Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-26 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message <9DB876C170EF4365AC0C6C9968C69C37@d3hkh9x94>, Dilwyn Jones 

16th & 17th April. The Quanta website has not been updated since July of
last year and my understanding is that there is little chance of it
being updated in the near future.

Ah - a weekend *totally* full for me with Bach St John Passion (8-(#
Another AGM missed.

Draw your own conclusions for the reason for this from Dilwyn's
yesterday email about the lack of updating to the news items,

I thought I read here quite recently that someone had worked out the
logon and *was* updating it.


That was John Sadler saying he'd managed to recover the Scottish QL 
users group (SQLUG) website and nothing to do with the Quanta one.

You've seen Geoff's email about the website earlier on tonight. A 
little bit more on this...

Quanta website is a source of frustration to me and I think to all of 
us. The various faults and incompatibilities have caused too much 
wasted time, too much time worrying about the SYSTEM at the expense of 
CONTENT. The faults meant it has been impossible to update some things 
like the News since the last item you see on the site, for example. 
It's a free CMS, and in my experience it's not been very pleasant 
trying to edit a site with it. Over my broadband, the editor is slow 
and clunky. Various facilities either don't work at all when I try 
them, or fail to work in various contexts. I get endless error 
messages. Pages show up differently on Internet Explorer and on Firefox 
(not tried other browsers). I have no idea if this is due to my own 
system here, the CMS itself, or the problems with the servers it runs 
on. Just look at the homepage of on the two browsers 
mentioned to see what I mean. This is an example of things I have 
moaned about in emails to Keith
and Dan (until I'm sure they are fed up of me), which have proved 
difficult, or impossible, or very time consuming to fix.

The webmasters will be at Quanta AGM in April (just spoken to Keith 
now). So if you are concerned about Quanta's website, go there to ask 
questions and get answers. I hope that they will be able to do a 
session on the website at some point over the weekend to explain the 

Of course, the situation gives the impression that as far as members 
are concerned the website is just out of date. This is not inactivity 
or laziness on the part of the committee but a huge and endless 
struggle just to get the basic CMS working at all. Dan and Keith are 
people who have worked with IT for a living, so it's not a case of 
nobody knowing what they're doing either. However, the website 
situation is unacceptable as it stands in my view and rapid progress 
must be seen to happen now.

The good news is that while I was abroad recently a committee meeting 
was held which took major decisions to move forward to a costlier 
managed service selected, which should free everyone up to focus on 
CONTENT, provided it works better than the free service used until now.

However, the failure to explain all this publicly and the fact it went 
on for a long time without explanation does give the impression of 
negligence in updating the website, whereas the truth is that the whole 
sorry situation is actually down to the CMS not working as it should on 
the free server spaces used, making it impossible to provide a decent 
website while that system is in use. Too long was spent trying to get a 
free service working, so hopefully the move to a paid for service will 
improve the situation.

Another matter is that I have resigned as Quanta Librarian today. I was 
trying to do too many things - News, Helpline, Library and occasionally 
website pages (when the CMS last worked properly). The rush to get 
things in to meet the deadline for the current issue before I went 
abroad (sorry, I rather monopolised the issue with my ramblings) and 
the subsequent decision to produce another issue with deadline 5th 
March convinced me the time was right to find someone with new ideas to 
the Quanta Library properly and give it the time and attention it 
deserves. The Library is in need of modernising, especially as it is 
still intended that in time it will go online for members, which I 
haven't the time to do. I'll remain as caretaker Librarian until the 
AGM when I can hopefully hand the master disks etc over.

This email has NOT been issued or authorised by the Quanta committee 
and is only the personal views of one frustrated committee member, sent 
with the best of intentions and without intending any personal 
criticism of anyone concerned.

Dilwyn Jones

Hi Dilwyn,

I can accept the feelings of frustrations.

A CMS - Content Management System - can just tie people in to something 
that is then hard to maintain ... :-(

In the meantime, it is very easy to simply put text information on to a 
web site, without a CMS.

So, the question remains - why has it just been left so long?

PS - The QL Today web site is al

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-25 Thread Dave Park
This reply is to both previous emails...

On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 1:30 PM, Dilwyn Jones

> One thing I think would help Quanta is to acknowledge that the internet is
>>> a
>>> primary form of communication - I know this seems obvious and they could
>>> say
>>> "we're doing it" but, c'mon, really? :) Where's the Quanta forum? Where
>>> are
>>> the public areas and the members only areas within it?
>> Just one thing to comment on this. The survey that Quanta did some years
>> ago showed that there were still many members who are "black box users" and
>> had no desire for becoming internet users. When you consider that Quanta
>> does have members in their 80's who are happy with the QL and at their age
>> have no desire to learn another computer this is reasonable.
> I would agree to some extent with this. We have to recognise that there are
> both users out there as you describe, using original QLs and no wish to go
> much further, and we have to cater for those who progressed to newer QL
> systems and emulators too.

Understood. However, there is a point when the reticence to do new things
means you end up serving LCD... If you only serve the lowest common
denominator, you orphan your users as the LCDs age out. I will be a black
box user when my membrane arrives. I use an emulator for code-diddling
(thanks Daniele!) and would probably be a QPC owner if I used Windows. Mixed
bag. However, I'd never expect an organisation of which I was a member to
limit what they offered to just suit my needs, as long as they never
replaced those services that met my needs with twinkly services that don't.

> The real issue, I guess, is to try to strike a suitable balance. I suppose
> it's inevitable we'll never satisfy everyone.
> In as far as Dave asks where is the Quanta Forum etc etc, I think we have
> to recognise that the website has not been Quanta's strongest asset for some
> time now. Recent committee decisions should (theoretically) see more
> progress on this front. Once the basics are in place - getting the CMS to
> work as we want it - we can then turn our attention to new features. While
> ideas are always welcome, given that past Quanta websites haven't done too
> well, let's get the fundamentals in place first.

I will give a very specific piece of advice to Quanta's web person(s):

Don't decide what you want on the site and make headings for everything and
plan it all out. Allow it to be organic. Allow popular pages to grow in the
way the readers want them to. Allow little-visited pages to be relegated to
sub-links or to die altogether. If you want to keep the info available, have
a "page cemetery."

Just don't let it be managed by a committee. Allow it to respond to events
more quickly than a meeting schedule.

>  This means that Quanta always has to have some paper facilities if it
>> wants to serve all its members. Although I agree with you that we should
>> exploit the internet far more I think there is a resistance among Quanta
>> members, even those who are subscribers to this list, to the internet
>> replacing paper,
> Yep. Reading the entire mag is better on paper for me, but I also like to
> be able to search the PDFs for information too. I agree the paper option
> will have to be there, but would encourage people to try the PDF versions
> too.

I personally would prefer PDF only, with an annual mailed CD archive of all
issues to this point in December. Others would prefer the paper mag, or
emailed copies... I find it unfortunate that Quanta has stuck by their price
point and doesn't say some thing like...

£12 for membership, worldwide, with emailed magazine.
£16 basic + paper mag in EU
£20 basic + paper mag, rest of world

Also, looking at the life stage of Quanta and its members, maybe it's time
to offer £100 lifetime memberships... Count on peoples' optimism ;)

Also, they should maybe email a URL for the PDF and have people fetch it
from the web server, so they can track how many *readers* they actually
have. I'm sure a few people just take the magazine for old time's sake.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-25 Thread Dilwyn Jones
One thing I think would help Quanta is to acknowledge that the 
internet is a
primary form of communication - I know this seems obvious and they 
could say
"we're doing it" but, c'mon, really? :) Where's the Quanta forum? 
Where are

the public areas and the members only areas within it?

Just one thing to comment on this. The survey that Quanta did some 
years ago showed that there were still many members who are "black 
box users" and had no desire for becoming internet users. When you 
consider that Quanta does have members in their 80's who are happy 
with the QL and at their age have no desire to learn another 
computer this is reasonable.
I would agree to some extent with this. We have to recognise that 
there are both users out there as you describe, using original QLs and 
no wish to go much further, and we have to cater for those who 
progressed to newer QL systems and emulators too.

The real issue, I guess, is to try to strike a suitable balance. I 
suppose it's inevitable we'll never satisfy everyone.

In as far as Dave asks where is the Quanta Forum etc etc, I think we 
have to recognise that the website has not been Quanta's strongest 
asset for some time now. Recent committee decisions should 
(theoretically) see more progress on this front. Once the basics are 
in place - getting the CMS to work as we want it - we can then turn 
our attention to new features. While ideas are always welcome, given 
that past Quanta websites haven't done too well, let's get the 
fundamentals in place first.

This means that Quanta always has to have some paper facilities if 
it wants to serve all its members. Although I agree with you that we 
should exploit the internet far more I think there is a resistance 
among Quanta members, even those who are subscribers to this list, 
to the internet replacing paper,
Yep. Reading the entire mag is better on paper for me, but I also like 
to be able to search the PDFs for information too. I agree the paper 
option will have to be there, but would encourage people to try the 
PDF versions too.

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-25 Thread Tony Firshman

Dave Park wrote, on 25/Feb/11 15:38 | Feb25:

I have my own web server, which is somewhat of a luxury for me :) I have
used wordpress, and when my needs grew beyond it, I installed Drupal - which
in the end I considered too heavy and which demanded too many resources from
the server. When it has 2000+ simultaneous users, it gets a bit
Ah - that is the one I installed.  I might pick your brains.  As always 
the "help" files are useless.  They filed at square one - "Log in to 
your control panel" but I can find absolutely nothing that says what or 
where that is!

QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254 Fax: +44(0)1442-828255 Skype: tonyfirshman
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-25 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: "Dave Park" 
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

One thing I think would help Quanta is to acknowledge that the internet is 
primary form of communication - I know this seems obvious and they could 
"we're doing it" but, c'mon, really? :) Where's the Quanta forum? Where 

the public areas and the members only areas within it?

Just one thing to comment on this. The survey that Quanta did some years ago 
showed that there were still many members who are "black box users" and had 
no desire for becoming internet users. When you consider that Quanta does 
have members in their 80's who are happy with the QL and at their age have 
no desire to learn another computer this is reasonable.

Some years ago Tony Firshman and I helped a QL-er in his 80s with hardware 
and software problems.  He had no desire to go over to a PC and felt that 
Tony had provided him with good computer facilities for the rest of his 
life. When we started out we did not know who he was, but discovered that he 
was the person that had brought a household name franchise company to the UK 
and had done his spreadsheets on a QL. I have always had a healthy respect 
for black box users.

This means that Quanta always has to have some paper facilities if it wants 
to serve all its members. Although I agree with you that we should exploit 
the internet far more I think there is a resistance among Quanta members, 
even those who are subscribers to this list, to the internet replacing 

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-25 Thread Dave Park
On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 5:26 AM, gdgqler  wrote:

> On 25 Feb 2011, at 08:37, Norman Dunbar wrote:
> > Morning Dilwyn,
> >
> >> However, the failure to explain all this publicly and the fact it went
> on for a long
> >> time without explanation does give the impression of negligence in
> updating the
> >> website, whereas the truth is that the whole sorry situation is
> > actually down to
> >> the CMS not working as it should on the free server spaces used, making
> it
> >> impossible to provide a decent website while that system is in use.
> >
> > I sneaked a peek at the home page source code. Looks like Quanta are
> > using TYP03 as the CMS ( which is not one I've heard of in
> > the past, but a qucik web search shows that some pretty big
> > organisations use it - Thomas Cook, Unicef, Lidl etc - so it can't be a
> > problem with the CMS per se.
> >
> > Maybe it's the people using it? Maybe the free hosting company can't
> > cope with the load, who knows. The system itself seems pretty light on
> > resources, so maybe the switch to a paid for host will help.
> >
> > My own website ( - or maybe I should call
> > it George's web site as he is doing most of the updating at the moment
> > (thanks George) - is run on a simple Wiki ( which is
> > useful and simple and works pretty well even when broadband is reduced
> > to an 11 mbs (bits not bytes!) wireless connection! (Which is what I
> > have to use at work!). However, I don't think that would be suitable for
> > Quanta.
> >
> It's a pity that it wouldn't be suitable for QUANTA. Even I find it pretty
> easy to alter. (Only one trap or vector left to create.)
> > I do think that CMS is the way to go with a enterprise web site these
> > days, it takes far too long and is not really cost effective to be hand
> > coding HTML - even with a WYSISWYG HTML editor - you need to be able to
> > connect, edit, save and disconnect, not messing about with HTML and then
> > trying to FTP the results to the right place etc etc.
> >
> > However, I've been on the site (using the above mentioned wifi link) and
> > it's very responsive, quite fast - and it looks good. So, I'm rather
> > concerned at the fact that you have problems with it when editing or
> > updating - I'm loathe to believe that the free hosting is at fault,
> > unless your bandwidth is throttled somehow and the editing process is
> > hitting a limit?
> >
> > Not much help I know, just random thoughts mainly, and a bit of
> > encouragement.
> >
> >
> I recently had to move my tiny, rudimentary website from the "free"
> ukonline to 123-reg. I imagine that there are fewer and fewer "freely"
> hosted sites these days. The new host was very helpful when I failed
> initially to get the thing working.
> I look forward to the time when my site address will eventually appear on
> the QUANTA site which is quick and easy to follow - but a bit slow on the
> update.

