[PHP] PHP preg_replace_callback with unicode

2012-03-30 Thread Jimmy Chen
I wrote a simple script below to simulate my problem.
Both my string and pattern contain unicode characters.

Basically, if I run it from command line (php -f test.php), it prints
"match" as expected.

But if I run it through web server (apache, http://localhost/test.php), it
prints "no match".

I am using PHP 5.3.
I am sure both use the same php.ini.

Any idea why it behaves differently?
How do I make it work through web server?


 0) {
echo "match";
} else {
echo 'no match';

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[PHP] PHP Error logging

2011-01-17 Thread Jimmy Stewpot

I currently have a strange issue where we are seeing 'random errors' being 
displayed to end users. What I find most interesting is that in the php.ini 
file we have the following error settings.

error_reporting  =  E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
display_errors = Off
display_startup_errors = Off
log_errors = On
log_errors_max_len = 1024
ignore_repeated_errors = Off
track_errors = Off

I thought that if we had dislay_errors = Off then end users should never see 
errors displayed on the web page. However at apparently random times we do 
still see errors being reported, its not consistent at all. To give a better 
idea of the problem we have 8 web servers, they all run an identical copy of 
the site which is stored on a common netapp nfs filer. At apparently random 
times we see that 1 out of 8 servers will reported strange errors like 'use of 
undefined constant' or 'Undefined variable'. What's most strange about these 
errors is that if the code was faulty wouldn't we expect to see the errors on 
all web servers? and secondly wouldn't we expect to see the errors constantly 
rather than at apparently random intervals?

The php.ini files have a modify time of mid 2010 and yet this problem has only 
started in the last few weeks. Has anyone else experienced similar problems in 
the past and if so what was the root cause? 



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[PHP] Apache and PHP segfaults on Redhat EL5

2011-01-06 Thread Jimmy Stewpot

I have been working over the last few months to try and get to the bottom of 
why our apache processes are regularly being killed with a Sig 11 (Segmentation 
Fault). Here are the messages in the kern.log

httpd[22309]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[21819]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[19168]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[21597]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[22871]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[22090]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[21970]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[22315]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[21808]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[21801]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[20469]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[23509]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[21967]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[21814]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[24017]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[21605]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[24329]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[23573]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[24328]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[22301]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[24636]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[25028]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[22869]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6
httpd[25030]: segfault at 7fffd01b4ffc rip 2b1f935c064c rsp 
7fffd01b4f90 error 6

We literally have thousands of those, I have tracked it down as far as being 
caused by mod_php in apache (Redhat 5 update 5). However when I enabled 
coredump's in apache I don't get anything. I can however get a dump if I send a 
manual sig 11 to the process. Which brings me to my questions.

Is there a method or way that I can enable a 'debug' mode in php which would 
help me track down and identify the root cause of these problems?
If anyone has any suggestions on what I can do to try and get further down the 
track to enlightenment I would be really appreciated.



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2008-04-28 Thread Acct.yussuf Jimmy


I am yussuf Jimmy,from Togo Republique.I will be very glad if you do assist me 
to download the sum of ( USD$15.8Million)into your bank account. I got your 
contact through a Global Network and i decided to communicate with you in a 
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[PHP] FastCGI and --enable-force-cgi-redirect

2006-03-29 Thread Jimmy Scott
Hi all,

While testing with PHP 5.0.4 (old, but should be good enough for testing
purposes), I noticed that --enable-force-cgi-redirect did not do his job,
and several people responded to the documentation that it is not
supported anymore, however, if I look at the archives it is still very
well supported on first sight.

Is there anyone that can comment on this? I think the provided
mod_rewrite workaround is a bit of ... ya know. In the current
situation, the script starting the PHP interpreter, is interpreted
itself, and thus displaying it's source (or part of it).

It scares me to put this (with or without that workaround) in a
production area without knowing *WHAT* support on it is still being
done, to be honest, it scares me this very moment.

The system I'm testing on FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE.

Please CC me as I'm not subscribed to the list.

Kind regards,
Jimmy Scott

People usually get what's coming to them ... unless it's been mailed.

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[PHP] Problem with arrays

2005-06-24 Thread Jimmy jimmy hoo
I have 2 arrays:
Array ( 
   [0] => Array (
[0] => 28 
[1] => Music

[1] => Array ( 
 [0] => 5 
 [1] => Books 
Array ( 
   [0] => aaa
   [1] => bbb
I want to join this two array and the result must be loke this: 
Array ( 
   [0] => Array (
[0] => 28 
[1] => Music
[2] => aaa

[1] => Array ( 
 [0] => 5 
 [1] => Books
 [2] => bbb 
Thanks in advance for your help

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[PHP] E-Commerce II

2004-02-13 Thread Jimmy
Wow, thanks for the help guys. Appreciate it.

Here's 2 other Q that popped into my head while researching...

1. I looked at Yahoo! and bCentral, they both charge monthly fees for using
their E-Commerce Tools. Why? I thought it should be a one time thing? Or are
they not providing code, just letting us use the code via Explorer and

2. If I were to look for a website hoster, any recommendations?


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[PHP] E-Commerce

2004-02-12 Thread Jimmy
Hi all. Is PHP a suitable language for building an online shop? Where would
I go to find out more info on this? Thanks in advance!

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Re: [PHP] Empty Reference to an Object

2004-01-13 Thread Jimmy Lantz
At 16:14 2004-01-13, you wrote:
Hello Sebastian,

Tuesday, January 13, 2004, 3:09:39 PM, you wrote:

SO> I cannot believe that there is no way of making an object parameter
SO> optional.
function ($parameter1, $parameter2 = NULL)
 // etc
If passed to your function, $parameter2 will be your object (or
string or whatever you wanted), if not passed in it'll be null.
this might work this is an ugly solution from the top of my head, not tested:

$myObject =& (ifYour object exists)? $yourObject : new stdClass;
function foo($para1,&$param2){
if(get_class($param2) =='stdClass') $param2 = NULL; // get_class 
might return stdclass not sure
/ Jimmy
Best regards,
 Richardmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[PHP] PHP logo question

2004-01-12 Thread Jimmy Lantz
Hi coders,
I've sent several mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] regarding the limitations / rights 
to use the PHP logo.
But I havent recieved any reply, does anyone know who answers that email? 
If so please send him/her an heads up to check his/hers inbox.

Now you might think that I've been sending several mails within a few days 
and now cries for help...
Thats no the case, I sent my first mail the 18th december and a copy of 
that mail was resent at the 8th of january 2004.
Or if someone knows if that guy has a lot on his plate just send me an mail 
to let me know if he usually replies within the month or two months.

