Re: [Qgis-developer] qgis2web issues

2017-03-31 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hi Finbar To make a layer unselectable, in QGIS try setting every one of its fields' edit widget to "Hidden". I'm not sure how well that will work, though. It might work OK in Leaflet if the polygon has no fill. As for layered symbology, that is definitely not supported in Leaflet exports. It is

Re: [Qgis-developer] API: how to get URL of WMS layer if different to layer.source()

2017-03-27 Thread Tom Chadwin
Thanks, Juergen. That's what I suspected. Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the QGIS -

Re: [Qgis-developer] Wiki page/area for 'Building QGIS from scratch'

2017-03-26 Thread Tom Chadwin
I think another issue is that, while this wiki article is undoubtedly extremely useful, it relates to a rather specific task - building in a somewhat specific set of circumstances. Without similar instructions for other, more common, build scenarios, the article runs the risk of making users

[Qgis-developer] API: how to get URL of WMS layer if different to layer.source()

2017-03-23 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hello all I've not come across this before, but a user has connected to a WMS and added a layer. layer.source() returns the URL used *in the WMS connection*: However, to get that WMS layer to appear in a

Re: [Qgis-developer] Adding default OSM backround maps

2017-03-22 Thread Tom Chadwin
Greg Troxel-2 wrote > According to the policy, QGIS would probably need permission to offer > tiles from OSM servers. That is what Paolo has been discussing with OSM. Greg Troxel-2 wrote > I'm unclear if this discussion is only about using OSM as a base layer > within QGIS, or also extends to

Re: [Qgis-developer] Adding default OSM backround maps

2017-03-21 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hi Tim Tim Sutton-6 wrote > One thing that I would suggest is that we do not use the default tile > renders for OSM - it would be much nicer to provide something 'consumer' > orientated rather than the OSM renders which are great for visualizing a > broad range of OSM feature types but not IMHO

Re: [Qgis-developer] MMQGIS - Where is the Code Repository & Tracker?

2017-03-21 Thread Tom Chadwin
The "MM" stands for Michael Minn: Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the

Re: [Qgis-developer] Wiki page/area for 'Building QGIS from scratch'

2017-03-21 Thread Tom Chadwin
There's been quite a lot of discussion on the WebKit/WebEngine issue already on the list. Bottom line - from memory WebEngine does not yet compare to WebKit in functionality. I stand to be corrected. Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message

Re: [Qgis-developer] RE. Wiki page/area for 'Building QGIS from scratch'

2017-03-18 Thread Tom Chadwin
See (section 'Examples of reST markup'). Open them in a text editor. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS remote control API

2017-03-14 Thread Tom Chadwin
We had a QGIS plugin developed for the planning system we use.You start to add a planning application into it, then you press the plot button, and QGIS starts with certain layers open. You plot the app, then press a plugin button, and you are sent back to the planning software, with the polygon

Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS remote control API

2017-03-14 Thread Tom Chadwin
What are some example use cases? Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the QGIS - Developer mailing list archive at

Re: [Qgis-developer] QgsGeometry, Geos and SFCGAL

2017-03-11 Thread Tom Chadwin
> what to eat for breakfast Unit toast! Unit test? Unit toast? No? - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the QGIS - Developer

Re: [Qgis-developer] Port Password Helper plugin into core

2017-03-10 Thread Tom Chadwin
Sorry to threadjack, but a related question: Larry I think mentioned maybe removing the Python bindings for the auth system. Is that still the intention? Nyall has implemented FTP upload in qgis2web (other connection types such as SCP, SFTP can be developed using this framework). However, securely

Re: [Qgis-developer] 3.0 Documentation and branching

2017-03-06 Thread Tom Chadwin
A quick, sweeping, unhelpful but important opinion from me (non-dev, non-doc-writer). Please don't think that retrospective documentation, and lack of docs for current release (not master, but current non-LTR release) is good, just because that's how it is now. This is the *biggest* failing of

Re: [Qgis-developer] QgsMapRenderer rotation doesn't print rotated map

2017-03-02 Thread Tom Chadwin
Is rotation now handled in QgsMapSettings instead of QgsMapRenderer? - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the

Re: [Qgis-developer] GSoC2017:About the projcect "improve vector geoprocessing algorithms"

2017-02-28 Thread Tom Chadwin
Many thanks for offering to help out, and welcome! Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from

Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS3 theme?

