frei0r video plugin collection

2023-01-04 Thread Jaromil
Dear nettimers,

Maybe of interest to some here, I've been maintaining the frei0r project for 
over 19 years now: a collective effort to document, make available to use and 
preserve as portable and interoperable as possible a free and open source 
collection of plugins.

The frei0r project welcomes contributions from people passionate about video 
effects. Its collection consists of almost 150 free video plugins made to work 
on any target platform (GNU/Linux, Apple/OSX and MS/Win) without needing 
special video hardware. Anyone can use these plugins to add a wide range of 
effects to video, such as colour correction, blurring, and distortion. People 
use frei0r in live performances, for video editing, in media art installations 
and even for medical visualizations.

The frei0r project is an excellent resource for anyone interested in algorithms 
for video transformation and effects. It provides a wide range of open-source 
formulas available for free and can be easily integrated into various software. 
Frei0r plugins are ready to use inside FFMpeg, KdenLive, Shotcut, Flowblade, 
Pure Data, VeeJay, LiVES, etc.  

I've written a retrospective about frei0r on the occasion of its version 2 
release here:

I hope you enjoy reading it. I also did my best to refresh some history between 
important but somehow omitted parts of media art history like Piksel festival 
and Montevideo/Time-Based Arts.



  Denis "Jaromil" Roio think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & founder   software to empower communities
  ✉ Haparandadam 7-A1, 1013AK Amsterdam, NL
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Re: Dodomenta, Diary from Kassel

2022-09-21 Thread Jaromil

wow it's 2022 and the anti-duits are still out and about... zuper langweilig

dare to watch an interesting network-effect known to any of us who has been 
part of ISM?

watch live how wiki pages about artists and curators involved will be 
vandalized and deleted!


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Re: Strom vs Morozov: knockdown punch

2022-07-06 Thread Jaromil

dear Brian, Felix and nettime readers,

coincidentally, let me share some recent news, small but relevant to complete 
the analysis:

let me complete with what this magazine (historically pro-systemd and 
aggressively posed against all critics) is perhaps afraid to tell: the master 
of systemd now works for Micro$oft. I hope you don't mind me 
per-using your quote Brian.

On Sun, 03 Jul 2022, Brian Holmes wrote:

> This is totally on point, Jaromil. The tech industry has always been able to 
> think cybernetically - it has to, in order to handle interactive networks 
> with millions of users - but what you're pointing out, in a very specific 
> situation, is how it's now able to carry out integrated strategies affecting 
> entire fields or "modes of practice." In your example, it means reshaping all 
> the factors that condition the software development process, including 
> institutional ones such as the literature on standards and the processes for 
> their validation.
> On the global level both Google and Microsoft are notorious for transforming 
> governance through the introduction of particular types of software and 
> information-processing services that reshape the activity of corporate 
> officials and bureaucrats, and in that way, affect entire societies. However 
> I had never considered that Red Hat would be doing the same within 
> social-democratic spheres where FOSS development is supported by public 
> money. It's somewhat depressing news, because FOSS development for public use 
> is really one of the few places where the social-steering capacities of 
> Silicon Valley are challenged... I don't have the expertise to fully evaluate 
> what you're saying (although I have read about Devuan and the systemd 
> controversies!) - but anyway, yes, I think we are talking about exactly the 
> same thing here.

I love how the research and works by Florian Gottke remind us about the 
importance of topping statues, an act operating through the language of 
liturgy, and firmly preluding radical changes in governance.

And so there is a symbolic event last year worth mentioning: the topping of RMS 
from his role as prophet: we wrote about it here
 - an open letter written together with Christina Derazenski, a big loss as I 
believe she'd be able to describe much better than me what is happening and 
through the lenses of feminism.

Today we have the not-so-symbolic event of Linux development being steered by 
Micro$oft, with all implications enounced in this thread.

So now let me once again use nettime to mark an event in time - this list is 
the best literary blockchain around! :^D

Today we witness the epilogue of what was the F/OSS movement with all its 
dreams of glory and democracy or do-ocracy or whatever fascinated our friend 
Biella so much when describing Debian. Today we observe what you mention as a 
"classic cybernetic takeover" vastly overlooked by academic literature about 
governance and free software.

I am fascinated by all this, but somehow relieved there will be no more a 
global F/OSS movement, just pockets of resistance.

Foucault, Deleuze, Caronia... they have seen all this already.

And they were right: being and becoming marginal, feels good.

Also some security experts were right from the beginning, about using OpenBSD.



  Denis "Jaromil" Roio think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
  ✉ Haparandadam 7-A1, 1013AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  𝄞 crypto κρυπτο крипто क्रिप्टो 加密 التشفير הצפנה
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Re: Strom vs Morozov: knockdown punch

2022-07-03 Thread Jaromil

dear Brian,

many thanks for this review! I admit would never had the time to read through 
the articles and less than ever spot the tension you highlight, your dedication 
makes it possible for many of us to follow interesting debates as this one. I 
guess we are all familiar with Morozov's ideas by now, certainly more than 

On Thu, 30 Jun 2022, Brian Holmes wrote:

> This is much better than Morozov: it cuts straight to the chase, rather than 
> beating around the theoretical bush. Strom is saying that the new standard 
> model of contemporary capitalism emerges when technoscience is applied to 
> produce and condition the environments in which business operations are 
> carried out and consumer choices are made. This is a classic cybernetic 
> strategy: to become the master of a feedback loop you do not attempt to 
> directly control all the participating nodes. Instead, you create and 
> continuously adjust the framework in which those nodes interact.

reading what you write here really strikes a chord in me, to the point I'll 
shamelessly put forward a link to my much dumber and less theoretical 
witnessing here, from the shores of practice:

what I propose is to look at this "small simulation" of what is happening 
already since some years in the free and open source (F/OSS) world, around the 
landmark acquisition of RedHat by IBM and following the politics of the Linux 
Foundation in imposing (by means of lobbying) new immature software components 
like systemd as a "standard".

> So to wrap it up, the "standard model" of contemporary capitalism is 
> definitely not a firm selling advertising widgets. Nor even less is it a mere 
> parasite feeding on *your* boundless creativity. Instead, the standard model 
> now entails an expansive "mode of practice" that actively builds, monitors 
> and adjusts the productive/communicative frameworks in which the individual's 
> tastes and productive potentials will be expressed, actualized and satisfied, 
> ideally with no leftover energies of dissent.

in F/OSS too, this is not done anymore by competition, like 20 years ago at the 
time Ubuntu desertified the artisanal GNU/Linux distro panorama with its 
"global philantropy" approach. Today this is done by
 1. taking control of the "standard making literature" and processes
 2. turning competition into an R&D playing field to "test standards" and "fail 
fast" (cit. startup economy) at the expense of those who play

this is not anymore about an oligopoly of unfair competitors, but a standard 
establishing presence steering the playing field. the hegemony on point 1. is 
crucial and it can be compared to other contexts (try s/standard/law/). The 
standard making entry point is not anymore based on technical expertise, but is 
fenced by lobbying and a steep price to be paid by active presence through the 
meanders of democracy (the literature) something that only very big 
organizations can afford today in terms of labor and seniorship.

> Still, one large and timely question remains unasked: What are the Googles 
> and Amazons and all their political allies going to do in the face of an 
> emergent governing logic that is not cybernetic at all, but instead, aims at 
> ideological and police control of individual bodies characterized by sex, 
> class and race? In short, what is cybernetic capitalism going to do about the 
> new fascism?

they are going to pose as a democratic presence in the rooms of power, while 
being assured they will be gaining power over guinea pigs who were once 
competitors and nation states since standards and conditions of infrastructure 
access are in their full control and laws just follow (with the golden 
exception of anti-trust laws). For instance see the "kind move" by APPL and 
GOOG to offer access to the BTLE infrastructure on their phones for the 
techno-fascist initiatives of "corona-pass" applications. Those were ultimately 
of no use to defend anyone from the syndemic crisis, while pouring emergency 
funds in the pockets of the tech industry, and activating a number of state 
actors for the R&D of technologies that are now "mature enough" (both 
technically and legally) to be used by their original gatekeepers.



  Denis "Jaromil" Roio think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
  ✉ Haparandadam 7-A1, 1013AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  𝄞 crypto κρυπτο крипто क्रिप्टो 加密 التشفير הצפנה
  ⚷ 6113D89C A825C5CE DD02C872 73B35DA5 4ACB7D10

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Re: Peter Lamborn WIlson 1945 -2022

2022-05-25 Thread Jaromil

reading this gives me a very strange feeling

the most influential person I read on my way to adulthood

i and i would never think he'd die, and most probably he didn't.

the first ever print of the forkbomb viral artwork was made for the p0es1s 
festival in Berlin 2004

it is a postcard some of you may still have, behind I asked to place a quote of 

"The last possible deed is that which defines perception itself, an invisible 
golden cord that connects us: illegal dancing in the courthouse corridors. If I 
were to kiss you here they’d call it an act of terrorism — so let’s take our 
pistols to bed & wake up the city at midnight like drunken bandits celebrating 
with a fusillade, the message of the taste of chaos."

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Re: NEW BOOK! Surfing with Satoshi - Art, Blockchain and NFTs by Domenico Quaranta

2022-05-12 Thread Jaromil
On Tue, 10 May 2022, Brian Holmes wrote:

> Besides, I'm gonna say it again. I really don't think we all invented 
> tactical media to end up supporting "verifiable digital scarcity." The 
> concept is bullshit, the art is bullshit, crypto finance is bullshit and that 
> all should be said frankly. As you've just done. So I'm glad for the thread!

in line with Christian Marazzi, David Hakken and many others' critics of 
financialization I think that -finance- is bs and think that anyone critizing 
crypto while being involved in global financial gambling is a morally bankrupt 
hypocrite - to use better terms.

I still think art is the best medium to say these things


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Re: NEW BOOK! Surfing with Satoshi - Art, Blockchain and NFTs by Domenico Quaranta

2022-05-10 Thread Jaromil
dear Brian,

On Mon, 09 May 2022, Brian Holmes wrote:

> "Why do the visual arts seem to have acquired such a central role in the
> crypto economy?"
> Could it be that impenetrable financial technology needs an artistic
> fetish to conquer even more territory? Thus digital art, after playing
> with direct democracy for a few decades, has now returned to the
> time-honored role of decorator for the elites.

Interesting take. I thought instead that the elites have shown some
money to digital artists convincing them to dance, perhaps I have a too
high consideration of "digital artists" whatever that means.  :^)

> In case it's not obvious to everyone, "verifiable digital scarcity" is
> the exact opposite of what tactical media set out to do. Hopefully all
> the get-rich-quick NFT-minters are going to set up commons-based
> infrastructure with their haul, I can respect that and will support it
> when the pump and dump is over.

AFAIK they are not the same people.

Those who may keep investing in activist initiatives and commons-based
infrastructure are in other camps than NFT/web3/ethereum, a context
which after initial (2013) investments by goldmans and other global
banks have moved forward to play the game we see televised today, this
is the crypto finance overly present in trade shows and now even art
debates, cashing on the crypto on-boarding of get-rich-quick idiots

I believe the "crypto commons" movement right now has a clear
interpretation of how tactical is a pump-and-dump and will stay
underground and far from gigs pumped by the eth/web3 camp.
What I call the crypto-commons movement will be also attacked from all
mainstream sides, while the leftover cold-war assets jumping back on
their seats nowadays are tempted to say we are all sons of a Putain

IMHO the dump of eth is approaching as its prophet has decreted that
layer 2 (upcoming eth2 also called "The Merge") should bring down
transaction prices to $0.05.
the next target for this sexy tech may well low-income financial areas

here my assessment five months ago
as of 1st Jan 2022 the price for 1 year domain registration was at 640USD
a bit of math:
market value of eth: 4000
low cost of "web2" new domains: 10
cost of a "web3" .eth domain: 640
euclides: 640:4000=10:x
x=62.5 is the "use value" of eth against its market value.

p.s. for the curious techies who like to play with web3 no need to pay
money to these sociopaths we have a free-for-all testnet on still in the process of getting stable so you may
see the faucet is down now then try later.


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The Real Crypto Movement

2022-05-06 Thread Jaromil

dear Nettimers,

I was challenged to write again about something crypto by Felix, Shu Lea and 
Ewen. So I took the occasion to manifest and share some burning thought

I'll be grateful for any criticism, insight, advice and suggestion received 
from this list.

The link of the publication is here:
complete with images, up to the top there is also a link to the French 

Here below I'll paste the plain-text of this short essay, to ease quoting and 
reading from whatever you may be using to read nettime.

But first a technical note:

Some of you may notice that I stop inserting line-breaks at col. 72, violating 
an old netiquette rule and RFC1855 guideline. I do this after noticing that 
text reflow nowadays is better done client-side, since we use devices of 
different width, including mobile hand-helds, it may be the case that the time 
for newlines being set at the origin is over.

For instance when I read Geert here, someone whom I held accountable all this 
time for his netiquette violations, his texts are very readable from a mobile 
mail client. When I read Carlo von Lynx instead, a man notably very observant 
of netiquette, his mails appear hard to read.

Of all nettimers now I remember RAX whom used to read nettime sitting in his 
lab on the roof in Vienna using Pine on an especially tall monitor in portrait 
orientation. He once also mentioned me how annoying were newlines imposed at 
the origin, since he wanted to reflow text his own way based on different 
mediums he adopted for reading. I feel guilty for my disapproval back then and 
now repeat to myself every day: always challenge your convictions.

wish you a good read


# The Real Crypto Movement

by Denis “Jaromil” Roio for the Makery series “From Commons to NFT” and Kingdom 
of Piracy, written on the road and published on 30 April 2022

Cover image:
Content of an early block of Bitcoin’s blockchain, reproduced in the article 
“Bitcoin, the end of the Taboo on Money” by Denis Roio, published by 
digital press in 2013

“The most powerful forces, those that interest us the most, are not in a 
specular and negative relation to modernity, to the contrary they move on 
transversal trajectories. On this basis we shouldn’t conclude that they oppose 
everything that is modern and rational, but that are engaged in creating new 
forms of rationality and new forms of liberation.”
Negri and Hardt, 2010, "Commonwealth"

Since Bitcoin has broken the taboo on money about 10 years ago a lot has 
happened in the crypto space, in this brief essay I will explore some 
techno-political devices and promises that are staged today. I draw my insights 
and intuitions from an early involvement in the cypherpunk underground 
subculture. In this context I have written and advised the development of code 
in Bitcoin core, I have almost accidentally written what became the Bitcoin 
Manifesto and I have published early forks of the Bitcoin code. It was just the 
beginning of Bitcoin’s success when a few of us predicted “alt-coins” would 
soon appear: I was then among the first people to use the term “blockchain” to 
indicate the technical stack that empowered Bitcoin’s growth of a decentralized 
network at a planetary scale and envisioned its evolution in non-financial 
use-cases in the fields of energy, art and notarization.

Rather than an historical account, my effort here will be to share insights on 
the future of what is commonly referred to as “crypto” and whose hype may be at 
its surreality peak in 2022 with the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) market of digital 

I will also suggest a silver lining to the ethics of a global movement whose 
ideology will be of great influence for the future of technology: through this 
document I will demonstrate that the real crypto movement is not a trade-show 
of sociopaths in Las Vegas, but a contemporary iteration of the commons 
movement in the age of crypto.

I’ll be moving through contested grounds to suggest that the genesis of what 
today is marketed as the hyper-financial exploitation of exchange value of 
virtual assets is underpinned by a technology that still holds use-value for a 
movement of resistance against the global corruption of governments and 

## From underground rebellion to global currency

The birth of the “crypto movement” is inscribed in an eclatant episode of 
financial injustice: the Wikileaks blockade. Here a quote of the historical 
communicate published on their website:

Since 7th December 2010 an arbitrary and unlawful financial blockade has been 
imposed by Bank of America, VISA, MasterCard, PayPal and Western Union. The 
attack has destroyed 95% of our revenue. [. . . ] The blockade is outside of 
any accountable, public process. It is wit, a decade in perspective

2021-12-30 Thread Jaromil
ands of participants later, it will likely be an experience we
   want to continue as well repeat for more organizations around the

The European Blockchain Infrastructure

   It’s not anymore a dream, but a concrete opportunity to have Europe
   rely on a fully free and open source software infrastructure for many
   notarization tasks needed by an initial number of 24 members states
   adhering to the initiative of the European Blockchain Services
   Infrastructure (EBSI).

   Also in the institutional space we decided to take a community
   development approach and formed a consortium with 2 excellent
   partners: RIDDLE&CODE and Infocert.

We are working to equip Europe with its Blockchain Services Infrastructure

   We are at a very good point building and testing a software stack
   based on DECODE technology (Zenroom) and that provides a
   consensus-based oracle network that can serve and link multiple
   distributed ledger technologies while keeping the whole framework
   blockchain agnostic.

   And the good news came in just recently: we passed the second round
   of selection and we are now among the 5 organizations in Europe asked
   to demonstrate their prototype to the European Commission!

European Blockchain Pre-Commercial Procurement

Amsterdam, September 21st The is one more milestone in the consortium's
track record of excellence with cryptography…

Success means growth

   I won’t hide that the past two years of syndemic crisis rocked our
   boat, but we managed to stay afloat and deliver even more than we
   hoped. Our collective at the core of operations kept compact
   and focused, rowed high through difficult waters and obtained
   outstanding results. We have achieved all you see without the help of
   any venture capital and without running any crypto-coin scam.

   As much as we believe in the idea that Small is Beautiful, we came to
   a point in which it is healthy to grow beyond our foundation and
   clearly make a distinction between what we do for research passion
   and interest and what we do as capable people hired by public and
   private ventures needing our help.

Forkbomb | LinkedIn

   Today I am proud to announce the birth of a new company ready to work
   with you and help you build software products and services that stand
   out for the quality, passion and attention to details we all put into
   what we do.

   Starting in 2022 you are welcome to contact the Forkbomb Company
   whenever you need us to work on your project and according to your
   schedule, write to and get to know our fresh CEO
   Andrea D'Intino.

   Public domain. Think &Do Tank
we are free to share code and we code to share freedom is a non-profit foundation and free software foundry
   established in 1999 with the mission of increasing environmental
   sustainability, inter-disciplinarity and freedom of expression. It
   connects an online community in which art, science and technology
   meet open source.


  Denis "Jaromil" Roio think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
  ✉ Haparandadam 7-A1, 1013AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  𝄞 crypto κρυπτο крипто क्रिप्टो 加密 التشفير הצפנה
  ⚷ 6113D89C A825C5CE DD02C872 73B35DA5 4ACB7D10

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Open letter to the Free Software Movement

2019-09-26 Thread Jaromil
is just a small account from Europe. We know that, wherever
you are in the world, if you have been in this movement, you are
probably struggling as well. Believe us now when we say that it will
not help to burn the Man, to obliterate the memory of our cause, to
expunge someone's contributions to it by means of an angry mob; that
would be an act of harassment we cannot be able to accept.

We will start improving as a movement when we show the highest notion
of what a movement can be: capable of reflection, understanding and
healing its wounds, ready to evolve and progress while maintaining the
integrity of its aims.

We are not the problem, we are part of the solution.

The Free World needs the Free Software movement.

  Denis "Jaromil" Roio think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
  ✉ Haparandadam 7-A1, 1013AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  𝄞 crypto κρυπτο крипто गुप्त् 加密 האנוסים المشفره
  ⚷ 6113D89C A825C5CE DD02C872 73B35DA5 4ACB7D10

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Re: The Maker Movement is abandoned by its corporate sponsors; throws in the towel

2019-06-11 Thread Jaromil

dear Bruce and nettimers,

On Sat, 08 Jun 2019, Bruce Sterling wrote:

> *Well, so much for the O’Reilly Web 2.0 version of popular
>  mechanics.  Fifteen years is not too bad a run by the standards of
>  an increasingly jittery California Ideology.  Now what? — Bruce S

Felipe Fonseca has seen it coming years before and express it well: 

he wasn't alone: for those of us who were into the "recycling" and DIY
scene in the late nineties, the Make magazine circus was the sort of
poison to kill a movement by sugar coating and extraction aka
franchising. While doing that for 15 years, there are a three points
it missed to address IMHO:

1. the right to mod your hardware, esp. video-games which represent
   the vast majority of new hardware sold and thrown away around the

2. the "peripheries of the empire" aka South of the World (remember
   Bricolabs?) where DIY is *amazingly* developed in various forms.
   As usual, we have learned nothing from that, just advertised us
   westeners doing it better and with more bling.

3. the "shamanic" value that can be embedded in uses of technologies,
   as opposed to the sanitized and rational interpretation given by
   designers in the west. Techno-shamanism is something Fabi Borges,
   Vicky Sinclair and other good folks in Bricolabs have been busy for

so then, what now? I believe the functional need of aggregating places
for "hacker culture" is lowering: everything can exist virtually as
software, more or less. Machinery + franchising have a too high
production cost compared to their output, not sustainable at all. Also
moving hardware around is a *big* effort and the only ones lowering
overhead costs for new players are in China (...Aliexpress).

Plus the acceleration of hardware production resulted in way less
sustainability especially in relation to obsolescence: buy a part now
then ask if it will be still available in 20 years! you'll be
presented an NDA to sign and then discover there is just a 3-4 years
plan behind it. Spare parts anyone? Meanwhile is almost 2020 and there
is no service to print and sell-on-demand USB sticks with stuff on:
what a contrast if you think of the CD/DVD on-demand industry of 15
years ago! which partially resists only on garage music productions.

So, software still offers possibilities, but will it produce a
cultural shift? I doubt it will do more than what it did already in
crypto, which is already highly controversial and poisoned of a sort
of unstable sugar coating mixed with toxic financial capitals.

At last, looking at the new generations, the bling is what really
counts: I guess most "fablabs" could be converted to
"fashionlabs". Personally I'm planning to revamp dyne:bolic which
besides running on old computers and modded game consoles did one
thing which is still actual: it was a media production studio. The
best part of "maker culture" was its cultural expression, mined for
its value until exhaustion; but isn't it harder to express cultural
values using hardware? Much easier with music and videos etc. they
also travel easier.