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Re: [PHP] PHP vs. jsp, advice please

2003-06-10 Thread Jimmy Brake

i run some really big apps (crms/email/shopping
carts/directories/forums/etc) that make use of persistance type data but
NEARLY all of it is just put in and removed from the DB - just all kinds
of little/big functions that need to maintain some data or state(s) of
some data - my system averages 20 queries per second - thousands and
thousands and thousands of simple queries - the only persistance is with
mysql connections

just my two cents

On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 17:51, Jean-Christian Imbeault wrote:
> Cpt John W. Holmes wrote:
> > Agree 100%. Don't assume that just because you use JSP, or any other
> > language, your program is going to instantly "scale well" and be easy to
> > maintain. You can write crappy, inefficient code in any language. You can
> > also write good programs in most any language if you put the proper planning
> > into it before hand.
> Ok, I've got answers concerning the learning curve and maintainability 
> and some pros and cons that I have found very useful.
> Now the one last point that I would like to really find out about is 
> persistence. I keep hearing that you can get *true* persistence with 
> jsp/servlets/beans/whatever. I'm still trying to find out more details 
> on this as I can't see how you can get that since HTML is stateless and 
> whatever the backend is it all eventually turns into an HTML connection ...
> Sessions in PHP are nice but as everyone knows they don't allow for true 
> persistence. And if you want to have your objects persist over a 
> session, that's even more work (and in my short programming career I 
> have not yet found a case where persisting a PHP object across a session 
> was worth the trouble/overhead).
> Can anyone offer an opinion on this? Is persistence with jsp that much 
> easier compared to PHP? And if true persistence is possible is it all 
> it's cracked up to be?
> I've often dreamed of being able to have true persistence but if I had 
> it maybe I wouldn't find it all that useful once I'd had a go with it.
> Thanks,
> Jean-Christian Imbeault

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Re: [PHP] native vs. phplib sessions

2003-04-04 Thread Jimmy Brake

make a rand value for the cookie -- stick that rand value in a db with
the actual user account info ... then we pull the real account info
using the random value from their cookie -- simple, efficient and pretty
dang secure -- also the system is load balance friendly

On Fri, 2003-04-04 at 12:26, Dennis Gearon wrote:
> How many people are using native vs. phplib sessions, vs. their own/homegrown 
> sessions?
> The archives show a LOT of problems with native sessions.

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Re: [PHP] cookies with internet explorer on macs

2003-03-31 Thread Jimmy Brake
thanks ... lots of my customers use entourage ... 

On Mon, 2003-03-31 at 20:53, Lowell Allen wrote:
> > From: Jimmy Brake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > The cookies i set for people using Internet Explorer on mac (OS X or mac
> > os 8-9) are not staying alive as long as I would like(12hours) they only
> > last for a few hours or sometimes even a few minutes, the time on the
> > end users computers are set correctly. IE on windows is fine and Mozilla
> > and other browsers on linux are fine.
> > 
> > This is what I use to set the cookie.
> > 
> > $rand = md5(uniqid(rand()));
> > setcookie("sessid", $rand, time()+43200, "/");
> > 
> > Any ideas? 
> A designer I work with was having problems with his sessions sometimes
> expiring after a few minutes. He uses OS X/Internet Explorer/Entourage. He
> determined that whenever he checks his email with Entourage, his session
> cookie is no longer recognized. He got Microsoft support to duplicate and
> acknowledge the problem. I use Mac OS 9/Internet Explorer/Outlook Express --
> no problem.
> --
> Lowell Allen

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[PHP] cookies with internet explorer on macs

2003-03-31 Thread Jimmy Brake

The cookies i set for people using Internet Explorer on mac (OS X or mac
os 8-9) are not staying alive as long as I would like(12hours) they only
last for a few hours or sometimes even a few minutes, the time on the
end users computers are set correctly. IE on windows is fine and Mozilla
and other browsers on linux are fine. 

This is what I use to set the cookie.  

$rand = md5(uniqid(rand()));
setcookie("sessid", $rand, time()+43200, "/");

Any ideas? 



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Re: [PHP] 2 databases

2003-03-19 Thread Jimmy Brake
yes -- i connect to oracle and mysql simultaneously .. 

On Wed, 2003-03-19 at 15:21, Iwan van Kanten wrote:
> Is it possible to connect to 2 different databases??
> 2 different dtabase typs I mean
> postgresql and Mysql

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Re: [PHP] Weird slowdown using complex functions in a loop

2003-03-12 Thread Jimmy Brake
where are you storing the information that you are cleaning once it is

are you appending it to a variable in the script?

On Wed, 2003-03-12 at 00:26, pgcd wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to write a script to do some basic XML validation - nothing
> fancy, basically I just close open tags and check the arguments.
> The script runs fine, except that, when I use it in a loop (I need to
> validate roughly 200.000 posts), it gets progressively slower - like, the
> first ten calls to the function need around 0.01 seconds, next ten take
> 0.03, then it's 0.1 and so on.
> I've tried disabling parts of the code, I've tried profiling with dbg, I've
> tried manually optimizing: nothing. I managed to reduce the slowdown a bit,
> but it's still there, and very evident (as soon as I reach around a hundred
> posts, a single function call takes as long as 10 seconds).
> It may be interesting to note that I had to recode it from scratch: I wrote
> a class to do the same processing, and *that* ate memory like crazy, ending
> up with nearly 2 GB of used memory (according to XP taskman).
> If anybody has come across a similar problem, I'd love to know what did they
> do to solve it, but a suggestion on how to pinpoint the cause of the
> slowdown would be great as well.
> Uh, yes: I'm using PHP 4.2.2 and Apache 1.3.24 on an XP machine (but I've
> tried using PHP 4.3.0 and Apache 2, with the same results).
> pgcd

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Re: [PHP] fopen and file dump to a databace...

2003-03-09 Thread Jimmy Brake
hi mark!

i import data all the dang time and this is what i use (more or less)

Insert($query); // i use a class for my mysql connections

function csv_parse($data, $separator)
$quote = '"';
$values = array();
$toggle = 0;
$len = strlen($data);
$count = 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++)
$tmp = substr ($data, $i, 1);
if (strcmp($tmp, $quote) == 0)
$toggle = $toggle ^ 1;
$value = $value . $tmp;
if (strcmp($tmp, $separator) == 0)
if (! $toggle)
# End of word
$value = ereg_replace(",$", "", $value);
$value = ereg_replace("^\"", "",
$value = ereg_replace("\"$", "",
$value = ereg_replace("\"+", "\"",
$num_of_elems = count($values);
$values[$num_of_elems] = $value;
$value = "";
$value = ereg_replace("^\"", "", $value);
$value = ereg_replace("\"$", "", $value);
$value = ereg_replace("\"+", "\"", $value);
$num_of_elems = count($values);
$values[$num_of_elems] = $value;
return ($values);

function make_safe($text)
$text = preg_replace("/(\cM)/", " ", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/(\c])/", " ", $text);
$text = str_replace("\r\n", " ", $text);
$text = str_replace("\x0B", " ", $text);
$text = str_replace('"', " ", $text);
$text = explode("\n", $text);
$text = implode(" ", $text);
$text = addslashes(trim($text));

On Sun, 2003-03-09 at 18:02, Mark Tehara wrote:
> HI, I'm looking to take the data from a CSV file, then upload it into a
> mysql databace.
> I figure i will need the following.
> To count the number of lines ... and cut up each line in its veriables then
> entering it into the databace.
> I have:
> $file = fopen("pricelist-snippet.csv","r");
> $buffer = fread($file,1);
> echo $buffer;
> This dumps the data to the screen ...
> where would i start to making cutting this data up by the line?
> / Mark

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[PHP] syntax question

2003-03-06 Thread Jimmy
I'm looking through some existing code for a project I'm working on, but
I keep running into this syntax that I really don't understand. Here's
an example:


What do the ? and the : do here?  I'm seeing this sort of thing all over
and just have no idea what ? : do. Thanks. 

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Re: [PHP] crontab

2003-03-04 Thread Jimmy Brake
i think one of us misunderstood your posting ... 

my suggestion was simply to put a php script in your crontab to be run
whenever you set it to go .. if you are writing a php script to update
crontab for you as Liam understood your message it is not a good idea (
actually it's a really bad idea :) )

but running a php script versus a bash or perl or whatever
script/program is no more a concern than those ( always have security in
mind )

On Tue, 2003-03-04 at 13:07, John Taylor-Johnston wrote:
> Cal, Liam, Jimmy,
> Thanks. If this is a serious security hazard, could you show me some code that is 
> more secure? I am the "root". Mind you I've never worked with crontab before. I want 
> to run /var/www/backup_mysql.php I suppose I should start by putting it somewhere 
> not publicly accessible?
> Thanks,
> John
> Liam Gibbs wrote:
> > > Can I run a php script in crontab?
> > > Do I echo or print?
> > > Anyone doing it?
> >
> > This is a serious security hazard. However, what you could do is have a PHP
> > page set cron settings (such as name of file, location, frequency, and
> > importance), then have another cron job (running at a decent frequency) do
> > the organization. However, this is still a security flaw, as hackers can
> > just take a look at your cron jobs and get in and run their own in place of
> > yours. Probably no more a flaw than normal, though, as if a hacker can get
> > in to replace your cron job, they can get in and run any number of things
> > anyway. Make sure to hard code your cron jobs, as having a downloadable page
> > is a bigger security hazard. You don't want the PHP page to do this itself,
> > because it will have to run as root.
> >
> > I did this one time, and if I'm allowed some time to get my page up, I can
> > e-mail you some instructions. What you'll need is a PHP page, a txt file
> > (for the settings) and a cron job that will read the file and do the
> > necessary steps to arrange the cron jobs itself.

