[PHP] Pipe an email to PHP

2003-08-27 Thread Thomas Tremain
I'm sure this question has been visited before, but I've had some troubles
searching through 
the archives.
This is at least a two part question.
I wish to use a pipe instead of the pop3 class, because I wish the email to
start the script 
instead of waiting for a cronjob.
1)  The pipe itself:
On a cPanel server, I wish to setup an email address with a pipe like:
This always gives me an error saying it cannot foraward.
If I pipe it to |/usr/bin/php
it tells me: No input file specified.
2) to read the data:
I wish to parse the data into $from  $subject and $body
The data will then be manipulated, and key pieces of data will be extracted 
and sent to either a database or an instant message to my cell phone. (this 
part I've already solved)
Thomas Tremain
www.LiveHost.net http://www.LiveHost.net 
www.GotoNames.com http://www.GotoNames.com 
www.TrafficExaminer.com http://www.TrafficExaminer.com 

[PHP] If empty don't display...

2003-08-27 Thread Frank Keessen
Hi there,

Can you please have a look at the following code:

I've got two questions;

1. I'm trying not to display the fields that are empty with: if 
 But it's still display the line and there is no value in PRIJS4PK field.

2. How can i reduce the amount of Queries??

Thanks for your time and help,


The code:

// Avaibility and prices
// open database connection
$connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die (Unable to connect!);

// select database
mysql_select_db($db) or die (Unable to select database!);

//Get ID

// limit value for number of records to be shown per page 
// query database to find total number of records to display 
$limit = 10;  
$query_count = SELECT date, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date WHERE reisid = '$id';  
$result_count = mysql_query($query_count);  
$totalrows = mysql_num_rows($result_count);  
$page = 1;  
$limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit);  
$query = SELECT date, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date WHERE reisid = '$id' ORDER BY date 
LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit ;  
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(Error:  . mysql_error());  
$count_result = mysql_num_rows($result);  
$query2 = SELECT date, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date WHERE reisid = '$id' ORDER BY 
date LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit ;  
$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$query3 = SELECT date, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date WHERE reisid = '$id' ORDER BY 
date LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit ;  
$result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$query5 = SELECT date, prijs4pk, prijs3pk, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date WHERE reisid 
= '$id' ORDER BY date LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit ;  
$result5 = mysql_query($query5) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$query6 = SELECT date, prijs4pk, prijs3pk, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date WHERE reisid 
= '$id' ORDER BY date LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit ;  
$result6 = mysql_query($query6) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$query4 = SELECT naamreis FROM reizen WHERE reisid = '$id';  
$result4 = mysql_query($query4) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$row4 = mysql_fetch_object($result4);
$query9 = SELECT totaalprijs, prijs4pk, prijs5pk, prijs3pk, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM 
date WHERE reisid = '$id';  
$result9= mysql_query($query9) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$row9 = mysql_fetch_object($result9);

// Display links at the top to indicate current page and number of pages displayed 
$numofpages = ceil($totalrows / $limit); 
$to=$from + $count_result-1; 
link href=../css/main.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css
body bgcolor=#F2D071

echo font class=\bold\ . $row4-naamreis . /font;
brbrTR bgColor=#ffcc00
  TD colSpan=3 height=126
TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width=100% border=0
  TD class=standaardwit width=14% bgColor=#ff9900
DIV align=right/DIV/TD
 if (mysql_num_rows($result)  0)

 while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
 echo TD width=40 bgColor=#ff height=38DIV align=right. 
formatDateShort($row-date) . /DIV/TD;



if (!empty($row9-prijs4pk)){
  TD class=standaardwit width=14% bgColor=#ff9900
 DIV align=right4 pk/DIV/TD

 if (mysql_num_rows($result6)  0)

  while($row5= mysql_fetch_object($result5))
 $pr6 = number_format($row5-prijs4pk,0); 
 echo TD class=standaard width=40 bgColor=#ffDIV align=right. $pr6 . 


if (!empty($row99-prijs3pk)){
  TD class=standaardwit width=14% bgColor=#ff9900
 DIV align=right3 pk/DIV/TD

if (mysql_num_rows($result5)  0)

 while($row5= mysql_fetch_object($result5))
 $pr5 = number_format($row5-prijs3pk,0); 
 echo TD class=standaard width=40 bgColor=#ffDIV align=right. $pr5 . 

if (!empty($row9-prijs2pk)){
  TD class=standaardwit width=14% bgColor=#ff9900
 DIV align=right2 pk/DIV/TD

 if (mysql_num_rows($result2)  0)

 while($row2= mysql_fetch_object($result2))
 $pr2 = number_format($row2-prijs2pk,0); 
 echo TD class=standaard width=40 bgColor=#ffDIV align=right. $pr2 . 

if (!empty($row9-prijs1pk)){
  TD class=standaardwit width=14% bgColor=#ff9900
 DIV align=right1 pk/DIV/TD

 if (mysql_num_rows($result3)  0)

 while($row3= mysql_fetch_object($result3))
 $pr1 = number_format($row3-prijs1pk,0);
 echo TD class=standaard width=40 bgColor=#ffDIV align=right. $pr1 . 


// start 123 next 

Re: [PHP] verifying sql INSERTs

2003-08-27 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  I should instead just try to perform the INSERT and then if it fails I
  know I've already got a record. If it doesn't I know everything is cool.

 I've debated with myself several times if this is really a good
 method to not have duplicates in the database.

 Like what happens if for some reason the constraint gets dropped?
 having your progam rely on the constraint will cause all data
 integrity to go to hell.

For one little script inserting into it's own little table, yeah, it really
doesn't matter.

Consider, though, a business making use of this database not only through a
PHP script, but through an Access frontend in marketing, some ASP scripts in
HR, etc. Now, if you don't enforce the constraints in the database, each and
every program must enforce the constraits itself. It's easier to do it in
one place. :)

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] PHP Interview questions

2003-08-27 Thread Gabriel Guzman
On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 11:35, Curt Zirzow wrote:
 * Thus wrote Richard Baskett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  on 8/26/03 9:57 AM, Robert Cummings at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   This smells like a trick question... Are the switches connected to the
   same light bulb? You've only mentioned one light bulb? 8)
   On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 12:35, Jay Blanchard wrote:
   Also ask a couple of other questions that require thought, but have
   nothing else to do with code. such as...
   In one room you have 3 light switches, each connected to one light bulb
   in another room. How many trips must you make to determine which switch
   is connected to which light bulb?
  Only one trip, and Im not sure if I should explain or let you guys figure it
  out :)
 move('self', 'room/');
 if ($lightbulb['temp']  $room['temp']) {
   echo switch #1;
 } elseif ($lightbulb['ison']) {
   echo switch #2;
 } else {
   echo switch #3;

unfortunately, this won't work... you need to loop through the

try something like: 

foreach ($lightbulbs as $bulb){

 and your if else logic needs a little tweaking so you don't incorrectly
label the on lightbulb as being switch #1 since it is also greater
than $temp['room']

see the following manual pages: 




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RE: [PHP] Website templating schemes

2003-08-27 Thread Joel Konkle-Parker
Quoting Chris W. Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 And I completely don't understand Option #2. What does body() do and
 do you call it? Can you show some pseudo code to help us (or maybe
 just me) understand how Option #2 works?

Browser calls index.php


programming tasks..

$results = results of above;

function body() {
  # info, content, etc.
  global $results;
  echo $results;

require template.php;


prints header stuff


prints footer stuff

Does that make any sense?

Joel Konkle-Parker
Webmaster [Ballsome.com]

Phone [662-518-1636]

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Re: [PHP] Website templating schemes

2003-08-27 Thread Joel Konkle-Parker
 With method 2 it seems like your template file would become redundant
 because every one of them would have to contain the header and footer
 I would use 3 template files, header.php, footer.php, and
 index.php would:
 2. include header
 3. include body
 4. include footer
 Then, all you have to do is make new body_XXX.php files for each page
 your site and the header/footer content is contained in one place.

Ok, wait, I'm having a hard time understanding this... the browser would request
the same index.php every time? with server.com/index.php?query_string? And the
query string would determine the body_XXX.php to be included?

Right now I have it set up so that a different index.php is requested each time,
 but calls the same template.php.

Joel Konkle-Parker
Webmaster [Ballsome.com]

Phone [662-518-1636]

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Re: [PHP] PHP Interview questions

2003-08-27 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 move('self', 'room/');
 if ($lightbulb['temp']  $room['temp']) {
   echo switch #1;
 } elseif ($lightbulb['ison']) {
   echo switch #2;
 } else {
   echo switch #3;
 hm.. i had to keep it OT somehow :)

Aren't you missing a foreach($lightbulb as $bulb) in there somewhere?

---John Holmes...

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[PHP] sessions on 4.3.2, register_globals On

2003-08-27 Thread Jason Jacobs
Hi all.  I am switching a site I built to a new server, and the old site was written 
with register_globals on.  I believe the php version was the same, but I'm not sure 
(and I can't check).  The way I understand it, for older versions of php, one had to 
use session_register($foo) and could use the session variable $foo in other pages.  In 
4.3, the standard is to use $_SESSION['foo'] to register and use the variable.

Now, I would imagine that in 4.3.2 with register_globals on my code should still work. 
 In fact, it does not work unless I use $_SESION['foo'].  Why is this?  Is there a way 
to make my code work without editing every page?  Please tell me I don't have to go in 
and redo my session (and form, for that matter) variables...

Thanks for your help.

web developer

[PHP] speed of mail() on two servers

2003-08-27 Thread David T-G
Hi, all --

I'm working up a [cli] script to send a personalized (ugh) email to some
[often large] number of web site subscribers.  Unfortunately, I'm getting
lousy performance, running about 0.54 sec per email.

My partner has a mail script implemented on another machine and he's
running somewhere down around 0.10 sec per email, which is better but
still not very good for sending to 60k users.

The box (dual Xeon 2.2G with mirrored fast SCSI and 1G RAM) has plenty of
horsepower, and it certainly shouldn't need more.  It's running RH 7.3
(Valhalla) with 2.4.20 on ext3 and has qmail installed as its MTA.

It seems to be the mail() call itself, because I can make a system call
(system, exec, passthru) to just echo the current data and it rips
through my list in nothin' flat.  So how do I tune mail() to make it
faster?  Or do I need to give up and call qmail-inject directly?


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Image Magick

2003-08-27 Thread David T-G
Mike --

...and then Mike At Spy said...
% Anyone here familiar with the installation of Image Magick and what files it
% installs on your machine?


% I had an admin put it on, and then took it off - but took it off by removing

Why take it off?  Tsk, tsk!  You'll miss it ;-)

% what she thought were all of the files related to it.  I just found some
% files I think that are.  They are located in the usr/local/bin directory and
% are called:
% animate
% composite
% convert
% display
% identify
% mogrify
% montage

Yes, those are all magick executables.  The interesting thing is that
your admin could have missed those when, well, they're the biggest end
result of IM (some might just use the perl or lib code, but most will
want the CLI executables).  I wouldn't be at all sure that everything
else has been cleaned from the machine.  You might run a find across the
whole system and check for that timestamp.

As was already suggested, if it was installed via rpm then go ahead and
remove it via rpm.


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

RE: [PHP] PHP Interview questions

2003-08-27 Thread Martin Towell
Just to throw a spanner (where'd that come from, that wasn't part of the
question) into the works...

What is the state of the light bulb before the test?

If it's on and it's connected to switch #1, then the logic below would
result in switch #2 being displayed... (maybe.., I don't know how long it
takes for a light bulb to cool down)


-Original Message-
From: CPT John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 27 August 2003 5:35 AM
To: Curt Zirzow; PHP General
Subject: Re: [PHP] PHP Interview questions

From: Curt Zirzow [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 move('self', 'room/');
 if ($lightbulb['temp']  $room['temp']) {
   echo switch #1;
 } elseif ($lightbulb['ison']) {
   echo switch #2;
 } else {
   echo switch #3;
 hm.. i had to keep it OT somehow :)

Aren't you missing a foreach($lightbulb as $bulb) in there somewhere?

---John Holmes...

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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__ Information from NOD32 1.490 (20030820) __

This message was checked by NOD32 for Exchange e-mail monitor.

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Re: [PHP] PHP Interview questions

2003-08-27 Thread Curt Zirzow
* Thus wrote Gabriel Guzman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 11:35, Curt Zirzow wrote:
  * Thus wrote Richard Baskett ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
   on 8/26/03 9:57 AM, Robert Cummings at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 unfortunately, this won't work... you need to loop through the
 try something like: 
 foreach ($lightbulbs as $bulb){

Only one light bulb from how I originally read it. Multiple light
bulbs will be supported in the next version.


According to this manual I have to supply this patch to make the program
work properly: 

*** lightbulb.php   Tue Aug 26 23:21:10 2003
--- lightbulb.fix.php   Tue Aug 26 23:21:51 2003
*** 7,12 

! if ($lightbulb['temp']  $room['temp']) {
!   echo switch #1;
! } elseif ($lightbulb['ison']) {
echo switch #2;
  } else {
--- 7,12 

! if ($lightbulb['ison']) {
echo switch #2;
+ } elseif ($lightbulb['temp']  $room['temp']) {
+   echo switch #1;
  } else {



I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

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Re: [PHP] dynamical balancing text in two colums

2003-08-27 Thread Miles Thompson
We tried something like this in the spring. If the paragraphs are uniform 
in length you can get columns roughly balanced - but never with a high 
degree of certainty.

