Re: [Trisquel-users] Searching for a good deal on a Libreboot-able Laptop

2018-04-17 Thread calmstorm
X60s is the best option I believe. Usually the s version of X60 or X200, etc... has more battery life. That's my personal opinion.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Newbie trying to load Trisquel on Acer Computer.

2018-04-17 Thread calmstorm
Libreboot devices are the safest/most secure that I can think of. Until the eoma68 standard comes out with a laptop. Hopefully not just that a20 processor. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searching for a good deal on a Libreboot-able Laptop

2018-04-17 Thread calmstorm
Absolutely agree 100% Librem is not free hardware. I am curious why Tehnoetic's tct doesn't have that in his avatar. Odd yes? Anyways, x200 is better if librebooted although, gnome 3 in my opinion sucks. And for those who don't know, I am not saying due to its requirements. It is more becaus

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux friendly hardware free of proprietary software

2018-04-17 Thread calmstorm
Libreboot is the best for that purpose,, are good choices for libreboot devices. Tehnoetic though has some models that those two don't have. But yeah... those are good. I myself use an x200 and it works great for most of my uses. Best of all, no intel

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searching for a good deal on a Libreboot-able Laptop

2018-04-17 Thread calmstorm
I would look at the prices on minifree. To be honest you probably only need 4gb of ram unless your a developer/power user. 4 will work fine for virtualization if needed. otherwise it should be more than enough. ps, 32 bit is a bad idea I wholeheartedly agree. :/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas is here

2018-04-18 Thread calmstorm
Well, I am impressed Quidam, how did you go from, testing, to stable in 12 days? Doesn't testing to stable usually take a whole lot longer? It does in debian anyways... hmm... Let's test this on my other laptop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas is here

2018-04-18 Thread calmstorm
PS, T3g if you are looking at this thread, you can stop complaining and just upgrade. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searching for a good deal on a Libreboot-able Laptop

2018-04-18 Thread calmstorm
That would make sense. For such basic use 2gb should be fine.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux friendly hardware free of proprietary software

2018-04-18 Thread calmstorm
Libreboot devices are refurbished in general. I got mine from libiquity, but he only sells x200 libreboot devices, same though with the store, just cheaper. Sometimes discounts occur and the rest I dunno... MagicBanana may answer better than I on this stuff.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Flidas is here

2018-04-21 Thread calmstorm
I didn't completely follow, still... I just felt someone should say that in case t3g didn't know. :) He will probably in a year or so complain about trisquel 9 not being released. Just a guess...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Time To Buy Your Trisquel License Key

2018-04-21 Thread calmstorm
I probably donated my share here a while back, at one point it was 5$ a month for a while, and at one point 15$ I think I probably donated 50$+ And yes, is an excellent idea. I would bet you guys would get anywhere from 100$ to 1k a month if you did this. :) Well, the trisque

Re: [Trisquel-users] do-release-upgrade doesn't work

2018-04-22 Thread calmstorm
I succeeding in installing it on my netbook so yeah your probably right.

Re: [Trisquel-users] do-release-upgrade doesn't work

2018-04-22 Thread calmstorm
This probably is either an error or some sort of joke or better yet, for when it becomes eol for real.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser and privacy

2018-04-29 Thread calmstorm
Yes, I agree wholeheartedly.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there something we can do about Virtualbox?

2018-05-02 Thread calmstorm
I highly recommend having WinXP disconnected from the internet when possible. :/

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is there something we can do about Virtualbox?

2018-05-02 Thread calmstorm
Openwatcom is terrible, I wish that someone would freakin fork Virtualbox's source code in such a way that openwatcom and any other garbage is no longer required. That would be so awesome.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Virtual Machine and Container Questions

2018-05-05 Thread calmstorm
Never, EVER connect windows xp in a vm to the internet. Just asking from trouble to do so... As long as you don't do that, or add some dangerous .exe file into the guest windows xp vm, you should be okay I think. Unless you have intel me in your laptop of course... ;/

Re: [Trisquel-users] FSF adds PureOS to list of endorsed GNU/Linux distributions

2018-05-07 Thread calmstorm
I agree, this thread should stay dead. This is the last time I will reply, for this reason... however, I felt the need to point out, that the thread where I lost interest in fighting about systemd is, here: read this comment from that thread if you have interest:

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wifi issues with TL-WN822N USB adapter: it connects but seems to shut down after few minutes despite updates

2018-05-07 Thread calmstorm
There are no stupid questions Philippe_Duteil.. IS what I would have said before I realized what the internet is really like. xD But anyways, I wonder why Gnome would have no issues with that adapter. Maybe GNOME isn't as bad as I thought it is. Although it does look clunky any jokes a

Re: [Trisquel-users] Offline voice commands

2018-05-07 Thread calmstorm
I do recall there being a voice command called festival I believe for trisquel? Is this what you want?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who's On Mastodon?

