Re: [osg-users] Support becoming less and less personal

2009-05-08 Thread Julia Guo

> Robert Osfield:
> Sorry but this statement about "old school" is just plain obnoxious.
> Please refrain from using such bigoted none-sense on either the list
> or forum.

You might find it offensive but its reality - people of younger generation grew 
up with forums and not mailing lists. That doesnt mean one medium is better 
than the other, just that peoples usage patterns have changed.

> Paul Speed: 
> We could probably short-circuit a lot just be splitting into two groups and 
> calling one "experts" and the other "beginners"... and no one would have to 
> bother joining the second one. ;)

g I hope not. I would have given up on OSG if noobs like me were assigned to a 
ghetto forum.


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Re: [osg-users] animating textures

2009-04-20 Thread Julia Guo

> I added them just as convenience for quickly visualizing the shape 
> primitives, without any intention of it being widely used.

thats interesting to know. OK I will try to stay away from them until they are 

I found that like with lights there is an OpenGL limit on the maximum number of 
textures (GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS_ARB), which can be quite small on some platforms.
How do people deal with this limitation? Because Ive used OpenGL based CAD 
programs that let me load as many textures as I want.


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[osg-users] Desirable OpenGL knowledge

2009-04-08 Thread Julia Guo
hi all,

Ive had a few struggles with OSG recently (lighting, textures, transparency, 
...) due in part to my lack of understanding about the OpenGL base.

I have a few days over Easter I want to devote to getting on top of OpenGL, 
with the specific aim of debugging this effect 
How do you recommend I go about this, keeping in mind that I dont plan to 
develop with raw OpenGL? Im particularly interested in how the OpenGL states 
and modes effect the rendering in OSG.
So, the Red Book 
 The SuperBible 
 The online documentation (

I would really appreciate any advices before diving in,

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Re: [osg-users] animating textures

2009-04-08 Thread Julia Guo

> Is your drawable a ShapeDrawable? Then you're pretty much out of luck,
> because these only set texture coordinates on unit 0 and don't give you
> access to their internals.

thanks Skylark! - that would explain the different results Im getting for unit 
0 and 1 with a ShapeDrawable. 
Ive now changed to a model derived from osg::Geometry and the texture animation 
is working fine.

Those ShapeDrawable classes seem limiting ... is there a goal to derive them 
from osg::Geometry rather than the current raw OpenGL calls?


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Re: [osg-users] animating textures

2009-04-08 Thread Julia Guo
hi Robert,

so if all textures are disabled initially is there any difference between 
textures 0 and 1? Because the exact same code works for texture 0 but not 
texture 1.
I saw in the archives a snippet 
where the texture coordinates were set manually like this:

geometry->setTexCoordArray(1, geometry->getTexCoordArray(0)); 

I cant do this because my drawable does not inherit from osg::Geometry, but is 
something manual like this needed for non-zero textures?

> Most likely the problems you are seeing are related to not setting up the 
> scene graph appropriately

What kind of settings can effect whether a texture is displayed?


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Re: [osg-users] animating textures

2009-04-07 Thread Julia Guo
Hi, thanks very much for the advices.

I now have a basic MultitextureControl example working that fades a single 
However I cant seem to activate texture unit 1. The following example only 
shows the texture if I set unit to 0:

addDrawable(new osg::ShapeDrawable(new osg::Cone()));
texture = new osg::Texture2D;
int unit = 1; // works fine when unit=0 
getOrCreateStateSet()->setTextureAttributeAndModes(unit, texture);

Like lights, is only texture 0 activated by default? Am I missing something to 
activate the texture?

> The other way to do it is use a 3D texture and then vary the r coord.  See 
> the osgtexture3D example for an example of this.

hi Robert: is there an advantage to this technique or has it been obsoleted by 


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Re: [osg-users] animating textures

2009-04-05 Thread Julia Guo
ah - I should have been more specific with what I meant by animation. 
I want to fade between two textures so that the previous texture slowly gets 
weaker while the new texture slowly gets stronger.

Can shaders manipulate the texture opacity? (I expect so.) 
And do you think this is a better approach than what OSG provides with the 


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[osg-users] animating textures

2009-04-05 Thread Julia Guo

I am trying to animate a transition between textures on a surface.
I had a look in osgAnimation 
 but that namespace seems to be just related to geometry. I found 
 which can control which textures are active and how to blend them, but doesnt 
support animating. 

So to animate between textures should I create a callback to update the texture 
control (like the rotate example in the manual)? Or is there a better approach? 

Thank you.

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Re: [osg-users] osgmultitexturecontrol example data base?

