Re: Previewing Beamer Presentation

2006-07-30 Thread Jose' Matos
On Thursday 27 July 2006 21:48, Rich Shepard wrote:
>I apologize for not remembering how to preview a beamer presentation
> that includes .eps graphics. It has been several months since I last wrote
> a set of slides, and nothing I've tried works. I searched the beamer manual
> and my e-mail file without finding anything useful.

  Just for completeness sake, in case someone search this thread in the 
future. For some reason this seems to be a problem with theme Hannover. It 
does not happen with other beamer themes.

José Abílio

Re: Previewing Beamer Presentation

2006-07-28 Thread Jose' Matos
On Friday 28 July 2006 14:29, Rich Shepard wrote:
>   For the logo you need the full path, but I guess you are doing that
> already.
> Hi, Jose',
>    Yes. The full path is given, and there is no extenstion to the file
> name.

  I have just confirmed that it works for me. :-(

  I have the logo as a png image (but I do not place the extension).
José Abílio

Re: Including a figure in the title page

2006-07-28 Thread Jose' Matos
On Friday 28 July 2006 16:45, Horacio Emilio Pérez Sánchez wrote:
> Hello,
> I have a big lyx document (book format) and I want to include a graphic or
> logo in the very first page of the title, and above the title. I have tried
> inserting a figure float, but then the title breaks to the two following
> page. Has somebody succeed in this ?

  I have succeeded but only following this tip:

> Thanks.

José Abílio

Re: Previewing Beamer Presentation

2006-07-27 Thread Jose' Matos
On Thursday 27 July 2006 22:07, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Jul 2006, Rich Shepard wrote:
> >  I apologize for not remembering how to preview a beamer presentation
> > that includes .eps graphics. It has been several months since I last
> > wrote a set of slides, and nothing I've tried works. I searched the
> > beamer manual and my e-mail file without finding anything useful.
>    Well, I fixed this problem by removing all but a couple of frames at the
> beginning. The logo does not want to display, but I'll work on that later.

  For the logo you need the full path, but I guess you are doing that already.

  Your problem is strange, I have presentations done with beamer using eps 
files and it just works, since lyx does the convertions in the background.

> >  On what may be a related issue, I'm using an existing presentation which
> > I'll modify (it's quicker than starting from scratch). When I open that
> > file, the menu changes from the abbreviated version I created (that
> > displays on a single line) to the full 1.4.2 default menu on two lines.
>    This remains, but it's of low priority.

  Did this happened with 1.4.1?

> Rich

José Abílio

Re: can't install lyx

2006-07-21 Thread Jose' Matos
On Thursday 20 July 2006 23:02, Stephen Smethurst wrote:
> ***
> * So I tried with YUM:
> ***
> $ yum install lyx

  What are the enabled repositories in yum configuration?

  We have several computers running lyx in FC-4 with no problem, both 
installing and updating.

José Abílio

Re: beamer.layout on Windows

2006-07-16 Thread Jose' Matos
On Sunday 16 July 2006 23:01, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> I do not think the Windows installer has a Beamer layout at all.  (Is
> there not some issue with licensing?)  I use the one that Till Tantau
> ships with Beamer.

  There is no problem with beamer's license it is the same as LyX (GPL).
José Abílio

Re: Collect all documents used in a LyX file...revisited

2006-07-15 Thread Jose' Matos
On Saturday 15 July 2006 13:33, Georg Baum wrote:
> Already there:

  As soon as finished what I am doing I would like to extend to support 
some scripting operations over lyx files.

  One of the other examples that I have in mind (it should be easy) is to get 
the set of words present in a lyx document (I am generalising this to imply 
the file and its slaves).

  This is usefull to construct an index, as Steve (IIRC) said in this list 
sometime ago.

> Georg

José Abílio

Re: ANNOUNCE: LyX 1.4.2 is released

2006-07-14 Thread Jose' Matos
On Friday 14 July 2006 21:54, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> mail.k schrieb:
> > Is the list a gentlemen's club? ...
> This list is not, but I guess Rich was addressing the developers (give
> him the benefit of doubt...)

  Depending on the language you use one of the genders qualifies for the 

  You say mankind, but you do not say womankind. ;-)

José Abílio

Re: Collect all documents used in a LyX file...revisited

2006-07-14 Thread Jose' Matos
On Friday 14 July 2006 23:06, Curtis Osterhoudt wrote:
>      Does anyone have more experience with such programs?
>      Perhaps I just need to get better organized :)

  Could you, please, fill an entry in bugzilla with this request so that it 
does not get forgotten?

  As soon as I have more time (August) I have a look into it.

>            Thanks,
>             Curtis Osterhoudt

José Abílio

Re: ANNOUNCE: LyX 1.4.2 is released

2006-07-14 Thread Jose' Matos
On Friday 14 July 2006 17:57, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am preparing pkgsrc packages (for NetBSD, DragonFly and other operating
> systems).

  I do the same for Fedora, although I am not the person packaging LyX. Rex 
does a far better work than I would do. :-)

> What can I do to pregenerate this at installation time? (Especially since
> that share/lyx/doc may be a read-only location on the package
> destination.)

  This is done at installation time, or else the script would need several 

  Reading the rpm spec file I see there this bit:

cd %{_datadir}/lyx && ./configure  > /dev/null 2>&1 ||:

  If you read share/lyx/configure you will see that this is the script 
responsible for generating LaTeXConfig.lyx from

  So like in the rpm case you can do it at installation time. FWIW it is the 
original purpose of the script.
José Abílio

Re: ANNOUNCE: LyX 1.4.2 is released

2006-07-14 Thread Jose' Matos
On Friday 14 July 2006 17:24, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> What is the share/lyx/doc/ file for?

  It is used to generate the file share/lyx/doc/LaTeXConfig.lyx, that depends 
on the latex packages installed. You can think of it like a template used to 
build the file that can be accessed in Help->Latex Configuration.

José Abílio

Re: bug(?): strange behavior after ctrl-shift-left

2006-07-12 Thread Jose' Matos
On Wednesday 12 July 2006 01:29, Steve Harris wrote:
> Good day José,

  Good day,

> After reading your post, I tested again and this is
> not fixed in 1.4.2. It isn't much of a bug.

  After several trials I succeeded into reproducing the bug, even for 

> This is an example line.
> {If I type in ctrl-shift-leftarrow down here, start of a
> new paragraph, and I have entered no text, blank in other
> words, then the blue highlight reverts back to the end of
> This is an example line.(<-- begins blue highlight)
> and if you type in it, then it will segfault lyx. If you have
> typed more than one paragraph with words it works normally.}
> But again, if you have typed three paragraphs and then
> type "ctrl-shift-leftarrow" at the beginning of a new
> paragraph which has no words (blank) then it will segfault.

  I noticed that too.

> It means that if you end a paragraph by using enter, then
> you can't change your mind with "ctrl-shift-leftarrow" and
> go back to the previous paragraph and type a little more
> before you start your new paragraph. You can go back with
> your mouse to the end of the previous paragraph and
> "ctrl-shift-leftarrow" will work normally. I am something
> of a keyboard purist, but I normally use Edit/Undo to
> reverse my last step; but Alt-e-u will Undo, take you
> back to the end of the previous paragraph (reverses enter)
> and then "ctrl-shift-leftarrow" will work as expected.

  Sometimes it crashes immediately.

> It may have seemed if I wrote in too much detail. But you
> reported it worked on Linux and I have the most excellent
> FC4, and it malfunctions just as reported:
> This is the first paragraph. 
> begins the second paragraph = blank: -> ctrl-shift-leftarrow
> goes back to the end of the first paragraph and freezes the
> machine. Shortly afterwards it exited with the same error
> message that I reported for Cygwin Lyx 1.4.1 and it segfaults
> in Joost's windows 1.4.2 also, but the error screen exits too
> fast to see the text. This message is from FC4/Cygwin Lyx1.4.1.
> --
> $ lyx
> LyX: Attempting to save document newfile1.lyx
>   /cygdrive/c/home/newfile1.lyx.emergency
>Save seems successful. Phew.
> lyx: SIGSEGV signal caught
> Sorry, you have found a bug in LyX. Please read the
> bug-reporting instructions in Help->Introduction and
> send us a bug report, if necessary. Thanks !
> Bye.
> Aborted (core dumped)
> Is the upgrade to FC5 *strongly recommended*?


> Stephen

José Abílio

Re: bug(?): strange behavior after ctrl-shift-left

2006-07-12 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 12 July 2006 08:45, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> I cannot reproduce this either (neither the cases described in the other
> mails).

  I have finally succeeded with 1.4.2svn

  I have inserted two lines with one word and pressed enter to get a third 
(empty) line.

  While in the last empty line I pressed Ctrl-Shift-Left and... I got a crash.

> Can someone of you provide a backtrace?

  Follows attached. The culprit here seems to be the empty line. I have been 
working with lyx daily and I never noticed this because I do not usually do 
this on an empty line.