For more *practical examples* of projects who may inspire new
horizons: you are all invited to an event we ( are setting up
in Amsterdam on the 5th July. We will fill the stage with many new
faces: 16 projects we awarded with EU funding for their pro/vision of
"human-centric" solutions, purpose driven and socially useful. Hope to
see some of you, we will also have a new call end of year, its about
200k EUR equity free so lets engage in new sustainable challenges


  Denis "Jaromil" Roio think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
  ✉ Haparandadam 7-A1, 1013AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  ✩ Profile and publications:
  𝄞 crypto κρυπτο крипто गुप्त् 加密 האנוסים المشفره
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Re: Shame of going against the tribe

2019-05-03 Thread Jaromil
On Mon, 29 Apr 2019, Joseph Rabie wrote:

> Perhaps Morlock should be given the choice between coming out - that
> is to say, no longer hiding behind a pseudonym - or he should be
> asked to leave.

Has been a while since I spew my few poisoned bytes on the matter, not
without regret as in some romantic past I did enjoy the caustic mood
Morlock shared; and a certain taste for humor-noir (Andre' Breton

However, times have changed and the same cynical rethoric about iphone
and martini people has moved on different shores and topics, where the
blame is for supposed "SJWs" and the very term of social justice is
derided. I am afraid there will be more similar mutations and more
occasions for us to be disgusted.

However, there is no more mystery around who Morlock is. Not that it
would really make interesting news, nor anyone would jump on the
chair, however sooner or later someone will out him.

Not me. But I second Brian of course, Morlock's stuff rots the list.
The dark /dev/null corner in my procmail recipe is ready, but I don't
dare to put him there just yet, hoping one day the bar rises again.

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Free Ola Bini

2019-04-13 Thread Jaromil

dear nettimers,

As some of you may know already, Ola Bini is detained in Ecuador since
more than 24h now, he was caught in the airport before boarding a trip
to Japan that he had planned since long time already to follow up on
his studies.

I am very much concerned by the current circumstances and would like
to call all of you to take action as we need to build pressure against
the Ecuadorian government.

Ola is an outstanding contributor to innovative free and open source
software solutions for privacy, among them also the v4 of OTR. There
are two facts that I believe are important to be taken into account
about the current circumstances:

1. Ola's detention is based on a rather ridicolous "evidence of a
   crime" that should concern many security researchers and privacy
   activists: the Ecuadorian police statement reads that he "travels
   too much to neighboring countries and reads technical books". While
   theis seized all his work tools, this accusation partially rests on
   his possession of books like "Cyber War" by Richard A. Clarke

2. Ola Bini is a cybersecurity professional on the advisory board of
   the flaghship European project DECODE (grant nr 732546) on advanced
   cryptographic and privacy by design research for data ownership and
   technological sovereignty (see The
   illegal detainment of Ola Bini is damaging research lead at the
   European Commission. As technical coordinator of the project I am
   deeply concerned by his incarceration and tampering with his
   professional possessions, which may also contain confidential
   materials belonging to our project. His detainment is not only
   unjustified, but is producing serious damage to European scientific
   research. This statement is also approved by DECODE general
   coordinator Francesca Bria.

Here you find the statement released by Ola's attorneys in Ecuador

Here some sources of information to monitor

To get in touch with the #freeolabini legal support coordinators
please email: olabinilegal at riseup dot net

The blog of Ola's Ecuadorian organization "CAD"

Please help us mobilize in sopport of Ola! many thanks

  Denis "Jaromil" Roio think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
  ✉ Haparandadam 7-A1, 1013AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Re: Sad by Design, the essay

2019-01-12 Thread Jaromil

dear Geert,

On Thu, 10 Jan 2019, Geert Lovink wrote:

> Sadness arises at the point we’re exhausted by the online
> world. After yet another app session in which we failed to make a
> date, purchased a ticket and did a quick round of videos, the
> post-dopamine mood hits us hard. The sheer busyness and
> self-importance of the world makes you feel joyless. After a dive
> into the network we’re drained and feel socially awkward. The
> swiping finger is tired and we have to stop."

Thanks for this. While reading, I think that, in the age of memes, if
books would have an animated gif as cover, this may be it?

ciao :^)
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2018-12-07 Thread Jaromil

small updated from the showbiz-infiltration-dept :^)

I was on a televised panel hosted at EU Parliament about cyber
security, wearing the artist hat argumenting why art and humanities
are very important for the subject. Here is the 20" video on YT:

(aired y'day at ICT28 and on the STARTS digital single market channel)

I'm happy to know about anyone else interested in breaking down the
wall of funding to the military-industrial complex using... art?


p.s. yes, I count in m$ as most other big-tech companies as mil-ind

> >
> On Mon, 12 Nov 2018, Geert Lovink wrote:
> >Dear nettimers, any comments on this? I find this pretty
> >stunning. OK, 100 years after World War I, that’s pretty
> >significant. "Make love, not war." Today there's conference in
> >Paris. I am an anti-militarist, I am not on the side of the
> >corporate-governmental (cyber)warfare promotors. But in general I
> >am not against non-violent conflict. Should we demand digital
> >conflict? Or digital ‘struggle'?


> 2. tactical because there is an ENORMOUS amount of funding into the
>cyber-war buzzthing, more than all these blockchains and bitcoin
>stories annoying so many people here. and its all in the hands of
>the military-industrial complex, facing the issue in the same huge
>control rooms usied to make war.

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2018-11-13 Thread Jaromil
On Mon, 12 Nov 2018, Geert Lovink wrote:


>Dear nettimers, any comments on this? I find this pretty
>stunning. OK, 100 years after World War I, that’s pretty
>significant. "Make love, not war." Today there's conference in
>Paris. I am an anti-militarist, I am not on the side of the
>corporate-governmental (cyber)warfare promotors. But in general I
>am not against non-violent conflict. Should we demand digital
>conflict? Or digital ‘struggle'?

this reminds me of the "INFO PEACE" call by Way Holland, signed by CdC
and many others back end of nineties, at the time first SCADA targeted
cyber-attacks were emerging...

my advice, being my POV very close to yours naturally, is that we
demand that PEACE is not just the business of the military
industry. This is both a strategic and tactical call:

1. strategic because, srsly, boneheads cannot grasp the "Peace"
   concept even with their subsidized MAs and PhDs in political

2. tactical because there is an ENORMOUS amount of funding into the
   cyber-war buzzthing, more than all these blockchains and bitcoin
   stories annoying so many people here. and its all in the hands of
   the military-industrial complex, facing the issue in the same huge
   control rooms usied to make war.


  Denis "Jaromil" Roio think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
  ✉ Haparandadam 7-A1, 1013AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
  ✩ Profile and publications:
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Re: Please support the first global facebook user strike

2018-05-11 Thread Jaromil

dear Anni,

On Sat, 05 May 2018, Anni Roolf wrote:

>Thank you for the pros and cons. Did you guys also read the
>medium article? [1] In my experience it’s
>hard to consider such a campaign in advance. To join it can only
>be a piece of the puzzle, is an experimentation process and will
>always have unintended — positive and negative — results.

thanks for this initiative, I really agree with you this
experimentation process is important and shouldn't be seen as a
"reformist" approach to the problem. We are dealing with a complex
body of organisms whose vital functions have never been mapped, rather
concealed from us and for which I believe angiographic experiments as
this one are also a possible intervention, besides euthanasia, and can
inform and inspire future developments.

I have been reluctanctly on FB for years, connected with many people,
interacting mostly via bitlbee (messenger to IRC gateway). These days
is becoming obvious to me (just from a sixth sense no need for
metrics) that FB has been already abandoned by many people over the CA
scandal and other campaigns. Interactions over potentially interesting
topics have shrinked a big deal. Things are changing.

Greetings from Dakar, where in the OFF part of the Biennale we had a
mindblowing debate on "decolonising internet" hosted by Ker Thiossane,
with Marion, Oulimata, prof. Tonda and others. In this context of
"non-aligned utopias" and Afropixel festival to me is also clear noone
believes in the services coming from the so called FANG conglomerate
and there is big potential for new, ethical, decolonialised media


  Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
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Re: please read - and how can this possibly be combatted?

2018-04-24 Thread Jaromil

dear Stephen,

Thanks for your message indeed. Knowing of your continued engagement
in crisis areas I think your experience is really worthed a thread.

On Mon, 23 Apr 2018, intertwilight wrote:

> The issue of using social media in conflict situations is real (in
> many different ways) and those that are the most savvy in their use
> have the potential to be effective influencers ...  either for
> conflict mitigation or its exacerbation. I simply wanted to point
> out some tools and resources for conflict mitigation that are being
> used or developed.

The fact that 'conflict mitigation' for social network hatespeech is a
task falling on the shoulders of NGOs is a somehow unwieldy deja-vu.

"theoretically" this would be a liability for the social network
corporations making enough money out of relentless extraction - and
injection of frauds a.k.a "fakenews" ads - to cover for it.

but no. deja-vu being that NGOs are left to deal with the debris.

what is also grotesque are the conditions of "lower-level" operations
in social network corporations that have to deal with hate speech (and
as it was done in your case, often commit mistakes... not sure you
want to tell the story). This can all well be a subject of studies, as
those conducted by @quillis at, or of court-cases perhaps.

I believe the bottom-line question stays the same since a century or
so: after capitalism leaves a mess, who deals with it? I find that
anglosaxon societies, while being heavily liability based, have never
found a practical answer. I don't believe philantropy is a viable
one. Finally, incarcerating Zuckerberg and the likes may be a step


  Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
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Re: morlock elloi

2018-04-10 Thread Jaromil

dear Orsan and nettime readers,

ultimately I'm sorry for my flurr of posts and will follow Bronac's
suggestion to shrink also my presence down after this and go back
lurking for another ~six months, unless there is something specific I
can contribute about projects I'm involved into. But even then, other
colleagues like Usman are here and much better than me at it.

I appreciated very much some posts from other fellow lurkers and part
of the conversation (helped also by Ted's and Felix posts) that is
somehow encouraging people to participate here. Nettime is a great
resource, most lists of its caliber are just space for announcements
and I'm very happy this is a space for confrontation and debate. It
gathers readers and writers of very very, very high quality, people
I'd be ready to pay a subscription for. And I hope will soon become
less hostile to critical thinkers who aren't up for stirring every
argument in a slant. Clearly there is people willing to chip in,
eventually and clearly there is a need for it at the onset of a new
social network exodus.

Now about this whole Soros thing Orsan, you know me and other people
here hold you in great esteem, but please think twice before
continuing this anti-Soros campaign. Not just because it reeks a bit
like Liz notes, but because is completely off-topic and, adding to
other top-quote posts, makes our common space way less appealing to
those of us acquainted to good netiquette manners.

more than off-topic and beyond the subject, what I find personally
most disturbing is that we started with a thread about Francesca's
article on the Guardian mentioning DECODE and we are ending up talking
about her husband and his (absolutely immaginary and you don't even
know how far from reality) current ties to Soros. I think this is
really bad. And not just because of Soros, a subject that perhaps
should also claim Simona's attention.

I know Francesca well enough to know she gives a frill about being a
woman, but really then, just from my own observation point of view,
stirring the conversation out of the subject to talk about Morozov is
just plain offensive to the work she capable of doing, which really is
her own. To me this off-topic is not only uncomprehensible, but also
unacceptable, because it calls for a male presence to explain power.

I refuse that. Let go all the psychedelic rant on Soros conspiracies,
I just want to talk about the subject and I think that Francesca
deserves her own space and, if really necessary, her own conspiracy

Wow. Ok, end of the reality show (net)time for me now.


  Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
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Re: morlock elloi

2018-04-09 Thread Jaromil

dear Ted,

On Sun, 08 Apr 2018, tbyfield wrote:

> twitterish performance of a cynical old white techie

Oh BTW do not miss this

It replaced my weekly morlockelloi's dose.

beware it may replace also nettime one day :^)))
na, just joking.

but hey, what is happening now? I feel a bit uncomfortable looking at
the waves this scaramuche has spawned. its already more than one
thread. Orsan is running around like a suicide bunny in conspiracy
land. There is a new thread with Soros in the subject, accusing
Francesca and Evgeny of some sort of ancestral sin of Soros-puppetry,
likely funneled through Rosa Luxemburg's foundation, right after
Simona accused Francesca of terrible but undefined corruption crimes.

I am not sure. I mean. It is a bit hilarious :^)
Where did Soros came into this story exactly?!
Oh maybe its about Hungary's Orbanization?
BTW, is David Orban the cousing of Viktor?
I'd be surprised. Such a nice guy!


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Re: Francesca Bria: Our data is valuable. Here's how we can take that value back

2018-04-08 Thread Jaromil

dear Joseph,

On Sun, 08 Apr 2018, Joseph Rabie wrote:

>Hallo all,
>This statement by Jaromil is very revealing:
>  obviously you are reading just an opinion piece for the Guardian's
>  large audience. I would love if we can find a way so that your
>  attention is spent on more appropriate information that only you and a
>  few other people can understand about DECODE.

yes Joe but pleeease, I'm not revealing: I'm consciously writing. I
love literature, I know we are in a public space and I definitely mean
what I write. I'm not slipping things out of my mind so that can be
"revealed" by people accusing me of being an elitist. So please Joe,
chill pill, ok?

>"that only you and a few other people can understand"...  So - if
>I understand correctly - according to Jaromil, there is on the
>one hand, a technically savvy elite, and on the other, the
>ignorant rest of us.

To acknowledge the problem, rather than negate it, is a start towards
the solution. Please for a moment think about your slanted attempt at
framing. Through the (rather enormous, yes, because we do work for
that money) narrative of DECODE, you will clearly find that the effort
behind the newly released software and other
ongoing developments is that of making intelligible technical
knowledge that only a few elites can understand and therefore manage.

Actually, a lot of my hands-on and theoretical work on technology is
about this.

So then yes. I know Carlo knows C language and technical architectures
very well and yes, knowing his level of knowledge: its a very limited
minority of people who can read that and assess it.

With regards to some specific domains, like that of cryptographic
trasformations on privacy entitlements and credentials, I believe that
through the development of domain specific languages the gap can be
overcome. This is part of what I see as I perceive as my own political
mission in DECODE. I articulated aspects of this approach here[10,%22XYZ%22,72,608.17,null]

So my response to you is that, while you are accusing me of an
elitarist crime, I'm trying to present to the list a project that is
precisely addressing the techno-elitarian gap and does its best to
overcome it. Nevertheless thanks for your participation and any other
precious time you will dedicate in considering the contents of the
DECODE project.


  Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
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Re: morlock elloi

2018-04-08 Thread Jaromil
On Sat, 07 Apr 2018, Tilman Baumgärtel wrote:

> When exactly did this list become primarily a vehicle for the
> endless wisecracking of some guy who has borrowed his name from a
> novel from 1895?

my record for posterity: I know well this list and most people who
started it, read and write *sometimes* myself since 20 years. I used
to be strongly against the moderation of this list 10 years ago, a
measure which is just recently removed I understand.

morlockelloi has been around as an anonymous writer since very long. I
used to be one of his fans, plus at times a sparring partner. Reading
some of his writings from 10 years ago, some of us believed he could
be William Gibson, who has also been somehow close to this list in its
early days at least.

what I register now is that his activity intensified and the quality
of his attacks descended below the entertaining level. There ara
flurring posts from him in the last months, where he even replies to
himself, something I recall he never did.

Plus traits of his personality are changing, he is much more of a
'mr. know-it-all' type now, while before was more of a cynical
quasi-Bruce-Sterling designy type person dismissing fluff and clearing
out the way for proper arguments.

I don't know what else to think. maybe he passed on his account. The
sort of replying-myself thing he is doing shows that some sort of
twitter ab-user has taken place and the quantity of activity indicates
there may be more people behind the account now.


  Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
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Re: Francesca Bria: Our data is valuable. Here's how we can take that value back

2018-04-08 Thread Jaromil

dear Carlo,

obviously you are reading just an opinion piece for the Guardian's
large audience. I would love if we can find a way so that your
attention is spent on more appropriate information that only you and a
few other people can understand about DECODE.

On Sat, 07 Apr 2018, carlo von lynX wrote:

> Ah cool.. it's nothing I was perceiving as urgent but it's
> always good to know somebody is taking care of that. How
> do blockchains improve air quality?

don't frame us as blockchain shillers please! Francesca wrote only
once: "The Decode project develops decentralized technologies (such as
the blockchain and attribute-based cryptography)" and actually we are
coming out clearly on the fact that a "distributed ledger" is not a
needed component everywhere.

> But GDPR only requires companies not to get caught selling or
> losing data.

I think that if activists will end up framing the GDPR this way, we
will loose touch with a big opportunity given by principled policy
makers that have worked really hard for this little accomplishment.
Which is something that finally has an impact even larger than that of
the Yes Man situationist actions. I think we should just record that
as an impressive achievement and work on the opportunities opened.

As of technology, just like you I don't think "tech solves
problems". Once upon a time there was a term used by Brecht
"Umfunktionierung" which comes at hand to better comprehend a possible
strategy (please ppl don't go to the wikipedia junkyard for an
explanation please, use Walter Benjamin). Of course you are free to
not be part of this strategy and to criticise it: your criticism
expressed on this article fits very well as a reaction of most
socialist parties I know "WTF are we talking about digital, there are
holes to be fixed in the roads!" etc..


  Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
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Re: Francesca Bria: Our data is valuable. Here's how we can take that value back

2018-04-08 Thread Jaromil


On Sat, 07 Apr 2018, Morlock Elloi wrote:

> I had no idea about the project details when I wrote the first post
> in this thread, other than what was in the parent article itself. It
> turns out that I guessed right.

this is the succint history of your presence on nettime.

There isn't much more to add, if not the fact that yesterday I've
received many emails off-list of people thanking me for outing the
embarassment that your presence give us here.

Once upon a time your posts were less frequent and then somehow
entertaining, now it seems you lost your day job or you hired a
gang. Whatever has happened, we should all acknowledge that there is a
line of people waiting at nettime's broken door to join this
fraudster-calling show.

Wondering what this place is becoming,I hope everyone here has a good


  Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
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Re: Francesca Bria: Our data is valuable. Here's how we can take that value back

2018-04-07 Thread Jaromil

Dude, while you are stirring your bile soup over here, there is people
actually walking the walk.

Ethernal cynico/critical approaches lead nowhere else, plus I find it
very odd and grotesque to read white old men criticising the
enthusiasm and achievement of a woman who has radically changed the
way tech procurements are perceived in Barcelona and Europe.

So you delude me morlockelloi and recently you are really flooding the
mailinglist which is becoming less funny than usual. this is probably
too technical and specialised for you, but I'll just post it here for
anyone interested



I'm leading the design for the technical architecture of this project
so if you like to debate techno-political choices in their specific
I'm available. At we are just releasing two new software
applications used in DECODE:



Patrice: less data and discarding data is a well contemplated option
in the work we are doing. By design.


  Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
Book keynotes, lectures, workshops:
  ⚷ crypto κρυπτο крипто गुप्त् 加密 האנוסים المشفره
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Re: Please show some conscience

2018-03-25 Thread Jaromil

dear olia,

On Sat, 24 Mar 2018, olia lialina wrote:

> But leaving singularity and naive me aside... this change in jargon
> is more than a trend. Meaningless, inconsistent, but persistent
> substitute of computational terms, processes and products with "AI"
> is how IT industry is protecting themselves from

I believe is not just a protective attitude if you consider it always
comes with a fanfare of "innovation" and "e-culture" and "cultural
industries" scams then is easy to realise these are aggressive

> and any other attempts to ask questions. AI noise is how silicon
> valley is working on alibi, getting ready to shift the blame for
> everything what goes wrong onto "emancipated machine intellect". I
> am sure we will here this argument in court.

After a few more desasters I agree this will all be debated in court
rather than in labs. In my recent publication I've dedicated a fair
amount of attention on the subject, connected to Caroline Nevejan's
studies on "trusthwortiness" when she wrote already in 2007:

 Information and Communication technologies facilitate a transcending
 of time and place by mediating presence and permit a different scale
 of tracking and tracing and a different scale in collecting and
 distributing of information and communication than natural presence
 facilitates. Doing so, information and communication technologies
 also facilitate the taking of a moral distance, because of the way
 presence is designed through these technologies.

This is where we need to let biopolitics back inside the room. This is
the path along which we can observe how violence is transferred by a
sort of biopolitical equation into a mechanic domain where the
responsibility is not anymore a moral question for humans.

Algorithms and their buzzword alibis (AI, blockchain, IoT, etc.) are
serving a mediation of moral principles connected to the teological /
philosophical role that pre-determination had in history - or if you
like a more materialistic approach here they are simply adopted to
mediate violence.

I am not surprised many policy makers today are desperately calling
for "social good" uses of such "innovations", but I'm afraid such
reformist efforts may be wasted until we see a significant investment
for a sort of "Fletcher Memorial Home" (cit. Pink Floyd) where to host
Silicon Valley's computational ideologists in an environment where
they cannot harm others. Perhaps we shall call it a "sandbox".


  Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
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Algorithmic Sovereignty

2018-03-21 Thread Jaromil

dear nettimers,

here my sign of life from Academistan: my doctoral thesis, finally
awarded after years of hard and joyous work, definitely unusual and as
practice based as it can be, is out.

Please note this work is dedicated to the memory of my professor
Antonio Caronia who guided me through all the phd updates. His book
CYBORG was also recently translated in English and published at
Leuphana with a preface by infatiguable TBazz's and is certainly a
better read than my toiletpaper PDF.

If you insist in reading my ramblings spanning from digital labour to
code and comparisons between software patents and Via Campesina's
protests against GMOs: you are welcome. The PDF is online and Creative
Commons as Aaron Swartz rightly argued this stuff should all be.

I'll appreciate any feedback, but will be slow in replying, so please
take it easy


This thesis describes a practice based research journey across various
projects dealing with the design of algorithms, to highlight the
governance implications in design choices made on them. The research
provides answers and documents methodologies to address the urgent
need for more awareness of decisions made by algorithms about the
social and economical context in which we live. Algorithms consitute a
foundational basis across different fields of studies: policy making,
governance, art and technology. The ability to understand what is
inscribed in such algorithms, what are the consequences of their
execution and what is the agency left for the living world is
crucial. Yet there is a lack of interdisciplinary and practice based
literature, while specialised treatises are too narrow to relate to
the broader context in which algorithms are enacted.

