Re: [rt-users] Reqest Tracker CentOS 5.3 setup

2009-07-03 Thread jmoseley
Perhaps you didn't reload apache? With the script alias you have below, should not be working. Look at the apache error logs - that will give some clues as to what's going on. James Moseley ty chan wrote: Hi Moseley, Here is my configuration on httpd.conf. Serve

Re: [rt-users] Reqest Tracker CentOS 5.3 setup

2009-07-02 Thread jmoseley
Threre really isn't much difference in the Apache configuration if using a virtual host. Simply put the RT apache config in a virtual host stanza: ServerName RT config lines... The above example would use the default IP of the server and listen on port 80. You could also ad

Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.2 -> 3.8.3 Update/Changes

2009-06-03 Thread jmoseley
Everyone has their own way of doing things, but I find upgrading RT is easiest by essentially installing RT from scratch upon each upgrade and then soft-linking to the new directory. In this way, upgrades are straightforward and not hard to follow. For example: download new RT source untar/unzip

Re: [rt-users] 3.8.2 message display bug reappears in 3.8.3

2009-06-03 Thread jmoseley
FWIW, I do not see this behavior using RT 3.8.3 and FireFox 3.0.10. James Moseley Jo Rhett wrote: It only happens when you click "Show" for outbound messages - ie, to AdminCcs or Requestors. Normal ticket display is unaffected. ___ http://lis

Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.2 -> 3.8.3 Update/Changes

2009-06-03 Thread jmoseley
I see a database upgrade for postgres, but nothing for mysql going from 3.8.2 to 3.8.3. Perhaps I'm missing something... James Moseley Kevin Falcone wrote: Yes, there is a database upgrade involved. ___

Re: [rt-users] Binary files broken since upgrade to RT 3.8

2009-06-02 Thread jmoseley
Hmmm, usually the cause of binary attachments not displaying properly is because folks didn't apply the 'mysql 4.1' update... James Moseley Dominic Lepiane wrote: I did run steps 4-6 from the UPGRADING.mysql , yes. I've included the generated SQL below. I should note the DBMS is on a sepa

Re: [rt-users] Binary files broken since upgrade to RT 3.8

2009-06-02 Thread jmoseley
Did you apply the schema updates as indicated in steps 4-6 of UPGRADING.mysql? James Moseley Dominic Lepiane wrote: Dear RT users, I am trying to get our RT installation moved from RT 3.6.6 to 3.8.3. I've tried following the upgrade steps in the UPGRADING.mysql and the README files as dilige

Re: [rt-users] Double line space on Comment

2009-05-28 Thread jmoseley
Kevin, clearing the browser cache worked. I now see single spacing using both IE8 and Firefox 3.0.10 when editing via the RT editor. Thanks! James Moseley Kevin Falcone wrote: Sounds like your upgrade didn't take or you have cached JS I see the behavior I describe on which is

Re: [rt-users] Double line space on Comment

2009-05-28 Thread jmoseley
Kevin, I'm not seeing that behavior. I've upgraded to 3.8.3 and when using the RichText editor, I still get generated when hitting 'enter'. Basically, everything is double-spaced. Nor can I find a way to change that behavior in preferences, in the settings when editing an individual ticket, nor

Re: [rt-users] Reqest Tracker CentOS 5.3 setup

2009-05-07 Thread jmoseley
You need to uncomment the LoadModule line and add: AddHandler fcgid-script fcg fcgi fpl This assumes you have installed mod_fcgid from CentOS's yum respository and are not trying to use mod_perl or mod_fastcgi. James Moseley

Re: [rt-users] How to add Company logo

2009-05-02 Thread jmoseley
Asif, in your email today, your syntax did not contain what I wrote below yesterday. Furermore, with this syntax, as said before, you sould not have SetLogo statements in your config. This is only one way to do it - I am sure there are others. I would search the wiki and the mai