2018-05-10 Thread calmstorm

Re: [Trisquel-users] few questions before installing

2018-05-11 Thread calmstorm
the eoma68 laptop might be a good idea, but it won't be out till november I believe We shall see if it is as good as is hoped. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mismatch: Trisquel and (you're the) Prey, Pal

2018-05-11 Thread calmstorm
I have only had one annoying issue, but I suspect it was an uncommon error: That I got charged twice and the payment was only corrected, the next day. Weird indeed, but for the most part, Liberapay is a very, very good idea.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 mini upgrade stalling

2018-05-12 Thread calmstorm
The funny thing, dropbox I always knew was bad. But megasync, it took me maybe a year or two to learn how dangerous it was. So yeah, I get why he thought it was safe. Dropbox though he should have known was a problem... Dunno why he didn't know that.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8 mini upgrade stalling

2018-05-12 Thread calmstorm
Didn't know that dropbox even had gpl software in it... Okay I guess that's news to me. Hmm...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Midory outdated

2018-05-15 Thread calmstorm
Yeah, I agree anything based on gnome 3 is far from light.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unity shell installation issues due to dist-upgrade

2018-05-15 Thread calmstorm
My thanks for the correction. I had no idea about this.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Midory outdated

2018-05-15 Thread calmstorm
IF you want light, there are two options, XFCE or LXQT LXDE will be used less and less in the future or I would have mentioned that. Mate isn't bad though. But XFCE is my favorite, then LXQT takes a hard second with one exception, LXQT is extremely ugly compared to LXDE. meh...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unity shell installation issues due to dist-upgrade

2018-05-15 Thread calmstorm
I agree with you about upstart and snappy. But unity wasn't very special. As for the contributor license agreement, perhaps that was what I was thinking of when I thought it was non-free.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What's the most modern hardware I can use for Trisquel? Need free software graphics.

2018-05-15 Thread calmstorm
The crazy thing is,.. Even without the graphics being non-free intel still gave plenty of hurdles for people to overcome... It seems they are dead set on this path of proprietary control. I don't really get why they do it at all, but seriously, graphics used to be the thing that we could cou

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unity shell installation issues due to dist-upgrade

2018-05-15 Thread calmstorm
I thought I had replied to this before, but yeah, Ubuntu unlike the mainstream oses, at least doesn't make your computer into a tyrant. Meaning you cannot escape it. So to those who say, Ubuntu is bad, there is worse... ;/ Much, much worse options... I would rather welcome people to use Ub

Re: [Trisquel-users] Midory outdated

2018-05-16 Thread calmstorm
Alas, LXDE development is being slowed, I wish LXQT would either be made to look like LXDE, or LXDE would be forked to continue in GTK3. Not that I don't usually prefer XFCE, but yeah, the reason I went with XFCE is because LXDE was going to be replaced in the near future with LXQT.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mismatch: Trisquel and (you're the) Prey, Pal

2018-05-19 Thread calmstorm
Agreed, it is still better than preypal. And your right, libre software takes time and sometmes has issues in the beginning.

Re: [Trisquel-users] few questions before installing

2018-05-20 Thread calmstorm
POWER9 < RISC-V But both are better for the most part.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 Tablet now available on Minifree. With Trisquel 8 preinstalled

2018-05-21 Thread calmstorm
I am curious, do you think you will ever be able to put libreboot on one of those 2 in 1 laptops in the future? I am curious not because I need one, but because its a thing of interest to me. To know for the future. Recommendations, etc...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icedove Mail suggests as search engine

2018-05-22 Thread calmstorm
I also think there should be a term for software that can be made free but not without tweaks. non-free but can become free. Not sure what that would be without sounding dumb though. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] What preserves battery/CPU usage etc the most: screensaver or "putting display to sleep"?