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[PHP] vni -> unicode

2003-02-17 Thread Jimmy Brake

I was wondering if anyone has vni -> unicode conversion script.

Thanks Jimmy

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[PHP] I have a problem with MsSQL

2003-02-17 Thread Jimmy Huaman

My problem is the characters in spanish:


Construcción (Data of MsSQL Server)
Result in web with PHP:

Thanks you.

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  información de Compras del Estado"

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[PHP] mac os 9 - file upload problems

2003-02-10 Thread Jimmy Brake

I have a file upload page that accepts file uploads from pretty much
every browser and os EXCEPT any browser on mac os 9.  I have no idea
why, any of you ever have problems with file uploads on mac os 9? How
did you solve the issue.


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RE: [PHP] Flow diagrams.-- Resending

2002-12-31 Thread Jimmy Brake
On Mon, 2002-12-30 at 06:59, Sridhar Moparthy wrote:
> Hi Jimmy,
> Thank You for the your reply. Here is the example.
> If
> 1. Jobs 'B' and 'C' starts immediately after Completion of job'A'
> 2. Job 'D' starts after completion of both Jobs 'B' and 'C'.
> 3. Job 'E' starts after completion of job 'C'
> 4. ...

job = object

What makes the jobs different -- should the images for different jobs be
different images? Do the connecting lines need to represent objects
bouncing around inside a computer, a network or the real world? Do the
objects transition between the real world - inside a computer and
through networks?

I just need to get a grasp.

Do the connecting lines always connect to the same place or are they
places on an object can connecting lines have bends? If they bend can
they cross other lines or pass through objects they are not related to?
(lots of other questions like this)

Can you show me data from your db(change the names if security is an

Also some general descriptions or what each job is would be great.

Such as is it a function or an object or class or is this data bouncing
between servers and respective processes. And things that you are
looking for in the image.

H if the layout is always the same then the graphic class can be
quite simple but if the layout changes it could make things much more

> The I would like to see the following image.
> [image]
> If you can not see the image, Please see the attached file. 
> Thank you.
> Sridhar.
> -Original Message-
> From: Jimmy Brake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, December 27, 2002 4:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Flow diagrams.-- Resending
> can you give us some examples of the data ..
> the example I would like to see is: based on this information this is
> what should be displayed
> On Fri, 2002-12-27 at 11:48, Sridhar Moparthy wrote:
> > Hi Every one,
> >
> > I have information about some processes in the database that tells
> different
> > process dependencies. I need to display that information as a
> process flow
> > diagram. Do you know how to prepare and display process flow
> diagrams
> > dynamically. Do you know anything like JPGraph or Java script or
> java applet
> > that can do this? If so Please help me.
> >
> > I am using PHP 4.xx and IIS on Win NT platform. Please help me if
> you know
> > how to do.
> >
> > Thank You,
> > Sridhar Moparthy

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Re: [PHP] monster form and compression?

2002-12-27 Thread Jimmy Brake
IE has some bugs when you have big forms when using []  

test with mozilla or netscape

if thats the case -- then errr well umm use what works

On Fri, 2002-12-27 at 12:50, Jeff D. Hamann wrote:
> I have a monster form (really a funky grid - hey the client is always right)
> that does not display entirely each time the form is displayed. Some times,
> quite repeatably, the bottom half of the form's select boxes will be blank
> (not good). Is there a way to compress the web page before it gets sent, or
> any method to ensure the page will display correctly?
> Jeff.
> --
> Jeff D. Hamann
> Hamann, Donald & Associates, Inc.
> PO Box 1421
> Corvallis, Oregon USA 97339-1421
> Bus. 541-753-7333
> Cell. 541-740-5988
> www.hamanndonald.com

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Re: [PHP] Flow diagrams.-- Resending

2002-12-27 Thread Jimmy Brake
can you give us some examples of the data ...

the example I would like to see is: based on this information this is
what should be displayed

On Fri, 2002-12-27 at 11:48, Sridhar Moparthy wrote:
> Hi Every one,
> I have information about some processes in the database that tells different
> process dependencies. I need to display that information as a process flow
> diagram. Do you know how to prepare and display process flow diagrams
> dynamically. Do you know anything like JPGraph or Java script or java applet
> that can do this? If so Please help me.
> I am using PHP 4.xx and IIS on Win NT platform. Please help me if you know
> how to do.
> Thank You,
> Sridhar Moparthy

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[PHP] uploading + downloading Large files ...

2002-12-27 Thread Jimmy Brake

My users need to upload and download large files (100 + megs). Right now
I only allow 100k to be uploaded. Will I need to do anything to
php/apache to make sure things continue to be reliable? 

My google search only found threads with bad endings and they had much
smaller files. Should i just make em use ftp or scp? The problem with
using one of those protocols is that it makes it difficult for the users
to link the files to the proper account/relation/incident and anything
that is a problem for users is usually a problem for me. 



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Re: [PHP] Flow diagrams.

2002-12-26 Thread Jimmy Brake
to my knowledge there is nothing in php that does that

good luck

On Thu, 2002-12-26 at 11:17, Sridhar Moparthy wrote:
> Hi Every one,
> Do you know how to prepare and display process flow diagrams dynamically
> based on some data from database. I have information about some processes in
> the database that tells different process dependencies. I need to display
> that information as a process flow diagram.
> I am using PHP 4.xx and IIS on Win NT platform. Please help me if you know
> how to do.
> Thank You,
> Sridhar Moparthy

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[PHP] a good imap library?

2002-12-11 Thread Jimmy Brake

I am looking for a good imap library ..

That will let me:

list folders
list contents of a folder
retrieve email 
retrieve just headers
retrieve the attachement of an email
get the number of messages in a mailbox
set server side filters

I have been digging around squirrel mail but I am not to happy with what I am seeing  
-- looks very mature but I would prefer something that is OO.

Thanks in advance,


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Re: [PHP] update query based on array

2002-12-09 Thread Jimmy Brake
not real sure of the setup of the form but if you have mutiple groups of
items to be updated then you should make the rank an array -- rank[pid#]

you should make all the items -- that are related part of the same group
-- by using [] 

On Mon, 2002-12-09 at 15:06, Jason Dulberg wrote:
> I am displaying a list of data (from an sql query) and some of the fields in
> that list are editable through a form. If the user chooses to edit one or
> more of the rows of data, they must click on a checkbox to add that row to
> an "update array". The problem is that when I read that array to pass to an
> UPDATE sql statement, it only passes the last entry of the array.
> Here's an example of the data being passed:
> 13 - 4 - UPDATE ranking SET category='Prep School', rank='30' WHERE pid=4
> 14 - 169 - UPDATE ranking SET category='Prep School', rank='30' WHERE
> pid=169
> 15 - 166 - UPDATE ranking SET category='Prep School', rank='30' WHERE
> pid=166
> The above is created based on the following html code:
> //the last row
> So as you can see, its only reading the last row and assigning its values to
> the data above as well.
> Here's what I'm using for the sql query:
> while(list($key,$val)=each($rankid)) {
>$upd=mysql_query("UPDATE ranking SET category='$category', rank='$rank'
> WHERE pid=$val");
> }
> If anyone has any suggestions for fixing this problem, please let me know :)
> THanks
> __
> Jason Dulberg
> Extreme MTB
> http://extreme.nas.net

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Re: [PHP] Re: Looking for good ZIP Code / Latitude / Longitude table

2002-10-30 Thread Jimmy Brake
how much does the service cost?

or am misunderstanding the class?

why do you have to enter a password?