2017-02-27 Thread Tom Chadwin
Is the new logo in place yet? Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the QGIS - Developer mailing list archive at

[Qgis-developer] Correct Mac OS parameters for processing.runalg("gdalogr:warpreproject", params)

2017-02-17 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hello all Some Mac (I think) users of qgis2web are experiencing problems with raster exports: The raster export code tries a

Re: [Qgis-developer] running processing tests for processing algorithms on windows

2017-02-13 Thread Tom Chadwin
I've not tried it myself, but there are some instructions here: - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Get raster (specifically XYZ) transparency in Python

2017-02-09 Thread Tom Chadwin
Got it - it's the renderer, not the layer itself: QgsRasterLayer.renderer().opacity() - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

[Qgis-developer] Get raster (specifically XYZ) transparency in Python

2017-02-08 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hello all Soory for another "how do I get this via the API" question. How do I get an XYZ layer's transparency in Python ("Global transparency" in layer properties/style pane)? How about for WMS and local raster layers? Thanks Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on

[Qgis-developer] XYZ layers are not a type of WMS

2017-02-07 Thread Tom Chadwin
I don't know what others think, but I think incorporating the new XYZ tile layers support in the GUI by using WMS as a "parent" layer type is incorrect: 1. they are a different kind of layer (and I presume not an OGC standard) 2. it hides the support for XYZ layers in QGIS from the user What do

Re: [Qgis-developer] Outline/border -> stroke?

2017-02-07 Thread Tom Chadwin
Definitely "stroke", both because it is the standard term in graphics software, and also because neither "border" nor "outline" make any sense in a line. I agree that a dark grey would be a better choice of default stroke than black:

Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS 3 master available in OSGeo4W! Youhou....

2017-02-06 Thread Tom Chadwin
Really great news. Thanks so much, Juergen! Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the QGIS - Developer mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] WMS metadata() in non-English locale

2017-02-01 Thread Tom Chadwin
I think that's exactly what metadata() does. Perhaps I need to issue a new getCapabilities request to the server, but fake/force an English locale? I don't know how.. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] WMS metadata() in non-English locale

2017-01-31 Thread Tom Chadwin
So is there a solution? Is there a way to retrieve the WMS version of a layer which will work in all locales? Thanks Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

[Qgis-developer] WMS metadata() in non-English locale

2017-01-31 Thread Tom Chadwin
I am trying to retrieve the WMS version of a layer, and am just parsing its metadata(), as no other solution was suggested here: However, what does metadata() return if the user's locale is not English? In

Re: [Qgis-developer] Add About sections to Plugin approval notification mails ?

2017-01-23 Thread Tom Chadwin
I tried to do this myself, but couldn't find my way round the repo code (not a Django person). +1 for this, together with a link to the repo. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Valid or invalid geom in PostGIS?

2017-01-17 Thread Tom Chadwin
> you can disable in QGIS the server-side simplification of that layer to only enable the local simplification The huge benefit of the feature implementing server-side simplification is the reduction in data downloaded. Yes, we can do as you say, but we'll lose that benefit. It will be

[Qgis-developer] Reverse-engineer .ui from

2017-01-16 Thread Tom Chadwin
I am assuming the answer is no, but is it possible automatically to reverse engineer a .ui from a .py file which was originally created using pyuic4? - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] plugin VDLTools : invalid syntax ?