Re: [rt-users] how to run new rt cli in cron

2009-05-02 Thread jmoseley
What's the specific problem with putting a password in a crontab or a shell script that cron calls? Only folks with root access could see the password. Besides, you've got to put the RT database password in plain text in your RT_SiteConfig file, unless you are running without a password, which is

Re: [rt-users] How to add Company logo

2009-05-01 Thread jmoseley
We don't seem to have any problems using a 200x90 logo in our 3.8.2 install. We have simply done the following: Create a logo file: /local/htmlElements/Logo With: "> % if ($show_name) { <% loc("RT for [_1]", $RT::rtname) %> % } <%args> $show_name => 1 Put image in /share/html/

Re: [rt-users] How to add Company logo

2009-05-01 Thread jmoseley
Perhaps folks were thinking you'd look in the Wiki first: You will need to pay attention to the 3.5+ section regarding copying the Logo file to RT_HOME/local/html/Elements/Logo If you choose that method, you need not put all the SetLogo stuff in your

Re: [rt-users] restoration of RT from failed disk

2009-04-30 Thread jmoseley
The scrips are all located in the database. Most other RT source customizations would be located in the /local directory. James Moseley Kimberly McKinnis

Re: [rt-users] restoration of RT from failed disk

2009-04-30 Thread jmoseley
Hi Kim, if I were you I would simply reinstall. Unless you had any customizations, should be a piece of cake - the only thing you'll need is a copy of your file. If you were running an older version of RT, you'll need to follow the steps to upgrade the RT database. James Mosele

Re: [rt-users] Reqest Tracker CentOS 5.3 setup

2009-04-27 Thread jmoseley
Unless you are using a browser on the server itself, that isn't going to work. More than likely you are using a remote browser. In that case, use the IP address of the server, or better yet the FQ host name: Obviously for the latter to w

Re: [rt-users] Reqest Tracker CentOS 5.3 setup

2009-04-27 Thread jmoseley
Yes, I got both messages... Moving on. Next step is setting up the mysql database. 3. If you already haven't done so, set a root password for your mysql server - from a root prompt do (make sure mysqld is running): mysqladmin -u root password (don't include the <> in the actual shell command

Re: [rt-users] Reqest Tracker CentOS 5.3 setup

2009-04-25 Thread jmoseley
Grant, again, if you want help, do not post requests or replies directly to individual members of the RT list without including the list... The reason you are getting this error is because at some point in the email chain, a linewrap inserted a carriage return into the 'configure' command and you

Re: [rt-users] table not found error

2009-04-24 Thread jmoseley
FYI, as my co-worker just pointed out, the FM* tables below are due to a very old installation of RTFM... Those can be disregarded. James Moseley +-+ | Tables_in_rt3 | +-+ | ACL | | Attachments | | Att

Re: [rt-users] table not found error

2009-04-24 Thread jmoseley
When you moved the RT instance to another server, did you upgrade it? If so, did you upgrade the database as well? If you moved the database, how exactly did you do that? What version are you running now? I'm running 3.8.2, and all table names are capitalized (with the exception of one) , so I'

Re: [rt-users] Reqest Tracker CentOS 5.3 setup

2009-04-24 Thread jmoseley
First and foremost, please email your requests for assistance to the mailing list. With that said, the main installation guide is Unix-generic, but if you know enough about your particular OS, you shouldn't have too many problems. Cent OS/RHEL (and other) guides do exist in the official RT setup

Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.2 - httpd fails to start after CentOS 5.3 upgrade (from 5.2)

2009-04-18 Thread jmoseley
The first line of the error log tells you everything. You need version 18, but you only have version installed. This problem is likely due to the perl upgrade that happened as a result of the system upgrade. You can use CPAN to update the perl module, or you can install it via yum: yum upgrade pe

