptual integrity separating interfaces clearly from
traits is a good idea: interfaces define structure while traits are
function buckets. A class may use traits, may implement interfaces and
may extend another class. This paradigm is pretty easy to explain to the

if a trait would could contain all the methods required to implement an 
and a class uses it (the trait) and implements the relevant interface would it
(the interface) be satified?

also might it be an idea to allow a trait to specify that it implements an 
for the purposes of development (errors triggered due to incorrect/incomplete 
BUT not have the interface be carried to any classes that use the trait? ... 
would have to explicitly state that they implement the interface and the fact 
that they
use a trait to do so would be irrelevant as far as 'where' the method came from.

interface iFoo {
function doFoo();

// causes a compile time error due to missing function
trait tOneFoo implements iFoo {
function doBar() { echo hello; }

// no compile time error
trait tTwoFoo implements iFoo {
function doFoo() { echo hello; }

// using a trait that implements something without actually
// taking on the implementation
class cOneFoo {
uses tTwoFoo;

// any iFoo method exclusion, aliasing, renaming
// in the following class would cause a compile time error
// due to missing iFoo function unless the class itself
// defined the method(s) in question
class cTwoFoo implements iFoo {
uses tTwoFoo;

$one = new cOneFoo;
$two = new cTwoFoo;

// outputs: false, true
var_dump( ($one instanceof iFoo), ($one instanceof iFoo) );

something like the above might offer developers desired OO strictness
without actually blurring the boundaries between trait and interface

cu, Lars

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

most important issue to me how to handle interface implementations in
cases where methods from the interface implementing trait are renamed in
the trait consumer class.

Renaming poses problem not only with interfaces. Imagine trait having 
these methods:

function add($key, $value) { ... }
function delete($key) { ... }
function replace($key, $value) { $this-delete($key); $this-add($key, 
$value); }

What happens if add() is renamed or replaced with function from other 
trait/interface or dropped?

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Lars Strojny
Hi Jochem,

Am Mittwoch, den 20.02.2008, 00:06 +0100 schrieb Jochem Maas:
 if a trait would could contain all the methods required to implement
 an interface and a class uses it (the trait) and implements the
 relevant interface would it (the interface) be satified?

Yes. The following should work:
interface IFoo {
   public function method();

trait TFoo {
   public functin method() {
  echo Hello World!;

class CFoo implements IFoo
   use TFoo;

This would be fine.

 also might it be an idea to allow a trait to specify that it
 implements an interface for the purposes of development (errors
 triggered due to incorrect/incomplete implementation)
 BUT not have the interface be carried to any classes that use the

I don't see any sence in it. Why should one generalize an interface of a

cu, Lars

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stanislav Malyshev

As the $this is resolved after flattening, the delete()-method of the
current class is used, isn't it?

Exactly, and who knows if it does whatever replace() needs it to do?
Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Lars Strojny
Hi Stas,

Am Dienstag, den 19.02.2008, 15:59 -0800 schrieb Stanislav Malyshev:
 Exactly, and who knows if it does whatever replace() needs it to do?

As traits are fixed compositions in contrast to the dynamic concept
mixin it's in the hands of the developer to let replace() do the right
thing [tm] as the developer has all the information he needs to decide
what replace() needs to do when writing code.

cu, Lars

Description: Dies ist ein digital signierter Nachrichtenteil

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Jochem Maas

Lars Strojny schreef:

Hi Jochem,

Am Mittwoch, den 20.02.2008, 00:06 +0100 schrieb Jochem Maas:

if a trait would could contain all the methods required to implement
an interface and a class uses it (the trait) and implements the
relevant interface would it (the interface) be satified?