This thesis advances the awareness of algorithms and related aspects
of sovereignty through a series of projects documented as
participatory action research. One of the projects described, Devuan,
leads to the realisation of a new, worldwide renown operating
system. Another project, "sup", consists of a minimalist approach to
mission critical software and literate programming to enhance security
and reliability of applications. Another project, D-CENT, consisted in
a 3 year long path of cutting edge research funded by the EU
commission on the emerging dynamics of participatory democracy
connected to the technologies adopted by citizen organizations.

My original contribution to knowledge lies within the function that
the research underpinning these projects has on the ability to gain a
better understanding of sociopolitical aspects connected to the design
and management of algorithms. It suggests that we can improve the
design and regulation of future public, private and common spaces
which are increasingly governed by algorithms by understanding not
only economical and legal implications, but also the connections
between design choices and the sociopolitical context for their
development and execution.

p.s.: to the question I get often asked after this "what now"?  I'll
  give a preemptive answer: nothing fancy, we'll just continue
  rocking in where we'd love to be for software what
  Motown has been for music. Que Viva The Funk.

  Our current projects linked below, welcome to get involved
   (we are sustainable!)

and ciao... from EUuuhhwww

  Denis Roio a.k.a. Jaromil think &do tank
  Ph.D, CTO & co-foundersoftware to empower communities
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Re: Armin Medosch (1962-2017)

2017-02-24 Thread Jaromil

I think it was Manu, when I visited her and Mukul recently in London,
that told me Armin was not so well. I thought it would pass, hoped,
wished but I was wrong. Hope is the last to die, but when it did made
me cry all night.

Armin was a brother. Despite being older, he never ever felt like
patronising. We knew each other through contacts with some reggae
soundsystem in Brixton, he hosted the first dyne:bolic development
team around 2002 or 3, we were 20 years old stinking of roman teargas
and slept like punk puppies on the moquet. I think it had red moquet,
the place in HAckney where he lived with Shu Lea.

I was so attracted by him. He could always make me feel comfortable
and at home, like it can only happen with a brother or sister you
are happy to share a life, or a tiny room, or a piece of stale bread
together. When he was back to Vienna he didn't wanted to meet everyone
at once and needed an hideout to write, he told me. So for a period we
lived together at Fugbach, an appt. I was sharing with August Black
and many others. Sharing a living space with Armin was fantastic, our
rythms just clicked in, we spent 12 or more hours a day writing and
the rest cooking and smoking big fat joints and laughing and talking
and dreaming.. JAH bless Armin and his spirit of liberation, he was
inspired by the best reggae roots music straight for Jamaica, I still
have his golden mp3 collection and is an absolute gem. He was my
Solomon Gundie and my Sugar Daddy and my beloved brother Armin.

I am destroyed by his death. Please someone do something about his
VHS collection of the Stubnitz times, he really wanted to have it
digitised and archived better...I can't do anything but cry now. I
miss Armin like I miss my brother.

~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
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Re: Ad Fraud: $5M A Day By Faking 300M Video Views

2016-12-29 Thread Jaromil
On Thu, 22 Dec 2016, Morlock Elloi wrote:

> Fascinating.


> There were previous attempts to monetize own attention-time by sharing the
> ad income between content providers and victims themselves, but it never
> worked because the opt-in/on-boarding was complex, and payments were
> expensive in the absence of efficient micropayment systems.

there was a brilliant net:art piece, I think it was first presented in
2005, by Alessandro Ludovico & Ubermorgen, called GWEI

as in Google Will Eat Itself,

it relates pretty well as an artistic premonition of this.

> The questions are: what is the critical mass to kill the concept of
> online presence, and how long it will take.

I disagree. The question is the usual: how to make more money on top
of the inherent stupidity of the industry? this story demonstrated
that AI do not make the industry "smarter". It eventually becomes more
stupid, despite the fact this Forbes story tries to depict "russian
criminals" as "evil geniuses" from which Superman needs to defend us.

> >[looks like the most promising digital business model in years.]

ciao (and happy new Gregorian calendar year everyone)

~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
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Re: Thomas Frank: Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails

2016-11-09 Thread Jaromil
On Thu, 03 Nov 2016, Armin Medosch wrote:

> this is a very bad article, I don't see the point of publishing it on
> nettime.

I hope the moderators pay extra attention with the coming avalanche of
post-election analyses . the risk is to have more boring stuff.

I just have a pressing question:

Is it finally The End of the Samson-like tragedy of the...
... "institutional left"?

The Lesson wasn't learned with Brexit, nor with Austrian elections,
but now finally with US it really should. All the past year passed
with colleagues across Europe working on bottom-up political movements and the only ones who did the homework is the
pop-ulist far-right.

now the only... pop... left... is going to be that of the market.

and the Valley YOLOs will blame the bubble burst on Trump, pretending
there was no crisis otherwise.


~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
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Re: Ethereum: DAO - "The Attacker"

2016-07-26 Thread Jaromil
On Sun, 24 Jul 2016, Rob Myers wrote:

> On 23/07/16 02:41 AM, Jaromil wrote:
> > - The REAL community of people behind Ethereum is now rejecting
> >   the bail-out, probably marking in history the first time in
> >   which there can be a bail-out rejection by grass-roots
> >   movements??  Ethereum Classic is announced
> >
> "Classic" is a scam.

well, I dissent. Calling it a scam now presumes that the whole lot of
people making this happen are scammers. They are not: they are all
sincere supporters of an idea of neutrality (or an approximation of
it, or an utopia, fine, hold on the post-modern horses for a while)
some conscious some surprised by the manipulations going on within the
financial war apparatus (Qiao Lian and Wang Xiangsui docet)... believe
me the spooks got an armchair job with this one for a while now.

what its appropriate to say, perhaps, is that the whole cryptocurrency
thing a scam. we can have arguments about that, but ETC a scam? no.

> The hashing power has followed the fork, and even if you secure your
> transactions on the "Classic" chain against replay attacks -
> it's an obvious pump & dump.

lets open up the frame a bit.

nothing prevents the whole lot of people into ETC now to have a proper
vote and re-bootstrap the whole thing on a "new starting nonce" as
they suggest in the thread. What used to be called a genesis block,
actually. This can be done at a certain point in time. IMHO it should
have been done already, but well there is still time to announce this
with some planning ahead.

technology is not nature.

> What's interesting sociologically and politically about the fork
> isn't that the losing side is a scam, it's that the event of the
> fork represents both a loss of innocence and an affirmation.
> The loss of innocence is around the idea, despite Bitcoin's early
> rollback of transactions resulting from bugs in its protocol, that
> cryptocurrency code cannot be changed to produce a different
> consensus on the state of the world as seen from the blockchain. Of
> course it can, you just change the code that everyone uses to create
> that consensus.  For varying lengths of strings of zeros required to
> find "just".
> The affirmation is that cryptocurrency is about consensus, and that
> code is law. Consensus at the human level, to be sure. And the code
> may be changed. But this meta consensus always determined the
> consensus that results from blockchain mining. This is now a problem
> for cryptocurrency rather than a mystery...

this is a very interesting insight. I haven't read anyone so far
making such an analysis and.. eye opening, indeed. I'm not going too
far into this, busy writing about the very issue to cash in the
academia scene, but let me just say that I agree and that Free
Software is ot enough of a ethical standing ground anymore, if we go
out of law and licensing and step on the "higher grounds" of

So, well put. This is probably the point when this blockchain buzz can
get more mature. Or not, perhaps just fail. Yet the people involved
may have learned a good lesson.

OTOH from the Ethereum point of view, they have also reached some kind
of maturity by discovering that human decision has to be on top of
such machinery. But Ethereum was all the way about the contrary. They
denigrate the "inefficient beaurocrats" as much as neo-libs do all the
time, they extended their sovereign on a global span and people bought
into it because of that. But then instead, as soon as they needed,
they became worst than the beaurocrats they despise (and BTW they also
made a fraudolent vote, thanks Morlock for the link to Elaine's
amazing analysis).

The Ethereum people should have been more realistic, humble and
coherent saying "OK, that was an experiment, we start a new one with
different foundations" (private blockchain or whatever) and will be
steered with rollbacks if necessary (aka someone of us write dumb
code). But now, changing the rules of the game while its running? with
an obviously fraudolent process even? bad idea. Start a new one. Go on
Eris. whatevs. They hold on a brand, thats what they do, because they
are sales people, mostly. But let me tell you, even their developers
give a frill about sales. In short, this story is about sales people
taking over Ethereum.

So. My not-so-humble opinion on this, on which I've written
extensively in D-CENT, is that socially driven blockchains are very OK
and even advisable. But then it must be clear to everyone that they
are, so their boundaries will be clear and people can make a choice,
if to sign that social contract or the other. Which territory to step
on. What

Re: Ethereum: DAO - "The Attacker"

2016-07-24 Thread Jaromil
A quick update: notwithstanding the legitimate skepticism of graybeard
philosopher types around here :^) about the blockchain unicorns being
the ultimate decentralised neutral herd of mystical creatures, there
is an interesting evolution on the Ethereum DAO meltdown, at least
notable from socio/political and geo/political perspectives.

I'll be very brief, as momentum requires, chronological recap:

- The Ethereum "community" voted what they call an "hard fork" which
  is basically a bail-out of the junkie banksters who invested on ETH
  rolling back the last history of DAO meltdown to give the financial
  stooges their money back, after having lost it on stuff they cannot
  understand (ask yourself, has anyone of them read the DAO code
  before putting money on it?? It's the language, stupid!)

- Huge discussion for past 2 weeks whether Ethereum should bail-out
  the banks (see the R3 bank ethereum clusterfuck) while Bit Novosti
  the biggest Russian media-outlet on crypto-assets has released "A
  Crypto-Decentralist Manifesto" in support of Ethereum Classic

- All sorts of G/Sachs and Thiel funded divas went announcing how
  "clean" was the fork, as in a painful chirurgical operation that
  went good, basically betraying their initial marketing point that
  Ethereum is decentralised (ideals? what are ideals?). With this
  operation they proved for the first time in blockchain buzz history
  that with a massive media campaign and having bought some leaders is
  possible to have your butt put on your face by crypto-surgery and
  still keep smiling.

[links missing, this media campaign has enough visibility already]

- The REAL community of people behind Ethereum is now rejecting the
  bail-out, probably marking in history the first time in which there
  can be a bail-out rejection by grass-roots movements??
  Ethereum Classic is announced

- All major ether exchanges around the world (Poloniex, Bitfinex, and
  Kraken) have announced they will support Ethereum Classic, starting
  with assigning a wallet containing ETC for ETH, 1 to 1
  Real decentralisation investors have a clear message on what is the
  reliable asset and what not. If you put your money on the buggy code
  you fail, and That's Life! (and the crypto market, likely)

- At last the banksters/spooks conglomerate sends a weak signal to the
  world by announcing that since yesterday Coinbase includes Ethereum
  (Coinbase is the FEDs friendly exchange which most likely handed
  over KAT torrents private account details to FBI for investigation)

To read more follow Aaron who seems really to get the grip of what
means journalism in the crypto-assets sphere, his new article on all
this is here:

At last an appeal to nettimers and their design students: beware that
if someone finds a way to put a Pokemon on this thing then BANG we
have the next Singularity right there y0!

ciao :^)

~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
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Re: Ethereum: DAO - "The Attacker"

2016-07-12 Thread Jaromil
On Mon, 11 Jul 2016, Morlock Elloi wrote:

> The whole thing reeks of religion. Just observe facts - the next rally where
> the necessity to do the unmentionable will be pitched is held:
> 1. On Sunday
> 2. At some place called "Institute for the Future"
> ( )
> These (1. and 2.) are attributes of cults, not technology/finance events (I
> wonder if they'll provide yoga mats and incense.) The incentive to
> appreciate yet another strain of Moonies is frankly beyond me. Too fu*king
> human.

How to disagree? but then I cannot really mix in my mind the societies
behind Ethereum with Bitcoin. They are two different things... ETH is
imbued of the guruist pop subproduct of Kurzweil's brainfarts, seems
like the Zeitgeist mob married the Californian-ubermensch futurism and
now wants to mint stuff.

Lots to learn from Raelians there, indeed. My sixth sense tells me
they are sipping 0xb4dc0ff3 while trying to store vanity-mined crypto
hashes in the DNA of newborns. Down to Earth and after the bubble
bursts, that seems to be the industry sector with most growth over
there. Is there literature comparing blockchains to DNA already?
Watch it.


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Re: Ethereum: DAO - "The Attacker"

2016-07-11 Thread Jaromil
On Thu, 07 Jul 2016, Morlock Elloi wrote:

> Are we trying to create God, to relieve us from responsibility? Is
> it possible that the race to automate is not really about the few
> controlling the many?

Arguably is not that grim in the Minds of the Creators (sarcastic
upper-case) as young and naive as they are. At least there is fair
play and understanding of what the few others are doing in the same
sphere. They are reading, they may even be capable of critical
thoughts, one day. One day! they may even go beyond the profit lenses
of the Peter-Molock-Thiel brain-fu'er.

For instance Vitalik, who has been bashed over the top for the DAO
desaster (which is actually not primarily his fault) back some months
ago pointed out how important is Amir's effort (removed from Popper's
book for political reasons) when he built a new implementation of the
same algorithm as bitcoin

God is in the Other, taking up the effort of going up that Mountain.
Meanwhile impostors are all over and easy to spot, their sloth posture
on the NYT branch won't pay them even half of the capital of an
"honest" Bitcoin gambler. Now, for a change, that's Magical!

Oh cozy nettime, this was quite of a wise thread
very enjoyable reading you all, amazing words Felix!

So well, it seems to me that, contrary to most projects around, this
is not really a selfish race to success, one of the main reasons I
still can appreciate the human background behind Bitcoin et al.. there
is some René Daumal in that magic powder, believe me. yes there are a
few, but they contemplate each other, not necessarily desiring to
cover up each other efforts. Is this really defining what an elite is?

God is in the details, as usual Or was that the Devil?


~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
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Re: Ethereum: DAO - "The Attacker"

2016-07-06 Thread Jaromil
On Tue, 05 Jul 2016, Fenwick Mckelvey wrote:

>Just looking over Morlock's comments now and, Jaromil, I'm wondering if
>you had any more comments or links about criticisms of Popper's book
>about BitCoin. It comes up a lot as a reference and I'd appreciate some
>more perspective.

That book is a sanitized history seen from the point of view of the
winners, paraphrasing his words in this one.

I have zero interest reading a book written like that.  so will just
disclose here our post-book exchange.  I believe his book is one of
many marketing operations to synthesize a different glorification of
Bitcoin. It boils down to the question: should writers come from
different contexts?

Bitcoin has already its collective process of writing, let it be not
perfect but at least a decent attempt, which is lead by Andreas

about China: yes true OK and there is Russia and there is Poland, so
what? ze planet iz zpherical.

Bitcoin perfect? I doubt anything is.

But deception is bad taste.

I conversed in person with Nathaniel Popper.  We met on the 15 May
2014, he introduced himself as interested in doing Amir's biography
(which somehow did not surprise me, after Amir was listed on Fortune
100 and wonderful stuff like that). I did gave him historical digital
footage of Bitcoin Amir and colorful stories of the Bitcoin scene in
2009 and 2010. He did mention the result would be a bit fictional, but
now he negates that so its his word against mine.

I saw a newyorkeese Gustave Flaubert in front of me.

Ruined by hundreds of years of marketing schools of course.

May 24

Jaromil Rojo

 hi NAthaniel, just leaving a note about how deluded I am after
 helping you retrieve some materials to be completely excluded from
 your book acknowledgments. Will keep in mind for next time. bye

Nathaniel Popper

 hey jaromil -- thanks for the note. i wasn't able to get enough to
 write about amir in the book -- but i've looked back in my emails and
 you are right that you were a

May 25

Jaromil Rojo

 well, omitting Amir from the history of Bitcoin is a big mistake. He
 is as relevant if not even more than Gavin and his contributions are
 important in one of the best wallets (Electrum) and the
 libbitcoin. What comes to me in mind is that the exclusion is of
 political nature. I have not read your book yet.

 I'm just gathering notes on my own version of this stories and I'm
 open to hear your interpretation. You also admitted since the
 beginning that your work was partly fictional.

(here of course is my word against his. I recall clearly the episode)

Nathaniel Popper

 i did not admit that my work was partly fictional -- and it is not. i
 wanted to include amir, but unfortunately in explaining the rise of
 bitcoin his story diverged from that of bitcoin too many times and i
 ultimately determined that he didn't have much impact on the
 development of bitcoin, i think he's a fascinating guy -- and wanted
 to include him for that reason. but the decision to exclude him was
 not political.

Jaromil Rojo

 His contribution to the technical and social rise of Bitcoin was
 crucial to say the least, this is my independent
 assessment. Acknowledging you eliminate him and my contribution to
 your research I do believe your exclusion is political.

 I also clearly recall the day we met in the Rijksmuseum park in
 Amsterdam you introduced me your research for a book that would
 fictionalize aspects of Bitcoin. The history of Bitcoin is still
 unfolding and manipulations of it are fairly relevant to understand
 the placement of all actors. As of today and based on facts, I do
 consider your book a political manipulation of such history.

 I'm writing this directly to you because I'm not hypocritical and I
 don't like playing silly games, also to leave open a channel of
 communication. I will include the above assessment in the public and
 private documentation I produce.

May 30
Nathaniel Popper

 i certainly think amir is a fascinating and smart guy, and some of
 the points he made have been borne out in time (he was one of the
 early folks calling for multiple implementations of the core
 software, which would have potentially helped avert the current
 disagreement). but my research led me to the conclusion that his
 contribution was not crucial in determining the direction bitcoin
 ultimately took. my book was about how bitcoin got to where it ended
 up -- and that certainly meant that i focused more time on the
 "winners" in the various bitcoin debates. i don't think that was
 political. that was just how i approached the story. one thing i held
 from the beginning was that this would be a true story. i wouldn't
 have told you that i intended this to be fiction because i never
 wanted it to be that. in any case, happy to discuss more. thanks for
 returning to me with your questions.

Re: Ethereum: DAO - "The Attacker"

2016-07-05 Thread Jaromil
On Mon, 04 Jul 2016, Morlock Elloi wrote:

> "... over 70 percent of the transactions on the Bitcoin network were going
> through just four Chinese companies,..."

Oh c'mon, the NYT is just bringing forward the next Hearn / Craig /
Whatevs shilling operation. Just like the book by Nathaniel Popper: a
marketing operation to carefully eliminate all sort of uncomfortable
facts from the history of Bitcoin. If you call yourself critical and
then follow this line of history, well then... good luck, you may even
find a freelance job working for the Central IA Sinophobia department.


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Re: Bankers on ecstasy (but is the party over?)

2016-06-23 Thread Jaromil
On Tue, 21 Jun 2016, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:

> glitch or premonition?


I think the "blockchain" with all buzz related to it is indeed a
socially interesting phenomenon at the base of popularization of
digital technology. For many reasons. It is the main base for
"de-politicizing" Bitcoin. It is also an incredible swamp of bad and
quickly hacked together code, for obvious reasons bound to opportunity
and puerile enthusiasm. But also because anything that has to do with
the enormous bubble of computer industry nowadays deals only with the
so called "computer sciences" discipline, rather than with
computational linguistics, for instance.
So, you know... it's all so neo-lib :^)

This is my favorite commentary to what happened

but I'm afraid it won't be so funny when the real bubble bursts...


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Re: Bankers on ecstasy (but is the party over?)

2016-06-18 Thread Jaromil
kchains like legal absynth, solving
highly-responsible tasks without having to worry about human
errors. This is the collective masturbation of the 1+5% inside their
echo chambers full of decadent gizmos, android robots rubbing their
genital-shaped brains, while the rest of the world is collapsing under
the weight of debt and financial cuts to basic social and cultural


Pardon the emphasis.

There are humble ways out, let me conclude.

Bitcoin is bigger than most people here think and is only barely
connected to all this. With all its waste, it stands now as a platform
to actually obsolete the bank oligopoly. It opens up a lot more
scenarios, not just in finance. But there will be more toxic
manipulation for sure. Its a source of entropy, it has always
been. And its not THAT mature, admittedly.  Its internal politics are
also fascinating, recently we saw some stunts and an original and well
intentioned community keeps prevailing, bitcoin core has resisted the
bitcoin classic shallow-ops so far. Bitcoin was born not to serve the
banks, but to offer a radical alternative to their unfair hegemony on
value circulation. Keep it in mind.

For the societies of diverse people beyond these projects, tech is
just a tool and not a sacred origin.  There is no singularity there,
perhaps some mistery, but are for sure societies, already. And even
some rather different investment capitals building new networks of
trust. This is what those is charge of public sector innovation funds
should be comprehending and facilitating. Have the guts to slam the
door in the face of old players, force neutrality on public
oligopolies and learn to love some rock and roll, not this Wagner-like
fanfare of singularity gurus and bank-lackeys whose only outcome is a
very expensive and deceptive show-biz.


~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
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Bankers on ecstasy (but is the party over?)

2016-06-17 Thread Jaromil
dear nettimers,

following up the crypto-money craze on "Blockchains", the diva setup
of Ethereum we-will-run-the-computer-of-the-world (and you will all be
assimilated or obsoleted) left a big crater this morning (CET time)

(US is just waking up to it, many more articles will likely come)

An exploited bug in DAO contracts (the trans-humanist dream who wanted
to run automatic contracts because humans are too stupid and too slow)
burned more than 60 milion worth of dollars as ETH started flowing
into a mysterious account.