> Jürgen

José Abílio
(gdb) bt
#0  0x080b3206 in ParagraphParameters::depth (this=0x3c) at 
#1  0x081ebaa6 in (anonymous namespace)::changeDepthAllowed 
(type=LyXText::INC_DEPTH, [EMAIL PROTECTED], max_depth=0) at text2.C:373
#2  0x081ebd06 in LyXText::changeDepthAllowed (this=0xa75f71c, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], type=LyXText::INC_DEPTH) at text2.C:393
#3  0x081f08c4 in LyXText::getStatus (this=0xa75f71c, [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL 
#4  0x082df899 in InsetText::getStatus (this=0xa75f6f4, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
#5  0x08151637 in (anonymous namespace)::getStatus ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL 
#6  0x08154bb5 in LyXFunc::getStatus (this=0xa642340, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at 
#7  0x083be9cb in lyx::frontend::QLToolbar::update (this=0xa699768) at 
#8  0x0830a9df in Toolbars::update (this=0xa641548) at Toolbars.C:150
#9  0x0830ae84 in Toolbars::update (this=0xa641548, in_math=false, 
in_table=false) at Toolbars.C:67
#10 0x08307d3a in LyXView::updateToolbars (this=0xa657898) at LyXView.C:116
#11 0x08158305 in LyXFunc::sendDispatchMessage (this=0xa642340, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at lyxfunc.C:1625
#12 0x0816080e in LyXFunc::dispatch (this=0xa642340, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at 
#13 0x08161951 in LyXFunc::processKeySym (this=0xa642340, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
state=5) at lyxfunc.C:328
#14 0x0806529d in BufferView::Pimpl::workAreaKeyPress (this=0xa65f290, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED], state=5) at BufferView_pimpl.C:568
#15 0x08074258 in 
key_modifier::state>, boost::_bi::list3, 
boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> > >, void, boost::shared_ptr, 
key_modifier::state>::invoke (function_obj_ptr=
{obj_ptr = 0xa663c38, const_obj_ptr = 0xa663c38, func_ptr = 0xa663c38, data = 
"8"}, [EMAIL PROTECTED], a1=5) at ../boost/boost/bind/mem_fn_template.hpp:252
#16 0x08466021 in boost::function2, 
key_modifier::state, std::allocator >::operator() (this=0xa663c24, [EMAIL 
at ../../../boost/boost/function/function_template.hpp:581
#17 0x0846712a in 
 key_modifier::state, boost::function, 
key_modifier::state), std::allocator > >, 
boost::signals::detail::unusable, boost::single_pass_traversal_tag, 
boost::signals::detail::unusable const&, int> ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) at 
#18 0x0846785d in boost::signal2, 
key_modifier::state, boost::last_value, int, std::less, 
boost::function, key_modifier::state), 
std::allocator > >::operator() (this=0xa65f6f4, [EMAIL PROTECTED], a2=5) 
at ../../../boost/boost/last_value.hpp:43
#19 0x084644d6 in QContentPane::keyeventTimeout (this=0xa661778) at 
#20 0x0846ebaa in QContentPane::qt_invoke (this=0xa661778, _id=48, 
_o=0xbf81cec8) at QContentPane_moc.C:91
#21 0x00a0735a in QObject::activate_signal () from 
#22 0x00a07ecd in QObject::activate_signal () from 
#23 0x00d93b69 in QTimer::timeout () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#24 0x00a2e9ff in QTimer::event () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#25 0x0099e82b in QApplication::internalNotify () from 
#26 0x0099fc79 in QApplication::notify () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#27 0x00992632 in QEventLoop::activateTimers () from 
#28 0x009453ef in QEventLoop::processEvents () from 
#29 0x009b7cd0 in QEventLoop::enterLoop () from 
#30 0x009b7b96 in QEventLoop::exec () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#31 0x0099e33f in QApplication::exec () from /usr/lib/qt-3.3/lib/
#32 0x0837aeb5 in lyx_gui::start ([EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED]) at 
#33 0x08143aff in LyX::exec2 (this=0xa592900, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
argv=0xbf81d714) at lyx_main.C:298
#34 0x0837ba9a in lyx_gui::exec ([EMAIL PROTECTED], argv=0xbf81d714) at 
#35 0x08144d19 in LyX::priv_exec (this=0xa592900, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 
argv=0xbf81d714) at lyx_main.C:225
#36 0x0814522a in LyX::exec ([EMAIL PROTECTED], argv=0xbf81d714) at 
#37 0x08061ff8 in 

Re: bug(?): strange behavior after ctrl-shift-left

2006-07-11 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 11 July 2006 20:50, Sven Schreiber wrote:
> For me the keyboard is not responding in lyx anymore after that. Can
> anybody confirm this? Is it known?

  I do not remember such bug report. :-(
  I would like to hear from other windows users. If the bug is not there it 
should be filled in bugzilla to be fixed in 1.4.2.

> Ctrl-shift-left may be stupid to use, but I was just following a hunch...

  Not stupid at all, it selects text from your current position to left. I 
guess that this was your hunch.

> this is 1.4.1 on windows with official installer

  It works on linux, I have been using it all day. :-)

> thanks,
> sven

José Abílio

Re: Generated SGML

2006-07-03 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 28 June 2006 15:48, John Coppens wrote:
> Hello José.
> Should I officially submit this as a bug-report?

  Please do. I am busy in the next three weeks and I do not expect to take 
care of it before but at least it is not forgotten.

> >   To avoid this notice that manpage_linuxdoc example as
> > title="LyX" sectnum="1"
> >
> > as Document->Settings->Options
> >
> >   this will fix at least this problem.
> I'm not sure which problem this solves - there are still many error
> messages left (see attachment)
> >   Notice that this uses linuxdoc not docbook. I intend to obsolete this
> > layout with another based on docbook, and have lyx2lyx do the
> > convertion so it will still generated valid document even after
> > linuxdoc is removed.
> Is there a layout for manpages in docbook? I could find only 'Article',
> 'Book', 'Chapter' and 'Section' for docbook.

  It is in my to do list after the hurry period. :-)
  I had others requests regarding this class and I only need some time to 
compose the layout file.

> > > I also found references that XML is now preferred to SGML for DocBook,
> > > but found no way to export that.

  It is there, you have the two variants docbook and docbook(xml) for lyx 

José Abílio

Re: Generated SGML

2006-06-26 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Monday 26 June 2006 17:22, John Coppens wrote:
> Hi all.
> I was trying to make a manpage with LyX 1.4.1, so I started a new doc
> with the docbook manpage layout. I did a few sections, and exported to
> SGML. The generated SGML had an extra '>' at the beginning:
> ---
> which caused sgml2txt to cough... But there were many other problems:

  You found a bug. :-(

  To avoid this notice that manpage_linuxdoc example as
title="LyX" sectnum="1"

as Document->Settings->Options

  this will fix at least this problem.

> Apparently the  tag isn't generated... I wonder if I'm doing
> things completely wrong here? I found a HowTo on using LyX for DocBook
> things, but it was quite old (announcing LyX 1.2

  Notice that this uses linuxdoc not docbook. I intend to obsolete this layout 
with another based on docbook, and have lyx2lyx do the convertion so it will 
still generated valid document even after linuxdoc is removed.

> I also found references that XML is now preferred to SGML for DocBook,
> but found no way to export that.

  I intend to add this layout this Summer.

> Thanks in advance
> John

José Abílio

Re: Numbered vs. Unnumbered Sectioning

2006-06-24 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 23 June 2006 23:03, Rich Shepard wrote:
>Why is it that numbered sectioning commands appear both in a
> ToC and on the fancy headers, but their unnumbered versions don't? I know
> this is a LaTeX action, but I'm wondering why it's this way.

  I guess that is by design. :-)
  The start sections are to be used when you want to give emphasis to some 
part of your document but do not want it to show in TOC.

  Notice that koma class of layouts as a style called addchap, addsect and 
addpart that act as start section but show in TOC.

>I can see unnumbered sections in the frontmatter of a book or report,
> but to not have headers with the sectioning titles? And articles -- at
> least in the science fields in which I am most familiar -- have sections,
> but they're not numbered. Yet the running heads reflect the page's section.

  You can use Document->Settings->Numbering and TOC to control this.

  You can use sections (and derived) without a number. By default only 
paragraph and subparagraph (level 4 and 5) are not numbered. You can easily 
change that there. Try it. :-)

> Just curious,
> Rich

José Abílio

Re: lyx-1.4.1 display fonts

2006-06-24 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Saturday 24 June 2006 11:57, Subir Singh Lamba wrote:
> Hello,
>   I have compiled and installed lyx-1.4.1. using xforms option on
> redhat9.0. Now the problem is symbols are not properly displayed in the
> lyx file while they appear properly in .ps or .pdf file. What do I need to
> do to overcome this problem ?
> Any help will be greatlty appreciated.

  According to your description you seem to be missing the latex-xft-fonts 

> Regards,
> Subir

José Abílio

Re: SVGs with alpha channel transparency

2006-06-21 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 21 June 2006 09:16, Georg Baum wrote:
> The workaround to get svg->pdf conversion is to create an external template
> (IIRC more detailed instructions are in the list archive).

  Georg I think that here you mean an external inset or am I wrong?

> Georg

José Abílio

Re: Confused about Lyx's goals -- isn't this supposed to increase productivity?

2006-06-20 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 20 June 2006 12:02, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> exactly. People are quite excited ATM (though I'm not living in one of
> the "FIFA occupied cities"). But do I have to tell that to a Portuguese?

  For us, two years ago - Euro 2004, it was UEFA. :-)

> Jürgen

José Abílio

Re: Confused about Lyx's goals -- isn't this supposed to increase productivity?

2006-06-20 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 20 June 2006 11:28, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Jose' Matos wrote:
> >> Please add it to bugzilla, if not already done.
> >
> > Would that change the file format?
> Yes.

