Re: [Rosegarden-user] Rosegarden App Icon

2020-05-23 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le 22 mai 2020 à 21H02 (-0400)
Ted Felix  a écrit :

>Just posted some new ideas for the rosegarden app icon on the
> wiki. Head over to the logo page and have a look at the pdf at the
> top.  Then let me know what you think.  

I like 1 and 7, but I clearly prefer number 1.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] timeOffset parameter

2020-12-05 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le  5 décembre 2020 à 05H30 (-0500)
"D. Michael McIntyre"  a écrit :

> Your post showed up. Let's see if you get my reply!
> On 12/4/20 9:00 AM, Andrew S wrote:
> > What is the timeOffset parameter for?  
> I spent a little time poking around, and I'm not sure. The code is 
> supposed to set a timeOffset unless the time being compared is
> exactly equal to absoluteTime. 

It's the way the performance duration is stored in relation with the
exact notation duration after a quantification.

>  Nobody has
> touched the relevant code in a long, long time, and it probably works
> as designed. Whoever designed it probably forgot what this was for 10
> years ago.

Seems it's still working :-)


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] double lyrics line how2

2021-04-18 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le 18 avril 2021 à 06H19 (-0400) a écrit :

> I've managed to do it before, ONCE.
> Working on a practice jam track, I want the
> lyrics line to show the roman chord numerals
> with the chord names below them. Foor a try 
> I filled Verse-1 with chord names and Verse-2
> with thue nujerals but I cannot get the verse-2 
> content to show AT ALL :-(

Edit -> Preferences -> Notation -> Segments

Uncheck "Distribute verses among repeated segments".

BTW its looks like a bug as this should have no effect when segment
is not repeated.



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Re: [Rosegarden-user] "For Notation" -> "For Printing"?

2021-09-25 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le 20 septembre 2021 à 12H31 (-0400)
Ted Felix  a écrit :

>krsgrdn pointed out recently that the "For Notation" checkbox on
> the Segment Parameters box is confusing.  What does it really mean?
> It means to include in printing.
>Would everyone who uses this checkbox be ok with a change from
> "For Notation" to "For Printing"?  Does this make sense for the
> majority of use cases and is it better than "For Notation"?

I presume that the "For Notation" segments are the most numerous. So it
should probably be better to reverse the logic and have a "not
printable" checkbox.
Moreover the "xn" indicator in the segment name would then be associated
with a checked box rather than the opposite.

Apparently, the tooltip is too laconic. This checkbox has been created
to deal with two segments superimposed on the same track. The first
segment containing the notation and the other one containing midi
controllers used for interpretation.
This should be succinctly explained in the tooltip.

BTW this checkbox should be grayed out on the audio segments where it
makes no sense.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Change track display height

2021-12-11 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le 11 décembre 2021 à 10H39 (+)
john fulgor via Rosegarden-user 
a écrit :

> Good morning,is it possible to change the height of the tracks? I
> would like to have my 6 tracks (for example) fill all the vertical
> space.Thank you!

You could try
Edit -> Preferences... -> Presentation -> Track size 

Nevertheless I doubt having only six tracks on the whole vertical space
is possible without reducing the window height.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Rest in notation

2022-05-28 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le Fri, 27 May 2022 16:29:23 +0200,
Mario Moles  a écrit :
> Is possible to move the rests in score for a best lilipond pdf?

This is possible in some extent:

- Move the rest vertically in the notation editor with 
  Adjust -> Fine Positioning -> Push Up (or Push Down) 

- If the rest doesn't move, try the command again. It should move the
  second time. (I presume that a too small displacement is not

- Export or preview to LilyPond as usual.

This doesn't work with every type of rest (for example the whole rest
can be move in RG notation editor but without any effect in LilyPond

This only works with a vertical displacement. Horizontal ones are never
exported to LilyPond.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Rest in notation

2022-05-28 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le Sat, 28 May 2022 16:26:22 +0200,
Mario Moles  a écrit :

>  Is there a shortcut? 

Currently (21.12) there is only the menu shortcuts:

"Alt+j Alt+F Alt+D" and "Alt+j Alt+F Alt+U" (with en_US translation).

It works but is not very handy.
But in the coming very soon 22.06 version is a new shortcut editor
with which any shortcut an user want can be associated to this action.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] export to lilypond

2022-05-30 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le 30 mai 2022 à 11H58 (-0700)
prad via Rosegarden-user  a
écrit :

> exports to lilypond 2.14 though i read that it detects the version of
> lilypond on my computer.
Currently RG doesn't detect the installed LilyPond version.

> lilypond is up to 2.22.2 though it still works with minor
> editing of the .ly file (eg remove \lyricsto).
> i have to change the \version too.

You should not have to manually modify .ly file because LilyPond
provide convert-ly: a tool to do it automatically.

How to do this:
 - Export to LilyPond from RG (select LilyPond 2.14)
 - Convert the .ly file to the LilyPond installed version:
 convert-ly >
 - Run LilyPond on

Such a procedure is automatically run when the menu
"File -> Print Preview..." is called.

> are there later versions of rg?

21.12 is the last released RG version.
Next release (22.06) will be delivered in about 10 days.
About LilyPond export, this new release will only fix a few minor
 - Sometimes missing time signature change
 - Sometimes missing crescendo/decrescendo hairpins
 - 4/4 and 2/2 time signatures always exported as common time

I hope I'll find the time to dust off the LilyPond exporter (especially
about the provided LilyPond version) before the following release of RG
in next december.

> would compiling it be better than getting it from archlinux? 

It depends how many time archlinux needs to incorporate a new RG
release and how much you needs the new fixes and features of this


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] lilypond -> midi -> rg -> lilypond

2022-05-31 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le 30 mai 2022 à 15H18 (-0700)
prad via Rosegarden-user  a
écrit :

> i am wondering though if there is a smarter|efficient way to make the
> conversion.

Here is another way:
 - In RG, open the segment with rests and lyrics in a notation editor
 - Open the segment with notes in another notation editor
 - In the first notation editor, open the lyric editor (View -> Open
   Lyric Editor)
 - Copy all lyrics: Ctrl-A Ctrl-C
 - Close the lyric editor
 - In the second notation editor, open the lyric editor
 - Paste all lyrics: Ctrl-A Ctrl-V
 - Close the lyric editor
 - Delete the segment with rests and lyrics

It works, but I'm not sure it works better than the way you did it.



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Re: [Rosegarden-user] printing repeats

2022-09-09 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le  9 septembre 2022 à 14H46 (+0100)
David Legg  a écrit :

> Does anyone know how to get repeated segments to print via lilypond
> with the |: :| marks actually showing in the previewed PDF file,
> please? 

I'm not sure I understand the issue: the previewed PDF file is itself a
LilyPond output.
How exactly did you create the LilyPond file showing no repetition


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] printing repeats

2022-09-11 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le 10 septembre 2022 à 15H36 (+0100)
David Legg  a écrit :
> Thank you for the suggestion, but yes I did check
> "Use repeats when possible".

