Re: CS>BTW, silver nitrate is what we use to treat ceramic granules, with which we put together graulated ceramic water filters. As pathogens pass through a bed of this, they bounce from one silver

2017-04-02 Thread Sandee George
Nicely Put Steve - thank you for my laugh of the day, so far Have a good and happy one yourself Peace, love and happiness always Sandee 🐬 Attitude is everything !! Producer of Colloidal Silver eye drops & Gel

CS>19 April - OT Cardio Health

2017-04-19 Thread Sandee George
I just found out about Vitamin K2 in MK7 form for my own health challenges, so though you would all like to know about it, go to and read all about it - it is an OTC supplement no side effects no OD possibilities - be Blessed & Healthy Peace, love and happiness at all times Sande

Re: CS>What is so special about this brand of CS?

2017-05-06 Thread Sandee George
Lena I have a question for you, of purely personal interest - are you in research or just personal issues researched by you generally to solve your own issues ?It is intriguing to me how personal responsibility for health brings up so many things which are not shared by others Thank

Re: CS>What is so special about this brand of CS?

2017-05-06 Thread Sandee George
Lena thanks for such a lovely reply - let me say your father gave you much with which to enjoy life on this planet, that is what makes life while here, so fascinating each and every day ! Have you by chance heard of the new fad & maybe not, called K2, if not then go to Utube and punch

Re: CS>What is so special about this brand of CS?

2017-05-06 Thread Sandee George
Thank you PT, recognition of helpful and hardworking people need to be appreciated Peace, love and hugs Sandee 🐬 Attitude is everything !! Producer of Colloidal Silver Eye drops & Topical Gel

Re: CS>Re: CS, K2, eyedrops with CS base.

2017-05-07 Thread Sandee George
Lena I went and looked at the Bronson Formula - It looks good on the face of it - however I have ordered K2 MK7 Jarrow and am patiently waiting for its arrival - K1 is for blood clotting where as K2 directs the calcium into the bones instead of the blood stream evidently When you have h

Re: CS>R-ALA and cataracts, glaucoma, Parkinson's, neuropathy etc.

2017-05-07 Thread Sandee George
Dr Wylie appears to do what I did years ago - something which is begging a question is, what did humans do years ago when there was not the information on the brain there is now - are we deteriorating or was it always thus and we simply did not notice ? God help our bodies having to adapt to

Re: CS>Re: CS, K2, eyedrops with CS base.

2017-05-07 Thread Sandee George
PT interesting - firstly what other list is K2 discussed on ? A friend of mine who I suggested use K2 got the same brand that you are taking - this is all new to me and so very interesting, seeing as how I was born with rickets which is lack of calcium in the bones, as you probably already

Re: CS>Re: CS, K2, eyedrops with CS base.

2017-05-08 Thread Sandee George
Thanks for the contact Joe I found it Peace, love and hugs Sandee 🐬 Attitude is everything !! Producer of Colloidal Silver Eye drops & Topical Gel

Re: CS>Re: CS, K2, eyedrops with CS base.

2017-05-08 Thread Sandee George
Got the contact from Joe H, went there however they are no where as good as the workshop on K2 which can be found on Utube Thanks for being there for us Peace, love and hugs Sandee 🐬 Attitude is everything !! Producer of Colloidal Silver Eye drops & Topical Gel

Re: CS>Mike Devour not answering

2017-05-22 Thread Sandee George
Tony I must say that I have been wondering for a long while what has become of Mike - never knew he was a boating person until you gave me his site addy - I hope someone close to where he was last known to be. can get in touch and let us know what gives - I am probably on the other side of the w

Re: CS>Mike Devour not answering

2017-05-23 Thread Sandee George
Thank you now my mind can be at rest Peace, love and hugs Sandee 🐬 Attitude is everything !! Producer of Colloidal Silver Eye drops & Topical Gel

Re: CS>EIS and drinking water

2017-06-04 Thread Sandee George
Hi PT I do not use EIS in my drinking water, I use Brill beads which is an alkaliser - Take at least three swings of plain EIS neat per day, usually when cleaning my teeth ! Peace, love and hugs Sandee 🐬 Attitude is everything !! Producer of Colloidal Silver Eye drops & Topical Gel san...

