[LAAMN] America Must Declare War on America

2012-07-01 Thread scotpeden
http://truth-out org/opinion/item/10033-america-must-declare-war-on-america?key=25786293 Perhaps, after all, America never has been discovered. I myself would say that it had merely been detected. - Oscar Wilde I was polishing the local bartop with my elbows the other day next to a naturalized Ir

[LAAMN] LUV News Sun 1 July 2012

2012-07-01 Thread scotpeden
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/message/3911 Web mail detaches the graphics from the article and makes them attachments found at the bottom. Scott - *A DEAL WITH THE DEVIL* Corporations have been enthroned, and an era of corruption in high places will follow. Abra

[LAAMN] Trans-Pacific Partnership: Under Cover of Darkness, a Corporate Coup Is Underway

2012-07-01 Thread scotpeden
More Corporatism passed off as free trade. Thanks for the article Chris, I've passed along a few of yours recently. Scott -- Trans-Pacific Partnership: Under Cover of Darkness, a Corporate Coup Is Underway The highly secreti

[LAAMN] "Why the Romney/ObamaCare ruling was a victory for the Corporate Right"

2012-07-02 Thread scotpeden
If you thought the Affordable Care Act was anything else but that, while it was rammed through without most Congresspersons and Senators reading it (like the Patriot Act too I noted)... SCOTUS delivers the death knell to the 'New Deal' that has been so hated by Corporate America, that we now have T

[LAAMN] Obama: WE come in Peace.... Shoot to KILL!!!

2012-07-02 Thread scotpeden
Well, this once again proves that at National level, Democrats support Psychotic Killers, while claiming they are different then the Republican National Psychotic Killers. (and this is 5 years old, but has anything changed in the last 80 years?) What KILLS ME, is at Democratic grassroots levels, t

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH

2012-07-03 Thread scotpeden
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all argument, and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance. This principle is, contempt prior to examination.": - Rev. William H. Poole "And say, finally, whether peace is best preserved by giving

[LAAMN] While we were being entertained elsewhere

2012-07-03 Thread scotpeden
What is more troubling, and the article ignores that, is the number of Democratic (supposed) Congresspersons and Senators that vote with the GOP on things like this, or just as bad, do not vote when we need them. One must watch INDIVIDUALS more closely then Party, if you want to know why we alway

[LAAMN] Hedges: Time to get Crazy

2012-07-04 Thread scotpeden
Time to get Crazy By Chris Hedges Native Americans’ resistance to the westward expansion of Europeans took two forms. One was violence. The other was accommodation. Neither worked. Their land was stolen, their communities were decimated, their women and children were gunned down and the environm

[LAAMN] Hypocrisy in action

2012-11-30 Thread scotpeden
The Democratic and Neo Con Daddy Warbucks, Feinstein and Cheney. Scott -- * Senator Feinstein's War Profiteering * by Joshua Frank February 28, 2006 http://www.antiwar.com/frank/?articleid=8609 It happens all the time. If t

[LAAMN] Inspiring quote!

2012-12-02 Thread scotpeden
The real damage is done by those millions who want to 'survive.' The honest men who just want to be left in peace. Those who don't want their little lives disturbed by anything bigger than themselves. Those with no sides and no causes. Those who won't take measure of their own strength, for fe

[LAAMN] Reality of the "Lesser Evil"... Is This Child Dead Enough for You?

2012-12-03 Thread scotpeden
The Reality of the Lesser Evil Is This Child Dead Enough for You? by CHRIS FLOYD http://www.counterpunch.org/2012/11/09/is-this-child-dead-enough-for-you/ To all those now hailing the re-election of Barack Obama as a triumph of decent, humane, liberal values over the oozing-postule perfidy of

[LAAMN] Cartoon

2012-12-03 Thread scotpeden
How does a political Party differ from a Religion? *** http://chuckleaduck.com/comic/surface-effects/ Each certainly seems to have its zealots. [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 4 December, 2012

2012-12-04 Thread scotpeden
*INCITING MORE COUNTRIES TO WAR WITH US THIS MORNING * ** *Iran claims to have captured another US drone aircraft , "State television networks /Al-Alam/ and /Press TV/ showed footage of what they said was the ScanEagle dron