We also knew our subscribers would be printing out the copy, and that's 
where we gave up on two column layout, as we had no control over the sheet 
size, font size, etc. If an article extended over two pages, you had to 
read the first colum to the bottom, turn the page and keep reading to the 
end of the column, then flip back and start reading the second column.

I suppose one could get closer, but look at the desktop publishing programs 
- apart from FrameMaker, you have to flow and place text by hand. To do it 
we'd be counting lines, adjusting for heads and bylines, and hoping, 
hoping, hoping it would not look too disgraceful.

So we bailed out - the subscriber could read it online, with a decent line 
lenght in a Flash movie, or accept typewriter like printout extending 
across the page. What made that decision easier was a survey which 
indicated that over 90% of subscribers read it on line and did not print it.

Cheers - Miles Thompson

At 07:10 PM 8/26/2003 +0200, Dynamical.biz wrote:
Hi, I've been dealing withs this question:

I've never seen dynamical balanced text in two colums in a web so this the
html formated text is stored in a database, conetion and placed into a
variable i.e.:
$text = PIMG alt=labordeta hspace=3
src=http://www.lamundial.net/img/labordeta.jpg; align=left
border=0EMefe.Zaragoza./EM El parlamentario./PPSome more text
tranquilo simplenente trabajando./P; ... some more paragrphs just like
newspaper articles.
the first idea is this:
1. count the total characters in $text string so we can guess juts the half
2. getting into $tx1 variable the fisrt half
3. count the total characters in $tx1 till the fisrt /p STARTING from
the END to the BEGUINING of $tx1
4. getting into $col1 the fist part
5. getting into $col2 the rest
6. render the text in a table
1. $half = floor(strlen($texto)/2);
2. $tx1 = substr($text,0,$half);
3. $first_P = strrpos($tx1,/P);
4. $col1 = substr($text,0,$first_P);
5. $col2 = substr($text,$first_P);
td?= $col1 ?/td
td?= $col2 ?/td
easy to know the middle point of a string but we have html code so easy to
break it badly, something like:
IMG hspace=3 src=ht -|- tp://www.lamundial.net/img/img.jpg so this is
why the /p idea.
If there is a large paragrph in the middle of the whole text the columns the
two columns are not so nice balanced, this is why I ask the people writing
articles for my web trying to avoid long ones. They use HTMLAREA
http://www.interactivetools.com/products/htmlarea/ from Interactive tools so
the html is not done by hand.
anyway just in case there is no way to correctly balance the text I let the
writer the 1 colum / 2 colums as an option so the traditional 1 colum (no
colums) is always available. they can display the final render os the
article as they save it when writing so the decide.
this is working at most of the articles in
the text balancing is working quite nice

any other idea?

aniceto lópez
web development
host services
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[PHP] DOM setting encoding attribute

2003-08-27 Thread Maciek Ruckgaber Bielecki
Hi there everybody !!

i have been trying to set the encoding attribute in the 
?xml version=1.0? document definition, using the DOM model
any idea about some info ???

Thanks in advance!!!
Maciek Ruckgaber Bielecki

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] Pipe an email to PHP

2003-08-27 Thread Greg Donald

 I'm sure this question has been visited before, but I've had some troubles
 searching through 
 the archives.
 This is at least a two part question.
 I wish to use a pipe instead of the pop3 class, because I wish the email to
 start the script 
 instead of waiting for a cronjob.
 1)  The pipe itself:
 On a cPanel server, I wish to setup an email address with a pipe like:

I would read the data from the pipe with STDIN:

$fp = fopen(php://stdin, r);
while(!feof($fp)) $buffer .= fgets($fp, 4096);

 This always gives me an error saying it cannot foraward.
 If I pipe it to |/usr/bin/php
 it tells me: No input file specified.

I use something like that in my .procmailrc:

:0 fw
| /usr/bin/spamassassin

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
:0 c
| $HOME/.spamassassin/spamcop.php

Greg Donald

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] can pdf forms be used to submit data into db?

2003-08-27 Thread Ryan . K . Look
hi guys and gals, aloha from hawaii,

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but i just need to know if it
is technically possible to have a pdf form be filled out online and then
once the user hits submit, php takes the data and puts it into a db or some
sort of db technology and if the need arises to pull up that record once
more, php fetches the data from the db and dynamically fills out the pdf
form and presents it to the end user...can do?  or anyone know who i can
talk to about this...

thanks and mahalo from hawaii

if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction, i MAY be inclined
to send some macadamia nuts to the continental US

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] can pdf forms be used to submit data into a db?

2003-08-27 Thread Ryan . K . Look
hi guys and gals, aloha from hawaii,

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but i just need to know if it
is technically possible to have a pdf form be filled out online and then
once the user hits submit, php takes the data and puts it into a db or some
sort of db technology and if the need arises to pull up that record once
more, php fetches the data from the db and dynamically fills out the pdf
form and presents it to the end user...can do?  or anyone know who i can
talk to about this...

thanks and mahalo from hawaii

if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction, i MAY be inclined
to send some macadamia nuts to the continental US

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Looping through a list - Newbie question

2003-08-27 Thread James Johnson

I have a list contained in a session var. I want to loop through the list,
getting the value of the current item, then do a query based on that value.
Is there an easy way to do this, or do I need to convert the list to an
array first? In the code below, $id isn't being set.

Here's my code (this is just testing stuff, sv_CampusList is set somewhere
$_SESSION['sv_CampusList'] = 1,2,4,5; 
for($i=1; $i=strlen($_SESSION['sv_CampusList']); $i++){
$id = strpos($_SESSION['sv_CampusList'],$i);
echo $id;


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Re: [PHP] webserver for mac

2003-08-27 Thread Joel Rees
 I am doing some php work for a local company who uses a mac.  I was telling
 them that I use apache as my webserver and they want to know what they can
 use as their webserver.  I know nothing about Macs and don't think you an
 run apache but I may be all wrong...what do mac owners use for a webserver?

_A_ mac? Do I sense the fragrance of ancient hardware?

First place you want to look is apple.com. After reading the white pages
on Mac OS X and Mac OS X Server, you really should plug apple web
server and macintosh web server and other variants into your favorite
search site and look around. You might even run into the fact that a Mac
(pre-Mac OS X) was once considered practically impenetrable. (I don't
remember if that challenge was ever defeated, the industry just seems to
have moved on.)

More information than you probably want:

Mac OSses 8 and 9 have a personal web server built it. There are also
freeware/shareware servers available that will run on Mac OSses 7 and 8.
There are some commercial webservers, as well, some of which are being
maintained and updated for Mac OS X, one has already been mentioned.

I know of a live site being maintained professionally, serving FileMaker
files on the web with the personal web server under Mac OS 8.6. It's a
low-traffic site, of course.

I think there's still an SE running System 6 and serving (hobby) web
pages somewhere out there, too, just to show it can be done. Haven't
looked for a while.

But you should understand that the Mac OS previous to Mac OS X was
cooperative multitasking, and it was difficult to serve multiple
requests simultaneously on those machines. 

It'd surprise me if you could serve php on a pre-Mac OS X machine, but
you can definitely serve perl (MacPerl) on them. As the others have said,
I'd recommend Mac OS X for your customer, for a couple of reasons:

First, php is already installed, or, at least, it was there on Mac OS X
10.2 when I got my copy of that. It needs to be updated for security
reasons, but it is already in place. All I did was uncomment a couple of
lines in httpd.conf and I was testing php pages on my iBook. (Perl is
there, too, of course. Perl 5.8 will probably make it into Panther. Java
is also there, and installing Tomcat/Struts, and the like is not all
that hard.)

Second, unless you need to build an absolutely impenetrable site, you
and your customer will prefer to have the full Unix-family OS underlying
Mac OS X. (Mac OS X is pretty secure, too, anyway. If you need more than
that, you might want to look at openbsd, which, incidentally, does run
on some Mac hardware.)

Third, your customer really doesn't want to serve their site on a box
that is also being used to run applications. So, even if the box they
are thinking of putting the site on isn't a Mac OS X box, they really
want another box, and they might as well get Mac OS X for that box.

Joel Rees, programmer, Systems Group
Altech Corporation (Alpsgiken), Osaka, Japan

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[PHP] dealing with arrays

2003-08-27 Thread Aris Santillan

I Have
pEntry One
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

pEntry Two
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

pEntry Three
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

pEntry Four
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

pEntry Five
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1


i want to process entries only with checked checkbox

how can i do this in php?

[PHP] SQL Query request is just hanging.

2003-08-27 Thread Larry_Li
I'm using IIS5.0 on W2k. I have upgraded w2k to sp4 and ms sql server to 
sp3. I created a new table and just do a simple query in php program. But 
it seems sql server doesn't return any query result. I'm using 
mssql_fetch_array() function, but no any return. PHP program is just 
pending there. I checked process info and found wait type is NETWORKIO. No 
problem for other existing queries. Only this new one. Almost got 

Any idea, Thanks a lot!


[PHP] Re: speed of mail() on two servers

2003-08-27 Thread Manuel Lemos

On 08/26/2003 07:39 PM, David T-G wrote:
I'm working up a [cli] script to send a personalized (ugh) email to some
[often large] number of web site subscribers.  Unfortunately, I'm getting
lousy performance, running about 0.54 sec per email.
My partner has a mail script implemented on another machine and he's
running somewhere down around 0.10 sec per email, which is better but
still not very good for sending to 60k users.
The box (dual Xeon 2.2G with mirrored fast SCSI and 1G RAM) has plenty of
horsepower, and it certainly shouldn't need more.  It's running RH 7.3
(Valhalla) with 2.4.20 on ext3 and has qmail installed as its MTA.
It seems to be the mail() call itself, because I can make a system call
(system, exec, passthru) to just echo the current data and it rips
through my list in nothin' flat.  So how do I tune mail() to make it
faster?  Or do I need to give up and call qmail-inject directly?
I think your bottleneck is not in the queuing but rather in the 
composition of the personalized messages and the actual delivery.

As for the personalization, you should ask if you really need it. What 
do you need it for?

For the delivery, you can always tune qmail to try deliverying messages 
to more recipients at the same time tweaking concurrencyremote option. 
The default it 20 recipients at the same time but you can increase it to 
120 without patches.


Manuel Lemos
Free ready to use OOP components written in PHP
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Frames: how to get the url of the top frame?

2003-08-27 Thread Jean-Christian IMbeault
I am providing content for an other site. My content is getting shown in 
side a frame. My content contains links to other content I provide. It 
also has forms that the user can use to submit information.

The form's submit action depends on some information that the main site 
send to me in the url, i.e., http://bigsite.com/index.html?submit=actionName

The problem is that cannot find a way to access the URL form inside the 
frame. All the $_SERVER vars are relative to my frame.

Is there a way for me to access the top (parent?) frame's URL?


Jean-Christian Imbeault

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Re: Looping through a list - Newbie question

2003-08-27 Thread Jean-Christian IMbeault
explode() and then foreach are your friends :)

explode() using the comma as your separator and then traverse the array
using foreach.

Jean-Christian Imbeault

James Johnson wrote:

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Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

2003-08-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ok this is a major vulnerability that you are coding. Register globals 
on and password being stored in the session is like having a banner on 
your home page saying 'come and hack me'.

murugesan wrote:

My register_globals in set to ON in php.ini file.
I cannot use HTTP_COOKIE_VARS because I need to pass the password from one
page to another.
- Original Message -
To: php mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

what's your register globals settings?
did you try to retrieve from HTTP_COOKIE_VARS ?
murugesan wrote:


Thanks for the message.
I looked into the manual.
But it is not working.
Ofcourse I used session_start in every pages.

- Original Message -
From: Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:23 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another
I got this value in next page(main.php)
But from there I am not able to pass it to next page
I used
in main.php
but in next page $uid is returning null
First, look at the manual for sessions. You have posted many questions
where the manual would have provided you a solution.
Are you placing session_start() at the top of each page where you expect
session variables to be available? You should be...
Have a pleasant day.


A progress bar for PHP file uploads.

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A progress bar for PHP file uploads.
PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] dealing with arrays

2003-08-27 Thread Aris Santillan

 I Have
 pEntry One
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
 pEntry Two
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
 pEntry Three
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
 pEntry Four
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
 pEntry Five
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
 i want to process entries only with checked checkbox
 how can i do this in php?

[PHP] Sessions and frames

2003-08-27 Thread Jean-Christian IMbeault
I'm having problems getting a session to start when my script is loaded 
in a frame.

I provide some content that another web site loads up in a frame. I have 
set session.autostart to true in my php.ini file so that sessions are 
always started automatically and use cookies. The problem is that when a 
user clicks on any links in my first page a new session is started, the 
current one is not used.

