Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-02-05 Thread i_write_words

Hi "Hunter"/"Aranya"/"Abba12".

Yes, David, please blow me to kingdom come now.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Late Christmas gift for the FSF

2018-01-31 Thread i_write_words

I hope bitcoin isn't going to go the way currency went in 1929.

No idea, but I'm sure others here have opinions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Web Browser

2018-01-31 Thread i_write_words
Nah, you're just getting the brunt of my anger at myself so I don't have to  
ask my doctor if Celexa is right for me. I just don't speak your language is  

Guilty as charged and drama queens belong on social media, not on the English  
speakers' Peer Support forum of the Trisquel boards.

None of us are perfect and we all have our limits. Sorry for trolling you and  
trying to get my sorry ASCII out of here, just had to talk to Muhammed a sec  

I know you're not a child any more than I am "Aunt Tillie" or "the face of  
the Average Joe", it's just easier for me than using my own words instead of  
tired old stereotypes turned inside out and upside down.

I wish I spoke your language but I don't. Peace out, dude, stay respectful,  
and you're in the right place for Free Software but you might be happier just  
calling it good and using this:

if you genuinely have no interest in Gnu and/or free software.

David, please just try to wait for my ban until it's been a full five years  
if you can? Thanks bunches.

Re: [Trisquel-users] news about eoma68?

2018-01-31 Thread i_write_words

Hi Muhammed,

"Average Joe" here hoping my baby brother "Hey" isn't getting on your nerves.  

I'm on the mailing list and can look that up for you if you're comfortable  
with asking me offlist, okay?

No worries.

CalmStorm is better at this stuff than I am but feel free to use my email  
account on the mailing list; the gmail account I don't know how to change on  
the forum software is gone gone gone. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-29 Thread i_write_words
But you can still have your email program filter out all @gmail addresses,  
send them to a special folder, and decide whether to reply by landline  
telephone, postage stamp, or passenger pigeon instead of email.

Of course that won't work for your employer or your ex-wife, but why feed the  
mafia if you don't have to?

If you have already explained why friends don't let friends use gmail and the  
person isn't listening, is that really someone you want in your life?

Maybe they weren't really serious about keeping in touch with you in the  
first place.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Downloading videos from youtube with "$ avideo *video-url*" gives me only the sound.

2018-01-29 Thread i_write_words

GrevenGull, would this work for your needs?

"Share YouTube videos without giving them views. Bypass country blocks and  
age restrictions. Download YouTube videos and music. Keep your data private  
from the G.

HOW: Just replace the domain in any YT link with and you get a  
light-weight page that loads YouTube's media files (mp4, webm, etc) directly  
into your browser's native media player. becomes, etc. Supported parameters: start,  
end, loop (1 for on), speed (range: 0.01 to 4), autoplay (0 for off, default  
is 1)."

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-29 Thread i_write_words


And let's not forget prevention of family members, as imperfect as our  
current technology may be.

/Heather of the Trisquel Boards

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-29 Thread i_write_words
I don't know if it is a solution for every day, but since Akito is a minor I  
would definitely want him to use this or a mardi gras mask if he were a  
family member or someone else I cared about enough to want try to protect.

It has seriously gotten so bad that minors are routinely photographed at  
public events without their own or their parents' permission and then told  
(not asked) that the video of the cute/talented kid has been uploaded to the  
stranger's Facebook or YouTube accounts.

How does Akito know that his picture won't be turned into a meme and  
ridiculed? I know mine probably has because of facial deformities  
and...wellsuffice it to say  
and bla bla bla everybody's got problems.

Things are not normal. The adults in Akito's life should be protecting him,  
not something he needs to protect himself from.

Akito, I regret my overly cheerful and optimistic posts in the old thread  
that youread. I wish I had answers for you.

I am currently estranged from former self-taught hacker father,  
Griselda-Beatriz, and another daughter who does not have silly "internet  
euphemism name".

"Clown" and "Too stupid to figure out how to bat at pictures" are masks  
iIfrequently wear in offline life as well as "too irresponsible to be trusted  
with yet another cell phone" and "never has been good for anything but  
spending (survivor against all odds of chemical addiction during kids' entire  
childhood and therefore unable to pay child support so i never actually had  
any access to my) ex-husband's money".

I had some words of courage for you cherry picked from various works of  
English literature but they are on my other computer and there are only 24  
hours in a day and less than five more years in my own statistically probable  
life expectancy. If you don't enjoy English literature, I'm sure there are  
equally worthy works in your own language.

You are very brave.

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-21 Thread i_write_words

Pascal and I can agree to disagree; his wager[1] still works:

1.)If I genuinely believed that a supreme deity who was keeping a list and  
checking it twice genuinely thought that I and everybody I cared about was  
naughty every time we tried to be nice, I would want to kick that (expletive)  
in the testicles.

2.)I don't like bitter, angry old people who hate the world any more than you  

Therefore: Oh look, a pretty butterfly.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Privacy/Security services and software

2018-01-21 Thread i_write_words
My understanding is that the only problem with Fedora is the kernel. This  
might be a valuable piece of information for you:

Fedora 27 is current and that is honestly all I know; someone else will be  
along shortly if you have questions.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are Big Sacrifice

2018-01-21 Thread i_write_words

@alimiracle and Hayder:

All fixed.

noordinaryspider@Uruk:~$ uname -r

My X60 can probably handle pae and I'll get Jason's kernel when it's ready  
but this is fine for now. :)

It's plenty peppy, whatever you did, and I haven't switched to a window  
manager or customized the Mate desktop at all, just added Icecat and a few of  
the usual suspects.  I haven't maxed out the memory in this machine yet  
either, so this is with only two gigs.

Libreboot takes me to a screen where I get a "more options" menu for Uruk so  
I can probably choose an older, faster kernel for offline use if I ever need  
to, but right now this suits me just fine.

Now get some sleep. We "average joe"s need you to stay awesome. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-19 Thread i_write_words
Mason, some humans are more vulnerable to these malicious features for more  
or less or analogous or metaphorically similar reasons as why some perfectly  
nice and heroically brave decorated combat veterans might prefer to politely  
decline your invitation to a fireworks show and why other perfectly decent  
attractive and unattached humans who greatly respect your intelligence,  
humour, compassion, and thoughtfulness might prefer to decline your  
invitation to "watch a movie and chill".

It's not your fault. None of it is. I just wanted to point that out.

Akito, the thread you read was locked to avoid necro trolling. We had no  
intention of misleading you with unrealistic optimism when we wrote our  
posts, but I do deeply regret if I accidentally and personally did so every  
bit as much as I regret all the personal details that I can't unpost.

