Re: [PHP] Opening a socket and sending GET data

2002-11-22 Thread Chris Shiflett
Your request looks fine. What are you doing with $query once you have
constructed it?

Another question worth asking is what is your ultimate goal here? I'm
not sure performing a manual request is necessary, but  maybe it is.


--- Todd Cary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> # now we build our query
> $query = "GET $abs_url" .
> "HTTP/1.0\r\n" .
> "Accept-Language: en-us\r\n".
> "Host: $host:$port\r\n".
> "Connection: close\r\n";

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Re: [PHP] using cookies

2002-11-23 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Ken Nagorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have never used cookies before, however I am trying to
> implement them to make things a little more secure. Rather
> than passing a sql statement via a hidden input tag I am
> setting a cookie.

I think someone else already mentioned this, but let me emphasize
that this is a terrible idea and definitely does not make things a
little more secure.

The best analogy I can think of for a cookie would be handing out
name tags to people who visit your site. Imagine that you write the
following SQL on someone's name tag:

select * from foo where unique_id='12345'

This helps you distinguish them from the next person who may have a
unique identifier of 23456. While this might work for those who play
by the rules, you are placing a tremendous amount of trust in these
people. What if someone erased what you wrote on their name tag,
replacing it with this:

delete from foo

If you were to trust this person's name tag the next time you saw
them, you would delete all of the data from that table.

In addition to this, hidden form variables are just as bad. It is a
different method, but you are still basically sending something to
the client and just trusting the client to return exactly what you
sent. Placing so much trust in the client is never a good idea.

I would recommend abandoning these methods for anything that you, as
you say, are wanting to make more secure. Look into using sessions
instead. When you use sessions, the only sensitive data you trust the
client to return to you is PHPSESSID. While there are some dangers
associated with this trust, it is a more tolerable risk. When you set
a session variable, it is kept safely on the server, so it is at
least much less convenient for an attacker to alter this data,
because only you can do that.

I hope this helps you get started down the right path. There are
methods you can use to further mitigate the risk of trusting the
client's PHPSESSID, but that can be discussed later.


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Re: [PHP] sessions and trans-sid problem/question

2002-11-24 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Jean-Christian Imbeault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This now hands me a dilemma ... I was building my site
> conservatively, i.e. assuming the user would have
> cookies turned off. And so I am making heavy use of
> session variables. *But* I had thought that if the
> user had cookies enabled then the variables would be
> saved as cookie information, hence saving my server a
> lot of disk reads and writes.
> Now you have shown me the err of my ways ...
> I have to consider rewriting my scripts so that if
> cookies *are* enabled the session information is sent
> has cookie data.

There are two reasons why you should not consider such a rewrite:

1. performance
2. security

You say you want to pass data as cookies to save your server the
latency of disk access. Think about that for a moment, and you will
see that it makes no sense. This is similar to making a decision to
store all of your data on a remote FTP server rather than your local
disk, thinking that this somehow saves you time. Regardless of how
much bandwidth your network has and how slow your disk is, there is
no way transmitting this data to/from the client across the Internet
is going to be faster than local disk access. Floppy access is
probably not even as slow as what you are considering.

A more important reason to avoid the rewrite you are considering is
security. A cookie is sent by the client. The client can be anyone
using your site. What if the client is trying to circumvent your
site's security in some way? Do you really want to trust everyone who
visits to be honest?

When you set a cookie, you are asking the client to send that cookie
(value unchanged of course) in future requests. There is nothing
aside from honesty that keeps a client from changing the cookie.

Also, cookies are intended as a mechanism for maintaining state. This
means that they are well-suited for helping you identify a client
(the Web browser). Session management requires a little bit more, and
this is where PHP sessions come into play. Cookies are a poor choice
for session management (state management + maintaining client data),
and this is what it seems like you are considering.


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Re: [PHP] Insert file into sql server binary field.

2002-11-24 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Marek Kilimajer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> BLOB is like TEXT

In what way? BLOB is binary large object. Text is ... text. One is
binary, and the other is ASCII. The only similarity I can think of is
that they both represent data. However, the format is completely

Open up a binary file in a text editor, and then do the same with a
regular text file. I think you will notice a significant difference.
Or, consider the representation of 16 in binary versus ASCII:

binary - 1
ascii - 0011000100110110

As Sterling mentioned, using addslashes() on binary data is a bad
idea. The same can be said for any string operations intended for
ASCII data.


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Re: [PHP] What is wrong here?

2002-11-24 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Cesar Aracena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have trouble with header("Location... because the
> browser is NOT redirected. If I set an echo statement
> after I detected that the username and password using
> $_POST[""], the echo goes OK but if I comment the echo
> and un-comment the 
> header("Location:";);
> exit;
> nothing happens...

It is a good idea to always use a proper URL in conjunction with the
Location header, because this is required by the HTTP specification.
So, change your code to this:


However, I doubt this will solve your problem.

When you exchange the header() with an echo for debugging, you get
the output you expect, right? Is it possible that the echo is not the
only output, meaning that it would work fine whereas the header()
call would fail due to their being previous output somewhere else?
Depending on your HTML, errors might be hidden from the browser, so
you might have to glance through the source.

The only way to make sure PHP is properly changing the response
status code to 302 is to snoop the HTTP traffic surrounding this
transaction. Can you do that and show us the results? It might reveal


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Re: [PHP] quick sanity check on user management / sessions

2002-11-24 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Justin French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I just need a quick sanity check.

I'm no doctor, but I think you're sane. :-)

> For some reason (inexperience probably, or a bad
> article), it was set-up so that both the uid and pwd
> were set as session variables, and EACH PAGE on the
> site checked the uid & pwd against the database...
> this seems like a lot of overhead to me.

This seems superfluous to me as well. So, you are saying that the
unique identifier and the password are stored on the server in the
session data store (/tmp/sess_$PHPSESSID by default) and validated
against the user data store (where the username and password are
typically stored) for each access?

This offers no benefit that I can think of, because you are
validating server data against server data. It does nothing to
validate the client data, namely to offer assurance of the client's
identity. It is the client that I generally mistrust, not the server.

> Here's what I'd like to do:
> login page validates user, and registers
> $_SESSION['uid'] (and any others I need, like admin =
> true)
> then, all other pages on the site will just need
> session_start();

This will work fine and at least seems like a better approach than
the old code you found.

One thing you might want to consider is what might have been the
intent of the old code, which is to add some extra authentication for
the client's identity. My reason for suggesting this approach is
based on the following:

1. PHP uses a cookie for client identification by default.
2. IE versions 4.0 - 6.0 allow any Web site to read any of the user's
cookies, regardless of the access restrictions placed on those
3. A majority of Web browsers in use identify themselves as being a
version of IE between 4.0 and 6.0.

Thus, impersonation is quite easy if the cookie is trusted. There are
many creative things you can do to add a bit of strength to the
identification process. One example would be to store the user agent
string in a session variable after authentication and to check the
client's user agent for each access within that session thereafter.
This would at least force an imposter to replicate the user agent.
Yes, this may not be very reliable either, but perhaps it will give
you some ideas. Just try to make it hard on the bad guys and easy on
the good guys, and you'll probably be fine.


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Re: [PHP] Automajickally POST to a remote form

2002-11-25 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Kris Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Once upon a time I used to be able to POST form data to external
> sites with ASP and an MSXML (or something) server object on IIS
> and I'm wondering if there's a similar sort of technique using
> PHP.

You can post with PHP using cURL or doing it yourself manually.
Search the archives for this, as the previous answers to this are
more complete than what I have time to explain now. Here is a quick
example of the manual approach:

> The easiest description of what I'm attempting is:  user hits PHP
> page, page submits predefined search terms to Google and the
> results are displayed.

Since Google's search uses GET, your question about POST doesn't
matter anyway. The following URL will display the search results of a
Google search on PHP:

If you are wanting to display the search results on your own page,
you should use Google's API. I believe parsing their HTML results
violates the terms of use, so you might want to read that if you do
not want to use the API.

The API can be found here:

A low-level demonstration of how the API works is given here (I plan
to improve this when I have time):

Hope that helps.


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RE: [PHP] Form trouble

2002-11-25 Thread Chris Shiflett
There is one common method used to avoid this that is pretty

1. submits to
2. processes the form, then uses a
   Location header to redirect to For


>From the user's perspective, there are only two URLs involved, and Clicking back
from 3.php brings the user to 1.php and clicking forward simply
brings the user to 3.php. It is impossible without clicking the
submit button again to execute 2.php again.

Thus, 2.php does not display anything but just processes the form and
redirects the user to the appropriate URL.

That's one technique, anyway.


--- David H <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> But what about updates to the database...? Is there
> away not to have the information send to the server at
> all?