2009-04-05 Thread Julia Guo

Im also trying to run the example.
Is the example data ready?


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Re: [osg-users] Disabling node

2009-03-30 Thread Julia Guo

> I know that usually my suggestions for your problems doesn't work

Your advice was definitely helpful!  :) 

I followed your first suggested solution and now I can switch between 
manipulators on the fly - thanks!

With blurring Im not sure, the model edges seem to be more anti aliased but the 
internal skeleton shows through so it does not look good right now...


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[osg-users] Disabling node

2009-03-29 Thread Julia Guo

how can I disable a node so that it is not rendered but it's children are still 
I had a look at setting the node mask but that effects children too.

My specific problem is I am using an osgManipulator dragger and want to be able 
to toggle on/off its geometry but maintain its transformation on any children.

Thank you.

(I asked a similar but more general question 
( last week but didn't 
manage to attract a response. So I'm hoping this more specific question gets 

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Re: [osg-users] importing shaders

2009-03-26 Thread Julia Guo

That is encouraging to know OSG supports shaders natively (now I saw the shader 
I have got the 3DS exporter working now.

> Out of 133 examples I can only find 6 that use CompositeViewer at all

Just 6/133 - I take that criticism back then! Many of the examples I looked at 
coincidentally supported a composite view.


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Re: [osg-users] manipulator design advice

2009-03-26 Thread Julia Guo
instead of inserting and removing the draggers would a better solution be to 
use the dragger node masks to select which is visible? Then I could have 
dragger 1 at root, dragger N a child of dragger N-1, and then the model a child 
of dragger N.
Would you recommended this solution?

A followon question: if a nodes mask is cleared so it is not rendered, can it 
still be intersected? (I hope not)


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[osg-users] manipulator design advice

2009-03-25 Thread Julia Guo

I am using the osgManipulator draggers to move objects around my scene. I 
intend that when the R key is pressed a rotation dragger is used and when the T 
key is pressed a translation dragger is used. And if any other key is pressed 
then no draggers are used.

The manipulator example applies the draggers from the start and so doesnt face 
this problem.

What is a good way to arrange my scene nodes so that I can switch between drag 
modes? Originally I thought of using a switch node, but then only 1 
transformation at a time would be applied to the model (is that right?) and I 
want the transformations to be maintained across modes.

I could stack the manipulators on top of each other, but then their geometry 
(created with setupDefaultGeometry()) would overlap. (The API doesnt support 
disabling a dragger.)

My current design is:
- put the model behind a transform
- when switch mode apply current dragger matrix to the transform and then 
remove dragger
- insert new dragger before the transform

This seems very awkward so Im hoping there is a better way!

Thank you.

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Re: [osg-users] bluring model edges

2009-03-25 Thread Julia Guo
oh really so it is meant to just effect the edges? That is great to know that 
this functionality is supported. 
I wonder why it causes the skeleton of the model to show through (see attached 
screenshot for what Im talking about)

I am not very familiar with the OpenGL state settings - do you know of any 
potentially relevant settings that might help?


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Re: [osg-users] bluring model edges

2009-03-23 Thread Julia Guo
hi Guy,

I tried this code and didn't notice any blurring, although for some reason the 
skeleton in my models became exposed (the same effect as the osgscribe 
If I understand right this example is meant to blur the entire model - is that 
right? Because I just want to blur the model edges while keeping the rest of 
the model clear. Is there a way to do that?

thanks for the example,

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[osg-users] bluring model edges

2009-03-22 Thread Julia Guo

Is it possible to blur the edges of a model in OSG with whatever is behind?
Currently the edges of the models in my scene are too sharp and would look 
better if there was a translucent overlap at the edges.

Is this possible to achieve in OSG, or is this kind of functionality more 
relevant to OpenGL?

Thank you,

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[osg-users] importing shaders

2009-03-09 Thread Julia Guo
I have a model made in 3DS with textures and shaders and I would like to use it 
within OSG. When I try displaying it with osgviewer.exe the textures are 
rendered but not the shaders. 

I know shaders are algorithms, so perhaps they are not exported with the model.
Or 3DS may be using a DirectX shader while OSG is OpenGL based.
Am I on the right track??

Is there a way to design models with shaders and import them into OSG? 
Or do I need to manually attach my shaders with osg::Shader (which would make 
models harder to design)?


(P.S. - in learning OSG I found the examples extremely useful, but I feel many 
have been over engineered so that they obscure their purpose. For instance many 
of the examples have a flag to use a Composite Viewer instead of the default 
Viewer. I think it would be ideal for beginners if the examples were stripped 
down to focus on their core functionality.)

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