Re: Application not working with MacOSX 10.6 (maybe due to tsNet)

2017-04-26 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 26/04/2017 11:41, Hakima Manseri via use-livecode wrote:

Hi again,

the new standalone does leunch on 10.6 but tsNet with LiveCode 8.0
doesn't seem include SFTP support.
Is that the case or have we messed up somewhere ?

tsNet is only included in LiveCode 8.1.0 or later.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: [ANN] This Week in LiveCode 78

2017-04-10 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 10/04/2017 16:10, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:

Thank you, Panos.

This item was particularly interesting:

   Add a new script library implementing unified diff generation and
   patch application: Expected in LiveCode 9.0 DP-7

It wasn't immediately clear to me from the notes in that PR what that
does, but the description sounds enticing.

Can you offer a little background on that?

It's exactly what it says on the tin: a library that implements an 
algorithm for finding a minimal line-based edit script between two input 
texts, along with the ability to turn that into a unified diff.

Go have a look at the source code, which contains inline documentation:

You could also have a look at the tests:

Its development was sponsored by David Simpson.  Check out FMProMigrator. :)


Dr Peter Brett 

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Re: Blowfish digest , how to create in Livecode

2017-03-28 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 28/03/2017 00:29, Matthias Rebbe via use-livecode wrote:


i have a MySQL DB which uses passwords  created with php crypt
function using blowfish

the php code looks like this for example

$digest= crypt(‘myPassword01’,$salt);

how can i do this in Livecode server? I find SHA1digest and MD5digest
functions in the dictionary, but no blowfishDigest function.

Hi Matthias,

Quick note that you may be affected by this PHP security vulnerability:

I'm not sure about Blowfish-based `crypt()` with LiveCode, I'm afraid.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: Text formatting in LC HTML5 apps?

2017-03-28 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 28/03/2017 10:32, Terry Judd via use-livecode wrote:

Is there any way to display styled text in HTML5 apps? There only
seems to be one font supported and I can change the colour and size
but nothing else sticks (LC Community 9.0.0 dp5).

You can add any additional fonts you like by putting them in the 
`/boot/fonts/` directory in the standalone archive.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: HTML5 export broken in 9.0.0-dp-6?

2017-03-17 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 17/03/2017 07:04, Terry Judd via use-livecode wrote:

Is it just me or is HTML5 export not working in 9.0.0-dp-6? A stack
that worked in 8.1.2 just a few minutes ago now throws an

To use dlopen, you need to use Emscripten's linking support, see

...and I seem to get the same thing event with a brand new stack
just containing a single button. In the past I only saw this error
when I accidently included something in the stack that it didn’t like
(like a widget or a substack). Any ideas?

It's not just you!  It's a known issue in 9.0 DP 6.  From the release

HTML5 standalones built using this release are not functional. See
bug for more


Dr Peter Brett 

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Re: Translating escape sequences

2017-03-15 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 14/03/2017 21:26, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:

I'm dealing with non-English languages, and JSON data retrieved from a
database comes in with unicode escape sequences like this: Eduardo

I need to translate those. I can do it by replacing the "\u" with "0x"
and then using numToCodepoint() to get the UTF16 character. But there
could be many of these in the same string, so I'm looking for a one-shot
command that might just do them all. I don't think we have one.

The alternative is to loop through all the text, getting an offset for
each "\u" and then calculating the number of characters after that to
use with numToCodepoint(). But will it always be 4 characters in any

Or is there an easier way?

JsonImport() should handle those automatically.  Please let me know if 
it doesn't!


Dr Peter Brett 

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Re: SHA1 cracked .... What are the chances this will be addressed in LC?

2017-03-07 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 07/03/2017 15:28, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

Thanks Peter. But then how will I know programmatically if the password is 
correct or not?

Hi Bob,

Here's a worked example of what I'm talking about.



/* Compute a hash-based message authentication code
using the SHA-1 hash.  This is broken; it should correctly
follow RFC 2104. */
private function hmacSha1 pKey, pMessage
   return sha1digest(pKey & sha1digest(pKey & pMessage))
end hmacSha1

/* Generate a 160-bit salt value suitable for use when
storing a password */
private function generateSalt
   return randomBytes(20)
end generateSalt

/* Convert the specified cleartext password string to an
secure string suitable for storage using the specified
salt, which should be a base 64-encoded string. */
private function securePassword pPasswordString, pSaltData
   local tPasswordData
   put textEncode(pPasswordString, "UTF-8") into tPasswordData
   return base64Encode(pSaltData) & comma & \
 base64Encode(hmacSha1(pSaltData, tPasswordData))
end securePassword

/* Get the salt part of a secured password string */
private function getSecurePasswordSalt pSecurePassword
   return base64Decode(item 1 of pSecurePassword)
end getSecurePasswordSalt

/* Store a new password.  Use this when a user creates
a new account or changes their password for any reason */
function storePassword pPasswordString
   return securePassword(pPasswordString, generateSalt())
end storePassword

/* Verify a password.  Use this when a user tries to log
in.  Returns true if the password is correct and false
otherwise. */
function verifyPassword pPasswordString, pSecurePassword
   local tSaltData, tTrialString
   put getSecurePasswordSalt(pSecurePassword) into tSaltData
   put securePassword(pPasswordString, tSaltData) into tTrialString
   return tTrialString is pSecurePassword
end verifyPassword


private command _testAssert pDesc, pCondition
   if pCondition then
  put "ok -" && pDesc & return after msg
  put "not ok -" && pDesc & return after msg
   end if
end _testAssert

command _testPasswordDemo
   local tSecured
   put storePassword("correct horse battery staple") into tSecured
   put "# Stored:" && tSecured & return into msg
   _testAssert "bad password", \
 not verifyPassword("hunter2", tSecured)
   _testAssert "good password", \
 verifyPassword("correct horse battery staple", tSecured)
end _testPasswordDemo

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 73

2017-03-06 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #73 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 

lcb-mode for Emacs:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: SHA1 cracked .... What are the chances this will be addressed in LC?

2017-03-06 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 03/03/2017 18:00, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

It looks like the encrypt command is already using this method if
the "with salt" arguement is provided? At least the encrypted result
starts with "salted" and at least part of the salt value.

Hi Bob,

The "encrypt" command provides symmetric cryptographic functions, i.e.
you can decrypt the result again to get the cleartext back.  This is 
_not_ a desirable property for a password storage system; you should 
always use one-way (asymmetric) functions, such as a cryptographic hash.


Dr Peter Brett 

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: SHA1 cracked .... What are the chances this will be addressed in LC?

2017-03-02 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 02/03/2017 19:28, Alejandro Tejada via use-livecode wrote:

How difficult would be to guess a sha1 digest, if we repeat it many,
many times? Just as Peter Brett wrote in a previous message:

put sha1Digest(sha1Digest(sha1Digest(tData))) -- 3 times!

Don't do this.  It will make it _easier_ to generate collisions, because 
each successive iteration loses some information from the input -- i.e. 
the scheme you suggest _reduces_ security.

When performing repeated hashing, you need to feed the original data in 
again at each stage.  See this Stack Overflow answer for a very detailed 

The summary is that you need the following formulation to ensure 
security for repeated hashing:

put sha1Digest(tData & sha1Digest(tData & sha1Digest(tData)))
-- etcetera.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: SHA1 cracked .... What are the chances this will be addressed in LC?

2017-03-01 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 01/03/2017 18:22, Richard Gaskin via use-livecode wrote:

The answer turns out to be: "Quite good - pull request submitted, status
changed to 'Awaiting Build'" - i.e. "done!"

Many thanks to Peter Brett for addressing this, and implementing it in
such a nice way.