2018-05-22 Thread calmstorm
laptop-mode-tools. Enough said. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icedove Mail suggests as search engine

2018-05-22 Thread calmstorm
Proprietary I think of as having no freedoms whatsoever or no way to regain all four freedoms. non-free I think of as being semi-free but possibly workable. Example: Ubuntu I mean trisquel is a fork now of ubuntu. so yeah... That's just me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icedove Mail suggests as search engine

2018-05-28 Thread calmstorm
Jxself, I wasn't trying to be a whitewasher, I am merely saying, there are different levels of evil with regard to non-free stuff. Some are worse than others obviously such as microsoft and google and apple. Then there are gnu/linux distros that have more in common with linux that gnu phil

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icedove Mail suggests as search engine

2018-05-28 Thread calmstorm
Sure, that's fine, but do read my above post to see what I am getting at.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icedove Mail suggests as search engine

2018-05-28 Thread calmstorm
But yeah my other responses aside, he does make a good point.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who's On Mastodon?

2018-05-29 Thread calmstorm
Oh really, So your telling me this isn't just a tv show, it is actual reality? Cool man, this knowledge opens up so many possibilities although if anyone finds them they will probably turn them into gold... ;p couldn't resist... xD

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who's On Mastodon?

2018-05-29 Thread calmstorm
I agree Jodiendo, we need more smurfs, but people will just use things like facts and scientific data to say there is no such thing as smurfs... darn... xD

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why is Ubuntu Web Browser in the repository?

2018-06-03 Thread calmstorm
Using a proprietary os in a virtual machine is bad, but connecting that os also to the internet is much, much worse. And worse still is to install the proprietary os as your main os, that is the worst of all... Virtual Machines are the better option, and I know I have been guilty of this

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who's On Mastodon?

2018-06-03 Thread calmstorm
Jxself isn't the email for RISC-ATOM the person who maintains librecmc? Are you really him? Just wondering.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Who's On Mastodon?

2018-06-04 Thread calmstorm
Ah okay, well that makes sense. I am curious though why you had that domain in your email. at all... But yeah, it is fascinating to me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Unable to mount blank CD/DVD - Disk is already mounted - but there's more

2018-06-10 Thread calmstorm
xfburn or dd are my recommendations. personally I now use usb flash drives + dd. Best solution ever... for me anyways.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Freedom Decrypted Show Zero: Plus interview with Ruben on Trisquel 8

2018-06-13 Thread calmstorm
You have far more patience then I could with regard to police. I feel like they are no better than, common criminals, and I am not even a minority skin color. Which shouldn't matter, white or not, everyone should be treated the same sort of way with regard to justice... I appreicate thoug

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel-Mini Desktop Environment

2018-06-16 Thread calmstorm
I used to like LXDE the most, but yeah, it was when they decided to move to qt5 I decided to go to xfce4. XFCE is almost as light and supports changing desktop wallpaper depending on duration. That is why I use XFCE now. That and, LXDE is going to be no longer supported... ;( Although mayb

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel-Mini Desktop Environment

2018-06-16 Thread calmstorm
I respectfully disagree, I really don't like LXQT's interface. it is majorly ugly. no offense. XFCE should be the next mini I think.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel-Mini Desktop Environment

2018-06-19 Thread calmstorm
This is true. I just wish that they could make Lxqt have an option to look like LXDE. I wonder why this hasn't been thought of...

Re: [Trisquel-users] getting USB headset to work

2018-06-24 Thread calmstorm
Hmm it may be proprietary. But I could be wrong, it might just require more tweaking/workaround(s) but regardless, it most likely is still non-free to some form.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel-Mini Desktop Environment

2018-06-24 Thread calmstorm
Like a superman without a weakness? (1950's superman aka) ;P In all seriousness though, lxde isn't dead but it will become dead in the near future unless someone forks it. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel-Mini Desktop Environment

2018-06-24 Thread calmstorm
I don't have nearly enough interest or skill to do so. Besides, XFCE4 is fine with me. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Problems with OS after upgrade

2018-06-25 Thread calmstorm
OR, you could do, sudo aptitude remove file. file being the thing you want to remove. If it is a problem it won't let you do it. that's the honest truth. In my previous experience anyways.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel-Mini Desktop Environment

2018-06-26 Thread calmstorm
I cannot pinpoint all of them, I just find plasma ugly that's all. plus, I like GTK icons/themes for some reason.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel-Mini Desktop Environment

2018-06-26 Thread calmstorm
I use lxdm and lightdm

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser recommended privacy/security extension

2018-07-01 Thread calmstorm
Noscript is a good one, Ublock origin and privacy possum are also really smart choices. Ghostery is a really, really bad idea.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel-Mini Desktop Environment

2018-07-02 Thread calmstorm
I don't like most of the desktop environments. I only really like XFCE, LXDE and Budgie. Qt is fine for some purposes, but not desktop environments. That's my opinion anyways.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser recommended privacy/security extension

2018-07-02 Thread calmstorm
Yes, Ghostery is proprietary software. The same way as WOT... and this is no joke. alas.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why are Unity shell and UbuntuWeb still broken?

