Re: [PHP] Debugging Help Needed

2011-04-13 Thread Rich Shepard

On Wed, 13 Apr 2011, Daniel Brown wrote:

   I believe he meant that it's been too long since he used C (which uses
semicolons) and that Python, which he used more recently, doesn't use
semicolons (which always trips me up whenever I have to patch Python

  Thank you, Daniel.

  Inserting a call to debug_print_traceback() (with a terminating
semi-colon) at the top of the ErrorHandler404() function produces no visible
output (and nothing in the application directory or in ~/). Will someone
suggest either how I properly use debug_print_traceback() or otherwise learn
what's failing as I try to invoke the application and transferring control
to the error handler?

  There has to be something either in the index.php, or a function it's
calling, that cannot find the opening display. I need to learn what's
happening so I can get this application running here.


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Re: [PHP] Debugging Help Needed

2011-04-12 Thread Rich Shepard

On Tue, 12 Apr 2011, Daniel Brown wrote:

   You missed the ending semicolon, that's all.


  Oops! Too long since C and Python doesn't use semicolons.

  Adding that, I remove the error but do not see the printed backtrace.
Please suggest how I can determine the source of the page not found error,
or how to capture output from debug_print_backtrace.



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[PHP] Debugging Help Needed

2011-04-12 Thread Rich Shepard

  I'm not a PHP coder, but I have an application written in PHP (CMS Made
Simple) that stopped working when I upgraded postgres to 9.x. I seem to have
most of the problems fixed (those with adodb_lite) but now need to track
down why I get a "404 Page Not Found" error when I try to invoke the local
application. BTW, I'm running php-5.2.17 on Slackware-13.1.

  Running 'php index.php' from the application subdirectory to the document
root directory, I learn the code to search in the directory structure. It
turns out to be misc.functions.php, and the specific function in that file
is ErrorHandler404(). However, I have not been able to trace execution to
learn just where this function is being called.

  Looking at the PHP manual I see there's a function called
debug_print_backtrace(), but I have not found how to properly use it. When I
insert it at the top of ErrorHandler404(), php throws an error when I try to
run index.php:

function ErrorHandler404()
#if ($errno == E_USER_WARNING) {
header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
header("Status: 404 Not Found");
echo '

404 Not Found


PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected '@' in
/var/www/htdocs/cmsms/lib/misc.functions.php on line 223

  How can I determine where ErrorHandler404() is being called so I can fix
the problem and get the application running again?


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[PHP] System log in problems

2007-05-24 Thread Rich Peterson

Hi All

Let me start by saying I am not 100% sure this
is the correct board to post this to. I hope it is
because as i have watched this list it contains
some very helpful people.

I have search for an answer to this and cannot
seem to find it.  We have a subscription based
site that is developed mainly with php and mysql.
We have one person who each time he attempts
to log in it just rolls back to the login page. With
almost 2000 users this is the only time we have
come across this problem. He is not running your
average system at his home the details are.

Operating system is Ubuntu 7.04 released in April 2007
 also using Firefox Version 2.0.03
Mozilla/5.0 (x11; U; Linusi686; en-US;rv:1.8.13) Gecko/200611201
Firefox/ (Ubuntu-feisty)

I can login using firefox and ie no problem but am running a
more common windows system. Is there something on our
end that could be causing this problem for him?

Thanks in advance

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Re: [PHP] PHP Eclipse on Linux

2007-04-12 Thread rich
Try setting JAVA_HOME then starting Eclipse. I got a similar error  
because it was trying to load Java from the wrong directory.


Quoting Bagus Nugroho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi All,

When I'm trying to use eclipse on Linux, using command "java   
-startup.jar", it was show an error like this

"Could not create Java Virtual Machine"

Is my command wrong.
Java already installed and eclipse was put on /opt

Thanks in advance

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Re: [PHP] str_replace on words with an array

2006-10-29 Thread rich gray

Paul Novitski wrote:

If you go this route, perhaps you could enclose each member of your 
original array in \b word boundary sequences using an array_walk 
routine so that you don't have to muddy your original array 
declaration statement.

IIRC str_replace() does not interpret or understand regular expression 
syntax - you'd need preg_replace() for that


Re: [PHP] PHP Frameworks - Opinion

2006-08-01 Thread rich gray

Robert Cummings wrote:

An IDE is not a framework, it's an IDE :)

I think Rob is being unduly modest - correct me if I am wrong but he is 
the core developer of the InterJinn php framework -> - it's been out there for a while now (read: 
robust, fully featured) and the ZF is still in beta I think...


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Re: [PHP] looking for shopping cart

2006-04-22 Thread rich gray
Try Zen cart it is a fork of 
osCommerce which is a very popular OS cart.

I've used it and customised it on a few sites without problems.

Lisa A wrote:
I'm still looking for an inexpensive shopping cart to use on my client's 
website.  Something they can easily update their products, prices, photos, 
etc once I set it up for them.  It must be very simple for them to use.

Anyone write any shopping cart scripts that might work?
Lisa A


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Re: [PHP] how to kill session id without closing the window?

2006-04-07 Thread rich gray


How can I create new, other sesssion id (after I, for example, click on
'Log Out' button) without closing window?

Thanks for any help.


er .. session_regenerate_id()


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RE: [PHP] Like ternary but without the else.

2005-02-25 Thread rich
I couldn't find this anywhere on google or PHP's site but I'm pretty sure
there's an answer to it.

How can I turn the following into something that resembles the ternary

is this what you're after?

$this = ($something ? $that : $this) 


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Re: [PHP] Array concatenation behaviour change

2004-10-08 Thread rich gray
> Can't you sort the array?
Yes of course but that wasn't the point of my post I was trying to
show that the same code produces differing results on 2 different
versions of PHP ...


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[PHP] Array concatenation behaviour change

2004-10-08 Thread rich gray
Just a heads up on this change in array concatenation behaviour that
could cause a few probs for some people...

$arr2 = array(1 => 'One',2 => 'Two');

$arr2 = $arr1 + $arr2;
echo phpversion().'';

this code produces on our provider's server...

Array ( [0] => Zero [1] => One [2] => Two ) 

and on my development server...

Array ( [1] => One [2] => Two [0] => Zero ) 


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RE: [PHP] Mysql fetch_row()

2004-06-20 Thread rich
> when I call mysql_fetch_row() I get an array, but this Array doesn't have
> the fieldnames as array-keys.
> I've seen several codes from others where they use something like
> print $row['key'];
> This doesn't work on my server. Is this because my server-software is too
> old or am I using the wrong function?

...the wrong function - use mysql_fetch_assoc()


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RE: [PHP] count number of occurences of character in a string

2004-06-08 Thread rich
> what function can I use to count the number of occurences of a certain
> character in a string?

substr_count() ...?


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RE: [PHP] executing php scripts via cron

2004-05-18 Thread rich
> I am trying to run a php script via cron. Problem is, that it
> does not work if I
> include the whole path in crontab
> Currently it looks like:
> 0 6 * * * php
> /home/www/project/app_cron/follow_up_new_members.php > /dev/null
> Most likeley because the webserver root for the project is:
> /home/www/project/
> So if I go into this dir and execute:
> php app_cron/follow_up_new_members.php
> it workes. But not with the full path. What do I have to enter
> into crontab? It
> obviosly does not work with the full path, but how to change into
> the directory
> via cron first?

It is probably because the cron daemon cannot find the php binary in its
path try it like this...

> 0 6 * * * /full/path/to/php/binary/php
/home/www/project/app_cron/follow_up_new_members.php > /dev/null


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RE: [PHP] PHP Sessions on Windows

2004-05-12 Thread rich
> How does one get sessions working on Windows? I have modified my php.ini
> file so that session.save_path = C:\Temp, restarted and Apache.
> Still I get
> this error message:
> Warning: session_start(): open(/tmp\sess_26310affee160329c9e50f27663f8971,
> O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in
> c:\apache\htdocs\dbmdata\admin\61646d696e.php on line 2

check you have edited the correct php.ini -- run  and check
where the ini file is to make sure you changed the correct one...