Hold your horses, Richard, I'm still waiting for the official Mark 
Waddingham stamp of approval for making changes to the LiveCode language!

There's a still a chance that it'll change a bit before it actually 
makes its way into a release.

   Peter ;-)

Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: SHA1 cracked .... What are the chances this will be addressed in LC?

2017-03-01 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 01/03/2017 15:37, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

Hi Peter. Very informative thank you. In the example,

[protected form] = [salt] + protect([protection func], [salt] +

It looks like they are saying to prepent the salt prior to the
protect function (in the case of LC that would be encrypt) but if
someone got access to the SQL database, wouldn't that give part of
the secret away? Isn't the salt value a way to further obscure the
credential, making something like a hash table more difficult?

I use a salt value that only I know, and I password protect the stack
that uses it. Seems to me that prepending the salt to the protected
form is like giving someone my user name but not my password. The
other team is starting on the 50 yard line (in American sports

The idea of a password storage scheme is to make it extremely costly for
an attacker to recover the original passwords, even given _total_ 
information about the scheme.  When evaluating a scheme, you should 
always assume that if someone has got access to your password database, 
they have also got access to anything else on that server or any server 
connected to it -- potentially including your secret salt.

By appending the salt to the front of the protected form, you can use a
different salt for every single password in your database.  Even if 
someone knows a password already (e.g. because they have an account on 
your server), they gain no information about any of the other passwords 
in the database.

Password storage schemes like Argon2 go one step further and put all of 
the parameters for the protected form into the protected string.  This 
allows the parameters to be modified for newly-stored passwords while 
still being able to verify old passwords.  They are also tuned to ensure 
that it takes a long time to compute the protected form (usually around 
0.1 to 0.5 ms).  That's long enough that knowing _all_ the parameters 
still makes it infeasible to figure out what the original password was.

In summary: salt values shouldn't need to be secret.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: RSYNC still uses MD5 and...

2017-03-01 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 01/03/2017 02:39, Alejandro Tejada via use-livecode wrote:

RSYNC would be a nice and useful addition
to LiveCode engine.

Could RSYNC be implemented fast enough
using only LiveCode scripts?

The way that rsync uses hashes isn't at all problematic.  If an attacker 
has the level of access to be able to introduce hash collisions into 
files that you're copying using rsync, then you have bigger problems 
than the hash collisions!

In my opinion, rsync isn't a wheel that needs to be reinvented using 
LiveCode. :-)  However, yes, since rsync is almost entirely constrained 
by IO bandwidth, there's no reason that you couldn't rewrite it to be 
fast enough using LiveCode.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: SHA1 cracked .... What are the chances this will be addressed in LC?

2017-03-01 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 28/02/2017 15:46, Bob Sneidar via use-livecode wrote:

Thanks for that Peter! I've been thinking about a way to encrypt data
for storage in database systems for things like passwords and server
credentials. Now to figure out how to decrypt it...

Hi Bob,

Never store user passwords in clear text, or in any encoding that can be 
reversed.  Both message digest algorithms and HMACs are intended to be 
*one-way* functions -- this is one of their important properties.

If you are handling passwords, then this is a pretty decent page with 
good guidelines on how to do it safely and securely:

Note that the HMAC definition I posted earlier is a simplified version; 
it would probably be a good idea to have a library that provides the 
full spec described in

Also, I'm wondering whether to add an Argon2 or PBKDF2 implementation to 
the engine to help with this.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 72

2017-02-27 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #72 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 

lcb-mode for Emacs:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: SHA1 cracked .... What are the chances this will be addressed in LC?

2017-02-27 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 24/02/2017 18:47, axwald via use-livecode wrote:

few days ago I read about PHP incorporating a modern crypto lib now:

Not a specialist regarding this, but wouldn't it be possible to interface

@Lagi: The first customer already called to ask if I'd use "this security
risk" - thanks "LibHash-Hmac" (Richard posted the URL) I could deny
plausibly :)
Even if I agree with you about the real risk, it would be very bad idea not
to update any commercial software now. It might even have juristic
consequences, knowingly using broken crypto?

If you're using SHA-1 to implement an HMAC, you should already be using 
the recommended formulation:

hmac := hash(key | hash(key | message))

Or, in LiveCode:

function HmacSha1(pKey, pData)
return sha1digest(pKey & sha1digest(pKey & pData))
end HmacSha1

If you are doing this, then the current attack on SHA-1 does not affect 
the security of your system at all [1].


[1] I am not a cryptographer but this is my understanding of the situation.

Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: SHA1 cracked .... What are the chances this will be addressed in LC?

2017-02-24 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 24/02/2017 17:18, Lagi Pittas via use-livecode wrote:

Why does it need to be a part of the language and not a widget or a library
stack which we can all fiddle with for our projects , which would make it
more difficult for the bad boys to decrypt?

Cryptographic hash implementations have a lot of fairly strict 
requirements that make them extremely difficult to implement in a 
language like LiveCode.  For example, they have to run in _exactly_ the 
same amount of time for the same number of bytes of input, no matter 
what those bytes are.

It would be good to have an external that provides a nice variety of 
cryptographic hashes, though.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 71

2017-02-20 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #71 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 70

2017-02-13 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #70 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 69

2017-02-06 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #69 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 68

2017-01-30 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #68 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 

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Re: TextDecode JSON array

2017-01-21 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 22/01/2017 03:22, J. Landman Gay via use-livecode wrote:

Here's a test sample of some UTF8 I get back from a server:

  {"UserID":48,"UserName":"Eduardo Ba\u00f1uls","UserLoginName":"ebanu"}

Hi Jacque,

This is valid JSON (and also valid ASCII).  In JSON, any character in a 
string may be encoded in the form \u where  is the 4-digit 
hexadecimal representation of a Unicode codepoint.  No textDecode() 
operation is required.

JSONImport() handles this correctly.

1) Create a stack with a field and a button
2) Put the text above into the field
3) Set the script of the button to:

> local tJson
> put JSONImport(field 1) into tJson
> answer tJson["UserName"]

4) Enter browse mode and click the button

You will get an answer dialog displaying "Eduardo Bañuls".


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: Changes to use-livecode list.

2017-01-06 Thread Peter TB Brett via use-livecode

On 06/01/2017 12:29, Alex Tweedly via use-livecode wrote:

Now that's impossible - all emails in the thread appear from the same
address, and need to be individually opened to see who they were from,
and so searching for a reply that I remember ws from (say) Richard is
much harder.

Hi Alex,

Do you use Thunderbird?  If so, you probably want to:

1. Open the 'Preferences' window
2. Go to the 'Display' page
3. Go to the 'Advanced' tab
4. Disable the checkbox marked 'Show only display name for people in my 
address book'

This resolved the problem for me.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: LC 8.1.2 Stable

2016-12-19 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 19/12/2016 20:12, Richmond Mathewson wrote:

Anyway, be that as it may; I wonder what the socking great 60 MB
difference between the
Community version for Mac and the Indy Version for Mac actually consists

The Indy edition contains tsNet and a bunch of mergExt externals that 
aren't included in the Community edition.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 64

2016-12-19 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #64 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Xcode 8.2 support coming in 8.1.3

2016-12-15 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

The LiveCode dev team's been working on adding support for deploying iOS 
standalones using Xcode 8.2, and we expect to release it in LiveCode 8.1.3.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: AW: AW: Installer software

2016-12-09 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 09/12/2016 09:54, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

Hi Peter,
thats interesting. Right now, I pack the 2 video files (total 8 GB) in
10 zip files on DVD and store them when installing in a users choice
location on HD. I would have never thought it would be a good idea to create
one big  8GB app bundle. Do you think this would be a good idea? Wouldn't
this affect the loading time and memory requirement of the app? I always
thought that if you start an app, the whole bundle is loaded into memory.

