Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Démo Carnet de rando sur la crête des Vosges

2015-05-05 Thread Yves Pratter

 Le 21 avr. 2015 à 21:59, JB a écrit :
 Si tu as des envies, il suffit de faire ou de demander !
J’ai commencé un itinéraire avec GraphHoper (et rajouté les morceaux de chemin 

Comment fonctionne CarnetRando ?

Pré-requis :
PC sous windows
ça semble fonctionner sous MacOS ou Linux : quelqu’un utilise l’un de ces 
environnement ?
Java + osmosis
Modèle Numérique de Terrain (SRTMV3R3) : Faut-il le télécharger manuellement ou 
Maperitive s’en charge ?

Editer data_cadres.txt pour les zones qui nous intéressent

Lancer à la main pour générer cadres.csv

Personnaliser les règles de rendu ?
(J’aimerais que l’itinéraire apparaisse sur mes cartes)

Editer pour qu’il télécharge les fichiers .pbf de notre zone 
(données OSM à jour)

Merci d’avance,

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] natural=spring oppure amenity=drinking_water ?

2015-05-05 Thread mbranco
Daniele Forsi-2 wrote
 per come nascono le etichette in OSM e per come si inseriscono, a
 livello di dati non esistono valori predefiniti perché non puoi sapere
 se il mappatore si è dimenticato di inserirlo ...

  ok, grazie, ho capito che in OSM la ridondanza non è un problema, anzi.

dieterdreist wrote
 lo stesso discorso vale anche per una fontanella, potrebbe esser stata

 beh, per la scelta tra drinking_water=yes oppure =conditional ne farei una
questione di probabilità... In effetti forse possiamo distinguere tra
sorgenti naturali imbrigliate oppure no: nelle considerazioni che ho fatto
prima avevo in mente sorgenti naturali non imbrigliate, tipo queste: 
Se sono imbrigliate (vedi sotto), allora trovo ragionevole usare

View this message in context:
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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Details zu Modified Nodes herausfinden

2015-05-05 Thread Martin Raifer
Ein Großteil dieser Modifikationen dürfte in folgendem Changeset
passiert sein:

2015-05-05 11:02 GMT+02:00 Florian Michaeler

 ich war heute eher zufällig auf der OSMstats Seite ( ), dabei ist
 mir aufgefallen, dass am 04.05. in Österreich 34539 Nodes geändert wurden.
 Da ich ja prinzipiell neugierig bin und die Anzahl so weit über den
 üblichen 5000 - 6000 Änderungen pro Tag ist.
 Stellt sich mir die Frage, wie man hierzu nähere Details herausfinden

 aka Miflo

 Diese E-Mail ist frei von Viren und Malware, denn der avast! Antivirus
 Schutz ist aktiv.

 Talk-at mailing list

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] What extra permissions are needed to include CC-BY data in OSM

2015-05-05 Thread Andrew Harvey
Just found
it has hints about what extra permissions we require.

On 5 May 2015 at 19:27, Andrew Harvey wrote:
 I'm bringing up a conversation from talk-au pertaining to what
 additional permissions we need from content owners in order to include
 or use as a source to derive further information from their CC-BY
 licensed data in OSM.

 Any advice is very much appreciated.

 On 16 April 2015 at 15:26, Paul Norman wrote:
 On 4/15/2015 6:01 AM, Ross wrote:
 The issue is not with the licence.  The current terms and conditions 
 require permission to add data not owned by the contributor.

 This is incorrect. An appropriate license is sufficient. Some obviously 
 appropriate licenses are CC0, PDDL, ODC-BY and the ODbL itself.

 The issue is that CC BY (and BY-SA) 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 require a form of 
 attribution that is not practical for most map uses, so we need permission. 
 This would have been true even without the license change, as we were never 
 meeting the requirements of those versions of CC BY.

 We have permission for many Australian sources, and I believe for all CC BY 
 Australian sources that were in use at the time of the license change.

 My question was does CC-BY 4.0 have the same issue? Could CC-BY 4.0
 data be included in OSM.

 Secondly, what specific permission do we need to include CC-BY 3.0 or
 4.0 data in OSM? Do we essentially need the data supplier to agree to
 CC0 plus attribution in some specific form requested by OSMF? Is there
 a sample legal agreement or text for this?

 The release of government spatial data in Australia is continuing to
 expand to more and more agencies who are releasing under CC-BY, and it
 would be great if we had an OSMF approved license agreement or such we
 can present to these agencies so that hopefully these CC-BY datasets
 can be potentially used in some form in OSM.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Strømningsretningen stemmer ikke!

2015-05-05 Thread Michael Andersen
Som vi vist tidligere i denne tråd har været inde på er der masser af 
eksempler på at folk har tegnet vandløb uden at bekymre sig stort om hverken 
retning eller klassificering eller præcision.

Ligeså med vejnettet. I begyndelsen var det ofte også bare med at få nogen 
veje på kortet uden nødvendigvis at bekymre sig om klassificering mm. Før vi 
adgang til luftfotos kunne det også ofte være en udfordring at tolke vores gps 
spor (som det stadig kan ses i mange skovområder).

Jeg har rettet en del vandløb, men mit primære fokus har indtil videre været 
finpudsning af det danske vejnet (hvilket der altså mange steder har været 
hårdt brug for).

Richard Fairhurst udtalte i formiddags på IRC: OSM is iterative... we don't 
expect everything to be 100% right to start with
Og det kan han jo have ret i. Så god fornøjelse derude.

Tirsdag den 5. maj 2015 10:33:30 skrev Allan Gyldendal Frederiksen:
 Det er så ikke en angivelse man skal regne for sandheden , her kan der ses et
 vandløb, hvor vandet strømmer i begge retninger.  Det kunne se ud til, at
 det er GeoDanmark datasættet der bruges, for det er samme fejl som findes i
 Venlig hilsen
 Allan Gyldendal Frederiksen
 Syddjurs Kommune, Digitalisering
 Direkte +4587535261
 Mobil +4530924749
 Fra: Michael Andersen []
 Sendt: 5. maj 2015 12:04
 Til: OpenStreetMap Denmark
 Emne: Re: [Talk-dk] Strømningsretningen stemmer ikke!
 Jeg faldt lige over
 OpenTopoMap hvor der
 vitterligt er pile der angiver strømmens retning i vandløb. God fornøjelse.
 Tirsdag den 17. marts 2015 00:18:07 skrev Michael Andersen:
  Åh, ok. Det har du ret i. Jeg spurgte lige på IRC og der er tilsyneladende
  ikke nogen normale OSM baserede kort der angiver hvilken retning vandløb
  strømmer. Så enten må enten må man gætte sig til det eller skabe sit eget
  Mandag den 16. marts 2015 23:48:04 skrev Uffe Kousgaard:
   Jeg taler om at vandet på den strækning løber mod nord ude i
   Det var den information Niels Elgaard søgte.
   Og jeg ved godt, at liniestykker har en digitaliseringsretning. Men
   retningen fremgår ikke af det normale OSM kort.
   Michael Andersen wrote:
   Hej Uffe
   Nej, alle liniestykker i databasen har en retning og vandløb strømmer
   i samme retning som liniestykket.
   Mandag den 16. marts 2015 23:22:34 skrev Uffe Kousgaard:
   Det løber nordpå, på den strækning.
   Skal man sætte oneway før retningen kan ses på kortet?
   Uffe Kousgaard
   Niels Elgaard Larsen wrote:
   Men der er stadig vandløb, som jeg ikke har fundet ud af, fx Tokkerup Å:
   Talk-dk mailing list
   Talk-dk mailing list
  Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Démo Carnet de rando sur la crête des Vosges

2015-05-05 Thread Yves Pratter
J’ai oublié un pré-requis de taille : les règles de rendu R25 de JB ;-)

Concernant la création du pdf final, tu le fais actuellement à la main avec un 
traitement de texte ?


 Comment fonctionne CarnetRando ?
 Pré-requis :
 PC sous windows
 ça semble fonctionner sous MacOS ou Linux : quelqu’un utilise l’un de ces 
 environnement ?
 Java + osmosis
 Modèle Numérique de Terrain (SRTMV3R3) : Faut-il le télécharger manuellement 
 ou Maperitive s’en charge ?
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Rīgas adrešu punktu imports no

2015-05-05 Thread Vitaly Bolshakov


On Tue, 05 May 2015 13:16:39 +0300, Rich wrote:

* Importa problēmas un to pievadātais risinājums

2) Dažreiz ielas nosaukums nesakrīt ar ielas nosaukumu
OSM. Visvairāk tas ir pamanīts visādām numurētām līnijām. Tā, līnijas ir rakstītas kā Čiekurkalna 1.līnija, bet OSM
vēsturiski vai citu apsvērumu dēļ ir pieņemts rakstīt ar atstarpi pēc
punkta: Čiekurkalna 1. līnija. Apstrādājot datus otrām importam tas
tika ņemts vērā un visas numurētas ielas bija attiecīgi konvertētas, lai
būtu atstarpe pēc punktā, kā tas ir pieņemts (?) Latvijas OSM kopienā.

atstarpe pēc punkta ir gramatiski pareizi - kārtas skaitlis ir tāds pats
teikuma loceklis kā citi un tie tiek atdalīti ar atstarpēm. rīgas datu
veidotāji šo lietu datos ieviesuši kļūdaini :)

Arī ielas nosaukumu plāksnēs redzēju, ka ļoti bieži ir rakstīts  
Čiekurkalna 1.līnija (un citām ielām) bez atstarpes. Bet lai tas paliek  
uz viņu sirdsapziņas.

2a) Pēc otrā neveiksmīga importa atklājas, ka dažviet OSM ielas
nosaukumi ir rakstīti ar kļūdu (galvenokārt gramatiskas kļūdas), bet tos
būs iespējams izmainīt pēc importa apskatot atklātos validatoros, kur
jauniem adrešu punktiem neatbilst esošie ielas nosaukumi. Pie reizes arī
būs redzams, kuras ielas nosaukumi nav OSM Rīgas kartē, un kur ir
nepieciešama apsekošana un ielu nosaukumu precizēšana.

vai piedāvātais risinājums ir importēt šādus datus un pēc tam labot jau
pašā OSM ?

Pagaidām jā. Bet principā, man rādījās ideja: mēģināšu iegūt visu OSM  
esošo Rīgas ielu nosaukumus un salīdzināt ar opendata adrešu datu kopu.  
Pagaidām nezinu cik ilgu laiku tas aizņems sagatavot šos datus, bet būs  
iespējams apskatīt iespējamas kļūdas uzreiz.

3) Dažreiz OSM (arī mājas numura plāksnītes) adreses pieraksts varētu
atšķirties no pierakstiem. Piemēram 70 k-6 un 70/6.
Tādu adrešu punktu ir pietiekami maz, bet tomēr ir. Kā atrisināt šo

vai opendata visur ir vienāds pieraksts ?

Apskatot opendata katalogu redzēju, ka pastāv tikai daži varianti (kur 9 -  
numurs, B - burts, 11 - blakus numurs):

- 9
- 9B
- 9 k-9 (vai 9k-9, tie ir dažādie ar atstarpēm un bēz, bet es to ievēroju)
- 9/11
un daži eksotiskie, kā 9B k-9, vai 9BC u.tml.

Tātad ar / katalogā numurs ir atdalīts, tikai ja mājas numurs sastāv no  
diviem blakus numuriem, nevis korpusa numurs. Bet vairākās vietās Rīgā  
redzēju, ka uz numuru plāksnēm rakstā korpusus kā 9/1, nevis 9 k-1. Varbūt  
tas ir vēsturiski, bet tas arī tika ievadīts OSM.

pagaidām izklausās ļoti labi. pāris lietas, kas vēl trūka iepriekšējos
mēģinājumos :
* reģistrēšana importu sarakstā
* atsevišķs lietotāja konts

Ok, šo uztaisīsim ar laiku. Sākumā jāuzgaida apspriešanas lēmumu.

Kādas vēl problēmas vārētu būt ar importu, no tiem kas vel nav  

Kādi būtu OSM Latvijas kopienas lietotāju ieteikumi, padomi un
rekomendācijas importa uzlabošanai?

vēlreiz liels paldies par šī procesa virzīšanu. man šķiet, ka šie dati
nopietni uzlabos kartes kvalitāti rīgā un imports (kvalitatīvi) jāveic.

Ar cieņu, Vitālijs

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Rīgas adrešu punktu imports no

2015-05-05 Thread Janis Elmeris

On 05.05.2015. 15:07, Vitaly Bolshakov wrote:


On Tue, 05 May 2015 13:16:39 +0300, Rich wrote:

* Importa problēmas un to pievadātais risinājums

2) Dažreiz ielas nosaukums nesakrīt ar ielas nosaukumu
OSM. Visvairāk tas ir pamanīts visādām numurētām līnijām. Tā, līnijas ir rakstītas kā Čiekurkalna 1.līnija, bet 

vēsturiski vai citu apsvērumu dēļ ir pieņemts rakstīt ar atstarpi pēc
punkta: Čiekurkalna 1. līnija. Apstrādājot datus otrām importam tas
tika ņemts vērā un visas numurētas ielas bija attiecīgi konvertētas, 

būtu atstarpe pēc punktā, kā tas ir pieņemts (?) Latvijas OSM kopienā.

atstarpe pēc punkta ir gramatiski pareizi - kārtas skaitlis ir tāds pats
teikuma loceklis kā citi un tie tiek atdalīti ar atstarpēm. rīgas datu
veidotāji šo lietu datos ieviesuši kļūdaini :)

Arī ielas nosaukumu plāksnēs redzēju, ka ļoti bieži ir rakstīts 
Čiekurkalna 1.līnija (un citām ielām) bez atstarpes. Bet lai tas 
paliek uz viņu sirdsapziņas.
:) Man vienmēr licies, ka nelikt atstarpi aiz punkta aiz skaitļa 
latviešu valodā ir iegājies teksta redaktoros ieviestās angliskās 
auto-pareizrakstības dēļ, kas nākamajam vārdam aiz atstarpes aiz punkta 
automātiski pārvērš pirmo burtu par lielo. Un cilvēki nemāk konfigurēt 
teksta redaktorus (vai pārprot to ieteikumus), bet atklāj, ka lielais 
burts neparādās, ja pēc punkta atstarpi neieliek. Un tā tas pamazām 
izplatījies, ka viena daļa to droši vien jau uzskata par pareizo variantu.


Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Rīgas adrešu punktu imports no

2015-05-05 Thread Janis Elmeris
Ahā, nu man skaidrs, kāpēc vienubrīd parādījās dubultnumuri, kā arī 
numuri zemes pleķīšiem, uz kuriem nekas nav uzbūvēts, kā jau tu 
rakstīji. Un kaut kādos /zoom /līmeņos joprojām tie gļuki ir, bet tas 
laikam laika jautājums, līdz atkal pazudīs. Ā, pat nav pilnībā dubulti, 
te bija gadījums ar atstarpi: blakus jau esošam numuram 60 k-1 
parādījās otrs — 60k-1.

Adrese neapbūvētam zemesgabalam laikam nav nepareizi? Ja vien (pasta?) 
adreses ar ielām un numuriem nav tikai ēkām, tad droši vien tas tiešām 
ir ieguvums, lai arī jocīgi izskatās. :) Tikai lai kartē neparādās, ka 
tur ir ēka, ja tur (vairs) tādas nav, bet tikai kā adrese zemei.


On 05.05.2015. 13:16, Rich wrote:

On 05/05/15 12:51, Vitaly Bolshakov wrote:

Sveiki, Latvijas OpenStreetMap kopiena!