Re: CS>Mike is Well

2017-06-05 Thread Sandee George
Jason a brilliant idea I endorse it totally, Facebook is a no no for me no wish or desire to visit that site one little bit. Agreed that this list has wonderful intelligent knowledgable helpful folk and it would be a huge loss to shut it down, let us see if Mike will turn it over to us, we have

Re: CS>eBay

2017-06-08 Thread Sandee George
Well I never trusted or liked Ebay from the day they started so am not surprised - what is fascinating me right now is they have removed Buckleys Cough Mixture off the shelves, for some 60 years I have used this product, it tastes foul however it works, so now what ?All of this security is g

Re: CS>Stem cells

2017-06-09 Thread Sandee George
Agreed Scotty all we are, are the messengers, no one has to do anything other than what they desire for themselves!! Peace, love and hugs Sandee 🐬 Attitude is everything !! Producer of Colloidal Silver Eye drops & Topical Gel

Re: CS>Emodin (was Mike is Well)

2017-06-10 Thread Sandee George
Thanks for the reminder always welcome Peace, love and hugs Sandee 🐬 Attitude is everything !! Producer of Colloidal Silver Eye drops & Topical Gel

Re: CS>DNA damage from silver?

2017-06-28 Thread Sandee George
Same olde same olde - here we go again, the EGO gets in the way of progress, or does it ? The desire of humans egged on by what is called evolution is out of this world interesting to note, how easily the old is thrown away without taking any of the good out of it before dispensing with it

Re: CS> Trump lifts ban on deadly pesticide

2017-06-29 Thread Sandee George
Hi Deborah, you are probably going to dislike what I am about to say, the world is over populated no matter which argument you bring to me, I have heard them all, so I say get rid of some, to level the playing field, the point being, let me be able to keep ahead of the rest, however I do not thi

Re: CS>eye hemorrhage

2017-07-17 Thread Sandee George
What a lovely surprise to find that in fact this list is not dead, there are still those of us who lurk, thanks to all for being here !The gut and its flora have more of a bearing on over all health than meets the eye the powers of be are now starting to realise this - go to the gut for

Re: CS>OT - xylitol nasal wash

2017-10-07 Thread Sandee George
Hi there PT I only use EIS nothing else, this seems to keep my sinus in good order especially as I live above the garbage dump which is an open one not an insinuator so toxic air is blown up to where I live, there have been tests done on this situation to prove that the air is anything but clean

Re: CS>Turapur and Clearly Filtered

2017-10-07 Thread Sandee George
Jean I have just gone and researched this filter or jug designed to filter chlorine etc., (Turapur) from tap water - without trying it, I cannot say anything good or bad, except that if it works let me know, because as far as I am aware the only thing which will remove chlorine from water is di

Re: CS>Turapur and Clearly Filtered

2017-10-12 Thread Sandee George
Hi Dan thanks for yours, I have used the prill beads for years and find them to work for me.I know that if one leaves the water open over night the chlorine is supposed to dissipate, I have to admit that in the mornings when I go to fill my glass jug from the gallon bottle which contains the

Re: CS>Turapur and Clearly Filtered

2017-10-13 Thread Sandee George
Thanks Dan for the correction - not being a chemist the names of things do not stick in the brain ! Peace, love, blessings and hugs Sandee 🐬 Attitude is everything !! Producer of Colloidal Silver Eye drops & Topical Gel

Re: CS>Argyria question for Reid

2017-12-18 Thread Sandee George
Neville good to know you are still around and living life.Even when we know there is such a veil of deception all over the place, which we have to use our own determination to get through, to, what is right for each one of us. I know the mob very well about which you speak, they have don

Re: CS>Argyria question for Reid

2017-12-18 Thread Sandee George
Thank you Debbie Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Refrigeration; harmful or not?

