Re: numeric bibliography reference, biblatex, ieee

2023-11-22 Thread Neal Becker
Thanks.  1st I found that if I choose biblatex natbib mode then numeric
does work.  As you mentioned I also found I needed biblatex-ieee package
and select ieee option for bibliography.

Now it works, but as I found previously, the bibliography thus formatted
doesn't look like the ieee formatting produced by the old bibtex mode.  The
older one produces entries that are more visually compact.  Not sure if
using different font and/or size.

On Tue, Nov 21, 2023 at 3:52 PM Axel Dessecker  wrote:

> Am Montag, 20. November 2023, 17:41:03 CET schrieb Neal Becker:
> > I just started a new paper in ieee style and selected biblatex for
> > bibliography.  I know I will probably have to change that because last
> time
> > I used biblatex with ieee the resulting bibliography was too large -
> using
> > bibtex produced better results, but that's not my question.
> >
> > I need to get numeric references in the text (e.g., [1]), but that
> doesn't
> > seem to be a choice.  Even though in document/settings/bibliography I've
> > selected numeric, that's not an option for "citation style" when I click
> on
> > the citation.  I've attached 2 pics to illustrate.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> Neal,
> Have you thought about installing the biblatex-ieee package? This is also
> part
> of texlive.
> Axel

*Those who don't understand recursion are doomed to repeat it*
lyx-users mailing list

Re: numeric bibliography reference, biblatex, ieee

2023-11-21 Thread Axel Dessecker
Am Montag, 20. November 2023, 17:41:03 CET schrieb Neal Becker:
> I just started a new paper in ieee style and selected biblatex for
> bibliography.  I know I will probably have to change that because last time
> I used biblatex with ieee the resulting bibliography was too large - using
> bibtex produced better results, but that's not my question.
> I need to get numeric references in the text (e.g., [1]), but that doesn't
> seem to be a choice.  Even though in document/settings/bibliography I've
> selected numeric, that's not an option for "citation style" when I click on
> the citation.  I've attached 2 pics to illustrate.
> Any ideas?


Have you thought about installing the biblatex-ieee package? This is also part 
of texlive.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: LyX 2.3.7 & BibLaTeX?

2023-10-27 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 27 Oct 2023, Bernt Lie via lyx-users wrote:

While I'm waiting, I'm starting to use Zotero to manage bibliography
files, and had some help from a more IT knowledgeable colleague. He set up
Zotero to store bibliography files as BibLaTeX. Some experience:

 1. In the past, I have used the AGSM bibliography style file. This style
doesn't seem to work with BibLaTeX?? Is there another, similar
bibliography style that works with BibLaTeX (i.e., Harvard style, etc.)??
[One change from BibTeX to BibLaTeX seems to be change of field name
"year" to field name "date"??)

 2. One *bad* (?) experience with Zotero is that it *changed* all the
bibliography *label* names. I assume this means that all past LyX/LaTeX
documents I have written will show up with *broken* references if I switch
to the new *.bib file generated by Zotero.

To repeat: my question is:

 *   Is there a BibLaTeX compatible bibliography style file with LyX 2.3.7
   that works similarly to how AGSM works?
 *   Or do I have to wait for LyX 2.4 for BibLaTeX compatibility?


I have been using JabREF for years so I don't know Zotero, but I'll try to
assist you.

What sort of data are your references? In my case they're all
ecological/environmental science and I use BibLaTeX (natbib-mode) as the
citation style format with Author-year format. The bibliography style is
authoryear and the bibliography generation processor is biber.

Here's a referece that might help you:
It uses natbib, with works with BibTex, but the BibLaTeX (natbib-mode) is



lyx-users mailing list

LyX 2.3.7 & BibLaTeX?

2023-10-27 Thread Bernt Lie via lyx-users
I'm on LyX 2.3.7, eagerly awaiting the release of 2.4 (whenever that will be).

While I'm waiting, I'm starting to use Zotero to manage bibliography files, and 
had some help from a more IT knowledgeable colleague. He set up Zotero to store 
bibliography files as BibLaTeX. Some experience:

  1.  In the past, I have used the AGSM bibliography style file. This style 
doesn't seem to work with BibLaTeX?? Is there another, similar bibliography 
style that works with BibLaTeX (i.e., Harvard style, etc.)?? [One change from 
BibTeX to BibLaTeX seems to be change of field name "year" to field name 
  2.  One *bad* (?) experience with Zotero is that it *changed* all the 
bibliography *label* names. I assume this means that all past LyX/LaTeX 
documents I have written will show up with *broken* references if I switch to 
the new *.bib file generated by Zotero.

To repeat: my question is:

  *   Is there a BibLaTeX compatible bibliography style file with LyX 2.3.7 
that works similarly to how AGSM works?
  *   Or do I have to wait for LyX 2.4 for BibLaTeX compatibility?


lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script Report Class: cannot select biblatex [RESOLVED]

2023-10-25 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 24 Oct 2023, Paul Rubin wrote:

The Natbibapa module may be the culprit. If I remove it, I can change the
bibliography style.


Well, shame on me! I looked at Settings and missed Modules. That's exactly
the cause. How that module was added I've no idea.

Many thanks,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script Report Class: cannot select biblatex

2023-10-25 Thread Dr Eberhard W Lisse
So it was not really a MWE.


On 2023-10-25 04:52, Paul Rubin wrote:
> On 10/24/23 14:57, Rich Shepard wrote:
>> I've created a new KOMA-Script report class MWE (attached.)  It
>> has only a title and the question, "Why can't I change the
>> bibliograpy style format in Document -> Settings ->
>> Bibliography?"
> The Natbibapa module may be the culprit.  If I remove it, I can
> change the bibliography style.
> Paul

lyx-users mailing list

Re: KOMA-Script Report Class: cannot select biblatex

2023-10-24 Thread Paul Rubin

On 10/24/23 14:57, Rich Shepard wrote:

I had a similar issue last June but there no longer are old, deprecated,
font style commands in my jabrefbib.bib file. I searched my lyx mail file
(from 2005) without seeing this particular situation.

I've created a new KOMA-Script report class MWE (attached.) It has only a
title and the question, "Why can't I change the bibliograpy style 
format in

Document -> Settings -> Bibliography?"

The style format data entry box has greyed out 'Natbib (BibTex)' and 

are no other choices available.

What do I do to fix this so I can select BibLaTeX as the style format 

related style choices?)



The Natbibapa module may be the culprit. If I remove it, I can change 
the bibliography style.

lyx-users mailing list

KOMA-Script Report Class: cannot select biblatex

2023-10-24 Thread Rich Shepard

I had a similar issue last June but there no longer are old, deprecated,
font style commands in my jabrefbib.bib file. I searched my lyx mail file
(from 2005) without seeing this particular situation.

I've created a new KOMA-Script report class MWE (attached.) It has only a
title and the question, "Why can't I change the bibliograpy style format in
Document -> Settings -> Bibliography?"

The style format data entry box has greyed out 'Natbib (BibTex)' and there
are no other choices available.

What do I do to fix this so I can select BibLaTeX as the style format (and
related style choices?)


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\begin_layout Title
Minimal Wrong Example: KOMA-Script Report Class Bibliography

\begin_layout Standard
Why can't I change the style format to biblatex?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex question

2023-06-29 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 28 Jun 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:

I'm getting a build error at the bibliography grey box at the end of the
document: "Package inputenc error: keyboard character used is undefined."

Part of the KOMA-Script bug.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex question

2023-06-29 Thread Scott Kostyshak
On Wed, Jun 28, 2023 at 03:17:28PM -0700, Rich Shepard wrote:
> I'm getting a build error at the bibliography grey box at the end of the
> document: "Package inputenc error: keyboard character used is undefined."
> In the biblatex cheat sheet the first command in the preamble should be
> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
> but in my document it's
> \usepackage[latin9]{inputenc}
> I don't see where in Settings I can change that. It must be an option in one
> of the settings and I don't know which one.
> Pointer needed.

In Document > Settings > Language change the Encoding radio button from 
"Language default" to "Other" and in the scrollbox select "Unicode (utf8)".


Description: PGP signature
lyx-users mailing list

biblatex question

2023-06-28 Thread Rich Shepard

I'm getting a build error at the bibliography grey box at the end of the
document: "Package inputenc error: keyboard character used is undefined."

In the biblatex cheat sheet the first command in the preamble should be
but in my document it's

I don't see where in Settings I can change that. It must be an option in one
of the settings and I don't know which one.

Pointer needed.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Selecting an author-year biblatex option [RESOLVED]

2023-06-23 Thread Rich Shepard

On Fri, 23 Jun 2023, Rich Shepard wrote:

My document bibliography is stuck at bibtex. After installing TL2023 I
changed it to biblatex but now it's reverted back to bibtex. And the
biblatex authordate options for TL3 are not those seen by bibtex.

Furgeddaboutit. When LyX shut down when I pressed the wrong keys I reloaded
the old version, not the new one.

Mea culpa!

lyx-users mailing list

Selecting an author-year biblatex option

2023-06-23 Thread Rich Shepard

My document bibliography is stuck at bibtex. After installing TL2023 I
changed it to biblatex but now it's reverted back to bibtex. And the
biblatex authordate options for TL3 are not those seen by bibtex.

How can I clean this up so that Settings -> Bibliography allow me to select
biblatex and the citation and bibliography styles use those of TL3 and


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Settings -> Bibliography: no access to biblatex

2023-06-17 Thread Rich Shepard

On Sat, 17 Jun 2023, Jürgen Spitzmüller wrote:

Do you have a module loaded or something in Local Layout?


No, I don't. The issue has been resolved by my creating a new document
(KOMA-Script book class) and inserting the text file converted from the
problem file's PDF. Biblatex and biber are the defaults in the new document.

Thank you very much,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Settings -> Bibliography: no access to biblatex

2023-06-17 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Dienstag, dem 13.06.2023 um 09:27 -0700 schrieb Rich Shepard:
> Installed are lyx- and TexLive2023.
> Configuring a new book document using the memoir class the
> bibliography dialog box has made all biblatex choices unavailable
> (see attached screen shot.) Why? How do I fix this issue?

Do you have a module loaded or something in Local Layout?

lyx-users mailing list

Settings -> Bibliography: no access to biblatex

2023-06-13 Thread Rich Shepard

Installed are lyx- and TexLive2023.