Vēlētos uzsākt atklātu diskusiju par lielo Rīgas adrešu punktu importu
no datiem.

sākumā - liels paldies :)

* Importa problēmas un to pievadātais risinājums

1) Lielais datu pārklājums (~15/37). Problēma bija noteikta pirmā
neveiksmīga importā. Dublējošie dati būtiski pasliktinās OSM datu
lietojamību un nav pieļaujami.
Lai to atrisinātu es izguvu visas OSM esošas Rīgas adreses (adrešu
punktus OSM punktiem, un adreses ēkām (building=*) OSM līnijām un
relacijām). Pēc tām, no datu kopas bija izņemtas visas
adreses, kas jau ir OSM, un tika iegūta rezultējoša kopa ar ~22 tukst.
adrešu punktiem, kas vēl nav OSM, vai kuriem OSM adrese atšķiras no

2) Dažreiz ielas nosaukums nesakrīt ar ielas nosaukumu
OSM. Visvairāk tas ir pamanīts visādām numurētām līnijām. Tā, līnijas ir rakstītas kā Čiekurkalna 1.līnija, bet OSM
vēsturiski vai citu apsvērumu dēļ ir pieņemts rakstīt ar atstarpi pēc
punkta: Čiekurkalna 1. līnija. Apstrādājot datus otrām importam tas
tika ņemts vērā un visas numurētas ielas bija attiecīgi konvertētas, lai
būtu atstarpe pēc punktā, kā tas ir pieņemts (?) Latvijas OSM kopienā.

atstarpe pēc punkta ir gramatiski pareizi - kārtas skaitlis ir tāds pats
teikuma loceklis kā citi un tie tiek atdalīti ar atstarpēm. rīgas datu
veidotāji šo lietu datos ieviesuši kļūdaini :)

2a) Pēc otrā neveiksmīga importa atklājas, ka dažviet OSM ielas
nosaukumi ir rakstīti ar kļūdu (galvenokārt gramatiskas kļūdas), bet tos
būs iespējams izmainīt pēc importa apskatot atklātos validatoros, kur
jauniem adrešu punktiem neatbilst esošie ielas nosaukumi. Pie reizes arī
būs redzams, kuras ielas nosaukumi nav OSM Rīgas kartē, un kur ir
nepieciešama apsekošana un ielu nosaukumu precizēšana.

vai piedāvātais risinājums ir importēt šādus datus un pēc tam labot jau
pašā OSM ?

3) Dažreiz OSM (arī mājas numura plāksnītes) adreses pieraksts varētu
atšķirties no pierakstiem. Piemēram 70 k-6 un 70/6.
Tādu adrešu punktu ir pietiekami maz, bet tomēr ir. Kā atrisināt šo

vai opendata visur ir vienāds pieraksts ?

kļūdu man pagaidām nav piedāvājumu. Tas arī ir datu divdabība, jo numura
plāksnīte atšķīrās no adrešu kataloga datiem, bet principā tam nav
jābūt... Pēc importa būs divi adrešu punkti, viens no apsekošanas, otrs
no kataloga.

jā, šie būs izņēmumi. pēc tam var mēģināt datus apvienot, lai gan
vislabākais risinājums būtu informēt rīgas domi - šādai situācijai
nevajadzētu būt. piemēŗam, brauc ātrie un nekādi nevar atrast adresi, jo
uz mājas ta cits numurs...

4) Ja OSM kartē esošas adreses ir ar kļūdu. Iepriekš veikta datu atlase
neļaus izlabot šis kļūdas, jo adreses jau ir OSM, bet nepareizi
izvietoti ģeogrāfiski. Jaunie adrešu punkti ar tādām adresēm netiks
importētas, un vecas paliks savās vietās. Viena no manām idejām bija
analizēt, cik tālu adreses punkts ir no OSM objekta, bet tas būs
pietiekami grūti realizējams pie tik lielas datu kopas. Piedāvāju
pieņemt, ka tādu objektu ir patiešam ļoti maz, un tas nepasliktinās
kopēju datu kvalitāti OSM datubāzē.

piekrītu, ka pagaidām šo var ignorēt. ja kāds vēlāķ izanalizētu un
atrastu šādus gadījumus, būtu jauki :)

5) Kļūdas datos. Apskatot datus, atrādu kā dažreiz arī ir kļūdas, kad mājas plāksnītes numurs nesakrīt ar
kataloga numuru. Šeit varētu būt divi kļūdu veidi.
5a) Uz ēkas ir veca numura plāksnīte, bet kataloga ir pareiza adrese: ir
vērts izveidot adreses punktu ar pareizu adresi.
5b) Ir kļūda datos. Diemžēl tādas kļūdas nav iespējams
pamanīt un izlabot. Pieņemsim kā tādu kļūdu ir ļoti-ļoti maz, un tie
neietekmēs kopēju datu kvalitāti.

par jebkuru neatbilstību informējam rīgas domi un skatāmies, kāda ir

6) Importa pareiza dokumentēšana un apspriešana. Tā ir būtiska
pašreizēja problēma, kuru ir jāatrisina. Būs nepieciešama palīdzība no
lietotājiem, kas jau strādāja ar importu vadību. Būs nepieciešama
palīdzība no Latvijas OSM kopienas par importa kvalitātes uzlabošanu!

pagaidām izklausās ļoti labi. pāris lietas, kas vēl trūka iepriekšējos
mēģinājumos :
* reģistrēšana importu sarakstā
* atsevišķs lietotāja konts

* Importa plusi un minusi

Re: [Talk-lv] Rīgas adrešu punktu imports no

2015-05-05 Thread Rich
On 05/05/15 15:07, Vitaly Bolshakov wrote:
 2a) Pēc otrā neveiksmīga importa atklājas, ka dažviet OSM ielas
 nosaukumi ir rakstīti ar kļūdu (galvenokārt gramatiskas kļūdas), bet tos
 būs iespējams izmainīt pēc importa apskatot atklātos validatoros, kur
 jauniem adrešu punktiem neatbilst esošie ielas nosaukumi. Pie reizes arī
 būs redzams, kuras ielas nosaukumi nav OSM Rīgas kartē, un kur ir
 nepieciešama apsekošana un ielu nosaukumu precizēšana.

 vai piedāvātais risinājums ir importēt šādus datus un pēc tam labot jau
 pašā OSM ?
 Pagaidām jā. Bet principā, man rādījās ideja: mēģināšu iegūt visu OSM
 esošo Rīgas ielu nosaukumus un salīdzināt ar opendata adrešu datu kopu.
 Pagaidām nezinu cik ilgu laiku tas aizņems sagatavot šos datus, bet būs
 iespējams apskatīt iespējamas kļūdas uzreiz.

izklausās jauki. vai salīdzinājums būtu tikai ar pašu ielu nosaukumiem,
vai arī ar esošajām addr:street vērtībām ?

 3) Dažreiz OSM (arī mājas numura plāksnītes) adreses pieraksts varētu
 atšķirties no pierakstiem. Piemēram 70 k-6 un 70/6.
 Tādu adrešu punktu ir pietiekami maz, bet tomēr ir. Kā atrisināt šo

 vai opendata visur ir vienāds pieraksts ?
 Apskatot opendata katalogu redzēju, ka pastāv tikai daži varianti (kur 9
 - numurs, B - burts, 11 - blakus numurs):
 - 9
 - 9B
 - 9 k-9 (vai 9k-9, tie ir dažādie ar atstarpēm un bēz, bet es to ievēroju)
 - 9/11
 un daži eksotiskie, kā 9B k-9, vai 9BC u.tml.
 Tātad ar / katalogā numurs ir atdalīts, tikai ja mājas numurs sastāv
 no diviem blakus numuriem, nevis korpusa numurs. Bet vairākās vietās
 Rīgā redzēju, ka uz numuru plāksnēm rakstā korpusus kā 9/1, nevis 9 k-1.
 Varbūt tas ir vēsturiski, bet tas arī tika ievadīts OSM.

jā, pareizi laikam būtu ar k. pats gan esmu osm licis ar /, jo uz
ēkas tā...
būs lēnām osm jālabo :)

 pagaidām izklausās ļoti labi. pāris lietas, kas vēl trūka iepriekšējos
 mēģinājumos :
 * reģistrēšana importu sarakstā
 * atsevišķs lietotāja konts

 Ok, šo uztaisīsim ar laiku. Sākumā jāuzgaida apspriešanas lēmumu.

ja līdz piektdienai nav iebildumi, piedāvātu importēt. līdz tam var lēnā
garā uztaisīt lietotāju un palabot nepareizās ielas, adreses utt :)

par vienu adresi atcerējos un nupat izlaboju :)

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread

Ottimo allora la installo subito la versione 2.05 dopo aggiornamento ad 
android 5.01 lollipop...

Messaggio originale
Data: 04/05/2015 23.05
Ogg: Re: [Talk-it] R:  OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

Il giorno lun, 04/05/2015 alle 17.30 +0200, ha
 ho letto di qualche bug, chi l'ha installata? Meglio aspettare?

L'ho usata senza problemi in questi due giorni. Ho visualizzato mappe,
inserito bug OSM in locale, visualizzati i bug, aggiunto commenti ai bug
OSM locali, salvato tracce GPX, ottenuto indicazioni stradali, attivato


Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Overpass Quotas

2015-05-05 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
You could decide to require a User-Agent that's customized,
with reference to contact info (e.g. a URL or project name that can be
looked up on the OSM Wiki).

That's not an unreasonable restriction, for your free service.
talk mailing list

[talk-ph] Bing Imagery

2015-05-05 Thread Totor
Hi all,

Cebu is relatively well covered, so consider this low priority.
Since nobody seems to be requesting any imagery, 
here is what is missing or could be improved in Cebu:

The pink areas are missing. 
The yellow area is cloud covered in many places (but most things have already 
been traced from older Bing imagery) .

and here are the same areas exported from JOSM :



On Wed, 4/29/15, Celina Agaton  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [talk-ph] Bing Imagery
 To: maning sambale
 Cc: osm-ph 
 Date: Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 12:19 PM
 Bing is following up
 again on the missing imagery. Do we have a list or timeline
 on how long this will take to compile?We're
 also prepping to complete disaster risk mapping tasks in
 preparation for the typhoon season, so it would be helpful
 to secure imagery soon.

 Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 6:49 AM, Celina Agaton 
 Hi Maning,
 talking to Bing and they are asking for a list of missing
 areas. Can you guys send me a list soon?

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread Marco Ciampa
 Data: 03/05/2015 16.11
 A: openstreetmap list -
 Ogg: [Talk-it] OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

 Volevo informare gli utilizzatori e coloro che sono interessati che è
 uscita la versione 2.0 di osmand. L'interfaccia è stata completamente
 ridisegnata e ci sono molte novità!

On Mon, May 04, 2015 at 05:30:42PM +0200, wrote:
 ho letto di qualche bug, chi l'ha installata? Meglio aspettare?

A me sarebbe piaciuto ma avevo acquistato la versione a pagamento e
l'aggiornamento s'è piantato e non si riprende più.

Vorrei essere sicuro di poterla reinstallare prima di rimuovere la
vecchia per cui, nel dubbio per ora non faccio nulla...


Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.

| GNU/Linux User  #78271 |
| FSFE fellow   #364 |

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Offline-Software

2015-05-05 Thread
Wie wäre es mit QLandkarteGT

Christian aka Hedaja

Am 5. Mai 2015 um 11:06 schrieb DarkAngel

 Hatte ich auch im Hinterkopf, nutze ich aber derzeit nur als Navi unter

 Kann man in der Win-Version einfach eine GPS-Position anzeigen lassen?

 Gruß Mario

 Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread Max1234Ita
Puoi provare ad installare la 2.0 Free e tenerti la vecchia 1.9.5 Plus.
Dovrebbero convivere senza disturbarsi...


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread Marco Ciampa
On Tue, May 05, 2015 at 04:28:05PM +0200, Leonardo wrote:
 Sembra ci sia un piccolo problema per i possessori della Osmand Plus:
 OsmAnd+ upgrade issue: due to lots of issues while upgrading OsmAnd+
 (paid version) to 2.0, we organized poll (see below) in order to
 find and fix the issue, your feedback is important to us, in order
 to find the problem quicker. Right now we suspect paid apps which
 were moved to sdcard 
 Avevi spostato l'applicazione sulla scheda SD?

Impossibile: ho un Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Goggle phone): non ha alcuna


Marco Ciampa

I know a joke about UDP, but you might not get it.

| GNU/Linux User  #78271 |
| FSFE fellow   #364 |

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Ajuda para correção de grande erro

2015-05-05 Thread Nelson A. de Oliveira
O seu e-mail chegou no spam (então não deu para responder antes)

A primeira coisa é falar para ele parar de mexer na região e nos objetos.
Se ele continuar só vai piorar a situação e o trabalho.

Já mandou mensagem para ele?

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapillary plugin for JOSM

2015-05-05 Thread Mike Thompson
Looking forward to the JOSM plugin!

Is there, or will there be, some sort of way that one can indicate that a
sequence of Mapillary images has been reviewed and relevant content added
to OSM? Perhaps a notes field in the Mapillary database where a mapper
could state mapped signs or mapped surface type.


On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 12:37 AM, Janko Mihelić wrote:

 This brings us exciting possibilities. Someone could make a layer that
 detects inconsistencies between mapillary sign data and osm data. For

 -there should be a oneway street near a oneway sign
 -there should be a turn restriction or a oneway street junction near a
 sign with a turn restriction
 -there should be a maxspeed tag where there is a max speed sign


 uto, 5. svi 2015. 00:49 Clifford Snow je

 On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 3:16 PM, moltonel 3x Combo

 Looking forward to the josm plugin and the merging/locating of signs :)

 +1 - I got so excited that I purchased a new cell phone mount from
 GeekWire to replace my defective old mount.

 OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
 talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] nieuw paleis soestdijk

2015-05-05 Thread Marc Zoutendijk

Op 5 mei 2015, om 16:43 heeft Steven M. Ottens het volgende 

 Zover ik weet hebben we met een nieuwe koning geen Nieuw Paleis Soestdijk 
 gekregen. Maar de one-time user heinograpi heeft 3 maanden geleden het paleis 
 op de kaart getekend:
 Iemand met local knowledge die daar wat zinnigs over kunnen zeggen?

Ik plaast jouw bericht ook op het forum Steven, volgens mij een geval van 
opzettelijke kaartvernieling.


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread Max1234Ita
Edit al problema 1 da me riportato: potrebbe ANCHE trattarsi di un problema
di mappatura, in quanto a Murano non è riportato alcun Campo Santo Stefano;
OsmAnd deduce l'indirizzo dal tag addr=* assegnato ad un locale (Busa
alla torre da Lele) che si trova effettivamente su una piazza taggata solo
come highway=pedestrian (ma senza nome). 

OK trovare l'indirizzo... ma dovrebbe ANCHE risultare l'altra località, che
è a quai 3 Km di distanza!


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] contact: tags

2015-05-05 Thread Richard Z.
On Sun, May 03, 2015 at 11:17:35AM -0400, Andrew MacKinnon wrote:

 The reason is that the contact: tags are unnecessarily verbose (we
 should use simpler tags whenever possible) and the simpler tags are
 much more popular (there are 98865 contact:phone tags but 490328 phone
 tags). Why do we need to have more than one way of tagging common
 things like phone numbers?

the verbosity may be unneeded for very simple things like phone
but is that true for everything covered by contact* ?
key:fax? key:twitter? key:vhf?

So what would you do with those tags?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-nl] nieuw paleis soestdijk

2015-05-05 Thread Marc Zoutendijk

Op 5 mei 2015, om 16:43 heeft Steven M. Ottens het volgende 

 Hoi allemaal,
 Zover ik weet hebben we met een nieuwe koning geen Nieuw Paleis Soestdijk 
 gekregen. Maar de one-time user heinograpi heeft 3 maanden geleden het paleis 
 op de kaart getekend:

Ik heb deze heinograpi een bericht gestuurd.
Afwachten van wat hij zegt!


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread Max1234Ita
Ho installato la 2.0.1, per il momento ho notato 3 problemi, 2 un po'
fastidiosi, il terzo un po' meno ma spero che si possa risolvere. Il routing
e le indicazioni vocali, invece, non li ho ancora provati.

1 - Su Venezia, cercando Campo Santo Stefano mi dà un solo riscontro
sull'isola di Murano, mentre io vorrei andare in quello (omonimo) che si
trova nel Sestiere di San Marco, nelle vicinanze di Campo San Vidal. 

Non sembrerebbe un errore di mappatura, almeno su OSM i tag semrano a
Tra l'altro, cercando Campo San Vidal e perfezionando la ricerca, OsmAnd
propone un incrocio proprio con Campo Santo Stefano... quindi in qualche
modo lo riconosce!

2 - il pulsante per visualizzare la posizione corrente, che una volta era di
dimensioni microscopiche e nell'angolo in alto a destra del diaply, ora è
full-size e molto (troppo) vicino al pulsante dello zoom, in basso a
destra. Capita spesso e volentieri di premerlo involontariamente mentre sto
esplorando la mappa nei dintorni... 