2018-01-11 Thread Sandee George
Yes Jean the fridge will drop the silver out of suspension Happy New Year Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Re: One more question please

2018-01-15 Thread Sandee George
Well said Neville, a happy good New Year with all its twists and turns which I hope will treat you well - all is good at my end. Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye D

Re: CS>Zero Water in place of distilled water

2018-01-16 Thread Sandee George
Happy New Year Marshall, what and how do they make zero water, I used to use water from a factory in Australia which makes 000 water for kidney dialysis to make my EIS when I was there. Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or

Re: CS>CS and viruses

2018-02-08 Thread Sandee George
Reid it depends upon how the virus protects itself from the invasion of anything, what I know is that the EIS, when ingested, is one of the ways for boosting the immune system, so it is possible it reduces the negative effects of any virus' invasion of the body - this is all I can say about th

Re: CS>Re: CS and Viruses

2018-02-08 Thread Sandee George
Phil I felt like I had snorted three lines of Coke two nights ago with excitement, there is now research proof that EIS arrests MS it is available on line and if you cannot find it let me know and I will send you a copy of what I have pertaining to this subject wonderful news. The FDA are in

Re: CS>Re: CS and Viruses

2018-02-08 Thread Sandee George
Yes Elizabeth I will put you in touch with one of my agents and you can deal directly with her.I have send you request on to her. Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel &

Re: CS>Re: CS and Viruses

2018-02-08 Thread Sandee George
I am glad I made you laugh - to me life is now nothing but a laughing matter on all fronts !Be Blessed Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Re: CS and Viruses

2018-02-08 Thread Sandee George
Thanks I will read what they have to say - interesting how stuff is coming out regardless of what the powers want to have us know !God Bless those who have and use their legs to stand tall in spite of the madness ! Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything o

Re: CS>CS and viruses

2018-02-09 Thread Sandee George
In my language contrived for the FDA it is electrically isolated silver just to give them something to contemplate ! Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops


2018-02-10 Thread Sandee George
Hi Phil I like that the difference between those who know and those who only think they know Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>CS and viruses

2018-02-10 Thread Sandee George
Hi Neville you gave me a good laugh, we have been around for too long ! Only today I was talking with some of my friends who are about half my age, and I was telling them that I was born in England three weeks before the last war was declared, so I came out of my mothers womb fighting an

Re: CS>CS & kidney/renal failure

2018-02-10 Thread Sandee George
RaVen I am NOT qualified to answer your question, however I will ask how badly have the kidneys been damaged, the reason I ask is that using EIS or CS internally which is a cleaner may be too powerful for the kidneys, if they have gotten to the point of having to have dialysis - sorry to hear th

CS>Fwd: Remove Marleys Isaacson for the list

2018-02-10 Thread Sandee George
5Y= > Received: from [] ([]) > by with SMTP id AABPH83N4AWYL6LS > for (sender ); > Sat, 10 Feb 2018 13:35:22 -0800 (PST) > From: Sandee George > Content-Type: text/plain; > charset=utf-8 > Content-T

Re: CS>CS and viruses

2018-02-11 Thread Sandee George
Hi there RaVen I cannot tell you what to do as I am not qualified to do so, all I can say to you is to go on your intuition whatever your inner self suggests that you do, and be guided by that, Blessings Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or s

Re: CS>Was: kidney failure; Is: SCARS

2018-02-12 Thread Sandee George
Hi there Nenah, I have found coco butter or fat, to be able to handle the decrease in scarring regardless how old the scar maybe, I know because I had a bad accident in Spain in the 50s and I used it on that scar to reduce the scarring and today you can hardly see any scar on my leg Be b

Re: CS>Was: kidney failure; Is: SCARS

2018-02-12 Thread Sandee George
Neville for what it is worth, evidently they are finding out with research that EIS does regenerate tissue and in fact they have just admitted that it repairs the myelin sheath around the nerves which is attacked by an auto-immune system dysfunction like MS for example, they are also using it in


