Re: [Users] FOSDEM reminder

2014-01-15 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hi Doron,

On Tue, 2014-01-14 at 16:35 -0500, Doron Fediuck wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> just a reminder, we have this Etherpad with all the relevant
> information on our FOSDEM plans:
> You can also join the events we created in
> FB:
> G+:
> Feel free to add yourself to the stand shift.

How many people are planned for the stand?
Added myself with () in case 3 people are too much...

> Also, if you'd like to come to the oVirt meet-up, please put your name
> in the list. 
> See you all in FOSDEM!
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] iscsi mpio

2012-12-07 Thread Koch (ovido)

I can give you some information on multipathing on RHEV-H, as I don't
have ovirt-node installed at the moment.

Multipath packages are installed on the hypervisor, but vdsm overwrites

To prevent this you have to set the following tags:

Search for MPATH_CONF_TAG in file to get correct RHEV REVISION 

After changing multipath.conf to fit your needs make it persistent for
# persist /etc/multipath.conf

You can check multipath status with:

# multipath -ll
mpathb (b00015521f5d4) dm-0 Intel,Multi-Flex
size=96G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=50 status=active
| `- 0:0:0:1 sdb 8:16 active ready running
mpatha (222140001553601d1) dm-1 Intel,Multi-Flex
size=20G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=50 status=active
| `- 0:0:0:0 sda 8:0  active ready running

I hope this helps.
Don't really know if the tags are the same in oVirt, as I don't have a working 
oVirt setup at the moment.

Best Regards,

DI (FH) René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

On Fri, 2012-12-07 at 13:55 +, Jonathan Horne wrote:
> From: Jonathan Horne 
> Date: Thursday, December 6, 2012 1:04 PM
> To: users 
> Subject: [Users] iscsi mpio
> Hello,
> I just rebooted my iscsi SAN and the ovirt node 2.5.5fc17 did not
> enjoy that one bit.   Does ovirt node support multi path i/o?  Any
> information about this would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> jonathan
> I attempted to install the multi path driver on node 2.5.5-0.fc17, but
> the file system is read only and i can't make changes. 
> I really need to find out about multipathing, because yesterday i
> upgraded the firmware on my iscsi SAN yesterday, and one of my nodes
> freaked out and rebooted (oddly, the other 2 didn't).  In understand
> there may already be multi path configured within the node, but how do
> i verify it with my set up?
> Thanks,
> jonathan
> __
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> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] What do you want to see in oVirt next?

2013-01-04 Thread Koch (ovido)

First of all thanks for starting this discussion.

My feedback is mainly based on RHEV, as I'm using RHEV in our company
and on customer side. oVirt is cool as I can see what new features next
RHEV version may/will bring and what issues other users have with this

What I like:
* web based UI
* KVM as it brings the highest virtualization performance on the market
* RHEL/Fedora as a hypervisor for more flexibility
* tags and bookmarks with search filters - great for big installations
* server and desktop virtualization can be done with one gui
* open source of course ;)
* hook scripts - sooo cool!
* rest-api
* user portal - some of our customers use this as a basic cloud tool for
providing vms and self-provisioning features with accounting using
postgresql database

What I would like to see in future release in oVirt and after testing in
RHEV (most of these points are based on customer feedback, too, who
bought RHEV or where we had at least a pre-sales appointment):

* Spice-XPI for Firefox on Windows (and maybe Ubuntu):
I know it's a lot of work to build it for every new firefox version, but
providing it for Firefox LTS would be a really good start. At the moment
Internet Explorer ist required for full use of admin und user portal (or
VNC has to be used).

* ovirt-guest-agents for major Linux distributions:
- openSUSE
- Ubuntu
- Debian

* Virtualize ovirt-engine on ovirt hosts
I know that this would require major changes due to how oVirt works
(libvirt and vdsm), but nearly every customers is asking: why can't I
install my hypervisors, create a vm for RHEV manager and configure the
environment then (in the same way as it is possible with VMware)?

* Make ovirt-engine more Enterprise ready
Compared with VMware (sorry for always comparing it with VMware, but
it's the market leader and it has many nice features which would be
great in oVirt/RHEV, too) oVirt required more tasks done on command line
or via API/Shell/GUI as features are missing in the web GUI:

- Deploy network configs on all hosts
When creating a new logical network in a Cluster it has to be created on
all hosts before it can be used. It would be great if this could be done
automatically (except for rhevm/spice/storage-networks where an IP
address of each host is required). The workflow could be:
+ create new logical network
+ click on deploy button
+ create ifcfg-files on hosts
+ make ifcfg-files persistent on ovirt Nodes
+ bring interface up
+ check if interfaces are up
+ make logical network Operational if deployment was successful on all

- Configure ovirt hosts from GUI
It would be really an improvement if all settings of the TUI (like DNS,
NTP, syslog, kdump, admin and root passwords, hostname,...) could be
configured in ovirt-engine gui, too (in hosts tab). Plus including
changing multipath.conf in Web GUI would be very nice.

- Create host profiles
Storing all configuration settings of the TUI and host tab (without ip
addresses for sure) in a profile would make changes easier and speed up
deployment of new hypervisors. I'm thinking of:
+ create a profile which contains e.g. DNS, NTP and admin passwords
+ link profile to hosts
+ change DNS in profile
+ in hosts tab you can see that there are changes between the profile
and the hosts
+ bring host in maintenance mode
+ sync profile (and maybe reboot host)
When installing new hosts (via CD or PXE) the profile can be used to
automatically configure the host without providing all settings via boot
options + configure all networks, custom multipath.conf,... Host profile
should be used for full RHEL/Fedora hosts as well.

- Update RHEL/Fedora Hypervisors from GUI
It would be nice if Fedora hosts could be updated from the ovirt-engine
GUI like the ovirt Node. Running yum check-update on host and displaying
notice if there are updates available.

- Implement resource pools
At the moment only Quotas are available (which is great, btw), but in
some cases it's necessary to implement resource pools. E.g. Limit CPU,
Memory and Network for group of test vms, but give full resources to
production vms. This could be done with cgroups.

- Clone vms
I'm missing the possibility of cloning vms without creating a template. 

- Resize disk in GUI
Increasing the size of a disk would help a lot. At the moment I create
new disks and put it into volume group on vm, but resizing would be
nicer in some cases and will reduce the number of disks.

- Upload ISOs within the GUI to ISO domain

- Integrate virt-v2v into oVirt GUI
It would be cool if VMs could be Migrated from other systems within the
GUI using virt-v2v as a backend.

- Edit settings of vms before importing them
Most the of the settings like disk type (IDE/VirtIO), nic but also vm
type (server/desktop) and access protocol (Spice/VNC) can't be edited
withing oVirt/RHEVM GUI before importing them. These settings can only
be changed by editing the xml directly. Disk type and nic is risky of
course, but working for most Linux distr

Re: [Users] What do you want to see in oVirt next?

2013-01-04 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hi Marcelo,

Regarding your 6. point:

I wrote a plugin for Icinga/Nagios to check RHEV 3.0 environment using
REST-API. At the moment there are 2 bugs (1 fixed in latest svn trunk, 1
open) to fully work with RHEV 3.1 (and properly oVirt 3.1):

It would be great if you could test it with oVirt and give me some
feedback :)