I don't have time to play "more obsidian than thou"; suffice it to say that  
FindEssential and I are singing the same old song, just in different  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fwd: Re: trisquel 8

2018-01-17 Thread i_write_words
Moderater, please just delete; no more mailing list for this specific  
"average joe", lol.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing my ‘common distros’ for us in 2018

2018-01-16 Thread i_write_words
Much obliged, sir, and well worth any effort it winds up taking on my part.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adding free software not found in Ubuntu like OpenRC?

2018-01-16 Thread i_write_words
(cont) a large reunion of extended family that have put a lot of time and  
money into all coming together: it's not polite to talk about here.

There are other places where you can gather information and make your own  
decisions, but I would highly recommend just not stressing over it too much  
right now.

Trisquel 7 does not use systemd. Trisquel 8 and beyond does. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Adding free software not found in Ubuntu like OpenRC?

2018-01-16 Thread i_write_words
Mr. Scania, I'm going to try to answer you first. I do not think that there  
are any plans currently in the works because init freedom is not within the  
scope of this project.

I do, however, see a lot more interest in free software among the init  
freedom community. You probably aren't familiar with the term "fly on the  
wall" so will "lurker" do for now?

I mean that I am not a software engineer or an active member of this  
community, just somebody who is interested. I can give you a road map but I  
can't take you there.

Does that make sense?

GrevenGull, I left windows in a different era so this is just the best I can  

Systemd is to the Gnu/Linux community as religion or politics is to 

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel 8

2018-01-15 Thread i_write_words
Trisquel 8 is here and good enough for daily use, I hear. I don't personally  
use it because some of the software I need doesn't have to be the latest and  
the greatest and either it isn't ready yet on T8 or it has dependencies on  
software I don't want but do not have the time and knowledge to replace on my  

It's not a Ruben thing at all. This is not exactly the golden age of  
Gnu/Linux right now and people have to prioritize.

I don't wangt my developers to fix all my problems for me right now because  
I'm weird and I have weird problems. Their time is better spent helping  
"average" people who have "average" problems right now.

I hate the DE I have to use right now and I hate looking like I can't spell  
because I haven't replaced the sticky keyboard on this freegan laptop that is  
my only AMD processor atm, but I can wait.

Enjoy T8 if that's the way you roll.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Riot won't start in Abrowser

2018-01-15 Thread i_write_words

Oh. So that's it.

My guess is that it's some sort of a browser update or something because I  
don't have the time to look into other possibilities right now or the lack of  
compassion to ask Adfeno, Supertramp, Jade, Mason or any of the usual  
suspects when they're so busy with more important things.

Just bat at the stupid little picture they put on the site for winshit, iBad,  
and googleplay users and use some common sense; eventually you'll wind up at  
the page that tells you what to add to your etc.apt.sources.list so that you  
can just type "riot-web" into a terminal window and not have to deal with all  
the annoyances of using the effed up browser we have to use because some  
creep at the Intel corporation thought..


I'm such a dork.

But necro trolls are cool. Sometimes us average joe losers actually learn   
something and start trusting our own judgement instead of always annoying  
developers and demanding to be silver spoon fed what is perfectly obvious if  
you're willing to do a bit of work yourself.

Re: [Trisquel-users] family privacy Again

2018-01-14 Thread i_write_words
I have very little to add except for a caution: if you are a minor and maybe  
even if you aren't, please do not email pictures of yourself to Facebook  

I am sad that my own non-local family can't know what my little boy looks  
like, but they can't be trusted with photographs and my primary  
responsibility is to my minor child.

If that makes strangers and random facebook addicts think I am an extremist,  
it is still the least bad option that is available to me at the present time.

It's not just language,it's culture.

I don't want to make you sad. My minor inconvenience of being the black sheep  
could be your horrific personal tragedy for all I know.

Mason is absolutely right that our families are addicts. If you are a  
teenager, you deserve better. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Videotelephony on Trisquel 7

2018-01-13 Thread i_write_words
Does Riot still work? I never used the videoconferencing feature, but it's  
what I'm using to communicate with my person in written English.

The web app is/was easy to install on T7 if you're having the same problems  
with your browser that I am on what I have to use instead of Trisquel or Uruk  

HTH and still trying to come up with other and/or better ideas if it doesn't.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are Big Sacrifice

2018-01-13 Thread i_write_words
Yuck. Me too. It's not worth leaving the ethernet cable plugged into my own  
32 bit Uruk box long enough to avoid looking like an idiot, but here's a  
screenshot in case it helps Mr. Banana get you back up and running safely.

I've already talked to Hayder about this and it's not on their end unless the  
Uruk devs have an undiagnosed espresso deficiency or actually need to sleep  
or something.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Google the biggest, most successful proprietary software company ever?

2018-01-04 Thread i_write_words
Yes, depending on your lifestyle and personally indentifiable info that is  
none of my business and doesn't belong on the internet.

You might be able to use some form of Guerilla mail:

to sign up for forums but I certainly wouldn't want you to lose your job or  
cut off contact with a family member over what some random stranger on the  
internet says.

I use this: which is one lousy euro a month or something  
and I also have a gratis account for anything innovative and tech related if  
I ever code it, but I'd never steal from the sysadmin by using it to send  
pictures of funny cats to my Aunt Tillie.

I also use a landline telephone, fountain pen and stationary, paper "feewings  
dump" journal diary notebook thingy and can live with ridicule to a certain  

But that's just me; ymmv.

Disroot is also good and so is autistici. Riseup is for activists and is  
located in the US so not a good choice.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Google the biggest, most successful proprietary software company ever?

2018-01-04 Thread i_write_words

hth too.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Google the biggest, most successful proprietary software company ever?

2018-01-04 Thread i_write_words

Yea, I'm certainly no saint either.

Time to close the laptop and write in a paper notebook or shake my fist at  
the sky or pray to my personal concept of a higher power or get drunk or laid  
or something.

Thanks bunches.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Google the biggest, most successful proprietary software company ever?

2018-01-04 Thread i_write_words
In that case, you are in exactly the right place doing exactly the right  
thing and asking exactly the right questions.

I defer to Senor Calmstorm's superior communication skills because of  
longstanding personal experience. I'm not a troll either.

Please stay respectful. Remember that these people have jobs and families and  
bills and interests too and they aren't your minimum wage customer service  

There is a search bar at the top of the window that you can use if you need  
an answer right away or if you're not sure how to phrase your question: it  
might already have been answered the last time someone asked it.

The forum is connected with a mailing list. You agreed to that when you  
opened your account. Don't blow up at a random forum member if they think  
it's more tactful to answer you offlist to protect your privacy.

Nobody is trying to hurt you and not all of us are young, childless, middle  
class men who went to elite prep schools and live in their mother's  
basements. We're not all wearing black hoodies either.

We're just people.

Hi, I'm Heather. Nice to meet you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Google the biggest, most successful proprietary software company ever?