Re: [rt-users] RT web problems

2009-04-17 Thread jmoseley
Did you update DNS? Did you update this part of the Apache config?: Change this to Listen on specific IP addresses as shown below to # prevent Apache from glomming onto all bound IP addresses ( # e.g. "Listen" Listen : James Moseley Michael Mai wrote: Hi, I have

Re: [rt-users] Upgrade RT

2009-04-16 Thread jmoseley
Asif, it's getting really hard to tell whose writing what with the way you are quoting/replying to emails. It sounds like you are trying to not only upgrade RT but also move your database from mysql 4.x.x to 5.x.x. I would start by getting your current RT database dumped and successfully moved to

Re: [rt-users] Tracking a bug with WYSIWYG editor and IE7

2009-03-24 Thread jmoseley
Our users have certainly noticed this bug, so it affects us to some degree. In order to submit this as a bug, create an RT ticket here: James Moseley Sean

Re: [rt-users] problems with rt-3.8.1 after upgrading vom centos 5 to 5.2

2009-03-17 Thread jmoseley
Someone else also appears to have this problem... The first thing I can think of is that either or both of the lighty or fastcgi configuration files changed. Can you compare the current configs with known working ones? Perhaps permissions on /tmp? Can you see as part of the upgrade if perl (or

Re: [rt-users] RT Emails Being Blocked by Various Providers

2009-03-06 Thread jmoseley
Some mail environments are even more strict and require that the rDNS entry of the IP address match with the corresponding forward DNS record. With that said, I think it's reasonable that an owner of a mail server sending legit email make sure that the IP address of their mail server have an rDNS

Re: [rt-users] Trying to track a bug with WYSIWYG editor, IE7 and RTx-EmailCompletion

2009-02-25 Thread jmoseley
For what it's worth, an end-user of mine noticed the same thing today... He's also using IE 7. James Moseley "Michael Finn"

Re: [rt-users] solaris 10 syslog woes

2009-02-15 Thread jmoseley
Thanks. Good to know Jesse. James Moseley Jesse Vincent To 02/15/2009 03:54

Re: [rt-users] solaris 10 syslog woes

2009-02-15 Thread jmoseley
Yes, any time you make a change to, it's necessary to restart apache and clear out the mason cache. Reference the readme docs. James Moseley Gary Casterline

Re: [rt-users] Eeek! RT is unable to connect to database

2009-02-10 Thread jmoseley
OK, and your certain my.cnf is setup so that this is the correct socket: /var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock? And the httpd process (assuming Apache here) has proper permissions to mysql.sock? James Moseley Jerrad

Re: [rt-users] Eeek! RT is unable to connect to database

2009-02-10 Thread jmoseley
Report the results of a diff between the old version of my.cnf and the one after your changes. James Moseley Jerrad Pierce

Re: [rt-users] Eeek! RT is unable to connect to database

2009-02-10 Thread jmoseley
Sorry, didn't realize RT had the capability to use local Unix sockets... Does the owner of the httpd process have access to the mysql socket? Assuming nothing changed within the RT directory, it might be helpful for you to post the mysql you used to tune the database and the syntax used to back out

Re: [rt-users] Eeek! RT is unable to connect to database

2009-02-10 Thread jmoseley
Is mysql setup to listen to TCP connections via localhost and/or it's 'real' IP address? James Moseley Jerrad Pierce RT

Re: [rt-users] RT Login Page with SSL

2009-01-23 Thread jmoseley
The easiest thing for you to do is have the entire site in SSL. Is there a particular reason you only want the login credentials passed using secure sockets layer? James Moseley ___ Co

Re: [rt-users] cleaning the slate on RT3

2009-01-20 Thread jmoseley
Read the README/upgrade docs. The rt-setup-database does exactly that, setup the database - it can also upgrade the database as well. You can always look at the scripts themselves to see what they do. James Moseley

Re: [rt-users] cleaning the slate on RT3

2009-01-20 Thread jmoseley
Why not just drop the database and then readd it using the rt-setup-database script? James Moseley Joseph Spenner