Configuring a new book document using the memoir class the bibliography
dialog box has made all biblatex choices unavailable (see attached screen
shot.) Why? How do I fix this issue?


lyx-users mailing list

SOLVED: How to change citation in Biblatex spbasic

2023-06-12 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Thanks, Herbert and Jürgen.

Good to know it is quite easy to get the desired change in the output.


Am 11.06.23 um 10:14 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Am Sonntag, dem 11.06.2023 um 09:02 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Only for authors with the same familyname the given names are used.

And this could be omitted by uniquename=false or maybe a less radical
uniquename value (in Document > Settings > Bibliography > Cite Style >

See biblatex manual, 4.11.4 Name Disambiguation.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to change citation in Biblatex spbasic

2023-06-11 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Sonntag, dem 11.06.2023 um 09:02 +0200 schrieb Herbert Voss:
> Only for authors with the same familyname the given names are used.

And this could be omitted by uniquename=false or maybe a less radical
uniquename value (in Document > Settings > Bibliography > Cite Style >

See biblatex manual, 4.11.4 Name Disambiguation.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: How to change citation in Biblatex spbasic

2023-06-11 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 10.06.23 um 09:58 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
I use for my literature biblatex (author year) citation style spbasic, 
processor biber.

I would like to change the citation in the text slightly.

S Daan, DGM Beersma (1984)
should be

Daan, Beersma (1984)

or Daan and Beersma (1984)

Can I obtain this in the Style options and what should be entered there?


that is already the default of the style biblatex-spbasic. Only for 
authors with the

same familyname the given names are used.

lyx-users mailing list

How to change citation in Biblatex spbasic

2023-06-10 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
I use for my literature biblatex (author year) citation style spbasic, 
processor biber.

I would like to change the citation in the text slightly.

S Daan, DGM Beersma (1984)
should be

Daan, Beersma (1984)

or Daan and Beersma (1984)

Can I obtain this in the Style options and what should be entered there?

If not, how would I change it in the citation style spbasic which was 
modified for LyX by Herbert Voss?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Where is the right place for Biblatex redefinitions?

2022-09-28 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Mittwoch, dem 28.09.2022 um 11:21 +0200 schrieb
> This may be solved by enclosing your specific settings in
> \AtEndPreamble{…}, for which you need the package etoolbox:

Or, with a reasonably new LaTeX release, use


which will issue the code as soon as biblatex has been loaded.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lyx-users mailing list

RE: Where is the right place for Biblatex redefinitions?

2022-09-28 Thread kzstatis
>I need to apply some renewcommands to the standard ext-biblatex-verbose-trad3 
>% specific settings:
>If I put them in the preamble, they seem to be taken into account in the pdf, 
>but they cause a lot of error warnings (sequences of "undefined" >and "already 
>defined") and I would like to avoid that, since my document is very long and I 
>might miss other error warnings. 
>My question is: Is there a better way of inserting these lines? Before the 
>bibliography in TeX code? Or where?

When you make a pdf, LyX first exports the lyx file to latex. It places the 
\usepackage for biblatex after the document specific preamble. So when pdflatex 
sees your preamble settings, it does not know yet biblatex and its commands, 
such as biblabeldate.

This may be solved by enclosing your specific settings in \AtEndPreamble{…}, 
for which you need the package etoolbox:


This ensures that your specific settings are read at the very end of the 
preamble, when biblatex has already been read.


lyx-users mailing list

Where is the right place for Biblatex redefinitions?

2022-09-28 Thread Mathias Girel
Dear Lyx users,
I need to apply some renewcommands to the standard
ext-biblatex-verbose-trad3 style

% specific settings:

If I put them in the preamble, they seem to be taken into account in the
pdf, but they cause a lot of error warnings (sequences of "undefined" and
"already defined") and I would like to avoid that, since my document is
very long and I might miss other error warnings.
My question is: Is there a better way of inserting these lines? Before the
bibliography in TeX code? Or where?
Thanks for your help!
Best regards
lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex: excluding shorthand entries from the main bibliography in LyX ?

2022-08-21 Thread Mathias Girel
Edit : I was wrong introducing things in the preamble
Inserting in Tex code, at the end of the doc, just before the "commented
off" biblatex box the following lines did the trick
I then have my list of shorthands, and the biblio minus the titles with
There might be some "cleaner" ways to do it, I'll appreciate any
Best regards

On Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 8:57 PM Mathias Girel 

> Dear LyX users
> For a monograph, I have a long list of shorthands and wish to remove these
> references from the main bibliography.
> I have seen the following link, but it generates errors if I paste the
> beginning of the code in the preamble, and the rest in ERT at the end of
> the doc (including, but not limited to "! LaTeX Error: Missing
> \begin{document}.")
> Is there a simple way to remove the references with shorthands from the
> main biblio in LyX?
> If so, what would be your advice ?
> I’m on OS X BigSur, LyX, Texlive 2022. The class is Memoir, I'm
> using variants of verbose for Biblatex.
> The whole doc compiles very well with just the \printshorthands in ERT
> before the Biblatex box, but I wished to remove the duplicates.
> With many thanks!
> Mathias
lyx-users mailing list

biblatex: excluding shorthand entries from the main bibliography in LyX ?

2022-08-21 Thread Mathias Girel
Dear LyX users
For a monograph, I have a long list of shorthands and wish to remove these
references from the main bibliography.

I have seen the following link, but it generates errors if I paste the
beginning of the code in the preamble, and the rest in ERT at the end of
the doc (including, but not limited to "! LaTeX Error: Missing

Is there a simple way to remove the references with shorthands from the
main biblio in LyX?
If so, what would be your advice ?
I’m on OS X BigSur, LyX, Texlive 2022. The class is Memoir, I'm
using variants of verbose for Biblatex.
The whole doc compiles very well with just the \printshorthands in ERT
before the Biblatex box, but I wished to remove the duplicates.

With many thanks!
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Solved and addendum >Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-16 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 16.03.22 um 09:08 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 16.03.22 um 08:59 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 16.03.22 um 08:46 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

I selected biblatex citation style Nature and kept biblatex-spbasic 
for the bibliography style. The citations are now in [number], but 
that's ok.

Thanks, Herbert, for the suggestion.



This is of course nonsense:

"I selected biblatex citation style Nature and kept biblatex-spbasic 

> the bibliography style."

I can't keep biblatex-spbasic, since it is not numeric.
The bibliography style should also be Nature

It is possible to combine the styles:

citestyle=nature, bibstyle=sbbasic


You mean biblatex-spbasic (selected from the Biblatex bibliography 
style menu)? But this does not give numbers in the Bibliography, i.e. 
you can't find your citations there.

yes, I meant it more generally. For your need it makes sense to have

citestyle=nature, bibstyle=numeric

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Solved and addendum >Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-16 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users

Am 16.03.22 um 08:59 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 16.03.22 um 08:46 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

I selected biblatex citation style Nature and kept biblatex-spbasic 
for the bibliography style. The citations are now in [number], but 
that's ok.

Thanks, Herbert, for the suggestion.



This is of course nonsense:

"I selected biblatex citation style Nature and kept biblatex-spbasic for
> the bibliography style."

I can't keep biblatex-spbasic, since it is not numeric.
The bibliography style should also be Nature

It is possible to combine the styles:

citestyle=nature, bibstyle=sbbasic


You mean biblatex-spbasic (selected from the Biblatex bibliography style 
menu)? But this does not give numbers in the Bibliography, i.e. you 
can't find your citations there.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Solved and addendum >Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-16 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 16.03.22 um 08:46 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

I selected biblatex citation style Nature and kept biblatex-spbasic 
for the bibliography style. The citations are now in [number], but 
that's ok.

Thanks, Herbert, for the suggestion.



This is of course nonsense:

"I selected biblatex citation style Nature and kept biblatex-spbasic for
> the bibliography style."

I can't keep biblatex-spbasic, since it is not numeric.
The bibliography style should also be Nature

It is possible to combine the styles:

citestyle=nature, bibstyle=sbbasic

lyx-users mailing list

Solved and addendum >Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-16 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users

Am 14.03.22 um 08:59 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 08:33 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 08:10 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 08:07 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:58 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:51 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

was shown by Muller^7 and ...
The Bibliography shows the full reference Muller...

This _is_ \footcite{key} with a short reference as footnote and 
bib as usual.


I meant ONLY the ^7, WITHOUT the footnote

then you also need a bibliography in numeric style. But spbasic has
a bib in author-year-style


What would be the next best numeric style to spbasic ?

there is no best, it is the default  style "numeric" with changing 

to footnotes.

You can try "style=nature"   instead of footnotes

sorry, read "instead of numeric"


Thanks, Herbert, for the proposals. I Will take the Nature style.


I selected biblatex citation style Nature and kept biblatex-spbasic for 
the bibliography style. The citations are now in [number], but that's ok.

Thanks, Herbert, for the suggestion.



This is of course nonsense:

"I selected biblatex citation style Nature and kept biblatex-spbasic for
> the bibliography style."

I can't keep biblatex-spbasic, since it is not numeric.
The bibliography style should also be Nature

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-14 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users

Am 14.03.22 um 08:33 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 08:10 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 08:07 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:58 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:51 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

was shown by Muller^7 and ...
The Bibliography shows the full reference Muller...

This _is_ \footcite{key} with a short reference as footnote and 
bib as usual.


I meant ONLY the ^7, WITHOUT the footnote

then you also need a bibliography in numeric style. But spbasic has
a bib in author-year-style


What would be the next best numeric style to spbasic ?

there is no best, it is the default  style "numeric" with changing 

to footnotes.

You can try "style=nature"   instead of footnotes

sorry, read "instead of numeric"


Thanks, Herbert, for the proposals. I Will take the Nature style.


I selected biblatex citation style Nature and kept biblatex-spbasic for 
the bibliography style. The citations are now in [number], but that's ok.

Thanks, Herbert, for the suggestion.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-14 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users

Am 14.03.22 um 08:10 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 08:07 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:58 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:51 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

was shown by Muller^7 and ...
The Bibliography shows the full reference Muller...

This _is_ \footcite{key} with a short reference as footnote and 
bib as usual.


I meant ONLY the ^7, WITHOUT the footnote

then you also need a bibliography in numeric style. But spbasic has
a bib in author-year-style


What would be the next best numeric style to spbasic ?

there is no best, it is the default  style "numeric" with changing \cite
to footnotes.