3 - In Configura la mappa, è possibile visualizzare una sola categoria di
PDI per volta. Se non ricordo male, nella 1.9.5 si poteva creare un fltro
personalizzato, così da mostrare contemporaneamente categorie diverse
(esempio alberghi, ristoranti e bar)


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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapillary plugin for JOSM

2015-05-05 Thread Shaun McDonald
It’s currently possible to comment on single images, commenting on the whole 
sequence would be interesting.

If one person thinks they have added all the details, someone else is likely to 
come up with some other obscure tags that would be added due to information in 
the photos that the original person never thought of.

Being able to overlay the speed limit signs on the top of the ITO speed limit 
map for example could be more interesting for example.


 On 5 May 2015, at 16:27, Mike Thompson wrote:
 Looking forward to the JOSM plugin!
 Is there, or will there be, some sort of way that one can indicate that a 
 sequence of Mapillary images has been reviewed and relevant content added to 
 OSM? Perhaps a notes field in the Mapillary database where a mapper could 
 state mapped signs or mapped surface type.
 On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 12:37 AM, Janko Mihelić wrote:
 This brings us exciting possibilities. Someone could make a layer that 
 detects inconsistencies between mapillary sign data and osm data. For example:
 -there should be a oneway street near a oneway sign
 -there should be a turn restriction or a oneway street junction near a sign 
 with a turn restriction
 -there should be a maxspeed tag where there is a max speed sign
 uto, 5. svi 2015. 00:49 Clifford Snow je napisao:
 On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 3:16 PM, moltonel 3x Combo wrote:
 Looking forward to the josm plugin and the merging/locating of signs :)
 +1 - I got so excited that I purchased a new cell phone mount from GeekWire 
 to replace my defective old mount.
 OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
 talk mailing list
 talk mailing list
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] R: OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread Leonardo

Sembra ci sia un piccolo problema per i possessori della Osmand Plus:

OsmAnd+ upgrade issue: due to lots of issues while upgrading OsmAnd+ 
(paid version) to 2.0, we organized poll (see below) in order to find 
and fix the issue, your feedback is important to us, in order to find 
the problem quicker. Right now we suspect paid apps which were moved to 

Avevi spostato l'applicazione sulla scheda SD?


Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] nieuw paleis soestdijk

2015-05-05 Thread Steven M. Ottens

Hoi allemaal,

Zover ik weet hebben we met een nieuwe koning geen Nieuw Paleis 
Soestdijk gekregen. Maar de one-time user heinograpi heeft 3 maanden 
geleden het paleis op de kaart getekend:

Iemand met local knowledge die daar wat zinnigs over kunnen zeggen?


Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Rijeka ortofoto - dozvola

2015-05-05 Thread Ivan Delac
Andrej Vlašić napisa:
 Ima li tko kakvu ideju kako ortofoto ubaciti kao podlogu u josm?
 Gledam url sa kojeg ga dohvaća, npr:

Trebalo bi poslati još jedan upit u njihov zavod za inf. djelatnost i
zatražiti ortofoto u tiff formatu i dozvolu da ga stavimo na za potrebe OSM projekta. To bi sve bilo lakše da smo
udruga, ovako sumnjam da će nam dati.

Zabrinjava me samo ova obavijest na početnim stranicama njihovog GIS
Zabranjeno je svako mijenjanje, umnožavanje i distribuiranje podataka sa
navedene web stranice u bilo kojem obliku. Podatke nije dopušteno
distribuirati prema trećim osobama.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Question Overpass Turbo

2015-05-05 Thread Philippe Verdy
En gros donc c'est le processus de génération des minute diffs sur la
base principale qui a un problème (initialement rejeté à tord comme
wontfix car les admins d'OSM sur la base principale ont cru que c'était
un problème des logiciels tiers utilisant les minute diffs).
Il arrive parfois que le processus qui génère ces minute diffs soit
redémarré et ne reprenne pas corectement l'état dans lequel il était et
vienne alors écraser un fichier diff précédent pour le remplacer par un
autre contenant plus de données ou des données différentes.
Selon le moment où un service tiers (une instance Overpass par exemple)
interroge les diffs, il peut donc récupérer une version ou une autre d'un
de ces fichiers et n'a aucun moyen de savoir si c'est la bonne version, si
la première version a déjà été traitée, les fichiers diffs suivants seront
en revanche basés sur la deuxième version plus complète, et peuvent alors
être rejetés comme invalides (contenant des références à des objets
inexistants car ils n'étaient que dans la deuxième version du premier
fichier qui a écrasé la 1re version sur la base principale).
On peut donc avoir des cas de trous de mémoire sur certaines bases
tierces, et on ne s'en aperçoit plus tard que parce que d'autres diffs
paraitront inconsistants, essentiellement s'ils dont référence à de
nouveaux objets qui n'ont pas été inclus dans une première version écrasée
d'un vieux diff.

Je ne vois pas de moyen simple pour les service tiers de corriger ça
autrement qu'en tentant de remonter les diffs traités les uns après les
autres jusqu'à trouver une diférence dans un des diffs par rapport à ceux
présents sur le serveur principal:
* pour éviter d'avoir à télécharger tous les fichiers diffs et les analyser
les uns après les autres, il serait peut-être plus simple que le serveur
des fichiers diffs tienne un index de ces fichiers (groupés toutes les
heures par exemple, ou par bloc d'un millier de fichiers) contenant les
empreinte (SHA1) de leur contenu, au cas où l'un d'eux aurait été regénéré
dans une version ultérieure.
* ensuite les services tiers pourraient comparer avec leurs propres listes
d'empreintes afin de savoir depuis quel diff il y a eu une

Si on n'a pas ça, le seule moyen alors est de passer par la très lourde
procédure de rechargement d'un dump monde (qui prends plusieurs jours même
pour les meilleurs serveurs les plus puissants, y compris ceux de Mapbox),
ou d'avoir sur le serveur un système qui fait des requêtes aléatoires et
continues à la base principale pour tenter de détecter des oublis dans les
diffs. Il est d'ailleurs probable que Mapbox ne fasse rien du tout

Pour régler le problème sans repasser par la demande lourde de rechargement
d'un dump, on pourrait effectuer sur la base principale une modif mineure
des objets qui manquent pour que ceux-ci réapparaissent dans les diffs
suivants : là les diffs reçus seront vus comme incohérents (modification
reçue les concernant alors qu'on n'a pas vu leur création) : cette
incohérence constatée devrait alors être suivie par une requête pleine
effectuée par le serveur tiers à la base principale pour relire l'état de
l'objet manquant, en dehors des diffs désynchronisés reçus.

Les minutes diffs ont donc un problème de fiabilité non réglé concernant
leur génération sur le serveur principal, mais les solutions à ça ne sont
pas simples à régler pour les services tiers si cela dépend du moment où
chacun d'eux vient les interroger (on l'a vu, l'instance overpass allemande
a été impactée par cette incohérence, pas l'instance française qui a pris
uniquement la seconde génération du même fichier diff, les deux versions
ayant pourtant eu un contenu correct et cohérent, mais avec une version
moins complète que l'autre entrainant des incohérences dasn les diffs

Le 4 mai 2015 23:02, sly (sylvain letuffe) a écrit :

 Le lundi 4 mai 2015 20:55:22, Augustin Doury a écrit :
  A voir d'ici quelques jours, si quelqu'un a une explication, top.
  Bonne soirée

 Pour information, l'explication en rapide ici (en anglais):
 et en détail là : (en anglais):

 En rapide, aucune des modifications survenues entre
 2015-04-30 12:43  et 2015-04-30 13:36 UTC
 ne sont présentes dans la base Overpass de

 Un nouveau serveur est prévu et donc l'admin attend le remplacement de
 l'actuel par le nouveau, ce qui corrigera le problème.

 L'instance sur
 a été corrigée par mes soins la nuit dernière et devrait contenir ce que
 l'autre n'a pas.

 sly (sylvain letuffe)

 Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Quarterly Project All things delivery-related - an update

2015-05-05 Thread Rob Nickerson
Robert Whittaker has an excellent site monitoring OSM data on postboxes
in the UK. Here you can see progress (even a league table of who's
contributing). From the history graph you can see there's been an increase
in activity since the project got going. Perhaps Robert might provide some
data analysis about the effect of the project.

Enter a postcode and you can find all the missing and incorrect postboxes

Wow there are loads of postboxes still missing. Wouldn't it be great if
there was a
smartphone app that you could load missing points in to and it would tell
you about
them as you travel around. It would be like a guide to where to go mapping!

Geocaching for postboxes anyone?

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-it] Aiutino per Wiki Loves Monuments Italia

2015-05-05 Thread Dario Crespi
Ciao a tutti.
Non ho (quasi) mai scritto in questa mailing list, ma c'è sempre una prima
volta :-)
Scrivo per chiedere se c'è qualcuno che ha voglia di dare una mano con la
redazione delle liste di monumenti fotografabili per l'edizione 2015 di
Wiki Loves Monuments Italia.
Lo scrivo qui perché in molti casi mancano le coordinate dei vari monumenti
(a volte anche l'indirizzo è mancante). Se quindi qualcuno ha voglia di
dedicare un po' di tempo a inserire le coordinate, le liste sono suddivise
per regione e sono raggiungibili da qui:
Potrebbe anche essere l'occasione per collegare le voci di wikipedia ai
monumenti su OpenStreetMap (o mapparli se ancora non sono presenti su OSM).
Piccola nota: in Campania abbiamo delle sottoliste dedicate agli scavi
archeologici di Pompei ed Ercolano: in quel caso non so quanto sia
fattibile l'inserimento delle coordinate, ma se si riuscisse sarebbe il

Ringrazio subito chi vorrà dare una mano, magari anche solo con i monumenti
della propria zona.
Se poi avete voglia di contribuire anche chiedendo delle nuove
autorizzazioni a enti locali o parrocchie per poter fotografare i monumenti
di loro proprietà, io e Cristian Cenci (il referente
nazionale di Wiki Loves Monuments) siamo a vostra disposizione per farvi
avere i modelli di richiesta o per chiarire qualsiasi dubbio relativo a WLM.

Ancora grazie

Dario / Yiyi
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread michele iw1gfv
l' ho installato oeri e provato poco oggi, su alcune strade mi dice due volte 
via, ad esempio svoltare a destra su via via 25 aprile, oppure su via piazza 
della repubblica, ma funziona correttamente con via Giacinto Pullino. 
Cercherò di capire meglio quando si presenta il prblema.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mtb:scale

2015-05-05 Thread scratera

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Re: [Talk-it] OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread mircozorzo
Una bella app, mio unico navigatore.


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Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] weeklyOSM CZ - Nepál

2015-05-05 Thread TK
CZ překlad mimořádné zprávy z weeklyOSM:

Je hodně cest jak se zapojit s pomocí...

Talk-cz mailing list

[OSM-talk] Using OSM on Wikitravel

2015-05-05 Thread Andrew Wiseman
I think this might be an interesting use for OSM -- Wikitravel is a wiki
for travel tips (hence the name) and lacks maps on most pages! Maybe we
could somehow get connected with them to include maps for all the places,
states, etc. Might also show new people about OSM too. I filed a feature
request with them but maybe somebody else knows them.



600,000 DC residents don't have a vote in Congress --
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Prochaine rencontre OpenStreetMap à Nantes le 19 Mai

2015-05-05 Thread Antoine Riche
Il n'est jamais trop tôt pour s'organiser ... surtout que je suis en 
vacances la semaine prochaine.

J'aimerais aborder deux sujets :

 * State of The Map à Brest du 29 au 31 Mai : organisons un covoiturage
   pour aller à cet évènement essentiel
 * Les évènements de septembre et octobre à Nantes : une opportunité
   pour élargir notre communauté

Plus d'infos sur le pad :
Bien sûr la rencontre est ouverte à tous sujets : n'hésitez pas à 
compléter le pad !

A bientôt,
Antoine Riche.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread ramon
C'è l'ho anchio, ho un pò smanettato, c'è un modo di visualizzare tipo un
cruscotto, come certi garmin, dove vedi velocità, altitudine, media ecc...?

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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Offline-Software

2015-05-05 Thread Robin `ypid` Schneider
Eventuell ist Marble aus dem KDE Umfeld etwas für dich?

On 05.05.2015 15:51, wrote:
 Wie wäre es mit QLandkarteGT
 Christian aka Hedaja
 Am 5. Mai 2015 um 11:06 schrieb DarkAngel


 Hatte ich auch im Hinterkopf, nutze ich aber derzeit nur als Navi unter

 Kann man in der Win-Version einfach eine GPS-Position anzeigen lassen?

 Gruß Mario

Live long and prosper
Robin Schneider

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] route = foot

2015-05-05 Thread Ruben Maes
Sorry to bring up this old thread, I was bored so I skimmed a bit
through old unopened mails from the mailing list and I thought I
should mention this:

There's also this proposal for 'virtual highways':
The original proposal uses highway=virtual, I suggested using
highway:virtual=pedestrian/... instead so you don't have to add all
access restrictions by hand.
I am not sure whether it is a good idea or not, but the proposal is
there on the wiki.


On 20 Jan 2015 23:29, Gilbert Hersschens wrote:

 Bedankt. Weer iets bijgeleerd.

 2015-01-20 22:14 GMT+01:00 Jo

 route=foot lijkt mij ook een redelijk elegante oplossing om zowel een 
 continue reeks ways te hebben in de relatie, zonder de rendering te 

 Op 20 januari 2015 22:12 schreef Ben Laenen

 Dit zijn stukjes over pleinen waar enkele routes over gaan, je kan moeilijk
 het hele plein toevoegen omdat je dan de exacte route verliest, en aangezien
 er niets verschillend in realiteit is kan je er ook niet echt een
 highway=footway of pedestrian aan geven. Vandaar dus route=foot/bicycle, en
 die kun je nog wel op enkele andere plekken vinden in het land. Of dat dit 
 correct is of niet, het is toch duidelijk wat de bedoeling is, dus niets 
 mee wat mij betreft.


 On Tuesday 20 January 2015 21:13:47 Gilbert Hersschens wrote:
  Er loopt een wandel route dwars over de markt van Geel. Die markt is een
  voetgangerszone getagd als highway = pedestrian + area = yes. Omdat die
  highway dus geen way maar een area is heeft de mapper er gewoon een lijn
  door getrokken om de 2 stukken weg dwars over de markt te verbinden (om de
  route niet te breken) en dat stukje weg getagd met route = foot.
  Nu is route normalerwijze een relatie type en geen highway tag. Ik vraag
  me dus af of dit de correcte tag is voor een virtuele weg over een 
  Het is in elk geval een creatieve oplossing, maar misschien is er een
  andere, meer correcte manier ?

 Talk-be mailing list

 Talk-be mailing list

 Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] contact: tags

2015-05-05 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-05-05 17:21 GMT+02:00 Richard Z.

 the verbosity may be unneeded for very simple things like phone
 but is that true for everything covered by contact* ?
 key:fax? key:twitter? key:vhf?

have you seen taginfo?
906 vhf
182 vhf_channel
73 waterway:vhf_channel
36 lock:VHF_channel
32 VHF
16 contact:vhf

twitter and fax are less clear, but the contact:-form is always less in

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread mircozorzo
 OpzioniConfigura schermo

c'è tutto tranne la media.

Ciao, Mirco

Il 05/05/2015 19:16, ramon [via GIS] ha scritto:
 C'è l'ho anchio, ho un pò smanettato, c'è un modo di visualizzare tipo 
 un cruscotto, come certi garmin, dove vedi velocità, altitudine, media 

 If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the 
 discussion below: 

 To unsubscribe from OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile, click here

Mi piacciono e

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OSM on Wikitravel

2015-05-05 Thread Andrew Wiseman
Thanks, that's good info. I had no idea! I've been editing there for some


On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 2:36 PM, Andy Mabbett

 I'd be inclined to read up on the history of WikiTravel, before you go
 any further.

 You might also like to look at WikiVoyage:

 On 5 May 2015 at 17:25, Andrew Wiseman wrote:
  I think this might be an interesting use for OSM -- Wikitravel is a wiki
  travel tips (hence the name) and lacks maps on most pages! Maybe we could
  somehow get connected with them to include maps for all the places,
  etc. Might also show new people about OSM too. I filed a feature request
  with them but maybe somebody else knows them.
  600,000 DC residents don't have a vote in Congress --
  talk mailing list

 Andy Mabbett

 talk mailing list


600,000 DC residents don't have a vote in Congress --
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Rijeka ortofoto - dozvola

2015-05-05 Thread hbogner
Štop se tiče slanja kao udruga, možemo preko drugih udruga koje su 
zainteresirane za open data.
Trenutno sam u gužvi, ali dobio sam neke šprance po kojima možemo 
tražiti podatke za ponovnu upotrebu.
Ako možemo dobiti georeferencirani tiff to bi bilo najbolje jer bi ga 
mogli staviti na

Imam još toga za reći ali nestignem trenutno.