I try and set some session vars using the following on my first page:

$_SESSION[a] = a;
$_SESSION[b] = b;
echo a href='index.html'Click Here/a;
After this page loads in a frame I look at the /tmp dir on my server and 
I can see that a session file has been created and contains the correct 

However if I click the link (which is just a link to the same page), a 
new session is started. I.e. if I look in /tmp I now see 2 session files 
and the newer one is empty. If I reclick on the link the new session is 
used and the the session vars are properly set.

The problem is that the first session that is created is not used. 
clicking on links in my frame (which go to other pages on my server) 
causes a new session to be started and the original session to be 
forgotten. The second session is then correctly kept across pages.

Why is my first session not kept? I'm a bit confused. Could it have 
anything to do with the fact that the site that is using my content is 
also setting a cookie?


Jean-Christian Imbeault

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: [PHP] Pipe an email to PHP

2003-08-27 Thread Thomas Tremain

I have attempted to create a .procmailrc that looks like:

| $HOME/emailtest.php

I have also removed the forwarder from my /etc/valiases file.

Now I get:  The following address(es) failed: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can I be sure Procmail is even handling my email? I thought Exim and
MailScanner took care of that.

-Original Message-
From: Greg Donald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 This always gives me an error saying it cannot foraward.
 If I pipe it to |/usr/bin/php
 it tells me: No input file specified.

I use something like that in my .procmailrc:

:0 fw
| /usr/bin/spamassassin

* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
:0 c
| $HOME/.spamassassin/spamcop.php

Greg Donald

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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AW: [PHP] Re: pear problem

2003-08-27 Thread Moritz Steiner
yes, the directory the /usr/php/pear/share/pear  is included, the error message is:

Warning: main(PEAR.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in 
/usr/php/pear/share/pear/SOAP/Base.php on line 37

Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required 'PEAR.php' 
(include_path='/usr/php/pear/share/pear') in /usr/php/pear/share/pear/SOAP/Base.php on 
line 37


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Catalin Trifu [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Gesendet: Dienstag, 26. August 2003 16:53
Betreff: [PHP] Re: pear problem


Did you added the /usr/php/pear/share/pear in the php.ini
include_path option ?
Besides the mime is part of Mail_Mime extension and
SOAP needs some extensions too (don't remember exactly which)
so check if all requirements are met.
btw! what's the error message when it crashes ?


Moritz Steiner [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
I've a problem with pear, only the DB.php and the Mail.php are working,
all the others I installed don't work.

Installed packages:
Package  Version  State
DB   1.5.0RC1 stable
HTTP_Request 1.1.1stable
Mail 1.1.1stable
Net_DIME 0.3  beta
Net_URL  1.0.10   stable
SOAP 0.8RC1   beta

When I have a look into the directory, it's like that:

[lxcmsb3] /usr/php/pear/share/pear  l
total 72
drwxr-xr-x6 root root 4096 Aug 26 16:24 SOAP
drwxr-xr-x6 root root 4096 Aug 26 16:24 docs
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Aug 26 16:24 HTTP
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Aug 26 16:24 Net
drwxr-xr-x4 root root 4096 Aug 26 16:24 tests
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Aug 26 16:24 Mail
drwxr-xr-x3 root root 4096 Aug 26 16:24 data
-rw-r--r--1 root root 7331 Aug 26 16:23 Mail.php
drwxr-xr-x2 root root 4096 Aug 26 16:23 DB
-rw-r--r--1 root root29165 Aug 26 16:23 DB.php

In this code snipplet the first three lines work very well, but when I
try to access a subdirectory it crashes...
1 require 'DB.php';
2 $db = DB::connect('mysql://mysql:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/mysql);
3 require 'Mail.php';
4 require 'Mail/mime.php';

It's exactly the same with require 'SOAP/Client.php' instead of line 4

Please help me.

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[PHP] Re: Sessions and frames

2003-08-27 Thread Jean-Christian IMbeault
A little update, seems I was wrong about the session cookie being set
when the page is first access. The first time the page is accessed no
session cookie or /tmp file is generated. I think this may be because
the site that is loading my content in a frame is also generating a cookie.

Is that a probable cause for my problem? If yes (or) how can I get a
session to be started (using cookies) when my content is loaded into a



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php-general Digest 27 Aug 2003 07:54:28 -0000 Issue 2261

2003-08-27 Thread php-general-digest-help

php-general Digest 27 Aug 2003 07:54:28 - Issue 2261

Topics (messages 160847 through 160875):

Re: OO PHP question
160847 by: Ralph Guzman

Pipe an email to PHP
160848 by: Thomas Tremain
160860 by: Greg Donald
160873 by: Thomas Tremain

If empty don't display...
160849 by: Frank Keessen

Re: verifying sql INSERTs
160850 by: CPT John W. Holmes

Re: PHP Interview questions
160851 by: Gabriel Guzman
160856 by: Martin Towell
160857 by: Curt Zirzow

Re: Website templating schemes
160852 by: Joel Konkle-Parker
160853 by: Joel Konkle-Parker

speed of mail() on two servers
160854 by: David T-G
160867 by: Manuel Lemos

Re: Image Magick
160855 by: David T-G

Re: dynamical balancing text in two colums
160858 by: Miles Thompson

DOM setting encoding attribute
160859 by: Maciek Ruckgaber Bielecki

can pdf forms be used to submit data into db?
160861 by: Ryan.K.Look.courts.state.hi.us

can pdf forms be used to submit data into a db?
160862 by: Ryan.K.Look.courts.state.hi.us

Looping through a list - Newbie question
160863 by: James Johnson
160869 by: Jean-Christian IMbeault

Re: webserver for mac
160864 by: Joel Rees

dealing with arrays
160865 by: Aris  Santillan
160871 by: Aris  Santillan

SQL Query request is just hanging.
160866 by: Larry_Li.contractor.amat.com

Frames: how to get the url of the top frame?
160868 by: Jean-Christian IMbeault

Re: Cannot pass values from one page to another
160870 by: jabber.raditha.com

Sessions and frames
160872 by: Jean-Christian IMbeault
160875 by: Jean-Christian IMbeault

Re: pear problem
160874 by: Moritz Steiner


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-Original Message-
From: Mike Zornek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:01 AM
Subject: [PHP] OO PHP question

I'm just beginning a new PHP system and would like to do it in an OO
I'm having trouble getting my head around how I should store the data in
MySQL db. I mean do I build model objects in PHP and put logic right in
model so anytime I set a property of the object it makes the change to
DB right there and then (which may get chatty) or do I build model
and then on pages, initialize them from the DB, do my work and send all
data to the db in one shot?

Everything I've done in PHP has been procedural till this point so I'm
for any advice, articles, links, etc.

~ Mike
Mike Zornek
Extreme geek in training

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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---End Message---
I'm sure this question has been visited before, but I've had some troubles
searching through 
the archives.
This is at least a two part question.
I wish to use a pipe instead of the pop3 class, because I wish the email to
start the script 
instead of waiting for a cronjob.
1)  The pipe itself:
On a cPanel server, I wish to setup an email address with a pipe like:
This always gives me an error saying it cannot foraward.
If I pipe it to |/usr/bin/php
it tells me: No input file specified.
2) to read the data:
I wish to parse the data into $from  $subject and $body
The data will then be manipulated, and key pieces of data will be extracted 
and sent to either a database or an instant message to my cell phone. (this 
part I've already solved)
Thomas Tremain
www.LiveHost.net http://www.LiveHost.net 
www.GotoNames.com http://www.GotoNames.com 
www.TrafficExaminer.com http://www.TrafficExaminer.com 
---End Message---

 I'm sure this question has been visited before, but I've had some troubles
 searching through 
 the archives.
 This is at least a two part question.
 I wish to use a pipe instead of the pop3 class, because I wish the email to
 start the script 
 instead of waiting for a cronjob.
 1)  The pipe itself:
 On a cPanel server, I wish to setup an email address with a pipe like:

I would read the data from the pipe with STDIN:

$fp = fopen(php://stdin, r);
while(!feof($fp)) $buffer .= fgets($fp, 4096);


[PHP] Extracting EXIF/IPTC info from jpeg/tiff image files

2003-08-27 Thread Binay Agarwal
Hi everybody

I need to extract the information (EXIF and IPTC) from jpeg/tiff image files. After 
that i have to allow my client to modify and put them back in jpeg/tiff files.

I want to know whether php has got built-in support in terms of libraries to achieve 
the goal or i will have to load some external modules/software to do the same. In case 
external which all modules/software to refer?

Please let me know.



[PHP] Re: Sessions and frames

2003-08-27 Thread Jean-Christian IMbeault
After much head banging I found the answer. I had set my browser to only
allow cookies from the originating site to be set. (This prevent
banner ads from setting cookies).

Of course the first time my frame was loaded the browser was seeing it
as content not from the originating site and hence blocking the
session cookie from being set ... argh.

One more reason to hate frames :)

Jean-Christian Imbeault

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Implode slows down file reading? [was: str_replace performance in large mailing script]

2003-08-27 Thread frederik feys
Hi all,

I thought str_replace caused slow down of my mailing script, but it
seems to be this line of code:

$fd =

I first put the mailing template in $fd (only once) and then replace
(str_replace) elements of it to individualize HTML emails.
Btw i’m using php version 4.0.6. 

Are there better(faster) ways to read the contents of a file?


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[PHP] Re: Frames: how to get the url of the top frame?

2003-08-27 Thread Catalin Trifu

Server side there si no way to get the parent's URL
you could however client side with JS


Jean-Christian Imbeault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I am providing content for an other site. My content is getting shown in
 side a frame. My content contains links to other content I provide. It
 also has forms that the user can use to submit information.

 The form's submit action depends on some information that the main site
 send to me in the url, i.e.,

 The problem is that cannot find a way to access the URL form inside the
 frame. All the $_SERVER vars are relative to my frame.

 Is there a way for me to access the top (parent?) frame's URL?


 Jean-Christian Imbeault

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

[PHP] Re: dealing with arrays

2003-08-27 Thread Catalin Trifu

Insteand of using the same value for checked,
you should use different values for the checked
parameter like value=entryOneChecked value=entryTwoChecked
And it's a good idea to use quoting around variable names at least.


Aris Santillan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message


 I Have
 pEntry One
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

 pEntry Two
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

 pEntry Three
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

 pEntry Four
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

 pEntry Five
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1


 i want to process entries only with checked checkbox

 how can i do this in php?

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[PHP] problem with a mysql query with data from a form

2003-08-27 Thread Vincent Fievet
i am a newbie to php and mysql, i run the easyphp kit ( php 4.2.0, Mysql
3.23.49 and phpmyadmin 2.2.6 )
i would like to use a select * from mytable where my variable like
where $mystring come from a form
form action=show.php method=post name=form1 target=_blank
table align=left
  tr '%Mike %
td width=98h3Communication Impliquant :/h3/td
td width=144 valign=middle font color=#CC 
  select name=det size=5 id=det
option value=PC selectedPC/option
   option value=echoecho/option
  option value=H10 TangoH10 Tango/option
  select name=den size=1 id=den
option value=  selected /option
option value=11/option
option value=1010/option
td width=153 input name=delibre type=text id=delibre
td width=39 input type=submit name=Submit value=Ok
so in show.php i do a 
$sql=SELECT * FROM journal WHERE a like '%det%' OR de like '%$det%'
order by dateheure desc;
echo $sql;
and what i get is :
SELECT * FROM journal WHERE a like '%PC %' OR de like '%PC %' order by
dateheure desc
( note the blank space at the end of PC )
whitch doesnt get any record since the word i am looking is PC and not
i used a like because the request should be used to find record with
PC 1 PC PC 9 PC12 ... 
any ideas ?
Vincent Fievet

RE: [PHP] speed of mail() on two servers

2003-08-27 Thread Javier Tacon

I think that may be 'problem' from sendmail .. mail() function under
linux only interacts with sendmail, it doesn't contact to the remote
SMTP to leave the mail. Do you have the same sendmail version in two
machines? You should compare both sendmail configuration and try to
check the speed from a bash script for example.

-Mensaje original-
De: David T-G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miercoles, 27 de agosto de 2003 0:40
Para: PHP General list
Asunto: [PHP] speed of mail() on two servers

Hi, all --

I'm working up a [cli] script to send a personalized (ugh) email to some
[often large] number of web site subscribers.  Unfortunately, I'm
lousy performance, running about 0.54 sec per email.

My partner has a mail script implemented on another machine and he's
running somewhere down around 0.10 sec per email, which is better but
still not very good for sending to 60k users.

The box (dual Xeon 2.2G with mirrored fast SCSI and 1G RAM) has plenty
horsepower, and it certainly shouldn't need more.  It's running RH 7.3
(Valhalla) with 2.4.20 on ext3 and has qmail installed as its MTA.

It seems to be the mail() call itself, because I can make a system call
(system, exec, passthru) to just echo the current data and it rips
through my list in nothin' flat.  So how do I tune mail() to make it
faster?  Or do I need to give up and call qmail-inject directly?