DI (FH) René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

On Fri, 2013-01-04 at 11:46 -0200, Marcelo Barbosa wrote:
> Dear Itamar,
>My dreams for oVirt 3.2:
>1) Packages CentOs 6.x (ovirt-engine, ovirt-guest-agent);
>2) Resize VM disk from GUI ovirt-engine;
>3) Spice for Google Chrome, this browser run in anywere O.S. and
> largest world use;
>4) Show in Virtual Machines > General > ip/ip's from vm OR Virtual
> Machines > Network Interfaces > show ip;
>5) ISO upload from GUI ovirt-engine the best option; 
>6) Monitoring enviroment oVirt to Zabbix and Nagios(total vms, mem
> clusters, and more...) example:
>I think this would oVirt the project to another level, much
> higher ...
> Thanks.
> Marcelo Barbosa
> On Fri, Jan 4, 2013 at 9:18 AM, Soeren Grunewald
>  wrote:
> On 01/03/2013 07:04 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 01/03/2013 07:25 PM, Soeren Grunewald wrote:
> On 01/03/2013 05:33 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 01/03/2013 06:28 PM, Soeren
> Grunewald wrote:
> On 01/03/2013 05:08 PM, Itamar
> Heim wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> as we wrap oVirt 3.2,
> I wanted to check with
> oVirt users on what
> they
> find good/useful in
> oVirt, and what they
> would like to see
> improved/added in
> coming versions?
> A nice feature would be to be
> able to migrate guests between
> AMD and
> Intel host machines.
> KVM should be able to support
> it [1]. I don't know if other
> hypervisors
> are able/can to support this.
> Because oVirt aims to support
> different
> hypervisors it might be
> problematic. But I think
> offline migration
> should be possible.
> can you please elaborate what do you
> mean by offline migration?
> With offline  migration, I means the guest is
> not running while moving
> it from one host to another.
> I have 2 host machines for testing. One is
> running on a AMD Opteron and
> the other Intel Xeon. Since I can not put both
> machines in the same
> cluster, I have specified a cluster called AMD
> (for the opteron) and
> another called Intel (for the xeon).
> Now I would like to move a guest from the AMD
> machine to the Intel
> machine. Since the CPU does not match I can't.
> I'm not aware that you can't.
> Ok, now is see my problem.
> you should be able to move the VM from one cluster to
> the other.
> yes, it will see a differen

Re: [Users] Destktop VM to Server VM ?

2013-01-04 Thread Koch (ovido)

You can edit the .ovf file of your vm on the export domain.

Change  to:
0 ... Desktop
1 ... Server

Then you can import your server/desktop vm using the engine GUI...


DI (FH) René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

On Sat, 2013-01-05 at 02:04 +0900, Hideo Goto wrote:
> Thaks a lot for your suggestion.
> in fact I found the parameter which specifies server/desktop,
> checking the output of VMs' parameters by REST (/api/vms).
> Is it this very "type" paramter to change?
> Best RGDS
> Hideo GOTO
> P.S.
> I would be happy if you could recomend me any  tool, if existing,
> which might make it easy to update parameters by REST.
> 2013/1/4 Itamar Heim :
> > On 01/03/2013 05:32 PM, Hideo Goto wrote:
> >>
> >> First of all, a Happy new year to every subscriber of the list.
> >>
> >> My first concern of the year about ovirt:
> >>
> >> Is it possible to change the type of an existing VM from desktop to
> >> server by any possible means?
> >> In my case, the VM was imported from KVM to Ovirt 3.0 environment
> >> using virt-v2v. I have just found out that the VM was recognized as
> >> desktop while expected as server .
> >>
> >> Thanks in advance for any advise.
> >
> >
> > I'm pretty sure the REST API/SDK/CLI would allow this as updating this field
> > of the VM.
> > michael?
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] What do you want to see in oVirt next?

2013-01-07 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hi Alex,

You can already group VMs using tags or search filters...


On Mon, 2013-01-07 at 09:16 +, Alex Leonhardt wrote:
> Also, grouping (folders?) of VMs would be great to get a better
> overview in the "Virtual Machines" section. 
> Alex
> 2013/1/7 Patrick Hurrelmann 
> On 03.01.2013 17:25, Patrick Hurrelmann wrote:
> > On 03.01.2013 17:08, Itamar Heim wrote:
> >> Hi Everyone,
> >>
> >> as we wrap oVirt 3.2, I wanted to check with oVirt users on
> what they
> >> find good/useful in oVirt, and what they would like to see
> >> improved/added in coming versions?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Itamar
> >
> > For me, I'd like to see official rpms for RHEL6/CentOS6.
> According to
> > the traffic on this list quite a lot are using Dreyou's
> packages.
> >
> > But I'm really looking forward to oVirt 3.2 (reading all
> those commit
> > whets my appetite) :)
> >
> > Regards
> > Patrick
> And after thinking a bit more about it, this is what I like to
> see in
> addition:
> - clustered engine (eliminate this SPOF)
> - when FreeIPA is used for authentication, make use of its CA
> and
> generate certificates using ipa-getcert
> Regards
> Patrick
> --
> Lobster LOGsuite GmbH, Münchner Straße 15a, D-82319 Starnberg
> HRB 178831, Amtsgericht München
> Geschäftsführer: Dr. Martin Fischer, Rolf Henrich
> ___
> Users mailing list
> ___
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Re: [Users] Can I move local_cluster in all-in-one setup?

2013-01-08 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hi Gianluca,

You could try the following:

- Create new datacenter and cluster
- Set VLAN for ovirtmgmt network in new DC
- Delete localhost from Default cluster
- Configure VLAN tagging on host manually
- Join localhost to new cluster using oVirt Admin Portal

Before joining localhost to the new cluster, comment out rebooting in

$ vi /usr/share/vdsm-bootstrap/


On Tue, 2013-01-08 at 12:21 +0100, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Itamar Heim rote:
> you can't move a cluster while it associated to a DC, you need
> to delete the DC first.
> the AIO is intended to ramp you up. if you know what you are
> doing, to can change anything you want later on.
> as for making the rhevm network vlan'd at setup time, adding a
> few installer/network folks.
> You say that I have to delete the DC first, but I think I can't delete
> a DC if it contains some cluster...
> If I understood correctly what written in another thread
> (due to the problems related to archiving I have nto a link, because
> it was started on 27/12/12; its subject was
> [Users] tagged vs untagged and sharing the interface
> )
> with the target to edit ovirtmgmt for a pre-existing DC, named DC1,
> containing a cluster CL1 it was prposed a possible workflow (not
> tested said the op)
> 1) create temporary datacenter DC2
> 2) put CL1 in DC2
> 3) edit ovirtmgmt in DC1
> 4) put CL1 in DC1 again
> 5) delete DC2
> If this is correct, how can I do it, in terms of operations related to
> hosts, storage, clusters?
> I don't find one because I don't understand how to complete 2)
> Otherwise if 2) is not possible how can I do?
> Thanks and sorry if I was not clear before...
> Gianluca
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Can I move local_cluster in all-in-one setup?

2013-01-09 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hi Gianluca,

I just successfully installed RHEV 3.1 all-in-one with VLAN tagging on
rhevm (ovirtmgmt) network - steps should be the same on oVirt:

1. Configure VLAN on host (ifcfg-eth0.)
2. Install oVirt environment with all-in-one setup
3. Login to webadmin
4. Set local storage to maintenance
5. Force remove datacenter
6. Create new datacenter (new name, type: local)
7. Create new cluster (new name)
8. Edit ovirtmgmt network on new datacenter (set VLAN)
9. Bring host to maintenance
10. Edit host
10.1 Change datacenter to new datacenter
10.2 Change cluster to new cluster
11. Create new local storage
12. Verify that datacenter and host are online and that network is in
sync including VLAN
13. Attach ISO domain (I used the one created with rhevm-setup)
14. Create vm

I hope this will help you with oVirt.
Maybe you should cleanup your all-in-one setup and recreate it using the
above steps.

Best Regards

René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

On Wed, 2013-01-09 at 00:47 +0100, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 12:38 PM, René Koch (ovido)  wrote:
> Hi Gianluca,
> You could try the following:
> 1) Create new datacenter and cluster
> 2) Set VLAN for ovirtmgmt network in new DC
> 3) Delete localhost from Default cluster
> 4) Configure VLAN tagging on host manually
> 5) Join localhost to new cluster using oVirt Admin Portal
> Before joining localhost to the new cluster, comment out
> rebooting in
> $ vi /usr/share/vdsm-bootstrap/
> #deployUtil.reboot()
> Regards,
> René
> Hello,
> I worked on this and
> 1) ok
> 2) ok
> 3) ko
> Error while executing action: 
> Cannot remove Host, as it contains a local Storage Domain. 
> Please activate the Host and remove the Data Center first.
> - If Host cannot be activated, use the Force-Remove option on the Data
> Center object 
> (select the Data Center and right click on it with the mouse).
> - Please note that this action is destructive.
> ---> I put host in maintenance but get the same result, so 
> ---> force remove datacenter local_datacenter
> got warning related to sp domain possible problems (in my case empty
> so I then removed the directory and recreated it empty
> 4) it was already ok with classic ifcfg-em3.65 file
> in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts
> 5) ok
> 6) create a new data domain of type local_host --> ok
> 7) activate iso domain and upload some isos --> ok
> 8) test to create win 7 32 bit vm --> ok
> But when I try run once I get:
>  Error: 
> w7test:
> Cannot run VM. There are no available running Hosts in the Host
> Cluster.
> I attach images for 
> cluster view
> storage view
> network view
> vm view
> It seems all ok to me...
> engine.log, cut arounf the vm creation, is here:
> Instead in vdsm.log I don't see any error...
> Thanks for your help debugging this
> Gianluca

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Can I move local_cluster in all-in-one setup?

