Re: Future of Beta Testing

2020-05-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Ethan,

> Will  Beta  Testing continue for The Bat.  It would be helpful to have an 
> update from
> RIT Labs?

Sure :)

Shortly,  I  am  going  to  send  a  message to the group about future
developments.  I  hope you excuse me for the delay, it's just a lot of
things  I  need  to  do  and  pay  attention  to  creates extreme time

Please stay tuned!

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-01 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear TBBETAers,

I beg your pardon for keeping you waiting for so long. The deal on
Ritlabs was a bit unexpected by me and I could not believe in it
completely until the last Monday when I received a state certificate
of   ownership.  Then, I started taking things over and there is a lot
of them, so we're still in the transition process.

I was missing you badly since I left Ritlabs office back in 2016 and
was dreaming to get back to The Bat! development all those years. So,
the last few weeks were full of emotions and the main one was
happiness. I am very happy to lay my hands on The Bat! code and start
again making you people satisfied with the product I started about 23
years ago and I feel nothing but deep gratitude towards all of you for
staying with us all these years and really hope our team is going to
keep you happy in future.

Now, it's time to reveal our development plans. At least, what I think
our current plan is. Sure enough, it may change slightly on the way
it's being implemented, but I think the essence of it should not change

So, here it goes:

- within next few weeks, we will try to fix with top PITAs (please
feel free to name your favourite ones), make some minor additions and
facelifting, then release a new v9.x.x update.

- after that, we're going to remove the outdated built-in HTML
renderer and IE-based system's one and use Chromium-based renderer
for displaying and handling messages. We already have a PoC for
internal testing and it is very promising - it's working lightning
fast and renders everything without a problem. So, it's going to be
next v9 update.

- then, we are going to shift research focus to multi-platform
development to make it possible to have same email setup on different
platforms and switch between OSes and devices seamlessly

Of course, it's quite a general plan, but we tried many things that
are coming to play already, so we are very sure we're able to fulfill
it to a high degree. We're just praying that the Universe has reached
its limit of black swans for this year at least :)

Thank you very much for being with us, helping us to make The Bat!
better and please be assured we are going to deliver a lot of stuff
for you to test and enjoy! :)

Best regards,
   Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-02 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Marek,

> Hi Stef,
> same for me, I missed You too :-)

I'm already thinking of a way to add reactions in email.  Before that,
I'm doing it in writing - big smile and soulful hug :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-05 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello MAU,

> Welcome  back  Stef.  I just wish you and Max had not been so stubborn
> four years ago and you had not left Ritlabs then.

Thank you MAU! Let's look at the brigh side - I have learned a lot in
those four years and I'm sure it'll help us to boost TB! development
now. The past is water under the bridge and we need to concentrate
more on today and leave something for tomorrow :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-06-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All,

Version (BETA) can be downloaded from

Here is  a short list of changes:

[-] (#0001934) Fix button widths on the preview pane's header
[-] (#0001761)  Fix cascading error messages when replying to a message that is 
still being downloaded
[+] Use generated colors for different email addresses in the message summary
[*] (#02017) Reorganize "Select / Deselect" buttons in finder folders
[*] Change appearance of items in list and tree views
[-] (#1844)  On the profile layout settings page, text was not displayed until 
a profile was manually selected

P.S. I could miss something while doing this build manually, so please don't 
blame be badly, I hope to get things in order soon ;)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen,

>> Version (BETA) can be downloaded from

>> Here is  a short list of changes:

> In folder tree the height of folder lines with text are slightly
> larger than in previous version!

Yes, and this is not a bug :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Andrew,

>> [+] Use generated colors for different email addresses in the message summary

> mm... Fresh new features. Exciting! :)
> Is there a "help article" for this one?

It's  not configurable yet, we're still in search for optimal defaults
now :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: - Message list without lines

2020-06-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Zygmunt,

Sunday, June 7, 2020, 5:28:29 PM, you wrote:

> Junction lines on message list disappeared in this version. Please compare
> this on attached pictures.

This  is  done with a purpose - to reduce visual clutter. We'll change
the expand/collapse boxes with chevrons soon.

Please  try to use it for a few days. If you still will be missing the
lines, we'll need to introduce some fine-tuning options...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Zygmunt,

> I know the reason of this message. I use very old version of WinRAR
> (3.51) which is incompatible with the created archive. If it is
> possible, please make the archive compatible with old version of
> WinRAR.

Oh,  I  see. Looks like you normally don't work with Betas because RAR
is  used  for  Beta distribution for long time now. Anyway, thanks for
pointing this out, I guess we need to sleep on it too :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello MAU,

> Does  not look bad. Although you may see some complaints about wasting
> valuable screen "real state".

We're trying to find a balance between minimizing clutter and
effective usage of space. To me, it's time to add some air into the
list to make things more readable and reduce stress and using 4 extra
pixels per item is a reasonable price for that. Let's see how it goes

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: - Message list without lines

2020-06-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello MAU,

> I don't know how it will look with chevrons but, so far, I do miss the
> junction lines.

