Re: Proposal unify back our release schedules

2024-04-24 Thread Martin Flöser
Am Freitag, 19. April 2024, 11:04:33 CEST schrieb Carl Schwan:
> Currently this is just a proposal, not a vote proposal or anything like
> that. I'll be happy to receive positive or negative feedback on this idea.

Reading through the proposal and the discussion, I think we need to think a 
little bit outside of the box. I have the feeling that most devs still see 
Linux distributions as the primary way to distribute our software. I do not 
think that this is universal true anymore and if we move away from it, this 
would open up way new possibilities.

Let's assume for apps we see Flathub/Snaps/Windows Store/whatever store as our 
primary distribution channel, this would give us quite some advantages:

 * less duplicated work for distributions
 * no problems with "this framework release is not packaged yet"
 * no overwhelmed work for distributions due to too many packages need to be 
 * no need to push an update if nothing changed
 * no random "this pulls in KDE" due to incorrect packaging
 * always up to date software for our users
 * no bad experience due to missing (optional) dependencies
 * easy release for the maintainers without needing a release team (what about 
a Gitlab create release pipeline the maintainer can press)

So this would totally open up a new way to release and distribute "Gear". And 
with Gear being easily available for everyone this would also give the 
possibility to move things into Plasma which belong into Plasma, but haven't 
been for "this is an app and also usable on other desktop". What comes in my 
mind is everything that are essential apps for a decent desktop experience:

 * dolphin
 * spectacle
 * an image viewer (gwenview/koko, etc.)
 * okular
 * ...

Those could still be apps, but be released together with Plasma, thus also 
tightly integrate with Plasma while at the same time be distributed through 
other channels.

Such a model should also help with the development experience. I read a few 
comments about it being a problem on depending on frameworks master - I agree 
that is a problem. But not so much if there is always an up to date 
development container available to pull and hack on. If apps are 
containerized, their build environment can also be containerized.

So my suggestion: think about more than just the release cycle and the 
alignment of the releases if you are going to touch this (hot) topic.


Re: The status of freenode (the IRC network used by KDE)

2021-05-19 Thread Martin Flöser
Am Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2021, 10:34:26 CEST schrieb Christian:
> Dear KDE community,
> KDE has been using the free services of the freenode IRC networks for a
> little bit more than two decades, and hopefully happily and successfully
> so.

Thanks for informing us. This sounds horrible and must have been a very 
stressful time for all of you staffers.

> Due to this leakage, Andrew Lee (former PIA/LTM, now
> learned of the new situation and asked democratically elected
> freenode volunteers to step down from their position, as seen in the
> logs linked on [4] [5] [6]
> Therefore making the takover attempt and some details public.

Given that this is driven by I think the KDE community should step 
up and remove all references to Their behavior in this case goes 
clearly against our values.

Best regards
Martin Flöser

Re: All About the Apps Goal

2021-04-23 Thread Martin Flöser
Am Freitag, 23. April 2021, 11:58:07 CEST schrieb Jonathan Riddell:
> 5
> I've little interest in putting lots of apps into app stores without this
> change of culture where app developers take some responsibility for the end
> result.  It would likely end up with unmaintained apps.

After reading through the merge request I have a feeling that you approach 
this in a not optimal way. Change management is difficult.

Like Nate already wrote it is not clear how that merge request is aiming the 
goal and after being asked to explain you give a non explaining answer which 
certainly did not help. Sorry to say.

I tried to think about what I would care about if I were maintainer of an app 
and also reflected a little bit on how I thought about packaging while 
maintaining KWin. My summary would be: I would not care for snaps.

To me snap, flatpak, appimage is just the todays rpm, dep, ebuild, pkgbuild, 
etc. The vast amount of different standards makes it impossible to support them 
all which results in not caring for any.

As an app maintainer I could imagine supporting appimage and/or flatpak. But 
not snap! With the unfree server component and the lack of proper alternatives 
it would go against my FLOSS nature given that there are truly free 
alternatives to distribute apps on linux. Similar my motivation to package for 
Windows or Mac as non-free platforms would be extremely low. Especially as it 
would mean investing lots of time to set it up and test it. Maintaining that 
would be lots of work, especially given that I mostly failed at keeping cmake 
dependencies correct. And don't remind me of how often Ben was angry with me 
for requiring new CI requirements without checking before (sorry!). Now it 
should be cmake, flatpak, appimage, snap, ms store, apple store, epic store, 
steam store, etc. etc. That's too much for most teams!

Given that I think your approach of changing culture is too strong, which is 
why I mentioned change management in the beginning.

My personal suggestion would be to pick a few applications and try to work 
with them to get the tooling up. E.g. Krita, Kate, KWrite and Okular. And try 
to automate. Don't have the application developers maintain all those 
variants. It's too much! Maybe it's possible to get craft to a point that it 
can build for all of those platforms? Maybe it's possible to generate the 
required files directly with cmake? Give the devs one place to add their 
dependencies. Give them easy tools they know. If they have to invest looking 
into how to package for snap they will ask "what do I get over apt?"

Now going back to my armchair,


Re: Help with KDE PIM and Google Privacy Policies needed

2020-03-06 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2020-03-06 08:20, schrieb Nicolás Alvarez:

Apple can give its million appstore apps access to Google calendar
data, and Mozilla can let addons access email data, but we can't? What
do they do differently?

The only thing they do differently is that they have a permission system 
in place. Doesn't apply for Thunderbird of course which means we should 
look at their privacy policy. Though we should never ask Google "Why is 
Thunderbird allowed?" as we don't want that Thunderbird gets access 

Also, Linux desktop systems are usually not sandboxed. If we didn't
have Akonadi, and KOrganizer/KMail/etc used their own databases to
store data without intending to share them with other apps, other apps
could *still* access the data via the filesystem. Mozilla Thunderbird
is approved by Google, and KWin theoretically *could* access my email
because it can read ~/.mozilla. Sure, in practice it doesn't; but in
practice it also doesn't access Akonadi.

Maybe we are just too open about what Akonadi can do in the privacy 
policy. Which I think is a good thing. On the other hand I'm sure that 
Mozilla doesn't state that any app could read the storage. Perhaps we 
need to sell Akonadi differently.


