[SotD] January 18, 2002 [Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest]

2002-01-17 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, January 18, 2002 Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest The List has found the very thing to enliven the winter blahs which some of its gentle members may be experiencing - a fiction writing contest, sponsored by an august institution of higher learning. This

[SotD] Administrative Notice

2002-01-16 Thread The Site of the Day
excellent mailing lists hosted by their organization. During the course of this coming weekend, therefore, the Site of the Day will be moving to its new home. Naturally, the List hopes this will go smoothly but expects to encounter the inevitable techno glitches. If all does go well, the List members

[SotD] January 17, 2002 [Beyond Veg]

2002-01-16 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, January 17, 2002 Beyond Veg The List offers this excellent and extensive site guaranteed to be thought-provoking and controversial. Whether the List's gentle members are vegetarians, know someone who is or are simply curious about this movement and

[SotD] January 16, 2002 [National Disaster Search Dog Foundation]

2002-01-15 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, January 16, 2002 The National Disaster Search Dog Foundation The List confesses its helpless devotion to dogs. With that in mind the List's gentle members may forgive another canine site with a broader purpose. "Disasters happen. Earthquakes shake

[SotD] January 15, 2002 [Technology Review]

2002-01-14 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, January 15, 2002 MIT's Technology Review Don't dismiss this website as merely "news for nerds". The List, a somewhat technophobic entity at times, found itself surprisingly breathless during its perusal of this online edition of "Technology Review",

[SotD] January 14, 2002 [Antarctica]

2002-01-13 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, January 14, 2002 Antarctica: Scientific Journeys from McMurdo to the Pole The List hopes its gentle members are warmly and comfortably ensconced in a cozy corner as they head off to today's website from the folks at the Exploratorium and sponsored by

[SotD] January 11, 2002 [Archive of Misheard Lyrics]

2002-01-10 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, January 11, 2002 Kissthisguy.com or The Archive of Misheard Lyrics Did you ever just hear it wrong? The List's only excuse for this site is that it's Friday but what a site it is! The domain name takes itself from the single most misheard song lyric

[SotD] January 10, 2002 [Buzzy's StallWall]

2002-01-09 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, January 10, 2002 Buzzy's StallWall Many of the List's gentle members, finding the low prices of computers irresistible, indulged themselves with the purchase of a new one for Christmas. Now with vast and empty hard drives and wallets to match, they a

[SotD] January 9, 2002 [American Veterinary Assoc]

2002-01-08 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, January 9, 2002 American Veterinary Association Fido misbehaving? Fluffy not himself? This informative website, from the folks you rely on in an emergency, is replete with advice about the common concerns experienced by many pet owners. From how

[SotD] January 8, 2002 [UN Wire]

2002-01-07 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, January 8, 2002 Site of the Day UN Wire "UN Wire is a free service sponsored by the United Nations Foundation and its sister organization, the Better World Fund, which are dedicated to supporting United Nations efforts on behalf of the envi

[SotD] January 7, 2002 [Starmatt Astrophotography]

2002-01-06 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, January 07, 2002 Starmatt Astrophotography Matt BenDaniel's stunningly beautiful Astrophotography site is just what the List ordered for its world-weary members. If the trials and terrors of terra firma are weighing heavily on your spirit, take a refre

[SotD] January 3, 2002 [The Why Files]

2002-01-03 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, January 4, 2002 The Why Files or Fun with Science "First published on the World Wide Web in February of 1996, "The Why Files" blazed an early path to web popularity by providing cogent, accurate and often droll explanations of

[SotD] January 3, 2002 [Quit Smoking, Control Weight]

2002-01-02 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, January 3, 2002 "You Can Control Your Weight as You Quite Smoking" Just in case a few of the List's gentle members have "Quit Smoking" on their list of New Year's Resolutions, here is a useful site to answer some common concerns. "If you want to s

[SotD] January 2, 2002 [The Euro]

2002-01-01 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, January 2, 2002 The Euro "On 1 January 2002 the euro banknotes and coins [were] put into circulation. This official website offers you all the information related to this momentous occasion . . . the largest monetary changeover the world has ever seen." -