[LAAMN] Cartoon du Jour

2012-12-04 Thread scotpeden
-- Wicked cartoons by America's Most Wanted Political Cartoonist. Enjoy! If the cartoon doesn't load automatically, please visit the following URL to manually load the cartoon: http://www.bendib.com/newones/2012/December/sm

[LAAMN] Tom Englehardt summarizes the Obama record

2012-12-05 Thread scotpeden
Tomgram: Engelhardt, The Washington Straitjacket by Tom Engelhardt December 4, 2012. The Barack Obama Story (Updated) How a Community Organizer and Constitutional Law Professor Became a Robot President By Tom Engelhardt President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washingt

Re: [LAAMN] Tom Englehardt summarizes the Obama record

2012-12-06 Thread scotpeden
Crap. How can I even think that things are worse then I thought. Not that I think they are doing more and doing worse things then I thought, but, that they are doing it with such impunity, with basically no out cry from the people of this nation as a whole, that all of the news Corporate Big Br

[LAAMN] 10 new GE crops from Monsanto & Co.

2012-12-06 Thread scotpeden
Website | Send to a Friend |

[LAAMN] Presstitute Alert, Quotes from ICH

2012-12-06 Thread scotpeden
"The term propaganda rings melodramatic and exaggerated, but a press that-whether from fear, careerism, or conviction-uncritically recites false government claims and reports them as fact, or treats elected officials with a reverence reserved for royalty, cannot be accurately described as engaged

[LAAMN] Space warfare and the future of US global power]

2012-12-07 Thread scotpeden
The history alone on this, is rather informative. The creation of the US Spy networks and their morphing from spying on those that resisted our invasions, to spying on Americans who resisted our invasion culture, to creating the necessity for invasions... and how often their data is wrong... at le

Re: [LAAMN] BREAKING: Magnitude 7.3 Earthquake in Japan

2012-12-07 Thread scotpeden
That stuff is really hard on your Kidney or liver, and we are not in the blast zone. Kelp alone, gives you the iodine you need, so your body doesn't hold onto the radiation particles it mistakes for iodine. And it is raining. It was proven last year, after Hillary increased the alert levels for r

Re: [LAAMN] BREAKING: Magnitude 7.3 Earthquake in Japan

2012-12-07 Thread scotpeden
But Romi, Kept does not hold onto radiation. It flushes it out. Kelp Forests are the standard that is being used in Korea and the west coast of the USA by independent researchers when they check how much fall out we get. Korea insists it checks all outbound shipments for radioactivity. Japan has

[LAAMN] ".....in the interests of a tyrant.........."

2012-12-09 Thread scotpeden
The Egyptian rulers have screwed up, they forgot to ensure the people were tasked with things to do daily, like work. For a country that is so well off to have so many unemployed and educated people and no McDonalds to work at, it is a real screw up, but the leaders of our illustrious nation are wa

[LAAMN] A Case of Just Looking Stupid? The Not-So-Bright Bulbs at the White House and Pentagon | NationofChange

2012-12-10 Thread scotpeden
Published: Monday 10 December 2012 Apparently nobody is offering any kind of dissent to this policy of aid to terrorists, or if they are, they are being transferred to Nome, Greenland or some other remote assignment where there are poor cell phone and wireless connections. A Case of Just Looking

Re: [LAAMN] A Case of Just Looking Stupid? The Not-So-Bright Bulbs at the White House and Pentagon | NationofChange

2012-12-10 Thread scotpeden
Long Live Al Qaeda! We (the USA) will send them Money, munitions, advanced technology AND something to fight when ever Military Industrial Corporate Profits ARE IN DANGER In exchange we'll get a 'defense' budget we can't cut, so Social programs get the ax instead, well get the bill for murde

[LAAMN] Regarding US Policy on War, it can't happen here...