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RE: [PHP] http username

2004-05-02 Thread rich
> If a user is logged in via http (authentification e.g. with  .htaccess and
> .htpasswd file), how can i get the username of the current logged in user?
> Thanx
> Harry



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RE: [PHP] passing the file back

2004-04-30 Thread rich
> Hi all
> In the CMS package mambo , there is an option to backup a database etc.
> Which I can do etc, but what I would like to know, is of a way to pass the
> .sql file, or what ever was selected, to be passed back to the user
> Im looking in the source, but my OO skills is very much lagging.
> I basically want a file to be passed back to me, via a web front end
> Kind Regards
> Brent Clark

not sure what you're after here as mambo gives you an option to download the
file to the local computer when you selct backup database... do you not see
that option?


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RE: [PHP] JavaScript Enabled?

2004-03-29 Thread Rich Gray
> Can anyone suggest a suitable means for detecting if a client browser
> has JavaScript enabled or not?
> I know this isn't exactly PHP related, but I need to make sure my PHP
> script offers an alternative in a friendly way and not a JS error, but
> I just wondered if there was a foolproof method of doing this?

Er ... how do you generate a JS error with a JS disabled browser?

I don't think there is a 100% reliable way of detecting server side whether
a client browser has disabled javascript. However what you could do is to
use a  block to spit out javascript enabled code using
document.write() which will be ignored by disabled clients and then use
 tags to enclose whatever stuff is necessary for the
disabled clients?

Just a thought

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RE: [PHP] Alternatives to Flush()

2004-03-24 Thread Rich Gray
> I do have a database and have considered using it in conjunction with
> cron.  However, I don't like the disconnected nature of the solution.
> There could be up to a minute delay before cron picks up the request.
> There's got to be another method similar to using flush(), that causes
> the lengthy processing to immediately start as well as redirecting the
> visitor to another page.

Hi Ron

Well if it is really critical that the batch job runs within seconds of
being requested by the web process then you have several alternatives apart
from using database/cron ... here's a few examples with various levels of
simplicity of implementation...

. Kick off a cli script to run the batch job using exec() or similar..
. Implement a web service using XML-RPC or SOAP - i.e. call an API on the
XML-RPC/SOAP server and let it do its stuff...
. Have a custom background script listening on a socket - send a request to
that socket from your web page...
. IPC through shared memory...
. probably loads more...


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RE: [PHP] seesions problem

2004-02-27 Thread Rich Gray
> Notice: Undefined index: user_id in
> /home/pance/public_html/menu.php on line
> 13
> Has anybody else come accross this problem - and how did you solve it?
> Pance Stojkovski

are you using session_start() at start of each page that manipulates


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RE: [PHP] Uploading Files

2004-02-24 Thread Rich Gray
>if($userfile) {
> copy($userfile, '/home/sites/site176/web/makeit/$userfile_name');
>  echo "Successfully Added!\n";
> }
> ?>
> File to Upload: 

Hi Tom

Here's some quick comments..

. You need enctype="multipart/form-data" on your form for file uploads
. Watch out for max file size being exceeded -- check the php manual on
'Handling file uploads'
. If register_globals is off on your server you'd better start looking at
using the $_FILES superglobal (check the manual)
. use move_uploaded_file(...) rather than copy(...)


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RE: [PHP] Best way to increment an integer column in mysql

2003-12-11 Thread Rich Gray
> I was wondering if there is a php / mysql function call that will
> increment an integer column in a database.
> ie. the equivalent to
> $foo++;

Hi John
Well you can specify the column as auto_increment to let MySQL handle the
incrementation else I suppose - mysql_query('update mytable set
my_int_column = my_int_column + 1 where blah blah ...');

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RE: [PHP] PHP's MySQL Query Length Limit? (Long SQL failing!)

2003-12-11 Thread Rich Gray
> I have a script that accepts large files (images) and inserts them into
> a MySQL table. The images are manipulated and whatnot, no problems at
> all getting the image into a string and running addslashes() on it.
> Then I go and use it with a mysql query. This is something I've coded
> dozens of times, but now there's a twist. The files are bigger than
> I've ever worked with. In theory, I didn't think there would be a
> problem, but there is. When I try in insert a file of about 800K or
> larger (9-10 MB is as large as I ever try to insert) the insert fails.
> The query is written correctly AKAIK, but no data reaches the table I'm
> writing to.

Hi Galen

I'd hazard a guess that it is probably your MySQL server settings that are
cause of the problem - in particular check the max_allowed_packet_size (?? -
you'll probably need to check this name as I haven't any docs to hand at the
moment) setting in your my.ini file...


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[PHP] Re: Problem using substr() and strpos() functions

2003-11-14 Thread rich
Oh, sorry I've worked it out!

The bug was on a different part of the line!


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[PHP] Problem using substr() and strpos() functions

2003-11-14 Thread rich
Hello List,

I'm trying to extract the sub-string from a string which appears between a
pair of brackets,

e.g. from "Mozart Requiem (15)"
I want to extract the string "15"

I tried this:

substr($s, (strpos($s, "(") + 1), (strpos($s, ")") - strpos($s, "(") - 1))

but it returned the error:

"Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /.../loan-edit.php on line

What have done wrong?

Thanks in advance,


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RE: [PHP] Calling PHP functions from within javascript

2003-11-13 Thread Rich Gray
> First thing is, it's possible, i've done it in the past myself, it's just
> not working due to some reason. Second, functioning cann't be
> achieved with
> javascript, cauz it's DB related.
> anyway thanx for ur reply
> Nitin

Hi Nitin

If you mean exchanging data between PHP and javascript without incurring a
page reload ... well it is definitely possible using javascript remote
scripting techniques and a hidden iframe however if the browser has
javascript switched off then this won't work of course...


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[PHP] Persisting MySQL connection accross scripts

2003-11-01 Thread rich
How can I establish a connection with a MySQL database and have it persist
accross multiple script files?

I've found the mysql_pconnect() function but this doesn't seem to do the job
- which is fairly logical actually because the connection is stored in a

$connect = mysql_pconnect();

and that variable $connection won't be available in another script.

I would have thought there would be a straightforward answer to this as it
seems that its someting which must be done fairly regularly.

The only workaround I can think of is sending the username, password and
database name to every script.  But how would you do this securely?

When establishing the initial connection I got the username and password
from a form which used the method="POST" method.

But if I want to have a link to a script, say 'add_item.php', how can I do
it securely?

would not use the POST method.

I could use forms for every link but this seems ridiculously

Thanks in advance for any pointers!


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[PHP] PHP with Frames (cont.)

2003-10-27 Thread rich
No, he's right - this is an issue.

Do variables persist between PHP files?

In the attached scripts I have a login page which directs the user, on a
sucessful login, to a front page which is a frameset.

The login.php opens a connection to a MySQL database ($connection) but once
the browser has been re-directed to the frame-root.html page this variable
is no longer available.

Kb wrote:

> Hi,
> Does anyone know why my PHP pages won't work in Frames?  I have 5 frames,
> each of which are displaying PHP pages.and none of the PHP code works.
> If I run the code outside of Frames it works fine!
> I've can't find any decent references for PHP in Frames.
> Your help would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Kevin

UEA/MUS::Record Library
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[PHP] Re: Using two XSLT stylesheets

2003-10-21 Thread rich

I've worked out a (better?) way of doing:

$library_xml_file = "library.xml";
$search_xsl_file = "simple-search.xsl";
$display_xsl_file = "display-results.xsl";

$library_xml_string = join('', file($library_xml_file));
$search_xsl_string = join('', file($search_xsl_file));
$display_xsl_string = join('', file($display_xsl_file));

$arg_buffer = array("/xml" => $library_xml_string, "/xslt" =>

$xh = xslt_create();

$results_xml_string = xslt_process($xh, "arg:/xml", "arg:/xslt", NULL,
$arg_buffer, $params);

$arg_buffer = array("/xml" => $results_xml_string, "/xslt" =>

$xh = xslt_create();

$results_html_string = xslt_process($xh, "arg:/xml", "arg:/xslt", NULL,
echo $results_html_string;

Thanks for all your suggestions!
UEA/MUS::Record Library

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[PHP] Re: Using two XSLT stylesheets

2003-10-19 Thread rich

This is my latest idea to try and do this:

$xh = xslt_create();

$params = array("keywords" => $keywords);

$results = xslt_process($xh, 'library.xml', 'simple-search.xsl', NULL, NULL,
$f = fopen('results.xml','w');
fwrite($f, $results);
$data = xslt_process($xh, 'results.xml', 'display-results.xsl', NULL, NULL,
echo $data;


But, of course, it just throws up messages saying I can't write to 

See for error messages in action (search 
terms which will find records include 'Boulez', 'Messiaen').

