[twitter-dev] Re: No oauth_verifier in custom URI (Desktop)

2010-05-16 Thread Jeena
Something new on this topic?


[twitter-dev] Re: xauth error -1012

2010-05-16 Thread neptune2000
Same here. I get this with the XAuthTwitterEngineDemo:

Twitter request failed: BCC3F69C-36CE-4C86-B50B-8E8B094E2DCD with
error:Error Domain=HTTP Code=403 "Operation could not be completed.
(HTTP error 403.)"

Has any of you guys figured out how to fix this?

On Apr 26, 7:00 pm, luckyman  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have same problem.
> Received approval from Twitter.
> But the same thing.
> Do you have solutions?
> On Apr 21, 5:13 am, sae  wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I just set up my application forxauthand started testing.
> > It keeps failing with error message:
> > Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1012UserInfo=0x268d70 "Operation
> >couldnotbecompleted. (NSURLErrorDomain error -1012.)
> > What is this error?  Is anything wrong with my app setting, or my
> > parameter  maynotbe correct?
> > Any clue will be really appreciated...
> > Here is the copy of signature-base-string and authorization header,
> > which all look ok to me:
> > POST&https%3A%2F%2Fapi.twitter.com%2Foauth
> > %2Faccess_token&oauth_consumer_key%3Dxx%26oauth_nonce
> > %3D684B1D0C-4276-47BD-9A43-C31FDDD0DD8A%26oauth_signature_method
> > %3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D1271708678%26oauth_version
> > %3D1.0%26x_auth_mode%3Dclient_auth%26x_auth_password%3Dxx
> > %26x_auth_username%3Dy
> > OAuth realm=\"\",
> > oauth_consumer_key=\"\",
> > oauth_signature_method=\"HMAC-SHA1\",
> > oauth_signature=\"rg5s%2BW8wMxSx5MJt0wV3idqjriI%3D\",
> > oauth_timestamp=\"1271708678\",
> > oauth_nonce=\"684B1D0C-4276-47BD-9A43-C31FDDD0DD8A\",
> > oauth_version=\"1.0\";
> > --
> > Subscription 
> > settings:http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-development-talk/subscribe?hl=en

Re: [twitter-dev] WebSockets protocol for streaming API

2010-05-16 Thread Michael Brunton-Spall
I'll just briefly disagree with you about point 2.
OAuth does not require that you have a browser available.  With Twitter
supporting xAuth your desktop or mobile application can take a persons
username and password and exchange them for an Access Token for accessing
protected resources via OAuth without ever firing up the browser.

You can find out more about twitter and xauth at

I think you are missing the point as to why twitter don't want web client to
use the user streams right now.  Much fewer people use desktop applications
than use mobile or web applications.  If you upgrade your desktop app to use
the user streams then all of your customers have to upgrade their app, which
will happen slowly over time.  If you upgrade a web app all of your clients
get upgraded all simultaneously.  It sounds like it's purely a capacity
issue at the moment.

Michael Brunton-Spall
Developer Advocate

On 16 May 2010 06:42, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:

> I'm going to keep the whole thread here because I think some important
> distinctions are being raised / discussed.
> 1. As a developer, I have to create a (minimum) viable product. "Viable"
> implies there must be a user interface beyond the command line. Yes, I know
> Cameron Kaiser thinks otherwise, but the people that I'm hoping will pay me
> money for a Twitter desktop product will most likely not want a command
> line
> product.
> 2. The most efficient way for me to deliver that UI, given oAuth, is to
> fire
> up a native browser and use it for at least the oAuth authentication and
> "view" portion of my application. I'm also guessing that one of the
> "industry
> standard" JavaScript libraries will be involved. Lots of wheels to not re-
> invent, etc..
> 3. Twitter shouldn't have to care about the "model" and "controller"
> portions
> of my application. I'm guessing they'll not be in browser-side JavaScript,
> though, unless the JavaScript engines are a lot more efficient than I think
> they are. ;-)
> 4. That leaves the interface to user streams. Twitter should only have to
> care
> about connection-related and bandwidth-related parameters, *not* about
> whether
> I connect with Perl, Ruby, PHP, Python, JavaScript, C, Java, or even Lisp,
> Scheme or Forth. And Twitter shouldn't have to care whether the code is
> executed inside a browser by an interpreter, by compiled Java applet code,
> outside the browser by interpreted or compiled code, etc.
> Remember, I've got to have the browser anyway! In my case I'm guessing the
> connection will be Perl and outside the browser, because I know how to do
> things efficiently in Perl better than the others. And I'm guessing my
> model
> will require Perl efficiency as well.
> But if someone can build the whole enchilada in a browser, it shouldn't
> matter
> to Twitter as long as the connection and bandwidth properties are
> predictable
> / controllable. And, in fact, if *they're* ready to go to market the day
> user
> streams graduates to production status and I'm still futzing with my Perl
> code, well, I lose. ;-)
> 5. So let me throw a *huge* "what if?" on the table. What if there was an
> official Twitter-supported @anywhere - user streams capability? Then we
> *could* write a large chunk of a Twitter client in browser-side JavaScript.
> Maybe even simple models could be done that way too, but certainly the view
> and controller pieces could.
> See Antonio Cangiano's (@acangiano) blog post for a little motivation:
> http://antoniocangiano.com/2010/05/14/the-most-important-programming-language-
> today/
> On Saturday, May 15, 2010 03:22:32 pm Abraham Williams wrote:
> > I'm not particularly familiar with the specifics of WebSockets but here
> is
> > the draft documentation: http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/
> >
> > I don't see Chrome Extensions as being any different from desktop
> > applications as they are both manually installed by the user on their
> > desktop.
> >
> > Abraham
> >
> > On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 09:02, John Kalucki  wrote:
> > > The first release of User Streams is not intended for web clients due
> > > to capacity constraints.
> > >
> > > http://apiwiki.twitter.com/ChirpUserStreams
> > > "
> > > All services, mobile and browser-based clients must not use Streaming
> > > until we've sorted out Desktop clients at some scale. One problem at a
> > > time.
> > > "
> > >
> > > That being said, of course we'd like to encourage experimentation with
> > > other client types, so that clients can evolve as we scale out the
> > > service.
> > >
> > > While others at Twitter are well-versed in the latest browser
> > > technologies, I'm totally and willfully ignorant. If you could give a
> > > brief summary of how the existing Streaming API does not work for
> > > WebSockets, that might be helpful. What's missing?
> > >
> > > -John Kalucki
> > > http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> > > Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Fri,

[twitter-dev] OAuth issue, using mostly supplied code.

2010-05-16 Thread wparsons
Hopefully someone can help me out with this one, as I'm pretty stuck..

I'm using the PHP example on here: 

"function getConnectionWithAccessToken($oauth_token,
$oauth_token_secret) {
  $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET,
$oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
  return $connection;

$connection = getConnectionWithAccessToken("abcdefg", "hijklmnop");
$content = $connection->get("statuses/home_timeline");"

along with the OAuth.php and twitterOAuth.php classes from @abraham's
code.  I've triple checked that all the keys are correct (copied and
pasted from my twitter account).  I'm using my OAuth_Token and
OAuth_Token_Secret, not the sample strings in the above code.