Re: Help with KDE PIM and Google Privacy Policies needed

2020-03-05 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2020-03-05 21:19, schrieb Daniel Vrátil:

Hi all,

I would appreciate any hints and pointers at where exactly the KDE PIM 
Policy might be in violation of the requirements from Google. I may 
have been
looking into those documents for so long I can no longer see anything 

Reading [0] I see "Your use of data obtained via the Restricted Scopes 
must comply with these requirements:" ... "Only transfer the data to 
others if necessary to provide or improve user-facing features that are 
prominent in the requesting application's user interface"

And reading the screenshot I think that's the problem. We state in our 
privacy policy about 3rd party plugins and Akonadi. Especially Akonadi 
is a "transfer of data to others" and that allows all applications to 
access the data. If KWin accesses the data it would be in violation of 
the additional requirements of the requested scope.



Re: Issues with the issue tracking system

2019-11-04 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2019-11-04 02:11, schrieb Philippe Cloutier:

Dear community,
I am facing 2 issues with the ITS which I cannot solve myself 

Over the last months, I requested the "severity" (importance) of
several tickets to be adjusted:

No adjustment was done yet. Please either:
1. Solve
2. Allow more developers to modify the field
3. Or perform the requested changes

I just looked through some of the bug reports and I think there is a 
general misunderstanding about bugs. Let me first introduce myself: I 
used to be KWin maintainer and managed all incoming bug reports for 
KWin. KWin is one of the products in getting most new 
reports - about 600 reports just last year.

While it would be awesome to fix all issues, that is just impossible. We 
are a community of mostly volunteer developers and don't have the time 
to fix all issues, especially not in a timely manner. Some bug reports 
while seeming a minor issue on first glance are a big issue and require 
years of planning and work. In my development it happened quite 
regularly that after years the code base had moved in a way to resolve 
10+ year open bug reports.

What I did not like at all when managing the bugs, was:
 * adding comments "still not fixed in 5.12.3" as that adds useless 
noise. If it's fixed we mark it as fixed, otherwise it's not fixed. 
That's the state of the bug.

 * users changing severity.

The severity is a field important to developers. We decide how important 
an issue is. Of course the issue is important to the affected users, 
otherwise they would not have reported the issue. We are quite aware 
that an issue is important, is affecting users and is problematic to 
workflows. Changing the severity doesn't indicate this. Every user 
thinks his issue is critical. If users are allowed to change the 
severity it would end in every bug report being critical. It becomes a 
nagging feature which is working against the community.

In KWin I used the severity field to decide what gets fixed. E.g. 
critical in KWin has the meaning "system freeze". A critical bug has 
highest importance. It's the issue which has to be resolved before any 
other work. It's the issue which once fixed results in an emergency 
release. I hope you understand that if a user reported a bug as critical 
I immediately changed back the severity to "normal" - which is what it 
is in most cases.

Overall my suggestion is to not nag in bug reports. At least in my 
involvement nagging and demanding in bug reports always had the opposite 
effect. If I have n bugs to fix and time to fix m bugs and n is 
significantly larger than m, I chose the subset m which gives me in 
volunteer working most pleasure.

As bad as it sounds: the best way to get bugs fixed is to get involved. 

Best Regards
Martin Flöser

Re: Invent/gitlab, issues and bugzilla

2019-07-04 Thread Martin Flöser

Hi all,

I just read through the complete thread and thought I want to add a 
little bit, because I think we miss the big picture.

Boud pretty much describes the problem large projects (krita, kwin, 
plasma) have with bugzilla. We don't use bugzilla to handle bug reports, 
but to somehow manage all the reports we get, to survive. I blogged 
about these issues years ago, I did statistics for KWin showing that > 
90 % of the incoming bug reports are not bug reports, but rather 
duplicates, user support, etc. The situation hasn't changed much over 
the years. Reading Boud's comments it looks like the situation became 
much worse for krita lately and I do not want to swap with him.

Obviously for any large project the idea of swapping to an inferior 
system (which gitlab seems to be, haven't used it yet) is a horrible 
idea. But that's not the problem. The problem is that users interact 
with developers directly. The user goes to bugzilla or gitlab issues and 
reports a support request. Instead of friendly user support he gets a 
grumpy third level support answer that this is not an issue. No help, 
frustrated user and frustrated dev who just wasted another minute on 
bugzilla to handle user support.

No company would allow to have Boud handle user support. That's insane. 
He's product owner, chief technologies, call him whatever you want, but 
he is not first level user supporter.

That's the problem we have to face. Whether we use bugzilla or gitlab 
issues for internal issues is irrelevant. What is important is that we 
get users to use an adequate user support forum and not bugzilla or 
gitlab issues. Once we get the shit reports out of our bug tracker, 
everything looks different.

Right now from KWin perspective I would say "hell no!" to the idea of 
using gitlab issues. But a better tool for development which gitlab 
issue seems to be is something I would like to have. Because for 
development planing I never really liked bugzilla. Although it might be 
that it was just too useless due to all the invalid bug reports.

My suggestion is to address the user support and then look into whether 
we want to keep bugzilla or switch to gitlab issues.


Am 2019-07-04 19:26, schrieb Boudewijn Rempt:

On donderdag 4 juli 2019 19:19:17 CEST Nate Graham wrote:

On 7/4/19 11:06 AM, Christoph Cullmann wrote:
> Actually, do we really want that every user bug reporter opens an
> account on
> I actually think the split of accounts between phabricator/gitlab vs.
> bugzilla is no bad but a good feature.

It would definitely solve that problem, but there are a few practical
problems with this:

- People would continue to need two accounts (BKO and 

Like I said in my other mail, it's not hugely important for the kind
of reporter who is not already a developer, and who knows, maybe that
can be fixed as well. It's not like Identity is universally beloved.

and the systems wouldn't be integrated as well as thy could be, which
negates some of the purported advantages of moving to GitLab in the
first place

But that's the _point_. There needs to be a kind of division between
user issue reporting and developer/development activity.