That's why I asked to try it for a few days ;-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Daniel,


This one must be resolved when we start using Chromium engine. Both rendering 
engines used in The Bat! now are outdated beyond repair, I'm afraid. 

Implementing Chromium engine is planned for the next Beta circle, i.e. a few 
weeks from now.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-07 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Richard,

Sunday, June 7, 2020, 7:38:08 PM, you wrote:

> In the past, announcements had the *32.rar listed before the
> *64.rar. Now you want us to actually look at it first?

Hmmm. Actually, I didn't think the list order in the announcement matters  :-)

Basically, I think there should be no difference in priority between 32 and 64 
bits as both are in use. 

By the way, it would be nice to see what is version is used more today...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-08 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Andrew,

> Are you using HiDPI by any chance?

We're using monitors with various DPIs

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-08 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Marck,

> Beta  7 breaks the new/old customisation features a bit.

Let's  talk  about  it  after the next Beta where I believe DevExpress
stuff  will  be  removed and things should get back to the old track -
from what I see, older engine works faster and gives less headache.

> In  the  area  of  PITA  bugs, I will mention another, longer standing
> issue  I have that nobody here was able to confirm.

I am able to confirm this and it drives me bananas too :-)

I hope removing DevExpress components will speed things up (we'll see
it in a few days), but there are also other things that may slow the
editor down... Anyway, the editor is a very important direction of TB!
development, so I will be doing my best and will ask from the rest of
our team to make the editor the best on the market. 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: TB! Re-Downloads Emails already downloaded (was:

2020-06-08 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Thomas,

> Highly annoying, especially when I am in a country with slow
> internet (such as Myanmar), and TB wants to re-download thousands of
> mails (sometimes all that are on the server).

Do you have the exception log?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-08 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen,

> Please give us a fix for problems with %...LNAME macros!

Well, it might be not 100% intuitive, but you should start using
%AB macros if you want to use Address Book information because
non %AB macros use just text retrieved from message headers.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: GnuPG problems

2020-06-08 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Martin,

> Can we hope that on this "roadmap" very old GnuPG problems will be
> fixed?

Definitely - security is one of the selling points of TB! I already have a list 
MFPA, so I've added yours to it.

The only thing I'd like to ask is not to expect those issues to be fixed 
tomorrow :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-08 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Stefan,

> Yes, I'm pretty sure - yesterday, I ran into a similar problem on
> my GMail accounts. Then, I changed the browser engine in the OAUTH
> window and everything worked just fine :)

Hmmm. Just noticed the difference between sending messages to TBBETA from 
different accounts. In the Sent folders, they look the same, but messages sent 
from the account are coming to the list with "via TBBETA" in the To 
line. Could someone please remind me what the nuance is?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-10 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Dimitar,

> Welcome back! I read today you are ditching DevExpress and felt so relieved 
> :-)

Thank you!  We've finished removal of DevExpress and it really looks like a 
serious relief :-)  (Beta will follow)

> On the folder-tree air issue - can we have that customizable, please.
> I'd prefer denser list and so far can't find the font that works for
> me.

OK, it's decided that we'll have an .INI file in the mail directory with 
fine-tune values. There will be no GUI for editing those values now, but I 
promise to think about how to do comfortably :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-10 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Johannes,

OK, I see. Thank you for explanation!

> RitLabs publishes, as many others, a DMARC setting for their domain
> (v=DMARC1; p=reject;; ruf=mailto:
> This mailing list thus cannot generate a mail from
> you without this mail being rejected at all sites performing a
> DMARC check (it all started with Yahoo's p=reject a long time ago). We then
> updated Mailman and setit so that for domains with such settings, the From:
> domain ist rewritten to the mailing list.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-10 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello NetVicious,

> Welcome back Stefan.

Thank you!

>  - Allow translating the new customizer.
> -  Finish  it.  I loved when I can edit all the menus of TB! and leave
> only things what I use and hide other ones.

We'll need to review both of these in light of dropping the DevExpress 

> -  The  option  for "ignore changes" on Column Views changed a lot of 
> versions ago...

Noted, thank you! :-)

> PD: The Bat! for Android sounds very good ;-)

I tend to agree, even though I'm an Apple addict :-)   I don't want to be too 
fast on promises - it's better to eat this elephant by small portions...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-10 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Jernej,

Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 1:23:45 PM, you wrote:

> IE engine should suffice for e-mails - pretty much all newsletters are
> designed with Outlook in mind, and that uses Word to render HTML
> (which is even more limited than IE).

Outlook has its own rendering engine, it's quite different from IE. IE
become outdated long time ago, I have seen a lot of examples where it
renders messages in a really weird way. Another thing is - on
different systems of different people, different versions of IE are
used and this also creates another department of hell. 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Kinda roadmap ;)

2020-06-10 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Jernej,

> Welcome back :)

Thank you! :)

> - set Windows to High Contrast Black colour scheme, and fix all
>   elements that retain light background (status bar and tabs in main
>   window, some icons in status bar of message editor)

Noted, thanks!