I have my own web server, which is somewhat of a luxury for me :) I have
used wordpress, and when my needs grew beyond it, I installed Drupal - which
in the end I considered too heavy and which demanded too many resources from
the server. When it has 2000+ simultaneous users, it gets a bit

For Quanta's needs, I would recommend either Wordpress, php-nuke or
slashcode. All use a MySQL backend, all are free, open source, and all would
be better than what is in use now. All also have many very flexible themes

One thing I think would help Quanta is to acknowledge that the internet is a
primary form of communication - I know this seems obvious and they could say
"we're doing it" but, c'mon, really? :) Where's the Quanta forum? Where are
the public areas and the members only areas within it?

It's so easy to run a great forum if you have a captive membership. Look at, which is run on free phpBB (which I have also hosted.)

One trap with running a forum - which qlforum has fallen into... It is not
necessary or desirable to have the first two or three entries be "the rules"
and info about "the forum". It's undesirable to have "the rules" on every
page when you post. Show it nice when people sign up. Every decent forum has
the same basic rules: treat people with respect, don't flame, come back more
often! People know how to behave, and if they don't a quiet word to one side
can happen, without telling everyone all the time what the rules are. I know
y'all over there live in a Nanny State, but... don't! And it's still the
only game in town, forum-wise.

Another trap with forums: people use net-names and it's hard to keep track
of who is really who. I would have a "please use your real name" rule on

I have privately received an offer to put up or shut up with regard to the
Quanta website... *grins* I think I will put up, but have no desire to be on
a committee, or converse with one. It'll be a month or two to find the
membership fee (bec

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-25 Thread gdgqler

On 25 Feb 2011, at 08:37, Norman Dunbar wrote:

> Morning Dilwyn,
>> However, the failure to explain all this publicly and the fact it went on 
>> for a long
>> time without explanation does give the impression of negligence in updating 
>> the
>> website, whereas the truth is that the whole sorry situation is
> actually down to
>> the CMS not working as it should on the free server spaces used, making it
>> impossible to provide a decent website while that system is in use.
> I sneaked a peek at the home page source code. Looks like Quanta are
> using TYP03 as the CMS ( which is not one I've heard of in
> the past, but a qucik web search shows that some pretty big
> organisations use it - Thomas Cook, Unicef, Lidl etc - so it can't be a
> problem with the CMS per se.
> Maybe it's the people using it? Maybe the free hosting company can't
> cope with the load, who knows. The system itself seems pretty light on
> resources, so maybe the switch to a paid for host will help.
> My own website ( - or maybe I should call
> it George's web site as he is doing most of the updating at the moment
> (thanks George) - is run on a simple Wiki ( which is
> useful and simple and works pretty well even when broadband is reduced
> to an 11 mbs (bits not bytes!) wireless connection! (Which is what I
> have to use at work!). However, I don't think that would be suitable for
> Quanta.

It's a pity that it wouldn't be suitable for QUANTA. Even I find it pretty easy 
to alter. (Only one trap or vector left to create.)

> I do think that CMS is the way to go with a enterprise web site these
> days, it takes far too long and is not really cost effective to be hand
> coding HTML - even with a WYSISWYG HTML editor - you need to be able to
> connect, edit, save and disconnect, not messing about with HTML and then
> trying to FTP the results to the right place etc etc.
> However, I've been on the site (using the above mentioned wifi link) and
> it's very responsive, quite fast - and it looks good. So, I'm rather
> concerned at the fact that you have problems with it when editing or
> updating - I'm loathe to believe that the free hosting is at fault,
> unless your bandwidth is throttled somehow and the editing process is
> hitting a limit?
> Not much help I know, just random thoughts mainly, and a bit of
> encouragement.

I recently had to move my tiny, rudimentary website from the "free" ukonline to 
123-reg. I imagine that there are fewer and fewer "freely" hosted sites these 
days. The new host was very helpful when I failed initially to get the thing 

I look forward to the time when my site address will eventually appear on the 
QUANTA site which is quick and easy to follow - but a bit slow on the update.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-25 Thread Dilwyn Jones

Maybe it's the people using it? Maybe the free hosting company can't
cope with the load, who knows. The system itself seems pretty light 

resources, so maybe the switch to a paid for host will help.

My own website ( - or maybe I should 
it George's web site as he is doing most of the updating at the 
(thanks George) - is run on a simple Wiki ( which 
useful and simple and works pretty well even when broadband is 

to an 11 mbs (bits not bytes!) wireless connection! (Which is what I
have to use at work!). However, I don't think that would be suitable 

11mbs?!? I'd give my right arm for a broadband that works  that well. 
I've said in the past here I get just under 2mbs at best, or around 
30kbs at times when it's "kids on facebook" time in this village.

I do think that CMS is the way to go with a enterprise web site 
days, it takes far too long and is not really cost effective to be 
coding HTML - even with a WYSISWYG HTML editor - you need to be able 
connect, edit, save and disconnect, not messing about with HTML and 

trying to FTP the results to the right place etc etc.
Absolutely, I agree. I didn't want to name the CMS when I had my 
little rant in case of comebacks, but you did guess right. I use other 
CMS'es for the tanslation work etc with no problem whatsoever, even 
over this cr***y broadband :-)

However, I've been on the site (using the above mentioned wifi link) 

it's very responsive, quite fast - and it looks good. So, I'm rather
concerned at the fact that you have problems with it when editing or
updating - I'm loathe to believe that the free hosting is at fault,
unless your bandwidth is throttled somehow and the editing process 

hitting a limit?
Probably the useless broadband around here. There are times when doing 
things online you type a character, wait a couple of seconds and then 
it appears.

I don't usually give up on things too easily but the Quanta CMS has 
been quite frustrating for me personally. Technically, it probably 
ain't the CMS per se, but the entire experience of the entire system 
it's implemented on. I really don't know about that part of it and am 
happy to leave that to others who have designated responsibilities for 
that part of the system.

I think it might be more of a case of which OS the servers were using, 
and which software utility support was in place to allow the CMS to 
function, but I don't concern myself too much with that, so you might 
be better asking Dan or Keith about it in case I give incorrect 
information about it.

Not much help I know, just random thoughts mainly, and a bit of
Well, throwing random thoughts into a brainstorming session often 
generates good ideas. We've seen that on this list plenty of times in 
the past :-)

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-25 Thread Norman Dunbar
Morning Dilwyn,

> However, the failure to explain all this publicly and the fact it went on for 
> a long
> time without explanation does give the impression of negligence in updating 
> the
> website, whereas the truth is that the whole sorry situation is
actually down to
> the CMS not working as it should on the free server spaces used, making it
> impossible to provide a decent website while that system is in use.

I sneaked a peek at the home page source code. Looks like Quanta are
using TYP03 as the CMS ( which is not one I've heard of in
the past, but a qucik web search shows that some pretty big
organisations use it - Thomas Cook, Unicef, Lidl etc - so it can't be a
problem with the CMS per se.

Maybe it's the people using it? Maybe the free hosting company can't
cope with the load, who knows. The system itself seems pretty light on
resources, so maybe the switch to a paid for host will help.

My own website ( - or maybe I should call
it George's web site as he is doing most of the updating at the moment
(thanks George) - is run on a simple Wiki ( which is
useful and simple and works pretty well even when broadband is reduced
to an 11 mbs (bits not bytes!) wireless connection! (Which is what I
have to use at work!). However, I don't think that would be suitable for

I do think that CMS is the way to go with a enterprise web site these
days, it takes far too long and is not really cost effective to be hand
coding HTML - even with a WYSISWYG HTML editor - you need to be able to
connect, edit, save and disconnect, not messing about with HTML and then
trying to FTP the results to the right place etc etc.

However, I've been on the site (using the above mentioned wifi link) and
it's very responsive, quite fast - and it looks good. So, I'm rather
concerned at the fact that you have problems with it when editing or
updating - I'm loathe to believe that the free hosting is at fault,
unless your bandwidth is throttled somehow and the editing process is
hitting a limit?

Not much help I know, just random thoughts mainly, and a bit of


Norman Dunbar
Dunbar IT Consultants Ltd

Registered address:
Thorpe House
61 Richardshaw Lane
West Yorkshire
United Kingdom
LS28 7EL

Company Number: 05132767
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-24 Thread Dilwyn Jones
>> 16th & 17th April. The Quanta website has not been updated since July of
>> last year and my understanding is that there is little chance of it
>> being updated in the near future.
> Ah - a weekend *totally* full for me with Bach St John Passion (8-(#
> Another AGM missed.
>> Draw your own conclusions for the reason for this from Dilwyn's
>> yesterday email about the lack of updating to the news items,
> I thought I read here quite recently that someone had worked out the 
> logon and *was* updating it.
> Tony
That was John Sadler saying he'd managed to recover the Scottish QL users group 
(SQLUG) website and nothing to do with the Quanta one.

You've seen Geoff's email about the website earlier on tonight. A little bit 
more on this...

Quanta website is a source of frustration to me and I think to all of us. The 
various faults and incompatibilities have caused too much wasted time, too much 
time worrying about the SYSTEM at the expense of CONTENT. The faults meant it 
has been impossible to update some things like the News since the last item you 
see on the site, for example. It's a free CMS, and in my experience it's not 
been very pleasant trying to edit a site with it. Over my broadband, the editor 
is slow and clunky. Various facilities either don't work at all when I try 
them, or fail to work in various contexts. I get endless error messages. Pages 
show up differently on Internet Explorer and on Firefox (not tried other 
browsers). I have no idea if this is due to my own system here, the CMS itself, 
or the problems with the servers it runs on. Just look at the homepage of on the two browsers mentioned to see what I mean. This is an 
example of things I have moaned about in emails to Keith 
 and Dan (until I'm sure they are fed up of me), which have proved difficult, 
or impossible, or very time consuming to fix.

The webmasters will be at Quanta AGM in April (just spoken to Keith now). So if 
you are concerned about Quanta's website, go there to ask questions and get 
answers. I hope that they will be able to do a session on the website at some 
point over the weekend to explain the situation.

Of course, the situation gives the impression that as far as members are 
concerned the website is just out of date. This is not inactivity or laziness 
on the part of the committee but a huge and endless struggle just to get the 
basic CMS working at all. Dan and Keith are people who have worked with IT for 
a living, so it's not a case of nobody knowing what they're doing either. 
However, the website situation is unacceptable as it stands in my view and 
rapid progress must be seen to happen now.

The good news is that while I was abroad recently a committee meeting was held 
which took major decisions to move forward to a costlier managed service 
selected, which should free everyone up to focus on CONTENT, provided it works 
better than the free service used until now.

However, the failure to explain all this publicly and the fact it went on for a 
long time without explanation does give the impression of negligence in 
updating the website, whereas the truth is that the whole sorry situation is 
actually down to the CMS not working as it should on the free server spaces 
used, making it impossible to provide a decent website while that system is in 
use. Too long was spent trying to get a free service working, so hopefully the 
move to a paid for service will improve the situation.

Another matter is that I have resigned as Quanta Librarian today. I was trying 
to do too many things - News, Helpline, Library and occasionally website pages 
(when the CMS last worked properly). The rush to get things in to meet the 
deadline for the current issue before I went abroad (sorry, I rather 
monopolised the issue with my ramblings) and the subsequent decision to produce 
another issue with deadline 5th March convinced me the time was right to find 
someone with new ideas to run the Quanta Library properly and give it the time 
and attention it deserves. The Library is in need of modernising, especially as 
it is still intended that in time it will go online for members, which I 
haven't the time to do. I'll remain as caretaker Librarian until the AGM when I 
can hopefully hand the master disks etc over.

This email has NOT been issued or authorised by the Quanta committee and is 
only the personal views of one frustrated committee member, sent with the best 
of intentions and without intending any personal criticism of anyone concerned.

Dilwyn Jones
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-24 Thread Tony Firshman

Geoff Wicks wrote, on 24/Feb/11 20:35 | Feb24:

From: "Dave Park" 
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Tony Firshman 

Geoff Wicks wrote, on 24/Feb/11 18:43 | Feb24:

Hrmm - what weekend? has nothing. I thought

the website had been updated recently.

The only "Forthcoming Events" is the Austrian show *last* year!

16th & 17th April. The Quanta website has not been updated since
July of
last year and my understanding is that there is little chance of it
being updated in the near future.

Ah - a weekend *totally* full for me with Bach St John Passion (8-(#
Another AGM missed.

Draw your own conclusions for the reason for this from Dilwyn's
yesterday email about the lack of updating to the news items,

I thought I read here quite recently that someone had worked out the

logon and *was* updating it.

This is obviously a problem.

Yes there is a problem and it's not because people are too lazy to
update the site. In fact almost all the work has been done to prepare
the content for the restricted members' area.

At QL Today we have known about the problem for several months, but had
to keep silent to give Quanta the time to solve it. As there is no sign
of a solution I decided to break the silence in the forthcoming issue.

The great tragedy is that if Quanta had been open about the problem they
would probably have found a lot of sympathy and people willing to help,

That is very cryptic. I look forward to reading QLT.


QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254 Fax: +44(0)1442-828255 Skype: tonyfirshman
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-24 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: "Dave Park" 
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 7:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Tony Firshman  

Geoff Wicks wrote, on 24/Feb/11 18:43 | Feb24:

 Hrmm - what weekend? has nothing. I thought

the website had been updated recently.

The only "Forthcoming Events" is the Austrian show *last* year!

16th & 17th April. The Quanta website has not been updated since July of
last year and my understanding is that there is little chance of it
being updated in the near future.

Ah - a weekend *totally* full for me with Bach St John Passion (8-(#
Another AGM missed.