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Re: [PHP] Need help on client certificate validation using OpenSSL/PHP

2002-11-25 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Richard Rojas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm a PHP newbie and Im really having difficulty with
> client-server certificate validation using Openssl and
> PHP. If somehow you know of a tutorial, a website or
> sample PHP codes that checks (expired, revoked) and
> validates client certificates, it would be of great help.

This is a pretty complicated task for a beginner. I assume that you
are just new to PHP but are otherwise well-versed in public key
cryptography and SSL?

It is very difficult to find a great deal of information on client
authentication, simply because 99% of SSL implementations are only
concerned with authenticating the server.

My experience developing an application like this is unfortunately
only in ColdFusion, but if memory serves correctly, I found the most
useful information when searching through the Web server's
documentation. In fact, I am sure that we experimented with allowing
the Web server to handle the client authentication, basically only
allowing access to clients who presented a digital certificate signed
by a specific CA (ours). So, my first suggestion would be to search
through your Web server's documentation. We got this working in
Apache I know, so if you're using that, I know the information is

Another recommendation would be to search the mod_ssl documentation.
Ralph Engelschall is pretty well-known for providing very accurate
and descriptive documentation, and I would be willing to bet that he
has some specific examples involving client authentication. Even if
you aren't using Apache, I bet this would be helpful.

O'Reilly has a book on OpenSSL that I've been thinking of getting
myself: You might want to
check that out in a bookstore or something.

Sorry I cannot be more helpful. Perhaps someone else will chime in
with some better information. Please let us know what you find.


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Re: [PHP]

2002-11-25 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Paul Marinas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> is down?
> or my computer .

It works fine for me. Perhaps you should try a mirror:

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Re: [PHP] If statement w/ multiple conditions

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Ernest E Vogelsinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 13:50 26.11.2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> >if ($lineone && $linetwo && $linethree && $linefour = "")
> Your expression yields true if 1-3 are not-empty AND four is an
> empty string.

Actually, this expression yields true when $lineone, $linetwo, and
$linethree are all true. The variable $linefour is just being set to
the empty string.

Don't confuse boolean tests with tests for whether a string is empty.
Yes, an empty variable will evaluate as false, but so will a variable
containing 0 or set to false.

> All empty:
> !($lineone || $linetwo || $linethree || $linefour)
> --or--
> !$lineone && !$linetwo && !$linethree && !$linefour
> All set:
> $lineone && $linetwo && $linethree && $linefour

Same problem here. Try these conditionals with the following values:
$lineone = 0;
$linetwo = 0;
$linethree = 0;
$linefour = 0;

Something like this will probably work:

$all = $lineone . $linetwo . $linethree . $linefour;
if (empty($all))
 echo "All lines are empty";
 echo "All lines are not empty";


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Re: [PHP] Multiple page form

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Shane McBride <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't remember if I need to pass variables along with the
> form for each page, or can I just call them on the last page.

Consider using sessions:


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Re: [PHP] If statement w/ multiple conditions

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Jason Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 13:50 26.11.2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:
> >if ($lineone && $linetwo && $linethree && $linefour = "")
> Actually that expression will always be FALSE. $linefour = ""
> does not evaluate to TRUE thus the whole expression to be FALSE!

Yes, you're right. Of course, I don't think he meant to be assigning
the variable, anyway. :-)


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Re: [PHP] Multiple page form

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Chris Boget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > So, you are using a database to store the records?
> Yes.  What's the point in taking the user's information if you
> aren't going to store it somewhere. Even if all you need to do is
> email the data upon completion of the form, storing the data for
> later use would be a good idea.

Since it seems like you are inferring otherwise, I should say that a
database isn't the only way to store information.

Also, many multiple page forms like this are for some sort of user
registration or similar task where you might want the entire process
completed prior to creating a user record. Perhaps he doesn't want to
create the record in the database prior to the user finishing all the

Sessions are the more straightforward approach to keeping up with
data like this. After all, not everything warrants permanent storage,
which is why most Web applications generally have two data stores:

1. Permanent user record data store (where you might store username
and password, for example)
2. Session data store (where you might store whether a user is logged
in or keep up with form data from page to page)


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RE: [PHP] Re: & in Query String

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- "Jonathan Rosenberg (Tabby's Place)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> In an earlier message, Derick Rethans [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] said
> > Yes it is. Actually, you should specify the URL with the
> > & yourself, like this:
> >
> > 
> >
> > otherwise it is not valid HTML.
> I understand that using '&' is technically not correct HTML.

Actually, I think he might have meant XHTML. I'm not sure though.

If your syntax looks like this:

Then your Web browser should interpret the & as an HTML entity
and send a GET request (when you click the link) to:


Meaning, if show_pic.php receives $_GET["amp;caption"] as someone
else mentioned, the browser has failed.

> But I don't see how changing the '&' -> '&' solves my problem.

I think your intuition has served you well. From your initial
description, it sounds like your problm is that you write this:

And the browser sends a GET request to:


If this is true, this seems like an obvious browser bug to me. I
agree with the other suggestions to beef up the debugging information
you mail yourself, since I'm assuming you can't reproduce this on
your own. Look at all of the $_GET variables, the user agent, and
anything else you can think of.

Oh, I assume your past emails have had timestamps. I would recommend
looking through your Web server's access logs, and see if you can
locate the request that returned an error. See if the URL being
requested has the & in it (which it should not).

> I'm missing something here. If you use '&' to separate
> arguments on the query string, how do they get separated out for
> access via $_GET?

Because you are writing the & in the HTML source code. The
browser should interpret this as & prior to sending the GET request
to the Web server.

Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP] can't pass complete URL (part of the query string) from

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Nicole Lallande <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> this page
> where the url is
> results in being passed
> and the '&olimit=0&zid=1&lid=1' gets cut off

Can you visit this page, view source, and show us what the 
tag looks like after it is processed by PHP?


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Re: [PHP] If statement w/ multiple conditions

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Ernest E Vogelsinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >> >if ($lineone && $linetwo && $linethree && $linefour = "")
> >>
> >> Your expression yields true if 1-3 are not-empty AND four is an
> >> empty string.
> >
> > Actually, this expression yields true when $lineone, $linetwo,
> > $linethree are all true. The variable $linefour is just being set
> > tothe empty string.
> You're so right - I think I need new glasses...
> Thanks for setting this straight :)

No problem, except I was wrong, too. :-) Because $linefour is being
set to the empty string, it will evaluate to false, causing the
entire statement to always evaluate to false.


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP] can't pass complete URL (part of the query string) from

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Nicole Lallande <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


There is your problem right there. Here are the variables you are


The URL you want to set ref to needs to be URL encoded. You can use
rawurlencode() to achieve this. You will know you have it right when
your HTML form tag looks like this:";

Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] Re: PHP] can't pass complete URL (part of the query string)

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Nicole Lallande <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tried that

I'm thinking you haven't, but I might be wrong. The HTML you showed
us previously was of a form tag. The action attribute of that form
tag is where your problem lies.";

See? It is still wrong. Remember, you will know when you fix your
problem when this form tag looks like this:";

Yours still does not look like this.

> ">

See, I am guessing that you are doing this on the next page. Meaning,
you are URL encoding this:

This is what $_GET["ref"] is going to be if you do not correct your
form tag like I am describing.

Exactly as I would expect. Focus on fixing your form tag. This other
URL encoding you are doing on this hidden form variable is actually
unnecessary, because the browser is going to do it again for you.

Hope that clears it up for you.


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RE: [PHP] Re: & in Query String

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- "Jonathan Rosenberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I tried it & it fails.  The browser sends the query
> string with the & & the $_GET access fails.
> I am using IE 6.  I can't imagine that it would be
> buggy in this regard.

I just tried this in IE 6, and it worked fine for me. My test code

 echo "";
Click Here

This should display:

[foo] => bar
[blah] => blah

Does it not work for you?


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Re: [PHP] How do i provide Download facility ??

2002-11-26 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Venkatesh Hosur <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was just looking around for information on Download
> of files using PHP. I need to provide link/button, by
> clicking which a user can download a file (Say a CSV
> file..)

The best solution, in my opinion, is just to use a straightforward
HTML link:";>Download foo.csv

The only caveat to this is that you must make the file available as a
URL, meaning it must be stored under document root.

If you instead want to have a PHP application decide whether the user
is allowed to download the file as a way to restrict access to it,
that's a different question. :-)


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Re: [PHP] Cold Fusion conversion issues: app vars and cached queries

2002-12-03 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Steve W <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My company is looking to move our site away from Cold
> Fusion due to the cost. We had talked about JSP, but I
> would highly prefer PHP. After evaluation, with the
> generic database functions now supporting Oracle in CVS,
> I think this might be a possibility. However, there are
> 2 concerns I have in converting from Cold Fusion.
> 1) Application variables
> 2) Cached queries

I can possibly field the first one.