Yes. The following should work:
interface IFoo {
   public function method();

trait TFoo {
   public functin method() {
  echo Hello World!;

class CFoo implements IFoo
   use TFoo;

This would be fine.

also might it be an idea to allow a trait to specify that it
implements an interface for the purposes of development (errors
triggered due to incorrect/incomplete implementation)
BUT not have the interface be carried to any classes that use the

I don't see any sence in it. Why should one generalize an interface of a

I don't suppose you would, I thinking more along the lines of having it
a developer tool - using implements on a trait would force the developer to
put in the correct methods, it might help a team that had say 1 interface, 2 
(which both contain a set of methods that satify said interface) and a large 
of classes that implement one or other of the traits ... having the trait state
that it's capable of handling an implementation might save some WTF because
compile time errors would happen on the trait if it broke the interface 
rather than on the class ... an interface related error on the class it might 
not be
obvious to the developer with regard to the fact that the/a trait the class is 
was for the purpose of satifying an interface the class states it is 

I'm thinking that it will proably occur quite often that a fairly simple 
will be 'covered' by a trait and that said trait would be used solely for 
said interface implementation and used as such for classes that wish to 
said interface.

to quote Troels:

Class inheritance (The ``extends`` keyword) inherits type
+ implementation. Interface inheritance (The ``implements`` keyword)
inherits type (but not implementation). Traits fill the missing hole
by allowing inheritance of implementation, but not type.

that sounds more than reasonable, but it might be worth offering an aid
to developers during the compile time phase, with regard to the 'link' between
a trait and an interface (assuming you would agree that it's not unlikely that
the two would be used in tandem on occasion) without imposing/implying anything
at run time (i.e. a trait may implement an interface to ensure correctness but
that has no effect on any class that uses it, classes must explicitly state it's
intention to implement an interface)

I may have said something stupid - but given the ability of your average php 
to stupid things with the functionality offered to him/her, my comments might
aid in thrashing out such details in order to limit a user's ability to do 
things :-)

cu, Lars

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[PHP-DEV] Re: Role model RFC

2008-02-19 Thread Nathan Rixham

Lukas Kahwe Smith wrote:


I really like what Stefan did here with his traits RFC. Very solid work, 
even if there are still some people not convinced if they want this 
feature in, I have seen little complaints about the way this proposal 
was made. Quite the contrary actually. I would like this kind of 
detailed thought to become more the norm. Even if at the very beginning 
of an idea this quality may not be immediately attainable, it should be 
the goal. So for every idea we should have at least someone who tries to 
bring the proposal to this kind of level as the discussions progress.

For this proposal I would hope that it would be put on some host we can 
trust to not disappear and be updated with the feedback. I am still 
dreaming of a wiki for this kind of stuff. If interested I do of 
course offer to host these RFC's for the time being. 
Using has the draw back of requiring karma for 
maintenance, which would be problematic for new comers, unless we can do 
karma on a per file level for this?


What kind of traffic would the wiki attract (rough ballpark) I've got a 
few high spec dedicated servers, and could possibly donate one to the 
cause - thats if a single server would be up to the task.



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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Lars Strojny
Hi Stas,

Am Dienstag, den 19.02.2008, 14:58 -0800 schrieb Stanislav Malyshev:
 Renaming poses problem not only with interfaces. Imagine trait having 
 these methods:
 function add($key, $value) { ... }
 function delete($key) { ... }
 function replace($key, $value) { $this-delete($key); $this-add($key, 
 $value); }
 What happens if add() is renamed or replaced with function from other 
 trait/interface or dropped?

As the $this is resolved after flattening, the delete()-method of the
current class is used, isn't it?

cu, Lars

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Stanislav Malyshev


As traits are fixed compositions in contrast to the dynamic concept
mixin it's in the hands of the developer to let replace() do the right
thing [tm] as the developer has all the information he needs to decide
what replace() needs to do when writing code.

replace() does the right thing - it uses add() and delete(). The problem 
here is that current proposal allows any user to yank the ground from 
under the feet of the trait API creator and replace various bits of the 
class with any other functionality without any regard for the 
interdependency between them, so either each function in the traits 
should be completely self-reliant and never use other functions - which 
prevents one from create complete non-trivial APIs - or every rename 
should be painfully verified with original trait developer or against 
the actual source code, breaking the abstraction. Both don't seem too 
practical to me.

