Re: [SIESTA-L] the problem in compiling rho2xsf.f

2009-07-21 Thread apostnik
Dear Jianwei Wei, the problem is that you mix up different versions of Sies2xsf in the same directory, notably subroutine test_ani appears in the file test_md.f of the old version and test_ani.f of the new version. I don't know which other problems might follow. Try to compile the new version in a

Re: [SIESTA-L] problem with vibrational frequencies

2009-07-19 Thread apostnik
Has anyone had experience using SIESTA to calculate degenerate frequencies? Even if I force exact symmetry in the unit cell, I get very non-degenerate frequencies when they should be identical. Could I be doing something wrong or is this a numerical limitation with SIESTA? Thanks, Ben

Re: [SIESTA-L] the problem in compiling rho2xsf.f

2009-07-19 Thread apostnik
which are provided along with the main code. You should better compile it using make (after changing the compiler options in Makefile if necessary) Check if you get an updated version from - Sies2xsf (it has not been actualized since long

Re: [SIESTA-L] orderN problem

2009-06-30 Thread apostnik
Dear Shi, the problem is incompatibility of the DM file as was previously stored with the new calculation. If you don't see an obvious reason why it might have occur, simply remove (or rename) your .DM file and start from scratch. However, starting OrderN from scratch can result in other problems,

Re: [SIESTA-L] Fermi energy with DOS

2009-06-09 Thread apostnik
Dear Shi, it was not a good idea to send your 3 MB or so of data to the mailing list, and twice. If you want to show an example, show it short. To your question: yes, you got the arithmetics right. Only that, for systems with gap SIESTA sets the Fermi energy more or less in the middle of the gap,

Re: [SIESTA-L] A draft of small personal tutorial

2009-06-04 Thread apostnik
Dear Andrei, You said in your SIESTA-tuto that the frozen phonon calculations usually proceed after CG relaxation. Dear Zhongli, this is not obligatory, techniclly speaking, but any book on phonons tells you how they are introduced from Taylor expansion arond the equilibrium. So, this

Re: [SIESTA-L] WARNING: High Pressure calculation!

2009-06-04 Thread apostnik
Dear Siesta users, recently Andrei Postnikov wrote a small tutorial on Siesta He wrote: one cannot a priori expect equally good performance of basis over a large range of bond lengths and, say, pressures: as the pressure

[SIESTA-L] A draft of small personal tutorial

2009-06-03 Thread apostnik
Dear Siesta community, a small document composed by me with the primary aim of giving to students a broader introduction to the concepts of Siesta, is accessible at It is more than one month old, in which time I hoped to update

Re: [SIESTA-L] vib2xsf problem

2009-05-17 Thread apostnik
Hi,everybody Hi, Shi I use vib2xsf to visualize the phonons ,but I get some Problems. First mode : 27 Last mode : 28 Cannot vizualize for ! Then it stops. Can you help me? Yes. It stops because the script cannot vizualize eigenvecors for q different from (0,0,0). The reason

Re: [SIESTA-L] Numerical radial shape

2009-05-13 Thread apostnik
Dear users, After reading the siesta papers, I clearly understand the concept of atomic-like orbitals (radial function times spherical harmonics). However, I don't quite understand the phrase the radial shape of every orbital is numerical. Can someone kindly give me a simple explanation?

Re: [SIESTA-L] Negative vibrational frequencies

2009-04-15 Thread apostnik
Dear Andrei Thanks a lot for your answer; unfortunately you've confirmed my fears on the real meaning of negative frequencies. The forces level of the configuration is not larger than 0.02 eV/Ang, which is half the default (zero) value. I thus expected to be on the safe side,

Re: [SIESTA-L] Negative vibrational frequencies

2009-04-15 Thread apostnik
Hi Roberto, apart from checking MeshCutoff, I'd have two suggestions: 1. Look in your .FC file at the on-site terms (the force induced on a given atom when this atom is displaced). It may happen that for some atoms, these terms are markedly, I mean really markedly, asymmetric with respect to