[rt-users] query builder page display problems: firefox 3.0.5

2009-01-19 Thread jmoseley
I have tried other versions of Firefox, and IE 7 seems to work fine, but when the query builder page is viewed from Firefox 3.0.5, the Saved searches box overlaps the Current search: box. If I minimize the Saved searches box, then I can see the Current search box:. Minor annoyance I thought I wo

Re: [rt-users] Hardware Config

2009-01-16 Thread jmoseley
Fair enough. James Moseley Jesse Vincent

Re: [rt-users] Hardware Config

2009-01-16 Thread jmoseley
Jesse Vincent wrote: >At 8 gigs of RAM on a well-tuned system, most of what RT is pulling out >of the database should always be cached in memory. If MySQL is going to >disk on every query, the game's over and you're better off sobbing >quietly into a stiff drink than getting faster disks. T

Re: [rt-users] Hardware Config

2009-01-16 Thread jmoseley
On Fri, Jan 16, 2009 at 02:37:30PM -0500, Mathew wrote: >> We presently have our RT installation running on the same hardware as the database: an Intel 1550 box with 4 cores of about 2.5GHz each and 8GB >>RAM. We've been plagued with speed issues even after upgrading to this. We realized init

Re: [rt-users] Hardware Config

2009-01-16 Thread jmoseley
What type of RAID system are you using and how fast are the disks? James Moseley Mathew

Re: [rt-users] DB upgrade for RT 3.8 fails

2009-01-15 Thread jmoseley
Andy Smith wrote: >Hi James, > > ok, well thats nice I managed to get to the instructions for 3.8 >using a bit of guesswork :P. > >The only reason Im on 3.8.1 is that it is the current ports version in >FreeBSD. If its worth waiting for 3.8.2 I'm happy to wait, Im not in >any hurry to upgra

Re: [rt-users] DB upgrade for RT 3.8 fails

2009-01-15 Thread jmoseley
Andy Smith wrote: >Hi All, > >OK I think I have a solution to my problem which I hope results in >a correctly upgrade database. The last piece of the puzzle, is what >are the "content" files and what do you need to do with them? Well I >guessed that you are meant to do this: > > rt-setup-data

[rt-users] script

2009-01-12 Thread jmoseley
In the next release, could this script be made host-aware? The script currently assumes the db server is on the same host as the RT installation. I know, it's more of a nuisance than anything, but perhaps it could be built to use the login/host credentials in, just like the rt-set

Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.2 prompts for login when viewing tickets via search

2009-01-09 Thread jmoseley
Did you complete step four in UPGRADING.mysql? James Moseley Narendra Mehta To Sent b

Re: [rt-users] No response

2009-01-09 Thread jmoseley
>To all, > > > I sent this before and got no response. Is it showing? > >We are planning to move up to 3.8.2 soon (a month?). One of the things >my users do not like is that there are many CF's that are sowing up in >their "Modify Ticket" screen that some use, some don't ,but n

Re: [rt-users] upgrading to 3.8.2 from versions prior to 3.8.x

2009-01-09 Thread jmoseley
Jesse Vincent wrote: On Wed, Jan 07, 2009 at 06:19:20PM -0600, wrote: >> So, in the setup-database script, do you tell it to stop at 3.8.0, or >> 3.7.87? Meaning, if I choose 3.8.0, does the script stop after installing >> the 3.7.87 schema changes, or does it also

[rt-users] upgrading to 3.8.2 from versions prior to 3.8.x

2009-01-07 Thread jmoseley
Slightly confusing instructions (and different from 3.8.0) on upgrading a mysql database. First, the instructions say to run /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database telling the script the current version you are running. Then they say to stop the upgrade at 3.8.0 and then run: etc/upgrade/upgrade-mysql-