No matter what I request in the 'get', I get an "Invalid / Used nonce"
error back.  The Oauth.php and twitteroauth.php files are 100%
untouched, and when I view the request, the nonce and timestamp are
changing with every request.

If I change the OAuth_Token key I get an expired token error, but
changing the other keys doesn't have any effect, so it might be
related to the keys I'm using?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

[twitter-dev] Re: oAuth Echo problems

2010-05-16 Thread gotosleep
I am having the exact same issue with Twitpic. I use the same code to
generate the OAuth header for Twitpic as I do for Twitter, but Twitpic
always returns a 401.

On May 15, 6:26 pm, Rich  wrote:
> To follow up, if I simply actually call verify_credentials it returns
> a valid json object for my request but returns a status code of 401
> On May 16, 12:01 am, Rich  wrote:
> > Has anyone else had problems with oAuth echo and services like TwitPic
> > I'm using the SAME objective-c library to generate the oAuth signature
> > as for the client (which by the way the client works fine so the oAuth
> > signatures for that are fine).
> > I'm generating the oAuth headers as if it were 
> > forhttps://api.twitter.com/1/account/verify_credentials.jsonandadd it
> > to the http headers as per Raffi's documenation.
> > When I look at the oAuth headers they look fine, but TwitPic
> > constantly returns a 401

[twitter-dev] Re: alert() in anywhere.js

2010-05-16 Thread JohnB

Are we really talking about incorrect installations here? Twitter's
own @Anywhere documentation page (http://dev.twitter.com/anywhere/
begin) is throwing this same error in older browsers, including Chrome

On May 15, 6:26 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I agree that @Anywhere should degrade gracefully when configured properly on
> unsupported platforms and not prompt incorrect alert()s. But I do think
> alert()s are probably the best way to notify developers of incorrect
> installations.
> Abraham
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 11:55, Larry  wrote:
> > I can reliably reproduce this with Firefox 3.0.8 at the following url:
> >http://cornsyrup.org/~larry/anywhere/index.html
> > Error console is reporting "S.get is not a function"
> > Larry
> > On May 15, 11:31 am, Larry  wrote:
> > > Our site has been running @anywhere for over a week now without error.
> > > Yesterday my coworker was getting the alert(). He is running an older
> > > version of Firefox (3.0.8) on Ubuntu, so there might be another cause
> > > other than missing clientID or version?
> > > I still believe alert() is intrusive, especially for this case where
> > > it works fine except for this edge case. Instead of users complaining
> > > about broken hovercards, they are complaining about alert dialogs.
> > > Larry
> > > On May 14, 8:38 pm, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > > Both of which are issues that will pretty much stop @Anywhere from
> > working
> > > > and need to be noticed as soon as possible at installation. Hiding them
> > in
> > > > console.log will make it more likely that @Anywhere will be installe
> > > > improperly and the admins will only find out when users complain.
> > > > Abraham
> > > > On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 15:57, Larry  wrote:
> > > > > I just came across a coworker's browser that triggered an alert()
> > call
> > > > > from anywhere.js. While okay for development, the use of alert() is
> > > > > not friendly for production websites. Could these be converted
> > > > > console.log() or some other benign mechanism?
> > > > > Grepping through anywhere.js I found two instances of alert():
> > > > > alert("To set up @anywhere, please provide a client ID");
> > > > > alert("No version matching "+Z);
> > > > > Cheers
> > > > > Larry
> > > > --
> > > > Abraham Williams | Developer for hire |http://abrah.am
> > > > @abraham |http://projects.abrah.am|http://blog.abrah.am
> > > > This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> --
> Abraham Williams | Developer for hire |http://abrah.am
> @abraham |http://projects.abrah.am|http://blog.abrah.am
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

[twitter-dev] What the hell is "to set up @anywhere, please provide a client id"

2010-05-16 Thread AnnoyedUser
Why the hell am I suddenly getting "to set up @anywhere, please
provide a client id" when I try to use the search.twitter.com  (unless
I disable javascript) ?

[twitter-dev] xAuth now returns a 403 when posting a tweet

2010-05-16 Thread neptune2000
I have been using the xAuth code by Aral Balkan for my iPhone apps:


The code had been working fine for a couple of months both getting
token and posting tweets. I rerun the code today, and all of a sudden
while getting the token still work, posting a tweet always returns a

Twitter request failed: 18C9AA7E-05BF-408D-A8CE-7480A2FAD4CB with
error:Error Domain=HTTP Code=403 “Operation could not be completed.
(HTTP error 403.)”

Has something changed on Twitter's end regarding the xAuth protocol
since March 11, which is when Aral Balkan's code was last modified?

Any ideas?


-- neptune2000

[twitter-dev] Stream Pad Player?

2010-05-16 Thread PoisonKush
Is there anyway I can add a stream pad player to my twitter profile?
If so that would be awesome!!

[twitter-dev] Re: oAuth Echo problems

2010-05-16 Thread Rich
I've spent a good 12 hours on this so far and this is where I've got

1) I use the same code to generate the oAuth header for echo and
communicating to the Twitter API
2) I generate a fake request to verify_credentials and generate the
oauth http header but change Authorization to X-Verify-Credentials-
Authorization and add the X-Auth-Service-Provider header
3) I change the request url to the TwitPic api and post the image
4) TwitPic comes back with a 401 oauth header error (specifically says
oauth header in the response)

To check the oAuth header was OK I change my code to use Authorization
instead of X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization and send it directly to
verify_credentials (obviously ignoring the image data part!)

Twitter responds with JSON and an HTTP status of 200, so I'm pretty
sure that my oAuth header is right

On May 16, 12:36 am, gotosleep  wrote:
> I am having the exact same issue with Twitpic. I use the same code to
> generate the OAuth header for Twitpic as I do for Twitter, but Twitpic
> always returns a 401.
> On May 15, 6:26 pm, Rich  wrote:
> > To follow up, if I simply actually call verify_credentials it returns
> > a valid json object for my request but returns a status code of 401
> > On May 16, 12:01 am, Rich  wrote:
> > > Has anyone else had problems with oAuth echo and services like TwitPic
> > > I'm using the SAME objective-c library to generate the oAuth signature
> > > as for the client (which by the way the client works fine so the oAuth
> > > signatures for that are fine).
> > > I'm generating the oAuth headers as if it were 
> > > forhttps://api.twitter.com/1/account/verify_credentials.jsonandaddit
> > > to the http headers as per Raffi's documenation.
> > > When I look at the oAuth headers they look fine, but TwitPic
> > > constantly returns a 401

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: alert() in anywhere.js

2010-05-16 Thread Dan Webb
This does sound like a regression of some kind.  We'll get this fixed ASAP.

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 3:41 PM, JohnB  wrote:
> Are we really talking about incorrect installations here? Twitter's
> own @Anywhere documentation page (http://dev.twitter.com/anywhere/
> begin) is throwing this same error in older browsers, including Chrome
> 3.0.195.

Dan Webb
Front-end Engineer, Platform
d...@twitter.com / @danwrong
+1 415 425 5631

Re: [twitter-dev] OAuth issue, using mostly supplied code.

2010-05-16 Thread Abraham Williams
Make sure your clock is properly synced. If it is more the a few minutes off
it can cause the same error.