I can't see this issue here.

Could you, please, send an example showing the problem ?

The mailing list only accepts very small attachments so, please, upload
it somewhere or mail it directly to me.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] printing repeats

2022-09-13 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le Mon, 12 Sep 2022 17:13:22 +0100,
David Legg  a écrit :

> Thanks, Yves. I have attached the .rg file for you to look at.

Thanks David.
With the .rg file, the problem becomes understandable.

What you observed is the conjunction of two differents issues.
First the repeated segments in your composition are not really repeated, then 
LilyPond v2.23 doesn't behave exactly as the previous versions.

- The repeated segments are not really repeated:
They are marked as repeated, but there is no room in the composition for their 
repetitions. To have them really repeated, the segments starting at bar 23 have 
to be moved to the bar 41 (or 59, 77, etc...).

- New behaviour of LilyPond v2.23:
With the previous versions, the repetition marks are shown even if the repeated 
segment is played only once. This is not true with LilyPond 2.23. A segment 
marked as repeated but not really repeated (i.e. "\repeat volta 1 {..." in 
LilyPond input file) has no more repetition bars in the LilyPond output.

So there are two ways to see again the doted bars in the PDF file:
- Come back to an older LilyPond version (I'll not recommend this solution).
- Add room in the composition to allow the repetition of segments.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] printing repeats

2022-09-13 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le Tue, 13 Sep 2022 15:51:02 +0100,
David Legg  a écrit :

> When you say, 'Add room' , is the 'room' to be added just empty
> space, or is it an empty segment, or something else?

It's just empty space on the track.
A repeating segment is repeated until another segment is found on the
same track.
If this other segment immediatly follows the repeating one,
there is no repetition at all.
If there is no other segment on the track, the segment is repeated
until the end of the composition.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] printing repeats

2022-09-14 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le 13 septembre 2022 à 19H17 (-1000)
david  a écrit :
> And here's a thank you from another David for your explanation! :)
You're welcome, David! :)

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] pixelwise equal-length bars in notation?

2023-10-30 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le Sun, 29 Oct 2023 21:12:01 -0400, a écrit :

> I need the entire notation as a long image with equal length bars. So 
> far I have tried making a wide image and feeding it to kdenlive using
> either equal bars at steady speed *OR* uneven speed and keyframing,
> both of which require a LOT or work. What I would like to see is a
> feature that takes the longest bar and makes all the others the same
> length (don't think this exists).

The only (unperfect) solution I see is to force an enlargement of all
the bars with an auxilliary mute track full of small notes. That's
easy with a repeating segment.
After that you only have to resize the notation editor window to hide
this new track.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Saving projects

2023-12-10 Thread Yves Guillemot

> Sonntag, 10. Dezember 2023 um 13:35 Uhr Von: "Lorenzo Sutton"
>  An:

> This is a tricky one IMHO because on the other hand when working on
> project I also want to be able to always save and not risk losing any
> change which comes up.
> So any warning like that should definitely be a switchable on/off
> option.

Le Sun, 10 Dec 2023 13:42:16 +0100,
MST via Rosegarden-user  a écrit

> How about an incremenial numbering feature while working:
> You open an existing file "song" and it immediately becomes
> "song000", ten minutes (adjustable in default settings menu) later it
> becomes "song001". I am no coder, is something doable?

Yes it's doable and should be easy to do, but what about the autosave
feature ? How many files would be created at the end of a session ?

I presume it should be better to allways save in a temporary file
then ask where to save this file when shutting down RG or opening a new

Anyway it should be a switchable option because IMHO such warnings are
awful and don't really work: when I have answered "yes" several dozens
of times to the same question, the next time it will be asked I will not
read it and automatically answer "yes" whatever the right answer should


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] *** SPAM *** Re: Testing Appreciated for 24.06

2024-06-04 Thread Yves Guillemot
Hi Lorenzo,

I get the message:
[NotationTool] NotationTool::findActionInParentView: Can't find
ActionFileClient in parent widget hierarchy [NotationTool]
NotationTool::invokeInParentView: No action " "no_accidental" " found
in parent view when I open the notation editor, not when I insert a key

I don't see the "no accidental" and "internal error" lines.

I can't reproduce the problem except in one case:

If, for example, a Bb major key change is inserted in a segment with
a -2 transposition with the "Transpose key according to segment
transposition" option: nothing happens (apparently) if the "Hide
redundant clefs and keys" is selected in the preferences.

I apologize if I'm just saying something you was already aware of.


Le Tue, 4 Jun 2024 17:19:26 +0200,
Lorenzo Sutton  a écrit :

> Hi Ted,
> Very quick answer...
> Actually this was on empty segments. The idea is like by default you
> are in C major and already know you want to change key kind of
> scenario, so no notes involved.
> Two segments on two different tracks was the only common denominator.
> Sorry if this isn't too helpful.
> Lorenzo
> On Tue, 4 Jun 2024 at 17:04, Ted Felix  wrote:
> >
> >I edited two segments and made a key change at every bar, but no
> > luck reproducing.  Probably because transposition might be involved
> > and I had no notes.
> >
> >The "internal error" message, if it is relevant, seems to
> > indicate that the transposition resulted in notes that were outside
> > (below) the MIDI note range.  Are you working with some really low
> > notes?
> >
> >I think you might be able to insert the key change without
> > transposition then transpose separately?  That's probably really
> > inconvenient, but it might help determine whether it is the key
> > change or the transposition that is the problem.
> >
> >I'll keep trying to reproduce the message with some low notes and
> > some wild key changes.
> >
> >As for the other messages, those may have been caused by some
> > baseclass rearranging I did in response to warnings in the
> > translation stuff.  I sure hope not.  I'll take a closer look.
> >
> > Ted.
> >
> > On 6/3/24 5:56 AM, Lorenzo Sutton wrote:  
> > > Sorry for using the mailing list for this but it's on a bit of a
> > > deadline project.
> > >
> > > When trying to add a key change in notation editor nothing
> > > happens and in the terminal I get this:
> > >
> > > [NotationTool] NotationTool::findActionInParentView: Can't find
> > > ActionFileClient in parent widget hierarchy
> > > [NotationTool] NotationTool::invokeInParentView: No action "
> > > "no_accidental" " found in parent view
> > > Internal error in NotationTypes, Pitch::transpose()
> > >
> > > It seems to happen randomly... I managed to "trigger" this by
> > > editing two segments in the same notation editor window
> > >
> > >
> > > On 08/05/2024 18:01, Ted Felix wrote:  
> > >> Rosegarden 24.06 will be released on June 5.  Please test the
> > >> latest version in git as much as possible.  See the release
> > >> notes for areas that need testing:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>   Let me know if you have any questions about the release notes
> > >> and I will elaborate.
> > >>
> > >>   If you've not built Rosegarden before, give it a shot and let
> > >> us know if you run into trouble.  We'll walk you through it.
> > >> I've written up instructions on the wiki that should help you
> > >> through the build process:
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>   To help out with 24.06 you can either download a source
> > >> snapshot, or use git to stay up to date with the latest.
> > >>
> > >> Thanks.
> > >> Ted.
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> ___
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> > >>  
> > >
> > >
> > >
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> > >  
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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Rosegarden Manual

2011-02-20 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le vendredi 18 février 2011 13:53:58, Shelagh Manton a écrit :

>You can export dokuwiki pages
> to pdf with a plugin called bookcreator.
> Perhaps this might be a solution to people asking for a downloadable
> manual? I could look into how it works and see if it might be a
> suitable candidate for publishing the wiki to a pdf.