Re: [SIESTA-L] band mixing problem with siesta

2009-04-14 Thread apostnik
Dear Pablo, I see from your data that the crossing/no crossing happens between the argument values 0.020781 and 0.24937: .016625 -.069279 .020781 -.026979 ( up to here increasing ) .024937 -.040879 ( from here on decreasing ) .029093 -.077879

Re: [SIESTA-L] Negative vibrational frequencies

2009-04-14 Thread apostnik
Dear Roberto, the frequencies appearing in VIBRA as negative are in fact imaginary. The reason for their appearance is too bad forces (big numerical noise in forces because of unsufficient MeshCutoff) and/or calculation of phonos too far from equilibrium (unsufficient structure relaxation prior to

Re: [SIESTA-L] plotting difficulty

2009-04-04 Thread apostnik
I have managed to plot my graphs with xmgrace. But I am not quite familiar with the setting of my data on the graphs. xmgrace is quite well documented; see Do you have any idea of how to : 1. set the fermi level to zero in the

Re: [SIESTA-L] mulliken population?

2009-03-31 Thread apostnik
Dear all users : I have got the result about mulliken population by SIESTA,but I don't know if it is a wrong result,please help me ,the mulliken population of boron atom is 3.826and 3.624,I think that the mulliken population of boron atom should be less than 3, my result as follows:

Re: [SIESTA-L] MeshCutoff Convergence Test

2009-03-29 Thread apostnik
I doing a convergence test on the meshcutoff values for a cellobiose - ionic liquid - water system.(So we're using Cl, O, N, C, H in the system)I'm using LDA CA Single Zeta Basis Sets, and there are 292 atoms(643 orbitals) in the box.I performed single step CG with different Mesh cutoff

Re: [SIESTA-L] Convergence of force constants/frequency

2009-03-22 Thread apostnik
Dear Zubaer, these differences (which are in fact not that large!) are numerical, and might come from whatever can be different in different supercells, namely i) mesh cutoff ii) k-points. Probably you thought already about both factors. However, The max force on any atom in the supercells is

Re: [SIESTA-L] Strange band structure

2009-03-19 Thread apostnik
Dear Haci, there is no such thing as utlimately correct band structure, there is always your free choice how to choose the path along which the bands are shown. But, usually it makes sense to explore a path connecting several symmetric points. Let's think together how to get them. Back to

Re: [SIESTA-L] Strange band structure

2009-03-15 Thread apostnik
Dear Haci, I can only repeat what I suggested before: A possible reason: wrong units; remember that you can define k-points in units of 2*pi/(lattice constant) or in absolute units. You input contains BandLinesScale pi/a and what is your a?? How to figure out what's going on: look at the

Re: [SIESTA-L] help about rho2xsf!!!

2009-03-03 Thread apostnik
Can you teach how to compile the rho2xsf.f? You must have got it with the whole directory of tools (Sies2xsf), including other necessary Fortran sources, and Makefile. Correct two lines in the Makefile, FC = ... and FFLAGS = ... , to you needs (as in arch.make of Siesta) and type make. Read the

Re: [SIESTA-L] About wxml

2009-02-18 Thread apostnik
I have recently performed a calculation of the PDOS for a system with 323 atoms. Actually, not only for this one, but for other 30 systems as well (thank the heavens the other 30 systems have 90 atoms, at most...). However, I noticed that I had compiled siesta without the -DWXML_INIT_FLAG

Re: [SIESTA-L] k-point shift

2009-02-13 Thread apostnik
Dear Siesta User, I am making some calculation on a slab. I enter a Monkhorst Pack grid that generates 40 k points and it is suggested to think of shifting this k-point by the program as the following lines from the .out file suggest it. I am a bit puzzled by this k-point shifting. To my

Re: [SIESTA-L] regarding magnetic moment

2009-02-03 Thread apostnik
Dear Asa, 1. You set up magnetism in the DM.InitSpin block for atoms 1 and 2 only; consequently the rest of your atoms, 3 through 18, are initialized non-magnetic. You must be able to see it in the Mulliken populations block since they are printed over all atoms. Looking at it you can find out

Re: [SIESTA-L] magnetic moment

2009-02-02 Thread apostnik
Dear Asa, it is difficult to guess without knowing the details, but here are some condensed remarks concerning magnetism in Siesta: 1. If you set SpinPolarized flag True (as you should) and do nothing else, the initial spin values will be set to maximum on all atoms. This might be OK for your