On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 01:49, wparsons  wrote:

> Hopefully someone can help me out with this one, as I'm pretty stuck..
> I'm using the PHP example on here:
> http://dev.twitter.com/pages/oauth_single_token
> "function getConnectionWithAccessToken($oauth_token,
> $oauth_token_secret) {
>  $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET,
> $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
>  return $connection;
> }
> $connection = getConnectionWithAccessToken("abcdefg", "hijklmnop");
> $content = $connection->get("statuses/home_timeline");"
> along with the OAuth.php and twitterOAuth.php classes from @abraham's
> code.  I've triple checked that all the keys are correct (copied and
> pasted from my twitter account).  I'm using my OAuth_Token and
> OAuth_Token_Secret, not the sample strings in the above code.
> No matter what I request in the 'get', I get an "Invalid / Used nonce"
> error back.  The Oauth.php and twitteroauth.php files are 100%
> untouched, and when I view the request, the nonce and timestamp are
> changing with every request.
> If I change the OAuth_Token key I get an expired token error, but
> changing the other keys doesn't have any effect, so it might be
> related to the keys I'm using?
> Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
@abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

[twitter-dev] Re: Problem with status encoding... I guess

2010-05-16 Thread @sebagomez
Hello Konpaku, thanks for you answer.
I am encoding my text with UTF8, I don´t know what you mean by "your

Also, I don´t know if BOM is necesarry cause as I mentioned before, it
works with other international characters, but I will give that a try


On May 15, 8:48 pm, Konpaku Kogasa  wrote:
> Hello,
> > I had a few bugs with encoding, I was not using UTF8 and now I do, so
> > I am able to tweet stauff like "Peñarol á é í ó ú" (spanish lang
> > characters). I was making some tests and I noticed that if I want to
> > set '!' as my status (just the exclamation mark) it dos not work... I
> > get an "Incorrect signature" error message.
> I had this issue before.  Check the encoding of your files.  It needs
> to be set to UTF-8 (can't remember if it's with or without BOM
> though..)
> - Konpaku Kogasa

Re: [twitter-dev] WebSockets protocol for streaming API

2010-05-16 Thread M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
On Sunday, May 16, 2010 12:58:13 am Michael Brunton-Spall wrote:
> I'll just briefly disagree with you about point 2.
> OAuth does not require that you have a browser available.  With Twitter
> supporting xAuth your desktop or mobile application can take a persons
> username and password and exchange them for an Access Token for accessing
> protected resources via OAuth without ever firing up the browser.
> You can find out more about twitter and xauth at
> http://dev.twitter.com/pages/xauth

I'm aware of xauth, but I'm likely going to stick with browser-based oAuth and 
with a browser-based view component of the application. It's too hard to get a 
"portable" "native" desktop UI any other way. People know how to use browsers.

For example, think about the SugarCRM "Community Edition". If you run that as 
a stand-alone desktop application on a Windows, Linux or Mac desktop, what 
you've actually got is a whole PHP stack model/view/controller application 
with your browser pointing to localhost. Using a browser for the UI and a 
model/view/controller stack  vastly increases the number of open source tools 
I can bring to bear.

> I think you are missing the point as to why twitter don't want web client
> to use the user streams right now.  Much fewer people use desktop
> applications than use mobile or web applications.  If you upgrade your
> desktop app to use the user streams then all of your customers have to
> upgrade their app, which will happen slowly over time.  If you upgrade a
> web app all of your clients get upgraded all simultaneously.  It sounds
> like it's purely a capacity issue at the moment.

First of all, this is a new application, not an upgrade to an existing one. 
Second, since it depends on Twitter and user streams, it's not going to be 
deployed until Twitter has the capacity to support it. And third, it *is* 
going to be a desktop application, not deployed on servers or mobiles. I 
simply don't want to have technologies ruled out because they're "usually" 
used on servers, like a web application stack.

M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
http://borasky-research.net/m-edward-ed-borasky/ @znmeb

"A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul Erdős

[twitter-dev] Re: Problem with status encoding... I guess

2010-05-16 Thread Konpaku Kogasa

> Hello Konpaku, thanks for you answer.
> I am encoding my text with UTF8, I don´t know what you mean by "your
> files"

Sorry I meant all the source files.  Also what language and oAuth
library are you using for this?

- Konpaku Kogasa

Re: [twitter-dev] Re: Announcing Twurl: OAuth-enabled curl for the Twitter API

2010-05-16 Thread kuhkatz

Am 15.05.2010 21:38, schrieb Patrick Kennedy:

I bet coffee and 10 seconds with either of you would fix my problem,
but no worries.

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 9:02 PM, kuhkatz  wrote:

Am 14.05.2010 23:40, schrieb Faried Nawaz:

On May 15, 12:41 am, kuhkatzwrote:

so i suppose i am doing things wrong.
i followed your instructions, but when i apply the diff, i get this:

$ patch -i twurldiff

Close.  You can do either one of

patch -p 1 -i twurldiff


git apply twurldiff


tried the first approach,
gave me an error with lib/twurl.rb,
but with looking into the .rej and manually patching the file i
succeded, finally.

thanks for your help =)

someone of us might consider trying to help you if you could provide 
further details on where exacly what goes wrong.

"doesnt work" is never a good way to call for help.

[twitter-dev] Re: oAuth Echo problems

2010-05-16 Thread Rich
After chatting with one of the engineers at TwitPic they appear to
have fixed the invalid oauth header issue, now I get a 401 error
saying my API key is invalid even though it's a copy and paste from
their site

On May 16, 3:18 pm, Rich  wrote:
> I've spent a good 12 hours on this so far and this is where I've got
> to
> 1) I use the same code to generate the oAuth header for echo and
> communicating to the Twitter API
> 2) I generate a fake request to verify_credentials and generate the
> oauth http header but change Authorization to X-Verify-Credentials-
> Authorization and add the X-Auth-Service-Provider header
> 3) I change the request url to the TwitPic api and post the image
> 4) TwitPic comes back with a 401 oauth header error (specifically says
> oauth header in the response)
> To check the oAuth header was OK I change my code to use Authorization
> instead of X-Verify-Credentials-Authorization and send it directly to
> verify_credentials (obviously ignoring the image data part!)
> Twitter responds with JSON and an HTTP status of 200, so I'm pretty
> sure that my oAuth header is right
> On May 16, 12:36 am, gotosleep  wrote:
> > I am having the exact same issue with Twitpic. I use the same code to
> > generate the OAuth header for Twitpic as I do for Twitter, but Twitpic
> > always returns a 401.
> > On May 15, 6:26 pm, Rich  wrote:
> > > To follow up, if I simply actually call verify_credentials it returns
> > > a valid json object for my request but returns a status code of 401
> > > On May 16, 12:01 am, Rich  wrote:
> > > > Has anyone else had problems with oAuth echo and services like TwitPic
> > > > I'm using the SAME objective-c library to generate the oAuth signature
> > > > as for the client (which by the way the client works fine so the oAuth
> > > > signatures for that are fine).
> > > > I'm generating the oAuth headers as if it were 
> > > > forhttps://api.twitter.com/1/account/verify_credentials.jsonandaddit
> > > > to the http headers as per Raffi's documenation.
> > > > When I look at the oAuth headers they look fine, but TwitPic
> > > > constantly returns a 401

Re: [twitter-dev] WebSockets protocol for streaming API

2010-05-16 Thread John Kalucki
I did a quick reading, and I couldn't tell if WS connections are
restricted back to the domain of the calling page, or if arbitrary
connections are allowed. If the former, there may not be a reason for
the Streaming API to support this. If the latter, perhaps there's a
valid use case.