I don't know bookcreator, but I recently discovered that the doc of the gEDA 
project has been moved to a wiki like RG doc has been. 
Nevertheless, unlike RG doc, gEDA doc is always embedded in each release 
tarball as an html directory.

The way the gEDA guys convert their doc from wiki to html is explained in

It works perfectly on RG doc.
Here is the recipe I used :

PHP-CLI and the PHP-PEAR extension (for Console/Getopt.php and maybe more...) 
have to be installed (distro packages) on the system used.

-1) Get the dokuwiki tarball dokuwiki-2010-11-07a.tgz at and expand it somewhere.
Don't install anything : only the content of the conf directory is needed.

-2) Get the offline-doku tarball offline-doku-0.1.1.tar.gz at and expand it 
(there is nothing to install).

-3) Get a copy of the RG wiki from svn :
cd elsewhere
svn co rg_wiki

-4) Add some missing empty directories to the wiki data :
mkdir rg_wiki/data/attic
mkdir rg_wiki/data/cache
mkdir rg_wiki/data/index
mkdir rg_wiki/data/locks
mkdir rg_wiki/data/meta
mkdir rg_wiki/data/tmp

-5) Copy the whole conf directory from dokuwiki-2010-11-07a to rg_wiki
cp -r somewhere/dokuwiki-2010-11-07a/conf rg_wiki

-6) Run offline-doku :
cd somewhere/offline-doku-0.1.1
php make.php elsewhere/rg_wiki elsewhere/rg_html

Now a complete offline HTML version of the wiki should be in elsewhere/rg_html.

Such a manual should be usable on a laptop without internet connection.

If some pdf are needed htmldoc ( may be used to get 
them from the html tree.
This conversion to pdf works, but scarcely very well (or very easily) because:
-1) a printable pdf book needs a better structure than an html one with lots 
of hyperlinks.
-2) Sometimes pictures are badly truncated in the pdf and the only way I know 
to fix it is to manually edit the html, which is tedious.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Lily-export problem.

2011-11-26 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le samedi 26 novembre 2011 à 11:39:53, D. Michael McIntyre a écrit :
>On Friday, November 25, 2011, Mario Moles wrote:
>> I use rosegarden svn-version: 12708 on Mandriva-Rosa 2011.0.
>> In the my rg file attachment after lilypond export the track3 is track4
>> and track4 is track3. Why?

>This looks like it is most likely some flaw in all that new code Yves put
>together recently.  I don't remember what the iterate by track stuff used to
>look like, but when I dig around in that area now, it appears that all of
>this is new code.

Sorry for that.
I knew something like that may occur but I totally forgot to test it.

It should now be fixed in rev. 12709.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Linked-copy segments don't work with lyrics in lilypond

2012-04-15 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le dimanche 15 avril 2012 à 18:31:47, John O'Hagan a écrit :
>One outstanding improvement is the linked-copy feature, and its ability to
>create repeats with alternate endings in the score.
>But it has one little problem I haven't seen mentioned yet: if linked
>segments contain lyrics, the lilypond print only shows a single copy: no
>repeats, no endings or other segments, even if they are selected for
>printing. With chords and other text, linked copies print fine.

Yes, that's a bug. Thanks to have reported it John.

Currently, the only way to print lyrics is to uncheck  "Use repeat when 
possible" in the LiyPond dialog. 

Even without this bug, LilyPond would not have printed the lyrics correctly. 
The alternate ending processing is an unfinished work and nothing has still 
been done about lyrics in this context.

I will try to fix it ASAP, but I'm afraid I will not find any time to work on 
before July.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Q. Copy/Paste from other file

2012-05-13 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le dimanche 13 mai 2012 à 10:25:33, Oleksiy Lukin a écrit :
>Copy/Paste works only for one instance of RG. But I want to "steal" some
>part of one composition and paste it in other. Is it possible with RG?

Copy/paste between two RG instances doesn't work currently, but you can easily 
import a whole composition into another with File -> Merge -> Merge File... 


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Printing selected empty track(s) fails

2012-09-20 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le jeudi 20 septembre 2012 à 09:27:10, D. Michael McIntyre a écrit :
>On 09/19/2012 11:31 PM, wrote:
>> All I did was confuse 'selected track(s)' with
>> 'selected segments' i.e. I had the segments in
>> track 1 selected but the selected track was an
>> empty one. This would rate a clarification dialog
>> like
>More like it should just abort without doing anything if the whole of
>what you want to export is empty.  I think it's supposed to do that, and
>this is probably a bug.

Indeed this is a bug.
As I hope to nextly find time to work again on the LilyPond exporter, I write 
it on my todo list.

A good way to fix it should be to dynamically remove (or to gray out) the 
unusable options in the LilyPond dialog.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] From Rosegarden to Lilypond: some issues

2016-01-14 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le jeudi 14 janvier 2016, 21:24:48 Leszek Wroński a écrit :
> apart from the fact that the first note in the BC is yellow(?). I decided
> to forget about that.

The yellow note in RG tells that two notes are in the place.
You can move one of these notes away with the mouse then delete it.

> Please notice a curious double note right at the start of the BC staff.
That's the Lilypond translation of RG's yellow note.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] File Locking

2016-03-31 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mercredi 30 mars 2016, 23:03:12 Ted Felix a écrit :
>Just finished implementing file locking (see bug #1510) to prevent
> having a file open in two instances of rg.  I would appreciate any
> testing anyone can do.

>The obvious test case to see the new behavior is to launch rg twice
> and try to open the same file with each instance.

I first tried the obvious case:

 - Open a file in a first RG instance
 - Try to open the same file from an other RG instance
 => Can't open the file in the new instance: a popup with a "could not lock 
file" message is displayed.

 - Close the file in the first RG instance
 - Try again to open the file in the second instance
 => file is normally opened.

 - Kill the second instance (Ctrl-C)
 - Try to open the file in the first instance
 => Can't open the file, the popup is displayed.