  I was afraid to hear that. You know the rules, this change can only go in 
1.5svn. :-(

> >> Jürgen
> >
> > PS: Wearing my hat of file format police. ;-)
> I see lots of policemen recently ;-)

  What would you expect with the World Cup in your country? ;-)

> Jürgen

José Abílio

Re: Confused about Lyx's goals -- isn't this supposed to increase productivity?

2006-06-20 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 20 June 2006 10:56, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Please add it to bugzilla, if not already done.

  Would that change the file format?

> Jürgen

PS: Wearing my hat of file format police. ;-)
José Abílio

Re: APA for LyX

2006-06-20 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Monday 19 June 2006 12:02, Thomas Widhalm wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm asking on behalf of one of my users.
> I need to include the APA regulations for documents into LyX on a Fedora
> Core 5 box. I found several packages, but didn't manage to install it in
> an easy and quick way.

  I know Fedora and I can tell that it is not the problem here. ;-)
  I am using it. :-)

> Now I am asking you, if I just weren't able to find, how to include
> predefined packages for this, or if there are no such packages.

  I don't know APA. :-)

  Looking to the distributed sources I see that we ship an apa.layout file.
For this to work you need to place apa.cls in a place where tex can find it, 
then lyx will use it.

> The designated use of the Documents are thesis', so book might be the
> right DocumentClass.

  Notice again that I don't know what I am talking about. Looking in some 
detail to the apa layout we distribute it looks like it is article-like, so 
some changes may be needed to have it working for a thesis like structure.

> Just tell me, if I was searching in vain or if I haven't searched long
> enough. Any links appreciated. :-)

  You are close, if you notice the header of apa.layout file you will notice 
an email address there.

  If you still don't have you want this list is a good place for asking such 

> Regards,
> Thomas Widhalm

José Abílio

Re: Instant Preview working in LyX 1.4.1?

2006-06-17 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Saturday 17 June 2006 11:15, Stefano Grioni wrote:
> Do you know which package does the math-preview? Because on arch they
> aren't packaged so I'd like to package on my own the right one .

 A subpackage of auctex:

> Thx

José Abílio

Re: Math functions

2006-06-15 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 15 June 2006 18:31, José Marco de la Rosa wrote:
>    Hi everybody, I just write because I can't make it to write functions
> which are not in the math function panel to my equations. I try with
> \function_name within the math mode but it fails to generate the dvi
> ¿anyone can help me?

  As far as I understand what you want is \mathrm{ this will create a box for 
roman text (normal text) inside math.

  With my binding  Alt+m m works as well (it does the same), notice that Alt 
is only pressed for the first m. The right binding is Meta+m m (but in my 
keyboard and most out there Meta is assigned to Alt).

José Abílio

Re: Subtitles

2006-06-15 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 14 June 2006 20:25, Steve Litt wrote:

I don't know what I am talking about (you have been warned) but should not 
this be


  After all \maketitle is already defined.

José Abílio

Re: create man/info pages using lyx?

2006-06-14 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 14 June 2006 00:37, Paul Elliott wrote:
> Does anyone have any examples of using lyx with sgmltools
> to create man pages and/or info pages?

  I should be honest, that was always on my list of things to do but I never 
got there. :-) (If you mean docbook, read below).

> Are there any examples out there?

  I assume that you mean docbook (sgmltools 3) because there is where all the 
work is going on. If you referring to linuxdoc (sgmltools 1) my advice is to 
use docbook, all the work has ended there long time ago (1999 IIRC).

  My plan is to discontinue lyx support for linuxdoc in 1.5 (the next planned 
stable release) just to stress this. Certainly the documents will not be lost 
and lyx2lyx will do the convertion to docbook, but it does not make sense to 
support it anymore.

> thank You.

José Abílio

Re: Subtitles

2006-06-14 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 14 June 2006 19:12, Steve Litt wrote:
> Are you referring to

  Since I am lazy I always go first to and from there to 
Herbert's site. :-)

> SteveT

José Abílio

Re: Subtitles

2006-06-14 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 14 June 2006 18:47, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi Matej,
> Looks good from a casual read, and I'll try this, but your email brings up
> a much more serious topic -- *how the heck did you learn this???*
> I know you didn't learn it in Kopka and Daly's "Guide to LaTeX", because I
> read that book cover to cover and there were no more than a few sentences
> on the use of the \let TeX primative.

  I have learned this trick using "tips and tricks" from Herbert Voß:

  This is linked in LyX front page. :-)

  I have used this to redefine the titlepage to follow my University's 

> You've given me several suggestions like this, most of which are
> incorporated in the .layout files of my various books. Could you please
> tell me (and everyone else on this list) where you learned this, and how,
> and a little about your mental state and process when you learned this.

  At least for me "LaTeX tips and tricks" is always a nice place to start. :-)

> The lyx-users list has discussion after discussion about how to make a
> customized environment, command, or whatever. The typical response is "use
> package whatever" or "you don't need that feature". If all of us learned
> what you know about LaTeX and TeX (\let is pure TeX from what I
> understand), we'd all be much happier LyX users if we could whip out a
> quick LaTeX solution to our formatting needs.
> Thanks so much
> SteveT

José Abílio

Re: Bibliography in LyX 1.4.1

2006-06-14 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 14 June 2006 16:49, Bruce Pourciau wrote:
> When I opened in LyX 1.4.1 a document (standard article class)
> originally created in LyX 1.3.4 and inserted a new bibliography entry
> between the already existing fifth and sixth entries, the new entry
> was given the number 1, not number 6. Any thoughts? No BibTeX here.
> The entries were just typed one-by-one into in the bibliography
> environment.

  That is just for lyx, the printed version should be OK.

  Also next time you open this file the number will be correct. Note that the 
number that shows there is not used anywhere, so this buglet is harmless. :-)

  I am saying this by heart so I could (should? ;-) be wrong. :-)

> Bruce

José Abílio

Re: Instant Preview working in LyX 1.4.1?

2006-06-12 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Saturday 10 June 2006 00:34, Rudi Gaelzer wrote:
> Is Instant Preview working at all in LyX 1.4.1?


> I upgraded from 1.3.7 to 1.4.1 on my Fedora 5 box and mathematical
> expression are not rendered with Instant Preview.  Then, I removed 1.4.1
> and installed 1.3.7 back and it worked again...

  How did you install the different components? I am running FC-5 and 
everything works as expected.
$ rpm -q --requires lyx
lyx-frontend = 1.4.1

  I have these packages installed, so it works...

> Rudi Gaelzer

José Abílio

Re: Installing LyX 1.3.7 on Windows 98 - DITA detour

2006-06-07 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 07 June 2006 02:29, David Neeley wrote:
> There are a number of package/installation systems in Linux--perhaps
> as we get true Linux Standard Base-compliant we can settle those down
> a great deal! I have also heard good things about yum (making up for
> some of the rpm deficiencies); yast keeps getting better; of course
> Debian led the way with apt/dpkg; and others such as portage are also
> supposed to be excellent.

  I am sorry for the out of topic here.

  Note that it is unfair to compare rpm with apt/dpkg. Actually I used to 
manage rpms with apt.

  Referring only to debian and fedora here as the same applies to other 
distributions we are dealing on three levels here:

  package - rpm or deb
  package manager - yum or apt
  distribution- fedora or debian

  We need to distribution level to define common policies that make it easy to 
interoperate between different packages. That is what is taking time to 
define in Extras and it succeeded so that now Core is following the policies 
established in Extras.

  What people refer as the "rpm hell" was the absence of a policy so that 
packages could interoperate. It is not enough to have a tongue, we need to 
speak the same language so that communication happens. ;-)

José Abílio

Re: Installing LyX 1.3.7 on Windows 98 - DITA detour

2006-06-07 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 07 June 2006 02:04, Stephen Harris wrote:
> Jose' Matos wrote:
> >
> >   Things have improved a lot meanwhile. It is on my plans to have a ready
> > to go system for fedora as, I am sure, there are for other linux
> > distributions.
> You know best! Is there an objective method used in determining
> if Gnome or KDE, Nedit or LyX, goes into the primary distribution
> while the other contender is placed into extras? I was thinking if
> statistics were kept on "yum install foo" downloads (not who did it)
> that the frequency of download would be an objective measure. Maybe
> that would only work if both similar programs started in extras.

  It is not easy to explain, some of the reasons are historical, and the 
border between Core and Extras is becoming blurred (and this is good). The 
goal for upcoming versions is for the Extras to be included in the 
installation process. That will mean a support for installing either from the 
network or from supplementary cd's or dvd's.

  Things are improving a lot and I like the way it is coming. :-)

> I gave the Chris Karakas instructions a try, but it became hard
> to obtain the packages or the right versions, maybe that was on
> Cygwin; it was harder than following Michael Gertz instuctions!

  I intend to look his document after July (I am really busy now), I have 
several ideas how things can improve regarding lyx and docbook.

> I think yum or other programs like it, is the single best reason
> to use Linux rather than Windows. I can remember if you wanted to
> install a new program which would take 10 minutes, finding and
> installing all the dependencies could take an hour, even if they
> were listed beforehand and I don't think they were always listed.
> Maybe I should have used the word default rather than primary.


> My final question. I was reading about fontconfig because of
> installing the Bakoma fonts which are in zip format into Cygwin.
> (This is something easy to do in Windows, install fonts.)
> I read there is a dependency to freetype. The freetype page
> mentions there is a new May31,06 version of KDE which doesn't
> have security problems because it uses fontconfig without
> freetype. Also it mentions an rpm freetype patch package suitable
> for using with Cygwin's rpm package. So does yum or rpm, when it
> installs fonts, write to those associated .conf files (fc-cache)?