Draw your own conclusions for the reason for this from Dilwyn's
yesterday email about the lack of updating to the news items,

 I thought I read here quite recently that someone had worked out the

logon and *was* updating it.

This is obviously a problem.

Yes there is a problem and it's not because people are too lazy to update 
the site.  In fact almost all the work has been done to prepare the content 
for the restricted members' area.

At QL Today we have known about the problem for several months, but had to 
keep silent to give Quanta the time to solve it. As there is no sign of a 
solution I decided to break the silence in the forthcoming issue.

The great tragedy is that if Quanta had been open about the problem they 
would probably have found a lot of sympathy and people willing to help,

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-24 Thread Tony Firshman

Dave Park wrote, on 24/Feb/11 19:03 | Feb24:

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Tony Firshman  wrote:

Geoff Wicks wrote, on 24/Feb/11 18:43 | Feb24:

From: "Tony Firshman"
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

  Geoff Wicks wrote, on 24/Feb/11 13:56 | Feb24:

  Likewise, if anyone from abroad would like us to help find a place to

stay for the weekend, please do get in touch. Manchester airport is
not too far away, for example.

Sarah has recommended a private hotel in the past and I have not heard
any criticisms of it. The nearest hotel to the venue, Premier Inn
Trafford South, still had vacancies last weekend. The disadvantage is
that you will be using the same hotel as the devil himself, so don't
forget your garlic and crucifix,

  Hrmm - what weekend? has nothing. I thought

the website had been updated recently.

The only "Forthcoming Events" is the Austrian show *last* year!

16th&  17th April. The Quanta website has not been updated since July of
last year and my understanding is that there is little chance of it
being updated in the near future.

Ah - a weekend *totally* full for me with Bach St John Passion (8-(#
Another AGM missed.

Draw your own conclusions for the reason for this from Dilwyn's
yesterday email about the lack of updating to the news items,

  I thought I read here quite recently that someone had worked out the

logon and *was* updating it.

This is obviously a problem.

I, as a person with too much free time, think I will need to create a web
site to carry out the function that Quanta and QL Today don't seem to think
is a priority.

Simply, contact information for the organizations, plus currently updated
news, whenever I become aware of it.

I'll think on it over the weekend to see what ways I could do this to best
benefit the community.

If I do it, I'll spell in British English too.


Even better, you could update the Quanta website!
As you imply, very little is vitally important to update.


QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254 Fax: +44(0)1442-828255 Skype: tonyfirshman
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-24 Thread Dave Park
On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 12:47 PM, Tony Firshman  wrote:

> Geoff Wicks wrote, on 24/Feb/11 18:43 | Feb24:
>> --
>> From: "Tony Firshman" 
>> Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 2:03 PM
>> To: 
>> Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply
>>  Geoff Wicks wrote, on 24/Feb/11 13:56 | Feb24:
>>>  Likewise, if anyone from abroad would like us to help find a place to
>>>>> stay for the weekend, please do get in touch. Manchester airport is
>>>>> not too far away, for example.
>>>> Sarah has recommended a private hotel in the past and I have not heard
>>>> any criticisms of it. The nearest hotel to the venue, Premier Inn
>>>> Trafford South, still had vacancies last weekend. The disadvantage is
>>>> that you will be using the same hotel as the devil himself, so don't
>>>> forget your garlic and crucifix,
>>>>  Hrmm - what weekend? has nothing. I thought
>>> the website had been updated recently.
>>> The only "Forthcoming Events" is the Austrian show *last* year!
>> 16th & 17th April. The Quanta website has not been updated since July of
>> last year and my understanding is that there is little chance of it
>> being updated in the near future.
> Ah - a weekend *totally* full for me with Bach St John Passion (8-(#
> Another AGM missed.
>> Draw your own conclusions for the reason for this from Dilwyn's
>> yesterday email about the lack of updating to the news items,
>>  I thought I read here quite recently that someone had worked out the
> logon and *was* updating it.

This is obviously a problem.

I, as a person with too much free time, think I will need to create a web
site to carry out the function that Quanta and QL Today don't seem to think
is a priority.

Simply, contact information for the organizations, plus currently updated
news, whenever I become aware of it.

I'll think on it over the weekend to see what ways I could do this to best
benefit the community.

If I do it, I'll spell in British English too.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-24 Thread Tony Firshman

Geoff Wicks wrote, on 24/Feb/11 18:43 | Feb24:

From: "Tony Firshman" 
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

Geoff Wicks wrote, on 24/Feb/11 13:56 | Feb24:

Likewise, if anyone from abroad would like us to help find a place to
stay for the weekend, please do get in touch. Manchester airport is
not too far away, for example.

Sarah has recommended a private hotel in the past and I have not heard
any criticisms of it. The nearest hotel to the venue, Premier Inn
Trafford South, still had vacancies last weekend. The disadvantage is
that you will be using the same hotel as the devil himself, so don't
forget your garlic and crucifix,

Hrmm - what weekend? has nothing. I thought
the website had been updated recently.

The only "Forthcoming Events" is the Austrian show *last* year!

16th & 17th April. The Quanta website has not been updated since July of
last year and my understanding is that there is little chance of it
being updated in the near future.

Ah - a weekend *totally* full for me with Bach St John Passion (8-(#
Another AGM missed.

Draw your own conclusions for the reason for this from Dilwyn's
yesterday email about the lack of updating to the news items,

I thought I read here quite recently that someone had worked out the 
logon and *was* updating it.


QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254 Fax: +44(0)1442-828255 Skype: tonyfirshman
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-24 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: "Tony Firshman" 
Sent: Thursday, February 24, 2011 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

Geoff Wicks wrote, on 24/Feb/11 13:56 | Feb24:

Likewise, if anyone from abroad would like us to help find a place to
stay for the weekend, please do get in touch. Manchester airport is
not too far away, for example.

Sarah has recommended a private hotel in the past and I have not heard
any criticisms of it. The nearest hotel to the venue, Premier Inn
Trafford South, still had vacancies last weekend. The disadvantage is
that you will be using the same hotel as the devil himself, so don't
forget your garlic and crucifix,

Hrmm - what weekend? has nothing. I thought the 
website had been updated recently.

The only "Forthcoming Events" is the Austrian show *last* year!

16th & 17th April. The Quanta website has not been updated since July of 
last year and my understanding is that there is little chance of it being 
updated in the near future.

Draw your own conclusions for the reason for this from Dilwyn's yesterday 
email about the lack of updating to the news items,

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-24 Thread Tony Firshman

Geoff Wicks wrote, on 24/Feb/11 13:56 | Feb24:

Likewise, if anyone from abroad would like us to help find a place to
stay for the weekend, please do get in touch. Manchester airport is
not too far away, for example.

Sarah has recommended a private hotel in the past and I have not heard
any criticisms of it. The nearest hotel to the venue, Premier Inn
Trafford South, still had vacancies last weekend. The disadvantage is
that you will be using the same hotel as the devil himself, so don't
forget your garlic and crucifix,

Hrmm - what weekend? has nothing. I thought 
the website had been updated recently.

The only "Forthcoming Events" is the Austrian show *last* year!


QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(0)1442-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254 Fax: +44(0)1442-828255 Skype: tonyfirshman
TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, TRING, Herts, HP23 4DG
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-24 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: "Dilwyn Jones" 
Sent: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 8:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

Likewise, if anyone from abroad would like us to help find a place to stay 
for the weekend, please do get in touch. Manchester airport is not too far 
away, for example.

Sarah has recommended a private hotel in the past and I have not heard any 
criticisms of it. The nearest hotel to the venue, Premier Inn Trafford 
South, still had vacancies last weekend. The disadvantage is that you will 
be using the same hotel as the devil himself, so don't forget your garlic 
and crucifix,

Best wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-23 Thread Dilwyn Jones
Thanks for the offer to help with rewriting the constitution - we 
have the beginnings of a potential constitution redrafting team,

Best wishes,

For members, there will be an open forum to discuss the Quanta 
constitution on the sunday morning of the Workshop/AGM in April 
(16th/17th) in Manchester. Members who can't attend are welcome to 
send thoughts to Sarah (chairman) or Alison (secretary) to include in 
the discussion. Hopefully, by discussing it then it will allow plenty 
of time to plan and reshape the constitution by the 2012 AGM.

And if anyone would like a slot to do a talk or presentation at this 
event, please do get in touch with me so that we can plan some 
talks/demos on the Saturday. One or two have already indicated a 
willingness to do a session if they can attend, but the more the 
merrier! And there'll be a Quanta dinner to attend and talk about all 
things QL on Saturday evening too - contact

Likewise, if anyone from abroad would like us to help find a place to 
stay for the weekend, please do get in touch. Manchester airport is 
not too far away, for example.

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-09 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: "Malcolm Cadman" 
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 9:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

Hi Geoff,

I agree with most of what you say, apart from keeping the "Term of Office" 

Better to abandon that, all together, and just have all Board/Committee 
members standing down every Year; and then putting themselves forward 
again for a following Year (or not if they so choose).

This way you keep your good Board/Committee members.

The Treasurer Post is always a difficult one to fill.

When you find a good one, then keep them ... :-)

I would not object to being involved in drafting a new/revised 

In principle I can find a lot of good sense in the six year rule, but in 
practice I have my doubts about its suitability for Quanta in its present 
size and condition.

Almost of the people I have spoken to who were active on the committee 5 - 
10 years ago refer to the first few years of the last decade being the 
ultimate low period in Quanta. We had a chairman who no longer believed in 
either Quanta or the QL, but who, for some strange reason, clung onto 
office. Quanta was just allowed to drift aimlessly.

I have had many conversations with John Mason about this period and he was 
genuinely distressed by the deterioration that occurred in Quanta. He was 
determined to restore Quanta to its former glories. I don't agree with the 
way he tried to do it, but I know that his motives were pure.

When I was on the Works Council a lot of these ideas were bounced around on 
our training courses. There is a need to maintain continuity but also a need 
to keep an organisation fresh.

We need to separate two different things. One is the maximum term of office 
i.e. the six year rule, the other is the normal term of office. In my 
personal opinion three years is too long, one year is too short. Two years 
is about right.

Thanks for the offer to help with rewriting the constitution - we have the 
beginnings of a potential constitution redrafting team,

Best wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-08 Thread Plastic
On Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 3:53 PM, Malcolm Cadman  wrote:

> In message , gdgqler <
>> writes
>> On 7 Feb 2011, at 19:52, Geoff Wicks wrote:
 Perhaps the entire constitution of Quanta needs altering.

>>> Now where did I hear that recently ;-)
>>> I once was involved in rewriting an entire constitution. When Works
>>> Council Law was changed in the Netherlands all Works Councils had to rewrite
>>> their constitutions. We had a choice of either doing it ourselves or
>>> employing an outside consultant costing hundreds of pounds.
>>> As I was the only member of the council with the relevant skills and
>>> experience I was given the job, but at the same time the council appointed
>>> another member to be my mentor to check everything I did.
>>> In practice I found I could still keep much of the old constitution in
>>> the new one and I suspect that would be much the same in Quanta. There were
>>> model constitutions published and I also had to keep checking the new Works
>>> Council Law. In short in was a bit like "pick 'n' mix".
>>> Basically Quanta would have to do is:
>>> 1: Look through the old constitution and get a rough idea of what you
>>> would like to leave in and what you would like to leave out. Then have an
>>> extensive consultation period to determine the main details. Do not rush
>>> this - it is better to take your time than do a quick botched job. (The
>>> lesson of the 2005 amendments.)
>>> 2: More than one person should be involved in the drafting. It is a bit
>>> like a superbasic program. Few of us could write a superbasic program that
>>> is totally bug free and that also applies to constitutions. Even better if
>>> the draft constitution is proofread by a person or persons not involved in
>>> the drafting.
>>> 3: Bear in mind that during the drafting matters could arise that need
>>> further consultation or decision by the committee or members. When writing
>>> the works council constitution I had to consult the council on whether we
>>> should have a personal or list voting system and prepare a paper on the
>>> merits and demerits of each.
>>> For example in Quanta to maintain continuity the officers currently have
>>> a three year period of office. You could have chosen instead for all
>>> committee members to serve 2 years with one half of the committee to face
>>> re-election in any one year.  This is not a decision for the drafters, but
>>> the committee and/or members.
>>> 4: Publish the draft constitution well in advance to allow time for
>>> possible amendments, comments or objections.
>>> A very time consuming process, but Quanta may find it worthwhile,
>> When I was involved in producing a new constitution we got an expert to
>> produce one "off the shelf". This was, in the main, OK but it had what I
>> thought was a fatal flaw. It required the Committee members to retire after
>> a period of, I think, 3 years and had to wait 1 year before they could be
>> re-elected. I got that altered so that Committee members could stay on
>> indefinitely, subject, of course, to being re-elected every 3 years. My
>> reason for getting that alteration was that I thought it difficult enough to
>> get anyone to do the voluntary work of being a Committee member. I reckon
>> Quanta badly needs that change in the constitution.
>> George
> Hi George,
> I agree with you, again ... :-)
> Good Board/Committee members are very hard to find.
> So, when you have them, it is best to keep them.
> As I commented in another email, it is best to have no "Time limits".
> With all Board/Committee members standing down every Year, and then
> standing again (or not if they so choose).
> My community group will be holding its AGM, shortly, and this is what we
> do.
> This will be out eleventh Year of operation, with a budget of over £100K a
> Year.
> Being a Company Not for Profit and Limited by Guarantee, as well as a
> Registered Charity.
> --
> Malcolm Cadman
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List

One organization of which I am a member does not have term limits, but
handles it in an interesting way.