 - rm the lock file (whose name is given in the popup)
 - Try again to open the file in the first instance
 => file is normally opened.

 - Create a new RG instance 
 - Try to open the same file from this new instance
 => Can't open the file, the popup is displayed.

Then I tried a less obvious case:

 - Create a new composition in RG and save it in a file. Keep RG open.
 - Create again a new composition in another RG instance
 - Try to save the last composition in the same file as fhe first one. 
 => Can't save the file, the popup is displayed.

 - Try again the same save operation
 => no more popup.

There is now two RG instances able to write alternatively in the same file.

So, except this last problem, it works fine here.

There is a small issue (repeatedly occurring with RG) about UTF8 garbage in 
the displayed lock file name when the .rg file uses non ASCII characters (I did 
the first test with a file name containing a diacritic).

An other (very) small problem is the "Could not lock file" message which may be 
unclear for some users. 
An improvment should be to add in the popup a first sentence explaining that 
two different RG instances try to access the same file.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] File Locking

2016-03-31 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le jeudi 31 mars 2016, 15:53:23 Ted Felix a écrit :
> On 03/31/2016 09:45 AM, Yves Guillemot wrote:
> > the displayed lock file name when the .rg file uses non ASCII characters
> > (I did the first test with a file name containing a diacritic).
>OK, I figured somebody would find something like this.  Is there
> something we can do about this?

Usually QString::fromStdString() does the conversion.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] File Locking

2016-03-31 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le jeudi 31 mars 2016, 16:00:12 Ted Felix a écrit :
>How about this:
> "Could not lock file.  Another user or instance of Rosegarden may
> already be editing this file.  If you are sure no one else is editing
> this file, delete the lock file and try again."

Seems very good to me.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] build error in SVN revision 14578

2016-04-02 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le samedi 2 avril 2016, 23:00:57 Mario Moles a écrit :
> rosegarden/src/gui/dialogs/KeySignatureDialog.cpp:444:9: error: ‘cerr’
> is not a member of ‘std’
>  std::cerr << s.getMessage() << std::endl;
>  ^

Thanks Mario.
Should be fixed in rev. 14580.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] File Locking

2016-04-06 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mercredi 6 avril 2016, 06:02:18 D. Michael McIntyre a écrit :
> On 04/05/2016 10:54 PM, Ted Felix wrote:
> > I'm testing with diacritics in Ubuntu with no trouble.  The lock file
> > 
> > name in the message box matches the lock filename exactly.  No UTF-8
> > garbage.  Is this a distro-related problem?  Or am I testing with the
> > 
> > wrong diacritics?  My test file is named:
> > test-dīácrítícs.rg
> Same result here.  I tried a bunch of random weird stuff.  I can prevent
> Rosegarden from being able to load a file by changing its encoding to
> something awful, but everything else I tried just works.
> Could be locale- and/or filesystem-related.

It is locale related.

My distro (Mageia 5) offered two options for locales:
   - The default mode where filenames are encoded with UTF8 
   - The "Compatibility with old encoding" mode where filenames are encoded 
with ASCII or ISO-something.

In the first mode, my locale is LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8.
In the second mode it is LANG=fr_FR.

Filenames may contain diacritics in the two modes, but utf8 garbages are only 
found with the first one.

The problem should be fixed in rev. 14587.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] File Locking

2016-04-06 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mardi 5 avril 2016, 21:56:48 Ted Felix a écrit : 
>This should be fixed as of [r14586].

Works fine here.

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Re: [Rosegarden-user] File Locking

2016-04-12 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mardi 12 avril 2016, 08:57:35 D. Michael McIntyre a écrit :
> I finally figured out what this is missing.  The file location text
> needs to be in some kind of selectable area, so you can grab the text
> straight out of the dialog.  Navigating to the file based on the
> contents of some pixels on the screen in a dialog is obnoxious when you
> have to clear a lock file after a crash.

Why not a button to clear the lock ?


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] New(ish) lock feature.

2016-06-26 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le vendredi 24 juin 2016, 13:11:44 Abrolag a écrit :
> If I have to shut down the computer quickly I've been in the habit, of just
> hitting the 'Shutdown' icon on my desktop. This however, leaves a lock in
> place.

Le vendredi 24 juin 2016, 17:46:34 D. Michael McIntyre a écrit :
> On 06/24/2016 12:53 PM, Ted Felix wrote:
> > Might be a good criteria for offering an "ignore" button to clear it
> > 
> > out easily.
> In theory, I feel it defeats the purpose, since it's too easy to ignore
> the situation.  Boy who cried wolf and all that.  Ignore, ignore, oops.

If there is only one user on this computer and if the RG files are stored on a 
local file system it should be a safe workaround to add in .bash_profile 
something like: 
find ~ -name ".~lock.*.rg#" | xargs rm -f


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] New(ish) lock feature.

2016-06-26 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le dimanche 26 juin 2016, 11:46:05 D. Michael McIntyre a écrit :
> On 06/26/2016 06:44 AM, Yves Guillemot wrote:
> > If there is only one user on this computer and if the RG files are stored
> > on a local file system it should be a safe workaround to add in
> > .bash_profile something like:
> > find ~ -name ".~lock.*.rg#" | xargs rm -f
> I have an ancient laptop at my drum kit that I use to ssh -X into my
> main box from across the room.  I can have the same .rg file open on the
> same filesystem on the same computer as the same user.

In such a case there are two users, one on the main computer and one on the 
laptop, even if they share the same user-id (and even if they are the same 
person) and you are right, the lockfile should not be blindly removed at login.

> A handy ignore button is probably the most reasonable thing to offer so
> users can deal with the issue with minimal irritation.  Maybe a smart
> ignore button that at least checks for likely suspects before presenting
> itself.  Is this the only instance?  Is this a local only filesystem?
> Yes and yes?  Show ignore button.

Probably a good solution.

Some times ago I was so bothered by the lockfile while trying to fix a crash 
that I made a bash alias from the above command to be able to quickly clear 
the lock.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] among 19 tracks rosegarden leaves randomly some without sound

2016-08-21 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le dimanche 21 août 2016, 17:52:35 Mario Gummies a écrit :
> I tried to launch to instances of timitdity issuing the command
> line timidity -iA -Oj -B2,8 &
>  twice, with no positive effect. Is that really the last word for timitdity:
> 16 instruments out?

Timidity starts a default of 4 ports and each port behaves like an instance.
So there is no need to start timidity twice.

In Rosegarden, the ports are visible in the midi devices manager in the studio 
(here I see "129:0 Timidity port 0", "129:1 Timidity port 1", etc...) and the 
GM bank can be loaded in each of them.

Now, in the "track parameters box", one "device" and one "instrument" can be 
assigned to each track.
The "device" is the timidity port and the "instrument" the midi channel.
When the 16 channels of the first device are used, the second device can be 
used with the following tracks.