You can try "style=nature"   instead of footnotes

sorry, read "instead of numeric"


Thanks, Herbert, for the proposals. I Will take the Nature style.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-14 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 14.03.22 um 08:07 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:58 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:51 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

was shown by Muller^7 and ...
The Bibliography shows the full reference Muller...

This _is_ \footcite{key} with a short reference as footnote and 
bib as usual.


I meant ONLY the ^7, WITHOUT the footnote

then you also need a bibliography in numeric style. But spbasic has
a bib in author-year-style


What would be the next best numeric style to spbasic ?

there is no best, it is the default  style "numeric" with changing \cite
to footnotes.

You can try "style=nature"   instead of footnotes

sorry, read "instead of numeric"

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-14 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 14.03.22 um 07:58 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:51 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

was shown by Muller^7 and ...
The Bibliography shows the full reference Muller...

This _is_ \footcite{key} with a short reference as footnote and 
bib as usual.


I meant ONLY the ^7, WITHOUT the footnote

then you also need a bibliography in numeric style. But spbasic has
a bib in author-year-style


What would be the next best numeric style to spbasic ?

there is no best, it is the default  style "numeric" with changing \cite
to footnotes.

You can try "style=nature"   instead of footnotes
It is the style from the "nature" journal.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-14 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 14.03.22 um 07:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:51 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

was shown by Muller^7 and ...
The Bibliography shows the full reference Muller...

This _is_ \footcite{key} with a short reference as footnote and bib 
as usual.


I meant ONLY the ^7, WITHOUT the footnote

then you also need a bibliography in numeric style. But spbasic has
a bib in author-year-style


What would be the next best numeric style to spbasic ?

there is no best, it is the default  style "numeric" with changing \cite
to footnotes.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-14 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users

Am 14.03.22 um 07:51 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

was shown by Muller^7 and ...
The Bibliography shows the full reference Muller...

This _is_ \footcite{key} with a short reference as footnote and bib 
as usual.


I meant ONLY the ^7, WITHOUT the footnote

then you also need a bibliography in numeric style. But spbasic has
a bib in author-year-style


What would be the next best numeric style to spbasic ?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-14 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 14.03.22 um 07:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

was shown by Muller^7 and ...
The Bibliography shows the full reference Muller...

This _is_ \footcite{key} with a short reference as footnote and bib 
as usual.


I meant ONLY the ^7, WITHOUT the footnote

then you also need a bibliography in numeric style. But spbasic has
a bib in author-year-style

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-14 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users

Am 14.03.22 um 07:42 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 14.03.22 um 07:37 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 13.03.22 um 07:41 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 12.03.22 um 17:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:
I would like to use biblatex-spbasic for the literature citations 
and the Bibliography.

I have selected the style in Document Settings>Bibliography.

However, I would like to have a superscript number instead of the 
names/years in the document. The output in the Bibliography should 
be as before.

Do you mean \footcite and /or \footfullcite  ??   If yes, see 


Is this possible already or do I have to wait until somebody is kind 
enough to create it?

The reason is, that I have a large amount of citations in the 
document and reading the text would be less fluent if the names/year 
is given instead of just a superscript.

was shown by Muller^7 and ...
The Bibliography shows the full reference Muller...

This _is_ \footcite{key} with a short reference as footnote and bib as 


I meant ONLY the ^7, WITHOUT the footnote
lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-14 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 14.03.22 um 07:37 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

Am 13.03.22 um 07:41 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 12.03.22 um 17:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:
I would like to use biblatex-spbasic for the literature citations 
and the Bibliography.

I have selected the style in Document Settings>Bibliography.

However, I would like to have a superscript number instead of the 
names/years in the document. The output in the Bibliography should 
be as before.

Do you mean \footcite and /or \footfullcite  ??   If yes, see 


Is this possible already or do I have to wait until somebody is kind 
enough to create it?

The reason is, that I have a large amount of citations in the 
document and reading the text would be less fluent if the names/year 
is given instead of just a superscript.

was shown by Muller^7 and ...
The Bibliography shows the full reference Muller...

This _is_ \footcite{key} with a short reference as footnote and bib as 


lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-14 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users

Am 13.03.22 um 07:41 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Am 12.03.22 um 17:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:
I would like to use biblatex-spbasic for the literature citations and 
the Bibliography.

I have selected the style in Document Settings>Bibliography.

However, I would like to have a superscript number instead of the 
names/years in the document. The output in the Bibliography should be 
as before.

Do you mean \footcite and /or \footfullcite  ??   If yes, see 


Is this possible already or do I have to wait until somebody is kind 
enough to create it?

The reason is, that I have a large amount of citations in the document 
and reading the text would be less fluent if the names/year is given 
instead of just a superscript.

was shown by Muller^7 and ...
The Bibliography shows the full reference Muller...
lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex-spbasic

2022-03-12 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 12.03.22 um 17:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:
I would like to use biblatex-spbasic for the literature citations and 
the Bibliography.

I have selected the style in Document Settings>Bibliography.

However, I would like to have a superscript number instead of the 
names/years in the document. The output in the Bibliography should be 
as before.

Do you mean \footcite and /or \footfullcite  ??   If yes, see documentation.


Is this possible already or do I have to wait until somebody is kind 
enough to create it?

The reason is, that I have a large amount of citations in the document 
and reading the text would be less fluent if the names/year is given 
instead of just a superscript.

lyx-users mailing list


2022-03-12 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users
I would like to use biblatex-spbasic for the literature citations and 
the Bibliography.

I have selected the style in Document Settings>Bibliography.

However, I would like to have a superscript number instead of the 
names/years in the document. The output in the Bibliography should be as 

Is this possible already or do I have to wait until somebody is kind 
enough to create it?

The reason is, that I have a large amount of citations in the document 
and reading the text would be less fluent if the names/year is given 
instead of just a superscript.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex error. Can't get correct pdf output

2022-01-08 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users

On 08.01.22 12:09, Herbert Voss via lyx-users wrote:

There is the key missing, for example


btw: do not attached the biblatex-spbasic, it is already part of
TeXLive and MiKTeX.



How stupid I missed it. Adding the key solved things, and now the pdf of 
the book to which the bibliography belongs is also outputted.

Would be nice to know how one could find out from the log file whats wrong.
Thanks a lot, Herbert.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex error. Can't get correct pdf output

2022-01-08 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 08.01.22 um 12:01 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

with SP-WITTE-2022.bib
does not show the references in the bibliography and the one in the 
text is bold, not blue

These are the errors/warnings:
Biber error: BibTeX subsystem: 
/tmp/biber_tmp_tYGf/d7dc170ec507816e85d64326c042e07e_5570.utf8, line 
2837, syntax error: found ",", expected one of: number, name (entry 
type, key, field, or macro name), end of entry ("}" or ")") or quoted 
string ({...} or "...")

and descripition of error:
[6143]> ERROR - BibTeX subsystem: 
/tmp/biber_tmp_tYGf/d7dc170ec507816e85d64326c042e07e_5570.utf8, line 
2837, syntax error: found ",", expected one of: number, name (entry 
type, key, field, or macro name), end of entry ("}" or ")") or quoted 
string ({...} or "...")

the error message says it all:  Line 2837 of the bib file is a problem 
or at least the line

where something is detected as wrong. And in that line biber found a comma
but expected a number or name to read ...

Line 2837 is:


There is the key missing, for example


btw: do not attached the biblatex-spbasic, it is already part of
TeXLive and MiKTeX.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex warning

2021-12-22 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 22.12.21 um 10:50 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:

What does
Package biblatex Warning: Macro 'note+pages' already defined.

Instead of \renewbibmacro there is a \newbibmacro in spbasic.bbx
Will be fixed, but already doesn't hurt.

These are the surrounding messages:

Package biblatex Info: Delimiter 'nametitledelim' in context 'bib' 
already defined, overwriting.
Package biblatex Info: Delimiter 'nametitledelim' in context 'biblist' 
already defined, overwriting.
Package biblatex Info: Delimiter 'finalnamedelim' in context '' 
already defined, overwriting.

Only infos that spbasic.bbx redefines existing delimiters.


Package biblatex Warning: Macro 'note+pages' already defined.
(biblatex)    Using \renewbibmacro.

Package biblatex Info: Trying to load citation style 

Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-spbasic.cbx' found.


lyx-users mailing list

biblatex warning

2021-12-22 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users

What does
Package biblatex Warning: Macro 'note+pages' already defined.

These are the surrounding messages:

Package biblatex Info: Delimiter 'nametitledelim' in context 'bib' 
already defined, overwriting.
Package biblatex Info: Delimiter 'nametitledelim' in context 'biblist' 
already defined, overwriting.
Package biblatex Info: Delimiter 'finalnamedelim' in context '' already 
defined, overwriting.

Package biblatex Warning: Macro 'note+pages' already defined.
(biblatex)Using \renewbibmacro.

Package biblatex Info: Trying to load citation style 'biblatex-spbasic'...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-spbasic.cbx' found.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: texlive and biblatex-spbasic

2021-12-20 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 20.12.21 um 19:20 schrieb Kornel Benko via lyx-users:

Am Mon, 20 Dec 2021 19:17:49 +0100
schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users :

Am 20.12.21 um 18:18 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Thanks, Herbert, for your help. One more question for chmod which did
not work:

   And if you do not run the tlmgr as root

then you do not need it for texhash. I prefer always user permissions for
texlive. The reason why I did after installtion of texlive:

sudo chmod -R voss:voss /usr/local/texlive

sudo chmod -R wolfgang:wolfgang /usr/local/texlive/
chmod: Ungültiger Modus: „wolfgang:wolfgang“
„chmod --help“ liefert weitere Informationen.

sudo chmod -R wolfgang /usr/local/texlive/
chmod: Ungültiger Modus: „wolfgang“

   who am i
wolfgang pts/22021-12-20 18:52 (:0)

wolfgang tty7 2021-12-20 10:16 (:0)
wolfgang pts/02021-12-20 10:16 (:0)
wolfgang pts/22021-12-20 18:52 (:0)
wolfgang pts/32021-12-20 10:16 (:0)

I do not know what would replace voss:voss in my case.


You meant 'chown' probably.