Re: [SIESTA-L] SCF convergence and PAO.Energyshift

2009-01-23 Thread apostnik
Dear Min Cheol Kim, in order to get a reasonable result on your (magnetic) system, you should of course run it spin-polarized, and not just as you say even tried the spinpolarization but this is the main (and almoet the only) thing that you really need. Forget playing around with the basis - it is

Re: [SIESTA-L] PAO.EnergyShift convergence problem

2008-12-01 Thread apostnik
Dear SIESTA users, I have difficulties trying to converge calculation with respect to PAO.EnergyShift. The system is 8 layers silicon slab, hydrogenated. The total energy varies strongly with PAO.EnergyShift parameter: PAO.EnergyShift Etot 300 meV -21007.7361 eV 250 meV

Re: [SIESTA-L] PAO.EnergyShift convergence problem

2008-12-01 Thread apostnik
Dear Andrei, thank you for quick reply. I have some experience with AIMPRO which is also based on atom-centered basis functions, but it does not have parameters like EnergyShift, EnergySplit, nothing similar. Dear Ruslan, exactly as I say: atom-centered basis functions are your free

Re: [SIESTA-L] URGENT (supercell for bulk)

2008-11-25 Thread apostnik
To all respected siesta users: Considering an article on a hexagonal lattice, written by authors who have worked with siesta, I have encountered that they have used 6x6x2 supercell for their bulk system !!! Dear Catrina: if it is really supercell used in their calculation and not just

Re: [SIESTA-L] URGENT (supercell for bulk)

2008-11-25 Thread apostnik
Dear Andrei Postnikov, I am sorry if my words were confusing. Actually, it is not the matter of imitating at all. I just wanted to know if having supercell for some systems like bulk hexagonal helps to get better answers. Dear Catrina, OK, so you do not care about constructing supercell as

Re: [SIESTA-L] URGENT (supercell for bulk)

2008-11-25 Thread apostnik
To all respected siesta users, Thank you very much for helping me. I have used the usual way (not supercell) for hexagonal system of mine, using the method mostly discussed here in mailing list. In the .out file of variable cell, I have Naive supercell factors: 885. OK, so you

Re: [SIESTA-L] pseudopotential question

2008-11-08 Thread apostnik
Dear all, As you know, there is a pseudopotential file database in this website. Are pseudopotential files in the database reasonable? As I tested a simple h2o calculation to compare H and O pseudopotential files in siesta with H and O pseudopotential files in the database, the Energy value

Re: [SIESTA-L] Broadening Parameter within PDOS

2008-11-06 Thread apostnik
Hello all, I have a question concerning the broadening parameter within the PDOS block. I understand that the larger this value, the smoother the resulting PDOS curve Dear Tom, this is correct. and the larger the possibility one loses information concerning peaks that may have been

Re: [SIESTA-L] Crazy SCF with vanadium

2008-11-06 Thread apostnik
Deal All, I know tried to replace the V atom with a C instead. After many CG steps, the same problem in the SCF run suddenly occured. Can it be an issue of compilation? -Joachim Dear Joachim, let's be systematic: 1) can you please confirm that the problem is not due to what I suggested to

Re: [SIESTA-L] Question regarding subroutine reclat

2008-11-06 Thread apostnik
Hi all, I've got a (silly, I'd say) question regarding the subroutine reclat. I wanted to see the cartesian components of the reciprocal lattice vectors. when I take a supercell of graphene with lattice vectors along x and y, I get: reclat: Unit cell vectors (Bohr): a1:

Re: [SIESTA-L] Crazy SCF with vanadium

2008-11-05 Thread apostnik
Quoting Joachim Fürst [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Dear all, I followed the discussion about the vanadium deposited on a graphene sheet. My experience with vanadium is that it is necessary to insert semi-core states the 3p with the atom program. Yes I fully agree - V3p are important in order to

Re: [SIESTA-L] Crazy SCF with vanadium

2008-11-04 Thread apostnik
Hallo, some questions: in those cases when as youy say you got it converged, does everything else look reasonable? (vanadium is magnetic, graphene not, bands in due place, no crazy charge transfers etc.) My wild guess is that, as you set spin polarization on, by default (unless you have InitSpin


2008-11-01 Thread apostnik
Dear all : I have a problem in calculating the energy of single atom. The energy will drop linearly with respect to decreasing of energy shift. That is OK. The smaller (the absolute value of) the energy shift the more extended are your basis functions, better the variational freedom,

Re: [SIESTA-L] help about rho2xsf!!!