2017-01-16 Thread Tom Chadwin
I get: No module named Qwt5.Qwt I'm on 2.18.2/Win7x64 Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the QGIS - Developer mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] Create memory layer containing only features visible in current canvas extent

2017-01-13 Thread Tom Chadwin
Many thanks, Matthias and Martin - I got it working exactly as you suggested. Is this the mechanism which QGIS itself uses to determine which features are in the viewport? I'm running into some performance issue which I thought this would help, but they are not solved yet, so I might soon have a

Re: [Qgis-developer] Create memory layer containing only features visible in current canvas extent

2017-01-12 Thread Tom Chadwin
This looks ideal. Thanks, both. Plus I could make ExactIntersect an option in the GUI, as sometimes dotted could be more critical than accuracy. Thanks again Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Create memory layer containing only features visible in current canvas extent

2017-01-12 Thread Tom Chadwin
I've found this method: viewportPolygon = QgsGeometry().fromWkt(iface.mapCanvas().extent().asWktPolygon()) layer = iface.activeLayer() resultlayer = QgsVectorLayer("Polygon", "result", "memory") resultlayer.dataProvider().addAttributes(list(layer.dataProvider().fields())) clippedFeatures = []

[Qgis-developer] Create memory layer containing only features visible in current canvas extent

2017-01-12 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hello all I currently create a memory layer from an existing layer as follows ('usedFields' is a subset of the original layer's attributes/fields): newlayer = QgsVectorLayer(uri,, 'memory') writer = newlayer.dataProvider() outFeat = QgsFeature() for feature in layer.getFeatures():

Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS menu item

2017-01-11 Thread Tom Chadwin
ginetto wrote > I would suggest to use the same vertical "..." menu used in Chrome, > Firefox, OpenLayers etc etc as in the attached image. Many investigations have shown *decreased* usability when menu items are "hidden" in a hamburger menu. First example from a simple Google search:

Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS menu item

2017-01-10 Thread Tom Chadwin
There is an established generic menu order in Windows: File Edit View Help We shouldn't unthinkingly deviate from this unless we are confident the change represents a UX improvement. I would recommend not pushing Edit further to the right. I believe similar conventions exist on other OSes.

[Qgis-developer] Donate to QGIS badge for plugin Github repos

2017-01-10 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hello all I've been meaning to add a donate button to my QGIS plugin's Github repo README. For anyone who might want to do the same thing, and who likes the common style of badges, just add the following: [![Donate to

Re: [Qgis-developer] How to control map canvas "decorations" from Python ?

2017-01-06 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hi Bo Try: QgsProject.instance().readBoolEntry("ScaleBar", "/Enabled", False)[0] or something close to that. Thanks Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] When to start converting our plugins?

2017-01-06 Thread Tom Chadwin
Richard Duivenvoorde wrote > Should we do a wiki page on github? > > By all means. All I would say is that anything I might write would be more conversational and less formal, not least because I would intend to mention things which real developers would take

Re: [Qgis-developer] When to start converting our plugins?

2017-01-06 Thread Tom Chadwin
@Andreas I just want to have a 3-compatible version launched as soon as possible. I don't really want 3 to be released and have no version to accompany it. Yes, I could guarantee everything would work if I develop after release, but hopefully the feature freeze will give me and others time to

Re: [Qgis-developer] When to start converting our plugins?

2017-01-06 Thread Tom Chadwin
@Mathieu/Berhardt I'll try to write something up. No blog these days, but will put it somewhere and see if I can RSS it and get Planet to pick it up. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] When to start converting our plugins?

2017-01-06 Thread Tom Chadwin
Marco Bernasocchi wrote > I've already updated a rather large plugin some months ago. and created > a compatibilty layer plugin. have a look here Yes, Matthias pointed me towards it. I intend to use this so that I don't have to maintain parallel QGIS and 3 versions. Thanks! - Buy Pie Spy:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Channel network and drainage basins/ DLL file “gdal_MrSID.dll

2017-01-05 Thread Tom Chadwin
Do you have different Saga/GDAL versions? - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the Quantum GIS -

Re: [Qgis-developer] When to start converting our plugins?