- GitLab Issues are lacking some of the features of Phabricator Tasks
such as parent & sub-task tracking

Yes, gitlab issues is an all-round aenemic feature, but I could live
with it for a tasks replacement, but not for a issue reporter

- Using GitLab Issues exclusively to replace Phab Tasks will confuse
users who are accustomed to using Issues for bug reporting in other
projects (though I suppose this could be remedied by renaming "Issues"
to "Tasks" in the UI, and implementing a template that explicitly says
"Don't use this to report bugs")

And users get would sent to anyway; no normal user is
going to something called "" to report a bug, unless
there's very specific guidancce to send them there.

Re: Discourse

2018-11-27 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2018-11-26 22:04, schrieb Ingo Klöcker:

On Montag, 26. November 2018 18:03:55 CET Martin Flöser wrote:

Am 2018-11-26 09:23, schrieb Ilmari Lauhakangas:
> The main problem in any case will be getting enough engagement. I
> don't think I have ever received a reply from a KDE developer in the
> current forums.

And that's good! Do you want that developers spend time answering 
support questions any other user could answer or do you want 

to code? No company would put their expensive developers on the front
line for support.

No company would publish their precious IP (aka source code) as Free 
Luckily, KDE is not a company but a community of people where 
everybody, even
the most precious developers, can be at the front line for support if 

want to be there.

Of course that is not what I meant. Currently we have the problem that 
user support is completely handled by over qualified developers. Just 
check in the product KWin. It's me, David and Vlad doing 
the user support. That is such a waste of resources. If we wouldn't do 
it, nobody would do it.

I don't want to tell developers to not do user support. If they want to 
do that, it's fine. But currently our infrastructure forces it on us. 
And that's a problem and won't scale in the long run.


Re: Discourse

2018-11-26 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2018-11-26 09:23, schrieb Ilmari Lauhakangas:

The main problem in any case will be getting enough engagement. I
don't think I have ever received a reply from a KDE developer in the
current forums.

And that's good! Do you want that developers spend time answering simple 
support questions any other user could answer or do you want developers 
to code? No company would put their expensive developers on the front 
line for support.


Re: help desk vs bug tracker

2018-10-30 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2018-10-29 19:22, schrieb David Edmundson:

I'm also wondering whether other KDE projects have the

 seem need as we have for Krita,

With my Plasma hat on:

Surprisingly, we don't get too many end user questions on bugzilla. I
think it tends to get loaded onto the distros instead.

We do get quite a few where the user thinks they have a bug but it's
an issue on their end but I don't think a helpdesk would solve them.

What I see in KWin quite often is: "foo doesn't work" or "KWin should do 
bar". And then you tell them how to enable the feature or that KWin 
already supports it. This is so common that I consider this as one of 
the huge pain point in bugzilla. For me that falls under "user support" 
and I think a helpdesk system could improve the situation (Obviously it 
requires users going there and if a user knows something like "KWin" 
exists and can report a bug against it it's a lost case - a user 
shouldn't know KWin exists).


Re: Upcoming change to mail infrastructure

2018-07-03 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2018-07-03 12:29, schrieb Ben Cooksley:

Hi all,
For those users of the authenticated mail service: please change your
mail client to use the server "" instead of the
current server "". Additionally, if you are currently
using port 588 to send mail, this should now be changed to the
standard submission port, 587.

When should we do the configuration change on our side? Right now or 
should we wait for a switch date?


Re: Akademy Registration Open and Talk Schedule Announced

2018-05-03 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2018-05-03 11:04, schrieb Kenny Duffus:


You can now Register for Akademy 2018, free as usual.

The Talks Schedule is also now available with some highlights:

For more details about the event please see

In particular we recommend booking accommodation as soon as possible

I think there's a mistake in the schedule. I doubt that Bhushan is able 
to give two talks in two different rooms at the same time. He's awesome, 
but that's too much of awesome ;-) and



2018-02-27 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2018-02-27 20:22, schrieb Boudewijn Rempt:

On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 20:19:24 CET Martin Flöser wrote:

Am 2018-02-27 13:43, schrieb Boudewijn Rempt:
> On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 13:30:12 CET Paul Brown wrote:
>> Is it true that users get confused by the bugtracking system? If so,
>> this is
>> an issue, right?
> Well, users can get confused by _everything_. Though I probably have
> more
> absolutely non-technical users reporting bugs than most other KDE
> projects. I
> haven't seen many signs of users being confused by UNCONFIRMED vs
> though.

In KWin we get quite often the "bug open for X months and still
unconfirmed" Which I have to answer with "unconfirmed has no 

in the development of KWin". If we can get rid of this conflict area I
would be very happy.

That's why I want to have a visible distiction between "reported, 
looked at it yet" and "reported, someone looked at it, couldn't 
reproduce yet"

that _does not mark the bug as resolved_.

For KWin at least I would not need the destinction. Every bug is looked 
at in less than 24 hours. On the other hand no bug is reproduced till I 
try to fix it. And that can take time, sometimes years, sometimes never.


2018-02-27 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2018-02-27 20:21, schrieb Boudewijn Rempt:

On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 20:15:40 CET Martin Flöser wrote:

As KWin has the same problem as Krita I can also answer. In the case 

KWin about 90 % of the incoming bug reports is not a bug, but either
duplicate, driver crash, useless crash reports from Arch users or user
support questions. I as the maintainer handle this. Just imagine in a
corporate world having the product owner or developer with largest
domain knowledge handle the first level user support. No company would
do that because it's a waste of time and money. We as a free software
community still practice this.

So where should users report bugs? Not anywhere where the developers
look for bugs.

Which is why I'm handling bugzilla, mostly, with Dmitry only looking at
bugzilla when I ask him too, and for the rest, just phabricator. I'm 
trying to
shield my most productive developer from the interaction with useless 

Even so, he often comes to me with "some man on vk reported a bug...".

We need an efficient support portal which can handle the
90 % of requests which create the noise. If the users truly report a
bug, then it could be forwarded to the developers. With a corporate
style workflow going from first level support (taking the issue), to
second level support (figuring out whether it's a bug) and then to 

level support (developers).

The big problem is finding someone who can make the judgement calls. 

reports are often worded so weirdly that you do need the ten years of
experience to be able to guess what the reporter means, and in which 

of frequently reported misconception the report falls.

Yeah, that's what second level support is for. And it's totally fine for 
second level support asking the devs "hey I have hear an issue where I 
have a weird feeling, can you have a look?".