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl

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[PHP] Extracting EXIF/IPTC info from jpeg and tiff files

2003-08-27 Thread Binay Agarwal
Hi everybody

I need to extract the information (EXIF and IPTC) from jpeg/tiff image files. After 
that i have to allow my client to modify and put them back in jpeg/tiff files.

I want to know whether php has got built-in support in terms of libraries to achieve 
the goal or i will have to load some external modules/software to do the same. In case 
external which all modules/software to refer?

Please let me know.



[PHP] mail mime attachment

2003-08-27 Thread Moritz Steiner
has somebody a working code example of sending a mail with attachment,
my code is unfortunately not working...

My Code:

require 'Mail.php';
require 'Mail/mime.php';

$headers['From']='[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
$body = 'brauc ich nicht';

$mime = new Mail_mime;
$html = 'htmlbodythis is b html /b /body/html';

$file = 'my.cnf.txt';
$mime-addAttachment($file, 'text/plain');

$headers = $mime-headers($headers);
$body = $mime-get();

$message = Mail::factory('mail');

The mail I receive:

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

brauc ich nicht
Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

htmlbodythis is b html /b /body/html
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=my.cnf.txt



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Re: [PHP] speed of mail() on two servers

2003-08-27 Thread David T-G
Javier, et al --

...and then Javier Tacon said...
% I think that may be 'problem' from sendmail .. mail() function under
% linux only interacts with sendmail, it doesn't contact to the remote

Right.  Only it doesn't make much sense, because qmail is FAST.

% SMTP to leave the mail. Do you have the same sendmail version in two
% machines? You should compare both sendmail configuration and try to
% check the speed from a bash script for example.

Unfortunately, I can't get to his other server, and he doesn't really
know anything about its guts (he's a great php coder and a great art
designer, but he's entirely a windoze guy).  I don't even know if he's
running qmail there.

Thanks  HAND

David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

[PHP] Can we control the content of MS Outlook Express

2003-08-27 Thread Jack
Dear all
Here is the question:
I had a link which will open user's outlook express and let the user to type
the content and send it to me!
Now i want to set some content which will appear on the outlook express and
then user will type the rest of the content to it and send it to me!

is this possible?

Thx alot

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[PHP] session.cookie_domain

2003-08-27 Thread Shu Chow
We're having a problem with a site that recently upgraded to php 4.3.3. 
 Ever since the upgrade, session variables won't pass between pages.  
Looking at the php.ini file, I see that session.cookie_domain is set to 
server.hostingcompany.com while our site is www.ourdomain.com.  If the 
session.cookie_domain is set to another domain, would this be the cause 
of our problems?

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RE: [PHP] speed of mail() on two servers

2003-08-27 Thread Javier Tacon

May be the machine of your friend has a better network output than your
machine :)

-Mensaje original-
De: David T-G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miercoles, 27 de agosto de 2003 11:59
Para: PHP General list
CC: Javier Tacon
Asunto: Re: [PHP] speed of mail() on two servers

Javier, et al --

...and then Javier Tacon said...
% I think that may be 'problem' from sendmail .. mail() function under
% linux only interacts with sendmail, it doesn't contact to the remote

Right.  Only it doesn't make much sense, because qmail is FAST.

% SMTP to leave the mail. Do you have the same sendmail version in two
% machines? You should compare both sendmail configuration and try to
% check the speed from a bash script for example.

Unfortunately, I can't get to his other server, and he doesn't really
know anything about its guts (he's a great php coder and a great art
designer, but he's entirely a windoze guy).  I don't even know if he's
running qmail there.

Thanks  HAND

David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl

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Re: [PHP] speed of mail() on two servers

2003-08-27 Thread David T-G
Javier --

...and then Javier Tacon said...
% May be the machine of your friend has a better network output than your
% machine :)

Heh :-)  Hey, stranger things have happenned!

But check my other followup for an interesting twist.

Thanks again   HAND

David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

[PHP] Re: php.ini sendmail settings (was Re: [PHP] speed of mail() ... )

2003-08-27 Thread David T-G
Hi again, everyone --

I have a feeling that our problem is a lousy php.ini configuration.  For
both module and CLI php we're using /usr/local/lib/php.ini, so I look in
there and I see

  [mail function]
  ; For Win32 only.
  SMTP = localhost

  ; For Win32 only.
  sendmail_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  ; For Unix only.  You may supply arguments as well (default: sendmail -t -i).
  ;sendmail_path =

and get a little worried.  But in the phpinfo() output I have

  sendmail_path  /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i /usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i

(for both web and CLI) which, aside from the silly sendmail_from value,
looks right after all.

Do our admins have us set up to make an SMTP connection -- back to
ourselves, even -- for every mail?  If not, how on earth do we have a
value for sendmail_path (which, in fact, points to an existing link to
qmail's sendmail, just as it should).

If I DO need to fix it, what are the *correct* values for sendmail_from
and SMTP on this *NIX box; should I just comment them out?  And then I
imagine that apache needs a restart to see the new php.ini values, no?

Even more confused,
David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

[PHP] Linking to files outside the directory structure...?

2003-08-27 Thread Tristan . Pretty
I wanna protect a few files from reandom downloads.
I'm moving hosts soon, and will loose my mod_auth_mysql module that let it 
talk to the .htaccess file.

What I want to do is store a number of files, outside of my web folder, 
say one level under it, but still get my browser to retrive that file.
Perhaps with some coding in PHP?

is this at all possible, or am I barking up the wrong tree...?

Any ideas?

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Re: [PHP] PHP if exit Q

2003-08-27 Thread Marek Kilimajer
You should fix your logic, or put additional if in. Or you can use while 
and break, but this is somewhat sick:

while( condition ) {

	// code here

	if( codition ) {

} else {
	// more code here

break; // break at the end so while() becomes if()
jsWalter wrote:
If I am in a second level IF conditional and it failes, I want to jump out
of the parent IF.
How can I do that?



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Re: [PHP] PHP Interview questions

2003-08-27 Thread Ivo Fokkema
Gabriel Guzman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 10:00, CPT John W. Holmes wrote:

  PHP is server side, so it obviously cannot control light bulbs. Use

 maybe the lightbulbs are connected to the server :)

as seems to be the case right here :


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RE: [PHP] If empty don't display...

2003-08-27 Thread Jay Blanchard
1. I'm trying not to display the fields that are empty with: if
 But it's still display the line and there is no value in PRIJS4PK

You are testing to see if $row9-prijs4pk is NOT empty. If it is not
empty you print it. You have not specified an action for IS empty
(else)...perhaps this would help.

2. How can i reduce the amount of Queries??

It appears that you have multiple duplicate queries. It appears that you
are using the $limit and $page to paginate the results, there is a good
tutorial which shows you how to do this on DevShed. The last page
(displaying all of the code) is
http://www.devshed.com/Server_Side/PHP/Paginating/page6.html . I did not
look over each line of your code, but this is the general impression I

If I may be frank, Frank, you probably didn't receive responses as
quickly as you had wished due to the enormous amount of code you
included with your request. It is my suggestion that you read
http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html as it contains valuable
information (such as only including the code blocks in question) that
will help to get your questions answered quickly.


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[PHP] Re: Can we control the content of MS Outlook Express

2003-08-27 Thread DvDmanDT
Yes, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]body=Some_text_in_the_body...

// DvDmanDT
Jack [EMAIL PROTECTED] skrev i meddelandet
 Dear all
 Here is the question:
 I had a link which will open user's outlook express and let the user to
 the content and send it to me!
 Now i want to set some content which will appear on the outlook express
 then user will type the rest of the content to it and send it to me!

 is this possible?

 Thx alot

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RE: [PHP] PHP Interview questions

2003-08-27 Thread Jay Blanchard

move('self', 'room/');

if ($lightbulb['temp']  $room['temp']) {
  echo switch #1;
} elseif ($lightbulb['ison']) {
  echo switch #2;
} else {
  echo switch #3;

hm.. i had to keep it OT somehow :)

:7) Curt.

However, Curt does bring up a good pointgiven a real world situation
create the decision logic (in code format) that demonstrates you grep
the path needed to arrive at a conclusion. As many of us model business
processes this is a valid method for determining familiarity with the
problem solving method in a code based world.

Some of you requested another situation

You are presented with three crates. One is labled 'apples', one is
labled 'oranges', one is labled 'apples and oranges'. The lables have
been mis-applied with none of the lables being on the correct crate. To
be perfectly clear ( :7) Brian! ) one crate contains apples, one
contains oranges, and one contains apples and oranges...but you do not
know which crate contains which fruits. Can you draw one fruit from a
single crate (without being able to see inside the crate) and determine
where the labels should be re-applied in order to correct the problem?

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Re: [PHP] webserver for mac

2003-08-27 Thread Justin French
On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, at 04:49  AM, Richard Baskett wrote:

on 8/26/03 10:50 AM, Edward Peloke at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello all,

I am doing some php work for a local company who uses a mac.  I was 
them that I use apache as my webserver and they want to know what 
they can
use as their webserver.  I know nothing about Macs and don't think 
you an
run apache but I may be all wrong...what do mac owners use for a 

My primary machine is a Mac OS X machine and I run Apache, whatever 
you would like, PHP, MySQL and all of the other fun stuff.  Plus I
administer a couple xserves and of course they can run it all also.  
Now if
you are using OS 9 then tell them they need to upgrade to OS X.  OS 9 
has too many problems and shouldnt be used as a webserver in my 
Actually, to the best of my knowledge you cannot run a decent server on 
Mac OS  10 (X), and certainly can't run PHP/MySQL, which is the main 
reason I upgraded to OSX.

But if they're running anything less than a G4, Mac OSX may be too 


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[PHP] mail function and php.ini file

2003-08-27 Thread Angelo Zanetti
Hi guys

I am new to the mail function. I have looked in the manual however there
isnt much about the mail function. I am trying to use the function and get
returned this error:

Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at
localhost port 25, verify your SMTP and smtp_port setting in php.ini
or use ini_set() in c:\program files\apache
group\apache\htdocs\bookabstract\sendrequest.php on line 162

anyone have any idea what settings  I have to set in the php.ini file? these
are the only setting s that I have found to be relevant:

[mail function]
; For Win32 only.
SMTP = localhost

; For Win32 only.
sendmail_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I am running windows 2000, any ideas what could be wrong? could it be a
network problem?

Thanx in advance


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Re: [PHP] dynamical balancing text in two colums

2003-08-27 Thread Justin French
To throw a huge spanner in the works:

1. tables are not intended for layout

2. devices other than a PC/Windows web browser may be more suited to q 
well structured XHTML based, table-less format with CSS for styling.

3. columns work well in a newspaper, but do not translate well to the 
web, since you have no idea where the bottom of the screen is... who 
wants to scroll down, only to discover this is half or one third of the 
text, having to scroll up again???

IF ANYTHING, structure/style your columns using DIVs/CSS, NOT tables... 
that way, for accessibility purposes, the content is still readable 
when read top-to-bottom, via something like a PDA, mobile/cell phone, 
text-to-speach converter, etc.

Yes, i use columns in layout, but NOT to discuss one topic... each 
column is a div, and each div is styled with CSS to look like a column 
when styled, and each div discusses one topic... a long article would 
not be spread across two divs... this is a structural nightmare!!!

You are trying to emulate another medium (print), rather than embracing 
another (web) which has a different set of rules.

If you must break the text into two columns, try to do it with divs and 
style sheets, not tables, so that it's structurally not too far out of 
normal reading.

Really though, do your readers want/need this???

I hate to think how bad this sort of ugly mark-up prints out!!!


On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, at 03:10  AM, Dynamical.biz wrote:

Hi, I've been dealing withs this question:

I've never seen dynamical balanced text in two colums in a web so this 

html formated text is stored in a database, conetion and placed into a
variable i.e.:
$text = PIMG alt=labordeta hspace=3
src=http://www.lamundial.net/img/labordeta.jpg; align=left
border=0EMefe.Zaragoza./EM El parlamentario./PPSome more text
tranquilo simplenente trabajando./P; ... some more paragrphs just 
newspaper articles.

the first idea is this:
1. count the total characters in $text string so we can guess juts the 
2. getting into $tx1 variable the fisrt half
3. count the total characters in $tx1 till the fisrt /p STARTING 
the END to the BEGUINING of $tx1
4. getting into $col1 the fist part
5. getting into $col2 the rest
6. render the text in a table

1. $half = floor(strlen($texto)/2);
2. $tx1 = substr($text,0,$half);
3. $first_P = strrpos($tx1,/P);
4. $col1 = substr($text,0,$first_P);
5. $col2 = substr($text,$first_P);
td?= $col1 ?/td
td?= $col2 ?/td
easy to know the middle point of a string but we have html code so 
easy to
break it badly, something like:
IMG hspace=3 src=ht -|- tp://www.lamundial.net/img/img.jpg so 
this is
why the /p idea.

If there is a large paragrph in the middle of the whole text the 
columns the
two columns are not so nice balanced, this is why I ask the people 
articles for my web trying to avoid long ones. They use HTMLAREA
http://www.interactivetools.com/products/htmlarea/ from Interactive 
tools so
the html is not done by hand.

anyway just in case there is no way to correctly balance the text I 
let the
writer the 1 colum / 2 colums as an option so the traditional 1 
colum (no
colums) is always available. they can display the final render os the
article as they save it when writing so the decide.

this is working at most of the articles in
the text balancing is working quite nice

any other idea?

aniceto lópez
web development
host services
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RE: [PHP] If empty don't display...