> Oh great, another copy of Chromium running :)

Yeah, it's going to become a part of any Desktop OS soon, I guess. This would 
actually save terabits of bandwidth worldwide... :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-06-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All,

Version (BETA) can be downloaded from

Here is  a short list of changes:

[!] Toolbars library is reverted to Toolbar 2000 components (GUI must become 
[!] HTML engine is set to solely Chromium (CEF library)
[*] Loading of external resources for HTML messages (to be extended) can be set 
on HTML Viewer Preferences' page
[-] Lots of cosmetic fixes 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Marck,

TBL>> [*] Loading of external resources for HTML messages (to be
TBL>> extended) can be set on HTML Viewer Preferences' page

> ..  with  no  current  way to administrate manual mode - the 'download
> manager' is no longer there.

Yeah, it's just for a short time - we're not going to leave it this way :)

TBL>> [-] Lots of cosmetic fixes 

> I can, at last, just hit reply and type. The hang on new message issue
> is gone! ThankyouThankyouThankyouThankyou!

You are always welcome, Marck! :)  Overall  UI performance seems to be back to 
normal after DevExpress removal.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: - 32bit-archive also not running

2020-06-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello mse, 

> I need to confirm this. 32bit archive has icudtl.dat missing. Taking 
> the one from the 64bit archive does not help. (Some files in the 
> archives had identical file sizes, so I gave it a try...)

Thank you for noticing this!
Please try this one -

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> You Chromium CEF codebase is too old! Chromium 80?
> This could result ins some security issues for users.

The latest Chrome version is 83. I don't remember really serious security 
issues connected to rendering with JS switched off for at least 20 versions :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Stuart, 

> Not all messages are working with new HTML engine.

Please forward them to me as EMLs or archive. Thank you!

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Stuart, 

> With this version sending from my Fastmail account has become very slow.Will
> test to see if other accounts are also a problem.

Nothing was changed in relation to communication layer since the last release 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Andrew,

> Would it be possible to release a "stable" build without DevExpress
> widgets _and_ without Chromium?..

No, because we have further plans on preview pane development and supporting IE 
further will just add great PITA without clear gain.

What's the point of keeping HTML browser on outdated engine that doesn't render 
quite a bit of HTML messages today anyway? :) 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-12 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Ethan, 


>> [!] HTML engine is set to solely Chromium (CEF library)

> This took a few attempts to get it work.

> All of my short cuts were broken.

That's because your shortcuts were configured to start in a directory different 
to the one where thebat*.exe resides. I guess we need to play with CEF settings 
and maybe even move it to its own separate directory

> Based  on  the  current conversation, how would I know if I have the most 
> current CEF
> library loaded in my system?

Currently, CEF is not a kind of package which is automatically gets to user 
systems (I guess some day it will be distributed like that, but today it's not 
the case). So, we are going to distribute CEF as  a part of The Bat! package 
starting from the next release.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-06-15 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All,

Version (BETA) can be downloaded from

Here is  a short list of changes:

[*] (Beta) CEF files are moved into separate folder, so problems with starting 
from non-default folder must be fixed
[*] (Beta) CEF version bump to 83.3
[+] Options / Offline Mode and detection of absence of Internet connection
[-] (#0001832) inactive Internal PGP implementation was shown in the list of 
available PGP engines
[-] (#0002021) Icons of additional windows were not shown
[*] Add options for "old style" tree views and row density in the Preferences / 
Other options
[-] Smart Space Reading is now working in any kind of text viewer
[-] (Beta) URLs with target="_blank" could not be open 
[-] Lots of other small fixes

Since CEF is now located in a dedicated folder, you need to remove its files 
manually from the EXE folder. Here goes the list of these files and folders:


Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Links in HTML messages not always clickable

2020-06-15 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Thomas, 

> Can anybody confirm?

Confirmed and fixed in :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-15 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Stuart, 

> This is fixed for a new email icon, but not for the Connection Center.

Yeah, it's already discovered that it was fixed not exactly as it should... 
Will be fixed in the next Beta :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-15 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Ethan,

Monday, June 15, 2020, 5:49:49 PM, you wrote:

> I followed the instructions and I can confirm it works.

> I  can also click on an email link in a web site and the bat will open to 
> start a new
> message.  That is corrected.

Great to hear this. Thank you for quick update!

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-15 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gunivortus, 

> But my footer with TB Version, Windows version, etc. are gone in the
> edit mode.

Could you provide more details on this please?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-15 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Jernej, 

> Right-clicking in HTML messages opens the menu at an offset, far
> away from the mouse pointer.

Confirmed :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-15 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> After start the UI deos not react for 5 seconds to keyboard and mouse,
> this causes inoperable Windows with other programs, too.