2018-02-27 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2018-02-27 14:45, schrieb Paul Brown:

On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 13:43:17 CET Boudewijn Rempt wrote:

On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 13:30:12 CET Paul Brown wrote:
> Is it true that users get confused by the bugtracking system? If so, this
> is an issue, right?

Well, users can get confused by _everything_.

If a service is confusing for the target it is designed for, then 
should it

not be the job of the implementers to change it so it isn't?

The target audience for bugzilla is developers, not users. It's a very 
technical system which requires well close to be being able to write SQL 
yourself (ever tried the custom search of the advanced search?)



2018-02-27 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2018-02-27 13:43, schrieb Boudewijn Rempt:

On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 13:30:12 CET Paul Brown wrote:

Is it true that users get confused by the bugtracking system? If so, 
this is

an issue, right?

Well, users can get confused by _everything_. Though I probably have 
absolutely non-technical users reporting bugs than most other KDE 
projects. I
haven't seen many signs of users being confused by UNCONFIRMED vs 


In KWin we get quite often the "bug open for X months and still 
unconfirmed" Which I have to answer with "unconfirmed has no meaning 
in the development of KWin". If we can get rid of this conflict area I 
would be very happy.



2018-02-27 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2018-02-27 12:22, schrieb Paul Brown:

On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 11:51:42 CET Boudewijn Rempt wrote:

On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 11:47:22 CET Paul Brown wrote:
> On Tuesday, 27 February 2018 11:41:04 CET Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
> > Given that bugzilla is a tool for developers, I don't care that users
> > might
> > get confused.
> >
> > > We don't have this problem with phabricator tasks because they can be
> > > either Open or closed (for whatever reason).
> >
> > I don't let users report issues in phabricator anyway, because
> > phabricator
> > is where we plan our work. Bugzilla is the big pile of shit that comes
> > from
> > the outer world. So, phabricator's lack of fine-grained task statuses is
> > irrelevant.
> So... where are users supposed to report bugs?

Users report bugs in But that doesn't change that
is a tool for the developer, not the user. Once the bug is in 
it's my property, as a developer, and I need to have a workflow that 

me to efficiently handle over a thousand bug reports a year.

Users do treat as a helpline, but that's invalid, and I 
such help requests as invalid, though I also give the users the help 

need, of course.

I'll ask the question again with a slight modification: So... where are 

supposed to report bugs according to you?

As KWin has the same problem as Krita I can also answer. In the case of 
KWin about 90 % of the incoming bug reports is not a bug, but either 
duplicate, driver crash, useless crash reports from Arch users or user 
support questions. I as the maintainer handle this. Just imagine in a 
corporate world having the product owner or developer with largest 
domain knowledge handle the first level user support. No company would 
do that because it's a waste of time and money. We as a free software 
community still practice this.

So where should users report bugs? Not anywhere where the developers 
look for bugs. We need an efficient support portal which can handle the 
90 % of requests which create the noise. If the users truly report a 
bug, then it could be forwarded to the developers. With a corporate 
style workflow going from first level support (taking the issue), to 
second level support (figuring out whether it's a bug) and then to third 
level support (developers).

Due to the high level of noise there is also a lot of conflict 
potential. I operate on the assumption that any incoming bug report is 
not valid. This is experience based. If > 90 % of the reports are not 
valid you start to get a feeling that the next bug won't be valid 
either. So bugs get closed, closed with short sentence. Feature requests 
dismissed, etc. Sometimes answered on a tablet or smartphone with too 
short answers. Things escalate, we need to bring in the CWG. That's all 
quite common to the very frustrating and demotivating bug wrangling 
process. I'm sure the situation would be better if the developers would 
not interact directly with the users, but if a first or second level 
support team acts as an intermediate for it.


Re: Babe project - Legal feedback

2018-02-03 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2018-02-03 18:07, schrieb Camilo Higuita Rodriguez:


I'd like to discuss something with the community, and maybe get some
legal input:

As some of you might already know I'm working on a open online
platform to share music information between users, such as public
playlists, comments on tracks and on the playback progress like
soundcloud, share popular music suggestions, metadata, and discovery
of new music from another users with integration with YouTube and
Spotify etc... the platform will be integrated into Babe music player
and could be use in any other music player

The legal matter comes here:
1- I would like to either have the option to *stream live* the music
an user is currently listening to to a group of friends. here the
music file isn't being storaged in the audience computer...
How ilegal is it? How illegal is to stream live, but privately,
copyrighted music?  and how illegal is it to stream owns music content
to a selected group of friends?

2- If the stream part wouldn't be enought problem, I'd also like to
sync a user playlist marked as public to some other friends, that
would mean to share music files between users, and technically
downloading another users music files. How illegal is this part? how
illegal is to share a music file for example, in a conversation in
telegram or whatsapp, or even how illegal is it to send a mp3 to a
friend over an email or even over google drive?

I'd like to get feedback about this issues

Like Christian, I recommend to consult a lawyer specialized on Copyright 
law. What's extremely important is that there won't be an answer which 
is globally unique.

I'll give you an example for my area of legislation (Germany). We have 
the concept of a private copy (Privatkopie) [1] which allows to share 
media with friends and family. There is a ruling of the highest German 
court (BGH) which can be interpreted as the number of friends and family 
is 7 [2].

Given that the answer to your questions from a German perspective is 
IMHO (though IANAL) that it is clearly illegal if a user would use this 


[1] § 53 URHG
[2] BGH, GRUR 1978, 474

Re: Shipping non-free drivers

2017-12-16 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-12-15 18:21, schrieb Jonathan Riddell:

Here at Neon we're looking to build images for some ARM hardware which
needs a proprietary driver, it comes under a BSD style licence but
without source code

which means to me it's non free

It's not part of Neon itself, just the base system we put our packages
onto.  Can we ship it on KDE's file server or should we keep it

Would you host the NVIDIA driver? If not (which I assume) the answer to 
this question is also no.