Looking at the protocol itself, this wouldn't be trivial to support,
but it might not be that bad either. We'll have to keep an eye on the
installed browser base and see when this might make sense.

It is too bad that they didn't allow HTTP connections with incremental
byte reads in addition to WB connections on that interface. I'm sure
they had their reasons.

-John Kalucki
Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not particularly familiar with the specifics of WebSockets but here is
> the draft documentation: http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/
> I don't see Chrome Extensions as being any different from desktop
> applications as they are both manually installed by the user on their
> desktop.
> Abraham
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 09:02, John Kalucki  wrote:
>> The first release of User Streams is not intended for web clients due
>> to capacity constraints.
>> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/ChirpUserStreams
>> "
>> All services, mobile and browser-based clients must not use Streaming
>> until we've sorted out Desktop clients at some scale. One problem at a
>> time.
>> "
>> That being said, of course we'd like to encourage experimentation with
>> other client types, so that clients can evolve as we scale out the
>> service.
>> While others at Twitter are well-versed in the latest browser
>> technologies, I'm totally and willfully ignorant. If you could give a
>> brief summary of how the existing Streaming API does not work for
>> WebSockets, that might be helpful. What's missing?
>> -John Kalucki
>> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
>> On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Cezar Sá Espinola 
>> wrote:
>> > Hey guys,
>> > Quick question, are there any plans on supporting WebSockets protocol
>> > for
>> > the Streaming API?
>> > That'd be awesome for browser based Twitter clients (i.e. Google Chrome
>> > extensions). Without this it'll be very difficult for this kind of
>> > client to
>> > lavarage benefit from the upcoming user streams.
>> > Thanks a lot for all your hard work,
>> > Cezar Sá Espinola
>> > @cezarsa
> --
> Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
> @abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.

Re: [twitter-dev] WebSockets protocol for streaming API

2010-05-16 Thread John Kalucki

Efficiency isn't the only goal of user streams, but it is an important
one when considering systems at this scale. When optimizing such a
system, you generally go looking for the biggest reward first.

We've identified applications that run on the desktop, such as
Tweetdeck, Seesmic, and friends, as a larger consumer of resources on
a per-user basis. They're always on and always polling at the maximum
rate and the traffic comes directly from the desktop. So be it, as
this is core to their utility and nature.

Browser-based clients are service-based. The aggregate user streams
demand from service-based applications, of all types, not just browser
clients, far exceeds that of desktops. We cannot possibly launch into
service-based demand. It's too vast. To ration access in this
environment would be hard for everyone.

Also most services do not place quite as large of a per-user load on
the REST API. Browsers don't reload, or reload infrequently. Services
mediate the load is various ways. Etc.

Finally, services are not best served by user streams as they are
today. They should have all of their requested traffic delivered over
a small number of multiplexed streams. It's not ideal to open 10^5 or
10^6 connections from a given service to Twitter, only to have their
aggregate traffic be far less than a Gardenhose feed. The service-side
complexity to manage all these connections is large, and the resource
utilization on our end is quite high. User streams, with a connection
per user, would be an efficiency loss here, where multiplexed streams
would be a tremendous efficiency gain.

So, services, as a category, are too big to tackle first, they
probably offer an efficiency loss, and, with a little more work,
services can be supported with a huge efficiency gain for everyone. So
we're initially going for the biggest efficiency win with the smallest
feature set against the smallest reasonably partitionable market given
the limited resources we have available.

-John Kalucki
Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 8:04 AM, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
> On Sunday, May 16, 2010 12:58:13 am Michael Brunton-Spall wrote:
>> I'll just briefly disagree with you about point 2.
>> OAuth does not require that you have a browser available.  With Twitter
>> supporting xAuth your desktop or mobile application can take a persons
>> username and password and exchange them for an Access Token for accessing
>> protected resources via OAuth without ever firing up the browser.
>> You can find out more about twitter and xauth at
>> http://dev.twitter.com/pages/xauth
> I'm aware of xauth, but I'm likely going to stick with browser-based oAuth and
> with a browser-based view component of the application. It's too hard to get a
> "portable" "native" desktop UI any other way. People know how to use browsers.
> For example, think about the SugarCRM "Community Edition". If you run that as
> a stand-alone desktop application on a Windows, Linux or Mac desktop, what
> you've actually got is a whole PHP stack model/view/controller application
> with your browser pointing to localhost. Using a browser for the UI and a
> model/view/controller stack  vastly increases the number of open source tools
> I can bring to bear.
>> I think you are missing the point as to why twitter don't want web client
>> to use the user streams right now.  Much fewer people use desktop
>> applications than use mobile or web applications.  If you upgrade your
>> desktop app to use the user streams then all of your customers have to
>> upgrade their app, which will happen slowly over time.  If you upgrade a
>> web app all of your clients get upgraded all simultaneously.  It sounds
>> like it's purely a capacity issue at the moment.
> First of all, this is a new application, not an upgrade to an existing one.
> Second, since it depends on Twitter and user streams, it's not going to be
> deployed until Twitter has the capacity to support it. And third, it *is*
> going to be a desktop application, not deployed on servers or mobiles. I
> simply don't want to have technologies ruled out because they're "usually"
> used on servers, like a web application stack.
> --
> M. Edward (Ed) Borasky
> http://borasky-research.net/m-edward-ed-borasky/ @znmeb
> "A mathematician is a device for turning coffee into theorems." ~ Paul Erdős

Re: [twitter-dev] WebSockets protocol for streaming API

2010-05-16 Thread Harshad RJ
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 12:35 AM, John Kalucki  wrote:

> Browser-based clients are service-based.

There are many counter examples that are not service-based. (Hootsuite,
Brizzly and err tDash).

Instead of generalizing browser-based clients, would it not be better to
specifically address service-based clients (and thus exclude them from the
user stream API)?

Harshad RJ

[twitter-dev] Problem(s) moving to a newer version of the API

2010-05-16 Thread Jonathan
I've been waiting a week for some response to a question. I just found
that the question never was distributed. I'll try again.

I've made a little progress on my own, but not much. I feel like I'm
beating my head against a wall, and I'm very frustrated.

To recap: I have a prototype application which was based on the
example on Abraham's web site. It works with an old version of
twitterOAuth, and I'm trying to upgrade it to use version 0.2.0-beta2
(I gather that's the most current version), which I need to develop my
prototype further. It doesn't work, and I don't know why.

First, a word about terminology: there seems to be a lot of confusion
about “key” versus “token.” The documentation I've read seems to
distinguish the two, but doesn't use them consistently. I'm using
“token” to denote the combination of a key and secret.