Then, in the "instrument parameters box", a "bank" and a "program" can be 
associated to each track (a different program for each track).

I just tried it, using timidity, with 24 midi tracks and 24 different 
instruments (i.e. programs) and it works.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] among 19 tracks rosegarden leaves randomly some without sound

2016-08-25 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le lundi 22 août 2016, 14:42:05 Mario Gummies a écrit :
> - is there a way you can prove all 24 instruments do noise all together, and
> not that it seems only like that? Could you take my example midi file of
> the initial post, so I could verify and learn from it?

I downloaded the midi file and discovered that only 11 voices are needed.
So it almost works out of the box with any MIDI synthetizer.
I'll try to explain it below.

> - is there a way to
> document the doings of the configurations: command line scripting would be
> ideal for communication imho, because of its secondary use of being able to
> be read by third communicated?

Unfortunately there is currently no scripting language embedded in RG.

> - so given us poor set out to a overall
> great ui world: could you sketch the dialog lead, by screen shots or a
> pointer to a tutorial?
You can find some documentation in RG Wiki, but it's frequently outdated or 

Step 1 - How to set up (I presume timidity is already working):

- Start RG, then load the midi file:
   File -> Import -> Import MIDI File...

- Open the MIDI devices manager dialog:
   Studio -> Manage MIDI Devices

- Connect the General Midi Device to a Timidity input:
   1 - Click on "General Midi Device" in the upper left box to select it 
(well, it should already be selected as it should be the only one device in 
this window).
   2 - Click on a Timidity input in the upper right box.

You should see something like that:

The "General MIDI Device" device is now connected to a timidity port.

- Close the Midi Devices manager dialog.

- The setup is finish and you can press the play button to hear the midi file.

Step 2 - How the MIDI instruments (or "programs") are mapped to the 

Here is a snapshot of the main window:

and a diagram showing the relations between devices, instruments, banks and 

To click on the name in front of a track in the main window selects this 
Once the track is selected, we can see the associated Midi device (here 
"General MIDI Device") in the Track Parameters box.
The instrument name and its number are visible under the Midi device name.
The instruments in the same MIDI device can't be more than 16.

This instrument is an element in the list of the instruments used in the 

The bank and program in the Instrument Parameters box show what sound this 
logical instrument gives. In the main window snapshot, the track #6 is using 
the program "Piccolo" which has  number 73 in the "General MIDI" bank.

Successively looking all the tracks, we see that:
   - Track 1 is not used
   - Tracks 2 and 3 have the same instruments (75. Recorder)
   - Tracks 4 and 5 have the same instrument (70. English Horn)
   - Tracks 6 and 7 have the same instrument (73. Piccolo)

Eventually, instruments beeing shared between tracks, there are 19 tracks, but 
only 11 instruments used.
As 11 < 16, only one MIDI device is needed (and using more than one Timidity 
port is unnecessary here).

Here there is something weird: Why is GM Recorder used in place of flute ?
Why English Horn in place of oboe ? Why Piccolo in place of clarinet ? etc...

This looks like a bug somewhere:
   Recorder is #75 in GM and Flute is #74
   English Horn is #70 in GM and Oboe is #69
   Piccolo is #73 in GM and Clarinet is #72
   etc... : The N+1 GM instrument is always used in place of the N.

To fix this, you have to select successively each track, then, in the 
Instrument parameter box, to use the Program dropdown to select the correct 

Step 3 - Why, in your screenshot, is there sometimes no vu-meter visible on 
some tracks at a place where this track is making sound ?

Some similar thing is easy to notice looking tracks 10 and 11 (the horns) 
while playing bars 84 to 91.

I didn't look at the code and I don't have a certitude, but I presume that 
there is a level treshold under which the track number is displayed rather 
than the vu-meter.
So when a track is playing with a very low level no vu-meter is

An easy way to know if a track is making sound is to mute all the other tracks 
(clicking on the blue "LED button" near each track number).
The last RG release provides a solo button (a third "LED" in front of each 
track) which make this even simpler.

 Step 4 - Just for the completeness, here is the example I create to have 24 
different instruments with Timidity. It works, but is not necessary for the 
Beethoven example.

To set it up:

- Open the MIDI devices manager dialog:
   Studio -> Manage MIDI Devices

- Create a second MIDI

Re: [Rosegarden-user] among 19 tracks rosegarden leaves randomly some without sound

2016-08-30 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le lundi 29 août 2016, 20:55:37 Mario Gummies a écrit :
> Hi Yves, hi others ,
> -about vu-meter: I got this screenshot with ubuntu 14.04 now I am using
> 16.04, so maybe this has something to do with "vu-meter?".
Screen is continuously changing when playing and the vu-meters are 
hidden during the rests. The time they are hidden/visible is certainly 
system dependant, so I'm not surprised we don't see exactly the same 

> -Thanks for your trouble shoot.
> After fixing the "midi instrument index shift", it came out, that that was
> the only hindrance of it all. And now I can hear all instruments (!!!) ,
> seemingly at least. Yes, besides one: the contrabass, even if I put it to
> program 44 contrabass. I put it to 45 tremolo strings, then it sounded at
> least.
I can hear the 44 contrabass.
Maybe it's related to the sound font Timidity uses which may depend on 
the distro.

You may give a try to FluidSynth which usually makes a better sound than 
  - Download some GM sound font 
is a good one).
  - Start FluidSynth in place of Timidity:
fluidsynth -sij /somewhere/32MbGMStereo.sf2 &
  - In RG studio, connect the MIDI device to the fluidsynth port

>   -So how about it, should not one _bug report/fix then the original files,
> if they are against standard? They are, are not they? Here  ist the 
> and I do not know 
> common is this "bug", is it? And, yes I am total thus limited newbie both
> for music and music software.
The bug probably was in the tools used to create the 117-1.mid file.
It's certainly not so common, here are three other MIDI fifth symphony 
versions with the right instruments:

BTW there is something which looks like a RG bug here:
  - Start a new RG session
  - Import a MIDI file with various GM instruments
  - Play it on some GM synth
 ==> all the tracks are sounding like piano (i.e. program #1)

There is a workaround to hear the correct instruments: save the 
composition in a RG file then reload it.

I'll write a ticket about it.

>   -Regarding a rg-tutorial: This turns out to be a tutorial not to "import
> midis with more then 16 instruments/programs and about the usage of 
> but one about importing "broken, instrument index shifted midi files",
> maybe this could be of good use, if that is a common, a faq issue. But 
> a real "more than 16 instrument tutorial use case", one needed such a 
> file, does not one?
I started writing this stuff following Ted's remark that MIDI only supports 16 
channels. I was a bit too quick as I only noticed later that the instruments 
were not so many.
RG compositions needing more then 16 programs probably are scarce.
Moreover, I presume that a MIDI file can't use more than 16 instruments.