[SotD] January 1, 2002 [Calendar]

2001-12-31 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, January 1, 2002 Calendar No, the List is not about to send its gentle members willy-nilly to a do-it-yourself calendar creation site. Instead, ever mindful of possible hangovers from Hogmanay celebrations, the List offers a straightforward text websit

[SotD] December 31, 2001 [Software of the Month]

2001-12-30 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, December 31, 2001 Software of the Month - Clipomatic This month's software is a teeny-tiny program - 96 Kb zipped (why did they bother?) which may prove as indispensable to the List's gentle members as it is to the List. Relying heavily on copy/paste

[SotD] December 28, 2001 [Daily Grammar]

2001-12-27 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, December 28, 2001 Daily Grammar Slept through high school grammar, studying English as a second language? Help is on the way! The Daily Grammar website is the home of the respected mailing list of the same name. Prepared by Bill Johanson, an English

[SotD] December 27, 2001 [National Gallery]

2001-12-26 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, December 27, 2001 National Gallery Enjoying Christmas vacation this week? The List has places for you to go. "The National Gallery's permanent collection spans the period from about 1250 to 1900 and consists of Western European paintings. The coll

[SotD] December 26, 2001 [Boxing Day]

2001-12-25 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, December 26, 2001 Boxing Day Indeed it is! After the bustle of Christmas, the List is going to put its feet up and enjoy this holiday, come what may. However, some of its gentle members might be in a bit of a fog about Boxing Day, especially if it

[SotD] December 25, 2001 [Wassail Page]

2001-12-24 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, December 25, 2001 The Wassail Page - Christmas Day "I have created these pages to aid in my yearly celebration of a festive Wassail and to spread the "good news" of these customs. We hold this event the weekend or so before Christmas when all can gat

[SotD] December 24, 2001 [A Victorian Christmas]

2001-12-23 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, December 24, 2001 A Victorian Christmas The List is not going to babble about simpler times, in suggesting this charming website. Christmas for the Victorians had its own complications. When so many elements of the holiday were made at home, they must

[SotD] December 21, 2001 [Solstice]

2001-12-20 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, December 21, 2001 Solstice Happy Winter Solstice! Today marks the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere. To illuminate this date on both scientific and historical levels, the List presents an exceptional website to bring its gentle members up to

[SotD] December 20, 2001 [Origins of the Compass Rose]

2001-12-19 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, December 20, 2001 Origins of the Compass Rose The List knows some of its gentle members will be heaving a small sigh of contentment not to be reminded of the upcoming holiday by another website. This single web page is a brief but thorough explanati

[SotD] December 19, 2001 [EurekAlert!]

2001-12-18 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, December 19, 2001 EurekAlert! The List has received a request from one of its gentle members for a "Junk Science" site - no, not a site where they get it terribly wrong but rather a site featuring the latest in scientific news, which all too frequ

[SotD] December 18, 2001 [Tropical Slide Show]

2001-12-17 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, December 18, 2001 Tropical Slide Show These are the Halcyon Days, the seven days before and after the Winter Solstice, a time of such tranquillity that the mythical bird, the halcyon, was said to nest upon the seas. If the week before Christmas is

[SotD] December 17, 2001 [Petswelcome.com]

2001-12-16 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, December 17, 2001 Petswelcome.com Traveling with Fido over the holidays? Relatives not putting out the welcome mat for your furry companions? Looking for somewhere that will? "It's a pet friendly universe out there. So why not explore it with petswel

[SotD] December 14, 2001 [David's World of the Useless]

2001-12-13 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, December 14, 2001 David's World of the Useless It's Friday; lighten up. No, this site would never be included in a list of worthy websites. However, that doesn't stop the List from adding this entirely trivial page to its inimitable collection of "Web

[SotD] December 13, 2001 [2001 Antarctic Expedition]

2001-12-12 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, December 13, 2001 2001 Antarctic Expedition The Foraging Biology of Weddell Seals Sounds like the biology field trip of your worst nightmare, doesn't it? Not a bit of it! Turn up the thermostat or put on an extra sweater and explore this fascinatin

[SotD] December 12, 2001 [Everything about Kwanzaa]

