account sorting office/Filters not working

2020-11-27 Thread Graham
Hello TbBeta,

  version thebat_64_9-3-0-2.msi on trying to access the sorting office/filters 
from account or using short cut FAILS to activate the sorting office with no 
visible action taking place

Best regards,

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: The Bat! v6.0.0.9 ALPHA

2013-10-10 Thread Graham
Hello Maxim,

 On 10 October 2013 at 23:50:22GMT  +0300  (which was 21:50 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   The Bat! v6.0.0.9 ALPHA:

Maxim> Did  Alpha  10 or Alpha 11 fixed the issue with the headers?
yes they worked now with 10 - did not need to change reg files.  

should antispam work ? it does not for me and colour groups also not working

 Best regards, Graham

Graham Howe
TheBat5.8.6 on Win7 64x
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Wandering user returns..

2012-10-07 Thread Graham
No,I was posting with 5.3.2 which I understand is in betaFrom: Thomas Fernandez Sent: Sun, 07/10/2012 01:50To: gandalfmeister Subject: Re: Wandering user returns..Hello gandalfmeister,

Saturday, October 6, 2012, 12:10:59 AM, you wrote:

g>   "Honey I'm home..."

Welcome back!

Kindly note that you have posted in the beta list, but your questions
seem to relate to the release version. Maybe you want to post again at I'm sure you'll get fast replies there.



Message reply created with The Bat! 5.3.2
under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 3

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:


2012-04-13 Thread Graham
Hello Maxim,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -

Maxim> The Bat! (BETA) is available at

Maxim> What's new in since
Maxim> [+] MultiSMTP
Maxim> [+] Folder|Inbox Analyzer
Maxim> [+] Message|Tags
Maxim> etc...

I am quite keen to upgrade but would like to have some idea of what NEW features
are likely for 5.1 during its life until next upgrade. It seems to me that apart
from a few things up to now most changes have been bug clearance and stability

Please convince me to spend my money !

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   
 Using The Bat! (BETA) on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

folder property - format problem on inputting data

2011-04-01 Thread Graham
Hello tbbeta,
  there seems a problem with spacing and access to input boxes for storage and 
number of days 

Best regards, Graham

Graham Howe
TheBat5.0.5 RC/5 on  Win7 x64

 Current beta is 5.0.5 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: TB 5 not showing unread or totals

2011-01-05 Thread Graham
Hello Stuart,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   TB 5 not showing unread 
or totals:

Stuart> Are they password protected accounts. There is an issue with these.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   
 Using The Bat! BETA on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

TB 5 not showing unread or totals

2011-01-05 Thread Graham
Hello tbbeta,
  Have tried TB 5124 - 126 and none show total counts for unread or total
  however virtual folders do and strangely so to just two news groups. Size
  column does show for all account folders.

  Can you advise what might be the cause - this info is of major importance to
  me and I suspect others.

Best regards, Graham

Graham Howe
TheBat5.0.0.126 BETA on  Win7 x64

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Closed bug reports

2010-07-18 Thread Graham
Hello Maxim,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   Closed bug reports:

Maxim Masiutin> Hello Graham,

Maxim Masiutin> Friday, July 16, 2010, 1:56:57 PM, you wrote:

>> can you advise when the new version is likely to become
>> generally available ETA?

Maxim Masiutin> We  think  that  it  will be available in
Maxim Masiutin> two weeks, but this may take
Maxim Masiutin> longer or shorter depending on the actual progress.

thanks for that maxim, I appreciate timescales are difficult
but all I wanted was some guideline - weeks, months or years
- better to have the release when you are confident that it
is good. It does seem to me that TB really needs a big new
(exciting?) marketing launch to get new supporters so I
eagerly await the new version. I am totally satisfied with
TB and as an ex s/w marketing guy I really think you need to
push this in the direction of the normal (basic) email user
who wants reliability, email management, security and ease
of use. Currently, it appears TB is seen as a 'specialist,
elite' product only attractive to computer professionals -
whilst true the market for basic users, like me, is wide
open and much needed. Maybe time to have a 'home' user
version - basic email stuff at low cost - look forward to
the new version.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Closed bug reports

2010-07-16 Thread Graham
Hello Roelof,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   Closed bug reports:

Roelof Otten> You  forgot to add that they're really,
Roelof Otten> really, really not very suited
Roelof Otten> or public testing.

can you advise when the new version is likely to become
generally available ETA?

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: New versions of The Bat!

2010-06-15 Thread Graham
Hello Maxim,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   New versions of The Bat!:

>> So the version the user has when the subscription expires will
>> continue to work and he will just not be able to upgrade? Or will his
>> current version stop working?

Maxim Masiutin> The  user  will  be  unable  to  upgrade,
Maxim Masiutin> but the current version will
Maxim Masiutin> continue working.

May I suggest that a user could trial a potential upgrade,
say for a short period, to see if now is the right time to
upgrade. This way, users can assess the value to them of
upgrading and, importantly, check that a bug of special
interest is resolved.

If this 'trial' upgrade is available then the user would at
the ned of the trial have a message to request the user to
pay up or revert to the version they were previously using.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: spell checker

2009-09-19 Thread Graham
Hello Roelof,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  - spell checker:

Roelof Otten> Can't confirm, works like a charm both with MicroEd and with HTML

Roelof Otten> BTW  You're  not  supposed  to  use  HTML  on  this  list, unless 
Roelof Otten> necessary for the topic. So consider yourself trouted. ;-)

I have since fully closed tb and suddenly it all works again! Strange
tho' - I leave TB up all the time and only close it to change betas -
it seemed as though all reference to spell check, languages etc did
not exist thus my query. Despite my trials, without closing, all the
spelling options resulted in access violation or repeated requests for
language but no way to get at a spell language.

Anyway - thanks to your responses it prompted me to close tb and
problem solved -

This obsession with non-html use - I started life as a programmer back
in 1966 so html is not something I promote when it comes to email and
data transport but you know things have changed - even tb caters for
html and bandwidth is not the issue it used to be - i receive 50
emails of spam daily and all are html but i live with - maybe tb
should think this way too after all it is the information that matters
and html does add a lot so time to re-think - nay you are probably
older than me!

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information: spell checker

2009-09-19 Thread Graham
Hello tbbeta,
  It seems the spell checking is, for me, totally useless.  

It does not spell and asks for a language - but how can that be done when there 
is no option for language.  I tried altering the options which just revert to 
nothing selected and moderate fast - if I change this then i get an esception 
Spelling worked previously but now is a disaster - or is it only me?

Best regards, Graham

Graham Howe
TheBat4.2.10.12 on WinXP SP3
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Wish: Note area on the main screen

2009-05-07 Thread Graham Foster
Vili  writes:

> I think, it would be really useful to either have SmartBat or the
> Scheduler or just a TMemo field be permanently displayed on the main
> screen. I think a good place would be under the account tree.

You can dsplay the per message memo field in the message list. 
You also have a resizeable window that can be set to permenantly on to as a 
memo window I thinks its all there for you alread

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

TheBat! Sync

2009-04-22 Thread Graham Foster
Just noticed on the main website that there is now a Windows Mobile Sync 
utility for The Bat! - Anyone tried it? (Couldn't find a ref in the gmane 
archives) -

If I sync my Windows Mobile phone with Outlook at work, then sync with TB! at 
home - will it screw up - or work?

Will it work with Voyager (encrypted eddress books)?

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

4.1 series worth it?

2009-04-22 Thread Graham Foster
I stopped using TB! at the xmas edition and tried my hand with Thunderbird 
(development of which and performance of which is stupendously slow!). Just 
been reading through all the postings,and I was wondering if those of you who 
have upgraded feel your $31 well spent?

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Need help to find an alternative for TB

2008-12-17 Thread graham
A few months ago I went through this process and tried almost every email 
client out there. I came back to TB! for the following reasons
(a) Other applications were slower /more bloated on my netbook
(b) Other applications were usually missing features I'd become used to in TB!

The closest was Thunderbird, but it required so many add-ins to provide 
similar functionality that it slowed to a crawl. I'm hopeful that Thunderbird 
3 (when announced) will address these issues.

So  I'm staying with 4.0.x until I see the next Thunderbird release 
(Jan/Feb '09) and then I'll decide. I'm only a POP3 man so I'm not worried 
about these IMAP discussions. Previous participants are right - that TB! has 
been promising improved IMAP for years, and they have re-written it more than 
once.. so I'm not sure what elese they can do.