2018-02-12 Thread Sandee George
No apologies neccessary Phil, if we did not differ we would never move forward, we would stay stuck !Together we move forward together. Be blessed Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver


2018-02-12 Thread Sandee George
Sorry Phil I was too quick on the trigger it was Reid to whom I was replying Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Was: kidney failure; Is: SCARS

2018-02-12 Thread Sandee George
Nicely said Neville, I have suffered as a result of their greed and stupidity, however it has all made me a stronger and more determined human, so they have done me a favour Best part of the whole show is I am here to hear the tale confirmed!!! Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Atti

Re: CS>OT - Black seed oil

2018-02-24 Thread Sandee George
Hi there Jean, when one knows one knows ! Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Silver list to join: to Reid (and others)

2018-03-01 Thread Sandee George
Thanks Nenah went to look at the site, it appears to be a very good one, worth making a note of for future reference, thanks for the connection Peace, love and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topi

Re: CS>Silver list to join: to Reid (and others)

2018-03-02 Thread Sandee George
Hi There Reid, from my own experience, when I used to travel with my EIS generator I used to put it in checked baggage for exactly the reasons you post ! It never got notice or stolen, if any of the baggage handlers, who if they saw it, would not know what to do with it, additionally I n

Re: CS>Silver list to join: to Reid (and others)

2018-03-02 Thread Sandee George
Hi There Reid, from my own experience, when I used to travel with my EIS generator I used to put it in checked baggage for exactly the reasons you post ! It never got notice or stolen, if any of the baggage handlers, who if they saw it, would not know what to do with it, additionally I n

Re: CS>Epstein Barr virus using EIS

2018-04-15 Thread Sandee George
Neville you are a card, I love the way you say things, there was an article somewhere just a few days ago on EIS being used in Australia in some surgery, I do not have the article at hand however have requested same from the person who told me they had read it, so when and if I get it I will pos

CS>Fwd: 15 April - Article on Colloidal Silver

2018-04-17 Thread Sandee George
These links may interest some of you - enjoy we will out Peace, love, blessings, and hugs to all Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Fwd: 15 April - Article on Colloidal Silver

2018-04-18 Thread Sandee George
Neville re your two to the site - we know the truth, those who choose to stay in illusion can do so - action creates a reaction no matter what or where it is - energy is energy and vibration is vibration that is the entire story of everything on planet earth. Peace, love, blessings and hugs Sand

Re: CS>Fwd: 15 April - Article on Colloidal Silver

2018-04-18 Thread Sandee George
I rest my case ! Peace, love, blessings and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Mexican Bliss: Tequila Maker In Mexico Filters Its Water Using Silver | Silver Doctors

2018-07-01 Thread Sandee George
I love it, they will do it all with silver before they are dead - swimming pools have silver ion filters as well only no one talks about them Peace, love, blessings and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver

Re: CS>BCC - Basal Cell Carcinoma

2018-07-02 Thread Sandee George
I make no comment to yours Neville, because we both know all the traps, except to say that I use my EIS gel with lemon grass EO mixed in all the time to handle my skin cancer, it appears to keep it under wraps, so I am not going to say it gets rid of it because I do not apply the gel regularly a

Re: CS>Afib

2018-07-05 Thread Sandee George
Ton thanks a million for this one, just listened to it and I call him a sane doctor one of the few ! Much appreciated contact for the future Peace, love, blessings and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver

Re: CS>BCC - Basal Cell Carcinoma

2018-07-05 Thread Sandee George
Neville, if you use EIS liquid it will dry up quickly if you change the bandaid each hour to keep it from getting too wet, I have used my gel on something similar and the gel keeps it too moist, so I use more of the liquid than the gel.Knowing you I am sure you have already listened to the c

Re: CS>silver oil???

2018-07-11 Thread Sandee George
PT I do not believe oil and water mix ! Peace, love, blessings and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Can someone please comment on the Berkey Fluride water filters for me?