2017-01-05 Thread Tom Chadwin
Nyall Dawson wrote > I'd say just before/after feature freeze. Sounds sensible. Any ideas on how long between beginning of feature freeze and release? Could be *a lot* of plugin devs pleading for help from QGIS devs. Thanks again Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on

Re: [Qgis-developer] CI testing: the straight truth

2017-01-03 Thread Tom Chadwin
Matthias Kuhn-2 wrote > - Move dependencies into separate packages. We have some deps like >qspatialite that are built as part of QGIS which I think could be >installed as dependencies from a .deb. This will require quite a bit >of work: moving travis out of the container based

[Qgis-developer] Managing Javascript dependencies in Python plugin

2016-12-28 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hello all qgis2web writes or a load of Javascript, a lot of it third-party libraries - see the very end of the README ( I was hoping to find some way of managing these libraries - at the least keeping track of new versions as

Re: [Qgis-developer] Drag & Drop fails on Geopackage

2016-12-21 Thread Tom Chadwin
Giovanni Manghi wrote > I think that lately the very bad thing is that regression in between > point releases of LTR started to surface. > I strongly suggest that the paid bug fixing effort should be targeted > to 1) regressions 2) issues that we know cause crash or data > corruption in a

Re: [Qgis-developer] should core plugins not be available in plugin manager?

2016-12-16 Thread Tom Chadwin
Amy other plugins - currently core or not - which should also be migrated to core and stop being plugins at all? Or just Processing and DB Manager? I can't think of any. Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Do Python plugins already work with QGIS 3?

2016-12-13 Thread Tom Chadwin
Define "fail", I guess. Most plugins won't work without modification [citation needed], but it would be good to know *how* it fails, as you are right that there could be a more general issue. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] should core plugins not be available in plugin manager?

2016-12-12 Thread Tom Chadwin
+1 In fact, if accepted, why call them plugins? - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the Quantum GIS -

Re: [Qgis-developer] Add virtual layer equivalent in Processing

2016-12-05 Thread Tom Chadwin
I think qgis-dev is now a zombie, as it's v2 master, where there has nor been any work for a while. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Any UI/UX plans for QGIS3?

2016-11-25 Thread Tom Chadwin
If Alexandre is right, I'd love to help as well, if I can. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the Quantum GIS - Developer mailing list

Re: [Qgis-developer] symbol.symbolLayer(n) triggers RTTI error in one place, but doesn't in another

2016-11-22 Thread Tom Chadwin
I'm afraid the Windows LTR nightly, with that commit, minidumps on that line now. Removing the line stops the dump. However, I've delved into this a lot further this morning, and I think it's a mistake I made some months ago. The dump no longer happens if I startRender() before it and

Re: [Qgis-developer] symbol.symbolLayer(n) triggers RTTI error in one place, but doesn't in another

2016-11-21 Thread Tom Chadwin
Assuming only QGIS imports are relevant, the working code imports iface, while the non-working doesn't. However, importing it doesn't stop the error. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] symbol.symbolLayer(n) triggers RTTI error in one place, but doesn't in another

2016-11-21 Thread Tom Chadwin
> different imports Could be. I'll try to check. > different origin of the symbol objects Data in QGIS exactly the same, so I don't think so. > different symbols in use... Definitely not, for the same reason. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this

Re: [Qgis-developer] symbol.symbolLayer(n) triggers RTTI error in one place, but doesn't in another

2016-11-21 Thread Tom Chadwin
Many thanks. I'd still like to know why the method consistently fails in one instance, and always works in the other, though. What's the timescale for 2.14.9? Thanks again Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

[Qgis-developer] symbol.symbolLayer(n) triggers RTTI error in one place, but doesn't in another

2016-11-21 Thread Tom Chadwin
QGIS 2.18, qgis2web leafletRefactor branch ( - open a point layer - change marker type to SVG - start qgis2web - OpenLayers 3 preview works - click Leaflet in plugin dialog - RTTI error The error is triggered by: sl =

Re: [Qgis-developer] Changing ergonomy of the visibility of layers inside groups ?