Uh, yes!
Sorry Wolfgang and thanks Kornel

sudo chown -R voss:voss /usr/local/texlive

lyx-users mailing list

Re: texlive and biblatex-spbasic

2021-12-20 Thread Kornel Benko via lyx-users
Am Mon, 20 Dec 2021 19:17:49 +0100
schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users :

> Am 20.12.21 um 18:18 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:
> Thanks, Herbert, for your help. One more question for chmod which did
> not work:
>   And if you do not run the tlmgr as root
> > then you do not need it for texhash. I prefer always user permissions for
> > texlive. The reason why I did after installtion of texlive:
> > 
> > sudo chmod -R voss:voss /usr/local/texlive
> >   
> sudo chmod -R wolfgang:wolfgang /usr/local/texlive/
> chmod: Ungültiger Modus: „wolfgang:wolfgang“
> „chmod --help“ liefert weitere Informationen.
> sudo chmod -R wolfgang /usr/local/texlive/
> chmod: Ungültiger Modus: „wolfgang“
>   who am i
> wolfgang pts/22021-12-20 18:52 (:0)
> who
> wolfgang tty7 2021-12-20 10:16 (:0)
> wolfgang pts/02021-12-20 10:16 (:0)
> wolfgang pts/22021-12-20 18:52 (:0)
> wolfgang pts/32021-12-20 10:16 (:0)
> I do not know what would replace voss:voss in my case.
> Wolfgang

You meant 'chown' probably.


Description: Digitale Signatur von OpenPGP
lyx-users mailing list

Re: texlive and biblatex-spbasic

2021-12-20 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users

Am 20.12.21 um 18:18 schrieb Herbert Voss via lyx-users:

Thanks, Herbert, for your help. One more question for chmod which did
not work:

 And if you do not run the tlmgr as root

then you do not need it for texhash. I prefer always user permissions for
texlive. The reason why I did after installtion of texlive:

sudo chmod -R voss:voss /usr/local/texlive

sudo chmod -R wolfgang:wolfgang /usr/local/texlive/
chmod: Ungültiger Modus: „wolfgang:wolfgang“
„chmod --help“ liefert weitere Informationen.

sudo chmod -R wolfgang /usr/local/texlive/
chmod: Ungültiger Modus: „wolfgang“

 who am i
wolfgang pts/22021-12-20 18:52 (:0)

wolfgang tty7 2021-12-20 10:16 (:0)
wolfgang pts/02021-12-20 10:16 (:0)
wolfgang pts/22021-12-20 18:52 (:0)
wolfgang pts/32021-12-20 10:16 (:0)

I do not know what would replace voss:voss in my case.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: texlive and biblatex-spbasic

2021-12-20 Thread Herbert Voss via lyx-users

Am 20.12.21 um 17:49 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users:
I would like to better understand the tree(s) for texlive and what 
texhash and tlmgr do

The important points are found behind the  at the end of the mail.

Thanks a lot


Your installed tlmgr will notice and ask you to update it before 
updating anything else. The command to do this is: tlmgr update --self 
After any updates of tlmgr, you can then run, for instance, tlmgr 
update --all, which will update (including additions and removals) all 
other packages in your installation that have been changed on the server.

sudo tlmgr update --self
[sudo] Passwort für wolfgang:
tlmgr: package repository (verified)

tlmgr: saving backups to /usr/local/texlive/2021/tlpkg/backups
tlmgr: no self-updates for tlmgr available

tlmgr update --all


you can run

tlmgr --self --all update

then you do not need two  comamnds

sudo texhash

that is already done my tlmgr.  And if you do not run the tlmgr as root
then you do not need it for texhash. I prefer always user permissions for
texlive. The reason why I did after installtion of texlive:

sudo chmod -R voss:voss /usr/local/texlive

then everything in this directors has user permission! And I never
need sudo to run texhash or tlmgr or 

wolfgang@Fuji:~$ find -iname 'texmf*'

wolfgang@Fuji:/$ sudo find -iname 'texmf*'

this is always created if you install texlive as root and running
tlmgr also as root.

If you want to see which package is used, run

kpsewhich biblatex-spbasic.sty

then you'll get what TeX will find first and using. With

kpsewhich --all biblatex-spbasic.sty

you'll get all files in the TeX dirextory structure.

wolfgang@Fuji:/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local$ ls -l
insgesamt 52
-rw-r--r-- 1 wolfgang wolfgang 1943 15. Dez 15:02 biblatex-spbasic.bbx
-rw-r--r-- 1 wolfgang wolfgang 2601 15. Dez 15:02 biblatex-spbasic.cbx
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root staff    1578 10. Jul 20:01 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root staff 295 10. Jul 20:06 

How do I make sure the new version is used?

first the current directory is searched, then an existing texmf directory,
then the texmf-local directory, then the main texmf-dist/...

Should I remove the older biblatex-spbasic?

rename the old files to for example:


How do I tell lyx to use the new version?

It will be used automatically if you rename the old files.


lyx-users mailing list

texlive and biblatex-spbasic

2021-12-20 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann via lyx-users
I would like to better understand the tree(s) for texlive and what 
texhash and tlmgr do

The important points are found behind the  at the end of the mail.

Thanks a lot


Your installed tlmgr will notice and ask you to update it before 
updating anything else. The command to do this is: tlmgr update --self 
After any updates of tlmgr, you can then run, for instance, tlmgr update 
--all, which will update (including additions and removals) all other 
packages in your installation that have been changed on the server.

sudo tlmgr update --self
[sudo] Passwort für wolfgang:
tlmgr: package repository (verified)

tlmgr: saving backups to /usr/local/texlive/2021/tlpkg/backups
tlmgr: no self-updates for tlmgr available

tlmgr update --all

tlmgr: saving backups to /usr/local/texlive/2021/tlpkg/backups
[ 1/69] auto-remove: pst-ghsb ... done
[ 2/69, ??:??/??:??] update: acmart [3572k] (60608 -> 61233) ... done
[ 3/69, 00:01/00:34] update: algpseudocodex [350k] (56125 -> 61230) ... done
[ 4/69, 00:03/01:34] update: arara [12457k] (61086 -> 61305) ... done

and a lot of updates ...

sudo texhash
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-config/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-var/ls-R...
texhash: Updating /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/ls-R...
texhash: Done.

wolfgang@Fuji:~$ find -iname 'texmf*'

wolfgang@Fuji:/$ sudo find -iname 'texmf*'

wolfgang@Fuji:/usr/local/texlive$ ls
2021  texmf-local

wolfgang@Fuji:/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local$ ls
biblatex-spbasic.bbx  bibtex  ls-R      web2c
biblatex-spbasic.cbx  doc metapost
biblatex-spbasic-old.bbx  dvips   tex
biblatex-spbasic-old.cbx  fonts   tlpkg
biblatex-spbasic.bbx  biblatex-spbasic-old.cbx  dvips  metapost  web2c
biblatex-spbasic.cbx  bibtexfonts  tex
biblatex-spbasic-old.bbx  doc   ls-R   tlpkg

wolfgang@Fuji:/usr/local/texlive/2021$ ls
bin LICENSE.CTAN README.usergroupstexmf-dist
doc.htmlLICENSE.TL   release-texlive.txt  texmf-local
index.html  README   texmf.cnftexmf-var
install-tl  readme-html.dir  texmfcnf.lua tlpkg
install-tl.log  readme-txt.dir   texmf-config

wolfgang@Fuji:/usr/local/texlive/2021$ ls
bin install-tl.lo

SOLVED polyglossia loaded after biblatex

2021-12-08 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 08.12.21 um 10:19 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Am Mittwoch, dem 08.12.2021 um 10:07 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

You mean, I should take this away from the USER preamblel?

Yes. LyX loads babel automatically (unless you selected Language
package "none" in Language settings, which you shouldn't without good

and this should also be taken off?
  >> \usepackage[style=biblatex-spbasic]{biblatex}

Yes. Load biblatex in Document > Settings > Bibliography. You can also
set the spbasic style there.


Thanks, Jürgen,

taking out #

from the User preamble

solved the issue

lyx-users mailing list

Re: polyglossia loaded after biblatex

2021-12-08 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Mittwoch, dem 08.12.2021 um 10:07 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> You mean, I should take this away from the USER preamblel?
> \usepackage[english]{babel}

Yes. LyX loads babel automatically (unless you selected Language
package "none" in Language settings, which you shouldn't without good

> and this should also be taken off?
>  >> \usepackage[style=biblatex-spbasic]{biblatex}

Yes. Load biblatex in Document > Settings > Bibliography. You can also
set the spbasic style there.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lyx-users mailing list

Re: polyglossia loaded after biblatex

2021-12-08 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 08.12.21 um 09:57 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Am Mittwoch, dem 08.12.2021 um 08:58 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

My preamble:

%biblatex-spbasic Herbert Voss
 more without relevance to the question

This is your USER preamble (Document > Settings > LaTeX preamble)? Why
do you load babel and biblatex manually? And why does LaTeX warn about
polyglossia if you load babel?

You mean, I should take this away from the USER preamblel?

and this should also be taken off?
>> \usepackage[style=biblatex-spbasic]{biblatex}


This might be relevant?
Using Biblatex with polyglossia (XeTeX or LuaTeX with non-TeX fonts)

No, this is old stuff that does not apply to LyX 2.3.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: polyglossia loaded after biblatex

2021-12-08 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Mittwoch, dem 08.12.2021 um 08:58 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> My preamble:
> \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
> \usepackage[english]{babel}
> %%\setmainlanguage{english}
> %\usepackage{biblatex}
> %biblatex-spbasic Herbert Voss
> \usepackage{xurl}
> \usepackage[style=biblatex-spbasic]{biblatex}
> \usepackage{libertinus-otf}}
>  more without relevance to the question

This is your USER preamble (Document > Settings > LaTeX preamble)? Why
do you load babel and biblatex manually? And why does LaTeX warn about
polyglossia if you load babel?

> This might be relevant?
> from
> Using Biblatex with polyglossia (XeTeX or LuaTeX with non-TeX fonts)

No, this is old stuff that does not apply to LyX 2.3.


Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lyx-users mailing list

Re: polyglossia loaded after biblatex

2021-12-07 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 08.12.21 um 08:25 schrieb Jürgen Spitzmüller:

Am Mittwoch, dem 08.12.2021 um 07:47 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

i get an error
! Package biblatex Error: 'polyglossia' loaded after biblatex.

However, in the tex file it comes BEFORE the biblatex


I am not sure were in the LyX file polyglossia is set;
should be another name.