2012-12-10 Thread scotpeden
Hermann Goering's Quote On War And The People “Of course people don’t want war. Why should a poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best thing he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece?” Hermann Goering quotes http://thinkexist.com/quotation/naturally_the

[LAAMN] ICH: U.S. Militarism Threatening World War III

2012-12-10 Thread scotpeden
Having trouble viewing this email? Click here http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=iqnuv6bab&v=001Q54IKSLlf4GCnocc6EwqZdn0tShflGMafKbq402_vkQLYJq34KHgcHEheq6i46PT37pVvG0FqKZxea6fANIkKCejei1odgOY_KmQ57WDCYJp5kMEEFWOA9oFb0Lp2N85

[LAAMN] Syria Civil War Origins

2012-12-11 Thread scotpeden
http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/13251-the-doha-protocol-for-syria-the-veritable-road-map-in-13-points-drawn-up-by-syrian-traitors-in-the-service-of-imperialists-and-the-gulf-monarchies   Road Map Drawn Up by Syrian Traitors to Serve Imperialists, Gulf Monarchies Noureddine Merdaci, Truthout: In

Re: [LAAMN] Syria Civil War Origins

2012-12-11 Thread scotpeden
Yes, that is so true. Yet, we have Western nations with their paid fighters and black Ops working to get the UN aka the USA in to take over and install a puppet who will work for us. The same old agitate and regime chance with a puppet who is quite often, even more brutal then those we replaced.

Re: [LAAMN] Syria Civil War Origins

2012-12-11 Thread scotpeden
If the UN/Western Nations, AKA USA would stay out of it, Id be quite happy, but it is a stepping stone to Iran. It is presently a deterrent to Israel also. Someone on another groups said Iraq is now a deterrent, yet we just put close to 10,000 troops into Iraq, quietly through the Kuwait border, h

[LAAMN] Friends don't let friends buy SodaStream

2012-12-12 Thread scotpeden
http://www.globalexchange.org/economicactivism/campaigns/sodastream > Dear Supporter, > One of the season�s most popular gift items this year is a do-it- > yourself soda machine made by SodaStream which carbonates water at > home. > > But don�t do it! > > People who care about human rights sho

[LAAMN] *Not* A Torture Apologist; Zero Dark Thirty - the movie

2012-12-14 Thread scotpeden
(this reminds me of how we've become the ''Good Americans'', of the "Good Germans" of Hitlers Germany.) Scott ** Kathryn Bigelow: *Not* A Torture Apologist Two of *Zero Dark Thirty*'s actors address the controversy:

[LAAMN] under the rug and absolved

2012-12-14 Thread scotpeden
"...beaten, sodomized, shackled and hooded" Will you proudly tell your kids it's the American way ? Over 100 deaths in custody at Bagram and Guantanamo. Not a single person held accountable. "All men are created equal." "No cruel or unusual punishments" What a bunch of hypocrites. And then we w

Re: [LAAMN] Don't Be Afraid, Mr. President -- You Can Take on the Gun Lobby

2012-12-16 Thread scotpeden
ANYTHING, that Obama got behind that we think would be Good For Us, WILL BE INCREDIBLY BAD. Name ONE THING that wasn't twisted to support the Police State Corporate Stated perpetual Warfare state. Just one thing of any consequence, just one. The MOST effective Evil doesn't hold your and my value

[LAAMN] Quote from ICH

2012-12-16 Thread scotpeden
We are a growing group of concerned citizens who refuse to accept the propaganda that is pumped out each day by our government and presented to us as news by a compliant mainstream media. Sometime we need real courage to face the days news and it often breaks our heart to witness acts of war disg

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH 2

2012-12-16 Thread scotpeden
"I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality... I believe that unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final word." - Martin Luther King, Jr. "Th

[LAAMN] Psychiatric Drugs Involved in Nearly All Recent Mass-Shootings

2012-12-17 Thread scotpeden
Let's not look at the elephant in the room . . . . . . psychiatric drugs. At about the 10 minute mark in this video, the speaker said that in the '60s, there were fewer gun laws than there is now and a lot less violence. I haven't been able to find any statistics on this, but I don't recall this m

[LAAMN] The Senseless Killing of Children & Others

2012-12-17 Thread scotpeden
Today's phrase: trickle down immorality CIA Drone Strikes in Pakistan 2004–2012 Total US strikes: 354 Obama strikes: 302 Total reported killed: 2,597-3,398 Civilians reported killed: 473-889 Children reported killed: 176 Tota