Does anyone know why:

xslt_process($xh, 'sample.xml', 'sample.xsl', 'result.xml')

doesn't work? (lifted straight from the manual)


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Re: [PHP] Using two XSLT stylesheets

2003-10-18 Thread rich
Ray Hunter wrote:

>> xslt_process($xh, 'library.xml', 'simple-search-get-results.xsl',
>>  --> 'results.xml', NULL, $params);
>> $data = xslt_process($xh, 'results.xml',
>>  --> 'simple-search-display-results.xsl', NULL, NULL, NULL);
> What happens when you do the above...what is the var_dump of data?
> --
> BigDog

I get this:
Warning: Sablotron error on line 1001: cannot open file
'/var/www/html/cdlib/search/results.xml' in
/var/www/html/cdlib/search/simple-search.php on line 24
 string(591) " " 

line 24 is the first call to xslt_process() above.

But I'd never tried using var_dump($data) before. It appears the the
second call is working fine: the file 'results.xml' exists already
becasue I've been using a command line XSL processor to test the
stylesheets. The second call to xslt_process() appears to have read
and processed the data which was in that file correctly because
var_dump() has inserted the result into the HTML following the error
UEA/MUS::Record Library

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[PHP] Using two XSLT stylesheets

2003-10-18 Thread rich
I'm working on a read only database.

I have the data encoded as XML and am writing the queries
using XSLT stylesheets.  The only way I can find (being, of
course, restricted to XSLT 1.0 on PHP) of executing the
required queries requires two stylesheets.

The generates a result tree which needs to be proceesed by
the second.  But I can't find a way of doing this. I've tried:

xslt_process($xh, 'library.xml', 'simple-search-get-results.xsl',
 --> 'results.xml', NULL, $params);

$data = xslt_process($xh, 'results.xml',
 --> 'simple-search-display-results.xsl', NULL, NULL, NULL);


$results = xslt_process($xh, 'library.xml', 'simple-search-get-results.xsl',
 --> NULL, NULL, $params);

$data = xslt_process($xh, $results, 'simple-search-display-results.xsl',

neither of which work at all.

Any ideas?


UEA/MUS::Record Library

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[PHP] Re: Use include function (newbie)

2003-10-17 Thread Rich Fox
But *why* does logic.php need html.php?

There is no recursion issue, or endless nesting of includes, because
html.php refers to logic.php as an action for a form... this does not
"include" the logic.php code into the html.php page.


"Karina S" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I make a site where I list data from a mysql database. I want to divide
> task into 2 parts. The 1. php is the logic.php an the 2. is the html table
> (html.php) with field values.
> I plan that the form action in the html.php file call the logic.php but
> logic.php includes the html.php.
> I mean:
> html.php
> ...
> logic.php
> ...
> include('html.php');
> On the html.php user can view data and use last, first, next,... buttons
> see the whole table.
> Question:
> Is it a right way to do this task or this reqursive calls overloads the
> server?
> Thanks!

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Re: [PHP] Shouldn't script errors show in my browser?

2003-10-17 Thread Rich Fox
Yeah, that did it, thanks

"David Otton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 11:29:41 -0400, you wrote:
> >I hope this question is not too stupid! When I have an error in my
> >it seems to me that the web server, or in my case the php CGI module I am
> >using for testing, should send something back to my browser displaying an
> >error message. Instead, I can write any garbage I would like in my php
> >script and the browser just shows me a blank page. Is this because I am
> >running php as a CGI module?
> Try cranking your error reporting level up in php.ini
> Check the display_errors directive while you're at it. Don't forget to
> restart the webserver.
> Also, sometimes errors don't show because they're embedded in HTML.
> Eg
> would return
> And you'll have to examine the un-parsed HTML to find the error.

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[PHP] Shouldn't script errors show in my browser?

2003-10-17 Thread Rich Fox
I hope this question is not too stupid! When I have an error in my script,
it seems to me that the web server, or in my case the php CGI module I am
using for testing, should send something back to my browser displaying an
error message. Instead, I can write any garbage I would like in my php
script and the browser just shows me a blank page. Is this because I am
running php as a CGI module?



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[PHP] Nested queries don't work

2003-10-15 Thread Rich Fox
I have the following code querying MS SQL Server

$query = "SELECT * FROM mytable";
$res = mssql_query($query);
$nr = mssql_num_rows($res);
for ($i=0; $i<$nr; $i++)
$a = mssql_fetch_array($res);
$query = "SELECT * FROM anothertable WHERE id=".$a['anotherID'];
$res1 = mssql_query($query);
$anr = mssql_num_rows($res1);

This does NOT work! It seems that the 2nd query steps on the results of the
first one! Can someone verify this effect? I am 99.999% sure this is what's
happening. Who is the bonehead responsible for not implementing this for MS
SQL Server?



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Re: [PHP] Reloading a specific window

2003-10-02 Thread Rich Fox
This does not work, when I replace my header function with:
elseif (isset($_POST['btnSave']))
.. database update, then...
$ostr = <<< OUTPUT;
 echo $ostr;
 //header("Location: ".$_POST['CallingScript']."?ID=".$_POST['ID']);

several things happen: the database update does not happen, the mainwindow
does not reload, and my form disappears from the popup frame and this frame
is blank.
I am probably doing something very stupid.

Marek Kilimajer wrote
> Output from action.php:
> opener.location.reload();
> close();
> Rich Fox wrote:
> > Warning for server side purists: My php scripts use javascript to popup
> > close windows. So this question, although posted to a php newsgroup, has
> > elements of javascript too. Gasp! No flames please.
> >
> > I have a main window which I will refer to as mainwindow
> > ('mainwindow' in the onload event). The script loaded into
it is
> > mainListing.php. From mainListing.php I popup another window, with a
> > and a save button. The form's action is "action.php"
> >
> > In action.php I update the database and then would like to: (1) refresh
> > mainwindow so it reflects the database changes, and (2) close the popup
> > window.
> >
> > I have been reading, tweaking, trying different things but nothing is
> > working. Currently, the action script does:
> > ...
> > elseif (isset($_POST['btnSave']))
> > {
> >.. update the database, then ...
> > header("Location: ".$_POST['CallingScript']."?ID=".$_POST['ID']);
> > exit;
> > }
> > ...
> >
> > This reloads the popup window, and then I have a "close" button to close
> > popup. Then I have to refresh the browser window manually to see the
> > table from the database. Can I get some advice on how to accomplish (1)
> > (2) above?
> >
> > Many thanks,
> >
> > Rich
> >

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[PHP] Reloading a specific window

2003-10-02 Thread Rich Fox
Warning for server side purists: My php scripts use javascript to popup and
close windows. So this question, although posted to a php newsgroup, has
elements of javascript too. Gasp! No flames please.

I have a main window which I will refer to as mainwindow
('mainwindow' in the onload event). The script loaded into it is
mainListing.php. From mainListing.php I popup another window, with a form
and a save button. The form's action is "action.php"

In action.php I update the database and then would like to: (1) refresh
mainwindow so it reflects the database changes, and (2) close the popup

I have been reading, tweaking, trying different things but nothing is
working. Currently, the action script does:
elseif (isset($_POST['btnSave']))
   .. update the database, then ...
header("Location: ".$_POST['CallingScript']."?ID=".$_POST['ID']);

This reloads the popup window, and then I have a "close" button to close the
popup. Then I have to refresh the browser window manually to see the updated
table from the database. Can I get some advice on how to accomplish (1) and
(2) above?

Many thanks,


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[PHP] documentation on "<<<"

2003-10-01 Thread Rich Fox
Can someone point me to documentation on the <<< operator? I am wondering if
there are some quirks I don't know about. Yet I can't find it documented on
the php website.



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Re: [PHP] for loop break and continue

2003-09-25 Thread Rich Fox
Can't you let me have a shred of programming self-respect?

Rich (I should have cracked the book) Fox

> On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 12:04, Rich Fox wrote:
> > DOH!
> >
> > This is a new addition to PHP because it wasn't there before!
> >
> > Thanks for the slap.
> PHP has supported break for as long as I can remember which goes back to
> about 1999 and PHP 3.something.
> Cheers,
> Rob.
> -- 
> ..
> | InterJinn Application Framework - |
> ::
> | An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
> | a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
> | such as forms, properties, sessions, and caches. InterJinn |
> | also provides an extremely flexible architecture for   |
> | creating re-usable components quickly and easily.  |
> `'

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Re: [PHP] for loop break and continue

2003-09-25 Thread Rich Fox

This is a new addition to PHP because it wasn't there before!