I use Komascript book style, Debian, Lyx 2.4.0 dev

Question: Were in the lyx file can I correct the error?

Do you load biblatex, or polyglossia, manually in the preamble? LyX
should load the two packages in the correct order.


My preamble:

%biblatex-spbasic Herbert Voss
 more without relevance to the question

 Do you need also the selected stuff in the DOCUMENTS?

This might be relevant?
Using Biblatex with polyglossia (XeTeX or LuaTeX with non-TeX fonts)

If you use the polyglossia language package, you will need to manually 
load the polyglossia package and set the default language manually in 
the preamble just before the \usepackage of biblatex, as follows:

Substitute english with the main language of your document.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: polyglossia loaded after biblatex

2021-12-07 Thread Jürgen Spitzmüller
Am Mittwoch, dem 08.12.2021 um 07:47 +0100 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
> Hi,
> i get an error
> ! Package biblatex Error: 'polyglossia' loaded after biblatex.
> However, in the tex file it comes BEFORE the biblatex
> \usepackage{color}
> \definecolor{fg}{rgb}{0.00,0.00,0.00}
> \definecolor{bg}{rgb}{0.980392,0.941176,0.901961}
> \pagecolor{bg}
> \usepackage{polyglossia}
> \setdefaultlanguage[variant=british]{english}
> \usepackage[style=biblatex-spbasic]{biblatex}
> \def\lyxlock{}
> I am not sure were in the LyX file polyglossia is set;
> should be another name.
> I use Komascript book style, Debian, Lyx 2.4.0 dev
> Question: Were in the lyx file can I correct the error?

Do you load biblatex, or polyglossia, manually in the preamble? LyX
should load the two packages in the correct order.


> Wolfgang

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
lyx-users mailing list

polyglossia loaded after biblatex

2021-12-07 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

i get an error
! Package biblatex Error: 'polyglossia' loaded after biblatex.

However, in the tex file it comes BEFORE the biblatex


I am not sure were in the LyX file polyglossia is set;
should be another name.

I use Komascript book style, Debian, Lyx 2.4.0 dev

Question: Were in the lyx file can I correct the error?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-03 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 04.12.21 um 08:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Good news:
After commenting out


That is the default since 2019 and not needed for lualatex/xelatex


in the preamble the Polyglossia errors were gone.
The references in the text are shown, the Bibliography is ok.

There are still errors concerning special characters such as:

Missing character: There is no œ (U+009C) in font 
Missing character: There is no 푆 (U+1D446) in font 
Missing character: There is no 푊 (U+1D44A) in font 
Missing character: There is no 푐 (U+1D450) in font 
Missing character: There is no 푐 (U+1D450) in font 
Missing character: There is no 푚 (U+1D45A) in font 
Missing character: There is no ▴ (U+25B4) in font 
character: There is no 푥 (U+1D465) in font 

I uppose that you do not used the math mode for 푆  and the other ones

I guess  I have to load more of the Libertinus- and Stixt stuff.
I have at the moment:


only one is enough; libertinus loads itself the otf variant



that is wrong and should be deleted.


only the second one makes sense, the other ones should be deleted.


which should probably be corrected

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-03 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 03.12.21 um 19:57 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 03.12.21 um 12:11 schrieb Kees Zeelenberg (kzStats):

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: lyx-users  Namens Wolfgang 

Verzonden: vrijdag 3 december 2021 11:13
Onderwerp: Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

here the log file, the first one was empty.

The latest stix2fonts seem to be called STIXTwootf, so with "Two" 
instead of "2", and have suffixes (Regular, etc).  With 
\setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf} in the preamble, the LyX-file 
compiles well and shows the correct pdf output, whereas with 
\setmathfont{STIX2Math.otf} it fails.


It is now better working after changing to STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf

I added also

There is an error
no (U+009C) In Libertinus Serif-Regular.otf
no (U+1D446) In [STIXTwo-Italic.otf]:m

There is another error:
  Taken verbatim from babel files (2019/09/27 v3.34)

This error is a problem for me:
I don't know were Polyglossia was loaded after biblatex. I don't have it 
in the Document>settings>Latex Preamble.

Package polyglossia Info: Making " an active character on input line 177.
Package csquotes Info: Checking for multilingual support...
Package csquotes Info: ... found 'polyglossia' package.

! Package biblatex Error: 'polyglossia' loaded after biblatex.

See the biblatex package documentation for explanation

At least I am getting now a pdf with>
Show Output Anyway
But the Bibliograpy is not shown and the references in the text are all 
in Bold

I set Bibliography in TOC, which does not show up.


Good news:
After commenting out


in the preamble the Polyglossia errors were gone.
The references in the text are shown, the Bibliography is ok.

There are still errors concerning special characters such as:

Missing character: There is no œ (U+009C) in font 
Missing character: There is no 푆 (U+1D446) in font 
Missing character: There is no 푊 (U+1D44A) in font 
Missing character: There is no 푐 (U+1D450) in font 
Missing character: There is no 푐 (U+1D450) in font 
Missing character: There is no 푚 (U+1D45A) in font 
Missing character: There is no ▴ (U+25B4) in font 
character: There is no 푥 (U+1D465) in font 

I guess  I have to load more of the Libertinus- and Stixt stuff.
I have at the moment:



which should probably be corrected

Thanks all who helped!

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-03 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 03.12.21 um 12:11 schrieb Kees Zeelenberg (kzStats):

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: lyx-users  Namens Wolfgang Engelmann
Verzonden: vrijdag 3 december 2021 11:13
Onderwerp: Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

here the log file, the first one was empty.

The latest stix2fonts seem to be called STIXTwootf, so with "Two" instead of 
"2", and have suffixes (Regular, etc).  With \setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf} in the 
preamble, the LyX-file compiles well and shows the correct pdf output, whereas with 
\setmathfont{STIX2Math.otf} it fails.


It is now better working after changing to STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf

I added also

There is an error
no (U+009C) In Libertinus Serif-Regular.otf
no (U+1D446) In [STIXTwo-Italic.otf]:m

There is another error:
 Taken verbatim from babel files (2019/09/27 v3.34)

This error is a problem for me:
I don't know were Polyglossia was loaded after biblatex. I don't have it 
in the Document>settings>Latex Preamble.

Package polyglossia Info: Making " an active character on input line 177.
Package csquotes Info: Checking for multilingual support...
Package csquotes Info: ... found 'polyglossia' package.

! Package biblatex Error: 'polyglossia' loaded after biblatex.

See the biblatex package documentation for explanation

At least I am getting now a pdf with>
Show Output Anyway
But the Bibliograpy is not shown and the references in the text are all 
in Bold

I set Bibliography in TOC, which does not show up.

lyx-users mailing list

RE: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-03 Thread Kees Zeelenberg (kzStats)
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: lyx-users  Namens Wolfgang Engelmann
> Verzonden: vrijdag 3 december 2021 11:13
> Aan:
> Onderwerp: Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus
> Ups,
> here the log file, the first one was empty.
> Wolfgang

The latest stix2fonts seem to be called STIXTwootf, so with "Two" instead 
of "2", and have suffixes (Regular, etc).  With 
\setmathfont{STIXTwoMath-Regular.otf} in the preamble, the LyX-file compiles 
well and shows the correct pdf output, whereas with \setmathfont{STIX2Math.otf} 
it fails.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-03 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 03.12.21 um 09:08 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 03.12.21 um 08:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Thankful for any indication what I could try,


luaotfload-tool --cache=purge --update -v

which should report _no_ problem. Is it true?


At the end it says:
Task completed successfully.

But there where quite a number of outputs such as:

luaotfload | db : Found 7569 font files; 0 new, 0 stale entries.
luaotfload | db : Creating filename map.
luaotfload | db : Conflicting basename: "Asana-Math" already indexed in 
category texmf, ignoring.
luaotfload | db : Conflicting barename: "Asana-Math" already indexed in 
category texmf/otf, ignoring.

I reconfigured the lyx file,
but still got

luaotfload | db : Found 7569 font files; 0 new, 0 stale entries.

I am enclosing the lyx log file. Perhaps somebody has an idea whats 
going wrong.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-03 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 03.12.21 um 08:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Thankful for any indication what I could try,


luaotfload-tool --cache=purge --update -v

which should report _no_ problem. Is it true?



lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-02 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 02.12.21 um 21:35 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:

ok, Herbert, you are ahead of me and the
since you are using lyx 2.4
where did you get it?

Ah yes. I had the development version.
Now attached the version for 2.3.6 (original ubuntu)


As expected, Herberts test file does not work
The error message:

! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.
For immediate help type H .


A font might not be found for many reasons.
 Check the spelling, where the font is installed etc. etc.

 When in doubt, ask someone for help!

So I do, what the last sentence says!

What I did so far:
I do have the sticks2 fonts, as shown by
/usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/fonts$ find -iname 'stix2*'
May be, I have to set a PATH to it? How?
I put
in /etc/environment with sudo
The file was empty before. I rebootet and started my lyx file again, but 
get again
luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: File 
not found: "STIX2Math.otf".

! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

I tried also /etc/environment.d
but I do not understand its functioning and stopped it
same after a reconfigure of the lyx file
my LyX version is 2.3.6
sudo apt-get install lyx
tells me for my version:
lyx ist schon die neueste Version (2.3.6-1).
0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert.
Thankful for any indication what I could try,

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-02 Thread Herbert Voss
Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
> ok, Herbert, you are ahead of me and the
> since you are using lyx 2.4
> where did you get it?

Ah yes. I had the development version.
Now attached the version for 2.3.6 (original ubuntu)


Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-02 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 02.12.21 um 10:39 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 02.12.21 um 10:18 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:


luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: File
not foun
d: "STIX2Math.otf".
! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

I tried also /etc/environment.d
but I do not understand its functioning and stopped it

for font files in official directories you do not need
any path setting. Try the attaches minimal example. It works
under Ubuntu and TeXLive


Thanks for the test file. I ran it, but get

/tmp/mozilla_wolfgang0/stix2.lyx is from a newer version of LyX and the 
lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.

my LyX version is 2.3.6
sudo apt-get install lyx
tells me for my version:
lyx ist schon die neueste Version (2.3.6-1).
0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert.



ok, Herbert, you are ahead of me and the
since you are using lyx 2.4
where did you get it?
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-02 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 02.12.21 um 09:05 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 02.12.21 um 09:03 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 02.12.21 um 07:51 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 01.12.21 um 20:18 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 01.12.21 um 18:36 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:


I inserted your

(I had before

>the second one in one line, i.e. [...]{AnonymousPro}

that is also ok, libertinus is a wrapper for libertinus-otf and 

which gives an error message
! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

it is  part of a full texlive installation.  You can try the file name:


it it doesn't help, then try to install STIXTwo:

Maybe that Ubuntu has an own package for that.