Re: [rt-users] resolving and closing tickets

2009-01-01 Thread jmoseley
Jesse Vincent To

Re: [rt-users] resolving and closing tickets

2009-01-01 Thread jmoseley
That's a very good question and probably has been asked before. I don't think there is a way out-of-the-box to do this. Probably could write a custom script per queue - or hack the source code. Of course, to do what you want would result in the email being bounced back to sender or simply eaten

Re: [rt-users] Fresh install of RT 3.6.6 - admin leary of upgrade to 3.8.1

2008-09-16 Thread jmoseley
Have you read the readme doc? You would simply install RT as a clean install (configure, make testdeps, make fixdeps, make install) along with installing mysql, apache, etc. You'd also have to have enough mysql experience to make a dump of the current database and install it as a new test databas

Re: [rt-users] Fresh install of RT 3.6.6 - admin leary of upgrade to 3.8.1

2008-09-15 Thread jmoseley
Why not just install 3.8.1 from source on a test server (it's really not that hard and installing perl modules via yum or CPAN is not that complex), make copy of your database, and then upgrade the schema on that test database? That's the only way you can adequately do a POC. James Moseley

Re: [rt-users] HTML template correspondence

2008-09-15 Thread jmoseley
Jesse, was this fixed in 3.8.1? In 3.8.0, RT was stripping the tags produced by the new editor. Perhaps this is a separate issue. James Moseley Jesse Vincent

Re: [rt-users] Quick Search in 3.8.1 doesn't include Resolved Status

2008-09-04 Thread jmoseley
Jessie, I guess it just depends on the size of the organization, how many queues they have, and how many open tickets are open at a given time. In our environment, we have over 30,000 resolved tickets while we usually have no more than a few dozen open in any given queue. It makes much more sense

Re: [rt-users] rt 3.8.1. upgrade

2008-08-27 Thread jmoseley
First, make sure you cc the RT users group, not just respond directly to the poster... If this is a new install, uninstall the Fedora package then install RT from source. The first step is correctly run the 'configure' operation: ./configure --prefix= --with-web-user=apache --with-web-group=apa

Re: [rt-users] rt 3.8.1. upgrade

2008-08-27 Thread jmoseley
You've installed RT from a Fedora package and are now trying to upgrade from source. You are going to run into all sorts of problems... Just install RT 3.8.1 from source as a new install in a DIFFERENT directory. Run configure, make testdeps, etc. Then run the upgrade database steps, etc. Last

Re: [rt-users] 3.8.1 corrupting attachments

2008-08-21 Thread jmoseley
Perhaps the script itself is poorly named, but the instructions state that the 4.0 mysql upgrade script must be run if you are upgrading as it changes the DB schema. It's not a script only for those running 4.x.x versions of mysql, it's for everyone that's upgrading. James Moseley

Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.0 rich text color problems

2008-07-20 Thread jmoseley
>I suspect our html-cleaning stuff is stripping out the color on >display. That could probably get relaxed if people think it's a good >idea. Thanks, Jessie. To me personally, the value of editing in color doesn't make much sense if others can't see those colors when looking at a ticket via the G

Re: [rt-users] 2 questions about RT 3.8

2008-07-19 Thread jmoseley
>>1) Is email completion supposed to work out of the box? >Are you talking about when adding people via the 'People' section of >the ticket? If so, I've noticed that I used to be able to put >usernames in the "Email" field, but now that doesn't work. You are correct. I'd love for this missing sh

Re: [rt-users] RT 3.8.0 rich text color problems

2008-07-16 Thread jmoseley
Looking through the file, I've set this in my site config file: Set($PreferRichText, 1); However, colored text still does not display in emails sent by RT nor in the ticket display view - only while creating text while commenting, replying, etc. Bold and italicized email displays, b

[rt-users] RT 3.8.0 rich text color problems

2008-07-16 Thread jmoseley
When replying or commenting on a ticket, I can see the text color, if color is selected. When viewing the source, I can also see the span tags. But after updating the ticket, the span tags disappear and thus the color does too when displaying the ticket. Am I missing something in the configurat