2016-11-16 Thread Tom Chadwin
I retract my comments completely until I get a chance to think it all through again... Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Changing ergonomy of the visibility of layers inside groups ?

2016-11-16 Thread Tom Chadwin
> You click on G ==> it becomes partially checked, and you restore StatePartial (ie A is unchecked and B is checked) [and earlier posts] I don't think I agree with this. I'll try to express how I would expect it to work: - the check state of a group is determined entirely by the check state

Re: [Qgis-developer] Plugins: "standalone" versus more tightly integrated

2016-11-14 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hi Matthias Yes, I'm talking about qgis2web, but thought the discussion was generally relevant. I'm not sure I agree with the opt-in approach. I think either it stays as it is, or the single dialog disappears, and it is embedded as Nathan suggests. Users could then configure the qgis2web panes in

[Qgis-developer] Plugins: "standalone" versus more tightly integrated

2016-11-14 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hello all Nathan got in touch over the weekend, and we discussed possible plugin changes. He suggested breaking up the one-dialog GUI, and instead embedding the different parts into appropriate places in QGIS: - general options into own pane - preview window into own pane - layer settings as

Re: [Qgis-developer] Processing test coverage (was: gdal merge (in processing) extent)

2016-10-23 Thread Tom Chadwin - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the

Re: [Qgis-developer] Processing test coverage (was: gdal merge (in processing) extent)

2016-10-23 Thread Tom Chadwin
Someone wrote a post about this a while ago - was it Matthias? - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the Quantum GIS - Developer

Re: [Qgis-developer] Plans after friday's release?

2016-10-20 Thread Tom Chadwin
Having another 2.x LTR very much reduces the impetus for orgs to make the big jump to 3. 2.14 as LTR seems the best approach. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Access violation - no RTTI data

2016-10-17 Thread Tom Chadwin
Nyall Dawson wrote > Wouldn't that cause a ton of other errors though? It's used pretty > heavily all throughout QGIS, and there's many other sip classes > relying on it... That was my thought. I've certainly never come across the error before, and since the plugin basically queries the hell out

Re: [Qgis-developer] Access violation - no RTTI data

2016-10-17 Thread Tom Chadwin
Matthias Kuhn-2 wrote > The good news: This can be fixed, I've just fixed it in master [1]. > Please let me know if you need this backported and where to (so you can > test). Brilliant - many thanks. I'd argue for a backport to LTR. I claim compatibility back to 2.8, but I'm perfectly happy to

Re: [Qgis-developer] Access violation - no RTTI data

2016-10-15 Thread Tom Chadwin
OK, I didn't have the code which causes it quite right: if isinstance(layer.rendererV2(), QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2): symbol = layer.rendererV2().categories()[0].symbol() print symbol.symbolLayerCount() Outputs 1 However: if isinstance(layer.rendererV2(),

Re: [Qgis-developer] Access violation - no RTTI data

2016-10-15 Thread Tom Chadwin
Sure: if isinstance(layer.rendererV2(), QgsCategorizedSymbolRendererV2): symbol = layer.rendererV2().categories()[0].symbol() It's here: To recreate: 1. Install the qgis2web leafletRefactor branch

[Qgis-developer] Access violation - no RTTI data

2016-10-15 Thread Tom Chadwin
What on earth does that mean when running a Python plugin? Thanks Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the Quantum GIS - Developer

Re: [Qgis-developer] Batch "save as" of rasters

2016-10-13 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hi Sanjay I imagine QGIS uses gdal_warp for its reprojection, and that is certainly what I've done for rasters: gdal_warp and gdal_translate. Thanks Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Including style on a Qgis plugin

2016-10-13 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hi Xavier This should give you the path to your plugin's installation folder: os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) Hope this is what you need. Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] gdalwarp fails, Save as... reprojected works

2016-10-09 Thread Tom Chadwin
Which QGIS and GDAL versions? - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the Quantum GIS - Developer mailing list archive at

Re: [Qgis-developer] SVG marker - huge delay

2016-10-04 Thread Tom Chadwin
Richard Duivenvoorde wrote > Matteo means in: > > Menu: 'Settings/Options' > Tab 'System' > Item 'SVG paths' Apologies, I missed this message. I only have four items listed, none of which are duplicates. Various inconsistencies - forward slashes not backslashes on Windows, a double slash,

Re: [Qgis-developer] Plugin [740] qgis2web approval notification.