Thanks for the slap.

"Robert Cummings" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Take the sample code below, paste it to a PHP file, add a real
> conditional, execute script. Voila, you've taken the first step towards
> helping yourself.
> Cheers,
> Rob.
> On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 11:42, Rich Fox wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Is there an equivalent to the C++ 'break' command to stop execution of a
> > loop? I know I can use 'goto' but I don't want to unless I have to.
> >
> > for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++)
> > if (some condition)
> > break;
> >
> > And, what about 'continue' which skips the rest of the code in the for
> > and immediately goes on to the next iteration?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Rich
> >
> > -- 
> > PHP General Mailing List (
> > To unsubscribe, visit:
> >
> >
> -- 
> ..
> | InterJinn Application Framework - |
> ::
> | An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
> | a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
> | such as forms, properties, sessions, and caches. InterJinn |
> | also provides an extremely flexible architecture for   |
> | creating re-usable components quickly and easily.  |
> `'

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[PHP] for loop break and continue

2003-09-25 Thread Rich Fox
Is there an equivalent to the C++ 'break' command to stop execution of a for
loop? I know I can use 'goto' but I don't want to unless I have to.

for ($i=0; $i<$n; $i++)
if (some condition)

And, what about 'continue' which skips the rest of the code in the for loop
and immediately goes on to the next iteration?



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[PHP] using a php variable in javascript

2003-09-22 Thread Rich Fox
I have a page with the following code:

 so ='','CompanyEdit');
// -->

I have 'CompanyEdit' hardcoded, but what I want instead is something like:

so ='','$callerWin');

This does not work, of course, but you get the idea: I want to use the value
of the $callerWin php variable in my javascript. Can someone tell me the
syntax for this? My reading of the documentation and trial-and-error have
not met with success.



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Re: [PHP] Re: forcing variable expansion

2003-09-22 Thread Rich Fox
Sorry, we have a Eugene Lee at my aikido school and it's such an unusual
name I thought you might be him.

"Eugene Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Sun, Sep 21, 2003 at 03:01:41PM -0400, Rich Fox wrote:
> : "Eugene Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> : >
> : > If I have a block of text saved in an external text file, e.g.:
> : >
> : > All {$badstuff} and no {$goodstuff} makes {$name} a dull {$type}.
> : >
> : > after reading the text into a string, is there a way to force variable
> : > expansion?  In a sense, it's like having a heredoc for multiline
> : > with variable expansion while not having the heredoc embedded in PHP
> Question already answered by another helpful soul: use eval().
> : That's not Eugene from the dojo is it?
> Hmmm?  What dojo?

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[PHP] Re: forcing variable expansion

2003-09-21 Thread Rich Fox
That's not Eugene from the dojo is it?


"Eugene Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> If I have a block of text saved in an external text file, e.g.:
> All {$badstuff} and no {$goodstuff} makes {$name} a dull {$type}.
> after reading the text into a string, is there a way to force variable
> expansion?  In a sense, it's like having a heredoc for multiline strings
> with variable expansion while not having the heredoc embedded in PHP code.

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[PHP] Re: popups, parents, parameters, and php

2003-09-19 Thread Rich Fox
my colleague just suggested that my popup, on the form submit, can call
another page which just registers the items selected as session variables.
This seems like a good idea. Of course, I will have to reload the original
calling page, edit.php, so it can check those session varibles and amend the
select1 list. I am going to try this, but I would still greatly appreciate
any advice. Thanks, Rich


> I have been asking specific questions, and getting helpful answers, but I
> realized I am getting ahead of myself and thinking about the trees when I
> don't see the forest yet. I would like to describe what it is I want to do
> in general, and then hopefully you can point me in the right direction so
> use html, php, and javascript together in some kind of reasonable way. I
> feel like I am re-inventing the wheel, and badly. What I want to do must
> have been done a zillion times by other web programmers already.
> I have a php page (edit.php) with a form with some text fields and a
> menu (select1). I want users to be able to add entries to the select1
> and would like to use a popup window to do this. In the popup window, the
> user is presented with a form with a select menu of all possible entries.
> The user can make multiple selections from this list in the popup, and
> the popup's form is submitted, I want the select1 menu in edit.php to
> reflect these additional entries selected from the popup.
> Those are the requirements. Should be easy, but I am finding it very
> difficult to tie the pieces together.
> Any advice or url of a relevant tutorial would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Rich

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[PHP] popups, parents, parameters, and php

2003-09-19 Thread Rich Fox
I have been asking specific questions, and getting helpful answers, but I
realized I am getting ahead of myself and thinking about the trees when I
don't see the forest yet. I would like to describe what it is I want to do
in general, and then hopefully you can point me in the right direction so I
use html, php, and javascript together in some kind of reasonable way. I
feel like I am re-inventing the wheel, and badly. What I want to do must
have been done a zillion times by other web programmers already.

I have a php page (edit.php) with a form with some text fields and a select
menu (select1). I want users to be able to add entries to the select1 menu,
and would like to use a popup window to do this. In the popup window, the
user is presented with a form with a select menu of all possible entries.
The user can make multiple selections from this list in the popup, and when
the popup's form is submitted, I want the select1 menu in edit.php to
reflect these additional entries selected from the popup.

Those are the requirements. Should be easy, but I am finding it very
difficult to tie the pieces together.

Any advice or url of a relevant tutorial would be greatly appreciated.


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Re: [PHP] Opening new browser window

2003-09-19 Thread Rich Fox
And if you are not in a form? My current code is:


where popup is my javascript function. But as I said below, the popup
doesn't work as expected and I do not want to use javascript. I can also not
be in a form. Suggestions?


"Marek Kilimajer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

> Rich Fox wrote:
> > I would like to open a new browser window from within my php script
> > (edit.php), a window in which another php page is run (search.php).
> > search.php should be able to receive $_POST vars etc. from edit.php. I
> > not sure that the javascript solution to popup a window is correct,
> > then the popup does not behave normally.
> >
> > By normally, I mean that when I use javascript to popup a new window
> > (search.php), and in search.php I have a form
> >
> > 
> >  
> >   >
> >   >
> >  
> >  
> > 
> >
> > clicking OK or Cancel does absolutely nothing. So, I would like to avoid
> > javascript and simply open a new browser window to run search.php. What
> > the accepted way to do this in php?
> >
> > tia,
> >
> > Rich
> >

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[PHP] Opening new browser window

2003-09-19 Thread Rich Fox
I would like to open a new browser window from within my php script
(edit.php), a window in which another php page is run (search.php).
search.php should be able to receive $_POST vars etc. from edit.php. I am
not sure that the javascript solution to popup a window is correct, because
then the popup does not behave normally.

By normally, I mean that when I use javascript to popup a new window
(search.php), and in search.php I have a form


clicking OK or Cancel does absolutely nothing. So, I would like to avoid
javascript and simply open a new browser window to run search.php. What is
the accepted way to do this in php?



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[PHP] Returning form vars from popup

2003-09-18 Thread Rich Fox
I have a popup window, itemSelect.php, from which I would like to reload the
calling page. itemSelect.php has a form, and I want to reload the calling
page with these form variables. How can I do this? I can reload the page
easily enough, with

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[PHP] Returning FORM vars from popup

2003-09-18 Thread Rich Fox
(Sorry, I inadvertently sent an incomplete post)

I have a popup window, itemSelect.php, from which I would like to reload the
calling page. itemSelect.php has a form, and I want to reload the calling
page with these form variables. How can I do this? I can reload the page
easily enough, with this test code in itemSelect.php:


Not surprisingly, this doesn't work. My calling page reloads and the popup
closes, but the onClick code bypasses the form and newparam doesn't get
passed. What, please, is a good way to  accomplish passing newparam (and
other form vars) back to the calling page?

Many thanks,


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RE: [PHP] Session data getting lost

2003-09-18 Thread Rich Gray
> * Thus wrote Rich Gray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > So your telling me that all variables defined in the global scope are
> > automatically added to the $_SESSION array...?
> > Not true I think
> >
> no. read the documentation, in full.

you're right - I'm sorry I hadn't read it in full...

> The soluction to your problem was resolved from the first reply (by
> Chris Shiflett), but you rejected it because of it not making sense
> to you, which seems to be the problem.