(I tried IMAP in Thunderbird - aand didn't see what the fuss was about... :)

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: AddUser new Interface

2008-11-27 Thread Graham Foster
>> Select several messages and then press Ctrl+W then 
Nice  - but Why is there no "Add Group" button in the Groups selection 
dialogue? (I've been asking for this for 4 years.)

 Current beta is (ALPHA) | 'Using TBBETA' information:

TB starting

2008-08-30 Thread Graham
Hello Tbbeta,
  This problem occurs occasionally and is a pain when it does.  Think it has 
only happened with the recent beta versions of 4.28

When starting TB it displays the version info window and this should then go 
away for password entry but every now and then it sticks and nothing seems to 
make it go away and the only recourse is to close the program and re-load.  

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  Model Engineering Web Site
   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

access violation - attach file in send from word

2008-07-13 Thread Graham

Conditions to reproduce:

had rtf doc on desktop opened file in word 7 used send to email in
word (TB not active which seems to be the cause)

TB opens with email and attachment as expected but on send get AV

Tried to enter password but still AV

Tried to have TB already active and password done and all works 

Access violation at address 00B8A66E in module 'thebat.exe'. Read of address 


Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat 4.0.26 on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

address book

2008-05-20 Thread Graham


If I use ctrl W to insert the address of a delivered email into the
AB it is available from the AB icon in the edit mail message window
but NOT from the main Address Book tool bar icon until The Bat is
closed and re-opened.

Is this a bug?

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

[no subject]

2008-04-18 Thread Graham
Hello tbbetas,
Sorry about the previous wrong submission however it was as a result
of a bug!

I had opened a new mail from TBBETA folder and seeing this then
deleted it and selected the correct addressee. Although the deletion
appeared visually to work in practice it did not and it retained the
deleted address and sent it to you.

Moderator - can you delete this from the forum please.

Can others confirm this as a bug.

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

DP fiasco

2008-04-18 Thread Graham
Hello Don,
I thought I would write this direct to you as it represents what I, if
I were in your position might do regarding the implementation of DP.

First, any 'full' DP approach should be totally disregarded.

I would seriously consider a facility which gives an optional
display of tree (optional), list, 2nd tree (optional), 2nd list
and that is it!

This would enable those who are used to DP 'seeing' file transactions
and allow visual file comparison.

I suggested the DP wishers just concentrate on user needs but they
seem to not understand the word 'need' which is not uncommon in
application design scenarios. Many times in the past when a product
was eventually finished I have said to clients if only you told me
what you really wanted it would have been dead easy and available
early - response - we did not know what we wanted until we saw it.

Once the dust has settled if you were to offer a very simple DP
solution then I suggest it will satisfy 70% of XY 'moaners' but you
will be cast into oblivion by the remaining 30% - tough! It is there
loss to miss out on the XY experience (in fact, they may just remain
as sleeping users because to abandon XY is just silly when it can
offer things others cannot even come close too)

Finally, another consideration which I think is of more concern. You,
as a one man band, have only so much time to develop XY and whilst you
can exploit the innovative stuff the competition are relegated to
'following' your example. To divert now into a major DP development
buys you nothing but it does give the competition time to copy you and
claim superiority.

Please don't waste time replying, I wanted to get this off my chest
and writing it in the forum is a waste of time because the DP
advocates have tunnel vision and as I see are not prepared to think
compromise. Having made a sensible offer, I think if a compromise
solution can now be made which takes a short time to implement then go
for it otherwise - bin it now.

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: The attached files

2008-03-26 Thread Graham
Hello Roelof,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   The attached files:

> Hallo bat,

> On Wed, 26 Mar 2008 20:44:05 +0300GMT (26-3-2008, 18:44 +0100, where I
> live), you wrote:

BB>> The attached files disappear from letters during editing. At sending 
BB>> files they are united in one with total volume.

> Could you explain more clearly what you mean? I've tried to create a
> message with multiple attachments, but I can't find anything out of
> the ordinary.


I have just had an email from someone I sent 8 pdf attached files and
he reports only one file was received!

Tried again and same result.

The Connection Centre showed the 1.2mb upload but the saved copy
showed just a single attachment.

Reverted to a previous beta (..5) and it seems to be working again.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

folder view mode context menu duplicating items

2008-02-28 Thread Graham
Right clicking on a folder and then Folder View mode shows a list but
it is repeated twice

If you then select Manage View modes from the list the new window also
has a list with duplicated items.

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: v4.0.14.4 - repeat test of previous error

2008-02-22 Thread Graham
Hello Roelof,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   v4.0.14.4 - repeat test 
of previous error:

> Can't confirm with paid version of AVG.

Thanks for trying - maybe free means pay to get bug free!

not a serious thing for me as I rarely change options - best to let
the dust settle first I guess

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

v4.0.14.4 - repeat test of previous error

2008-02-21 Thread Graham

as previously reported to this forum with v4.0.14.3 - still occurs
with v.0.14.4

Program in loop?
  I have found this always crashes TB resulting in a not responding
message after 20 secs delay of 100% processor
Options/Preferences/protection-anti virus
in my case select
AVG Free Edition Plugin for The Bat v10/AVG7.5.516
select default
then change some options for email scanning
press OK]

program hangs  - not responding message - TB program deleted

Anyone else support this for remedial action

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information: Spell Checker issues - resolved

2008-02-20 Thread Graham

Seeing Ian Pollards  success I decided to follow his steps.
Previously I had gone through the  un install and  reinstall process with
no success.  I had also been reluctant to use the restore as reports
of errors with this have been reported but this was the only
difference in approaches.

So,this time I deleted the TB application data,  un installed and reinstalled 
back up to but  and used restore.

Result - SSCE fully working as far as I can see with or without

The restore failed with no  url manager list and addresses history

 Initial difference in application directory was the new install had
no cache dir.

Clearly somewhere along the line the application data must have  got corrupted
to affect the SSCE engine.

Thanks to Ian and Miguel for his help and patience in this but for TB
programmers there must be an error which occurs under rare occasions
causes this, but is there yet to be found and resolved.

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Speller working fine now here

2008-02-20 Thread Graham
Hello Ian,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   Speller working fine now 

> I then removed all traces of The Bat! manually.

  sorry to ask but could you enlarge on exactly what you removed
- did you remove registry entries as well?

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

spelling indication

2008-02-20 Thread Graham
  not wishing to be obtuse but regardless of the spell checker
setting logo in the menu drop down there is a clear indication in the
status indicators of the edit window showing what is set or not.

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

password access not yet completely right

2008-02-19 Thread Graham
 I have just loaded and was testing if access to various
menu items could be made when the account tree was collapsed.

Example  access menu account/properties allowed access with NO
password !
 tried it again and second time it asked for password, thereafter
always wanted a password.

This applied to other items that I expected would need a password -
first time try go access thereafter required password.

Same thing applied to Addresses tab which first time showed email
details for a selected name, repeat test and it only showed a list of
names (which I think also should be password protected)

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Access violation....

2008-02-19 Thread Graham Foster
when selecting the Unread folder pane, and then marking as "unread" some 
messages. Not possible to escape from without killing TB!

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

crash TB Virus check

2008-02-19 Thread Graham
 I have found this always crashes TB resulting in a not responding
message after 20 secs delay of 100% processor
Options/Preferences/protection-anti virus
in my case select
AVG Free Edition Plugin for The Bat v10/AVG7.5.516
select default
then change some options for email scanning
press OK]

program hangs  - not responding message - TB program deleted

Anyone else experienced this?

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Spell Checker Issues

2008-02-19 Thread Graham
Hello MAU,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  - Spell Checker 

> So, let's all be a 
> little more rigorous when testing and precise when reporting.
Totally agree.

for me  --

 Hunspell only (SSCE5532 extn renamed from dll to make it
inoperative) then spell checking works in every way, no problems

Hunspell disabled (extn renamed from dll)  and SSCE5532.dll only
words with a combination of numeric and alpha are underlined, all
other words (right or wrongly spelled) are ignored (no underlining if
wrong spelling).
Options all left blank.  Dictionary - EnglishBR
changing options has no effect except for the ignore words with
numeric which does correctly ignore them.