2018-01-04 Thread i_write_words


That would be like saying, "Is Charles Manson the biggest, most successful  
serial killer ever?" or "Was Hitler the biggest, most successful Nazi ever?"  
or "Was the black plague the biggest, most successful disease ever?"

Language doesn't work that way.

I would personally rephrase this as, "Are the google brand proprietary  
software products an unprecendented threat to the free software movement,  
humanity in general, and all that is good in the universe?" but my own  
English skills are hardly stellar, lol.

HTH and no worries if it doesn't and just looks like word salad from an idiot  
troll from where you sit.

Re: [Trisquel-users] i'm Thinking about doing a free software Community(Forum)

2018-01-03 Thread i_write_words
If you build it, of course I'll be there and help out as much as I can. I  
have to trust you not to let it take anything away from your work on Uruk  
because it's pretty much impossible for me NEVER to underestimate alimiracle.  

You could go for a straightforward name like "Free Software Forum" or  
something recursive and cute but to be bluntly honest, I love what you did  
with all the literary references in Uruk and I wonder what it would look like  
if you kept going with that train of thought.

But maybe that's just me.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-26 Thread i_write_words
Thanks, Jabjabs. I'm looking to purchase something better for family members  
than what I "rescue" from eWaste for myself. That's exactly what I needed to  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Minifree's Libreboot X200 laptop comes with Trisquel pre-installed. Now with other keyboard layouts available, and free stickers

2017-12-26 Thread i_write_words
Things have changed a lot with consumers' attitudes. I will be purchasing a  
full customer service package for both of my elderly parents and most likely  
my adult kids as well when I can afford to purchase free software friendly  
hardware for them for giftmas.

This is in reaction to a rather shocking conversation I had with my 83 year  
old former hacker father in which he told me for heavens' sake to stop using  
that "funny software" and those "funny websites" and just go google "riot IM"  
so i could see with my own eyes that all my Lubuntu using 83 year old mother  
*needs* to do is let google take her to the lennock's play store and  
automatically download the app to that funny lennock's phone I bought for her  
that she hasn't gotten around to replacing yet.

I am perfectly capable of grabbing an X60 off of eBay, software librebooting  
it (WITHOUT asking Leah to hold my hand on IRC now, lol), and giving them  
everything they actually need or would use for under $50.

My kids have them sitting under piles of papers and books and clothes they  
haven't taken to the laundromat yet. They never.even.boot.them.up.

My normal, average, USAmerican family, unfortunately, needs a customer  
service experience not just free software or even free hardware.

That wasn't the case in 2012 or 2013 when I first started giving them cheap  
computers loaded with Trisquel or Ubuntu.

That wasn't the case in 2004 when everyone thought I was so clever to learn  
something complicated that "smart people" do like Lennock's instead of just  
putting my kids in the cheapest possible daycare/afterschool care/free lunch  
program and saying, "Ya want fries with that?"all day and watching teevee all  

I used to be a person...once...

Now I'm just a restless consumer wondering if the product i wish to purchase  
even exists.

Re: [Trisquel-users] net neutraility is being threatened yet again...

2017-12-14 Thread i_write_words

Thanks, Time4Tea.

Battle for the Net has a really nice automated system for helping  
stress-brained US Americans with phone calls today:

and here's some reasonably objective info from Al Jazeera for the rest of  

[quote]"I don't think the US stepping away for the time being is going to be  
a travesty for the rest of the world. I don't think people look to the US  
anymore as a beacon on the hill" for internet access, Winseck said.[/quote]

and this one is more about socioeconomic class stratification in the US, so  
probably not as interesting to as many people:

Butthere's obviously a lot of work to be done and a lot of gratitude  
going out to the greater Trisquel community for giving those of us who may  
not be around the internet as much after today the tools to create more  
effective and free intranets in our local communities.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-28 Thread i_write_words
Well, I personally think that the title of this thread would work just fine  
for gossiping about you behind your back, even though I don't always agree  
100% with everything you say. ;)

But what do I know.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin has a new laptop

2017-11-25 Thread i_write_words
The page says that Ubuntu 16.04 works and T8 is based on Ubuntu 16.04 so I  
wouldn't personally worry.

That's fantastic news. tfs

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts about the impact and future direction of proprietary software and technologies of surveillance and control.

2017-11-25 Thread i_write_words
It's probably pessimism to think that the gap between developers and users  
will continue to widen. It's already pretty wide.

Hopefully the "open sores" marketing department will just vacuum up all the  
potential open sores customers and they will be able to purchase a superior  
product to winblows, the customer service packages of their choices, and  
leave us the eff alone.

Those of us who have some knowledge will probably need to be reminded subtly  
and gently, the way you just did with those asterisks, that we are biological  
organisms. White men in suits and ties have spent millions of dollars  
learning how to kick our bruises in very specific ways. They want us to break  
windows and burn down walmarts so they can pass new laws to protect you from  
us and round us up so they can put us places where you don't have to see us.

Just walk right on by and don't even look at that heather; just pretend it  
doesn't even exist; that's not a person, it's a BUM!!!

To a certain extent, during a hopefully temporary stage in the development of  
free software, we average joes will need to trust. We very well may need to  
STFU and leave it to the experts, but at least they will be our experts who  
have already earned our trust long before things got this bad.

The average user will probably need to keep a Windows box or an eye pad or  
something around just to avoid questions. Depending on their age and social  
circles, it might be advantageous to feign ignorance in all technical  

"I don't know because my son always takes care of that computer mumbo jumbo  
and he's out of town right now soREALLY??? So all I have to do is google  
it and it will automatically install the app and I can pay my bill without  
even having to put on my underpants and wait for the bus? Well, well, well,  
what will they come up with next. I'll write that down to tell Junior since I  
don't know what a google is, obviously, jajajajaja, here's your check and you  
have a nice day, sonny!"

The price of that is anger.

It's nothing the human race hasn't done before and the free software  
community can get through this too. Anger is best diverted into concrete  
action so I think what we, as users, are going to need is something analagous  
to what Amazon and the corps are doing with data miners: here is one simple  
repetitive job that needs doing. X doesn't have the English skills so Y can  
do it but s/he doesn't have enough Portugese to finish the job so Z can take  
over from there.

We need AI to take care of the details and give human readable instructions  
to stressed out angry fearful biological organisms. AI isn't going to get  
their feelings hurt if the biological organism has to blow off a bit of steam  
first before it can focus on the task at hand.

I also think there will be a huge influx of poorly self-taught and  
half-functional half-programmers who will need to be dealt with tactfully and  
allowed to grow at their own pace. The difference between a well written AI  
and one dashed off in the middle of the night in frustration might make the  
difference between whether they work for us or for them.

I can't copy and pace, but about fifteen years ago someone shared a story  
with me about what their grandparents went through to get information during  
WWII. There were underground newspapers. Even in the blazing hot summers,  
people always read them in front of a cheerful dancing fire in their  
fireplaces in case their was an unexpected knock on the door.

