Re: [Biofuel] Okay, This time I really am going to take down the list, , , , but first, please read

2017-04-17 Thread Doug Younker
I guess I'm sorta left, in more ways than one,depending who is talking 
about me. I admit I don't devote a lot of time to the email list Hover 
I'll will follow the group/list to wherever it migrates too, if it 
migrates at all.  All good things come to on end that is particularity 
true of thing that are of low or now cost to the ultimate consumer, I 
can't complain. I don't know to what degree they would be valuable will 
the archives be saved somehow?. In the event they could be compiled into 
file that's usable I would me more than happy to put such fa file in my 
peer to peer folder where the file would be support by BitTorrent 



Sustainablelorgbiofuel mailing list

[Biofuel] Jan. 2009 ARES report

2009-02-01 Thread Doug Younker
Registered members, 2, no change.
No nets No traffic.

I spoke with the two Rooks County Health Center employees, that where 
recently licensed. Somewhere along the line they got the impression that 
Public Safety personnel could use amateur radio frequencies to talk with 
amateur radio licensees. I think I actually seen the wind leave their 
sails, when I advised them, only if the PS personnel had amateur radio 
licenses also. Now I have to see if I can play this to encourage more 
people to become licensed.
Doug, N0LKK

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Re: [Biofuel] Who Owns Nature?

2008-11-23 Thread Doug Younker
Hi Keith,

Giving it all an extra moment of thought, I realize the following; 
While mankind is able to exploit the planet's resources, nature owns 
mankind. Owns us absolutely, there is no negotiation. I probably knew 
that all along, but it slips my mind, time to time.

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Keith Addison wrote:
> Hi Doug
>> Judging by the writings of Thomas Paine I ran across recently, all of
>> mankind owns our planet(nature?) in common. Agrarian Justice
> Thankyou!
>> The more history I discover, the more I wonder how the USA got from then
>> to now. And thanks for sending the link to the etc group report. Ralf
>> Nader or some one else with similar experience with corporate world,
>> should pull an Al Gore, taking this information to the people.
>> Doug, N0LKK
> All of mankind owns the planet though... Only mankind? Doesn't nature 
> own itself?
> Ecuador's new constitution includes an article that grants nature the 
> right to "exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles, 
> structure, functions and its processes in evolution" and will grant 
> legal standing to any person to defend those rights in court.
>> Ecuador has a new constitution
>> September 29, 2008
>> Voters in Ecuador appear to have approved a new constitution 
>> yesterday, guaranteeing rights to clean water, universal healthcare, 
>> pensions, and free state-run education through the university level. 
>> It also may allow President Rafael Correa to remain in power until 
>> 2017. Particularly of note is a world first bill of rights for 
>> nature which grants inalienable rights to nature.
>> The specific provisions state: (source)
>> "Chapter: Rights for Nature
>> Art. 1. Nature or Pachamama, where life is reproduced and exists, 
>> has the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital 
>> cycles, structure, functions and its processes in evolution.
>> Every person, people, community or nationality, will be able to 
>> demand the recognitions of rights for nature before the public 
>> organisms. The application and interpretation of these rights will 
>> follow the related principles established in the Constitution.
>> Art. 2. Nature has the right to an integral restoration. This 
>> integral restoration is independent of the obligation on natural and 
>> juridical persons or the State to indemnify the people and the 
>> collectives that depend on the natural systems.
>> In the cases of severe or permanent environmental impact, including 
>> the ones caused by the exploitation on non renewable natural 
>> resources, the State will establish the most efficient mechanisms 
>> for the restoration, and will adopt the adequate measures to 
>> eliminate or mitigate the harmful environmental consequences.
>> Art. 3. The State will motivate natural and juridical persons as 
>> well as collectives to protect nature; it will promote respect 
>> towards all the elements that form an ecosystem.
>> Art. 4. The State will apply precaution and restriction measures in 
>> all the activities that can lead to the extinction of species, the 
>> destruction of the ecosystems or the permanent alteration of the 
>> natural cycles.
>> The introduction of organisms and organic and inorganic material 
>> that can alter in a definitive way the national genetic patrimony is 
>> prohibited.
>> Art. 5. The persons, people, communities and nationalities will have 
>> the right to benefit from the environment and form natural wealth 
>> that will allow wellbeing.
>> The environmental services are cannot be appropriated; its 
>> production, provision, use and exploitation, will be regulated by 
>> the State."
> I think that's great!
> Best
> Keith
> ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Who Owns Nature?

2008-11-20 Thread Doug Younker
Judging by the writings of Thomas Paine I ran across recently, all of 
mankind owns our planet(nature?) in common. Agrarian Justice

The more history I discover, the more I wonder how the USA got from then 
to now. And thanks for sending the link to the etc group report. Ralf 
Nader or some one else with similar experience with corporate world, 
should pull an Al Gore, taking this information to the people.
Doug, N0LKK

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Re: [Biofuel] Bush-Led 'Disaster Capitalism' Exploits Worldwide Misery to Make a Buck

2008-07-04 Thread Doug Younker
While I understand that my country never intends to truly "liberate" 
Iraq and her citizens, but I wonder Naomi Klein understands how naive 
going on about the reported 25/75 split will be read by royalty owners 
in the United State.  25% is twice as much as royalty owners in the 
United States typically receive.In the event a conservative talk show 
host hasn't yet used that detail to discredit, the more reasonable 
points Klein offers one soon will
Doug, N0LKK

Keith Addison wrote:
> Bush-Led 'Disaster Capitalism' Exploits Worldwide Misery to Make a Buck
> By Naomi Klein, The Nation

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Re: [Biofuel] Consumers Prefer Locally Grown Food, Study Finds

2008-06-13 Thread Doug Younker

Keith Addison wrote:
> Consumers Prefer Locally Grown Food, Study Finds
> Shoppers say they're willing to pay a premium

Has anyone asked the questions Can you afford to pay a premium?  How 
much of a premium?

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Company is buying WVO

2008-06-05 Thread Doug Younker
I doubt that higher petroleum prices would mean, an appreciable increase 
in amount  waste oil is recycled, but higher prices may increase the 
demand for what of what waste oil is collected.  I would love to have a 
transport tanker full of it to sell at the  crude oil reclaiming plant a 
mile South of me. :)  Other than burning it in their diesel engined 
motor vehicles some silly people may would like to recycle it to heat 
buildings.  What is and isn't practice depends on the cost of the 
refined products from petroleum to be stating the obvious.  Anyway the 
tanker full is a daydream, but in some places those using recycled oil 
for heating purposes could be competition for the diesel driver.

 Original Message 

From: Keith Addison

Anyway, why would the price/value of waste lube oil be soaring? Do
high oil prices really mean more waste oil is being recycled? More
silly people burning it as fuel in their diesels? Just because the
price of everything else is soaring? And nobody's even blaming
"biofuels"? :-)



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Re: [Biofuel] Sweet sorghum, clean miracle crop for feed and fuel

2008-05-28 Thread Doug Younker
My understanding is that the Sorghum cane used to produce molasses is 
different that grain sorghum. Milo, but, some call it Maize as well. 
knew a man used to farm irrigated land in Southwest Kansas. He spoke of 
growing Corn and then he spoke of growing Maize.  Took me forever to 
figure out when he said Maize, he was talking about Milo.  The cane used 
to make molasses at the annual antique engine tractor event here is 
decidedly different than than grain sorghum grown in the field adjoining 
my property. We are told the sorghum grown to make the molasses at the 
event is a variety grown specifically to make molasses.  At least one 
Kansas Ethanol plant was designed around using grain sorghum. Grain 
Sorghum being a dryland crop in much of Kansas, unlike Corn.
Randy wrote:
> Sorghum is a cane crop that also produces a grain called Milo.  The grain is
> also able to be processed in much the same way as corn or oats/barley would.
> The most visible product from Sorghum is molasses style syrup that is sold
> in grocery stores.  It is the ingredient that makes gingerbread cookies as
> dark as they are.  

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Re: [Biofuel] Company is buying WVO

2008-05-23 Thread Doug Younker
Hey Keith,

Isn't that what they call the free market? :) I suspect the auto repair 
shops will wise up and find buyers that will pay more than 20 cents per 
for the oil, that carry any required liability insurance.  Assuming the 
truck buyer isn't full of it, I suspect he is.  In the event you don't 
have your tank inside a spill containment structure in may be in your 
and the store owner's best interest to do so, one that can handle a good 
rainfall as well. You don't want to experiance that sick feeling you 
will get when you see an oil slick heading downstream knowing its your 
job to stop it and clean it up.

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Re: [Biofuel] Thieves swipe used cooking oil to brew biodiesel

2008-05-23 Thread Doug Younker
Thieves are particularly bold in Wichita, KS Sedwick county.  They have 
no qualms about stealing operating outdoor AC units for metal salvage. 
Power utility crews in the area to help to restore power after an ice 
storm woke up to find their line trucks devoid of wire and cable.  Maybe 
it's time for a pipe line collection system for the WVO.