Yes, however I was simply asking Chris to explain to me more as it didn't
make sense to me (because I hadn't read the manual fully). I mistakenly
expected the $_SESSION array to hold copies of assigned data not references
to the global namespace variable ... my expectations were based on PHP's
current default behaviour of pass by copy rather than by reference.

It seems with globals on it can become a minefield eg below where a script
happens to define and use a variable with the same name as an entry in the
$_SESSION array...

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RE: [PHP] Session data getting lost

2003-09-18 Thread Rich Gray
> * Thus wrote Rich Gray ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Well a functon that doesn't work under certain conditions should be
> > deprecated IMO ... I haven't used it for a long time now...
> this makes absolutly no sense. So if I use a function improperly,
> it should become deprecated?

Er ...I'm not using it improperly I'm just not using it at all. Why? Because
it behaves differently in different operating conditions. Sure I could write
extra code to detect the operating conditions but what's the point? If
globals are off you can't use it as it doesn't work... The manual seems to
make it pretty obvious to me that it should be avoided and even mentions the
function is deprecated in a code example...

> session_register() is used in cases where you haver register_globals
> on; it is not useed when it is off.

So are you happy to use session_register() in your code?

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RE: [PHP] Session data getting lost

2003-09-17 Thread Rich Gray
So your telling me that all variables defined in the global scope are
automatically added to the $_SESSION array...?
Not true I think

> [snip]
> Well a functon that doesn't work under certain conditions should be
> deprecated IMO ... I haven't used it for a long time now...
> To answer your question ... yep I've used print_r() and after the 1st
> form
> submission the entry is set to -1 however at no time do I ever set
> $_SESSION['test'] to -1 in my code example ...
> [/snip]
> Nope, but $test is a GLOBAL variable, and therefore would be set to -1
> within $_SESSION as all GLOBALS are, as you pointed out earlier,
> registerd with $_SESSION. If $test is within a function it is a PRIVATE
> variable, local to the function only, unless declared as a GLOBAL.

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RE: [PHP] Session data getting lost

2003-09-17 Thread Rich Gray
Well a functon that doesn't work under certain conditions should be
deprecated IMO ... I haven't used it for a long time now...

To answer your question ... yep I've used print_r() and after the 1st form
submission the entry is set to -1 however at no time do I ever set
$_SESSION['test'] to -1 in my code example ...


> [snip]
> Thanks, but no I don't think so ... session_register() is deprecated ...
> [/snip]
> Not depricated, just doesn't work when register_globals is off in the
> .ini
> Have you done a print_r($_SESSION) to see if in fact the $test variable
> is contained?

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RE: [PHP] Session data getting lost

2003-09-17 Thread Rich Gray

Thanks, but no I don't think so ... session_register() is deprecated ...

Quote PHP manual:

If you want your script to work regardless of register_globals, you need to
instead use the $_SESSION array as $_SESSION entries are automatically
registered. If your script uses session_register(), it will not work in
environments where the PHP directive register_globals is disabled.


> [snip]
>  session_start();
> $test = -1;
> .
> [/snip]
> I think you need to register test 
> HTH!

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RE: [PHP] Session data getting lost

2003-09-17 Thread Rich Gray
Sorry - no that doesn't help - as you can see from the code snippet I posted
the session_start() is at the very top of the code...
Thx anyway.
> You have to put session_start(); at the VERY TOP of your code.
> even before alle the  tags.
> Hope that helps!
> Jan
> --- Rich Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm running v4.2.3 on RedHat v7.0 and am getting some strange
> > behaviour with the $_SESSION superglobal...
> ...
> > It works fine on Win2K albeit v4.3.0 of PHP.
> Maybe you have register_globals enabled on your Linux server and
> not on your
> Windows PC? Compare php.ini files before giving it too much thought.
> Chris

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RE: [PHP] Session data getting lost

2003-09-17 Thread Rich Gray

Thanks for your answer which I'm sorry to say makes no sense to me given the
code example I supplied ... can you explain to me why you think register
globals being set to on for the Linux server will cause the $_SESSION
superglobal array to lose data? Am I missing something obvious here?


> --- Rich Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm running v4.2.3 on RedHat v7.0 and am getting some strange
> > behaviour with the $_SESSION superglobal...
> ...
> > It works fine on Win2K albeit v4.3.0 of PHP.
> Maybe you have register_globals enabled on your Linux server and
> not on your
> Windows PC? Compare php.ini files before giving it too much thought.
> Chris

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[PHP] Session data getting lost

2003-09-16 Thread Rich Gray

I'm running v4.2.3 on RedHat v7.0 and am getting some strange behaviour with
the $_SESSION superglobal... below is a script to demonstrate the problem...
Whenever the $_SESSION array gets re-created by session_start() the reloaded
test entry is set to -1 however at no time does this value ever get assigned
to the $_SESSION array ... it seems to be picking up the initialised value
of the variable that gets assigned to the array...

It works fine on Win2K albeit v4.3.0 of PHP.

Anybody come across this before?

Initial script load ... $_SESSION value is
'.(isset($_SESSION['test']) ? $_SESSION['test'].' it should be 999...' :
'not set yet').'';

$test = 999;

$_SESSION['test'] = $test;

After the assignment $test is '.$test.' and the $_SESSION value
is '.$_SESSION['test'].'';

The output from the 'initial script load' line is shown below ...

Initial script load ... $_SESSION value is not set yet (first time only)
Initial script load ... $_SESSION value is -1it should be 999... (all
subsequent submits)

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RE: [PHP] Microsoft SQL Server varchar(500) field text concatenated at 255 characters.

2003-03-28 Thread Rich Gray
> Hi There.
> I am using PHP 4.3.0 on WIN32 to query data from a Microsoft SQL Server.
> One field I am requesting is type VARCHAR size 500. For some reason, PHP
> is returning only the first 255 characters of the text from that field.
> If I change the field type to TEXT, all of the data in that field
> is returned.
> Unfortunately, an ASP application is also using that database,
> and when I change
> the field type to TEXT, it pukes completely.
> I would rather try to resolve the issue in PHP than waste my time
> looking at ASP code.
> Has anyone got an idea why this might be hapenning?
> Many thanks.
> Scott

Hi Scott

I believe this is a problem because of the relatively old TDS libraries used
by native access methods...

Possible workarounds are...

. cast the data to TEXT before returning it
. use ODBC which doesn't have this problem IIRC


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RE: [PHP] Time stamp and changing to a date.

2003-03-28 Thread Rich Gray
> $mydate = "20030328231154";
> $myPrintDate=date ("l dS of F Y h:i:s A",$mydate);
> echo "$myPrintDate";
> Whats wrong

$mydate should be a unix style timestamp not  a MMDDHHMMSS type
date/time format...
Check the functions time() and mktime() to help you generate unix


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RE: [PHP] string replace problem!!

2003-03-28 Thread Rich Gray
> Good day ,
> I have the following string.
> ,slideimages[0],slideimages[1],slideimages[2]
> Wich starts with a ','. No my problem is i want to strip
> this first and only the first ','.
> i've tried 
> $string = ",slideimages[0],slideimages[1],slideimages[2]";
> $string = preg_replace('/^./','',$string,1);
> wich results in slideimages[0]slideimages[1]slideimages[2]
> Can somebody help me out here??
> thnx
> Thijs

$string = substr($string,1);


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RE: [PHP] file

2003-03-28 Thread Rich Gray
> hi all!
> i have a simple program to open and write a file.
> but the file is not getting created.
> can anyone please spot the mistake?
> giving the code below.
> thanks a lot,
> diksha.
>  echo"hi?how are u doing??";
> $fp = fopen ("sandrew.html", "w");
> string="hii am
> fine";
> $contents=fwrite($fp,string);
> echo "'$contents'";
> fclose($fp);
> ?>

Hi Diksha
Some comments...

. Your string variable needs to be defined and referenced as $string not
just string  - unless this is a typo in your post
. fwrite() returns an int - you are assigning this int to $contents - what
exactly are you expecting $contents to be set to?
. Does your user or web server process have the permissions to create files
in the directory?
. What does readfile('sandrew.html'); after your fclose($fp) return?