2018-07-02 Thread calmstorm
Do you like unity that much? Just wondering. I forget what it looks like though. and I believe ubuntu is going to abandon it in the future if it hasn't already. I may be wrong, but I have heard people on this forum say such things.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Need help with GPG/Enigmail/Torbirdy

2018-07-02 Thread calmstorm
Google is the most fascinating, of the enemies of free software, to me anyways... for one reason: They hire people who work on coreboot, and give them some freedom, they use free software licenses in malicious ways, and most of all, they track so many people across the world, its hard to beli

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser recommended privacy/security extension

2018-07-05 Thread calmstorm
Privacy possum is like privacy badger, but way better.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser recommended privacy/security extension

2018-07-05 Thread calmstorm
Please use noscript, and if the blocking gets to be too much, put it in allow all globally dangerous scripts. You still get a fair amount of protection that way.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Telegram/Tray (Mate Panel) Bug

2018-07-05 Thread calmstorm
I thought telegram was non-free because of the server it connects to.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser recommended privacy/security extension

2018-07-06 Thread calmstorm
Umatrix is more complicated no doubt, but I think you should look up what noscript actually is. Noscript has a crap ton of security protections, and moreover, it is usually a script blocker. You should if nothing else, use it in that mode. It really is a recommended security addon.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why are Unity shell and UbuntuWeb still broken?

2018-07-07 Thread calmstorm
"I see no reason for Trisquel's developers to waste their time on a dead project like Unity." You mean like Gnome 3? ;p Yes I know that gnome 3 is still being worked on, but it looks rather, bloated. To be blunt, I don't get why people like it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Abrowser recommended privacy/security extension

2018-07-07 Thread calmstorm
I am curious how you apply user.js in firefox esr 52

Re: [Trisquel-users] Why qre Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop threads all locked?

2018-07-09 Thread calmstorm
Aww, but people love necroing! so much so that they thumb me down many times when I do it. but seriously, it is amusing at times when people necro. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Software

2018-07-14 Thread calmstorm
That sounds absurd.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install GNOME Software

2018-07-14 Thread calmstorm
Trisquel does have issues, but that one I doubt is it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Installation on old laptop with limited RAM (HP Pavilion ze4600)

2018-07-14 Thread calmstorm
librepup is outdated I thought though...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Cannot install Bible app

2018-07-23 Thread calmstorm
I used xiphos before also, try bibletime if that doesn't work.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The "install extension" link on the wiki-page for the Abrowser addon "Self-Destructing Cookies" not working for me

2018-07-24 Thread calmstorm

Re: [Trisquel-users] The "install extension" link on the wiki-page for the Abrowser addon "Random Agent Spoofer" not working for me

2018-07-24 Thread calmstorm
That's a legacy addon. It will not work with abrowser due to it being a firefox quantum fork.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The "install extension" link on the wiki-page for the Abrowser addon "Random Agent Spoofer" not working for me

2018-07-25 Thread calmstorm
Unless people using Hyperbola, legacy addons will not work. or if you use basilisk which is and I quote, "not free software"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is the AMDGPU driver considered Free Software?

2018-07-27 Thread calmstorm
You know what, I used to be in the mindset of thinking such thoughts were foolish, but meltdown and spectre are the first of many flaws in intel, so I will likely be jumping ship someday with you. Tell me something, what do you think about Eoma68's chances of success?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is the AMDGPU driver considered Free Software?