Do you have any non-Microsoft antivirus or something alike running on
your system? Also, some summary on your hardware would be greatly

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-06-16 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All,

Version (BETA) can be downloaded from

Here is  a short list of changes:

[-] Different small and large icons for all windows are back
[-] HTML viewer popup menu positioning on high DPI
[-] Copy didn't work in HTML viewer

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-17 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Andrew, 

> Lowering the stakes, how about a stable build just without the Chromium?

Nope, sorry. Moving to CEF is one of the key points of the coming release, so 
we need to deal with the problems caused by introducing it now and I don't see 
why we cannot overcome it. 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-06-18 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

Version (BETA) can be downloaded from

EXE file only (no CEF binaries):

EXE with CEF binaries:

Here is  a short list of changes:

[-] (Beta) Search didn't work in HTML viewer
[-] (Beta) Copy and Select All commands didn't work in HTML viewer
[-] (Beta) Fix Viewer Profile selection in the Preferences again
[*] Some other cosmetics

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-18 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Stefan, 

Oh come one, create a template already! ;-)

> EXE file only (no CEF binaries):

Sorry, the right URLs are:

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-18 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> Please confirm freezes with 32bit

No freezes so far. Generally, 32bit apps may run slower on 64bit
systems, especially ones that involve serious amount of calculations
like HTML renderers, but I don't really notice any performance
degradation when switching 32/64 on all of my systems...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-18 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Miroslav, 

> the search works again, but the placement is in a strange place.

It's not strange, it's unusual :)  Does it cover any significant information 
that needs to be visible during search?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-18 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Stuart, 

> Will the way Quick search works be fixed? It always used to pop up when 
> hidden,
> as soon as you started to type and the Message list was selected and then hide
> when Esc was pushed twice.

Yes, we'll fix it in the next Beta.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-18 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Stuart, 

> Will we see a return to the Filter Using... menu choice. I had previously set 
> up
> a shortcut to a specific filter and it no longer works.

Thank you for mentioning this issue! The answer is "yes" from now :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-18 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello NetVicious, 

> ** Do not place as default download all images on the HTML Viewer **

I also think that allowing download external images is not a good
idea, but the reality is - many HTML messages are so badly laid out
that it's almost impossible to read them without images downloaded and
(more important) people just think that program is not working right,
so it just turns many people away and/or creates additional pressure
to our support. What I would agree here that there is some work to be
done to make people aware of the external links problem and provide as
much sensible options/tools as possible.

> The Bat! was created as a very secure email client and usually all the
> options related to security and to avoid spam had as default option to
> be secure.

The Bat! was created as a comfortable email client in the first place,
so it's a really tough choice you're talking about! :-)

> ** Tooltip/hint  on  links of the HTML Viewer **

Yeah, we'll implement this asap.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-18 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

>>> Please confirm freezes with 32bit
>> No freezes so far

> How can we debug my issue together?

First of all, please record a screen video (make sure you don't have
any private info on the screen before and after rec0rding) and send it
directly to me. Then, we'll decide what to do.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-06-22 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

Version (BETA) can be downloaded from

EXE file only (no CEF binaries):

EXE with CEF binaries:

Here is  a short list of changes:

[*] (#0002014) Better automatic recognition of URLs with matching brackets
[*] Message List and Folder Tree Tabs can be handled using mouse wheel
[*] skip warning on message's memo being changed, just save it
[*] Set IMAP folders to be on the Ticker by default 
[*] Save messages with empty TO fields as draft instead of sending them
[-] "Ding" sound when using alignment by Alt+L  in MicroEd
[-] (#0002006)  Message list tabs were not restored from Backup
[-] Escape key did not close Address Book
[-] (#0001837) AV after deselcting folders for scan of Address History
[-] (#0002025) Too deep nesting for Format /... color settings in the editor 
[-] (Beta) .EML/.MSG attachment viewer generated AV on activation
[-] Quick Search was not activated by typing in message list 
[-] (Beta) F3 / Shift+F3 were not working in HTML search input box

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-22 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> Did you change something with Chromium CEF?
> Stepping by key Down↓ to next mails HTML mails in a message list is
> very fast now! 👍

The CEF DLLs are signed now.  I guess your antivirus/anti-trojan software was 
paying too much attention to them while they were unsigned...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-22 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello MAU, 

>> [*] Message List and Folder Tree Tabs can be handled using mouse wheel

> How?

It responds to wheel scrolling (when it's scrollable) and tabs can be closed by 
pressing the wheel 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-22 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello MAU, 

>> It responds to wheel scrolling (when it's scrollable)

> Not here :-(

Is it narrow enough so not all tabs are visible? :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-06-22 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello mse, 

> * A few of the window icons are still missing, like Move messages 
>to, Copy messages to, Save messages, Print Preview, Quick 
>Templates, Folder and Account Properties, ...

Thank you! We'll fix it.

>* What is the future of the Image Download Manager? I really loved 
>the possibility to manually adjust which sources to download and 
>which to block.