The only reason for a term limit is to prevent people holding an office
indefinitely due to "power" issues. This organization resolves it by
allowing a vote FOR someone and a vote AGAINST someone. FOR votes add one,
and AGAINST votes deduct one. This way, if an incumbent goes on long enough
to start being closely opposed, dissatisfaction usually focuses the negative
votes on them.

The downside is if you have three candidates: two popular opposing
candidates and a third minor player, the two groups of supporters invalidate
the others' votes and the third entrant gets elected.

Another (to me, better) way to resolve the issue is to allow someone to be
elected past a term limit if they are unopposed. However, if they are

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-08 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message , gdgqler 

On 7 Feb 2011, at 19:52, Geoff Wicks wrote:

Perhaps the entire constitution of Quanta needs altering.

Now where did I hear that recently ;-)

I once was involved in rewriting an entire constitution. When Works 
Council Law was changed in the Netherlands all Works Councils had to 
rewrite their constitutions. We had a choice of either doing it 
ourselves or employing an outside consultant costing hundreds of pounds.

As I was the only member of the council with the relevant skills and 
experience I was given the job, but at the same time the council 
appointed another member to be my mentor to check everything I did.

In practice I found I could still keep much of the old constitution 
in the new one and I suspect that would be much the same in Quanta. 
There were model constitutions published and I also had to keep 
checking the new Works Council Law. In short in was a bit like "pick 
'n' mix".

Basically Quanta would have to do is:

1: Look through the old constitution and get a rough idea of what you 
would like to leave in and what you would like to leave out. Then have 
an extensive consultation period to determine the main details. Do not 
rush this - it is better to take your time than do a quick botched 
job. (The lesson of the 2005 amendments.)

2: More than one person should be involved in the drafting. It is a 
bit like a superbasic program. Few of us could write a superbasic 
program that is totally bug free and that also applies to 
constitutions. Even better if the draft constitution is proofread by a 
person or persons not involved in the drafting.

3: Bear in mind that during the drafting matters could arise that 
need further consultation or decision by the committee or members. 
When writing the works council constitution I had to consult the 
council on whether we should have a personal or list voting system and 
prepare a paper on the merits and demerits of each.
For example in Quanta to maintain continuity the officers currently 
have a three year period of office. You could have chosen instead for 
all committee members to serve 2 years with one half of the committee 
to face re-election in any one year.  This is not a decision for the 
drafters, but the committee and/or members.

4: Publish the draft constitution well in advance to allow time for 
possible amendments, comments or objections.

A very time consuming process, but Quanta may find it worthwhile,

When I was involved in producing a new constitution we got an expert to 
produce one "off the shelf". This was, in the main, OK but it had what 
I thought was a fatal flaw. It required the Committee members to retire 
after a period of, I think, 3 years and had to wait 1 year before they 
could be re-elected. I got that altered so that Committee members could 
stay on indefinitely, subject, of course, to being re-elected every 3 
years. My reason for getting that alteration was that I thought it 
difficult enough to get anyone to do the voluntary work of being a 
Committee member. I reckon Quanta badly needs that change in the constitution.


Hi George,

I agree with you, again ... :-)

Good Board/Committee members are very hard to find.

So, when you have them, it is best to keep them.

As I commented in another email, it is best to have no "Time limits".

With all Board/Committee members standing down every Year, and then 
standing again (or not if they so choose).

My community group will be holding its AGM, shortly, and this is what we 

This will be out eleventh Year of operation, with a budget of over £100K 
a Year.

Being a Company Not for Profit and Limited by Guarantee, as well as a 
Registered Charity.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-08 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message <7CEE673EF74B4720829CBA46D820817B@geoffbqm5ccx41>, Geoff 
Wicks  writes

From: "gdgqler" 
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

Perhaps the entire constitution of Quanta needs altering.

Now where did I hear that recently ;-)

I once was involved in rewriting an entire constitution. When Works 
Council Law was changed in the Netherlands all Works Councils had to 
rewrite their constitutions. We had a choice of either doing it 
ourselves or employing an outside consultant costing hundreds of pounds.

As I was the only member of the council with the relevant skills and 
experience I was given the job, but at the same time the council 
appointed another member to be my mentor to check everything I did.

In practice I found I could still keep much of the old constitution in 
the new one and I suspect that would be much the same in Quanta. There 
were model constitutions published and I also had to keep checking the 
new Works Council Law. In short in was a bit like "pick 'n' mix".

Basically Quanta would have to do is:

1: Look through the old constitution and get a rough idea of what you 
would like to leave in and what you would like to leave out. Then have 
an extensive consultation period to determine the main details. Do not 
rush this - it is better to take your time than do a quick botched job. 
(The lesson of the 2005 amendments.)

2: More than one person should be involved in the drafting. It is a bit 
like a superbasic program. Few of us could write a superbasic program 
that is totally bug free and that also applies to constitutions. Even 
better if the draft constitution is proofread by a person or persons 
not involved in the drafting.

3: Bear in mind that during the drafting matters could arise that need 
further consultation or decision by the committee or members. When 
writing the works council constitution I had to consult the council on 
whether we should have a personal or list voting system and had to 
prepare a paper on the merits and demerits of each.
For example in Quanta to maintain continuity the officers currently 
have a three year period of office. You could have chosen instead for 
all committee members to serve 2 years with one half of the committee 
to face re-election in any one year.  This is not a decision for the 
drafters, but the committee and/or members.

4: Publish the draft constitution well in advance to allow time for 
possible amendments, comments or objections.

A very time consuming process, but Quanta may find it worthwhile,

Best Wishes,


Hi Geoff,

I agree with most of what you say, apart from keeping the "Term of 
Office" feature.

Better to abandon that, all together, and just have all Board/Committee 
members standing down every Year; and then putting themselves forward 
again for a following Year (or not if they so choose).

This way you keep your good Board/Committee members.

The Treasurer Post is always a difficult one to fill.

When you find a good one, then keep them ... :-)

I would not object to being involved in drafting a new/revised 

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-08 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message <>, gdgqler 

On 6 Feb 2011, at 21:07, Malcolm Cadman wrote:

In message <>, Timothy Swenson 

On 1/30/2011 10:48 AM, Malcolm Cadman wrote:

Were Officers to be elected, directly, at an AGM, it would open the door
to someone incompetent to get voted in, or some collusion to take place.

Interesting, as California State code for Non-profits pretty much 
specifies that members vote on officers and the board.  It is only 
the members that can make any changes to the By-laws.

I'm guessing that the AGM is the same as a General Member Meeting. 
Most non-profits have one every year for elections.  In one 
non-profit I'm involved with, rarely does a regular member attend 
these meetings and only the Board members show up (even with the 
required notification sent out).

Hi Tim,

I think that we are talking about the same thing.

The full membership attends a General Meeting of Members ... in the 
UK called an Annual General Meeting (AGM), as it is held once a Year.

The general membership are there to see the people being put forward 
for the Committee (Board).

However, suppose at the AGM a member puts themselves forward for the 
Treasurer ... and all the other members present then vote for that 

Yet, the member voted in has not demonstrated any competence for the 
Position . see the problem?

The Committee (Board) cannot then function.

Usually you can't put forward new proposals at an AGM. Only business 
listed in the Notice of the Meeting can be transacted. However, the 
problem of ordinary members proposing and electing non competent people 
is real. When I have had anything to do with such situations I have 
seen to it that the Committee or Board or whatever you like to call it 
put forward what they consider competent candidates. But allowing 
members to propose other candidates if they want.

If that fails, it is also usual to have the power of co-option so that 
the right person can be appointed later.

I would have thought that elections are normally to the Committee or 
Board and not to a post within the Committee. In other words the 
members would not normally elect a Treasurer.

Perhaps the entire constitution of Quanta needs altering.


Hi George,

Yes ... I agree, AGM elections are meant to be to the Board/Committee; 
and not a particular Post.

If the QUANTA Constitution is weak in this area, then a re-write would 
be the better way to go.

The Charity Commission web site, has some good examples to base upon.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-08 Thread gdgqler

On 7 Feb 2011, at 19:52, Geoff Wicks wrote:

>> Perhaps the entire constitution of Quanta needs altering.
> Now where did I hear that recently ;-)
> I once was involved in rewriting an entire constitution. When Works Council 
> Law was changed in the Netherlands all Works Councils had to rewrite their 
> constitutions. We had a choice of either doing it ourselves or employing an 
> outside consultant costing hundreds of pounds.
> As I was the only member of the council with the relevant skills and 
> experience I was given the job, but at the same time the council appointed 
> another member to be my mentor to check everything I did.
> In practice I found I could still keep much of the old constitution in the 
> new one and I suspect that would be much the same in Quanta. There were model 
> constitutions published and I also had to keep checking the new Works Council 
> Law. In short in was a bit like "pick 'n' mix".
> Basically Quanta would have to do is:
> 1: Look through the old constitution and get a rough idea of what you would 
> like to leave in and what you would like to leave out. Then have an extensive 
> consultation period to determine the main details. Do not rush this - it is 
> better to take your time than do a quick botched job. (The lesson of the 2005 
> amendments.)
> 2: More than one person should be involved in the drafting. It is a bit like 
> a superbasic program. Few of us could write a superbasic program that is 
> totally bug free and that also applies to constitutions. Even better if the 
> draft constitution is proofread by a person or persons not involved in the 
> drafting.
> 3: Bear in mind that during the drafting matters could arise that need 
> further consultation or decision by the committee or members. When writing 
> the works council constitution I had to consult the council on whether we 
> should have a personal or list voting system and had to prepare a paper on 
> the merits and demerits of each.
> For example in Quanta to maintain continuity the officers currently have a 
> three year period of office. You could have chosen instead for all committee 
> members to serve 2 years with one half of the committee to face re-election 
> in any one year.  This is not a decision for the drafters, but the committee 
> and/or members.
> 4: Publish the draft constitution well in advance to allow time for possible 
> amendments, comments or objections.
> A very time consuming process, but Quanta may find it worthwhile,

When I was involved in producing a new constitution we got an expert to produce 
one "off the shelf". This was, in the main, OK but it had what I thought was a 
fatal flaw. It required the Committee members to retire after a period of, I 
think, 3 years and had to wait 1 year before they could be re-elected. I got 
that altered so that Committee members could stay on indefinitely, subject, of 
course, to being re-elected every 3 years. My reason for getting that 
alteration was that I thought it difficult enough to get anyone to do the 
voluntary work of being a Committee member. I reckon Quanta badly needs that 
change in the constitution.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-07 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: "gdgqler" 
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2011 9:53 AM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

Perhaps the entire constitution of Quanta needs altering.

Now where did I hear that recently ;-)

I once was involved in rewriting an entire constitution. When Works Council 
Law was changed in the Netherlands all Works Councils had to rewrite their 
constitutions. We had a choice of either doing it ourselves or employing an 
outside consultant costing hundreds of pounds.

As I was the only member of the council with the relevant skills and 
experience I was given the job, but at the same time the council appointed 
another member to be my mentor to check everything I did.

In practice I found I could still keep much of the old constitution in the 
new one and I suspect that would be much the same in Quanta. There were 
model constitutions published and I also had to keep checking the new Works 
Council Law. In short in was a bit like "pick 'n' mix".

Basically Quanta would have to do is:

1: Look through the old constitution and get a rough idea of what you would 
like to leave in and what you would like to leave out. Then have an 
extensive consultation period to determine the main details. Do not rush 
this - it is better to take your time than do a quick botched job. (The 
lesson of the 2005 amendments.)

2: More than one person should be involved in the drafting. It is a bit like 
a superbasic program. Few of us could write a superbasic program that is 
totally bug free and that also applies to constitutions. Even better if the 
draft constitution is proofread by a person or persons not involved in the 

3: Bear in mind that during the drafting matters could arise that need 
further consultation or decision by the committee or members. When writing 
the works council constitution I had to consult the council on whether we 
should have a personal or list voting system and had to prepare a paper on 
the merits and demerits of each.
For example in Quanta to maintain continuity the officers currently have a 
three year period of office. You could have chosen instead for all committee 
members to serve 2 years with one half of the committee to face re-election 
in any one year.  This is not a decision for the drafters, but the committee 
and/or members.

4: Publish the draft constitution well in advance to allow time for possible 
amendments, comments or objections.

A very time consuming process, but Quanta may find it worthwhile,

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-07 Thread gdgqler

On 6 Feb 2011, at 21:07, Malcolm Cadman wrote:

> In message <>, Timothy Swenson 
>  writes
>> On 1/30/2011 10:48 AM, Malcolm Cadman wrote:
>>> Were Officers to be elected, directly, at an AGM, it would open the door
>>> to someone incompetent to get voted in, or some collusion to take place.
>> Interesting, as California State code for Non-profits pretty much specifies 
>> that members vote on officers and the board.  It is only the members that 
>> can make any changes to the By-laws.
>> I'm guessing that the AGM is the same as a General Member Meeting. Most 
>> non-profits have one every year for elections.  In one non-profit I'm 
>> involved with, rarely does a regular member attend these meetings and only 
>> the Board members show up (even with the required notification sent out).
> Hi Tim,
> I think that we are talking about the same thing.
> The full membership attends a General Meeting of Members ... in the UK called 
> an Annual General Meeting (AGM), as it is held once a Year.
> The general membership are there to see the people being put forward for the 
> Committee (Board).
> However, suppose at the AGM a member puts themselves forward for the 
> Treasurer ... and all the other members present then vote for that person.
> Yet, the member voted in has not demonstrated any competence for the Position 
> . see the problem?
> The Committee (Board) cannot then function.