2003-08-27 Thread Thijs Lensselink
Shouldn't it be if (empty($row9-prijs4pk)){

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Frank Keessen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: dinsdag 26 augustus 2003 22:14
Onderwerp: [PHP] If empty don't display...

Hi there,

Can you please have a look at the following code:

I've got two questions;

1. I'm trying not to display the fields that are empty with: if
 But it's still display the line and there is no value in PRIJS4PK field.

2. How can i reduce the amount of Queries??

Thanks for your time and help,


The code:

// Avaibility and prices
// open database connection
$connection = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pass) or die (Unable to

// select database
mysql_select_db($db) or die (Unable to select database!);

//Get ID

// limit value for number of records to be shown per page 
// query database to find total number of records to display 
$limit = 10;  
$query_count = SELECT date, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date WHERE reisid =
$result_count = mysql_query($query_count);  
$totalrows = mysql_num_rows($result_count);  
$page = 1;  
$limitvalue = $page * $limit - ($limit);  
$query = SELECT date, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date WHERE reisid = '$id'
ORDER BY date LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit ;  
$result = mysql_query($query) or die(Error:  . mysql_error());  
$count_result = mysql_num_rows($result);  
$query2 = SELECT date, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date WHERE reisid = '$id'
ORDER BY date LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit ;  
$result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$query3 = SELECT date, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date WHERE reisid = '$id'
ORDER BY date LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit ;  
$result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$query5 = SELECT date, prijs4pk, prijs3pk, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date
WHERE reisid = '$id' ORDER BY date LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit ;  
$result5 = mysql_query($query5) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$query6 = SELECT date, prijs4pk, prijs3pk, prijs2pk, prijs1pk FROM date
WHERE reisid = '$id' ORDER BY date LIMIT $limitvalue, $limit ;  
$result6 = mysql_query($query6) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$query4 = SELECT naamreis FROM reizen WHERE reisid = '$id';  
$result4 = mysql_query($query4) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$row4 = mysql_fetch_object($result4);
$query9 = SELECT totaalprijs, prijs4pk, prijs5pk, prijs3pk, prijs2pk,
prijs1pk FROM date WHERE reisid = '$id';  
$result9= mysql_query($query9) or die(Error:  . mysql_error()); 
$row9 = mysql_fetch_object($result9);

// Display links at the top to indicate current page and number of pages
$numofpages = ceil($totalrows / $limit); 
$to=$from + $count_result-1; 
link href=../css/main.css rel=stylesheet type=text/css
body bgcolor=#F2D071

echo font class=\bold\ . $row4-naamreis . /font;
brbrTR bgColor=#ffcc00
  TD colSpan=3 height=126
TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width=100% border=0
  TD class=standaardwit width=14% bgColor=#ff9900
DIV align=right/DIV/TD
 if (mysql_num_rows($result)  0)

 while($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
 echo TD width=40 bgColor=#ff height=38DIV align=right.
formatDateShort($row-date) . /DIV/TD;



if (!empty($row9-prijs4pk)){
  TD class=standaardwit width=14% bgColor=#ff9900
 DIV align=right4 pk/DIV/TD

 if (mysql_num_rows($result6)  0)

  while($row5= mysql_fetch_object($result5))
 $pr6 = number_format($row5-prijs4pk,0); 
 echo TD class=standaard width=40 bgColor=#ffDIV align=right.
$pr6 . /DIV/TD;


if (!empty($row99-prijs3pk)){
  TD class=standaardwit width=14% bgColor=#ff9900
 DIV align=right3 pk/DIV/TD

if (mysql_num_rows($result5)  0)

 while($row5= mysql_fetch_object($result5))
 $pr5 = number_format($row5-prijs3pk,0); 
 echo TD class=standaard width=40 bgColor=#ffDIV align=right.
$pr5 . /DIV/TD;

if (!empty($row9-prijs2pk)){
  TD class=standaardwit width=14% bgColor=#ff9900
 DIV align=right2 pk/DIV/TD

 if (mysql_num_rows($result2)  0)

 while($row2= mysql_fetch_object($result2))
 $pr2 = number_format($row2-prijs2pk,0); 
 echo TD class=standaard width=40 bgColor=#ffDIV align=right.
$pr2 . /DIV/TD;

if (!empty($row9-prijs1pk)){
  TD class=standaardwit width=14% bgColor=#ff9900
 DIV align=right1 pk/DIV/TD

 if (mysql_num_rows($result3)  0)


Re: [PHP] can pdf forms be used to submit data into a db?

2003-08-27 Thread Marek Kilimajer
Look here:
Thanks you fixed the missing indefinite article, I was not going to 
answer the original.


hi guys and gals, aloha from hawaii,

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but i just need to know if it
is technically possible to have a pdf form be filled out online and then
once the user hits submit, php takes the data and puts it into a db or some
sort of db technology and if the need arises to pull up that record once
more, php fetches the data from the db and dynamically fills out the pdf
form and presents it to the end user...can do?  or anyone know who i can
talk to about this...
thanks and mahalo from hawaii

if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction, i MAY be inclined
to send some macadamia nuts to the continental US
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[PHP] Problem with readfile

2003-08-27 Thread French, Alastair
Hi all

I am using the following to pass a file to the client

header(Content-type:  . $row['filetype'] );
$path = ROOT_PATH . file_uploads/;
$real_filename = $path . $row['location'] . '/' .$row['filename'];
header(Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=  . $row['filename']);

The content type is obtained from a database along with the actual location
of the file. The files are outside of the webroot.

The problem is that the file is either corrupted or something different is

E.g. if a pdf is sent the first line of the received file is 

%PDF-1.3 followed by some unprintable (in a 7 bit email) characters, this
causes adobe to report an error.

If a text file is downloaded, then all I get is the source of the webpage I
called the function from.

Where am I going wrong?

I have checked the pathnames and the headers and all seems to be correct.
The browser produces a dialog with the correct information in it, i.e what
file type and the name.



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Re: [PHP] Pipe an email to PHP

2003-08-27 Thread David T-G
Thomas --

...and then Thomas Tremain said...
% I'm sure this question has been visited before, but I've had some troubles
% searching through 
% the archives.

What sort of trouble?  Just trouble finding a helpful answer, or actual
trouble performing a search?

% This is at least a two part question.
% I wish to use a pipe instead of the pop3 class, because I wish the email to
% start the script 
% instead of waiting for a cronjob.

Makes sense.

% 1)  The pipe itself:
% On a cPanel server, I wish to setup an email address with a pipe like:
% |/home/account/public_html/mailtools/emailscript.php
% This always gives me an error saying it cannot foraward.

Is emailscript.php marked as executable and does it have a proper shebang
line at the top?

% If I pipe it to |/usr/bin/php
% /home/account/public_html/mailtools/emailscript.php
% it tells me: No input file specified.

Hmmm...  How does your code look?

% 2) to read the data:
% I wish to parse the data into $from  $subject and $body

Greg's STDIN suggestion sounds good to me.  Read the thing in and look
for ^From:, ^Date:, and ^$; everything after the blank line is the body.
Strip the signature for bonus points.

% The data will then be manipulated, and key pieces of data will be extracted 
% and sent to either a database or an instant message to my cell phone. (this 
% part I've already solved)

Well, that's something ;-)

% Thomas Tremain
% www.LiveHost.net http://www.LiveHost.net 
% www.GotoNames.com http://www.GotoNames.com 
% www.TrafficExaminer.com http://www.TrafficExaminer.com 


David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

RE: [PHP] Looping through a list - Newbie question

2003-08-27 Thread Javier Tacon
There are a lot of methods. The most common is using an array:

$_SESSION['sv_CampusList'] = Array (1,2,3,4,5);
foreach($_SESSION['sv_CampusList'] as $id) {
  echo $id;

If you want to use sv_CampusList as string:

$_SESSION['sv_CampusList'] = 1,2,4,5; 
$tmpArr = explode(,,$_SESSION['sv_CampusList']);
foreach($tmpArr as $id) {
  echo $id;

-Mensaje original-
De: James Johnson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2003 4:45
Asunto: [PHP] Looping through a list - Newbie question


I have a list contained in a session var. I want to loop through the list,
getting the value of the current item, then do a query based on that value.
Is there an easy way to do this, or do I need to convert the list to an
array first? In the code below, $id isn't being set.

Here's my code (this is just testing stuff, sv_CampusList is set somewhere
$_SESSION['sv_CampusList'] = 1,2,4,5; 
for($i=1; $i=strlen($_SESSION['sv_CampusList']); $i++){
$id = strpos($_SESSION['sv_CampusList'],$i);
echo $id;


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Re: [PHP] dealing with arrays

2003-08-27 Thread Marek Kilimajer
Then you must include keys:
input type=text name=name[1]
input type=text name=tel[1]
input type=checkbox name=check[1] value=1
input type=text name=name[2]
input type=text name=tel[2]
input type=checkbox name=check[2] value=1
and so on. This is needed bacause only checked checkboxes are send on 

Aris Santillan wrote:


I Have
pEntry One
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
pEntry Two
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
pEntry Three
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
pEntry Four
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
pEntry Five
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

i want to process entries only with checked checkbox

how can i do this in php?

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RE: [PHP] dynamical balancing text in two colums

2003-08-27 Thread Dynamical.biz
Thanks Justin and Miles for your ideas.
It can take a looong time and a huge quantity of beer to disscuss them.
I was asking for some other ideas just about the code, how to solve this
problem technicaly not if this is a good idea to use one / two colums,
tables or DIVS, print vs screen etc.

thanks anyway


aniceto lópez :: DYNAMICAL.BIZ
web development  host services
Barcelona - Spain

-Mensaje original-
De: Justin French [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2003 15:06
Asunto: Re: [PHP] dynamical balancing text in two colums

To throw a huge spanner in the works:

1. tables are not intended for layout

2. devices other than a PC/Windows web browser may be more suited to q
well structured XHTML based, table-less format with CSS for styling.

3. columns work well in a newspaper, but do not translate well to the
web, since you have no idea where the bottom of the screen is... who
wants to scroll down, only to discover this is half or one third of the
text, having to scroll up again???

IF ANYTHING, structure/style your columns using DIVs/CSS, NOT tables...
that way, for accessibility purposes, the content is still readable
when read top-to-bottom, via something like a PDA, mobile/cell phone,
text-to-speach converter, etc.

Yes, i use columns in layout, but NOT to discuss one topic... each
column is a div, and each div is styled with CSS to look like a column
when styled, and each div discusses one topic... a long article would
not be spread across two divs... this is a structural nightmare!!!

You are trying to emulate another medium (print), rather than embracing
another (web) which has a different set of rules.

If you must break the text into two columns, try to do it with divs and
style sheets, not tables, so that it's structurally not too far out of
normal reading.

Really though, do your readers want/need this???

I hate to think how bad this sort of ugly mark-up prints out!!!


On Wednesday, August 27, 2003, at 03:10  AM, Dynamical.biz wrote:

 Hi, I've been dealing withs this question:

 I've never seen dynamical balanced text in two colums in a web so this

 html formated text is stored in a database, conetion and placed into a
 variable i.e.:
 $text = PIMG alt=labordeta hspace=3
 src=http://www.lamundial.net/img/labordeta.jpg; align=left
 border=0EMefe.Zaragoza./EM El parlamentario./PPSome more text
 tranquilo simplenente trabajando./P; ... some more paragrphs just
 newspaper articles.

 the first idea is this:
 1. count the total characters in $text string so we can guess juts the
 2. getting into $tx1 variable the fisrt half
 3. count the total characters in $tx1 till the fisrt /p STARTING
 the END to the BEGUINING of $tx1
 4. getting into $col1 the fist part
 5. getting into $col2 the rest
 6. render the text in a table

 1. $half = floor(strlen($texto)/2);
 2. $tx1 = substr($text,0,$half);
 3. $first_P = strrpos($tx1,/P);

 4. $col1 = substr($text,0,$first_P);
 5. $col2 = substr($text,$first_P);
 td?= $col1 ?/td
 td?= $col2 ?/td

 easy to know the middle point of a string but we have html code so
 easy to
 break it badly, something like:
 IMG hspace=3 src=ht -|- tp://www.lamundial.net/img/img.jpg so
 this is
 why the /p idea.

 If there is a large paragrph in the middle of the whole text the
 columns the
 two columns are not so nice balanced, this is why I ask the people
 articles for my web trying to avoid long ones. They use HTMLAREA
 http://www.interactivetools.com/products/htmlarea/ from Interactive
 tools so
 the html is not done by hand.

 anyway just in case there is no way to correctly balance the text I
 let the
 writer the 1 colum / 2 colums as an option so the traditional 1
 colum (no
 colums) is always available. they can display the final render os the
 article as they save it when writing so the decide.

 this is working at most of the articles in


 the text balancing is working quite nice

 any other idea?

 aniceto lópez
 web development
 host services

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Re: [PHP] Looping through a list - Newbie question

2003-08-27 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: James Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have a list contained in a session var. I want to loop through the list,
 getting the value of the current item, then do a query based on that
 Is there an easy way to do this, or do I need to convert the list to an
 array first? In the code below, $id isn't being set.