2008-10-29 Thread apostnik
Dear all siesta users: I have compiled the rho2xsf and Xcrysden succesfully,and I use the rho2xsf to transform the file.RHO to file.XSF format, it looks like working well, but when I use the Xcrysden to display the file.XSF,I can get the atom structure only,I can't find the charge

Re: [SIESTA-L] phonon spectrum

2008-10-25 Thread apostnik
Dear all, Is there anyone who has the experience on phonon calculation by siesta? I'm trying to calculate the phonon spectrum by siesta. I only want to calculate the force over two atoms by fixing all the others. It is not quite clear what you are attempting to do. The forces are always

Re: [SIESTA-L] Structure of *.FC file

2008-10-23 Thread apostnik
Hello everybody, I'm computing the FC matrix for the first time :), and by now I'm sure the calculation will hit the wall clock time limit. I see Siesta's moving each atom back and forth and along the three coordinate axis, son can guess what's doing. But what exactly is the

Re: [SIESTA-L] triclinic lattice

2008-06-02 Thread apostnik
Dear users, I want to create the triclinic lattice (a=8.194 b=12.897 c=14.190 Ang, alpha=92.98 beta=115.82 gamma=91.15 degree) and tried as follows. LatticeConstant 1 Ang %block LatticeParameters 8.194 12.897 14.190 92.98 115.82 91.15 %endblock LatticeParameters I am not sure whether it

Re: [SIESTA-L] triclinic lattice

2008-06-02 Thread apostnik
However, I am not yet familiar well with the way to define the crystal lattice in SIESTA fdf file, and so I am not sure the below definition of triclinic crystal lattice is correct. With best regards, Chol-Jun Yu I want to create the triclinic lattice (a=8.194 b=12.897 c=14.190 Ang,

Re: [SIESTA-L] How to define Bulk Modulus

2008-04-24 Thread apostnik
Nidhi: I just tried it again; the file compiles smoothly with ifort and with g77. (g77 complained, however, about unresolved reference to eos2 which was declared as external, but is not present. This declaration should be removed. This does not seem to be your case, though). Otherwise I don't

Re: [SIESTA-L] basis problem

2008-04-23 Thread apostnik
Dear users; How to use 2 different basis for the same element? such as use both DZP and SZP for different O atoms in CO2. Thank you. Declare them as different species and assign to them different labels (O1, O2)

Re: [SIESTA-L] Tetragonal structure optimization

2008-04-17 Thread apostnik
Hello SIESTA users. I want to optimize the lattice parameters of a tetragonal structure (TiO2) i.e. a and c/a ratio. I know SIESTA can optimize it, but I want to do it manually i.e. total energy vs a and c/a. I want to follow the following steps. 1. First optimized a for fixed c/a.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Tetragonal structure optimization

2008-04-17 Thread apostnik
Dear Mic: I don't quite understand how you put it, and your attached .ppt does not make it simple, either. To my opinion it is easier - sorry for advertizing one my old publication not related to TiO2, but it contains several figures which explain the search of minimum, by hand, of a function of

Re: [SIESTA-L] PAO basis of Sm and Te

2008-04-16 Thread apostnik
Sir, As per your instructions to include 5d in the basis of Te Nidhi: who ever gave you instructions to include 5d in the basis of Te? The previous discussion was about Sm5d, which you now included. As for d-states of Te - there might be a good reason to include some if you find it necessary;

Re: [SIESTA-L] Basis for CdSe

2008-04-15 Thread apostnik
Dear Marcel, just by chance, I optimized the same system quite recently. The trend you report is indeed (generally?) present, but apparently to somehow smaller extent: I've got a=4.212, c=7.016 Ang for EnergyShift = 5 mRy; a=4.255, c=6.969 Ang for EnergyShift = 200 mRy (default) The basis I used