[LAAMN] Photo-sharing site says it now has the right to sell your photos

2012-12-18 Thread scotpeden
Instagram and it's new owners, Facebook, own what ever you send to their servers. You have till Jan 16th to close your account, or work for them for free, as in you give up the copyright to your intellectual property. Scott --

[LAAMN] How to Quickly Prove a Libertarian Wrong

2012-12-19 Thread scotpeden
This might be more aptly named, how to prove a Capitalist wrong, and did you get kissed by your Corporate betters after the deal was done? Lots of good facts in this article, and some things that came to my mind. More then 1 in 8 people in the USA live at a poverty level. Unless you never leave y

[LAAMN] GOP Neo Cons, who needs them?

2012-12-20 Thread scotpeden
Seriously... SS is what we paid into it, if it never got another dollar in it still has (or had, assuming it has already been robbed as reports from the last dozen years suggest) enough cash to operate another 20 years... It is NOT an ENTITLEMENT, it is our Federal Savings program, which you canno

[LAAMN] Explaining the Pure Cruelty of Obama's Gimmick, "Chained CPI" in Simple Language

2012-12-20 Thread scotpeden
http://www.alternet.org/economy/explaining-pure-cruelty-obamas-gimmick-chained-cpi-simple-language By Thom Hartmann Explaining the Pure Cruelty of Obama's Gimmick, "Chained CPI" in Simple Language If Obama goes along with a “chained CPI,” he will be the first President in the history of the Dem P

[LAAMN] [Fwd: "DDM" 122012-Can We Please Stop Pretending Obama is "Capitulating" on Social Security? | FDL Action]

2012-12-20 Thread scotpeden
Anyone who voted for Obama or defended him for the swing States in 2012, is insane. This is the type of thing he has done ever since he got in office, even greater heights then what he ACTUALLY DID as A US Senator. Anyone who bills him as a NECESSARY lesser of the evils, as in "I had no choice, t

[LAAMN] The list of Democrats who signed letter opposing Social Security cuts

2012-12-20 Thread scotpeden
"Under long standing Federal law, Social Security IS NOT PART OF THE FEDERAL BUDGET AND CANNOT CONTRIBUTE TO THE FEDERAL DEFICIT." More about that in the 4 paragraphs of this letter. Now ask yourself, will your Democratic President respect that, much less your Congressperson or Senator? Obama's b

Re: [LAAMN] Democrats push for ban of assault over Sandy Hook, but stay silent on nuclear power after Fukushima

2012-12-21 Thread scotpeden
Yup, the hypocrisy of the psychopaths. They will say ANYTHING to get YOU AND I to co-opt into mass suffering and murder of anyone not benefiting their bottom line. This is how you make money from blood and death. One potential disaster is profitable for several international types of corporations,

[LAAMN] Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control

2012-12-22 Thread scotpeden
Sandy Hook massacre: Official story spins out of control by Niall Bradley *The massacre of 20 children and 7 adults at the Sandy Hook elementary school last Friday was one more in a long line of atrocious mass murders committed in the USA. By now, f

[LAAMN] Radioactive zippers and silverware? Tell DOE: No Way]

2012-12-22 Thread scotpeden
web banner 6930 Carroll Avenue, #340, Takoma Park, MD 20912; 301-270-6477; nirs...@nirs.org [ mailto:nirs...@nirs.org ]; www.nirs.org [ http://www.nirs.org ] *Nuclear Weapons Waste in Your Silverware, Pants Zipper, Baby Toys? ACT NOW to Prevent Radioactive Metal being Added to Everyday Recycling

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH

2012-12-22 Thread scotpeden
"Understand that all battles are waged on an unconscious level before they are begun on the conscious one, and this battle is no different. The power structure wishes us to believe that the only options available are those which they present to us, we know this is simply not true." - Teresa Stover

[LAAMN] EIA's crappy forecasting

2012-12-23 Thread scotpeden
Americans wealth is based on the ability to have petroleum products. Nothing moves without it as they own nearly all energy patents too. A very informative article regarding whose setting oil prices AND fabricated supply demand estimates to the government. Who'd a figured the estimate would ALWA