2016-10-04 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hi Paolo Try changing the unwanted fields' edit widgets to 'Hidden' in QGIS. Does that work? Thanks Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Plugin [740] qgis2web approval notification.

2016-10-04 Thread Tom Chadwin
Thanks as ever, Paulo. This version is my first attempt to move to Leaflet 1.0.0. If anyone can spare some time to test, I'd be very grateful. Issues on Github. Thanks again Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] SVG marker - huge delay

2016-10-03 Thread Tom Chadwin
Thanks, Nyall. That would be splendid. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the Quantum GIS - Developer mailing list archive at

Re: [Qgis-developer] SVG marker - huge delay

2016-10-03 Thread Tom Chadwin
I'm not sure where to look. I have no C:/Users/username/.qgis2/svg/ folder. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the Quantum GIS - Developer

Re: [Qgis-developer] SVG marker - huge delay

2016-10-03 Thread Tom Chadwin
Thanks, Matteo - I knew I remembered it from somewhere. For reference, I'm on Win7 x64. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the Quantum GIS

[Qgis-developer] SVG marker - huge delay

2016-10-03 Thread Tom Chadwin
I'm sure this has been mentioned before... When changing Symbol layer type to "SVG marker", QGIS hangs for an excessive amount of time - around 34 seconds when I tested just now. I presume a scan of directories for SVGs is taking place, but the delay is really too long. What can be done? -

[Qgis-developer] GIS.SE question about "GIS support on GIS.SE"

2016-10-03 Thread Tom Chadwin
A question has been asked relating to the use of as a GIS support site: I think it might be worth a PSC member having a look and replying. Thanks

Re: [Qgis-developer] Time2web plugin

2016-10-03 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hi Jan I think I saw this work when you linked to it from a PDF - a dissertation or thesis. Nice! Adding your work back into qgis2web could be terrific. Probably if you contact me via Github ( it would be best. The only thing I would say is that I am in

Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS 2 master on Windows: lots of crashes when using the color picker dialog

2016-09-28 Thread Tom Chadwin
Confirmed with 0497e4a. Could it be limited to categorized renderers? Specifically, in my tests: 1. does *not* occur with single symbol or graduated renderer 2. in categorized renderer, does *not* occur if double click category icon in ToC 3. in categorized renderer *does* occur if click layer

Re: [Qgis-developer] Testing plugins against QGIS3 with Travis

2016-09-27 Thread Tom Chadwin
OK, thanks again for correcting my misunderstandings. I'll see if I can get something running. Sounds extremely hopeful and positive. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

[Qgis-developer] Testing plugins against QGIS3 with Travis

2016-09-26 Thread Tom Chadwin
I hope the subject is clear. Is it feasible yet to set up Travis to test plugins against QGIS3 master? My .travis.yml currently has: dist: trusty env: - QGIS_REPO= - QGIS_REPO= - QGIS_REPO= install: - sudo

Re: [Qgis-developer] PyQGIS label scale-based visibility

2016-09-19 Thread Tom Chadwin
Apologies - think I found it: Sorry for the noise. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

[Qgis-developer] PyQGIS label scale-based visibility

2016-09-19 Thread Tom Chadwin
Hello all My weekly "where is it in the API" is: how do I retrieve a layers' *label* scale-based visibility settings: Specifically, enabled, min and max. Thanks Tom - Buy Pie Spy:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Error in WFS QgsDataProvider.dataSourceUri()?