A Mac OS X app bundle is just a set of files.  Nothing is loaded into 
memory until it's explicitly loaded by the app program.

The LiveCode Business app bundle is 1.05 GB.  However, running the IDE 
only needs about 70 MB of memory.  All of the other resources in the 
bundle -- the standalone engines, documentation, and other files -- only 
get accessed as and when they are actually used.

There's really no problem with having 2 files in an app bundle.  The 
Xcode app bundle is 9.97 GB and contains 214727 files.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: AW: Installer software

2016-12-09 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 09/12/2016 08:17, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

the main reason for me to use installer maker is the feature, to call
a program after the installer has finished (which makes a second part
of installation, extraction and copying 2 videos from 10 zip
files). I don't know, how I could realize this with the classic "drag
and drop from DMG" paradigm.

Hi Tiemo,

Don't forget that .DMG files are already compressed.  I would normally
recommend simply shipping your 2 videos as separate files within
your app bundle.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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[ANN] LiveCode is on Gitter

2016-12-08 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hey folks,

The #livecode channel on the Freenode IRC network hasn't become very 
popular, so I've been looking for an alternative community instant 
messaging solution.

Several people contacted me to suggest using Gitter, so I've now set up 
a community for LiveCode users and developers:


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: understanding on how to handle UTF-8 import/export

2016-12-06 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 06/12/2016 13:42, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

In my LC 6 programs I have uniEncoded and uniDecoded text when
exporting/importing text to an xml file via revXML.

Now with LC 8 everything internal in LC is UTF-8 and since
uniDecode/uniEncode is deprecated my first thought was, that I could
straight export/import text from LC fields into an xml file
(encoding=UTF-8), without any special charset handling anymore. But
obviously this isn't the fact. Doing so, the text is corrupted in the xml
file (checking with an editor) and trying to import the file again, fails
with an import error regarding the encoding of the file. Using my old
mechanic with the deprecated functions uniDecode/uniEncode still works fine,
but I shouldn't use these functions anymore.

Hi Tiemo,

I think you have run into bug 18927 [1].

You can use the textEncode() function to encode strings to UTF-8 before 
passing them to revXML commands.  For example:

revXMLSetAttribute tTheTreeID,"root/node1", "myAttribute", \
  textEncode(the text of fld "Input","utf-8")

I hope that helps.



Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 62

2016-12-05 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #62 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: Modern email library

2016-11-30 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 30/11/2016 13:16, Ben Rubinstein wrote:

I've one app that's been in existence for over a decade, which uses Shao
Sean's libSmtp. It works fine.

Now I find myself wanting to send email from a new stack I'm working on.
I could just drag that library out again, but I suspect that a more
modern way is to use tsNet.

AFAICT tsNet handles the protocol of communicating with the server to
transmit a message (i.e. the SMTP part), but doesn't offer any
assistance with putting the message together (formatting with
attachments etc).

What do modern people use for this? Obviously I could rip the relevant
parts out of libSMTP; or I recall that Sarah Reichelt had a library; is
there a default answer among those who've sent email in the last ten years?

As part of the LiveCode for FM project, Monte has been developing a MIME 
library for constructing e-mail bodies.  We plan to include it in 
LiveCode 9.  But you can grab it ahead of time here:


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: SVG import

2016-11-30 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 30/11/2016 07:50, David V Glasgow wrote:

2/  If not, what vector graphics program is good for (very simple) objects.  
Mac preferred, but hey ho.

Inkscape is excellent:


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: LC 9 has all the improvements of the LC 8.1 series, yes?

2016-11-29 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 29/11/2016 13:15, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

And additionally I would like to know, what caused a new first number? Why
not 8.2? What is the relevant change to make a new major version? Concerning

Hi Tiemo,

From LiveCode 9 onwards, we will use a simplified numbering scheme:

- If we add anything new or make any backward-incompatible change: 
increment first number, reset second number to 0

- If we fix bugs in a backwards-compatible way: keep first number, 
increment second number

I explained this in the blog post that I wrote about the LiveCode 9 DP 1 

The new features in LiveCode 9 will include Infinite LiveCode 
capability, with _at least_ the ability to integrate LCB code directly 
with Java libraries (such as Android APIs).


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: JavaScript + LC HTML5 = LiveCode.js

2016-11-28 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 28/11/2016 16:19, Bob Sneidar wrote:

It was a joke Peter. Buggy? Licecode? Ticksperience??

Apparently I missed it.  Sorry!

Peter :-)

Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: JavaScript + LC HTML5 = LiveCode.js

2016-11-28 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 28/11/2016 16:00, Bob Sneidar wrote:

I personally have founf the current version of Licecode to be too
buggy for my needs. You may have a different ticksperience. :-)

Hi Bob,

Please can you let me know which bugs are causing you particular
trouble?  I could take a look and see whether they're something we can
get fixed sooner rather than later.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 61

2016-11-28 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #61 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: JavaScript + LC HTML5 = LiveCode.js

2016-11-25 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 25/11/2016 04:38, Todd Fabacher wrote:

Mark, One question I had that was NOT answered is..Can a JavaScript
function call a LiveCode function? I know this was added in the LC8 browser.

Hi Todd,

Mark and Kevin are on holiday today, but I'll try and address this for you.

At the moment, JavaScript functions cannot call LiveCode functions.  Our 
current plan is to make this work in December or January.

It will be more difficult to implement than the new "do script as 
JavaScript" feature, but much easier than making the "url" chunk work 
the same way as on other platforms.

The latest idea we've had to make this happen is to let you set the 
"javaScriptHandlers" property on a stack.  This will be a list of 
message names that the web page is allowed to send to the stack.

We'll then add a JavaScript function to the standalone, that lets you 
send a message to the current "defaultStack".  For example:

Module.LiveCodeSendMessage("", ["", ""])

If  is not among the lines of the "javaScriptHandlers" of the 
defaultStack, then it'll be ignored.  Otherwise, it'll be sent to the 
current card of the defaultStack, just like "backKey" message on mobile 
platforms, for example.

That's the current plan, anyway.  No doubt it will change a bit once we 
start working on it.  Does that broadly answer your question?

Best regards,


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: [Blog] Do as Javascript Comes to HTML5

2016-11-23 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 23/11/2016 17:07, Heather Laine wrote:

Dear List Folks,

Check out this exciting blog post showing you a major advance in
LiveCode for HTML5:

Looking forward to some rainbow web pages :)

There appears to be a problem in DP 2 whereby the new feature only works 
in Community edition standalones [1].

See, more evidence that LiveCode puts open source first!



Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: Sharing widgets (was Re: Type on an angle)

2016-11-22 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 22/11/2016 16:03, Paul Dupuis wrote:

Could someone from the Mothership (i.e. LiveCode) weigh in on where
people should publish LCB widgets?

If Kevin really wants a 1000 widgets, then LiveCode really should
designate an "official" place to put them or at least put links to them
(if not the actual widgets themselves). As has been illustrated in this
thread, some people want to host their widgets themselves and other want
a place to upload them to, so both should be supported.

I have no preference for whether this is a board on the Forum or the
Sample Stacks or a web based repository or where ever, but before lots
of widgets organically get deposited all over everywhere, where would
LiveCode like them placed?

Hi Paul,

For LiveCode 8, the original intention was that there would be an 
"extension store" area on the main website.  The idea was that it would 
provide a searchable index of LiveCode Builder extensions, with 
associated documentation, guides, examples, etc.  The IDE would know how 
to hook into the extension store.  It would take care of downloading and 
updating extensions for use in your apps, as well as publishing the 
extensions that you create.