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: Christmas Eve, 2012

2012-12-24 Thread scotpeden
Many good articles here today. The Republican Party is in shambles, but if we want progressive actions out of Obama, now is the time we must lean on him like the Republicans do consistently, he only does what those who lean on him hard want, so act now before he finishes cashing in on his presidenc

[LAAMN] Six Rules for Criticizing Obama Over Social Security Cuts

2012-12-24 Thread scotpeden
I wonder if someone might be able to write some Satire, to compliment this reasonable well known list of rules. Scott -- Six Rules for Criticizing Obama Over Social Security Cuts These are confusing times for liberals. Th

[LAAMN] Fracking: Pennsylvania Gags Physicians

2012-12-24 Thread scotpeden
Here is a stark example of unlimited corporate power. They can censor speech. - Gary Fracking: Pennsylvania Gags Physicians By Walter M. Brasch (This is Part 1 of a continuing series on Fracking. Part 1 looked at a state gag order on physicians; Part 2 reveals how health and environmental impact

[LAAMN] ICH quotes

2012-12-25 Thread scotpeden
"We kind o' thought Christ went agin war an' pillage" - James Russell Lowell "If I have been of service, if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good, if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action, if I am at peace with myself, it has been a successful day"

[LAAMN] Obama Moves Toward Deal to Slash Social Programs

2012-12-25 Thread scotpeden
Social Security HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE BUDGET, it is what YOU AND I PAY INTO, it's funding does NOT come out of the Budget!!! Obama keeps offering it up for cuts? Whose going to get our money then? They certainly aren't lowering our payments into the program! SS IS NOT BUDGET MONEY, but Obama

[LAAMN] What caputulation? Obama has advocated for cuts to social security.

2012-12-26 Thread scotpeden
Has Obama been an advocate for cuts and reform of social security all along? Jane Hamsher of Fire Dog Lake says yes, and documents what our collective campaign amnesia has filtered out from memory. - Gary It's amazing when you vote for the lesser of the evils, that you actually get evil, as in, y

[LAAMN] Corporate America in charge of US Foriegn Policy?

2012-12-26 Thread scotpeden
I note what spurred Mr Boyle's studies, was the fact that his life was on the line. At least he was paying attention that his life was on the line, most people missed that fact even after their kids came home in a box, if they came home at all. Is that what it takes to get each of us, individua

[LAAMN] Backstory: Wealth trumps Health, Why SS/Medicare must be cut, and the Military left untouched]

2012-12-26 Thread scotpeden
Shared with permission. Scott -- [ Backstory: Wealth trumps Health ] Why SS/Medicare must be cut, and Military spending left untouched The number employed by America's War Industry has risen to a staggering proportion of

Re: [LAAMN] GOOD READ: Agenda Prevails over Truth by Paul Craig Roberts

2012-12-28 Thread scotpeden
I wouldn't call that a good read, I'd call it an agonizing painful read, rubbing my face into the reality we're in. It is like watching a train wreck in motion, and being barely aware your on that train, and doing nothing to save yourself or others, instead your screaming, LOOK AT THE TRAIN WRECK!

[LAAMN] Social Security Facts: Doesn't Add to the Debt; Is a Bigger Creditor t han China]

2012-12-29 Thread scotpeden
There you have it. Congress has spent Social Security, as Nancy Altman, the Co director of Social Security Works points out, as they owe 2.7 trillion to it. Now I understand why my Social Security card became invalid about the year 2000 and it was put under the department of Treasury. It appears

[LAAMN] Excellent Comic on Daily Kos

2012-12-31 Thread scotpeden
Ah, something from Kos that isn't just, My Corporate party is less evil then your Corporate party. Scott -- http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/06/26/1103368/-The-One-Comic-That-Explains-Just-How-Screwed-America-Is?detail=ema

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: New Years Eve, 2012

2012-12-31 Thread scotpeden
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/libertyunderground/ -- *VIVA EVO * ** *Evo Morales has nationalized Bolivia's electricity grid . * */The Washington Post/, pushing as it alwa

Re: [LAAMN] This New Year is more properly written as: "20EUCLID"