ColdFusion has server, application, session, and client
scopes, right? Each have their own unique characteristics
about them. However, if you speak with the top Macromedia
engineers, you will see that client variables are preferred
in most cases for high-traffic applications.

Server, application, and session variables must be locked
with cflock to solve synchronization problems, and cflock
under load can present some noticeable bottlenecks.

CF's client variables are basically identical to PHP
session variables. Rather than having a variable scope such
as, PHP has an array $_SESSION["foo"].

PHP, by default, stores session variables on the local
filesystem, so you will want to alter this behavior if you
are developing for a clustered environment (which I assume
you will be). You have much more flexibility in PHP to
alter its default session management mechanism than you
have flexibility in the cfapplication tag, but it is not
nearly as quick and convenient to do so (especially for
using a data store for session storage). However, once you
do this once, you will find that programming for the PHP
environment is no more difficult than for ColdFusion, and
you will probably learn to appreciate the flexibility.

I am not aware of an equivalent feature to ColdFusion's
cached queries, but perhaps someone else can speak up on
that one.

> I've seen some solutions to both problems, but mainly I
> want the solution to meet one and ideally both of the
> following qualifications. First, I don't want to have to
> use an add in module. I'd like to only use core PHP
> functions and modules that are part of the full PHP
> distribution and not SRM or other add-on modules.

If you use PHP's built-in session management, you will have
no problems with this. Your code will include any logic you
add to alter the default behavior, such as in the case of
using a central data store for session variables. If you
write your own utility, which is pretty trivial, you will
also not run into any trouble.

I honestly do not care for either PHP or ColdFusion's
built-in session management, so I prefer the flexibility
PHP gives me to alter its. When developing ColdFusion
applications for high-profile sites, I often implement my
own mechanism.

> These issues above as well as things like not being able
> to centrally configure a database connection by using an
> alias for the name are areas PHP lacks in comparision to
> Cold Fusion.

ColdFusion definitely makes managing database connections
easier. PHP has no equivalent to the cfadministrator, so
many things like this are easier with CF. However, I think
you will find that PHP has a slight edge in performance in
this regard, even when using native drivers (which you
should, of course) in CF. I cannot rightly comment on PHP's
Oracle support, however, as I have never used it.

> Our CF application gets installed at client sites. Using
> PHP, it would require a code change in a db connect file
> to change the DB connection information where it really
> should be configurable in a central PHP conf file.

There are differences, no doubt. I understand your point;
you let your clients configure their database connection
with cfadministrator and assign it a name that your code
uses in its cfquery tags. This makes code quite portable.

With PHP, it is not too much more trouble to ask them to
assign it a username, password, and name (of the database).
Otherwise, you can do like many people do and allow your
clients to configure and/or install your application
according to their own environment. Meaning, you don't
write cfadministrator in PHP, but you do let them change
database access credentials and any other basic
configuration by using your application.

> Even with this being said, I'd like to use PHP for our
> application if the 2 issues above can be resolved.

I wouldn't look to people being excited about trying to
match features with ColdFusion. PHP and CF are simply
different. In a survey done a year or two ago (around the
time CF 5 came out, I believe), PHP was rated as the most
flexible and efficient, and CF was rated as the easiest for
beginners and therefore generally more productive. Most PHP
developers would prefer to be free from all of the bloat
that would be necessary to make it as easy to administer as

Also, remember that a big difference stems from the fact
that CF is a separate process. PHP (when used as an Apache
module, for example) is nothing in and of itself. You
really just have a more intelligent Web serve

Re: [PHP] Post Variables

2002-12-04 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Brad Bonkoski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> for ($i=0; $i<=12; $i++)
> {
> echo "";
> echo "";
> }

You only want one  tag.


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Re: [PHP] socket timeout

2002-12-05 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Gareth Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am attempting to timeout a socket_read() that is part
> of a handshaking process using socket_set_timeout().
> Problem is it doesn't seem to work at all. If I switch of
> the handshaking write on the server side the read just
> sits there and doesn't time out at all. I have tried
> socket_set_timeout($socket,1) which I believe is 1 second
> and it never times out...

My bet is that you are only setting the timeout but not
ever checking to see whether the socket has timed out. If
you want to only read from the socket until it times out,
you need to add that to your logic. Try something like

socket_set_timeout($fp, $timeout_seconds);

# Get socket status
$socket_status = socket_get_status($fp);

# Read response up to 128 bytes at a time until EOF or
socket times out
while(!feof($fp) && !$socket_status["timed_out"])
 $response .= fgets($fp, "128");
 $socket_status = socket_get_status($fp);


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Re: [PHP] Unsubscribing

2002-12-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- "Van Andel, Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Anyone know how to unsubscribe from this list. I have
> tried several different things including the unscribe
> field on the mailing list page and an unsubscribe command
> via email.

The unsubscribe page ( should
work. Are you sure you are trying to unsubscribe the
correct email address?


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Re: [PHP] mail() problems...

2002-12-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Anthony Ritter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "If you're using PHP4 on Windows, look for the following
> lines in your php.ini file:
> [mail function]
> SMTP =; for Win32 only
> sendmail_from = ;for Win32 only
> You'll need to modify the last two lines so that the mail
> function works properly.
> 1. For the SMTP entry, use 'localhost" or the name of the
> outgoing mailserver you use in your e-mail client.
> 2. For the sendmail_from entry, enter your e-mail
> address.
> For example in my php.ini file on Windows contains this:
> [mail function]
> SMTP =localhost
> sendmail_from = [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> So that's what I did -using localhost - and I get:
> "failed to connect".

Right. Unlike Linux, I doubt Windows has a mail server
running locally without you having to buy and/or install
some extra software. I have very little experience with
Windows, but this is most likely your problem.

Take the author's advice and use whatever mail server your
mail client is using. It is probably a remote server of
some sort.


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Re: [PHP] redirect URL

2002-12-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Carlos Alberto Pinto Hurtado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I don't can redirect my page to new url

Try this:";);


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Re: [PHP] html output from system() command

2002-12-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Clay Stuckey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I execute:
> system('who');
> I get the output to the screen but it is all concatenated
> together like this:
> root pts/0 Dec 6 15:31 (
> sneakytrick pts/1 Dec 6 10:22
> (
> How can I make it look like:
> root pts/0 Dec 6 15:31 (
> sneakytrick pts/1 Dec 6 10:22
> (

Try surrounding it with  tags.


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Re: [PHP] Cookie handling, NS 4.x?

2002-12-09 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Chad Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am having a fairly confusing problem with setcookie()
> in NS 4.x.
> My script:
> nscookie.php:
> setcookie("NSUSERNAME", 'cday', time()+2592000, '/',
> "");
> Header("Location: nscookie2.php");
> exit();
> nscookie2.php:
> In IE (all versions I have tested), this works fine.
> In NS 7, this works fine.
> In NS 4.7 and 4.8 .. nothing is returned.  No cookie is
> set in the
> cookies.txt file at all.
> Can anyone tell me why?

I believe this has something to do with the fact that the
HTTP response status code is no longer a 200 when you send
a Location header, as PHP will automatically change it to a
302 for you. Thus, in some browsers, the result is that the
browser will submit a GET request for the URL identified in
the Location header, but it will ignore the HTTP headers
sent in the 302 response.

To see if this is in fact the trouble with Netscape 4.x,
try using a meta tag redirect instead. Even though the W3C
dislikes this use of http-equiv, it is very consistently
supported, and I know many Web sites that use it
(SourceForge, for example).

Good luck.


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RE: [PHP] Cookie handling, NS 4.x?

2002-12-09 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Chad Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure how this would matter since the cookie is
> never set at all.. it's not an issue of it reading the
> cookie, as it can't read what is never set. I'll give
> it a shot when I get home though anyway.

Read my response again, and you'll see that what you are
saying here does not conflict. The cookie is indeed not
getting set, and that is likely because the browser does
not take action on the Set-Cookie header when it is
contained within a 302 response. If you use a meta redirect
rather than a header("Location: ...") call, the response
status will be 200 instead of 302, so the browser might
accept the cookie.


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Re: [PHP] how to send an MSWORD email?

2002-12-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- See Kok Boon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to send emails that have graphics, for example
> the pub logo. I know that there are 2 ways to do so
> (maybe there are more, pls enlighten me):
> 1. use html email with
> 2. use MSWORD to insert the logo into the email.
>MSWORD will then send the logo.gif as an
>attachment and will ALSO use  tags.

I doubt anyone on this list is going to know what your
second method is, though I would guess that MS Word does
nothing special and does the same thing you mention in your
first method, except that it attaches the image to the
email rather than reference it via URL.

You can probably search the archives for more information
on sending HTML email as well as sending attachments, which
is all you are trying to do. I detest such email myself, so
I cannot offer any help.