2018-08-06 Thread Sandee George
To all - according to my understanding and testing, most minerals are already in water, it depends upon the mineral contents in the soil which acts as a natural filter. This is one of the reasons they call distilled water, dead water because all the minerals or impurities, as they also call

Re: CS>Can someone please comment on the Berkey Fluride water filters for me?

2018-08-06 Thread Sandee George
Unfortunately Jean you do not ask the reason for the excitement, you may have received a very interesting answer, do not forget about the the self fulfilling prophecy of energy Peace, love, blessings and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or san...@spicei

Re: CS>Cancer cure

2018-08-08 Thread Sandee George
Jean the planet, and those thereon it, are finally starting to wake up to the inhumanities inflicted by man to man Peace, love, blessings and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye

Re: CS>OT - blood sugar control

2018-08-08 Thread Sandee George
PT, Investigate the use of Hibiscus tea See if it works for you Peace, love, blessings and hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops


2018-12-23 Thread Sandee George
Wishing all members a very healthy, happy, wonderful Season to be enjoyed ! Peace, love, blessings to all Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops


2019-01-01 Thread Sandee George
Best Wishes to all for a wonderful 2019 in all of its aspects known and at this time unknown Which salve are you asking about PJ - as I recall he made two - one of black sage and the other of EIS Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything oha..


2019-01-01 Thread Sandee George
Yep what I call gel Different name same thing Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Question about melatonin...

2019-01-24 Thread Sandee George
Peace, love, good health, blessings & Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Question about melatonin...

2019-01-24 Thread Sandee George
I agree with you depending upon the strength of the melatonin Peace, love, good health, blessings & Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS>Nano Silver - Reid and Ode

2019-02-01 Thread Sandee George
As usual, those who are really knowledgable about our product, have come through once again with valuable information on the knowledge we all need, to either produce the best product or talk to others in a knowledgable way for clarity - thank you both as always for being there for the rest of us

Re: CS>EIS and beneficial organisms and pathogens

2019-02-13 Thread Sandee George
Reid from my understanding subject to correction by others, who know more than I do, the bacteria both good and bad are only effected by the EIS outside of the stomach, like the throat, sinus, mouth and more, it is broken down and assimilated into the bloodstream in the stomach, which is why the

Re: CS>EIS and beneficial organisms and pathogens

2019-02-13 Thread Sandee George
I stand corrected, however from my own experience over some 18 years of manufacture and taking the product myself, I beg to differ. Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Pr

Re: CS>EIS and beneficial organisms and pathogens

2019-02-13 Thread Sandee George
Thank you Victor for you expansion on our understanding of this product and how it works with the body which in fact cannot be as you state me totally validated by anyone that I know of at this time maybe with more research and time it will be but for now I rest my case ! Peace, love, good h

Re: CS>EIS and beneficial organisms and pathogens

2019-02-13 Thread Sandee George
This means simply Jean, I am not about to debate the issue because I believe what I believe until proved untrue. In my experience and results of my use with myself and others, over the years this is not something to spend time on in my view, this may sound conceited however it is how I am !!

Re: CS>EIS and beneficial organisms and pathogens

2019-02-14 Thread Sandee George
As usual Neville, I totally agree with what you have to say, I am sick to death of those who want to make more out of a simple and easy process to, in my humble opinion, prove something different to make themselves look better than others.It is so simple to follow the rules, you will not mak

Re: CS>The Art of making Colloidal Silver / Electrically Isolated Silver

2019-02-14 Thread Sandee George
Well said Ode, as always, you were one of the originals and thank God for you ! Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs to you and yours Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops

Re: CS> Interesting Information

2019-03-03 Thread Sandee George
Dear Mr Wright when I used to make EIS in England, the problem with the water was getting distilled water, there was only one place I found in those years which was good enough for making EIS in my book.I have never used the tap water to make the product over there, however if you have water

Re: CS> Interesting Information

2019-03-03 Thread Sandee George
Kirsteen I can only tell you what I have done when I have travelled to places with questionable water, that is to do it my way, this may not be the way others think it is good, however I am still alive and kicking enjoying life and hope to be here for a long time to come !So you are in S