2013-01-03 Thread scotpeden
If we're working on the assumption that 13 is an unlucky number, the day of the month the King of France tried to arrest the Templar Knights and abscond with their wealth since the King had already spent all of his money building Churches then I think it's silly, but he who has the money contro

Re: [LAAMN] This New Year is more properly written as: "20EUCLID"

2013-01-03 Thread scotpeden
So I stopped in with my Bank Manager today and asked him, any troubles yet this year? He said no, and I said, then you should be in a good mood for this, let me be the first! I noted that in Santa Monica that the street are numbers till you get to 13 and that is Euclid. If I wrote a check whose da

Re: [LAAMN] Re: This New Year is more properly written as: "2013"

2013-01-04 Thread scotpeden
Yes, petition that the 13th be a lucky day. Let's hear those who are superstitious fight that one. Scott > And/or we could petition both Santa Monica and Los Angeles to change > the name of 13th Street back to 13th and celebrate 13 as the new lucky > number and 2013 as a Lucky year. >

[LAAMN] Chuckle-A-Duck

2013-01-04 Thread scotpeden
A bit tongue in cheek, or is it? Scott http://chuckleaduck.com/comic/goes-wy-back/ -- Chuckle-A-Duck /// Goes wy back Posted: 04 Jan 2013 12:01 AM PST http://chuckleaduck.com

Re: [LAAMN] #Cartoon – Refuse blackmail! Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism! # Palestine #Israel

2013-01-05 Thread scotpeden
Thanks! I'll make sure this one gets WIDE coverage. Scott > http://latuffcartoons.wordpress.com/ > > > #Cartoon – Refuse blackmail! Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism! > #Palestine #Israel > > Sign the petition against misuse and political manipulation of > anti-Semitism on behalf of Israel’s age


2013-01-07 Thread scotpeden
-- Dear Subscriber, GUANTANAMO CELEBRATES FOUR YEARS UNDER OBAMA more at ... http://www.ironictimes.com/ NOTE: Some readers have had problems loading in pages two and three since we added new advertising. If these p

[LAAMN] Venezuela Supreme Court (TSJ ) rules President Chavez absence approved by NA no need for new swearing in

2013-01-09 Thread scotpeden
Geez, this has no resemblance to any politics I've seen in our country. Besides, the opulent regal coronations that are done for re-elections can then be better put to taking care of the people the leaders are suppsoe to govern for, at the very least not increasing their financial burden Well in

[LAAMN] Join Tuesday Protest Against Citizens United

2013-01-13 Thread scotpeden
SEE ATTACHED FLYER AND PASS IT ON Join Protest Against Citizens United Over 85% of Americans agree that 1) there is too much special interest money in elections and 2) corporations have too much control over government rules and regulations. The Mercury News has corroborated this by showing who

[LAAMN] Yahoo slow mail ALERT!

2013-01-14 Thread scotpeden
For those that don't log into Yahoo you may not have seen this, so I'm sharing it, don't freak out when the evening of the 15th (Wednesday) your posts don't go through for a while. "We're upgrading our systems and Yahoo! Groups will be unavailable for a few hours on the night of January 15th Pac


2013-01-18 Thread scotpeden
Jim, Greg's posts are all emotional based entertainment. We have the media for those distractions so we don't pay attention to the important stuff. I'm likely not going to read what your posting anymore, as this starts out with Re: and it is NOT regarding anything in LAAMN. Second, it's distrac

[LAAMN] The worst illiterate is...

2013-01-24 Thread scotpeden
attached graphic with a Bertolt Brecht quote. It came to me in the second post today talking about Hillary for 2016, promoting the two arms of the Corporate Party as being opposed to each other, when it is simply nothing more then which party gets to keep the child's candy they stole. What is mo

[LAAMN] More politically correct toons

2013-01-25 Thread scotpeden
http://chuckleaduck.com/comic/twins/ And boy, this one is politically correct Scott --- LAAMN: Los Angeles Alternative Media Network ---


2013-01-30 Thread scotpeden
Well, the turd polishers are completely ignoring any and all campaign promises he said, and feeding the public the fare they desire, hope. None of the turd polishing Corporate Media outlets would date mention even 3 things on this list. http://stpeteforpeace.org/obama.html Much less any three sin