2016-09-16 Thread Tom Chadwin
OK, I'll not submit a PR, but let others decide if it's worth it. Thanks Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the

[Qgis-developer] Error in WFS QgsDataProvider.dataSourceUri()?

2016-09-16 Thread Tom Chadwin
It includes "retrictToRequestBBOX" (missing an 's'). Should be "restrictToRequestBBOX". Don't know if this is internal to QGIS, or if it's eg OGR. Also don't know what breakages would be caused by fixing it. Thanks Tom - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View

Re: [Qgis-developer] Plans for QGIS 3.0 and QWebView.... *sigh*

2016-09-14 Thread Tom Chadwin
Thanks for all the info and discussion, everyone. I obviously need as fully-functioning a Qt web component as I can get for the qgis2web preview pane, as I have to use it to run Leaflet and OpenLayers 3. I run into problems with the existing Qt Webkit missing functionality, so I am extremely

[Qgis-developer] Travis intermittent "AttributeError: 'QgsProject' object has no attribute 'layerTreeRoot'"

2016-09-12 Thread Tom Chadwin
Has anyone seen this? Perhaps it's just Travis playing up today - I've also had failures to connect to the QGIS repos, but I'm usually getting: AttributeError: 'QgsProject' object has no attribute 'layerTreeRoot' But occasionally it succeeds. Any ideas? - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in

Re: [Qgis-developer] QGIS 3 plugins - require implementation as processing algs?

2016-09-12 Thread Tom Chadwin
+1, because of the modeller functionality. In a more minor way, I'd also like to think of a way to handle the various "connect to a national service" type of plugins which are: 1. perhaps overly simple in aim for a plugin 2. very similar in function to one another 3. often of limited

Re: [Qgis-developer] Webkit package included for deb (+ qgis2web)

2016-09-09 Thread Tom Chadwin
Paolo Cavallini wrote > BTW, why not adding a qgis project to sample data? Because: 1. I'd need multiple projects for the different styles 2. I couldn't get a project file to load under Travis, so I load the files individually Thanks for confirming it's now working - really good news. Tom

Re: [Qgis-developer] Webkit package included for deb (+ qgis2web)

2016-09-08 Thread Tom Chadwin
Apologies, my last message should of course have been made clear as @Paolo. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the Quantum GIS -

Re: [Qgis-developer] Webkit package included for deb (+ qgis2web)

2016-09-08 Thread Tom Chadwin
Can you try using one of the layers in .qgis2\python\plugins\qgis2web\test\data\layer, and apply one of the matching styles in .qgis2\python\plugins\qgis2web\test\data\style (please excuse my Windows backslashes)? Those are very lightweight, and uncomplex, to rule out any local data issues.

Re: [Qgis-developer] Qt4->Qt5 timeline: Qt4's status and Qt4's webkit removal in Stretch

2016-09-07 Thread Tom Chadwin
Thanks x100, Juergen. I'll see if I can get some tests done - very much appreciated. +1 for backporting, to fix a lot of broken plugins. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] Broken Python Plugins on QGIS 2.16 Ubuntu 16

2016-09-04 Thread Tom Chadwin
Did the latest point release fix this issue? - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the Quantum GIS - Developer

Re: [Qgis-developer] Boolean project settings

2016-09-04 Thread Tom Chadwin
Just to close this one off, it was nothing to do with booleans, but the issue with spaces in var names I raised in another message. Apologies for confusion. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context:

Re: [Qgis-developer] QgsProject.instance().writeEntry() with spaces in var name

2016-08-25 Thread Tom Chadwin
I think setting invalid var names should throw an error in 3.0. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this message in context: Sent from the

Re: [Qgis-developer] QgsProject.instance().writeEntry() with spaces in var name

2016-08-25 Thread Tom Chadwin
Ah, OK. Thanks! No console warning message, as far as I can see. I'll sanitize the var names myself. What I'm more interested in is that reading from memory works, but when the vars are written to file, it changes. - Buy Pie Spy: Adventures in British pastry 2010-11 on Amazon -- View this

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