Precompiled binaries for LyX1.5.x on Linux

2008-03-20 Thread Geevarghese Philip

  I have no root permission on my Linux machine, and I would like to 
install LyX1.5.x on it. Is there a way to get precompiled binaries for 
Lyx1.5.x that can be installed in my home directory without root 
permissions, and which has all the dependencies built in to it?


Is there an AMS report class for LyX?

2008-03-23 Thread Geevarghese Philip


  Is there a report class available for LyX that is an analogue of the 
article(ams) class that is present in LyX? I am writing a report and 
couldn't find a LyX report class with the AMS environments (Algorithm, 
Theorem, Lemma, Corollary, ...) built into it.


Re: Precompiled binaries for LyX1.5.x on Linux

2008-03-23 Thread Geevarghese Philip

Richard Heck wrote:

Steve Litt wrote:

On Friday 21 March 2008 02:14, rgheck wrote:

Geevarghese Philip wrote:

  I have no root permission on my Linux machine, and I would like to
install LyX1.5.x on it. Is there a way to get precompiled binaries for
Lyx1.5.x that can be installed in my home directory without root
permissions, and which has all the dependencies built in to it?

Or, you can do what I sometimes do -- don't do the make install at 
all, and just run it out of the directory where it was compiled 
(whatever/lyx-1.5.x/src, I think).   
Indeed. I should have mentioned that. I do this for all the development 

For this to work, I should be able to do the make successfully: but this 
requires that I need all the prerequisites installed, which I cannot 
ensure since I don't have root permissions.

-- Philip

Re: Is there an AMS report class for LyX?

2008-03-23 Thread Geevarghese Philip

rgheck wrote:

Geevarghese Philip wrote:


  Is there a report class available for LyX that is an analogue of the 
article(ams) class that is present in LyX? I am writing a report and 
couldn't find a LyX report class with the AMS environments (Algorithm, 
Theorem, Lemma, Corollary, ...) built into it.

No, there's nothing like this at the moment. But the attached will do.

Thanks, but there is something wrong with the layout: LyX has no problem 
processing (using Ctrl-D) the attached file nodef.lyx , in which a 
Definition is included using tex code. But it gives the error "Undefined 
control sequence." with the detail

"  \theoremstyle
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined."

for the file withdef.lyx, in which I used LyX's Definition Layout for 
including a Definition.

-- Philip

Description: application/lyx

Description: application/lyx

Re: Is there an AMS report class for LyX?

2008-03-23 Thread Geevarghese Philip

Geevarghese Philip wrote:
but there is something wrong with the layout: LyX has no problem 
processing (using Ctrl-D) the attached file nodef.lyx , in which a 
Definition is included using tex code. But it gives the error "Undefined 
control sequence." 

This is fixed now. See the layout file attached. The fix was to add:


to the layout file.

This results in an output file where the theorems etc have the section 
numbers in their numbering. Eg: Theorem 1.2.1 . I would like to have the 
theorems etc numbered sequentially,eg:- Theorem 5. I tried replacing 
"Input" with "Input", but that resulted in 
similar errors as before.

Thanks for the help, I guess I will do with Theorem 1.2.1 etc for now.

-- Philip

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[report]{amsreport}
# Report textclass definition file. Taken from initial LyX source code
# Author : Matthias Ettrich 
# Transposed by Pascal André <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Heavily modifed and enhanced by serveral developers.

Format 4


Style Bibliography
LabelString   "Bibliography"
  Series  Bold

Re: Is there an AMS report class for LyX?

2008-03-23 Thread Geevarghese Philip

rgheck wrote:

This results in an output file where the theorems etc have the section 
numbers in their numbering. Eg: Theorem 1.2.1 . I would like to have 
the theorems etc numbered sequentially,eg:- Theorem 5. I tried 
replacing "Input" with "Input", but that 
resulted in similar errors as before.

Change the Input line to Input

As I said, I tried doing this, but it gave similar error messages as 
before, about \theoremstyle not being defined.

-- Philip

Re: Is there an AMS report class for LyX?

2008-03-23 Thread Geevarghese Philip

This is fixed now. See the layout file attached. The fix was to add:
to the layout file.

Yes, sorry. That's elsewhere in the ams class files. Put that in the 
theorem environment and it will be picked up elsewhere, too.