But they read them.

Average Joes risked their lives, properties, incomes, careers, and families  
just to find out wtf was going on.

Average Joes aren't going to change in three or four lousy generations.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing a simple guide to Parabola for newbies

2017-11-25 Thread i_write_words
No worries, just lmk if you have any questions about Devuan I could help  
with; I'm on their forums too, but kind of hard to find, so it's probably  
easier just to use email if you have the mailing list feature enabled here.  
IRC works too.

Hang in there and pace yourself; you are determined, young, and strong and we  
need you. :)

I don't know the right Cantonese idiom to mangle, but the work you have taken  
on is a marathon, not a sprint.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Quantum kicks ass

2017-11-25 Thread i_write_words
Nah, I thought your joke was funny and it got (at least) me seeing the humour  
in potentially unpleasant situations elsewhere. It definitely worked.

Sometimes people who are still learning English come up with insights that  
native speakers didn't see. It's a weird language.

I am glad that you are here.

Quantum is going on my T8 install as soon as I get a spare moment and then I  
might actually have something to contribute to this thread. ;)

Surf has also been recommended as a possible non-mozilla based browser. I  
like Dillo for it's "idiot-resistant" features but I can't remember the last  
time I've gotten anything from their mailing list and I've never configured  
it for anything more practical than looking around without java.

W3m is also new to me and I love it for when a more old fashioned text  
browser like Lynx or Links isn't enough and a GUI browser is just going to  
give you a headache.

There are negative reports about Quantum elsewhere that I don't need to  
repeat, but it sounds like the positives outweigh them, it's just going to  
take a bit of elbow grease to get things set up.

Thank you so much!

Re: [Trisquel-users] Advanced user/ beginner programmer wants to help trisquel to have an raspberry pi 3 release

2017-11-24 Thread i_write_words
I am also an in-between autodidact. This is mostly trying to remember what I  
read when I say that the Raspberry Pi has issues that we users aren't going  
to be able to deal with and this could end up as an exercise in frustration  
for you.

There are other single board computers that would be better for your project,  
but I don't think any of them are perfect. The laptop I am typing on had to  
have Libreboot flashed using a Beaglebone Black.

It's an eBay special so maybe it was really a Raspberry Pi, but the  
documentation recommends a different product and I've seen "consumer" type  
users complain about it in their blog.

It's a bit out of my own price range and technical abilities, but another  
exciting bit of hardware that is coming soon is the EOMA68:

The devs are very busy right now and all of us users miss their company, but  
there's a lot of good info in the archives, so enjoy the search feature and  
welcome here.

There's also some activism fatigue happening with old timers. Your writing  
style is very similar to another member who is needing to step back a bit. I  
hope you decide to stick around.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-24 Thread i_write_words

Good. I wasn't sure because I don't follow celebrity culture AT ALL. ;)

Beiber is sort of like Chuck Norris or Paul Bunyan in some circles--a  
hyperbolic urban myth to illustrate a concept and provide some much needed  
humour. I don't think I've ever actually heard his music.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-23 Thread i_write_words
I believe I am wanted in four states and considered armed and dangerous, but  
frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Are there any famous celebrities that advocate Free Software?

2017-11-23 Thread i_write_words
I share Calmstorm's minority opinion but am too chickenshit to click on a  
stupid little thumbs up button, lol; long story for another internet forum.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Writing a simple guide to Parabola for newbies

2017-11-21 Thread i_write_words
My Cantonese is even worse than my English but I am so grateful to you for  
even wanting to take the time to write this.

Much respect.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Family Buying Me Cellphone Without My Consent

2017-11-19 Thread i_write_words
This is a relationship issue, not a tech issue. If the relationship is based  
on control rather than communication, that is going to play itself out  

Control and power issues can get ugly in multigenerational families,  
especially during times of high unemployment.

I agree with Mason about defending this boundary. You're going to have to do  
it eventually, whether it is telephones, choice of partner, choice of career,  
choice of whether to have children and how to raise them, or any other choice  
that adults have the right and responsibility to make, regardless of income  
or employment status.

If your parents spent their own money on the telephone handset, I believe the  
charges on their credit card will be reversed if you simply return it and  
check the same box on the form that you would for "wrong colour" or "wrong  
size" on any gift.

If you wind up with store credit or a gift card instead, be sure to thank  
them for whatever you do decide to purchase with their gift.

If they signed you up for a government program against your will, I believe  
that is probably against the laws of most countries and beyond anything a  
"forum friend" can really do to help other than saying that I am so sorry.


Re: [Trisquel-users] [Poll] Should Trisquel 9 be Based on Debian?

2017-11-14 Thread i_write_words
IIRC, it was still Gnome, but I was able to tweak it to look enough like  
Gnome 2 to be usable. I might be misremembering Wheezy as Jessie, though.

Devuan Jessie default is XFCE but I've never used it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 32 bit T8 netinstall on older Thinkpad(s)

2017-11-14 Thread i_write_words
Working backward from hubris: installing (and actually learning)  
network-manager now since  my personal preference of wicd-gtk isn't ready yet  
and I want to see what my lower end hardware (Thinkpad T-43 and EeePCs) think  
of a minimalist install before I attempt to get a DE to load.

To clarify, Mate did not load when I attempted to install the default .iso  
with the default desktop, nor did the command prompt show in any attempts to  
use the netinstall .iso until the last, when it finally occurred to me to hit  
Ctrl+Alt+F7, at which point I could grab a window manager that suits me just  
fine and everything worked.

I did use the disk created with dd for the final install. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] [Poll] Should Trisquel 9 be Based on Debian?

2017-11-14 Thread i_write_words
I've been using Debian derivatives since 2004ish and have to admit that my  
mentors were right and not just underestimating me and being condescending  
when they advised me that I would be fine technically but just plain not a  
good fit for the Debian community.

I wish I could call them all a bunch of poo poo heads because I do love  
Devuan and am less than thrilled about the direction I see Ubuntu going but  
the people I have the power to help are going to do much better with a  
Trisquel based on Ubuntu.

When I left Slackware, I didn't want to learn, I just wanted Ubuntu to work  
"well enough" that I would never have to use Windows.

How did I wind up learning so much? How did all of us?

[Trisquel-users] 32 bit T8 netinstall on older Thinkpad(s)

2017-11-12 Thread i_write_words

I'm finally typing from a shiny new Flidas install on my Thinkpad T61.

This has been a bit of a comedy of errors, but it seems painfully obvious in  
retrospect and so I wanted to share.

Much as I hoped my problem was with unetbootin and/or the disk creator  
utility on T7, nothing changed after running another netinstall from another  
USB stick created with the dd command. I still saw a black screen with no  
command prompt, no cursor, no nothing.