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Re: [Biofuel] Pantone-Reactor

2008-05-06 Thread Doug Younker

Fritz Friesinger wrote:
> and get more Info from there Website! Everything is in french maybe Frantz 
> coul help a little with this
> Fritz

Or you could install the Google tool bar for your browser or use 
babelfish  Babelfish 
may be something Frantz may invesigate to see if it could aid in his 

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Re: [Biofuel] New Legislation Calls for Government Ownership of DNA

2008-05-06 Thread Doug Younker
You would think here in the US someone as innocent as an infant would be 
protected by the 4th amendment.  I wonder what the fate of a child who's 
DNA profile shows them to predisposed to becoming a politician would be?

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Re: [Biofuel] 7 myths of energy independence

2008-04-27 Thread Doug Younker

Darryl McMahon wrote:
> Francene,
> have you done the test with DC-rated equipment?  Most low-cost EMF 
> testing equipment is designed for use with AC power.

I believe the Prius does use AC.

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Re: [Biofuel] We Need To Solve The Oil Crisis--Now

2008-04-27 Thread Doug Younker

Chip Mefford wrote:
  > There were a *lot* of problems with this. I'm not going to
> go into it all, in fact, I'm barely going to scratch the
> surface. But essentially, the nationwide 55mph speed limit
> was about as popular as prohibition, and caused many of
> the same problems.
That was interesting. No, not that the 55 speed limit was as popular as 
prohibition.  The idea that the 55 speed limit created problems anywhere 
near those caused by prohibition.  Please go into it, I may have missed 
something during those years, unless you where exercising your right to 

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] We Need To Solve The Oil Crisis--Now

2008-04-27 Thread Doug Younker

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> I am in favor of new laws - only if you recind an old one. There are
> so many laws now the only way you know you are breaking one is if
> they pinch you. Kirk

I can't recall a time when I first learned of a law is when I was 
pinched.  I'm still relatively young, perhaps there is time for me to 
experience this yet. :)  What guarantee is there that any old law 
rescinded would be on that should be rescinded? An idea that could bite 
us in the butt if it had any chance of being implemented.

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Re: [Biofuel] plug in kit for hybrid

2008-04-13 Thread Doug Younker
I did understand that the unit has batteries of it's own, for some 
reason I got the impression the unit also recharged the vehicle's 
original  batteries as well. 

robert and benita wrote:

> I've read that Toyota isn't standing by their hybrid systems after 
> the warranty period is up.  People who've bought early Priuses (Priii?) 
> are complaining that they can't get service for their hybrid drives 
> anymore.  My Camry has a 7 year warranty on the battery and drive 
> system, but once that's up, I can do whatever I want with the thing.
> The "plug in" system Kirk linked us to replaces the NiMH battery 
> pack with Lithium polymer batteries.  I don't think the manufacturers 
> will cover that at all, and I also wonder about insurance . . .

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Re: [Biofuel] plug in kit for hybrid

2008-04-10 Thread Doug Younker

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> Kit converts hybrid to plug in electric

What do the hybrid manufacturers have to say about the use of outboard 
battery chargers? Will the use affect the manufacturers warranty of the 
vehicle's batteries?

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Re: [Biofuel] Coal on the Ropes

2008-03-08 Thread Doug Younker
The Holcomb power plant in SW Kansas is a topic of particular interest 
to me, because it now will affect what I pay for power from the grid. 
I'm certain 10 cent electrical power is going to be a thing of the past. 
Considering it's reported that $200 million is still owed on the plant 
constructed 30 some years ago.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] WVO squeeze

2007-12-14 Thread Doug Younker
I would really doubt a label on the barrel would deter  "dumpster
divers". The only down sides I could imagine are; that by claiming 
ownership, you would be making yourself liable. For example if the oil 
would happen to leak into the environment for any reason, you may be 
held responsible for the costs of cleanup. A cost that could get very 
high if the WVO ever got onto water.  As it is now the restaurants' 
liability insurance should cover it, but I'm sure a smile will come 
across the insurance adjustor's face the moment they see a "property of 
label" of someone other than their insured party.  Rural or not the 
label may make responsible for any regulations your state may have 
regarding WVO storage, collection,disposal.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Thomas Kelly wrote:
> Hello, Is there any down side to placing a small barrel (15 or 30
> gal/ ~ 55 or 115L) at restaurants for them to put their WVO in? I ask
> because I am finding increased "hijacking" of "my" WVO. This despite
> owners assuring me that they tell anyone who asks for the WVO: "No.
> We already have someone picking it up" (me). The restaurants I
> collect from have a nice, friendly, but informal relationship. They
> put plastic containers (cubies) out for me. I pick them up once a
> week. I noticed a plastic WVO barrel beside an veg oil dumpster that
> I used to pump oil from when I ran short. The chef said they put it
> in the barrel for a "local guy". The WVO in the barrel seems to be
> left untouched. It doesn't have a label. I thought a label like
> "Property of T Kelly" might discourage "hijackers"  .  or does it
> just alert the powers that be to come bust my chops? I live in rural
> New York (USA).
> Comments appreciated, Tom

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Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Rumsfeld flees France fearingarrest

2007-11-12 Thread Doug Younker
Well all they would have to do is stay within the United States. I really
can't recall either of them being globe trotters prior to their 
election.  I'm not so sure the action of the French officials has any 
thing to do with the status of their balls.  They where safely in their 
home country and if they didn't feel the popular opinion of their 
countrymen was behind them they wouldn't have made the attempt.  The new 
era of Mutual  Assured Destruction will be tempering the actions of 
other counties for some time yet.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

> ??? Wouldn't it be nice if Bush and Cheney get chased around like
> this when they get out of office. War criminals on the run from the
> law, for the rest of their days. ??? Maybe they may even be made
> examples of if the international community had any balls, as we
> Americans, seem to have lost ours.

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Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Rumsfeld flees France fearingarrest....................................

2007-11-08 Thread Doug Younker
I don't believe eternity is long enough to discuss tit for tat. Perhaps 
if weren't for some American businessmen empowering Hitler, history may 
have been different. Of course we ignore the US's effective genocide. 
Forgetting about those German Nazi collaborators that the US shielded 
and brought into the USA? Of course both Osama and Saddam where allies 
of the US.

As for the story I find it odd that credit is given for an author or the 
agency that released it. Along with the date was nearly a week ago.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Mark Cookson wrote:
> This from a nation who collaborated with Germany during the 2nd world
>  war, rounded up their own French resistance fighters for execution,  and
>  then had the brass neck to charge the Jews the railway fare whilst they
>  were shipped to the death camps in cattle trucks. And not only allowed
>  the people responsible to remain in France but remain in government
>  office for the rest of their lives.
>  Not forgetting building the underground control bunkers in Iraq and
>  selling them an airforce
>  If charity begins at home where does justice live these days?
> Mark

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Re: [Biofuel] Open letter from Islam to Christianity

2007-10-23 Thread Doug Younker

swalms wrote:
> Perhaps they should state they deplore the attacks of 911. or do they?

Respectfully that's no more than looking for an excuse to reject 
something.  Anyway what's the word on European and US Christian leaders 
deploring the policies of their respective countries that result in many 
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] The great Iraqi swindle

2007-10-21 Thread Doug Younker

Mike Weaver wrote:
> *"And we keep getting richer but we can't get our picture
> On the cover of the Rolling Stone"
> -Dr Hook

Curses. Thanks to you that tune will be stuck in my head for hours.

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Re: [Biofuel] Re-inventing the 3 wheel

2007-10-16 Thread Doug Younker
No matter the Japanese auto manufacturers  spin it, the car is going to 
be basically a machine for getting around. And always will play a role 
in pollution and, in accidents. Transforming it into a friendly 
"companion" ain't gonna change those facts. Perhaps they are mesmerized 
by the Sony robots, nice doggy :) ...
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] FFA decolorization

2007-10-10 Thread Doug Younker
Whew!  For a moment there I though the Future Farmers of America lost their trademark colors. :)
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA

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Re: [Biofuel] Israeli nuclear reactor

2007-09-23 Thread Doug Younker

A new twist on MAD? The risk of your home being effected by your use of 
nuclear weapons on close in targets, deters your use of them?
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> The estimates I heard wasnt 200. It was 600 bombs. As for tritium I think it 
> has a lot of uses. What possible use could Israel have for H bombs? I suppose 
> that has little bearing on their ambitions though. Collective insanity.
>   Kirk

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Re: [Biofuel] The DC Establishment vs American Public Opinion

2007-09-23 Thread Doug Younker

John Mullan wrote:
> It's not a war, it's an occupation.
That sound like a bumper sticker
> Can't pull out the troops.  If they were withdrawn, the security of the oil
> won't be assured.
10-15-20-25-30 years down the road I suspect that will remain the situation.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] From the Bin Laden tape

2007-09-23 Thread Doug Younker
I see nothing that hasn't been stated before by others. Much of this was 
history prior to Bin Laden and the Afghan Mujahideen  accepting U. S. 
aid in their Jihad against the Soviets occupying Afghanistan. He is no 
discerning in, who he allies with no more than, the the U. S. has been. 
Neither care about the means, as long as the results are favorable to them.