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Re: [PHP] Getting full HTTP request the page was requested with?

2002-12-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Leif K-Brooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks, but I'm trying to see what the client sent to
> get my page, not  what a host returns when I send it
> a request...


I think he misunderstood your question or something.

There are a few different ways to do what you want to do.
First, if you dig through the output of phpinfo(), you can
usually determine what the exact request was, though it is
not going to be obvious unless you know what you are
looking for. In the case of a POST request, you will need
to have always_populate_raw_post_data turned on in your
php.ini to see the POST data.

Another method is to use a utility such as tcpdump on your
Web server. This works very well except when you need to
capture a specific HTTP request on a busy site.

The method I choose is to use software specifically created
for this purpose. Most software to do this functions as an
HTTP proxy, so that you configure your browser to use it
for a proxy, and it reveals the HTTP requests and responses
that pass through. I wrote a basic one of these that embeds
the HTTP transaction into the page itself, so that you do
not need to reference a log and can just scroll to the
bottom of each page to see both the request and response.
It is written in PHP (as a CLI application), and you are
welcome to take a look and see if it would be useful to you


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Re: [PHP] Print text and image in the same page.

2002-12-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- "Naif M. Al-Otaibi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I try to print some information (text and image) that I
> retrieve from an oracle DB, but I got the image printed
> as binary junk. When I put the line that print the image
> in a  html image tag, I got a red square with "X" inside.
> What can I do to solve this problem?

This is really just an HTML question. The  tag has an
attribute called src that should be given a URL as a value.
The URL should be an image. For example:";>

On the other hand, if you want to dump the raw image to the
browser and expect it to render it properly, you must tell
it that you are sending an image. For example:

header("Content-Type: image/gif");


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Re: [PHP] Simple text editor for Windows?

2002-12-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
I would recommend UltraEdit:


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Re: [PHP] Can php auto execute it's script in schedule without opening a webpage?

2002-12-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Jack <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i want to set a schedule for php to run certain
> script at specify time, to what i understood in
> php is : the script can only be process when a
> homepage had been execute. but i want the script
> to be excute even no one open a homepage contain
> php script in it!
> is there anyway i can do that?

Sure, though it varies depending on your platform.

Assuming you are on Unix, it is likely that you already
have a CLI (command line interface) PHP installed
somewhere. You can use this to create a PHP script that can
be executed like any other shell script. Just put something
like this at the top:

#! /usr/bin/php -q

Be sure it points to the location of your PHP parser
(/usr/bin/php in this example).

To automate scripts, look into cron:

man cron
man crontab

Good luck.


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Re: [PHP] $HTTP_POST_VARS problem

2002-12-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- "Lee P. Reilly" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The following statements have the following return
> values:
> echo $HTTP_POST_VARS['userfile'];
> => C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Desktop\\IR
> Files\\
> echo $userfile;
> => C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Desktop\\IR
> Files\\
> echo $HTTP_POST_VARS['userfile']['name'];
> echo $HTTP_POST_VARS['userfile']['size'];
> echo $userfile_size;
> echo $userfile_name;
> Does anyone know what the problem is?

What do you think the problem is? I don't see anything
unexpected, unless I'm missing something.


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Re: [PHP] newbie having problem with SID

2002-12-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Anders Thoresson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There are obviously differences in how things are
> handled now and how they were handled then.

Yes, but I don't think there are as many differences as you

> Can someone point me to a good session tutorial
> based on the session array rather than the pre-PHP
> 4.2 (I think that's the version when this was
> changed)?

I would recommend the online manual for date-sensitive


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Re: [PHP] stop script on browser closing

2002-12-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- rolf vreijdenberger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> If I close the browser window before the execution
> of the script, a lot of emails do not arrive. is
> there a way to prevent this?

Try this at the top of your script:



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Re: [PHP] Stumped!

2002-12-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I keep getting a parser error and I can't figure
> it out. Here is the code and any help is greatly
> appreciated.
> $sql = "SELECT * FROM requests";
> while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($query))

While this is not related to your parse error, it is a
major logic flaw, as mysql_fetch_array() takes a result set
as an argument, not an SQL statement.

> echo ("$meetingName");

This is your parse error. Get rid of the parentheses.

The parse error should tell you on exactly which line you
had an error, so read those error messages carefully next

Good luck.


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Re: [PHP] Stumped!

2002-12-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Chris Shiflett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I keep getting a parser error and I can't figure
> > it out. Here is the code and any help is greatly
> > appreciated.
> > 
> > $sql = "SELECT * FROM requests";
> > 
> > while ($result = mysql_fetch_array($query))
> While this is not related to your parse error, it is a
> major logic flaw, as mysql_fetch_array() takes a result
> set
> as an argument, not an SQL statement.
> > echo (" href=\"edit.php?id='$id'\">$meetingName");
> This is your parse error. Get rid of the parentheses.

Actually, the parse error is that you never close the while
loop. Still, the error message would point you in the right


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Re: [PHP] Socket_connect() timeout

2002-12-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Max Clark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Warning: socket_connect() unable to connect [60]:
> Operation timed out in
> /usr/home/maxc/public_html/admin/ on line 66
> Is there any way to time out this function? I only want
> to wait 5 seconds.

Now that you mention it, I am not aware of any way to
override that timeout setting. The socket extension is
still experimental, I believe, with hopes of changing its
status soon. Perhaps this is something someone is working

As a possible way around this, could you possible solve
your problem by opening a socket as a virtual file pointer
instead? For example, this would only wait 5 seconds for a

$fp=fsockopen($host, $port, $err_num, $err_message, "5");

You can treat $fp like any other file pointer, so it is
actually a pretty convenient way to read/write to sockets.

Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] Hi!!

2002-12-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Tomas Lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> can someone tell me where can i enroll in a 
> good proyect o someone to help..

I would recommend finding an open source project to
contribute to. You can find many projects that are
currently seeking help here:


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Re: [PHP] prevent session_replay

2003-01-02 Thread Chris Shiflett

I think it is safe to say that there is no "official" way
to prevent session hijacking like this, nor is there any
way to provide absolute assurance that it cannot be done.
There are several methods, however, that can make a hijack
much more difficult to accomplish without adversely
affecting your legitimate users.

To get you going (since you are the best person to decide
what extra measures to take), consider that you could store
the user agent in a session variable. If you check that
variable on each page (many people include a common module
such as or at the top of each
script or use a parent script), it will at least prevent
your test of using a different browser. Of course, an
attacker can still hijack the session by passing the same
user agent (either by using the same browser or manually
sending the HTTP erquest), but the difficulty is a bit

Your method of testing is actually a good one. The IP
address is a terrible metric for identification, so using
the same IP will prevent you from trying to use that to
distinguish good guy from bad guy. Just use your
creativity, and you will probably be fine. The goal is to
make things hard for the bad guys and easy for the good

Good luck.


--- "scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> as the SID is being passed in the url, I am able to
> copy the http://url?SID from the browser window if I
> close the browser (which from reading the docs on
> sessions should end the session) and then re-open
> another browser (admittedly on the same machine/ip
> address) and post the http://url?SID back in, I get
> the page, and the $SESSION[vars] are still there !!

> :o( is there a official/approved method to prevent
> this from being done ?

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Re: [PHP] phpinfo() and HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA

2003-01-02 Thread Chris Shiflett
That data is only populated when
always_populate_raw_post_data is on (check your php.ini).


--- Kristopher Yates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was just curious, is there a reason $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA
> isn't included  in the phpinfo() function?  I would
> imagine one could see all globals via phpinfo().. Is
> $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA global or is it only global if 
> globals are registered (php.ini setting)?  From what I
> can tell, this var is not global, regardless of the
> registered_globals setting in php.ini.

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Re: [PHP] Multidimensional Array manipluation...

2003-01-02 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Dhaval Desai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> $test[0] = "hey";
> $test[1] = "hi";
> $test[2] = "hello";
> Now I want to hold various values in $test[0]["hey"] =
> "1" and $test[1]["hi"] = "2" and $test[2]["hello"] = "3"

Try this instead:

$test["0"]["hey"] = 1;
$test["1"]["hi"] = 2;
$test["2"]["hello"] = 3;

Also, remember that you can often learn these types of
things with trial and error by using the print_r()



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Re: [PHP] Multidimensional Array manipluation...

2003-01-02 Thread Chris Shiflett
> >$test["0"]["hey"] = 1;
> >$test["1"]["hi"] = 2;
> >$test["2"]["hello"] = 3;
> I want to update $test["0"]["hey"] and set it as 1+1;

If you just want to increment the value:


> Also is there any idea on how can we count() the values
> in a multi dimensional arrays...

The function array_count_values() might give you what you
want. What are you wanting to count exactly?