Thanks, Herbert

I do have the sticks2 fonts, as shown by

/usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/fonts$ find -iname 'stix2*'

May be, I have to set a PATH to it? ow?


I put

in /etc/environment with sudo

The file was empty before. I rebootet and started my lyx file again, 
but get again

luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: 
File not foun

d: "STIX2Math.otf".
! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

I tried also /etc/environment.d
but I do not understand its functioning and stopped it


same after a reconfigure of the lyx file


also problems with tlmgr:

sudo tlmgr install stix2math
tlmgr: package repository (verified)

tlmgr install: package stix2math not present in repository.
tlmgr: action install returned an error; continuing.
tlmgr: An error has occurred. See above messages. Exiting.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-02 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 02.12.21 um 10:18 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:


luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: File
not foun
d: "STIX2Math.otf".
! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

I tried also /etc/environment.d
but I do not understand its functioning and stopped it

for font files in official directories you do not need
any path setting. Try the attaches minimal example. It works
under Ubuntu and TeXLive


Thanks for the test file. I ran it, but get

/tmp/mozilla_wolfgang0/stix2.lyx is from a newer version of LyX and the 
lyx2lyx script failed to convert it.

my LyX version is 2.3.6
sudo apt-get install lyx
tells me for my version:
lyx ist schon die neueste Version (2.3.6-1).
0 aktualisiert, 0 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-02 Thread Herbert Voss
Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
>> \usepackage{libertinus}
>> \setmathfont{STIX2Math.otf}
>> luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: File
>> not foun
>> d: "STIX2Math.otf".
>> ! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.
>> I tried also /etc/environment.d
>> but I do not understand its functioning and stopped it

for font files in official directories you do not need
any path setting. Try the attaches minimal example. It works
under Ubuntu and TeXLive


Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: application/lyx
lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-02 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 02.12.21 um 09:03 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 02.12.21 um 07:51 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 01.12.21 um 20:18 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 01.12.21 um 18:36 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:


I inserted your

(I had before

>the second one in one line, i.e. [...]{AnonymousPro}

that is also ok, libertinus is a wrapper for libertinus-otf and 

which gives an error message
! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

it is  part of a full texlive installation.  You can try the file name:


it it doesn't help, then try to install STIXTwo:

Maybe that Ubuntu has an own package for that.

Thanks, Herbert

I do have the sticks2 fonts, as shown by

/usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/fonts$ find -iname 'stix2*'

May be, I have to set a PATH to it? ow?


I put

in /etc/environment with sudo

The file was empty before. I rebootet and started my lyx file again, but 
get again

luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: File 
not foun

d: "STIX2Math.otf".
! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

I tried also /etc/environment.d
but I do not understand its functioning and stopped it


same after a reconfigure of the lyx file

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-02 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 02.12.21 um 07:51 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 01.12.21 um 20:18 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 01.12.21 um 18:36 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:


I inserted your

(I had before

>the second one in one line, i.e. [...]{AnonymousPro}

that is also ok, libertinus is a wrapper for libertinus-otf and 

which gives an error message
! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

it is  part of a full texlive installation.  You can try the file name:


it it doesn't help, then try to install STIXTwo:

Maybe that Ubuntu has an own package for that.

Thanks, Herbert

I do have the sticks2 fonts, as shown by

/usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/fonts$ find -iname 'stix2*'

May be, I have to set a PATH to it? ow?


I put

in /etc/environment with sudo

The file was empty before. I rebootet and started my lyx file again, but 
get again

luaotfload | db : Reload initiated (formats: otf,ttf,ttc); reason: File 
not foun

d: "STIX2Math.otf".
! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

I tried also /etc/environment.d
but I do not understand its functioning and stopped it

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-01 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 01.12.21 um 20:18 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 01.12.21 um 18:36 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:


I inserted your

(I had before

>the second one in one line, i.e. [...]{AnonymousPro}

that is also ok, libertinus is a wrapper for libertinus-otf and 

which gives an error message
! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

it is  part of a full texlive installation.  You can try the file name:


it it doesn't help, then try to install STIXTwo:

Maybe that Ubuntu has an own package for that.

Thanks, Herbert

I do have the sticks2 fonts, as shown by

/usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-dist/fonts$ find -iname 'stix2*'

May be, I have to set a PATH to it? ow?

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-01 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 01.12.21 um 18:36 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:


I inserted your

(I had before

>the second one in one line, i.e. [...]{AnonymousPro}

that is also ok, libertinus is a wrapper for libertinus-otf and 

which gives an error message
! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

it is  part of a full texlive installation.  You can try the file name:


it it doesn't help, then try to install STIXTwo:

Maybe that Ubuntu has an own package for that.


What was wrong?
Do you need more of the log-file? >
 A font might not be found for many reasons.
 Check the spelling, where the font is installed etc. etc.

 When in doubt, ask someone for help!

luaotfload | aux : no font with id 0

Package fontspec Warning: Font "STIX2Math" does not contain requested 

(fontspec)    "Math".

luaotfload | aux : no font with id 0
luaotfload | aux : no font with id 0

! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-01 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 01.12.21 um 16:22 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 01.12.21 um 09:22 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
Running a biblatex document for the pdf output I get errors for 
missing characters.

What is the best way to remove these errors?

Missing character: There is no ▴ (U+25B4) in font 
Missing character: There is no œ (U+009C) in font 

Missing character: There is no 휇 (U+1D707) in font 
Missing character: There is no 휑 (U+1D711) in font 

Wolfgang, three of the four characters are math symbols. You have
to load a proper math font. Write into the preamble:


I inserted your

(I had before

>the second one in one line, i.e. [...]{AnonymousPro}

which gives an error message
! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

What was wrong?
Do you need more of the log-file? >
 A font might not be found for many reasons.
 Check the spelling, where the font is installed etc. etc.

 When in doubt, ask someone for help!

luaotfload | aux : no font with id 0

Package fontspec Warning: Font "STIX2Math" does not contain requested Script

luaotfload | aux : no font with id 0
luaotfload | aux : no font with id 0

! Package fontspec Error: The font "STIX2Math" cannot be found.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-01 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 01.12.21 um 16:22 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 01.12.21 um 09:22 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
Running a biblatex document for the pdf output I get errors for 
missing characters.

What is the best way to remove these errors?

Missing character: There is no ▴ (U+25B4) in font 
Missing character: There is no œ (U+009C) in font 

Missing character: There is no 휇 (U+1D707) in font 
Missing character: There is no 휑 (U+1D711) in font 

Wolfgang, three of the four characters are math symbols. You have
to load a proper math font. Write into the preamble:


then you can write:

There is a $▴$ (U+25B4) in font [STIX2Math.otf]

There is a œ  (U+009C) in font Libertinus Serif

There is a $휇$ (U+1D707) in font [STIX2Math.otf]

There is a $휑$  (U+1D711) in font [STIX2Math.otf]


Thanks a lot, Herbert. That is very helpful.
By the way, I know you have published quite a number of books on topics 
related to tex et al. Is there one which helps to better understand 


lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-01 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 01.12.21 um 09:22 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
Running a biblatex document for the pdf output I get errors for 
missing characters.

What is the best way to remove these errors?

Missing character: There is no ▴ (U+25B4) in font 
Missing character: There is no œ (U+009C) in font 

Missing character: There is no 휇 (U+1D707) in font 
Missing character: There is no 휑 (U+1D711) in font 

Wolfgang, three of the four characters are math symbols. You have
to load a proper math font. Write into the preamble:


then you can write:

There is a $▴$ (U+25B4) in font [STIX2Math.otf]

There is a œ  (U+009C) in font Libertinus Serif

There is a $휇$ (U+1D707) in font [STIX2Math.otf]

There is a $휑$  (U+1D711) in font [STIX2Math.otf]


lyx-users mailing list

Biblatex missing characters in Libertinus

2021-12-01 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
Running a biblatex document for the pdf output I get errors for missing 

What is the best way to remove these errors?

Missing character: There is no ▴ (U+25B4) in font 
Missing character: There is no œ (U+009C) in font 

Missing character: There is no 휇 (U+1D707) in font 
Missing character: There is no 휑 (U+1D711) in font 

lyx-users mailing list

Biblatex styles

2021-10-12 Thread Rich Shepard

One reason the document has no bibliography is that biber cannot find the
authoryear style presented in the Settings -> Bibliography style list:
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex default data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'blx-dm.def' found.
File: blx-dm.def 2019/12/01 v3.14 biblatex localization (PK/MW)
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex style data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'authoryear.dbx' not found.
Package biblatex Info: Trying to load biblatex custom data model...
Package biblatex Info: ... file 'biblatex-dm.cfg' not found.

Here, /usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/ has several biblatex subdirectories.
Is there a source where I can learn the diffences among them? I've tried a
couple of authoryear-* selections from Settings -> Bibliography Citation and
Bibliography Styles but none I've tried create a bibliography in the

Help's needed!

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-08-10 Thread Daniel

On 2021-08-04 09:37, Daniel wrote:

On 03/08/2021 18:12, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Thanks, Daniel and Herbert for the proposals.
Daniels method works alright, except that it produces Š=Š= at the begin.
I don't know how to get rid of them.

Further Readings
Bünning, E. (1983). The physiological clock. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. 
Heidelberg Science Library. Springer New York.
Forger, D. B. (2017). Biological clocks, rhythms, and oscillations - 
The theory of biological timekeeping. MIT Press.

I don't see these symbols in the example file. So, there might be 
problem with the files you are using. But it is hard to tell without a 
minimal example or log file.

I missed that LuaTeX is involved. I don't have experience with LuaTeX. 
But it seems the problem is fixed by checking "Use non-TeX fonts (via 
XeTeX/LuaTeX)" in Document > Settings > Fonts.

I am just updating this here because it seems still a bit easier than 
adding keywords.