2013-01-10 Thread Koch (ovido)
Can you have a look at your network setup dialog in ovirt webadmin if
the network is in sync?

If not, please do a resync.

You're right - the ip address should be on interface ovirtmgmt, not on


On Thu, 2013-01-10 at 00:41 +0100, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 9, 2013 at 5:22 PM, René Koch (ovido)  wrote:
> I hope this will help you with oVirt.
> Maybe you should cleanup your all-in-one setup and recreate it
> using the
> above steps.
> I think substantially I made your steps.
> I take another test.
> The host comes with also another adapter (em4) that is on vlan66
> This is unconfigured in oVirt.
> Then I create a new vlan named vlan66 with target vm
> Then I run another virt-v2v of a vm named zensrv that is on vlan 66
> from qemu on CentOS 6.3 to oVirt 
> # time virt-v2v -o rhev -osd --network vlan66 zensrv
> zensrv_002: 100%
> []D
>  0h02m22s
> virt-v2v: WARNING: /etc/fstab references unknown device /dev/vda2.
> This entry must be manually fixed after conversion.
> virt-v2v: WARNING: /etc/fstab references unknown device /dev/vda1.
> This entry must be manually fixed after conversion.
> virt-v2v: WARNING: /boot/grub/ references unknown
> device /dev/vda. This entry must be manually fixed after conversion.
> virt-v2v: zensrv configured with virtio drivers.
> real 3m16.051s
> user 0m58.953s
> sys 0m46.729s
> NOTE: actually the disk in oVirt after import is marked as VirtIO (as
> it was on source) and boots without any problem
> Well, this vm is perfectly configured in its vlan and reachable as it
> was on its original host.
> After configuring this new vlan on host, this is the situation
> [g.cecchi@f18aio ~]$ ip addr list
> 1: lo:  mtu 16436 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN 
> link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
> inet scope host lo
> inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 2: em1:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP
> qlen 1000
> link/ether 00:1e:0b:21:b8:c4 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet6 fe80::21e:bff:fe21:b8c4/64 scope link 
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 3: em3:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq master
> ovirtmgmt state UP qlen 1000
> link/ether 00:1c:c4:ab:3a:dd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet6 fe80::21c:c4ff:feab:3add/64 scope link 
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 4: em2:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP
> qlen 1000
> link/ether 00:1e:0b:21:b8:c6 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet6 fe80::21e:bff:fe21:b8c6/64 scope link 
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 5: em4:  mtu 1500 qdisc mq state UP
> qlen 1000
> link/ether 00:1c:c4:ab:3a:de brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet6 fe80::21c:c4ff:feab:3ade/64 scope link 
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 6: ovirtmgmt:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
> state UP 
> link/ether 00:1c:c4:ab:3a:dd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet6 fe80::21c:c4ff:feab:3add/64 scope link 
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 7: em3.65@em3:  mtu 1500 qdisc
> noqueue state UP 
> link/ether 00:1c:c4:ab:3a:dd brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet brd scope global em3.65
> inet6 fe80::21c:c4ff:feab:3add/64 scope link 
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 10: ;vdsmdummy;:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN 
> link/ether ea:e8:c9:57:87:fb brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> 11: bond0:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state
> link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> 12: bond4:  mtu 1500 qdisc noop state
> link/ether 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> 14: vnet0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
> master ovirtmgmt state UNKNOWN qlen 500
> link/ether fe:54:00:d3:8f:a3 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet6 fe80::fc54:ff:fed3:8fa3/64 scope link 
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 15: em4.66@em4:  mtu 1500 qdisc
> noqueue master vlan66 state UP 
> link/ether 00:1c:c4:ab:3a:de brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet6 fe80::21c:c4ff:feab:3ade/64 scope link 
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 16: vlan66:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
> state UP 
> link/ether 00:1c:c4:ab:3a:de brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet6 fe80::21c:c4ff:feab:3ade/64 scope link 
>valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
> 17: vnet1:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
> master vlan66 state UNKNOWN qlen 500
> link/ether fe:54:00:43:d9:df brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> inet6 fe80::fc54:ff:fe43:d9df/64 scope link 
>valid_lft forever preferr

[Users] UI Plugins in nightly?

2013-01-16 Thread Koch (ovido)

I installed oVirt engine on Fedora 18 with latest nightly RPMs and
wanted to test the UI plugins, but it seems as this feature is still not
available in nightly.

According to Oved blog post
custom plugins should be put into: /usr/share/ovirt-engine/ui-plugins
UI plugins page on oVirt webpage
proposed /usr/libexec/ovirt/webadmin/extensions as the folder for UI
But neither of these folder does exist in my setup.

So I wanted to know if UI plugins are still not packaged and if they
will be included in final oVirt 3.2?

Thanks a lot.


René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] UI Plugins in nightly?

2013-01-16 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Wed, 2013-01-16 at 04:45 -0500, Oved Ourfalli wrote:
> - Original Message -
> > From: "René Koch (ovido)" 
> > To: "ovirt-users" 
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 11:31:39 AM
> > Subject: [Users] UI Plugins in nightly?
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I installed oVirt engine on Fedora 18 with latest nightly RPMs and
> > wanted to test the UI plugins, but it seems as this feature is still
> > not
> > available in nightly.
> > 
> > According to Oved blog post
> > (
> > custom plugins should be put into: /usr/share/ovirt-engine/ui-plugins
> > UI plugins page on oVirt webpage
> > (
> I'm not sure whether this directory is automatically created when installing 
> the engine, but the feature is there for sure.
> (if the directory isn't there then I guess it is a bug).
> Does it work well when you create this directory 
> (/usr/share/ovirt-engine/ui-plugins) by yourself, and put your plugin files 
> there?

I'll try if this works. Thanks.

As I read in your blog that - at the time you created the foreman
extension - UI plugins were not included in oVirt RPM packages I thought
it's still missing as I don't have this folder on my system.

> > proposed /usr/libexec/ovirt/webadmin/extensions as the folder for UI
> > plugins.
> > But neither of these folder does exist in my setup.
> > 
> > So I wanted to know if UI plugins are still not packaged and if they
> > will be included in final oVirt 3.2?
> > 
> > Thanks a lot.
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > Regards,
> > 
> > René Koch
> > Senior Solution Architect
> > 
> > 
> > ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
> > Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien
> > 
> > Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
> > Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31
> > E-Mail:
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] UI Plugins in nightly?

2013-01-16 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Wed, 2013-01-16 at 05:05 -0500, Oved Ourfalli wrote:
> - Original Message -
> > From: "René Koch (ovido)" 
> > To: "ovirt-users" 
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 11:51:10 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Users] UI Plugins in nightly?
> > 
> > 
> > On Wed, 2013-01-16 at 04:45 -0500, Oved Ourfalli wrote:
> > > 
> > > - Original Message -
> > > > From: "René Koch (ovido)" 
> > > > To: "ovirt-users" 
> > > > Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 11:31:39 AM
> > > > Subject: [Users] UI Plugins in nightly?
> > > > 
> > > > Hi,
> > > > 
> > > > I installed oVirt engine on Fedora 18 with latest nightly RPMs
> > > > and
> > > > wanted to test the UI plugins, but it seems as this feature is
> > > > still
> > > > not
> > > > available in nightly.
> > > > 
> > > > According to Oved blog post
> > > > (
> > > > custom plugins should be put into:
> > > > /usr/share/ovirt-engine/ui-plugins
> > > > UI plugins page on oVirt webpage
> > > > (
> > > I'm not sure whether this directory is automatically created when
> > > installing the engine, but the feature is there for sure.
> > > (if the directory isn't there then I guess it is a bug).
> > > 
> > > Does it work well when you create this directory
> > > (/usr/share/ovirt-engine/ui-plugins) by yourself, and put your
> > > plugin files there?
> > > 
> > 
> > I'll try if this works. Thanks.
> > 
> > As I read in your blog that - at the time you created the foreman
> > extension - UI plugins were not included in oVirt RPM packages I
> > thought
> > it's still missing as I don't have this folder on my system.
> > 
> Yes. At start I worked with the patches, that wasn't merged yet, and thus not 
> part of the nightly packages, but they should be there now.
> I opened a bug on that
> Let me know if you need more help.
> Oved

After creating this folder plugins are working fine.
Thanks a lot!