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RE: [PHP] Persistent values between executions

2003-03-10 Thread Rich Gray
> I have some sets of values that I have stored in several tables in a mySQL
> database.  These don't often change, but are referenced on every
> single page
> view.  While each call is quick, as a gross the load on the server is too
> high.  I would like to know if there is a way to have these sets of values
> remain persistent in the server's memory between calls from browsers, like
> environment variables, to reduce the back and forth calls to
> mySQL.  As the
> data from the calls are almost always the same, it would seem easier this
> way.
> Any thoughts?  Comments?  RTFM suggestions?
> Mike
Use a 404 handler to build static html pages from the database. To refresh
the content just delete the static content - this could be done
automatically at predetermined intervals using cron or similar.


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RE: [PHP] MySQL Alias and PHP

2003-03-07 Thread Rich Gray
> Hi all,
> I have this query:
> SELECT a.area_name, b.area_name FROM tbl_1 x, tbl_2 a, tbl_2 b
> WHERE x.area_1 =
> AND x.area_2 =
> I am using PEAR DB to get my results as an ASSOC ARRAY. How do I echo
> the values for and
> Thnks
> Charles

I presume you mean area_name...

Try this -> SELECT a.area_name as area_a, b.area_name as area_b FROM tbl_1
x, tbl_2 a, tbl_2 b
Then you can refer to the columns as $array['area_a'] and $array['area_b']


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RE: [PHP] Uploading file problem

2003-03-06 Thread Rich Gray
> Thanks!!  I'll give that a try!
> On Thu, 6 Mar 2003, 1LT John W. Holmes wrote:
> > > Well, I have a statement that says:
> > > 
> > > if ([EMAIL PROTECTED]($photo, $long_path . "speakers/" . $photo_name)) {
> > > echo an error
> > > }else{
> > > proceed with renaming the file
> > > }
> > > 
> > > The error that is echoed after the copy is the one that pops 
> up.  So, it
> > > could be some other problem, but I'm not sure what to look for.
> > 
> > Take out the @ sign so you can see what the PHP error message is. 
> > 
> > ---John Holmes...

Try using move_uploaded_file() as well...

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RE: [PHP] Uploading file problem

2003-03-06 Thread Rich Gray
> I'm very new to PHP, so I hope no one is offended by reading my very basic
> questions.
> I have created a web form that saves some data to a database and uploads
> three files, copies them to a new directory, and renames them.  From my
> work machine and home machine, it works great for me - there are never any
> errors.  When my boss tries it, two of the files work fine, but the other
> fails at the copy.  I have watched him do it, and it's not user error.
> What could the problem be?  I'm stumped!
> I can include code or links if needed.
> Thanks,
> Amanda

>From what you say above I'd check the permissions on the 3rd target
directory to check if it allows writes by the web server process. Are all 3
files going into the same directory? Is the server *nix or Windows?


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RE: [PHP] submit button

2003-03-06 Thread Rich Gray
> hi everybody,
> i have a PHP script by name registration.php
> in which i have a submit button at the bottom.
> the form in this script is sent to p.php by "GET".
> but on clicking the submit button, nothing happens
> attaching registration.php.
> p.php has only the following:
>  echo "hi how are u";
> ?>
> please help,
> diksha.

Can you post the form code?

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RE: [PHP] question about smarty

2003-03-04 Thread Rich Gray
> just wondering... does smarty have to be installed on the server where the
> web site or php scripts it makes are going to be ran... or do you
> just make
> the stuff and put on the server like normal php files...

No, the Smarty classes and plugins will have to be installed/accessible on
the target server. It can be outside the document root though if it bothers


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RE: [PHP] quick echo output

2003-03-03 Thread Rich Gray
> Ok most all programs I see they use 
> within the html.
> Now I have always used the shortened version  Is
> there a reason
> why I should not use this?  I've never had any problems with this way of
> doing things, but I just don't see anyone else using that format..

I think it's because the '=$blah' syntax relies on short tags ...
and short tags can upset XML parsers... as a result short tags aren't
supported by all hosting providers  so your code could break if ported
to another site...


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RE: [PHP] PHP on IIS session problems

2003-03-03 Thread Rich Gray
> I get these errors from a simple "session_start();" script.
> Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]:
> open(/tmp\sess_f4aa3ef3c537bb6327d5e7b991e91be7, O_RDWR) failed: No such
> file or directory (2) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\picoblog\admin.php on line 2
> Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session
> cookie - headers already sent by (output started at
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\picoblog\admin.php:2) in
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\picoblog\admin.php on line 2
> Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send
> session cache
> limiter - headers already sent (output started at
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\picoblog\admin.php:2) in
> c:\inetpub\wwwroot\picoblog\admin.php on line 2

Your php.ini still has the default /tmp session save path which is OK on
Unix but squawks on Win32. So you will need to reset the directive
session.save_path to c:\temp or any other valid scratch directory on your
windows machine you will probably also need to bounce IIS as well to
pick up the new settings if your running as an ISAPI module

The second and third errors are a knock-on effect of the 1st problem so fix
the bad session temp directory and they will probably disappear.


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RE: [PHP] php.ini

2003-03-01 Thread Rich Gray
> Rich,
> I've checked my php.ini files on my drive and all I've got is one.
> The php_gd2.dll file is in:
> C:/PHP/extensions
> There was no default folder called extensions when I installed
> PHP so I made
> a directory called extensions under PHP.
> Everytime I take out the semicolon in the .ini file, the page
> won't load and
> I've got to shut down Apache server manually.
> If I put the semicolon back in, the page loads fine.
> I don't have a clue.  Somewhere between the .ini file and Apache something
> is very screwed up.
> TR
You said in your earlier post that in your php.ini your extension_dir is set
to "C:\PHP\" - this is wrong it should be c:/php/extensions
If the extensions directory was not there and you had to create it manually
then where did you get the php_gd2.dll from?
The extensions sub-directory should be there for a normal installation - did
you install from zip?


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RE: [PHP] Random not working?

2003-03-01 Thread Rich Gray
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to get a random record each time this script runs;
> Only it's giving me everytime the first record back.. No random at all..
> // generate and execute query
> $query = "SELECT stedenid, naamstad, stadomschrijvk FROM steden
> $result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Error in query: $query. "
> . mysql_error());
> $row = mysql_fetch_object($result);
> echo $row->naamstad;
> Version info;
> PHP 4.3.1
> Mysql 3.23.54
> When i'm trying to excute the SELECT statement in phpmyadmin; i'm
> only getting the first record back and when i'm taking off the
> LIMIT 1 it will display all the records in ascending order so
> also not in random..
> Regards,
> Frank


This really belongs on the MySQL list but there was a known issue with
RAND() on 3.23.54 - can you upgrade? If your table has an auto_increment ID
column then a workaround would be to use rand() in PHP to generate a random
ID then use that with a 'where id = '.$id in your query...


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RE: [PHP] mysql replication + mysql_pconnect

2003-03-01 Thread Rich Gray
> hi there i am setting up a test replication slave server as a mysql db
> master backup if it fails , i would like to know how to
> dynamically connect
> to the slave if the master fails , something really strange i have set the
> host like localhost:3307 for the slave but is still connecting to
> the master
> , and if i shut down the master it wont goto the slave :|

Not sure I understand ... are you saying that
mysql_connect('localhost:3307','user','password') connects to the master
server? Can you describe the problem in more detail?


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RE: [PHP] php.ini

2003-03-01 Thread Rich Gray
> I run the following script:
>  phpinfo();
> ?>
> // the page loads o.k. when the semi-colon remains as in:
> ;extension=php_gd2.dll
> but if I remove the semicolon as in:
> extension=php_gd2.dll
> the page won't load and the server hangs up.
> ..
> \\ this is my php.ini file on MS Win 98/ PHP/ Apache
> ; Directory in which the loadable extensions (modules) reside.
> extension_dir = "C:\PHP\"
> ; Whether or not to enable the dl() function.  The dl() function does NOT
> work
> ; properly in multithreaded servers, such as IIS or Zeus, and is
> automatically
> ; disabled on them.
> enable_dl = On
> extension=php_gd2.dll
> ...
> Any advice on how I can install GD libraries greatly appreciated.
> Thank you.
> Tony Ritter

Hi Tony

Still battling GD I see :)

Are there any errors in the Apache error.log?