Even after reading the transcript, unless I missed something, the only 
solution he offers is our accepting the Islam and the Quran. He knew 
full well lost practically all who stayed with his letter to that point. 
I don't know if he is aware that, myself and others are certain, he and 
other Islam extremists, along with their Quran are as morally ambiguous 
as, the self-described moral majority and their Bible are. Bin Laden is 
one more ass who only seeks peace on his unconditional terms of 
surrender, understanding it will be rejected. Interesting the accuser, 
learned lessons in deception well, from those he accuses of deception.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Keith Addison wrote:
> Full transcript:
> This version edited and condensed by Michael Dickinson
> ... After examining the transcribed text of Osama's address, I found 
> much of what he said made sense to me.  After condensing and editing, 
> this following version of the speech might make sense to you too -  

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[Biofuel] [Fwd: Re: FW: Live from congress]

2007-09-19 Thread Doug Younker

 Original Message 

did you notice the Onion logo in the lower right?

Not until you mentioned it.  Cleverly hidden in the "C" of C-SPAN.

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Re: [Biofuel] Smashing Capitalism

2007-08-30 Thread Doug Younker
IMO it's because that large percentage has been lead to believe that 
personal empires that will be inherited by their children, is a 
birthright, that large majority will not accept "modest".  I'm not so 
sure where that leaves the minority?
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

>to   Biofuel List   from   Lewis L Smith
> My professional judgment is this   >
> Sustained mass "wealth" is probably unsustainable for environmental reasons, 
> but a modest level of dignity and prosperity for a large percentage of the 
> people is not, provided the population of the World can be stabilized.
> Cordially. ###

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Re: [Biofuel] Smashing Capitalism

2007-08-30 Thread Doug Younker
But isn't sustained "mass wealth" "leg" a pipe dream?  What do we need 
to to prevent that  weak loose leg from, poking us in the butt, as the 
stool crashes to the floor?
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

>   to Biofuel List  from   Lewis L Smith
> I am old enough to remember with affection the pre-WW II Sears catalogue. M 
> Weaver is right. Mr. Ford and Mr. Sears had it very clear in their heads that 
> mass prosperity, mass production and mass distribution constitute a 
> three-legged stool. You can have a healthy economy or an upright stool 
> without all three 
> legs.
> Cordially.   ###

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Re: [Biofuel] The Case for the Electric Tractor

2007-08-29 Thread Doug Younker

John Ferree wrote:
> For a veggie farm. . . .
> john
Such a conversion could be suitable for the VI Case sitting here in the 
yard. But it isn't typical of the tractors used around here.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] The Case for the Electric Tractor

2007-08-26 Thread Doug Younker

Larry Ruebush wrote:
> PTO IS USED during planting and cultivating. Often used to run the planter 
> or sprayer.
> Larry Ruebush
> west central IL
I stand corrected. I'll pay a bit more attention when my my neighbors 
drill in the wheat this fall.
Doug, N0LKK

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Re: [Biofuel] The Case for the Electric Tractor

2007-08-25 Thread Doug Younker
Perhaps I'm reading the article too critically. Diesel tractors do not 
need the PTO to operate cultivation and seeding implements, that I'm 
aware of, so it would stand to reason an electric tractor wouldn't 
either. Desi el or electric a PTO will required to operate some crop 
harvesting implements.  Yes in the past their operation was powered by 
the wheels of horse pulled ancestors. I would have to think their 
wouldn't be enough time in a 24 hour day for a modern versions of the to 
do the amount of work powered equipment in a much shorter, but still 
plenty long,work day.  The AC and they hydraulics will need power, 
perhaps the hydraulics will provide enough heat for the cab during the 
winter.  Certaintly they will be quieter, but hear the chirping birds 
quit, may be a stretch  I'm sure electric tractors will have to be a 
part of the solution, so it will be interesting to see how they take 
shape and if over the road electric tractors will be developed alongside 
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Weapons of mass destruction finally found

2007-08-17 Thread Doug Younker
In this Catholic area, 2-3-4 kids seems to be typical, but 6 or more 
isn't unheard of. I would have a difficult time labeling any of those 
women anything less then empowered.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Zeke Yewdall wrote:
> On 8/16/07, Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  the evidence shows that as people's economic
>> situation improves, as soon as they're not too poverty-stricken to
>> feed their children, their breeding rate slows right down.
>> The surefire way to do that is to empower the women, and especially
>> to educate the women.
> Statistically, this probably is true.  But in my experience, portions
> of the US are not doing very well at this.  The Mormon church in Utah
> (about 60 of my relatives) still seems to be averaging 4 or more
> children per family, even in good economic situations.  True, this is
> way less than alot of the developing world, but still way higher than
> most of the developed world.  I'm not as familiar with the evangelical
> movement in the US, but I get them impression that empowering women is
> not a high priority of theirs either.
> Z
> ___
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Re: [Biofuel] Dick Cheney is right

2007-08-17 Thread Doug Younker
Respectfully this is old news.  Americans ignored it when it was trotted 
out before the run up to the Iraq invasion.  Even with the fact his 
words have proven true, I doubt that many more Americans are going to 
care today. I don't believe it would change things if there where. 
This Administration is suicidally stubborn and this Congress is too 
timid to figuratively grab the administration by the lapels and throw it 
against a wall and proceed to pound some sense into it.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel in V6 diesel engine

2007-08-17 Thread Doug Younker

Jason Mier wrote:
> thats because the old american diesels were poorly designed (being 
> modified gassers) and burned out after a few sickly weak years.

Robert's post pointed out the myth about the GM Diesels being modified 
Oldsmobile Gasoline engines.  Oddly, wikipedia articles both perpetuate 
and dispel the myth.  Most likely I hadn't seen a vehicle equipped with 
a GM V6 diesel is because this is an agriculture and oil field area. 
Full sized family sedans where expected to be able to work as hard as a 
pickup if need be and would have V8 power.  Many around here do miss the 
availability pickups and full sized sedans with the GM 5.7 diesel.  Just 
too far away from the big cities to buy imported models.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel in V6 diesel engine

2007-08-16 Thread Doug Younker

Zeke Yewdall wrote:

> I vaguely remember a 6 cylinder 4.3 liter version of the early 80's GM
> 5.7 liter diesel but alot of people don't consider those suitable
> for running diesel in, let alone biodiesel. supports your 
recollection. I never knew anyone who owned a vehicle so equipped.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] $1-billion worth of water pouring out of leaking lines - Niagara Falls Review - 2007.07.12

2007-08-15 Thread Doug Younker
Approaching comparing apple to oranges here, so I have to agree with 
Kirk.  The loss associated with the transportation of electrical power 
are known expected loss, loss that little can be done to prevent.  The 
loss of water in the transportation of the water in this example is due 
to the deterioration of the transporting equipment.  Again expected, but 
tolerated until the cost of loss nears the cost of repairs or 
replacement, just SOP.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> yes, but they represent reasonable engineering. The water mains are 
> deferred maintenance. A different kind of engineering I suppose.
> */Paul S Cantrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> Funny thing, that's not funny is, about 50% of the energy contained in
> coal makes it to the power outlet.
> The rest is lost to heat loss, line losses and transformer losses.

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Re: [Biofuel] Biodiesel in V6 diesel engine

2007-08-14 Thread Doug Younker

Zeke Yewdall wrote:
> Ummm.  I don't know anyone who makes a V-6 diesel engine.  What's it
> in, how old is it, and who manufactured it.

Some of the Detroit 2 cycle diesels where, are? available in a V6 
configuration. I remember that my dad's first oil well servicing rig was 
power by a V6 71 DD.  Wikipedia reveals that the  V configuration was 
introduced in 1957.

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Pepsi Forced to Admit It's....

2007-08-04 Thread Doug Younker

Fritz Friesinger wrote:
> Hey Jeromie,
> whats wrong with kids running in the streets?

I'm guessing the potential to becoming road kill?
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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[Biofuel] Speaking of bottled water

2007-08-04 Thread Doug Younker
I just brought in a case of the Ozarka brand of water that I purchase 
yesterday.  Emblazoned on the shrink wrap was the announcement that now 
30% less plastic is used to make the bottles.

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Crosspost: Home-Front Ecology

2007-07-21 Thread Doug Younker

Yes it's a matter of scale, that's probably why I referenced it, instead 
of ignoring it. You mentioned urban not village, "Mention of urban 
horses. Now there's an idea worth looking at". The current calender year 
is 2007 not 1907, much less 1808. I have too believe you would have a 
hard time finding even a rural community that is far removed from 
dodging animal emissions, willing to start doing so again on a voluntary 
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Dawie Coetzee wrote:
> As with everything else, it's a matter of scale. I was seeing a handful 
> of village drayhorses, not London, 1880! -D

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Re: [Biofuel] Crosspost: Home-Front Ecology

2007-07-19 Thread Doug Younker
Considering it's our grandparents generation that was a part of the 
group that put us on the consumptive path we have been on, I'm not so 
sure what they would have to teach us.  Perhaps after surviving the 
hardships of the Depression and WWII, they thought it was their and 
America's due to do so.  Today I have to think an insufficient number of 
Americans believe we are facing a crisis of such seriousness an 
extraordinary effort on their part ist required.