[LAAMN] Egyptian Socialists Condemn Morsi

2013-01-30 Thread scotpeden
Welcome to the new Boss, another one, just like the other one. If nothing changes, then nothing changes. After all, the new leader was accepting anti riot tear gas and pepper gas, rated to high of a concentration to use on US citizens, from Secretary of State Clinton, immediately upon taking offi

[LAAMN] Fukushima Daiichi updates

2013-01-31 Thread scotpeden
Since it is illegal to put alarming things in the press that would frighten the public, and the government can't or wont do anything about, this is an item you'll not see in the US Main Stream Media. Last year, the level of fall out along the California Coast and states West of the Rockies was so

[LAAMN] Clearing the FOG Radio Show: Democracy with Chris Hedges and Cliff DuRand

2013-02-03 Thread scotpeden
Sorry, the graphics will come through as an attachment, if your group gets attachments even. Scott ** This week we discuss the challenges to democracy,View this email in your browser This M


2013-02-04 Thread scotpeden
Why are we being subjected to this emotional knee jerk diversionary crud on this list? This list, I thought was for alternate media, not for infiltrating by the hollyweird entertainment distraction services that support the Status Quo of NO CHANGE. Scott >I like it. But I hope th

[LAAMN] update on Fukushima Daiichi

2013-02-05 Thread scotpeden
http://www.change.org/petitions/senators-boxer-and-feinstein-investigate-the-ongoing-danger-from-the-fukushima-nuclear-reactors/ Dear Friends, The situation at Fukushima Daiichi remains dire, partly for administrative reasons. TEPCO, Tokyo Electric Power Co, which owns the plant and is handling

[LAAMN] Quotes

2013-02-07 Thread scotpeden
"What is morally wrong can never be politically right." - Lord Shaftesbury "The best way of avenging thyself is not to become like the wrong-doer." - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus - (121 AD -180 AD) Roman Emperor, 161-180 AD "There is no greater evil than killing. I don't care whether they call it w

[LAAMN] Breaking news

2013-02-09 Thread scotpeden
There are a few things in this mail I received from Sue Hubbard, and this is mostly local, but towards the end it applies Nationally too. Of course, don't ask me to support the PDA. MC is Monterey County (California). If I hadn't bumped into Sue on a Local Dem group during the last sElection cycle

[LAAMN] For 8th Straight Year, Venezuela Donates Free Heating Oil to Needy US Households]

2013-02-10 Thread scotpeden
Our PERPETUAL wars abroad are financially carried upon the backs of the poor. We send billions of Military Aid abroad every year so we can engage the world in warfare in their lands, while abandoning the social programs here in our land, paid for by Our Society, as OUR Police State sucks up resour

[LAAMN] The resistible rise of Corporatism, aka Fascism

2013-02-12 Thread scotpeden
A rather good description of not only Corporatism, as Fascism is refereed to these days, but where it came from, the forces behind it, and how it operated from the very beginning through till today, who are some of the major users of this Political Force, and who benefits from it. It was written d

[LAAMN] Today's LUV News: 13 February, 2013

2013-02-13 Thread scotpeden
*THE SORRY STATE OF THE UNION * ** *In a dumbed-down State of the Union address last night, President Obama asked Congress for an increase in the minimum wage. Obama took a cue from President Clinton, wh

[LAAMN] Viewpoint: Why Was the Biggest Protest in World History Ignored?

2013-02-15 Thread scotpeden
I note, the threats these world record, Peace Protests presented to the Status Quo, brought about daily spying on Americans, without warrant, and the harvesting of private information to be sold to the government, by any media Corporation you might use. Have you submitted to your TSA groping recen

[LAAMN] Hunger Striker Near Death

2013-02-16 Thread scotpeden
>From a friend. A 205 day hunger striker... Scott -- "Administrative detention" -- held indefinitely without being charged, without seeing a lawyer, without making a phone call, etc. People often just disappear in Israel an

[LAAMN] LUV News Sat 16 Feb 2013

2013-02-16 Thread scotpeden
The last article by Zeese and Flowers is incredibly good, and fleshes out so much of the history I've found out in my own researches, long, long after Public School taught me about the Mythical America we think we live in, yet never are able to participate in. Scott ---