> - Regarding a scripting interface: That should be topic of another thread.
> But I wish it really bad. How do they call it? "python bindings" from cpp,
> no?: ya esta. Is there an opinion about it among yous, if this is wished or
> worth the effort, I would like know anyway.
That's an old topic:
There is a page about it in the wiki:

I'm afraid RG has even fewer developpers it had when this thread was 
written and none of them has a lot of time.

> -Did not follow step4; but downloaded your rg file, which anyway 
> without further configuring. I think I needed the midi file to set it up,
> right?
I sent the example as is to show what the MIDI Device Manager and the 
Program and Bank Manager are like.
I presume to give a step by step description of how to set them up is not 
really needed.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] among 19 tracks rosegarden leaves randomly some without sound

2016-09-01 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mercredi 31 août 2016, 19:46:19 Ted Felix a écrit :
>Please do.  Be sure to include a sample file.  I have a feeling
> you've found a case I missed.

Done: Tickets #1534 and #1533.
I included a recipe to create a sample file and BTW I found what looks like 
another bug.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Play function doesn't work anymore

2016-10-22 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le vendredi 21 octobre 2016, 22:09:21 Fernando A. Martin a écrit :
> Some minutes after writing this message I recalled that recently I updated
> my linux kernel to 4.8.3. Then I removed kernel 4.8.3 and went back to
> kernel 4.7.5. Now Rosegarden is able to play correctly again.
> It's nice to have things working again but it seems that something in the
> newest linux kernels are breaking the play function of rosegarden. Can
> anyone else test this?

My distro is currently only using kernel 4.4.26.
I compiled 4.8.3 from source and just boot it without modifying anything else.

I confirm that play doesn't work with timer -> "(auto)" which defaults to 
"system timer".

I tried timer -> "HR timer" which freezed the whole system.

Then timer -> "PCM playback 0-0-0" which works.

> If it's true, can developers do something to make
> rosegarden play function work with new linux kernels?

This will become necessary when this kernel version will spread.
I currently don't have any clue as up to now I never looked at the timer 


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Play function doesn't work anymore

2016-10-22 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le samedi 22 octobre 2016, 10:02:10 Fernando A. Martin a écrit :
> I'm using rosegarden + alsa + timidity. I tried all the PCM... options and
> the cursor moves during playback but no sound is played (except the first
> note of the measure where the cursor was when I hit play).
> So the PCM... options solve the issue that the cursor doesn't move during
> playback but create another that is the issue that the cursor moves but no
> sound is played.

I confirm the issue with kernel 4.8.3.
Notes are played while entered in the notation editor, but there is no more 
sound while playing the composition.

This is noticeable using timidity, fluidsynth or even an external h/w midi 

I presume this is coming from some change in the alsa sequencer.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Play function doesn't work anymore

2016-10-22 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le samedi 22 octobre 2016, 15:25:46 Abrolag a écrit :
> I can't see it being an ALSA issue if the soundcard timer works OK.
> A quick search online reveals that there have been changes in the kernel
> timers, and there may be an outstanding bug.

I said this only because I think RG is interfaced to the synth through the 
ALSA seq, but I really don't know where is the bug.

> Personally I'm sticking with 4.6.4 as this is the last one debian supplied
> with an RT alternative (and I'm too lazy to recompile it myself).

I compiled this new kernel only to reproduce the Fernando's problem.
It takes some time to compile, but only needs to type a few commands.

I usually keep the kernels supplied with my distro. They are older, but they 
do the job and are already debugged.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Reconfiguring timer source without startin Rosegarden

2016-10-30 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le dimanche 30 octobre 2016, 17:14:35 Maciek Makowski a écrit :
> I'm unable to start Rosegarden, as it freezes the entire OS when it starts
> up. It seems to be related to its use of HR timer -- I've seen a number of
> reports mentioning system freeze when this timer is used, and I can see the
> following when the app starts up:
> AlsaDriver::setCurrentTimer((auto))
> extractVersion: major = 4, minor = 8, subminor = 0, suffix = "generic"
> AlsaDriver::versionIsAtLeast: is version 4.8.0-26-generic at least 1.0.14?
> yes
> extractVersion: major = 4, minor = 8, subminor = 0, suffix = "generic"
> AlsaDriver::versionIsAtLeast: is version 4.8.0-26-generic at least 2.6.20?
> yes
> AlsaDriver::setCurrentTimer(HR timer)
> Is it possible to make Rosegarden select a different timer?

Just remove the ~/.config/rosegardenmusic/Rosegarden.conf file: it will reset 
Rosegarden configuration to its default values (and to system timer).

Alternatively you may edit ~/.config/rosegardenmusic/Rosegarden.conf and 
replace the "timer=HR timer" line with "timer=system timer" or with 


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] When inserting notes with keyboard in matrix editor, they are not played by Rosegarden

2016-11-01 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mardi 1 novembre 2016, 19:17:52 Marko Randjelovic a écrit :
> When I am in matrix editor and when note input mode is activated, when I
> press keys on my computer keyboard, corresponding notes are inserted into
> the sheet but no sound is played, although when doing the same with my
> mouse, instrument set up for that truck is played at inputted pitch.

I confirm this issue with the matrix editor (while this problem doesn't exist 
in the notation editor).

>From my point of view, it should be trivial to patch this,
I agree it should be the case.

I'll open a ticket.

Thanks for reporting this bug.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] When inserting notes with keyboard in matrix editor, they are not played by Rosegarden

2016-11-02 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mardi 1 novembre 2016, 22:58:52 Yves Guillemot a écrit :
> Le mardi 1 novembre 2016, 19:17:52 Marko Randjelovic a écrit :
> > When I am in matrix editor and when note input mode is activated, when I
> > press keys on my computer keyboard, corresponding notes are inserted into
> > the sheet but no sound is played, although when doing the same with my
> > mouse, instrument set up for that truck is played at inputted pitch.
> I confirm this issue with the matrix editor (while this problem doesn't
> exist in the notation editor).

It should now be fixed in SVN (rev. 14783).


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] When inserting notes with keyboard in matrix editor, they are not played by Rosegarden

2016-11-02 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mercredi 2 novembre 2016, 18:13:58 Marko Randjelovic a écrit :
> How can I get the patch?

svn diff -r 14782:14783 > patch


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Desparately in need of urgent help!

2016-11-22 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mardi 22 novembre 2016, 16:00:25 Ted Felix a écrit :
> On 11/22/2016 08:37 AM, Etienne Snyman wrote:
> > However, at the moment, it is giving me immense, crippling problems with
> > Midi export.
>I've opened a bug report, "#1540 MIDI Export Issues":
>It appears that the problem is introduced in 14.02.  If you can
> build/run 13.06, that would be a quick workaround for you for now.

An other possible workaround (needs testing) would be to remove all the midi 
controller 121 at the beginning of segments (mainly on tracks "String Lead" 
and "Glockenspiel" of your example).