About urban horses, don't forget that that motor vehicles where thought 
to be the cities savior when it came to animal emissions.  As far as I 
know no technology has been developed to reduce animal emissions

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Dawie Coetzee wrote:
> Mention of urban horses. Now there's an idea worth looking at. -D
> [Fwd: [sfbike] from the indispensable mike davis : home-front ecology]
> what the USA can do when it tries

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Re: [Biofuel] Old wisdom unites to solve global dilemmas

2007-07-19 Thread Doug Younker
While I don't mean to disrespect the effort, this more a think tank than 
a council.  Council or think tank, I didn't read about any commitment 
from anyone in a position to be a part of creating public policy , to 
use the counsel of the council in creating public policy.  Perhaps it's 
value will  be in creating a stronger grass roots movement.  Time will 
tell, as they say.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Fw: water and electricity as fuel!

2007-07-17 Thread Doug Younker
Peak Coal, Peak Oil, any guesses how long to Peak Water? A recent 
editorial by our small town weekly publisher, along with my 
Congressman's email newsletter reinforces, few in leadership positions 
are ready suggest that we conserve resources. I guess  some of those who 
call themselves conservatives have no interest in being conservative 
when it come to consuming shared natural resources.

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Re: [Biofuel] Magic Compost Enhancer

2007-07-14 Thread Doug Younker

Mike Weaver wrote:
> Foxfire.  Used to be my bible - are they still around?
> -Weaver

At this point we all have seen where Keith directed us to where can find 
the foxfire volumes as pdf files and pointed us to where there may be other interesting 
material, tnx Keith.  As for the volumes being the "bible",  I don't 
know enough to be sure about that.  Volume five's appearance at the book 
store coincided with my begging interest in Blacksmithing.  The concept 
was compelling enough that I would have bought the other volumes if they 
would have appeared on the shelf, they didn't so I have only volume five 
5 in paperback.  For me the foxfire series are more history than 
anything else, they do make a decent reference in regards to some 
technical details. I wished all areas of the country picked up on the 
concept and created their own foxfire like projects. In regards to 
foxfire itself visit
Doug, N0LKK

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Re: [Biofuel] biofuel specific?

2007-07-13 Thread Doug Younker
Another member mention filters/message rules, that's how manage the 
volume of email I elected to receive. I use the filters to direct new 
email from each list into it's own folder.  That way the email in my 
inbox are the ones that may really need my attention.  When I turn my 
attention to the specialized folders, I may elect to delete all the new 
posts there based on the subject lines or read those of interest.  After 
you get used to using the filters you will discover how to refine the 
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Kurt Schasker wrote:
> Biofuelers:
> I have been lurking on this list for awhile, but never actually
> participated. 
> I am wondering if there is some way I could filter the posts to read
> only those that directly related to biofuel issues?

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Re: [Biofuel] Magic Compost Enhancer

2007-07-12 Thread Doug Younker

robert and benita rabello wrote:

> Indeed!  And they need "technology" to separate urine?  Grief!  A 
> plastic jugg next to the toilet will do.  This saves water, and my maize 
> plants are SO much happier . . .
> robert luis rabello

In the event Law enforcement ever sees your urine collection, you may be 
a terrorist suspect or suspect of operating a meth lab. Urine can be 
processed to extract potassium nitrate.  Volume 5 of the Foxfire book 
series details how it was done in the old days for use in manufacturing 
black powder. apearently the urine from met users is processed to 
recover ephedrine
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Headlines

2007-07-05 Thread Doug Younker
Obviously "humor" for  targeted audience and posting to his list may 
have been off target.  Beyond that I'm unsure if, "Iran still closed 
off" is any more or any less callous than, "Massachusetts executes last 
remaining conservative". Oh well, it's nothing I would forward on, no 
matter how many times I receive it.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Keith Addison wrote:
> Bob, sorry but I have to ask, would you still think it's just a break 
> from the gloom and doom if it said this?
>> New Zealand still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at 
>> least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.
> Or the UK, Ireland, the Cape of Good Hope, or wherever it is that you 
> call home?
> That's not humour, IMHO, not even black humour, it's sheer mindless 
> callousness on quite a breathtaking scale.
> Anyway, what doom and gloom are you referring to, particularly?
> Best wishes
> Keith

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Re: [Biofuel] Plastic bag revolt spreads across Britain

2007-06-26 Thread Doug Younker
:) on reading the bag recycling method. my thought process ran; I just 
washed them, why would I want them to fall on *my* floor?  Besides that 
the inside of the bag is what ends up needing the cleaning.  On 
recycling glass milk bottles, how much higher would the energy input be? 
Hot water to sterilize them for re-use. Heavier trucking loads, both 
ways.  I'm not old enough to remember dry bulk goods, I don't recall my 
parent's generation mentioning it.  I always they where prepackaged in 
paper like flour and some sugar still is today, before plastic arrived.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Keith Addison wrote:

> You haven't seen our kitchen floor. You must be a city slicker.
> Storage bags are okay, and useful (ziplock), it's the shopping bags 
> that cause the problems.
> Don't plastic bags come from oil wells?
> When I was a kid the stores had the dry-goods stuff (beans, grains 
> and so on) in wooden bins and barrels, they scooped it out onto 
> scales on the counter and then tipped it into a paper bag for you. 
> Greens and fruit were also in paper bags, or wooden boxes or hessian 
> sacks. Milk was in returnable bottles, bread was wrapped in tissue in 
> a brown paper bag, can't remember how the meat got packed but the 
> butcher cut it for you while you waited (greaseproof paper?), same at 
> the fishmonger.
> I guess we'll have all that again, if the local food movement has its 
> way. Just in case you thought I was being nostalgic, not at all, 
> looking to the future. :-)
> Best
> Keith

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Re: [Biofuel] Plastic bag revolt spreads across Britain

2007-06-25 Thread Doug Younker
Butcher paper is still in use in a few stores around here, as well.  The 
end of plastic bags would put an end to the paper or plastic question 
and, that would put an end to my baffling carry outs. I answer the 
question with "plastic, support the local economy".  Seldom do they make 
the connection of the plastic bags, to the local petroleum production.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Thomas Kelly wrote:
>  My local market still cuts meat while you wait or while you shop. 
> You can also call in an order so it will be cut, wrapped and ready when 
> you arrive.
>  It is wrapped in a thick paper, perhaps wax coated. They tear it 
> off a big roll, wrap the cut of meat, and use the price sticker to 
> keep the paper from unwrapping. The same paper is used to wrap cold cuts 
> (sliced ham, turkey, roast beef) and cheese. Just picked some up.

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Re: [Biofuel] U.S. government fights to keep meatpackers from testing all slaughtered cattle for mad cow

2007-06-05 Thread Doug Younker

Mike Weaver wrote:
> So why doesn't Creekstone just test in Canada or Mexico or anywhere the
> USDA doesn't have jurisdiction?
> Fedex.
Long ways to truck cattle to extract a sample.  Why would anyone in 
those countries risk it?  Now the USA is now bring people who have never 
previously step foot in the USA, to imprison them for violating US law.

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] U.S. government fights to keep meatpackers from testing all slaughtered cattle for mad cow

2007-06-05 Thread Doug Younker
Ah Keith and the group,

Respectfully you don't understand that the testing for BSE is 
unscientific.  Kansas Representative Jerry Moran has told us so.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Governments using filters to censor Internet, survey finds

2007-05-21 Thread Doug Younker

M&K DuPree wrote:
> Anyone know how JTF List members can know if JTF is ever filtered?  
> Would each member stop receiving posts to the List?  Would we each 
> receive only certain posts?  Thanks in advance for any ideas, comment.  
> Mike DuPree

As I read the article what was labeled, "filtering" would more 
accurately be called, blocking access to to web content.  As in the U. 
S. military recent action of blocking service personnel's access to 
myspace, youtube along with other web pages.   This access is blocked 
when using military computers, LANs, but not from other internet access 
options like home and public computers.
Doug, N0LKK

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Re: [Biofuel] crosspost [Alternative_Medicine_Forum] EMF-Omega-News 28. April 2007

2007-04-28 Thread Doug Younker

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> cell phones should be reserved for emergencies only.

That may or may not be wise advise, I don't know and, doubt anyone knows 
for certain.  I am fairly certain if everyone followed that advise there 
would be no cell phone network and if there where, service would be 
prohibitively expensive to own one for emergencies.  Yes prepay phones 
and air time are cheap to purchase to have on for emergency use.  But 
those who purchase service contracts actually subsidize they prepay 
users.  A $15 refurb phone, $15 activation fee and 15* cents a minute 
ain't gonna pay the bills. :)

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.
* all prices are what it costs for Altell's pay-per-minute, the best 
prepay option in my area.