Re: CS>Scientists Find a 'Silver Lining' to Space Station's Superbug Problem | Space

2019-03-20 Thread Sandee George
Thank you for a wonderful laugh for the day it is great to know we know what we know !! Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs to you and all on this link Sandee🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude is Everything & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topica

Re: CS>URGENT ALERT: Help us protect homeopathy

2019-06-19 Thread Sandee George
Nenah I totally agree with this and would vote for it if I were in the States - very needed for the health care of all. I have sent it to people who are in the business in the States so they can make their own choice to join or not. Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs to you Sandee🐬 An

Re: CS>Silver, Stem Cells and the work of DR Robert O Becker PHD -- a post I made to a friend of mine THIS AM

2019-10-20 Thread Sandee George
You may like to investigate a company called Life Wave in my view they have gone a step further in bringing to us what we have forgotten with age of time - Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs to you

Re: CS>Silver, Stem Cells and the work of DR Robert O Becker PHD -- a post I made to a friend of mine THIS AM

2019-10-20 Thread Sandee George
You may like to investigate a company called Life Wave in my view they have gone a step further in bringing to us what we have forgotten with age of time - Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs to you

Re: CS>Silver, Stem Cells and the work of DR Robert O Becker PHD -- a post I made to a friend of mine THIS AM

2019-10-20 Thread Sandee George
You may like to investigate a company called Life Wave in my view they have gone a step further in bringing to us what we have forgotten with age of time - Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs to you

Re: CS>question

2019-11-09 Thread Sandee George
Suggestions for the cramps, lack of water, lack of Vit C, lack of salt just for starters Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs Sandee 🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude & Awareness are Everything!!! & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Dr

Re: CS>question

2019-11-11 Thread Sandee George
Excellent advice Olushola - thanks for sharing this very important knowledge to all Peace, love, good health, blessings & hugs to you Sandee 🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude & Awareness are Everything!!! & or Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye

Re: CS>shingles

2019-11-19 Thread Sandee George
Jean would you get in touch about something I think you will be interested in - if you feel you would like to hear about what this is then please send me your personal email address - thanks Peace, love, happiness and good health be yours Sandee 🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude & Awareness are Everyt

Re: CS>undeliverable

2019-11-26 Thread Sandee George
Hi Jean I cannot understand that, did you use either of my email addresses not the Silver Link - however I received the SL which is interesting - try again please and see what happens !!! Peace, love, happiness and good health be yours Sandee 🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude & Awareness are Every

Re: CS>undeliverable

2019-11-26 Thread Sandee George
hugs Sandee 🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude & Awareness are Everything!!! Life Wave X39 patch - Alive Again Colloidal Silver Products Topical Gel & Eye Drops & or On Nov 26, 2019, at 3:26 PM, Sandee George wrote

Re: CS>Basil cell carcinoma

2019-11-27 Thread Sandee George
Neville get in touch with me if you will use one of my addresses below - I have something to run by you Peace, love, happiness and good health be yours Sandee 🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude & Awareness are Everything!!! Life Wave X39 patch - Alive Again Colloidal

Re: CS>EDTA to chelate heavy metals

2020-01-16 Thread Sandee George
Happy New Year Nev - I hope you are keeping well away from those fires down under ! Peace, love, happiness and good health be yours for 2020 Sandee 🐬 An Attitude of Gratitude & Awareness is Everything!!! Life Wave X39 patch - I Buumerang - xandee.ibuumerang.c

Re: CS>Making EIS

2020-03-05 Thread Sandee George
Nev if you think the world has gone mad let me give you all good one to make your day Three days ago I received an email from one of my sisters who lives in Perth, asking me how she can get EIS in Australia to avoid the CV - I told her she had better ask the authorities there for their a

Re: CS>Making EIS

2020-03-06 Thread Sandee George
have EIS, she had better get one of those machines and make it herself, as many of us do. N. From: Sandee George>> Sent: Friday, 6 March 2020 7:30 AM To: <>>> Subject: Re: CS

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