On Wed, 2002-10-30 at 11:31, Manuel Lemos wrote:
> Hello,
> On 10/30/2002 04:03 PM, Michael Zornek wrote:
> > I've written a nice php/mysql site that let's you search for hospitals and
> > community colleges by zip code. The search is built upon some math that
> > figures out distances by a zip's lat and lon cords.
> > 
> > My problem is that my current ZIP table (bout 42,000 rows) seems to be
> > flawed. There are a ton of zip codes round california that have all the same
> > lat and lons. There are other dups as well. So I'm looking for some new
> > data.
> > 
> > Does anyone know a good source for this type of info?
> This class may be used to figure the coordinates of a location given the 
> IP address of a computer (the user computer):
> http://www.phpclasses.org/netgeoclass
> -- 
> Regards,
> Manuel Lemos
> -- 
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Re: [PHP] Cleaning pasted Word text

2002-10-29 Thread Jimmy Brake
for file maker pro (windows/mac) -- word (windows/mac) 

function make_safe($text)
$text = preg_replace("/(\cM)/", " ", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/(\c])/", " ", $text);
$text = str_replace("\r\n", " ", $text);
$text = str_replace("\x0B", " ", $text);
$text = str_replace('"', " ", $text);
$text = explode("\n", $text);
$text = implode(" ", $text);
$text = addslashes(trim($text));

function make_safe2($text)
$text = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/(\cM)/", "\n", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/(\c])/", "\n", $text);
$text = str_replace("\x0B", "\n", $text);
$text = addslashes($text);

cannot remember I why put in two functions ... but anyhow have fun you
will probably not the the implode / explode either

On Tue, 2002-10-29 at 16:39, Daniel Guerrier wrote:
> Paste into notepad, the copy the text from notepad. 
> Notepad should remove the high ASCII text.
> --- Brent Baisley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I think you have posted before and probably didn't
> > get an answer. I'm 
> > not going to give you an answer (because I don't
> > have one), but perhaps 
> > I can point you in the right direction.
> > Look at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/charset.html
> > and see if that 
> > helps you. Below is a paragraph I pulled from it.
> > 
> > The document character set, however, does not
> > suffice to allow user 
> > agents to correctly interpret HTML documents as they
> > are typically 
> > exchanged -- encoded as a sequence of bytes in a
> > file or during a 
> > network transmission. User agents must also know the
> > specific character 
> > encoding that was used to transform the document
> > character stream into a 
> > byte stream.
> > 
> > 
> > On Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 02:20 PM, a.h.s.
> > boy wrote:
> > 
> > > I'm working on a PHP-based CMS that allows users
> > to post lengthy  
> > > article texts by submitting through a form. The
> > short version of my  
> > > quandary is this: How can I create a conversion
> > routine that reliably  
> > > substitutes HTML-acceptable output for high-ASCII
> > characters pasted  
> > > into the form (from a variety of operating
> > systems)?
> > >
> > --
> > Brent Baisley
> > Systems Architect
> > Landover Associates, Inc.
> > Search & Advisory Services for Advanced Technology
> > Environments
> > p: 212.759.6400/800.759.0577
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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> > 
> __
> Do you Yahoo!?
> HotJobs - Search new jobs daily now
> http://hotjobs.yahoo.com/
> -- 
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[PHP] What causes this?

2002-10-28 Thread Jimmy Brake

I am getting this error randomly, just stops and starts.

Error: Unable to select database: crm :Commands out of sync; You can't
run this command now

 './configure' '--with-oracle=/opt/oracle/product/8.1.6/'
'--with-oci8=/opt/oracle/product/8.1.6/' '--enable-sigchild'
'--enable-track-vars' '--enable-wddx' '--with-mysql'
'--with-jpeg-dir=../jpeg-6b/' '--with-t1lib=../t1lib-1.3.1'
'--enable-wddx' '--with-apache=../apache_1.3.27'

The site ran fine till the upgrade  any ideas how I can get rid of
this or should I just rollback the update?


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[PHP] Reading header information

2002-08-29 Thread jimmy

What I'd like to do is get some of the information found when you do a 
telent on port 80 like this below..

telnet www.hostname.com 80
Trying www.hostname.com...
Connected to.www.hostname.com
Escape character is '^]'.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 2002 17:00:09 GMT
Server: Apache/1.3.26 (Darwin) PHP/4.2.2
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html

Really what I'm trying to find is the server message (404, 200, etc.) on 
a remote server from this line... 

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Is there anyway to access this through php?


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RE: [PHP] missing function? array_change_key_case()

2002-07-17 Thread Jimmy Brake

yep thats it ... 

On Wed, 2002-07-17 at 18:02, John Holmes wrote:
> Works fine for me on 4.2.1
> You have to have at least 4.2.0, do you?
> ---John Holmes...
> > -Original Message-
> > From: Jimmy Brake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2002 8:53 PM
> > Subject: [PHP] missing function? array_change_key_case()
> > 
> > Hi!
> > 
> > When I run this command ...
> > 
> > $foo = array_change_key_case($foo, CASE_UPPER);
> > 
> > I get this error ..
> > 
> > Call to undefined function:  array_change_key_case() in /index.php on
> > line 181
> > 
> > Yet the function (should) exist:
> > 
> > http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.array-change-key-case.php
> > 
> > I am running 4.x any ideas?
> > 
> > Jimmy
> > 
> > 
> > --
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[PHP] missing function? array_change_key_case()

2002-07-17 Thread Jimmy Brake


When I run this command ...

$foo = array_change_key_case($foo, CASE_UPPER);

I get this error ..

Call to undefined function:  array_change_key_case() in /index.php on
line 181

Yet the function (should) exist:


I am running 4.x any ideas?


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[PHP] ^k ? -- how do I match that?

2002-07-15 Thread Jimmy Brake


I keep getting that evil little character ... ^k  from mac users (pre X)
and I need to remove it. Does anyone know how to remove?

This site has that character as a vertical tab. This character is what
is used in MS Excel when people hit return inside a cell. If they copy
and paste that into a form its ok, but when I export that data to a csv
it gets ugly.


Thanks in advance!


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[PHP] A problem in mysql_fetch_array

2002-07-08 Thread Jimmy Lam

I have insert some text with space to mysql DB with varchar()

When I use mysql_fetch_array function to retrieve the data from DB . I found only the 
first session text can be shown . It means if any space there . It will split like 
session by session. for example. my DB have a text "Hello World" , It can retrieve 
only "HELLO" by using mysql_fetch_array . 

could anyone help me  ? thanks ..

[PHP] I would like to ask about Photo Upload in mysql and reteive problem .

2002-07-05 Thread Jimmy Lam

Dear all , 

I am a new bie here and I would like to know more about coding in upload photo 
file by client side and store in mysql database. also , how can I show the photo in 
the HTML CODING embeded and get the image directly from the database ? thanks . could 
you mind provide some code to let me reference. ?? I am doing my project. I need this 
information in urgent. Please friendly give me advice here . thanks 



2002-06-09 Thread Jimmy Lantz

I've been looking for a way to work with stdin/stdout for a mod_rewrite's 

There's a working example in Perl, (just returning the input)

$| = 1;
while () {
   print $_;

I've been trying to achieve this with fopen() read and write the 
php://stdin & php://stdout .