On 05/05/2015 05:06 PM, Ivan Delac wrote:

Andrej Vlašić napisa:

Ima li tko kakvu ideju kako ortofoto ubaciti kao podlogu u josm?
Gledam url sa kojeg ga dohvaća, npr:

Trebalo bi poslati još jedan upit u njihov zavod za inf. djelatnost i
zatražiti ortofoto u tiff formatu i dozvolu da ga stavimo na za potrebe OSM projekta. To bi sve bilo lakše da smo
udruga, ovako sumnjam da će nam dati.

Zabrinjava me samo ova obavijest na početnim stranicama njihovog GIS
Zabranjeno je svako mijenjanje, umnožavanje i distribuiranje podataka sa
navedene web stranice u bilo kojem obliku. Podatke nije dopušteno
distribuirati prema trećim osobama.

Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Bordel

2015-05-05 Thread Petr Vejsada

Dne Út 5. května 2015 13:49:36, Martin Švec - OSM napsal(a):

 Petře, můžeš vytáhnout něco jako SELECT changeset_id, user, COUNT(sirotci)
 ... GROUP BY changeset_id v kterém uzly osiřely? Namátkou to vypadá jen na
 pár changesetů. Rád bych vyloučil chybu v Traceru.

já nemám historii, takže nemůžu nalézt changeset, ve kterém uzly osiřely, ale 
s vysokou pravděpodobností to bude ten changeset poslední. Ledaže by někdo 
tyto sirotky editoval; těžko.

Přikládám group-by changeset i group-by user. sarkasmVýsledek asi málokoho 

 Btw, nedávno jsem při nahrávání LPISu narazil na zajímavou haluz -- v
 changesetu se mi náhodně zdvojily cesty LPIS polí. Duplikáty měly stejné
 tagy a sdílely všechny svoje uzly. Jako kdyby JOSM nahrál část nových cest
 a relací dvakrát za sebou. Objevil jsem je až za měsíc v Osmose, byl to
 jeden konkrétní changeset. Tracer to (doufám) udělat nemohl, to bych hned
 viděl, dvojitá pole měla v JOSM tmavší barvu.

Tohle se občas, ale opravdu jen občas stane. Nejsem si úplně jist, zda je to 
softwarem nebo člověkem. Spíš to přisuzuji sobě. Nicméně - pokud jsou oba 
polygony naprosto stejné, JOSM, doufám, že vždy, zařve. Stalo se mi ovšem i 
to, že nebyly naprosto stejné. Sdílely třeba všechny uzly až na jeden. To může 
IMO vzniknout tak, že když se tracuje podruhé, je to jiná situace - na daném 
místě už landuse je.

Co se týká povšimnutí si duplicity, tak nevím, o jaké tmavší barvě to píšeš - 
to asi hodně závisí na nastavení JOSM.

Mám tu skript, který umí najít duplicity či téměř duplicity z LPIS, tak jsem 
ho teď pustil, ono to bude nějakou dobu chroupat.


 Dne 5.5.2015 v 6:56 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
  můžeš udělat nějakou statistiku?
  Stáří, changesety, uživatelé?
  Co jsem tak namátkou prošel, všechno to byly uzly staré dva měsíce od
  jednoho uživatele. Možná nějaký dočasný problém. Ať už JOSM nebo OSM API?
  -- Původní zpráva --
  Od: Petr Vejsada
  Datum: 5. 5. 2015 2:42:16
  Předmět: [Talk-cz] Bordel
  právě mažu přes 200 tisíc osiřelých uzlů. Wtf?
  Talk-cz mailing list
  Talk-cz mailing list,display_name
22,Still gelegtes Profil
16,Chenn Zenn
7,Pavel Bokr
3,Milan KerĹĄlĂĄger
3,Mike Crash
2,Ingmar Booij
1,OSMF Redaction Account
1,Jaroslav Hamáček
1,Jarda Vagenknecht
5,29629486,Petr1868,2015-03-22 06:21:56.709036
45994,29629313,Petr1868,2015-03-22 06:21:56.709036
44737,29622574,Petr1868,2015-03-21 07:48:27.512386
41471,29577573,Petr1868,2015-03-19 19:10:37.530032
13769,29930635,Petr1868,2015-04-04 05:41:59.21237
8222,29369350,kwiecpav,2015-03-10 06:21:56.309783
500,29272785,hopet,2015-03-06 07:48:35.360744
456,29578084,Petr1868,2015-03-19 19:10:37.530032
403,29887944,Maatts,2015-04-02 12:45:49.419823
232,29370399,hopet,2015-03-10 06:21:56.309783
182,29578988,Petr1868,2015-03-19 19:10:37.530032
110,29635402,petr_balicek,2015-03-22 06:21:56.709036
86,29577557,Petr1868,2015-03-19 19:10:37.530032
78,29640906,petr_balicek,2015-03-22 06:21:56.709036
50,30045622,Petr1868,2015-04-10 02:31:30.390945
50,29368650,Petr1868,2015-03-10 06:21:56.309783
33,4712517,jf01,2014-03-11 00:19:54.501227
25,29418317,gorn,2015-03-19 08:03:04.003316
21,6300165,jf01,2014-03-11 00:19:54.501227
16,29663309,Chenn Zenn,2015-03-27 07:33:33.547739
12,30137371,Frema07,2015-04-12 18:19:35.506352
11,29240787,WojtekK,2015-03-06 07:48:35.360744
11,29623070,Petr1868,2015-03-21 07:48:27.512386
11,6223944,jf01,2014-03-11 00:19:54.501227
10,29702277,PaLenka,2015-03-27 07:33:33.547739
9,13769808,Still gelegtes Profil,2014-03-11 00:19:54.501227
8,13829484,Still gelegtes Profil,2014-03-11 00:19:54.501227
7,10229118,kulich,2014-03-11 00:19:54.501227
7,27608991,Pavel Bokr,2014-12-24 07:22:01.767162
6,6008079,jf01,2014-03-11 00:19:54.501227
6,11370195,Petr1868,2014-03-11 00:19:54.501227
5,6300987,jf01,2014-03-11 00:19:54.501227
5,10084333,kulich,2014-03-11 00:19:54.501227

[talk-au] OSM people in ACT

2015-05-05 Thread Kristy Van Putten
Hi All,
I am searching for active OSM contributors in ACT, if you are one please email 
me or contact me via my mobile.  I am interested to get your thoughts on the 
current state of OSM in ACT and if there is any aspect the government can 
assist in.

Kristy Van Putten

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT

2015-05-05 Thread Ross

Hi Kristy,

I'm not in the ACT but the following would be nice data to add and could 
be done by anyone if licenced appropriately.


In a ESRI shape file or osm file geocoded like the Vic, Tas and Qld. 
Victorian and Tasmanian are the best examples have a look at or

Building outlines.

In an ESRI shape file or osm file geocoded like the Launceston and 
Glenorchy City Council data on also.

Road centerlines with names.

As a wms layer same as at

This is not overly necessary as most of the names can be deduced from 
the address data.  Just sometimes there is short streets where there is 
no actual property with an address so it can be looked up. Also where 
one road changes names partway along the road with no discernable 


On 05/05/15 16:11, Kristy Van Putten wrote:

Hi All,
I am searching for active OSM contributors in ACT, if you are one please email 
me or contact me via my mobile.  I am interested to get your thoughts on the 
current state of OSM in ACT and if there is any aspect the government can 
assist in.

Kristy Van Putten

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapillary plugin for JOSM

2015-05-05 Thread Paul Johnson
On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 5:48 PM, Clifford Snow

 On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 3:16 PM, moltonel 3x Combo

 Looking forward to the josm plugin and the merging/locating of signs :)

 +1 - I got so excited that I purchased a new cell phone mount from
 GeekWire to replace my defective old mount.

 Actually found a good mount at Best Buy.  It's got a bit of bounce to it,
which is good since it seems to work as a shock absorber.  It's also got a
very long arm on it, which is also handy since I drive a 4x4 and a state of
borderline neglect, so having a mount with some bounce to it that I can
actually reach from the windshield is a great match for decently consistent
talk mailing list

Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT

2015-05-05 Thread kristy van putten
Thanks Jason,
This is a great tool!
The majority of government is trying to move to an open license, with GA
leading in the geospatial front.  What we need to get our heads around is
the difference between CCBY 4.0 and ODBL.
Community outreach programs would be great, or even potentially working
with spatial institutes such as SSSI to encourage OSM in schools.
I will take a look at the import list and see whats happening around the
world - your right this might shed a light on potential assistance.  As
Andrew just pointed out access to imagery would also be very beneficial, I
will look into this a bit further and see what can be done there (specially
ACT to start with).
I will start to contact the super users in ACT.

On Tue, 5 May 2015 at 16:44 Jason Ward wrote:

 Hi Kristy,

 Not a large userbase in the ACT and not all of them may subscribe to this
 list.  To help you in your search the following link may prove useful
 (Suggest unticking Black, Red and Orange users in the top left corner for a
 closer measure of 'active' contributors)

 While I don't represent the contributors in ACT it would be great if (the
 whole of) government was able to provide or make accessible data with
 suitable licence clearances for use in OSM.  Despite that and noting the
 small contributor count in the region maybe more 'useful' would be the
 application of resources to help with the contribution of data OR some sort
 of government advocacy/community growth initiative with the long game being
 to build the local contributor base.

 To adapt a recent phrase from another list, OSM is a collection of
 on-the-ground observations and while there is a place for supply of
 government information, and notwithstanding your Indonesian HOT experience,
 your time would be well spent looking at some of the imports carried out in
 other parts of the world (some good, others less so), as well as
 subscribing to the @imports list (if you haven't done so) for a view into
 the workings OSM members apply to externally supplied information.


 M: 0438740049

 On 5 May 2015 at 16:11, Kristy Van Putten

 Hi All,
 I am searching for active OSM contributors in ACT, if you are one please
 email me or contact me via my mobile.  I am interested to get your thoughts
 on the current state of OSM in ACT and if there is any aspect the
 government can assist in.

 Kristy Van Putten

 Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

[Talk-cz] Fwd: Bordel (fwd)

2015-05-05 Thread Zdeněk Pražák
-- Přeposlaná zpráva --
Od: Zdeněk Pražák
Datum: 5. května 2015 8:57
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Bordel (fwd)
Komu: Libor Pechacek

ano, tenkrát při nahrávání mi nějak kolaboval počítač a jednotlivé body se
Snažil jsem se to opravit v dalších changesetech, ale nespojené body asi


Dne 5. května 2015 7:16 Libor Pechacek napsal(a):

Historie některých uzlů naznačuje spojitost s importem z LPIS.  Zdeňku?


 - Forwarded message from Marián Kyral -

 Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 06:56:43 +0200 (CEST)
 From: Marián Kyral
 To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
 Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Bordel
 X-Mailer: szn-ebox-4.4.270
 Reply-To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic

 můžeš udělat nějakou statistiku?

 Stáří, changesety, uživatelé?

 Co jsem tak namátkou prošel, všechno to byly uzly staré dva měsíce od
 jednoho uživatele. Možná nějaký dočasný problém. Ať už JOSM nebo OSM API?


 -- Původní zpráva --
 Od: Petr Vejsada
 Datum: 5. 5. 2015 2:42:16
 Předmět: [Talk-cz] Bordel


 právě mažu přes 200 tisíc osiřelých uzlů. Wtf?


 Talk-cz mailing list;

 Talk-cz mailing list

 - End forwarded message -


Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-it] ferrovia mineraria o no ?

2015-05-05 Thread Alessandro Chiostri
Nel museo minerario di Abbadia San Salvatore è stato realizzato un percorso
su treno decauville rivolto ai visitatori:

posate le rotaie su un prato, è stato poi ricoperto cosicchè i vagoni
viaggiano al livello “0” (ancora chiuse e pericolose le gallerie a -400mt

Bing mostra ancora foto dei lavori , quindi è ricalcabile ma con che tag ?
Dopotutto non è una vera ferrovia industriale (anche se il materiale lo è)

ma più affine ai trenini dei parchi giochi.
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-cz] Fwd: Re: Bordel (fwd)

2015-05-05 Thread Marián Kyral
Ještě jednou, nešlo to do konference...


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Marián Kyral
Komu: Libor Pechacek
Datum: 5. 5. 2015 7:32:41
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Bordel (fwd)

No vypadá to, že velká většina pochází z jednoho nepovedeného changesetu. 
Tyhle osiřelé body se většinou tvořily při selhání uploadu na OSM.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Libor Pechacek
Komu: Zdeněk Pražák
Datum: 5. 5. 2015 7:16:35
Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Bordel (fwd)

Historie některých uzlů naznačuje spojitost s importem z LPIS. Zdeňku?


- Forwarded message from Marián Kyral -

Date: Tue, 05 May 2015 06:56:43 +0200 (CEST)
From: Marián Kyral
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Bordel
X-Mailer: szn-ebox-4.4.270
Reply-To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic

můžeš udělat nějakou statistiku?

Stáří, changesety, uživatelé?

Co jsem tak namátkou prošel, všechno to byly uzly staré dva měsíce od 
jednoho uživatele. Možná nějaký dočasný problém. Ať už JOSM nebo OSM API? 


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Petr Vejsada
Datum: 5. 5. 2015 2:42:16
Předmět: [Talk-cz] Bordel


právě mažu přes 200 tisíc osiřelých uzlů. Wtf?


Talk-cz mailing list;

Talk-cz mailing list

- End forwarded message -

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapillary plugin for JOSM

2015-05-05 Thread Janko Mihelić
This brings us exciting possibilities. Someone could make a layer that
detects inconsistencies between mapillary sign data and osm data. For

-there should be a oneway street near a oneway sign
-there should be a turn restriction or a oneway street junction near a sign
with a turn restriction
-there should be a maxspeed tag where there is a max speed sign


uto, 5. svi 2015. 00:49 Clifford Snow je napisao:

 On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 3:16 PM, moltonel 3x Combo

 Looking forward to the josm plugin and the merging/locating of signs :)

 +1 - I got so excited that I purchased a new cell phone mount from
 GeekWire to replace my defective old mount.

 OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT

2015-05-05 Thread Jason Ward
Hi Kristy,

Not a large userbase in the ACT and not all of them may subscribe to this
list.  To help you in your search the following link may prove useful
(Suggest unticking Black, Red and Orange users in the top left corner for a
closer measure of 'active' contributors)

While I don't represent the contributors in ACT it would be great if (the
whole of) government was able to provide or make accessible data with
suitable licence clearances for use in OSM.  Despite that and noting the
small contributor count in the region maybe more 'useful' would be the
application of resources to help with the contribution of data OR some sort
of government advocacy/community growth initiative with the long game being
to build the local contributor base.

To adapt a recent phrase from another list, OSM is a collection of
on-the-ground observations and while there is a place for supply of
government information, and notwithstanding your Indonesian HOT experience,
your time would be well spent looking at some of the imports carried out in
other parts of the world (some good, others less so), as well as
subscribing to the @imports list (if you haven't done so) for a view into
the workings OSM members apply to externally supplied information.


M: 0438740049

On 5 May 2015 at 16:11, Kristy Van Putten

 Hi All,
 I am searching for active OSM contributors in ACT, if you are one please
 email me or contact me via my mobile.  I am interested to get your thoughts
 on the current state of OSM in ACT and if there is any aspect the
 government can assist in.

 Kristy Van Putten

 Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Kathmandu, OSM e il Politecnico di Milano

2015-05-05 Thread Luca Delucchi
2015-05-04 14:59 GMT+02:00 Andrea Fredduzzi
 Il 4 maggio 2015 10:34, Stefano Salvador
 ha scritto:

Le cose cambiano quando devo usare i dati per il coordinamento
 dell'emergenza, in questo caso avere i dati vettoriali grezzi in un formato
 compatibile con i software GIS è imprescindibile, questo sia per avere la
 massima flessibilità del rendering (di una stessa porzione di territorio
 devo poter fare mappe tematiche di ogni tipo in base a chi andrà ad
 utilizzarle) sia per le analisi geografiche in cui necessariamente i dati di
 base devono essere mescolati a dati specialistici provenienti da altre
 fonti. Con gli strumenti che mette a disposizione Google entrambe queste
 attività sono semplicemente impossibili.