 Here's my code (this is just testing stuff, sv_CampusList is set somewhere
 $_SESSION['sv_CampusList'] = 1,2,4,5;
 for($i=1; $i=strlen($_SESSION['sv_CampusList']); $i++){
 $id = strpos($_SESSION['sv_CampusList'],$i);
 echo $id;

What are you actually trying to accomplish here? I could tell you how to
loop through a list in a string and run a query for each number, but I'd
have the horrible feeling that you're using some inefficient method to
accomplish something.

For instance, if you're just trying to select data matching the numbers in
your list, you can do this:

$query = SELECT * FROM Table WHERE campus_list IN

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] dealing with arrays

2003-08-27 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
You need to name the elements a little differently. You're on the right
track with making them an array, but if I check the third box, that'll make
$check[0] = 1, and if I put in a name in the first box, that'll make
$name[0] = 'John'... so you have no way of relating the name from entry
one to the checkbox in entry one.

So, the easy fix for this is to supply the key yourself.

pEntry One
input type=text name=name[1]
input type=text name=tel[1]
input type=checkbox name=check[1] value=1

pEntry Two
input type=text name=name[1]
input type=text name=tel[1]
input type=checkbox name=check[1] value=1

Now, when that is submitted, only the checked values will be passed in
$check.. so you can do this (assuming POST):

foreach($_POST['check'] as $key = $value)
  { echo you didn't supply a name for entry $key; }
  { echo you didn't supply a telephone number for entry $key; }

  //process $_POST['name'][$key] and $_POST['tel'][$key]

Hope that helps. Sorry for the top post, but OE sucks. :)

---John Holmes...

- Original Message - 
From: Aris Santillan [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Php (E-mail) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 11:21 PM
Subject: [PHP] dealing with arrays


I Have
pEntry One
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

pEntry Two
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

pEntry Three
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

pEntry Four
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1

pEntry Five
input type=text name=name[]
input type=text name=tel[]
input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1


i want to process entries only with checked checkbox

how can i do this in php?

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RE: [PHP] SQL Query request is just hanging.

2003-08-27 Thread Jay Blanchard
I'm using IIS5.0 on W2k. I have upgraded w2k to sp4 and ms sql server to

sp3. I created a new table and just do a simple query in php program.
it seems sql server doesn't return any query result. I'm using 
mssql_fetch_array() function, but no any return. PHP program is just 
pending there. I checked process info and found wait type is NETWORKIO.
problem for other existing queries. Only this new one. Almost got 

Can we see the query? The code? It would probably help.

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Re: [PHP] Re: speed of mail() on two servers

2003-08-27 Thread David T-G
Manuel, et al --

...and then Manuel Lemos said...
% Hello,


% On 08/26/2003 07:39 PM, David T-G wrote:
% I'm working up a [cli] script to send a personalized (ugh) email to some
% [often large] number of web site subscribers.  Unfortunately, I'm getting
% lousy performance, running about 0.54 sec per email.
% I think your bottleneck is not in the queuing but rather in the 
% composition of the personalized messages and the actual delivery.

Actually, that can't be.  I ran some tests where I did everything but
instead of calling mail() I printed the mail() call.  It ran nearly 800
messages through in about two and a half seconds :-)

% As for the personalization, you should ask if you really need it. What 
% do you need it for?

No luck there; I already fought as hard as I could.  It's a feature that
our clients tout to the people for whom they do marketing, so they have
to be able to provide it, so we have to write it.

% For the delivery, you can always tune qmail to try deliverying messages 
% to more recipients at the same time tweaking concurrencyremote option. 
% The default it 20 recipients at the same time but you can increase it to 
% 120 without patches.

Hmmm...  That's worth a look; where do I set that?

% -- 
% Regards,
% Manuel Lemos

Thanks  TIA  HAND

David T-G  * There is too much animal courage in 
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * society and not sufficient moral courage.
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health
http://justpickone.org/davidtg/  Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!

Description: PGP signature

Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

2003-08-27 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
 Ok this is a major vulnerability that you are coding. Register globals 
 on and password being stored in the session is like having a banner on 
 your home page saying 'come and hack me'.

Please explain how you've come to this conclusion...

---John Holmes...

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[PHP] WYSIWYG online editor for Macintosh?

2003-08-27 Thread Adrian Teasdale
Hi there.  Slightly OT, but it's for a PHP project...  We normally use a
plug-in WYSIWYG editor so that our clients can manage their content in a
word-like interface.  Normally this works fine, but this time when we've
completed the site we've discovered they have an entire department that
is 100% Macintosh and this editor doesn't work.  Has anyone come across
one of these that are cross-platform?  Would really appreciate some



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RE: [PHP] dealing with arrays

2003-08-27 Thread Ford, Mike [LSS]
On 27 August 2003 04:22, Aris Santillan wrote:

 I Have
 pEntry One
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
 pEntry Two
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
 pEntry Three
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
 pEntry Four
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
 pEntry Five
 input type=text name=name[]
 input type=text name=tel[]
 input type=checkbox name=check[] value=1
 i want to process entries only with checked checkbox
 how can i do this in php?

This happens anyway, as only the values for checked checkboxes are returned to the 
script -- you'll never get to see unchecked boxes.  However, the way you've written 
the form causes a problem here: since all text boxes, but only checked checkboxes, are 
sent, you'll see 5 elements in the name[] and tel[] arrays (name[0] to name[4] and 
tel[0] to tel[4]) but only as many entries in the check[] array as there are boxes 
checked -- you might get, for example, check[0] and check[1], so you know 2 boxes were 
checked but not *which* boxes (it might have been the ones for Entry Three and Entry 

The way to combat this is to use explicit subscripts in your form field names, like so:

 pEntry One
 input type=text name=name[1]
 input type=text name=tel[1]
 input type=checkbox name=check[1] value=1
 pEntry Two
 input type=text name=name[2]
 input type=text name=tel[2]
 input type=checkbox name=check[2] value=1
 pEntry Three
 input type=text name=name[3]
 input type=text name=tel[3]
 input type=checkbox name=check[3] value=1
 pEntry Four
 input type=text name=name[4]
 input type=text name=tel[4]
 input type=checkbox name=check[4] value=1
 pEntry Five
 input type=text name=name[5]
 input type=text name=tel[5]
 input type=checkbox name=check[5] value=1

Now, you'll still get all five entries for name[] and tel[] ([1] to [5] in this 
instance), but you'll also helpfully get the corresponding elements of check[] for the 
boxes which were actually checked -- so, if only Entry Two and Entry Four are checked, 
you'll get check[2] and check[4] set (but no other elements of the check[] array).  
All you need to do is foreach() along the check array, and take action for each key 
that that returns you.



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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Re: [PHP] Pipe an email to PHP

2003-08-27 Thread Marek Kilimajer
Is emailtest.php executable, does it start with #!/usr/bin/php, is $HOME 

Thomas Tremain wrote:

I have attempted to create a .procmailrc that looks like:

| $HOME/emailtest.php
I have also removed the forwarder from my /etc/valiases file.

Now I get:  The following address(es) failed: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can I be sure Procmail is even handling my email? I thought Exim and
MailScanner took care of that.

-Original Message-
From: Greg Donald [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

This always gives me an error saying it cannot foraward.

If I pipe it to |/usr/bin/php
it tells me: No input file specified.

I use something like that in my .procmailrc:

:0 fw
| /usr/bin/spamassassin
* ^X-Spam-Status: Yes
:0 c
| $HOME/.spamassassin/spamcop.php

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[PHP] mail() function

2003-08-27 Thread Matthias Wulkow

Hi php-general,

I have a question about the mail function. In the API I saw, that when
running on linux, I just need the binary sendmail, usually located on
/usr/sbin. Windows users need a running mail-server.
I have php working on a linux machine. Why do I need to have postfix running then to 
make it work? I posted
before, because no mails were sent. I had the sendmail-binary
(postfix) installed, but postfix was not running.
Maybe someone can explain it to me...


Who is the ennemy?

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Re: [PHP] Re: Sessions and frames

2003-08-27 Thread Marek Kilimajer
It has nothing to do with the other site. Browser makes a separate 
request for the frame content and you can set cookies without any 
problem. You should check if the cookie is realy set and if the cookie 
parameters are right (eg. in Mozilla's cookie manager).

Jean-Christian IMbeault wrote:

A little update, seems I was wrong about the session cookie being set
when the page is first access. The first time the page is accessed no
session cookie or /tmp file is generated. I think this may be because
the site that is loading my content in a frame is also generating a cookie.
Is that a probable cause for my problem? If yes (or) how can I get a
session to be started (using cookies) when my content is loaded into a


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Re: [PHP] Extracting EXIF/IPTC info from jpeg/tiff image files

2003-08-27 Thread Marek Kilimajer
search for exif on phpclasses.org

Binay Agarwal wrote:

Hi everybody

I need to extract the information (EXIF and IPTC) from jpeg/tiff image files. After that i have to allow my client to modify and put them back in jpeg/tiff files.

I want to know whether php has got built-in support in terms of libraries to achieve the goal or i will have to load some external modules/software to do the same. In case external which all modules/software to refer?

Please let me know.



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Re: [PHP] Implode slows down file reading? [was: str_replace performance in large mailing script]

2003-08-27 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
From: frederik feys [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 I thought str_replace caused slow down of my mailing script, but it
 seems to be this line of code:

 $fd =

 I first put the mailing template in $fd (only once) and then replace
 (str_replace) elements of it to individualize HTML emails.
 Btw i'm using php version 4.0.6.

 Are there better(faster) ways to read the contents of a file?

file_get_contents() ?

The slow down is probably because you're going through HTTP to read the
file. Is there a reason for that? Any way you can cache the file locally so
it's not read through HTTP all of the time?

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] speed of mail() on two servers

2003-08-27 Thread Curt Zirzow
* Thus wrote David T-G ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 It seems to be the mail() call itself, because I can make a system call
 (system, exec, passthru) to just echo the current data and it rips
 through my list in nothin' flat.  So how do I tune mail() to make it
 faster?  Or do I need to give up and call qmail-inject directly?

The mail() command simply passes the message to the sendmail
configured in you php.ini.  You might want to check the
configuration of sendmail, it might be the bottleneck.

I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not so sure.

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Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

2003-08-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Didn't know this was the army :-)
first unless you got your variable ordering (POST, GET, Env, Sesssion 
etc). the values in the session can be easily overridden with a simple 
old query string. Sure would hate to have my username and password 
passed along to each page. remember that when you are using cookies the 
data actually get's transferred between the client and the server.

best regards

CPT John W. Holmes wrote:


Ok this is a major vulnerability that you are coding. Register globals 
on and password being stored in the session is like having a banner on 
your home page saying 'come and hack me'.

Please explain how you've come to this conclusion...

---John Holmes...

A progress bar for PHP file uploads.
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Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

2003-08-27 Thread Murugesan N
I think you don't get me.
I am not registering the password.
Just I use
and I need to get the value $_SESSION['visnme'] in the next new page
without passing the uname in the URL itself.(  form
action=?uname=$uname ) as query parameter
What I need is that I want to fetch the value of $unme in the next page
after login without passing it to next page.
Ofcourse the solution is to use POST.
I used POST to pass it to next page.
That page is authentication.php
where I check the uname and passwd and invoked header('...php?$visnme)
From this page how can I pass $uname without using query parameters.
Thanks for the reply
- Original Message -
To: php mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another


Ok this is a major vulnerability that you are coding. Register globals
on and password being stored in the session is like having a banner on
your home page saying 'come and hack me'.
murugesan wrote:

My register_globals in set to ON in php.ini file.
I cannot use HTTP_COOKIE_VARS because I need to pass the password from
page to another.

- Original Message -
To: php mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

what's your register globals settings?
did you try to retrieve from HTTP_COOKIE_VARS ?

murugesan wrote:

Thanks for the message.
I looked into the manual.
But it is not working.
Ofcourse I used session_start in every pages.


- Original Message -
From: Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:23 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

I got this value in next page(main.php)
But from there I am not able to pass it to next page
I used
in main.php
but in next page $uid is returning null

First, look at the manual for sessions. You have posted many questions
where the manual would have provided you a solution.

Are you placing session_start() at the top of each page where you
session variables to be available? You should be...

Have a pleasant day.

A progress bar for PHP file uploads.
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Re: [PHP] Can we control the content of MS Outlook Express

2003-08-27 Thread Duncan
 Dear all
 Here is the question:
 I had a link which will open user's outlook express and let the user to
 the content and send it to me!
 Now i want to set some content which will appear on the outlook express

Why do that when you could do it all in the browser with a form?

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Re: [PHP] speed of mail() on two servers

2003-08-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
having you tried ezmlm or to directly inject the message into the que?