  No idea. :-(

> Best regards,

José Abílio

Re: Installing LyX 1.3.7 on Windows 98 - DITA detour

2006-06-06 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 06 June 2006 01:52, Stephen Harris wrote:
> SH: The Docbook topic comes up occasionally. Chris Karakas
> has done quite a bit of work producing with LyX, SGML, and
> Latex. There is quite
> a bit involved to get all the packages working together IMO.

  Things have improved a lot meanwhile. It is on my plans to have a ready to 
go system for fedora as, I am sure, there are for other linux distributions.

José Abílio

Re: Table Numbering

2006-05-30 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 30 May 2006 16:16, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> >   I suspect that you using a longtable inside a float. I may be wrong (it
> > happens ;-) but it produces the same behaviour that are seeing. :-)

  Did I wrote that?! :-)
  I had very few time to answer and this is result. :-)

> Well, it didn't happen this time.  ;-)  You're right, the first table is
> flagged longtable (although in the test document, at least, it's not all
> that long).  Is this a known LaTeX problem?  Or is it correct behavior
> (as defined by longtable)?

  It is like that by definition. :-)

  A longtable can not be inserted inside a float:

  This is from Tips and Tricks.

> /Paul

José Abílio

Re: Table Numbering

2006-05-28 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Saturday 27 May 2006 14:00, Jan wrote:
> Does anyone have an idea how I could fix this?

  I suspect that you using a longtable inside a float. I may be wrong (it 
happens ;-) but it produces the same behaviour that are seeing. :-)

> Thanks,
> Jan

José Abílio

Re: eliminate T1 fonts?

2006-05-24 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 24 May 2006 17:26, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> And what in the font selection drop-down list?  Will document default work?


> /Paul

José Abílio

Re: eliminate T1 fonts?

2006-05-24 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 24 May 2006 16:31, Paul A. Rubin wrote:
> The lmodern fonts (if I got
> the name right) also apparently work well with PDFs, but require some
> latex code to use.


in preamble. ;-)

> /Paul

José Abílio

Re: how many lyx users?

2006-05-21 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Sunday 21 May 2006 16:21, Bo Peng wrote:
> This is unlikely the case, but I would not be surprised either,
> considering the dominance of the windows system.

  We have then to consider what is the usage of windows by the lyx target 
users. It is not an easy computation at all. :-)

> Bo

José Abílio

Re: Problem with accents

2006-05-18 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 18 May 2006 03:12, Enrique S Gonzalez Di Totto wrote:
> Greetings,


>   Does anyone have any tips on how to solve this? Thanks

  You did not told us any details about your system and lyx version. :-)
  Our psychic powers could be upgraded. ;-)

  On a more serious note I suspect that you are running lyx 1.3.x, those 
problems should be gone in 1.4.y. :-)

>   -- Enrique

José Abílio

Re: dvipost (hopefully) ready for Debian

2006-05-16 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 16 May 2006 13:21, Sven Hoexter wrote:
> Hi all,
> yesterday I've been working on Matej Cepl's dvipost package
> so that it can stand the Debian QA and move into the main
> archive.
> So if you've some spare time please give it a try and if you're
> familiar with Debian packages please look over the source package
> aswell.
> I'm now out to university so flame when I come back ;)
> Oh and thanks to Matej for his work!

  On a related note for those of you using Fedora there should be new version 
which hints (requires for now) dvipost.

  It is good to see such a parallel development for Debian and Fedora. :-)

> Cheers,
> Sven

José Abílio

Re: LyX png and eps

2006-05-08 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Monday 08 May 2006 03:11, Angus Wallace wrote:
> Any pointers appreciated!

  Could you run Reconfigure:


  and then exit and restart lyx. Does the problem remains?

> Cheers,
> -Angus

José Abílio

Re: LyX 1.4.1 is released

2006-04-13 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 12 April 2006 23:22, Steve Litt wrote:
> How does one install LyX 1.4.1? Can it be installed in /usr/local in such a
> way that it can coexist with my current 1.3.5? Are there any
> incompatibilities of which I should be aware?

  My first suggestion if you decide to go this way is to update to 1.3.7 that 
is able to read 1.4 files.

  You can also install lyx using options of configure that allows you to use 
different configuration files, etc...

  Before I give you further details I should say that my advise is to use 

> THANK YOU ALL for including character styles!

  All the credit goes to Martin Vermeer for this. :-)

> SteveT

José Abílio

Re: Export to text has changed

2006-04-12 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 12 April 2006 15:39, Jean-Pierre Chretien wrote:
> Is there a new parameter tuning ascii output width ?

  Nope, it is the same as usual.

> Should I post this in bugzilla ?

  Please, if it is a duplicate it should easier to close.

> Kind regards
> --
> Jean-Pierre

José Abílio

Re: Lyx crash under Fedora Core 5

2006-04-12 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 12 April 2006 14:50, Neal Becker wrote:
> There is 1 crash with 1.4.1 so far, but it doesn't seem to be the same
> symptom as before.  In particular, no crash showing User Guide + scrolling.

  I can confirm that, using the 1.4.1 update coming from Extras those problems 
are gone.

José Abílio

Re: FC4 and lyx. Unable to install. Pls. help II

2006-04-10 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Monday 10 April 2006 12:55, mario wrote:
> hello,
> is somebody so nice to explain to me the following output? Should I say
> yes to the final >Is this ok [y/N]? Any danger?
> Thanks a lot

  After FC-4 was released lots of updates come.

  In this case yum tries to update those packages it requires to install lyx.

  The output looks kosher, so I would recomend to proceed.

  To avoid this, and if you do not have limitations on network traffic, doing 

# yum upgrade

  periodically will update the system to last packages.

  Notice that there is no need to install the local package. lyx is in Fedora 
Extras and the package is well maintained.

> mario

José Abílio

Re: Lyx crash under Fedora Core 5

2006-04-10 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Monday 10 April 2006 10:55, John Pye wrote:
> Is this issue known about? Do I need to investigate further, or wait for
> a patch? :-)

  Yes, one temporary shortcut is to disable the display of images inside lyx.

Preferences->Graphics->Display Graphics->Do not display

  Testing what it will become 1.4.1 (expect soon, like this week) does not 
show the problem. :-)

> I'm happy to send the problem document to anyone who wants to look.

  It is enough to have graphics, if you load the User Guide and scroll to 
figures it crashes. So in this case it is nothing specific with your 

> Cheers
> JP

José Abílio

Re: FC4 and lyx. Unable to install. Pls. help

2006-04-10 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Monday 10 April 2006 12:47, mario wrote:
> hello,
> i have just tried to update lyx. I really appreciate, if somebody could
> give a look at what I got (below), instruct me on what to do, and help
> me to save some time. I am on FC4.
> (is there some issues not related to lyx?)

  Do you have network access on your computer?

  If yes then

# yum install lyx

  is enough.

  The problems you have related with dependencies. Although the libstdc++ 
certainly looks strange.

> Thanks a lot.
> mario

José Abílio

Re: How about giving us snapshots? Or, If I build from CVS should I expect huge problems?

2006-04-08 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Saturday 08 April 2006 07:19, Paul Johnson wrote:

  Hi Paul,
same week, different mailing list. ;-)

> I built lyx from CVS (on Fedora Core 5) because I wanted to use
> quotation marks in ERT (a bug in 1.4.0), and I find that problem is
> solved.  This version of lyx runs fine.

  There is an error in the above, it is svn not cvs. FWIW I made that same 
mistake several times this week so I am speaking from experience. :-)

> Thanks very much.

  You are welcome. :-)

> Ihave not seen major bugs in this CVS version.  But they may hide from
> me.  I would feel more confident about using this version if somebody
> who is familiar with CVS would tell me "don't worry, we are not in the
> middle of some major code changes and there are no known huge
> problems, as of yesterday."  For that matter, I wish that somebody who
> works in this would either make snapshots at the safer moments, or
> perhaps put in cvs  tags at safe times and announce the tags.

  Well, we do that. Those are called 1.4.1, 1.4.2, ...

  I am not joking. :-)

  Right now we are working in two different branches, basically what will 
become 1.5.0 (trunk) and 1.4.x (what soon will become 1.4.1, and then 1.4.2 
and so on).

  Our purpose is that 1.4.x branch will be always stable. So that is in a 
sense what you are looking for.

  The instructions to use svn are here:

  (I know we did not change the name so it is confusing) :-)

  The relevant part is:
The main development in LyX is done in SVN branches, this is done to ensure 
the stability of the main branch (HEAD). If you are interested in helping 
develop or test work on these branches, you can check out a copy with a 
command like
svn co svn:// lyx-1.4.x

  This is how to get the stable branch. We expect this code to be stable all 
the time (we make mistakes as well). As trust this code. In your case, since 
you had problems with some bugs in 1.4.0 this is the place to search.

  For the devel version the only moment when we put tags there is when we are 
approaching a stable release. Usually those are called pre1, pre2, ...

  Other than that I don't advise any user to use the development branch unless 
he is interested in testing and/or coding new features. This kind of 
commitment is always welcome but then the right forum to discuss this is 

  I hope this answers what you were asking.