Those whom I have spoken to about the issue may remember: I've always
discouraged from stepping on ETH grounds, not just because of all the
fanfare and the me-me-me shilling grounds, but because there is little
reasoning on *computational language* in its implementation. A few
other people share this opinion, the very well respectable Bitcoin
developer Greg Maxwell for instance points out here
that "It's the recursive call issue, -- ultimately it's a design flaw
in the EVM that makes it very hard to write safe code. Even many of
their examples were vulnerable to it and similar forms."

as well bright researchers like Meredith point out in a twit now
"Told you gas wasn't sufficient to keep Ethereum secure. Turns out,
program semantics matter!"

and more bits worth reading here

Also for the literates, here you'll find a pretty good analysis of the

Now I really hope you don't mind me cashing on some "I told'ya"s.

It is anyway not why I'm writing.

I'm writing to try answer another question, curious of your opinion:
how the hell 60 and more millions (still counting) were stuffed into
this toy?! now put your seatbelt on and be ready to know that
*banksters are on ecstasy*. So much of the bailed out financial sector
has been busy on it and investing it.

3days ago the news recited: "R3 Issues Buterin's "Ethereum Platform
Review" Papers--Opportunities and Challenges for Private and
Consortium Blockchains"

Ethereum was in fact funded with early chip-ins from Goldman Sachs and
grew later as the rather sloppy brainchild of a growing consortium of
Banks which evidently needed some excuse to dump the bailouts of tax
payers into some sort of "tech innovation" gig. Yet another one? here:
"ING Bank Participates in R3's Comparative Test of Distributed Ledgers
and Cloud Platforms"

Oh BTW Peter Thiel is also involved. Just sayin'

So what is this R3 about really? 

R3 and consortium member banks Barclays, BMO Financial Group, Credit
Suisse, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, HSBC, Natixis, Royal Bank of
Scotland, TD Bank, UBS, UniCredit and Wells Fargo each connected on an
R3-managed private peer-to-peer distributed ledger, underpinned by
Ethereum technology and hosted on a virtual private network in
Microsoft Azure, the public cloud platform offering Blockchain as a
Service (BaaS) in an accelerated development environment.

And here for a full list:

The banks involved in the project include Banco Santander, Bank of
America, Barclays, BBVA, BMO Financial Group, BNP Paribas, BNY Mellon,
CIBC, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, Citi, Commerzbank, Credit
Suisse, Danske Bank, Deutsche Bank, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs, HSBC,
ING Bank, Intesa Sanpaolo, Macquarie Bank, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial
Group, Mizuho Financial Group, Morgan Stanley, National Australia
Bank, Natixis, Nomura, Nordea, Northern Trust, OP Financial Group,
Scotiabank, State Street, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Royal
Bank of Canada, Royal Bank of Scotland, SEB, Societe Generale,
Toronto-Dominion Bank, UBS, UniCredit, U.S. Bancorp, Wells Fargo and
Westpac Banking Corporation.

So. well. good luck with the too big to fail! seems like they are
burning their last neurons in crypto-ecstasy, why should you trust
them then? We need re-hab, not bailouts!


~.,_   Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
"+.   CTO and co-founder  free/open source developers
  @)   ⚷ crypto κρυπτο крипто ग

Re: your face is big data

2016-06-06 Thread Jaromil

On May 28, 2016 9:21:07 PM CEST, "János Sugár"  wrote:
>Russia's new FindFace app identifies strangers in a crowd with 70 
>percent accuracy

fantastic! together with today's new leak
of 100M VK accounts basically one can
add logins and passwords to this info
(db is for sale at just 1BTC)

I'm going to setup a digital fortune teller
business ASAP 


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Re: artfcity: Going Offline

2016-05-24 Thread Jaromil
On Mon, 23 May 2016, wrote:

> Is there evidence for this? Any existing service where users pay
> curators for links/search results?

you'll have to take my word for this, because I'm not going to send
links: these places are mostly deemed as "illegal", but the thing is
BIG and underground especially after the demise of piratebay.

if you REALLY want a list then write me in private, but beware I'll
require a trade for this information and finally get to know your real
identity! :^)


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Re: artfcity: Going Offline

2016-05-23 Thread Jaromil
On May 17, 2016 7:42:11 PM GMT+02:00, nettime's_wandering_archivist 
> >
>Net Art Archive Going Offline, Raising Preservation

terrible news, having lived through similar
times they have all my solidarity.

but then why not simply release the archive
in a torrent file? nowadays curatorial activities
take place also within private trackers and there
more people are keen to even payfor it.

sure, it underground. sure, artists get nothing
but visibility, as usual shared with curatora
and aggregation platforms. but then at least
it seems that visits are more while marginal costs
are way lower.

a bit of a provokation, pardon the cynical approach
you really have my solidarity and I know how it feels,
I only wish we could keep it afloat yet it
seems there is no plan to "let go".

maybe there is a plan after all?


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Re: Live Your Models

2016-05-05 Thread Jaromil

Shouldn't we be tired of repeating the same reasoning over and over
about deflationary currency? and of making decalogues of what we
critical thinkers from the western black towers of doom think is
good and is bad? is this list becoming a lighthouse for fast and
cheap ethical directions so that all readers on their next gig won't
say anything terribly wrong? Can we please challenge ourselves and
our believes for a moment, have a ride through the jails and the
undergrounds where migrants live and confront their needs with ours?

Everyone is saying the same thing on deflationary currency, probably
because is an appropriate macro-economic reasoning, I also agree on
it. Yet dismissing a communication technology like Bitcoin for a macro
economical analysis is myopical, as the thing has huge grass-roots

And you know, the dreams and needs and "use-cases" I'm talking
about, were already solved with other evil and unsustainable and
uber-capitalist tech. More precisely, pre-paid telephone card credits:
useful even to buy black-market sigs in jails. But bad for the health
of course.

Thanks for this:

On Wed, 04 May 2016, wrote:

> Viewing debt as a currency feature does not make sense, as it
> misrepresents the social phenomenon as a technical one.

> Storing and saving value in instruments that local fiefdoms cannot
> snatch has definite benefits. If the mechanism to move this value is
> immune to the local fiefdom reach, that also has definite
> benefits. The argument that this can be used to evade fair (or less
> fair) taxation is valid and needs addressing. But the argument that
> inherent non-inflationary nature of the exchange instrument is evil
> is not.

The rant on academia at the end of my intervention was very
appropriate, as most academics around and even critical thinkers have
been incapable of digging beyond the macro-economic implications.
Just thinking big all the time? maybe a prerogative of the cultural
industry slide?

I find Tiziana Terranova a brilliant exception in this discourse:
perhaps once again the feminist political tradition has a lesson for
us. We recently published a collective book in Italian on these
issues, for Derive e Approdi, called "Moneta del Comune":


Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
  CTO and co-founder  free/open source developers
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Re: Live Your Models

2016-05-03 Thread Jaromil
On Mon, 02 May 2016, Florian Cramer wrote:

>In more recent projects, for example crypto currencies,
>Randianism even seems to have taken the upper hand, serving as
>trailblazers for panoptical society of control technologies
>(blockchain) that are quickly adopted by big enterprises.

I believe here you are overlooking the actual usefulness of these
tools, which is not the fruit of a conspiracy: in the rusty panopticon
of managed flows of information, encrusted around the terror of the
next attack, there is no more space for freedom of movement. Having
written about years ago I'm bored today by how in all the fuzz of
"blockchain cultural studies" fanfare nothing is there about migration
as an issue. I really hope I overlooked it.

Think of this: it is extremely hard to have a nomadic life right now.
By life I mean sustaining yourself, meaning being able to perceive
reward for work, move on to the next, pay your taxes, but not being
limited in your liberties. Today all labor is bound to national
regulations and taxations that do not contemplate nomadism, while
nomadism is more and more of a life-style for the next generations.

One can well argue this is being exploited now, sure, little by
little, by neolib enterprises and inculator clusterfuck of taxevading
panama clowns, but do not overlook the dynamics at the bottom, because
they are extremely important for the future institutions to understand
and speak to new generations... which brings me to the next point:

> Too few people question prophecies like the "Singularity", too
> few activists ever got their hands dirty with hardware and
> software development - and manufacturing - to really grasp their
> complications.

This also doesn't computes for me. There are many today who understood
that trans-humanism is just a plain new declination of fascism, but we
have other channels and even the most kosher of all cultural funded EU
events can't catch anymore such crowds.

What I'm very worried about is the future of critical thinking:
even of the most brilliant minds and even this very fine circle of
nettimers here, because visions produced are more and more top-down.
Natural: every human starting to look around him/herself starts
doing so from his/her own condition. And academia is right now more
than ever on top and detached. With the exception of a few olistic
curricula, there are no meditation courses, which is a pity, because
it takes a lot of meditation for the I and I to be crossing the
boundary of contingent reality.

When analysing the new, rather complex and shifting forms of
liberation that are manifest today, I recommend to consider first and
foremost the conditions, desires, fears and problems of people at
the at the bottom and at the boundaries. These are many people, for
instance the huge amounts of migrating youth across Europe. Or the
huge amount of migrants which Europe has to learn to live with, who
are perfectly capable of working, but cannot.

You may consider it a detail, but Bitcoin today is catering to the
needs I depict, which are in fact the backbone of the phenomenon.

To liquidate a communication technology that provides such liberatory
opportunities, considering it something as shabby as a Randyan device
of sociopathic implosion, it is self defeating. We should be looking
at the conditions which made such a technology so successful - and
necessary - without forgetting nor feeling superior to the point of
view of those who appropriated it.


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Re: Guardian > Monbiot > Neoliberalism -- the ideology at

2016-04-21 Thread Jaromil
On Sun, 17 Apr 2016, Florian Cramer wrote:

> Michel Foucault's discussion of "neoliberalism" in his late lectures
> refers to this original definition of neoliberalism, too.

true. vastly overlooked because the title is "the birth of
biopolitics", which he originally intended to be the subject of his
lectures at college de france in '78-79. the lectures are fundamental
to understand the politics of contemporaneity. unfortunately he never
managed to arrive to the description of biopolitics in that last
period of his life, too busy making a geneaology of liberism, which of
course cannot be really overlooked if debating the matter.

Antonio Caronia left us his last lecture series about Foucault "Per
una genealogia del soggetto" a few years before dying. the recordings
in Italian are archived here
following this was a fantastic journey through Foucault's oeuvre.

now I sort of wonder if 'biopolitics' can be sold as the
ideology-buzzword people are looking for here - dare you not know,
nettime is a buzzword incubator and perhaps accelerator! :^)))

perhaps our times are not so epic anymore and we should settle on the
"millenial" definition, stick to think in generational terms. I still
wonder what are your thoughts about this
just a matter of words, sure. has anyone used cryptoliberism yet?


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Re: Review: Michel Bauwens and The Promise Of The

2016-04-13 Thread Jaromil
hi all,

On Thu, 31 Mar 2016, nettime's value chain wrote:

> This is why Jaromil helped produce FreeCoin, an e-wallet created for
> exchange and trading between friends; he calls it a ‘social
> wallet’. FreeCoin is a social currency that adapts the ‘proof of
> work’ concept used in Bitcoin to validate social gifting and
> exchange within communities. In experimenting with the proof of work
> concept Jaromil is re-defining how value is expressed and exchanged
> by people and how technology can measure and distribute that
> value. By putting people at the center of the design of FreeCoin,
> Jaromil wants to re-instate trust into a trustless system.

> Although it is an admirable concept I am concerned there is a
> disheartening ramification in turning the quality of a person’s
> social relations into a cypto-currency. In order to account for the
> value shared between friends and social groups, FreeCoin software
> would need to measure and quantify those friendships to validate it
> as ‘social currency’.

the INC guest blogger here misinterpreted the focus of the project, to
his merit still goes that this is a rather easy pitfall unless one
reads all the non-2.0 (boring) literature around the project.

Freecoin is a toolkit for credit risk mitigation, see it as a
framework to build Chamas (African bottom-up banking solutions) or
sort of grass-root clearing-houses. It does _not_ suggests that
everyone needs a wallet any time there is a social relation.

So to say: if developers propose a cryptographic solution (=not by sw
convention) to a specific problem, it still doesn't means they think
the problem is everywhere and the solution needs to be applied

Freecoin is _not_ a tool to validate social relations, we do not
advise nor equip it at any scale to build quantitative user reputation

To think that reputation and ranking systems are the only solution to
credit risk is a dominant, axiomatic, neo-liberal solution proposal to
present problems.

There are qualitative solutions to the problem and they cannot be
automated, but only aided, adopted, appropriated and run by
communities, bottom-up. They are also based on ownership of production
means and political decision-making processes that include "workers".

There is no money to be made for big corps there, but there is
wellfare to be gained by participants, significantly reducing
financial dependency from central-banking systems, for which the
crisis of trust is the real disease.

This because we believe risk is much better handled bottom-up and in a
decentralized fashion.


Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
  CTO and co-founder  free/open source developers
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1st AnonSec e-zine on hacker geopolitical trend to actively support

2016-02-02 Thread Jaromil
- - 
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- - 

Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
  CTO and co-founder  free/open source developer
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Re: choose-your-own adventure: a brief history of nettime

2015-11-07 Thread Jaromil
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Re: Fwd: Hacked Team [getting off-topic...]

2015-11-05 Thread Jaromil
back on the HT case 4 months later

On Mon, 27 Jul 2015, Radovan Misovic wrote:

> I found an interesting article related to this topic.

> Hacking Team: a zero-day market case study


A new article finally tells more of the story behind the scenes and shows
better the connection between "market" dynamics and the ethics of those involved

I simply second the definition of a fascist (with plenty of italian effing
acquaintances) ruling the company. When looking at the rest of the booming tech
security industry, I believe what really went wrong in HT is going wrong in any
other company with dreams of grandeur and obsession of scaling up operations in
the military industrial complex. Software embargos can't help at all here,
since software is probably the easiest thing to smuggle, ever.

Now, good luck with startups and zilicon falleys

   The Hacking Team Defectors

  Written by Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai

   November 2, 2015 // 09:00 AM EST
   Copy This URL

   I am sitting in a nondescript all-white office room in Sliema, a touristy,
   commercial town that faces Malta's capital of Valletta. I'm staring at my
   computer, typing commands into the terminal, and I have no idea what I'm

   Sitting across the room there's a hacker who looks nothing like the image
   of a hacker that popular culture has ingrained in our minds. He has a
   buzz-cut, he's clean-shaven, has an earnest smile, and is wearing a dark
   blue polo shirt and cargo shorts. He looks more like a tourist than
   someone who used to develop spyware for the infamous Italian surveillance
   tech company Hacking Team.

   He is sending me a bunch of commands written in the Python programming
   language, trying to exploit a flaw in my MacBook's operating system, so
   that I can get administrative privileges on my work computer.

   "Let me write another backdoor," he says.

   After a few failed attempts, and a couple more Python scripts, it finally

   "Fuck yeah, you're root," he says, using the technical term for a user who
   has full privileges on a computer. "We just exploited your computer!" he
   adds, laughing.

   I laugh too, and then I realize that, technically, a guy that used to work
   at Hacking Team, the surveillance technology vendor that sold its products
   to almost 40 law enforcement and intelligence agencies from across the
   world, according to data dumped online this summer, just hacked my


   His name is Alberto Pelliccione. Until last year, he was the man
   responsible for developing Hacking Team's Android spyware, and one of the
   employees who had worked on the company's marquee product, the
   surveillance suite known as Remote Control System or RCS, since its early

   In February of last year, Pelliccione resigned. Since then, the company's
   top brass, particularly the CEO David Vincenzetti, has gone after him for
   leaving, and later sued him for allegedly using Hacking Team's code to
   create an antidote to the company's spyware, a defensive system called

   Now, after a mysterious hacker only known as PhineasFisher breached the
   company in July, exposing its most guarded secrets, such as internal
   emails, list of clients, and even the spyware's source code, Pelliccione
   was fingered by Vincenzetti as a potential suspect.

   But he's not the only one who's faced the wrath of his old company.

   A small group of high-level former employees, who all left after
   Pelliccione, are also suspected of being behind the hack, and have been
   called "infidels" and "traitors" by the Italian press. Their departure, as
   well as what happened to them after they left, shows that even internally,
   some were not happy about the direction the company took in the last few
   years; there have been multiple reports that Hacking Team's products were
   being abused by some of its customers, such as Morocco, the United Arab
   Emirates, Ethiopia, or Saudi Arabia.

  "Hacking Team shouldn't be a fucking religion that if you wanna leave you're
  an infidel or a traitor."

   The group of former employees was accused of having played part in the
   hack after months of separate lawsuits against five of them. Two of them
   even received visits from the Italian intelligence -- all ploys that seem to
   be a way to intimidate and punish them for having left the company.

   A Hacking Team former employee asked not to be named because Vincenzetti,
   "with his ongoing lawsuits, is at least a little bit effective in his
   terrorist tactics aimed at forcing people not to talk."

   Guido Landi, who worked as a developer at Hacking Team focusing on
   Windows, is one of the former employees that the company is going after.
   For him, Hacking Team is a "madhouse," led by a "fascist" who won't
   forgive anyone who dares to leave.

Re: choose-your-own adventure: a brief history of nettime

2015-11-01 Thread Jaromil
so good!!! thanks!  this text comes timely and is a motivating read.

recently you noticed i started being around nettime more often... this
little historical text here is a great milestone and feels also very
inclusive. I approve and always recommend recommend making less
individual names, but perhaps more organization names, to support what
everyone of us is doing in different but well attuned directions for
which nettime seems to be a methronome. So I'm happy if can fit
somewhere there, but I have no idea where really.

I was recently rather upset at hearing and reading Geert going around to
call himself the "founder of nettime". Then rather than that, perhaps
his INC initiative also deserves a quote in the text.


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Re: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-11-01 Thread Jaromil
eralized debt obligations would
make people’s eyes roll in a stupefied mixture of bafflement and
tedium. Simultaneous with this rejection of ‘wonk-ery’ however,
he repeatedly decried the tendency towards simplification and
worried that if a major crisis were to occur that not only would the
political vision be found wanting but the individuals would find
itself confronted with a level of complexity so unfamiliar as to be

Denis Roio aka Jaromil   htt :// think &do tank
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Re: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-10-30 Thread Jaromil

dear Morlock,

as usual your cynical slap feels fascinating and somehow invigorating

On Thu, 29 Oct 2015, wrote:

> The understanding and manipulation of masses has become a
> technology-based activity. Like transportation or food production.
> Reflexes and intuition in activism from the last few centuries
> are becoming irrelevant in this regard - this is what 'activists'
> generally refuse to understand, despite repeated and consistent
> failures.

but then Alex has already and somehow answered when he writes:

"It's better to be more than half right and win, than to be totally
right and lose"

Which makes me think of... president Obama, eheh! And I like Obama
very much! :^D

Alex' text is pointing to the very tactical understanding of
ideologies that you are mentioning and a process of appropriation for
a new sort of... service.

Sure, technology-based mass manipulation services. Does that rings a
bell? Beyond seeing just the opportunity for 'manipulation' in there,
a lot of what is going on into the participatory democracy scene, a
lot of the prismatic transformation of old party duopolies, can fit
into this vision. That's what your provocation makes me imagine... we
may call it Politics as a Service perhaps, or PaaS if it's not already
taken. Ideology as a Service may also fit, IaaS. So funny that it
sounds almost like 'jacket' in Dutch, jaas.

I'm giggling too much to be able to continue now. Yet I feel that
between these silly visions and the future of grass-root political
instances Alex mentions lies enormous potential.

I'll just finish by joining the mini-poll: Tsipras or Varoufakis? T or

my vote: V (and I'm still wearing my black leather jacket...)


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Re: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-10-29 Thread Jaromil
On Sun, 30 Aug 2015, Geert Lovink wrote:

> > On 30 Aug 2015, at 12:26 pm, Alex Foti  wrote:
> > 
> > So anarchists, autonomists, ecologists, queers are right in what
> > they say and fight for, but they are also all wrong, because if they
> > don't unite neoliberals and fundamentalists will defeat each one by
> > one. We need a new intellectual synthesis, a new political
> > philoposophy, a new, less intellectual and more popular, way of
> > doing politics.
> Strong analysis, Alex. I agreed up to this last point. Coming from the
> low lands where pragmatism rules, the culture here is deeply
> anti-intellectual. It's main problem is the rejection of debate and
> reflexion, outlawing intellectuals, both from political parties and
> social movement. The source of this is positivism on the one side
> (specially amongst the Greens who detest any form of negativism and
> critique as not constructive and exclude all these voices that are not
> 'reasonable'). So do not forget, in many places, more intellectual
> means more popular because it is inclusive of different voices that
> break the New Age consensus that paralyzes us right now.

I completely disagree with this. Wanted to make my point, then let it
aside, but now reading your refrain in Dorien's interview I'll just get
this out of my chest, for the little I know of the Netherlands and the
much I know of Italy the country also Alex comes from.  In Italy we are
literally engulfed by (critical or not, same) intellectualoids swimming
into academy/politics and unable to get anything done, or even
understood by the masses, completely detached from the actual legwork it
takes to carry on a political campaign or initiative.

Geert, this is clearly not your case so I really advise you to look
deeper into this rather than countering Alex conclusion with your fight
against the Dutch mills.

Let Italy be once again a political laboratory worth observing: even
critical voices who have all the reasons to be there countering the
late-capitalist "positivism" you define become the very enemies of
themselves - at least on the intellectual plane, since the bodies are
usually enriched from exposing their smart-ass critic.  A political
stance that is true to the post-capitalist phase we are approaching
should be there to produce accessible value (knowledge and practice)
rather than ivory-towers of know-it-all that often and gratuitously
cash-in on a all-round critical position which has no other role than
that of advertising the presence of another talking head.

The population is numbed by this dynamic and in the worst case made very
cynical, there is no trust anymore, not even in critical thinking which
is oh-so-right but not followed by practice.  There is simply no trust
because noone is walking the walk, but everyone likes to go around and
criticize, from the sport-bar to the academic palace, the latter being
the place where the privileged can cash in on their refined use of
language and references.