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q

But no success.
In the apache man they say
Avoid one common mistake: never do buffered I/O on stdout! This will cause 
a deadloop!
Hence the ``$|=1'' in the above example

Could sommone give  some pointers how I could achieve the perl script above 
in php?


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[PHP] (Unlink(file) == rm file) ? (ignore this mail):(explain diffs);

2002-05-28 Thread Jimmy Lantz


(Unlink(file) == rm file) ? (ignore this mail):(explain diffs);

Does PHP unlink function handle deletion of files equally as the "rm" 
command on the system in my case FreeBSD.
Or does it involve caching/handling files in any different way?
/ Jim

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RE: [PHP] Mcrypt: Blowfish or Twofish or no fish? part 3

2002-05-22 Thread Jimmy Lantz

>I believe that twofish has been successfully broken, so use blowfish
>instead. Typically, for encrypting files you will use an algorithm like
>blowfish in cbc mode (as opposed to ebc mode) but I don't know if Mcrypt
>supports this. Also, when creating the hash of the file, it is probably best
>to use SHA-1 instead of MD5, as there appears to be some concern with MD5
>over it's compression function.

It helps :)
I have been looking into Blowfish with cbc mode :)
If I use SHA-1 it's still no way to dehash it during decryption of the file,
so I fail to see the use of Hashing in fileencryption.
Could someone enlighten me?
/ Jim

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[PHP] Mcrypt: Blowfish or Twofish or no fish? Part 2

2002-05-21 Thread Jimmy Lantz

Thanx for the suggestions!
Someone mentioned that I could use MD5 and then encrypt the hash,
how would I ever decrypt that? Is'nt MD5 a 1-way thing only?

Another question?
Should I go for bigger keylength or bigger blocksize or both? What makes 
for the best encryption?

/ Jim

(and before someone suggest that I read the book Applied cryptography it's 
already orderd and on it's way :-) )

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[PHP] Mcrypt: Blowfish or Twofish or no fish?

2002-05-21 Thread Jimmy Lantz

started playing with Mcrypt and just wanted to ask which encryption method 
makes the stronger encryption?
(I can supply the necesary keylength).
Should I go for MCRYPT_BLOWFISH or MCRYPT_TWOFISH? Or no fish at all :)

So what do I need it for? I'm going to use it encrypting files, sizes 
varies between some 100 k's and 4-5 mb's.
/ Jim

Paranoia + A system w/o users = Safe system :) 

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[PHP] Sane path? Avoiding people climbing in directory structure ../../

2002-05-20 Thread Jimmy Lantz

I'm planning on using userinput as a part of path to read (horrific I know :)
So to make this userinput a bit more secure I'm thinking to use
$path = escapeshellarg($path);
$path = str_replace("../","",$path);

I'm thinking to use a basedir in a constant something like 
/usr/home/userdir  (this also being set in php.ini)
then add the userinput and then append that to the constant and then use 
opendir() on it.
I want to avoid people putting in nice little strings like ../../../etc/

Any other pointers?
/ Jim

Security is a state of mind not a sales arguement!

*** Secret behind flying=
Throw yourself at the ground and miss :-) 

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[PHP] Re: [[PHP] php problem]

2002-05-10 Thread Jimmy Lantz

"johnny1b1g" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well I guess I could try to help you if you elaborate your question a bit
/ Jimmy
Start with RTFM :-)

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[PHP] [PHP 4.2.0] HTTP PUT method & $_FILES ?

2002-05-10 Thread Jimmy Lantz

I'm trying to get the PUT method working on a Apache server running PHP as
Theese are the steps I've taken so far:

- I see in my apache logs that I've got PUT requests  "PUT /path/filename.html
HTTP/1.1" OK
- I've added Script PUT /put.php , And checked so that the requests are beeing
transfered to this function. OK
- I've tried to get the ENV VARS but none show more than the PATH_TRANSLATED
(and it's beeing set) OK
- Checked the vars $PHP_UPLOADED_FILE_NAME and $PHP_PUT_FILENAME But neither
are being set to any tmpfile NOT OK!
- Checked $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA , not set either.

Would'nt it be better to have the PUT valuables in the superglobal $_FILES ?
Or at least in a $HTTP_PUT_FILE var.

If someone could direct me to where I can fine the temporary file, I would be
much obliged!

Theres bugs referring to this as an "non working" function is this so?
- Bug #10383 Receiving an HTTP PUT, rather than sending one 

I propose a solution like the following:

Path of the proposed upload like /mytest/filename.htm

The full path of the proposed upload like

The size, in bytes, of the uploaded file. 

Temp name something like /tmp/hfdhjfufd8733

My only bad is that I cant program in C otherwise I would have been there
doing it already.

/ Jimmy

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2002-04-29 Thread Jimmy

Anyone have any experience resetting the result cursor when using ODBC to
access MSSQL (2000)?



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[PHP] [PHP 4.2.0] Benchmarking file uploads?

2002-04-24 Thread Jimmy Lantz

I'm looking into the new version of PHP it says in the changelog
"Highly improved performance with file uploads "
Has there been any benchmarking done on this?
/ Jimmy

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[PHP] php printer functions...

2002-04-18 Thread Jimmy

I'm running PHP 4.1.1 on a Win2K box.  If I understand the manual correctly,
the printer functions have been integrated into PHP as of v4.0.4.  However,
when I try to call any of the printer functions, nothing works.

Any ideas or suggestions?



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[PHP] mimeexplode counterpart in php?

2002-03-25 Thread Jimmy Lantz

I wonder if there's such a thing as a counterpart in PHP for MimeExplode in 
MimeExplode takes a email and splits the attachments and text so that you 
can save it automatically to a certain dir
by using .forward files.
Or something alike to it in PHP. I've been looking at IMAP functions but 
dont see how it would be possible to do the same thing.

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[PHP] Resume/recover uploads in PHP 4.2 ? WAS: RE: upload forms, how much was uploaded before upload fails..

2002-03-25 Thread Jimmy Lantz

following up on the text below...
Will there then be possible to recover uploads in 4.2?
Maybe even  resuming uploads? (wishfull thinking) ?

Rasmus Lerdorf wrote:
Re: [PHP] upload forms, how much was uploaded before upload fails..
You'll probably need PHP 4.2 for uploads that big to work well. Before
4.2 uploads were buffered in ram, so no, you have no way to recover a
broken upload.

On Sun, 24 Mar 2002, Gerhard Hoogterp wrote:
 > Hello all,
 > I'm still having problems uploading BIG files (15MB and more) Is there a 
 > to find howmuch data was uploaded before the connection was broken?
 > For some weird reason no browser has a half decent user feedback if it come
 > to upload forms.
 > Gerhard

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[PHP] Appropriate headers for Forcing download on IE/Mac and open with stuffit?

2002-03-18 Thread Jimmy Lantz

I know it has been discussed before but I havent seen any working solutions.

My problem is that I need to force a dowload for Mac users / IE
and preferably also automatically let them open the file with stuffit expander.
(it works with files downloaded from a webpage/apache without PHP)
So there must be a way to replicate this behaviour in PHP, right?

I've tried endless combinations of orders for the headers and removing 
parts of them. What I've ended up using is the following:

header("Content-type: application/octet-stream\n");
header("Content-disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"\n");
header("Content-transfer-encoding: binary\n");
header("Content-length: " . $filesize . "\n");

But it doesnt result in the desired behaviour though.
Any Ideas?

And yes I've RTFM more than twice!

Btw, I use PHP 4.12 as an Apache module on FreeBSD.

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[PHP] readfile or fopen? (Passing file to user...)