Put what in the theorem environment? How do I put something in the 
theorem environment(Without root permissions)?

-- Philip

Contents of Preamble...EndPreamble in Layout not being output to tex file

2008-03-27 Thread Geevarghese Philip


  I am trying to use the following layout file, which rgheck kindly 
provided me,  to typeset my document.

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[report]{amsreport}

Format 4


Style Bibliography
LabelString   "Bibliography"
  Series  Bold

The problem with this layout is that it prepends the number of the 
relevant subsection to the number of each theorem, definition, etc. I 
want to get sequential numbering for theorem etc., without the 
subsection numbers.

For this I changed "Input" to "Input" (as 
suggested by rgheck), after which I got an error saying \theoremstyle is 
not defined. When I checked the tex file exported by LyX, I saw that 
indeed \theoremstyle is being used without any package that defines it 
being imported.

So I added the following lines after the Format line and before the 
Input lines:




(I added the invocations to \theoremstyle and \newtheorem just for 

When I reconfigure, restart LyX and generate a tex file from my 
document, the tex file does not contain the contents of this preamble 
anywhere -- the Preamble...EndPreamble block is completely being ignored 
by LyX.

Please help me fix this : I want to have "\usepackage{amsthm}" included 
somewhere near the very beginning of the output tex file, so that it is 
present before the first invocation of \theoremstyle --- puting 
"\usepackage{amsthm}" in the document preamble doesn't help, so I guess 
it must be somewhere withing the layout file.


Re: Contents of Preamble...EndPreamble in Layout not being output to tex file

2008-03-27 Thread Geevarghese Philip

rgheck wrote:

This is a bug of sorts in the 1.5 layout system, I expect. The problem 
is that the preamble later gets redefined and your bit gets 
over-written. Try adding this at the end:

Style Theorem
I think that'll work.

Thanks, but unfortunately it doesn't work. I added this snippet to the 
end of the amsreport layout file, but the error persists.

One thing I noticed in the output tex file was that the very first lines 
are like the following:


The corresponding lines in the .lyx file are:

\lyxformat 276
\textclass amsreport

How does this \usepackage{amssymb} invocation get included in the tex 
preamble right at the top? I didn't include this in the preamble of the 
document. It is not mentioned in the amsreport.layout file, nor in the 
three files that this file "Inputs" :,, 
and How does LyX know to include this invocation then? 
Perhaps I can modify the file which causes this line to be included to 
serve my purpose?


Re: Contents of Preamble...EndPreamble in Layout not being output to tex file

2008-03-27 Thread Geevarghese Philip

rgheck wrote:

Well, I'm not sure what the problem is. The attached files work for me.

There is no problem when including, as you have done in the 
layout file that you attached. The problem is when I replace this with 
"Input" in the layout file, so that I may get 
sequentially numbered theorems and such.

Could you try replacing "Input" with "Input" in the very same layout file that you had attached, 
and see if you get the error saying \theoremstyle is not defined?

Thanks a lot for your patience and help.

-- Philip

Re: Contents of Preamble...EndPreamble in Layout not being output to tex file

2008-03-27 Thread Geevarghese Philip

Geevarghese Philip wrote:

rgheck wrote:

Well, I'm not sure what the problem is. The attached files work for me.

There is no problem when including, as you have done in the 
layout file that you attached. The problem is when I replace this with 
"Input" in the layout file, so that I may get 
sequentially numbered theorems and such.

Sorry for my hasty mail, I see your point now: the layout file you 
attached solves my problem of getting sequential theorems, without any 
modification. Thanks a /lot/ for your help.


Re: Contents of Preamble...EndPreamble in Layout not being output to tex file

2008-03-27 Thread Geevarghese Philip

Geevarghese Philip wrote:

Geevarghese Philip wrote:
the layout file you 
attached solves my problem of getting sequential theorems,

This works as intended for the dvi/ps/pdf versions. I guess I am being 
greedy, but if only I could make LyX display the theorems with a 
sequential numbering, instead of prepending the subsection number to the 


Re: Contents of Preamble...EndPreamble in Layout not being output to tex file

2008-03-30 Thread Geevarghese Philip

rgheck wrote:

This works as intended for the dvi/ps/pdf versions. I guess I am being 
greedy, but if only I could make LyX display the theorems with a 
sequential numbering, instead of prepending the subsection number to 
the theorem
Try the attached. You'll get a warning about counter redefinition, but 
it works.