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Desparately in need of urgent help!

2016-11-23 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mercredi 23 novembre 2016, 18:34:41 Etienne Snyman a écrit :
> I'm afraid I'm not that proficient in these more technical things. How
> would I remove those midi controller 121 things?
First you have to open the segment in the event list editor.

Then, for example with the first segment on track 5, you should see 
something like that:

TimeDuration Event TypePitch   Type

002-01-00-00 clefchange  treble
002-01-00-00 keychange  C major
002-01-00-00 keychange  C major
002-01-00-00 keychange  G major
002-01-00-00 keychange  G major
002-01-00-00 controller1210
002-01-00-00  000-00-22-46  note   83 B 4 
002-02-00-00  000-00-07-34  note   83 B 4

To remove the controller you only have to select the sixth line (the one with 
the controller event type) then to press the delete key.

In the same segment there are four keychanges at the same place, which is 
not harmful but is a bit strange.
You may want to delete the first three by using the same method.

> And how did they get there in the first place? I created the entire piece
> from scratch in Rosegarden, without using a Midi keyboard or anything else.

It's difficult to accidentally insert a controller, so I really don't know.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Xruns on close

2017-02-09 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le lundi 6 février 2017, 13:12:36 D. Michael McIntyre a écrit :
> Anyway Will, I will definitely agree with you that looking at this crap
> every time I close Rosegarden is getting on my nerves too:
> terminate called after throwing an instance of
> 'Jack::JackTemporaryException'

Some destructors was never called when exiting RG.
Consequently, the jack client was not closed cleanly.

This should be fixed in rev. 14981.

I was unable to get reproducible xruns. So I dont' know if they are fixed.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] a few newbie questions

2017-07-26 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mercredi 26 juillet 2017, 05:30:03 CEST Andrew Kilpatrick a écrit :
> I'm not seeing a "sync" port anywhere in the program or the docs. The
> MIDI Sync tab has an option "Automatically connect sync output to all
> devices in use" which I have checked. I assume this means that any MIDI
> device in my project will get clocks, but that doesn't seem to be true.

aconnect utility shows the ports
(on my system, "sync out" is 128:1):

$ aconnect -i
client 0: 'System' [type=kernel]
0 'Timer   '
1 'Announce'
client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=kernel]
0 'Midi Through Port-0'
client 20: 'E-MU XMidi1X1' [type=kernel,card=1]
0 'E-MU XMidi1X1 MIDI 1'
client 128: 'rosegarden' [type=user,pid=9511]
1 'sync out'
2 'external controller'
3 'out 1 - General MIDI Device'

When "Automatically connect sync output to all devices in use" is checked, 
aconnect -l shows "sync out" and "out 1" connected to the MIDI device "E-MU 

$ aconnect -l
client 0: 'System' [type=kernel]
0 'Timer   '
1 'Announce'
Connecting To: 128:0
client 14: 'Midi Through' [type=kernel]
0 'Midi Through Port-0'
client 20: 'E-MU XMidi1X1' [type=kernel,card=1]
0 'E-MU XMidi1X1 MIDI 1'
Connecting To: 128:0
Connected From: 128:3, 128:1
client 128: 'rosegarden' [type=user,pid=9511]
0 'record in   '
Connected From: 0:1, 20:0
1 'sync out'
Connecting To: 20:0
2 'external controller'
3 'out 1 - General MIDI Device'
Connecting To: 20:0

When I start the Rosegarden transport (the play button) without any 
composition loaded (ie no note sent to the output) the clock is sent to the E-
MU XMidi1X1 and I see its "out" LED blinking fastly.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] a few newbie questions

2017-07-26 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mercredi 26 juillet 2017, 19:22:38 CEST Andrew Kilpatrick a écrit :
> Thanks for the info. I checked aconnect and sync out seems to be
> connected to every MIDI device, even ones that are not set up in
> rosegarden. (my sound interface has a port which I don't use... it's
> assigned)
> But when I start and stop I can see that a port sends START, Song
> Position, and STOP, but never sends any ticks. I viewed the data with
> MIDI-OX on another computer.

Are you sure MIDI-OX is not filtering out the ticks which are generally hiding 
the useful data the monitor is recording ?

Here is the output of RG seen by a tiny MIDI monitor coming as a test of the 
RtMidi API ( ) and which can be easily 
compiled (I'm currently unable to compile Kmidimon on my new computer :-( ).

$ ./cmidiin

Would you like to open a virtual input port? [y/N] y

Reading MIDI input ... press  to quit.
Byte 0 = 192, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 0
Byte 0 = 176, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 2.4e-05
Byte 0 = 176, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 176, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 176, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 176, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 193, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 177, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 177, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 177, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 177, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 177, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 194, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 178, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 178, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 178, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 2e-06
Byte 0 = 178, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 178, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 195, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 5e-06
Byte 0 = 179, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 179, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 179, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 179, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 179, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 196, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 180, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 2.7e-05
Byte 0 = 180, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 180, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 180, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 180, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 197, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 181, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 181, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 181, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 181, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 181, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 198, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 182, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 182, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 182, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 182, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 182, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 199, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 183, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 183, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 183, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 183, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 183, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 200, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 184, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 184, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 184, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 184, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 184, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 201, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 185, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 185, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 185, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 185, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 185, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 202, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 186, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 186, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 186, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 186, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 186, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 203, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 1.1e-05
Byte 0 = 187, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 187, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 187, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 187, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 187, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 204, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 188, Byte 1 = 121, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 188, Byte 1 = 10, Byte 2 = 64, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 188, Byte 1 = 93, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 188, Byte 1 = 7, Byte 2 = 100, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 188, Byte 1 = 91, Byte 2 = 0, stamp = 4e-06
Byte 0 = 205, Byte 1 = 0, stamp = 3e-06
Byte 0 = 189, Byte 1 = 121, 

Re: [Rosegarden-user] a few newbie questions

2017-07-29 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le samedi 29 juillet 2017, 04:33:19 CEST Andrew Kilpatrick a écrit :
> Well I discovered that the metronome must be set to a MIDI port of some
> kind before any MIDI clocks will be sent. That seems like a bug... what
> does MIDI clock have to do with metronome?

I can't reproduce this: the metronome seems to be _always_ connected to some 
MIDI device.
Even if I define a device assigned to "No port" and connect the metronome to 
it I still see the MIDI clock.

How exactly are the MIDI devices and metronome configured when you get no 

> - Audio clips don't start when the transport is rewound and then
> played... it is necessary to press play and then rewind.

I confirm this issue.
Another way to get the sound is to press stop then press play again.
I'll create a bug ticket about it.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] a few newbie questions

2017-08-03 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le samedi 29 juillet 2017, 04:33:19 CEST Andrew Kilpatrick a écrit :
> - Audio clips don't start when the transport is rewound and then
> played... it is necessary to press play and then rewind.