Re: [rt-users] Upgrading to 3.8.0: schema.mysql, column_info selection problem

2008-07-16 Thread jmoseley
Ruslan, thanks for sharing this. James Moseley "Ruslan Zakirov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [rt-users] Upgrading to 3.8.0: schema.mysql, column_info selection problem

2008-07-16 Thread jmoseley
Interesting. We're running 5.0.27 and the script worked just fine. However, I ran all the schema/acl/insert upgrade commands using all the 5.7.xx directories in etc/upgrade. Still waiting to hear from Ruslan to confirm 100% that you don't need to run all these commands and you need only run the s

Re: [rt-users] Upgrading to 3.8.0: schema.mysql, column_info selection problem

2008-07-16 Thread jmoseley
So, if you are upgrading from 3.6.x to 3.8.0, you don't need to follow the step below? > You may also need to update RT's database. To find out, type: > > ls etc/upgrade Also, which step that you refer to below fails? Fails for everyone? James Moseley

Re: [rt-users] RT-3.8.0 installation issue under Solaris 10

2008-07-16 Thread jmoseley
Did you verify the contents of /opt/rt3/etc? The script output indicates that the schema and acl files in that directory don't exist, which means the preceding operation failed: ./install-sh -c -m 0755 -d /opt/rt3/etc cd etc && ./install-sh -c -m 0644 acl.Informix acl.Pg acl.Oracle acl.mysql acl.

Re: [rt-users] Upgrading to 3.8.0: schema.mysql, column_info selection problem

2008-07-16 Thread jmoseley
Did you follow these steps first? You may also need to update RT's database. To find out, type: ls etc/upgrade For each item in that directory whose name is greater than your previously installed RT version, run: /opt/rt3/sbin/rt-setup-database --action schema \

Re: [rt-users] logo issues with 3.8.0

2008-07-15 Thread jmoseley
Guys, sorry for the quick alarm. We're going to have to mess with the CSS layout to get the web2 layout to display our logo to our liking. James Moseley "Scott Hebert"

Re: [rt-users] logo issues with 3.8.0

2008-07-15 Thread jmoseley
BTW, if I change the default theme to be 3.5 or 3.4, the logo displays. I've actually added some code into the CSS files, and while the logo displays, it looks terrible... James Moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[rt-users] logo issues with 3.8.0

2008-07-15 Thread jmoseley
Just installed RT 3.8.0 using a static copy of our RT (3.6.7) database. Everything looks, well, different! With that said, our personalized Logo is not displaying in the browser window (works just fine in 3.6.7). Actually, the logo HTML code shows up in the page source of the browser, but it just

Re: [rt-users] Rename RT Instance

2008-06-19 Thread jmoseley
Changing: Set($rtname, ''); Set($EmailSubjectTagRegex, qr/(?:old\.name|new\.name)/i); Should be all you have to do. James Moseley Graeme Fowler

Re: [rt-users] Performance Issues

2008-06-18 Thread jmoseley
David, what kind of disks are you using on your DB server? Generally speaking, mod_perl is slower than FastCGI - have you tried the latter? Next, have you tried any manual queries against your DB server to see if that's the source of the slowness? For reference, I just displayed a ticket with no

Re: [rt-users] From address all screwy

2008-06-18 Thread jmoseley
As far as I can tell, the 'sendmailpipe' reference in the RT config files is simply an argument that tells the RT email functions how to call the sendmail binary. I think your problems will go away if you simply remove all your sendmail configuration arguments from your file and j

Re: [rt-users] RT goes down with 500 error - "(2)No such file or directory: FastCGI: failed to connect to server "/opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi":"

2008-06-17 Thread jmoseley
I would chalk it up to a temporary problem (bug) with Apache or the FastCGI module... James Moseley [EMAIL PROTECTED] .uk

Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6.6 - httpd won't start

2008-05-13 Thread jmoseley
Have you read Ruslan's email yet? If you are running mod_perl 2.x, you don't need: PerlModule Apache2::compat I'd remove that first and then see if things work before worrying about which version of mod_perl you have or switching to FastCGI. But, to answer your questions: More than likely, if y

Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6.6 - httpd won't start

2008-05-13 Thread jmoseley James Moseley "Ruslan Zakirov" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [rt-users] RT 3.6.6 - httpd won't start

2008-05-13 Thread jmoseley
I think there's a typo in the Wiki, at least on the last line: # this line applies to Apache2+mod_perl2 only # Below line might be incorrect, I had to use: # PerlModule Apache2::compat # mod_perl 2.0.1 from FC4 Linux PerlModule Apache2 Apache::compat Sould be: PerlModule Apache2::

Re: [rt-users] Changing Owner

2008-05-09 Thread jmoseley
First, you have to add the user if they don't already exist. Next, you have to make sure that user has appropriate permissions to the queue the ticket is in. James Moseley "John BORIS"

Re: [rt-users] Requestor or Owner

2008-04-17 Thread jmoseley
It's really up to you how you want to handle how people are associated to a ticket. With that said, typically the person 'opening' the ticket or making the request is the requestor. The owner of the ticket is the person that is working the ticket or that the ticket is assigned to. You can very e

Re: [rt-users] Problem, cannot restart HTTPD

2008-04-08 Thread jmoseley
This says it all: The RT_* files are set as root:apache and the permission is set to 500 How is the Apache process (running as user 'apache', I assume) supposed to access your RT configs if they have no permissions to do so? Chmod those files to 640 or something similar - that should fix your pr

Re: [rt-users] Fw: Moving RT to another Server

2008-03-17 Thread jmoseley
You defintitely need to be calling it via As to your other errors, those are definitely problems. Did you install RT via source or yum repository? Either way, have you done a 'make testdeps' in the source directory to ensure all the Perl modules have been installed? Jam

Re: [rt-users] Fw: Moving RT to another Server

2008-03-17 Thread jmoseley
John, use the name of the new server (or whatever resolves to) in RT_SiteConfig. Also, any reason you are using a virtual host? Lastly, I assume you are calling RT at the following URL: James Moseley

[rt-users] Fw: Moving RT to another Server

2008-03-14 Thread jmoseley
John - don't worry about the Apache warning about the module for now. You also didn't make the necessary changes. You put some in, left others out, then left the old mod_perl stuff in place. Also, you didn't adjust the paths in the configs I sent you. Note that my path only had /opt/rt, not /

[rt-users] Moving RT to another Server

2008-03-14 Thread jmoseley
Have you checked the other config files in /etc/httpd/conf.d? Anyways, that error is just informational and doesn't affect anything. So the question is, does RT work now? James Moseley "John BORIS"

Re: [rt-users] HTTP and HTTPS on same RT server?

2008-02-26 Thread jmoseley
Danie, if you've got customers using RT and you want them to use SSL, then pay up for a legitimate certificate. James Moseley > There is a self-signed cert on the box. But we need to give Internet access to customers and do not want them to get a certificate warning. So they must either us

Re: [rt-users] HTTP and HTTPS on same RT server?