 Credo proprio questo sia il punto:
 OSM non mette a disposizione semplicemente una mappa ma il proprio
 geodatabase  al completo (non credo che Google possa fare
 Questa è una differenza enorme.

+1, per esempio non si può mettere sui GPS mentre OSM si ;-)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Bordel

2015-05-05 Thread Martin Ždila
Mozno by tu bolo na mieste pouzit JOSM reverter plugin.

2015-05-05 2:41 GMT+02:00 Petr Vejsada


 právě mažu přes 200 tisíc osiřelých uzlů. Wtf?


 Talk-cz mailing list

Ing. Martin Ždila*Martin*
OZ Freemap Slovakia
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] mtb:scale

2015-05-05 Thread pietro marzani

Ecco in questi casi voi come fareste? meglio essere il più precisi e vicini
possibile alla realtà
(rasentando quasi la paranoia) cioé 100m mtb:scale=1 poi 5m mtb:scale=2 e
via oppure mettereste tutto mtb:scale=1 perché la maggior parte rientra in
questo valore?

In linea di massima mi piace la prima soluzione ma in pratica opto quasi sempre
per la seconda, anche perché se percorro un sentiero in discesa in bici non
mi prendo il tempo di fermarmi a marcare i tratti più complicati


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Kathmandu, OSM e il Politecnico di Milano

2015-05-05 Thread Giovanni Cascafico
On Sun, May 03, 2015 at 03:57:35AM -0700, Aury88 wrote:
 non spiega perchè abbiano scelto la mappa osm...dicono solamente che hanno
 inviato a loro questa richiesta (potrebbero averla tra l'altro inviata anche
 a google o a enti governativi, naturalmente sul wiki o il blog dedicato alle
 attività HOT si parla delle richieste inviate ad essa non a quelle inviate
 ad altri)

sarebbe strano che avessero inviato anche ad enti governativi, visto che questi 
incoraggiano OSM (mapgive)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT

2015-05-05 Thread Nathanael Coyne
I'm here.

Nathanael Coyne (Boehm)

Canberra, Australia
0431 698 580

On 5 May 2015 at 16:11, Kristy Van Putten

 Hi All,
 I am searching for active OSM contributors in ACT, if you are one please
 email me or contact me via my mobile.  I am interested to get your thoughts
 on the current state of OSM in ACT and if there is any aspect the
 government can assist in.

 Kristy Van Putten

 Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Rijeka ortofoto - dozvola

2015-05-05 Thread Darko Boto
Mislim da jesu njihove. JLS obično kupe od DGU-a DOF-ove i jedino su tu
upitno uvjeti pod kojima su oni kupili te DOF-ove a znam da su često ti
uvijeti ograničenog korištenja u smislu da se mogu koristiti samo za npr.
potrebe vizualizacije na interaktivnoj karti od te institucije.

Problem je kako dohvatiti te DOF-ove jer nemaju standardni interface (WMS).
Čini mi se da je ovo rješenje bazirano na starom ESRI-jevom ArcIMS-u koji
nema WMS (WMS connector je poseban plugin za ArcIMS) i trebat će to malo

Kad smo već kod toga, ne znam da li je netko već povukao pitanje korištenja
geografskih imena. Podaci su dostupni za download, a u uvjetima korištenja
piše da su uvjeti pristupa i korištenja: nema uvjeta, Ograničenja javnog
pristupa: nema ograničenja|ebf8b494-338b-4d05-81ad-e56dbf9c008d.

2015-05-04 23:34 GMT+02:00 Janko Mihelić

 Svaka čast, jako uzbudljive vijesti!

 Ipak, prvo bih provjerio jesu li to zaista njihove ortofoto karte ili ih
 oni samo koriste. Ponekad ljudi zaborave da nešto samo iznajmljuju. U karti
 sa podacima možda ima nekih granica koje je Rijeka kupila od DGUa ili nekog
 drugog. Ako je to stvarno sve njihovo, onda možemo dalje.

 Ovo daje nadu da bi takvo nešto mogli probati i u drugim gradovima.


 pon, 4. svi 2015. 19:03 Andrej Vlašić je

  Poslao sam Gradu Rijeci upit ako se smije koristiti njihov ortofoto sa
  stranice kao podlogu u osm, i dobio sam
  dolje navedeni odgovor.
  Orotfoto je odličan, u mjerilu 1:250 se sve dobro vidi, a ima i
  podlogu za ulice sa imenima i kućnim brojevima, i pretraživanje po
  Isto sam pitao i za ove dvije stranice sa popisom ulica:
  Ima li tko kakvu ideju kako ortofoto ubaciti kao podlogu u josm?
  Gledam url sa kojeg ga dohvaća, npr:
  Ako povećam maph i mapw varijable, onda mi vrati veću sliku (inaće
  ovisi o velićini prozora u browseru), pa kad povećam visinu mogu
  dobiti od sjevera do juga cijeli komad grada sa nekim ne prevelikom
  širinom (inaće se server pobuni da nemože vratiti request).
  Ovaj x1, y1, x2, y2 nemam pojma kako rade, početak je u nekom njihovom
  kooridnatnom sustavu koliko vidim.
  Moglo bi se onda iterativno cijeli grad pokupiti na najvećem zoomu, pa
  spojiti i georeferencirati, ili ima netko bolju ideju?
  -- Forwarded message --
  From: Ri-info
  Date: 2015-05-04 11:04 GMT+02:00
  Subject: RE: pitanje u vezi koristenja podataka
  To: Andrej Vlašić
  Po Vašem upitu proslijedili smo mail Zavodu za informatičku djelatnost
  Grada Rijeke i prosljeđujemo Vam odgovor koji nam je uputio Pročelnik
  Podaci se objavljuju u najboljoj vjeri, a elektronički oblik u kojem
  se podaci objavljuju podložan je promjenama bez prethodne najave.
  Grad ne snosi odgovornost za bilo kakvu štetu koju nekome možda može
  prouzročiti nedostupnost, promjena formata podatka ili eventualna
  netočnost objavljenih podataka na izvorima koje gdin. Vlašić spominje.
  Grad Rijeka se u objavi podataka rukovodi preporukama Europske unije
  koje se temelje na ideji da javni podaci moraju biti dostupni
  građanima kako bi ih mogli slobodno upotrebljavati.
  Više o tome na:
  Zaključno, podaci koje gdin. Vlašić navodi su javni podaci i kao takvi
  mogu se koristiti bez ograničenja.
  Lijepi pozdrav
  Željko Jurić, pročelnik
  Nadamo se da smo uspjeli odgovoriti na Vaše pitanje.
  Srdačan pozdrav,
  Daniela Klaričić
  Informativni centar Grada Rijeke
  Korzo 18b
  51000 Rijeka
  T: +385 51 209 691
  F: +385 51 209 692
  Talk-hr mailing list
 Talk-hr mailing list

Darko Boto
Phone: +385 1 6676 918
mob:   +385 91 1365 614
Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Offline-Software

2015-05-05 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Offline-Software

2015-05-05 Thread DarkAngel


Hatte ich auch im Hinterkopf, nutze ich aber derzeit nur als Navi unter

Kann man in der Win-Version einfach eine GPS-Position anzeigen lassen?

Gruß Mario

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2015-05-05 Thread Simon . Costello
Thanks Kristy, I would support the idea of discerning the difference between 
CCBY and ODBL.  THe intent of the open data policy is to make data useable with 
minimal restriction, and ODBL seems to be an appropriate instrument for 
handling this in database format.  CCBY seems ok for maps but not for databases.

I got in touch with OSM contributor Michael Cleary last week who was visiting 
GA as part of the Power of Maps conference.  He outlined pretty well what he 
sees the issues are viz ODBL vs CCBY4.0.  I am beginning to get a clearer 
picture on what these issues are and am keen to get it resolved, but will need 
continued feedback from the OSM community on this.

This is also worth bringing up in the Foundation Spatial Data Framework policy 
discussions which I am heavily involved in.  FSDF also needs to consider the 
role of volunteered geographic information in the update of national foundation 
spatial datasets - so there is even greater imperative to have OSM involved in 
those discussions.  The use cases included in the email trail are excellent 
examples of the need to get this sorted.


Simon Costello
Branch Head, National Location Information  |  EGD Management
Environmental Geoscience Division  |  GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA

Phone:  +61 2 6249 9716tel:+61%202%206249%209716Fax:  +61 2 6249 
Cnr Jerrabomberra Avenue and Hindmarsh Drive Symonston ACT
GPO Box 378 Canberra ACT 2601 Australiax-apple-data-detectors://3
Applying geoscience to Australia’s most important challenges

On 5 May 2015, at 5:00 pm, kristy van putten wrote:

Thanks Jason,
This is a great tool!
The majority of government is trying to move to an open license, with GA 
leading in the geospatial front.  What we need to get our heads around is the 
difference between CCBY 4.0 and ODBL.
Community outreach programs would be great, or even potentially working with 
spatial institutes such as SSSI to encourage OSM in schools.
I will take a look at the import list and see whats happening around the world 
- your right this might shed a light on potential assistance.  As Andrew just 
pointed out access to imagery would also be very beneficial, I will look into 
this a bit further and see what can be done there (specially ACT to start with).
I will start to contact the super users in ACT.

On Tue, 5 May 2015 at 16:44 Jason Ward wrote:
Hi Kristy,

Not a large userbase in the ACT and not all of them may subscribe to this list. 
 To help you in your search the following link may prove useful (Suggest 
unticking Black, Red and Orange users in the top left corner for a closer 
measure of 'active' contributors)

While I don't represent the contributors in ACT it would be great if (the whole 
of) government was able to provide or make accessible data with suitable 
licence clearances for use in OSM.  Despite that and noting the small 
contributor count in the region maybe more 'useful' would be the application of 
resources to help with the contribution of data OR some sort of government 
advocacy/community growth initiative with the long game being to build the 
local contributor base.

To adapt a recent phrase from another list, OSM is a collection of 
on-the-ground observations and while there is a place for supply of government 
information, and notwithstanding your Indonesian HOT experience, your time 
would be well spent looking at some of the imports carried out in other parts 
of the world (some good, others less so), as well as subscribing to the 
@imports list (if you haven't done so) for a view into the workings OSM members 
apply to externally supplied information.


M: 0438740049tel:0438740049

On 5 May 2015 at 16:11, Kristy Van Putten wrote:
Hi All,
I am searching for active OSM contributors in ACT, if you are one please email 
me or contact me via my mobile.  I am interested to get your thoughts on the 
current state of OSM in ACT and if there is any aspect the government can 
assist in.

Kristy Van Putten

Talk-au mailing list

Geoscience Australia Disclaimer: This e-mail (and files transmitted with it) is 
intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed. If you are not 
the intended recipient, then you have received this e-mail by mistake and any 
use, dissemination, 

Re: [Talk-it] mtb:scale

2015-05-05 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-05-04 16:03 GMT+02:00

 Ecco in questi casi voi come fareste? meglio essere il più precisi e vicini
 possibile alla realtà
 (rasentando quasi la paranoia) cioé 100m mtb:scale=1 poi 5m mtb:scale=2 e
 via oppure mettereste tutto mtb:scale=1 perché la maggior parte rientra in

più dettagliato è meglio, nel caso che non ti è possibile, sceglierei il
valore più difficile e non quello meno difficile.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] natural=spring oppure amenity=drinking_water ?

2015-05-05 Thread Daniele Forsi
Il 5 maggio 2015 01:22, mbranco2 ha scritto:

 Provo a dire la mia basandomi sulla mia esperienza di escursionista più che 
 quella di mappatore OSM
 (sono ancora novizio a riguardo) :

ti faccio notare che:

 se è una fontanella, già taggata come amenity=drinking_water, è superfluo.

per come nascono le etichette in OSM e per come si inseriscono, a
livello di dati non esistono valori predefiniti perché non puoi sapere
se il mappatore si è dimenticato di inserirlo e quindi nessuna
etichetta è superflua

ogni utilizzatore dei dati può decidere quale significato dare alla
mancanza di un'etichetta, come nel caso del routing dove la mancanza
di acess e oneway viene interpretata come la possibilità di passare in
entrambe le direzioni

Daniele Forsi

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-de] Offline-Software

2015-05-05 Thread DarkAngel

ich suche eine Software für Windows (möglichst einfach und simple),

die ohne Internetzugang in Offline-OSM-Karten eine manuell eingegebene
GPS-Position anzeigt.

Irgendwie habe ich noch nicht das richtige dazu gefunden.

Gruß Mario

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-at] Details zu Modified Nodes herausfinden

2015-05-05 Thread Florian Michaeler


ich war heute eher zufällig auf der OSMstats Seite ( ), dabei 
ist mir aufgefallen, dass am 04.05. in Österreich 34539 Nodes geändert 
Da ich ja prinzipiell neugierig bin und die Anzahl so weit über den 
üblichen 5000 - 6000 Änderungen pro Tag ist.
Stellt sich mir die Frage, wie man hierzu nähere Details herausfinden 

aka Miflo

Diese E-Mail ist frei von Viren und Malware, denn der avast! Antivirus Schutz 
ist aktiv.

Talk-at mailing list

[OSM-legal-talk] What extra permissions are needed to include CC-BY data in OSM

2015-05-05 Thread Andrew Harvey
I'm bringing up a conversation from talk-au pertaining to what
additional permissions we need from content owners in order to include
or use as a source to derive further information from their CC-BY
licensed data in OSM.

Any advice is very much appreciated.

On 16 April 2015 at 15:26, Paul Norman wrote:
 On 4/15/2015 6:01 AM, Ross wrote:
 The issue is not with the licence.  The current terms and conditions require 
 permission to add data not owned by the contributor.

 This is incorrect. An appropriate license is sufficient. Some obviously 
 appropriate licenses are CC0, PDDL, ODC-BY and the ODbL itself.

 The issue is that CC BY (and BY-SA) 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 require a form of 
 attribution that is not practical for most map uses, so we need permission. 
 This would have been true even without the license change, as we were never 
 meeting the requirements of those versions of CC BY.

 We have permission for many Australian sources, and I believe for all CC BY 
 Australian sources that were in use at the time of the license change.

My question was does CC-BY 4.0 have the same issue? Could CC-BY 4.0
data be included in OSM.

Secondly, what specific permission do we need to include CC-BY 3.0 or
4.0 data in OSM? Do we essentially need the data supplier to agree to
CC0 plus attribution in some specific form requested by OSMF? Is there
a sample legal agreement or text for this?

The release of government spatial data in Australia is continuing to
expand to more and more agencies who are releasing under CC-BY, and it
would be great if we had an OSMF approved license agreement or such we
can present to these agencies so that hopefully these CC-BY datasets
can be potentially used in some form in OSM.

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT

2015-05-05 Thread Phil (The Geek) Wyatt
Hi Kristy,

I am not in ACT (Tassie based) but I would agree with all of the below as well 
as an open portal site where folks can download open data. 

Specifically, it would great if agencies explicitly mentioned in their 
licencing or use documentation that the data is available(or not) for use under 
OSM Open Database Licence 

Cheers - Phil

-Original Message-
From: Ross [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 5 May 2015 4:56 PM
To: Kristy Van Putten;
Subject: Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT

Hi Kristy,

I'm not in the ACT but the following would be nice data to add and could be 
done by anyone if licenced appropriately.


In a ESRI shape file or osm file geocoded like the Vic, Tas and Qld. 
Victorian and Tasmanian are the best examples have a look at or

Building outlines.

In an ESRI shape file or osm file geocoded like the Launceston and 
Glenorchy City Council data on also.

Road centerlines with names.

As a wms layer same as at

This is not overly necessary as most of the names can be deduced from 
the address data.  Just sometimes there is short streets where there is 
no actual property with an address so it can be looked up. Also where 
one road changes names partway along the road with no discernable 


On 05/05/15 16:11, Kristy Van Putten wrote:
 Hi All,
 I am searching for active OSM contributors in ACT, if you are one please 
 email me or contact me via my mobile.  I am interested to get your thoughts 
 on the current state of OSM in ACT and if there is any aspect the government 
 can assist in.

 Kristy Van Putten

 Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wie Katastralgemeinden handhaben? (geoeki)

2015-05-05 Thread Ekrem Canli
Danke für all die Rückmeldungen!