> > 
> > > > proposed /usr/libexec/ovirt/webadmin/extensions as the folder for
> > > > UI
> > > > plugins.
> > > > But neither of these folder does exist in my setup.
> > > > 
> > > > So I wanted to know if UI plugins are still not packaged and if
> > > > they
> > > > will be included in final oVirt 3.2?
> > > > 
> > > > Thanks a lot.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --
> > > > Regards,
> > > > 
> > > > René Koch
> > > > Senior Solution Architect
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
> > > > Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien
> > > > 
> > > > Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
> > > > Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31
> > > > E-Mail:
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > ___
> > > > Users mailing list
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] node iso installer drops into dracut with Supermicro Virtual CD drive

2013-01-29 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Tue, 2013-01-29 at 18:22 +0100, Jorick Astrego wrote:
> On 01/29/2013 03:31 PM, Alexandre Santos wrote:

> Hi,
> Ok I can do that, but how do I do that on boot? I could modify the iso 
> but I don't have the normal grub bootscreen so I can edit it.
> I tried replacing the CDLABEL parameter in the kernel arguments but this 
> gets me nowhere.
> You state it's a bug on Fedora, but from a user perspective that doesn't 
> matter it just doesn't work properly. And this hasn't worked for 
> nearly a year now.
> An installer where you have to manually enter parameters on boot in a 
> limited time window (a couple of seconds otherwise you have reboot 
> again) doesn't make us admins happy.


You can change boot options using the following steps:
1. Boot from CD
2. Press "Tab" when you see "Start Ovirt Node"
3. Change "root=live:CDLABEL=ovirt-node-iso" to "root=live:/dev/sr0"


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Rest-api to fetch the hosts details ( active vm's , CPU , Physical memory etc.)

2013-01-30 Thread Koch (ovido)

You can find a documentation on how to use the python sdk here:

Should be the same for oVirt...

Best Regards

René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

On Wed, 2013-01-30 at 13:47 +0530, Romil Gupta wrote:
> Hi all ,
> how I can get the hosts details like Active VM's , Number of CPU's ,
> CPU name , CPU type , Physical Memory (used , free ) , swap size and
> other parameters using ovirt-engine-sdk-
> Regards,
> Romil 
> -- 
> I don't wish to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be
> something to someone. 
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] How to import KVM machines into oVirt iSCSI

2013-01-30 Thread Koch (ovido)

The following command migrates a KVM vm named "test-rhel6" to your
export domain "ovirt-engine:/data/nfs/export" with qcow2, thin
provisioned disk and ovirtmgmt-network from KVM host "kvm-host":

# virt-v2v -i libvirt -ic qemu+ssh://root@kvm-host/system -o rhev -os
ovirt-engine:/data/nfs/export -of qcow2 -oa sparse -n ovirtmgmt

See "virt-v2v --help" for details...

You can also create a profile in /etc/virt-v2v.conf to avoid command
line arguments for virt-v2v...

For migration you need an export domain which must be NFS (not iSCSI).

So the migration steps are:
1. create export domain
2. activate export domain on datacenter
3. install virt-v2v on ovirt engine host
4. migrate host to export domain
5. import vm from export domain

Best Regards

René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

On Wed, 2013-01-30 at 11:43 +0100, Nicolas Ecarnot wrote:
> Hi,
> Reading the docs all day long helped me to setup a nice Data center in 
> iSCSI mode, connected to a big LUN in a san.
> Many many points are working, mostly thanks to you, people of this list.
> Apart from this oVirt setup (1 manager, 3 nodes, 1 san), I have a 
> completely separated ubuntu hypervisor running a standalone local KVM 
> with a local storage.
> I have not a clear view of how I will manage to import these VM into oVirt.
> Of course, I've read about ovirt-v2v (and its huge amount of 
> dependencies...), but I'm not sure this is the way I have to follow?
> As far as I've understood, v2v seems to be dedicated to connection 
> between oVirt datacenters, or vmware or Xen plateforms, but I see 
> nothing about the connection to a distant standalone KVM hypervisor.
> One more thing that is unclear to me, and seems related, is the notion 
> of export / import domain. I read that this principle could allow me to 
> export (then to backup) my VMs. This could help me to import some VMs.
> But I read that this export domain has to be the same type of my 
> datacenter (iscsi), so this is not helping me with my standalone kvm 
> hypervisor.
> I'd be glad to get some light on these points.

Users mailing list

[Users] UI Plugin iframe dialogs

2013-01-30 Thread Koch (ovido)

I'm still working on my Nagios integration plugin and came across a
limitation of the UI plugin framework caused by iframes.

UI framework creates an iframe for each plugin, so the plugin code is
separated from the main oVirt webadmin code (and other plugins). When
creating a new (big) jQuery dialog in an sub tab-iframe (sub tab of
selected vm or host) it can't be displayed without scrolling in the sub
tab or resizing the sub tab (that's clear as it's displayed in an too
small iframe).

So it would be great if it would be possible to display dialogs in the
middle of the main windows and overlap the iframe (don't know if this is
possible). In short terms I want to create a dialog which behaves like
e.g. the "Setup Host Networks" or "Add Permission to User" dialogs ->
click on a link in the plugin iframe and dialog opens in the middle of
the website not the middle of the iframe.

What I found out so far is that:
1. I must be aware of the same origin policy (that's no problem)
2. I need to put my jQuery-dialog-code in the main oVirt windows and
then I can call it from within the iframe (that's my problem)

So my questions are:
Is it possible to place code outside of the iframe?
If not - are there plans to allow this in future releases?
Or maybe is there a workaround?

Thanks a lot,

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] set host status up from backend?

2013-02-05 Thread Koch (ovido)

What happens when you try to activate your host?
Is there an error message?


On Tue, 2013-02-05 at 18:45 +0530, Jithin Raju wrote:
> Hi Karli,
> I got the below error after trying "Host Tab > Right click host >
> "Confirm 'Host has been rebooted'" Error while executing
> action: Cannot confirm 'Host has been rebooted' Host. There is no
> active Host in the Data Center.
> Thanks,
> Jithin
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 6:40 PM, Karli Sjöberg 
> wrote:
> tis 2013-02-05 klockan 18:32 +0530 skrev Jithin Raju: 
> > Hi , 
> > 
> > 
> > Is there a way to set the host status up in ovirt through
> > backend, some value in DB.
> > 
> > 
> > My server went unreachable for a while and its reachable
> > now, but ovirt web UI still showa it as Non Responsive.
> Host Tab > Right click host > "Confirm 'Host has been
> rebooted'"?
> /Karli
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks, 
> > Jithin 
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] HTML file display in Custom Tab

2013-02-05 Thread Koch (ovido)

You can simply bypass your with "ProxyPass ... !":

In my setup I bypass /ovirt-monitoring, which resides in /data/www:

# vi ovirt-engine.conf

ProxyPass /ovirt-monitoring !
ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8702/ retry=5 timeout=3600

# vi ovirt-monitoring.conf
Alias /ovirt-monitoring /data/www/ovirt-monitoring

Options -Indexes +FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride Options
Require all granted

Best Regards,

On Tue, 2013-02-05 at 13:34 +, J, Satheesh wrote:
> Hi ,
> I have added a custom Tab to WebAdmin portal and want to display a
> html file in this Custom tab.
> I find that there is usage of “ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8702/”
> within /etc/httpd/conf.d” ,which redirects whatever request which
> comes to server back to the engine-service which listens to port 8702.
> This prevents me from showing a html file placed
> in /var/www/html,which is run on Apache server.
> Every request is reverted back to oVirt main page.
> How do I succeed to display html file then?
> Is there a way to bypass this proxy whenever required?
> Thanks and Regards
> Satheesh J
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[Users] oVirt 3.2 and Solaris 10 guests

2013-02-14 Thread Koch (ovido)

I've a strange network issue with Solaris 10 x86 guests on oVirt 3.2
(beta) with an CentOS 6.3 hypervisor (using dreyou's repository for VDSM

My host configuration is the following:
Operating system: Other
Network interface type: rtl8139
Network Name: ovirtmgmt
Disk interface: IDE

Disk is working fine and the network interface is detected by Solaris 10
guest, as I can see a rtls0 interface with "ifconfig -a" and Solaris
installer also detects this interface.