Other speller not an option for me.  (does not exist)

My conclusion from this is that SSCE5532.dll is effective since it finds
numeric/alpha errors and reacts when option to ignore this is
My best guess is that during initialisation process settings are being 
What causes this in just a few systems is the hard bit.
Maybe some other programs are corrupting these
settings assuming they are held in the registry.

I do accept resolving this is difficult unless you have a system with this error
but I cannot believe it is due to the normal installation process as that is
under the control of the msi installer.

I am happy with Hunspell but there is a genuine problem to be sorted.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Spell Checker Issues

2008-02-17 Thread Graham
Hello MAU,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  - Spell Checker 

> I never said that these files with different dates may be the cause of
> the problems. I just said that they made me wonder about how Ian (and
> perhaps you and others) "have been doing upgrades along the years".

Please don't think I am attacking your analysis, it is because of you
I have a working Hunspell and happy with that.

Re updating, I am very new to TB and so have only had the last
version of v3 and have updated with v4 as it came along and betas.  The update
process is what I do for all programs so if there is a quirk in this
then TB had better sort it for new sales.

What seems very strange is I see reports of SSCE giving problems
with capitalisation yet for me I cannot reproduce this but it is with
numeric combinations.

I have also seen others complain about the 'spelling' saga but if it
doesn't work then it needs to be kept prominent so that eventually it
gets attention from the TB programming team.

I have tried almost every thing you have suggested and but for
manually modifying the registry,which I do not have the skills or
understanding to do, though I do use a very good registry clean
program (Ace utilities) to correct obvious registry errors.
Possibly, this could be a cause but I suspect others do not use this.

Your help is much appreciated, believe me,

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Spell Checker Issues

2008-02-17 Thread Graham
Hello MAU,

you wrote and made these points on the subject of  - Spell Checker 

> And, if this all doesn't work... I will give up and you will not owe me
> a beer :)

I do hope this uncovers something but I do have to say that the dates
of files are much the same in my dir and these were loaded direct
from the TB pro msi. I have tried using just the BR ones and same
result so I think the cause is not in these files.

I am still of the opinion that there is something wrong in the SSCE
engine.  Reason, when I only use SSCE and make sure Hunspell is not
there the spell checker finds words containg numeric.  So, 44ffg is
found as is ffg66 but ffg is seemingly correct!  This indicates to me
that SSCE engine is processing the words but for some reason
internally not correctly.

It is a frustrating mystery but hopefully in time the reason will be
found, I do hope so.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: spelling

2008-02-15 Thread Graham
Hello Serge,

 On 15 February 2008 at 21:09:51GMT  +0300  (which was 18:09 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  - spelling:

> This is not processor related. I'm on Intel Core 2 Quad and Vista 64.

> Will try on XP laptop soon.
Good news, then I shall look forward to it getting resolved more
easily.  The reason I thought it might be was because of some other
recent s/w which was found to affect just certain AMD processors, not

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: spelling

2008-02-15 Thread Graham
Hello Ian,

 On 15 February 2008 at 17:08:36GMT  + (UTC)  (which was 17:08 where I 
live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  - spelling:

> I have an AMD processor
So do I and I think this could be a common link - just a guess in the
absence of any other reasons.  be interesting to see if others with
this problem have AMD.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: spelling

2008-02-15 Thread Graham
Hello IanPollard,

 On 15 February 2008 at 16:33:12GMT  +  (which was 16:33 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  - spelling:

>   The only spell check that I can get to work is Hunspel. I have tried all 
> means
> to get SCSE working but it still does not work using the British English
> dictionary. I was under the impression that this latest release solved the
> problem but apparently not. Am I the only one with this problem now?

No, I have exactly the same and since SSCE works for the many the
reason is going to be difficult to find.  Hunspell is pretty good and
does the job for email purposes though I would love to have the
option of SSCE.

As a matter of interest what system processor do you have and have
you tried TB for this problem on any other different system?

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:


2008-02-14 Thread Graham
Hello Mike,

 On 15 February 2008 at 19:53:50GMT  -0500  (which was 00:53 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -

> I must be doing something wrong then.  I haven't been able to
> get spell checking to work at all.  I've tried almost every
> suggestion I've seen here and nothing has helped.

I am in a similar situation to you but have had some success
thanks to MAUand can get Hunspell to work.

in v4.0.14.1 I am still unable to get SSCE working
Hunspell is working as before by renaming SSCE5532 ext to dllnn and
re-loading TB
The add to user dictionary in Hunspell is now also working
Note that each word is checked as characters entered (does not wait
for space at end of word) - this is no problem but looks strange.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 0006805: VF allows access to msgs in password protected accounts (was: Re: Password query)

2008-02-14 Thread Graham
Hello Peter,

 On 14 February 2008 at 23:35:26GMT  +0100  (which was 22:35 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   0006805: VF allows 
access to msgs in password protected accounts (was: Re: Password query):

> Did some more testing...

> I have a common VF which monitors unread msgs from some folders, which
> includes the Inbox, in a password protected account. This account is
> allowed to receive email when collapsed / closed.

> Now for the results: when the account is protected / closed, unread
> messages from that Inbox can be accessed / read by means of the
> common VF. This VF with unread msgs then also shown up in the Unread
> and Virtual tabs. Results may vary, depending on the VF filter
> settings.

> Conclusion: it's a bug, not a feature. IMHO...

> Issue filed under

With new I tried to replicate the problem as I previously
reported here on TBBeta
with single account
collapse account tree
then select tab unread

with 4.0.14,  I could get access to unread mail with no password
with,  I could NOT
so this may have been sorted in some way but selecting
addresses tab still gives access to list with no password.


During testing I found another more serious bug resulting in AV's
AV 009D2A00---  000
AV 00B94303  ---  000
both AV's pop up at the same time and only way out is to terminate with Task 

eventually found repeatable way to reproduce AV error

collapse account tree
set cursor to unread tab
select menu account/properties/
  this asks for password
enter password results in AV's

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Password query

2008-02-13 Thread Graham
Hello Peter,

 On 13 February 2008 at 00:36:26GMT  +0100  (which was 23:36 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   Password query:

> Question for Graham: do you have just one or multiple accounts in the
> account tree?

Just one - the problem is consistent plus I only have All,Unread &
Addresses tabs at the bottom

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! 4.0.14 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Password query

2008-02-13 Thread Graham
If I close the account tree (click -box) then I can have TB collect
messages but not permit other users to access data without a password.

That is what I expected but if there are unread messages and the tab
at the bottom is present then these can be accessed and read with no

Also, if Addresses tab is showing then these can be accessed with no
password though only to send a new email.

I believe a password is required to either see unread messages or the
addresses list.Is this working as you expect?

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat 4.0.14 on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: TB Wiki

2008-02-13 Thread Graham
Hello MAU,

 On 13 February 2008 at 11:22:06GMT  +0100  (which was 10:22 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   TB Wiki:

> Yesterday I couldn't help it replying referring to the RTFM acronym :)
> Everybody will agree that TB's Help needs improvement but, believe me,
> it was much worse some years ago. TB's Help has improved quite a bit 
> but, like in many other software, "it is always behind".

> We may agree or not if what the first thing a potential new user does is
> to look at Help, what I am sure they do first is look at menus and, if
> they do this, I agree that when seeing so many options some (perhaps
> many) may think TB is a "too complex" program. That is why over 2 years
> ago I suggested the option of Basic/Full menus, being the Basic the 
> default. See

I had to smile when I saw your RTFM remark as it is one used so much
by support staff (in the old days that is).  A lot of support staff
now, from call centres, are totally dumb about the product and at best
read useless statements.

I do agree, and you are right, the ideal is to have intuitive
programs where the help files are not needed.  I recall the days on
mainframes when help files were a library of manuals and very well
composed.  The plain fact is that we all try to get a program doing
what we want and only refer to help files when it doesn't work as
expected.  In the case of technical and complex products, and TB is
in that category, the ideal is for a basic version to be working with
little need for help documentation but as the new user starts to get
confident they want it to do more and then the help files are an
absolute necessity.  MS have done quite well on the intuitive front
with the introduction of windows (and at a massive performance cost)
but their help files are imo less than helpful despite them trying to anticipate
your needs and then follow up with a closing statement - did this
answer your query?  NO but in that case go away.