Usually you can't put forward new proposals at an AGM. Only business listed in 
the Notice of the Meeting can be transacted. However, the problem of ordinary 
members proposing and electing non competent people is real. When I have had 
anything to do with such situations I have seen to it that the Committee or 
Board or whatever you like to call it put forward what they consider competent 
candidates. But allowing members to propose other candidates if they want.

If that fails, it is also usual to have the power of co-option so that the 
right person can be appointed later.

I would have thought that elections are normally to the Committee or Board and 
not to a post within the Committee. In other words the members would not 
normally elect a Treasurer.

Perhaps the entire constitution of Quanta needs altering.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-02-06 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message <>, Timothy Swenson 

On 1/30/2011 10:48 AM, Malcolm Cadman wrote:

Were Officers to be elected, directly, at an AGM, it would open the door
to someone incompetent to get voted in, or some collusion to take place.

Interesting, as California State code for Non-profits pretty much 
specifies that members vote on officers and the board.  It is only the 
members that can make any changes to the By-laws.

I'm guessing that the AGM is the same as a General Member Meeting. Most 
non-profits have one every year for elections.  In one non-profit I'm 
involved with, rarely does a regular member attend these meetings and 
only the Board members show up (even with the required notification 
sent out).

Hi Tim,

I think that we are talking about the same thing.

The full membership attends a General Meeting of Members ... in the UK 
called an Annual General Meeting (AGM), as it is held once a Year.

The general membership are there to see the people being put forward for 
the Committee (Board).

However, suppose at the AGM a member puts themselves forward for the 
Treasurer ... and all the other members present then vote for that 

Yet, the member voted in has not demonstrated any competence for the 
Position . see the problem?

The Committee (Board) cannot then function.

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-30 Thread Dilwyn Jones

I'm guessing that the AGM is the same as a General Member Meeting.

Yes, the AGM TLA stands for Annual General Meeting.

Dilwyn Jones

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-30 Thread john
On Friday 28 Jan 2011 20:29:56 Geoff Wicks wrote:

> Having written all this let me be the first person to state in public that
> the time has come for Quanta to be wound up. When an organisation is
> reduced to breaching its constitution to survive it has become a gigantic
> farce. If we needed Quanta we would be using it. In practice the active
> members of Quanta represent under 10% of the UK QL community and under 5%
> of the international QL community. The demise of Quanta is something the
> QL community can survive,

I wholeheartedly agree that the QL community could easily survive the demise 
of Quanta.
I wholeheartedly disagree that Quanta should be wound up.

Let me explain my position and my personal reasons why.

I am a very bad Quanta member. I pay my subscription. I read the magazine. I 
attend the local subgroup. I will even go to the AGM.
I avoid anything to do with the committee, partly because I have such strong 
views and do not want to sway my wife, Alison, who is the current secretary.

I have twice in the past been on the Quanta committee, once with Geoff.
I have no wish to be on the committee again, because the last time I received 
a letter threatening legal recourse because someone was upset about something 
or other and while it was all settled with a shake of hands, life is too short 
to be that bothered about a computer club for enthusiasts.

I like the QL. I use mine although not as often as I would like, but probably 
more than I should.

I have FAILED to upload all the survey that everyone kindly submitted.
I have FAILED to write some articles that I have promised the Editor often.

I do much that is half hearted. I have a QL on a stick that both lets me 
install uQLx under Linux or boots a Linux distribution off the stick with uQLx 
ready to run, but once done the challenge was over and interests move on.

I think there is much that the community should be doing, but again that is my 

However, when it comes to Quanta, I am of the opinion that if you personally, 
do not want Quanta, for whatever reason, then leave it. People do for many 
reasons, be it apathy, no longer have the time or just want to move on. That 
is fine. I am grateful that they enriched the Quanta community. Some stay in 
the QL community. Great. That is their choice and they continue to enrich it. 
Some leave altogether and I am sad, but again that is their choice.

I want to be in Quanta, I want Quanta to continue because I like it and gain 
benefit. I see no reason to wind it up because someone else does not get 
from it when if that is the case they are not forced to remain and can leave.

Like most things apathy wins. It is easier to do nothing and let the flow 
continue. As you, Geoff, seem to care for the community and have done so in the 
past, are you willing to assist Quanta? If you are willing, I will gladly 
propose you as a committee member. We would just need to find a seconder in 

John Southern

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-30 Thread Timothy Swenson

On 1/30/2011 10:48 AM, Malcolm Cadman wrote:

Were Officers to be elected, directly, at an AGM, it would open the door
to someone incompetent to get voted in, or some collusion to take place.

Interesting, as California State code for Non-profits pretty much 
specifies that members vote on officers and the board.  It is only the 
members that can make any changes to the By-laws.

I'm guessing that the AGM is the same as a General Member Meeting.  Most 
non-profits have one every year for elections.  In one non-profit I'm 
involved with, rarely does a regular member attend these meetings and 
only the Board members show up (even with the required notification sent 

Tim Swenson

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-30 Thread Malcolm Cadman
In message <>, Timothy Swenson 

Hi Tim,

The simple way around this, is for all of the Officers to step down at 
the AGM, every Year.

Then, for a few seconds, the organisation has no Officers - no one in 

Following this brief period of time, the names of the members standing 
as Officers is read out - by the Secretary - to the general membership 
present (which can be any or all of the previously serving Officers).

These then become the Officers for the forthcoming Year.

This is what I practice as the Company Secretary to a Limited Company by 
Guarantee and Not for Profit, and a Registered Charity.

In our case we have a Board of Trustees, standing down, and then 
continuing in to the forthcoming Year (if the individuals wish to 

New nominations are also taken at this time.

The problem with setting a period of time for an Officer to serve, 
always causes problems at some time or other.

Especially, the more complicated versions, where Officers resign in some 
kind of sequence linked to a period served.

The Charity Commission, in the UK, has a number of "standard" 
Constitutions, on its web site, which are there to be used depending on 
the type and purpose of the organisation.

An AGM, is a General Meeting of the organisation.  Open to all members 
to attend.

Yet, Officers, as such are not elected at AGM's.  People simply put 
themselves forward to serve, in a public manner.

It is then for the Committee / Board to decide who is best suited to the 
various Posts.  On which they take a Vote.

Were Officers to be elected, directly, at an AGM, it would open the door 
to someone incompetent to get voted in, or some collusion to take place.

For a Registered Company, all the Board members are listed, openly, on 
the Companies House Register.  Which is available for the public to see.

From the discussion I can get a feel for what might be the issue that 
is being discussed.  Over the last 12 years I've been on the Board of 4 
different non-profits.  I've written the By-laws (what you guys are 
calling the Constitution) for one non-profit.

The only time the By-laws really come into play is when someone thinks 
that the organization is not behaving properly.  I was in one 
non-profit where there were two factions and we really needed the 
By-laws to keep everyone playing properly.

In another non-profit, the By-laws stipulate how long an officer may 
hold an office.  We've ignored this part of the By-laws because there 
is no one stepping up to take over the office.  If we followed the 
By-laws all of the officers would be termed out and with no one 
stepping up to take over, the organization would basically have no 
Board.  If someone does step forward to complain, we'll volunteer them 
for an office. :-)

Tim Swenson

Malcolm Cadman
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

2011-01-30 Thread Rich Mellor

On 30/01/2011 10:16, gdgqler wrote:

On 30 Jan 2011, at 10:05, Rich Mellor wrote:

On 30/01/2011 09:29, gdgqler wrote:

On 29 Jan 2011, at 20:24, Geoff Wicks wrote:

Can a person who has been appointed treasurer of Quanta in a breach of the 
constitution - a legally binding document - legally sign cheques under British 

If the bank accepts the signature it doesn't matter whether it is legally 
binding or not.

Many years ago Standard Life and Scottish Widows jointly owned a computer. 
Every year an AGM was held. There were just three people there and I was one. 
There were supposed to be directors and shareholders. The Scottish Widows 
representative was a stickler for accuracy and protocol. He was filled to the 
brim with chagrin when, one year, it was pointed out that all the meetings to 
date were invalid because of some legal technicality such as shareholders not 
being present or having sent  proxies.

The moral is that the legal situation does not matter at all unless someone 

QL-Users Mailing List

I like the story - however, why would a jointly owned computer need an AGM ??

A company was set up jointly owned by Scottish Widows and Standard Life to run 
the computer.

When the computer was being built, representatives of the two offices went to see the 
work in progress. They were rather annoyed to see the notice attached to their machine. 
It read "Scottish Life", a different company in Edinburgh.

QL-Users Mailing List

Hee hee - that is fun - maybe it would have been much better to have 
left the original label on it - "Sinclair QL"

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

-- Try out our new site:

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

2011-01-30 Thread gdgqler

On 30 Jan 2011, at 10:05, Rich Mellor wrote:

> On 30/01/2011 09:29, gdgqler wrote:
>> On 29 Jan 2011, at 20:24, Geoff Wicks wrote:
>>> Can a person who has been appointed treasurer of Quanta in a breach of the 
>>> constitution - a legally binding document - legally sign cheques under 
>>> British law?
>> If the bank accepts the signature it doesn't matter whether it is legally 
>> binding or not.
>> Many years ago Standard Life and Scottish Widows jointly owned a computer. 
>> Every year an AGM was held. There were just three people there and I was 
>> one. There were supposed to be directors and shareholders. The Scottish 
>> Widows representative was a stickler for accuracy and protocol. He was 
>> filled to the brim with chagrin when, one year, it was pointed out that all 
>> the meetings to date were invalid because of some legal technicality such as 
>> shareholders not being present or having sent  proxies.
>> The moral is that the legal situation does not matter at all unless someone 
>> complains.
>> George
>> ___
>> QL-Users Mailing List
> I like the story - however, why would a jointly owned computer need an AGM ??

A company was set up jointly owned by Scottish Widows and Standard Life to run 
the computer.

When the computer was being built, representatives of the two offices went to 
see the work in progress. They were rather annoyed to see the notice attached 
to their machine. It read "Scottish Life", a different company in Edinburgh.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

2011-01-30 Thread Rich Mellor

On 30/01/2011 09:29, gdgqler wrote:

On 29 Jan 2011, at 20:24, Geoff Wicks wrote:

Can a person who has been appointed treasurer of Quanta in a breach of the 
constitution - a legally binding document - legally sign cheques under British 

If the bank accepts the signature it doesn't matter whether it is legally 
binding or not.

Many years ago Standard Life and Scottish Widows jointly owned a computer. 
Every year an AGM was held. There were just three people there and I was one. 
There were supposed to be directors and shareholders. The Scottish Widows 
representative was a stickler for accuracy and protocol. He was filled to the 
brim with chagrin when, one year, it was pointed out that all the meetings to 
date were invalid because of some legal technicality such as shareholders not 
being present or having sent  proxies.

The moral is that the legal situation does not matter at all unless someone 

QL-Users Mailing List

I like the story - however, why would a jointly owned computer need an 
AGM ??

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

-- Try out our new site:

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-30 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: "Rich Mellor" 
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

On 29/01/2011 12:54, Geoff Wicks wrote:

From: "Rich Mellor" 
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

Actually, I disagree and this is where the constitution is badly worded - 
ordinary members is also used to describe members of Quanta, not just the 
committee and I would therefore interpret this clause to mean that the 
Committee can fill vacancies by [co-opting members of Quanta] to the 
Committee - ordinary members is used in clause 4.1 to refer to the 
membership of Quanta (or are you suggesting that only the spouse of 
officers could ever be an associate member?

In fact the wording of clause 5.0 uses the term 'other members' to refer 
to the members of the committee who are not officers - nowhere is the term 
'ordinary members' used in this sense.

- It's discussions like this that I used to love when I was a solicitor 
and/or company secretary - invariably the person asking the question never 
wants to hear the official answer which always has to be "well it CAN be 
interpreted as" - nothing is ever definite when it comes to the law, 
that's why in pages of legal documentation, you never see full stops, 
commas, or semicolons - it leaves it more open to interpretation - and 
more money for the solicitors!

Actually Rich we are not in such disagreement. Your original reply jogged my 
memory and when I posted the interpretation of the constitution last year I 
stumbled over that point. Did "ordinary member" mean an ordinary member of 
the committee or a non-committee member? In fact I asked a series of 
questions that the committee should look at for clarification thinking that 
if they could do that in advance it would make it easier to avoid problems 
by any co-option.

Thank god this discussion is now becoming serious and tackling issues that 
it should do.

A lot of people think law in black and white, but it is more shades of grey 
than anything else and that is how lawyers become rich,

Best wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-30 Thread matrassyl


 Hi Geoff,

I see you have been answered already with several legally based opinions.

The problem with your question is that it is not factually valid. It states 
that there definitely has been a breach of the constitution. To establish that 
as a fact rather than opinion you will need to get a judicial review. Do you 
think that this will be a good use of Quanta's time and money?

As to the now hypothetical cheque, as the club rules regarding the status of 
the individual had been interpreted that the individual was correctly 
appointed, if the cheque was signed by the individual in the honest belief that 
they had the right to do so and the cheque was honoured by the club in the 
honest belief that the individual had the right to sign the cheque and there 
was no evidence of fraud in the criminal sense in the use of the cheque then 
the simple answer is yes and should any redress be needed should there have 
been an honest mis-interpretation of rules this should be sought within the 
rules of the club in the first instance.