A good reference for you online is:


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Re: [PHP] Some questions regarding pfsocketopen()

2003-01-02 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Gareth Hastings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Could anyone tell me, is it possible to connect to
> a persistent socket after it has been opened by a
> different script?

Sure. Think of it like a persistent database connection in
Oracle, where the listener is on socket 1521 for everyone.

The persistent part saves you from the 3-way handshake when
you use the same socket on subsequent page requests. The
only caveat is that you can only do one thing at a time,
but this is typically handled for you at a lower level in
the form of a queue. If I remember correctly, you can
specify the size of the queue in your function call(s).


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Re: [PHP] phpinfo() and HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA

2003-01-02 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Kristopher Yates <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I made your suggested change to php.ini and I show local
> value 1 and master value 1.  Does it mean raw data
> populates the variable $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA when this is
> == 1 or does it mean that raw data is visible within
> phpinfo() when value ==1 in php.ini file?

Sorry, it just populates that variable (to my knowledge). I
do not think it is ever included in phpinfo() anywhere,
though that would be nice to have when it is on.


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Re: [PHP] Baffling output

2003-01-02 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Lightfirst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone explain to me why the loop that counts to 99
> appears before the 5 by 5 grid in the following php code?

There is a good chance that the problem is that your HTML
table is screwed up. Make sure you close your row and
table; it wasn't in the code you provided.

If that doesn't fix it, check to ensure that you have the
correct number of cells per row.


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Re: [PHP] Baffling output

2003-01-03 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Steve Keller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's a good tip someone gave me when I first started
> learning PHP: when you're dealing with HTML, it's a good
> idea to use \n at the end of your echoed lines and \t's
> at the beginnings to create staggered indentations,
> this makes it a little easier to read when you're
> testing the output.

Proper HTML formatting is a great suggestion. Many novices
write broken tables, simply because their markup is too
sloppy for them to notice their errors.

Aside from using \n and \t in your echo statements,
consider that you can also switch in/out of PHP mode as
appropriate. In many cases, there is very little (or no)
dymanic data in your output, so it may be better just to
write it in HTML. For example, consider this in lieu of
your code snippet:

echo "";
echo "Hello" ; $i++;
} //for else

Not only is this much easier to read, it also would have
helped you notice the missing  tag that Steve pointed
out for you.


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Re: [PHP] emulate Post with redirect

2003-01-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Bobby Patel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was trying to do it without cURL, since it's not on our
> server.

You can do it manually. There is probably a lot of good
information on this topic if you search through the
archives on automating a post. To give you a quick idea,
you can check out this example:


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Re: [PHP] frustrating problem

2003-01-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- "Matthew K. Gold" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SELECT FooLName, FooPhone, FooEmail
> FROM foo, foocontact
> WHERE foocontact.FooID=$FooID and foo.FooID=$FooID;

You might try this instead:

select foolname, foophone, fooemail
from   foo, foocontact
where  foo.fooid='$fooid' and foo.fooid=foocontact.fooid

Also, are you certain that $fooid is set? You might have to
use $_GET["fooid"] if register_globals is not on.


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Re: [PHP] Force file download with header

2003-01-06 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Altug Sahin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  $file = $_POST[fileID];
> $files_folder = "C:\\temp\\";
> $dlfile = $files_folder.$file;
> header("Content-type: application/pdf");
> readfile("$dlfile");
> ?>
> I get this...
> "Warning:  readfile("C:\temp\test.pdf") - No such file or
> directory in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\dlQ_safe.php on line 10"
> The test.pdf file is of course there...

My guess is that the test.pdf file is of course not there.

You can try to use file_exists() if you do not trust the
warning message, but I see no reason not to trust it.

> What do I need to add to this script so that whatever a
> pdf filename is submitted, acrobat will open this file
> in the user's browser?

This is a different question, but search for examples on
using the Content-Disposition header. I believe there is a
directive called "inline" that you can give it to try to
force a browser to display the content inline rather than
prompt for a download.


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Re: [PHP] Can you insert into $_POST manually?

2003-01-09 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Noel Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks - I understand that method; but I'm really
> looking for a way to pass them without them being
> visible / mucking up the URL line with a buncha
> stuff...


To answer your original question, no, you cannot force the
remote Web client to submit a POST. If you think about it,
this is a good thing. You can, as another person pointed
out, manually perform a POST from a PHP script, so that the
user can GET your PHP script, initiating a POST. However,
the POST request is sent from your Web server, not the Web

There are ways to "hide" URL variables without resorting to
POST. As an example, some people use frames (not my
preference). Of course, those who use frames to maintain a
simple and clean URL do not (or rather, should not) rely on
this for any sort of security. The real URL can be easily

Another idea would be to create a portal of sorts, where
you have a PHP script that fetches a verbose URL for you.
For example, you could have a PHP script located at that contains the following:";>";);

Thus, a user who visits would
see the results of a Google search for PHP (Note: This is
just a hypothetical example, and I am not sure whether this
would violate Google's terms of use).

For this method to be useful to you, you must know the URL
variables in advance, so you might need something more
dynamic. Some people will redirect the user after setting
some session variables, so that the "final destination" URL
is very plain, but the Web client can still use GET to send
the data.

Hopefully this will give you some ideas, so that you can
find a method that works for you.


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Re: [PHP] "document contained no data"

2003-01-13 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Justin French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In NN7 Mac, the error is "the page contained no data".
> In IE5.x Mac, the error is along the lines of "host
> not found" or "could not access URL ...".

This is a bit off-topic, but I would suggest ignoring any
error messages from IE. It will generally "hide" the real
error and show you some generic page instead. This can be
very misleading. Go with Netscape's assessment of the

> I guess what I'm hoping for is some wild stabs in the
> dark as to what the problem might be, and where I
> might start looking.

There are a few different ways you can get a "document
contained no data" message:

1. You have an endless loop somewhere in your code, so that
under certain circumstances, the script never completes.
2. You have an endless loop in the form of protocol-level
redirects (using header()), so that the Web client
continues to make HTTP requests without ever receiving a
200 response.
3. The network connection is terminated. This can occur
when the server crashes, among other things.

I can think of no other ways to receive this error (please,
someone chime in if I have left one out). So, you can try
to rule out possibilities one by one.

Endless loops in your code might be difficult to identify
if the logical path through your code required to generate
it is rare. Sometimes looking through your code with this
in mind is the best way to find the problem.

Endless amounts of protocol-level redirects can be detected
pretty easily. If you can reproduce it in any way, tcpdump
or some other debugging tool can reveal the HTTP
transactions. Short of this, many requests within a very
small window of time from the same IP is a good indicator
as well.

If the Web server crashes under certain circumstances to
cause this error, this can be the most difficult to track
down. Your best bet is to be able to at least reproduce the
steps necessary to crash the server. If you believe it
might be only demonstrable under load, you will want to
test the application under heavy load to see if you can
reproduce the error.

> - (occasionally) makes use of header() redirects

I would recommend looking at these first. Make sure there
is no way for the client to enter into an endless loop of

Anyway, I hope that helps. Sometimes just knowing some
common cases that result in the same error can help you
identify the problem.

Good luck.


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Re: [PHP] forms

2003-01-13 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- cj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible to have two buttons and have different
> actions for each button in the same form?

No, because the action belongs to the form, not the submit
buttons (which is why action is an attribute of form).

However, you can use different names and values for the
submit buttons, so that you can tell which was pressed on
your receiving page. This way you can act accordingly,
which is probably what you wanted to know.

Hope that helps.


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RE: [PHP] forms

2003-01-13 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- cj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The page that processes the form will have to work out
> which button got pressed?


For starters, use this bit of HTML/PHP code to help you see
what the browser sends you when the form is submitted (add
this to the receiving page):

Alternatively, you can choose to output $_GET or $_POST
(instead of $_REQUEST) depending on which method you choose
for your form. This will show you how to identify which
button was pressed.

Good luck.


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Re: [PHP] HTTP_ACCEPT - Reliabilty?

2003-01-14 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Danny Shepherd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No, I wouldn't rely on it at all, I couldn't find a
> browser that *does* have that mime-type in it's
> header!

Danny is right. The reason you cannot depend on the Accept
header is that most browsers will include */* as an
acceptable type (which basically means the browser will
accept any type/subtype) and assign it the lowest quality

I cannot imagine a Web browser that will prefer Flash
(assigning it anything but the lowest quality factor);
maybe some Web developers should consider that when
designing user interfaces. :-)


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Re: [PHP] Cookie, header, output problems

2003-01-14 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- "J. Alden Gillespy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm creating an e-commerce website, and I just need
> clarification as to whether a MySQL query is
> considered as "browser output". 

It is not. However, a MySQL error is indeed output. Make
sure your query is successful.