Daniel#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
\lyxformat 544
\save_transient_properties true
\origin unavailable
\textclass scrbook
\use_default_options true
\maintain_unincluded_children false
\language english
\language_package default
\inputencoding auto
\fontencoding global
\font_roman "default" "default"
\font_sans "default" "default"
\font_typewriter "default" "default"
\font_math "auto" "auto"
\font_default_family default
\use_non_tex_fonts true
\font_sc false
\font_osf false
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\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Chapter

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-08-04 Thread Daniel

On 03/08/2021 18:12, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Thanks, Daniel and Herbert for the proposals.
Daniels method works alright, except that it produces Š=Š= at the begin.
I don't know how to get rid of them.

Further Readings
Bünning, E. (1983). The physiological clock. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. Heidelberg 
Science Library. Springer New York.
Forger, D. B. (2017). Biological clocks, rhythms, and oscillations - The 
theory of biological timekeeping. MIT Press.

I don't see these symbols in the example file. So, there might be 
problem with the files you are using. But it is hard to tell without a 
minimal example or log file.


lyx-users mailing list

SOLVED: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-08-04 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Thanks, Herbert,
the lyx example was very helpful indeed. Now I know how to do it:
Using a keyword for marking and selecting the bib items which should go 
in one of the bibliographies was an important point. Also how to fill 
out the options. Thanks a lot.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-08-03 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 03.08.21 um 18:12 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Thanks, Daniel and Herbert for the proposals.
Daniels method works alright, except that it produces Š=Š= at the begin.
I don't know how to get rid of them.

Further Readings
Bünning, E. (1983). The physiological clock. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. 
Heidelberg Science Library. Springer New York.
Forger, D. B. (2017). Biological clocks, rhythms, and oscillations - 
The theory of biological timekeeping. MIT Press.

I might need to use the way Herbert recommended:
define keys in the bib-data file to get different bibliographies, e.g. 
for one entry data:

  keywords = {second},
  author =
Can this be done in the options box of the Biblatex Generated 
Bibliography in LyX? I must play with it (with [xxx]??). It is not 
well described in the LyX help file.

The keywords must be part of the bibliography data file. Look into the 

of biblatex-examples.bib, it is part of your local TeX distribution.
Attached is a LyX file wihich uses the already defined keyword "primary"


I also tried to use two Biblatex Generated Bibliography behind each 
other. The first one contains the bibliography of all the references 
(AUX2.bib). The second one contains only the recommended literature, 
which are in another bib file (AUX3.bib). The pdf output does not show 
any references.

Would be nice to have an example file in LyX which explains -shows the 
way of getting two biblatex Bibiographies.


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Description: Adobe PDF document
lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-08-03 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Thanks, Daniel and Herbert for the proposals.
Daniels method works alright, except that it produces Š=Š= at the begin.
I don't know how to get rid of them.

Further Readings
Bünning, E. (1983). The physiological clock. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. Heidelberg 
Science Library. Springer New York.
Forger, D. B. (2017). Biological clocks, rhythms, and oscillations - The 
theory of biological timekeeping. MIT Press.

I might need to use the way Herbert recommended:
define keys in the bib-data file to get different bibliographies, e.g. 
for one entry data:

  keywords = {second},
  author =
Can this be done in the options box of the Biblatex Generated 
Bibliography in LyX? I must play with it (with [xxx]??). It is not well 
described in the LyX help file.

I also tried to use two Biblatex Generated Bibliography behind each 
other. The first one contains the bibliography of all the references 
(AUX2.bib). The second one contains only the recommended literature, 
which are in another bib file (AUX3.bib). The pdf output does not show 
any references.

Would be nice to have an example file in LyX which explains -shows the 
way of getting two biblatex Bibiographies.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-07-31 Thread Daniel

On 2021-07-31 17:10, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Am 31.07.21 um 15:57 schrieb Daniel:

On 2021-07-31 14:53, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I haven't found a reasonable info to set up two (or more) 
bibliographies under biblatex.
I would like to divide the bibliography in one part for normal 
reference stuff, and one part for a few references which are 
recommended for further readings.

The lyx menu for multiple bibliographies allows it
per partition, chapter, section, subsection, and child document,
but I would like to have it in the one bibliography with different 
headings (colour?) or in two bibliographies following each other 
directly and corresponding heading(s).

Could somebody tell me where to find infos for it?

For the multiple bibliographies part, you could manually insert the 
refsection environment as in the attached file.


Thanks, Daniel, for the example. What I meant was the bibliography at 
the end of my (KOMA script) book and the additional one in or after that 
one. My bibliography comes after the nomenclature (=glossary) and before 
the appendix.

Yours comes after a section.

Sorry, I am still missing what the issue is. I can just change the 
example file's class to a KOMA-Script Book, make the sections chapters, 
insert a nomenclature before the bibliographies, add an appendix after 
them and it seems to have the structure you want (again attached). So, 
that is probably not all you want, or?

Daniel#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
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\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Chapter

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-07-31 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 31.07.21 um 15:57 schrieb Daniel:

On 2021-07-31 14:53, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I haven't found a reasonable info to set up two (or more) 
bibliographies under biblatex.
I would like to divide the bibliography in one part for normal 
reference stuff, and one part for a few references which are 
recommended for further readings.

The lyx menu for multiple bibliographies allows it
per partition, chapter, section, subsection, and child document,
but I would like to have it in the one bibliography with different 
headings (colour?) or in two bibliographies following each other 
directly and corresponding heading(s).

Could somebody tell me where to find infos for it?

For the multiple bibliographies part, you could manually insert the 
refsection environment as in the attached file.


Thanks, Daniel, for the example. What I meant was the bibliography at 
the end of my (KOMA script) book and the additional one in or after that 
one. My bibliography comes after the nomenclature (=glossary) and before 
the appendix.

Yours comes after a section.
lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-07-31 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 31.07.21 um 14:53 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
I haven't found a reasonable info to set up two (or more) 
bibliographies under biblatex.
I would like to divide the bibliography in one part for normal 
reference stuff, and one part for a few references which are 
recommended for further readings.

The lyx menu for multiple bibliographies allows it
per partition, chapter, section, subsection, and child document,
but I would like to have it in the one bibliography with different 
headings (colour?) or in two bibliographies following each other 
directly and corresponding heading(s).

Could somebody tell me where to find infos for it?

For example:

\printbibliography[nottype=book,title=Other references]

for two different libraries. It is alo possible to define keys in the
bib-data file to get diffent bibliographies, e.g. for one entry data:

  keywords = {second},
  author =

\printbibliography[type=second,title=Other references]

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-07-31 Thread Daniel

On 2021-07-31 14:53, Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:
I haven't found a reasonable info to set up two (or more) bibliographies 
under biblatex.
I would like to divide the bibliography in one part for normal reference 
stuff, and one part for a few references which are recommended for 
further readings.

The lyx menu for multiple bibliographies allows it
per partition, chapter, section, subsection, and child document,
but I would like to have it in the one bibliography with different 
headings (colour?) or in two bibliographies following each other 
directly and corresponding heading(s).

Could somebody tell me where to find infos for it?

For the multiple bibliographies part, you could manually insert the 
refsection environment as in the attached file.

Daniel#LyX 2.3 created this file. For more info see
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Normal section

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\begin_layout Standard
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LatexCommand bibtex
btprint "btPrintCited"
bibfiles "biblatex-examples"
options "plain"



\begin_layout Section*
Further Readings

\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset CommandInset citation
LatexCommand nocite
key "almendro"
literal "false"



\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




\begin_layout Standard
\begin_inset ERT
status open

\begin_layout Plain Layout




lyx-users mailing list

biblatex > two bibliographies

2021-07-31 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
I haven't found a reasonable info to set up two (or more) bibliographies 
under biblatex.
I would like to divide the bibliography in one part for normal reference 
stuff, and one part for a few references which are recommended for 
further readings.

The lyx menu for multiple bibliographies allows it
per partition, chapter, section, subsection, and child document,
but I would like to have it in the one bibliography with different 
headings (colour?) or in two bibliographies following each other 
directly and corresponding heading(s).

Could somebody tell me where to find infos for it?
lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex style option Springer Publisher

2021-07-31 Thread Dr Eberhard Lisse


this is a LaTeX issue, niot a LyX issue.


On 2021-07-31 08:56 , Wolfgang Engelmann wrote:

Herbert Voss pointed to this site
where the two style files


are found which can be used for Springer publications.
Herbert Voss said, that they can be stored in

He also uploaded the package to CTAN, where it should be available.

Add the files to Lyx > Document > settings > Bibliography
Not sure, whether a texhash and reconfigure is needed afterward.

Here my question:
If I export the lyx document as tar.gz (for sharing it with others or archiving 
it) the style files ARE NOT included. I did this before under bibtex with the 
spbasic of Springer and this was saved in the archive.
Could somebody check whether the biblatex-spbasic files are indeed NOT saved in 
the arch file and could this perhaps be changed, since it is essential for 
running the lyx document.


lyx-users mailing list

biblatex style option Springer Publisher

2021-07-31 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Herbert Voss pointed to this site
where the two style files


are found which can be used for Springer publications.
Herbert Voss said, that they can be stored in

He also uploaded the package to CTAN, where it should be available.

Add the files to Lyx > Document > settings > Bibliography
Not sure, whether a texhash and reconfigure is needed afterward.

Here my question:
If I export the lyx document as tar.gz (for sharing it with others or 
archiving it) the style files ARE NOT included. I did this before under 
bibtex with the spbasic of Springer and this was saved in the archive.
Could somebody check whether the biblatex-spbasic files are indeed NOT 
saved in the arch file and could this perhaps be changed, since it is 
essential for running the lyx document.



lyx-users mailing list

Re: Biblatex Bibliography

2021-07-22 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 22.07.21 um 09:09 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:

In the LyX Biblatex Generated Bibliography the menu point Rescan
scan for new databases and styles (if the mouse pointer points on it)
but there is no way to select the styles (in my case biblatex-spbasic)
In options?? (I have there maxname=2)

In Documents>Bibliography is, however, a place Biblatex citation style
where I inserted biblatex-spbasic (and under processor biber)

if so > but there is no way to select the styles (in my case
wouldn't it be better to remove
   and styles
or, better, to tell the user that the style has to be inserted in

You need an up-to-date TeX distribution and then the style
biblatex-spbasic should be available. See attached image.


I do have it, Herbert. And I have the same items there as you have, and 
the output is ok.