Download manager needs to be rewritten for quite a long... I think we'll be 
working on it in the next release circle - sure enough we don't want to leave 
things as simple as they are now ;-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-06-24 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available from

EXE file only (no CEF binaries):

EXE with CEF binaries:

Here is  a short list of changes:

[-] (#0002037) (Beta) Font Size for selected text could not be changed by just 
pressing Enter
[*] (Beta) Reverse Tabs scrolling direction when they are scrolled by mouse 
[*] Memo Autoview visibility is now maintained between sessions
[*] (Beta) CEF instances are shutdown in a more correct manner now
[-] OAUTH was not working
[-] (Beta) Set default icon of utility windows to The Bat! icon
[-] (Beta) zoom was not working in CEF HTML viewer

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: "Entire text" tab in RSS feeds

2020-06-25 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello MAU, 

> I  had  not  used  RSS  feeds  in  a  while. I did today and found that
> selecting  "Entire text" tab opens the page in default browser 

Fixed. Thank you! :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-06-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version (RC1)  is available

Here is  a list of changes from the previous Betas:

[-] No default address book was created on the first start
[*] Set some sensible defaults for the first time run

What's new in v9.2.0.6 since v9.1.18 (released on April 22, 2020):

[!] Toolbars library is reverted to Toolbar 2000 components (GUI became much 
[!] HTML rendering engine is set to solely Chromium (CEF library v83.3)
[+] Offline Mode (menu item "Options\Work Offline") and detection of the 
absence of the Internet connection to avoid useless mailbox checking attempts
[+] Automatically generated colors are used for different email addresses in 
the Summary View
[*] Message List and Folder Tree Tabs can be handled using the mouse wheel 
(scrolling, pressing and tilting)
[*] Changes in message's memo are automatically saved
[*] By default the newly created IMAP folders are added to the Mail Ticker's 
watch list
[*] Messages with the empty "To:" fields are saved as draft instead of trying 
to send them
[*] Changes in the appearance of the items in the message list and 
account/folder tree view
[*] Added the option for the "old style" tree views and row density under 
"Options\Preferences\Other options"
[*] Loading of the external media for HTML messages (to be extended) can be 
configured under the menu "Options\Preferences\Viewer/Editor\HTML Viewer"
[*] (#0002014) Better automatic recognition of URLs with matching brackets
[*] (#0002017) The "Select/Deselect" buttons for folders have been re-organized 
in the Message Finder (F7) window
[-] Applying the left alignment by Alt+L in the MicroEd plain text editor 
called out the system's warning sound
[-] The Escape key did not close the Address Book window
[-] Quick Search was not activated by typing in the message list
[-] HTML viewer popup menu was improperly positioned on high DPI
[-] SmartSpace Reading is now working in any kind of text viewer
[-] (#0001761) The issue which caused cascading error messages when replying to 
a message still being downloaded has been resolved
[-] (#0001832) Inactive Internal PGP implementation was displayed in the list 
of available PGP engines
[-] (#0001837) An Access Violation error message appeared in the Address 
History after deselecting folders for scanning
[-] (#0001844) On the profile layout settings page the text was not displayed 
until a profile was manually selected
[-] (#0001934) Buttons on the preview pane's header were too wide
[-] (#0001961) Memo Autoview visibility is now maintained between sessions
[-] (#0001967) Memo editor does not close when repeatedly pressing Shift+Ctrl+I
[-] (#0002006) Message list tabs were not restored from Backup
[-] (#0002021) Icons of the program's additional windows were not displayed
[-] (#0002025) Unnecessarily deep nesting for the "Format\...\" color settings 
in the message editor has been eliminated

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-06-27 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version RC2  with color groups loading fix is available

Here is  a short list of changes:

[-] Colorgroups were not loaded in RC1

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information: RC3

2020-06-29 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version RC3 is available

Here is  a short list of changes:


[*] (Beta) Display tooltips on links in HTML messages

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: RC3

2020-06-29 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Marck,

Monday, June 29, 2020, 12:10:18 PM, you wrote:

> Page not found for either.

Yeah, please excuse me about the mess - Alexander and Gwen posted the right 
links already. I've put links for Beta files into templates so errors could be 
avoided, but I guess the same should be done for RC MSIs :)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: RC3

2020-06-29 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> Install of MSI deletes language file! Now it is EN only :(

Cannot confirm - my TheBat.lng file is in its place after installation.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: RC3 ( opening automatically)

2020-06-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello MAU, 

> Just  selecting  certain  HTML  messages in Message List automatically
> open  browser  at  page, without having to
> click inside message.

Please send me an example so I can test it. Thank you! :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: RC3 ( opening automatically)

2020-06-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello MAU, 

> Here you are. Thanks.

Fixed right away. Thank you, MAU!  I owe you a beer. Many beers already, 
actually ;-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information: MSI

2020-06-30 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version  MSI is available

What's new in The Bat! v9.2.1 since v9.1.18 released on April 22, 2020?