2001-12-11 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, December 12, 2001 Everything about Kwanzaa During the holiday month of December, the List presents another event looming large on some calendars - Kwanzaa. "Kwanzaa is a unique African American celebration with focus on the traditi

[SotD] December 11, 2001 [For the Love of LEDS]

2001-12-10 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, December 11, 2001 For the Love of LEDS "What comes to your mind when you hear somebody talking about LEDs? If you're like most people, you probably think of those dim red or yellowish-green lights on the fronts of stereos and the red digits in alarm c

[SotD] December 10, 2001 [NutriWatch]

2001-12-09 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, December 10, 2001 NutriWatch "Your Guide to Sensible Nutrition" Contrary to accepted practices, the List would like to direct its gentle members to a nutrition site before the holiday gourmandizing begins. This website, under the aegis of Quackwatc

[SotD] December 7, 2001 [Pearl Harbor]

2001-12-06 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, December 7, 2001 Pearl Harbor: The 60th Anniversary "December 7th this year marks the 60th anniversary of one of the most poignant and somber days in our history, a date President Roosevelt declared at the time to be one that would "forever live in in

[SotD] December 6, 2001 [SuperCroc]

2001-12-05 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, December 6, 2001 SuperCroc Did you miss the announcement of its discovery? The List features many worthy sites but often times "worthy" becomes synonymous with dreary. Today's website may not exactly be worthy but it is the antithesis of lackluster

[SotD] December 5, 2001 [Ghostsites]

2001-12-04 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, December 5, 2001 Ghostsites "This exhibit - The Museum of E-Failure - is an attempt to actively preserve the home pages of sites that will probably disappear in the next few months. Our goal is not to laugh at these failed enterprises, but to prese

[SotD] December 4, 2001 [Underground Railroad]

2001-12-03 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, December 4, 2001 Underground Railroad " The National Underground Railroad Freedom Center educates the public about the historic struggle to abolish human enslavement and secure freedom for all people. The Freedom Center teaches lessons of courage

[SotD] December 3, 2001 [Chanukah]

2001-12-02 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, December 3, 2001 Chanukah To usher in the month of major holidays, the List presents the first holiday website of the season: Chanukah. With Chanukah less than a week away, it seems fitting to note a website devoted to this traditional Jewish religi

[SotD] November 30, 2001 [Mozilla]

2001-11-29 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, November 30, 2001 Software of the Month - Mozilla Many of the List's gentle members using Internet Explorer have become increasingly irate with its shortcomings but have felt there was not much in the way of alternatives. Some have turned to Opera whic

[SotD] November 29, 2001 [Amazing Race Forum]

2001-11-28 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, November 29, 2001 The Amazing Race Forum Confess! Many of the List's gentle members have disdained reality TV programs like "Survivor" and "Temptation Island". However, "The Amazing Race", with its whirlwind dash across the globe, requiring ordinar

[SotD] November 28, 2001 [CellManners]

2001-11-27 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, November 28, 2001 CellManners ". . . CellManners.com, a site devoted to promoting civility between cell phone users and the people around them. Make no mistake about it - a new set of manners is exactly what's needed. Usually well-behaved people of

[SotD] November 27, 2001 [ToySafety.net]

2001-11-26 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, November 27, 2001 ToySafety.net If your Christmas shopping list includes toys for children, a visit to "ToySafety" may be in order. "ToySafety.net is a project of the National Association of State Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs). The informa

[SotD] November 26, 2001 [Astronomy Picture of the Day]

2001-11-25 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, November 26, 2001 Astronomy Picture of the Day Raise your eyes towards the virtual heavens. Since the List likes to suggest a site for its members to visit, today's website might make a suitable starting point for subscribers' journeys round the web

[SotD] November 23, 2001 [DailyRotation]

2001-11-22 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, November 23, 2001 Daily Rotation If your idea of a news fix is the latest on the technology / internet fronts, Daily Rotation (formerly known as the The Daily Whirl?) may be just what you need. Valuable simply as a list of links to hot tech news sites

[SotD] November 22, 2001 [Thanksgiving on the Net]