But when I try to send packages over this interface they never reach a
target - e.g. ping the gateway and "arp -an" doesn't show it's MAC
address. On the hypervisor I can see vnet(x) interface is on ovirtmgmt
bridge. Network traffic is working fine for all other VMs (RHEL 6 and
Fedora 18) on ovirtmgmt bridge.

Btw, when creating a Solaris 10 guest on RHEV 3.1 with RHEL 6.3
hypervisor the exactly same issue occurs - network interface is detected
but no traffic passes this interface.

On a plain KVM-Host (RHEL 6.3) I can create a Solaris 10 host with
virt-manager using rtl8139 Virtual Network Interface Device model on a
bridge (network setup is nearly the same as for oVirt and RHEV). On this
RHEL 6.3 KVM-host network is working fine for Solaris guests.

In the process list (ps -ef) the settings for oVirt and RHEL-KVM seem
the be nearly the same (different fd's and option bootindex=3 is missing
on KVM):

oVirt 3.2:
-netdev tap,fd=25,id=hostnet0 -device

RHEL 6.3 KVM: 
-netdev tap,fd=36,id=hostnet0 -device

KVM-Version is exactly the same on CentOS-oVirt-Hypervisor as on RHEL
# rpm -qa | grep kvm

Do you have any clue why Solaris networking isn't working on oVirt but
on RHEL-KVM it is?

I didn't try Fedora 18 or oVirt Node as a hypervisor yet - don't think
that there will be a difference.

Thanks a lot for your feedback.

Best Regards,
René Koch

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] oVirt 3.2 and Solaris 10 guests

2013-02-14 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Thu, 2013-02-14 at 11:22 -0500, Jean-Francois Saucier wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 11:21 AM, Jiri Belka 
> wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Feb 2013 10:49:13 -0500
> Jean-Francois Saucier  wrote:
> > > oVirt 3.2:
> > > -netdev tap,fd=25,id=hostnet0 -device
> > >
> > >
> rtl8139,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=00:1a:4a:00:64:9e,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3,bootindex=3
> ^^^ - realtek, really? Try e1000 which is usually much
> more reliable or virtio iface. I personally always had
> terrible
> experience with emulated rtl8139 by qemu-kvm, e1000 was OK.
> For me, it's the same if I choose the e1000 (which I choose the first
> time and then try the rtl8139).
Same for me - e1000 aren't working with oVirt 3.2 and Solaris 10, too.

Users mailing list

[Users] Introducing oVirt Monitoring UI-Plugin

2013-02-19 Thread Koch (ovido)
I'm happy to announce oVirt Monitoring UI-Plugin, which allows the
integration of a Nagios or Icinga monitoring solution into oVirt 3.2
webadmin. With this plugin you can access detailed service check results
and information including performance graphs within oVirt webadmin for
hosts and virtual machines.

We look forward to extend this plugin with more Nagios/Icinga features
like acknowledgments, comments or service rescheduling, permissions,
dashboards, check_mk-integration for virtual machine monitoring and many

For more information about this project and screenshots please visit ​

The download location is
  * ​

Please note that this first release is an early development version with
some minor CSS bugs on some browsers.

If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email: ​

Thank you for using oVirt Monitoring UI-Plugin.

Best Regards

René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Introducing oVirt Monitoring UI-Plugin

2013-02-26 Thread Koch (ovido)
On Mon, 2013-02-25 at 07:21 -0500, Vojtech Szocs wrote:
> Hi René,
> first of all, great job on releasing the Monitoring UI Plugin!

Thanks a lot!

> The plugin itself (start.html) looks nice and easy, and the UI is awesome 
> (almost identical to default oVirt UI).

That was my plan - the plugin should fit as good as possible into oVirt.

> I see that you use a combination of CGI/Perl + jQuery to render the sub-tab 
> UI. We're actually planning to extend the plugin API to accept HTML DOM 
> elements in addition to "content URL" so that plugin-specific UI can be built 
> and attached to WebAdmin UI directly on client, using JavaScript frameworks 
> such as jQuery, Backbone, etc. :)

Sounds really great.
I use Perl Template Toolkit and jQuery at the moment, but think that
Template Toolkit isn't really necessary as most of the HTML could be
done with plain HTML and jQuery as well.

> One question: in monitoring.js, after you call api.showDialog, you also call 
> api.ready, but at that point api.ready has already been called, as it 
> essentially kick-starts plugin initialization..

I'll skip the api.ready call - thanks for the information.

> Can I add your plugin to 
> ?

Yes of course - thanks.


> - Original Message -
> From: "René Koch (ovido)" 
> To: "ovirt-users" 
> Sent: Tuesday, February 19, 2013 3:04:13 PM
> Subject: [Users] Introducing oVirt Monitoring UI-Plugin
> I'm happy to announce oVirt Monitoring UI-Plugin, which allows the
> integration of a Nagios or Icinga monitoring solution into oVirt 3.2
> webadmin. With this plugin you can access detailed service check results
> and information including performance graphs within oVirt webadmin for
> hosts and virtual machines.
> We look forward to extend this plugin with more Nagios/Icinga features
> like acknowledgments, comments or service rescheduling, permissions,
> dashboards, check_mk-integration for virtual machine monitoring and many
> more.
> For more information about this project and screenshots please visit ​
> The download location is
>   * ​
> %3Adownload
> Please note that this first release is an early development version with
> some minor CSS bugs on some browsers.
> If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email: ​
> Thank you for using oVirt Monitoring UI-Plugin.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] UI Plugin iframe dialogs

2013-03-06 Thread Koch (ovido)
#x27; within the iframe to reference top-level 
> > WebAdmin window
> >- your plugin can show jQuery dialog within the context of WebAdmin DOM 
> > (parent.document)
> >- for example:
> >  var $dialog = $('Content');
> >  var dialogElement = $dialog.get();
> >  parent.document.body.appendChild(dialogElement);
> >  $dialog.dialog();
> > 
> > 3, [planned for future] extend showDialog to accept DOM element in addition 
> > to content URL
> >- this way, you can build your dialog content with JavaScript and put it 
> > inside the dialog
> >- you would still use showDialog API, in preference to direct WebAdmin 
> > DOM manipulation
> > 
> > In general, plugins are not meant to modify WebAdmin top-level DOM directly 
> > on their own, because doing so imposes a fragile bond between WebAdmin DOM 
> > structure (which is very likely to change) and plugin code. Instead, 
> > plugins should use pluginApi object for extending specific parts WebAdmin 
> > UI (e.g. addMainTab, addSubTab, etc.).
> > 
> > Let me know what you think.
> > 
> > Vojtech
> > 
> > 
> > - Original Message -
> > From: "René Koch (ovido)" 
> > To: "ovirt-users" 
> > Sent: Wednesday, January 30, 2013 4:47:54 PM
> > Subject: [Users] UI Plugin iframe dialogs
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm still working on my Nagios integration plugin and came across a
> > limitation of the UI plugin framework caused by iframes.
> > 
> > UI framework creates an iframe for each plugin, so the plugin code is
> > separated from the main oVirt webadmin code (and other plugins). When
> > creating a new (big) jQuery dialog in an sub tab-iframe (sub tab of
> > selected vm or host) it can't be displayed without scrolling in the sub
> > tab or resizing the sub tab (that's clear as it's displayed in an too
> > small iframe).
> > 
> > So it would be great if it would be possible to display dialogs in the
> > middle of the main windows and overlap the iframe (don't know if this is
> > possible). In short terms I want to create a dialog which behaves like
> > e.g. the "Setup Host Networks" or "Add Permission to User" dialogs ->
> > click on a link in the plugin iframe and dialog opens in the middle of
> > the website not the middle of the iframe.
> > 
> > What I found out so far is that:
> > 1. I must be aware of the same origin policy (that's no problem)
> > 2. I need to put my jQuery-dialog-code in the main oVirt windows and
> > then I can call it from within the iframe (that's my problem)
> > 
> > So my questions are:
> > Is it possible to place code outside of the iframe?
> > If not - are there plans to allow this in future releases?
> > Or maybe is there a workaround?
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks a lot,
> > René
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Packet loss to guests

2013-03-08 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hi Neil,

I had a similar issue with my oVirt environment with some vms.
The issue on my side was oVirt and RHEV environment in the same subnet
and conflicting MAC addresses on some vms (as both use the same MAC
range and I didn't change this with engine-config).