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Re: [Biofuel] Federally Funded Boffins Want To Scrap The Internet

2007-04-22 Thread Doug Younker
And here I have been suspecting a network, not accessible to the general 
public, has been in operation all this time.  Did everyone save their 
software from the telephone BBS days?  Where currently the focus is on 
the internet, I wonder how many, if any, subversive groups are currently 
using a BBS for their cause?  In general I wonder how many general 
interest groups, subversive or not are prepared to move to a BBS, if 
circumstances, suggest such a move may be needed.  Of course operating 
one now is going to be cheaper than back when,it will still cost. 
Participant will be required to put in a few dollars a month, but that 
can only weed out the less serious.  The fact of the matter is their are 
still plenty of people in the U.S. who still don't own a computer, much 
less use the internet.  Even if they have an aversion to "big brother", 
they aren't likely put any effort into keeping any networks payed for by 
public dollars open to the public.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Keith Addison wrote:
> Lots of hotlinks in the Web version. - K
> --
> April 21, 2007 
> Federally Funded Boffins Want To Scrap The Internet
> Seeking further funding from Congress for "clean slate" projects
> by Steve Watson
> Global Research, April 18, 2007
> Researchers funded by the federal government want to shut down the 
> internet and start over, citing the fact that at the moment there are 
> loopholes in the system whereby users cannot be tracked and traced 
> all the time.
> Time magazine has reported that several foundations and universities 
> including Rutgers, Stanford, Princeton, Carnegie Mellon and the 
> Massachusetts Institute of Technology are pursuing individual 
> projects, along with the Defense Department, in order to wipe out the 
> current internet and replace it with a new network which will satisfy 
> big business and government:
> One challenge in any reconstruction, though, will be balancing the 
> interests of various constituencies. The first time around, 
> researchers were able to toil away in their labs quietly. Industry is 
> playing a bigger role this time, and law enforcement is bound to make 
> its needs for wiretapping known.
> There's no evidence they are meddling yet, but once any research 
> looks promising, "a number of people (will) want to be in the drawing 
> room," said Jonathan Zittrain, a law professor affiliated with Oxford 
> and Harvard universities. "They'll be wearing coats and ties and 
> spilling out of the venue."
> The projects echo moves we have previously reported on to clamp down 
> on internet neutrality and even to designate a new form of the 
> internet known as Internet 2.
> This would be a faster, more streamlined elite equivalent of the 
> internet available to users who were willing to pay more for a much 
> improved service. providers may only allow streaming audio and video 
> on your websites if you were eligible for Internet 2.
> Of course, Internet 2 would be greatly regulated and only 
> "appropriate content" would be accepted by an FCC or government 
> bureau. Everything else would be relegated to the "slow lane" 
> internet, the junkyard as it were. Our techie rulers are all too keen 
> to make us believe that the internet as we know it is "already dead".
> Google is just one of the major companies preparing for internet 2 by 
> setting up hundreds of "server farms" through which eventually all 
> our personal data - emails, documents, photographs, music, movies - 
> will pass and reside.
> However, experts state that the "clean slate" projects currently 
> being undertaken go even further beyond projects like Internet2 and 
> National LambdaRail, both of which focus primarily on next-generation 
> needs for speed.
> In tandem with broad data retention legislation currently being 
> introduced worldwide, such "clean slate" projects may represent a 
> considerable threat to the freedom of the internet as we know it. EU 
> directives and US proposals for data retention may mean that any 
> normal website or blog would have to fall into line with such new 
> rules and suddenly total web regulation would become a reality.
> In recent months, a chorus of propaganda intended to demonize the 
> Internet and further lead it down a path of strict control has spewed 
> forth from numerous establishment organs:
> * In a display of bi-partisanship, there have recently been 
> calls for all out mandatory ISP snooping on all US citizens by both 
> Democrats and Republicans alike.
> * Republican Senator John McCain recently tabled a proposal to 
> introduce legislation that would fine blogs up to $300,000 for 
> offensive statements, photos and videos posted by visitors on comment 
> boards. It is well known that McCain has a distaste for his 
> blogosphere critics, causing a definite conflict of interest where 
> any proposal to restrict blogs on his par

Re: [Biofuel] man pays $520 electric bill in pennies

2007-03-13 Thread Doug Younker
I suspect  Ameren CIPS will be instituting a policy, where they will not 
accept cash payments in cash,  below a certain denomination.  I recall a 
case where it was revealed while US coins are legal tender, for amounts 
less than a dollar, but I can't find a reference to it.

In regards to nationalization.  I suspect that those who now are reaping 
the profits, will be the ones reaping the profit, after any nationalization.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> necessities of life shouldnt be available to exploitation by piggish folks-
> like the electricity corporations and natural gas.
> Nationalize oil!
> Kirk

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Re: [Biofuel] Al Gore's 'Inconvenient Truth' Power Use

2007-02-28 Thread Doug Younker
OK, one more hypocrite in a nation full of them.  When I read someone 
harping about an electric gate, I have to think how much more of the 
article contains other silly concerns.

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Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Fake Drug, Fake Illness & People believe it!

2007-02-27 Thread Doug Younker
Havidol cute, but I doubt most people see "have it all", until after 
they learn it's a hoax.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Fund new technology to curb climate change: oilexecutive - - 2007.02.20

2007-02-27 Thread Doug Younker
My guess is,  a want to be President, wouldn't select an ineligible 
running  mate.  In the event he where to do so and was elected and died, 
the VP would have to step aside for the Speaker of the House At this 
time there are two persons in the presidential line of succession who 
appear to be ineligible to serve as President of the USA.  The 
Constitution doesn't address any presidential line of succession, it 
exists  by an act of Congress.  Surely it will be the Supreme Court who 
really decides.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Jason& Katie wrote:
> yknow, if someone not born in ameri-co. were to be VP, and the prez died or 
> quit, how would they handle that?

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Re: [Biofuel] Fund new technology to curb climate change: oil executive - - 2007.02.20

2007-02-26 Thread Doug Younker

Review that again. Nobody alive today meets that 14 year residency 
requirement. You would have to be as old as the adoption of the 
Constitution PLUS 14 years. Bottom line is, if weren't born here you 
can't be, top dog.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

robert and benita rabello wrote:
> Randall wrote:
>> Robert,
>> Unless I am just missing something basic...if you are over 35 years old, a 
>> natural born citizen of the US, and have lived in the US for 14 years, you 
>> are qualified.  I don't read anywhere that it says that you have to be a 
>> resident for the last 14 years prior to running for election.  Plus, don't 
>> forget...there are other national offices.  :-)
>> --Randall
>> US Constitution, Article II, Section 1
>> No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, 
>> at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the 
>> office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who 
>> shall not have attained to the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen 
>> years a resident within the United States.
> Ok, I looked at my copy of the Constitution and you're right.  I'd 
> read the 14 years' residency requirement to mean 14 years immediately 
> prior to running for office.  Vote for me!!!
> Although, I don't really WANT the job . . .
> robert luis rabello
> "The Edge of Justice"
> "The Long Journey"
> New Adventure for Your Mind
> Ranger Supercharger Project Page
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
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Re: [Biofuel] Is the Deadly Crash of Our Civilization Inevitable?

2007-02-17 Thread Doug Younker

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Fred Oliff wrote:
> "screw the meek", they have had over 2000 years to do something and have 
> not, doth quote the Onion

  OK-who did the Onion Quote? Or should that be The Onion saith...

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] The Anti-Empire Report

2007-02-16 Thread Doug Younker
I'm sure that's what the bible thumpers want us to believe, but I'm not 
sure that is the case. Ever notice how those who seek to use the bible 
to say America is doomed always use words from the bible that don't 
require them to change. Always the other persons fault.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Joe Street wrote:
> And witness how our entertainment media is obsessed with violent and 
> scandalous subject matter, our sports become increasingly violent and 
> individual members of our society tend toward increasing levels of 
> egocentricity and self indulgence.  Didn' similar things happen in the 
> times leading up to the collapse of previous empires?
> Joe

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Re: [Biofuel] The Anti-Empire Report

2007-02-16 Thread Doug Younker
Aztec, Inca, Maya, I believe two of those flourished, and met their 
demise sometime before, the European discovery of the "new world". I 
just don't remember by world history as well as I should. I was in High 
School, when I figured out those indigenous to the American Continents, 
where no less civilized, and no more barbaric than the Europeans who 
"discovered" them.  However that was not the conditioning expected of me.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Jason& Katie wrote:
> i thought the South American empires were wiped out by the europeans 
> before they had the chance to kill themselves off?