Here's what I'm doing now:

1. Create a TwitterOAuth object with consumer key and consumer secret.

2. Call $oauth->requestToken($callback); save the resulting token for
later use.

3. CAll $oath->getAuthorizeURL($request_token,false).

4. Link to the returned URL.

5. On return to the callback, create a TwitterOAuth object with
consumer key, consumer secret, request key, and request secret.

6. call $oath->getAccessToken($verifier), where $verifier comes from
the URL's parameter string.

7. Use the resulting access token to create a new TwitterOAuth object
with consumer key, consumer secret, access key, and access secret.

8. Try to perform an operation.

Everything seems to work well up to step 8, where I get back a
response that says, “Could not authenticate you.”

I'm baffled. It seems to me that either this thing works or it
doesn't, and if it doesn't, there's no logical process for figuring
out why.

I noticed one odd thing which might be a clue. I understand that the
"oauth_token" returned to the callback URL is supposed to the same as
the request key passed to the oauth_token passed to the authorization
URL (and thus, I assume, the request key in the request token passed
to getAuthorizeURL. It ain't so. The value returned to the callback
URL doesn't match anything else I recognize.

[twitter-dev] Weird inconsistency in social graph

2010-05-16 Thread Zac Bowling
I've been poking around with this little ruby script running it every
now and then the last few weeks: http://gist.github.com/403113 (I'm
trying to get an understanding of the rate of change in my social
graph by being able to compare my graph to any point in time I
previously ran the script.)

I turned up a weird inconstancy though. Some Twitter employees that
are following me (or maybe not following me) appear and disappear
randomly from my social graph. Like @mm who every few times shows she
follows me (who I don't think is actually following me because I can't
DM her to check), and also @dougw on rare occasion shows he isn't
following me (which I know he is because I can DM him). I thought it
was a fluke or caching issue but it's been like that for over a 2
weeks and hasn't cleared up (even before the accept bug). Seems to
only happen with twitter employees but that may be just a coincidence,
or maybe it might its a bug with some internal feature you have
enabled for twitter employees that is acting up maybe.

Any ideas? Not a critical issue but just wondering out of curiosity.

Attached are the results from making 3 requests of my followers social
graph a few seconds apart. The second one has @mm, but the other two

--- followers/1274040599.txt2010-05-16 13:09:59.0 -0700
+++ followers/1274040541.txt2010-05-16 13:09:01.0 -0700
@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@

Zac Bowling

[twitter-dev] PNG's not uploading

2010-05-16 Thread howard
THe API has not been uploading PNG's as avatars/profile pix that my
app sends. Then I tried on twitter.com directly and surprisingly got
the "there was a problem updating your profile" message.

I tried with a JPG on the website and it worked fine.

Are you aware of the issue?


Re: [twitter-dev] WebSockets protocol for streaming API

2010-05-16 Thread Zac Bowling
Web sockets allows you to support cross domain access however you want
by checking the "Origin:" header. If you only want to allow your own
domain, then you can compare the Origin equals your own domain and if
you want to allow some domains or all domains you can whitelist as you

According to the lastest version of the draft spec's security concern:

One thing to understand is that WebSockets are not really HTTP.
WebSockets handshakes may start out looking like an HTTP in the
initial request and initial response but that only so that it's
possible for a web server serving HTTP today could be used to handle
the requests and be able to tell that it's a WebSocket and internally
switch over to handling the request as a WebSocket internally.

Websockets are not like HTTP though in that they are full duplex
communication (real two way communication). It avoids some of the
tricks you have to do with AJAX Comet/Long polling/http streaming by
giving the browsers something more like traditional TCP/IP sockets to
communicate back the server while still working through HTTP proxies
and firewalls.

Jetty, the web server that Twitter uses today on the streaming side
supports WebSockets in its latest version
(http://blogs.webtide.com/gregw/entry/jetty_websocket_server). Most of
the web socket server implementations that exist today are built on
top of traditional web servers, but they don't use epoll or any kind
of event based async sockets (most design around having a single
thread handle the connections for a user) and so they are unable to
handle massive numbers of simultaneous open concurrent connections
like you can with Jetty or FriendFeed's Tornado

I would love to see a streaming server implementation using WebSockets
from Twitter, not only just for access from web browsers but from
desktop clients that support websockets. There are some doors that
open with that like being able to send back messages to Twitter up the
socket (like sending a tweet, or changing the paramaters of what we
are filtering on the stream, or request all sorts of things that you
would have to do on the querystring and have to reconnect to change

Zac Bowling

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 11:29 AM, John Kalucki  wrote:
> I did a quick reading, and I couldn't tell if WS connections are
> restricted back to the domain of the calling page, or if arbitrary
> connections are allowed. If the former, there may not be a reason for
> the Streaming API to support this. If the latter, perhaps there's a
> valid use case.
> Looking at the protocol itself, this wouldn't be trivial to support,
> but it might not be that bad either. We'll have to keep an eye on the
> installed browser base and see when this might make sense.
> It is too bad that they didn't allow HTTP connections with incremental
> byte reads in addition to WB connections on that interface. I'm sure
> they had their reasons.
> -John Kalucki
> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I'm not particularly familiar with the specifics of WebSockets but here is
>> the draft documentation: http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/
>> I don't see Chrome Extensions as being any different from desktop
>> applications as they are both manually installed by the user on their
>> desktop.
>> Abraham
>> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 09:02, John Kalucki  wrote:
>>> The first release of User Streams is not intended for web clients due
>>> to capacity constraints.
>>> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/ChirpUserStreams
>>> "
>>> All services, mobile and browser-based clients must not use Streaming
>>> until we've sorted out Desktop clients at some scale. One problem at a
>>> time.
>>> "
>>> That being said, of course we'd like to encourage experimentation with
>>> other client types, so that clients can evolve as we scale out the
>>> service.
>>> While others at Twitter are well-versed in the latest browser
>>> technologies, I'm totally and willfully ignorant. If you could give a
>>> brief summary of how the existing Streaming API does not work for
>>> WebSockets, that might be helpful. What's missing?
>>> -John Kalucki
>>> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
>>> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
>>> On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Cezar Sá Espinola 
>>> wrote:
>>> > Hey guys,
>>> > Quick question, are there any plans on supporting WebSockets protocol
>>> > for
>>> > the Streaming API?
>>> > That'd be awesome for browser based Twitter clients (i.e. Google Chrome
>>> > extensions). Without this it'll be very difficult for this kind of
>>> > client to
>>> > lavarage benefit from the upcoming user streams.
>>> > Thanks a lot for all your hard work,
>>> > Cezar Sá Espinola
>>> > @cezarsa
>> --
>> Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
>> @abraham | htt

Re: [twitter-dev] Field constraints

2010-05-16 Thread Raffi Krikorian
> Is there a reference that explains the field types and constraints of
> the data coming from the Twitter API?

unfortunately, no - we don't have a centralized document listing all this
(although, we probably should).

> Some things are a bit uncertain. For example, are user IDs 32bit or 64
> bit integers?

 right now, there are less than 2^32 users, if that helps :P

are there any other fields that are ambiguous?