-Original Message-
From: Geoff Wicks 
Sent: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 20:24
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 7:49 PM 
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer 
> Hi Geoff, 
> Suggest you look up transactional analysis in google especially critical > 
> parent and willful child roles. 
> In law in the UK there is a differentiation between criminal and civil > law. 
> Any perceived violations of Quanta's constitution will fall in to > civil 
> law, unless you are suggesting fraud according to the criminal > definition 
> of this. If not then if there is a legal case to be made > because of some 
> injury, someone, an individual or group of individuals, > needs to sue. It 
> seems on this list at the moment only you feel there is a > case to be made. 
> The question then is are you going to sue Quanta. If not > then what is your 
> purpose. 
Answer a simple question, but the answer has to be not as a layman would answer 
but as a lawyer would answer: 
Can a person who has been appointed treasurer of Quanta in a breach of the 
constitution - a legally binding document - legally sign cheques under British 
Best Wishes, 
QL-Users Mailing List 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

2011-01-30 Thread gdgqler

On 29 Jan 2011, at 20:24, Geoff Wicks wrote:

> Can a person who has been appointed treasurer of Quanta in a breach of the 
> constitution - a legally binding document - legally sign cheques under 
> British law?

If the bank accepts the signature it doesn't matter whether it is legally 
binding or not.

Many years ago Standard Life and Scottish Widows jointly owned a computer. 
Every year an AGM was held. There were just three people there and I was one. 
There were supposed to be directors and shareholders. The Scottish Widows 
representative was a stickler for accuracy and protocol. He was filled to the 
brim with chagrin when, one year, it was pointed out that all the meetings to 
date were invalid because of some legal technicality such as shareholders not 
being present or having sent  proxies.

The moral is that the legal situation does not matter at all unless someone 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Timothy Swenson

On 1/29/2011 5:32 PM, Rich Mellor wrote:

Have you signed up to the ZX80/ZX81 forums - some interesting things on
there as well about assembly programming -

Rich, you must be getting old.  Don't you remember my signing up and a 
few e-mails about the Board.  Or were asking me about it as a way to 
plug the board :-)

Tim Swenson

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Rich Mellor

On 30/01/2011 00:05, Timothy Swenson wrote:

On 1/29/2011 3:51 PM, Rich Mellor wrote:
With so much experience - maybe we should nominate Tim to the 
committee? !!

Nice Idea, but I think it will be a hell of a commute for me to attend 
any Quanta meeting.  Even by phone, I'm 8 time zones away from the UK.

I've let my QL Today subscription lapse because it's been 3 years 
since I've sparked up any QL emulator (and longer for original 
system).  I still have my QL stuff around and don't see getting rid of 
any time soon, since I might come back to it.  After over 25 years, 
I've just come back to some ZX81 assembly programming.  I've been 
tempted to dig into the garage and digitize all of the IQLR 
newsletters that I have.

Tim Swenson

QL-Users Mailing List

It was said in jest really Tim - although surely virtual meetings are 

It's a shame you have not kept up the QL Today subscription - maybe you 
could be persuaded it is worthwhile, just to keep a track of what is 

Have you signed up to the ZX80/ZX81 forums - some interesting things on 
there as well about assembly programming -

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

-- Try out our new site:

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Timothy Swenson

On 1/29/2011 3:51 PM, Rich Mellor wrote:

With so much experience - maybe we should nominate Tim to the committee? !!

Nice Idea, but I think it will be a hell of a commute for me to attend 
any Quanta meeting.  Even by phone, I'm 8 time zones away from the UK.

I've let my QL Today subscription lapse because it's been 3 years since 
I've sparked up any QL emulator (and longer for original system).  I 
still have my QL stuff around and don't see getting rid of any time 
soon, since I might come back to it.  After over 25 years, I've just 
come back to some ZX81 assembly programming.  I've been tempted to dig 
into the garage and digitize all of the IQLR newsletters that I have.

Tim Swenson

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Rich Mellor

On 29/01/2011 23:29, Timothy Swenson wrote:
From the discussion I can get a feel for what might be the issue that 
is being discussed.  Over the last 12 years I've been on the Board of 
4 different non-profits.  I've written the By-laws (what you guys are 
calling the Constitution) for one non-profit.

The only time the By-laws really come into play is when someone thinks 
that the organization is not behaving properly.  I was in one 
non-profit where there were two factions and we really needed the 
By-laws to keep everyone playing properly.

In another non-profit, the By-laws stipulate how long an officer may 
hold an office.  We've ignored this part of the By-laws because there 
is no one stepping up to take over the office.  If we followed the 
By-laws all of the officers would be termed out and with no one 
stepping up to take over, the organization would basically have no 
Board.  If someone does step forward to complain, we'll volunteer them 
for an office. :-)

Tim Swenson
QL-Users Mailing List

With so much experience - maybe we should nominate Tim to the committee? !!

On a more serious note, I wonder how many people on this list do not 
subscribe to Quanta - if so, are they willing to share their reasons why?

The same question probably should be asked about QL Today subscription

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

-- Try out our new site:

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Timothy Swenson
From the discussion I can get a feel for what might be the issue that 
is being discussed.  Over the last 12 years I've been on the Board of 4 
different non-profits.  I've written the By-laws (what you guys are 
calling the Constitution) for one non-profit.

The only time the By-laws really come into play is when someone thinks 
that the organization is not behaving properly.  I was in one non-profit 
where there were two factions and we really needed the By-laws to keep 
everyone playing properly.

In another non-profit, the By-laws stipulate how long an officer may 
hold an office.  We've ignored this part of the By-laws because there is 
no one stepping up to take over the office.  If we followed the By-laws 
all of the officers would be termed out and with no one stepping up to 
take over, the organization would basically have no Board.  If someone 
does step forward to complain, we'll volunteer them for an office. :-)

Tim Swenson
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

2011-01-29 Thread Plastic
I asked a friend who could give an opinion and she said:

The question here is, "If a person is appointed to a position in
contravention of the Constitution, is the appointment invalid or is it
merely improper."

If the appointment is invalid, the person is not the position holder and
cannot conduct the actions of the position lawfully. If the appointment is
improper, they can - the failing not occurring in their actions but in the
actions of their election.

Another, broader concept applies here. The Constitution is the rules of the
organization, and they can be nullified by a vote which ignores or overrides

In this case, the election of an individual to a position they are
explicitly barred from holding is a nullification of those elements of the
Constitution, and is improper. It is not illegal. The organization should
then revisit and revise the Constitution.

The person holding this position in this case can lawfully sign a cheque.

Opinion of Jacqui Webb, Head of Commercial Law, Partner.

So that's that.

I'm sorry to see Quanta falling into this type of problem as the membership
shrinks. It would be prudent for Quanta to recognize their new role as
"Guardian of the Data" and to trim the burden of their Constitution to
better face the reality of the world in which they now operate.

Good luck!


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Dilwyn Jones

Hi Geoff,

Actually, I disagree and this is where the constitution is badly 
worded - ordinary members is also used to describe members of 
Quanta, not just the committee and I would therefore interpret this 
clause to mean that the Committee can fill vacancies by [co-opting 
members of Quanta] to the Committee - ordinary members is used in 
clause 4.1 to refer to the membership of Quanta (or are you 
suggesting that only the spouse of officers could ever be an 
associate member?

In fact the wording of clause 5.0 uses the term 'other members' to 
refer to the members of the committee who are not officers - nowhere 
is the term 'ordinary members' used in this sense.

- It's discussions like this that I used to love when I was a 
solicitor and/or company secretary - invariably the person asking 
the question never wants to hear the official answer which always 
has to be "well it CAN be interpreted as" - nothing is ever 
definite when it comes to the law, that's why in pages of legal 
documentation, you never see full stops, commas, or semicolons - it 
leaves it more open to interpretation - and more money for the 

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services
Ho hum, so we're down to trying to define the word "member" now are 

I freely confess to knowing nothing about constitutions, never being 
able to understand them etc (and usually like being on committees even 
less, even though I'm also on the committee of a local craft 
association). This sort of discussion does my head in - and that's not 
directed at and no disrespect intended to Rich, Geoff or anyone else. 
I joined the comittee to do the sorts of work I do now there, and have 
no ambition to become an officer of any committee.

It would be nice if someone like you with legal training could redraft 
the problem areas so that any necessary amendments to the constitution 
could be proposed when the opportunity arises, with some certainty 
that it might resolve this matter before too much damage is done. I 
know it's a minefield, of course.

Of course, the ideal solution would be to have enough members 
volunteering to serve on committee that this type of clause is not 
needed. We have opportunities for a treasurer, membership secretary, 
magazine editor for example!

Technically, it's not too late. Get your nomination paper to Quanta's 
secretary by the end of January (although you might have to scan and 
email it in the next day or two to her - hope Alison is ready for a 
last minute rush!).

After all, we could _POTENTIALLY_ end up with no Quanta, which surely 
can't be in anyone's interest.

Dilwyn Jones 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Rich Mellor

On 29/01/2011 12:54, Geoff Wicks wrote:

From: "Rich Mellor" 
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

I don't want to become embroiled in the discussions over the 
constitution of Quanta and without seeing the minutes of the meeting 
at the end of the AGM, I presume that the committee co-opted John 
under article 5.8 which says that

"The Committee shall have power to fill vacancies by co-opting 
ordinary members to the Committee. Such members shall have a vote in 
committee and shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting."
It does not say anywhere that the co-opted members cannot serve as 
officers and vacancies is wide enough to be interpreted as meaning 
three officers and not more than 6 other committee members, unless I 
am missing something, but I agree that the constitution is badly worded.

With respect the answer is already there. Clause 5.8 says specifically 
"ordinary members". The 2005 amendments created a structural 
difference between "ordinary members" and "officers" of the committee.

Perhaps one of the lessons of this is that constitutional amendments 
should never be railroaded through without proper discussion. I was a 
member of the committee at the time and even we ordinary members of 
the committee were given just 10 minutes notice of the proposed 
amendments on a "take it or leave it" basis,

Best Wishes,


Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Hi Geoff,

Actually, I disagree and this is where the constitution is badly worded 
- ordinary members is also used to describe members of Quanta, not just 
the committee and I would therefore interpret this clause to mean that 
the Committee can fill vacancies by [co-opting members of Quanta] to the 
Committee - ordinary members is used in clause 4.1 to refer to the 
membership of Quanta (or are you suggesting that only the spouse of 
officers could ever be an associate member?

In fact the wording of clause 5.0 uses the term 'other members' to refer 
to the members of the committee who are not officers - nowhere is the 
term 'ordinary members' used in this sense.

- It's discussions like this that I used to love when I was a solicitor 
and/or company secretary - invariably the person asking the question 
never wants to hear the official answer which always has to be "well it 
CAN be interpreted as" - nothing is ever definite when it comes to 
the law, that's why in pages of legal documentation, you never see full 
stops, commas, or semicolons - it leaves it more open to interpretation 
- and more money for the solicitors!

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

-- Try out our new site:

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: "Derek Stewart" 
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 7:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply


Quanta should continue,if there is a breach of constitution then change 

Why not wind up, this type of topic and start writing much needed 
applications programs that can show the QL Operating systems power.

No committee = no Quanta,

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

2011-01-29 Thread Geoff Wicks

Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

Hi Geoff,

Suggest you look up transactional analysis in google especially critical 
parent and willful child roles.

In law in the UK there is a differentiation between criminal and civil 
law. Any perceived violations of Quanta's constitution will fall in to 
civil law, unless you are suggesting fraud according to the criminal 
definition of this. If not then if there is a legal case to be made 
because of some injury, someone, an individual or group of individuals, 
needs to sue. It seems on this list at the moment only you feel there is a 
case to be made. The question then is are you going to sue Quanta. If not 
then what is your purpose.

Answer a simple question, but the answer has to be not as a layman would 
answer but as a lawyer would answer:

Can a person who has been appointed treasurer of Quanta in a breach of the 
constitution - a legally binding document - legally sign cheques under 
British law?

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

2011-01-29 Thread matrassyl
Hi Geoff,

Suggest you look up transactional analysis in google especially critical parent 
and willful child roles. 

In law in the UK there is a differentiation between criminal and civil law. Any 
perceived violations of Quanta's constitution will fall in to civil law, unless 
you are suggesting fraud according to the criminal definition of this. If not 
then if there is a legal case to be made because of some injury, someone, an 
individual or group of individuals, needs to sue. It seems on this list at the 
moment only you feel there is a case to be made. The question then is are you 
going to sue Quanta. If not then what is your purpose.