So can you check if this MAC our your vm is in use by an other host/vm
(maybe from a KVM installation)?

Best regards

René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

On Fri, 2013-03-08 at 11:27 +0200, Neil wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've got a bit of a strange one, I'm setting up an internal ovirt
> system Centos 6.3 64bit dreyou repo...
> and I'm getting lots of packet loss on the guest I've installed, the
> packet loss doesn't happen on the physical hosts, only the VM gets it,
> when communicating from and to it.
> 1 node(Centos 6.3 64bit)
> vdsm-4.10.0-0.46.15.el6.x86_64
> vdsm-cli-4.10.0-0.46.15.el6.noarch
> vdsm-xmlrpc-4.10.0-0.46.15.el6.noarch
> vdsm-python-4.10.0-0.46.15.el6.x86_64
> The engine(also Centos 6.3 64bit(engine has local NFS storage which
> the node connects to)
> ovirt-engine-userportal-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-dbscripts-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-backend-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-notification-service-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> ovirt-image-uploader-3.1.0-16.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-genericapi-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> ovirt-iso-uploader-3.1.0-16.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-restapi-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-tools-common-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-sdk-
> ovirt-engine-webadmin-portal-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-cli-
> ovirt-log-collector-3.1.0-16.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-setup-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> ovirt-engine-jbossas711-1-0.x86_64
> ovirt-engine-config-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> Both the node and engine have bonded interfaces all NICS are intel
> 82574L gigabit and the managed switch reflects gigabit on each of the
> ports.
> The ifcfg-bond0 is below...
> DEVICE=bond0
> MTU=1500
> ONBOOT=yes
> Then the ifcfg-eth0 and eth1 are almost identical...
> DEVICE=eth2
> ONBOOT=yes
> MASTER=bond0
> SLAVE=yes
> MTU=1500
> These are the network details on the guest, as you can see, there are
> no network errors showing on the guest at all, which is strange
> eth0 Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:1A:4A:A8:00:00
>inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>inet6 addr: fe80::21a:4aff:fea8:0/64 Scope:Link
>RX packets:5050 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
>TX packets:255 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
>collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
>RX bytes:490762 (479.2 KiB)  TX bytes:32516 (31.7 KiB)
> Ethernet controller: Red Hat, Inc Virtio network device
> Has anyone got any ideas? Have I set something up wrong?
> Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
> Regards.
> Neil Wilson.
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Packet loss to guests

2013-03-08 Thread Koch (ovido)

If you don't have another oVirt / RHEL KVM host in the same network than
MACs want be an issue. So it's totally save to have oVirt in the same
network as all other systems.

I see in your email that you use bonding mode 2. This shouldn't cause
issues with switches, but I think I had an issue with RHEV (bond 2) and
a Cisco switch once on customer side - please don't ask me for details
on what their network admins changed to make this setup work.

Can you try bonding mode 0 (active-backup) and check if you still have
packet loss?

Best regards

René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

On Fri, 2013-03-08 at 15:57 +0200, Neil wrote:
> Thanks Rene, I'll look into your suggestions.
> I don't think it's a conflicting MAC as there is only 1 guest, but
> will check it out.
> Would you advise running the engine and nodes on a separate network
> range to my existing network rather?
> Thanks.
> Regards.
> Neil Wilson.
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 1:52 PM, René Koch (ovido)  wrote:
> > Hi Neil,
> >
> > I had a similar issue with my oVirt environment with some vms.
> > The issue on my side was oVirt and RHEV environment in the same subnet
> > and conflicting MAC addresses on some vms (as both use the same MAC
> > range and I didn't change this with engine-config).
> >
> > So can you check if this MAC our your vm is in use by an other host/vm
> > (maybe from a KVM installation)?
> >
> >
> > --
> > Best regards
> >
> > René Koch
> > Senior Solution Architect
> >
> > 
> > ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
> > Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien
> >
> > Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
> > Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31
> > E-Mail:
> > 
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 2013-03-08 at 11:27 +0200, Neil wrote:
> >> Hi guys,
> >>
> >> I've got a bit of a strange one, I'm setting up an internal ovirt
> >> system Centos 6.3 64bit dreyou repo...
> >>
> >> and I'm getting lots of packet loss on the guest I've installed, the
> >> packet loss doesn't happen on the physical hosts, only the VM gets it,
> >> when communicating from and to it.
> >>
> >> 1 node(Centos 6.3 64bit)
> >> vdsm-4.10.0-0.46.15.el6.x86_64
> >> vdsm-cli-4.10.0-0.46.15.el6.noarch
> >> vdsm-xmlrpc-4.10.0-0.46.15.el6.noarch
> >> vdsm-python-4.10.0-0.46.15.el6.x86_64
> >>
> >> The engine(also Centos 6.3 64bit(engine has local NFS storage which
> >> the node connects to)
> >> ovirt-engine-userportal-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-engine-dbscripts-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-engine-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-engine-backend-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-engine-notification-service-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-image-uploader-3.1.0-16.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-engine-genericapi-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-iso-uploader-3.1.0-16.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-engine-restapi-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-engine-tools-common-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-engine-sdk-
> >> ovirt-engine-webadmin-portal-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-engine-cli-
> >> ovirt-log-collector-3.1.0-16.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-engine-setup-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> >> ovirt-engine-jbossas711-1-0.x86_64
> >> ovirt-engine-config-3.1.0-3.19.el6.noarch
> >>
> >> Both the node and engine have bonded interfaces all NICS are intel
> >> 82574L gigabit and the managed switch reflects gigabit on each of the
> >> ports.
> >>
> >> The ifcfg-bond0 is below...
> >>
> >> DEVICE=bond0
> >> IPADDR=
> >> USERCTL=no
> >> BONDING_OPTS=mode=2
> >> BOOTPROTO=none
> >> MTU=1500
> >> ONBOOT=yes
> >>
> >> Then the ifcfg-eth0 and eth1 are almost identical...
> >> DEVICE=eth2
> >> USERCTL=no
> >> ONBOOT=yes
> >> MASTER=bond0
> >> SLAVE=yes
> >> MTU=1500
> >> BOOTPROTO=none
> >>
> >>
> >> These are the 

Re: [Users] Possible migration from oVirt to RHEV?

2013-03-11 Thread Koch (ovido)

The reason is most likely to have a stable production environment with
support and to have oVirt as a testing environment.

For the migration process:
- Implement your RHEV environment
- Create an export domain within RHEV, but don't attach it to your RHEV
- Attach your export domain to oVirt datacenter
- Export your vms
- Detach export domain on oVirt and attach it in RHEV
- Import your vms

Did move a few vms from oVirt to RHEV and it worked fine.

Just make sure that you change to MAC range as oVirt and RHEV use the
same range and this will cause problems when you have vms with
conflicting MAC addresses.