2002-03-12 Thread Jimmy Lantz

I wonder if there's a better way (more effective, less resource consuming ) 
to pass a file to a user than the ones I put below.
This might be quite large files more than 100 mb. Mind this might be all 
kind of files (binary and others) and must preserve the files state.

//Sending approriate headers
--Is this better, 
faster less consuming

than this? Seems 
like it, or is there yet another, faster, better way?
$data = readfile($completeFilePath);
while ($data[$i] != ""){
echo $data[$i];

/ Jimmy

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Re: [PHP] strange behaviour of mysql_pconnect()

2002-01-22 Thread Jimmy

Hi Shane,

> Actually, I'd be interested to know why the same connection is used for two
> connections to the same database?
> I'm guessing people could fall over this trying to do, say, unbuffered
> queries through one to fetch a huge result set, and normal queries through 
> another to make changes

as i've said before, this is only a testing script, not a real one.

I come across this testing when discussing about how many
same persistent connection can be opened to mysql.
I believe there will always be exactly only one same connection
(same connection = same host and same username), regardless of
using connect() or pconnect().

but then someone make a small testing, by doing 2 same pconnect()
and printing the returned link_identifier, which surprisingly return 2
different id.


There is no greater waste as a waste of time

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[PHP] strange behaviour of mysql_pconnect()

2002-01-22 Thread Jimmy

Hi list,

I do a small test on mysql_connect() and mysql_pconnect(),
and discover a strange behaviour.

the output if using mysql_connect():
Resource id #1
Resource id #1
(both resource id are the same, as expected)

the output if using mysql_pconnect():
Resource id #1
Resource id #2
(both resource id are different)

at first I though pconnect() will create 2 different connection
because the printed resource id is different.

But after doing some test (by looking at the mysql processlist) i can
conclude that those two link_identifier are actually the same
(only one link, but with two different id)

the question is, why pconnect() print different resource id,
whereas connect() print the same one?


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Re: [PHP] Best way to get the remote IP address?

2002-01-21 Thread Jimmy

> either $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REMOTE_ADDR'] or simply $REMOTE_ADDR (if you use
> $REMOTE_ADDR in functions make sure you do a global on it first) - I
> personally use $REMOTE_ADDR, but you should read the docs for details...

using $REMOTE_ADDR directly is fine as long as the
"register_global" setting is off.

otherwise, it's wiser to use getenv('REMOTE_ADDR') instead of
$REMOTE_ADDR directly.


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Re: [PHP] Error notification and pretty error page

2002-01-21 Thread Jimmy

Hi Dan,

> How can i include error notification, like if an MySQL error occurs,
> to notify me of the offending page and what the error was, while
> having the page die quietly or nicely, like an message saying that
> the webmaster will be notified please continue?

you can make a generic function to be called when such error occured.
the fucntion will print a nice/default error msg to user and you can
log detail information regarding the error into logfile or DB,
or even send out a notification email to you.

function fatal_error($msg, $file, $line) {
  //$msg : the to be logged
  //$file: name of file which trigger the error
  //$line: line number which trigger the error

the usage:

@mysql_query or fatal_error (mysql_error(), __FILE__, __LINE__);

__FILE__ and __LINE__ are php predefined constant to indicate current
file and line number which is being parsed/executed.

you always have to pass this __FILE__ and __LINE__ because PHP dont
have the ability to "backtrack" from which file/line a function is
called :(

and dont forget to add "@" sign in front of the PHP's function,
to surpress the error msg generated by PHP.


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Re: [PHP] mysql_insert_id?

2002-01-16 Thread Jimmy

Hi DL,

> ="session" is not the correct word/its use is potentially confusing
> (perhaps that's why it's in quotes?) - persistence refers to the
> continuing connection between PHP and MySQL.

yup, you're right.
session is not the correct word, but i can't find the
correct/easy word to subtitute session, so i just use session
but put it inside quotes :)

> However it is also possible that in order to save time the LAST_ID
> information is built into the resultset coming back from the INSERT -
> thus when mysql_insert_id() is called PHP would not need to go back
> to MySQL/last_insert_id().

yes, what you said could be true also.

Well, there's only one way to be sure how mysql_insert_id() works...read
the source code of PHP :) but unfortunately I dont have the source code,
and even if I do, I won't read it, because I am lousy at reading someone's

nice discussion, Neil :)


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Re: [PHP] Help !! Mail Function Problem (Newbie)

2002-01-16 Thread Jimmy

Hi Simos,

> mail([EMAIL PROTECTED], "Subject", "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3");

>  thewall sendmail[4513]: g0H10I604513: from=apache, size=0, class=0,
> nrcpts=0, relay=apache@localhost

I am not sendmail expert, so i am just guessing.
the nrcpts=0 in your log message might be stands for "number of
recipients", and it is showing 0.

So maybe you should pass the email address in proper string
(enclose it inside quote), like this:

mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", "Subject", "Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3");


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Re: [PHP] mysql_insert_id?

2002-01-16 Thread Jimmy

Hi mike,

>>>> last_insert_id() will return you the last inserted ID from
>>>> previous 'session', not current 'session'.
>>>> to prevent this, you should call last_insert_id() only when
>>>> your INSERT query executed succesfully.

>> Most probably the returned value would be wrong, because it will
>> return the last_insert_id of previous INSERT query (from previous
>> 'session')

> but of course, you'd have checked that the result id returned a valid result
> and not an error in this case and never looked for the last_insert_id,

That's why in the first posting (read the first paragraph above),
I told him to exec last_insert_id() or mysql_insert_id() ONLY when
the insert query is SUCCESSFUL.


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Re: [PHP] mysql_insert_id?

2002-01-16 Thread Jimmy

Hi DL,

>> the only problem i can think of might occur with pconnect is,
>> last_insert_id() will return you the last inserted ID from
>> previous 'session', not current 'session'.
>> to prevent this, you should call last_insert_id() only when
>> your INSERT query executed succesfully.

> =Of course a "right-living" boy like me, cannot conceive of why one would
> look up LAST_INSERT other than immediately after the INSERT/UPDATE command...

calling last_insert_id() after INSERT is the number one rule
of course :)
What i mean was, what if the INSERT query fail, but the script still
execute the last_insert_id() function?
Most probably the returned value would be wrong, because it will
return the last_insert_id of previous INSERT query (from previous

> =What I have noted is that the PHP manual
> (http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-insert-id.php) works
> slightly differently (and possibly more simply), as well as
> emphasising the "immediately after" relationship between this call
> and the preceding INSERT.

I might be wrong, but i think PHP's mysql_insert_id() must be using
MySQL's API function call.
Meaning, it will return whatever value MySQL return.
Or in other word, mysql_insert_id() and last_insert_id() will return
the same result.

I have look thru the manual link above, and i think the phrase
"immediately after" in the manual is more to advise the user to do
mysql_insert_id() immediately after the INSERT query,
because last_insert_id value might get overwritten by the newest one.

the "immediately after" phares in the manual doesn't mean that PHP's
mysql_insert_id() function is somehow tied to the previous/last
INSERT query, so that if the INSERT fails then mysql_insert_id()
will intelegently return the correct value.

just my 1 cent


The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can 
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Re: [PHP] WDDX...

2002-01-16 Thread Jimmy

Hi Tony,

> I'm doing a website which I want to be easily updated so I made it using
> wddx, now I wonder how fast or slow it is?
> How many people can connect to my website without seeing any slowdowns?
> Anyone knows?

I use WDDX in my project to exchange data between application
(which is what WDDX mainly for).
In average, in all my script there will be one call to
wddx_serialize_vars() function, and everything seems to be ok to
me...there's no significant slow down.
though, still we can not conclude that WDDX is fast/slow,
since my app is not so WDDX-intensive.

btw, it's interesting that you can use WDDX to help you update your
website easily. would you mind sharing with us how?