Kind Regards






-Original Message-
From: Geoff Wicks 
Sent: Sat, 29 Jan 2011 17:42
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

But this is a discussion we should have had a year ago when I first posted on 
this issue. 
And in reply to your private email - no I'm not angry, 
Best Wishes, 
PS Guess who I have upset by posting this at the top! 
From: "John Gilpin"  
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 3:15 PM 
To: "ql-users"  
Subject: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer 
> Having read with interest Geoff Wicks' musings about the errors in > QUANTA's 
> ways, I would like to give you all, the facts that both me and > the QUANTA 
> Committee considered to be in accordance with the current (at > that time) 
> QUANTA Constitution. 
> I joined the QUANTA Committee in April 2001 - see copy of the minutes of > 
> the A. G. M. for that year - as an ordinary Committee member and was asked > 
> to take on the duties of (head) librarian - there being no other > librarians 
> anyway. 
> At the A. G. M. in the following year - 2002 - following the resignation > of 
> both Bill Newell and John Taylor I was nominated as Treasurer to the > QUANTA 
> Committee - a post that was amalgamated with that of Membership > Secretary - 
> two posts that were seen to be connected by the payment of > subscription and 
> the handling of QUANTA funds. 
> Similarly, the posts of Software Controller and Librarian were also > 
> combined - a post undertaken by the then Software Controller John Gregory > 
> which meant that I relinquished my previous role of Librarian. 
> Early in 2005, QUANTA Committee discussed and then decided that moves > ought 
> to be put in place to limit the length of time served by committee > members 
> (Officers and Ordinary members) with the result that members were > asked to 
> approve Special Resolution No. 1 (Changes to clause 5 of the > QUANTA 
> Constitution) at the A. G. M. in April 2005. The original > discussions on 
> this topic came from comments heard that the QUANTA > Committee were getting 
> stale and had nothing further to offer.The > Resolution was approved and the 
> Constitution was duly updated and > re-issued to all members in February 2006 
> as Issue 2 Revision 0. This > revision was deemed to be effective from that 
> date. 
> At the date of the A. G. M. 2009, both John Mason (Chairman) and John > 
> Gilpin (Treasurer), under the new clause 5 of the constitution were due to > 
> stand down and in accordance with Clause 5.5 they, JM & JG, by agreement > 
> decided that John Mason would stand down since he had served slightly > 
> longer than John Gilpin on the Committee without a break. 
> The following year (April 2010), having served continuously on the > 
> committee since 2001, (over 6 years) and as an officer since 2002 (over > 
> three years), John Gilpin tendered his resignation from the committee > 
> (under clauses 5.2 and 5.4 of the constitution). At this point, April > 2010, 
> John Gilpin's QUANTA membership status reverted to that of Ordinary > 
> Member.There were no nominations for the post of Treasurer/Membership > 
> Secretary and  immediately following the A. G. M. the new committee held a > 
> meeting where they co-opted John Gilpin (Ordinary Member) onto the > 
> committee under clause 5.8. By agreement of all concerned, John Gilpin was > 
> asked to carry out the duties of Treasurer/Membership Secretary until "The > 
> Next A. G. M." - see clause 5.8. - to see if anyone had decided to take on > 
> this role. 
> One has to pay quite a lot of money to have clauses drafted which are word > 
> perfect with no errors and/or ambiguities by a professional and the > 
> committee having submitted the Special resolution approved at the AGM in > 
> 2005 to it's members and having not received any requests to amend the > same 

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Derek Stewart

On 28/01/11 20:29, Geoff Wicks wrote:

From: "Dilwyn Jones" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] [QL-Users] Sandy Futura (PDF from Urs)


John Gilpin will be standing down from his numerous committee roles 
at the AGM and the new post holders should quickly find that his 
emails suddenly arrive in their inbox, provided we (or Geoff, any 
ideas???) don't invent devious ways to force him to stay against his 
wishes ;o))

Dilwyn asked me a question just before Christmas which I deliberately 
did not answer as I did not wish to interfere with the democratic 
election process. I know nothing about the current state of 
nominations, but as the deadline is Monday it is time to reply.

I don't know why I am bothering. About a year ago I posted a detailed 
clause by clause interpretation of the Quanta Constitution arguing 
that the committee had misunderstood the constitution and that John 
Gilpin did not have to step down from the committee until 2012. I 
invited people to dispute my interpretation on legal grounds and no 
one, but no one, has done so. Not even Quanta who cannot justify their 
own interpretation in the same detail.

Instead of taking my advice the committee stuck two fingers up at me - 
or more correctly as there were 6 committee members at the time - 12 

What the committee did last year was absolute crass stupidity. It was 
not their intention, of course, but they have almost certainly placed 
Quanta on the wrong side of British law. And not just civil law.

Should anyone doubt my qualifications for expressing such a firm 
opinion may I remind you that for a quarter of my working life I was 
an officer of the British law courts.

Somewhat perversely Quanta's breach of the constitution and of British 
law could be its salvation this year.

John Gilpin was appointed treasurer in two clear breaches of the 
constitution. As he voluntarily resigned from the committee at the 
2010 AGM he lost his status as an officer and the full rigours of 
clause 5.2 applied to him. Under the constitution he became not just 
ineligible but, more strongly, forbidden to be treasurer. The 
co-option was also irregular as the committee have no powers to co-opt 
an officer. Clause 5.8 only permits the co-option of ordinary 
committee members.

In other words neither the constitution nor British law recognised 
John as a valid committee member or a valid treasurer. Legally he did 
not sit on the committee last year. By the next AGM he will not have 
been a committee member for a year and thus can stand again for 
office. However this has to be by the nomination of two members before 
1st February. As he was not legally on the committee last year, he 
will also have to pay his £14 subscription before the nomination paper 
is signed.

Having written all this let me be the first person to state in public 
that the time has come for Quanta to be wound up. When an organisation 
is reduced to breaching its constitution to survive it has become a 
gigantic farce. If we needed Quanta we would be using it. In practice 
the active members of Quanta represent under 10% of the UK QL 
community and under 5% of the international QL community. The demise 
of Quanta is something the QL community can survive,

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Quanta should continue,if there is a breach of constitution then change it.

Why not wind up, this type of topic and start writing much needed 
applications programs that can show the QL Operating systems power.



QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

2011-01-29 Thread Geoff Wicks
But this is a discussion we should have had a year ago when I first posted 
on this issue.

And in reply to your private email - no I'm not angry,

Best Wishes,


PS Guess who I have upset by posting this at the top!

From: "John Gilpin" 
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 3:15 PM
To: "ql-users" 
Subject: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

Having read with interest Geoff Wicks' musings about the errors in 
QUANTA's ways, I would like to give you all, the facts that both me and 
the QUANTA Committee considered to be in accordance with the current (at 
that time) QUANTA Constitution.

I joined the QUANTA Committee in April 2001 - see copy of the minutes of 
the A. G. M. for that year - as an ordinary Committee member and was asked 
to take on the duties of (head) librarian - there being no other 
librarians anyway.

At the A. G. M. in the following year - 2002 - following the resignation 
of both Bill Newell and John Taylor I was nominated as Treasurer to the 
QUANTA Committee - a post that was amalgamated with that of Membership 
Secretary - two posts that were seen to be connected by the payment of 
subscription and the handling of QUANTA funds.

Similarly, the posts of Software Controller and Librarian were also 
combined - a post undertaken by the then Software Controller John Gregory 
which meant that I relinquished my previous role of Librarian.

Early in 2005, QUANTA Committee discussed and then decided that moves 
ought to be put in place to limit the length of time served by committee 
members (Officers and Ordinary members) with the result that members were 
asked to approve Special Resolution No. 1 (Changes to clause 5 of the 
QUANTA Constitution) at the A. G. M. in April 2005. The original 
discussions on this topic came from comments heard that the QUANTA 
Committee were getting stale and had nothing further to offer.The 
Resolution was approved and the Constitution was duly updated and 
re-issued to all members in February 2006 as Issue 2 Revision 0. This 
revision was deemed to be effective from that date.

At the date of the A. G. M. 2009, both John Mason (Chairman) and John 
Gilpin (Treasurer), under the new clause 5 of the constitution were due to 
stand down and in accordance with Clause 5.5 they, JM & JG, by agreement 
decided that John Mason would stand down since he had served slightly 
longer than John Gilpin on the Committee without a break.

The following year (April 2010), having served continuously on the 
committee since 2001, (over 6 years) and as an officer since 2002 (over 
three years), John Gilpin tendered his resignation from the committee 
(under clauses 5.2 and 5.4 of the constitution). At this point, April 
2010, John Gilpin's QUANTA membership status reverted to that of Ordinary 
Member.There were no nominations for the post of Treasurer/Membership 
Secretary and  immediately following the A. G. M. the new committee held a 
meeting where they co-opted John Gilpin (Ordinary Member) onto the 
committee under clause 5.8. By agreement of all concerned, John Gilpin was 
asked to carry out the duties of Treasurer/Membership Secretary until "The 
Next A. G. M." - see clause 5.8. - to see if anyone had decided to take on 
this role.

One has to pay quite a lot of money to have clauses drafted which are word 
perfect with no errors and/or ambiguities by a professional and the 
committee having submitted the Special resolution approved at the AGM in 
2005 to it's members and having not received any requests to amend the 
same the then committee deemed that the suggested modifications were 
adequate for the purpose intended - to limit the time served on the 
committee to six continuous years for ordinary committee members of which 
not more than three continuous years may be served as an officer

With all Geoff Wicks' working experience as an officer of the British law 
Courts, surely he could have spotted what he seems to feel are these 
anomalies while they were still at committee stage and suggest further 
discussion (even if that would have meant putting any ill feeling between 
himself and other Committee member(s) in abeyance for a while!) rather 
than find objections some six years later.

My suggestion to him and any other QUANTA Members now is this: If there is 
anything about QUANTA that you don't understand or that you disapprove of 
then drop a line to the Secretary expressing your concerns and give the 
Committee the opportunity to discuss the matter(s) instead of joining the 
vast majority of QUANTA Members in their apathy. Perhaps he could also 
suggest the basis of a Special resolution to be put before the Members at 
the coming A. G. M. in April in order to remove what he feels are errors 
in the constitution.. What we DON'T want is a document which is far more 
wordy and difficult to understand than the on

[Ql-Users] Finally a reply - from the Treasurer

2011-01-29 Thread John Gilpin
Having read with interest Geoff Wicks' musings about the errors in 
QUANTA's ways, I would like to give you all, the facts that both me and 
the QUANTA Committee considered to be in accordance with the current (at 
that time) QUANTA Constitution.

I joined the QUANTA Committee in April 2001 - see copy of the minutes of 
the A. G. M. for that year - as an ordinary Committee member and was 
asked to take on the duties of (head) librarian - there being no other 
librarians anyway.

At the A. G. M. in the following year - 2002 - following the resignation 
of both Bill Newell and John Taylor I was nominated as Treasurer to the 
QUANTA Committee - a post that was amalgamated with that of Membership 
Secretary - two posts that were seen to be connected by the payment of 
subscription and the handling of QUANTA funds.

Similarly, the posts of Software Controller and Librarian were also 
combined - a post undertaken by the then Software Controller John 
Gregory which meant that I relinquished my previous role of Librarian.

Early in 2005, QUANTA Committee discussed and then decided that moves 
ought to be put in place to limit the length of time served by committee 
members (Officers and Ordinary members) with the result that members 
were asked to approve Special Resolution No. 1 (Changes to clause 5 of 
the QUANTA Constitution) at the A. G. M. in April 2005. The original 
discussions on this topic came from comments heard that the QUANTA 
Committee were getting stale and had nothing further to offer.The 
Resolution was approved and the Constitution was duly updated and 
re-issued to all members in February 2006 as Issue 2 Revision 0. This 
revision was deemed to be effective from that date.

At the date of the A. G. M. 2009, both John Mason (Chairman) and John 
Gilpin (Treasurer), under the new clause 5 of the constitution were due 
to stand down and in accordance with Clause 5.5 they, JM & JG, by 
agreement decided that John Mason would stand down since he had served 
slightly longer than John Gilpin on the Committee without a break.

The following year (April 2010), having served continuously on the 
committee since 2001, (over 6 years) and as an officer since 2002 (over 
three years), John Gilpin tendered his resignation from the committee 
(under clauses 5.2 and 5.4 of the constitution). At this point, April 
2010, John Gilpin's QUANTA membership status reverted to that of 
Ordinary Member.There were no nominations for the post of 
Treasurer/Membership Secretary and  immediately following the A. G. M. 
the new committee held a meeting where they co-opted John Gilpin 
(Ordinary Member) onto the committee under clause 5.8. By agreement of 
all concerned, John Gilpin was asked to carry out the duties of 
Treasurer/Membership Secretary until "The Next A. G. M." - see clause 
5.8. - to see if anyone had decided to take on this role.

One has to pay quite a lot of money to have clauses drafted which are 
word perfect with no errors and/or ambiguities by a professional and the 
committee having submitted the Special resolution approved at the AGM in 
2005 to it's members and having not received any requests to amend the 
same the then committee deemed that the suggested modifications were 
adequate for the purpose intended - to limit the time served on the 
committee to six continuous years for ordinary committee members of 
which not more than three continuous years may be served as an officer

With all Geoff Wicks' working experience as an officer of the British 
law Courts, surely he could have spotted what he seems to feel are these 
anomalies while they were still at committee stage and suggest further 
discussion (even if that would have meant putting any ill feeling 
between himself and other Committee member(s) in abeyance for a while!) 
rather than find objections some six years later.

My suggestion to him and any other QUANTA Members now is this: If there 
is anything about QUANTA that you don't understand or that you 
disapprove of then drop a line to the Secretary expressing your concerns 
and give the Committee the opportunity to discuss the matter(s) instead 
of joining the vast majority of QUANTA Members in their apathy. Perhaps 
he could also suggest the basis of a Special resolution to be put before 
the Members at the coming A. G. M. in April in order to remove what he 
feels are errors in the constitution.. What we DON'T want is a document 
which is far more wordy and difficult to understand than the one we 
already have.