Unfortunately, this ran into a few problems, and around November 2015 
the decision was made to drop the extension store feature from the 
LiveCode 8 release and focus on the other elements.  There were quite a 
few other things that didn't make the cut; for example, LiveCode 8.0 was 
originally planned to include the Objective C and Java FFI elements that 
we're currently working on in the Infinite LiveCode project.

At the moment, unfortunately, we don't have any concrete plans or 
timescale for resuming the extension store project -- which I think 
would deliver what several people are asking for.  Maybe there's an 
opening here for someone to deliver a "LiveCode extensions hub" website 
of their own?

If you're developing an open source widget or library, I personally 
would recommend creating a git repository for each extension you create 
-- not necessarily on GitHub, but anywhere that suits -- and storing 
your widget's files in it with roughly the same layout we use for the 
widgets we ship in LiveCode.  You could then start a thread about your 
widget on the LCB forum, or maybe post release announcements on this 
mailing list.

It would be very easy for people to install the widget, because most of 
the git hosting sites let you just download a zip of the files in the 
repository.  Unzip them, open the .lcb file in the extension builder, 
hit 'Package' and 'Install' -- done.

I don't think there's any official "best way to distribute widgets" 
guideline from LiveCode-the-company right now.  For myself, I'm enjoying 
seeing the various approaches that people are taking, and seeing what 
works and what doesn't.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: roundUp function?

2016-11-22 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 22/11/2016 14:48, Roger Eller wrote:

Good to know.  Thanks again.

And I've now submitted a pull request to fix that.  Thank you for 
pointing it out!


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: roundUp function?

2016-11-22 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 22/11/2016 14:40, Roger Eller wrote:

ceil works in 8.1.1, and in the docs of 8.1.1 says "Introduced in 6.7", yet
it fails in 6.7.5 and6.7.8, nor is it in the 6.7.x dictionary.

That said, I need it in an app that is built and deployed in 6.7.5.

Hi Roger,

That appears to be a documentation error.  Mark Wieder introduced the 
function in 7.1.0 [1].



Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: roundUp function?

2016-11-22 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 22/11/2016 14:15, Roger Eller wrote:

 We have round, which will either round up or down depending on the decimal
value being > or < .5, but what if I want ANY decimal value, even .01 to
round UP to the next whole number?

You probably want to use "the ceiling of ", or "the ceil of 

Best regards,


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 60

2016-11-21 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #60 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Macintosh support

2016-11-19 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 19/11/2016 15:13, Richmond wrote:

I would like to know why Livecode 9 has dropped support for all versions
of Mac OS before 10.9.

LiveCode 9 may still run on OS X 10.7, for the time being -- we just 
don't provide any official support for (or run tests on) that platform 
any more.

The development team has to regularly move the LiveCode build system to 
newer versions of Xcode and newer versions of the MacOS SDK, so that 
they can keep LiveCode working well with new versions of MacOS and add 
new features requested by users.  Occasionally this means that older 
versions of OS X won't run LiveCode any more.

With a very small development team and quality assurance team, we have 
to be careful to keep the number and variety of supported platform 
configurations for LiveCode within a manageable limit.  Occasionally 
this means we have to stop providing technical support for running 
LiveCode on older versions of OS X.

Apple stopped providing any patches or security fixes for OS X 10.8 over 
a year ago, and it contains many highly-exploitable vulnerabilities.  I 
*very strongly* recommend against using versions of OS X prior to OS X 
10.10.  If your hardware can't run OS X 10.12, I recommend upgrading its 
operating system to Linux.

You can find more information on our platform support plans in my 
recent-ish blog post [1], and in due course we will be adding some pages 
to the website that show the same information in a quicker-to-find way.



Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: recode: set the useUnicode

2016-11-16 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 16/11/2016 08:47, Richmond wrote:

I am currently working on a series of automated routines to recode my
Devawriter Pro stack
from Livecode 4.5 to Livecode 8/9 and . . .

my code is peppered with

set the useUnicode to true


set the useUnicode to false


Does anyone know if I have to remove them, or will they just sit there
like one's appendix,
a useless 'something' from an earlier developmental stage?

The "useUnicode" property will eventually be removed (no sooner than 
LiveCode 10, I expect), so you should remove code that sets it if you 
get the opportunity.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 59

2016-11-14 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #59 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Subject: Re: What speed advantage comes from a private handler?

2016-11-09 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 09/11/2016 16:13, Bob Sneidar wrote:

Oh! I thought private handlers were ones only accessible by handlers in the 
same script.

Private handlers are indeed only accessible by handlers in the same script.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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[ANN] Release 8.1.2 RC-1

2016-11-09 Thread Peter TB Brett

Dear list members,

We are pleased to announce the release of LiveCode 8.1.2 RC 1.

Getting the Release
You can get the release at or 
via the automatic updater.

Release Contents

Fewer crashes
LiveCode was sometimes accessing objects after they had been deleted, 
getting seriously upset as a result.  We rewrote a large chunk of the 
LiveCode engine to stop it from doing that.  We've created mechanisms 
that will help us detect and fix issues like this more easily.

IDE improvements

We resolved several minor but irritating bugs in the IDE and standalone 
builder.  The tools palette and selection handles work more nicely, the 
debugger can watch global variables, we tweaked the property inspector 
user interface (including restoring "Resize" and "Fit Content" options 
to the "Size" pane) and fixed the way the standalone builder places 
resource files.

Xcode 8.1 and iOS 10.1 support
We added support for deploying iOS 10.1 standalones using Xcode 8.1. 
When you redeploy your app with LiveCode 8.1.2, you'll also get fixes to 
the native scroller mobile control, in-app purchasing, and the mobile 
browser widget.

sqlite FTS 5

revdb's sqlite driver now supports the FTS5 full-text search engine.

LiveCode 8.1.2 RC 1 contains 62 bug fixes and stability

The full release notes are available from:


Please report any bugs encountered on our BugZilla at

Have fun!
The LiveCode Team

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 58

2016-11-07 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #58 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Recoding: search and replace

2016-11-07 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 06/11/2016 12:44, Richmond wrote:

I wonder if there is a way to replace this:

set the unicodeText of fld "fDECODE" to (numToCodePoint(107) &

with this:

*put (numToCodePoint(107) & numToCodePoint(104)) into fld "fDECODE"*

where /(numToCodePoint(107) & numToCodePoint(104))/ vary?

I have no great urge to do that sort of thing manually about 6 million

Out of curiosity, is setting "the unicodeText" actually broken in the 
latest versions of LiveCode, or is it merely deprecated?

This looks like the sort of task that you might be able to do with 
regular expressions [1].



Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: export snapshot

2016-11-06 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 06/11/2016 11:27, Richmond wrote:

I tried this:

export snapshot from img "met" to file "met.png" as PNG

and that worked in 7.1.4

but did NOT work in 8.1

I wonder why?

Because the correct syntax is:

export snapshot of img "met" to file "met.png" as png


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: iOS simulator not found after updating LC and Xcode

2016-11-03 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 03/11/2016 14:37, Bob Sneidar wrote:

When it comes to Xcode, this is almost never the case. What I have
gotten from all the iOS posts in this forum, keeping LC and Xcode in
sync is far more important than having either/both up to date. Which
version works with which should probably be published in a document,
and maybe already has been.

This information is always included in the release notes for LiveCode.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: Trigger Warnings in Livecode postings?

2016-11-02 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

This thread is getting increasingly off topic, so please end it here.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: Goofy question about Datagrids

2016-11-01 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 01/11/2016 18:29, Richmond wrote:

What advantage has a datagrid over a tableField?