This is ultimately a total disaster for the very critical culture you
care so much about and me too and Alex too. All the space is taken by an
enlarging old-boys camp to the point today I'm not really sure where
Brecht would go sit, perhaps withing the new ranks of a generational
conflict which is unfolding under so many names, last but not least that
of disruptive innovation. The real problem we are facing is that of
succession, whose consequence is also production of sense that is
relevant and nurturing someone more than the intellectualoids
themselves. This is the last stage where capitalism is still winning.

And sorry to say but if you insist in this vision please consider that
the Netherlands (a place I admitedly love for its pragmatism too) is
also a very small context and the context you are trying to defend is
the smallest in this smallness. Defending the petty interest of a
mistreated cast of intellectuals in the land where cultural cuts have hit
pragmatically and dramatically hard won't ever help to understand the
larger analysis Alex is bringing forward.


Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
  CTO and co-founder  free/open source developer
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Re: The Gentrification of Hacking: How yuppies hacked the

2015-10-23 Thread Jaromil

On October 21, 2015 5:47:57 PM GMT+02:00, Carsten Agger  

>Ironically, the article you link to is behind a pay/login wall and I'm 
>asked to choose if I want to "enter with Google+" or "Enter with
>Another example of the encroaching colonization of the Internet, I

perhaps even deeper political encroaching
if we consider that is a self declared
" communist newspaper "
...more considerations on the gentrification
topic may follow.

however sorry for that link
it was open access before, I guess they
close only the archive behind registration.

the article is all in Italian lang BTW
the news did not travel beyond that


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Re: The Gentrification of Hacking: How yuppies hacked the

2015-10-21 Thread Jaromil
dear Patrice,

On 12 October 2015 10:10:04 CEST, patrice  wrote:

>The answer to this, dear Jaromil, is oeuf corse to simply 'do it' (the
>practical work on the ground and in the streets) - and not talk too
>much about it since it attracts all kinds of un-called for, time
>wasting - or worse - attention. Meanwhile let's keep nettime as the
>enjoyable digi-paper of records of the chattering
>classes. No bother and certainly no need to reform nettime into some
>mouthpiece of the one and only politically correct approach.

I don't get what you mean, can you explain?


protests escalated with 4 student arrests, 10 students armed
of which 2 with serious head injuries. All this on the premises
of a university where once upon a time it was very unkosher
to have just one cop in uniform stepping in.

so now thanks to the makers faire and its oh-so-californian
ideology merge of cultural industries as education think tanks
we have a whole new front of cultural conflict -which we really
did not need.

As the protestors clearly stated, the makers movement is not
to be blamed for this, but perhaps the very gentrification Brett
writes about. The methodology, or ideology, of making a
business plan around anything, the ultra-liberal drive of turning
a cultural event into a faire, something that does not belong
to the premises of a university, unless we just start calling it
enterprise, as Agamben once suggested.

greets from gentrified Barcelona
pragmatically yours of course ;-)

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literate programming

2015-10-15 Thread Jaromil
l pretty much GNU :^)

Current software projects we develop at inspired by minimalism


Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
  CTO and co-founder  free/open source developer
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Re: The Gentrification of Hacking: How yuppies hacked the

2015-10-11 Thread Jaromil
dear nettimers,

spot on the topic, in Rome's university La Sapienza yesterday researchers and
students were protesting with a peaceful sit-in... against the Maker Faire!

besides the fact the faire is blocking the access to some spaces of the
university with costly tickets, they also criticize the overall marketing
oriented nature of the event, where they say that the "business approach of the
Maker Faire is an actual contradiction of the philosophy of sharing and
cooperation that originated such initiatives"

the newspaper elaborates well on the arguments with some quotes and overall
bashing of the "capitalism 2.0" speculative attitude towards immaterial
commons. Of course, beware, this is a communist newspaper :^) yet the only to
cover such an interesting story... does one really needs to be a communist to
be critical in this ultra-lib ultra-opt(imism) world we are living in? seems so

For the occasion I recommend this publication of the D-CENT project, titled
"Managing the commons in the knowledge economy" (1.4MB download) in
particular chapter 4.7 starting at page 71, titled "The maker movement. A
return to dawn in the logic of the commons?" which concludes with:


Authors like André Gorz even made it the prototype of a new social way of
production based on the possibility to interconnect craft workshops founded on
the common throughout the whole world, to treat software like a common good of
humanity, like the free software movement does, to replace the market with what
it is necessary to produce, how and to what purpose, to fabricate all that is
necessary locally and also to make large complex facilities through
collaboration with many local workshops. Transport, warehousing, marketing and
factory assembly, which represent two thirds of current costs, would be
eliminated. An economy beyond wage relation, money and commodities founded on
the pooling of the results of an activity conceived of from the beginning as
common, is heralded to be possible: an economy of gratuitousness. (Gorz, 2008,

This utopian vision of Gorz's has many affinities with the experience of the
Transition Town Movement promoted by Rob Hopkins. The Transition Movement, as
Gauntlett (2011) emphasises, is formed of community initiatives that try to
transform society into resilient communities organised according to the maker
logic in order to face the environmental challenges tied to climate change,
limited resources and alterations in the world of work brought on by the
economic crisis. One of the main characteristics of the Transition Movement is
that of believing that all these problems can be faced through co-production
and community collaboration. It is no coincidence that the two fundamental
principles of the movement are:

a) individuals have immense quantities of creativity, talent and ability;

b) if individuals acted as a community they would be capable of creating a way
of life that is significatively more connected, more vibrant and more
fulfilling than the one we live in.

Even though it is more recent even the maker movement seems to be in turn
crossed, like the free software movement, by divergent tendencies on an
economic level and on that of political philosophy. The model of resilience and
autonomy incarnated by the radical makers community in California of whom Gorz
and Lallement are spokesmen, is opposed in this way by a logic of integration
in the large circuits of industrial production and commerce (Landeau, 2014) or
again approaches according to which the decentralised production of the makers
could come close to the realisation of a market of perfect competition (cf.
Anderson, 2012).


These and other good reads on this list put forward a deep, still forward
looking, view on what was, can be and is becoming yet another commons-based
movement in the age of a necrotizing capitalism. Yet all this thinkering
(nettime included!) seems to stay pretty much in the domain of the
intellectualoids, while the masses are shoved the zombie-rethoric of
californian ideology in every way possible, now even printed in
cheap-but-three-dee toxic plastic in the very premises of a university.
Ad maiora!


Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
  CTO and co-founder  free/open source developer
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Re: VW

2015-10-02 Thread Jaromil
dear Ted,

On Sun, 27 Sep 2015, t byfield wrote:

> On 27 Sep 2015, at 5:02, Jaromil wrote:
> >to debate this thing as if it would be just about Volkswagen is so
> >naive! srsly. There is nothing to be learned there.
> Jaromil, I think it's a bit premature to counter claims that this is
> 'just about Volkswagen,' because no one said anything like that.
> Obviously there are many ways in which this is symptomatic of broader
> structures. But Lehman Brothers and Fukushima were symptomatic as
> well, and would you really argue that 'there was nothing to be learned
> there' either? *And* hold hold up Android's OEMs cheating on
> benchmarks as a more illuminating example? I don't think so.

I believe that in 2015 and on top of all the literature we have been imbued
there is no point for us to engage blaming VW as the evil manufacturer, or take
political correctsy postures about institutional funding one or the other
takes, FWIW.

do you think the VW is any different than the hackingteam affair? its not.

HT was allegedly buying and reselling scriptkiddoz 0days available for anyone
on the oh-so-sexy "dark-market" to spray holes in the mobile phones of their
classmates, until some sharks got their rich and berlusconi-looking friends to
VC boost them to-the-moon by putting such ridicolous digital hairballs in
quarantine before selling them for thousands of euros to the booming security
industry - which is by the vast majority populated by clueless and militarized
people in uniforms collecting certifications and verifications to hide their
idiocy behind a soon-to-be-academic title in every cyber-crime 5star catered
conference they go, because sure! these kids are s dangerous!

this is a sketch of how the industry works today. the automotive is not
different and as I said in my previous email on HT the problem is not
hackingteam per se, as much as now the problem is not VW per se.

wake up to these news: there is an actual dark market for software like the one
VW used to counterfeit their autos

> Relying on open-source metaphor-mantras ('Would you buy a car with the
> hood welded shut?') to analyze peculiar dynamics of the car industry

this is NOT a peculiar dynamic of the car industry. This is how the current
necrotizing capitalist regime of patents works in every sector of industrial
production, thriving wherever no open source business model is embraced, let
alone the free software ethic. There are different degrees of responsibility
for software, sure, and there could be various degrees of attention on
different parts of software, as Florian mentions, sure, but then with open
access at least we'd have infinite possibilities for researchers to choose
their independent code analysis MA project, etc. etc. instead of isolated
scandals popping up here and there. We need to switch to such a condition as
tech is becoming more pervasive and entrenched with life-critical functions,
there is no way out of this and I hope we can thrive in the open system picture
that John gives us with a numerous enough population, rather than after a total

anyway ok, today the trend is to blame german car manufacturers, to me sounds
just like that "blaming german people for the greek crisis" fart a month ago.


Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
  CTO and co-founder  free/open source developer
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Re: VW

2015-09-27 Thread Jaromil
oh c'mon guys!

On Sat, 26 Sep 2015, Florian Cramer wrote:

>  I'd be curious to hear from people who have a more proximate
>  sense of how this is playing out in Germany, and how the
>  government seems like it'll respond.
>The implication for "our" field are much more immediate than one
>would expect, given that the Centre of Digital Cultures of Leuphana
>University L??neburg has been funded from a grant by Volkswagen

to debate this thing as if it would be just about Volkswagen is so
naive! srsly. There is nothing to be learned there.

This is the way the industry always works when closed-source. This event
should remind everyone (and especially consumer associations) how
important is to have the industry release its software open-source, down
to the firmware and hardware. This must be an imperative especially for
life-support critical software - think of airco and metro ventilation
systems as they'll get more complex...

See what someone found out already in 2013 about Android's OEMs cheating
on benchmarks with their firmware

My question is: do you really think that any private industry is
actually being honest, when it doesn't have to, when there is no way to


Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
  CTO and co-founder  free/open source developer
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Re: "Speak Out with Snowden, Assange and Manning"

2015-09-15 Thread Jaromil

I also like it, quite much.
lets chill on the critical grinding...
how about a picture with Morozov sitting on the empty chair? ;^)

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Re: Robert Adrian, 1935 - 2015

2015-09-10 Thread Jaromil
RAX was our daddy. for many of us, down to the 7th generation media
artists. mourning him is a psychedelic experience right now, life
changing memories for a life changing artist.

I remember visiting him, he had a pine or mutt client open to read
nettime. we talked about this list, he had bitter tones for the sort of
marketing approach of academics. but he never stopped reading it, like
many here.. I will never forget the monitor he had for reading mails:
turned vertical, with a beautiful tone and font rendering, attuned with
his aging eyes.

If there is ever an artist for the digital age,
the earliest genius I can think of was Robert Adrian X.

may his night be light

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Re: September 11-12: SAMIZDATA: Tactics and Strategies for

2015-09-08 Thread Jaromil
On Mon, 07 Sep 2015, Tatiana Bazzichelli wrote:

> SAMIZDATA: Tactics and Strategies for Resistance
> Conference by Disruption Network Lab

many thanks to tbazz and her fantastic team for organizing this and also
a few months ago for hosting the book launch of "Cyborg" by Antonio
Caronia, finally translated to english. I'm definitely looking forward

here a written introduction to the short presentation I'm contributing to the
panel, which is willingly critical and hopefully thought provoking.

"Demilitarize technology.

An insider's critique of contemporary hacker politics". 

This is the title of the upcoming presentation by Jaromil at our conference
SAMIZDATA. He will speak in the panel SAMIZDATA: Strategies for Resistance, on
September 12 · 2015 · 15:00-17:00 (

"As heroic as it is, the act of whistleblowing is not scalable nor socially
sustainable on the long term. Many people are aware of the urgency for speaking
out about the injustice of how institutions are betraying their mandate and
working against the interest of open societies, but this narrative is also
threatening the possibility for the growth of socially sound networks of trust.
On a subjective level, while we constantly risk to be obsessed by revelations
about the global surveillance panopticon and the military-industrial complex,
we are also exposed to mass-deceiving propaganda and media manipulations, while
even inter-personal communication becomes a field for the expanding narrative
of total war.

This intervention does not suggests to reject awareness for the sake of peace
of mind. It reflects on the possibility for an hacker subject to maintain
integrity and seek a positive constituency for her relations. The task becomes
complex as the subject in question, the hacker, has also been extremely
popularized by mass-media for a prometeic role mostly oriented on its
individual dimension, rather than social.

Such a reflection will turn its attention to the traits characterizing the
needs and propositions of hackers and how those are perceived by the larger
public, influence social life and inform the reactions of public and private
apparata. It will consider our role in relation with the needs and desires of
larger masses of people and how that can lead to an inclusive narrative of
peace, not war.

Presumably fostering a dialogue with the audience, this talk will include time
for extensive Q&A and debate, trying to collectively focus on novel strategies
to demilitarize the narrative that hackers are weaving and seek a social
dimension for what could be still defined a tormented consciousness".

Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
  CTO and co-founder  free/open source developer
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Re: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-09-02 Thread Jaromil

dear Andreas, John, Armin

On Tue, 01 Sep 2015, Andreas Broeckmann wrote:

> to act on these systems is not a matter of clicking like-buttons, and
> it cannot be done in innocently white t-shirts on the streets of a
> shopping mall in vienna. (you may need a tie, or worse...) it may
> mean, for instance, to protest and work to dismantle not only TTIP,
> but also all the trade agreements that the EU has struck or wants to
> strike with 'weaker' countries... :

All your disenchantment looking at a demonstration of 30k people in
Vienna and more all over Austria sounds like seasoned wisdom speaking.

But please do not ignore the fact that this is all new and it may be a
powerful beginning. After living for more than 4 years in Austria as a
strange sort of EU migrant seeking asylum, I can only be surprised
counting these numbers and thinking of how many people I know in .at
that feel isolated when thinking of these political issues.

This is all new: past demonstrations I've joined in Vienna for the
rights of migrants back 13 years ago counted at max a desolating 300
people behind banners in embarassment. If the consciousness on how to
consolidate such a popular sentiment in political action is still
lacking, that is just a signal for new opportunities for transversal
narratives to emerge and march towards some of the horizons that Alex
tries to sketch.

The momentum is there. In 2001 in Genova it was repressed in violence
and that sort of prevarication was a the negative political differential
that marginalized and at the same time united the people present, the
majority being a very similar sort of good-doers Armin mentions. After
the teargas and the beatings we ended up carrying for years the strong
delusion for something that was not made possible to grow.
These now may be different times, lets try to imagine it.

I was also in London on the day Armin mentions, for the anti-war
demonstration: it was 2M people and the voice of Harold Pinter at Hyde
Park resonated through the hearts and minds of many, may he rest in
peace, that good man. On the same day, in Rome, 3M people were on the
streets, incredibly enough without big clashes to distract the media
from the real focus of the event. What was still missing was the big
German speaking critical mass we are observing now.

It may be a slow and naive process in the eyes of pre-millennials, there
may be hoops and hopefully no more Mexican-style mattanzas, but all in
all I read a progression for the last 20 years and there are open doors
for a new political season opening now which we can only fuel with hope
and wisdom, less with disillusion, more with an analysis which is aware
of history and of overall conservative liberal-left vs
individualist-right polarized politics. Long live realistical utopias.
Let's fight to give all migrants a voice - and perhaps an opportunity to


Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Think (& Do) Tank
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Re: The Gentrification of Hacking: How yuppies hacked the

2015-08-12 Thread Jaromil
On Tue, 11 Aug 2015, Brian Holmes wrote:

> But I would like off this treadmill. It's really unbearable. There has
> to be a better way.

Well, I don't think Alessandro and Jonas are defining our problem when
switching from gentrification to recuperation. The former is already an
edulcorated term, the latter is shedding a good light on capitalism's
influence, almost suggesting that people out of its reach need to be
treated. I admit not having read the draft however.

Speaking of terms, I must specify that my use of Yiddish in the last
sentence was my own exclamation, I absolutely do not identify the
"gentrifying machine of hyped finance" with people using such
exclamations. My thanks to a nettimer asking me offlist, I understand
the doubt: a linguistic connotation that may be hinting the creation of
another enemy, since that seems to be a trend now. In the middle of this
already extremely violent crisis people resort to identify scape-goats
and enemies within language and cultural groups, like Bifo did for
Germany, which sincerely disgusted me.

I really want to say it straight: the problem is not "the Germans" or
"the Jews" or "the Russians". Capitalism succeeded in one thing for
sure: breaking the codes (see Anti-Oedipus). There is no easy
identification of the problem without a complex analysis of finance and
power, as you tried already long ago with Bureau d'Etudes.  The problem
we are facing is deeply economical and deeply entrenched in the
rent-making spiral of capitalism.  Talking about hackers as an elite or
as heroes or as villains will not do us any favor. There is no possible
social connotation for this disaster, social analysis is futile to
render the larger picture.  Finance is ultimately abstracting every
production process from the creation of value - and every human from
his/her own social nature (I shall write subjectivity perhaps).  Looking
back and forth for social connotations (or even production methods) as
the origin or solution of the problem is futile.


Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Think (& Do) Tank
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Re: The Gentrification of Hacking: How yuppies hacked the

2015-08-11 Thread Jaromil
dear Brett,

your essay is brilliant and obvious at the same time. I did enjoy
reading it, but still feels like scratching the surface as it does not
dig into other historical examples of cultural gentrification.

It may go well along the read of Gambiarra by Felipe Fonseca commenting on how
we started back in the '90s with an idea of DIY recycling and we ended
up with a "makers movement" which is producing even more waste than the
industry was doing back then. What a Regretsy.

However. All the way while InI were realizing we were hackers (and that
there was a definition for us) it was always clear that we share a lot
with journalists and investigators, something that Julian Assange made
extremely evident at last. Hackers, journalists and investigators are
all liminal figures, as Yuri Lotman puts it, and with liminal I don't
mean to say we are necessarily marginal.

My question is then: how a liminal cultural role can survive the
gentrification? I believe there are differences from other gentrified
cultural movements because of the nature of such a role - and because of
the value that always lies beyond the well-known limits.

Back in 2004 and feeling strong while holding my toolbox I did went into
middle-east war zones to cross the limits and understand what's beyond
the propaganda machine. Other hackers today are still making the choice
to cross the border of a westernized semiosphere made of bore and hype.
For instance some are in Rojava as we speak, active organizing a support
network that can operate on the field, or have deleted all traces of
themselves and joined the Cooperativa Integral of Catalunya to reach
independence from capitalism.

This is all so difficult to communicate, in the middle of the
gentrification you describe, which is probably more evident in USA and
less in EU where the yuppie culture you mention is mostly an import.

So lets just keep in mind that the Hollywood machinery is -as always-
not the reality and that there are tribes of hackers that are explicitly
refusing  that route, whose choices are or may be in the future
different from what you describe. Of course there are plenty of former
activists turned yuppies, even among nettimers here, yet that doesn't
means that a cultural movement which is naturally incline to crossing
limits will be killed by gentrification. Even this hacker whose life
nowadays almost resembles that of a yuppie still manages to contribute
some critical sense at times :^)

For the gentrifying machine of hyped finance there will soon be a new
hype - oy vey I really can't wait for them to move on.


Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Think (& Do) Tank
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Re: Lori Emerson: What's Wrong With the Internet and How

2015-07-29 Thread Jaromil
> > The Internet *is* it's lowest protocol layers.

> Am 28.07.2015 um 17:44 schrieb Florian Cramer :
> >   No, it isn't, since it is neither immaterial nor a perpetuum
> >   mobile, but runs on hardware and electricity.

On Tue, 28 Jul 2015, Juergen Fenn wrote:

> Touché, but in fact it is the network protocols that determine what
> the users can do with their hardware.

some "users" (people? participants?) like to and/or can do whatever they want
regardless of the network protocol.

see: gnuradio

or netsukuku

or even something like sniffjoke
the latter is explicitly deceiving the sort of protocol reconstruction by IDS
and intrusion devices, FTR written by an early member of HT who left early.

in fact people can propagate any protocol as long as the gateways lets it flow
further: right now the simpliest way to do this is encapsulating new protocols
inside TCP or even HTTP, but it could be also pushed down under with some
tricks - and people DO play those tricks, I'd rather specify just in case
someone here things corporations like Cisco are infinitely reliable.

the ISO/OSI layer holds only because of what Florian mentions.  If the
protocols would be determining what people can do, then the ISO/OSI
hierarchical model would become some sort of four-dimensional Quillian root
of.. protocol semantics. But it is not, that's just a hippie's dream.


p.s. dear Lori Emerson, thanks a lot for your interview, its extremely
interesting and absolutely spot-on for the thesis I'm writing.

Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Think (& Do) Tank
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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Re: Hacked Team [getting off-topic...]

2015-07-22 Thread Jaromil
 phrase makes
  no sense to you, I can sympathize. After all, I'm apparently the one
  building it, and I don't even know what it is.

  In addition  to this, it  seems that, when  I'm not busy  working on
  "tomorrow's  technology today",  I'm hard  at work  all  through the
  night  in  a small  windowless  room  drinking  tons of  coffee  and
  pursuing  my dream of  becoming the  next Bill  Gates, the  next boy
  genius  Napster start  up internet  toting computer  whiz  from next
  door, set to jump with software I wrote in my garage and rise to the
  head  of a  new  empire, where  I  singlehandedly and  in bona  fide
  multithreaded fashion  strike the ladies dead  with my client-server
  savvy while wooing banks and various monied interests into my den of
  Dungeons  and Dragons  posters  and subculture  chat  rooms where  I
  tech-talk them into forking over their green with the promise of the
  next  great i.p.o.-Nasdaq  corn-fed  sensation while  simultaneously
  plotting to break in to their  mainframes so I can get from there to
  the State  Department in a zany  madcap wily hacker  plan to appoint
  Mickey Mouse  as the national security  envoy to Pakistan.  I had no
  idea I was so busy and industrious.

  I'm tired just from reading about myself.