> --
> Paul E. Johnson
> Professor, Political Science
> 1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504
> University of Kansas

José Abílio

Re: problem with lyx-1.4.0 and beamer

2006-04-04 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 04 April 2006 17:30, Gisbert, Fernando wrote:
> Hi, I have a problem related with the pdf index generation with the beamer
> class. I write a simple lyx document, and when I view it with pdflatex, the
> resulting pdf leaves the left-side navigation panel empty, even using
> section and subsection environments in the lyx document. When I export the
> file to latex to see what happen, I see two strange lines:
> \setcounter{secnumdepth}{-1000}
> \setcounter{tocdepth}{-1000}
> that in previous beamer documents had a value of 3 instead of -1000. I
> don't know why these two numbers are set to -1000, and I also don't know
> how to reset them to its original value. By setting them to a reasonable
> value, let's say 3, for instance, the index appears again. Does anyone know
> how to fix it?

  There are two lines in your file that explain this:

\secnumdepth -1000
\tocdepth -1000

  Since it is impossible to do this directly from lyx I would expect either 
someone changed this value by hand or your beamer layout file has those 
values there.

  If you want to you can change both values by hand and the file will start to 
behave nicely.

> I attach the lyx document.
> Thanks.

José Abílio

Re: Book cover in LyX file

2006-03-23 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 23 March 2006 21:03, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm making my first Ebook, and want to have the front cover be part of the
> final PDF file. That means it, and a following blank page, has to come
> before the title page.
> I'd like the cover page to be a graphic. How do I do this?


  I remember this advice from Herbert's previous answers to similar questions. 
Notice that I could remember wrong. :-)

> Thanks
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Author:
>* Universal Troubleshooting Process courseware
>* Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
>* Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist
> Webmaster
>* Troubleshooters.Com

José Abílio

Re: Multi-part doc plus HTML export?

2006-03-16 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 16 March 2006 07:03, Robert van der Kamp wrote:
> Hi Jose!
> >   I don't think that all is in place to do what you want.
> That's too bad.

  Actually some of your wishes are in our todo lists for some time. :-)

> > > 1. I want each of the systems have their own document,
> > > explaining the system's features, etc.
> >
> >   One way would be to have a master document in the root
> > and then use the other documents as slaves. So each
> > project would have its lyx file (That could include other
> > files...).
> I guessed it would have to be set up like this, yes.
> So the master-slave pattern can repeat again in the slave
> docs? Nice...

  Yes, on both accounts. :-)

> > > 2. I want to be able to hyperlink from these documents
> > > to other Lyx documents (e.g. a section, a table, a
> > > figure), or to certain functions or other contructs in
> > > the C/C++ source code.
> >
> >   In lyx that requires to always load the master
> > document.
> Now that could be a serious problem with some 80 documents
> involved. The master doc, with all slaves included, could
> become too big to handle easily.

  It is not an easy problem to solve. Docbook uses olink for that but then you 
need an external tool to guarantee that those external references exists and 
are correctly deal depending on the exported format. It is not a trivial 

> And there's no way to make a hyperlink (or crossref) to a
> non-lyx doc, like a C source file, right?

  You could use the url inset and overload its definition to do what you want.

> > > 5. And finally I need all the individual files
> > > converted to HTML, the HTML file stored next to the
> > > orginal Lyx file in the corresponding subfolders, and
> > > with the hyperlinks now pointing to the associated HTML
> > > file instead of the original Lyx file, thus creating a
> > > nice web of HTML documentation.
> >
> >   Here you need to tweak the latex to html converters as
> > it is not possible now.
> Yes, I guessed as much. What I need is some 'distributed
> documentation' feature, but it isn't implemented in any of
> the apps I tried so far (OpenOffice, Lyx). The master-slave
> feature comes half-way, but the moment you want the slave
> docs individually converted (distributed) as a batch, using
> the master document concept, it's a no no.

  I don't blame them. :-)
  The problem is already quite complex.

  I have (ab)used this feature before but switching off the use of temporary 
directories in lyx, but that is not possible anymore. :-)

> Okay, thanks for the info Jose. Appreciated!

  :-) My good dead of the day. ;-)

> - Robert

José Abílio

Re: lyx2lyx where?

2006-03-16 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 15 March 2006 23:57, Myriam Abramson wrote:
> Where can I get this conversion script?

  What operating system are you using? (Distribution and other details 

  lyx2lyx is installed in $PATH_TO_LYX/lib/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx usually.

> Sorry, I'm desperate. I have to post a midterm.


> --
>                                    myriam

José Abílio

Re: Multi-part doc plus HTML export?

2006-03-15 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 14 March 2006 17:55, Robert van der Kamp wrote:
> Hi list, long time ago for me. I see you guys have been
> busy. :)

  Hi Robert,
good to see you again.

  I don't think that all is in place to do what you want.

> I'm starting a BIG documentation project involving a huge
> C/C++ source tree of about 70 different systems
> (subfolders). Let me explain what I want to do, and
> hopefully you can tell me if this is possible in Lyx.
> 1. I want each of the systems have their own document,
> explaining the system's features, etc.

  One way would be to have a master document in the root and then use the 
other documents as slaves. So each project would have its lyx file (That 
could include other files...).

> 2. I want to be able to hyperlink from these documents to
> other Lyx documents (e.g. a section, a table, a figure), or
> to certain functions or other contructs in the C/C++ source
> code.

  In lyx that requires to always load the master document.

> 3. I want a number of Lyx documents at the top level,
> referring to the different system doc files, again using
> hyperlinks, thus creating a nice web of hyperlinked docs.

  It is the master/slave relation from above.

> 4. I want a single big PDF created from all of these
> documents (using a master document I guess), where each of
> the (about 80) documents

  Simple export the master to pdf.

> 5. And finally I need all the individual files converted to
> HTML, the HTML file stored next to the orginal Lyx file in
> the corresponding subfolders, and with the hyperlinks now
> pointing to the associated HTML file instead of the
> original Lyx file, thus creating a nice web of HTML
> documentation.

  Here you need to tweak the latex to html converters as it is not possible 

> I'm currently trying to set this up in OpenOffice v2.x, but
> the app is very instable, imo. I'd like to know if this can
> better be done in Lyx, and how easy (natural) it is for Lyx
> to do this.
> I'm running Linux here, and don't mind building a couple of
> scripts to get the HTML conversion done.
> Thanks for any info!
> Robert

José Abílio

Re: Lyx 1.4.0-1 and FC4 installation

2006-03-13 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Monday 13 March 2006 13:57, Rex Dieter wrote:
> FYI, One probably shouldn't be installing fedora-devel pkgs on fc4,
> unless you *really* know what you're doing.

  I agree, if you have access to net the best way to handle the updates is to 
use the system software, yum in this case. This will deal with dependencies 
and all the packages come from official places instead of applying them from 
random places.

> -- Rex

José Abílio

Re: some observation in the new menu layout of lyx 1.4

2006-03-10 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 10 March 2006 09:06, Martin A. Hansen wrote:
> the now gone "layout" menu has been removed: document setting is now found
> under "document", and paragraph setting and text style under "edit". i
> guess one can get used to that, but perhaps it was a good idea to keep
> these settings in the same menu? the "edit" menu that is. that seems more
> appropriate to me.
> change tracking is a tool and should be in the "tools" menu and not the
> "document" menu, IMHO.

  The change tracking stuff is a document property. Either the document have 
or it does not have it.

> and insert TOC and insert appendix should logically be placed under the
> "insert" menu.

  Try "document->table of contents" and see what you get. Certainly it does 
not belong to insert. :-)

> that makes the menu "document" obsolete - menu layout gets more clean. how
> about it?

  This is not my area, FWIW. :-)
> martin

José Abílio

Re: Missing Converters in 1.4.0

2006-03-08 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 08 March 2006 23:16, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Mar 2006, Rich Shepard wrote:
> >  I'll go back to the Help->Customization and see if I can find the
> > answers there.
>Well, reading /usr/local/share/lyx/ui/stdtoolbars.ui (and the other
> three files) leaves me more confused than enlightened. I don't see the
> references to the lib/image/action.xpm.

One example:
Toolbar "extra" "Extra"
Item "Numbered list" "layout Enumerate"

  The icon is called layout_Enumerate.xpm

Item "Set top line" "tabular-feature toggle-line-top"

  The icon is called tabular-feature_toggle-line-top.xpm

  The basic rule for the icon name is to use the lyx commands where the spaces 
have been replaced by an _underscore_.

>I see that menu position can be defined as top, bottom, or side. What
> controls how many lines of toolbar are present? On my 1280x1024 17" LCD
> monitor, I have two half-line toolbars. I'd like to place them on the same
> line but haven't figured out the magic to do that.

  That is the syntax:
"standard" "on,top"
"extra" "on,top"
"table" "off,bottom"
"math" "off,bottom"
"minibuffer" "off,bottom"

Each line is of the form:
"toolbar_name" "state, placement"

The first entry is the name of the toolbar.

state has three possible values: on, off or auto. auto means that only shows 
when the functions can be used.

placement is (well) the placement and can only be bottom or top.

> Thanks,
> Rich

José Abílio

Re: Missing Converters in 1.4.0

2006-03-08 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 08 March 2006 23:02, Rich Shepard wrote:
> Jose',
>I must have missed the pertinent messages in the other thread. When I
> press the right button while the cursor is over a tool bar I get a box that
> allows me to turn on/off Standard | Extra | Table | Math | Command buffer.
> What I would very much like is words rather than pictures in the toolbar,
> and a way of putting them on a single line rather than two half-lines.

  Oops, I am sorry I misunderstood your question.

  As far as I know what you want is not possible (yet) but I agree that is a 
nice touch. An entry in bugzilla would be usefull for us not forget your 

>I'll go back to the Help->Customization and see if I can find the
> answers there.
> Rich

José Abílio

Re: Missing Converters in 1.4.0

2006-03-08 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 08 March 2006 22:19, Rich Shepard wrote:
>    Also, as an aside, are there text-only options for the menus?