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

Re: [twitter-dev] WebSockets protocol for streaming API

2010-05-16 Thread Raffi Krikorian
as a fallback - some people have had some success using
http://github.com/r/twstreamer to get access to the stream from javascript
(using flash as a bridge).  usual caveats around production-izing streams

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 5:38 AM, Cezar Sá Espinola wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Quick question, are there any plans on supporting WebSockets protocol for
> the Streaming API?
> That'd be awesome for browser based Twitter clients (i.e. Google Chrome
> extensions). Without this it'll be very difficult for this kind of client to
> lavarage benefit from the upcoming user streams.
> Thanks a lot for all your hard work,
> Cezar Sá Espinola
> @cezarsa

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

Re: [twitter-dev] Twitter returns different tweet ids.

2010-05-16 Thread Raffi Krikorian
how are you defining correct?  ie - what are you comparing the ids against
so as to lead you to think they are not correct?

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 2:25 PM, omergul123  wrote:

> Hello. when I call the statuses/home_timeline api method ro retrieve
> the tweets, the ids of the tweets that are returned are not correct.
> What could be the problem?
> All the data except the tweet id are returned correctly.
> I use the jmathai's twitter client:
> http://github.com/jmathai/twitter-async

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

[twitter-dev] Re: How to filter out utf-8 characters in java

2010-05-16 Thread giustin
Hi, Dears!

If one of yours could help me, I will really be happy. I have no
experience with PHP.

If you access the follow link, the prototype will send a request to
the Search PHP Twitter Class with the tag "educacao". In my language,
it to be "educação". So, some tweets results could be show like


The follow link show the Search.php class that makes the process:


I guess that some convertion function could be resolve it, like
iconv(‘utf-8′,’iso-8859-1′), or something else. But I dont know
exactly what to do and where. Looking to search.php, some suggestion?

Thank you very much.

On 13 maio, 17:47, Zac Bowling  wrote:
> PHP treats strings as c strings basically (char/byte arrays). It won't really 
> do anything special automagically and leaves it up to you to make sure you 
> treat your strings safely. Make sure your code is encoded in utf-8 and make 
> sure your content types are set to UTF-8 in your responses. Use UTF-8 
> wherever you can in your dbs and use utf8_encode/decode and the mb functions 
> replacements where you can't. If you are making http requests mark your 
> encodings in your requests correctly (with CURL set your charset to UTF-8 in 
> your request headers).    
> In java, all strings are high level representations of chars (internally UCS2 
> wide chars but you don't need to worry about that). You just need to make 
> sure you decode/encode properly and mark your charsets in your requests and 
> responses everywhere.  
> Zac
> Sent from my iPad
> On May 13, 2010, at 10:51 AM, Matt Sanford  wrote:
> > Higiustin,
> > I don't think it's the same issue since yours is more PHP specific.
> > My guess is that the PHP library in question or the code you're using
> > to process the results is incorrectly converting between UTF-8 and
> > ISO-8859-1 [1]. Maybe someone on the list with some more PHP knowledge
> > can suggest a fix.
> > Thanks;
> > — Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
> > [1] =
> > The UTF-8 encoding of ã is two bytes. When those same two bytes are
> > interpreted as ISO-8859-1 (a.k.a ISO-Latin-1) they are interpreted as
> > two characters, like so (fixed width font required):
> > UTF-8 Bytes vs. Same bytes in ISO-8859-1
> > 
> > n 0x6E n
> > ã 0xC3 Ã
> >  0xA3 £
> > o 0x6F o
> > On May 12, 7:19 pm,giustin wrote:
> >> I have similar problems.
> >> When I try to search using the tag "não" the result is ""não". The
> >> API that I used were Twitter Search API from Ryan Faerman (http://
> >> ryanfaerman.com/twittersearch/)
> >> Regards.
> >> On 12 maio, 21:47, Matt Sanford  wrote:
> >>> Hi there,
> >>>     All characters in Tweets are utf-8. I'm assuming you're looking
> >>> for something specific like accents or ASCII-art punctuation. Can you
> >>> describe your problem in a little more detail? I might be able to help
> >>> once I know what you're trying to prevent.
> >>> Thanks;
> >>>   — Matt Sanford / @mzsanford
> >>> On May 12, 4:21 pm, adamjamesdrew  wrote:
>  any ideas?

[twitter-dev] How to use PHP Twitter Search API with the operators OR SINCE HASHTAG etc

2010-05-16 Thread giustin

Using the PHP Twitter Search by  Ryan Faerman, I'm trying to create a
mashup to my final university project.

The class is that: 

What I would like to know?

In the Search API Twitter, you can use many methods, and I dont know
if this class include all them. Examples:

1. searching tweets with tags "brasil" or "copa" since 2010-05-15.

2. just using the operator "OR", to the tags "twitter" or "you":

3. With the #hashtag:

FONT: http://search.twitter.com/operators

Looking at the TwitterSearch.phps, how can I create a script to bring
the results to me using OR ou SINCE operators? Look up my example:


The link above bring me tweets that exists "brasil" AND "copa" tags. I
dont wanna AND but OR operator. Someone could help me with this?


[twitter-dev] Re: How to use PHP Twitter Search API with the operators OR SINCE HASHTAG etc

2010-05-16 Thread giustin
Hi, myself and dears mates! :)

It is very simple, but I'm not saw before. So, a example with the
operator OR is:



On 17 maio, 00:04, giustin  wrote:
> Hi,
> Using the PHP Twitter Search by  Ryan Faerman, I'm trying to create a
> mashup to my final university project.
> The class is 
> that:http://greenservr.com/projects/twittersearch/TwitterSearch.phps
> What I would like to know?
> In the Search API Twitter, you can use many methods, and I dont know
> if this class include all them. Examples:
> 1. searching tweets with tags "brasil" or "copa" since 
> 2010-05-15.http://search.twitter.com/search?q=brasil+OR+copa+since%3A2010-05-15
> 2. just using the operator "OR", to the tags "twitter" or 
> "you":http://search.twitter.com/search?q=twitter+OR+you
> 3. With the #hashtag:http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23twitter
> FONT:http://search.twitter.com/operators
> Looking at the TwitterSearch.phps, how can I create a script to bring
> the results to me using OR ou SINCE operators? Look up my example:
> http://www.portabilis.com.br/tcc/search_PHP_API/index.php?twitterq=br...
> The link above bring me tweets that exists "brasil" AND "copa" tags. I
> dont wanna AND but OR operator. Someone could help me with this?
> Regards,

[twitter-dev] Re: Introduce yourself!

2010-05-16 Thread Jonathan
I'm Jonathan Sachs, and I'm working with a company named Kachingle
(http://www.kachingle.com) that's building a new type of service for
letting users give financial support to the web sites they visit. We
want to use Twitter to keep our member sites and users aware of each
others' activities.

I've spent about half of my career doing programming, and the other
half doing technical writing. (I'm a big believer in documentation,
and in software design for usability.) I'currently do most of my
programming in PHP, with a little Javascript thrown in. My past
activities have encompassed Java, C++, C, Visual Basic for
Applications, FORTH, PL/I, FORTRAN IV, SNOBOL3, and IBM Basic Assembly
Language. Among other things.

I'm currently wrestling with the latest (I think) version of Abraham's
implementation of the API, trying to make it do the things that an
older version did.

[twitter-dev] new api for entity's mentioned by @raffi

2010-05-16 Thread davidnelson

Does anyone know when the new api for entities will be available?  I
think an api to get all metadata for a twitter user id would be far
more useful and also lower api traffic way more.