Should be fixed in last SVN (rev. 15039).


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Preset-Dialog in "Create segments with"

2017-09-05 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mardi 5 septembre 2017, 18:42:22 CEST Karl a écrit :
> How is it possible to extend this Preset-List with more Intruments?

The instruments are defined in the file data/presets/presets-editable.conf of 
the source tree. The format is explained at the beginning of the file.

To add new instruments, you have to modify this file, run the regenerate-
presets script (see data/presets/README) then compile RG.

If you send me data about these instruments I'll be happy to add them.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] RG 17.04 Debian build - Issues with Lilypond 2.18.2

2017-09-06 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le mercredi 6 septembre 2017, 09:34:13 CEST david a écrit :
> I just ran the RG-generated Lilypond code through Lilypond on the
> command line. Lilypond 2.18.2 fails with a segmentation fault.
I currently don't have LilyPond 2.18.12 installed to test it, but I can't find 
any problem with LilyPond 2.19.61.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Lyric space

2018-04-04 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le  2 avril 2018 à 14H02 (-0400) a écrit :
> It is nice to see that this list is not totally dead.
Sorry for this late reply.
I'd no time to reply the first time I read your
post then I forgot it.

Le 18 février 2018 à 19H00 (-0500) a écrit :

> (Note: I am using Rosegarden 12 instead of the latest version because
> that is what is supported on my Debian Wheezy based computer.  If
> this problem is solved in a later version of Rosegarden, I will look
> (harder) into ways to upgrade.)

I don't think lyrics had have any fix related to your problem since

> My problem is this--in some songs, when I add lyrics, there is not
> enough space for the lyrics (that is, for each syllable or measure)
> so words or syllables are cut off and not displayed and/or
> overwritten (and therefore garbled).  (This being on the Notation
> display, the one that displays musical notes and lyrics (if present).)
> I did find the spacing "control" and adjusting it does improve the
> situation, but even on the song I'm looking at now, 220% does not
> eliminate the problem.

I can't reproduce this issue here.
Moreover I don't see any noticeable effect of the spacing percentage on
the readability of lyrics.

> I can email the particular song to anyone that is interested--iirc, I
> got the MIDI part from someone on the Internet, which had the lyrics
> in a separate "voice", and I've started to add the lyrics to the
> melody.  (But, even the lyrics in that separate voice have the same
> problem (they are displayed against a musical clef with rests of
> varying duration.)
Please, send me this song or some example showing the problem and
I'll try to fix it.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Lyric space

2018-04-04 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le  4 avril 2018 à 08H42 (-0400) a écrit :
> At the moment, I can't find the worst example, but this file will be
> enough to give you the idea.  If you view the "line" named "Words" in
> the notation editor, you should see the problem, and if you increase
> the "Spacing" in the notation editor to 220%, you will see that the
> situation improves, but is not completely gone.
> You can also look at the line named "Melody" where I started to also
> add the lyrics in the hope that I could do better--I realized I could
> not and quit.

There are several styles of text in RG. You used text for dynamics
instead of lyrics.
Unlike other text styles, the places of lyrics and notes are
computed in relation to each other when they are displayed in the
notation editor. This should fix your problem.

First you should add the lyrics to the segment on the "Melody" track
because without notes (as on the "Words" track which has only rests) RG
can't display lyrics at the right place.

Next you have to use the lyrics text style.
The better way to insert lyrics is to use the lyric editor from the
notation editor with "View -> Open Lyric Editor".

Some documentation is here:

You may see lyrics in some RG examples as Hallelujah_Chorus or


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Lyric space

2018-04-04 Thread Yves Guillemot
Le  4 avril 2018 à 16H05 (-0400) a écrit :

> How do you know I used dynamics instead of lyrics?

In the notation editor double click on the text with the selection
tool (or simple click on it with the text tool): this opens a dialog
where you can see the text and it style and change them.

> I don't remember if it was on this song or not, but I have used the
> Lyric Editor (and, then, typically, used the fine spacing feature to
> try to move the lyrics around to try to get them closer to the right
> notes).

With the lyric editor, the lyrics should always been under the right
note. Nevertheless this really works only when the notation is clean.
Notation quantified from a midi file is not always clean.

> (Aside: When I got this file as a MIDI file, the Words line (with the
> words against rests) was already there, as was the Melody line.  I
> started to add the lyrics to the Melody line, but do not recall
> whether I simply inserted text or used the Lyric Editor.)

The "Words" track with text without notes seams typical of karaoke midi
files (sometimes with .kar suffix).
The RG midi importer keeps this text (apparently as if it was dynamics)
but not as lyrics.

> In songs where I used the Lyric Editor, I still had the problem with 
> insufficient space for the lyrics.

Maybe the notation was not clean ?
I frequently got similar problems in the past.
> I don't see a place to specifically choose the "lyrics text style".
> Hmm, maybe in this file I did insert the lyrics with the Text tool
> instead of the Lyric Editor, and maybe that's what you refer to as
> lyrics text style (i.e., the style inserted by the Lyric Editor)?
> (As I said, even with the Lyric Editor there is insufficient space
> for the lyrics.)

Inserting text with the text tool opened the text dialog where the
style can be selected.

> Maybe there are some features in Rosegarden 17 that are not present
> in Rosegarden 12 (the version that I am using because my OS
> supports / supplies this version)?

There should not be such new features related to text.

> Sorry for being obtuse--thanks for any additional help you can offer.
You are welcome.


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Re: [Rosegarden-user] Rosegarden Crashes when I stop a recording.

2020-04-27 Thread Yves Guillemot
I have no idea about a bug in 17.12 which is now an old version.
Here is how to compile/install the last version:

If you want to install in the default destination /usr/local
you only have to type:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install

If you want to install in a non standard place, use:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/somewhere/in/the/system

Only if you want to debug, you have to add the option:
without the brackets.

BTW you don't need to be root when compiling RG.
You have to be root only when installing
with "sudo make install"
or with "su" then "make install"

Hope it helps

Le 27 avril 2020 à 02H56 (-0400) a écrit :

> I must add that I cd to build before I execute the cmake inastruction
> Either way it doesnt make a difference it remains the same problem.
> > 
> > root@1:/rosegarden-19.12# ls
> > AUTHORS  CMakeLists.txt  COPYING  Doxyfile
> >  src cmakeCONTRIBUTING
> > data  READMEscripts test
> > 
> > root@1:/rosegarden-19.12#  mkdir build
> > 
> > root@1:/rosegarden-19.12# cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=[PREFIX]
> > CMake Error: The source directory
> > "/rosegarden/rosegarden-19.12/[-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug]" does not
> > exist.
> > Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.
> > root@Tango:/rosegarden/rosegarden-19.12#
> > 
> > 
> > ___
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> > - use the link below to 
> > unsubscribe
> >  
> ___
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