2001-11-21 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, November 22, 2001 Thanksgiving on the Net In honor of the the American Thanksgiving holiday, the List offers for our U.S. members a bountiful site which helps capture the spirit of this special day. "Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer t

[SotD] November 21, 2001 [EarthEasy]

2001-11-20 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, November 21, 2001 EarthEasy The List offers a site which may make most of us feel guilty, in one way or another. Are you a devotee of natural fiber clothing? Modern cotton farming uses more pesticides than any other non-food crop. Using di

[SotD] November 20, 2001 [Art Deco Architecture]

2001-11-19 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, November 20, 2001 Art Deco Architecture If you were too busy doing thermodynamics in college to have time for aesthetics, this may be the time to explore one of the most interesting design movements of the the twentieth century. "The period termed

[SotD] November 19, 2001 [Museum of Hoaxes]

2001-11-18 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, November 19, 2001 Museum of Hoaxes The Museum of Hoaxes website from creator Alex Boese began as research notes for a Ph.d dissertation and has, over the past few years evolved into a detailed study and display of more than a hundred hoaxes, from 750

[SotD] November 16, 2001 [Humorix]

2001-11-15 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, November 16, 2001 Humorix The List's sheltered members may have heard whispers of another Operating System out there - Linux. They may have encountered some of its wild-eyed proselytizers and been severely annoyed. This website is Linux with a smil

[SotD] November 15, 2001 [Delta Society Service Dogs]

2001-11-14 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, November 15, 2001 Delta Society Service Dogs "Delta Society is the leading international resource for the human-animal bond. Delta Society has been the force to validate the important role of animals for people's health and well-being by promoting t

[SotD] November 14, 2001 [Home Improvement Toolbox]

2001-11-13 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, November 14, 2001 Home Improvement Toolbox Winter is coming. Do those three words strike terror into the hearts of some of the List's gentle members? They may, if you live in a northern clime. This site, from the U.S. Environmental Protection Age

[SotD] November 13, 2001 [InterTran]

2001-11-12 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, November 13, 2001 InterTran In need of a translation site? "InterTran (tm), short for Internet Translator, is a free web translation service that can translate single words, phrases, sentences and entire web pages." - from the website Although the

[SotD] November 12, 2001 [In Flanders Fields]

2001-11-11 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, November 12, 2001 In Flanders Fields This year a record 17,000,000 poppies have been distributed to the Canadian public. For the first time since the campaign was established in 1921, the Canadian Legion, which administers the poppy campaign, ran out

[SotD] November 5, 2001 [MacOS Rumors]

2001-11-04 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, November 9, 2001 GoodThings "... [W]e believe that by celebrating and supporting goodthings we inspire more of them. We started GoodThings as a virtual sandbox for people wanting to get together to create things that make a difference, a virtual front

[SotD] November 2, 2001 [Coolsig]

2001-11-01 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, November 2, 2001 Coolsig Have you ever wondered how some people always seem to have pithy and amusing closing lines on their e-mails? Did you assume they were simply knowledgeable and witty? Perhaps not. Maybe they just visit a great website with reams

[SotD] November 1, 2001 [The Natural Pharmacist]

2001-10-31 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, November 1, 2001 The Natural Pharmacist "TNP.com cuts through the hype and tells you what is known and what remains to be scientifically proven regarding popular natural treatments. Here you will find the balanced information necessary to make info

[SotD] October 31, 2001 [Calypso]

2001-10-30 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, October 31, 2001 Software of the Month - Calypso No, not the music; no, not the washing machine. Are you fed up with using an e-mail program which seems to be a virus magnet? Help is on the way from one of the best e-mail clients out there

[SotD] October 30, 2001 [Fluorescent Lighting Savings Calculator]

2001-10-29 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, October 30, 2001 High-efficiency Fluorescent Lighting Cost Savings Calculator Usage "This calculator lets you see how much you could save - dollars and energy - by using high-efficiency fluorescent lights instead of the old standard incandescent bul

[SotD] October 29, 2001 [Polar Bear Fan Club]