The problem with help systems is that they are written and designed
by technicians who notoriously are bad at explaining the basics and
jump in at the deep end.  TB needs a little more 'help' design aimed
at the new user and then the user who want's to exploit the special
features, go the next step.  This is what 'binds' customers to a
product. So often I find that people who 'talk' technical often
have a very crude understanding of what they say yet bombard the user with 
and buzz words.  Because of my computer background I have a desire to
understand things and like to start at the beginning (programming is
not forgiving when it comes to guessing).

Thanks anyway for your thoughts.

Just a follow up on the spelling thing - I now have Hunspell fully
working and can add new words to a personal dictionary but what a
painful way it is to do this!  All I want is if a word is
new then press add to dictionary and it's done.  If I later want to
edit it then OK that needs a user interface.  Also, I see yet
another respondent reporting the same problem I experience with SSCE
in this forum.  I don't think my system is the problem but it is a
bug that only affects certain set-ups.  Spelling is also a new users
most important feature and bugs in this area are not just major they are
much higher than that but perhaps not so interesting to the
development team who are interfacing with a plug-in.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! 4.0.14 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[6]: message recd count/sound

2008-02-12 Thread Graham
Hello Stuart,

 On 13 February 2008 at 18:45:26GMT  -0600  (which was 00:45 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   message recd count/sound:

Just an update to tell you the problem is now sorted!   :-)

There was definitely something odd as you could see from the status line 
examples I sent.

The one thing I had not tried was closing TB completely and
re-loading.  After this, problem gone.

It seems that changing account and folder sound settings for sound
can cause this problem can occur, precisely what combination I haven't a clue
 but as this is a minor thing and probably difficult to reproduce it is of no 

It was, however, very strange hearing combined sounds and phantom
messages being received.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  Model Engineering Web Site
Using The Bat! 4.0.14 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[6]: message recd count/sound

2008-02-12 Thread Graham
Hello Stuart,

 On 13 February 2008 at 18:45:26GMT  -0600  (which was 00:45 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   message recd count/sound:

> Have you tried using Account/Dispatch Mail on Server/All Messages to see if
> there is something that is stuck there?
Have now, I had not seen that facility, very good

No mail stuck,  this is the last 3 in the log  including the 2 separate 
dispatches actions

>13/02/2008, 00:44:35: FILTER - received message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (3493 
>bytes) (processed by "tbbeta"), URL: msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
!13/02/2008, 00:46:02: FETCH - Privileged instruction
!13/02/2008, 00:46:49: FETCH - Privileged instruction

Thanks for you interest in this Stuart, it's no big deal, I was just curious 
seeing  msg in status area  which

reads  13/02/2008, 00:46:49:FETCH - connection finished - 1 message received

which ties up with the above date/time

The only reason I noticed it was with the double sounds going off which I never 
got in previous versions so I think it could be related to 4.0.14

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  Model Engineering Web Site The 
Bat! 4.0.14 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[4]: message recd count/sound

2008-02-12 Thread Graham
Hello Stuart,

 On 12 February 2008 at 17:13:59GMT  -0600  (which was 23:13 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   message recd count/sound:

G>> Example - your mail arrived with two others but count showed 4  see log 
extract below
G>> All 3 correctly filtered.

> POP or IMAP?

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  Model Engineering Web Site
Using The Bat! 4.0.14 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: message recd count/sound

2008-02-12 Thread Graham
Hello Stuart,

 On 12 February 2008 at 16:56:22GMT  -0600  (which was 22:56 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   message recd count/sound:

> I do not get this. Is it possible you have a filter that is processing the
> message or if it is going into your spam folder?

> If you click on that notification in the status bar, what does the resulting
> log file tell you?
All my emails, including spam are filtered into their respective folders.
When a connection is made either by me manually or automatically and no mail is 
delivered the count reads 1 and plays a sound.
Log file tells me fetch - Privileged Instruction.

Example - your mail arrived with two others but count showed 4  see log 
extract below
All 3 correctly filtered.

 !12/02/2008, 23:01:47: FETCH - Privileged instruction
>12/02/2008, 23:01:47: FILTER - received message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (3368 
>bytes) (processed by "model eng list"), URL: msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>12/02/2008, 23:01:47: FILTER - received message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (3942 
>bytes) (processed by "tbbeta"), URL: msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>12/02/2008, 23:01:47: FILTER - received message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (5143 
>bytes) (processed by "Mill Drill"), URL: msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Using The Bat! 4.0.14 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

message recd count/sound

2008-02-12 Thread Graham
 Can you tell me if this is a bug?

I notice if I manually press Receive New Mail and none arrives the status bar 
reports 1 message received.
 The log shows fetch - Privileged Instruction and this seems to be
counted as message received.

Should such a message be counted/

Reason - sound occurs even if no mail delivered.  Account setting for
sound off makes no difference.

I only want the sound to play when mail is delivered and not when
connections are made.


Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat 4.0.14 on Windows 5 SP2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: TB Wiki

2008-02-12 Thread Graham
Hello Thomas,

 On 12 February 2008 at 23:39:34GMT  +0700  (which was 16:39 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   TB Wiki (was: Mod: HTML 
use (was: Password problem)):

> Point taken (it should be in the Help menu), and you're welcome. I do
> agree that the Help needs an update...
Thanks for your help.

I know this is a beta forum for reporting bugs etc.

Please allow me this one-off report  to express some views which
 I think are of equal great importance to that of bug fixes and long
term the future of TB.

I have some 30 years experience of the computer industry having
worked for ICL(UK) in all aspects of program development through marketing.
  What really I find difficult to understand is not the complexity of
the program but it's strange way of doing things.  As someone said,
with a good help system then even I and other newcomers can cope.

The wiki - I have looked through but it is seems  well out of date and looks
The move from alpha testing to release candidate in such a short
period was wrong in my view  as users can accept problems with betas
 but expect  in RC's to be finding  minor problems only.

This is a great product and despite tripping over silly issues I am very
happy with it.  I enjoy seeing the development process in action and
again I am quite impressed - slow but getting there.

What is amazing to me is the apparent lack of interest in persuading new
buyers - every review I have read indicates this is too complex and
do not buy!
Absolute rubbish - I had it working and 20 odd filters within hours
of the first down load and bought it the next day.  So TB development team
 if you want more sales then the image needs a radical change which
comes with good built in and sympathetic help support.  This
is as important as the code development and the FIRST thing a new
prospect looks for is the help!.

 I hope you accept the above as constructive criticism but I want TB
to be a choice for all customer segments.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Using The Bat! 4.0.14 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: TB Wiki (was: Mod: HTML use (was: Password problem))

2008-02-11 Thread Graham
Hello Thomas,

 On 12 February 2008 at 08:41:29GMT  +0700  (which was 01:41 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   TB Wiki (was: Mod: HTML 
use (was: Password problem)):

> You mean like this: ?
Great, but how is a newcomer to TB supposed to know about it?
This should as a minimum be in the Help menu.I shall read it with
much interest. Thanks.

 I do think there is a tendency for those of you who have long
associations with TB not to realize just how difficult it is to make
sense of all the features or find information.

 As an example, I am struggling  right now.  I forget to set the auto-wrap
in MicroEd and then finding it will not wrap text already enetered either by
selecting or pasting.  Once it is set thereafter it is no problem and
wraps the text.
Simple for you guys, very frustrating for me.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Using The Bat! 4.0.14 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Mod: HTML use (was: Password problem)

2008-02-11 Thread Graham
Hello Marck,

 On 12 February 2008 at 00:24:44GMT  +  (which was 00:24 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   Mod: HTML use (was: 
Password problem):

> Please do not send HTML messages to the list except for purposes of
> testing. While the merits of HTML are debatable, and have been
> discussed numerous times on the lists, the list rules prohibit HTML
> e-mail. You can easily automate this by using %SetEditor="1" in your
> list template.
Understood.  I think you should accept that as a  very new to TB
 and still getting used to this program.
That said, it is the first email client I have used that
has HTML and I was unaware of the implications for this
list and for that matter  %SetEditor.May I suggest
in the welcome letter this macro is mentioned.