My suggestion would be to simplify your code. Test your
queries independently of setting cookies and redirecting.
You have too many potential cases for error as it is, and
that makes things difficult.

> mysql_query("select * from `$cart->user_table` where
> username=\"$username\" and userpass=\"$userpass\"",
> $cart->dblink)

I'm not sure if it is just formatting or my eyes, but it
looks like you have backticks in your query. Also, you
should consider using single quotes around your values
rather than escaped double quotes.

> setcookie("jackloren_user", "$username:$userpass", time()
> + 2592000);
> header("Location:";);

You should test this combination separately. Depending on
several factors, your cookie may not be getting set due to
the Location header redirect. The combination works fine
with most modern Web agents, but it has been known to pose
problems for developers.


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Re: [PHP] htmlspecialchars

2003-01-14 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Foong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wonder which is the better way to store data into
> database?
> 1. stor the data after we call htmlspecialchars with the
> data (means we store " as "e; in database)
> 2. stor the data in non encoded form and call
> htmlspecialchars whenever we want to display it.

Option 2.

Please do not cross-post questions like this to the
developer's list. This list ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) is
the appropriate place for these types of questions.


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Re: [PHP] Why is my URL encoding itself?

2003-01-14 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Don <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In my PHP page, the FORM line reads as:
> echo ' action="..\phpscript\general\formmail.php">' . "\n";
> When I try in I.E., it works fine.
> When I try in Netscape 7, I get a page not found error.

This is something I refer to as Windowsitis. URLs use
slashes, not backslashes:



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Re: [PHP] Next and Previous

2003-01-14 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Miguel Brás <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> suppose, the page you're seeing is
> how to add
> a link for the page to show the ID=502 and the
> ID=500




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Re: [PHP] Question about $_GET

2003-01-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Frank Keessen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So the code looks like this:
> $query = "SELECT Newsheadline, News, Contact FROM news
> WHERE Newsid = $_GET['id']";
> But all i'm getting in my browser is:
> parse error, expecting `T_STRING' or `T_VARIABLE' or

I could not tell if your question had been adequately
answered, but there is an easy way to deal with these types
of things without worrying yourself with syntax. Just use
concatenation (.) as follows:

$query = "select newsheadline, news, contact from news
where newsid = '" . $_GET['id'] . "'";

This builds $query using three separate strings. The first
and third strings are double quoted, and the middle string
is your variable. Note another difference is that the value
of $_GET['id'] is going to be surrounded by single quotes
once $query is constructed.


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Re: [PHP] fgets and Macs

2003-01-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Jason Jacobs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It would be wonderful if my php.ini file actually
> contained the variable "auto_detect_line_endings."
>  How can I solve this problem?

Try adding it yourself. Don't let its absence dissuade you
from giving it a shot. :-)


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Re: [PHP] Security in included PHP files

2003-01-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Jacob Copsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My style of PHP is to name all included files with a .php
> extension and of course this raises the problem of people
> accessing these script files directly.

I always name included files *.inc myself, but that's a
personal preference combined with a strong desire to adhere
to strict naming conventions.

It is very easy to make sure people cannot access your
include files directly. There are two common ways to do
this, and I will mention my preference first.

1. Do not store your include files under document root.
This is a very simple and straightforward approach that
negates all of the types of questions you were asking.

2. Deny access to any file with an extension of inc. Of
course, you would have to conform to a naming standard a
bit more for this to work. A quick Google search revealed
this example for Apache:

Order Allow, Deny
Deny from all


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Re: [PHP] HTTP_REFERER work without a problem....

2003-01-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Scott Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Here's what I found so interesting
> This code, $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] have worked without a
> problem when I use the latest Mozilla build. It even work
> with the HierMenus,
> and location.href =
> This is a good news for PHP everywhere.
> Unfortunately, Internet Explorer still have this
> bug...

What bug is that?

Is there a question here somewhere? I think I am having a
hard time interpreting it.


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Re: [PHP] Security in included PHP files

2003-01-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Jacob Copsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I agree these are good solutions and I have considered
> them. However, I am looking for an all-inclusive
> solution that is code only within PHP that allows the
> admin of the application to copy the files to their
> server and not need to do any server specific 
> configuration.

This places a large restriction on your ability to provide
the best solution. However, there are still a couple of
things you might consider, though I'm not sure if you will
be fond of them:

1. Force those who install your software to place include
files outside of document root. I know a few applications
that check this and will output an error with a brief
description of the security hazard if the include files are
found to be under document root. This way, you can be
assured that by the time people get your application to
work, the include files will no longer be under document
root. A similar notion is to combine this with a Web-based
installation program, where your application relocates the
include files during installation.

2. If your users are using Apache, you can include a
.htaccess file in the top-level directory of your
application that denies access to *.inc files.

Maybe something like that will work for you.


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Re: [PHP] HTTP_REFERER work without a problem....

2003-01-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Scott Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Many PHP programmer tried to their best to use
> HTTP_REFERER so they can keep track of which
> webpages on the current website did the user
> last visited.

I think I see what you are referring to now.

The reason that many people (myself included) discourage
the use of REFERER for this purpose is not only because
support is inconsistent, but also because it is not
required that a Web client send this header. In fact, the
only required header in the latest version of HTTP (1.1) is
the Host header. So, it really boils down to not depending
on something that is not guaranteed to be there.

More reliable solutions usually incorporate some sort of
shared secret between the client and the server. For
example, say you have a form located at foo.php that
submits to bar.php. Rather than checking the REFERER on
bar.php to make sure it is foo.php, it is better to include
a hidden form field on foo.php that is dynamically
generated and stored in the user's session. You can be
assured that the hidden form field will be included with
the other form elements, so you can compare it to the value
stored in the user's session and not run the risk of it
being absent or blank (for the legitimate user, the good

Of course, this is just one example of many, but the point
is that you need to rely on something that is reliable. :-)


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Re: Fw: [PHP] HTTP_REFERER work without a problem....

2003-01-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Kevin Stone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What I suggest to you is code a solution around the IP
> address. The IP address of course, like any information
> coming from the client, can be tampered with but more
> than likely it's not going to change while the user is
> browsing your website. Right?

Sorry to disagree, but this is incorrect. The IP address is
a terrible metric for client identification. I mean, it is
absolutely terrible.

Yes, it is easier for a potential attacker to spoof
information at the HTTP level than the TCP/IP level, but
that is no defense.

More (most?) importantly, there are two situations where
you will run into trouble with legitimate users who are
just trying to use your site:

1. The users are behind an HTTP proxy, which is a very
popular configuration for business environments. Thus, the
IP address will be that of the HTTP proxy, not the client.
Many people will appear to be the same person.

2. The users are behind a round-robin HTTP proxy, such as
all AOL users (a large number of Web users). One person can
appear to be many different people.

Anyway, I hated to let that one go. Again, sorry to
disagree, but relying on an IP address for client
identification can lead to some very frustrating problems
for inexperienced developers.


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Re: [PHP] HTTP_REFERER work without a problem....

2003-01-15 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Scott Fletcher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Or worse, not substituting the characters in the
> Session ID. Just use the same Session ID. What if
> there is leftover session file in the /tmp
> directory of the Unix machine and we're dealing
> with hundred of users each day. Some of those
> session files aren't deleted because the user
> just closed the browser without logging out. It
> is unfortunate that there is no better solution to
> this.

Actually, there is a better solution.

Your observations are perfectly valid and correct. If the
session ID is given complete trust (which is the case for
many people, unfortunately, especially with the default
configuration for sessions), then there are many security
risks. Given your observations, I think you are on the
right track to developing more secure state and session
management mechanisms yourself.

I am actually considering submitting a proposal to speak
about this topic (well, Web application security with PHP
in general) at OSCON and perhaps the PHP Conference coming
in May. The reason that many people are hesitant to offer
solutions is because no solution is perfectly secure. There
are, however, many reliable methods you can use that will
not adversely affect your legitimate users in any way and
make life a bit harder for the bad guys.

A common example I give just to get you going is that you
can store the user agent in a session variable. While all
Web clients may not send the User-Agent header, you can be
assured that those that do will send the same User-Agent
header for every request. Verifying this against the
session variable can at least prevent the copy/paste from
an email attack that you mentioned unless the attacker
replicates the exact same User-Agent header.

Anyway, you have very valid points. Hopefully I will get
the chance to speak about this in more depth at a
conference soon, and if not, I will probably at least write
an article on it.


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Re: [PHP] intermittent session loss

2003-01-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Justin French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I did notice that once I login (it says "you are
> logged in as justin" across the top of the screen),
> if I refresh the same page a few times, it will
> MOSTLY say "you are logged in as..." but
> OCCASIONALLY it says "click here to login"...

> What's likely to cause this?