What happens if you change your php.ini directive to ...

extension_dir = C:/php/extensions


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RE: [PHP] Parse exec output

2003-03-01 Thread Rich Gray
> If I exec a command like ifconfig, I'd like to be able to parse.  What is
> the best way to go about thihs?  An example output from ifconfig is:



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RE: [PHP] Get variable from PHP before submit

2003-03-01 Thread Rich Gray
> I'm trying to implement the following functionality into the file 
> test.php:
> When I scroll down the page and then hit a button, the page 
> should remember
> the scrolled position, refresh the page and then scroll down to the
> remembered position. I've almost managed to make this work, but 
> only almost.
> The first time I click one of the buttons, the page won't scroll, 
> but after
> that it works fine. I think the reason for this is that the function
> hentKoordinat() gets called before $teller is set. hentKoordinat() uses
> $teller.
> Anyone know a way to make this work?
> Thanks alot!
> Lars

I've probably misunderstood but can you not use an HTML anchor...?

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RE: [PHP] Destroying COM objects

2003-02-27 Thread Rich Gray
> When using the COM functions in PHP what is the equivalent of 
> ASPs "set object=nothing"?
> I am using the Crystal Report objects and I cannot seem to 
> destroy my Report object.

Have you tried setting it to NULL?

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RE: [PHP] Automatically included file?

2003-02-27 Thread Rich Gray
> New to PHP, I was wondering if PHP, running as a module under Apache 2,
> had an automatically included script that would run prior to any/each
> PHP script served by Apache?
> Tks,
> Dwayne

Look into the auto_prepend_file directive that you can specify in php.ini -
this may suit your needs.

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RE: [PHP] Counting table fields having specific values

2003-02-27 Thread Rich Gray

Try ...

> -Original Message-
> From: rentAweek support [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 27 February 2003 17:32
> Subject: [PHP] Counting table fields having specific values
>   I have a table where the row named "hide" can have a value 0 or 1.
> I want to obtain a count of all the rows where "hide" has value 0.
> The following works on mysqladmin:
> SELECT SUM( hide = 0 ) FROM `names` LIMIT 0, - 1 
> Giving
> SUM( hide = 0 ) 
> 7
> The PHP script statements generated are:
> $sql = 'SELECT SUM( hide = 0 ) FROM `names` LIMIT 0, -1';
> $result = mysql_query($sql);
> What assignment statement do I need to write now to obtain the SUM value 
> as shown by mysqladmin please?
> Mike
> -- 
> PHP General Mailing List (
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RE: [PHP] How do I display the script file name?

2003-02-27 Thread Rich Gray
> How can I display the script file name? Presumably something like-:
>  echo $ScriptFileName;
> ?>
> While I'm learning php and developing various Web page versions, I want to
> be sure the that the display is from the appropriate script.
> Regards
> Stephen Ford, Surrey, UK

Try any of these to see if it is what you want - some are absolute some are
relative ...


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RE: [PHP] ftp browsing

2003-02-23 Thread Rich Gray
> I am using Windows XP Pro, and I am using Serv-U to run my FTP server.
> It is just a server running from my machine.  Is it supposed to have PHP
> installed somewhere?

OK I've probably misunderstood - I assumed you were running your PHP scripts
locally - what platform are you running the PHP scripts on and what version
of PHP is it?


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RE: [PHP] ftp browsing

2003-02-23 Thread Rich Gray
> -Original Message-
> From: Matt Palermo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 23 February 2003 09:46
> Subject: [PHP] ftp browsing
> I have a php script that is like and ftp client, only is just browsers the
> server and displays file names and folders.  If you click on the name of a
> folder that it displays, it will then display the files and folders inside
> that directory, and so on for all directories.  It works perfectly when I
> connect to my internet hosting company through ftp to browse, but
> it doesn't
> work right when I connect to my personal ftp server.  I have tried using
> both Serv-U and Bulletproof ftp servers to host my ftp site.  The script
> won't display my server correctly with either of these.  Can
> anyone give me
> some advice?  I would really appreciate it.  Thanks.
> Matt

What version of PHP are you running on your personal ftp server? Is your
personal server Win32? There was a bug with ftp_nlist()/ftp_rawlist() on
Windows that wasn't fixed till v4.3.x IIRC

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RE: [PHP] online tutorial

2003-02-19 Thread Rich Gray
> dear all,
> i am a final year engineering student and have
> started studying PHP since last 10 days.
> can anybody suggest some good online tutorial for mastering PHP?
> regards,
> diksha.
Hi Diskha

try these urls...


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RE: [PHP] Block direct image loads but allow them in PHP

2003-02-19 Thread Rich Gray
> if(isset($i))
> {
> //codeImageURL decodes $i into an image path that we can work with
> $link=codeImageURL($i);
> if($link!="" && (isAdmin() || !isThisFileBlocked($link)))
> {
> header("Cache-control: private");
> header("Content-type: image/jpg");
> header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$link);
> $fp = fopen($link, 'r');
> fpassthru($fp);
> fclose($fp);
> }
> else
> echo "Error: Couldn't decode image URL\n";
> }
Have you tried header('Content-type: image/jpeg') ?
Note the 'e'...

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RE: [PHP] $_SESSIONS and printing off..

2003-02-18 Thread Rich Gray
Um... how about...

echo 'Welcome '.$_SESSION['username'].', you are still logged in and your
authentication level is '.(isset($_SESSION['level']) ? $_SESSION['level'] :

Or am I missing something here?


> -Original Message-
> From: Frank Keessen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 18 February 2003 12:15
> To: Rich Gray; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: [PHP] $_SESSIONS and printing off..
> Thanks,
> But then another question;
>  if (isset($_SESSION['username']) && !empty($_SESSION['username'])) {
> > echo 'Welcome '.$_SESSION['username'].', you are still logged in.';
> I want also checked if the level of authentication = 2; for example
> User Frank = level 1
> User Rich = level 2
> I've set $_SESSION['level'] to 2 but how can i check that with the above
> line?
> Thanks for your help,
> Frank

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RE: [PHP] $_SESSIONS and printing off..

2003-02-18 Thread Rich Gray
Er... well I've seen a lot worse code than that but maybe you could use ...

if (isset($_SESSION['username']) && !empty($_SESSION['username'])) {
echo 'Welcome '.$_SESSION['username'].', you are still logged in.';
else {
header... etc etc

> -Original Message-
> From: Frank Keessen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 18 February 2003 09:00
> Subject: [PHP] $_SESSIONS and printing off..
> Hi All,
> I'm a little bit confused and it's maybe a newbie question but 
> maybe you can help me out;
> A user is login in and after username password check it will 
> redirects to this page
>  session_start();
> if (isset($_SESSION['username'])){
> $username = $_SESSION['username'];
> echo 'Welcome, you are still loged in.';
> echo $username;
> }
> else{
> header ( "Location: login.htm" );
> }
> ?>
> Question is; is this the way to print of his username?
> $username = $_SESSION['username'];
> Echo $username
> Or has anyone some alternatives..
> This is working o.k. but in my opinion it's a little bit quick and dirty?
> Thanks for the comments and suggestions!
> Frank

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RE: [PHP] 4.0.6 to 4.3.0

2003-02-07 Thread Rich Gray
> > Secondly for file uploads why are you not using the $_FILES[]
> > superglobal array?
> I did not write the app, just trying to figure out why it stopped
> working after upgrading PHP. You think that's the problem?

Well try  ...

if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['attach']['tmp_name'])) {
// Blah Blah Blah


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RE: [PHP] 4.0.6 to 4.3.0

2003-02-07 Thread Rich Gray
> > >
> > > After upgrading from 4.0.6 to 4.3.0
> > >
> >
> > Most probably because with 4.3.0 register_globals is set to OFF
> by default -
> > where does $attach get set?
> >
> Nope, I do have register_globals on in php.ini
> Its being set in another file like this:
>  method=POST>
> It behaves like, if ($_GET['attach'] != "none") or ($attach != "none")
> is always true.
> If I attach something it goes through no prob, if I do not attach
> something
> it still goes through but with all the error messages and an
> empty attachment
> at the recieving end. Only thng that has changes was upgrading
> PHP from 4.0.6
> to 4.3.0
Hi Brian

Why are you using $_GET[] when your form is submitting via the 'post'
method? Secondly for file uploads why are you not using the $_FILES[]
superglobal array?


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RE: [PHP] 4.0.6 to 4.3.0

2003-02-07 Thread Rich Gray
> Any thoughts as to why this snippet:
> 25: if ($attach != "none")
> 26:  {
> 27:$file = fopen($attach, "r");
> 28:$contents = fread($file, $attach_size);
> 29:$encoded_attach = chunk_split(base64_encode($contents));
> 30:fclose($file);
> would produce these errors:
> Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in
> /usr/virtual/share/pkgs/installed/aeromail/1.40/aeromail/send_mess
> age.php on line 28
> Warning: fclose(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in
> /usr/virtual/share/pkgs/installed/aeromail/1.40/aeromail/send_mess
> age.php on line 30
> After upgrading from 4.0.6 to 4.3.0

Most probably because with 4.3.0 register_globals is set to OFF by default -
where does $attach get set?