Best regards

René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

On Sun, 2013-03-10 at 14:11 -0700, Bashar wrote:
> Dear Vakhnin, 
> What's your reasons for migrating to RHEV from oVirt? 
> Thanks 
> B
> On Mar 10, 2013 11:46 PM, "Vakhnin, Andrey A. (LARC-E302)[SCIENCE
> We also plan to migrate our production ovirt 3.1 cluster to
> rhev. Anyone successfully exported ovirt domain and attached
> on rhev? This being a production environment we only get few
> hours dow time at most. Thanks
> On Mar 10, 2013, at 3:42 PM, "Saint Keimond"
>  wrote:
> > While I'm not 100% sure on this, you should be able to
> > export your machines to an export domain, detach that
> > domain, attach it on RHEV, and import.
> > 
> > --David
> > 
> > 
> > On 3/9/13 3:49 PM, Bashar wrote:
> > 
> > > Hello, 
> > > Doing some RnD and was wondering if it's possible to move
> > > from Fedora/oVirt to RHEL/RHEV anytime in future for a
> > > production system if required. 
> > > 
> > > From the technical possibility point of view. 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Thanks, 
> > > -B
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ___
> > > Users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> ___
> Users mailing list
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] High Availability

2013-03-18 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Mon, 2013-03-18 at 09:50 +, wrote:
> Ok, now I understand, so what do we need to get the power management
> configured and working?

You need a remote management interface (IPMI, ILO,...) in your servers
and an user which has permissions to power off/on/reset the server using
this interface. The IP address of this interface must be accessible from
all hosts in your cluster.

When editing your host preferences you see all supported devices under
"Power Management" - "Type". On most systems (IBM, hp, Supermicro,...)
ipmilan will work.

Btw, does anyone know if it's possible to add custom fencing scripts for
power management?


> Regards
> Jose
> __
> De: "Shu Ming" 
> Para: "Tim Hildred" 
> Cc:
> Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 18 de Março de 2013 5:18:28
> Assunto: Re: [Users] High Availability
> Tim Hildred:
> >> If one host is down because of network interrupt or power
> >> failure, the engine should know how many HA VMs are down and find
> >> out the VM images on the storage domain to start the VM instances
> on
> >> another host in the cluster. Why do we need power manager to be
> >> configured?
> > Power management allows the Manager to start highly available
> virtual machines on new hosts without worrying that virtual machine
> hard disk images will be corrupted.
> >
> > Imagine a situation in which the Manager cannot communicate with the
> host a highly available virtual machine is running on. If the host is
> still running as expected, and the virtual machine is also still
> running, the virtual machine is writing to its hard disk image.
> Tim,
> Thanks for clarification. That is what I expected.
> >
> > If the Manager starts that virtual machine on another host in the
> cluster, then both virtual machine instances will try and write to the
> disk image, and cause hard disk corruption.
> >
> > Power management lets the Manager be sure that only one instance of
> the highly available virtual machine is running, because the instance
> on the host the Manager couldn't communicate cannot survive a host
> reboot.
> >
> > Tim Hildred, RHCE
> > Content Author II - Engineering Content Services, Red Hat, Inc.
> > Brisbane, Australia
> > Email:
> > Internal: 8588287
> > Mobile: +61 4 666 25242
> > IRC: thildred
> >
> > - Original Message -
> >> From: "Shu Ming" 
> >> To: "Tim Hildred" 
> >> Cc:,
> >> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 1:31:12 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [Users] High Availability
> >>
> >>
> >> Tim,
> >>
> >> Thanks for your information. I am not sure why we need power
> >> management to be configured for the hosts running HA virtual
> >> machines.  We only need a method to check the VM or host status and
> >> a method to restart the VM instances with existing VM images on
> >> another host. Is it required to force powering down the failing
> host
> >> forever to make sure the failing host will not come back to live
> >> again?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>  *
> >> Power management must be configured for the hosts running the
> highly
> >> available virtual machines.
> >>  *
> >> The host running the highly available virtual machine must be part
> of
> >> a cluster which has other available hosts.
> >>  *
> >> The destination host must be running.
> >>  *
> >> The source and destination host must have access to the data domain
> >> on which the virtual machine resides.
> >>  *
> >> The source and destination host must have access to the same
> virtual
> >> networks and VLANs.
> >>  *
> >> There must be enough CPUs on the destination host that are not in
> use
> >> to support the virtual machine's requirements.
> >>  *
> >> There must be enough RAM on the destination host that is not in use
> >> to support the virtual machine's requirements.
> >>
> >>
> >> Tim Hildred:
> >>
> >>
> >> You might also find this helpful:
> >>
> >> The topics before and after it explain a bit more about high
> >> availability.
> >>
> >> Tim Hildred, RHCE
> >> Content Author II - Engineering Content Services, Red Hat, Inc.
> >> Brisbane, Australia
> >> Email: Internal: 8588287
> >> Mobile: +61 4 666 25242
> >> IRC: thildred
> >>
> >> - Original Message -
> >>
> >> From: "Dafna Ron"  To: Cc:
> >> Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 4:46:51 AM
> >> Subject: Re: [Users] High Availability
> >>
> >> I think that there is some confusion here so I will explain what
> are
> >> the
> >> configurations for fail-over.
> >>
> >> power management will reboot your host if a connectivity issue is
> >> detected so all your vm's will be killed.
> >> resilience policy will allow you to choose vm migration policy
> duri

Re: [Users] Fast way to see all snapshots on my infra?

2013-03-22 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hi Gianluca,

You can try something like this (dirty) command:

URL='https://localhost/api'; USER='admin@internal';
cp /dev/null /tmp/ovirt-snapshots; echo -e "list vms\nexit"
> /tmp/ovirt-vms; for VM in `ovirt-shell -l ${URL} -u ${USER} -c -I
-f /tmp/ovirt-vms | grep name | tr -s ' ' ' ' | cut -d' ' -f3`; do echo
"list snapshots --vm-identifier ${VM} --show-all"
>> /tmp/ovirt-snapshots; done; echo "exit" >> /tmp/ovirt-snapshots;
ovirt-shell -l ${URL} -u ${USER} -c -I -f /tmp/ovirt-snapshots

Best Regards


On Fri, 2013-03-22 at 09:44 +0100, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> Hello,
> is there any way to see a recap of all the snapshots in my DCs and Clusters?
> Both from webadmin gui or REST API or query on engine db?
> Thanks,
> Gianluca
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] User Portal

2013-03-22 Thread Koch (ovido)

If you login with PowerUser permission you have 2 tabs (Basic and
Extended) where Basic is the UserPortal and Extended the
So you can switch between these 2 views.

Btw, in RHEV (3.0 and 3.1) I see a (for me) strange behaviour and
haven't tested if this is the same in oVirt.
When installing RHEV a "Default" datacenter is created and everyone has
permission on template "blank". As long as I don't remove permissions on
"blank" template user with role "UserRole" start in PowerUserPortal
(Extended view) instead of UserPortal (Basic view) - without permission
on template "blank" they can't switch between these 2 views/portals
(which is the expected situation - users with UserPortal permission
shouldn't be aware of the PowerUserPortal).
Is this bug or intended?


On Fri, 2013-03-22 at 15:40 +0100, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Itamar Heim  wrote:
> > On 03/20/2013 03:26 PM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> >>
> >> BTW: RHEVM 3.1 portals (User Portal and Power User Portal) have been
> >> consolidated in the unique oVirt 3.2.x User Portal?
> >> Are they going to be consolidated in RHEVM 3.2 too?
> >
> >
> > what do you mean by "consolidated"?
> > (in any case, there is no difference between ovirt and rhev on this)
> >
> Sorry I misunderstood.
> Both normal and power users access the User Portal at
> but if a user has RHEVMPowerUser role (in RHEVM 3.1) or  probably the
> system related role named "PowerUserRole" (in oVirt) what he/she gets
> is the Power User Portal and not the "normal" User Portal, correct?
> Gianluca
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Templates and originating VM relationship

2013-03-26 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hi Gianluca,

@oVirt-team: please correct me if I misunderstood something on the

Unlike Vmware (which converts a vm into a template) RHEV/oVirt is
copying the vm into a template.

So you can remove or edit your original vm without having an impact on
your template.

More important is the template provisioning method when creating vms
from your template. If you choose Thin, only changes between your
template and your vm are written to your vms disk file, where clone
creates a clone of your template's disk. Template thin provisioning
saves disk space, but you can't delete the template as long as you don't
delete all vms linked to this template.

The name of your disk is just a name (and it seems that it doesn't have
to be unique) - important is the ID, which is used by oVirt internally.