As I'm sure you're aware, this type of session problem can
be difficult to resolve. :-)

I am assuming that you are not using any type of load
balancing? If you are, that's probably your answer.

Short of that, can you replicate this in Mozilla? The
reason I ask is that there is now a project on
for viewing the HTTP protocol
( Otherwise, if you
have a tool to view the HTTP transactions, use that. I am
particularly curious to see if the HTTP request fails to
include the cookie or URL variable (depending on which
method you are testing) for the instance when you lose

If the browser is correctly identifying itself on each
request, the requests are going to the same server, and the
session file never vanishes, I can see no way you would
lose session like that.

If all else fails, try using a database for your session
store instead of /tmp to see if the behavior changes.

Good luck, and let us know what you find out.


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Re: [PHP] system(): access denied

2003-01-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> no, i use mysqldump -uroot -p > my_dump_file.sql
> it is not '<' but '>'

That syntax is fine, and it should prompt you for a

My suggestion is to give the root account a password and
don't worry about all of this. I think I read that it is
currently empty, right? Just assign it a proper password,
and move on to the next problem. :-)


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Re: [PHP] system(): access denied

2003-01-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Chris Boget <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> system("mysql -uroot -p < the_dump_file.sql")
> it doesn't know where the command ends and the input
> begins. So what's going on is that the command thinks
> that the password is coming from the "the_dump_file.sql".

It knows exactly where the command ends and the input
begins. It is the < symbol. :-)

Also, in your example (which strays from the poster's
example), the_dump_file.sql is simply executed by mysql
once you provide the password (which it prompts for). It
does not try to use it for the password as you seem to be

Anyway, the reason the poster wrote it like this:

mysqldump -uroot -p > the_dump_file.sql

is so that the output of mysqldump (the dump file) is sent
to the_dump_file.sql rather than stdout.


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Re: [PHP] nl2br too?

2003-01-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Cesar Aracena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I make a form in a web site for a visitor to
> send me some comments, I use nl2br() to put things
> like line breaks and see what the visitor wants me
> to see.
> But what happens if I have a web form to input some
> text into a TEXT cell in MySQL and want to retrieve
> it like I wrote it?

My advice is to store in MySQL exactly what the user types.
This way, you can decide when you retrieve this data
whether you want to display it on a page (in which case you
would use nl2br) or display it in a text field for editing
(in which case you would leave the data raw).


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Re: [PHP] Redirecting

2003-01-16 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- "Denis L. Menezes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want ot redirect users to another page after successful
> login. Can someone please help me with the PHP code for
> redirecting?

You have many options:

1. After a successful login, display the proper page to the
user instead of redirecting. This is my preference.
2. Use a Location header to cause a protocol-level
redirect. For example, header("Location:";);
3. Use an HTML meta tag for redirecting.


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Re: [PHP] Sessions or Cookies?

2003-01-17 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Cesar Aracena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Should I use the no-so-secure old cookies method
> or should I start a new session every time a client
> drops in and handle each cart by session name or ID?

My advice is to only use cookies to identify a Web client.
Any data you want to associate with that Web client (user
data, for example) should be stored on the server -
database, session store, etc.


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Re: [PHP] Sessions or Cookies?

2003-01-18 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Peter Janett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sessions themselves use cookies, though, right?
> So, if you want your app to work for those who
> don't have cookies, you have to pass the session
> data in the url string, at least that's my
> understanding.

That's not quite right.

Session management requires an existing method of state
management. The default state management mechanism used by
PHP is indeed cookies, but that is not the only way. All
that is required for state management is that you assign
the Web client a unique identifier that it includes on
subsequent requests. Cookies make this easy and are
somewhat "automatic" in PHP, but GET and POST variables can
also be used.

For example, say you normally depend on a cookie to
identify the client. This will probably be something like
PHPSESSID=12345. The following link would send the same
unique identifier as a GET variable:

Click Here

Unless you have PHP configured to only use cookies to
identify the client (which I think is not the default
setting anyway), it will use the PHPSESSID when sent on the
URL like this. In fact, you can configure PHP to append the
unique identifier to the URL automatically if the client
does not accept cookies. Just set session.use_trans_sid to
1 in your php.ini file if you compiled PHP with

As I hope is clear, none of this requires that any client
data be passed on the URL, in cookies, or anything else.
The only data that should be sent by the client is data
necessary for client identification. All other data can
(and should in most cases) be stored on the server.


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Re: [PHP] Check for start_sessoin without causing header problems

2003-01-18 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> how can I call a register session from within a
> class and make sure that the session is allready
> active and if not just print a warning.

This is closely related; you can check to see whether
headers have already been sent:

If they have not, it does not matter if you start the
session or use an existing one.

You can probably use session_name() to check for an
existing session. It is worth experimenting with anyway.


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RE: [PHP] 2 Qs: Passing current URL with session and how to avoid session timeout???

2003-01-18 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Cal Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I usually just pass this kind of info around on the URL.
> if I have to pass a full query string then I urlencode()
> it first and urldecode() it on the other side.

Just as a bit of advice, you should always URL encode any
data you want to append to the URL like that. Also,
decoding it is superfluous, because the Web server will do
that for you (since URL data is supposed to be URL


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Re: [PHP] SQL+php

2003-01-19 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Sean Burlington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think the bandwidth wasters are those who ask
> questions poorly (it takes several follow up mails
> to find out what the question was) and those who
> don't have a qucik look at the archives first
> (is someone puuting together an FAQ ?)

I agree. I think John's response was a simple answer to a
simple question. He was probably tired of trying to
interpret questions from this list. I suppose I take a
similar approach in that I quickly delete questions that
make no sense or only hint at the real question. Perhaps I
am being rude, too, but I'm just quieter about it. :-)

Oh, and here is a link that I think John alluded to:


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Re: [PHP] Multiplication of double

2003-01-19 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Cesar Aracena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I get two numbers from a FORM, one price and one
> quantity and I need to make a multiplication with
> them in order to store the total amount also as a
> double expression... I'm trying with:
> $totalprice = $price * $qty;
> but when I echo the, it gives me just plain old 0
> (zero). Any suggestions?

Without seeing more code, it is hard to say, but I imagine
$qty and/or $price are not what you think they are. Here is
a little example that you might find useful:


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Re: [PHP] Getting https-page

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Martin Thoma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How can I get an https-page?

I have never tested this myself, but I found this page in
the manual:

It has this to say:

"As of PHP 4.3.0, if you have compiled in OpenSSL support,
you may prefix the hostname with either 'ssl://' or
'tls://' to use an SSL or TLS client connection over TCP/IP
to connect to the remote host."

I'm sure you could use the openssl functions, but this
sounds much easier.


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Re: [PHP] Security

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Phil Ewington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can PHP be configured to allow certain web sites
> access to files and directories within their web
> root only?

I would suggest looking into safe mode. It sounds like it
may work for you:


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Re: [PHP] $_POST vars problem

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Kenneth Brill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> can anyone tell me where the second
> "searchstring=TEST" is coming from?  I
> have tried register globals on and off.

Can you also show us the HTML for your form on the previous
page? The simplest test case that produces this problem
would be best.


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Re: [PHP] $_POST vars problem

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Kenneth Brill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I will try to shortly.  The server in question is
> password protected and has lot of information I
> don;t need hacked into right now. I'll set up a
> limited short term account and post everything then.

So you do not have access to the server that has the code
you are trying to debug? That seems like a bigger problem.

If you can at least test this with a browser, you can use
it to view the source. This will reveal the HTML, and you
can just show us the relevant parts.

Of course, if we notice the problem, it sounds like it is
useless anyway, since you cannot access the server to fix
anything. Unless I am missing something...


> On another note, I have found that if I include (and use)
> the submit button
> everything works perfectly, HOWEVER if I just enter data
> and hit return then
> it messes up.  That make no sence to me but maybe someone
> out there can put
> it together.
> thanks
> "Chris Shiflett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > --- Kenneth Brill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > can anyone tell me where the second
> > > "searchstring=TEST" is coming from?  I
> > > have tried register globals on and off.
> >
> > Can you also show us the HTML for your form on the
> previous
> > page? The simplest test case that produces this problem
> > would be best.
> >
> > Chris
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Loop inside a table

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Cesar Aracena <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> $message = "
> title goes here
> ".
> for ($x = 0; $x < $num_rows; $x++)
> {
> //several lines made dynamically
> }
> .."
> ;

Try something like this instead, if you want all of your
HTML to be in the $message variable:

$message = "\n\n";
$message .= "\ttitle goes here\n";
$message .= "\n\n";

for ($x = 0; $x < $num_rows; $x++)
 $message .= "whatever you want to add\n";

$message .= "\n";


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Re: [PHP] pop-up problem

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Mark McCulligh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to
> create a pop-up using PHP or other language to
> do the same thing as JavaScript
> method. I have an app that uses the JavaScript
> popup but now with those popup stopper it will
> not always work.