A major factor for me and I suspect others  is I believe the very sparse user 
guide and
help files provided which for such a sophisticated program are really
very inadequate.   Maybe some knowledgeable and enterprising
person here could instigate a wiki guide to TB similar to

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Using The Bat! 4.0.14 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: Password problem

2008-02-11 Thread Graham
Hello NetVicious,

 On 11 February 2008 at 00:52:03GMT  +0100  (which was 23:52 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   Password problem:

If I start Thebat and after entering a correct password press the Receive New 
mail button it then asks for my password again. It opens the connection but if 
you enter a correct password at this stage it fails or gives a

1. Please do not write HTML emails here
2. When you got the AV, press CTRL+C and paste it to notepad (as example) it 
you couldn't write a new message on The Bat! and send the report later to the 

1 - Why or is it that TB is for purists only and looking through most other 
respondents here a large majority use HTML.  Surely the list is for information 
to be distributed to report or assist others using this product.  I usually 
have my settings to html/plain text is that acceptable?

2.  With the introduction of 4.0.14 I cannot reproduce this problem and so this 
seems for me to have been resolved.
Next AV you will get the details.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  Model Engineering Web Site
Using The Bat! 4.0.14 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: User dictionary (was: )

2008-02-11 Thread Graham
Hello MAU,

 On 11 February 2008 at 00:38:57GMT  +0100  (which was 23:38 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   User dictionary (was: 

> Don't you have access to another PC (a friend or relative) where you
> could install your TB (the same file you installed in your PC) and check
> if the SSCE speller works? It can be in evaluation, with even a fake
> account. You don't need to send any message, just open the editor, start
> writing and see what happens.
Well as strange as it may sound, No.  However I don't see how that helps.  I 
know it works on other machines because you have said so.  Unless I can find a 
system that is the same as mine, which I can't then I cannot test this.  I have 
done re-installs and currently using the latest 4.0.14.  I cannot see how the 
database of messages would affect this but possibly the registry could however 
I have done an uninstall and reinstall and a registry clean to remove TB  
items.  You must be right in that it is a problem with my system but as I 
understand it I am not the only one so we must all have something in common 
that the speller does object to.

It will eventually get resolved and as Hunspell is working the solution is 
academic so long as I can add words to a user dictionary.

Thanks for your help in this matter.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Using The Bat! 4.0.14 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: User dictionary (was: )

2008-02-11 Thread Graham
Hello MAU,

 On 11 February 2008 at 20:38:06GMT  +0100  (which was 19:38 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   User dictionary (was: 

> I still can't understand why SSCE doesn't work for you. There must be
> something 'peculiar' to your system.

Neither can I and it tends to get to me.  I had a similar problem with Phase 
One (Photographic) new software but it was later found by Phase One that the 
new software was coded using the latest code set which, unfortunately for me 
and some other users,  included processor machine code which my AMD Sempron 
processor could not use. In this case the program was highly unstable and 
crashed a lot (unusable). So maybe it is the processor that is peculiar.  That 
aside I have a very basic system which is totally reliable and no other strange 
happenings with other programs.  

I have no idea if this too could relate to SSCE but hope that  the TB team do 
follow this up as there are others also reporting similar findings (see Issue 
Tracker).  All credit to The Bat, although some things do go wrong with AV's it 
seems to still carry on and does 99% of what I need.

Look forward to the User dictionary explanation.  Despite a few others 
reporting the Hunspell is not the best it seems very good to me for email use 
especially  if I can add words.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:


2008-02-11 Thread Graham
Hello Marck,

 On 11 February 2008 at 19:12:22GMT  +  (which was 19:12 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   :

> Dear Graham,

> @11-Feb-2008, 19:03 Graham [G] in
> mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

G>>   hhf reeer 44334 rrr aswssd jjj  

> Erm ... folder template? ;-)

Sorry about that! The mail I was sending was supposed to be to my account only 
but it included TBBETA as I happened to have this folder focussed.
 I was still trying to get spelling to work in SSCE engine  (no luck) and 
although spelling works in Hunspell I would like the option to be able to add 
words to user.dic which requires SSCE engine.

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Using The Bat! on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

(no subject)

2008-02-11 Thread Graham

  hhf reeer 44334 rrr aswssd jjj  

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Password problem

2008-02-11 Thread Graham

  If I start Thebat and after entering a correct password press the Receive New 
mail button it then asks for my password again.  It opens the connection but if 
you enter a correct password at this stage it fails or gives an AV.

Best regards,   Graham


Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat on Windows 5 SP2
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: v4.0.12 spelling

2008-02-10 Thread Graham
Hello MAU,

 On 10 February 2008 at 17:53:08GMT  +0100  (which was 16:53 where I live) -
you wrote and made these points on the subject of  -   v4.0.12 spelling:

> I assume you understand that you fiddle at your own risk, aren't you?
> Changing things like dlls to see what happens, without perhaps knowing
> quite well what you are doing and what for, may be dangerous or at the
> least confusing.

> So you are saying that you removed SSCE5532.dll (version and
> you copied SSCE5132.dll (version 5.6), correct? Are you aware about the
> differences between the two versions?


> There have been quite a few changes between 5.6 and 5.16, haven't they?

Yes I appreciate the potential problems but only did this to see if the problem 
was external to the program or The Bat directories.  I totally agree, very 
risky and not something I would normally do.  I have some 30 years computer 
experience and although way out of date in programming I understand the 
implications.  What concerned me was the fact that others said they had no 
problems with spell checker yet there are some, a few it seems, like me having 
real problems.

Not yet reviewed the change history but thanks for the link, will read that.

I should add that I am very new to The Bat having only recently bought the Pro 
version so I am learning slowly.  I do find it interesting to follow and test 
beta versions and realise they can be confusing and introduce new problems. 

> Sorry, I may be wrong but I think you are confused. Are you sure the
> SSCE engine and dictionaries are working? Again, I may be wrong, but I
> think that your TB is now using ONLY the Hunspell engine and the
> Hunspell BR dictionary. I'll tell you why.

> I did as you say you did, remove SSCE5532.dll and added SSCE5132.dll,
> and spell checking with SSCE dictionaries doesn't work at all. Every
> single word in the text is flagged as misspelled, no matter which
> language (SSCE only) is selected.

> So, what I believe is happening is that as you said in your
>  you added Hunspell and it is
> Hunspell who is finding the correctly spelled (with Hunspell
> dictionary) words.

> Why don't you do something. Rename or remove temporarily your Hunspell
> dictionaries so that only the SSCE ones will be used and see then what
> happens. I'd appreciate if you let me know.

You are not wrong and the above made me try a different approach as you 
As you say I had both Hunspell and SSCE loaded.

To make a clean start I renamed the Hunspell dll to make it inoperative and 
then deleted all the SSCE language files (I have The Bat pro) and then repaired 
using ver 4.0.11 msi to reinstall them, which it did.

Testing the spell checker with SSCE only, resulted in same error - no checking 
or red underlining except it flagged any word containing numeric and alpha 
mix..  Removing the option for ignoring  stopped those so something is working 
as it reacted to this option setting.

Essentially, SSCE does not work to check spelling wrong words.

You asked about options, I tested before using those you used but since have 
tried different combinations.  Same result - no spell checking so the bug, 
whatever it is, lives in SSCE5532.dll as supplied in latest version release.

OK, now renamed SSCE5532.dll to make it inoperative and reset the Hunspell.dll 
to work.

Great, as you predicted, it works and although I have not tried many options or 
words it is more than satisfactory for my needs.

Thank you for getting me this far.

Whilst this sorts out the immediate need it does still remain that SSCE5532 doe 
not work.

Can you confirm that SSCE works for you in isolation (no Hunspell) as it is 
very strange indeed.

Thanks again, your help has been very much appreciated  and I hope the SSCE 
problem can be found and resolved.

  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Using The Bat! 4.0.12 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

v4.0.12 spelling

2008-02-10 Thread Graham
 Spelling problems

I decided to see if loading an old copy of the SSCE5132.dll into c;\program 
files\the bat to replace the new dll would make any difference.  The dll I 
loaded was created 29/08/2007 and is slightly larger (143kB, new is 132kB)

Spelling now works as expected based on initial testing!

I hope this offers some hope that the development team can rule out other 
factors (registry settings etc) and so concentrate at what is different between 

recently, with another program, where strange things occurred on just a few 
sytems yet work on the majority it was found to be the codeset used which did 
not work on some AMD processors.

Hope this helps, for now I have a speller that works.




Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat 4.0.12 on Windows 5 SP2
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: How-To get the 3 spell checker engines to work - Part 4 (Hunspell)

2008-02-09 Thread Graham
Hello MAU,

> And that's all. As I said in my first message, if this helps at least
> one of you, I'll be happy :)

Thank you for describing what is required to get spelling to work.

Despite all your efforts I cannot get it to work.

In line with your advice I can confirm I have all the files you mention for 
SSCE and english (BR) selected
Following your instructions I added Hunspell (dll was already there but added 
other files)
I use MS Word 2007 and so no CSAPI  - maybe this is the problem?

OK, all appears correctly set up but it refuses to work

  frunt lok  (these have no effect as being mis-spelled)
99ggg 444ggg (these are underlined in red but only for numeric followed by 

Spell cjhecking is a must for me and I am deserate for a solution, I should add 
that untill V4 (all versions) it did work

Anymore ideas, help!


  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  Model Engineering Web Site
Using The Bat! 4.0.12 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[3]: 4.0.12

2008-02-09 Thread Graham
Hello Bob,

>>  Spell Cheker

>> Options - all options are clear and after selecting any get access
>> violation 00407E3E  read addr.   004

> I cannot confirm.  Under Options, I get SSCE and Hunspell tab, with
> the latter grayed out (even though Hunspell components are here:
> C:\Program Files\The Bat!\dictionaries

> However, the SSCE dictionary is working fine with SpellChecker and I
> am satisfied.

In the light of your experience I decided to uninstall and reinstall back up to 

No change from what I reported re Spelling language or option selections.

The dictionaries are present C:\program Files.. 

Glad it works for you, what is concerning is just that, a lack of consistency 
so it indicates some corruption other than in the base files, maybe the 
registery but I do not want to go there!

Thanks for reply anyway - hope the gurus at TB can resolve these issues as 
these problems are more than just minor errors and affect usability and 

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Using The Bat! 4.0.12 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
 Current beta is 4.0.11 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

RE: 4.0.12

2008-02-09 Thread Graham
 Spell Cheker

Options - all options are clear and after selecting any get access violation 
00407E3E  read addr.   004




Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

   Using TheBat 4.0.12 on Windows 5 SP2
 Current beta is 4.0.11 | 'Using TBBETA' information:


2008-02-09 Thread Graham
Hello Dwight,

> On Saturday, February 9, 2008, 1:32:56 PM, Maxim Masiutin wrote:

>> [-] Address History automatic search was case-sensitive

> that's great, but I'd rather be able to use mailto: links

Very strange because it works fine for me, I am on winxp maybe that is different

Best regards,
  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
Using The Bat! 4.0.12 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
 Current beta is 4.0.11 | 'Using TBBETA' information:


2008-02-09 Thread Graham
I don't see any dictionaris or ability to select language.

Also not that insert smiley is greyed out

may I suggest to get more tool buttons in view, the descriptions are shortened
eg insert blank line to line et

  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  Model Engineering Web Site
Using The Bat! 4.0.12 on windows version 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
 Current beta is 4.0.11 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

V4.0.11 bugs

2008-02-09 Thread Graham

  I have been testing this beta and it seems to be very problematic and 
unstable (things work initially and then don't)

Spelling -- does not work at all English(british)  but does find uuu as an 
error but not any other  is accepted!

Password entry - repeated requests - if wrong password entered then in certain 
circumstances it will not accept a correct password (found in 4.0.22) 

Editor - Follow buttons initially worked as expected but now don't - indexes 
totally screwed BUT only on certain folders (those used a lot)  When tried on 
new folders works correctly


  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
  Model Engineering Web Site
 Current beta is 4.0.11 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Password corruption v40022

2008-02-07 Thread Graham

  TB V4.0022  Password corruption and locking
Whilst trying to set new folder for my account I was asked for password  
(strange request at this point)
Entered wrong password by mistake

Now cannot change password or get it to accept correct password for setting new 

When program exited, fortunately, password works to get access to account BUT 
still cannot set a new folder or change a folder  as it wants a password and 
keeps rejecting (valid password) and reports access violation
00B60598 read 0078

Whilst I can still get mail and access this I am unable to make any changes

 I consider this Password problem very serious as I am now unable to change or 
add new folders to my account and very concerned it may prevent me accessing my 
account to view mail.

  Graham Howe mail   mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   
 Current beta is 4.0.7 | 'Using TBBETA' information:


2008-01-14 Thread Graham Foster
> Search does not work backwards.
> Show all does not mark all found words - doesn't work

also "find whole words" doesn't (it will still find embedded word fragments), 
and  there is "wrap" around in the messgae, so if you start part way through a 
message it will tell you "not found", even though the work you are looking for 
is in the previous sentence.

Still - its alpha ;)

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Oldest open bug been rendered invalid....

2008-01-02 Thread Graham Foster
Marek Mikus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > What a cheat! I've been nagging about a bug for ages
> >
> For now, new Microed editor is implemented and there will updated SSCE
> engine available - 
.. Thats cool - but why remove the user interface supporting Authorisation, if 
you intend to put it back. The whole autocorrection UI has been removed  - so 
I assume that the new SSCE engine will not support it?
I look forward to improvements in the spell checker too


 Current beta is 3.99.29 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Oldest open bug been rendered invalid....

2008-01-02 Thread Graham Foster
What a cheat! I've been nagging about a bug for ages
 so instead of fixing it - RitLabs have just removed the functionality in v4.

..well - that's one way around it!

Anyone who wants a spellchecker that works in ANY Windows application should
have a look at


 Current beta is 3.99.29 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: connection

2007-10-11 Thread Patrick Graham
Hello Peter,
Thursday, October 11, 2007, 7:22:14 PM, you wrote:

PK> I set up an account with - I think - successfully. I could send
PK> a mail from "Peter" my personal account through my IP to However 
PK> receive/send mail from the "BATNET"account established in BAT.
PK> I can go to my gmail account through the browser and found my letter.
PK> However If I use the account "BATNET", which set up in the BAT software, to
PK> connect to gmail I get this error message:

>>  C: Connected to, port 995 [14:56:56]
>> S: +OK Gpop ready for requests from 38pf2115276wrl [14:56:56]
>> C: USER  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [14:56:56]
>> S: +OK send PASS [14:56:56]
>> C: PASS xxxyyy [14:56:56]
>> S: -ERR [SYS/PERM] Your account is not enabled for  POP access.
>> Please visit your Gmail settings page and enable your account for POP access.
You need to log in to the web page for gmail/
Go to settings - Forwarding and Pop - Enable Pop retrieval

Patrick G.

 Current beta is 3.99.24 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Dispatch messages on server...

2007-07-18 Thread Graham Foster
Doesn't work for me with gmail accounts. I've tried all messages and all new
messages - all that happens is a regular e-mail check, no listing of the my
gmail account messages. Is this a gmail thing? WOuld it work ok on std POP (I'm
using 3.99.9)
(via gmane)

 Current beta is 3.99.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Version 4?

2007-05-20 Thread Graham Foster
I've had a long list of ignored suggestions. My primary beef is areound adress 
handling, particularly of address book groups and distributions lists. These 
woul dbe nice to have fixed / included
(via gmane and the web)

 Current beta is 3.99.07 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Quoting without reply is using quotes

2007-05-09 Thread Graham Foster
Richard Wakeford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello Vili,
> On Wed, 9 May 2007 you wrote in 
> V> It is in the Special menu when you open a mail in separate window.
> Ah, I never do that so that's why I didn't see it!
Reply with quote, and reply to all with quote are on the right click menu under
the menu option "Message" - I never use the shortcut keys when I can rght click.

 Current beta is 3.99.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Oldest open bug?

2006-02-13 Thread Graham
Who has the oldest open bug - that is still present. I'm putting a claim in for - the spelling autocorrect bug which 
been in since the day Stefan implemented spell checking. (I just logged it in 
bugtrack some (years) later...
Anyone earlier than this?

 Current beta is 3.70.08 "Qigong" | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Serious help required please...

2006-02-04 Thread Graham
Roelof Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Restore to a mapped drive G:
> Close TB
> In the registry adjust:
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!\Working Directory
> (and any other key pointing to G:)
> Start TB.