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Re: [PHP] Lazy evaluation?

2002-01-16 Thread Jimmy

>> For "or" statements it does, but not && or xor.

Are you sure only "or" which do lazy evaluation?
as far as i remember, the last time I use "&&" operator it do
lazy evaluation.
And if you look at the online manual, some users also confirmed
that PHP implement lazy evaluation for logical operator.

>> I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want lazy evaluation on
>> a conditional statement involving "and".

Would you share the reason with us why you dont want lazy
evaluation in "AND"?

> if i have a statement like
>  if (($a == 'a') && ($b == 'b')) blahblahblah();
> and, $a != 'a'.
> why should php even look at the value for $b while evaluating this line?

i believe PHP implement lazy evaluation, so it won't evaluate $b=='b'


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Re: [PHP] mysql_insert_id?

2002-01-16 Thread Jimmy

Hi Martin,

>> 2 because the (function argument) controlling feature is the
>> connection, it is not possible for another concurrent user to
>> 'steal' your ID or influence the ID returned to you - it's all

> Ok, assume you are correct, but what if you are using persistent 
> connections (ie pconnet)?

don't worry, persistent connection is per-child-process basis,
so concurrent users will use different connection to DB.

the only problem i can think of might occur with pconnect is,
last_insert_id() will return you the last inserted ID from
previous 'session', not current 'session'.
to prevent this, you should call last_insert_id() only when
your INSERT query executed succesfully.


Right thinking leads to right living

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Re: [PHP] Time calculation after UNIX

2002-01-16 Thread Jimmy

Hi Olav,

> I have a database that is supposed to last more than 30 years
> Could someone advice me how to calculate (add and subtract) time in a maner
> that willl be correct after 2030 when Unix Time stop working?

if you are using MySQL, then use datetime or date column type.
they can support date range from '1000-01-01' to '-12-31'.

and for calculation, you can use MySQL function:


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Re: [PHP] StripSlashes() & quotes in text boxes

2002-01-16 Thread Jimmy

Hi Robert,

> administrator to edit the item description. When displayed in a text box the
> description just shows 17.
> The only solution I can find is to swap the quote marks for "
> when storing the item initially

you can use htmlspecialchars() function to convet all the html chars.
The issue is, when do you convert it, either when you want to display
them on browser, or when user INSERT/UPDATE.

I think it's better to convert it only when displaying to the browser.
so in the DB, the data is still stored as it is, because you might
want to display the data somewhere else other than browser, for
example email or printing.


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Re: [PHP] Lazy evaluation?

2002-01-16 Thread Jimmy

Hi Alexander,

> Does PHP support lazy evaluation? Meaning that if:

Yes, it does.


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Re: [PHP] Including a REMOTE FILE using include (php function)

2002-01-15 Thread Jimmy

Hi louie,

> Im trying this little example of mine, Im trying to include
> a file from a remote webserver but could not possibly get
> it to work..

could be because the url fopen wrapper is disabled.
check the value of this setting in your php.ini file:


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Re: [PHP] Content

2002-01-15 Thread Jimmy

Hi Martin,

> I dunno how to do that from the top of my head, but imo Daniels server
> is broken since POST variables are sent in the body, but that is 
> clearly no POST request at all. In this case PHP has no way of parsing 
> the broken request. Or am I wrong here?

in POST request, all the variable will be in the body/content part,
so it is correct.


To Jazz or not to jazz. That's the question.  -William Saxpeare-

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Re: [PHP] Content

2002-01-15 Thread Jimmy

Hi Daniel,

> variables, but as part of the Content of the HTTP request. Here is a sample:

>/~rafael/sms_mail/cliente.dcs.php?NotificationProtocolVersion=[EMAIL PROTECTED]&MessageType=email&[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3E&Subject=TST26&MessageReceivedTime=01/15/2002%2014:08:23
> HTTP/1.0

in your php script, try to echo the passed param directly as variable,
for example $NotificationProtocolVersion or $ApplicationName
if it show the correct value, then you're lucky.

otherwise, you have to parse the HTTP request.
// after this you will have the $NotificationProtocolVersion variable


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Re: [PHP] unable to copy and chmod

2002-01-14 Thread Jimmy

Hi Edgard,

> I'm trying to copy a file and chmod it to make it writable, but after I copy
> it using PHP I can't even chmod in ftp !

since you upload it using PHP, most likely the owner of the file is
nobody.nobody, that's why you can't chmod thru ftp. (unless you login
to ftp as nobody ;))

> I can't change the file owner too.

only root can chown

You need root access to fix your problem...or re-upload your file using
ftp, not php.


A diplomat is man who always remembers a woman's birthday but never her age.

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Re: [PHP] help using ereg_replace()

2002-01-14 Thread Jimmy

Hi Erik,

> "$phone" is a 10-digit string.
> I would like the output to be
> $phone = "(555) 555-";

you don't need regex to do that.
just insert add "(" to the beginning of $phone,
add ") " to the 4th position,
and "-" to the 4th position from behind,
using substr_replace() function.

anyway if you insist on using regex:
preg_replace("/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/", "(\\1) \\2-\\3", $arr);


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Re: [PHP] Piping data into a select box

2002-01-12 Thread Jimmy

Hi Dean,

> Does anyone know how to give a select pulldown box a default value
> from a PHP variable?

//   $option_list=generate_option_list($key_value,"02");
//   //$option_list now contain text January
//   //  February
// NOTE: This will only create the  tag, without the  tag

  while ( list($key,$value) = each($key_value) ) {
if ($key==$set) {$var.="$value";}
    else {$var.="$value";}
  return $var;



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Re: [PHP] preg_replace help

2002-01-11 Thread Jimmy

Hi Gaylen,

> Please visit my web site at  href=http://www.mysite.com>www.mysite.com. You will be glad you did!

assumming all link start with www and all word which start
with www must be a link:

$repLink = preg_replace("/ (www[^ ]*) /i",


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Re: [PHP] eregi and alfa numeric characters.

2002-01-11 Thread Jimmy

Hi Sait,

> no characters except for the followings will not be allowed.
> 0-9 a-z A-Z   ~ @ # $ %  ( ) _  - +  =  [ ]  { }  < ? >

if ( ereg("[^0-9a-zA-Z\_\-]", $user_input) ) {
  //invalid char detected
else {
  //input contain only allowed char

just add all your valid char in the pattern, and dont forget
to escape the char which has special meaning in regex.


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Re: [PHP] ereg

2002-01-10 Thread Jimmy

Hi Kunal,

> ereg("(.*)", $lineofhtml, $output);

ereg("([^]*)", $lineofhtml, $output);


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Re: [PHP] Object Copying

2002-01-10 Thread Jimmy

Hi Ken,

> As we all know, this copies an object in PHP:
>   $obj2 = $obj1
> Preferable a way to fix PHP not to copy the object, but the reference.

this will do want you want:
$obj2 = &$obj1;


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Re: [PHP] Test if picture exists then load.

2002-01-10 Thread Jimmy

>> Would that be fopen()?  or something else?  I'm still new to PHP so any
>> feedback would be very appreciated.

> Use file_exists() to check whether a file exists.

file_exists() function is quite slow.
in your case, better do fopen() to check if the file exist,
because you gonna do fopen() anyway if the file exist.
if fopen() return error, then you can assume the file does not exist.
dont forget to add "@" in front of the function name, to surpress err

if ($f = @fopen($image)) {
  // file exist, read the content, then echo to browser
else {
  // file does not exist, open default image


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Re: [PHP] weird fopen problem

2002-01-10 Thread Jimmy

Hi Jon,

> Warning: fopen("/home/jon/pgpfiles/sgsdgsdg","w") - Permission denied in
> /home/ethiorg/public_html/test.php on line 2
> the directory /home/jon/pgpfiles has mode 777 and is owned by nobody and
> group is nobody. Apache runs under user nobody.

looks like you try to open a file outside the allowed direcory tree.
check your "open_basedir" setting in php.ini config file.