Any chance of seeing this one?


[twitter-dev] Re: xAuth now returns a 403 when posting a tweet

2010-05-16 Thread neptune2000
Item closed. Twitter now returns 403 when re-sending the same message,
which is what the referenced demo program does.

On May 15, 12:56 pm, neptune2000  wrote:
> I have been using the xAuth code by Aral Balkan for my iPhone apps:
> http://aralbalkan.com/3133/
> The code had been working fine for a couple of months both getting
> token and posting tweets. I rerun the code today, and all of a sudden
> while getting the token still work, posting a tweet always returns a
> 403:
> Twitter request failed: 18C9AA7E-05BF-408D-A8CE-7480A2FAD4CB with
> error:Error Domain=HTTP Code=403 “Operation could not be completed.
> (HTTP error 403.)”
> Has something changed on Twitter's end regarding the xAuth protocol
> since March 11, which is when Aral Balkan's code was last modified?
> Any ideas?
> Thanks.
> -- neptune2000

[twitter-dev] Re: Twitter xAuth with Chilkat Hail Mary - Internal Server Error (500)

2010-05-16 Thread Peter Cross
I figured it out.

Here's my tip for anyone struggling with xAuth for Twitter without the
help of a library:  The Hueniverse Interactive Walkthrough

This lets you test your values to see if they're valid.  Just choose
the "Create Your Own" option, plug in your variables and see what it
spits out for base signature, signature, timestamp etc.

This would have cut many hours off of my debug time.  Hope it helps


On May 12, 1:11 pm, Peter Cross  wrote:
> Greetings,
> Can anyone spot what I'm doing wrong here?  I've been busting my head
> on it for way too many hours.  Any help much appreciated!
> -ZPC
> === 
> ==
> HTTP Requirements:
> * You are using POST
> * You are using SSL
> * Your xAuth parameters are the ONLY parameters in your POST body
> * You're setting a Content-Type header of "application/x-www-form-
> urlencoded"
> * You're using HTTP header-based OAuth -- not attaching OAuth
> parameters to the URL or POST body
> * You're HTTP Authorization header should only have oauth parameters
> in it, not any of the xauth parameters
> === 
> ==
> My Pseudo Code:
> Dim objRequest as new chilkatHttpRequest
> Dim objResponse as chilkatHttpResponse
> Dim sUrl as string
> Dim sPost as string
> Dim sAuthorize as string
> sUrl =https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token
> sAuthorize = OAuth oauth_consumer_key="WITNI0aegpKoIYX7altq3A",
> oauth_nonce="TCHRFIGDJS403105000810185", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-
> SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1273680007",
> oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="rY9qTi1o4Ew+/6rS4248VY81i9M="
> objRequest.UsePost
> objRequest.AddHeader "Authorization", sAuthorize
> sPost =
> x_auth_mode=client_auth&x_auth_password=XXX&x_auth_username=XXX
> objRequest.LoadBodyFromString sPost, "utf-8"
>     Set objResponse = m_objHttp.PostUrlEncoded(sUrl, objRequest)
>     sDomain = m_objHttp.GetDomain(sUrl)
>     objRequest.Path = m_objHttp.GetUrlPath(sUrl)
>     Set objResponse = m_objHttp.SynchronousRequest(sDomain, 443, 1,
> objRequest)
> === 
> ==
> This is what I get back from the Chilkat HTTP Event Log:
> SocketConnect = api.twitter.com:443
> HostnameResolve = api.twitter.com
> ResolvedToIp =
> SocketConnected = api.twitter.com:443
> SslHandshake = Starting
> SslHandshake = Finished
> HttpRequestBegin = POST,api.twitter.com:443/oauth/access_token
> RequestHeader = POST /oauth/access_token HTTP/1.1
> Authorization: OAuth oauth_consumer_key="WITNI0aegpKoIYX7altq3A",
> oauth_nonce="TCHRFIGDJS403105000810185", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-
> SHA1", oauth_timestamp="1273680007",
> oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature="rY9qTi1o4Ew+/6rS4248VY81i9M="
> Host: api.twitter.com
> Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
> Content-Length: 0
> StartSendingRequest = 370
> PercentDone = 100
> HttpInfo = Begin reading response
> ResponseHeader = HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
> Date: Wed, 12 May 2010 16:29:06 GMT
> Server: hi
> Status: 500 Internal Server Error
> X-Transaction: 1273681746-82104-13101
> Last-Modified: Wed, 12 May 2010 16:29:06 GMT
> Content-Type: text/html; charset="utf-8"
> Content-Length: 4659
> Pragma: no-cache
> X-Revision: DEV
> Expires: Tue, 31 Mar 1981 05:00:00 GMT
> Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, pre-check=0, post-
> check=0
> Set-Cookie: k=;
>   path="/"; expires="Wed, 19-May-10 16:29:04 GMT";
>   domain=".twitter.com"
> Set-Cookie: guest_id=127368174665612036;
>   path="/"; expires="Fri, 11 Jun 2010 16:29:06 GMT"
> Set-Cookie:
> _twitter_sess=BAh7CToPY3JlYXRlZF9hdGwrCOAaWY0oAToRdHJhbnNfcHJvbXB0MDoHaWQi
> %250AY3Rpb25Db250cm9sbGVyOjpGbGFzaDo6Rmxhc2hIYXNoewAGOgpAdXNlZHsA--32c34802 
> 010f03dfd32dafd5977de62874d7b166;
>   domain=".twitter.com"; path="/"
> Vary: Accept-Encoding
> Connection: close
> HttpStatusCode = 500
> ResponseContentLength = 4659
> ResponseContentLength = 4659
> PercentDone = 42
> HttpInfo = Connection:close header is present
> HttpInfo = Finished reading response
> PercentDone = 100
> ###

[twitter-dev] Weird text gets added to my site's URL

2010-05-16 Thread Adam Capriola
It appears that when I'm not logged into Twitter and visit my site
that has @anywhere on it, this is added to the end of all my URLs:


How can I get rid of this?  Is there a fix?

(My site is http://www.adamcapriola.com/ You can try to see if you can
reproduce the error I guess.)

Thanks so much in advance.



[twitter-dev] The pseudo-code for base string in OAuth page is wrong.

2010-05-16 Thread Rafael Borges

After carefully reading your OAuth page instructions, I concluded that
the pseudo-code for base string in Signing Requests section of
Authenticating Requests pages is wrong (http://dev.twitter.com/pages/
auth#signing-requests). The pseudo-code only URL encodes the
parameters once, but i must be twice, as you can see from the example
in this same page:

oauth_callback = 
url_encode( oauth_callback ) =
url_encode( url_encode( oauth_callback ) ) =

note how ":" is encoded in the two forms: the first, as "%3A", while
the second, as "%253A".

Thanks and sorry for the annoyance.

Re: [twitter-dev] WebSockets protocol for streaming API

2010-05-16 Thread Cezar Sá Espinola
Hey guys, thanks for the responses.