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Re: [Biofuel] Don't worry England will look after you

2007-02-03 Thread Doug Younker
Far out the Queen doesn't fancy Kansas.  I can still have my beer cold, 

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Re: [Biofuel] Inner Space

2007-01-29 Thread Doug Younker
Not that I'm saying I would fully comprehend any explanation, but it 
would been nice to be informed what it was that I was viewing. Was this 
a depiction of something that was actually observed, or an artist's 
rendering of what is believed to be taking place?  While it was visually 
stunning, but I'm left with nothing.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> Inner Space
> Darwin based his theory of evolution on the assumption that cells were
> simple blobs of protoplasm. As this short video demonstrates, they are
> anything but and, as such, a good argument of why evolution is
> impossible as a viable theory (though not as a matter of very blind
> faith, perhaps).
> The walker was one of my favourites.
> Kirk
> Don't get soaked. Take a quick peak at the forecast < 
> with theYahoo! Search weather shortcut. < 
> ___
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> 6:48 PM

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Re: [Biofuel] Reference to Real ID Act in State of the Union

2007-01-28 Thread Doug Younker
My response was about Greg Palast's editorial, *not* any error on your 
part, Mike.  As I said Palast makes valid points about "big brother", 
but I wouldn't forward that editorial on to anyone, that I would want to 
convince of an impending problem.  Why?  His misrepresentation of the 
purpose of the  Strategic Petroleum Reserve, may give others reason to 
question the remainder of the editorial. I went on to state my opinion, 
that not only Palast is guilty of misrepresentation. That many on both 
sides of an issue rely in part of ignorance of their targeted readers. 
the USA inc. is a simple way to express my take on the state of affairs 
in our county.  Going further IMO the patriot act may be evidence the 
terrorists have already won.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

M&K DuPree wrote:
> Doug...not sure what is your point.  Could you please restate in other 
> words?  Not sure if it's your use of commas or what but I'm not 
> understanding your point.  Also, I made a mistake in my remark...New 
> Hampshire has NOT rejected Real ID.  I've written to the source of my remark 
> and pointed this out.  As I've stated elsewhere, shame on me for not 
> exercising my own due diligence, a lesson learned, which I hope will be 
> helpful to others also.  Mike DuPree

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Re: [Biofuel] 6 stroke motor

2007-01-28 Thread Doug Younker
The referenced article mentions steam multiple times, Jason.  Google 
reveals there is another flavor of a 6 stroke engine , that doesn't seem to be linked with 
Crower's.  I just just can't wrap my imagination around either of them.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Jason& Katie wrote:
> i think weve seen his 6 cycle work before, but i dont remember anything 
> about steam, maybe a new experiment in the series?

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Re: [Biofuel] Reference to Real ID Act in State of the Union

2007-01-28 Thread Doug Younker
I read this from Greg Palast earlier.  Too bad he calls into question, 
valid points about big "brother", by mis-characterizing  The Strategic 
Petroleum Reserve.  No matter what side of the issue Palast is not the 
only commentator, to give cause to question their remarks, with obvious 
spin.  I suppose no matter what stripes the politicians and media wears 
they think the remainder of the population is ignorant. :(
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

M&K DuPree wrote:
> I wish Palast would have referenced outright H.R.1268, Title II (the 
> Real ID Act) in this article, but he makes the point of concern to all 
> US citizens anyway.  By the way, New Hampshire has rejected this Act 
> (  *What are you doing 
> to get your State Reps to do same?*  *To get Federal Reps to 
> rescind?* Also, pay attention to Palast's reference to Choice Point.  
> This is the outsourcing of the implementation of Real ID to private 
> industry and the total exposure of our private information without 
> benefit of the Privacy Act (see 
> ). I'm tellin ya...*GET INVOLVED* or you WILL 
> hate yourself the morning of May 11, 2008.  Mike DuPree

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Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Mark Your Calendar!

2007-01-28 Thread Doug Younker
Well I guess that is the American way, Mike.  Sucker punch anyone who 
isn't doing your bidding. ;)  Friday nights are Kansas legislator night 
on Smoky Hills Public TV.  Never occurred to me to call in and ask them 
about the real ID Act.  Really hard to guess how the legislators in my 
part of state would vote.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

M&K DuPree wrote:
> My response to this forward you have fellow citizens who do 
> same, who won't get involved when they really need to?  REJECT REAL 
> ID...Mike DuPree

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Re: [Biofuel] 6 stroke motor

2007-01-27 Thread Doug Younker
Yea I guess peak usable or peak easily attainable would be more 
accurate, but awkward.  Doug S.; Yes water vapor will condense and fall 
to the planet's surface SOMEWHERE, however replenishing to it's original 
source may be  a bit of chance. Particularly if the source was an 
underground aquafier .  When I worked in the oil patch I aften 
introduced chemicals into prehistoric "oceans"   deep underground.  As I 
did so I often wondered if I was permanately polluting a potential 
source of water that may be needed no matter the cost.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Zeke Yewdall wrote:
> It's not so much peak water, as peak usueable water.   If we want 
> freshwater, the oceans are out (or at least expensive to turn into fresh 
> water).  That's the problem -- if areas become more arid and glaciers 
> melt, even more of the earth's water will be locked up as saltwater.
> Z
> On 1/26/07, *doug swanson* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> > wrote:
> OK, I hear the term "peak water" and know the idea behind it, but I
> can't wrap my mind around the idea that water will become scarcer as the
> globe warms, unless it escapes our atmosphere into space.
> ___
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Re: [Biofuel] 6 stroke motor

2007-01-26 Thread Doug Younker
Interesting. Hopefully someone will create an animation of it's 
operation.  On drawback I see is that many places have reached "peak 
water",to borrow a phrase.  Yes stationery application could easily 
condense the exhaust.  So could vehicles, but it may a trick where the 
trend needs to be lighter/smaller vehicles.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] I.D. Cards and Rifers

2007-01-21 Thread Doug Younker
The problem I have with films such is this is that the information flows 
by so fast, and without being provided a transcript one can't really 
study the issue, perhaps that's by design? I have long understood it's 
mostly about the wealth* and who is able to accumulate it, but that's 
been the case ever since humans banded into tribes hasn't?  I do believe 
they are vastly overstating the capabilities of RFID.

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.
*IMO wealth is the better term to use, as there are many things other 
than money supply that can be use to extort the populace.

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Re: [Biofuel] Bio-Gas...i.e. Methane...Marsh Gas...etc.

2006-10-31 Thread Doug Younker
I can't direct you to any emails or even to a news item I recall.  The 
program outlined how on operation in Kansas recovered methane off it's 
lagoons, along with using methane from a nearby landfill.  I want to 
recall it was on the Sunflowers journeys produced by KTWU , but I can't seem to find it.  I 
have also read of hog and dairy  operations using "biomethane" 
production to power their operations, selling excess electrical power to 
the power company grid.   My guess is even after any methane recovery, 
the waste may end up as fertilizer, but I really don't know

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

John P Gochoco wrote:
> Can someone show me a string of emails...or something showing any discussion
> regarding the production and use of Methane in the US?
> I pass by huge poultry's and cow and pig farms almost everyday and not one
> of them ever even thought of the potentials. They all seem to be sold on the
> idea of just using manure for fertilizer.
> Maybe I'm wrong...somebody help me!!!

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Re: [Biofuel] Industry Girds For Sprawling E.U. Regulatory Scheme

2006-10-24 Thread Doug Younker
  While many here is the USA cry excess government regulation, without 
considering that a good portion of the regulation is authored by those 
being regulated.  I suspect the same is true in Europe, and the 
remainder of the World.  Spin... Spin... Spin...

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

A. Lawrence wrote:
> Some interesting takes - esp. the last comment about trusting the EU...
> would we rather trust a chemical mfr.?? Although this seems somewhat
> cumbersome, so are diseases and eaths caused by "safe" chemicals... safe
> according to the mfrs... DDT was "the best thing ever" for pests not so
> good for everything else though... anyway, I'm sure you get the idea...
> Won't be long and I'll become a "Raging Grandpa" grouch about all this
> crap... 

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2006-10-24 Thread Doug Younker
Even clean petroleum is biodegradable, I suppose.  When spilled on the 
ground, the volume will overwhelm any existing plants.  As time passes 
it become difficult to see the visual evidence of a spill.  Spills that 
have brine associated with the petroleum are another matter.  Evidence 
of the spill remains for years.  Where such spills are on, crop land the 
evidence eventually disappear, but i still takes a long time.  Not that 
I recommend WVO be spread on the ground.  Why not salvage it?  Could you 
gently  wash it with water in a drum, and draw the water off, after it 
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.
When all else fails- Amateur Radio ARES

> I suppose you could compost it.  Just spreading it on the ground will 
> probably take a while for it to break down.
> -dave
> On Tuesday, October 24, 2006 10:51 AM, ROY Washbish wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 08:51:01 -0700 (PDT)
>> From: ROY Washbish
>> To:
>> Subject: [Biofuel] IS WVO BIO-DEGRADABLE?
>> Hi All
>> I had a WVO spill in my basement and am wondering if
>> it is bio-degradable.
>> Can I dump this WVO on the land and expect it to go
>> away?
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Roy
>> __
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Re: [Biofuel] Check out

2006-10-20 Thread Doug Younker
Like most things one has to pick out what may be applicable, and useful 
to/in their situation.  Again everything is relative.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Fwd: Happy Halloween...

2006-10-20 Thread Doug Younker
Could be scary, but I'm not sure it's any scarier that any of the other 
possibilities that may emerge.