My question was only, why in the Biblatex of LYX (!) this is set:

>> if so > but there is no way to select the styles (in my case
>> biblatex-spbasic)
>> wouldn't it be better to remove
>>and styles
>> or, better, to tell the user that the style has to be inserted in
>> Documents>Bibliography

So the questions goes to the lyx maintainers

lyx-users mailing list

Biblatex Bibliography

2021-07-22 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

In the LyX Biblatex Generated Bibliography the menu point Rescan
scan for new databases and styles (if the mouse pointer points on it)
but there is no way to select the styles (in my case biblatex-spbasic)
In options?? (I have there maxname=2)

In Documents>Bibliography is, however, a place Biblatex citation style 
where I inserted biblatex-spbasic (and under processor biber)

if so > but there is no way to select the styles (in my case 

wouldn't it be better to remove
 and styles
or, better, to tell the user that the style has to be inserted in 

lyx-users mailing list

SOLVED> biblatex style options

2021-07-14 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

However, I uploaded the package to CTAN, it should be available
tomorrow wit the official update.


Good to know! Thanks, Herbert

Thanks a lot, Herbert. After updating from CTAN the biblatex-spbasic 
citation and bibliography style file were found. Good.

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex style options

2021-07-12 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 12.07.21 um 14:45 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:

Am 10.07.21 um 21:25 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 10.07.21 um 10:57 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

This is a screenshot of a part of the references of a Springer book.
No point after the forename.

Wolfgang, I downloaded an old version of spbasic.bst which has dots.
However, now I found a new one on Springer's site. Download   and put the two files


into a new directory


Sorry Wolfgang,
it should be


be without the 2021

However, I uploaded the package to CTAN, it should be available
tomorrow wit the official update.


Good to know! Thanks, Herbert
lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex style options

2021-07-12 Thread Herbert Voss

Wolfgang Engelmann schrieb:
> Am 10.07.21 um 21:25 schrieb Herbert Voss:
>> Am 10.07.21 um 10:57 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
>>> This is a screenshot of a part of the references of a Springer book.
>>> No point after the forename.
>> Wolfgang, I downloaded an old version of spbasic.bst which has dots.
>> However, now I found a new one on Springer's site. Download
>>   and put the two files
>> biblatex-spbasic.bbx
>> biblatex-spbasic.cbx
>> into a new directory
>> /usr/local/texlive/2021/texmf-local/tex/latex/biblatex-spbasic

Sorry Wolfgang,
it should be


be without the 2021

However, I uploaded the package to CTAN, it should be available
tomorrow wit the official update.


>> or any other _local_ texmf directory.
>> Then run
>> texhash
>> to update the file name database. Maybe that you must use sudo.
>> Then open the attched LyX file or use your own one and change the
>> entries in Document->settings->Bibliography
>> (see atched screenshot).  Then run your example and you should get
>> the desired bibstyle in the bibliography (see screenshot).
>> best
>> Herbert
> Thanks again, Herbert.
> I did, as you suggested.
> contains doc with biblatex-spbasic.pdf and .tex
> and latex containing biblatex-spbasic.bbx (biblatex style for spbasic.bst)
> and biblatex-spbasic.cbx
> I put both files in
> /us/local/texlive/2021/texmf-local/tex/latex/biblatex-spbasic/
> did a texhash and sudo texhash
> changed the settings according to your screenshot (including biber
> setting)
> did a tools/reconfigure
> but I can't find in the lyx file under Document settings > Bibliography
>  > Biblatex citation the biblatex-spbasic files
> same for Biblatex bibliography style
> I had to do the copying as sudo. Could this be the reason for the failure?
> With the sp-basic.bst file for bibtex is was sufficient to put this file
> in the folder of the lyx document. I could load this style file into the
> document.
> However, I noted that the biblatex-spbasic.bbx and biblatex-spbasic.cbx
> files are owned by root.
> How would I change it, if I am in the folder with the two biblatex files
> with sudo chown ...
> or chmod.. (forgot the shell command in linux)
> or should I change the entire :
> sudo chown -R ...
> Wolfgang
> --
> lyx-users mailing list

lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex style options

2021-07-12 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 12.07.21 um 10:58 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 10.07.21 um 21:25 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 10.07.21 um 10:57 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

This is a screenshot of a part of the references of a Springer book.
No point after the forename.

Wolfgang, I downloaded an old version of spbasic.bst which has dots.
However, now I found a new one on Springer's site. Download   and put the two files


into a new directory


or any other _local_ texmf directory.

Then run


to update the file name database. Maybe that you must use sudo.

Then open the attched LyX file or use your own one and change the
entries in Document->settings->Bibliography
(see atched screenshot).  Then run your example and you should get
the desired bibstyle in the bibliography (see screenshot).


Thanks again, Herbert.
I did, as you suggested.
contains doc with biblatex-spbasic.pdf and .tex
and latex containing biblatex-spbasic.bbx (biblatex style for spbasic.bst)
and biblatex-spbasic.cbx

I put both files in
did a texhash and sudo texhash

changed the settings according to your screenshot (including biber setting)

did a tools/reconfigure

but I can't find in the lyx file under Document settings > Bibliography 
 > Biblatex citation the biblatex-spbasic files

same for Biblatex bibliography style

I had to do the copying as sudo. Could this be the reason for the failure?

With the sp-basic.bst file for bibtex is was sufficient to put this file 
in the folder of the lyx document. I could load this style file into the 

However, I noted that the biblatex-spbasic.bbx and biblatex-spbasic.cbx 
files are owned by root.

How would I change it, if I am in the folder with the two biblatex files

with sudo chown ...
or chmod.. (forgot the shell command in linux)

or should I change the entire 

FORGOT: the entire texlive/2021 folder

sudo chown -R ...


lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex style options

2021-07-12 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 10.07.21 um 21:25 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 10.07.21 um 10:57 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

This is a screenshot of a part of the references of a Springer book.
No point after the forename.

Wolfgang, I downloaded an old version of spbasic.bst which has dots.
However, now I found a new one on Springer's site. Download   and put the two files


into a new directory


or any other _local_ texmf directory.

Then run


to update the file name database. Maybe that you must use sudo.

Then open the attched LyX file or use your own one and change the
entries in Document->settings->Bibliography
(see atched screenshot).  Then run your example and you should get
the desired bibstyle in the bibliography (see screenshot).


Thanks again, Herbert.
I did, as you suggested.
contains doc with biblatex-spbasic.pdf and .tex
and latex containing biblatex-spbasic.bbx (biblatex style for spbasic.bst)
and biblatex-spbasic.cbx

I put both files in
did a texhash and sudo texhash

changed the settings according to your screenshot (including biber setting)

did a tools/reconfigure

but I can't find in the lyx file under Document settings > Bibliography 
> Biblatex citation the biblatex-spbasic files

same for Biblatex bibliography style

I had to do the copying as sudo. Could this be the reason for the failure?

With the sp-basic.bst file for bibtex is was sufficient to put this file 
in the folder of the lyx document. I could load this style file into the 

However, I noted that the biblatex-spbasic.bbx and biblatex-spbasic.cbx 
files are owned by root.

How would I change it, if I am in the folder with the two biblatex files

with sudo chown ...
or chmod.. (forgot the shell command in linux)

or should I change the entire :
sudo chown -R ...


lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex style options

2021-07-10 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann

Am 10.07.21 um 09:20 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:
I asked the Springer people whether a biblatex style corresponding to 
their spbasic.bst exists, but the answer was not very helpful ('it 
doesn't matter ...).

What I like to know is, how to set the options of biblatex in order to 
get the spbasic output. Or could I use the bibtex export of the 
bibliography and include it in the pdf file? Not very elegant...

I remember, for bibtex exists a link which shows the various outputs of 
the bibliography styles+options (and of the text citations) together 
with the way to proceed to get them. Would be good to have something 
similar for biblatex.

Specifically, I would like to have in the bibliography Authorname, only 
first character of forename without point (e.g. Mayer P). As it is now 
the forenames are either before or after the name, abbreviated or in 
full. How to restrict it to 3 names was explained already by Herbert Voss.

Any hints?

Found this:
but could not find an answer to the specific questions above
lyx-users mailing list

biblatex style options

2021-07-10 Thread Wolfgang Engelmann
I asked the Springer people whether a biblatex style corresponding to 
their spbasic.bst exists, but the answer was not very helpful ('it 
doesn't matter ...).

What I like to know is, how to set the options of biblatex in order to 
get the spbasic output. Or could I use the bibtex export of the 
bibliography and include it in the pdf file? Not very elegant...

I remember, for bibtex exists a link which shows the various outputs of 
the bibliography styles+options (and of the text citations) together 
with the way to proceed to get them. Would be good to have something 
similar for biblatex.

Specifically, I would like to have in the bibliography Authorname, only 
first character of forename without point (e.g. Mayer P). As it is now 
the forenames are either before or after the name, abbreviated or in 
full. How to restrict it to 3 names was explained already by Herbert Voss.

Any hints?

Am 08.07.21 um 14:42 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

Am 08.07.21 um 14:22 schrieb Herbert Voss:

Am 08.07.21 um 13:47 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

What would be recommended to get familiar with the handling of the 
biblatex references? I used to use spbasic.bst from Springer 
Publisher modified slightly to show maximally 3 authors only.

that is an authoryear style

Is this style available for biblatex/biber?

add the optional arguments


to biblatex


Thanks again, Herbert.
I don't want to bother you and others too much,
but there are more details, e.g.
the name should be Name, P (P for prename, only first character shown 
without point

At the moment it is e.g. prename name or name prename or name P etc
Thats the reason I would like a ref for biblatex.

The biblatex Programmable Bibliographies by Philip Kime, Moritz 
Wemheuer, Philipp Lehman

but its a bit overkill.


lyx-users mailing list

Re: biblatex style - Springer publisher

2021-07-08 Thread Herbert Voss

Am 08.07.21 um 14:42 schrieb Wolfgang Engelmann:

I don't want to bother you and others too much,
but there are more details, e.g.
the name should be Name, P (P for prename, only first character shown 
without point

At the moment it is e.g. prename name or name prename or name P etc
Thats the reason I would like a ref for biblatex.

The biblatex Programmable Bibliographies by Philip Kime, Moritz 
Wemheuer, Philipp Lehman

but its a bit overkill.

Show a complete example with a screenshot and if possible with the
corresponding bibtex-data

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