You're right, the motive why I can't use the WebSockets interface is that
although the header information for the WebSockets protocol is based on HTTP
headers, it's not HTTP and you cannot open a WebSocket connection to an HTTP

The only other option for network connectivity within browser based clients
is using the XmlHttpRequest interface for opening HTTP connections, that's
perfectly fine for the REST and the search APIs, however, trying to
establish a persistent connection with the XmlHttpRequest interface for use
with the streaming API doesn't seem possible.

As for cross-origin requests policy I think WebSockets rely on the
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing specification [1] authorizing or not the
connection based on a whitelist sent by the server on the response header.
So that's probably a non-issue.

Another benefit that I can imagine is that WebSockets allow a 2-way
persistent connection. Because it's a 2-way connection that could make it a
lot easier to update the filter predicate without the necessity of
reconnecting, but that's another story. :)

[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/access-control/

Again, thanks for your hard work,
Cezar Sá Espinola

On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 3:29 PM, John Kalucki  wrote:

> I did a quick reading, and I couldn't tell if WS connections are
> restricted back to the domain of the calling page, or if arbitrary
> connections are allowed. If the former, there may not be a reason for
> the Streaming API to support this. If the latter, perhaps there's a
> valid use case.
> Looking at the protocol itself, this wouldn't be trivial to support,
> but it might not be that bad either. We'll have to keep an eye on the
> installed browser base and see when this might make sense.
> It is too bad that they didn't allow HTTP connections with incremental
> byte reads in addition to WB connections on that interface. I'm sure
> they had their reasons.
> -John Kalucki
> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
> On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 3:22 PM, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > I'm not particularly familiar with the specifics of WebSockets but here
> is
> > the draft documentation: http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/
> > I don't see Chrome Extensions as being any different from desktop
> > applications as they are both manually installed by the user on their
> > desktop.
> > Abraham
> >
> > On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 09:02, John Kalucki  wrote:
> >>
> >> The first release of User Streams is not intended for web clients due
> >> to capacity constraints.
> >>
> >> http://apiwiki.twitter.com/ChirpUserStreams
> >> "
> >> All services, mobile and browser-based clients must not use Streaming
> >> until we've sorted out Desktop clients at some scale. One problem at a
> >> time.
> >> "
> >>
> >> That being said, of course we'd like to encourage experimentation with
> >> other client types, so that clients can evolve as we scale out the
> >> service.
> >>
> >> While others at Twitter are well-versed in the latest browser
> >> technologies, I'm totally and willfully ignorant. If you could give a
> >> brief summary of how the existing Streaming API does not work for
> >> WebSockets, that might be helpful. What's missing?
> >>
> >> -John Kalucki
> >> http://twitter.com/jkalucki
> >> Infrastructure, Twitter Inc.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Fri, May 14, 2010 at 9:38 PM, Cezar Sá Espinola 
> >> wrote:
> >> > Hey guys,
> >> > Quick question, are there any plans on supporting WebSockets protocol
> >> > for
> >> > the Streaming API?
> >> > That'd be awesome for browser based Twitter clients (i.e. Google
> Chrome
> >> > extensions). Without this it'll be very difficult for this kind of
> >> > client to
> >> > lavarage benefit from the upcoming user streams.
> >> > Thanks a lot for all your hard work,
> >> > Cezar Sá Espinola
> >> > @cezarsa
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Abraham Williams | Developer for hire | http://abrah.am
> > @abraham | http://projects.abrah.am | http://blog.abrah.am
> > This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.
> >

[twitter-dev] Re: MGTwitterEngine with OAuth and XAuth support

2010-05-16 Thread Mathieu
Thanks Steve!

I'm using it, but I always get back a 401 error when trying to do a

- My apps have been granted xAuth access by Twitter (I tried with
multiple consumer keys and secrets)
- I fetch the token with -[MGTwitterEngine
- I get the token back in -[id accessTokenReceved:forRequest:]
- I set it on the Twitter engine with -[MGTwitterEngine
- I try to send an update with -[MGTwitterEngine sendUpdate:] and I
always get a 401 error back (with no description of the 401)

Is it working for someone? Any idea of what is going on in my case?

Thanks a lot,


On May 1, 6:57 pm, Steve Streza  wrote:
> Hey everyone,
> I'm one of the collaborators on theMGTwitterEngineproject for Mac
> and iPhone developers. We've finished our initial implementation of
> OAuth and XAuth support withinMGTwitterEngine. This uses the
> OAuthConsumer framework to handle the business end of OAuth, meaning
> that there are only a couple newMGTwitterEngineAPIs you need to use
> (and we've got a wiki guide for migrating to OAuth). We expect most
> users of the framework to want to use XAuth to obtain an access token,
> so we have a convenience API for handling that (of course, you'll need
> to obtain the opt-in from Twitter). After getting XAuth access, it
> shouldn't take more than a half hour to get set up to obtain your
> access token and start sending requests.
> We're also planning on releasing a new version ofMGTwitterEnginewith
> support for some new APIs and bug fixes, as well as OAuth. We're
> hoping to get this out by WWDC, or at least before the OAuth deadline.
> We're aware of the buffer needed for App Store approval, so we'll be
> trying to finish this up ASAP.
> You can grab the code from the project page 
> here:http://github.com/mattgemmell/MGTwitterEngine/
> You can read the migration guide 
> here:http://wiki.github.com/mattgemmell/MGTwitterEngine/migrating-from-bas...
> Feedback is always welcome. If you have any issues, please file them
> in the project issue tracker 
> here:http://github.com/mattgemmell/MGTwitterEngine/issues
> Now stop using basic auth already.
> Thanks,
> Steve

[twitter-dev] Re: OAuth issue, using mostly supplied code.

2010-05-16 Thread wparsons
Bingo!! Thanks so much Abraham!!  My server time was out by a few
hours, synced it up and I get results just like expected!!

On May 16, 10:31 am, Abraham Williams <4bra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Make sure your clock is properly synced. If it is more the a few minutes off
> it can cause the same error.
> Abraham
> On Sun, May 16, 2010 at 01:49, wparsons  wrote:
> > Hopefully someone can help me out with this one, as I'm pretty stuck..
> > I'm using the PHP example on here:
> >http://dev.twitter.com/pages/oauth_single_token
> > "function getConnectionWithAccessToken($oauth_token,
> > $oauth_token_secret) {
> >  $connection = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET,
> > $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
> >  return $connection;
> > }
> > $connection = getConnectionWithAccessToken("abcdefg", "hijklmnop");
> > $content = $connection->get("statuses/home_timeline");"
> > along with the OAuth.php and twitterOAuth.php classes from @abraham's
> > code.  I've triple checked that all the keys are correct (copied and
> > pasted from my twitter account).  I'm using my OAuth_Token and
> > OAuth_Token_Secret, not the sample strings in the above code.
> > No matter what I request in the 'get', I get an "Invalid / Used nonce"
> > error back.  The Oauth.php and twitteroauth.php files are 100%
> > untouched, and when I view the request, the nonce and timestamp are
> > changing with every request.
> > If I change the OAuth_Token key I get an expired token error, but
> > changing the other keys doesn't have any effect, so it might be
> > related to the keys I'm using?
> > Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
> --
> Abraham Williams | Developer for hire |http://abrah.am
> @abraham |http://projects.abrah.am|http://blog.abrah.am
> This email is: [ ] shareable [x] ask first [ ] private.