  As discussed in other thread that is true if you want permanent 
configuration, for session-wide the right button over the toolbar gives you 
more options.

  I hope I am answering your question. :-)

> Thanks,
> Rich

José Abílio

Re: Lyx-trunk configure fails

2006-03-06 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Monday 06 March 2006 11:40, Abdelrazak Younes wrote:
> Hello,
> Any time I try to configure, it fails with this:

  Hi Abdel,
wrong list? ;-)

José Abílio

Re: Spellchecking suggestion

2006-03-05 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Sunday 05 March 2006 17:21, Jean-Sebastien Roy wrote:
> Hi,
> I often use notes in LyX to put random comments about a document, which
> is very handy. Problem is, the spellchecker also checks the notes (which
> are full of non-existent words).
> An option to prevent notes from being spellchecked would be very helpful
> (and quite reasonnable, since notes won't be output in the final
> document). I was not able to find such an option if it exists.

  No such option exist now, could you please fill an entry in bugzilla as 
enhancement? This way your suggestion will not get lost. :-)

> Many thanks to the developers for the immensely useful tool that is LyX!

  You are welcome. :-)

> Regards,
> js

José Abílio

Re: Confusion With PowerPoint

2006-02-21 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Monday 20 February 2006 21:13, Rich Shepard wrote:
>Has anyone else come across people who download a beamer presentation
> (as a .pdf file) but refer to it as a "PowerPoint" presentation? Sheesh! I
> know that all my clients are stuck in the Microsoft world, but I would have
> thought the quality difference in the 'slides' was readily apparent. Guess
> not.

  I had a similar problem here. Someone asked for help to install lyx in OSX 
(mac). At certain point I had to edit some file and I asked for a text 
editor, to my dismay that person opened ...Word, really.

  At that moment I was stunned and I took some time to recover, we are talking 
about someone who teaches scientific computation to first year students.

>Perhaps I need a LaTeX logo in the bottom corner of each slide?

  The lion and the platypus would be a nice combination. ;-)
> Rich

José Abílio

Re: software manuals using Lyx

2006-02-18 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 17 February 2006 07:55, John Pye wrote:
> Hi there,
> Can anyone tell me if there is an up-to-date HOWTO somewhere for using
> Lyx for DocBook output of software user's manuals?

  No, that has been in my TODO list for a long time. :-(

> In particular, I want to be able to generate 'chm'  files for Windows,
> and DocBook XML for GNOME ('yelp' help browser). Is this something that
> other people on the list are doing?

  You need to find a tool that converts docbook to chm, and then use the 
traditional way of configuring lyx.

  1) Add format, with its viewer
  2) Define how to convert from docbook to chm

> I found this but it's 5 years old, and hopefully things have become
> easier...
> If such a HOWTO /doesn't/ exist, maybe there'd be someone willing to
> collaborate on putting it together?

  I can explain why lots of things are the way they are, and if 
possible/necessary fix those bugs.

> Cheers
> JP

José Abílio

Re: lyx 1.4.0pre minor problems

2006-02-18 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 17 February 2006 23:54, Marcelo Acuña wrote:
> Yes, I found it. Thanks.
> Now, I can´t find Navigate to next error.
> Marcelo

  AFAIR the errors are now in their own list, there are no more error insets 
(totally obnoxious from an interface point of view, IMHO).
José Abílio

Re: xforms needed question

2006-02-17 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 17 February 2006 02:30, Tom Poe wrote:
> Stephen:  Well, futzed around, then decided to log out, set session to
> KDE, and ran the command, 'yum xforms'.  It worked magically!  This was
> my first experience with yum.  I then ran the command 'yum install lyx'
> and again, magic!  I am now up and running.  Thanks, much!
> Installed: lyx.i386 0:1.3.7-5.fc4
> Dependency Installed: aiksaurus.i386 1:1.2.1-7 lyx-qt.i386 0:1.3.7-5.fc4
> mathml-fonts.noarch 0:1.0-19.fc4
> Complete!

  Ah, you could have told that you are using FC-4, :-)
  Some of us in the devel team use it.

  The packager for Fedora Extras, Rex Dieter from kde-redhat is very 
responsive so you are in good hands. :-)

  OT here, if you use KDE and Fedora I suggest you to visit

> Tom

  All the best,
José Abílio

Re: xforms needed question

2006-02-16 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 16 February 2006 22:52, Tom Poe wrote:
> I checked for xforms download, and ran into problems trying to locate
> the proper file.  The Redhat link for rpm, for example, gave me an error
> message that it couldn't change ftp directory.  Does anyone know where I
> can download Xforms files?  Or, should I try to use QT, and follow the
> INSTALL directions?  I'm using the Gnome GUI, not the KDE GUI.
> Here's message when I tried to install 1.3.7 on FC4:
> Configuration
>   Host type:  i686-pc-linux-gnu
>   Special build flags:xforms-image-loader use-pspell use-ispell
>   C   Compiler:   gcc
>   C   Compiler flags: -g -O2
>   C++ Compiler:   g++ (4.0.2)
>   C++ Compiler flags: -O
>   Linker flags:
>   Frontend:   xforms
> libXpm version:   4.11
> libforms version:
>   Packaging:  posix
> LyX binary dir:   /usr/local/bin
> LyX files dir:/usr/local/share/lyx
>  The following problems have been detected by configure.
>  Please check the messages below before running 'make'.
>  (see the section 'Problems' in the INSTALL file)
> ** Cannot find libforms or libxforms. Please check that the xforms library
>is correctly installed on your system.
> ** Cannot find forms.h. Please check that the forms library
>is correctly installed on your system.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] lyx-1.3.7]

Usually this errors means that you need to install xforms-devel, in addition 
to xforms (if we are speaking about rpms).

José Abílio

Re: lyx 1.4.0pre minor problems

2006-02-16 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 16 February 2006 13:36, Marcelo Acuña wrote:
> 4) I lost feature: in paragraph settings I can´t find
> skip spaces for before and after. This feature was
> present in 1.3.6.

  Hi Marcelo,
this is present but elsewhere, search for Insert->Special 

> (I have suse 9.3.)
> Marcelo

José Abílio

Re: Suppressing Page Number After Title Page

2006-02-03 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 03 February 2006 16:42, Rich Shepard wrote:
>I should know how to do this, or find the correct macro in TLC2, but the
> answer has so far eluded me.
>Document is book class with fancy headers. Following the title page is a
> blank page with the page number '2' that I'd like to suppress. I've tried
> \frontmatter
> \pagestyle{plain}
> between the author and the Preface page. I've also tried {empty} with the
> same lack of results. \clearpage and \cleardoublepage also do not affect
> the headers and footers.
>Looking at TLC2 I don't see how to turn off the header and footer for
> this one page. A reminder would be greatly appreciated.

In ERT in the title page:


I am kidding not. ;-)

> Thanks,
> Rich

José Abílio

Re: A Newbie's Experience with LyX

2006-01-30 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Sunday 29 January 2006 17:20, Rich Shepard wrote:
> I've not read the OP's blog so I cannot directly comment on specific issues
> raised. However, I will share my initial reaction to reading the original
> post: Why use a typesetting system designed for text-heavy printed
> documents to produce HTML for Web pages?

  Because you can worry once about the format and other times about 
content? :-)

  I have used lyx before precisely for this. I am no example in this 
regard. :-D

  My point is just that sometimes it makes sense, it is not a far fetched 
example. As usual the devil is in the details... :-)

José Abílio

Re: LyX 1.3.4 and LyX 1.3.7

2006-01-25 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 25 January 2006 17:59, Griera wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm using LyX 1.3.4 in a sarge debian and now I have LyX 1.3.7 for Windows
> from Can I have problems if I work
> with the same document with lyx 1.3.4 and 1.3.7?

  No, modulo bugs. :-)

  That is, if you have then it is a bug. :-)

> Thanks in advance. Pep.

José Abílio

Re: lyx 1.4.0 pre 3 not open my file

2006-01-24 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 24 January 2006 21:46, Marcelo Acuÿf1a wrote:
> Hello,
>   I make an upgrade from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 and this work ok.
>   No problem.
>   Then make an upgrade to 1.4.0 pre3 and found a problem.
>   This new version open correctly several files from 1.3.6 and
>   1.3.7 but my main work, a long book, is not open. Appears
>   an error mesage like: "lyx2lyx can´t convert this file".
>   How I can solved this?

  If you run lyx2lyx directly from the command line what is the error?

  I seem to remember some bugfixes after pre3, if not it is a new bug.

>   Thanks
>   Marcelo

José Abílio

Re: Why does my text runneth into the right margin?

2006-01-11 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 12 January 2006 00:28, Rich Shepard wrote:
> You can give it some hints by putting {\-} at a
> hyphenation place (using LaTeX mode, of course).

  There is no need to use the TeX mode, lyx supports this feature as Uwe 
described, Insert->Special Character->Hyphenation Point

  The shortcut for this is Ctr - (CUA) or Ctr h (for emacs mode).

  It is really handy. :-)

> Rich

José Abílio

Re: export koi8-r

2006-01-06 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 06 January 2006 12:59, mal content wrote:
> Hello.
> How do I export plain text in koi8-r encoding? The export menu
> offers only ASCII.