Re: [Update] Big Hairy Audacious Goal: Privacy Software

2017-09-23 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-09-22 14:48, schrieb Sebastian Kügler:

Hi all,
What I need now:

* Review: Please look over the proposal, make trivial fixes right
  there, propose more comprehensible or possibly goal-altering changes
  in the comments of that page or in this email thread
* If you believe this goal is worthwhile for KDE and you support it,
  please add your name under it
* If you intend to actively support this goal in whatever way, please
  also indicate this on the phab page

Hi Sebas,

back in 2013 I wrote two blog posts with thoughts about FLOSS in a world 
after Snowden:

It might have some good points which might align very well with this 


Re: Status of Wayland implementation on nVidia graphics cards

2017-09-21 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-09-20 20:22, schrieb Christian Ohrfandl:

Dear KDE community,

I just installed KDE Neon Git unstable from September 19th 2017 on may
main computer. I want to use Wayland (because of testing and
submitting potential bug reports), but I can't (after user login,
screen is black with a big cursor, but I can not interact with the
session; most probably because of my nVidia Geforce 760 graphics

Therfore, I want to ask how mature Wayland/nVidia implementation is?
Does it work in general? If so, which driver (nouveau or proprietary)?
Is there a (bug)tracker?

NVIDIA has an own implementation (EGLStreams) which we do not support 
and do not plan to support (more information in my blog at [1]).

Nouveau should work, though I haven't tested it yet.



Re: Big Hairy Audacious Goal: Privacy Software

2017-08-19 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-08-18 18:14, schrieb Sebastian Kügler:

So, I could use some help with this, in the form of how this can be
structured, in what form it will be useful, more ambitious, and very
importantly measurable: I want us to be able to sit down in two years
and check: Are we on track? Do we need to change our approach? Do we
need to work harder? And of course: Did we achieve our goal?

Your thoughts and input?

I like this idea. Personally I would suggest to combine it with a strive 
for security. IMHO we cannot be privacy aware if we have huge security 
issues which allow to get to the users passwords. This would include for 
example switching to Wayland by default (security and X are just two 
things which don't go well together).

On the measuring part I agree that it's difficult. I would suggest to 
come up with a list of tasks which we need to implement and then check 
how many of these are implemented in a time frame.


Re: Telemetry Policy

2017-08-14 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-08-14 14:17, schrieb Volker Krause:

On Sunday, 13 August 2017 12:56:27 CEST Martin Flöser wrote:

Am 2017-08-13 11:47, schrieb Volker Krause:
> Hi,
> during the KUserFeedback BoF at Akademy there was quite some interest
> in
> collecting telemetry data in KDE applications. But before actually
> implementing that we agreed to define the rules under which we would
> want to
> do that. I've tried to put the input we collected during Akademy into
> proper
> wording below. What do you think? Did I miss anything?

To me it looks good!

I have some additional requests:
  * the collected data must be made available to the public (mostly
thinking of research institutes here)

This has come up before, not in the context of 3rd parties like 

organisations, but for transparency towards our users.

There is a practical limitation of making raw data available live, as 
would create a publicly readable and writable system, with similar 
potential as e.g. pastebin. But I don't think that is the requirement 
you have
in mind here, it's more about sharing the raw data after 


Yes. I certainly don't want to give public edit functionality.

In the currently envisioned setup anyone with a KDE contributor account 
have access, so the remaining questions would be about the 
practicalities and

processes to review and release the data to the general public I think.

  * data must be made available under a CC license (CC0?)

Interesting point, I hadn't thought about that yet :) Can we even 
license the
data, as we didn't create it? Do we need to ask our users to license 

telemetry contributions?

Yes we can license the data. We are building up a database, so the 
copyright as for databases applies. As you are German I reference the 
German Wikipedia article:

  * maybe allow the user to delete the dataset again (difficult as 

conflicts with making the data public and would require authentication
which is the opposite to anonymity).

As discussed on kde-core-devel a while ago, I think this would be 
technically, without compromising anonymity. The server would generate 
unique unpredictable token for each submitted sample and return that to 
client. The client collects those and can use them as part of a 


However, this does only work as long as we have full control over the 
data, we
can't recall data that has already been extracted from our systems. So 
I think
this conflicts with the first two requirements you mentioned. How do we 
want to

resolve that?

Yes I am aware that these are contradicting requirements. Of course it's 
not possible to delete after it's published, but maybe we have 
situations like a user submitted data and than things about it half an 
hour later and decided "no, I don't want to share". So if it's 
technically possible it would be nice to have.



> # Telemetry Policy Draft
> Application telemetry data can be a valuable tool for tailoring our
> products
> to the needs of our users. The following rules define how KDE collects
> and
> uses such application telemetry data. As privacy is of utmost
> importance to
> us, the general rule of thumb is to err on the side of caution here.
> Privacy
> always trumps any need for telemetry data, no matter how legitimate.
> These rules apply to all products released by KDE.
> ## Transparency
> We provide detailed information about the data that is going to be
> shared, in
> a way that:
> - is easy to understand
> - is precise and complete
> - is available locally without network connectivity
> Any changes or additions to the telemetry functionality of an
> application will
> be highlighted in the corresponding release announcement.
> ## Control
> We give the user full control over what data they want to share with
> KDE. In
> particular:
> - application telemetry is always opt-in, that is off by default
> - application telemetry settings can be changed at any time, and are
> provided
> as prominent in the application interface as other application settings
> - applications honor system-wide telemetry settings where they exist
> (global
> "kill switch")
> - we provide detailed documentation about how to control the
> application
> telemetry system
> In order to ensure control over the data after it has been shared with
> KDE,
> applications will only transmit this data to KDE servers, that is
> servers
> under the full control of the KDE sysadmin team.
> We will provide a designated contact point for users who have concerns
> about
> the data they have shared with KDE. While we are willing to de

Re: Telemetry Policy

2017-08-13 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-08-13 11:47, schrieb Volker Krause:


during the KUserFeedback BoF at Akademy there was quite some interest 

collecting telemetry data in KDE applications. But before actually
implementing that we agreed to define the rules under which we would 
want to
do that. I've tried to put the input we collected during Akademy into 

wording below. What do you think? Did I miss anything?

To me it looks good!

I have some additional requests:
 * the collected data must be made available to the public (mostly 
thinking of research institutes here)

 * data must be made available under a CC license (CC0?)
 * maybe allow the user to delete the dataset again (difficult as that 
conflicts with making the data public and would require authentication 
which is the opposite to anonymity).