QUANTA's Constitution is NOT written in stone. All it needs is for a 
member, be they ordinary member, committee member or Officer, to propose 
a Special resolution to be put before the members at a General Meeting 
(A. G. M.or Special General Meeting) for approval as has happened on 
numerous occasions in the past, but DON'T leave it to someone else to do 
and then criticise their efforts because no one else had the guts to get 
up and be counted.

To me it seems th

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: "Billy" 
Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 11:02 AM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

 If the future of Quanta is in legal jeopardy due to breaches of the 
constitution, then the constitution needs changed to reflect members needs 
(availability of officers).

If the constitution cannot be changed (because it's the constitution)
then Quanta needs to become "Quanta 2011", only problem I see is the 
transfer of funds - sure there is a way though

All the best - Bill

Hear! Hear!

It would be possible for Quanta to be wound up to make way for "Quanta 2011" 
although it probably could not be done until 2012.

There was a precedent for this in the Netherlands where Sin_QL_Air was wound 
up and in the same week, I believe, a new Sin_QL_Air was created,

Best wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: "Rich Mellor" 
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

I don't want to become embroiled in the discussions over the constitution 
of Quanta and without seeing the minutes of the meeting at the end of the 
AGM, I presume that the committee co-opted John under article 5.8 which 
says that

"The Committee shall have power to fill vacancies by co-opting ordinary 
members to the Committee. Such members shall have a vote in committee and 
shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting."
It does not say anywhere that the co-opted members cannot serve as 
officers and vacancies is wide enough to be interpreted as meaning three 
officers and not more than 6 other committee members, unless I am missing 
something, but I agree that the constitution is badly worded.

With respect the answer is already there. Clause 5.8 says specifically 
"ordinary members". The 2005 amendments created a structural difference 
between "ordinary members" and "officers" of the committee.

Perhaps one of the lessons of this is that constitutional amendments should 
never be railroaded through without proper discussion. I was a member of the 
committee at the time and even we ordinary members of the committee were 
given just 10 minutes notice of the proposed amendments on a "take it or 
leave it" basis,

Best Wishes,


Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread Billy

On 29/01/2011 09:58, gdgqler wrote:

On 28 Jan 2011, at 22:18, Tony Firshman wrote:

My view is that Quanta is still needed and rightly so - plenty of people are 
still returning to the QL and need a source of knowledge and hand-holding, it 
is just that Quanta needs more members and particularly committee members to 
help drive it forward.

I see no point in winding up Quanta.

Of course Quanta should not be wound up. What an idea.

QL-Users Mailing List

 If the future of Quanta is in legal jeopardy due to breaches of the 
constitution, then the constitution needs changed to reflect members 
needs (availability of officers).

If the constitution cannot be changed (because it's the constitution)
then Quanta needs to become "Quanta 2011", only problem I see is the 
transfer of funds - sure there is a way though

All the best - Bill
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-29 Thread gdgqler

On 28 Jan 2011, at 22:18, Tony Firshman wrote:

>> My view is that Quanta is still needed and rightly so - plenty of people are 
>> still returning to the QL and need a source of knowledge and hand-holding, 
>> it is just that Quanta needs more members and particularly committee members 
>> to help drive it forward.
> I see no point in winding up Quanta. 

Of course Quanta should not be wound up. What an idea.

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-28 Thread Peter Graf
Geoff Wicks wrote:

> If we needed Quanta we would be using it. In practice the active
> members of Quanta represent under 10% of the UK QL community and
> under 5% of the international QL community. The demise of Quanta
> is something the QL community can survive

I'd be glad if QUANTA can survive. Not only that I read and collect the
printed magazine. It's still nice to know I _could_ use QUANTA, for
example if I have a new QL hardware someday or in case future
circumstances allow more time for the QL hobby.

Somehow, QUANTA helps keeping up positive emotions by the simple fact
that it is still there!

Without QUANTA tradition and a last remaining classic anchor point in
the QL scene, a piece of motivation for QL work would be lost. It feels
very sad...

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-28 Thread Lee Privett
At the last count there were around 177 Quanta members, if each one took the 
trouble to send one email/write one letter to a website/magazine about the 
QL and the vast range of free software available for new people to experence 
retro computing/programing and having fun in the process, then there would 
be 176 more people doing that than I am aware of, and I dont see what harm 
it would do.

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2
- Original Message - 
From: "peet vanpeebles" 

Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

>--- On Fri, 28/1/11, Lee Privett  wrote:

From: Lee Privett 
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply
Date: Friday, 28 January, 2011, 22:22

I agree, but to get new blood you need to reach out to new blood first, I 
>dont see that happening at the moment :(

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2

I think what is needed is some kind of QL PR group to bombard retro 
computing and retrogaming websites and magazines etc with articles and 
information about the QL. With permissions they could update old articles 
with screenshots etc and use those as a staring point along with new 
material later on. Anything to get the word out onto the street.


QL-Users Mailing List 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-28 Thread peet vanpeebles
>--- On Fri, 28/1/11, Lee Privett  wrote:
>From: Lee Privett 
>Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply
>Date: Friday, 28 January, 2011, 22:22
>I agree, but to get new blood you need to reach out to new blood first, I 
>>dont see that happening at the moment :(
>Lee Privett
>Sent from my Laptop running XP
>but emulating the QL using QPC2

I think what is needed is some kind of QL PR group to bombard retro computing 
and retrogaming websites and magazines etc with articles and information about 
the QL. With permissions they could update old articles with screenshots etc 
and use those as a staring point along with new material later on. Anything to 
get the word out onto the street.


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-28 Thread Lee Privett
I agree, but to get new blood you need to reach out to new blood first, I 
dont see that happening at the moment :(

Lee Privett

Sent from my Laptop running XP
but emulating the QL using QPC2


"My view is that Quanta is still needed and rightly so - plenty of people
are still returning to the QL and need a source of knowledge and
hand-holding, it is just that Quanta needs more members and particularly
committee members to help drive it forward"

Rich Mellor
RWAP Services

-- Try out our new site:

QL-Users Mailing List 

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-28 Thread Tony Firshman

On 28 Jan 2011, at 22:05, Rich Mellor  wrote:
> I did start a thread on the QL Forums about how to improve Quanta, but even 
> the QL community seems divided here - some people will stick steadfast to the 
> ql-users mailing list, whereas others prefer the forum, where it is easier to 
> find and follow previous threads.
Thunderbird mimics forums and newsgroups as it can format mailing lists with a 
threaded view. I don't like forums as the postings do not arrive in my inbox.
> My view is that Quanta is still needed and rightly so - plenty of people are 
> still returning to the QL and need a source of knowledge and hand-holding, it 
> is just that Quanta needs more members and particularly committee members to 
> help drive it forward.
I see no point in winding up Quanta. 


QBBS (QL fido BBS 2:257/67) +44(1442)-828255
Voice: +44(0)1442-828254  Fax: +44(0)1442-828255 Skype: tonyfirshman
  TF Services, 29 Longfield Road, Tring, Herts, HP23 4DG
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-28 Thread Rich Mellor

On 28/01/2011 20:29, Geoff Wicks wrote:

From: "Dilwyn Jones" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] [QL-Users] Sandy Futura (PDF from Urs)


John Gilpin will be standing down from his numerous committee roles 
at the AGM and the new post holders should quickly find that his 
emails suddenly arrive in their inbox, provided we (or Geoff, any 
ideas???) don't invent devious ways to force him to stay against his 
wishes ;o))

Dilwyn asked me a question just before Christmas which I deliberately 
did not answer as I did not wish to interfere with the democratic 
election process. I know nothing about the current state of 
nominations, but as the deadline is Monday it is time to reply.

I don't know why I am bothering. About a year ago I posted a detailed 
clause by clause interpretation of the Quanta Constitution arguing 
that the committee had misunderstood the constitution and that John 
Gilpin did not have to step down from the committee until 2012. I 
invited people to dispute my interpretation on legal grounds and no 
one, but no one, has done so. Not even Quanta who cannot justify their 
own interpretation in the same detail.

Instead of taking my advice the committee stuck two fingers up at me - 
or more correctly as there were 6 committee members at the time - 12 

What the committee did last year was absolute crass stupidity. It was 
not their intention, of course, but they have almost certainly placed 
Quanta on the wrong side of British law. And not just civil law.

Should anyone doubt my qualifications for expressing such a firm 
opinion may I remind you that for a quarter of my working life I was 
an officer of the British law courts.

Somewhat perversely Quanta's breach of the constitution and of British 
law could be its salvation this year.

John Gilpin was appointed treasurer in two clear breaches of the 
constitution. As he voluntarily resigned from the committee at the 
2010 AGM he lost his status as an officer and the full rigours of 
clause 5.2 applied to him. Under the constitution he became not just 
ineligible but, more strongly, forbidden to be treasurer. The 
co-option was also irregular as the committee have no powers to co-opt 
an officer. Clause 5.8 only permits the co-option of ordinary 
committee members.

In other words neither the constitution nor British law recognised 
John as a valid committee member or a valid treasurer. Legally he did 
not sit on the committee last year. By the next AGM he will not have 
been a committee member for a year and thus can stand again for 
office. However this has to be by the nomination of two members before 
1st February. As he was not legally on the committee last year, he 
will also have to pay his £14 subscription before the nomination paper 
is signed.

Having written all this let me be the first person to state in public 
that the time has come for Quanta to be wound up. When an organisation 
is reduced to breaching its constitution to survive it has become a 
gigantic farce. If we needed Quanta we would be using it. In practice 
the active members of Quanta represent under 10% of the UK QL 
community and under 5% of the international QL community. The demise 
of Quanta is something the QL community can survive,

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

I don't want to become embroiled in the discussions over the 
constitution of Quanta and without seeing the minutes of the meeting at 
the end of the AGM, I presume that the committee co-opted John under 
article 5.8 which says that

"The Committee shall have power to fill vacancies by co-opting ordinary 
members to the Committee. Such members shall have a vote in committee 
and shall serve until the next Annual General Meeting."
It does not say anywhere that the co-opted members cannot serve as 
officers and vacancies is wide enough to be interpreted as meaning three 
officers and not more than 6 other committee members, unless I am 
missing something, but I agree that the constitution is badly worded.

At the end of the day, if members were really bothered about John Gilpin 
being co-opted back on as Treasurer, they would need to take action - 
but then, what has been the loss to Quanta or its members as a result?

As it stands I wonder just how nominations will be received for people 
willing to stand as a committee member, let alone officer.

I disagree that Quanta should be wound up - yes, it needs dragging into 
the 21st century, and perhaps this year, more so than any other year, is 
a real opportunity for people to put themselves forward to have a say in 
how Quanta is run and to make a real difference.

Before suggesting that Quanta should be wound up, it has to be borne in 
mind, that they still hold quite a considerable war chest, which could 
be used for the benefit

Re: [Ql-Users] Finally a reply

2011-01-28 Thread Geoff Wicks

From: "Dilwyn Jones" 
Sent: Wednesday, December 22, 2010 3:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] [QL-Users] Sandy Futura (PDF from Urs)


John Gilpin will be standing down from his numerous committee roles at the 
AGM and the new post holders should quickly find that his emails suddenly 
arrive in their inbox, provided we (or Geoff, any ideas???) don't invent 
devious ways to force him to stay against his wishes ;o))

Dilwyn asked me a question just before Christmas which I deliberately did 
not answer as I did not wish to interfere with the democratic election 
process. I know nothing about the current state of nominations, but as the 
deadline is Monday it is time to reply.

I don't know why I am bothering. About a year ago I posted a detailed clause 
by clause interpretation of the Quanta Constitution arguing that the 
committee had misunderstood the constitution and that John Gilpin did not 
have to step down from the committee until 2012. I invited people to dispute 
my interpretation on legal grounds and no one, but no one, has done so. Not 
even Quanta who cannot justify their own interpretation in the same detail.

Instead of taking my advice the committee stuck two fingers up at me - or 
more correctly as there were 6 committee members at the time - 12 fingers.

What the committee did last year was absolute crass stupidity. It was not 
their intention, of course, but they have almost certainly placed Quanta on 
the wrong side of British law. And not just civil law.

Should anyone doubt my qualifications for expressing such a firm opinion may 
I remind you that for a quarter of my working life I was an officer of the 
British law courts.

Somewhat perversely Quanta's breach of the constitution and of British law 
could be its salvation this year.

John Gilpin was appointed treasurer in two clear breaches of the 
constitution. As he voluntarily resigned from the committee at the 2010 AGM 
he lost his status as an officer and the full rigours of clause 5.2 applied 
to him. Under the constitution he became not just ineligible but, more 
strongly, forbidden to be treasurer. The co-option was also irregular as the 
committee have no powers to co-opt an officer. Clause 5.8 only permits the 
co-option of ordinary committee members.

In other words neither the constitution nor British law recognised John as a 
valid committee member or a valid treasurer. Legally he did not sit on the 
committee last year. By the next AGM he will not have been a committee 
member for a year and thus can stand again for office. However this has to 
be by the nomination of two members before 1st February. As he was not 
legally on the committee last year, he will also have to pay his £14 
subscription before the nomination paper is signed.

Having written all this let me be the first person to state in public that 
the time has come for Quanta to be wound up. When an organisation is reduced 
to breaching its constitution to survive it has become a gigantic farce. If 
we needed Quanta we would be using it. In practice the active members of 
Quanta represent under 10% of the UK QL community and under 5% of the 
international QL community. The demise of Quanta is something the QL 
community can survive,

Best Wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List