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RE: [PHP] session id

2003-02-06 Thread Rich Gray
> -Original Message-
> From: Edward Peloke [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 06 February 2003 13:56
> To: Php-General@Lists. Php. Net
> Subject: [PHP] session id
> Ok, I am sure this has been discussed but I have not been keeping up with
> the listserv.  I am using sessions so to test, I blocked all
> cookies and of
> course the sessionid is then in the url.  How can I hide it from the
> url?...or is this even possible?
> Thanks,
> Eddie

If you disable session.use_trans_sid in your php.ini then session id's will
not get passed via the url if cookies are being refused. But then of course
your session support is gone for that particular browser/user.


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RE: [PHP] If... Else.. I'm not getting it!

2003-01-25 Thread Rich Gray
You are using the post method not get so $_GET[] should be empty.

Does this version of your code work?

Input yourname

-Original Message-
From: Frank Keessen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 25 January 2003 11:33
To: Johannes Schlueter; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [PHP] If... Else.. I'm not getting it!


Thanks, but i'm a kind of a newbie in PHP and what i've read it's better to
have the register_globals = Off!!! If you look at my code you see that i'm
using the $_GET variable.. This works fine!! It's the IF.. ELSE what gives
me a lot of trouble!


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RE: [PHP] Starting sessions, registering variables, destroying sessions with global_variables off....

2003-01-24 Thread Rich Gray
It should be as easy as ..

You'll need a session_start() on all pages that will be using the
$_SESSION[] array.
Is your session.save_path pointing to a writable directory? Do you see any
errors in the server logs when you try to start a session?

-Original Message-
From: Phil Schwarzmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 24 January 2003 13:36
Subject: [PHP] Starting sessions, registering variables, destroying
sessions with global_variables off

I just switched from a 4.06 server with global_variables ON to a 4.22
with global_variables OFF

Can someone give me a quick run down of how to set/unset variables and
register/destroy sessions with PHP 4.22 (global_variables OFF).

I've been all through the manual and still can't figure it out.

I know that I have to use $_SESSION['foo'] instead of just $foo now, but
for some reason I can't get session_start(); to properly start a

Any ideas??


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RE: [PHP] setcooke(...) before header("Location: XYZ") - Cookie doesn't set!

2003-01-21 Thread Rich Gray
IIRC this is a known bug with IIS (not PHP) when it gets the http redirect
it junks the cookie - sorry I can't remember much more detail than that...
Workaround maybe is to spit out an HTML based META refresh redirect tag
instead of using the header() call.

-Original Message-
From: Mike Potter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 January 2003 15:35
Subject: [PHP] setcooke(...) before header("Location: XYZ") - Cookie
doesn't set!

I know I'm new at this so please don't laugh.  But I can't get this to work!
I am using Microsoft IIS with the latest PHP installed.
Here's a smple:

setcookie("testCookie", "testValue", time() + 3600, "/");
header("Location: http://newpage.php";);

Later, I pull the cookie:

echo $_COOKIE["testCookie"];

and there is no value.  If I don't use the header function at the end, and
write something to the page, it works fine.
Why does this cookie not get set?

Thanks a ton!


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RE: [PHP] Form Validating Class (OOP misunderstandings...)

2003-01-21 Thread Rich Gray
PHP does not yet support private methods ... your problem with getValue() is
most probably because register_globals is off in your php.ini try
substituting $_POST[] for $HTTP_POST_VARS[] and it may start to work...

-Original Message-
From: Nicholas Wieland [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 January 2003 14:13
Subject: [PHP] Form Validating Class (OOP misunderstandings...)

Hello everybody,
I'm working on a class but having a lot of problems... probably my
understanding of PhP-OOP is not so good ...
Here's the class: I found it on the web and I've tried to personalize
it to fit my needs...


function getValue( $field )
$value = $HTTP_POST_VARS[ $field ];
return $value;

function isEmpty( $field, $msg )
$value = $this->getValue( $field );

if( trim( $value ) == "" )
$this->errorList[] = array( "field" => $field,
"value" => $value, "msg" => $msg );
return true;
return false;


function isString( $field, $msg )
$value = $this->getValue( $field );

if( is_string( $value ) )
return true;

$this->errorList[] = array( "field" => $field,
"value" => $value, "msg" => $msg );
return false;

function isEmail( $field, $msg )
$value = $this->getValue( $field );
$pattern =

if( preg_match( $pattern, $value ) )
return true;

$this->errorList[] = array( "field" => $field,
"value" => $value, "msg" => $msg );
return false;

function isError()
if( sizeof( $this->errorList ) > 0 )
return true;

return false;

function get_errorList()
return $this->errorList;

function reset_errorList()
$this->errorList = array();

function stringConvert( $field )
$value = $this->getValue( $field );

$value = html_special_chars( $value );

$value = stripslashes( $value );

$value = strtolower( $value );

return $value;



I think that the getter is *totally* wrong but I'm not able to debug
it, because it's private (I think...). Also the stringConvert() method
sucks, maybe I'll split it in some others accessor methods, for a
better design.
Now I'm totally lost, I don't have a clue how to continue, I've tried
for hours and hours to make it work, but didn't succeed :(
Any suggestion on improving and other enhancment for a good form
validating class is really really appreciated.


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RE: [PHP] PHP Sessions

2003-01-21 Thread Rich Gray
Sorry I'm a bit late in on this thread but I know there is a problem with
sessions with 4.1.2 with IIS 5 over Win2K... is that your platform? I
encountered it a while back and there is a hack/workaround which I can dig
up if you need it...

-Original Message-
From: Tim Thorburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 21 January 2003 10:26
Subject: RE: [PHP] PHP Sessions

There is some discussion as to whether my globals are on or not ... I am
using session_register to name my sessions, and then the global command
later on on the individual pages to remember which session it is we're
looking for.

It would be simply priceless if sessions were broken in 4.1.2 - and make
much sense in the long run.


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RE: [PHP] How to upload a file

2002-12-20 Thread Rich Gray
And if you select a small file it works fine right?

-Original Message-
From: Somesh [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 20 December 2002 12:29
To: Rich Gray
Subject: RE: [PHP] How to upload a file

post_max_size 8M

It fails immediately after clicking the submit button.

[thanx for ur concern]

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RE: [PHP] Check Uploaded File

2002-12-19 Thread Rich Gray

Run getimagesize() on the uploaded file - if a valid jpeg the returned
array[2] will be set to 2...


-Original Message-
From: shaun [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 19 December 2002 02:24
Subject: [PHP] Check Uploaded File


Is it possible to ensure that a user is uploading a jpeg file from a form
and nothing else?

Thanks for your help

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RE: [PHP] PHP and MySQL queries

2002-12-19 Thread Rich Gray
Does it work if you put quotes around the array keys as follows...

echo $line['idn'];
echo $line['total'];
echo $line['idp'];
echo $line['position'];
echo $line['points'];


-Original Message-
From: Beauford.2002 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 18 December 2002 20:28
To: PHP General
Subject: [PHP] PHP and MySQL queries


I am having a real problem with variables in PHP and trying to query my
MySQL database. I have a form that a user inputs information and then that
info is used to query my database, but it's not working. I don't get any
errorrs and it appears every thing worked, but nothing gets displayed (see
code below). I know the info is getting passed from the form as it appears
correct in the address bar of my browser. The query below also works if I
use the command line in MySQL and hard code the information.

Any help is appreciated.


$query = "select tmanager.idn,, troster.idp, user, position,
points from troster join treference
join tmanager where tmanager.idn=treference.idn and
treference.idp=troster.idp and like '$name' and
troster.player like '$from'";

$results = mysql_query($query) or die("Query failed");

while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {

 echo $line[idn];
 echo $line[total];
 echo $line[idp];
 echo $line[position];
 echo $line[points];

This just displays an empty page. So it appears the query found nothing, but
like I said, it works from the command line and there should be one entry
(see below). So I have to assume it is a problem with the variables.

| idn | total  | idp | user | position | points |
|   1 | 746.75 |   2 | Trevor  | F|  45.00 |

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