Thanks, but it works and it doesn't : The theorems are displayed in LyX 
with sequential numbering, but when I try to compile the file into dvi 
using Ctrl-D, I get the same error as before : \theoremstyle is not 


Re: Contents of Preamble...EndPreamble in Layout not being output to tex file

2008-03-30 Thread Geevarghese Philip

Geevarghese Philip wrote:

rgheck wrote:

Try the attached. You'll get a warning about counter redefinition, but 
it works.

Thanks, but it works and it doesn't 

I made a small change to the layout file you sent, and it works 
wonderfully now. Except that I somehow have a feeling that it is an ugly 
hack... I have attached the layout that works -- both for the LyX 
display and for the generated outputs.

Thanks for your help.

-- Philip

#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass[report]{amsreport}

Format 4


Style Bibliography
LabelString   "Bibliography"
Series  Bold

Style Standard

LyX 1.5.3 issue : article.layout not usable

2008-03-31 Thread Geevarghese Philip


  I got LyX 1.5.3 installed today from the deb package at . When I 
start up LyX and try to open any article (even the one at Help -> Latex 
Configuration) I get the error message

"The layout file requested by this document, article.layout, is not 
usable. ... LyX will not be able to produce output."

and I am not able to get any output from LyX, as the message says. The 
configuration log (after I run Tools -> Reconfigure) reports the report 
class and a lot of the other common classes as missing. The 
corresponding layout files are, however, present in 
/usr/share/lyx/layouts/ . And anyway my previous LyX installation 
(1.4.3) was working just fine before I to this upgrade done.

Please help me get LyX back working properly.


Re: Contents of Preamble...EndPreamble in Layout not being output to tex file

2008-03-31 Thread Geevarghese Philip

Richard Heck wrote:

Geevarghese Philip wrote:

Thanks, but it works and it doesn't : The theorems are displayed in 
LyX with sequential numbering, but when I try to compile the file into 
dvi using Ctrl-D, I get the same error as before : \theoremstyle is 
not defined.

That's very odd. I compiled it and it worked fine for me. Are you using 
at least one theorem? Or are you only using other things, like corollaries?

I was using other things only, such as lemmas and definitions: no 
theorem per se.


Re: LyX 1.5.3 issue : article.layout not usable

2008-04-01 Thread Geevarghese Philip

Sven Hoexter wrote:

Well it's a nice mess you got now. Please read and consider to go back to the packages
released with Debian/etch or use a proper backport.

I removed the version of LyX 1.5.3 that caused this problem and 
installed LyX 1.5.4 from  "deb ./" as the wiki 
article suggested, but the problem did not go away. I wasted a couple of 
hours till it struck my sysadmin to run Tools -> Reconfigure : then the 
error went away.

Looks like it is a good thing to remind people to reconfigure LyX after 
upgrading/reinstalling. A better thing would be to have the 
reconfiguring built into the upgrade/reinstall process.

Thanks for your help.

-- Philip

Text in table is all boldface

2008-04-01 Thread Geevarghese Philip


  I am using Lyx 1.5.4, and all text that I put in any table turns up 
as  boldface in the dvi/pdf output. See the attached file. How do I make 
this text to appear as normal fonts, except for the first row where I do 
want the text to appear as bold?


Description: application/lyx

Re: Text in table is all boldface

2008-04-01 Thread Geevarghese Philip

Jürgen, Paul,

Thanks for the solution, and thanks for the detailed explanation.

-- Philip

LyX badges?

2008-04-19 Thread Geevarghese Philip

  Are there any "I use LyX" or "Powered by LyX" kind of logos available 
to put on a website?


Math symbol displayed incorrectly on screen

2008-07-31 Thread Geevarghese Philip


  I am using LyX 1.5.5 on Linux. In math mode, \cdot appears as \times 
should (as an 'X' shape) on the screen. The dvi output is fine -- \cdot 
appears as a centred dot. I have attached a sample lyx file which has 
this problem.

  Is this a known problem? What would be a workaround? Which 
configuration file(s) control(s) LyX's display of math symbols on the 


Description: application/lyx