[LAAMN] tough love bank

2013-02-19 Thread scotpeden
This is good, probably not educational for those of us that understand this, but it is well done. Scott From the Bank? comes tough love? http://www.youtube.com/embed/Li0no7O9zmE [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[LAAMN] I never tortured anyone

2013-02-21 Thread scotpeden
The problem isn't that you didn't torture anyone, it's that you didn't wave the flag, to pronounce your Patriotism and torture someone because they didn't give you any other choice. Patriots are not evil. Patriots wave the flag, and use it as a defense to show that they are not evil, like those ba

[LAAMN] American Assassination History for Dummies]

2013-02-21 Thread scotpeden
Fodder for our short term memories. Don't forget, as long as you wave the flag and pronounce your a patriot, it is necessary when we do it, though if anyone else does half of that, they are vile evil terrorists that must be eliminated. And if your a citizen, you can simply say, I have no power, t

[LAAMN] LUV News Sat 23 Feb 2013]

2013-02-23 Thread scotpeden
>From the first article; "In the era of executive authority—almost entirely enabled by the annually renewed Authorization for Use of Military Force enacted after the events of 9/11—the question remains, at what point will Congress reassert its right to control declarations of war and at what point

[LAAMN] Fascism - Conservapedia

2013-02-25 Thread scotpeden
All who oppose Fascism, or as Musolinni stated he should have more properly called it, Corporatism, which is what it does in action, protects Corporations and Capitalists from not only the citizens at home but the force of the state uses it abroad, all who oppose Fascism, strikes terror in the hear

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH

2013-02-27 Thread scotpeden
Sad, but I have a hard time finding anything to argue about in these quotes. Scott -- "Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed." - Friedrich Ni! etzsche "There are

[LAAMN] More Supreme Court treachery

2013-02-28 Thread scotpeden
-- A MESSAGE FROM THE MOVE TO AMEND CAMPAIGN The Campaign to End Corporate Personhood and Demand Real Democracy -=-=- SUPREME COURT POISED TO DESTROY CAMPAIGN FINANCE LAW Michael Scott, p. Last week, the Supreme Court agree

[LAAMN] Daily Kos: Reverse World War II Fiore

2013-03-01 Thread scotpeden
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2013/03/01/1190350/-Reverse-World-War-II Another great Fiore cartoon [Non-text portions of this message have been removed] --- LAAMN: Los Angeles Alt

[LAAMN] Rothschild’s want Iran’s banks

2013-03-07 Thread scotpeden
Humm, the Rothschild funded the immigration to Palestine, and the rise of the Zionist State there too. What a coincidence... not. The data in this article is worth noting, even if one doesn't follow their conclusions. Scott Rothsch

[LAAMN] Quotes from ICH

2013-03-07 Thread scotpeden
The propaganda system allows the U.S. Leadership to commit crimes without limit and with no suggestion of misbehavior or criminality; in fact, major war criminals like Henry Kissinger appear regularly on TV to comment on the crimes of the derivative butchers. ": Edward S. Herman, political econom

[LAAMN] Ten Companies Profiting Most from War]

2013-03-11 Thread scotpeden
Ten Companies Profiting Most from War My comments, on the article at the included URL Looking at the PROFITS, divided by the employees, and having known people in Silicon Valley so happy just to have a job, as Pelosi stated, at least her MIC Corporations didn't leave when she voted to send US jo

[LAAMN] Lie of the Century... never stopped, it was reinforced

2013-03-14 Thread scotpeden
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" Edmund Burke If nothing changes, then nothing changes. Welcome to Hopey Change. Old article, same old shit as we have today. Scott PS, the graphics refered to in the article are at the URL *** Lie of the Century. h

[LAAMN] Quotes

2013-03-15 Thread scotpeden
"Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even! i

[LAAMN] More good Quotes

2013-03-15 Thread scotpeden
These might even be more important, like the one from Churchill, he should know, his career in Politics depended on it. I note that the affliction of a Nationalist, is also the same affliction of a Party Loyalist. Scott -- A

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