  I have lost a hold of my  identity. It seems that it is now owned by
  Microsoft and Ebay,  by Time and Newsweek, by  Dateline and Intel. I
  try  to  think back,  wondering  if  maybe I  sold  it  to them  and
  subsequently forgot about it.  I've searched my soul for some record
  of the transaction, of some outright  bill of sale, and I can't seem
  to find  one. I've been trying  to recall any  particular times when
  maybe some  misunderstanding could have occurred and  these kinds of
  companies became under  the impression that they were  the owners of
  my identity.

> *too far? ;P

whopsie, I did far(t) too much.


Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Think (& Do) Tank
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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Re: Hacked Team

2015-07-20 Thread Jaromil
On Sun, 19 Jul 2015, wrote:

> The shift I mentioned is the shift from being managed/herded by a
> relatively large number of humans, to being managed/herded by a
> large number of machines controlled by a small number of humans, and
> the power pyramid becoming a very steep needle.

I see. Very good point.

> How do you classify builders of these power-multiplication machines?


Perhaps better: trans-humanists funded by the sort of white-trash
accellerators like the Thiel fellowship or Italian yuppie-tech-morons
and gov-lackeys.

In case of HT the 'power-multiplicators', the ministries of the
pyramids are the VCs and again I believe that the financial world has
nothing in place to fix such net-of-trust problems. What a pity, all
that literature about trust written for nothing.

> Cryptography can help not being seen (consult "How Not To Be
> Seen"), but it hardly changes the power equation. On the contrary,
> it enforces the centralization paradigm: the number of people
> that benevolently design cryptographic machines is miniscule. 10?
> 100? 500 (I doubt)? It is trivial and cheap to subvert that whole
> ecosystem.

not so miniscule anymore, believe me.

> While, of course, "everyone should be free to study", it just
> doesn't happen, and the asymmetry grows.

see above. Code is getting everywhere, even the art world is flooded
by code related themes and technicians nowadays. I stopped doing
"internet-art" or "computer-art" or already since 10 years,
this is not interesting anymore really. The world in 10 years from now
will be full of coders and I'm not just talking about the "western
world". Code is thought in schools, there are festivals about code,
teenagers go to codemotion sort of events like they'd be going to a
justin bieber concert... and I leave you imagine the consequences of
this, they go far beyond our topic.

> Everyone just wants to download.

it may be a generational gap talking, yet I'm sure digital natives are
pretty comfortable with being seen shallow by their teachers, who are
anyway completely unable to talk their language. But have a look at
what's happening in places like github sometimes.

> How many can understand and deploy the real Voight-Kampff
> test (but designed for humans, and works faster:
> )?
> But I agree, blaming the worker bees is futile, and the Luddites end
> up badly. Quite an experience to live in fear, isn't it?

I'm not sure the politics of fear, the privacy rethoric, the
middle-class facebook protests, the crypto-angst will last so so long.
These are all obsessions and fears for the 1%, the rockstars of our
times: the hackers. Meanwhile we do live in interesting times, while
many things are going wrong (and people on this list can well claim
having predicted that) once we accept that in life things do go wrong,
the changes ahead will appear too engaging to go introspective and
live in fear. We did that already with nature and we are still in the
process of understanding it is not only an enemy, nor just a subject
for laboratory examinations

What I mean to say at last is that there is no purity, I believe this
to be the core post-humanist mantra, as Antonio Caronia once said

And none of the digital-natives out there are busy with purity,
contrary to what most of the previous generations are. This may turn
out to be a good antidote to centralization paradigm you mention...


Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Think (& Do) Tank
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Re: Hacked Team

2015-07-19 Thread Jaromil
On Fri, 17 Jul 2015, wrote:

> The cause of confusion may be that this (the last few decades) is
> probably the first time that power apparatus' enforcement model is
> making a big shift from thugs with guns to thugs with compilers.
> These are two completely different demographics, and while societies
> had thousands years to learn about and deal with thugs with guns [...]
> it is hard to project the same notion at the bright middle-class kids
> that get stock options and catered food. It will take some time.

I disagree on two points here, the first indirect (just to make sure)
and the second more specific to your approach.

1) cryptography is not a weapon

I dare to say this at the cost of causing dismay among Schneider's
followers and anyone else who finds it so sexy to think they are dealing
with Death by clicking on a keyboard.

Cryptography is to software what solid walls are to architecture.

The raise of its use in consumer-grade software products can be compared
to that of cement in the building industry. Of course cement is also
used in illegal ways, but mostly when the industry adopting it scales up
to insane levels and sells the production means to the wrong people.

2) it is *not only* up to individual responsibility

I do not believe bright kids are the only ones to blame for their
choices in life. There will always be bright kids making unethical
choices, so this won't solve anything really. But yes, good luck keeping
an eye on those and thanks btw, we feel much safer now.

The systemic problem is the military-industrial complex and the way it
creates such jobs. It is the way the cyber-crime big-bucks rethoric is
unfolding, void of any critical thinking and basically in the hands of
sociopats, politicians and venture capitals who are good at surfing
multi-billion waves of funding without even thinking which shore they
are going to land on. They are the ones loading the boat with bright
kids and telling them the fun stories about their future. They are the
ones who have the real power to make things happen on a large scale (as
HT was) and they are the rotten node in the network of trust. A network
which won't change in Italy, believe me, not even after this scandal.

Now the HT case is very specific and deals not just with crypto
software, but with actual intrusion tools for targeted breach. I don't
believe we can exonerate the researchers who participated in deploying
such tools, but I do believe that the money that fueled and scaled up
this sort of cyber-sadist practices is the real systemic problem.

It is not the guns, nor the gun makers, but the gun industry.
This was the sort of message Cody Wilson tried to vehicle with his
3dprinting gun project.

And security research is not even about making guns or mines, it is
about studying how walls work and I believe everyone should be free to
study, develop and try, even the back orifice and such. If activists
will surf this blame-wave keeping their focus on individual researchers
they will hit a dangerous shore, where there is no more freedom of
independent research and where, paradoxically, the only ones who will be
able to learn or peer-review the tools will be embedded in the mil/ind
complex.  Perhaps just a US certified one, as it seems Italy is ruled
out by now, let's see who is next.


Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Think (& Do) Tank
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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Re: Hacked Team

2015-07-18 Thread Jaromil
[For some, the previous version of the email. was unreadeable. Here it
is again, with appologies. Mods.]

dear Morlock,

On Fri, 10 Jul 2015, wrote:

> Exonerating makers of malicious tools because they did it only for
> the irresistible appeal of money (as opposed to being inherently
> evil and wanted to screw activists) is ridiculous.

this is not exactly what I intend to say with my message. In fact
I do believe that scientists and researchers in general should be
responsible and ethical in what they do. Let this argument just rest
for a moment as I don't really want to dig into this discussion, which
is somehow too complex for this medium. Just consider the history
of science and freedom issues connected to it, for instance with
regards to anatomical dissection, atomic bomb research and such...
rest assured I have a fairly conservative approach to that myself, yet
not a religious one.

My point is about keeping balance and the intended audience of my
message is mostly the activists reading, whose vast majority I
perceive to be infuriated against some mercenary hackers, without
really perceiving the big picture. And yes I have acquaintance to one
of the HT developers, which basically makes me sad about the whole
story, but I'm not a judge nor a lawyer and I'm really not seeking
exemption for any of them here.

> They knew exactly what they were doing. Just following orders is not
> a valid defense, for some time now.

Right. I'm just asking about those venture capitals, some of which
seem to be even using public funds, to boost espionage activities
of the military-industrial complex I tried to describe and in
clearly illegal directions (as in supporting western allies adverse
regimes). Actually, following Brett's last mail, one can quickly
notice that 360capitalpartners has even received funding from the EU
commission, now I'm wondering what is their ethical charter on the
many other projects they support, covering fields that may also be
very sensitive.

I'm very interested in how does that sounds in the ears of activists
and how do we plan to react to the bigger picture, in case we like to
organize a response after having burned the witches that need to be
burned, pardon me if I still find that as smelling disgusting, yet I'm
not willing to exonerate them from being spooky and evil at times.
Not sure about you in fact, but I'm so perverse I do find interesting
to get to know people that present themselves as spooky and evil at
times, while the rethoric of white-hats today is rather boring to
my ears especially when it does not takes into account the bigger

Perhaps this narrow mindedness of white-hats is a signal that even
the hacker movement of today is mostly driven by personalizing
individualist positions and a sort of turf war on the shores of what
we consider ethical. Meanwhile we all seem to agree that bugging an
activist laptop is oh-my-god very bad, without contemplating the fact
there are more neo-fascist activists in Europe than anything else.

> Eventually, it will come to those just following orders, programmers
> and engineers, enabling efficient population control, and doing it
> just for $100K+ salaries and stock options. It always does.

You are right and yes, it already does. Actually the Silicon Valley
salaries are now up to $350K/y in the best cases. I'm just wondering
about how we will distribute the responsibility for... "illegal usage
of algorithms": will it trickle up to the funds helping to scale their
deployement in mass-production and even disregarding exportation laws,
or will it hit the freedom of research, eventually leading to some
sort of "authorization" or "license" to access, develop and publish
certain algorithms?

I ask this because when I read the reaction of most activists being
driven mostly again the researchers, the latter is the scenario I
predict to take place.

Hoping this clarifies my concerns,


Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Think (& Do) Tank
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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Re: Hacked Team

2015-07-17 Thread Jaromil

dear Morlock,

On Fri, 10 Jul 2015, wrote:

> Exonerating makers of malicious tools because they did it only for the
> irresistible appeal of money (as opposed to being inherently evil and
> wanted to screw activists) is ridiculous.

this is not exactly what I intend to say with my message. In fact I do
believe that scientists and researchers in general should be responsible
and ethical in what they do. Let this argument just rest for a moment as
I don't really want to dig into this discussion, which is somehow too
complex for this medium. Just consider the history of science and
freedom issues connected to it, for instance with regards to anatomical
dissection, atomic bomb research and such...  rest assured I have a
fairly conservative approach to that myself, yet not a religious one.

My point is about keeping balance and the intended audience of my
message is mostly the activists reading, whose vast majority I perceive
to be infuriated against some mercenary hackers, without really
perceiving the big picture. And yes I have acquaintance to one of the HT
developers, which basically makes me sad about the whole story, but I'm
not a judge nor a lawyer and I'm really not seeking exemption for any of
them here.

> They knew exactly what they were doing. Just following orders is not a
> valid defense, for some time now.

Right. I'm just asking about those venture capitals, some of which seem
to be even using public funds, to boost espionage activities of the
military-industrial complex I tried to describe and in clearly illegal
directions (as in supporting western allies adverse regimes).
Actually, following Brett's last mail, one can quickly notice that
360capitalpartners has even received funding from the EU commission, now
I'm wondering what is their ethical charter on the many other projects
they support, covering fields that may also be very sensitive.

I'm very interested in how does that sounds in the ears of activists and
how do we plan to react to the bigger picture, in case we like to
organize a response after having burned the witches that need to be
burned, pardon me if I still find that as smelling disgusting, yet I'm
not willing to exonerate them from being spooky and evil at times. Not
sure about you in fact, but I'm so perverse I do find interesting to get
to know people that present themselves as spooky and evil at times,
while the rethoric of white-hats today is rather boring to my ears
especially when it does not takes into account the bigger picture.

Perhaps this narrow mindedness of white-hats is a signal that even the
hacker movement of today is mostly driven by personalizing individualist
positions and a sort of turf war on the shores of what we consider
ethical. Meanwhile we all seem to agree that bugging an activist laptop
is oh-my-god very bad, without contemplating the fact there are more
neo-fascist activists in Europe than anything else.

> Eventually, it will come to those just following orders, programmers
> and engineers, enabling efficient population control, and doing it
> just for $100K+ salaries and stock options. It always does.

You are right and yes, it already does. Actually the Silicon Valley
salaries are now up to $350K/y in the best cases. I'm just wondering
about how we will distribute the responsibility for... "illegal usage of
algorithms": will it trickle up to the funds helping to scale their
deployement in mass-production and even disregarding exportation laws,
or will it hit the freedom of research, eventually leading to some sort
of "authorization" or "license" to access, develop and publish certain

I ask this because when I read the reaction of most activists being
driven mostly again the researchers, the latter is the scenario I
predict to take place.

Hoping this clarifies my concerns,


Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Think (& Do) Tank
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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Re: Hacked Team

2015-07-10 Thread Jaromil
On Fri, 10 Jul 2015, mazzetta wrote:

>> but still omits the venture capitals in the list.
>I?  can solve the "mistery", the main financing comes from a venture
>capital set by Regione Lombardia (Milan's region), Finlombarda Gestioni

eheh, "mistery"

flash news: comes out that the very vertices of the Italian government
just some months ago have ruled an "exception" to give way to HT
operations, as reported by Huffington Post just now, after an analysis
of the email leaks for recent days

this article shows indeed the picture goes deeper in Italy (not exactly
as I thought) where we have not only private sector involved, but also a
public sector ready to favour private companies that are attuned with
them and... serving their purposes... by violating laws?.
Lets call it a sort of anti-social enterpreneurship prize?
or perhaps a way to fill the huge gap left by Digint?

so, Italy as usual? perhaps one could put it all in an historical
perspective thinking of the worldwide renown production of
anti-personnel mines by Finmeccanica, then end up the arm-chair activist
evening on the sofa with a projection of "Ilaria Alpi - Il più crudele
dei giorni (2003)"


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Hacked Team

2015-07-10 Thread Jaromil

dear nettimers,

most of you may have heard of the "Hacking Team" scandal
which is now even among the wikileaks hall-of-fame.

I feel like sharing some thoughts on this.  But first a disclaimer: I am
a bit of an Italian, just like HT, the sort of Italian that will never
really get in business without someone that knows how to make business,
I mean big moneyz.

It is since 2014 now that HT is bashed by human rights and cyber rights
activists because of their conduct, allegedly exporting for rather big
bucks military-grade espionage software tools to places that are under
UN embargo like Sudan or helping Saudi Arabia's conservative thugs to
beat up activists

This is quite outrageous and I believe activists are right in
complaining that this happens, but I believe they are not right when
they focus the blame on the HT small software development company.

I say this because I believe that HT would have never become what it was
and would have never sold to the regimes it sold to without the
partnership of *very big* business players, whom I believe are the main
responsible for the crimes committed, since they clearly knew what was
happening. These big partners were driven by profit much more than those
HT hackers were driven by passion for security research and they were
crucial in helping such a young startup to scale and outreach well
beyond kosherness.

Today an article gives a glimpes on the scope of this racket
but still omits the venture capitals in the list.

My point is that we should be now really careful before going berserk
and blaming a rather small team of software developers for all this.
Because their business would have never had such a big success without
the profit-driven capital that really made it happen and shop around.

This affair is really about the military-industrial complex showing
itself in the cyber-war era: this is how the monster that Eisenhower
spotted back acts today on software matters.

I must also say that all this time I was really surprised that, while
some activists have been quickly rushing for the large picture when
there was to blame a state's public sector (as in NSA espionage etc.)
now are not well capable (or interested?) to look at the large picture
for this enormous private sector f*ckup. Perhaps they still need these
VCs to be around in Silicon Valley?

BTW if you do not yet believe how enormous that is, wait and see what
this BGP routing story leads to in a short while


Denis "Jaromil" Roio, Think (& Do) Tank
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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Re: The Blockchain: A Promising New Infrastructure for

2015-03-14 Thread Jaromil
On Thu, 12 Mar 2015, Örsan Şenalp wrote (quoting a p2pfoundation post):

> idea: How do you know that a given document, certificate or dataset ???
> or a vote or ???digital identity??? asserted by an individual ??? is the
> ???real thing??? and not a forgery?

hope someone here still remembers the Identity Runners art collective?
including Diane Ludin, Francesca da Rimini and Agnese Trocchi among its
members. very much ahead of times, back at beginning of 2000.

so.. well I guess that's the price we have to pay now for having such
critical art practices mostly omitted from mainstream media art history.


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Re: Geert Lovink & Patrice Riemens: The Bitcoin Experience,

2015-03-10 Thread Jaromil
On Sun, 01 Feb 2015, Brian Holmes wrote:

> On 01/30/2015 08:34 AM, Patrice Riemens wrote:
> >However, technological advances to which the current banking system
> >is ill-prepared, especially at the 'retail' level (never mind the not
> >improbable collapse of the financial/monetary system as we know it),
> >makes that non-banking, and possibly non-centrally regulated,
> >electronic payment systems will win the day, especially in the realm
> >of transactions by or between individuals.
> Imagine that Europe finally emerges from this financial crisis as a
> real state, able to tax. Then on the verge of another great crisis,
> with Russia about to try relaunching an opt-in gold standard, China,
> the US and the EU agree instead to install a global electronic
> currency with total traceability and transaction taxes for a variety
> of social ills that have in the meantime become extremely pressing:
> carbon emissions, financial speculations, dumping of cheap products
> etc. Retrospectively, the social sculpture of Bitcoin proves to be the
> Hegelian ruse of reason preparing the desperately needed world state.
> You don't like it? Nowhere to hide.
> curious about that one, Brian

Yeppa. For the social sculpture bit I stick to my 6 april 2013 article
about the end of the Taboo of Money. Eros, Thanatos... and Money.  The
narrative unfolding goes in more than one direction of course, as you
note here and as the cypherpunks have missed to understand.  Lured into
being rockstars has never improved a better understanding of the world.
Perhaps art is the last bastion of sense - or psychedelics? :^)

Back a year ago it was Inke Arns the sharpest mind to understand the
real issues at stake, when in her intellectual sculpture she made me
share a stage with Christina von Braun at HMKV in Dortmund. Now I really
hope somoene translates her book in english, because my Deutsch is not
good enough for this: "Der Preis des Geldes. Eine Kulturgeschichte."
(Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 2012)

However yeas Brian. Have a look at Factom for instance
no need to have the post-atomic post-financial crisis coming to get the
spooks all busy in running blockchains around your necks, very soon now!
And where is Mad Max in this?! Gimme back Tina Turner!! :^)

So well, speaking of what philosophy of technology is about, lets try to
understand the genealogy and the socio-political meaning of the latter.
In case of Bitcoin, today, as we can settle a fair amount of theoretical
and technical literature on blockchain technologies and at least two
specular sci-fi scenarios, its the time to dig into real use cases.
I'll post more about this.


Jaromil, Free Software Foundry (est. 2000)
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
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Re: Live broadcast: #Maagdenhuis, occupied UvA

2015-03-05 Thread Jaromil
re all,

On Wed, 04 Mar 2015, Orsan wrote:

> broadcasting from liberated UvA, live at

Great to meet Orsan there!

there is really a great mood in the liberated UvA Magdeenhuis and good
programs being elaborated. Refreshing to see students and teachers
united, bringing forward quite reasonable claims and having a full
program of lectures and roundtables every day and night. It seems to me
that the biggest political driving point is that to have more
participatory process into the decision making of the school, so far
excluding (or should we say alienating?) students and teachers from it.

shamelessly abiding to the socially networked worldwide sensation, here
an instagram I've spattered on the web of last night during the speech
of a leader of the movement, the phantomatic "Red Professor" - easy with
that, just a color hey, no need to mobilize those retiring cold-war
assets over this one.


Jaromil, Free Software Foundry (est. 2000)
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
Web: Contact:
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Design patterns, imposed developments and a fracture in Debian

2014-10-19 Thread Jaromil
.d.o, from a time before systemd dependencies were
 introduced, and then adding on top any updates that didn't add
 such. This would re-use nearly all mainline Debian effort and require
 only porting of e.g. eudev from other systemd-less distributions. Of
 course GNOME would have to go; fortunately there is MATE.

Thanks for doing this. I run four Debian servers in production,
three of which are connected to an IRC network. Gnome remains the
default DE on Debian for accessibility reasons, so it's obvious
they have the monopoly of votes in favor of systemd. Large
companies like Red Hat are also backing destroying the

Once I heard Debian would be making the switch to systemd, I've
been slowly migrating all Debian servers over to OpenBSD over the
impending death of Debian. There's still much that leaves me
missing Debian, most importantly the large amount of different
packages that are not available in OpenBSD and would take lots of
effort to port over.

 I have been worried about systemd colonizing all the linux distros for
 a long time and it's really happening. I want users to retain freedom
 to use the init system they choose rather than being locked in.

 The debian mailing list vote about whether to switch to systemd was
 atrocious, in no way did it come to a consensus but they still forced
 this upon us? This was the reason I quit using debian. If you look
 around there are very few remaining distros that aren't getting taken
 over by systemd!

 Your project is a good idea and I wish you the best.

 * All information on this page is free to copy. This webpage is an
   independent communication promoted and managed by a group of Debian
   users, developers and admins and is not affiliated with the Debian
   project. Debian is a registered trademark of Software in the Public
   Interest, Inc.


   Visible links

Jaromil, Free Software Foundry (est. 2000)
We are free to share code and we code to share freedom
Web: Contact:
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Re: a free letter to cultural institutions

2014-06-16 Thread Jaromil
On Sat, 14 Jun 2014, Florian Cramer wrote:

> The punk band example is relatively harmless. For software
> developers, any kind of free license (free according to the criteria
> of FSF and Debian, respectively Open Source according to the OSI
> criteria) gives no whatsoever means to prevent that the software/the
> code is used for military purposes, by secret services like the
> NSA (whose infrastructure is running on free software to a large
> degree), or for the clouds of Facebook, Google &c., for racial
> profiling and, in the most extreme case, genocide logistics.

This is a rather weak position: believing that such restrictions for
the use of digitally encoded materials can ever be enforced.

You do make a beautiful point when you mention and practice the choice
of distributing materials using different media supports...

> The problem is that all these applications fall within the "freedom"
> of free software, the right to use software "for any purpose", which
> ultimately means freedom as in free market. There are many people in
> the hacker community, such as Felix von Leitner from Chaos Computer
> Club (also developer of dietlibc), who are now thinking critically
> about this aspect.

I really have my doubts this will have any effect. Smells like even
more work for lawyers and I'm Not Sure who can win that game.