It was a little more complex than that as I was not storing the mail data in 
default location. Historically it was stored in the MAIL subfolder. What I had 
to do was 
- delete the entire on mangled mail folder on drive F
- Map a drive G over drive F
- do the restore as previously
- close TB- at this point all the files and mail are back
- *delete* several of the registry settings which TB was expecting for paths (e.
g. exe path, working directory etc
- restart TB - its now confused where its data is, so it prompts me
- specify a user defined location on drive F:\thebat\mail
- go to each account properties and CLEAR back to the default entry all the 
folder properties
- close TB
- search the registry as you indicated for G: and replace by F:
- SEARCH on f:\thebat\*.* for any file containing G: and then edit it (e.g. 
- unmap drive G
- restart TB!
.. it worked!
.. run a backup immediately!

So many thanks for getting me started on this. I really hope RIT fixup this bug 

On the other hand - my ISP mail server has been down for 2 days now. Clearly 
doomed not to get access to my mail at the moment!

 Current beta is 3.70.07 "Qigong" | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Serious help required please...

2006-02-03 Thread Graham
Roelof Otten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Restore to a mapped drive G:
> Close TB
> In the registry adjust:
> HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!\Working Directory
> (and any other key pointing to G:)
> Start TB.
I'll look at that - but what happens when I UNmap G - and I only have F. Is  
this that I modify again - or is there something in account.fld which will 
be hard coded to to the (now non-existing) G:?

 Current beta is 3.70.07 "Qigong" | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Serious help required please...

2006-02-02 Thread Graham
I've having a bad day... a very bad day.
I've upgraded to the latest beta, and I've put it on my new computer, and I 
cannot restore my .tbk backup from my old machine. It seems that the backup 
files contain ABSOLUTE drive references for everything. My new machine doesn't 
have a drive G (location of the old files) - so you cannot restore files. 

Combine that with this versions penchant for creating folders all over the 
and I'm SERIOUSLY confused as to what it what. 
I've even tried to fool it by mapping one of my drive to itself as drive G. 
restores fine, but when you disconnect drive G - nothing works. When you try to 
manually adjust the account properties to point back to F (drive of new 
then TB! seems to fail with some "folder does not exist" message as it appears 
to be automatically trying to copy files from the fictitious G: location back 
the newly specified F location. If you don't unmap the drive - then it deletes 
the information from the old drive G - (which is really the F drive) and leaves 
you with nothing. (as it copies source to dest and deletes source(which is also 

I'm tired and cross.. and reorting to webmail. Best address to get me on 
(personal mail) is not this one anymore but g a n d a l f m e i s t e r (AT)g

If it wasn't for the fact I'm job humting an my application forms & addresses 
are all on e-mail I'd be fine

Anyone got some cool restore tools which work - or a way of editing these 
TB! binary files to fix them up - it would help. (BTW - I rebuilt my old 
for my son... silly boy!!)


 Current beta is 3.70.07 "Qigong" | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: The Bat! 3.70.07 "Qigong" (Beta) is now available

2006-02-01 Thread Graham
9Val <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello All,
> The Bat! 3.70.07 "Qigong" (Beta) is now available from:
... just noticed that its lost all the account filters and everything too.


 Current beta is 3.70.06 "Qigong" | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: The Bat! 3.70.07 "Qigong" (Beta) is now available

2006-02-01 Thread Graham
9Val <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello All,
> The Bat! 3.70.07 "Qigong" (Beta) is now available from:
.. Mmmh - I've lost all my folders in my main account. Can someone remind me 
what the magic keypress to revocer them is. They are all still on disk - it is 
just that TB has forgotten about them, and redownloaded m Inbox again from 


 Current beta is 3.70.06 "Qigong" | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Confirmation dialog at the end of spell check when sending

2005-12-09 Thread Graham
Ian A.White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Can this alert be optional with spell check before sending? As I said,
> it is not as though anything can be done other than pick OK.
Would this help?


 Current beta is 3.63.08 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Re[2]: New spam - bayes filters not working

2005-12-08 Thread Graham
Stuart Cuddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I  get  an  error  message  when  I  try  to  load  this  plug-in. Any
> suggestions.
You need to download and install pcre  too. Look for the dpcre download on the 
same page. (I don;t read German either - but its fairly obvious). There is an 
installer batch file (in the download) for NT/XP and another for Win9x. Choose 
the right one and it will work OK

 Current beta is 3.63.08 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Voyager Price

2005-12-03 Thread Graham
Maxim Masiutin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   If you didn't use The Bat! before, you need only to purchase the
registration of The Bat! Pro.
Very good Max - Thanks to all you RIT guys. 

Could you answer my original question too please.. which was does the Voyager
version have any code changes to minimise the number of disk writes that are
done (and hence maximise SB drive life)?

 Current beta is 3.63.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Voyager spec...

2005-12-02 Thread Graham
I'm rather dubious about Voyaer for a couple of reasons:-

a) Has ANY work been done to reduce the number of disk writes with Voyager? 
USB drives (apparently) have a finite life, and the disk thrashing that 
happens with TB! would do a USB drive no good whatever.

b) If the answer to a) is "no not really" - then why bother with it. Why not 
just put the INI file features into mainstream TB!  and have this extra 
(useful) feature in the main product?

What am I missing?

 Current beta is 3.63.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Screen ReDraw

2005-11-09 Thread Graham
Ethan J. Mings <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I see two distinct loads.
Its been doing this for AGES! (reported many beta's ago). You get the splash 
screen, a window draw, window disappears, window re-draws, then its populated

.. You guys need slower video cards :-)


 Current beta is 3.62.13 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[3]: Exporting as EML

2005-09-29 Thread Patrick Graham
Thursday, September 29, 2005, 7:37:58 AM, Vili, spoketh:

V> Export some some to C:\. After that try to export some more mails to the 
SAME directory. Does it work for you? For me, not. On 3 different PC.
> Yes, it works. I tried single messages and five messages in one rush.  All 
> are saved as 00xx.EML.

V> Good for you then :))) Maybe my systems are special :
V> Anyone else? Could you try it? See my quotes above...

Confirmed! As long as the target director has no .eml I can export. Once .eml 
files are present - unable to export .

  Patrick G.
  The Bat! Version 3.61.08 Echo (Beta)
  hindered by Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

  Public Key available at
  hindered by Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.61.08 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Multiple message list tabs

2005-09-23 Thread graham foster
Anyone else noticed that if you enable message list tabs, and create (say) a 
filter e.g. messages with attachments), then over time these tabs multiply and 
are displayed multiple times. I haven't identified the cause yet. The only 
cure seems to be the complete removal of all tabs, and stopping displaying 
them (they even multiply if not on display :-)

 Current beta is 3.61.06 (Echo) | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Screen redraws on startup

2005-09-06 Thread graham foster
With this beta (and the previous release version) I get a very messy startup 
of TB. The splash screen apears, then a window frame, this is then cleared and 
redrawn with some widgets, this gets cleared again and it starts again. 
Horrible! Anyone confirm?

 Current beta is 3.61.03 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Tools that support migration from TB to TB

2005-08-16 Thread graham
.. anyone know of tools which can assist with the migration of a historical
mailbase _from_ The Bat _to_ Thunderbird please. Thunderbird is quite
restrictive on its importing as far as I can see.
(on gmane)

 Current beta is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Events triggerd by scheduler not working

2005-08-16 Thread graham foster
I have a job which runs once an hour which is supposed to delete the messages 
in the Junk folder off the server (via a filter), and then compress the junk 
folder (after the filter has run). The scheduler kicks in and looks like it is 
doing something.. but the Junk folder is not affected at all. Any ideas?
(using 3.51.10)
(on gmane)

 Current beta is 3.51.10 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: "Adjust time" when sending mail

2005-07-20 Thread graham
Thomas Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What I *would* like, OTOH, is an indicator in the Sent box showing me
> when the message was sent. I have now Received and Created columns,
> which show identical times (namely when the message was put into the
> Outbox). The Created column makes sense, but instead of the Received
> column, I would like the timestamp of when the message was actually
> sent. What do you think?
I think that this is a fine idea and I hope you support my Bat Wish

 Current beta is 3.51.6 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: The Bat! 3.51.5 is now available

2005-07-19 Thread graham
9Val <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> [-] Other : Reply quoting selected text
.. well Reply to ALL with selected tet still doesn;t work. Reply (to sender)
with selected text does (and did in the last version too).. What did you fix?

 Current beta is 3.51.4 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Selective downloads not working?