2001-10-28 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, October 29, 2001 Polar Bear Fan Club Here is a fan club for people who loathe fan clubs, which may include most of the List's discerning members. This website will lead you gently into the week without upsetting your equilibrium. "As far as

[SotD] October 26, 2001 [Worst Car of the Millennium]

2001-10-25 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, October 26, 2001 Worst Car of the Millennium This website is not philosophically uplifting, morally courageous or socially valuable; it's just funny. It's even more amusing if you have ever had the misfortune to be the owner of one o

[SotD] October 25, 2001 [Atlas of Cyberspaces]

2001-10-24 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, October 25, 2001 Atlas of Cyberspaces An interesting and at times visually arresting website with an array of images which may leave the List's gentle members either hopelessly baffled or gratifyingly enlightened. "This is an atlas of maps and grap

[SotD] October 24, 2001 [Guide to the Quantum World]

2001-10-23 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, October 24, 2001 Guide to the Quantum World "Once upon a time, Newton prevailed, and the world was a safe place for all of us. Will we ever be able to teleport people to faraway places? It all depends on the strange uncertainties o

[SotD] October 23, 2001 [Spy Letters of the American Revolution]

2001-10-22 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, October 23, 2001 Spy Letters of the American Revolution >From the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor comes an historical site with a fascinating collection of documents from the American War of Independence. Uncover some of the skuld

[SotD] October 22, 2001 [Guess the TV Show or Movie Game]

2001-10-21 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, October 22, 2001 Guess the TV Show or Movie Game Not up to much more than twirling your cowlick today? Have a bash at playing this trivial but amusing little game. It's just what it states: one mentally chooses a TV show or movie. The

[SotD] October 19, 2001 [Apostrophe Protection Society]

2001-10-18 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, October 19, 2001 The Apostrophe Protection Society "The Apostrophe Protection Society was started in 2001 by John Richards, now its Chairman, with the specific aim of preserving the correct use of this currently much abused punctuation mark in all for

[SotD] October 18, 2001 [Opera Hater's Guide to Opera]

2001-10-17 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, October 18, 2001 Opera Hater's Guide to Opera "It is easy to forget that opera is an acquired taste - somewhat like enjoying spinach. Opera is an art form that is so complex that it takes awhile to really understand and appreciate it. One must be e

[SotD] October 17, 2001 [Alliance for Aging Research]

2001-10-16 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, October 17, 2001 Alliance for Aging Research "The nation's leading non-profit organization dedicated to improving the health and independence of Americans as they age through public and private funding of medical research and geriatric education."

[SotD] October 16, 2001 [New England Light Pollution Advisory]

2001-10-15 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, October 16, 2001 The New England Light Pollution Advisory Group Plus lux non semper melior est. Or if the List's Latin is not too rusty, "More light is not always better." "These pages were produced and made available here because of the pr

[SotD] October 15, 2001 [Google Groups]

2001-10-14 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, October 15, 2001 Google Groups Although many of the List's gentle members have been surfing the Net for years, some may have abandoned the dubious pleasures of Usenet, while a few may not yet have plumbed this particular element. If this aspect of the

[SotD] October 12, 2001 [Secret Society of Happy People]

2001-10-11 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, October 12, 2001 Secret Society of Happy People "The Secret Society of Happy People was formed in August 1998 to encourage the expression happiness and discourage parade raining. (Parade-rainers are those people who don't want to hear your happy new

[SotD] October 11, 2001 [AmeriStat]

2001-10-10 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, October 11, 2001 AmeriStat "One stop source for U.S. population data." - from the website Writing a paper? Curious about American population trends? In need of a reference for U.S. population data? This website may provide you with all the informat

[SotD] October 10, 2001 [Epinions]

2001-10-09 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, October 10, 2001 Epinions It's time for another Internet chestnut. If you haven't encountered Epinions.com yet you may be in for a bit of a surprise. This is the ultimate review site. Are you in the market for a new printer, a snow blower, dishwa

[SotD] October 9, 2001 [Leaking Electricity]

2001-10-08 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, October 9, 2001 Leaking Electricity Don't be alarmed! The "leaking electricity " term, although now considered to be technically incorrect, refers to "energy consumed by appliances when they are switched off or not performing their principal function