No idea why I closed my laptop, but I did. It went to sleep.

So I opened it back up again and tried Ctrl + Alt + F1 and/or Ctrl + Alt +F7  
until I got a command prompt and sudo apt-get installed fluxbox and then  

Everything's fine now. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-11-10 Thread i_write_words
As am I. I've got older hardware that can be put to use, a bit of time to  
spare, and enough experience with frustrated windows users who "just want it  
to work" to care.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-11-10 Thread i_write_words
That was probably all it was. I used unetbootin just out of laziness and bad  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-11-09 Thread i_write_words
My Thinkpads would not run Trisquel 8, although for some reason the 32 bit  
Uruk 2.0 iso, downstream from Trisquel 8, works just fine.

Trisquel 7 is all I need for the vast majority of what I actually have time  
to do these days, so I'm in no rush, just disappointed that I couldn't give  
back to the community right in this way at this time.

Re: [Trisquel-users] ThinkPenguin

2017-11-01 Thread i_write_words

Much appreciated! Thank you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mint Cindy (LMDE 3) not yet removes nonfree

2017-10-31 Thread i_write_words

Mint has always rubbed me the wrong way.

"Can you install Linux Mint on my punkyouter if I give you this giant  

"No, but I can install the Cinnamon desktop if you're into flavours of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-10-29 Thread i_write_words
I am probably going to have to wait for my preferred configuration and will  
try again with vanilla Flidas in the next few days.

If there is anything else that I, as an "average joe"/autodidact with  
extremely uneven skills, can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-10-27 Thread i_write_words
It took a few tries, but now I've got a nice little console set up, sleeping  
away on my X200T right now. I'll play with it tomorrow and maybe install  a  
window manager or two.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-10-26 Thread i_write_words

Ah, you got the high end by my standards so I'll do the low end.

Netinstall of 32 bit image in progress; it's going on a USB drive so I can  
boot it from various old Thinkpads, starting with my T61.

I had to switch mirrors from default US to default Spain, but it seems to be  
chugging along just fine now.

I'm installing from USB stick because I'm too lazy to go to the store to pick  
up CDs.

We need Trisquel. I've got too many family members who aren't going to be up  
for Parabola or even Debian/Devuan not to at least pull my own weight by beta  
testing on physical hardware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8... where are you?

2017-10-17 Thread i_write_words
gd_scania, have you been able to talk to Ruben or at least connect with the  
development team for Flidas yet? There is a lot of work to be done and you  
are obviously young, intelligent, and eager to help.

I look forward to enjoying the benefits of your hard work and enthusiasm and,  
hopefully, bringing my millenial adult children and octogenarian parents into  
a better place than Microsoft and Apple in the future.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Anti-virus software?

2017-10-17 Thread i_write_words
David888 I just wanted to welcome you to Gnu/Linux and commend you for your  
concern about security.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Mint liberated!

2017-10-17 Thread i_write_words
The down and dirty explanation for my nine year old, as far as reverse  
engineering Minetest texture packs and other little kid stuff, is that if you  
don't see the GPL, it's proprietary so hands off.

Of course I have a deeper understanding when I've had my coffee. ;)

There are other licenses, of course, but one of the advantages of Trisquel  
over Mint for "average joes" like myself and my family is that we don't have  
to worry about licensing.

And let's face it, when we are under  stress or losing our tempers about  
trolls is when we are most likely to make mistakes.

It's not a joke when I say that switching from  
as-free-as-I-could-make-it-at-the-time Ubuntu to Trisquel when I did probably  
saved me from violating copyright laws in my country, getting caught, and  
getting my half-educated self in a lot of trouble.

Having licensing issues taken care of by trustworthy individuals gives us the  
space to learn, grow, and in some cases become hackers themselves and give  
back to the community.

It's great to see so many new-to-Gnu people posting lately as well as  
new-to-Trisquel people. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Mint liberated!

2017-10-16 Thread i_write_words

Thank you.

I just can't bring myself to install Mint, but my peeps may well be a lot  
more vulnerable than your peeps, ergo my (sometimes ever verging on  
irrational) passion for Trisquello, despite my blase ho hum irreverent  
attitude towards the achievements of the illustrious Senor Poettering and  
curiosity about more challenging projects to tinker with.

We do live in interesting times.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8... where are you?

2017-10-16 Thread i_write_words

Jodiendo said: I'm 100 percent full blooded American.

I said: I am so sorry. I am not the praying type, but my thoughts are with  
you in your time of trouble. Please let me know if there is anything I can do  
to help ease your suffering.

Supertramp83 said: As I've said elsewhere, my beef with Purism is mostly  
their name.

I said: I've seen similar astroturfers in other parts of my life, so I guess  
it's kind of personal for me. Vendettas are not an efficient use of resources  
though, lol, so I'll leave the explaining to the more knowledgeable.

Teg Skywalker has been here longer than I have. I think it's a person, not a  
shell script, but the history of the username is publicly viewable and you're  
smart enough to come to your own conclusions if you don't have anything  
better to do with your time.

Peace out.

/Heather of the Trisquel boards

Re: [Trisquel-users] Linux Mint liberated!

2017-10-16 Thread i_write_words

Hi gd_scandia,

I remember doing that. I never particularly liked Linux Mint, but I did a  
bunch of small newbie friendly distros like Simply Mepis, LXLE, AntiX, etc.  
on VMs whenever I got frustrated by all the trolls on the Trisquel boards my  
first year or so in the community.

I guess it was good for blowing off steam, but not much else.

You get over it; there are more efficient ways to utilize your resources.  
Looks like others have got your back as far as the reasons why that doesn't  
work the same way they had mine.

Sort of makes goosebumps run up and down your spine, like the little green  
sprouts that poke up through the cracks in the pavement, reaching for the  
sun, still believing that life could turn out to be something beautiful.

But I digress.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Thinkpenguin Korora update: Left side of single touchpad button broken :(

2017-10-14 Thread i_write_words

I use librebooted thinkpads partly because they are so sturdy.

X60 is completely camera and mic free, which is what suits my own needs, but  
you might find a T400 with integrated webcam. They are much harder to  
libreboot yourself if that is the way you are going.

Under different circumstances, I would offer to buy the Korora from you, but  
I hope the right external mouse and a digital to analog converter for the  
sound issue is all you need to love it.

It takes awhile to get used to all the dongles hanging off the USB ports in  
the same way that it takes time to get used to a laptop instead of a desktop  
or a desktop instead of a typewriter.

Enjoy your Korora and let us know if you decide to rescue a Thinkpad from  
eWaste later on and need any help or moral support.


Re: [Trisquel-users] Other GNU/Linux-libre distro?

2017-10-14 Thread i_write_words

Guix SD hasn't been mentioned yet. Curious but no first hand experience here.