You can build each row of datagrid using any controls or widgets.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: [ANN] calendar widget updated

2016-10-31 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 31/10/2016 12:21, Mike Kerner wrote:

There is going to be a problem if every time someone forks/fixes/improves a
widget, it has to be under their name.  We should develop a better way.  On
some of the things I've worked on for LC, there have been five or six of us
that have done something.

There are so many options!

- One of you could take the lead on integrating the improvements under 
their personal LiveCode developer ID

- You could free yourselves from the shackles of the LiveCode developer 
ID system by registering a domain name an an umbrella for the work that 
the group of you do, e.g. "com.mikeandbuddies.widgets.awesomer_calendar"

- You could work with the original author of the widget to get your 
improvements included in their version


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 57

2016-10-31 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #57 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: [ANN] calendar widget updated

2016-10-31 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 24/10/2016 20:07, BNig wrote:

inside the folder there are two folders:


Hi Bernd,

1. Did you register "elanorb" as a LiveCode developer ID?  If not, you 
should not be distributing "com.livecode.elanorb" LCB modules.  It 
should be "com.livecode.berndn.calendar" or something.

2. When you make a new version of a widget, you should give it an 
updated version number.  Please use the "Semantic Versioning" rules 


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: cut/copy/paste text in standalone

2016-10-28 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 28/10/2016 12:45, Klaus major-k wrote:

Hi friends,

until version 6 of LC the shortcuts CMD-X, CMD-C and
CMD-V (for text) have always been working in a standalone
even if you did not have an appropriate "Edit" menu or scripted

Did not build a standalone in LC 7.x but found that this
does not work anymore in a standalone build with LC 8.x!

Now my question:
Has this "feature" (if it was one) been removed or have I
been just lucky in the past? 8-)

Any insights welcome, thank you!

It sounds like you may have run into bug 18680 [1].



Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: How to assign Hi-DPI images as button icons?

2016-10-28 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 28/10/2016 10:29, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:


I made my first tests on windows with 2 sets of images, standard and
@extra-high, which works fine.

What I don't see is, how to assign two sets of images as button icons for
each state of the button. I can't refer button icons to an external
filename, only to images, which are imported anywhere in the stack. Do I
miss anything here?

No, you didn't miss anything!

The only way I see is to create for each button and state of button one
hidden image object with a link to an external (standard-) image, and link
each button icon to one of these images. Is this the straight forward way to
work with hi res button icons?

When I have done this in the past, I have added an extra card to the 
stack with all of the images I use (linked to external image files), and 
then link the buttons to the appropriate images.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: Autodiscovery of LAN devices

2016-10-28 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 28/10/2016 01:58, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Armed with that I just attempt a TCP connection to each device in turn,
looking for a specific reply.  When I get what I expect, I know I've
reached my app on the other machine.  Takes less than a second to scan
the network.

Note that more advanced organisational networks' self-protection logic 
will (correctly) interpret this as a port scan and will automatically 
turn off your connection.

You really do need Zeroconf/Bonjour/Avahi/mDNS/etc. support...


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: AW: AW: What do I have to prepare if enabling Hi-DPI scaling for Win standalone?

2016-10-27 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 27/10/2016 14:57, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

Hi Peter,

as far as I had understood an 1920x1080 display not yet a Hi-DPI display and
wouldn't trigger the Hi-DPI function, or am I wrong that this option already
would take action with such an display?

It's determined based on the system display scaling setting.  It will 
kick in when your "program [is] blown up to 150% by the system 
rendering", as you mentioned in a previous e-mail.

This is how we get the splash screen image and menu bar icons to look 
good in LiveCode 9 DP 1 on my HiDPI Windows 10 laptop, for example.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: AW: What do I have to prepare if enabling Hi-DPI scaling for Win standalone?

2016-10-27 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 27/10/2016 14:43, Tiemo Hollmann TB wrote:

Since this isn't a thing of Hi-DPI, I am not sure if and what I could do, to
make this better. Is LC already vector image ready for all cases (plain
image on screen, image as button icon, image in text?) Beside this is pretty
much work for me, to re-design all images as vector images, I am not sure,
if this is the only solution, or if I could get back the smooth and little
blurred appearance of my bitmap images, like in LC 6 with any trick?

1) Make your images linked to an external image file
2) Add two files: myimagename.png and myimagen...@extra-high.png
3) LiveCode will automatically use the latter on HiDPI displays


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: override HTTPS certificate failure

2016-10-26 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 26/10/2016 15:42, Trevor DeVore wrote:

On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 9:21 AM, Peter TB Brett 

On 26/10/2016 14:42, Trevor DeVore wrote:


I agree that in most cases you don’t want people bypassing these warnings.
There are situations in software development where people testing software
against staging servers need to connect over https without the
step. That is why I had to implement it in my custom libURL version.

There are several other enormously superior options.

Perhaps, but for testing purposes we don’t really care about implementing
them :-) Here is my question for you - are you arguing that LiveCode (a

You probably should care about implementing them.  I can think of 
several ways to exploit this situation, especially if your test servers 
are not on the same private network as the developers who are accessing 

development tool) should not have the ability to allow a developer to
create an application that allows a self-signed certificated that can’t be
verified to bypass the verification process for that particular server?

Not at all! I'm saying that LiveCode already does provide the 
capability.  So there's no need to assemble a massive cannon, load it 
with explosive shells, and point it at our less security-conscious 
LiveCode developers' end-users.

I believe that it's a fantastic idea to deprecate 
libUrlSetSSLVerification, replacing it with a more fine-grained property 
that lets you select specific hosts!  It would be even better to couple 
this with a way to make libURL _only_ accept a specific, predefined 
certificate for a particular host (sort of the opposite of disabling 
verification) -- "certificate pinning", basically.

I believe that it's a bad idea to give LiveCode a built-in "feature" for 
making it easy for app end-users to ignore cert verification failures.

I believe that it's a really really bad idea to download completely 
unverified certificates and permanently add them to the list of certs 
that your app trusts implicitly.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: override HTTPS certificate failure

2016-10-26 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 26/10/2016 14:42, Trevor DeVore wrote:

On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 2:01 AM, Peter TB Brett 

On 25/10/2016 20:41, Lyn Teyla wrote:

2. If the user elects to trust the certificate, save the certificate

details received from the server during that first connection.

You've forgotten an extremely important step: train the user to be able to
distinguish a valid-but-not-trusted certificate from an invalid one. No-one
has succededed in doing this, and research has shown that offering users
the ability to override certificate validation failures merely trains users
to ignore certificate failures.

Allowing on-demand verification-skipping is contrary to security best
practice and will expose you to risk.


I agree that in most cases you don’t want people bypassing these warnings.
There are situations in software development where people testing software
against staging servers need to connect over https without the verification
step. That is why I had to implement it in my custom libURL version.

There are several other enormously superior options.

1. Get 2 certificates, one for and one for  Then you can test against either at any time 
without needing to disable verification.  "Let's Encrypt" certificates 
are free of charge, and there are lots of ways to prove you own a domain 
other than running a publicly-visible web server.

2. Use the same certificate for both public and staging servers, and 
override the DNS lookup in your engineering environment so that resolves to the IP address of the staging server; you 
can do this by editing the "hosts" file, for example.

3. Create your own root certificate and install it on devices that need 
to access the staging server.  This is great if you have a lot of 
internal-visibility-only servers, and is very common in institutional 

4. If you have internal servers, then you can still use a global 
namespace domain name and "normal" SSL certificates; for example, you 
could register "" and place servers under that 
domain, purchase a wildcard cert for "", and ensure 
that there are never any DNS records published outside your internal 
network for that domain.

So, in almost all situations where you're considering asking people to 
bypass SSL certificate verification, there is a much better solution.