  That options exports the text using the current encoding, lyx 1.4.0 calls it 
"plain text" since it is a more faithful name. :-)

> Thanks,
> A1

José Abílio

Re: Converting lyx-file from 1.4 to 1.3.x series

2006-01-05 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 05 January 2006 01:34, I Wayan Warmada wrote:
> Dear LyX-Users,
> could you please explain me a way to\ convert lyx-file backward from 1.4
> series to 1.3.x series... Unfortunately I can not compile LyX in newer
> version of SuSE (SuSE 9.3) due to the lack of F77 compiler. In this
> machine I still use the old version of LyX (1.3.4).

  Could you post the error, please?

  LyX does not requires a fortran compiler. :-)

  I don't have g77 either and I don't have any problems compiling the new 

> Thank you very much for your kind attention.

  FWIW the tip from Bo will work for 1.4 lyx2lyx, as will release a new 
version of 1.3, 1.3.7, almost at the same time as 1.4 that will be able to 
read lyx 1.4 file format.

> Best Regards,
> Wayan

José Abílio

Re: Converting lyx-file from 1.4 to 1.3.x series

2006-01-05 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 05 January 2006 02:22, Bo Peng wrote:
> > could you please explain me a way to\ convert lyx-file backward from 1.4
> > series to 1.3.x series...
> Use lyx2lyx directly in a way like
> python /usr/local/share/lyx14/lyx2lyx/lyx2lyx -f 245 -t 221 file.lyx -o
> new.lyx

  No need to use the first -f 245 as lyx2lyx will knows about it, and it will 
discard it if it is wrong. :-)

> A bug has been submitted about this and 1.4.0 may have a menu item
> that can save current file to 1.3.x format.
> Bo

José Abílio

Re: LyX 1.4.0pre3 on MacOSX - first impressions

2005-12-30 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 29 December 2005 22:29, Anders Ekberg wrote:
> - When a template is not found and substituted by the default  
> template the text is marked by a blue underline (this may of course  
> be intentional)

  This is not a bug. :-)

  Blue underline means the characthers language is different from the 
document's language. It happens to me when I copy some text from an English 
document to a Portuguese. Probably the same is happening with you, if not 
then certainly it is a bug. ;-)

José Abílio

Re: Generating pdfs from the CLI.

2005-12-28 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 28 December 2005 19:08, José Pablo Ezequiel Fernández wrote:
> Hello,
> Running
> lyx-qt -e pdf isopbx.lyx

lyx -e pdf2 isopbx.lyx

You can see the right format in Edit->Preferences->PDF(pdflatex)->Format

> I export to isopbx to pdf, how do I export using the pdflatex filter/chain
> ? Thanks.

José Abílio

Re: Using 14 point font in Memoir

2005-12-27 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 27 December 2005 08:37, Juergen Spitzmueller wrote:
> Huh? My memoir.layout has
> ClassOptions
> FontSize             9|10|11|12|14|17
> PageStyle          
>  empty|plain|headings|myheadings|ruled|Ruled|companion Other              
>  oldfontcommands
> End
> 14pt and 17pt font sizes can be directly chosen without problems.

  Ignore me, too much candies during holidays. :-)

> Jürgen

  PS: Don't you have by any chance a bag at hand? I could hide my head 
there. ;-)
José Abílio

Re: Using 14 point font in Memoir

2005-12-27 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
Hi Steve,
I send an example, the file is empty but Layout->Document->Options has 
right value "14pt".

It works for me.

José Abílio

Re: Using 14 point font in Memoir

2005-12-27 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Sunday 25 December 2005 06:09, Steve Litt wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a document class that is based on Memoir. According to the Memoir
> document class documentation, Memoir supports the following document font
> sizes: 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, 14pt and 17pt
> I want to use 14pt, but the option doesn't show up in LyX's
> Layout->Document->Layout->Font&Size. If I use Vim to strongarm the .lyx
> file itself to \paperfontsize 14, when I View->postscript the typesize is
> 10, which is Memoir's default. How do I use Memoir's 14 point size?

  That is on my todo list for 1.5. According to my friends that seems to be 
the usual answer when someone asks for some not yet supported feature. ;-)

  The supported paper sizes should a property of the textclass and it should 
be defined there.

  As an workaround you can pass 14pt in Layout->Document->Options as long as 
you keep the paper size as default...

  I have not tried but I expect this to work...

> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Author:
>* Universal Troubleshooting Process courseware
>* Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful Technologist
>* Rapid Learning: Secret Weapon of the Successful Technologist
> Webmaster
>* Troubleshooters.Com

José Abílio

Re: Adding a subsubsubsection?

2005-12-02 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 02 December 2005 16:40, Gill, Jack wrote:
> Thanks.
> Via the menu I can make 1) a section, 2) a subsection, and 3)a
> subsubsection.  However I need a fourth level, 4) a subsubsubsection.

  I know. :-)
  If you use the layout you will notice that bellow subsubsection you have 4) 
paragraph and 5) subparagraph. Try it. :-)

  You can then control if the number shows, or not, in the text and in the toc 
playing with Layout->Document->Numbering.

> Jack

José Abílio

Re: Adding a subsubsubsection?

2005-12-02 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 02 December 2005 16:24, Gill, Jack wrote:
> Most of the document classes have sub-sub sections.  How can I add a
> third sub-sub-sub section?

  In latex parlance that is a Paragraph, and its sub is a SubParagraph. :-)

> Jack

José Abílio

Re: Configuring toolbars to deal with layouts

2005-12-02 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 01 December 2005 17:23, Ernesto Posse wrote:
> 3) Is there a way to add a second toolbar? The website mentions that
> the Qt front-end can handle multiple toolbars, but I find no
> documentation on how to do so. Adding another "Toolbar" section in
> default.ui just makes lyx crash.

Wait for 1.4 for this feature. :-)

José Abílio

Re: All caps "LIST OF FIGURES" and list of appendices in TOC?

2005-12-01 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 01 December 2005 08:33, Andrew Morrison wrote:
> Three questions:
> 1.  How do I make "List of Figures" appear as "LIST OF FIGURES"?
> 2.  Is it possible to have a "list of appendices" that works exactly like
> the list of figures/list of tables? (Sorry for re-asking this question. I'm
> guessing the answer is no.)

  Check in the lyx site the link to Tips and Tricks, I remember to have seen 
there the answer for the 2 previous questions. :-)

> 3.  Do all universities have INSANE formatting guidelines (see above) which
> cannot be deviated from?

  Even worse sometimes, I have seen really worse, so believe me, you are 
lucky. ;-)

> Thanks!
> Andrew Morrison

José Abílio

Re: align left and hyphenation

2005-11-21 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 22 November 2005 00:10, Angus Leeming wrote:
> I think that the *real* point is that this is a religious issue. If you
> write to an email list asking for help yet use html then you are likely to
> be ignored by those who have taken the religious position that html email
> is evil. Since this religion is followed by a very large percentage of
> Open Source developers, you're removing many of those best able to answer
> your question from your pool of answerers. It sort of defeats your purpose
> for writing in the first place --- to ask for help.

  But so it does requiring the messages to be in (some sort of) english. Every 
group has its set of rules, even if sometimes not written. This seems to be 
one more example of that kind. :-)

> The most coherent reason I've found to justify this religion is that html
> email totally screws up many mail archiving softwares. Maybe that's a
> reason to improve these softwares, but that doesn't really help us now.
> Not posting html is today's solution.

1)  C'mon you are not telling me that phishing is a false problems, are you?

  So if we want to play safe we should be restricted to internal content.

2)  I have a distinct taste for high resolution screens, my laptop is 
1680*1050. (I know about those of 1920*1200).
  Most of the html messages I have seen look so different between them as they 
assume different sizes, different fonts...

  One solution to part of this is to control the css stylesheet used to render 
the page. I can do it, but then I defeat the reasons for html usage.

> Having said that, who said that religions need to be coherent?

  Not only that but they should not. It is always a question of referential.
José Abílio

Re: align left and hyphenation

2005-11-21 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Monday 21 November 2005 17:26, Helge Hafting wrote:
> Sure, people insist on ascii/unicode email with no formatting.
> I can write justified email in html, but html is usually very
> unpopular on open-source lists due to all the people using
> non-html capable mailreaders.

  That is not the point and most of the people use capable html readers. Even 
most of the text based programs are html capable. I can found several of the 
reasons here:

> Writing justified ascii can be done assuming all readers use a fixed-width
> font, but some doesn't. :-)

  What most email programs produce btw is a poor excuse of html, not even html 

> Helge Hafting

  I find it ironic defending a subject because it is pseudo-WYSIWYG in a lyx 
list. ;-)
José Abílio

Re: latex import problem

2005-11-20 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Sunday 20 November 2005 14:47, Sanda Pavel wrote:
> > Did you try tex2lyx? It may give you better results.
> > See for available
> that produces lyx, which cant be corectly displayed by the older
> version then lyx 1.4 (which is not yet :)
> compiling devel release is not easy for my configuration now, so
> i will wait for 1.4 release.

  You can get the 1.4 version of lyx2lyx to revert back to 1.3.x format, 
actually as soon as 1.4.0 is released 1.3.7 will be released this way, with 
the ability to read 1.4.x files.

> thanks for pointing out
> pavel

  I hope this helps,
José Abílio

Re: custom layout resources for common environments

2005-11-20 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Sunday 20 November 2005 11:16, Nusret BALCI wrote:
> In the past I used Sientific Workplace writing my M.S.
> thesis (and I will use, hopefully, LyX in for my PhD
> thesis :). They used a similar layout dropdown box,
> but it had some of the options I mentioned. For
> example, if you select the Theorem environment (just
> as you do when you select, say, Enumerate in LyX,
> rendering automatically changed to an emphasized mode
> together with a "Theorem" caption, etc. This was very
> pleasant to my eyes.