2008-02-26 Thread jmoseley
Better yet, import the self-generated CA cert (that you used to sign each of your SSL certs) into each browser as a trusted root certificate authority and no more warnings... James Moseley You can generate your own SSL certs for free. The only reason you'd want to buy them from Thawt ($15

Re: [rt-users] Centos 5.1 update blew up RT

2008-02-11 Thread jmoseley
Jesse, would you mind sharing how you came up with your theory? James Moseley "Patterson, Craig"

Re: [rt-users] Couldnt open File 'sessions.MYI' in /opt/rt3/var/session_data

2007-07-18 Thread jmoseley
OK - here you go: mysql> describe sessions; +-+-+--+-+---+---+ | Field | Type| Null | Key | Default | Extra | +-+-+--+-+---+---+ | id | varchar(32) | NO | PRI

[rt-users] Use 'Watcher = X' inestead of 'Requestor = X : RT 3.6.4

2007-07-18 Thread jmoseley
Reposting to see if some light can be shed. I am very curious... Performing queries using 'Requestor = X OR Cc = X OR AdminCc =X' in 3.6.3 yielded very fast results - a few seconds. However, doing the same search in 3.6.4 resulted in a timeout after four minutes. Using 'Watcher = X' is the pref

Re: [rt-users] Has anyone gotten RT working under FC as installed from yum?

2007-07-18 Thread jmoseley
As stated by several different folks, FCGID is a completely different alternativie to Apache's mod_fastcgi. You use one or the other. No, is not part of mod_fastcgi, etc. It's one of many perl modules that are required by RT. From the error, it looks like this particular perl module is

Re: [rt-users] Has anyone gotten RT working under FC as installed from yum?

2007-07-18 Thread jmoseley
One problem is that you did not provide Apache with the name of the module and then the path to the module. You need: LoadModule fcgid_module modules/ not just LoadModule fcgid_module... Secondly, look at the paths in your config below: Alias /rt/NoAuth/images/ /usr/share/rt3/html/

Re: [rt-users] Change from FastCGI to fcgid

2007-07-18 Thread jmoseley
Compiling stuff on Solaris and making it work is always difficult at best. James Moseley mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [rt-users] Change from FastCGI to fcgid

2007-07-18 Thread jmoseley
I sent this example rt.conf yesterday in another topic (change paths if necessary): LoadModule fcgid_module modules/ # Use FastCGI to process .fcg .fcgi & .fpl scripts # Don't do this if mod_fastcgi is present, as it will try to do the same thing AddHandler fcgid-script fcg fcgi

Re: [rt-users] Configuring Apache for RT

2007-07-17 Thread jmoseley
Choose the method you prefer, but I would at least try. Other than Apache and either mod_perl or some flavor of a FastCGI module, your only dependencies are Perl modules. Install the CPAN installer and use the 'make fixdeps' option within the RT source code to install what it can. Then install th

Re: [rt-users] Configuring Apache for RT

2007-07-17 Thread jmoseley
You state starting apache still fails... I assume you did do the following: yum install mod_fcgid Honestly, I would uninstall the RT3 RPM and install RT from source. Documentation is fairly straightforward. James Moseley

Re: [rt-users] Configuring Apache for RT

2007-07-16 Thread jmoseley
First, you probably didn't install mod_perl or any flavor of FastCGI. To install FastCGI in Fedora: yum install mod_fcgid Next, you can't just include that virtual host config verbatim - it isn't going to work - you have to modify it for your system. That code assumes you are using Apache's Fas

Re: [rt-users] FastCGI issues?

2007-07-16 Thread jmoseley
Change your SiteConfig to: Set($WebBaseURL , "";); Set($WebImagesURL , "/NoAuth/images/"); Drop all the webport stuff - you don't need it. In your rt.conf file, add: Alias /rt/NoAuth/images/ /opt/rt3/share/html/NoAuth/images/ Or possibly just: Alias NoAuth/images/ /opt/rt3/sh

Re: [rt-users] FastCGI issues?

2007-07-16 Thread jmoseley
A couple of things. I assume you have this somewhere in your apache configs: LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/ Apache probably wouldn't start up without loading this module in your configuration, but... Also, what are the following values in Set($WebPath) Set($

Re: [rt-users] FastCGI issues?

2007-07-16 Thread jmoseley
What's your complete apache RT config? Not the whole httpd.conf file, just the stuff relative to RT. James Moseley mailing list <[EMAIL PROT

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