There are two situations in which you may _need_ to bypass SSL cert 

1. You have a broken corporate proxy running between you and the 
internet that doesn't understand how to proxy SSL connections correctly

2. You have a broken IoT device that simultaneously requires you to use 
HTTPS and forbids HTTP; has an expired, invalid or unsigned certificate; 
and is out of vendor support so you can't complain to them about it

In these two uncommon cases your connection security is pretty much 
unrecoverable, and LiveCode already provides the tools you need to just 
give up and turn SSL cert verification off completely.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: sluggishness of 8.1.1 on send in 0/wait 0 pairs?

2016-10-26 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 25/10/2016 21:30, Monte Goulding wrote:

On 26 Oct. 2016, at 6:55 am, Dr. Hawkins  wrote:

*unless* there is an opportunity to execute it, such as (exclusively?)
"Wait with messages", at which point the message due is supposed to be

send in time is supposed to return a message queue id of the message,
meaning it's already supposed to, well,  be in the queue

Send in time has does not guarantee when a message will be sent. It’s ASAP 
after the event time. If there is a pending message that should be handled 
before the message you sent then it will be handled and then you will run out 
of time because you are only waiting 0. If you need to guarantee that you are 
waiting until the message is sent then do something like:

local sHandled

on Foo
put false into sHandled
send “Bar” to me in 0
wait until sHandled with messages
— do something else
end Foo

on Bar
   put true into sHandled
end Bar

Hi Monte and Richard,

I think there might be an actual bug that Richard has found here. 
Recently Fraser had to dig into the message queue implementation, and 
while reviewing some of his changes, I spotted a problem.

If you had multiple messages ready to be dispatched, LiveCode would skip 
processing a message after each dispatch (and then keep reprocessing the 
queue until all of them were dealt with).  So, if you had a message 
queue with 7 messages ready to go, LiveCode would dispatch them in this 

1, 3, 5, 7, 2, 6, 4

This _could_ account for the behaviour that Richard is reporting. I know 
that it is fixed in the development branch [1].  Richard, do you have 
the same issue when you run your stack in LiveCode 9 DP 1?



Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: override HTTPS certificate failure

2016-10-26 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 25/10/2016 20:41, Lyn Teyla wrote:

2. If the user elects to trust the certificate, save the certificate
details received from the server during that first connection.

You've forgotten an extremely important step: train the user to be able 
to distinguish a valid-but-not-trusted certificate from an invalid one. 
No-one has succededed in doing this, and research has shown that 
offering users the ability to override certificate validation failures 
merely trains users to ignore certificate failures.

Allowing on-demand verification-skipping is contrary to security best 
practice and will expose you to risk.

- If you need to use self-signed certificates, install the relevant 
certs in the certificate store on all devices that need to trust them

- If you don't care about the security of a connection, and the only way 
to use HTTPS is with a certificate that you can't trust, use HTTP

- If you're prompting the user to allow them to bypass verification 
(please don't), never ever trust the failed certificate permanently; not 
even SSL experts reliably make the correct decisions in these scenarios.

Your company's and your customers' security depends on you deploying and 
_enforcing_ security best practice.

1. Fix your SSL keys and 2. enforce verification.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: How experimental is OS X 64-Bit mode?

2016-10-24 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 24/10/2016 18:30, Graham Samuel wrote:

Thanks, that’s pretty clear. I have a couple of ideas for web apps,
but I will just leave them on the shelf. As to 64-bit, I imagine the
word will arrive from the mother ship fairly soon?

I believe that within the language development team we very rarely use 
anything _other_ than 64-bit LiveCode on MacOS, so I'll probably go 
ahead and remove any suggestion that it's experimental in time for the 
next build.

Note that revvideograbber (and anything else that uses QuickTime) won't 
-- can't, in fact -- work with the 64-bit MacOS engines.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 56

2016-10-24 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #56 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: [ANN] Release 9.0 DP 1

2016-10-18 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 18/10/2016 20:47, Richmond wrote:

What I did notice as I did a "Save As" was that I was offered the chance
to save in "Legacy 8.0" format
which seemed to imply that LC 9 enjoys (?) a new file format, but I
couldn't find any mention of that
in the release notes . . . would be glad of a comment re that from the
Mothership, please.

It's mentioned in the LiveCode 8.1.0 release notes.  We had to introduce 
a new file format to cope with fields with more than 32768 characters in 
a line.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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[ANN] Release 9.0 DP 1

2016-10-17 Thread Peter TB Brett

Dear list members,

We are pleased to announce the release of LiveCode 9.0 DP 1, a 
development preview of LiveCode 9.

You can find out more about the release in this blog post, including an 
update to our release numbering:

Developer Preview Release
Warning: this is not a stable release.  Please ensure that you back up 
your stacks before testing them.

Getting the Release
You can get the release at or 
via the automatic updater.

Release Contents

Full release notes:

Better code search
The IDE's code search tools are faster and work better for stacks that 
use behaviors heavily.

Improved "accept"
Set the "defaultNetworkInterface" property to control which network 
interfaces the "accept" command listens on.

Tab alignment info
Setting the "tabAlign" now affects the "htmlText" and "styledText" of 
the field.

Improved LCB compiler messages
Errors and warnings while compiling widgets now show you the code that 
caused the problem.

LiveCode 9.0 DP 1 contains 26 bug fixes along with many stability 


Please report any bugs encountered either to our support team 
 or on our BugZilla at

Have fun!
The LiveCode Team

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 55

2016-10-17 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #55 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 54

2016-10-10 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #54 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: CantDelete

2016-10-10 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 09/10/2016 07:46, Peter Bogdanoff wrote:

Another bingo! The cantSelect does do it.

However, that seems to have to be set by a script. I understand that
you then can’t select it with the pointer tool to show the Property
Inspector for it, so not having a checkbox to set that property makes
some sense. But it would be nice to have that checkbox in the PI when
you select the object another way.

The little "lock" icon at the right hand side of the Project Browser row 
for each control can be clicked to toggle the "cantSelect" of the control.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: iOS 10 and native scroller

2016-10-06 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 06/10/2016 12:09, John Dixon wrote:

Does the fix to the native scroller include having the scrolling
items remain within the declared content rect, rather tha


The ability to scroll in a phone app is more than a little
important... any time-scale on 'as soon as possible' for 8.1.2-rc1 ?

At the moment I do not expect 8.1.2-rc-1 to be released before 19th October.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: Ask dialogs in iOS10 with apps built with LC 6.7.11

2016-10-06 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 06/10/2016 11:23, Dave Kilroy wrote:

Thanks Peter for the lightning fast response!

OK I thought it must be general thing (and yet another reason to move
to LC 8.1)

Actually (nearly) all my work is in LC 8.1.1 now - this particular
app I’m using 6.7.11 on is a legacy one for a client that I’m
modernising bit by bit - and am now recommending a ‘great leap
forward’ to 8.1.1…

Glad to help.

Don't forget to let us know about any pain points you run into when 
upgrading -- we can hopefully improve our documentation to help with that...


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: iOS 10 and native scroller

2016-10-06 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 06/10/2016 10:58, tekne wrote:

I see the bug is already fixed with target release 8.1.2-rc-1
When do you think we can have this release?

The mobile picker doesn't work correctly with iOS10 and to solve we need to
use Xcode 8 which is not supported in LC6 or LC7 anymore.
So I can¹t upload fixed apps in the App Store.

We'll release 8.1.2-rc-1 as soon as possible after getting 8.1.1 final 
out.  At the moment we're working on a number of regressions in 8.1.1.


P.S. Access to staging builds, under NDA, is available as an additional 
service to Business Edition customers.

Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: Ask dialogs in iOS10 with apps built with LC 6.7.11

2016-10-06 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 06/10/2016 11:14, Dave Kilroy wrote:

I’m getting what seems to be a bug but would like to check it out
with you guys first…

If I use LC 6.7.11 (and Xcode 7.3.1) to build an app that contains an
‘Ask question’ and/or ‘Ask password’ dialog box - on iOS 9.3.5 they
work fine - but on iOS 10 the ‘Ask’ dialogs get converted to ‘Answer’
dialogs i.e. there is nowhere for the user to write anything and
there is only the title and a ‘Cancel’ and ‘OK’ button.

Can any of you confirm this? Or even better, share a workaround?

I believe that this may be due to an LiveCode engine bug, affecting 6.7, 
7.0, 7.1 and 8.0, that is fixed in LC 8.1.0.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: [ANN] This Week in LiveCode 53

2016-10-04 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 03/10/2016 19:20, Alejandro Tejada wrote:

Hi Peter,

Could you make a change in the newsletter?

Could you change this:
"Alejandro Tejada has dug up some
23-year-old HyperCard stacks"

For this?
"Lagi Pittas, Andrew Ferguson and
Alejandro Tejada has dug up some
23-year-old HyperCard stacks

Thanks in advance!

Done!  But next time, you can just make the changes yourself!


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: 9.0???

2016-10-03 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 03/10/2016 11:23, AndyP wrote:

Ok, I've  obviously  missed  something  here.. (no that unusual: -)
Where is this mystical  reference to V 9???


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 53

2016-10-03 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

Read issue #53 here:

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: 9.0???

2016-09-30 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 30/09/2016 16:53, Mike Kerner wrote:

Whoa.  They're working on LC 9 (rubs hands together while quietly
snickering to self)

All will soon be revealed!


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: Help Adding Cookie support to libURL

2016-09-28 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 29/09/2016 02:30, Trevor DeVore wrote:

Hey gang,

I've been going through a customized version of libURL that I've
distributed with the GLX App Framework for years and incorporating the
changes into libURL. Some additions are new features while others are bug
fixes. Some changes have been merged in already and others I'm finishing

Writing bug reports, coming up with tests, and reviewing the code takes a
bit of time and there is one feature that I don't have time to finish up at
the moment. I'm looking for someone to help out with seamless cookie
support. I'm looking for someone who might be able to take what I've done
and finish it up so that it can be included with LiveCode. I wrote enough
code to make it work for my projects back in the day but it needs some work
still before it can be distributed with LiveCode.

Here is the current pull request:

Peter has done an initial review and made some comments. If anyone here
loves a good RFC and wants to update the code to make sure it is compliant
please let me know.

Hi Trevor,

Thank you very much for your hard work over the last few days to get 
your many excellent changes upstream.  It's definitely going to make a 
significant improvement to libURL.

I hope someone else from the community has the opportunity to finish off 
the cookie management feature for you!


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: Setting text in the prop inspector - bug

2016-09-28 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 28/09/2016 19:23, hh wrote:

Devin A. wrote:

It’s been there a few days but is still unconfirmed.

AFAIK Panos has a holiday break.

Yes -- so far this week the rest of the language team have mostly been 
concentrating on Infinite LiveCode (exciting!) and fixing confirmed bugs.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: iOS 10 and native scroller

2016-09-28 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 28/09/2016 06:59, Ludovic THEBAULT wrote:

to have a native scroller on field list i’ve made this :

put my long field in a group
set the size of the group and lock it

it worked perfectly until iOS 10. Now I see my text beyond group boundaries.

I believe you are describing bug 17779 [1], which we are currently 
testing a fix for.



Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: Multiple Browser Widgets

2016-09-27 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 27/09/2016 23:11, Sannyasin Brahmanathaswami wrote:

Given a framework with many stacks and many cards in those stacks

if you instantiate the browser widget in 10 different stacks on 20
different cards, is this increasing the size of the frame work

1 Widget X 10 X 20 = 200 times

or is the "weight" of the widget 1X only with each instance just
being a alt view of that one object?

I suspect the latter, because as I keep adding browser widgets to
different cards I'm not seeing a file size increase… but just wanted
to confirm.

Yes, you only "pay" for the browser widget once, no matter how many of
them you use.  Of course, using lots of browser widgets might require a
lot of CPU time and lots of RAM, but it won't make your app into a huge


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: [ANN] This Week in LiveCode 52

2016-09-26 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 26/09/2016 18:32, Richard Gaskin wrote:

Good update, Peter.  Happy anniversary.

Of particular interest to me was this item:

  Research presented at ICER2016 showed lower overall cognitive
  load for LiveCode developers

Unfortunately that article is behind the ACM's paywall.

Anyone here know if that article is also available through a
publicly-accessible source?

It was available a couple of weeks ago.

Now, online copyright infringement is a terrible thing, and so I very 
strongly recommend that you do not visit, and 
don't type "Flipping the Assessment of Cognitive Load: Why and How" into 
its search box, and _definitely_ don't click the button with a picture 
of a key next to it.

After all, anyone would agree that the amount that academic publishers 
charge for access to the articles they publish is totally reasonable, 
considering that the great costs of getting researchers to write papers 
(for free) and getting other researchers to review them (also for free).

So I strongly recommend that you go ahead and pay the very modest $15 
that the ACM are asking for.  How else than by charging for each and 
every download of every publication can they further their stated 
purpose of "... serving both professional and public interests by 
fostering the open interchange of information..."?


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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[ANN] This Week in LiveCode 52

2016-09-26 Thread Peter TB Brett

Hi all,

Read about new developments in LiveCode open source and the open source
community in today's edition of the "This Week in LiveCode" newsletter!

   Read issue #52 here:

   Special anniversary edition, because TWiL is 1 year old!

This is a weekly newsletter about LiveCode, focussing on what's been
going on in and around the open source project.  New issues will be
released weekly on Mondays.  We have a dedicated mailing list that will
deliver each issue directly to you e-mail, so you don't miss any!

If you have anything you'd like mentioned (a project, a discussion
somewhere, an upcoming event) then please get in touch.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: How to extract specific columns/line items from a CSV file?

2016-09-26 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 20/09/2016 21:16, Keith Clarke wrote:

Hi folks, I’ve a large number of sizeable CSV files from each of
which I need to extract just 2 or 3 specific columns. Creating nested
iterations through every item in every line seems somewhat
inefficient - as does loading each full file into memory - so I feel
I must be missing a trick here.

Does Livecode support any elegant way of directly manipulating or
‘querying’ (like SQL) delimited data, to extract numbered (or named)
columns/items - such as 1(Id), 3(Name) & 15(Summary) - from in each
line from a CSV container or direct from a file/URL?

I would probably just use Mike Kerner's libraries:


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

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Re: itemOffset still not working

2016-09-26 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 23/09/2016 23:16, Bob Sneidar wrote:

put rContactRecord ["contacttype"] into tContactType -- verified is
"|it|" set the itemdelimiter to "|" set wholematches to true put
itemoffset(pType, tContactType) into tOffset -- verified pType is
"it" tOffset contains 0

I also used literals as in put itemoffset("it","|it|") into tOffset
tOffset still contains 0.

I tries using commas with the default itemdelimiter that doesn't
work. I replaced "|" with cr and used lineOffset that doesn't work.


So this bug is about having an empty first item/line. In this case
offset will always return 0. Not good.

Yes I have submitted a bug report. I will update it, but hopefully I
can keep this from biting anyone else in the butt. It is also going
to make it really difficult to do LIKE queries on list columns.
Hopefully this gets fixed soon, because I depend on this kind of list
queries a LOT.