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Re: [PHP] Interesting Problem

2002-01-09 Thread Jimmy

Hi Yoed,

> mysql_query("SELECT Id, Dep_Date, Return_DateFROM X,Y WHERE Dep_Date LIKE
> '%$SelectDate%' OR Return_Date LIKE '%$SelectDate%' ORDER BY Dep_Date");
> Will give you a ton of errors, and I'm not very fimilar with JOIN and SQL
> and how that works. My idea was to create two querys, but the results in

from your table definition i didn't see any relation between those two
tables, so most probably it doesnt make sense to make a "join"
just do it in 2 query, one for each table.


When you have a hammer, you tend to treat everything as if it were a nail.

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Re: [PHP] inserting a file into MSSQL

2002-01-09 Thread Jimmy

Hi Peter,

> Does anyone have a link to a good reference on how to insert a binary file
> (zip file) into MSSQL?

why do you want to store binary file in DB?
It's more efficient to store the file in filesystem, and in DB only
store the path of the file.
Unless you really have a good reason and left with no option
other than store the file in DB.


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Re: [PHP] Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource

2002-01-08 Thread Jimmy

Hi Dan,

> $parent_sql = "SELECT * FROM categories ORDER BY sort_order ASC";
> $parent_result = mysql_query($parent_sql);

change the line to this one and run it again to see the error:
$parent_result = mysql_query($parent_sql) or die(mysql_error());


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Re: [PHP] Running php in background?

2002-01-07 Thread Jimmy

Hi James,

> Ideally,  I  would like to run the job in the background anyway. Can
> that be done?

read this: http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.exec.php
and search for 'background' keyword.


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Re: [PHP] take links from url

2002-01-07 Thread Jimmy

Hi Alawi,

> I want to take string between  tags in put it
> in variable 

preg_match ("|([^]*)|i", $str, $match);

$match[1] will contain the string between 


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Re: [PHP] HOWTO USE : htmlspecialchars

2002-01-07 Thread Jimmy

Hi louie,

> ">

htmlspecialchars() do not change the passed variable.
it will _return_ the result.
so you have to do like this:
$info = htmlspecialchars($info);

please read the manual before asking to the list.
it's clearly stated there, and there's even an example
on how to use this function.


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Re: [PHP] strip from

2002-01-07 Thread Jimmy

Hi WB,

> Hi i need to strip out the  up  to the  tag.
> preg_replace( "/" , " " , $body );

try this:
preg_replace( "/[^]*]*>/" , " " , $body );


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Re: [PHP] no reply-to header?

2002-01-06 Thread Jimmy

Hi Martin,

> I thought that if there's no "reply-to", then email clients will use the
> "from" as the reply to ??

yes, correct, but the "from" is the address of the original sender,
so when someone hit reply, the email will goes to the original sender
only, not to this mailing list.


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[PHP] no reply-to header?

2002-01-06 Thread Jimmy

Hi All,

I just realize there's no reply-to header in this mailing list.
No wonder I never receive my own email when I reply to any mail here.
Does it purposely set this way? Or is this a glitch?


Mistakes show us what we need to learn.

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Re: [PHP] How to read/write form/into certain place in a text file

2002-01-06 Thread Jimmy

Hi Leon,

> For example,read form letter 5 to 10 in line 4 ,and after some procedure
> ,write into the same place.

if the file is not too big, you can use file() function which will
return an array containing the content of the file per line.
combine this with substr() to read from specific column.
to write use substr_replace().

if the file is big, then doing file() is not advised, you should read
the file as stream. read the following functions:
fopen(), fclose(), fseek(), fread(), fwrite().

>   Another question is that if a user has opened the file to read and write ,
> what will happen if another one will open and write the same file?

php doesnt handle file locking automatically, so i think it would
depend on the OS. if you want to handle file locking, read about flock().


God is greater than your greatest problem

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Re: [PHP] Mysql Curdate problem

2002-01-02 Thread Jimmy

Hi Andras,

> $aresult=mysql_query("select * from orders WHERE (a3 >= CURDATE()-$datec)"
> ,$db);

what's the value of $datec? integer 7 or 14?
if so then try to change it to this: "interval 7 days"


Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life 

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Re: [PHP] Supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL result resource

2001-12-26 Thread Jimmy

Hi James,

> I've been getting the following error:
> Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid PostgreSQL
> result resource in dbasefunctions.php on line 87

that's because your SQL query return nothing, but you
try to fetch a row.


Live for Love, for without Love you don't live.

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Re: [PHP] MySQL to Excel with mutiple sheets

2001-11-29 Thread jimmy elab

Jason Murray wrote:
> I stand by my original statement. After someone requires PHP to
> output a multi-sheet Excel file, the code to do it will then
> be "out there". :)

Ah, this is a nice cryptic answer! 
I need it -more or less- ;-)

This is why: http://nijb.nl/planning.php (It will open a flat excel
sheet, or so you might think) Oh, in case you should worry, the file is
PHP generated and guaranteed macro free.

There's the first requirement fullfilled.

So what more needs to be done,
and where is 'out there?'

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Re: [PHP] MySQL to Excel with mutiple sheets

2001-11-29 Thread jimmy elab

David Robley wrote:
> s/require it be done/want to do it

Count me in. 
Starting somewhere in December. An RTF module will be first, though!

I'll post.

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Re: [PHP] MySQL to Excel with mutiple sheets

2001-11-29 Thread jimmy elab

Matthew Loff wrote:
> http://www.wotsit.org/search.asp?page=49&s=ALLFILES
> > http://homepage.tinet.ie/~jmcnamara/perl/WriteExcel.html

This guy really has loads of remarkable links, or have you?!
Got any more?

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[PHP] Re: PHP4 sessions and Netscape 4.75/Mac

2001-11-19 Thread jimmy elab

> Dennis Moore wrote:
> > 
> Any ideas or clues?

Turn on cookies

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[PHP] Re: Quiz questions on PHP

2001-11-18 Thread jimmy elab

Srinivasan Ramakrishnan wrote:
> I'm preparing a quiz on PHP for some programmers. I was wondering if there
> are good questions that I can use instead of inventing my own.

How about: "Give some examples of relevant questions that one can pose
in news://php.general?";


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[PHP] Re: alzheimers and confused

2001-11-17 Thread jimmy elab

de Morgan and Boole, not Alzheimer nor Confusius

!(A OR B) = (!A) AND (!B)

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Re: [PHP] Parse POST-Data myself

2001-11-16 Thread jimmy elab

Jimmy Elab wrote:

When your not positioned straigth at your keyboard a ';' may
occasionally turn into an 'l'...

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Re: [PHP] Parse POST-Data myself

2001-11-16 Thread jimmy elab

Andrew Forgue wrote:
> By putting brackets after the variable name [] in a form element

BLAAACH!!! Please add an index variable, as fields that you don't need
wil NOT be posted, so when you have several fields for one single
dataset, you might end up with the wrong set of indexes.

Adding them now, you'll never regret. 
Forget them now and you will regret it later...

  for ($i= 1; $i<= 3; $i++) {
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[PHP] Re: Frames and Sessions

2001-11-13 Thread jimmy elab

Michael Hall wrote:
> can't figure out how I'm going to maintain a session across the three
> seperate HTML files in the frameset.

You don't! PHP and your browser will do it for you. It doesn't matter
whether you're in frames or not. All that matters is the cookie that is
automagically generated by the session manager and is sent to the server
on each request.

You only need a call to session_start() in each file that relies on the
session variables, and a session.register('varname') for each var once
you've decided you want it being saved accross pages.

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