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Re: [Biofuel] Fw: FDA is set to approve milk, meat from cloned animals

2006-10-20 Thread Doug Younker
As far as I know cloning hasn't reached the point, where the clone 
appears at a ready to slaughter size. I would suppose a clone grown from 
birth to slaughter size on grass, would qualify as grass feed beef. A 
mass of muscle tissue grown in a petri dish may not.  Personally I have 
fewer objections to cloning food, than I do for genetic engineering. 
I'm not so sure if I would halt the "tinkering", but do feel it should 
be slowed to the point where irreversible consequences are minimized as 
much as passable.  I do remain unconvinced this technology is now need 
to prevent the starvation of my fellow citizens in the world.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

D. Mindock wrote:
> I don't eat beef or pork. I wonder if chickens are going to be cloned too.
> It won't be long before we will have beef grown on the cellular level. Could
> they call it grass fed beef? It seems that technology is taking us 
> further and
> further from nature. I think most of us would want to slow or even halt this
> tinkering with our food.
> Peace, D. Mindock

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2006-09-30 Thread Doug Younker
Those who caused the losses, pain will not be the ones to paying 
restitution.  I propose the name every elected politician and political 
appointees who vote for, or otherwise support torture, be put in a hat. 
  Whenever an innocent is torture, a name will be drawn from that, and 
that person will be subjected, to whatever the innocent was subjected to.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.
When all else fails- Amateur Radio ARES

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> How about restitution of lost wages and payment for pain and sudffering? 
> Talk is cheap.
> Kirk

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Re: [Biofuel] Fw: Bush Owes Us an Apology

2006-09-30 Thread Doug Younker
In the event that the nut doesn't fall from the tree. Just don't hold 
your breath waiting for any kind of apology from GWB.  I recall GHWB 
stating he(GHWB) would never apologize for anything America has done, 
EVEN if it was WRONG.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.
When all else fails- Amateur Radio ARES

robert and benita rabello wrote:
>   Yesterday, the US Senate approved "detainee" legislation that 
> essentially hands dictatorial power over to the president.  Once this bill is 
> reconciled with the House version and is signed by Mr. Bush, he will have the 
> right to "detain" anyone he deems a threat--irrespective of their 
> citizenship--without trial, without evidence, for as long as it pleases him.  
> I thought, for a gleaming moment, that Senator McCain would show some spine 
> and garner support to defeat this ill-conceived legislation, but he and other 
> senators who should know better simply caved in.
>   Welcome to the fascist Republic of the United States . . .
>   Mr. Bush doesn't need to apologize if he's king.
> robert luis rabello

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Re: [Biofuel] Clinton fights back in Fox News interview.

2006-09-27 Thread Doug Younker

Jason& Katie wrote:
> i rather enjoyed seeing him tear wallace to shreds.
> Jason

As did I, I was thinking, it's about time when I seen it.  However that 
machine Keith Olbermann Spoke of, was quick to respond with the spin. 
Was Clinton Pissed?  Clearly.  Was Clinton assertive? Yes.  Was Clinton 
"crazed"? No.

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Re: [Biofuel] A textbook definition of cowardice

2006-09-27 Thread Doug Younker
Keith Olbermann seems to be the only "media" person in the USA willing 
to take on the Republican cabal, as it currently exists in the USA, and 
make is point, with a calm demeanor.  Too bad his calm statements based 
on  fact aren't widely seen or read.  Not that I think that would make a 
big difference, as so many of my fellow citizens have taken the 3 monkey 
posture of, see no evil hear no evil, say no evil.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

D. Mindock wrote:
> I saw the interview where Fox News tried to sandbag Clinton, but he 
> threw it all
> back in the interviewer's face. Now it seems that interview has been 
> pulled from
> online access. Wonder why?  Peace, D. Mindock

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Re: [Biofuel] hidden price gouging

2006-08-29 Thread Doug Younker
Personally I think this is one of those slow news day items trotted out 
on occasion, this is not the first time this is news.As I'm concerned I 
see nothing to be concerned about as, in the long run it averages out. 
  The retailer, will not be making a lot of extra profit, so the 
consumers will not be gouged. Just more instance of, spinning  one small 
single fact, instead of looking at the bigger picture.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Jeff Lyles wrote:
> When you get gas from underground pumps, I am inclined to believe that the 
> gas is around the 50 to 60 degree range because the ground, at the dept the 
> tanks are at, tend to say at that temperature.
> The stable ground temp is one reason why some people use the ground in there 
> geothermal units to heat and cool their homes.
> Jeff

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Re: [Biofuel] RFID Controversy

2006-08-01 Thread Doug Younker
I'm not ready to subscribe to the RFID paranoia just yet, mostly because 
of the content D. Mindock provided.  I have to feel their extreme 
capabilities are being over stated  In regards to beef, it will be the 
Rancher who will be absorbing the cost of RFID implantation.  As I 
understand it the tracking begins with the birthplace of the animal. 
Rancher or Feed lot will absorb all the costs, because the prices they 
get are set by the commodity markets
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.
When all else fails- Amateur Radio ARES

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> Just how far this can be depends on the type of the reader, but in the 
> extreme case some readers have a maximum power output of 4 W 
> , enabling signals to be received 
> from tens of kilometres away.^[/citation needed/ 
> ]
> ^--
> ^This is misleading. This "reader" is basically a repeater and if 
> instead was connected to the telco the data could be received anywhere 
> within telephone range - ie planet wide. It makes the tag look far more 
> effective than it is. As for "printed" cicuits passivation (protection 
> from environment) is still an issue and the designers biggest headache, 
> power, is as unsolved as ever. The largest new use I am aware of is 
> tracking carcasses. Japan has insisted on it because of mad cow fears. 
> The chip has to withstand planting in the animal and so far reports from 
> feedlot operators are that it is often unreliable and adds at least $10 
> to each animal for the tag. It is unlikely they will be recovered and 
> returned from Japan as well. Then there is the cost of the readers and 
> the book keeping. Feedlot operators have to pass the cost along of course.
> ^Kirk

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Re: [Biofuel] was...Our cash is becoming trackable

2006-07-28 Thread Doug Younker
I'm sure there will be counter measures developed and, sold to those who 
are not DIY bent.   Anyway those who do  invest in making use of RFID 
are going to be sorely pissed when, when they discover, the rfid didn't 
tell them how easily rfid "terrorists" will be able to disrupt it all
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

AltEnergyNetwork wrote:
> Also, just think of the possabilities for merchants.
> With an RFID reader, they will be able to tell how much cash
> you have in your wallet
> tallex

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[Biofuel] OT glider was Sharing Biodiesel

2006-07-28 Thread Doug Younker
I'd fear in my hands a glider would become a vehicle powered totally by 
gravity.  But then I'm not an aviator
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Joe Street wrote:
> Hey Matthew;
> Have you ever tried gliding?  Once I tried unpowered flight I had no 
> more interest in the noisy stinky brute force method of cruising the 
> skies. The silence in a sailplane (just the sound of the slipstream) is 
> beautiful. It is actually a solar powered vehicle when you think of it. 

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Re: [Biofuel] Redneck biodiesel video

2006-07-25 Thread Doug Younker
  Not only you can't please all the people all the time, it's damn 
difficult to please few, once. ;)  Yes it's an infomercial minus the 
disclaimer, but most who watch such programs know that already.  Yes it 
could have been done better, but they probably done what they could in 
only ~11.5 minutes.  Power braking never really unpressed me, but tire 
fryer, I like it
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] What is happening?

2006-07-15 Thread Doug Younker
Heh! Hakan, are you one of those individuals that can't handle silence? 
:)  In the event you are don't worry I have never seen it last long

Hakan Falk wrote:
> I never, I never saw so little activities on the list before. Missing it.
> Hakan

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[Biofuel] Sinkholes and oil production

2006-07-05 Thread Doug Younker
Allow me to comment(underscoring what Bob said) the reason water and CO2 
is pumped into producing formations is to extract MORE oil from from the 
formation, not replace it, enhanced recovery they call it.  Jeff, I 
suspect the Texan was telling you a tall tale and later joked with his 
buddies what he told to nosy person.  I don't mean any disrespect, but 
hell, they don't pass an opportunity's to pull one on their buddies, the 
rest of the world doesn't stand a chance ;)  There have been sinkholes 
attributed to oil production.  Generally the cause is "wash out" of an 
area closer to the surface than the collapse of an oil formation several 
thousand feet down. Anyway removing CO2  from the atmosphere and pumping 
into a producing formation will not sequester  it.  As Bob mention 
porosity is a key feature of producing formations.  Sooner or later the 
CO2 will migrate to a well bore and re-enter the atmosphere when the oil 
it associated with it is processed. As Terry mentions locking the Co2 in 
played out capped formations can't be totally safe.  Natural Gas stored 
in old salt mines, years old practice, near Hutchison, KS did find a way 
out and cause some fires.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] DIY links

2006-07-03 Thread Doug Younker
I ran across last week, interesting.  Are you aware of
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Kirk McLoren wrote:

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Re: [Biofuel] OT -a most amazing fountain

2006-06-28 Thread Doug Younker
  Just one more damned if you do and damned if you don't situation I 
think.  There is so much time in a day. the media has to make choices in 
What what to present.  The individual has to make a choice in what 
sources to use.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> when I see things like this I wonder what else I might find in South 
> America. I think our media promotes a picture of poverty and omits such 
> beautiful things.
> Kirk

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Re: [Biofuel] Class Warfare: The Minimum Wage Goes Down

2006-06-26 Thread Doug Younker
John- one problem is if even you own property outright you haven't 
eliminated your debt. The tax man will still demand payment.  As will 
the insurance man if the use of said property brings mandatory liability 
insurance coverage.  That's not to say you wouldn't be better off owning 
property outright.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.
When all else fails- Amateur Radio ARES

John Mullan wrote:

> Economic crash and the re-issue of currency has happened before and has 
> to happen again.  To survive, eliminate your debt and try desperately to 
> own all your property out-right.
> Just my two-cents worth.
> Cheers,
> John

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Re: [Biofuel] Class Warfare: The Minimum Wage Goes Down

2006-06-26 Thread Doug Younker
I just can't recall when, but the following was from an episode of the 
"Religion and Ethics" program aired on PBS during a past Congressional 
debate on the minimum wage.  I recall the term used was "just wage". 
Problem is that here in the USA such criteria is labeled communist, 
instead of Christian.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.


   Criteria For Determining
   Whether A Wage Is Just

  1.You cannot assume a wage is just
because someone is willing to accept

  2.The lowest full-time paid person at a
company ought to be properly
compensated to allow the person a
standard of living consistent with
human dignity.

  3.Your primary obligation is managing
the company as a going concern for
the benefit of all the stakeholders
(investors, employees, customers, and
community), recognizing that these
are not mutually exclusive.

  4.The right of all employees of the
company to earn a living wage is at
least as important as the right of
owners/investors to earn a reasonable
rate of return on their investment in
the company.

  5.If the above four criteria are met:
   Owners/investors, since they risk
   their capital, are justified in
   earning a higher level of
   compensation than generally
   prevails among their employees.
   Managers are also justified in
   earning a higher level of
   compensation, because of their
   assumed responsibility, level of
   talent, and experience.

 For more information, write to:
 Business Executives For Economic Justice
 711 W. Monroe St.
 Chicago, IL 60661

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA inc.

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Re: [Biofuel] Al Gore interview

2006-06-22 Thread Doug Younker
Actually it has to say more about the majority Americans than it does Al 
Gore.  As a group that as so much, they have been hoodwinked into 
believing that they are being cheated, out of their due.  Irony is that 
those doing the hoodwink, are the very ones doing the cheating.  The 
myth of the "liberal press" was exposed in 2000, when they gave GWB a 
pass, while reinforcing right wing rhetoric.  John Kerry was as timid in 
2004.  I don't understand why he never asked GWB if he(GWB) was a 
waffler or a lier. 

Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA

Michael Redler wrote:
> I'd like to know what happened since his last campaign. Did he have a 
> vision quest or something? Maybe he broke loose from a political sleeper 
> hold.
> Do you remember how his opponents on the right nicknamed him the "wooden 
> Indian"? It's a name that's wrong on many levels but, the point I'm 
> making here is that he didn't seem to fight back. It's like he was 
> sedated or something. What about the whole "inventing the Internet" 
> thing? He was viciously attacked and I felt embarrassed just to watch it.
> Although I've never been a big fan of Al, I'd really like to see another 
> player on the field - the left side of the field.
> -Redler
> P.S. Agh! I used a sports metaphores!
> */Mark Manchester <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:
> Glad you saw it. Yes, Gore sounds like such a cool guy! I guess
> it's just more on the Buy the Administration shenanegans. Block this
> great guy, get the richer one into office.
> Jesse
> On Jun 20, 2006, at 11:24 PM, JJJN wrote:
>  > Mark,
>  > I was in a Hotel last night in Bismarck North Dakota, I got to
> see the
>  > whole interview. I must say I am ready to see the movie. I wish more
>  > people could have seen Al in this light about 6 years ago.
>  >
>  > Jim
>  >
>  > mark manchester wrote:
>  >
>  >> Ha-HAH! Same post, new title. This is a fantastic interview,
>  >> guys, to
>  >> which there has been no response at all~! Read! Or else let's
>  >> talk about
>  >> our lawns. (Lawns are important too, don't get all biofuelly on
>  >> me..)
>  >>
>  >> Al Gore interview, last month, about his global warming platform
>  >> and movie.
>  >> I missed it, maybe you did too. Jesse
>  >>
>  >>
>  >> content=20060522_127258_127
>  >> 258
> ___
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Re: [Biofuel] No New Refineries

2006-06-13 Thread Doug Younker
No; building refineries will not reduce the price of crude.  Products 
refined from crude are traded as commodities.  Along with the supply and 
demand of crude, the supply and demand of refined products also affects 
the price the consumer pays  for those products.  The question can 
become if the industry is making money in the current situation, will it 
build new refineries given relaxed regulation, if new refineries that 
may increase supply, resulting in lower prices for the refined product.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA

chem.dd wrote:
> Building new refiniries will not reduce the price of crude. It is based on
> global demand. The Chinese and Indians are rapidly moving from bicycles to
> automobiles. This is why the price of crude is $70+ for a barrel. And this
> is why bio based feedstocks for fuel are going to become economically
> viable, irrespective of environmental concerns/benefits.
> If crude were at $25/barrel we would not be having this conversation.
> David
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Doug Younker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] No New Refineries
>> This is one of those times I smell a rat, but can't find/prove it.  In
>> regards to environmental requirements, in the industry previously
>> claimed the costs where too high and the consumer wouldn't pay the
>> price.  Here we are now:  No refineries where not built and the consumer
>> is paying unprecedented prices that result in higher profits for the
>> industry.  Chances are the industry will be allowed to build new
>> refineries that don't meet the stricter environmental require, pocketing
>> the savings.  The cynic in me has to feel that in no way, even with
>> relaxed environmental regulations, will the industry build capacity to
>> significantly increase supply.  Oh well...
>> Doug, N0LKK
>> Kansas USA
>> Keith Addison wrote:
>>> No New Refineries
>>> Frank O'Donnell
>> ___
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> messages):
> ___
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Re: [Biofuel] No New Refineries

2006-06-11 Thread Doug Younker
This is one of those times I smell a rat, but can't find/prove it.  In 
regards to environmental requirements, in the industry previously 
claimed the costs where too high and the consumer wouldn't pay the 
price.  Here we are now:  No refineries where not built and the consumer 
is paying unprecedented prices that result in higher profits for the 
industry.  Chances are the industry will be allowed to build new 
refineries that don't meet the stricter environmental require, pocketing 
the savings.  The cynic in me has to feel that in no way, even with 
relaxed environmental regulations, will the industry build capacity to 
significantly increase supply.  Oh well...
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA

Keith Addison wrote:
> No New Refineries
> Frank O'Donnell

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Re: [Biofuel] seasonal burning

2006-06-10 Thread Doug Younker

I never felt Kirk's reply "nit-picking, I was just a bit confused. 
Anyway ET rarely enters my though process, unless someone brings it up. 
 I would be surprised if ET does exist, nor will I be disappointed 
if I go to my grave not knowing the answer. I have no speculation if ET 
is peaceful or not.
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA

E. C. wrote:
> Doug;
> your meaning was crystal clear to me, & i am an
> English major (more precisely, was, since i never
> followed the career path i trained for in college). 
> In point of fact, your response said what i tried to,
> but more succinctly & to the point.  Kudos.  :-)~
> Kirk;
> I looked back in my archived file to see if your
> nit-pick was justified, & didn't find it so, IMHO --
> but hey, to err is human, & i've been called on gaffes
> i've made before.
> Since you brought it up (the ET comment) -- a couple i
> know has acquainted me with the fact that there's a
> fair number of folks who fervently believe that,
> indeed, the human species IS descended from
> cross-breeding between early hominids and ET visitors
> from space (there being no clearly-defined "missing
> link" in the fossil record).  True or not, we humans
> are a relatively new experiment in Earth's evolution
> -- and may not have a very long chapter in that
> history if we don't learn to overcome our aggressive,
> egocentric "management style".
> Regards,

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Re: [Biofuel] seasonal burning

2006-06-06 Thread Doug Younker

   The reason I bothered to post was to detail why I believe seasonal 
burning, while it may have apparent benefits, is not "natural", as 
practiced by man.  I would think the last sentence of mine; "Personally 
I think man has interfered enough, long enough, we  can't fully 
understand the role of fire in Earth's evolution." would have indicated 
my opinion man can affect the environment, thus perhaps evolution?  Oh 
well English composition has never been my strong suit
Doug, N0LKK
Kansas USA

Kirk McLoren wrote:
> Interesting that you dont see man as part of earth's evolution. Are we ETs?
> Kirk

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