There are (lyx) layout classes with those styles defined, search for ams 
variants and you will see them.

José Abílio

Re: LyX function for German hard S?

2005-11-19 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Saturday 19 November 2005 21:09, Nusret BALCI wrote:
> Christian,
> the key combination you mentioned doesn't work (for me
> not a big deal, though: there are several other
> convenient ways to enter scharfes s), but I wonder why
> you thought this would do: What's the magic behind
> Alt-2-2-3?

  223 is the code of ß in a given encoding. In this context the encoding is 
used by microsoft, it is almost equal to latin-1 but not quite (as usual :-), 
in this range of values is the same as latin-1.

  Just to confirm (calling from ipython):

In [13]: print chr(223).decode('latin-1')

> Thank you.
> Nusret

José Abílio

Re: tex2lyx problems

2005-11-18 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 18 November 2005 17:38, Georg Baum wrote:
> > And if you solve the problem, please tell me or tell the forum so all of
> > us can learn from these bugs.
> It was very easy:
> You had the two commands
> \newcommand {\be} {\begin{equation}}
> \newcommand {\ee} {\end  {equation}}
> in the preamble and used these. This falls under the category "dirty
> tricks" as far as tex2lyx is concerned, because tex2lyx does not know that
> these commands start math mode and does not interpret macros. Everything
> works well if you replace these commands by their definition:
> s/^\\be$/\\begin{equation}/
> s/^\\ee$/\\end{equation}/
> replaced all but one occurence, which I searched and replaced by hand. I
> needed to bind the searched words to the beginning and end of the line,
> otherwise it would also find \begin and \end.

  This could/should go in the wiki I have seen this kind of stuff so many 
times, the problem is that this varies from person.

  That and the words with accents... argh.

> Georg

José Abílio

Re: tex2lyx problems

2005-11-18 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 18 November 2005 15:26, Horacio Emilio Pérez Sánchez wrote:
> Now the script lyx2lyx works with no error messages, so I have a new lyx
> file supposedly for the 1.3.5 version format.

  Good. :-)

> When I open this file with lyx 1.3.5, there are no errors during the import
> process, but when I compile to pdf, there is a lot of errors.
> It seems to me that, unfortunately, there is already a lot of work to do
> with this program.

  Not necessarily sometimes it is either something missing in preamble or the 
same type of mistake replicated all over the place.

  What kind of errors do you get?

> So I don't know what to do now. Maybe I will write again the latex document
> in lyx from zero, at least I am sure it will work.

  From what you telling it looks like the errors show in math expressions, 

> Thanks a lot for the answers.
> Obrigado.

  You are welcome.

José Abílio

Re: tex2lyx problems

2005-11-18 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Friday 18 November 2005 10:52, Horacio Emilio Pérez Sánchez wrote:
> Hola,

  Hola, :-)

> I have a tex document with a lot of mathematical formulae and so on, and I
> want to convert this to lyx in order to be able to merge in a bigger lyx
> document I have.
> The first time I used relyx (or import from latex in lyx), but this only
> works with very simple latex files and no with my text. Reading the mail
> list I saw there is a new program called tex2lyx, which seems to be more
> powerful than relyx and having the same functionality. So I installed (in
> fact I copied the debian binary to a directory) tex2lyx in my system and
> used it with my tex file. It seemd to work with no problem and produced a
> lyx file.
> But when I open this new lyx file with my lyx program (1.3.5 on suse 9.1)
> it says, more or less, "the file was created with a newer version of lyx",
> and it's not possible to read.

  Is not there a 1.3.6 for suse 9.1?

> Reading again the mail list, I understood there is a python script called
> lyx2lyx, which can convert lyx files for the 1.4 version to the 1.3.5
> version, so I looked for this file and I found it in the source code of the
> lyx 1.3.6 package. When I try to use this with
> python PATH \ --to 221 --output newfile_13x.lyx oldfile_14x.lyx

  It should be:

$ python PATH/TO/lyx2lyx --to=221 --output=newfile_13x.lyx oldfile_14x.lyx

where clearly PATH/TO/lyx2lyx is the location of the lyx2lxy script.

> there is a lot of error messages I don't understand, but I think that I
> should look for a lyx2lyx version adequated for my system, but I don't know
> exactly where and If this could really help me to visualize the lyx
> generated file for the 1.4 version.

  lyx2lyx is written in python and independent of the underlying system. Not 
only that but is even independent of the lyx version in the sense that we 
have been successfully backporting the newest version to 1.3.x series without 
any problems.

> Has anybody has the same problem ? Is 
> it possible to obtain a lyx2lyx usable file for my system ? Maybe should I
> obtain a better tex2lyx file for my system ?
> If not possible, could I download and install the 1.4 version of lyx
> although in development status ?  Would it be worthy ?

  You can try, and report your findings, but it is not necessary to solve your 
problem. :-)

  I hope this helps.

> Thanks.
> Horacio.

José Abílio

Re: Installing Lyx on Windows: pb with Python (or msys?)

2005-11-16 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Tuesday 15 November 2005 22:44, mel b wrote:
> and the message is an ImportError for the os module.

  This is an indication that something is wrong with your python installation.

  I am not saying that this is the only problem or the cause of the others, 
but this should not happen in a normal setup.

José Abílio

Re: Beamer Class: Lost Logo

2005-10-20 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 20 October 2005 16:13, Rich Shepard wrote:
>In a couple of presentations I have the following ERT immediately after
> the author block on the title slide:
> \pgfdeclareimage[height=0.5cm]{institution-logo}{/home/rshepard/data/slide-
>presentation/beamer/aesi-logo} \logo{\pgfuseimage{institution-logo}}
> but nothing shows up on the slides when viewed with pdflatex. The image is
> available as both .jpg and .png.
>I'm not seeing what I broke since it last worked. Hints and suggestions
> are encouraged.

  AFAIR you need the file suffix for pdflatex.

> TIA,
> Rich

José Abílio

Re: Lyx command line question

2005-10-19 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 19 October 2005 06:04, Roy Schestowitz wrote:
> That said, I can't understand why people steer away from encapsulated
> PostScript, which in most cases ought to be used as it preserves and
> incorporates vectors rather than pixels. If used properly, it is also far
> smaller in terms of size and results in document output that is infinitely
> scalable with good zooming as required.

  pdflatex only accepts png or pdf graphics, IIRC.

  And that is why lyx converts the other file formats to those for pdflatex.
José Abílio

Re: Increase features - no!

2005-10-10 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Monday 10 October 2005 14:47, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>     Hey Andre' -- I'm a Linux user. I work on Linux
> for about six years. I know this SO! I've installed
> Lyx on it, but the spellchecker is not working yet at
> spanish and portuguese! :)

  What distribution are you using? I don't have problems with the 
spellchecker, I don't even remember the last time I had any trouble. :-)

>     Take care!
>           Douglas

José Abílio

Re: Hyphenation --- but before: Thank you!

2005-10-07 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos

> Any sugestions? Maybe some resource to turn off
> the LaTeX hyphenation job?

  Usually it is the opposite problem, you don't have hyphenation enabled for
Portuguese. Believe me, I known. ;-)

  Due to memory restrictions when TeX was created most of the hyphenation
patterns for most of the languages were turned off by default. This is no
more the case for tetex 3. :-)

  So if you have an older version the right fix is to go to tex config and
turn on the right hypenation patterns, in this case for Portuguese and
Spanish, since those are the language you intend to use.

> Take care!
> --
>  Abraços!
>  Douglas

José Matos

Re: Page numbers and foot-note distance

2005-10-06 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 06 October 2005 04:27, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > 2. Increase the foot-note distance from
> > >the body text? (it is too close to the
> > >body area)
> >
> >   What class are you using?
> I've tried all classes :) I just think it all was so
> close (the space between the body text and the
> foot-notes)!

  You can play with the settings in Layout->Document->Margins

  Usually I don't care with the text settings since most of the time they seem 
correct to me. :-)

> What class do you like best to fill beautifully the
> document?

  I use the cv class that comes with lyx. :-)

> --
>  Abraços!
>  Douglas

José Abílio

Re: Inserting Accented Characters easily?

2005-10-05 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Thursday 06 October 2005 03:35, Stacia Hartleben wrote:
> Is there a trick to inserting accented characters? I just copied in
> the chars I needed but it got tedious keeping track of all those
> different accented chars after a while. Sorry if it's a dumb question
> but I might just be missing something very obvious...

  What is the version you are using? What is the OS where it is running?

  There were several combination of those where the insertion of accented 
characters was not working.

  Inserting an accented letter (like those in my name) in lyx it works the 
same as any other program. :-)

José Abílio

Re: Page numbers and foot-note distance

2005-10-05 Thread Jose&#x27; Matos
On Wednesday 05 October 2005 23:01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hey friends! How are you doing? I hope fine!
> Well, the subject already speaks for itself:
> How can I:
> 1. Take off the page numbers? (I need to
>make a Curriculum Vitae); and

  Layout->Document->Page style: empty
  As Paul has suggested look to the cv class that comes with lyx and it has an 
example in the wiki.

> 2. Increase the foot-note distance from
>the body text? (it is too close to the
>body area)

  What class are you using?

> Thanks a lot in advance!
> --
>  Abraços!
>  Douglas

José Abílio

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