That is the point.

> For I am looking for another way of creating
> popups. Does anyone know of a way other then
> to control the window's size and
> remove things like the toolbar, address bar,
> etc..
> Is there a way to control is through PHP and the
> header information? or I am look for something
> that doesn't exist.

No, PHP cannot help you here. Controlling client behavior
like that is not something that is within the scope of HTTP
either, so there are no headers that do anything like that.
You must depend on some sort of client-side scripting.


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Re: [PHP] Change base url

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Jeremías Grunge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've a few of scrcripts in a directory
> $baseurl/PHP/scripts.PHP
> And I want to include these a script in a diferent dir
> example $baseurl/otherDir/otherscript.PHP but the
> includes that are on the $baseurl/PHP/scripts.PHP now
> referrer to $baseurl/otherDir... There is a way to say
> a script wthat is its $baseurl?

I do not think I understand the question. You can change
$baseurl like this:

$baseurl = "/something_else";


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Re: [PHP] pop-up problem

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Mark McCulligh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I wish people won't miss use features for people start
> blocking them.  I am using the the way it
> was meant for.  I have a online help feature.  I am not
> using it a force people to look at banner after banner.

I know exactly what you mean.

However, I believe still works when used like

Click Here

At least, that works with Mozilla's pop-up blocker. As I
understood it, only those annoying automatic popups are


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Re: [PHP] Cannot show reuploaded image file on page unless manual refresh

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Phil Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am using the following header() functions to force
> view.php to not cache:
> header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
> header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") .
> " GMT");
> header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache,
> must-revalidate");
> header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0",
> false);
> header("Pragma: no-cache");


I think you killed it.

> However, when a user reuploads a file in manage.php, it
> does a form post onto manage.php and reuploads the file
> (which I verified works).  However, when redirected via
> header() to view.php, they still see their OLD image
> file, NOT the new one!  Unless I manually refresh the
> page, they never see it, until they manually refresh the
> page, then the new image file appears!


I think you are forgetting that the image is not really
part of the PHP resource. Meaning, this is the series of
events for a PHP script that refernces a single image
called bar.jpg using the  tag:

1. HTTP request sent for foo.php (Web client -> Web server)
2. HTTP response sent that includes the output of foo.php
   (Web server -> Web client)
3. Web client (browser) notices  tag referenced in
   the HTML.
4. HTTP request sent for bar.jpg (Web client -> Web server)
5. HTTP response sent that includes bar.jpg

So, the headers that you are setting only matter for the
resource returned in step 2. Meaning, the HTML output of
foo.php is not cached. The image, since it is returned by
the Web server and not your PHP script, is cached.


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Re: [PHP] Cannot show reuploaded image file on page unless manual refresh

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Phil Powell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Chris, that made no sense to me at all!

Sorry. :-)

> How in the world could an HTTP-RESPONSE send back a
> cached .jpg file that no longer exists on the server
> end? That's impossible, unless the entire page is
> cached. Now, how do I ensure that view.php always
> gets the "fresh" image every time?

I probably explained this poorly. The main point I was
trying to make is that images are completely separate
resources. They are not part of a page as you seem to be
thinking, even though they appear to be once rendered in
your browser.

While a request for view.php results in a response that
includes all of those headers you explicitly set, a request
for blah.jpg gets returned by the Web server directly. It
is probably being cached by the browser.

However, the Web client usually includes an
If-Modified-Since header that will cause the Web server to
return a fresh resource if it has in fact been modified.

Is there a way you can show us the HTTP transactions for
the image in question both before and after it has been


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Re: [PHP] login script fix help needed

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Karl James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Warning: Cannot add header information - headers already
> sent by (output started at
> in
> on line 10

This means you have something on line 10 of
Create_account.php that sends headers, but PHP cannot
because you have something on line 8 that causes output.


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Re: [PHP] Header Error message i think!!

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Justin French <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> PLEASE don't post in HTML/Rich Text
> sheeesh!
> Justin

Agreed. Also, please quit asking the same question. I
answered this one already, and I think someone else did as
well. If you are still having trouble after reading our
answers, at least let us know what the outcome was.

As it is, we have no reason to believe you are putting
forth any effort.


> on 20/01/03 2:18 PM, Karl James ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > Warning: Cannot add header information - headers
> > already sent by (output started at
> in
> /home/virtual/site12/fst/var/www/html/Create_Account.php
> on line 4

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Re: [PHP] mysql_connect error

2003-01-20 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Tom Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can someone please tell me why I'm getting this error:
> *Fatal error*: Call to undefined function:
> mysql_connect() in 
> */webs/tom/* on
> line *4
> *mysql_connect was working a week or so ago, and I
> haven't made any changes to the servers configuration.

That seems unlikely, but I'll take your word for it. Can
you do a phpinfo() and let us know what the configure line

Also, does function_exists("mysql_connect") return false?


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Re: [PHP] Page Rendering

2003-01-21 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- "Bill Arbuckle, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It works in IE but not Netscape.

Nearly every time this happens, you have invalid HTML.

Try stripping out all of the HTML, leaving only the plain
text content of the page in question. Then, slowly add back
the markup, testing each change.

Also, never test in IE unless you have a restricted user
base that is only going to use IE. It is one of the most
lenient browsers with regard to standards, so it will just
give you a false positive.


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Re: [PHP] $header = "Location:........" being ignored!

2003-01-21 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Shams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> if ( $_POST['passwd'] != $db['password']
> {header("Location: loginfailed.html");
> }

You never add the closing parenthesis to your if statement.


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Re: [PHP] security question regarding including files..

2003-01-21 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Chad Day <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I want to give my users the ability to submit a URL
> to a database, then when they pull up their page,
> their photo is included .. what I'm worried about
> is them pointing the link to some malicious code or
> something..

Your instincts serve you well.

There are two types of attacks to worry about in this
situation, depending on who can see this "image". If only
the user who submitted the URL can see it, then your users
only risk CSRF attacks, which are not very common (yet) but
are very dangerous.

If everyone can see the "image", then your application is
also at risk of XSS.

If you realize that an embedded image is requested
separately by a Web client, you can see that this basically
allows an attacker the opportunity of forcing another user
to visit a URL of the attacker's choice. For example,
consider an image that looks like this:";>

A browser will try to load that image by sending a request
for that URL to So, every user who happens
to have a prior relationship with (maybe they
have one-click ordering) will unknowingly purchase HTTP
Developer's Handbook. All the victim will see is a broken

Even if you check for file extensions, the attacker can
have a URL that looks legitimate but is really a PHP script
in disguise (their Apache treates .jpg as PHP, for example)
and uses header("Location: ...") to redirect to the URL
mentioned above.

Also, this same attack can be used against one of your
users to make them unknowingly submit such a URL to your
site. Thus, even if you only show the image to the user who
submitted it, that user may still be a victim.

For more information on CSRF, check out

For more information on XSS, check out and

My advice would be to require human intervention in the way
of a moderation system. Even with this, a URL that returns
an image today may not tomorrow. A safer alternative might
be to host the images yourself, so that you can check that
they are in fact images.

Good luck.


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Re: [PHP] Detecting posts from outside site

2003-01-21 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> If it's bulletproof, then I figured this could help
> some of you out. If not, I welcome comments (I'm a
> little bit hesitant of calling things 'bulletproof').

It's not bulletproof. :-)

> if((count($_POST) > 0) &&
> (!stristr($_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"],
> $http_referer))) {
>   unset($_POST);
>   $evil = "postedfromoutsidepage";
> }

If this page is located at,
and you are trying to ensure that the data is being posted
from consider the following:

# telnet 80
Connected to (
Escape character is '^]'.
POST /foobar.php HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 26


Someone can use this method to bypass your Referer header
check and post any data they choose.


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Re: [PHP] security question regarding including files..

2003-01-21 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Sean Burlington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not sure what harm could be done by this though.
> if a broswer attempts to load an image reference by
> an  I would expect it simply to ignore it...

I sent a response about this earlier, but you should
research CSRF and XSS.

It does not matter that the browser shows a broken image if
it has already sent the HTTP request. There is no special
HTTP request for checking whether the Content-Type is
really an image without the receiving Web server taking any
action. A GET is a GET.


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Re: [PHP] security question regarding including files..

2003-01-21 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Sean Burlington <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> is there really any site which will accept a book
> order based an a sigle GET?

Well, yes, but that is not the point really. The example of
the  tag is just one way you can forge an HTTP request
from another user (the victim).

Also consider that many people create sites with PHP with
register_globals set to on. Even when these people go to
great lengths to validate all incoming data and to identify
the user, this does not defend against CSRF. The data being
sent is valid data, and the user sending it is the
authenticated user. That is the danger.


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