[!] Toolbars library is reverted to Toolbar 2000 components (GUI became much 
[!] HTML rendering engine is set to solely Chromium (CEF library v83.3)
[+] Offline Mode (menu item "Options\Work Offline") and detection of the 
absence of the Internet connection to avoid useless mailbox checking attempts
[+] Automatically generated colors are used for different email addresses in 
the Summary View
[*] Message List and Folder Tree Tabs can be handled using the mouse wheel 
(scrolling, pressing and tilting)
[*] Changes in message's memo are automatically saved
[*] By default the newly created IMAP folders are added to the Mail Ticker's 
watch list
[*] Messages with the empty "To:" fields are saved as draft instead of trying 
to send them
[*] Changes in the appearance of the items in the message list and 
account/folder tree view
[*] Added the option for the "old style" tree views and row density under 
"Options\Preferences\Other options"
[*] Loading of the external media for HTML messages (to be extended) can be 
configured under the menu "Options\Preferences\Viewer/Editor\HTML Viewer"
[*] (#0002014) Better automatic recognition of URLs with matching brackets
[*] (#0002017) The "Select/Deselect" buttons for folders have been reorganized 
in the Message Finder (F7) window
[*] Changes in the program's default layout for the first time run
[-] Applying the left alignment by Alt+L in the MicroEd plain text editor 
called out the system's warning sound
[-] The Escape key did not close the Address Book window
[-] Quick Search was not activated by typing in the message list
[-] HTML viewer popup menu was improperly positioned on high DPI
[-] SmartSpace Reading is now working in any kind of text viewer
[-] (#0001761) The issue which caused cascading error messages when replying to 
a message still being downloaded has been resolved
[-] (#0001832) Inactive Internal PGP implementation was displayed in the list 
of available PGP engines
[-] (#0001837) An Access Violation error message appeared in the Address 
History after deselecting folders for scanning
[-] (#0001844) On the profile layout settings page the text was not displayed 
until a profile was manually selected
[-] (#0001934) Buttons on the preview pane's header were too wide
[-] (#0001961) Memo Autoview visibility is now maintained between sessions
[-] (#0001967) Memo editor does not close when repeatedly pressing Shift+Ctrl+I
[-] (#0002006) Message list tabs were not restored from Backup
[-] (#0002021) Icons of the program's additional windows were not displayed
[-] (#0002025) Unnecessarily deep nesting for the "Format\...\" color settings 
in the message editor has been eliminated
[-] OAuth 2.0 authentication was not working for Mail.Ru
[-] No default address book was created on the first start of the program
[-] Superfluous empty spaces in the main window of the program appeared after 
restoring the data from the Home directory
[-] Checkboxes on accounts' selection on restoring from Home folder were missing
[-] The window for "Create New Account" appeared in the background and wasn't 
noticeable to the user

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

9.2.1 - final MSI

2020-07-01 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All,

Here are the final MSIs of the 9.2.1 release -

With these MSIs, we've solved the problem with TheBat.lng getting deleted on 
upgrading from the previous release and the startup screen mess is reduced 
should be reduced a bit.

Thank you very much for your great help with releasing of this version!

We're still deciding on the improvements we'll be working on the new Beta 
cycle, but here is what we are looking on:

- replace HTML editor 
- make fixes for GnuPG interaction
- add support for and Yahoo OAUTH
- add dark theme support
- improve Virtual Folders so it'll be use folder grouping (like all Inboxes, 
all of a color, regexp)
- add some interesting functionality to the preview pane
- improve address book UI/UX

I could forget to name some other points of interest,  so please feel free to 
add anything to this list :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 9.2.1 - final MSI

2020-07-01 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Sergio, 

> Thanks for the good start in TheBat! new release! Looks very promising.

Great to hear this!

> Is it possible to add unread messages count to TB tray icon instead of flying 
> bat?

Yes, definitely. We're actually discussing this feature already  :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Erratum: The Bat! v9.2.1.0 MSI runs fine on wine

2020-07-01 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Joerg, 

> Sorry my test script failed:
> wine v5.11 from June, 19th, 2020

What failed exactly, please?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-07-03 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen and MFPA, 

>> Here, it still is.

> Same for me!

Could you please send me screen shots of the dialog windows you have?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-07-03 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gunivortus, 

> In two html messages I got today I checked this. A messages from
> the MAGIX company and one from the LOTTO site over here.
> A few links, such as: click HERE do show the link, others, such as Buy
> now or More Info do not show their links and none of the pictures
> which are also linked to specific webpages at clicking them do not
> show those linked pages.

Please forward those messages to me as EMLs so we can look at them. Thank you!

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 9.2.1 - final MSI / Toolbar customisations lost?

2020-07-04 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Thomas, 

>> Then if you try to customise, the new toolbar will be saved but if you
>> stop  than  re-start  TheBat!,  your  customisation is not the same as
>> before: not the default one, but not the customised one...