HEADS is a libre privacy distro that is similar to TAILS for a slightly more  
technically savvy user, but it may still be in Beta or even Alpha.

There is interest in a free fork of Devuan mentioned on Dev1Galaxy, but I'll  
have to get back to you later with the link if that is helpful.

Blag looked like it was coming back for awhile but I haven't seen anything  

I see a lot more interest in fully free distros than I did 5ish years ago and  
a lot more not-quite-ready-for-new-Gnu-users projects that excite me, but  
Trisquel 7 is still unique and special.

I personally came to Gnu from GnuWinII and to Trisquel from Ubuntu. I was so  
sick of proprietary software that older packages were a nonissue at that  
point so therefore I support Ruben's work for his target audience even if and  
when I do outgrow the need for this much hand holding.

Running as-free-as-I-can-make-it Ubuntu 16.04 for a few days  is good enough  
for me as far as gaining the perspective to appreciate the work that still  
has to be done on Flidas. It will be released when it is ready.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 8... where are you?

2017-10-12 Thread i_write_words
He's been here even longer than I have; there are similar threads for  
Trisquel 7 and Trisquel 6, at least.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman and tor

2017-10-06 Thread i_write_words

There is also Free As In Freedom:

Ooooh! And while looking for a legal-in-as-many-countries-as-possible gratis  
copy for you, I found out that 2.0 exist; instant karma. :)

Anyway, that's the one that gave me and mine a bit more insight into the man  
behind the software. It was a bit much for my then-8 year old, but some of  
that was just chronological snobbery on his part and needing a bit more  
experience with this thing called "life".

It would make a quick, easy, relaxing read for an adult or teen.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I refuse to buy from Technoethical?

2017-10-04 Thread i_write_words
I look up to CalmStorm when it comes to "people skills" and communicating  
big, complicated issues and I'm not ashamed of that.

Great post.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Technoethical T400s now available

2017-10-03 Thread i_write_words
Just a zombie thread that needs to die, calher, no worries. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] an observation about YouTube

2017-10-03 Thread i_write_words
FYI, you don't have to worry about this if you use Belenos or Flidas, but  
YouTube is completely silent on Firefox without pulseaudio now.

Of course you can always download the video and watch it on a media player,  
but that is legally confusing language that actually means attacking a ship,  
killing its crew, and stealing its cargo in some countries.

Google is so not your friend.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I refuse to buy from Technoethical?

2017-10-03 Thread i_write_words
ylevental, I respect that and know enough about who you are to be positive  
that you are not a troll.

I carry a dumb phone (actually I leave it in a drawer a lot more than I want  
my family to know and this is a publicly viewable website) but one of the  
people I miss who used to post here spends most of his online time on  
Replicant now and gives me the impression that it is a great community and  
that this will be a rewarding project for you.

I was extremely disappointed when I won the eBay auction for my T400 because  
I left that drama thread wanting to support both businesses.

I'm disappointed by some of the things Tiberiu said here but done following  
this thread. Maybe I'll just take that X200 tablet to eWaste even though my  
experience with my eBay machine is exactly what Tiberiu described, exactly  
what I expected when I bid on it, and exactly what is appropriate for my own  
economic circumstances and technical ability.

Jamathis25, you rock if you're lurking here and reading this and don't think  
I didn't notice you lowered the reserve the second time I bid and let me have  
it for half what I was able to pay. The cosmetic issue was just the battery,  
which isn't quite cutting it for me and will be replaced anyway, but it was  
still quite ethical for you to mention that in the listing.

It was fun to turn a $15 parts-or-repair into almost my dream laptop/tablet  
convertable of 2016-2017 anyway, and also educational to see all the  
different points of view on this issue and examine my own.

Happy flashing, ylevental. You can do this. Leah had to hold my hand and  
reassure me and babysit me on IRC when I did my X60, but that wasn't because  
software flashing is hard, just because I needed moral support  
andwell...I guess I needed it from another woman so let's just go with  
"chick thang" and call it irrelevant unless dudes do that too. ;)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I refuse to buy from Technoethical?

2017-10-02 Thread i_write_words
Thank you, Irish, that is pretty much what I was trying to say, you just said  
it better.

Leah is amazing and I think I've learned even more about being a decent  
albeit flawed human being from her than I have about libreboot.

Re: [Trisquel-users] raptor talos will make a lower priced mainboard, if you buy 10000

2017-10-01 Thread i_write_words
This is actually happening right now. I'm too old to keep up with the gaming  
world but still young enough to have a kid who does.

There is an IRC channel for libre gaming at #lgn. My nine year old does not  
play proprietary games despite the heavy peer pressure in this age group and  
has done his own share of outreach.

Do not underestimate gamers. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uruk GNU/Linux 2.0 (Beta1)

2017-10-01 Thread i_write_words
Yea, that's why I miss virtualizing so much. It really is best to wait for  
the stable release when you need to get your work done. My gamer kid enjoys  
bleeding edge sometimes, but I stick to my Trisquel 7 on at least one  

You might be able to virtualize the 32 bit image. IIRC, you mentioned having  
access to a pretty fast and powerful machine.

But I digress.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Should I refuse to buy from Technoethical?

2017-10-01 Thread i_write_words
There was forum drama but it worked itself out. Maybe someone else can give  
you a recap or a summary since I'm not up for it at the moment, but I  
wouldn't personally hesitate to buy from Technoethical for a minute.

Tiberiu's prices seem to indicate his willingness to do work that doesn't  
look like much fun, besides being way beyond my own technical ability.

I'm currently saving my pennies to have my X200 Tablet librebooted by  
Technoethical. Tiberiu has been very patient with all of my "customer  
service" questions that can and should wait until after I can actually afford  
the work.

Other people will have other opinions and other experiences, but this is my  

You could also try flashing Replicant yourself. The community sounds  

Re: [Trisquel-users] raptor talos will make a lower priced mainboard, if you buy 10000

2017-09-30 Thread i_write_words
Some of us can pledge $500-$600 but there are also students here and other  
low income type folks who cannot be expected to make and keep this sort of  
promise at the expense of shelter and food. It is still wonderful news.  
Please don't be discouraged.

My understanding is that coreboot/libreboot is not necessary for this  
architecture and that the boot firmware is free software, which is why the  
libreboot project is promoting it. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uruk GNU/Linux 2.0 (Beta1)

2017-09-30 Thread i_write_words

He's going to love it.

Thanks for the screenshot, MD. SHAHIDUL ISLAM. I'm going to sound like a  
hypocrite for listing my reasons for preferring 32 bit, since I miss  
virtualizing and am whining about needing DVDs and cheap used hard drives to  
check out 2.0.