# Telemetry Policy Draft

Application telemetry data can be a valuable tool for tailoring our 
to the needs of our users. The following rules define how KDE collects 
uses such application telemetry data. As privacy is of utmost 
importance to
us, the general rule of thumb is to err on the side of caution here. 

always trumps any need for telemetry data, no matter how legitimate.

These rules apply to all products released by KDE.

## Transparency

We provide detailed information about the data that is going to be 
shared, in

a way that:
- is easy to understand
- is precise and complete
- is available locally without network connectivity

Any changes or additions to the telemetry functionality of an 
application will

be highlighted in the corresponding release announcement.

## Control

We give the user full control over what data they want to share with 

- application telemetry is always opt-in, that is off by default
- application telemetry settings can be changed at any time, and are 

as prominent in the application interface as other application settings
- applications honor system-wide telemetry settings where they exist 

"kill switch")
- we provide detailed documentation about how to control the 

telemetry system

In order to ensure control over the data after it has been shared with 
applications will only transmit this data to KDE servers, that is 

under the full control of the KDE sysadmin team.

We will provide a designated contact point for users who have concerns 
the data they have shared with KDE. While we are willing to delete data 
a user
no longer wants to have shared, it should be understood that the below 
are designed to make identification of data of a specific user 
impossible, and

thus a deletion request impractical.

## Anonymity

We do not transmit data that could be used to identify a specific user. 

- we will not use any unique device, installation or user id
- data is stripped of any unnecessary detail and downsampled 

before sharing to avoid fingerprinting
- network addresses (which are exposed inevitably as part of the data
transmission) are not stored together with the telemetry data, and must 

be stored or used to the extend necessary for abuse counter-measures

## Minimalism

We only track the bare minimum of data necessary to answer specific 

we do not collect data preemptively or for exploratory research. In
particular, this means:
- collected data  must have a clear purpose
- data is downsampled to the maximum extend possible at the source
- relevant correlations between individual bits of data should be 
computed at

the source whenever possible
- data collection is stopped once corresponding question has been 

## Privacy

We will never transmit anything containing user content, or even just 
hints at

possible user content such as e.g. file names, URLs, etc.

We will only ever track:
- system information that are specific to the installation/environment, 
independent of how the application/machine/installation is actually 

- statistical usage data of an installation/application

## Compliance

KDE only releases products capable of acquiring telemetry data if 
with these rules has been established by a public review on 
kde-community] from at least two reviewers. The review has to 
repeated for every release if changes have been made to how/what data 


Received data is regularly reviewed for violations of these rules, in
particular for data that is prone to fingerprinting. Should such 
violations be
found, the affected data will be deleted, and data recording will be 
until compliance with these rules has been established again. In order 
enable reviewing of the data, every KDE contributor with a developer 

will have access to all telemetry data gathered by any KDE product.

Re: Retirement of SVN Commitfilter and Legacy Get Hot New Stuff systems

2017-07-29 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-07-29 22:18, schrieb Ben Cooksley:

On Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 3:33 AM, Olaf Schmidt-Wischhöfer

Ben Cooksley:

I've checked and it appears that only a small handful of applications
still use
- KBlocks
- KDiamond
- KGoldRunner
- Kigo
- KSirk
- KSnakeDuel
- KSysguard

These applications should all be ported to use

How long will it take for users to get the updates? And are we 
planning to ignore users on, for example, Debian?

That is up to distributions. Unfortunately we need to break things
from time to time on the server side.

As I mentioned, the web server for has been down for
several months, so this just makes the current arrangements permanent.

If we had to wait until all users were able to receive an update to
change something like this we would never be able to make any changes
to our systems. To give an example, the original GetHotNewStuff
implementation as used by many KDE 3 and early KDE 4 applications
still receives a large number of requests.

But that is a point for not breaking it! If we still have users, we 
shouldn't break it!

Seriously that is one of the points where we can significantly differ 
from proprietary providers where random stuff breaks because services 
get shut down.

Is there no way to redirect it in a way that it can continue to work?


Re: Retirement of SVN Commitfilter and Legacy Get Hot New Stuff systems

2017-07-29 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-07-29 13:28, schrieb Ben Cooksley:

Hi all,

Last year sysadmin was given access to the system which hosts the SVN
Commitfilter (which lived at and the predecessor
to the OCS network of sites (now

Earlier this year we started having some issues with that system
courtesy of some bots. As a consequence of this the web server
component of the machine was disabled then to limit issues it was
causing for the hoster.

Due to the age of the system and the limited use of the two services
hosted on the system (with SVN Commitfilter having very limited
application since our migration to Git) we've determined that the best
course of action is to archive both services and shutdown the machine.

I've checked and it appears that only a small handful of applications
still use
- KBlocks
- KDiamond
- KGoldRunner
- Kigo
- KSirk
- KSnakeDuel
- KSysguard

These applications should all be ported to use

Does that mean all those applications our users use will have GHNS 
broken? New software does not magically get installed on users systems.

Could you please clarify what this will mean e.g. for users of KWin 
4.11? Will GHNS still work or will it be broken due to the service being 
shut down.


Re: Applications Lifecycle Policy

2017-07-17 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-07-17 17:47, schrieb Jonathan Riddell:

I propose to make this final if there's no further comments.

as I explained: I think the review process should be removed, playground 
should be removed.

There were both people supporting the idea and people being against. 
Given that I don't think there is a consensus yet.



On 4 July 2017 at 12:20, Jonathan Riddell  wrote:

The applications lifecycle policy needs an update

Is this a good current state of it or are there more stages?


Re: Applications Lifecycle Policy

2017-07-11 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-07-12 00:20, schrieb Albert Astals Cid:

El dimecres, 5 de juliol de 2017, a les 21:37:09 CEST, Martin Flöser va

Am 2017-07-04 13:20, schrieb Jonathan Riddell:
> The applications lifecycle policy needs an update
> Is this a good current state of it or are there more stages?

Hi all,

I'm now going to propose a rather radical change to the process:

3. Remove the 2 week Review process

If we don't have review, at which point do i say:
 * Your i18n handling is broken
 * Your library installed headers will be a pain to maintain ABI
 * etc


The review process for me is a way to make you realize that things you 

think were important now suddenly are since you want to be a grownup.