> @Stefan: I think you fix this bug. It's too unnevering. Thanks.

Yeah, we are going to fix it asap. I guess the problem was introduced when we 
were switching back from DevExpress controls...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-07-08 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
New version is available for test ;-)


[+] Taskbar icon badge for unread messages 
[*] Separate animation options for taskbar and tray icons
[-] Rearrangement of Toolbar/menu items was not properly stored
[-] Search text box for additional windows was popping over the main window 
Remove DevExpress source
[-] Manual HTML images download was switching active tabs in preview pane

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-07-09 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Miroslav, 

> there is no display counter under Windows 7/64, tested with the 32bit
> and also with the 64bit version.

Do you have theme support switched on? 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-07-09 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Martin, 

> Space problem on top when coming from minimised window still exist.

Could you change your window and panel sizes a bit and see what happen please?

If it doesn't have effect, please try to rename TBUser.DEF before starting The 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-07-09 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello George, 

> What about to shows exact count to 999?

The size of the overlay image is too small for that :-) Besides, is it really 
important to see the exact number when you have over 99 unread messages? ;-)

> What about to add in settings filter for this badge and exclude
> some folders from counting of unread messages?

We're considering this, although the general approach is not to add new options 
and try to figure reasonable defaults...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-07-09 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Miroslav, 

> yes, of course - it was already activated at the first start.
> I also deactivated it once and restarted TB!, and then reactivated it.
> No change, the counter is missing.

Please send me a screenshot then. Thank you!

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-07-09 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Miroslav, 

> User settings »
> Animated GIF from system tray  » 

As I see, themes are switched off in your Windows. Also, your taskbar uses 
small icons and this also would prevent showing the badge.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-07-09 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Miroslav, 

I see only  tray icons, what about the taskbar icon?

> I changed the theme back to the default Windows 7 theme.
> Furthermore I have deactivated the option of small icons.
> No change - see GIF
> »

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-07-10 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available

Here is  a short list of changes:

[-] (Beta) Restore Menu Navigator visibility
[-] Separate message viewer was losing focus while opening HTML messages

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

9.2.2 MSI

2020-07-13 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version 9.2.2 MSI is available

Here is a list of changes for this maintenance release:

[+] Taskbar icon badge for unread messages
[*] Separate animation options for taskbar and tray icons
[-] Rearrangement of the toolbar/menu items was not properly stored
[-] Search text box (Ctrl+F) for additional windows was popping over the main 
[-] Manual HTML images download was switching active tabs in the message 
preview pane
[-] Separate message viewer was losing focus while opening HTML messages
[-] It was not possible to tab out of HTML viewer

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

The Bat! Voyager v9.2.2

2020-07-17 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello All,

The Bat! Voyager is available for download from

It's changelog is the same as The Bat!  v9.2.2, please feel free to test it :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Crashes and Hangs

2020-07-18 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Julian, 

> I've been having problems with crashing and hangs for the last few
> v9.2.x versions.

Do you have any antivirus/antispam software running on your system?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-07-21 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available

Here is  a short list of changes:

[-] (#0001779) POP messages already downloaded could be downloaded again
[*] Infinity sign is drawn on the unread message badge instead of "99+"

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-08-13 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available

Here is  a short list of changes:

[+]  OAUTH support for and Yandex
[*] Use IMAP as the default protocol for
[-] Some cosmetic fixes

More changes to come soon, please stay tuned :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-08-13 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello George, 

> Yep! What about dark theme soon?

It's an ongoing development :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-08-17 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA

Hello Jernej,

Tuesday, August 18, 2020, 12:52:00 AM, you wrote:

> Correction – now it seems to be happening for every HTML message.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-08-19 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available

Here is  a short list of changes:

[+] New option to use "soft" line wrapping in MicroEd to make it behave like 
Windows Editor, so the text produced can be read easier on mobile devices

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-08-19 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Title: Re:

Hello George,

> Can I ask you to show "was" and "now" by some screenshots?

Well, I hope moderators would excuse me this bloated HTML posting, but I think it's the most convenient way to demonstrate the difference:
Here is MicroEd with soft wrapping:

The text is supposed to be read easily  on displays of any width:

MicroEd with hard wrapping treats paragraphs this text as  pontentially very long lines:

Alternatively, you can use auto-wrapping or manual reformatting, which inserts "hard" line breaks so the text becomes more readable (when screen allows):

But on most mobile devices with almost 100% portrait-oriented layouts your text with "hard" line breaks would look really nasty:

This feature was requested quite a lot and we finally did it :-)  Of course,  there are still some bugs to catch and I hope we can restore some unique MicorEd's functionality which become incompatible with this wrapping mode, so please feel free to file bug reports or switch the feature off in the editor preferences if you don't like it :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 32bit Crash mit Plugins

2020-08-19 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

> This version did not start and showed error popup for loading plugins.
> After restart Plugins and Antivirus config files were disabled.

What plugins do you have exactly?