32 bit machines are more readily available used and at prices that lower  
income people can afford. They are also more secure, since they do not have  
the backdoors that we know Intel has put on since 2008ish (Intel Management  
Engine) and AMD also has used for about the same time.

A 32 bit system will run on a 64 bit capable machine, but a 64 bit system  
will not even boot a 32 bit machine into command line. The ecological  
consequences of disposing of perfectly usable 32 bit machines affects all of  

hth and /soapbox /ot and thank you, Hayder and Ali, for continued 32 bit  
support in Uruk.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uh oh - ArchiveOS listed Trisquel

2017-09-17 Thread i_write_words
We are still running Belenos around here and still getting security updates.  
I self-identify as "Average Joe" and administrate for a Libre gamer kid who  
isn't quite old enough to have root privileges yet.

If I need a modern version of Ruby for an obscure project or if the kid needs  
a modern version of a game that we can't get from a PPA, we have  
free-as-we-can-make-it alternatives in the house.

But for daily websurfing, email, etc. it's Belenos and anything offline is  
either Belenos or legacy software. When friends and family ask me to do  
"computer guy" stuff for them, I honestly don't feel comfortable with  
anything other than Belenos. Most of them just don't have the time or  
interest for beta testing or for sorting through all the crap in a vanilla  
Ubuntu install.

Maybe I'm not Ruben's target audience, but I am loyal. I've seen my pet  
distro that fit like a comfy old shoe disappear seemingly overnight before  
and it won't surprise or upset me if Ruben has to let Trisquel go when he  
starts a family or when work responsibities, aging parents, sudden illness of  
family member, etc. has to take precedence. He's not your customer service  
rep, he's a human being.

Give the poor kid a break, didn't he start this project in high school or  
college? He just moved to a foreign country to accept a job with a lot of  
responsibilities, is a newlywed, and has had to deal with an extremely  
stressful situation recently even though it did eventually work itself out  
and end happily. That's what we do know, and he's not a complainer so his  
real life may look very different and very much busier than what I've been  
able to piece together here.

Trisquel may be over for some of you, who do need to move on to newer  
software or who are choosing not to use systemd or who have simply found a  
distro that better suits your unique needs for any number of reasons that are  
really none of my or anybody else's business.

But Trisquel Belenos does not belong on ArchiveOS. It's a waste of  
ArchiveOS's bandwidth as well as misleading innocent people who don't know  
how bad the negativity towards free software has gotten in the last few  
years. ArchiveOS is a great resource for us nostalgic oldsters and tinkerers.  
I don't see my comment showing up yet, so maybe "Heather from the Trisquel  
boards" is a voice that is more easily ignored than your own.

The owner of ArchiveOS doesn't need opinions or a bunch of personal  
anecdotes; he needs to know that Trisquel Belenos is receiving regular  
security updates and that Trisquel Flidas is in active development.

He couldn't care less whether you prefer a rolling release to an LTS, what  
you think about systemd, or whether or not your wife is happy with the size  
of your genitalia.

Now I sound like a troll. This is most definitely NOT my last post on this  
forum, I just need to take a break for a few days instead of a valium.

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread i_write_words

I sometimes think the "d" must stand for "drama".

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread i_write_words
That's about what I did with Ubuntu 16.04 but there were more subtle  
problems. I couldn't have gotten Icecat on at all if I hadn't created my  
profile on a different computer and done a lot of stuff Ubuntu's target users  
shouldn't have to do.

My needs are modest. I'm still on Trisquel 7 most of the time unless I  
specifically need newer software for a particular task or just get that itch  
for distro promiscuity. Flidas looked nice when I virtualized it, though, and  
I got to play with a persistent USB stick of Uruk (downstream from Flidas)  
that wound up going to the daughter with no previous Gnu/Linux experience.

I think I've outgrown needing "bleeding edge" for the work I actually do as  
long as I can play sometimes.

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread i_write_words

PenGNUin, I bumbled across this for you while I was looking for memes:

I particularly liked the third post down, which listed technical, political,  
and personal reasons why init systems have become such a controversial hot  
button topic that is best not mentioned in polite conversation.

Can we please talk about our hemorrhoids now?

Oh yea; I can just stop clicking on the thread. :P

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-15 Thread i_write_words

Yup. Memes rule. Now we have systemd porn too:

"Savaged by Systemd [Privacy Badger has replaced this FacebookLike button.]
an Erotic Unix Encounter
Authored by Michael Warren Lucas

Not your normal Friday night in the computer room.

Not a normal night anywhere.

Terry is the archetypal old-school Unix admin, nurturing servers with care  
and precision while avoiding the latest trendy garbage. KDE and Gnome on a  
server? Nope, if you need a GUI use FVWM.

The latest trend Terry refuses? One adopted almost everywhere? Systemd, the  
replacement init.

So Systemd comes for Terry.

Wearing skin-tight leather pants.

No, not a normal night in the computer room at all…

Publication Date:
Sep 07 2017
1976149886 / 9781976149887
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
5" x 8"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Fiction / Romance / Erotica"

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uh oh - ArchiveOS listed Trisquel

2017-09-14 Thread i_write_words
That is correct. Trisquel 8 uses systemd. It will be released when it is  

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-14 Thread i_write_words
Thank you. I know that some of us are using Debian or Devuan with just the  
main repository. I didn't have much luck with my own DIY  
free-as-I-can-make-it Ubuntu 16.04, but I have read other posters talk about  
how they do it here.

Manjaro is "E-Z Arch" to the best of my knowledge. I virtualized it once but  
didn't really spend much time with it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] About systemd

2017-09-14 Thread i_write_words

Nah, it may just be that I'm defensive. ;)

Enjoy Slackware. I absolutely loved my time there but I'm at a different  
stage of life now and enjoying my 32 bit machines way too much to retire ALL  
of them as museum pieces.

I'm not going to engage in any debate about systemd here. It's nice to see  
that some of the more passionate systemd users also appear to be quite  
well-informed and approachable, though, so I am glad I opened the thread to  

I wish I'd stayed with Trisquel 6 longer instead of running off after the  
newest shiny thing. Brigantia EOL'd way too soon for me. I loved virtualizing  
it but didn't take the plunge until the day (if not the hour) that Toutatis  
was released.

Re: [Trisquel-users] delta File Sharing

2017-09-02 Thread i_write_words

That works. :)

I am logged in remotely to the 32 bit machine on Icecat but I am not seeing  
any files yet.

There aren't any files in my Public folder. Maybe that's where I am?

Also, there is a banner graphic when I log in that needs a quick fix from  
"dilta" to "delta" when you get around to it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] delta File Sharing

2017-09-02 Thread i_write_words

Cool. A bona fide bug report that was actually useful.


Re: [Trisquel-users] delta File Sharing

2017-09-02 Thread i_write_words

No worries. Just as long as I'm not wasting your time being stupid again. ;)

Should I change it myself and just rerun ./install then?