Ich bin mit Geodatenbanken vertraut, darum hat es mich als OSM Neuling
gewundert, dass es selbst für Ö alleine keine einheitlichen
Hierarchien/Standards gibt (International ohnehin nicht bewältigbar)

Was mMn auch noch für add:street sprechen würde: die Straßen in besagten
Katastralgemeinden tragen oft deren Namen (z.B. heißt die Straße in
Preinreichs auch Preinreichs). Habe jetzt aber alle meine addr:street tags
auf addr:place geändert wo erforderlich (geht mit JOSM ja sehr einfach

Schöne Grüße,

Ekrem Canli, MSc
Universitätsassistent (prae doc)
Institut für Geographie und Regionalforschung
Universität Wien
Universitätsstrasse 7 (C416)
1010 Wien

Tel: (+43) 1 4277 48654
Mobil: (+43) 680 2114451
Fax: (+43) 01 4277 8 48654
Post Manager ID: Ekrem.Canli
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] natural=spring oppure amenity=drinking_water ?

2015-05-05 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2015-05-05 1:22 GMT+02:00 mbranco2

 Provo a dire la mia basandomi sulla mia esperienza di escursionista più
 che quella di mappatore OSM (sono ancora novizio a riguardo) :

- drinking_water = yes ritengo sia applicabile solo a manufatti
dell'uomo collegati ad un acquedotto, quindi in un circuito chiuso,
garantito e mantenuto. Questi manufatti sono praticamente presenti solo nei
centri abitati: se è una fontanella, già taggata come
amenity=drinking_water, è superfluo.

si, è superfluo per amenity=drinking_water e no, lo userei anche per fonti
naturali. drinking_water=yes è un tag che dice che l'acqua è potabile. Se
lo è d'avvero non lo puoi sapere, perché in OSM tutti possono inserire
tutto, e perché non si vede la maggiorpare delle possibili inquinamenti. La
mappe ti aiuta a trovare una possibile fonte di acqua potabile, poi, una
volta arrivato lì, sta a te di decidere se lo vuoi bere d'avvero o no.


 Alle sorgenti naturali  (natural=spring) non lo applicherei mai, perchè la
 potabilità non è garantita. L'inquinamento di una sorgente naturale può
 avere sia cause artificiali (falde inquinate da qualsiasi agente chimico,
 tipicamente in zone abitate ed industrializzate) sia cause naturali (vedi
 well contamination in wikipedia [1]).
 Ma anche dove la potabilità dell'acqua dovrebbe essere assicurata (per
 esempio su tutte le Alpi, oltre la quota degli alpeggi, dove in effetti ho
 sempre bevuto da sorgenti naturali), non si può sapere se per es. un
 animale poco prima non l'abbia (momentaneamente) inquinata.

lo stesso discorso vale anche per una fontanella, potrebbe esser stata

Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Missing Maps in het GeoFort, 4 juni 2015

2015-05-05 Thread Rob Geldhof
Hallo allemaal,


Op donderdag 4 juni 2015 van 14:00 tot 17:00 wordt er op het GeoFort een
Missing Maps event georganiseerd door JongGeo. Toegang is gratis, als je
meedoet aan de BBQ achteraf wordt een kleine bijdrage gevraagd. Voor vervoer
vanaf station Geldermalsen kan gezorgd worden. Meer informatie en aanmelden
kan hier:


De inzet van het HOT in Nepal toont aan dat goede kaarten voor kwetsbare
gebieden onverminderd belangrijk zijn. In het bijzonder hopen we ook dat een
aantal ervaren mappers bereid is om nieuwelingen bij te staan. 


Voor vragen kun je terecht bij


Tot 4 juni!


Namens JongGeo

Rob Geldhof




Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OSM on Wikitravel

2015-05-05 Thread Michael Kugelmann

On 05.05.2015 at 20:36 Andy Mabbett wrote:

I'd be inclined to read up on the history of WikiTravel, before you go
any further.

I very much agree with Andy!

WikiTravel is held by a commercial company with commercial interests. 
IMHO they acted clearly against the spirit of FLOSS in the past (e.g. by 
criminal complaint against some active persons not willing to act in 
their commercial interests). This caused a big part of the active 
contributors and admins to leave the project. These persons then founded 

You might also like to look at WikiVoyage:
... WikiVoyage as a fork which is accepted as a sister project by the 
Wikimedia Foundation. So if you are interested to support a project, 
please support WikiVoyage and not WikiTravel.
BTW: Wikitravel is almost dead after a lot of contributors and admins 
left the project: there are only a few update and new articles in 
opposite to WikiVoyage. includes some details 
about the reason for the fork

Just my 2 cents,

FYI: I'm not active in WikiVoyage nor in WikiTravel although I'm active 
in Wikipedia.

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Bordel

2015-05-05 Thread Martin Švec - OSM

Dne 5.5.2015 v 21:37 Petr Vejsada napsal(a):

 Dne Út 5. května 2015 13:49:36, Martin Švec - OSM napsal(a):

 Petře, můžeš vytáhnout něco jako SELECT changeset_id, user, COUNT(sirotci)
 ... GROUP BY changeset_id v kterém uzly osiřely? Namátkou to vypadá jen na
 pár changesetů. Rád bych vyloučil chybu v Traceru.
 já nemám historii, takže nemůžu nalézt changeset, ve kterém uzly osiřely, ale 
 s vysokou pravděpodobností to bude ten changeset poslední. Ledaže by někdo 
 tyto sirotky editoval; těžko.

 Přikládám group-by changeset i group-by user. sarkasmVýsledek asi málokoho 


Díky, mrknu na to, příležitostně. Vidím tam i sebe, třeba něco zjistím z logů. 
Nepamatuju si, že by
mi JOSM v posledních měsících křupnul při uploadu.

 Btw, nedávno jsem při nahrávání LPISu narazil na zajímavou haluz -- v
 changesetu se mi náhodně zdvojily cesty LPIS polí. Duplikáty měly stejné
 tagy a sdílely všechny svoje uzly. Jako kdyby JOSM nahrál část nových cest
 a relací dvakrát za sebou. Objevil jsem je až za měsíc v Osmose, byl to
 jeden konkrétní changeset. Tracer to (doufám) udělat nemohl, to bych hned
 viděl, dvojitá pole měla v JOSM tmavší barvu.
 Tohle se občas, ale opravdu jen občas stane. Nejsem si úplně jist, zda je to 
 softwarem nebo člověkem. Spíš to přisuzuji sobě. Nicméně - pokud jsou oba 
 polygony naprosto stejné, JOSM, doufám, že vždy, zařve. Stalo se mi ovšem i 
 to, že nebyly naprosto stejné. Sdílely třeba všechny uzly až na jeden. To 
 IMO vzniknout tak, že když se tracuje podruhé, je to jiná situace - na daném 
 místě už landuse je.

Já podezírám upload changesetu do OSM. Ty cesty a relace byly _naprosto_ 
identické, proto je taky
našlo Osmose. JOSM validace nic nehlásila, to bych ven nepustil, a trasované 
polygony vizuálně
hlídám jak jen to jde. Každopádně je dobré se občas mrknout do Osmose na svoje 
chyby. ;-))


 Co se týká povšimnutí si duplicity, tak nevím, o jaké tmavší barvě to píšeš - 
 to asi hodně závisí na nastavení JOSM.

 Mám tu skript, který umí najít duplicity či téměř duplicity z LPIS, tak jsem 
 ho teď pustil, ono to bude nějakou dobu chroupat.



 Dne 5.5.2015 v 6:56 Marián Kyral napsal(a):
 můžeš udělat nějakou statistiku?

 Stáří, changesety, uživatelé?

 Co jsem tak namátkou prošel, všechno to byly uzly staré dva měsíce od
 jednoho uživatele. Možná nějaký dočasný problém. Ať už JOSM nebo OSM API?


 -- Původní zpráva --
 Od: Petr Vejsada
 Datum: 5. 5. 2015 2:42:16
 Předmět: [Talk-cz] Bordel

 právě mažu přes 200 tisíc osiřelých uzlů. Wtf?
 Talk-cz mailing list

 Talk-cz mailing list

 Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] weeklyOSM CZ - Nepál

2015-05-05 Thread xkomczax
Zapojují se lidé z celého světa, primárně se mapy tvoří ze satelitních snímků. 
O Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Teamu jsem psal před rokem a půl v souvislosti s 
tajfunem na Filipínách, viz

Ve zkratce: člověk, který má účet na OSM, přijde na tasking manager - , kde se přihlásí se svým OSM účtem, vybere si podle 
svých znalostí úkol a podle instrukcí se dá do práce. To se dělá tak, že si 
vybere políčko, které chce zmapovat, klikne na něj a následně potvrdí přes 
Start mapping. A následně si oblast dle instrukcí stáhne  do editoru (JOSM, 
iD, ...) a dělá co je v instrukcích (někde chtějí jenom budovy, někde jenom 
silnice, někde obojí, někde zase něco úplně jiného, ...).

 Od: Ladislav Nesnera
 Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
 Datum: 05.05.2015 22:13
 Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] weeklyOSM CZ - Nepál

Díky za překlad. To zapojení se je o týmu na místě, nebo se tu nějaká
vzdálená možnost pomoci? (např. jako u projektu, který dle satelitních
snímků mapuje minová pole)

On 05/05/15 18:16, TK wrote:
 CZ překlad mimořádné zprávy z weeklyOSM:

 Je hodně cest jak se zapojit s pomocí...

 Talk-cz mailing list


Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-it] Comune di milano usa mappa osm per il routing

2015-05-05 Thread emmexx

Vista la lentezza del sito non so se sia positivo... :-(


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Overpass Quotas

2015-05-05 Thread Roland Olbricht

Dear all,

the last mail needs some more clarification. While I appreaciate that 
quite a lot of people care for not overusing the server, they are not 
the ones I have meant with clumsy clients.

I fear it is quite a common problem and probably has a name: those who 
care about usage policies restrict themselves even more, but it doesn't 
help, because the problem comes from people that don't care or don't 
understand that they cause trouble.

In other words: if you read this message then you don't contribute to 

Hence, if you have never seen a HTTP 429 Too much requests message, 
then your usage of is perfectly fine. Please carry on 
and don't mind.

Even if you have seen every now and then (as a hint: in less than 20 
percent of all requests) a HTTP 429 then just relax a little bit, try to 
move long running requests (beyond 180 seconds, if any) off peak times 
(the time from UTC 12:00 to UTC 22:00 is more busy than the rest). And 
still everything is fine, even if you cannot move out of peak times. The 
server will not keep any record after rejection, and you will be treated 
after a few minutes as if you never have been involved in a HTTP 429 

You should be only concerned if you find yourself on this short list of 
blocked IP addresses:


The next risk candidates are:


A general misbehaving group of clients has been identified by sending 
the user request Only a test!. While I appreciate to send a 
self-chosen user agent, I have difficulties to derive a point of contact 
from that specific user agent.

Once again: In all other cases, your usage of is 
responsible and perfectly fine.

For the curious, some more data:

01/Apr/2015 111710  67894   700976  488641  38386
02/Apr/2015 125437  73602.1 774208  506222  36288
03/Apr/2015 111768  66832.3 821650  495482  35969
04/Apr/2015 119659  49824.3 906004  459878  32267
05/Apr/2015 106234  45427.5 881590  462305  33588
06/Apr/2015 83007.5 43324.7 930086  505258  32662
07/Apr/2015 100788  42118.3 936754  511573  33880
08/Apr/2015 87590.3 40828.3 788823  474827  33610
09/Apr/2015 112620  37723.3 663166  450491  31912
10/Apr/2015 114220  37376.3 665173  465647  30522
11/Apr/2015 69314.6 26770   661636  439874  28347
12/Apr/2015 113752  36699.7 631125  469711  30236
13/Apr/2015 67609.4 30192.6 742857  475160  33531
14/Apr/2015 47800.8 26262.2 732373  456884  31838
15/Apr/2015 86428.3 30434.3 733738  484012  32638
16/Apr/2015 94440.9 28273.7 783472  466555  32041
17/Apr/2015 74105.2 26220   829937  471074  30380
18/Apr/2015 63287.7 16449.5 851242  460553  27105
19/Apr/2015 87040.5 20821.3 775956  471591  30032
20/Apr/2015 71236.3 28174.4 775381  471193  31782
21/Apr/2015 74426.7 27312.3 805662  423813  30961
22/Apr/2015 76482.8 32474.2 776979  458964  30663
23/Apr/2015 63931   30986   779185  400018  29209
24/Apr/2015 65186.2 29074.9 713110  414088  30181
25/Apr/2015 63562   20196.7 604212  355809  28733
26/Apr/2015 61562.2 22193.2 600918  362236  29523
27/Apr/2015 95413.6 33839.2 627806  407742  32568
28/Apr/2015 71292.1 30761   678194  411622  32213
29/Apr/2015 108186  29082.4 692393  416049  30986
30/Apr/2015 126114  28901.1 857178  397983  29670

The second column is the total amount of data in megabytes by day. The 
third column is the total amount of data in megabytes per day for all 
except the 30 heaviest users. You can notice that on most days these 30 
heaviest users consume 50% to 80% of all data.

In a similar manner, the fourth and fifth column list the number of 
requests. Again, heavy users are quite dominant.

The last column is the number of unique IP addresses the server has seen 
that day.

The full diagram has more columns to tell apart the heaviest user, the 3 
heaviest users, and the 10 heaviest users. However, the tendence remains 
the same that very few (less than 1 in 1000 users) consume more than 50% 
of the resources.

So if you are not in this top-30-list, then your usage of is perfectly fine.

Happy querying,


talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Restrukturalizace Wiki

2015-05-05 Thread jzvc

Dne 5.5.2015 v 12:29 Dalibor Jelínek napsal(a):


nechcete nekdo prispet do debaty tady?

A zastat se kategorie, ktera sdruzuje vsechny stranky v ceskem jazyce?

Prilis aktivni uzvatel se rozhodl, ze je tahle kategorie pro nas zbytecna

a navic ma podle vsehov planu prejmenovavat ceske stranky, ktere se

podle tvaru Cs:*.

Predem dekuji,


Cus, na cs: nevidim nic spatnyho, co vidim jako horsi je, ze wiki 
nerespektuje lang poslanej prohlizecem, takze at tam vleze kdo tam 
vleze, stejne dycky dostane en verzi.

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Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] weeklyOSM CZ - Nepál

2015-05-05 Thread Ladislav Nesnera
Díky za překlad. To zapojení se je o týmu na místě, nebo se tu nějaká
vzdálená možnost pomoci? (např. jako u projektu, který dle satelitních
snímků mapuje minová pole)

On 05/05/15 18:16, TK wrote:
 CZ překlad mimořádné zprávy z weeklyOSM:

 Je hodně cest jak se zapojit s pomocí...

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Re: [Talk-cz] Bordel

2015-05-05 Thread jzvc

Dne 5.5.2015 v 22:03 Martin Švec - OSM napsal(a):


Dne 5.5.2015 v 21:37 Petr Vejsada napsal(a):


Dne Út 5. května 2015 13:49:36, Martin Švec - OSM napsal(a):

Petře, můžeš vytáhnout něco jako SELECT changeset_id, user, COUNT(sirotci)
... GROUP BY changeset_id v kterém uzly osiřely? Namátkou to vypadá jen na
pár changesetů. Rád bych vyloučil chybu v Traceru.

já nemám historii, takže nemůžu nalézt changeset, ve kterém uzly osiřely, ale
s vysokou pravděpodobností to bude ten changeset poslední. Ledaže by někdo
tyto sirotky editoval; těžko.

Přikládám group-by changeset i group-by user. sarkasmVýsledek asi málokoho


Díky, mrknu na to, příležitostně. Vidím tam i sebe, třeba něco zjistím z
logů. Nepamatuju si, že by mi JOSM v posledních měsících křupnul při

Btw, nedávno jsem při nahrávání LPISu narazil na zajímavou haluz -- v
changesetu se mi náhodně zdvojily cesty LPIS polí. Duplikáty měly stejné
tagy a sdílely všechny svoje uzly. Jako kdyby JOSM nahrál část nových cest
a relací dvakrát za sebou. Objevil jsem je až za měsíc v Osmose, byl to
jeden konkrétní changeset. Tracer to (doufám) udělat nemohl, to bych hned
viděl, dvojitá pole měla v JOSM tmavší barvu.

Tohle se občas, ale opravdu jen občas stane. Nejsem si úplně jist, zda je to
softwarem nebo člověkem. Spíš to přisuzuji sobě. Nicméně - pokud jsou oba
polygony naprosto stejné, JOSM, doufám, že vždy, zařve. Stalo se mi ovšem i
to, že nebyly naprosto stejné. Sdílely třeba všechny uzly až na jeden. To může
IMO vzniknout tak, že když se tracuje podruhé, je to jiná situace - na daném
místě už landuse je.