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-08-21 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available

Here is  a short list of changes:

[+]  Support for plain text with format=flowed in viewer
[-] (Beta) Fixes for caret positioning in MicroEd with soft line wrapping
[-] (Beta) Spell checker results were not displayed in MicroEd with soft line 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-08-21 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Peter, 

> there is at least one nasty bug with this option enabled.

Should be fixed in

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-08-22 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available

Here is  a short list of changes:

[-] Fix message length calculation for some DPIs/scales to fix SmartSpace 
reading problems 
[-] New look-and-feel of link tooltips to fix problems with their display

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-08-25 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available

Here is  a short list of changes:

[-] (#000186)  URL in first line of clear-text PGP encrypted messages might be 
hidden after decryption (use of clear-text PGP is discouraged, but here we go)
[-] (#002039) GnuPG signing passphrase was not cached

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

Description: PGP signature

'Using TBBETA' information:

2020-08-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Dear All, 

Version is available

Here is  a short list of changes:

[*] URL hint at the bottom of HTML viewer to ensure of the link visibility
[-] (#001695) Some HTML messages could be displayed broken
[-] (#00016) Separate message list viewer was closing when an an empty folder 
was selected

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov
CEO @ Ritlabs S.R.L.

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-08-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gunivortus, 

> Some links at the bottom are so very long that they don't fit at that line, 
> so, I need to use the option 'copy URL' to check if not something strange in 
> it.
> Would it be possible to expand that line to a 2nd or 3rd, to get the full 
> link visible?

URLs could be kilometers long, yet if they could cause a problem, seeing the 
URL start would be enough in 99.99% of cases :-)
So, I don't think it's really practical to add more clutter to the screen, 
especially when you always have the "Copy URL" option.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

Description: PGP signature

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-08-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Andrew, 

> ALT+L shortcut in MicroEd seems to be broken.

When "soft" line wrapping is on, rewrapping function is not available because 
it requires "hard" wrapping points.

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

Description: PGP signature

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-08-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Andrew, 

>> When "soft" line wrapping is on, rewrapping function is not available 
>> because it requires "hard" wrapping points.

> Hmm... Why can't it be mixed? 

Because you can either have soft line wrapping or hard, but not together. We're 
still thinking of future extending functionality when soft wrapping is used, 
like supporting format=flowed for output, block re-formatting aka joining short 
lines into long paragraphs, but this is not exactly what you're after, I guess.

However, there is still an option to switch soft wrapping off in the 
preferences, but it won't work on-the-fly, i.e. one will need to reload the 

> For example, your message above is occupying a single line, no `lf` at the 
> end.

> I would expect that selecting it and pressing a hotkey (ALT+L was the 
> default) will re-format to 78 characters as per RFC. This was previous 
> behaviour at least.

There is no RFC  about it ;-) IIRC, the only RFC that limits characters per 
line is 822 (obsoleted by 2822), but it's about transferring messages, not the 
actual text line in a message. The limit of 78 characters comes from 80x25 
characters standard text resolution of prehistoric displays, but I have no idea 
what it has to do with modern display resolutions and software...

> Is there an alternative way to keep letters within 78 chars in v9.2.2.9?

Yes - just switch soft wrapping off and you will have the old MicroEd 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

Description: PGP signature

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-08-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Andrew, 

>  doesn't work on empty line in MicroEd.

In soft wrapping mode it has no meaning. We'll use it to move between controls. 

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

Description: PGP signature

'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: OpenPGP does not fetch key

2020-08-26 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Gwen, 

>> Confirmed. May be the timeout is too short - takes some time to get 
>> a key from a server. 

> May be, but as it works in Thundnerbird+EnigMail the The Bat! should 
> fetch it as did in the past.

This functionality still exists for PGP plugins and never was available for 
GnuPG support in TB!, AFAIK.

We're planning more works on PGP and S/MIME support in future, so please be 
patient :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

Description: PGP signature

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-09-01 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello MFPA, 

> I disagree. 

> If I insert a hard line-break by hitting  at the end of a line and 
> press  at the start of the next line, it means that I want the text on 
> that new line to start indented away from the window edge. 

I'm afraid, you do not understand what plain text is - it's just a raw text 
with no formatting hints other than characters with variable widths and line 
breaks. Tabs have no meaning for plain text with variable width characters 
because there is no way to define tab stops. Paragraph indents and margins 
cannot be defined for plain text either. If you want to use all this typography 
stuff in email, you have to use HTML at least, otherwise nobody can guarantee 
that your peers won't cry their eyes out trying to figure out what you write 
and why did you use such strange spacing between words...

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

Description: PGP signature

'Using TBBETA' information:


2020-09-04 Thread Stefan Tanurkov via TBBETA
Hello Luca, 

> Any chance to activate a proper Undo-Redo function?

Please expand your statement into concrete examples and/or issues on BT :-)

Best regards,
Stefan Tanurkov

Description: PGP signature

'Using TBBETA' information:

  1   2   3   4   >