[SotD] October 8, 2001 [Andante]

2001-10-07 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, October 8, 2001 Andante A special greeting to all the Canadians on the list who are celebrating Thanksgiving today - may your holiday be filled with much warmth and happiness. This rich and rewarding site offers classical music lovers not only strea

[SotD] October 5, 2001 [UselessKnowledge]

2001-10-04 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, October 5, 2001 Useless Knowledge "UselessKnowledge.com is the best site on the web for Trivia, Quotes, Quizzes, Imponderables. An online index of more than 25,000 trivia tidbits, 9,000 quotations, tests, and useless facts. If it isn't here - it isn't Trivia.

[SotD] October 4, 2001 [IMDB]

2001-10-03 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, October 4, 2001 IMDB.comThe Internet Movie Database IMDB.com - a name to remember. The Internet Movie Database has been around long enough (since 1990) to qualify as another of our Web chestnuts. However, in case

[SotD] October 3, 2001 [GuideStar]

2001-10-02 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, October 3, 2001 GuideStar This website for The National Database of Non-profit Organizations (U.S.) can provide the information that many of the List's gentle members need to direct their contributions to worthy charitable agencies. "Search

[SotD] October 2, 2001 [Glory of Chinese Printing]

2001-10-01 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, October 2, 2001 "The Glory of Chinese Printing" This website has been composed from an exhibit of ancient Chinese artifacts on loan from the Printing Museum of China. Tracing the development of printing in that civilization, the site is replete with d

[SotD] October 1, 2001 [Word for the Wise]

2001-09-30 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, October 1, 2001 Word for the Wise "Word for the Wise [is] a popular radio program broadcast on public radio stations nationwide. The show offers a daily glimpse into the intriguing world of words and language. You can read transcripts of past shows fr

[SotD] September 28, 2001 [Winkey]

2001-09-27 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, September 28, 2001 Software of the Month WinKey "You thought the Windows key was useless?" The List would like to suggest to its tired members a small but practical utility program to reduce arm stress caused by extensive mouse use. "Start

[SotD] September 27, 2001 [Dog Food chart]

2001-09-26 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, September 27, 2001 Dog Food Comparison Charts The List is aware that practically all of its members are panting for information about what to feed Fido. This website presents comprehensive data on the ingredients for virtually every kind of canin

[SotD] September 26, 2001 [Epicurious]

2001-09-25 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, September 26, 2001 Epicurious Or as they say on the website, "As into food as you are." This is surely another Internet chestnut but a fine website nevertheless. Simply run your cursor over the row of little headings for drop-down menus on

[SotD] September 25, 2001 [Earth History Illustrations]

2001-09-24 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, September 25, 2001 Earth History Illustrations This site, with the illustrations of Douglas Henderson, is a fascinating blend of the scientific and the artistic. "The story science has uncovered asks us to imagine distant realms, places an

[SotD] September 24, 2001 [VacWeb]

2001-09-23 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, September 24, 2001 "VacWeb.com"- The Vacuum Cleaner Forum Be warned; you may never look at a vacuum cleaner in the same way. After spending hours on just one page at this site, for in its contributions, VacWeb must be one of the most unique

[SotD] September 21, 2001 [The Sky]

2001-09-20 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, September 21, 2001 The Sky Sometimes the List stumbles upon a website which leaves it gasping in admiration. One such site is "The Sky", part of the larger and thoroughly splendid website, "Sea and Sky". Created by a web designer with a hobbist's pas

[SotD] September 20, 2001 [Washington Humane Society]

2001-09-19 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, September 20, 2001 Washington (DC) Humane Society These are extraordinary times and because of this the List would like to divert the minds of its gentle members by suggesting a slightly different focus. The Washington Hu

[SotD] September 19, 2001 [Genomic Revolution]

2001-09-18 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, September 19, 2001 The Genomic Revolution >From the American Museum of Natural History comes this stellar website, an exhibit dealing with the vast possibilities of human genome research. "The Genomic Revolution" is a model of intelligent web des

[SotD] September 18, 2001 [Pulitzer]