2018-07-27 Thread calmstorm
NVIDIA, is worse than intel in one way at least, they have always been hostile to free software way beyond what they need to be, Intel and AMD probably have some stupid law keeping them from not adding backdoors, not that, that, makes them innocent of course, but when a company far exceeds th

Re: [Trisquel-users] Ethernet Not Working

2018-07-29 Thread calmstorm
If you are anyone is desperate, this will do:

Re: [Trisquel-users] The "install extension" link on the wiki-page for the Abrowser addon "Random Agent Spoofer" not working for me

2018-07-30 Thread calmstorm
It is a legacy addon so probably it will say it is not compatible. Unless you using firefox 52 esr.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Proposal: Update "Enable DVD Playback"

2018-07-31 Thread calmstorm
Draconian laws indeed, how can they be considered free trade agreements? They are clear not free at all. DCMA is evil anyways.

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-07-31 Thread calmstorm
Do what stallman recommends, or use eclipse or idle3 or some other libre alternative.

Re: [Trisquel-users] The "install extension" link on the wiki-page for the Abrowser addon "Random Agent Spoofer" not working for me

2018-07-31 Thread calmstorm
This is curious, I am surprised...

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thank you Trisquel.

2018-07-31 Thread calmstorm
Is guix more stable then Parabola or more unstable then Parabola or as unstable as Parabola testing? curious I am.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Gaming console type controller to use on desktop?

2018-08-03 Thread calmstorm
Here is the best type of controller adapter for gnu/linux systems including debian, trisquel and hyperbola. There are a fair amount of products on this website that work out of the box without any issues. I have some experience with one of the n64 adapters. he

Re: [Trisquel-users] The "install extension" link on the wiki-page for the Abrowser addon "Random Agent Spoofer" not working for me

2018-08-03 Thread calmstorm
I had thought as much...

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-03 Thread calmstorm
That thread was given about as much respect as this one:

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-14 Thread calmstorm
I was going to ignore the thumbs down, but I feel its important, to say why I put this post here, Anytime you lock a thread just because you don't want to hear something, you should lock it from everyone responding including yourself. You shouldn't block only people who might disagree with

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libreboot X200 Tablet now available on Minifree. With Trisquel 8 preinstalled

2018-08-14 Thread calmstorm
Interesting, something to look into for the future I guess. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-15 Thread calmstorm
Man, you need to chill out, I was only saying that they should have locked the thread or left it open to everyone. geez, and stop telling me what to do man, you are not my master. ps, in trisquel you are correct, no threads related to systemd problems, but in others you don't know for sure a

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-16 Thread calmstorm
I don't understand how this is wrong, I never, have said you cannot make fun of anti-systemd inits, just don't do it in anger. If you like systemd, good for you, I just don't get why at the drop of a coin I make a joke about it, and you guys go to town on me. You can do the same thing, just

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-16 Thread calmstorm
Conspiracy theories aside, I don't know if systemd is a backdoor or not, I just prefer not use it, but tell me, why has devuan succeeded in getting community support when fedora's and ubuntu's systemd-free forks failed? Just wondering what your thoughts are.

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-17 Thread calmstorm
Okay, but what advantages does systemd have then that makes it worth changing to besides being easier on developers. I honestly don't see any so far, other than that its easier on the developers. I have seen more cons than pros personally. But actually I read devuan's position and without-

Re: [Trisquel-users] users group

2018-08-17 Thread calmstorm
Do you have a password for when the laptop first boots up? I think there is a way, but I will post if nothing else to keep thread alive.

Re: [Trisquel-users] users group

2018-08-18 Thread calmstorm
Nope, you can always reinstall the system if you think your locked out. That's just one way, if you don't know how to burn an iso, just buy one from It is extremely easy to reinstall even when I was a noob to gnu/linux, it was easier than fedora.

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-18 Thread calmstorm
That's my only complaint with devuan to be honest.

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-18 Thread calmstorm
Alright, I had no idea that the answer I looked up was wrong.

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-18 Thread calmstorm
The cons mentioned are either from the web links I mentioned, with one exception, Removing systemd completely including library files is near impossible in debian. Even if you are installing sysvinit or openrc combo in exchange. I think ubuntu choose systemd because debian did. "Lots. *Ev

Re: [Trisquel-users] Using old iMac as display for newer macbook?

2018-08-20 Thread calmstorm
Let's necro this thread for fun!

Re: [Trisquel-users] VS Code is free software?

2018-08-20 Thread calmstorm
Just so you know, I did make a joke, it was about callousness of microsoft, and callousness of systemd devs. and I should have been more clear, if you need to make fun of anti-systemd people rather than inits, which I am sure you do, there is no problem, ps, I have nothing against vegans.

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