Please see my other replies to this thread which also discuss how I 
imagine this to work for the translation team.

Of course you can break it again later but I would like to hope that 
once told
how to do those things properly it may be easier to keep them doing 

Right, like KWin where I am the fourth maintainer after review. That's 
my whole point: replace the review with automated checks always running.


Re: Applications Lifecycle Policy

2017-07-05 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-07-05 23:29, schrieb David Edmundson:

2. Remove playground

Lots of projects get started and die.

I think it's important to have some flag (however you want to call it)
that says; CI admins, translators and even packagers should not bother
looking at this project yet.  Otherwise we waste a lot of people's

The review process in it's current reality is mostly an extension of
that, with the people checking those things off.

There is little actual code review, it's mostly CMake and i18n.

You bring up good points! One is: we don't detect when applications die. 
We need to improve there.

My answer to the other points is similar to what I already answered to 
Luca: we need to establish clear rules.

Our translation team needs to come up with requirements they need 
fulfilled so that translations get enabled, you don't just get it.
On the other hand I would say that to release you need translation 

And of course I want that CI covered! E.g. we could run scripty in CI 
stage and verify that messages get extracted.

My point basically is the same as the base one: we do the review once. 
I'm not saying the steps of the review are not needed, they are super 
important. But we don't ensure it afterwards and that's why I think the 
current review process is broken.


Re: Applications Lifecycle Policy

2017-07-05 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-07-05 22:27, schrieb Luca Beltrame:

Il giorno Wed, 05 Jul 2017 21:37:09 +0200
Martin Flöser  ha scritto:

To me the review process always felt weird and also like a relict
from other times. I contributed to overall KDE something like 100 k

While projects with strong stewardship like KWin, Plasma or Krita
(*not* implying there aren't others: I'm mentioning the ones
that come to mind) ensure a continued review and code quality, how
would you ensure that, without review periods (or anything that can
subsitute them, if anything better) distributions and integrators don't
get code dumps of dubious quality?

I see this as a concrete risk.

I understand your point: you don't want that the quality assurance ends 
up on the shoulders of the distros. And I agree.

My proposal addresses this by wanting our CI to do the work for us. And 
I would say we introduce rules on when an application is allowed to 
release. This could be requirements like:

* translation setup is working
* code compiles on CI
* code installs correctly
* ...

In fact I think currently we do a bad job on ensuring that the code can 
be used by distributions. That's something we don't have in our review 
process but which is needed. And those are things we can check 
automatically, like does it have a COPYING file.

To you this change would mean: if there is a tarball the requirements 
for release from our side are fulfilled, which you currently don't have.

So also here I see a potential for we can become better by changing the 


Re: Applications Lifecycle Policy

2017-07-05 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-07-05 22:18, schrieb Luigi Toscano:

Martin Flöser ha scritto:

Am 2017-07-04 13:20, schrieb Jonathan Riddell:

The applications lifecycle policy needs an update

Is this a good current state of it or are there more stages?

Hi all,

I'm now going to propose a rather radical change to the process:

1. Remove extragear
2. Remove playground
3. Remove the 2 week Review process

Let me explain the reasoning.


Interesting, an annotation on this point:

Today I think there are way better things to measure the quality than 
a two

week process on kde review:

* how many unit tests does a project have?
* how large is the test coverage?
* how often do tests fail on
* how often does the build fail on
* is it translated?
* does it have appstream data?
* is the code getting reviewed?
* is the project a one person show?
* ...

So instead of a one time review I would propose a continuous review of 
projects and make it available in an easy accessible way so that users 
also see the objective quality of the application. And yes that would 
that many long standing applications would have a way lower quality 
than the

new kids on the block.

For KDE Applications, Plasma and Frameworks I expect to have 
additional rules
for integration. Frameworks already has them, Plasma kind of has them, 
but I
think they are not codified and KDE Applications could e.g. start with 

current review process.

So to sum it up: I don't think there is a need for extragear and 
any more. When a project starts it should have the same rights and 

as any other current extragear app. In addition we should come up with
measurable quality facts and make them available to the community.

This is different from what Christian said (the "dumping ground is fine 
if some details are not relevant"). This process would make clear that 
not all

repositories are the same, and that's fine.

But please, if we end up going this way, make sure that we have the
measurement report/dashboards in place for all projects *before* 
changing the


Of course we should only change when we have a new workflow in place.


Re: Applications Lifecycle Policy

2017-07-05 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-07-04 13:20, schrieb Jonathan Riddell:

The applications lifecycle policy needs an update

Is this a good current state of it or are there more stages?

Hi all,

I'm now going to propose a rather radical change to the process:

1. Remove extragear
2. Remove playground
3. Remove the 2 week Review process

Let me explain the reasoning.

Extragear: to me extragear is a relict from the time of the big one KDE 
svn trunk repository. There was "KDE" and everything else, aka. 
extragear. When I started to compile KDE software it looked to me like 
something created from the needs of SVN. A technical thing. Now we have 
git and we have split up all those parts which used to be KDE, except 
for extragear. Where is the difference between Krita (to my knowledge 
not part of extragear), Amarok (to my knowledge part of extragear) and 
Dolphin (to my knowledge part of KDE Applications)? Honestly I don't see 

Let's just remove it and separate into applications released as part of 
a larger bundle for release simplification and applications having their 
own release cycle.

With extragear gone I don't really see the need of playground any more. 
Playground applications are just like all the other things, except that 
they did not go through KDE Review. Which brings me to the next point: 
remove the review.

To me the review process always felt weird and also like a relict from 
other times. I contributed to overall KDE something like 100 k lines of 
new code - none of them went through review. Would KWin pass review 
today? Just for the fun I opened up Krazy and see 444 open issues. 
Objectively speaking KWin is known as one of the products with highest 
quality in the KDE area and one of the window managers with highest 
quality and the Wayland compositor with largest test coverage. On the 
other hand it would fail our rules for review (granted Krazy reports so 
many false positives in the case of KWin, that I didn't check for 

KWayland entered frameworks without review. How come? Well it moved from 
Plasma to frameworks, so no review needed. How did it enter Plasma? Well 
it was split out of KWin. Back then it was a few files providing a very 
minimal library for Wayland clients. If we had started in Playground we 
would have had to go through review - today it's a code base of 50 k 
(according to cloc). Similar if we would have started a new Wayland 
compositor from scratch it would have had to go through review, but by 
extending KWin that was never needed.