Já podezírám upload changesetu do OSM. Ty cesty a relace byly _naprosto_
identické, proto je taky našlo Osmose. JOSM validace nic nehlásila, to
bych ven nepustil, a trasované polygony vizuálně hlídám jak jen to jde.
Každopádně je dobré se občas mrknout do Osmose na svoje chyby. ;-))


Cus, ad BTW: nedavno sem nekoho pres web upozornoval na to, ze se mu 
povedlo zdvojit cesty (uzly byly totozny, jen pres ne vedla jak puvodni, 
nerozdelena way, tak nova, rozdelena), zeby nejakej bug v JOSM? Vyrabel 
rychlostni omezeni a pritom zjevne way rozdeloval, ale jak se u to 
povedlo takhle ... .

Co se týká povšimnutí si duplicity, tak nevím, o jaké tmavší barvě to píšeš -
to asi hodně závisí na nastavení JOSM.

Mám tu skript, který umí najít duplicity či téměř duplicity z LPIS, tak jsem
ho teď pustil, ono to bude nějakou dobu chroupat.



Dne 5.5.2015 v 6:56 Marián Kyral napsal(a):

můžeš udělat nějakou statistiku?

Stáří, changesety, uživatelé?

Co jsem tak namátkou prošel, všechno to byly uzly staré dva měsíce od
jednoho uživatele. Možná nějaký dočasný problém. Ať už JOSM nebo OSM API?


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Petr
Datum: 5. 5. 2015 2:42:16
Předmět: [Talk-cz] Bordel


 právě mažu přes 200 tisíc osiřelých uzlů. Wtf?



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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Démo Carnet de rando sur la crête des Vosges

2015-05-05 Thread JB

Salut Yves, 

Je te reponds tres rapidement pour l instant, je suis a l etranger, je
reviens dans 10 a 15 jours. 

J ai continue a travailler sur le projet mais pas pris le temps de
mettre a disposition. Mais tu peux t attendre a avoir bientot la chaine
Trace gpx en entree, generation automatique des cadres - deja code -,
generation automatique des cartes - le code deja mis a disposition -,
generation automatique du pdf - au stade de test/demo de faisabilite -.
Pour la derniere etape, j ai finalement choisi un passage par Latex.
Tout n est pas code, juste quelques tests de demo, mais ca a l air de
marcher et je compte finir le travail a mon retour. 

Pour avoir la trace gps sur les cartes, il suffit d ajouter l
information de l ouvrir dans le script fourni a Maperitive, juste copier
et adapter la ligne d ouverture des donnees OSM qui va bien. 

Voila voila, 


Le 05.05.2015 13:59, Yves Pratter a écrit : 

 J'ai oublié un pré-requis de taille : les règles de rendu R25 [3] de JB ;-) 
 Concernant la création du pdf final, tu le fais actuellement à la main avec 
 un traitement de texte ? 
 Comment fonctionne CarnetRando ? 
 * Pré-requis : 
 * PC sous windows
 ça semble fonctionner sous MacOS ou Linux : quelqu'un utilise l'un de ces 
 environnement ? * Python
 * Maperitive [1]
 * Java + osmosis [2]
 Modèle Numérique de Terrain (SRTMV3R3) : Faut-il le télécharger manuellement 
 ou Maperitive s'en charge ?
 Talk-fr mailing list [4]

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread ramon
Si ho visto, grazie...
Per curiosità, su che dispositivi lo usate e relativa durata della batteria
in situazioni tipo mtb od escursionismo, saluti.

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Using OSM on Wikitravel

2015-05-05 Thread Andy Mabbett
I'd be inclined to read up on the history of WikiTravel, before you go
any further.

You might also like to look at WikiVoyage:

On 5 May 2015 at 17:25, Andrew Wiseman wrote:
 I think this might be an interesting use for OSM -- Wikitravel is a wiki for
 travel tips (hence the name) and lacks maps on most pages! Maybe we could
 somehow get connected with them to include maps for all the places, states,
 etc. Might also show new people about OSM too. I filed a feature request
 with them but maybe somebody else knows them.



 600,000 DC residents don't have a vote in Congress --

 talk mailing list

Andy Mabbett

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] ferrovia mineraria o no ?

2015-05-05 Thread Any File
2015-05-05 9:09 GMT+02:00 Alessandro Chiostri
 Nel museo minerario di Abbadia San Salvatore è stato realizzato un percorso
 su treno decauville rivolto ai visitatori:

Direi che può essere utile usage=tourism

Se lo scartamento è ridotto, si può indicare il valore con
gauge e indicare la ferrovia come railway=narrow_gauge


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile

2015-05-05 Thread mircozorzo
Su GT-7500 circa 6 ore con schermo spento o che si accende 
automaticamente quando si deve svoltare ma spesso lo uso solo per 
registrare la traccia e guardare la mappa ogni tanto.

Il 05/05/2015 20:12, ramon [via GIS] ha scritto:
 Si ho visto, grazie...
 Per curiosità, su che dispositivi lo usate e relativa durata della 
 batteria in situazioni tipo mtb od escursionismo, saluti.

 If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the 
 discussion below: 

 To unsubscribe from OsmAnd 2.0 disponibile, click here

Mi piacciono e

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at
Talk-it mailing list

[talk-ph] Remote mapping for health facility research

2015-05-05 Thread maning sambale
Dear everyone,

Just to inform you that this activity has started.  For details read below:

World Health Organization (WHO) is conducting a research on the
accessibility of health care facilities in Luzon using the tool
AcessMod . They intend to use OpenStreetMap road and river network
dataset for the above areas as input to their accessibility analysis.

* Areas to cover - Regions I, II, III, IV-A, V, CAR and NCR (33
provinces plus NCR)
* Mapping priorities - Roads ( trunk, primary, secondary and
tertiary), ferry routes and river network
* Level of detail - 1:50K to 1:20K  or zoom levels 13-15
* Period of mapping - May 2015

Mappers involved:
maning, GOwin, schadow1, feyeandal, Rally, jenjereren, G-eMapper,
Ayoo, Hayat Tib Ben Hammadi

Coordination and monitoring:
To monitor and coordinate the mapping activity, we created a Tasking
Manager instance based on HOT's Tasking Manager.

Current changeest tags we are using are the following:
#MCP Luzon River mapping
#MCP Luzon Road mapping

As a basic principle, we will respect the existing data in OSM,  if
you have concerns with the edits of the above users in relation to
this activity, please let us know.

At the end of the mapping activity, we hope to intend stats on the
results.  Thanks!

On Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 9:06 PM, maning sambale wrote:
 Dear everyone,

 There is a potential paid remote mapping work request.

 Basically, an international humanitarian agency is doing a research work on 
 accessibility of health care facilities in selected regions in Luzon
 (Regions I, II, III, IV-A, V, CAR and NCR).  They are looking for the
 best available road and river network dataset for the above areas as
 input to their accessibility analysis. Naturally, OSM comes to mind ;).

 For this paid work, they are looking for experienced mappers to
 do remote mapping and data quality check for the month of May 2015.
 My personal OSM agenda, is that this will allow us to improve coverage
 in many parts of Northern Luzon.  We are still establishing the appropriate
 workflow.  Once remote mapping comes into full swing, we will inform the
 community of the workflow to ensure that this will not affect any existing
 mapping activities by volunteers in the above areas.

 If you are interested to be part of the team, send me a message offlist.
 If there are any reservations by the community for this kind of paid mapping
 activity let's also discuss here.

 Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] May Meeting (Disabilty Kurb Project)

2015-05-05 Thread Andy Robinson
I was planning to do a bit in the Blackwell / Burcot areas, assuming I get 
around to doing some tracing before Thursday.





From: Rob Nickerson [] 
Sent: 02 May 2015 19:15
To: Mark Croft
Cc: talk-gb-westmidlands
Subject: Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] May Meeting (Disabilty Kurb Project)


Sounds like an interesting project. Hopefully we'll see you in Bromsgrove on 
Thursday to discuss this in more detail. Speaking of which does anyone know 
what the plan is for Bromsgrove. Is there any priority areas that we should 
focus on or shall I just pick something and meet you in the pub afterwards?



On 1 May 2015 at 18:01, Mark Croft wrote:


The group has been out to bewdley and did a test run of finding curbs.
I was not able to join in cos of health problems felling worn out with
weather n hayfever.

I should really have a go on my own here around my town in redditch.

got a stack of photos and a spreadsheet of gps points where there good
curbs and so reasonable ones that either steep and hard work to push a
manual wheelchair up and others with a reasonable size drop down to
the path/road etc etc

I need to get some clarification on all the different issues with
curbs and come up with some form of coding and label system.

first beta version of the map attached (not sure its openstreetmap)

i want to know to make a seperate layer of points on top of
openstreetmap? does this need to done on custom webpage and having a
host etc? I not done any internet programming yet would like the
challange but also very time limited too get some sort of beat/demo
copy of at least a paper copy of the map of bewdley.

Maybe we have a go around bromsgrove on thursday?

Is taking photos with embedded gps position enough?

I have a friend that can offer me some free website space? ( i am
involved in another project called Disability Action Redditch and need
to redo there website and i am hoping to put this Curb/Kurb project on
there for now - so that should be up soon or at least a frontpage
saying that DAR website going live in june/july 2015)

mark croft redditch

On 15 April 2015 at 19:42, Brian Prangle wrote:
 A quick reminder that we're due to meet on Thurs 7 May (Election Night!).
 Thise of us who were at the April meeting decided from our list on
 Bromsgrove ( mainly to support mark a new mapper). Pub is the Golden Cross (
 A Wetherspoons ) which might be a challenge as it wasn't on the map when we



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Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Strømningsretningen stemmer ikke!

2015-05-05 Thread Allan Gyldendal Frederiksen
Det er så ikke en angivelse man skal regne for sandheden , her kan der ses et vandløb, 
hvor vandet strømmer i begge retninger.  Det kunne se ud til, at det er 
GeoDanmark datasættet der bruges, for det er samme fejl som findes i det.

Venlig hilsen

Allan Gyldendal Frederiksen
Syddjurs Kommune, Digitalisering

Direkte +4587535261
Mobil +4530924749

Fra: Michael Andersen []
Sendt: 5. maj 2015 12:04
Til: OpenStreetMap Denmark
Emne: Re: [Talk-dk] Strømningsretningen stemmer ikke!

Jeg faldt lige over 
OpenTopoMap hvor der 
vitterligt er pile der angiver strømmens retning i vandløb. God fornøjelse.

Tirsdag den 17. marts 2015 00:18:07 skrev Michael Andersen:

 Åh, ok. Det har du ret i. Jeg spurgte lige på IRC og der er tilsyneladende

 ikke nogen normale OSM baserede kort der angiver hvilken retning vandløb

 strømmer. Så enten må enten må man gætte sig til det eller skabe sit eget


 Mandag den 16. marts 2015 23:48:04 skrev Uffe Kousgaard:



  Jeg taler om at vandet på den strækning løber mod nord ude i


  Det var den information Niels Elgaard søgte.


  Og jeg ved godt, at liniestykker har en digitaliseringsretning. Men

  retningen fremgår ikke af det normale OSM kort.






  Michael Andersen wrote:

  Hej Uffe


  Nej, alle liniestykker i databasen har en retning og vandløb strømmer blot

  i samme retning som liniestykket.


  Mandag den 16. marts 2015 23:22:34 skrev Uffe Kousgaard:


  Det løber nordpå, på den strækning.


  Skal man sætte oneway før retningen kan ses på kortet?



  Uffe Kousgaard


  Niels Elgaard Larsen wrote:


  Men der er stadig vandløb, som jeg ikke har fundet ud af, fx Tokkerup Å:



  Talk-dk mailing list





  Talk-dk mailing list


 Talk-dk mailing list

Talk-dk mailing list

[Talk-lv] Rīgas adrešu punktu imports no

2015-05-05 Thread Vitaly Bolshakov

Sveiki, Latvijas OpenStreetMap kopiena!

Vēlētos uzsākt atklātu diskusiju par lielo Rīgas adrešu punktu importu no datiem.

Kā jūs varētu pamanīt, pēdējas divās nedēļās OSM kartē Rīgas robežās dažas  
reizes parādījās un pazuda jaunie adrešu punkti. Tas bija divu nesekmīgu  
adrešu importu rezultāts. Respektīvi: un . Abas izmaiņu kopas bija  
neveiksmīgas dažu iemeslu dēļ un bija atsauktas (reverted).

Kā jūs zināt no talk-lv listes, nesen Rīgas pašvaldība atvēra dažus  
pašvaldības datus un izlika tos zem ODC-By licenci tīmekļa portālā. Viena no interesantam datu  
kopām ir Rīgas adrešu punkti - kas arī bija divas reizes nesekmīgi  
importēti. Lai nākotnē nebūtu nekādu pārpratumu, pievadāju apspriest šo  

* Dati
Pieejamā datu kopa ar Rīgas adrešu punktiem. Katram ierakstām ir noteiktas  
LKS-92 ģeogrāfiskas koordinātes, ielas nosaukums un mājas numurs.  
Principā, tā ir minimāla nepieciešama informācija adrešu punktiem OSM  
datubāzē. Datu kopā ir ~37 tukst. adreses.
Daļēji tā pārklājas ar OSM jau esošām adresēm (~15 tukst. adreses), bet  
~22 tukst. adreses (galvenokārt maz apsekotos rajonos) varētu būt  
importētas OSM datu bāzē.

* Importa problēmas un to pievadātais risinājums

1) Lielais datu pārklājums (~15/37). Problēma bija noteikta pirmā  
neveiksmīga importā. Dublējošie dati būtiski pasliktinās OSM datu  
lietojamību un nav pieļaujami.
Lai to atrisinātu es izguvu visas OSM esošas Rīgas adreses (adrešu punktus  
OSM punktiem, un adreses ēkām (building=*) OSM līnijām un relacijām). Pēc  
tām, no datu kopas bija izņemtas visas adreses, kas jau  
ir OSM, un tika iegūta rezultējoša kopa ar ~22 tukst. adrešu punktiem, kas  
vēl nav OSM, vai kuriem OSM adrese atšķiras no

2) Dažreiz ielas nosaukums nesakrīt ar ielas nosaukumu  
OSM. Visvairāk tas ir pamanīts visādām numurētām līnijām. Tā, līnijas ir rakstītas kā Čiekurkalna 1.līnija, bet OSM  
vēsturiski vai citu apsvērumu dēļ ir pieņemts rakstīt ar atstarpi pēc  
punkta: Čiekurkalna 1. līnija. Apstrādājot datus otrām importam tas tika  
ņemts vērā un visas numurētas ielas bija attiecīgi konvertētas, lai būtu  
atstarpe pēc punktā, kā tas ir pieņemts (?) Latvijas OSM kopienā.
2a) Pēc otrā neveiksmīga importa atklājas, ka dažviet OSM ielas nosaukumi  
ir rakstīti ar kļūdu (galvenokārt gramatiskas kļūdas), bet tos būs  
iespējams izmainīt pēc importa apskatot atklātos validatoros, kur jauniem  
adrešu punktiem neatbilst esošie ielas nosaukumi. Pie reizes arī būs  
redzams, kuras ielas nosaukumi nav OSM Rīgas kartē, un kur ir nepieciešama  
apsekošana un ielu nosaukumu precizēšana.

3) Dažreiz OSM (arī mājas numura plāksnītes) adreses pieraksts varētu  
atšķirties no pierakstiem. Piemēram 70 k-6 un 70/6.  
Tādu adrešu punktu ir pietiekami maz, bet tomēr ir. Kā atrisināt šo kļūdu  
man pagaidām nav piedāvājumu. Tas arī ir datu divdabība, jo numura  
plāksnīte atšķīrās no adrešu kataloga datiem, bet principā tam nav  
jābūt... Pēc importa būs divi adrešu punkti, viens no apsekošanas, otrs no  

4) Ja OSM kartē esošas adreses ir ar kļūdu. Iepriekš veikta datu atlase  
neļaus izlabot šis kļūdas, jo adreses jau ir OSM, bet nepareizi izvietoti  
ģeogrāfiski. Jaunie adrešu punkti ar tādām adresēm netiks importētas, un  
vecas paliks savās vietās. Viena no manām idejām bija analizēt, cik tālu  
adreses punkts ir no OSM objekta, bet tas būs pietiekami grūti realizējams  
pie tik lielas datu kopas. Piedāvāju pieņemt, ka tādu objektu ir patiešam  
ļoti maz, un tas nepasliktinās kopēju datu kvalitāti OSM datubāzē.