Hi Bob,

Your bug report is
We've already got a fix for it, but unfortunately the fix wasn't quite
in time for the 8.1.1 cut off.  It will be included in 8.1.2.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: use "" as an array key

2016-09-24 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 24/09/2016 04:26, Kay C Lan wrote:

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 2:27 AM, Peter TB Brett

"" isn't "the absence of a string", it's a string that's 0 characters long.
Being able to use it as an array key is important for being able to
represent real-world data in an array.

It's an important point that "", a 0 character string is not the same
as NULL because we as humans often 'see them' as the same.

Very confusingly, "null" in LiveCode Script is _not_ the same as "NULL" 
in SQL.

In LiveCode, "null" is shorthand for "numtochar(0)".

LiveCode Script doesn't really have the concept of "no value at all" 
that is modelled by SQL's "NULL".  Most of the syntax fakes it by using 
the empty string, but unfortunately that doesn't work everywhere.

LiveCode Builder has "nothing", which is a proper "no value".


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: Likely arrival date for the "Full cross platform audio recording" part of "Infinite LiveCode"

2016-09-23 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 23/09/2016 12:36, Dave Kilroy wrote:

Hi - anyone got any news / heard any rumours about a landing data for
full cross platform audio recording?

I’m particularly interested in delivering this for iOS/Android - I
know I could use mergAV (and in theory mergAndroid) but would prefer
to use a shiny new tool from LiveCode instead...

Hi Dave,

The language dev team are currently actively working on Infinite 
LiveCode, and you'll see bits and pieces of it appearing in forthcoming 
DP releases, but I don't have a completion date yet.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: use "" as an array key

2016-09-22 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 22/09/2016 18:58, Matt Maier wrote:

I find myself in want of a YAML library again. Mark posted some functions
on the forum that I'm debugging

Something I discovered while debugging is that "" is being accepted as an
array key.

It seems like it shouldn't be possible to use the absence of a string as an
array key. Is it supposed to work that way? I'm using 8.0.1 on Windows.

"" isn't "the absence of a string", it's a string that's 0 characters 
long.  Being able to use it as an array key is important for being able 
to represent real-world data in an array.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: Extra spaces in .XLS files

2016-09-21 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 21/09/2016 13:25, Roger Eller wrote:

Has anyone here ever ran into this?  When I put URL
("file:/path/to/file.xls") into field "imported text", EVERY character has
an extra space following it.

Example:  c e l l 1 TAB c e l l 2 TAB h e l l o  w o r l d

I can script them away to normalize the text, but I find it to be strange.

Hi Roger,

You didn't tell LiveCode how to decode the file, so it's using it's 
naive default decoding strategy (1 byte per character, native encoding) 
which is almost certainly not what you want.

Try something like:

textDecode(url "binfile://path/to/file.xls", "utf-16")

This is also wrong (.xls files are big balls of complicated binary data, 
not text) but it might get you marginally closer.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Re: Random topic: What script font do you like/use?

2016-09-20 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 21/09/2016 02:31, Jeanne A. E. DeVoto wrote:

I've used Andale Mono by preference, but I don't have the bold, and so
on versions of LC after 5.x, bolding for comments and keywords doesn't
show up in the script editor. (Bah.)

I liked it because it was:
 1) clean-looking with a good x-height
 2) has easily distinguishable lowercase l, capital I, and number 1, and
zero and O

I thought about just buying the bold, but I've been experimenting with
other fonts. I tried Verdana for a while-it's not monospaced, but fairly
wide and very clean-looking-but it turns out that I prefer monospaced
fonts better for reading code. Maybe just because I'm so used to them
that non-monospaced fonts look weird in that context. Source Code Pro is

I currently use Source Code Pro.  I find Courier nearly unreadable, 
unfortunately.  In the past (by which I mean pre-2009) I used to mostly 
use the "MiscFixed" X11 bitmap font.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: What's everyone working on this month? (September 2016)

2016-09-19 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 19/09/2016 15:16, Mike Kerner wrote:

The RFID is tricky because right now, there is no hardware capability in
either ios or android, so you need to attach external peripherials.  We
need to narrow down the hardware options, because the communication with
them is going to be the sticky wicket.

That's interesting -- devices like my Nexus 5 have NFC capability that I 
believe is compatible with quite a few RFID devices (e.g. MIFARE).  What 
standards are you targeting?


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Xcode 8 / iOS 10 support coming in 8.1.1

2016-09-19 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 19/09/2016 15:12, Mike Kerner wrote:


Current release-critical items that I'm aware of:

[T] 18135 Error building iOS standalone in OS X 10.12 beta 4
[T] 18422 Cannot launch iOS 9.2 simulator on OS X 10.10
[T] 18414 iOS 10 resources not copied in simulator
18418 App crashes on launch when tsNet is included
18419 App crashes on launch when mergExt included

Items marked [T] have had patches merged and are awaiting test.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: What's everyone working on this month? (September 2016)

2016-09-19 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 01/09/2016 15:23, Mike Kerner wrote:

Let's see:
• Peter challenged me to do better than the new Documentation setup.  Maybe
he didn't mean it that way, but that's the way I took it, so I'm going to
have a go.
• Finishing a new app that allows machine shops to quickly determine how to
run particular operations, what tooling to use, etc.
• Writing an app for making a tablet into a timeclock.
• Adding new features to an existing app that allows for easy warehouse
inventory management and posts updates in real time to a series of Google
• Messing with RFID scanning

These are all pretty cool. :-D Are you likely to be able to make your 
RFID stuff open source?  It sounds like it would be pretty useful for 
many LiveCode users and a pretty obvious area for collaboration.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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Debugging LCB programs [was: What's everyone working on this month?]

2016-09-19 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 02/09/2016 10:51, Alex Tweedly wrote:

But in the end I found the programming experience in LCB just too

I've been spoiled :-)  I'm used to symbolic, interactive debuggers -
been using them pretty much continually for the last 45 years that I've
been programming, starting with DDT and a proprietary one in the 70s, on
to GDB in the 80s and 90s, then interpreted languages for a little
while, before finally moving up to Revolution / Livecode.
And after trying it for a while, I'm just not willing to go back to the
dark ages and program in LCB without a decent toolset that provides
really effective diagnostics and debugging features.

Hey Alex,

I agree with you!  It would be great to have a good debugger for LCB. 
Unfortunately, due to the way that LCB works, it would need to be an 
out-of-process debugger, and this is a lot of work that I've not yet had 
the time to poke at.

My current idea (that I've not yet had time to poke at) is to write a 
GDB extension in Guile Scheme that can print LCB stack frames 
interleaved with C/C++ stack frames.

There's some documentation here:

And there's an example for V8 here: (warning: moderately terrifying)


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

use-livecode mailing list
Please visit this url to subscribe, unsubscribe and manage your subscription 

Re: Xcode 8 / iOS 10 support coming in 8.1.1

2016-09-19 Thread Peter TB Brett

On 08/09/2016 08:57, Peter TB Brett wrote:

Hi all,

Since Xcode 8 GM is now available for download by members of the Apple
developer program, I thought it might be helpful to give you an update
on our plans for enabling LiveCode app deployment using Xcode 8.

- iOS 10 deployment using Xcode 8 will be available in the 8.1.1 release

- If you need to deploy to iOS using LiveCode 8.1.0 you will need to
keep a copy of Xcode 7.3.1 around

I currently expect that we'll release 8.1.1-rc-1 sometime between
15th-20th September.

We're currently working to resolve some thorny issues relating to Xcode 
8-based iOS deployment, and I now don't expect an 8.1.1-rc-1 release 
before Thursday 22nd September.


Dr Peter Brett 
LiveCode Technical Project Manager

lcb-mode for Emacs:

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