I see that the review process is there to ensure a "baselevel quality". 
But what is afterwards? When did KWin go through review? When Matthias 
forked it from KWM, or was it covered by KWM? That makes something like 
15 years of nobody looking at this baselevel quality. Would we have 
needed it sometimes? Hell yes! Think of the compositor introduction, the 
xcb port, the Wayland port. To large parts like new products, but we 
passed review once (if at all) so it was no longer needed.

Similar we see now for Kube. If it would have started as a "KMail 3" no 
review would be needed, but as Kube it needs to go through review. 
That's arbitrary. If I would start a new project I would think that this 
process is a joke. The quality just doesn't get measured any more after 

Today I think there are way better things to measure the quality than a 
two week process on kde review:

* how many unit tests does a project have?
* how large is the test coverage?
* how often do tests fail on
* how often does the build fail on
* is it translated?
* does it have appstream data?
* is the code getting reviewed?
* is the project a one person show?
* ...

So instead of a one time review I would propose a continuous review of 
the projects and make it available in an easy accessible way so that 
users can also see the objective quality of the application. And yes 
that would mean that many long standing applications would have a way 
lower quality than the new kids on the block.

For KDE Applications, Plasma and Frameworks I expect to have additional 
rules for integration. Frameworks already has them, Plasma kind of has 
them, but I think they are not codified and KDE Applications could e.g. 
start with the current review process.

So to sum it up: I don't think there is a need for extragear and 
playground any more. When a project starts it should have the same 
rights and obligations as any other current extragear app. In addition 
we should come up with measurable quality facts and make them available 
to the community.


Re: latest draft for mission (and strategy)

2017-06-17 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-06-16 21:35, schrieb Alexander Neundorf:

On 2017 M05 29, Mon 21:17:29 CEST Lydia Pintscher wrote:

Hey folks,

Last year we have talked a lot about KDE's vision, fleshed it out and
wrote it down: I am proud that we
have done that. However the work does not end there. We have the
answer to the question "why are we here". We still need the answer to
the question "how do we achieve our vision". We've had an insightful
survery among our community and users and a lot of discussions around
that. This was then all further discussed in a sessions at QtCon in
Berlin. After that smaller groups have sat down to take all the input
and refine it, but then the process got stuck for several reasons. At
the last board meeting the board and sebas sat down again and looked
at where we are wrt distilling all the input. It turns out we are less
far away than we thought. We took the input from the session at
Akademy and polished the wording slightly. We then analyzed it more
and figured out the issue that had been bugging us with the existing
draft: It was mixing mission and strategy. We split it up and this
seems to work much better.

I'd like to invite you all to take a look at the current draft and
provide your constructive feedback so we can use this as the basis for
our work for the next years.

nice to see this moving again. :-)

There is not much in this draft to disagree with.
Nevertheless a few comments:
- in the Thomas' survey, I think reliability and stability ranked quite 
I cannot really find those here in the strategy. Is this maybe the 
"quality" in
the second bullet of "to create a convincing user experience" ? Could 
it be

made more obvious ?

I think that is fully covered with "provide users with excellent user 
experience and quality".

What else does one want except excellent quality ;-)

- in "promote the development of Free and Open-Source Software", I 
would put

the "offer libraries" as first point.

Personally I would put that last. We hardly provide libraries for the 
larger Free software system. We provide libraries used in the Qt system, 
but that is only a tiny part of the free software world. Also only a 
very small part of the KDE community works on the libraries.

To me the most important one is mentoring and the community.

And a personal note: I think I wouldn't put "promote the Free and 
ecosystem" in the mission. I'm in KDE so that users are able to use 

software instead of proprietary software by us creating software.
I'm not in KDE to convince users to switch all their software to Free
software. IMO that's more a political goal which I would expect e.g. in 

not necessarily in KDE.

I think that's also part of KDE's job. E.g. by first providing 
integration for Nextcloud instead of Dropbox. Or by KWin working better 
on Mesa drivers than on NVIDIA. I see this as part of our mission in the 
larger free software world. We don't have to be political like the FSF, 
but we have our place and we promote free software over proprietary 


Re: latest draft for mission (and strategy)

2017-06-17 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-06-15 19:28, schrieb Marco Martin:

On Monday 29 May 2017 21:17:29 Lydia Pintscher wrote:

I'd like to invite you all to take a look at the current draft and
provide your constructive feedback so we can use this as the basis for
our work for the next years.

Good job, i like this text!

one thing i would add tough, is at
"interoperates well with proprietary software, formats and services"

I would really like adding something about being committed to 
with free software services, so while we try to interoperate with 
ones, if  a free one is available (like owncloud vs dropbox) making 
sure the
priority is making the interoperation with the open service a truly 
first class


+1 on that. I understand the reasoning for why it's put into the mission 
like that but it also reads a little bit like we care more about dropbox 
than own/nextcloud. Which certainly is not that case and nothing we want 
to strive for.


Re: latest draft for mission (and strategy)

2017-06-17 Thread Martin Flöser

Am 2017-06-13 15:29, schrieb Sebastian Kügler:

On dinsdag 13 juni 2017 14:16:25 CEST Kenny Coyle wrote:
Thanks for putting this together, I can only see it being positive 


The text itself is very clear and concise.

On the last section about promoting development, I'm wondering if it's
worthwhile having a statement about the infrastructure that KDE 

and develops? How about the following:

To promote the development of Free and Open-Source Software, KDE
maintains reliable technical infrastructure to support the community,
evolving with the community

I think that fits well into the strategy part. I wonder if we should
explicitely mention that we want this infrastructure to be based on 
software and open standards as much as possible, since that's come up 
over and
over again in the past when we discussed important infrastructural 

(Own git vs. github, phabricator vs. other tools, etc.)

What do others think about this?

+1 on that. I just wanted to write a mail that I would like to have a 
point for that like:

KDE is a living example for usage of free software and uses wherever 
possible free products over proprietary in its own infrastructure