2005-07-13 Thread graham foster
I cannot get the Selective download feature to work. My understanding is that 
the selective download feature should be applied first, and anything matching 
will be ignored(or killed) from the server. I cannot get these filters to 
work, as information is always downloaded, and then trapped by the SPAM 
filter. Anyone got these filters working in 3.51?

 Current beta is 3.51 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Add CRLF as an address delimeter

2005-06-16 Thread graham
Having had another session where I had to edit 50 recipients address from a
perfectly usable newline delimited list, back into being a ; delimited list I
would like to draw attention to
.. and hope that this (and several other addressing related items get visited in
the next beta series)

Has Max / Stefan / 9Val etc commented as yet on what the development plan is?

 Current beta is 3.5.27 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: BayesIt or Bayes Filter?

2005-06-08 Thread Foster, Graham
> I have not re-installed it either.  So I don't know BayesIt suffers
> from the same problem that affected Bayes Filter ... at least earlier
> in the beta series.
I find this thread really interesting, because BayesIT was so buggy in
earlier releases that it drove me (an many others) to the Bayes

IMHO, Bayes Filter is FAR faster and more stable than BayesIT ever was
for me. The plugin issue in the last beta series has been resolved in
Bayes Filter 2.0.3 so I am back using this, and these are the
metrics (reset stats after installing 2.0.3 earlier this week):-

HamMails:  18191
SpamMails: 4063
detected Ham:  2087 (99.86%)
detected Spam: 94 (93.62%)
FALSE Ham detected:  6
FALSE Spam detected: 3

.. I think this is pretty good. Can other systems do better?


Notice:  This e-mail message, together with any attachments, contains 
information of Merck & Co., Inc. (One Merck Drive, Whitehouse Station, New 
Jersey, USA 08889), and/or its affiliates (which may be known outside the 
United States as Merck Frosst, Merck Sharp & Dohme or MSD and in Japan, as 
Banyu) that may be confidential, proprietary copyrighted and/or legally 
privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity named 
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message in error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete 
it from your system.

 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Using TAB key to rotate focus

2005-06-07 Thread Foster, Graham
Hello Melanie
FG>> No it isn't - there is still the "hidden" state between message list
FG>> and preview pane where the focus disappears

> this issue only appears when message preview is enabled. without there are
> only 3 states.
.. you mean 2 states. (which is fine)
I always run in preview mode, and having 4 states for 3 panes is

My lucky color just faded.

Notice:  This e-mail message, together with any attachments, contains 
information of Merck & Co., Inc. (One Merck Drive, Whitehouse Station, New 
Jersey, USA 08889), and/or its affiliates (which may be known outside the 
United States as Merck Frosst, Merck Sharp & Dohme or MSD and in Japan, as 
Banyu) that may be confidential, proprietary copyrighted and/or legally 
privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity named 
on this message.  If you are not the intended recipient, and have received this 
message in error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete 
it from your system.

 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Using TAB key to rotate focus

2005-06-07 Thread Foster, Graham
Hello Michael
> It is back in 3.5.26 ...

No it isn't - there is still the "hidden" state between message list
and preview pane where the focus disappears


Notice:  This e-mail message, together with any attachments, contains 
information of Merck & Co., Inc. (One Merck Drive, Whitehouse Station, New 
Jersey, USA 08889), and/or its affiliates (which may be known outside the 
United States as Merck Frosst, Merck Sharp & Dohme or MSD and in Japan, as 
Banyu) that may be confidential, proprietary copyrighted and/or legally 
privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity named 
on this message.  If you are not the intended recipient, and have received this 
message in error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete 
it from your system.

 Current beta is 3.5.26 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Why so slow?

2005-06-01 Thread graham
Goncalo Farias <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> FG> Any ideas?
> Sure! Do you have an Anti-Virus Plugin?

Yes I do, but don't tell me the file is stored in the remote folder, 
then redownloaded, scanned, and then put back again.. Surely not?

Graham (back on gmane)

 Current beta is 3.5.25 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Why so slow?

2005-06-01 Thread Foster, Graham

So I'm at home on a 2Mb ADSL VPN link, and my file store is at work.
TB has spent the last 45 mins downloading today's mail, which
according to the connections screen was 681k in 234 messages. It
finished transferring the messages pretty quickly, and for the past 40
mins appears to be trickling them into my inbox .. real.. I
know that the data has to be downloaded from the server and then
transferred back up the wire to the folder - but 45 mins for 681k is
PAINFUL (now you see why I read TBBETA on gmane most of the time I'm
at home :-)

Any ideas?

Windows XP 5.12600 
The Bat!: 3.5.23

Notice:  This e-mail message, together with any attachments, contains 
information of Merck & Co., Inc. (One Merck Drive, Whitehouse Station, New 
Jersey, USA 08889), and/or its affiliates (which may be known outside the 
United States as Merck Frosst, Merck Sharp & Dohme or MSD and in Japan, as 
Banyu) that may be confidential, proprietary copyrighted and/or legally 
privileged. It is intended solely for the use of the individual or entity named 
on this message.  If you are not the intended recipient, and have received this 
message in error, please notify us immediately by reply e-mail and then delete 
it from your system.

 Current beta is 3.5.25 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: [Usability] The most un-obvious things

2005-05-30 Thread graham
9Val <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   We'd  like  to  hear  your opinions about most un-obvious things you
>   ever encountered using TB!

OK - Unobvious things in TB! I'm interpreting this as either things
which are hard to understand how to do, or features with "un-obvious"

- Colour Groups: As TB! comes with no inbuilt groups at all, the
"Colour Groups" faetures is un-obvious and complex to set-up. The
simple expediant of preconfiguring TB at install with ToDo, Personal,
Work, Important etc (say 5 or 6 named labels) with strong colours
would make this easier to understand. You can keep the customisation
options, but just give people a starter

- Filtering of views. Similar to colour groups regarding
preconmfiguring. Installing a collection of default filters for the
colour groups (important / Todo etc). You already have the group by
date (which is brilliant and I use all the time), but this is
difficult to find. Having this included on a new Filters dropdown wold
be useful.

- Followups. The entire scheduler interface is unobvious even to
experienced TB users. You should extend the simple right click "Remind
me in..." to include user defined date options, and move all the
conditional response stuff (probably completely in my view). This
needs to be a simple UI.. with the options to access the "Every 3rd
Thursday in April every 17 years" supressed. (BTW - I don't think TB
can actually handle that repeat request. Its one of the few options
not covered ;-)

- You should be able to specify a followup period when creating a
message. It is not at all obvious that you need to to mark your "just
sent" message for followup.

- Mailchat and Submission forms. Can these just disappear. Does anyone
use them? If we got rid of these, then Commmon Chat folders could
disappear too. WHAT is Common Chat anyway? Is there "Uncommon chat",
or "elite chat" available? (is it one of these?

- How to change the font. OK - Just how many places are there to
change the font in TB (4?, 5?.. more?) Why is there no option to "User
the default font size character " etc, and have all these individual
ones for folder, message etc override this if they have been set. A
simple request of "Mmh thats a bit big / small - I want to change it"
gives rise to a 30 minutes amble round the UI trying to se the right
font height style colour to change. Many browsers /editors even allow
to to use the cntrl and mouse scroll to interactively change font

- The whole editor thing needs unifying. Its currently a horrible mess
which shows how TB has evolved over the years. Just give me 1 editor
please, which has all the capability we need. If you can't handle that
- then at least let me shell out to my favourite text editor and use
that instead.

- You guys already know my feelings that addressing based on LDAP is
very unobvious and needs addressing. Setting it up isn't too hard, its
just that TB doesn't allow you to actually USE properly it when
creating messages. Searching LDAP should be as transparent as
searching the personal directory, and (be able to be set to) happen as
you type in an address. Don't get me started on the whole area of how
TB doesn't handle collections of addresses properly (i.e. being able
to see them all or add/remove them into groups easily)

OK- here is a starter - I'm sure people will have others.

Best regards,

 Current beta is 3.5.21 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Cannot interrupt F7 search

2005-05-22 Thread graham
> PH>  have you already filed a bug report?
> Nope.
I have.. there are a shed load of problems with the finder interface. See

The interruption andprogress bar issues are listed. It guss that TB! only marks
progress / checks for interruptions when something is actually found 
somewhere. :-(


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