Stanislav Malyshev, Zend Software Architect
(408)253-8829   MSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Lars Strojny

Am Dienstag, den 19.02.2008, 16:37 -0800 schrieb Stanislav Malyshev:
 replace() does the right thing - it uses add() and delete(). The problem 
 here is that current proposal allows any user to yank the ground from 
 under the feet of the trait API creator and replace various bits of the 
 class with any other functionality without any regard for the 
 interdependency between them, so either each function in the traits 
 should be completely self-reliant and never use other functions - which 
 prevents one from create complete non-trivial APIs - or every rename 
 should be painfully verified with original trait developer or against 
 the actual source code, breaking the abstraction. Both don't seem too 
 practical to me.

To allow myself a final judgement, I must play around with it of course
but I have the feeling, that managing interdependency wouldn't be that
hard. Normally you would just use the trait. If you are brave and really
know what you are doing, you can rename and excludes symbols.

cu, Lars

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Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Lars Strojny
Hi Jochem,

Am Mittwoch, den 20.02.2008, 01:20 +0100 schrieb Jochem Maas:
 that sounds more than reasonable, but it might be worth offering an
 aid to developers during the compile time phase, with regard to the
 'link' between a trait and an interface (assuming you would agree that
 it's not unlikely that the two would be used in tandem on occasion)
 without imposing/implying anything at run time (i.e. a trait may
 implement an interface to ensure correctness but that has no effect on
 any class that uses it, classes must explicitly state it's intention
 to implement an interface)

I totally understand what you are trying to outline but I have the
feeling that it would introduce a huge amount of complexity without
adequate benefits. But that's of course just my opinion.

cu, Lars
Lars Strojny
Senior Software Developer MediaVentures GmbH (

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Re: [PHP-DEV] Error messages for wrong coding

2008-02-19 Thread Felipe Pena
2008/2/19, Cristian Rodriguez [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 There is a similar case with unset() an offset of booleans and integers.

 $foo = true:
 /* should throw a fatal error, like it does when trying to unset string
 actually $foo remains unchanged after unset() (!!)

 Index: Zend/zend_vm_def.h
 RCS file: /repository/ZendEngine2/zend_vm_def.h,v
 retrieving revision
 diff -u -p -r1. zend_vm_def.h
 --- Zend/zend_vm_def.h  11 Feb 2008 15:46:10 -
 +++ Zend/zend_vm_def.h  19 Feb 2008 14:32:18 -
 @@ -3281,6 +3281,7 @@ ZEND_VM_HANDLER(75, ZEND_UNSET_DIM, VAR|
 zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, Cannot
 unset string offsets);
 ZEND_VM_CONTINUE(); /* bailed out before
 +   zend_error_noreturn(E_ERROR, Cannot
 unset %s offsets, zend_get_type_by_const(Z_TYPE_PP(container)));

I have updated the patch, because the bool variables (used internally on
foreach, list(.., ..) = each(...), for example) are passed also to
zend_fetch_dimension_address_read(), what break the previous patch (default:
zend_error...) Then, i think that this could be handled in zend_vm_def.h,
checking for OP1_TYPE != IS_VAR when the type is boolean.
Well, i don't know how the Zend Engine works properly... So, If i said
anything wrong, let me know, please.
Finally, this was my suggestion.

Re: [PHP-DEV] RFC: Traits for PHP

2008-02-19 Thread Sebastian Bergmann

Lars Strojny schrieb:
I think also for the sake of conceptual integrity separating 
interfaces clearly from traits is a good idea

 Interfaces are about (multiple) interface inheritance and traits are
 about (multiple) implementation inheritance. This separation of
 interface inheritance and implementation inheritance is ... awesome :)

Sebastian Bergmann
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