2001-09-17 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, September 18, 2001 Pulitzer.org The List offers this site as a gentle reminder that everything really is out there. This website, from Columbia University's Pulitzer Prize Foundation, lists every Pulitzer winner in every category since the award's in

[SotD] September 17, 2001 [Good Quotations]

2001-09-16 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, September 17, 2001 Good Quotations by Famous People "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." - Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) >From Dr. Gabriel Robins of the University of Virginia comes a simple text website with a won

[SotD] September 14, 2001 [Emergency Relief and Information]

2001-09-13 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, September 14, 2001 Emergency Relief and Information This website from "Yahoo" contains extensive links to relief agencies working in New York City, as well as emergency contact numbers for airlines, government agencies and several companies which had

[SotD] September 13, 2001 [American Memories]

2001-09-12 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, September 13, 2001 'American Memory' "Historical Collections for the National Digital Library at The Library of Congress" "American Memory is a gateway to rich primary source materials relating to the history and culture of the United States. The

[SotD] September 12, 2001 [Helping Children]

2001-09-11 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, September 12, 2001 "Helping Your Child Deal With a Terrorist Tragedy" In light of the circumstances which have befallen our American subscribers, the List would like to suggest a brief site which focuses on helping the most vulnerable of

[SotD] September 11, 2001 [Vmyths]

2001-09-10 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, September 11, 2001 Vmyths Alarmed about viruses (or virii, if you prefer)? The List found itself becoming slightly neurotic on the topic until it teetered its way over to Vmyths.com to separate the facts from the frenzy. "Vmyths.com does exactly o

[SotD] September 10, 2001 [Mongolia]

2001-09-09 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, September 10, 2001 Mongolia Let it never be said that the List is not topical. Just in case some of the List's gentle members have been caught up in the fever of one of the new so-called reality programs - "Lost" - and are gasping for some actual fact

[SotD] September 7, 2001 [Flame Warriors]

2001-09-06 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, September 7, 2001 A Netizen's Guide to Flame Warriors The List is delighted to present this snappy site which not only provides a vivid prose description of your virtual cohorts but some great illustrations as well. The obviously talented Mike Reed ha

[SotD] September 6, 2001 [UpComing Movies]

2001-09-05 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, September 6, 2001 "UpComingMovies" The List presumes that most of you haven't been inside a movie theatre for the past year. However, just because you don't get out enough is no reason not to have the latest info on movies which have not even been r

[SotD] September 5, 2001 [The Street]

2001-09-04 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, September 5, 2001 The Street The Street in question, is, of course, Wall Street. The Street.com is the web equivalent of a musical chestnut. However, practically all of the List's gentle members were having far too much fun watching their stocks s

[SotD] September 4, 2001 [Organized Home]

2001-09-03 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Tuesday, September 4, 2001 Organized Home Are you up to your clavicle in an avalanche of paper, drowning in a tide of laundry, on the verge of declaring a domestic disaster because you can't find anything? Then this site might provide the inspiration and meth

[SotD] September 3, 2001 [Bad Meteorology]

2001-09-02 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Monday, September 3, 2001 Bad Meteorology "It is better to communicate good information than to offer misinformation in the name of good communication." from the website The List is loathe to assume that any of its enlightened members would actually be harb

[SotD] August 31, 2001 [AVG]

2001-08-30 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Friday, August 31, 2001 Free Software of the Month - AVG It's the end of another month, so it must be time for another free software offering. Are you worried about viruses (or virii, if you prefer)? The List would like to soothe the concerns of its gentle m

[SotD] August 30, 2001 [Naval Historical Center]

2001-08-29 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Thursday, August 30, 2001 Naval Historical Center "Naval Historical Center Mission: To enhance the Navy's effectiveness by preserving, analyzing and interpreting its hard-earned experience and history for the Navy and the American people." - from the website

[SotD] August 29, 2001 [Heart Matters]

2001-08-28 Thread The Site of the Day
Site of the Day for Wednesday, August 29, 2001 Heart Matters The List knows that all its members have warm hearts and would like to direct them to a site which may provide them with some helpful information to keep those hearts beating strongly. >From The Franklin Institute of

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