Javier Tacon wrote:

I think that may be 'problem' from sendmail .. mail() function under
linux only interacts with sendmail, it doesn't contact to the remote
SMTP to leave the mail. Do you have the same sendmail version in two
machines? You should compare both sendmail configuration and try to
check the speed from a bash script for example.
-Mensaje original-
De: David T-G [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: miercoles, 27 de agosto de 2003 0:40
Para: PHP General list
Asunto: [PHP] speed of mail() on two servers
Hi, all --

I'm working up a [cli] script to send a personalized (ugh) email to some
[often large] number of web site subscribers.  Unfortunately, I'm
lousy performance, running about 0.54 sec per email.
My partner has a mail script implemented on another machine and he's
running somewhere down around 0.10 sec per email, which is better but
still not very good for sending to 60k users.
The box (dual Xeon 2.2G with mirrored fast SCSI and 1G RAM) has plenty
horsepower, and it certainly shouldn't need more.  It's running RH 7.3
(Valhalla) with 2.4.20 on ext3 and has qmail installed as its MTA.
It seems to be the mail() call itself, because I can make a system call
(system, exec, passthru) to just echo the current data and it rips
through my list in nothin' flat.  So how do I tune mail() to make it
faster?  Or do I need to give up and call qmail-inject directly?


A progress bar for PHP file uploads.
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Re: [PHP] Linking to files outside the directory structure...?

2003-08-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This is very much a possibility. first you 'fopen' the file and then you 
do an 'fpassthru' it will send the file to the client. You do need to 
create the correct headers (content-type and content-disposition) to 
match the file type etc.

All the best


I wanna protect a few files from reandom downloads.
I'm moving hosts soon, and will loose my mod_auth_mysql module that let it 
talk to the .htaccess file.

What I want to do is store a number of files, outside of my web folder, 
say one level under it, but still get my browser to retrive that file.
Perhaps with some coding in PHP?

is this at all possible, or am I barking up the wrong tree...?

Any ideas?
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A progress bar for PHP file uploads.
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RE: [PHP] Looping through a list - Newbie question

2003-08-27 Thread James Johnson
I need to loop through a list that is generated by a select tag, so I can
query a lookup table. I managed to come up with this, 

$_SESSION['sv_CampusList'] = 1,2,4,5; // set elsewhere. Here for
demo/testing purposes
$lst= split(,,$_SESSION['sv_CampusList']);
foreach ($lst as $id){

And have modified it to query the lookup table, then the main table. Seems
to work ok.


-Original Message-
From: CPT John W. Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 7:23 AM
To: James Johnson; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] Looping through a list - Newbie question

From: James Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 I have a list contained in a session var. I want to loop through the 
 list, getting the value of the current item, then do a query based on 
 Is there an easy way to do this, or do I need to convert the list to 
 an array first? In the code below, $id isn't being set.

 Here's my code (this is just testing stuff, sv_CampusList is set 
 $_SESSION['sv_CampusList'] = 1,2,4,5;
 for($i=1; $i=strlen($_SESSION['sv_CampusList']); $i++){
 $id = strpos($_SESSION['sv_CampusList'],$i);
 echo $id;

What are you actually trying to accomplish here? I could tell you how to
loop through a list in a string and run a query for each number, but I'd
have the horrible feeling that you're using some inefficient method to
accomplish something.

For instance, if you're just trying to select data matching the numbers in
your list, you can do this:

$query = SELECT * FROM Table WHERE campus_list IN

---John Holmes...

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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Re: [PHP] can pdf forms be used to submit data into db?

2003-08-27 Thread Cesar Cordovez
Yes you can!

All the information is on www.php.net/fdf.


hi guys and gals, aloha from hawaii,

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but i just need to know if it
is technically possible to have a pdf form be filled out online and then
once the user hits submit, php takes the data and puts it into a db or some
sort of db technology and if the need arises to pull up that record once
more, php fetches the data from the db and dynamically fills out the pdf
form and presents it to the end user...can do?  or anyone know who i can
talk to about this...
thanks and mahalo from hawaii

if anyone can help me or point me in the right direction, i MAY be inclined
to send some macadamia nuts to the continental US
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[PHP] Warning - Page has expired error

2003-08-27 Thread Tony Pagliocco

On a website I am working on, when I go to a page
that pulls a query , then click back to choose another
option, I get an error that says Warning: page has expired
then I have to click back twice to get back to the drop down
menu to make a new choice of query. Is there anywhere around this?

Let me know what I can post to help in solving this problem. 


Re[2]: [PHP] PHP Interview questions

2003-08-27 Thread Tom Rogers

Wednesday, August 27, 2003, 9:48:38 PM, you wrote:
JB [snip]
JB toggle_light(1);
JB sleep(120);
JB toggle_light(1);

JB toggle_light(2);
JB move('self', 'room/');

JB if ($lightbulb['temp']  $room['temp']) {
JB   echo switch #1;
JB } elseif ($lightbulb['ison']) {
JB   echo switch #2;
JB } else {
JB   echo switch #3;
JB }

JB hm.. i had to keep it OT somehow :)
JB [/snip]

JB :7) Curt.

JB However, Curt does bring up a good pointgiven a real world situation
JB create the decision logic (in code format) that demonstrates you grep
JB the path needed to arrive at a conclusion. As many of us model business
JB processes this is a valid method for determining familiarity with the
JB problem solving method in a code based world.

JB Some of you requested another situation

JB You are presented with three crates. One is labled 'apples', one is
JB labled 'oranges', one is labled 'apples and oranges'. The lables have
JB been mis-applied with none of the lables being on the correct crate. To
JB be perfectly clear ( :7) Brian! ) one crate contains apples, one
JB contains oranges, and one contains apples and oranges...but you do not
JB know which crate contains which fruits. Can you draw one fruit from a
JB single crate (without being able to see inside the crate) and determine
JB where the labels should be re-applied in order to correct the problem?

JB --
JB PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
JB To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

take fruit from apples/oranges
move apple_label to current
move orange_label to old apple
move apples/oranges_label to old orange
move orange_label to current
move apple_label to old_orange
move apples/oranges_label to old apple


PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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RE: Re[2]: [PHP] PHP Interview questions

2003-08-27 Thread Jay Blanchard
JB You are presented with three crates. One is labled 'apples', one is
JB labled 'oranges', one is labled 'apples and oranges'. The lables
JB been mis-applied with none of the lables being on the correct crate.
JB be perfectly clear ( :7) Brian! ) one crate contains apples, one
JB contains oranges, and one contains apples and oranges...but you do
JB know which crate contains which fruits. Can you draw one fruit from
JB single crate (without being able to see inside the crate) and
JB where the labels should be re-applied in order to correct the

JB --
JB PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
JB To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

take fruit from apples/oranges
move apple_label to current
move orange_label to old apple
move apples/oranges_label to old orange
move orange_label to current
move apple_label to old_orange
move apples/oranges_label to old apple


You are taking a fruit from the crate labeled apples and oranges,
right? If so, you would be correct. Well done!

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Re: Website templating schemes

2003-08-27 Thread rush
Joel Konkle-Parker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I'm trying to make a PHP-backed website, and I'm trying to decide between
 templating schemes:

Neither sounds very exciting to me :) . While PHP is often considered as
template system in it self, I think it is is not very strong, or efficient
one. So if you would like to use templates you could consider some add-on to
help you out. On the other hand if you do not like additional template
systems for whatever reason, I am surrendering immediately to prevent holly
war :)


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[PHP] including .shtml file within my php script

2003-08-27 Thread Gronquist, Jim M
I have an open source php script to add items to a mysql database.

I want to wrap the page  using a .shtml file


Currently, the .shtml file is:



The php script is:



I believe that I should be able to use one of the commands:

Include, require or virtual in order to have the .shtml file

called from php. I'm having trouble with the syntax.

Has anybody successfully done something like this?


I tried:






Jim Gronquist
Computer Network and Programming Analyst

Office of the Bursar

Indiana University

812.856.3026   x6-3026


Re: [PHP] Extracting EXIF/IPTC info from jpeg/tiff image files

2003-08-27 Thread Vahan Yerkanian

Some time ago I needed to read IPTC info from jpeg files, and I ended up 
with a function to read these fields from JPEG header. Another approach 
is to use ImageMagick to read the exif/iptc from jpeg/tiff. Here is the
function, I hope it'll be useful:

function get_IPTC($path) {
	$size = GetImageSize ($path, $info);
	if (isset($info[APP13])) {
		$iptc = iptcparse($info[APP13]);
		if (is_array($iptc)) {
		$IPTC_data=array(	Version		=	$iptc[2#000][0],	# Max 2 octets, 
binary number
	Title			=	$iptc[2#005][0],	# Max 65 octets, non-repeatable, 
	Urgency		=	$iptc[2#010][0],	# Max 1 octet, non-repeatable, 
numeric, 1 - High, 8 - Low
	Category		=	$iptc[2#015][0],	# Max 3 octets, non-repeatable, alpha
	SubCategories		=	$iptc[2#020],		# Max 32 octets, repeatable, 
	Keywords		=	$iptc[2#025],		# Max 64 octets, repeatable, 
	Instructions		=	$iptc[2#040][0],	# Max 256 octets, 
non-repeatable, alphanumeric
	CreationDate		=	$iptc[2#055][0],	# Max 8 octets, 
non-repeatable, numeric, MMDD
	CreationTime		=	$iptc[2#060][0],	# Max 11 octets, 
non-repeatable, numeric+-, HHMMSS(+|-)HHMM
	ProgramUsed		=	$iptc[2#065][0],	# Max 32 octets, 
non-repeatable, alphanumeric
	Author		=	$iptc[2#080][0],	#!Max 32 octets, repeatable, 
	Position		=	$iptc[2#085][0],	#!Max 32 octets, repeatable, 
	City			=	$iptc[2#090][0],	# Max 32 octets, non-repeatable, 
	State			=	$iptc[2#095][0],	# Max 32 octets, non-repeatable, 
	Country		=	$iptc[2#101][0],	# Max 64 octets, non-repeatable, 
	TransmissionReference	=	$iptc[2#103][0],	# Max 32 octets, 
non-repeatable, alphanumeric
	Headline		=	$iptc[2#105][0],	# Max 256 octets, non-repeatable, 
	Credit		=	$iptc[2#110][0],	# Max 32 octets, non-repeatable, 
	Source		=	$iptc[2#115][0],	# Max 32 octets, non-repeatable, 
	Copyright		=	$iptc[2#116][0],	# Max 128 octets, 
non-repeatable, alphanumeric
	Caption		=	$iptc[2#120][0],	# Max 2000 octets, non-repeatable, 
	CaptionWriter		=	$iptc[2#122][0]	# Max 32 octets, 
non-repeatable, alphanumeric
		} else $IPTC_data=array();
return $IPTC_data;

Binay Agarwal wrote:
Hi everybody

I need to extract the information (EXIF and IPTC) from jpeg/tiff image files. After that i have to allow my client to modify and put them back in jpeg/tiff files.

I want to know whether php has got built-in support in terms of libraries to achieve the goal or i will have to load some external modules/software to do the same. In case external which all modules/software to refer?

Please let me know.



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Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

2003-08-27 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I see that Jay has already pointed out that session_register() is the 
correct approach and not $_SESSION['uname']=$uname;
if you have already tried session_register and had no luck few other 
things you could look at are

1) make sure that client is configured to accept cookies.
2) if the client is not configured to accept cookies pass the session id 
as a query variable between urls
3) make sure you don't mix www.yourdomain.com with yourdomain.com
4) make sure that the session has not timed out.

and it might be worth the while to clear the browser cache and cookies 
as well, finally if you are going through a proxy please ask someone to 
test from the 'outside' some proxies do wierd things.

All the best

Murugesan N wrote:

I think you don't get me.
I am not registering the password.
Just I use
and I need to get the value $_SESSION['visnme'] in the next new page
without passing the uname in the URL itself.(  form
action=?uname=$uname ) as query parameter
What I need is that I want to fetch the value of $unme in the next page
after login without passing it to next page.
Ofcourse the solution is to use POST.
I used POST to pass it to next page.
That page is authentication.php
where I check the uname and passwd and invoked header('...php?$visnme)
From this page how can I pass $uname without using query parameters.
Thanks for the reply
- Original Message -
To: php mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 27, 2003 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another


Ok this is a major vulnerability that you are coding. Register globals
on and password being stored in the session is like having a banner on
your home page saying 'come and hack me'.
murugesan wrote:

My register_globals in set to ON in php.ini file.
I cannot use HTTP_COOKIE_VARS because I need to pass the password from

page to another.

- Original Message -
To: php mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 7:13 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

what's your register globals settings?
did you try to retrieve from HTTP_COOKIE_VARS ?

murugesan wrote:

Thanks for the message.
I looked into the manual.
But it is not working.
Ofcourse I used session_start in every pages.


- Original Message -
From: Jay Blanchard [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2003 5:23 PM
Subject: RE: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

I got this value in next page(main.php)
But from there I am not able to pass it to next page
I used
in main.php
but in next page $uid is returning null

First, look at the manual for sessions. You have posted many 
where the manual would have provided you a solution.