However for the record this exists since a while

The 1st license it was born for was nonMil

It was Philippe Langlois who showed me this back in 2007 I think, we had
quite some discussions about it at the first "hackerspace festival" in
/tmp/lab Paris


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Re: a free letter to cultural institutions

2014-06-16 Thread Jaromil

On Sat, 14 Jun 2014, Florian Cramer wrote:

> The punk band example is relatively harmless. For software
> developers, any kind of free license (free according to the criteria
> of FSF and Debian, respectively Open Source according to the OSI
> criteria) gives no whatsoever means to prevent that the software/the
> code is used for military purposes, by secret services like the
> NSA (whose infrastructure is running on free software to a large
> degree), or for the clouds of Facebook, Google &c., for racial
> profiling and, in the most extreme case, genocide logistics.

This is a rather weak position: believing that such restrictions for
the use of digitally encoded materials can ever be enforced.

You do make a beautiful point when you mention and practice the choice
of distributing materials using different media supports...

> The problem is that all these applications fall within the "freedom"
> of free software, the right to use software "for any purpose", which
> ultimately means freedom as in free market. There are many people in
> the hacker community, such as Felix von Leitner from Chaos Computer
> Club (also developer of dietlibc), who are now thinking critically
> about this aspect.

I really have my doubts this will have any effect. Smells like even
more work for lawyers and I'm Not Sure who can win that game.

However for the record this exists since a while

The 1st license it was born for was nonMil

It was Philippe Langlois who showed me this back in 2007 I think, we had
quite some discussions about it at the first "hackerspace festival" in
/tmp/lab Paris


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Re: a free letter to cultural institutions

2014-06-15 Thread Jaromil
dear Florian,

Thanks for your criticism, it helps making this discussion resonate.
Yet I see some discrepancies in your reasoning.

First and foremost there is a confusion between the terms "art" and
"culture", which is created already in Ozgur's open letter and oddly
whipped up by Aymeric. Art production is quite different from cultural
production.  Bluntly put: art celebrates where culture cultivates. Feel
free to demolish this dicotomy with reinvigorating examples, But I need
it now to make my (labour oriented) arguments clear.

Lets focus for instance on art *production* (as in the complex
relationships on which the condition for production of art stands).  At
the entrance is a nepotist labour system sold to art students for their
money. Once adulthood is granted, these official "artists" will face a
huge gap between a few big money-making artists and the vast majority:
something quickly resembling the widening gap of contemporary
capitalism. The liturgic apparatus of proprietary art with its avenues
and enclaves implements a sort of capitalism of attention. It is the
cathedral. To me "free art" just represents the refusal of it as a
whole, rather than an educated proposal for a new system. In this
regards "free art" is really a punk attitude (fluxus?) and I'm
entertained to read you choosing the weakest metaphore for your
arguments to fly. I guess it was intended.

Now lets try to look at the institutional perspective from outside of
this box.  Institutions today aren't what they used to. They are weak
elephants and as a consequence of neo-lib policies even their memory is
collapsing. Not only they cannot impose anything on artists even if they
want, but they are predated by profit-making lobbies for the
increasingly degraded labour they can offer. In such a scenario an
artist within the 99% (which includes most students anyway) is better
off circulating her/his works on PirateBay and on street walls: it will
give way more chances to enter the miracle of reward for art production.
All this because, as they function today, institutions are there only
for the established 1% and as much as they try to open up new offers for
their audience and respect the subjectivity of new artists, they will
just create more demand for the 1% and de-subjectivate new artists into
their own institutional decadence.

"Punks" (lets open it up to emergent, grass-root, controversial,
non-aligned art currents) are just too smart to not understand this.
They'll approach the field in a transversal way and release as much as
possible, free and everywhere, using anything between tapes spray cans
and torrents - and the institutional badge for them is not even
qualifying on their curriculum: to the contrary, it is
counter-productive at the eyes of their audience.  In most cases the
institutional badge on certain (top 1-5%) art productions is bought by
institutions with public (or lottery) money for the preservation of
their own glory and is accepted by artists mainly because of the money,
secondarily because of the popularity of avenues and curators.  That's
how the art funding world is definitely dead if confronted by the
axiomatic rationalism of neo-liberism. This system is a remnance of a
socialist approach to governance for an apparatus that has no more
social function. Institutions today are social apparatuses reduced to an
anti-social function by the neo-liberist narrative - and as such they
are sliding towards reactionary and conservative behaviour. In fact the
very institutions that are admittedly reactionary and conservative are
the ones thriving.

Said that, I agree with you that an institution should not impose any
choice on the way an artist wants to circulate her/his artworks. But I
do believe that such a Foucaultian statement won't solve the
contemporary institutional empasse. To move forward we need to sketch
the creation of new forms of institutions that promote the circulation
of art, or maybe facilitate the birth of new art currents as most
curators seem to try nowadays.

Lets now focus on "free culture". The best definition of it I believe is
given by the charter of the FCForum This definition
of culture is what I've referred to in my previous answer: the condition
for the *production* and *sharing* of narratives, knowledge and
ultimately governance. Culture goes beyond the concept of authorship and
the need to celebrate artists, culture unlocks conditions in which
artists can develop their skills and circulate their artworks. The
notion of free culture is the bazaar. And it is somehow also a neo-lib
mirage when applied purely as a method, as Marc points out.

To conclude: is there a way out for cultural institutions at the time of
the necrotization of capitalism? I'm at least certain that on the
mid-long term that is not the way cultural industries go, it is not the
hipsteria of blinking leds on arduinos, the infantile discovery of
electricity and fiddling on circuits, the mirage of a fluxus 

Re: a free letter to cultural institutions

2014-06-11 Thread Jaromil
dear Ozgur,

On Tue, 10 Jun 2014, ozgur k. wrote:

> a free letter to cultural institutions,
> please do not fund/exhibit/distribute/promote any non-free cultural
> works.(see for the definition of free cultural
> works)
> please approach your audience as peers and give them the freedom to
> build on what you make them experience.
> please mediate building a free/libre culture where everyone is an
> artist. do not promote proprietary/permission/fan culture.

This is a very good mission and focus. I've been (almost literally)
preaching this to public institutions in EU (cultural sector) and also
NGOs (snake pits) for the past 15 years of my life. As a result: I've
been included inside these very institutions (mostly at an inferior
payroll because "free culture"...) and ultimately flushed by financial
cuts after devoting more than a young decade of my life to them.

Such institutions need to be able to move on to "the next topic", being
their final goal that of catering the masses, which justifies most means
to reach them with the help of some irony and tapestry.  After all, most
people on earth are made consumers: they don't care if they can study
re-use re-adapt re-distribute something - and the demand public sector
faces is not exempt by this logic, not even academy is. Paradoxically,
the best people to support "free culture" are the very private companies
that can re-use the results, yet their tax money can't be directly
related to free culture policies.

Today I'm not so faithful anymore that is really possible to change
existing public institutions to make the principles of "free culture" as
part of their constituency, no matter how rational that is. You can
lobby for it, sure, but that's part of the game and your higher selfless
goals will consume you in there. Maybe we really need "new institutions
based on new forms of rationality". And while waiting for an API for
that :^) "free culture" has been best cultivated in those private sector
initiatives that have used it also to their own advantage (mostly
predating it) and creating new forms of capitalism in which the very act
of re-sharing is itself an asset.

By criticising specifically the latter as "free culture" I believe Geert
Loving misses the point. Yet this is the most visible outcome of it,
while public institutions are weaker and weaker and they are made to
serve the private interest rather than the public.

My recommendation is to "play free" :^) and look for and help create new
alliances (subjectivity, constituencies) that can operate in a
transversal way across contexts and most importantly can vehicule the
potential of free culture to the masses (tools, not just ideals, and
direct access): the masses will eventually read the manual and know what
to do with it.


p.s. speaking of which, this is what I'm left with these days:
 rate up those project if you can, that will help the cause :^)
 pity the website registration is all borked and the login with
 facebook app will access all your contact lists. kind of weird
 for a public sector initiative isn't it?

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Dowse: local area networks in the age of IoT (also meant to

2014-06-04 Thread Jaromil
cal principles of
  free/libre software and who has mastered digital design and web
  publishing. Audio/Video making skills are also crucial: we'll need to
  rapidly run a low-budget production with interviews to be consolidated
  into one or two trailer videos and a succint website.

  Requisites: communication skills, good knowledge of languages (English
  and Spanish primarily; Italian, French and German a plus), multimedia
  editing abilities and website design.

  This is a key position. The campaigner(s) won't play a publicly
  visible role, rather than work towards the visibility of Dowse as a
  project. It can be a single full-time position or two part-time

  The campaigner should foster discussion among opinion makers at large,
  with emphasis for adoption of /dowsing/ devices into the European
  market, which should be sold devices (not leased) in complete control
  of their proprietors.

  In the midst of the Dowse development plan there is also the intention
  to run a "crowdfunding" pre-order campaign that will deliver a first
  batch of Dowse boxes. Such a campaign will be crucial to provide a
  part of the funding necessary for Dowse, as well will provide a
  success indicator. The production of Dowse can be scaled up to 1000
  devices in this phase (approx €100 each) without much effort and keen
  supporters can decide to become stakeholders by paying a "share"
  entitling them to more benefits and recognition.

4.3 Organizer

  The organizer will be active on all aspects of production for the
  realisation of events and hackatons. There are a few months allocated
  since this position does not need to be involved all the time.

4.4 Developers

  We need developers with solid background in GNU/Linux system
  administration, shell scripting, and GNU coding and documentation
  quality standards.

  There are 2 basic open positions for developers: 1 senior part-time,
  and 1 junior full-time (or 2 junior part-time).

  Starting from the current software configuration, developers should
  bring the codebase to a stable stage and package it in binary form to
  distribute it as a ready-to-run image for RPi devices.

  Developers will have to follow a LEAN UX process of analysis in the
  beta-testing phase, writing an A.I. that can adapt network
  configurations for different situations.

  Another main task will be that of developing and documenting a modular
  and minimal software architecture.

  The final task will be that of fine tuning Dowse to work as an
  hardware product.

4.5 Get involved

  We welcome organizations and individuals to get involved in Dowse
  providing insights, use cases, endorsements and help with this

  Please communicate interest, intentions, funding proposals and
  suggestions to **.

  Website: [[]]

  Code repository: [[]]

5 Acknowledgments

  In 2014 Jaromil has conceived the Dowse plan, proof of concept and the
  making of this whitepaper. Earliest contributors to the whitepaper
  drafting process are Hellekin O. Wolf, Anatole Shaw, Juergen Neumann,
  Federico Bonelli, Julian Oliver, Tom Demeyer, Mieke van Heesewijk and
  Floris Kleemans.

5.1 About Waag Society

  Waag Society is an interdisciplinary non-profit media lab researching,
  developing and experimenting with new technology, art and culture. The
  foundation’s vision is that technology determines society’s present
  and future and people have to be able to understand it, use it and
  influence its course. Waag Society’s mission is to work in
  interdisciplinary teams to provide meaning and give direction to the
  role of technology in society. In co-operation with end-users it
  develops technology that enables people to express, connect, reflect
  and share.  It hosts events and plays an active role in debates about
  technology and related issues like trust, privacy and IP.

  Waag Society is part of the Dutch national infrastructure for the arts
  and culture. It was founded in 1994 and has its roots in the Digital
  City (1994). The Digital City was the first online community, which
  aimed to question The Internet – in those days limited to science and
  defense – and make it available for everybody. Nowadays the Internet
  is all around and new technologies are to be explored and made usable,
  such as RFID, GPS, Fablabs, Cradle to Cradle and new forms of gaming,
  participation and distributed cooperation.

5.1.1 Specific Expertise

  Waag Society has longtime experience in interdisciplinary community
  building, project management in innovative and avant-garde projects
  and hosts technical infrastructures of several cultural institutions
  in Amsterdam.

  Waag Society’s Creative Learning Lab’s goal within the domain of
  education is innov

releasing Jaro Mail :^) 2.0

2014-05-12 Thread Jaromil
manual is conceived, designed and put
 together with a substantial amount of ZShell scripts and some C code
 by Denis Roio aka [Jaromil](

 The email envelop NyanCat graphics is kindly contributed by the
 Société ECOGEX.

 JaroMail makes use of many external components to work and here below
 there is a non-inclusive list of those, with authors and contributors.

## Mutt

 The Mutt build Jaro Mail refers to is maintained by Antonio Radici
 , to whom goes much gratitude for his immense
 support and maintainance of the Mutt package in Debian GNU/Linux.
 Here below the list of Mutt authors:

 Copyright (C) 1996-2007 Michael R. Elkins 
 Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Brandon Long 
 Copyright (C) 1997-2008 Thomas Roessler 
 Copyright (C) 1998-2005 Werner Koch 
 Copyright (C) 1999-2009 Brendan Cully 
 Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Tommi Komulainen 
 Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Edmund Grimley Evans 
 Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Rocco Rutte 

## Mairix

 The Mairix search engine is licensed GNU GPL v2, made by:

 Copyright (C) Richard P. Curnow  2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008
 Copyright (C) Sanjoy Mahajan 2005
 Copyright (C) James Cameron 2005
 Copyright (C) Paul Fox 2006

 With contributions by: Anand Kumria, André Costa, Andreas Amann, Andre
 Costa, Aredridel, Balázs Szabó, Bardur Arantsson, Benj. Mako Hill,
 Chris Mason, Christoph Dworzak, Christopher Rosado, Chung-chieh Shan,
 Claus Alboege, Corrin Lakeland, Dan Egnor, Daniel Jacobowitz, Dirk
 Huebner, Ed Blackman, Emil Sit, Felipe Gustavo de Almeida, Ico
 Doornekamp, Jaime Velasco Juan, James Leifer, Jerry Jorgenson, Joerg
 Desch, Johannes Schindelin, Johannes Weißl, John Arthur Kane, John
 Keener, Jonathan Kamens, Josh Purinton, Karsten Petersen, Kevin
 Rosenberg, Mark Hills, Martin Danielsson, Matthias Teege, Mikael
 Ylikoski, Mika Fischer, Oliver Braun, Paramjit Oberoi, Paul Fox, Peter
 Chines, Peter Jeremy, Robert Hofer, Roberto Boati, Samuel Tardieu,
 Sanjoy Mahajan, Satyaki Das, Steven Lumos, Tim Harder, Tom Doherty,
 Vincent Lefevre, Vladimir V. Kisil, Will Yardley, Wolfgang

## MSmtp

 MSmtp is developed and maintained by Martin Lambers.

 The RFC 822 address parser (fetchaddr) is originally written by
 Michael Elkins for the Mutt MUA.

## ABQuery

 The gateway to Apple/OSX addressbook (ABQuery) was written by Brendan
 Cully and just slightly updated for our distribution.

## Stats modules
 We are also including some (experimental, still) modules for statistical
 visualization using JQuery libraries:

 Timecloud is Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by Stefan Marsiske
 TagCloud version 1.1.2 (c) 2006 Lyo Kato 
 ExCanvas is Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
 jQuery project is distributed by the JQuery Foundation under the
 terms of either the GNU General Public License (GPL) Version 2.
 The Sizzle selector engine is held by the Dojo Foundation and is
 licensed under the MIT, GPL, and BSD licenses.
 JQuery.sparkline 2.0 is licensed under the New BSD License
 Visualize.JQuery by Scott Jehl Copyright (c) 2009 Filament Group 

# Disclaimer

 JaroMail is Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Denis Roio 

 This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published by
 the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
   your option) any later version.

 This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 the GNU Public License for more details.

 You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with
 this source code; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

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sugar coated new media criticism?

2014-05-06 Thread Jaromil
re all,

(pardon the inner link to the GOOG empire video hosting
 beware those who click y'all get cookies)


p.s. but is really new media so so disruptive? (bwo Florian)

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Re: Philosophy of the Internet of Things

2014-04-28 Thread Jaromil
re all,

On Sun, 27 Apr 2014, Florian Cramer wrote:

> Hello Rob,
> There seem to be a few problematic assumptions in the text:
> These risks have been known for a long time, but now even non-experts
> - including policymakers and industry CEOs - are likely to understand
> them.  The logical conclusion is to not expose critical
> infrastructures to the Internet by hardware design. The same is true
> for industrial infrastructures, both for the sake of operational
> security and safety from industrial espionage.

there is another logical conclusion to this, Florian: to extend standing
legal status beyond humans, also to plants, animals and of course things.

At least this is the vector that post-humanism seems to take, on the
wave of its much needed demolition of anthropocentrism, something that
will finally marginalise sociological analysis from a field it has
occupied too much and for too long. A recent example of this proposition
is the "Hybrid Constitution" work by Francesco Monico

his essay on these matters is published in the latest number of the
Italian journal of philosophy AUT AUT with the title "Premesse per una
costituzione ibrida: la macchina, la bambina automatica e il bosco"
Hopefully there will be an english translation of it sometimes.


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Re: Stephen Foley: Bitcoin needs to learn from past

2013-12-04 Thread Jaromil
On Mon, 02 Dec 2013, Florian Cramer wrote:

> Another way of looking at Bitcoin is to consider it an unintended
> privacy nightmare in the making. Bitcoin is based on the concept that
> money is stored in anonymized accounts ("wallets") whose transactions
> are publicly viewable; that is, all Bitcoin transactions ever made by
> anyone, permanently archived.

Yes, it is basically a chain of contracts, triple-signed...

How funny that justicialist detractors have so far fought it as a
criminal tool, while even the most financially coercitive apparata have
never managed to put in place such a formidable device for financial
control and disintermediation.

Now I wonder if projects like this will ever take off to fill the gap - does it really matter? being provoking
and entertaining is already a success in the looming decadence of both
capitalism and its critics, when they have nothing new to say.

A few days ago someone pointed out at a conference that Bitcoin is the
first alternative economic project that has made rich its participants.
As an anti-capitalist and precarized content producer now I wonder: how
much wealth we ever managed to distribute, being the ultimate life goal
that of growing up to an academic position and secured income? Is that
done by giggling at youtube videos of rioting kids smashing the banks? 

Bitcoin is revealing to be the contrary of what most people thought at
the beginning. And is even being a main tractor for wealth at certain
margins of society.

Now, will philantropists compete with it?


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Re: Political violence in Greece escalates.

2013-09-19 Thread Jaromil
On Wed, 18 Sep 2013, nettime's gloomy prospector wrote:

> In a statemment, Pasok called Golden Dawn "a criminal organisation".

It is somehow sad and late for this. For years now I've been wondering
what keeps off European institutions from banning fascism, an act which
is even indicated as necessary by constitutional laws in many countries.

And my conclusion is that it is not democracy nor tollerance what
keeps this situation rolling, it is collusion with law enforcement and
military ranks, something evident just checking simple subscription
logs.  Meanwhile, even for moderates, the fact that such situations
keep recurring makes it easy to keep activists busy on martyrdom, then
labeling them desperate and violent.

Neo-fascist assasinations are recurring regularly in Italy in the past
10 years, most well known episodes are Dax in Milano 2003, Renato
Biagetti in Roma in 2006, or two senegalese workers shot dead in
Florence in 2011.

Here an account I've written some years ago about the formation of a
new para-military neo-fascist group that a former Italian military
general tried to start, the GNI, and some doodles around their
symbolism which some people did not quite get at that time.

Please note that both Spataro and Saya had relations with Stay Behind.
The whole network of trust is tainted. In Italy we'd be better off
deploying persecutors and law enforcement from different European


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Bitcoin, the end of the Taboo on Money

2013-04-07 Thread Jaromil

dear nettimers,

here I propose you the reading of an article I've just published about
Bitcoin, which seems to be onnipresent on mainstream media nowadays.

the downloadable PDF is linked from the webpage above, where public
comments via mainstream social networks are also possible.

Here below the abstract. I'll be happy to read your comments, criticism
and suggestions, but please keep in mind I'm not focusing at all on any
macro nor micro economical issues, but trying to look at Bitcoin from a
biopolitical point of view, as a process, as an emergent constituency.

greetings from Cairo


Bitcoin is a decentralized system of digital authentication that
facilitates the circulation of value on the Internet without the
presence of any intermediaries, a characteristic that has often gained
it the definition of "digital cash" or "crypto currency", since it can
be used as money for payments.

This article consists in a technoetic inquiry into the origins of this
technology and its evolution. This inquiry will take in consideration
the biopolitical dynamics that govern the Bitcoin community as well
specific characteristics of the technical realization, aiming to provide
insights on the future of this technology as well a post-humanist
interpretation of its emergence.

The original source of distribution for this article, also providing
its most up to date version, is the Internet website

This content is licensed as Creative Commons "BY-NC-SA" 3.0 in the
jurisdiction of the Netherlands: it is free to be copied, republished
for non-commercial use, quoted and remixed by providing correct
attribution to its author(s), while all derivative works must adopt
the same license. Different licensing conditions can be arranged,
those interested can write to Press 

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Re: 200k Caymans companies hijacked to democratize offshore business - Press Release

2013-02-24 Thread Jaromil

caro Paolo,

> On Fri, Feb 15 2013, Jaromil  wrote:
> > re all,
> > Loophole for All -
> > now, how do we call this art? :^) accountancy art?

On Mon, 18 Feb 2013, Paolo Cirio wrote:
> hopefully serious art curators/critics will have an answer for your
> wonder.  for me the question is more legislative and about governance
> of the future.

This is clear to most of us. I like your art project very much.

> the question for you is if we really need an anonymous currency or
> that is actually against the idea of financial transparency and social
> accountability.

It is overwhelming to answer a question about "our future legislative
and governance forms" as in my thoughts I tend to reject universals and
focus on processes.  However I'll try the stunt as an hommage to your
project, while I'll be soon publishing a longer article on the topic of

My opinion is that accountability beyond national borders is a very
important and complex issue, for which finance was created in the first

Please note that there can't be total transparency: you'll always deal
with depth and on multiple dimensions. Simply put, transparency is just
an higher number of fractal iterations, it will always be relative to
the position of the viewer.

I don't even think that "total financial transparency" is a long-term
solution to the problems afflicting the countries that are subjugated by
IMF, but increasing transparency will certainly help sorting out the
mess in which we are right now, especially on the big numbers.