Re: [SIESTA-L] Basis for CdSe

2008-04-15 Thread apostnik
Hi! 2008/4/15, Marcel Mohr [EMAIL PROTECTED]: The smaller energyshift, should in principle be better, and results in larger basis size. That's not true. It only has to be better for an isolated atom, who knows what would happen in condensed phase. However, you could use the variational

Re: [SIESTA-L] regarding pseudopotential

2008-04-12 Thread apostnik
Dear siesta users, Can anyone help me generating pseudopotential of U as I tried to make its input file but still some error is coming can just pick out the error init I am attaching the file or it would be very supporting if anyone is having its .psf file thanx in advance to all the users

Re: [SIESTA-L] Valence configuration of samarium

2008-04-10 Thread apostnik
Hi, I have made the changes according to u and defined the pseudo of Sm as Hi - If u refers to me, mind that I never advised you on the pseudo radii for Sm... I only meant that inclusing 4f is technically no error - but it will probably lead to physically wrong results. Whatever... Regarding

Re: [SIESTA-L] Valence configuration of samarium

2008-04-08 Thread apostnik
You mix up several things; I doubt it will help to resolve your problems but let us address them one by one. Sm valence configuration. 4f states are quite localized and probably (in reality, not in DFT the calculation) are not any near to the band gap. If you include them in valence states and in

Re: [SIESTA-L] ANNOUNCE: LDA GGA pseudo databases

2008-04-04 Thread apostnik
Dear users, I've uploaded the new version of the database. As always any comments/suggestions are really welcome. Dear Eduardo, many thanks for the next piece of a nice job. Now as you welcome comments, here are some faults I've found. Hopefully they just concern the documentation (in both

Re: [SIESTA-L] Spin polarization

2008-04-02 Thread apostnik
Subsequently, I set FixSpin to be true and Totalspin to be 1, it gave rise to siesta: Total spin polarization (Qup-Qdown) =1.35. Before, you did not mention that you used FixSpin. Correspondingly, my earluer comment in the list was not related to this case and might be disregarded.

Re: [SIESTA-L] Question about spin configuration

2008-03-30 Thread apostnik
Dear all : I used siesta 2.0 version and system is a Ru complex(Creutz-Taube ion) which has two redox site on Ru atom. One is 4d^6 : t2g(dxy + dyz + dxz) was supposed to be 6 electrons, eg(dz2 + dx2-y2) was supposed to be zero . And the other one is 4d^5 : t2g was

Re: [SIESTA-L] Cluster calculation

2008-02-07 Thread apostnik
I am trying to calculate the band structure for 20 or so Ni atoms. However, Siesta repeats the cluster I specify and I end up with calculations that has more than 500 atoms. Is there anyway, I can stop the periodic repetition? Choose the unit cell size large enough, so that the basis

Re: [SIESTA-L] Problem FixSpin

2007-11-30 Thread apostnik
Hi Andrei, I understand the system could converge to metastable states, and of course Eliseo has the right to expect that the system could converge to a given one. However, what I understood from Eliseo's message is that he expected the system to converge to a state in which the individual

[SIESTA-L] rho2xsf

2007-11-08 Thread apostnik
:// and if you still encounter a problem try to describe it more precisely than somthing is wrong somewhere ... 99% of the problems so far were due to different compilation parameters used in the Siesta installation and in Sies2xsf, that made binary data

Re: [SIESTA-L] xmgrace

2007-04-03 Thread apostnik
Dear Sir I am new siesta user using a tutorial about silicon bulk.thereis a problem that is when I go to plot bands.dat xmgrace bands.dat and select the correct range of energy. Now the problem is what is xmgrace. Xmgrace is a commonly used plotting program under Unix ( see

Re: [SIESTA-L] Rho-problem

2007-03-26 Thread apostnik
Hello I am using rho2xsf, a script to transform 3-dim grid function written by Written by Andrei Postnikov Wehn I run and give the required information i.e system name etc) at the end I always get this message Error reading function values on the grid Does any one