5) Kļūdas datos. Apskatot datus, atrādu kā dažreiz arī ir kļūdas, kad mājas plāksnītes numurs nesakrīt ar  
kataloga numuru. Šeit varētu būt divi kļūdu veidi.
5a) Uz ēkas ir veca numura plāksnīte, bet kataloga ir pareiza adrese: ir  
vērts izveidot adreses punktu ar pareizu adresi.
5b) Ir kļūda datos. Diemžēl tādas kļūdas nav iespējams  
pamanīt un izlabot. Pieņemsim kā tādu kļūdu ir ļoti-ļoti maz, un tie  
neietekmēs kopēju datu kvalitāti.

6) Importa pareiza dokumentēšana un apspriešana. Tā ir būtiska pašreizēja  
problēma, kuru ir jāatrisina. Būs nepieciešama palīdzība no lietotājiem,  
kas jau strādāja ar importu vadību. Būs nepieciešama palīdzība no Latvijas  
OSM kopienas par importa kvalitātes uzlabošanu!

* Importa plusi un minusi
++ Būtiski tiks uzlabota kopēja adrešu situācija OSM Rīgā. Pašlaik adreses  
ir atzīmētas galvenokārt tikai Rīgas centrā un blīvi apdzīvotās apkaimēs.  
Ir atzīmētas mazāk nekā pusē no visam Rīgas adresēm (~15/37).
+ Būs atzīmētas adresēs slikti apsekotas Rīgas rajonos (galvenokārt  
mazmāju privātsektorā). Būs piešķirtas adreses objektiem iezīmētiem no  
satelīta attēla bez apsekošanas.
+ Adrešu reformas 

Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2015-05-05 Thread Phil (The Geek) Wyatt
Hi Folks,

If you have any specific legal questions re ODBL, the OpenStreetMap 
Foundation's License Working Group can be reached at 
and will be glad to help.

Cheers - Phil
OSM mapper - tastrax
Kiva Lender, Thin Green Line Supporter, Volunteer Mapper - Red Cross, Wildcare 

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 5 May 2015 7:12 PM
Subject: Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Thanks Kristy, I would support the idea of discerning the difference between 
CCBY and ODBL.  THe intent of the open data policy is to make data useable with 
minimal restriction, and ODBL seems to be an appropriate instrument for 
handling this in database format.  CCBY seems ok for maps but not for databases.

I got in touch with OSM contributor Michael Cleary last week who was visiting 
GA as part of the Power of Maps conference.  He outlined pretty well what he 
sees the issues are viz ODBL vs CCBY4.0.  I am beginning to get a clearer 
picture on what these issues are and am keen to get it resolved, but will need 
continued feedback from the OSM community on this.

This is also worth bringing up in the Foundation Spatial Data Framework policy 
discussions which I am heavily involved in.  FSDF also needs to consider the 
role of volunteered geographic information in the update of national foundation 
spatial datasets - so there is even greater imperative to have OSM involved in 
those discussions.  The use cases included in the email trail are excellent 
examples of the need to get this sorted.


Simon Costello
Branch Head, National Location Information  |  EGD Management Environmental 
Geoscience Division  |  GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA 

Phone:  +61 2 6249 9716tel:+61%202%206249%209716Fax:  +61 2 6249 
Cnr Jerrabomberra Avenue and Hindmarsh Drive Symonston ACT GPO Box 378 Canberra 
ACT 2601 Australiax-apple-data-detectors://3
Applying geoscience to Australia’s most important challenges

On 5 May 2015, at 5:00 pm, kristy van putten wrote:

Thanks Jason,
This is a great tool!
The majority of government is trying to move to an open license, with GA 
leading in the geospatial front.  What we need to get our heads around is the 
difference between CCBY 4.0 and ODBL.
Community outreach programs would be great, or even potentially working with 
spatial institutes such as SSSI to encourage OSM in schools.
I will take a look at the import list and see whats happening around the world 
- your right this might shed a light on potential assistance.  As Andrew just 
pointed out access to imagery would also be very beneficial, I will look into 
this a bit further and see what can be done there (specially ACT to start with).
I will start to contact the super users in ACT.

On Tue, 5 May 2015 at 16:44 Jason Ward wrote:
Hi Kristy,

Not a large userbase in the ACT and not all of them may subscribe to this list. 
 To help you in your search the following link may prove useful (Suggest 
unticking Black, Red and Orange users in the top left corner for a closer 
measure of 'active' contributors)

While I don't represent the contributors in ACT it would be great if (the whole 
of) government was able to provide or make accessible data with suitable 
licence clearances for use in OSM.  Despite that and noting the small 
contributor count in the region maybe more 'useful' would be the application of 
resources to help with the contribution of data OR some sort of government 
advocacy/community growth initiative with the long game being to build the 
local contributor base.

To adapt a recent phrase from another list, OSM is a collection of 
on-the-ground observations and while there is a place for supply of government 
information, and notwithstanding your Indonesian HOT experience, your time 
would be well spent looking at some of the imports carried out in other parts 
of the world (some good, others less so), as well as subscribing to the 
@imports list (if you haven't done so) for a view into the workings OSM members 
apply to externally supplied information.


M: 0438740049tel:0438740049

On 5 May 2015 at 16:11, Kristy Van Putten wrote:
Hi All,
I am searching for active OSM contributors in ACT, if you are one please email 
me or contact me via my mobile.  I am interested to get your thoughts on the 
current state of OSM in ACT and if there is any aspect the government can 

Re: [Talk-cz] weeklyOSM CZ - Nepál

2015-05-05 Thread Ladislav Nesnera
Jsem rád, že jsem se zeptal a ještě radši za odpověď. Díky! (y)

On 05/05/15 22:22, wrote:
 Zapojují se lidé z celého světa, primárně se mapy tvoří ze satelitních 
 snímků. O Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Teamu jsem psal před rokem a půl v 
 souvislosti s tajfunem na Filipínách, viz

 Ve zkratce: člověk, který má účet na OSM, přijde na tasking manager - , kde se přihlásí se svým OSM účtem, vybere si podle 
 svých znalostí úkol a podle instrukcí se dá do práce. To se dělá tak, že si 
 vybere políčko, které chce zmapovat, klikne na něj a následně potvrdí přes 
 Start mapping. A následně si oblast dle instrukcí stáhne  do editoru (JOSM, 
 iD, ...) a dělá co je v instrukcích (někde chtějí jenom budovy, někde jenom 
 silnice, někde obojí, někde zase něco úplně jiného, ...).

 Od: Ladislav Nesnera
 Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic
 Datum: 05.05.2015 22:13
 Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] weeklyOSM CZ - Nepál

 Díky za překlad. To zapojení se je o týmu na místě, nebo se tu nějaká
 vzdálená možnost pomoci? (např. jako u projektu, který dle satelitních
 snímků mapuje minová pole)

 On 05/05/15 18:16, TK wrote:
 CZ překlad mimořádné zprávy z weeklyOSM:

 Je hodně cest jak se zapojit s pomocí...

 Talk-cz mailing list


 Talk-cz mailing list

 Talk-cz mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2015-05-05 Thread Andrew Harvey
I've also asked on legal-talk to try to find out what extra
permissions on top of CC-BY are needed for potential inclusion in OSM

On 5 May 2015 at 20:37, Phil (The Geek) Wyatt wrote:
 Hi Folks,

 If you have any specific legal questions re ODBL, the OpenStreetMap 
 Foundation's License Working Group can be reached at 
 and will be glad to help.

 Cheers - Phil
 OSM mapper - tastrax
 Kiva Lender, Thin Green Line Supporter, Volunteer Mapper - Red Cross, 
 Wildcare Volunteer

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Tuesday, 5 May 2015 7:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

 Thanks Kristy, I would support the idea of discerning the difference between 
 CCBY and ODBL.  THe intent of the open data policy is to make data useable 
 with minimal restriction, and ODBL seems to be an appropriate instrument for 
 handling this in database format.  CCBY seems ok for maps but not for 

 I got in touch with OSM contributor Michael Cleary last week who was visiting 
 GA as part of the Power of Maps conference.  He outlined pretty well what he 
 sees the issues are viz ODBL vs CCBY4.0.  I am beginning to get a clearer 
 picture on what these issues are and am keen to get it resolved, but will 
 need continued feedback from the OSM community on this.

 This is also worth bringing up in the Foundation Spatial Data Framework 
 policy discussions which I am heavily involved in.  FSDF also needs to 
 consider the role of volunteered geographic information in the update of 
 national foundation spatial datasets - so there is even greater imperative to 
 have OSM involved in those discussions.  The use cases included in the email 
 trail are excellent examples of the need to get this sorted.


 Simon Costello
 Branch Head, National Location Information  |  EGD Management Environmental 
 Geoscience Division  |  GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA 
 Phone:  +61 2 6249 9716tel:+61%202%206249%209716Fax:  +61 2 6249 
 Cnr Jerrabomberra Avenue and Hindmarsh Drive Symonston ACT GPO Box 378 
 Canberra ACT 2601 Australiax-apple-data-detectors://3
 Applying geoscience to Australia’s most important challenges

 On 5 May 2015, at 5:00 pm, kristy van putten wrote:

 Thanks Jason,
 This is a great tool!
 The majority of government is trying to move to an open license, with GA 
 leading in the geospatial front.  What we need to get our heads around is the 
 difference between CCBY 4.0 and ODBL.
 Community outreach programs would be great, or even potentially working with 
 spatial institutes such as SSSI to encourage OSM in schools.
 I will take a look at the import list and see whats happening around the 
 world - your right this might shed a light on potential assistance.  As 
 Andrew just pointed out access to imagery would also be very beneficial, I 
 will look into this a bit further and see what can be done there (specially 
 ACT to start with).
 I will start to contact the super users in ACT.

 On Tue, 5 May 2015 at 16:44 Jason Ward wrote:
 Hi Kristy,

 Not a large userbase in the ACT and not all of them may subscribe to this 
 list.  To help you in your search the following link may prove useful 
 (Suggest unticking Black, Red and Orange users in the top left corner for a 
 closer measure of 'active' contributors)

 While I don't represent the contributors in ACT it would be great if (the 
 whole of) government was able to provide or make accessible data with 
 suitable licence clearances for use in OSM.  Despite that and noting the 
 small contributor count in the region maybe more 'useful' would be the 
 application of resources to help with the contribution of data OR some sort 
 of government advocacy/community growth initiative with the long game being 
 to build the local contributor base.

 To adapt a recent phrase from another list, OSM is a collection of 
 on-the-ground observations and while there is a place for supply of 
 government information, and notwithstanding your Indonesian HOT experience, 
 your time would be well spent looking at some of the imports carried out in 
 other parts of the world (some good, others less so), as well as subscribing 
 to the @imports list (if you haven't done so) for a view into the workings 
 OSM members apply to externally supplied information.



[Talk-GB] ITO - OSM Analysis Updated with May 2015 OS data

2015-05-05 Thread Shaun McDonald
Hello UK mappers,

I’ve updated the ITO OSM Analysis with the new OS Locator data which has been 
released this month (May 2015).

Many areas have had significant increases in the number of missing road names. 
Leeds has had the biggest increase of 35 more missing road names. Moray for 
example is now only 94.01% complete.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

2015-05-05 Thread Phil (The Geek) Wyatt
Hi Folks,

There are some sample letters available at

I have sent one such email to the Tasmanian Government seeking permissions for 
any datasets on the Open Data Portal site. I will let you know what response I 
get. They may come back allowing only certain sets but I thought I may as well 
ask for the lot initially!

Cheers - Phil

-Original Message-
From: Andrew Harvey [] 
Sent: Tuesday, 5 May 2015 8:48 PM
To: Phil (The Geek) Wyatt
Cc:; kristy van putten; OSM Australian Talk List
Subject: Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

I've also asked on legal-talk to try to find out what extra permissions on top 
of CC-BY are needed for potential inclusion in OSM at

On 5 May 2015 at 20:37, Phil (The Geek) Wyatt wrote:
 Hi Folks,

 If you have any specific legal questions re ODBL, the OpenStreetMap 
 Foundation's License Working Group can be reached at 
 and will be glad to help.

 Cheers - Phil
 OSM mapper - tastrax
 Kiva Lender, Thin Green Line Supporter, Volunteer Mapper - Red Cross, 
 Wildcare Volunteer

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: Tuesday, 5 May 2015 7:12 PM
 Subject: Re: [talk-au] OSM people in ACT [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

 Thanks Kristy, I would support the idea of discerning the difference between 
 CCBY and ODBL.  THe intent of the open data policy is to make data useable 
 with minimal restriction, and ODBL seems to be an appropriate instrument for 
 handling this in database format.  CCBY seems ok for maps but not for 

 I got in touch with OSM contributor Michael Cleary last week who was visiting 
 GA as part of the Power of Maps conference.  He outlined pretty well what he 
 sees the issues are viz ODBL vs CCBY4.0.  I am beginning to get a clearer 
 picture on what these issues are and am keen to get it resolved, but will 
 need continued feedback from the OSM community on this.

 This is also worth bringing up in the Foundation Spatial Data Framework 
 policy discussions which I am heavily involved in.  FSDF also needs to 
 consider the role of volunteered geographic information in the update of 
 national foundation spatial datasets - so there is even greater imperative to 
 have OSM involved in those discussions.  The use cases included in the email 
 trail are excellent examples of the need to get this sorted.


 Simon Costello
 Branch Head, National Location Information  |  EGD Management Environmental 
 Geoscience Division  |  GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA 
 Phone:  +61 2 6249 9716tel:+61%202%206249%209716Fax:  +61 2 6249 
 Cnr Jerrabomberra Avenue and Hindmarsh Drive Symonston ACT GPO Box 378 
 Canberra ACT 2601 Australiax-apple-data-detectors://3
 Applying geoscience to Australia’s most important challenges

 On 5 May 2015, at 5:00 pm, kristy van putten wrote:

 Thanks Jason,
 This is a great tool!
 The majority of government is trying to move to an open license, with GA 
 leading in the geospatial front.  What we need to get our heads around is the 
 difference between CCBY 4.0 and ODBL.
 Community outreach programs would be great, or even potentially working with 
 spatial institutes such as SSSI to encourage OSM in schools.
 I will take a look at the import list and see whats happening around the 
 world - your right this might shed a light on potential assistance.  As 
 Andrew just pointed out access to imagery would also be very beneficial, I 
 will look into this a bit further and see what can be done there (specially 
 ACT to start with).
 I will start to contact the super users in ACT.

 On Tue, 5 May 2015 at 16:44 Jason Ward wrote:
 Hi Kristy,

 Not a large userbase in the ACT and not all of them may subscribe to 
 this list.  To help you in your search the following link may prove 
 useful (Suggest unticking Black, Red and Orange users in the top left 
 corner for a closer measure of 'active' contributors)

 While I don't represent the contributors in ACT it would be great if (the 
 whole of) government was able to provide or make accessible data with 
 suitable licence clearances for use in OSM.  Despite that and noting the 
 small contributor count in the region maybe more 'useful' would be the 
 application of resources to help with the contribution of 

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Thanks for 25/4/2015

2015-05-05 Thread Marc Gemis
On Mon, May 4, 2015 at 9:58 AM, Nicolas Pettiaux

 We have been asked now to do another party, focusing on using josm to add
 (a lot) of data.

First you need a lot of data to enter. I still prefer my own pictures/notes
above any other source. When the Mapillary plugin is ready/usable
(september 2015?) this might be a great source, but it will also contain a
lot of pictures that are useless for mapping. It also takes way too long
before they are available on the map (3 days or so at the moment).
Preferred formula: people collect data before the mapping party, e.g.
taking pictures in their own neighborhood. If you announce it before the
holidays, they have 2 months to collect pictures. Not everybody will
collect a few hundred pictures in 1 hour :-)
During the party, we can teach them how to use JOSM to improve the map
based on their pictures.
Pictures can reside on their own disk or on Mapillary. But I prefer that
they make their own notes/photos and that they do not have to start hunting
for useful pictures from other people on Mapillary.

The presentation that was distributed contained a section with ideas for
photo's and things to map. I can give a few links to my photo website for
additional ideas.


Talk-be mailing list