Re: [Trisquel-users] delta File Sharing

2017-09-02 Thread i_write_words
I'm trying both and I think I actually succeeded but I just can't start it  

I have admin and user passwords on both the 64 bit and 32 bit potential  
servers. This is where I stopped on the 64 bit machine this morning:

root@devuan:/home/noordinaryspider/Downloads/delta# ./install
bash: ./install: Permission denied
root@devuan:/home/noordinaryspider/Downloads/delta# chmod a+x install
root@devuan:/home/noordinaryspider/Downloads/delta# ./install
stat dilta.go: no such file or directory
root@devuan:/home/noordinaryspider/Downloads/delta# chmod +x
root@devuan:/home/noordinaryspider/Downloads/delta# ./  

New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user noordinaryspider
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user noordinaryspider
root@devuan:/home/noordinaryspider/Downloads/delta# ./delta&
[1] 29803
root@devuan:/home/noordinaryspider/Downloads/delta# bash: ./delta: No such  
file or directory

and my uneducated guess is that I just need to change a few filenames or  
something else embarrassingly simple.

Re: [Trisquel-users] 13Aug2017 buy Trisquel laptop

2017-09-02 Thread i_write_words

You said: Such as downloading videos from the firefox browser

I said: I personally prefer to use the command line, but if you want to use  
the browser, you will want to install an add-on called "Greasemonkey" and  
then a script called "viewtube". You could also use a different browser  
extension called "unplug". Sometimes one browser plug-in works better on a  
specific video than another so there's no reason in the world why you can't  
have all of them. They play nicely together.

You could also user a dedicated video browser called SMTube.

YouTube keeps changing things so it sometimes takes our developers a bit of  
time to keep up with them, since most of them have day jobs, families, and  
other responsibilities, but no, you do not have to give that convenience up  
by any means.

You said: blocking advertisements

I said: What are advertisements? What does that have to do with the internet?

Unfortunately, those advertisements include scripts that are a major privacy  
violation. When you patch up the security holes, the ads go away on their  

All of these plug-ins are things that you can start using today on your  
firefox web browser. They are operating system agnostic. I have https  
everywhere, privacy badger, and no-script on this browser.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What service do you recommend to replace OpenMailBox

2017-09-02 Thread i_write_words
You could still use it for webmail if you can stand the interface. It doesn't  
work for the the level of vision I have at all but I don't know if that would  
be an issue for those of you with average/normal vision.

Re: [Trisquel-users] What service do you recommend to replace OpenMailBox

2017-09-01 Thread i_write_words

I am even more of a mess.

I have a grandfathered riseup account that I used before I retired from  
activism. I should close it down. I don't give it out, but if anyone who  
knows it ever uses it, I'll know it's an emergency and they really do need to  
get ahold of me.

OMB is abandoned. I don't care. The "free trial of premium" or the  
"application password" or some crumb or other worked long enough for me to  
pack my toys and go home to my hard drive.

I now have Posteo and some inexpensive add-on aliases for general use.

Needed one for minor kid's geekery that was separate from anything that would  
be used for anything even remotely to do with shopping. We chose teknik and  
will donate as generously as feasible.

The voluntary donations are, of course, the real solution to "service  
sustainability" but all we can do is all we can do. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] 13Aug2017 buy Trisquel laptop

2017-09-01 Thread i_write_words
The problem is within the UEFI proprietary BIOS and perhaps other firmware as  
well. The best solution is what you have already done: support the work of  
the people who built your Taurinus for you, both financially and by spreading  
the word that there are alternatives to accepting this soul sucking nonsense.

In the future, we all may have more options if everybody was able to do what  
you just did.

Thank you.

Re: [Trisquel-users] delta File Sharing

2017-09-01 Thread i_write_words

Thank you! That may be just what I need just when I need it. :)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uruk GNU/Linux 2.0 (Beta1)

2017-09-01 Thread i_write_words
I can try to make a private torrent for you if it gets too frustrating, but I  
have absolutely no experience or any language other than English much beyond  
the "Where is the restroom?" level so that might be even worse.

Lots of bandwidth and best wishes, though.

Re: [Trisquel-users] customizing trisquel.

2017-09-01 Thread i_write_words
It's based on Devuan (Debian fork without systemd) and the target audience  
seems to be more tech savvy than TAILS'.

I thought it was a bit much for my Journalist daughter, but if you are  
posting on the Trisquel boards, it's probably right up your alley and nothing  
you can't handle.

Re: [Trisquel-users] we nede your opinion

2017-09-01 Thread i_write_words

Yes, please.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uruk GNU/Linux 2.0 (Beta1)

2017-08-30 Thread i_write_words
I'd have said flux or openbox instead of i3wm, but that's just because I'm  
old. :)

Uruk is truly amazing and it's good to see you posting here. Mate is just  
fine. I enjoyed checking out the alpha on DVD and USB stick and look forward  
to seeing how far the beta has come as soon as I can.

Well done!

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to samba

2017-08-29 Thread i_write_words
For the benefit of future lurkers, it was only necessary to give the server a  
static address. My clients seem to be able to connect just fine. This seems  
to replace all the functionality of Samba.

Since I have the same username and passwords on all machines, I log into my  
home directory on the server and then am able to go into the whole filesystem  
and access all mounted USB drives in media.

Samba then becomes completely unnecessary.

This was an "ask a question, listen to the answers, RTFM/STFW, and less than  
24 hours later it's done" project for my illustrious self, who has never  
taken a single professional college level IT class or been employed in IT at  
any higher level than "John says Mary says Susan says George knows a computer  
dude name Heather who doesn't cost much and might work for a bag or two of  

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to samba

2017-08-29 Thread i_write_words
Now if I can just figure out how to share my external drives as well as my  
home folder.

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to samba

2017-08-29 Thread i_write_words

YES Thank you! I'm into my server!!!

I am still using passwords so not done yet, but everything looks great and  
exactly the way it did on Samba, which I don't need any more.


doing a happy dance

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to samba

2017-08-28 Thread i_write_words

Yes, I have a brand new LibreCMC mini router from ThinkPenguin.

I don't have any experience setting static IPs and have rarely touched the  
defaults on my old proprietary router so this is a good reason to start  
playing with my new toy.

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to samba

2017-08-28 Thread i_write_words
Syncthing is working for me to keep folders synchronized among different  
computers. I am excited about maybe being able to share folders with other  
users over the internet and not having to worry about owncloud/openmailbox  
drama after all, but that is not the immediate issue.

What I need to find another way of doing is to access my own files that are  
on the hard drive of "living room computer" from "bedroom computer", "kitchen  
computer", "basement computer", etc.

Re: [Trisquel-users] alternatives to samba

2017-08-28 Thread i_write_words
That definitely looks interesting. Thank you! 

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