Yet I believe that cash, not as in anonymous, but pseudonimic currency
(anonimity today is just like neutrality: a sometimes reachable utopia,
or a TAZ) is an important part for egalitarian and enclosed societies.

I also believe that, besides a degree of financial transparency, "the
open societies that will come" (OMG!) should provide open APIs and SDKs
for the communities within them to adopt complementary currency schemes
that can peacefully plug into larger systems.


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200k Caymans companies hijacked to democratize offshore business - Press Release

2013-02-15 Thread Jaromil

re all,

Loophole for All -

now, how do we call this art? :^) accountancy art? I do believe
accountants are very creative people in fact.

BTW sorry for hijacking the announcement, but on the same genre,
a few days ago Enric Duran has sent out a communicate on how
the court-case against him is becoming a farce. check it on

- Forwarded message -

   Loophole for All - [1]
   Press Release. NYC, 15th February 2013.

   Paolo Cirio, contemporary artist and pirate, hacked the governmental
   servers of the Cayman Islands and stole a list of all the companies
   incorporated in the country, making it public for the first time. Now
   on [2] he is selling the identities of those companies
   at a low cost to democratize the privileges of offshore businesses.

   Paolo hijacks the identities of more than 200,000 companies registered
   in the Cayman Islands by moving their addresses to his Caymans mailbox
   and issuing counterfeited certificates of incorporation from the
   Caymans company registry. This massive corporate identity theft
   benefits from the anonymous nature of those companies since the real
   owners' secrecy allows anybody to impersonate them. In short, this
   project turns the main feature of offshore centers into a

   Through [3], anyone can hijack a Caymans company, from
   99� for a certificate of incorporation for a real company to $49 for a
   mailbox in the offshore country with mail rerouting. Finally, small
   businesses and middle class people can invoice from the major offshore
   centers and avoid unfair taxes, legal responsibility and economic
   disruption in their own indebted home countries, in a form of global
   civil disobedience.

   For this operation, the artist set up a company in the City of London
   as a shield for legal persecution and to compete in the market against
   offshore centers. He utilizes aggressive business strategies for a
   political work of art and reverses corporate machination for creative
   subversive agendas. With the money generated by selling companies'
   identities, Paolo plans to expand his business into Bermuda, Jersey,
   the Seychelles, and Delaware, among others.

   Further, Paolo Cirio interviewed major experts and produced a video
   documentary investigating offshore centers, where he shares his
   extensive research and conclusions about offshore business:

   In the offline art installation, the paper trail of the project is
   displayed with prints of the documents of the scheme set up for the
   operation. Ultimately, the installation will be a low cost identity
   shop for offshore companies, and in doing so democratize both offshore
   business and the sale of subversive works of conceptual art.

   Watch the introductory-meme video:

   Quick notes:
   - The Cayman Islands are second only after Switzerland in the global
   Financial Secrecy Index.
   - The Caymans state is considered to be one of the major offshore
   centers for high finance and the global economy.
   - Among the several thousand anonymous companies in the Caymans you
   will find most of the major global multinationals, Chinese businesses,
   criminal organizations and all the major global banks.
   - There is neither real money in the Caymans nor a real market. Caymans
   companies are only booked on paper.
   - The Cayman Islands is a British crown colony situated 150 miles south
   of Cuba in the Caribbean Sea.

   In the next months you will find Paolo Cirio's works at:
   - Public Private exhibition at Kellen Gallery of The New School, New
   York - U.S.
   - The Big Picture, exhibition at Contemporary Museum of Denver,
   Colorado - U.S.
   - MediaCities festival, exhibition, Buffalo - U.S.
   - Eastern Bloc festival, exhibition, Montreal - Canada
   - ISEA 2013, keynote, Sydney - Australia

   Thanks for the attention.

- End forwarded message -

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Stories of pwnage

2013-01-15 Thread Jaromil

re all,

as some might have noticed or read, has been hacked and
lulled a few weeks ago by the crewz at Everyone Gets Owned

(beware the above is better read while playing your fav tunes of
 Autechre, Clock DVA, Ozric Tentacles, Chemical Broz or even NIN)

In the E.G.O. release there is an interesting range of informations
about the happy mess running in one of our public servers: you can
even use some of it to figure out some passwords and stuff. Damn.

While the l33t sp33ch in the zine sounds quite l4m3 (c'mon guys, its
2013, and happy new year!) the reader should be careful before judging
this as a scriptkid gig, because to our analysis it seems to be an
interesting hack. EGO crewz have used a 0-day vulnerability in the
wiki Moin Moin to gain shell access as www-data, something that
affected at that time a lot of more websites like the Debian wiki or
the Python wiki. Here are the details as released by the Moin Moin

As of now this is a rather serious vuln, patches are almost all out,
everyone should update. Our reaction to the discovery was simply to
inform Debian and MoinMoin privately, nothing else. We were anyway
honoured to see a 0-day burned like that on us. Wow :^)

The tech they used to gain the shell is quite serious, there is some
smart tunneling via Tor involved and cute shell, in
general a rather neat way to cut through our butter with a style that
looks better in code than in their z1n3 l33t sp33ch.
And they were also right in guessing that almost noone used Jaro Mail.

Ultimately the E.G.O. hackers have been kind on us and have not
bothered to damage or deface anything. Some people reported outage of
the dyne:bolic webpage on reddit
but that was pure coincidence since the website is
hosted on another machine that had an harddisk failure right during
those days.

In their release they speak about having rooted kernel, vendor and
bugged our software with backdoors, but frankly that's not true. We
have crypto hashes and signatures of all the software we distribute
and controlling those everything matches. The server "Munir" which was
hacked had a lax security policy anyway because nothing really
critical was in there it also seems that E.G.O. crews haven't
bothered to do root escalation either, but then we might be just wrong
on that :^) and while our software users will still be safe, we'll
leave those hackers keep a shell on our server, why not. After all,
they seem to be able to get one anyway if they want.

In fact, just in case they like to step forward with us privately, we
are keen to have some exchange and even include part of their
interested members in our network (yes, we do have some private
mailinglists, you might have seen then by now).

At last, since as we mentioned the hack was done with proper tools and
as of now a 0-day was burned for the lulz, we offer a reward of
10.1337 Bitcoins to the E.G.O. hackers for releasing some of their
neat tools as free software, like the stuff they have used with
us... if you do, just publish a Bitcoin address on the next zine,
we'll pimp it up for your next golden teeth implant.

that's almost all folks! now lets talk politics :^) we leave you with
two quotes, the last one is a rather long text from the 5th issue of
the Zero For Owned zine titled "Summer of Ham" where some known
r0ckst4rs were hacked. Immediately below another short quote. All this
because we agree with the rant of the often marginalized, so called
"black hats": there are serious problems in the security industry,
that the hacker community at large should address, maybe is the time
to bash the hell out of the manager cast and their fck'd up hierarchy.

As Michael Abrash once wrote, quoting his colleague Gabe Newell:

 When he (Gabe Newell) looked into the history of the organization, he
 found that hierarchical management had been invented for military
 purposes, where it was perfectly suited to getting 1,000 men to march
 over a hill to get shot at. When the Industrial Revolution came
 along, hierarchical management was again a good fit, since the
 objective was to treat each person as a component, doing exactly the
 same thing over and over. [...]  Hierarchical management ...
 bottlenecks innovation through the people at the top of the
 hierarchy, and there's no reason to expect that those people would be
 particularly creative about coming up with new products that are
 dramatically different from existing ones - quite the opposite, in

   \   /_\/_
 Industry check  .-'-.  //o\  _\/_
--  / \  --   |   /o\\
 We don't talk to police

Re: P2P Foundation: A Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy (new book)

2012-10-17 Thread Jaromil

- reprise

> > >On 10/01/2012 02:55 AM, Felix Stalder wrote:
> > >For me, the political test for all these things is whether they are
> > >set as alternatives to commodity markets and private ownership, or
> > >as alternatives to public infrastructures. In the first case, one
> > >might get something interesting, in the second it's compassionate
> > >neo-liberalism.
> > 
> > On Mon, 01 Oct 2012, Brian Holmes wrote:
> > I don't wanna nitpick, but the question is whether the share-tech
> > rollout of the electronics corporations is USED as an alternative to
> > the commodity markets and private ownership.


> > All I can say is we better use 'em. The current crisis is mopping up
> > the remains of the postwar welfare-state institutions. To the exact
> > extent that new forms of social cooperation do NOT emerge, there
> > will be increasing social violence as predatory capitalism is taken
> > to its logical conclusions on the ground.
> > 
> > To the extent that they DO emerge, we have the chance to create
> > something fabulous and new, the very figure of generosity,
> > solidarity and beauty in the social realm. It's what Virno called
> > "the non-state public sphere."
> On Fri, 12 Oct 2012, Jaromil wrote:
> In my perception of what you are saying then such a project would hit
> the spot: or Code for America
> FWIW, same thing basically.


> Sanitizing: obviously the politburo is pushing for a reformist
> rethoric and total abstraction of services in order to not disrupt the
> city-jail architecture which as of today is totally established and
> ticking like a clockwork.

Now look at this project just gaining
momentum in Italy, where various majors and city councils are adopting
the app to let citizens interact about "urban decor"

or this even more explicitly tied to the
police apparatus in the Netherlands (which we remember well in Europe
to be very, very efficient..) asking for people to collaborate
reporting deviance within the urban tissue.

this is the use made of the share-tech rollout in the social realm,
implying collective ownership and responsibility for public space.
Masses - or should I say crowds - self regulating against deviance,
even the most hidden one, because now we have human eyes, not just

I think these are the grounds for widespread sociopathic behaviour.

I'll be curious to read what is your experience with that.


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Re: P2P Foundation: A Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy (new book)

2012-10-12 Thread Jaromil

On Mon, 01 Oct 2012, Brian Holmes wrote:

> On 10/01/2012 02:55 AM, Felix Stalder wrote:
> >For me, the political test for all these things is whether they are
> >set as alternatives to commodity markets and private ownership, or
> >as alternatives to public infrastructures. In the first case, one
> >might get something interesting, in the second it's compassionate
> >neo-liberalism.
> I don't wanna nitpick, but the question is whether the share-tech
> rollout of the electronics corporations is USED as an alternative to
> the commodity markets and private ownership.


> All I can say is we better use 'em. The current crisis is mopping up
> the remains of the postwar welfare-state institutions. To the exact
> extent that new forms of social cooperation do NOT emerge, there
> will be increasing social violence as predatory capitalism is taken
> to its logical conclusions on the ground.
> To the extent that they DO emerge, we have the chance to create
> something fabulous and new, the very figure of generosity,
> solidarity and beauty in the social realm. It's what Virno called
> "the non-state public sphere."

In my perception of what you are saying then such a project would
hit the spot:
or Code for America FWIW, same thing basically.

but I still have doubts about this conclusion and the main reason to be
skeptical is the use of the "bottom-up" concept within huge projects
that were just born yesterday and should help facilitate emerge some
kind of grassroot enthusiastic app-flickering rub my iphone things.

to me it just feels that this very possibility to USE is being predated:
aggregation (and exchange value) is the only real (and monetized) value.
after all, what I'm linking above are politburo platforms (what creative
industries really are) for the emergence of cornu-copias of what certain
avantgardes have made in the past.

The problem here lies in the fact that they are made without involving
the very people who are struggling to build bottom up, not even
consulting them: they are made by aggregators in need to re-establish
everything in a completely sanitized way. Sanitizing: obviously the
politburo is pushing for a reformist rethoric and total abstraction of
services in order to not disrupt the city-jail architecture which as
of today is totally established and ticking like a clockwork.

Even those alternative instances to develop new kinds of economies by
and for content producers (free software, sharing and torrenting music,
tape copying) are being un-democratically shut down (see ACTA, SOPA,
PIPA and now CETA) while we are fed the representation of a benevolent
public apparatus ran by the very same beaurocrats in the past 20 years,
(now with more politburo powers, far pensionable age and better aging
technologies) who will favour "new emergent instances" of tamed and,
last but not least, non-paid work for them.

> Yes, you live in interesting times, my friends.

I'm Not Sure about this.

What I'm sure is that both capitalism and socialism inclined people in
power for the past 20 years at least share equal responsibility for
being the very problem that negates all possibility to innovate through
this and the coming time, without an extremely painful (and likely to
fail) revolutionary moment.

  Corrupt, stupid grasping functionaries will make at least as big a
  muddle of socialism as stupid, selfish and acquisitive employers can
  make of capitalism.  -- Walter Lippmann


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Re: P2P Foundation: A Synthetic Overview of the Collaborative Economy (new book)

2012-09-28 Thread Jaromil

On Fri, 28 Sep 2012, Felix Stalder wrote:

>  This is a fascinating study and while it's couched in business terms, after
>  all it was commissioned by French Telco Orange, 

Staying on the linguistic surface (below that, is there something
new?) what is fascinating is the use of certain terms..

"collaborative" rather than "cooperative"
- maybe this is just a prank to make Volker Grassmuck hangry :^)

or "horizontal intermediation" rather than disintermediation

I will admit, I didn't read the whole book and I doubt I can do that.

My impression is that, while trying to describe cultural phenomenons
in business terms, we are loosing a certain linguistic territory: it
is the kind of semantic slide that brought University to become an
Enterprise. Still I can well understand those who are sick and tired
to be marginal and look for leverage in business language... good luck
with corporate evangelism!

But those who haven't given up to that seem to be playing defense all
the time: meanwhile neo-lib language can well appropriate concepts as
"peer to peer" (and ultimately, "commons") using them in arguments
against public sector.

Beware corporations have reached to adapt to change in the past, they
will soon in the future and that's the very process we are shown. That
said, I'm also sure corporations will never stop to be anti-social

The real problem is not within the nature of public sector, rather
than its practice.

We don't need to reinvent the wheel.

Its not the language that should change, but the people speaking it.


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Re: Why I say the things I say

2012-05-09 Thread Jaromil
re all,

On Sun, 06 May 2012, wrote:

> "Commodified" and detached-from-history "displays" of this sort are
> much more likely to *hide* than to *reveal* anything useful about
> our *living* culture for the simple reason that those who actually
> construct these exhibits have "no culture" themselves.

I'm going to quote you on this one.

> Bill Gates is backing Big History.  This is typically a first-year
> college course that teaches "complex systems," starting with the Big
> Bang and ending with Global Warming.
> _
> While he may have picked the wrong "culture" (i.e. "emergence" is
> arguably a re-tread of the neo-Platonic notion of "emanations"),
> he's probably pointed in the right direction -- in the sense that
> what we are now struggling to compose is a new *cosmology* that is
> appropriate to living in our digital times.

I'm finding the whole discussion interesting, just have to react on
this one that looks to me like a flaw in your thought and yet more
wasted time for mr.Bill and his Gated community.

Looking for the Origin is a dumb, stupid thing that humankind keps
doing all the time. Quoting my beloved professor here, Antonio
Caronia, it is as stupid as wondering about how your parents had sex:
it strikes you to think about that, but doesn't helps you at all to
understand yourself, nor the reality around you, nor the system where
you live as a whole.

Its just pure fascination.

And we loose ourselves in the fascination of the Archia all the time,
that's even how philosophy was born, until Heraclitus has shown some
maturity in that dicourse.

Even when we witness a war, the first foolish question asked is about
"who started it".

But the best thing to do if you really get to see that apple...
is to bite it.


jaromil, developer,
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Re: Privacy, Moglen, @ioerror, #rp12

2012-05-08 Thread Jaromil
dear Dmytri,

On Tue, 08 May 2012, Dmytri Kleiner wrote:
> In the meantime, we have many clever and dedicated people
> contributing to inventing alternative platforms, and these platforms
> can be very important and worthwhile for the minority that will ever
> use them, but we do not have the social will nor capacity to bring
> these platforms to the masses, and given the dominance of capital in
> our society, it's not clear where such capacity will come from.

Thanks for the roundup. It doesn't progress much from a story on
mass-media that we have told ourselves already 20 or more years ago in
Italy, if not before. Anyway.

Apologies for my rather personal attack in my other mail, I see you
have at least refrained from attacking the attempts of others to
individuate the very "capacity" (shouldn't it be called constituency?)
you talk about here.

I do not believe a macroeconomical analysis is at all bad, you can go
on with it if you really like to continue that narrative, I see there
is plenty of people that feel comfortable in the reiterate tracing of
such graphs, but please do not exclude other narratives, as you was
doing, what made me furious. And especially, do not build your
interpretation of reality solely on your own visions, which seems to
be very abstract to me, quite not in touch with the working class you
are aiming at.

So, I know is very hard for you, but please, don't be arrogant.

Probably the very political concept we have in common is that of class
consciousness (or maybe call it just consciousness?), but with a
certain burlesque narrative you are just contributing to destroy it.

Well, now I see you are back to a decade ago, allright.

I guess the public liked that.

You are in Europe, right?
Careful with that axe, Eugene.


jaromil, developer,
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Re: Revolutionary Flows of Value in the Macroeconomy

2012-05-01 Thread Jaromil
hi Dmytri,

On Tue, 24 Apr 2012, Dmytri Kleiner wrote:

> Utopianism (#3 #4) is rampant among reformists, making& much of what
> is proposed among proponents of so-called "Alternative Economics"
> utterly nonsensical.

I'm surprised.

I know you just since a few years, from art related conferences and
just that. Since then, I've never really understood where the hell you
come from and, most importantly, where do you find the time to write
the pataphysical flow of text and fake projects you produce.

Before I even realize about such question marks lost in the incredible
quantity of urgent questions swarming my brain, you are waving a
TeleKommunisten manifesto besides Geert at a E-Commons conference in
De Balie.

You did that in front of a public that is more and more desperate for
concrete economic solutions in online content distribution and
preservation, loosing jobs as we speak in the very sector I've
patiently researched and developed myself during the past 6 years.

I was sincerely surprised to see you there, in the middle of clueless
europeans and leftish intelligentsia, taking all that space and even

But now I think I know better.

I do know that you are just a clown.

I should have understood that at the very first moment you used you
unique way to flood-talk me with your nonsense, since you can do that
even in person and very well. Your brain is special, you are trained
to do things that once I thought could be done only in written text.

The next thing I'll really try to understand is what moves people like
Geert and other intellectuals, that I still recognize as honest to
their public, to let you taint the delicate and scarce grounds we have
left in Europe for a real discussion.

And what is reality? - you might ask

And what is a discussion? - I'd ask back then.


jaromil, developer,
GPG: B2D9 9376 BFB2 60B7 601F 5B62 F6D3 FBD9 C2B6 8E39

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Re: Mute article on Bitcoin

2012-03-08 Thread Jaromil
early all
> existing wealth is controlled by the beneficiaries of capitalist
> production (or what you term the "financial tyranny").

A pressing question is how do we reconnect the processes of production
with the values in circulation and the prices paid for such a

A poignant example here is provided by migrant economies and the tax
applied by the few money transfer companies that are cutting of a 20%
minimum from all kinds of peripheral slavery.

I could go deeper on that, but well...

> The question of how we circulate the products of commons-based
> production is left as a relatively interesting detail, and certainly
> worthy of attention, but nothing more.
> The Telekommunist Manifesto and DYNDY where launched together at De
> Balie, so the projects are siblings by birth in a way. I look
> forward to learning more about your perspective.

I'm sure the mother was different and that's not a quick judgement
based on family names.


jaromil, developer,
GPG: B2D9 9376 BFB2 60B7 601F 5B62 F6D3 FBD9 C2B6 8E39

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Re: Mute article on Bitcoin

2012-03-06 Thread Jaromil

hi Dmytri,

> In terms of electronic commerce, this can be quite usefully, but
> macroeconomically the significance of electronic specie seems
> quite negligible, taking it place among various less interesting,
> non-decentralized, exchangeables, including pre-paid telephone credit
> and online shopping gift codes. It's main advantage over these is
> it utility for unsanctioned economic activity, which certainly is
> critical for some undertakings, but hardly disruptive to the economy
> as a whole.
> I'd very interested in a co-herent argument otherwise.
> Best,
> -- 
> Dmytri Kleiner
> Venture Communist

I'd argue is an error to quickly frame into a macroeconomic
perspective the narrative opened by Bitcoin.

Let me refer you to the work of Colin Ward, whom I'm recently reading.
I find it hard to ignore that the possibilities for constituency
opened by tools for more agile monetary creation are related to
grass-roots movements as LETS systems, and such.

To boil it down to dialectics, an approach I'm sure you relate with
more than I do, InI believe that the strained relationships between
deeply different economical contexts as in City / Countryside, North /
South for instance can be tackled by the creative use of such tools.

Considered the entity of current systemic problem in finance, I'd
argue that the democratization of tools for value circulation
represents a pragmatic attempt to get over financial tyranny.

Experiences like and others we try to document
on provide a lively commentary of practices around
such visions.

And I believe this is not the only co-herent argument that can be
started. I'm doing my best, I hope you do too.


jaromil, developer,
GPG: B2D9 9376 BFB2 60B7 601F 5B62 F6D3 FBD9 C2B6 8E39

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Re: Mute article on Bitcoin

2012-03-04 Thread Jaromil

hi Josie,

On Wed, 22 Feb 2012, Josephine Berry Slater wrote:

> This feature on Mute argues that in the most substantial ways,
> Bitcoin is a continuation of, not alternative to, money and the
> systemic violence and inequality it guarantees.

> M | U | T | E | __ rread it!
> 22 February 2012_
> Bitcoin - Finally Fair Money?
> Bitcoin is a decentralised digital currency deploying peer-to-peer
> networking to enable secure and anonymous transactions without a central
> bank. Unlike many economic commentators, The Wine and Cheese
> Appreciation Society and Scott Len take the currency seriously but
> ask, how exactly does it differ from 'real' money?

A rather quick conclusion, comprehensible since it takes some
knowledge of cryptography to understand that Bitcoin is less than what
you are talking about, while what might come next is the most
interesting part.

Since the next Bitcoin conference will be in London, I hope to see you
there, but please leave some prejudices at home: these are very open
grounds, not a public funded get-together of old lefties :^)


jaromil, developer,
GPG: B2D9 9376 BFB2 60B7 601F 5B62 F6D3 FBD9 C2B6 8E39

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