Are you placing session_start() at the top of each page where you

session variables to be available? You should be...

Have a pleasant day.

A progress bar for PHP file uploads.

Design your own holidays. Make memories that last a lifetime. 
http://www.flexihols.com/2003/index.php Enjoy!

A progress bar for PHP file uploads.
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RE: [PHP] Website templating schemes

2003-08-27 Thread Chris W. Parker
Joel Konkle-Parker mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
on Tuesday, August 26, 2003 1:51 PM said:

 Does that make any sense?

Yes, and that's what I kind of thought you meant but just couldn't
envision it completely.


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RE: [PHP] Pipe an email to PHP

2003-08-27 Thread Thomas Tremain

I am actually real close now...  Thanks to your help.

The email pipes to the PHP, and I get an email response from PHP so I can
look at output. However, I still get a non-delivery message at the same

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address(es) failed:

  pipe to |php -q /home/mydomain/public_html/emailtest.php
generated by [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The following text was generated during the delivery attempt:

-- pipe to |php -q /home/mydomain/public_html/emailtest.php
   generated by [EMAIL PROTECTED] --

-- This is a copy of the message, including all the headers. --

In my /etc/valiases/domain.com file:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]: |php -q /home/mydomain/public_html/emailtest.php
In emailtest.php:

#!/usr/bin/php -q
$pipe = fopen(php://stdin, r);
$buffer .= fgets($pipe, 4096);
//Shoot the data back to me so I can actually see the output
mail ([EMAIL PROTECTED],Autoresponce,$buffer);

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Re: [PHP] webserver for mac

2003-08-27 Thread MIKE YRABEDRA
on 8/27/03 8:40 AM, Justin French at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Actually, to the best of my knowledge you cannot run a decent server on
 Mac OS  10 (X), and certainly can't run PHP/MySQL, which is the main
 reason I upgraded to OSX.
 But if they're running anything less than a G4, Mac OSX may be too

Actually you can, 4D Webstar (4.5 on Mac Classic). So secure and stable that
the US Army used it for their web site.

Having said that, let me also say that WebSTAR is crap compared to Apache.

Mike Yrabedra (President)
323 Incorporated 
Home of MacDock.com, MacAgent.com and MacShirt.com
W: http://www.323inc.com/
P: 770.382.1195
F: 734.448.5164
I: ichatmacdock
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart,
as working for the Lord, not for men.
~Colossians 3:23 {{{

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[PHP] PHP5 Old style classes

2003-08-27 Thread Gerard Samuel
Im currently testing with PHP5.0.0b2-dev Aug 27 2003 08:07:21 on windowsXP,
I have a class that acts as the DB layer, of which I pass all objects by 
It works like a dream in PHP 4.
Not sure if this is the expected behaviour, or an unwanted side effect.

--- start psuedo snip ---

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM foo';
$result = $obj-do($sql);
   //$obj2 is another object that accepts the DB layer by reference in 
the Sanitize method
   $bar = $obj2-Sanitize($text, $obj);

--- end psuedo snip ---

If the table foo has 2 rows to return, it will only return one row.
From what Im seeing so far, $bar = $obj2-Sanitize($text, $obj); , 
which does another DB action,
is highjacking the original $result, that is supposed to be returning 
the 2 rows.
If I comment out $bar = $obj2-Sanitize($text, $obj); , the script 
returns the 2 rows properly.
If uncommented, it only returns one row.

Mind you, the psuedo code works perfectly in PHP  4.3.3
So far my code breaks in certain places when Im expecting more that one 
And in each place it breaks, the situation is the same like the code above.
If doing another query inside a loop hijacks the original result.

Im not sure if this is because of passing objects by reference.
Ill do some poking around and see what else I can figure out, but if 
anyone can give me a heads up from their
past experiences or know of something, please feel free to let me know.

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RE: [PHP] Need Help - past deadline

2003-08-27 Thread Jay Fitzgerald
Ok - Thanks to Jim Lucas off list - I am almost to where i want to be, but 
i am unable to reach him for further assistance. Can someone tell me where 
in this code I can add a grey table row seperator? AND how come only the 
first seat from my database is being displayed as taken?

$alphabet = 
$rowCount = 14;
$totalSeats = 238;

$connection = mysql_connect(localhost,**,***) or die 
(Couldn't make connection.);
$db = mysql_select_db(registration, $connection) or die (Couldn't select 
$sql = SELECT seat, alias FROM attendees;
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(Couldn't execute query.);

$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
$alias = $row['alias'];
table class=seattable width=650
for($i=0; $i$totalSeats; $i++)
$val = $i + 1;
if($i % $rowCount)
echo td align=\center\ valign=\middle\ ;
echo tr;
echo td align=\center\ valign=\middle\ class=\rowheader\;
echo $alphabet[($i / $rowCount)];
echo /td;
echo td ;
if(in_array($val, $row))
echo  class=\closed\a class=\sold\ title=\SOLD TO $alias\ 
onMouseOver=\self.status='SOLD TO .$alias.'; return true;\ 
onMouseOut=\self.status=' '; return true;\;
echo {$alias};

echo  class=\open\;
echo input type=\radio\ name=\seat\ value=\{$val}\font 

if($i % $rowCount + 1)
echo /td;
echo /td/tr;
here is what I am wanting to add - I tried placing this in several places 
in this code so far (top, middle  bottom) but whenever i add it, the 
output gets totally fudged

td class=rowspacenbsp;/TD
td class=space colspan=15nbsp;/td
but I also need it to display ALL of the seats that are in the db as being 
sold and not just the first row...


Jay Fitzgerald, Design Director
- Certified Professional Webmaster (CPW-A)
- Certified Professional Web Designer (CPWDS-A)
- Certified Professional Web Developer (CPWDV-A)
- Certified E-Commerce Manager (CECM-A)
- Certified Small Business Web Consultant (CWCSB-A)
Bayou Internet - http://www.bayou.com/http://www.bayou.com
Toll Free: 888.30.BAYOU (22968)
Vox: 318.338.2034 / Fax: 318.338.2506
ICQ: 38823829 / AIM: bayoujf / MSN: bayoujf / Yahoo: bayoujf

Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

2003-08-27 Thread CPT John W. Holmes

 Didn't know this was the army :-)

Yeah, I signed you up last week. You report to basic training in November. I
hope you're ready! :)

 first unless you got your variable ordering (POST, GET, Env, Sesssion
 etc). the values in the session can be easily overridden with a simple
 old query string. Sure would hate to have my username and password
 passed along to each page. remember that when you are using cookies the
 data actually get's transferred between the client and the server.

By default, sessions are made global last, so the session value would
overwrite anything passed. But, yes, you're right that if some idiot changed
the order around (why?) then it could present a security problem. Thanks for
the explanation (just checking!) :)

---John Holmes...

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] session.cookie_domain

2003-08-27 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
 We're having a problem with a site that recently upgraded to php 4.3.3.
   Ever since the upgrade, session variables won't pass between pages.
 Looking at the php.ini file, I see that session.cookie_domain is set to
 server.hostingcompany.com while our site is www.ourdomain.com.  If the
 session.cookie_domain is set to another domain, would this be the cause
 of our problems?

Yeah, that'd cause problems. You can set your own value for the domain using
an .htaccess file or the session_set_cookie_params() function


---John Holmes...

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

RE: [PHP] Need Help - past deadline

2003-08-27 Thread Jay Fitzgerald
Ok - Thanks to Jim Lucas off list - I am almost to where i want to be, but 
i am unable to reach him for further assistance. Can someone tell me where 
in this code I can add a grey table row seperator? AND how come only the 
first seat from my database is being displayed as taken?

$alphabet = 
$rowCount = 14;
$totalSeats = 238;

$connection = mysql_connect(localhost,**,***) or die 
(Couldn't make connection.);
$db = mysql_select_db(registration, $connection) or die (Couldn't select 
$sql = SELECT seat, alias FROM attendees;
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(Couldn't execute query.);

$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
$alias = $row['alias'];
table class=seattable width=650
for($i=0; $i$totalSeats; $i++)
$val = $i + 1;
if($i % $rowCount)
echo td align=\center\ valign=\middle\ ;
echo tr;
echo td align=\center\ valign=\middle\ class=\rowheader\;
echo $alphabet[($i / $rowCount)];
echo /td;
echo td ;
if(in_array($val, $row))
echo  class=\closed\a class=\sold\ title=\SOLD TO $alias\ 
onMouseOver=\self.status='SOLD TO .$alias.'; return true;\ 
onMouseOut=\self.status=' '; return true;\;
echo {$alias};

echo  class=\open\;
echo input type=\radio\ name=\seat\ value=\{$val}\font 

if($i % $rowCount + 1)
echo /td;
echo /td/tr;
here is what I am wanting to add - I tried placing this in several places 
in this code so far (top, middle  bottom) but whenever i add it, the 
output gets totally fudged

td class=rowspacenbsp;/TD
td class=space colspan=15nbsp;/td
but I also need it to display ALL of the seats that are in the db as being 
sold and not just the first row...


Jay Fitzgerald, Design Director
- Certified Professional Webmaster (CPW-A)
- Certified Professional Web Designer (CPWDS-A)
- Certified Professional Web Developer (CPWDV-A)
- Certified E-Commerce Manager (CECM-A)
- Certified Small Business Web Consultant (CWCSB-A)
Bayou Internet - http://www.bayou.com
Toll Free: 888.30.BAYOU (22968)
Vox: 318.338.2034 / Fax: 318.338.2506
ICQ: 38823829 / AIM: bayoujf / MSN: bayoujf / Yahoo: bayoujf

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
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[PHP] Thank You for your help

2003-08-27 Thread Ryan . K . Look
Hi guys, gals,

first off i just wanted to thank all of you who responded to my question,
they were very helpful...but the answers bring me to several new questions:

1) has anyone seen anything like this done with the reader ver. of acrobat
and not the full version of acrobat...could you point me somewhere where
FDF is actually implemented?

2) this question is more directed to Justin French, but in any case, the
reason i wanted to use the PDF forms is so that i don't have to create them
again in CSS or any other format, the forms are already created and all i
need to do is figure out how to make the data that people enter into them
submittable.  but in any case, have you seen some pretty complex forms
made up of entirely CSS that i can look at?  i guess this solution would be
acceptable pending some examples

3) now who do i send the nuts to?  but actually before i do that, i wanted
to see something like FDF in action

to see if this is exactly what i needed

thanks, ryan

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Re: [PHP] Cannot pass values from one page to another

2003-08-27 Thread Cesar Cordovez

CPT John W. Holmes wrote:

Ok this is a major vulnerability that you are coding. Register globals 
on and password being stored in the session is like having a banner on 
your home page saying 'come and hack me'.

Please explain how you've come to this conclusion...

---John Holmes...

Yes, please explain this... I'm very curious!

PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
To unsubscribe, visit: http://www.php.net/unsub.php

Re: [PHP] Need help - past deadline

2003-08-27 Thread Jay Fitzgerald
Ok - Thanks to everyone who has helped me so far both on and off-list - I 
am almost to where i want to be, but i am unable to reach him for further 
assistance. Can someone tell me where in this code I can add a grey table 
row seperator (as shown at the bottom)? AND how come only the first seat 
from my database is being displayed as taken?

$alphabet = 
$rowCount = 14;
$totalSeats = 238;

$connection = mysql_connect(localhost,**,***) or die 
(Couldn't make connection.);
$db = mysql_select_db(registration, $connection) or die (Couldn't select 
$sql = SELECT seat, alias FROM attendees;
$sql_result = mysql_query($sql,$connection) or die(Couldn't execute query.);

$row = mysql_fetch_array($sql_result);
$alias = $row['alias'];
table class=seattable width=650
for($i=0; $i$totalSeats; $i++)
$val = $i + 1;
if($i % $rowCount)
echo td align=\center\ valign=\middle\ ;
echo tr;
echo td align=\center\ valign=\middle\ class=\rowheader\;
echo $alphabet[($i / $rowCount)];
echo /td;
echo td ;
if(in_array($val, $row))
echo  class=\closed\a class=\sold\ title=\SOLD TO $alias\ 
onMouseOver=\self.status='SOLD TO .$alias.'; return true;\ 
onMouseOut=\self.status=' '; return true;\;
echo {$alias};

echo  class=\open\;
echo input type=\radio\ name=\seat\ value=\{$val}\font 

if($i % $rowCount + 1)
echo /td;
echo /td/tr;
here is what I am wanting to add - I tried placing this in several places 
in this code so far (top, middle  bottom) but whenever i add it, the 
output gets totally fudged

td class=rowspacenbsp;/TD
td class=space colspan=15nbsp;/td
but I also need it to display ALL of the seats that are in the db as being 
sold and not just the first row...



At 12:00 PM 8/26/2003 -0800, you wrote:

if ($i = 84)
td align=center valign=top 
class=greeninput type=radio name=seat value=?php print $i++; 
?nobr /font class=avail?php print $i++; ?/td
?php print $i++; ? prints out the value of $i as well as incrementing it 
twice. Did you notice in your code that the input type=radio 
name=seat value={one less than...} ... {this}/td



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