On Tue, 2013-03-26 at 15:11 +0100, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> Hello,
> oVirt 3.2.1 on Fedora 18.
> I customize a CentOS 6.4 VM and when I comfortable I select "make template".
> I don't take any snapshot for the VM before this.
> I thought that VM would have been disappeared, transforming itself
> into a template, instead at the end I have both the template and the
> originating VM.
> Apparently with the same name for the disk and the same storage domain
> What is exactly the relationship between them?
> Can I safely remove the originating VM?
> I already tested making template and then deleting it and then being
> able to power on again VM and make a new template from the originating
> VM.
> The rhevm 3.1 admin manual is not so clear about this: it contains a
> note regarding
> "
> Take a snapshot of the virtual machine at this stage if you wish to
> use the virtual machine
> (as a virtual machine) after using it to create a template.
> "
> But if behavior of oVirt 3.2.1 has to be the same with it, this
> doesn't explain itself based on my experience
> Thanks in advance for any information
> Gianluca
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Templates and originating VM relationship

2013-03-26 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Tue, 2013-03-26 at 15:50 +0100, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 3:41 PM, René Koch (ovido)  wrote:
> > Unlike Vmware (which converts a vm into a template) RHEV/oVirt is
> > copying the vm into a template.
> >
> > So you can remove or edit your original vm without having an impact on
> > your template.
> OK.
> So the note in Procedure 9.1 at page 162 of RHEV 3.1 admin guide is
> not correct

I didn't had issues when creating templates from vms without snapshots
and reusing the vm again.

I think it's because of sealing/sysprep.

Let's assume you create a template of a windows vm, I would do the
following steps:
1. Install all apps and settings in your vm
2. Take a snapshot of this vm
3. sysprep your vm
4. Create a template
5. Revert to previous snapshot when reusing your vm, as otherwise
sysprep would start (and you don't want it for your master-image).

> > More important is the template provisioning method when creating vms
> > from your template. If you choose Thin, only changes between your
> > template and your vm are written to your vms disk file, where clone
> > creates a clone of your template's disk. Template thin provisioning
> > saves disk space, but you can't delete the template as long as you don't
> > delete all vms linked to this template.
> This was clear to me based on manual contents, but thanks for the remainder.
> Gianluca

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] DNS reverse configuration

2013-04-05 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Thu, 2013-04-04 at 18:48 +, Chris Noffsinger wrote:
> I have successfully gotten samba4 to work with ovirt but I could not use the 
> Administrator user.
> I had to create another admin user to. Get it to work.

I can confirm that it's possible to use oVirt/RHEV with Samba 4 - tested
RHEV 3.0/3.1 with Univention Corporate Server which is a SBS server on
Linux base with Samba 4.

For RHEV it's  not recommended to use Administrator for Active Directory
even if it works mostly. Did it several times where it worked fine with
Microsoft Active Directory - not sure if I faced isses with
Administrator user.
But in general it's better to have an other user with admin permissions,
as this will always work (if you set up DNS correctly).


> Chris Noffsinger
> -Original Message-
> From: Eduardo Ramos 
> Sender:
> Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2013 15:45:36 
> To: 
> Subject: [Users] DNS reverse configuration
> ___
> Users mailing list
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] User Portal

2013-04-05 Thread Koch (ovido)
On Tue, 2013-04-02 at 01:27 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 03/22/2013 04:55 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > If you login with PowerUser permission you have 2 tabs (Basic and
> > Extended) where Basic is the UserPortal and Extended the
> > PowerUserPortal.
> > So you can switch between these 2 views.
> >
> >
> > Btw, in RHEV (3.0 and 3.1) I see a (for me) strange behaviour and
> > haven't tested if this is the same in oVirt.
> > When installing RHEV a "Default" datacenter is created and everyone has
> > permission on template "blank". As long as I don't remove permissions on
> > "blank" template user with role "UserRole" start in PowerUserPortal
> > (Extended view) instead of UserPortal (Basic view) - without permission
> > on template "blank" they can't switch between these 2 views/portals
> > (which is the expected situation - users with UserPortal permission
> > shouldn't be aware of the PowerUserPortal).
> > Is this bug or intended?
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > René
> >
> >
> >
> > On Fri, 2013-03-22 at 15:40 +0100, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> >> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:31 PM, Itamar Heim  wrote:
> >>> On 03/20/2013 03:26 PM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> BTW: RHEVM 3.1 portals (User Portal and Power User Portal) have been
> >>>> consolidated in the unique oVirt 3.2.x User Portal?
> >>>> Are they going to be consolidated in RHEVM 3.2 too?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> what do you mean by "consolidated"?
> >>> (in any case, there is no difference between ovirt and rhev on this)
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> Sorry I misunderstood.
> >> Both normal and power users access the User Portal at
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> but if a user has RHEVMPowerUser role (in RHEVM 3.1) or  probably the
> >> system related role named "PowerUserRole" (in oVirt) what he/she gets
> >> is the Power User Portal and not the "normal" User Portal, correct?
> >>
> >> Gianluca
> >> ___
> >> Users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> i believe a bug, would appreciate if you can test on latest 3.3 nightly.

I'll try it with 3.3 nightly and will let you know.
Can I virtualize an oVirt 3.3 hypervisor on an oVirt 3.2 host based on
CentOS 6.4 (does RHEL 6.4/CentOS 6.4 support nested KVM or do I have to
use Fedora 18?) as I'm short with hardware at the moment?


Users mailing list

[Users] DNS for IPA in oVirt

2013-04-05 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hi list,

I don't want to ask my question in the mail thread of Eduardo to avoid
mixing topics.

Can you give me more detailed information on how oVirt is using DNS
internally and how IPA users can work in the following scenario:

# engine-manage-domains -action=list
User name:
Manage Domains completed successfully

# cat /etc/hosts | grep engine

# ip a
2: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
state UP qlen 1000
link/ether 00:1a:4a:00:64:14 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global eth0

# host has address

# host domain name pointer

So in my case I have correct DNS settings (forward and reverse), but my
ovirt-engine host has a totally different IP address.

I didn't test SSO with Kerberos in user portal (maybe this want work),
but authentication with IPA user in user portal and admin portal is
working fine even with these totally wrong DNS configuration.


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Fast way to see all snapshots on my infra?

2013-04-05 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Sat, 2013-03-23 at 11:41 +0100, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 22, 2013 at 3:07 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:

> Two questions:
> 1) On my all-in-one system with f18 + oVirt stable 3.2.1 I have
> ovirt-engine-3.2.1-1.fc18.noarch
> ovirt-engine-cli-
> when I run ovirt-shell I get
> >>> connected to oVirt manager <<<
> so this banner refers to ovirt-shell itself and not the engine itself,
> I presume... correct?

It seems that this banner does reflect the oVirt/RHEV major version.
Connecting to RHEV 3.1 with ovirt-shell (from oVirt 3.2 package) gives
me the following banner:

 >>> connected to oVirt manager <<<

oVirt 3.2.1 says "connected to oVirt manager"

> 2) If I have one VM with one snapshot the beginning of the output is:
> ==
>  >>> connected to oVirt manager <<<
>  ==
> id : f916e1a3-13bc-43e8-8187-65a1ab9163c8
> description: Active VM
> date   : 2013-03-01T00:31:20.898+01:00
> snapshot_status: ok
> type   : active
> id   : 5a623a18-11eb-455b-9791-680795a23f8e
> description  : test
> date : 2013-03-22T01:08:50.038+01:00
> ...
> Then I create another snapshot and I get:
> ==
>  >>> connected to oVirt manager <<<
>  ==
> id : c714182a-46e2-4a85-b7db-1b74542b202c
> description: Active VM
> date   : 2013-03-01T00:31:20.898+01:00
> snapshot_status: ok
> type   : active
> id   : 5a623a18-11eb-455b-9791-680795a23f8e
> description  : test
> date : 2013-03-22T01:08:50.038+01:00
> ...
> id   : f916e1a3-13bc-43e8-8187-65a1ab9163c8
> description  : test2
> date : 2013-03-23T11:27:21.931+01:00
> snapshot_status  : ok
> ...
> If the first "id" value in first 5 lines refers to VM itself, why does
> it change between first run with one snapshot
> (value  f916e1a3-13bc-43e8-8187-65a1ab9163c8)
> and the second run
> (value c714182a-46e2-4a85-b7db-1b74542b202c)
> btw the id of first run matches the id "assigned" to the second
> snapshot in second run (test2)?

Sorry, I've no idea :(

> Thanks,
> Gianluca

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] DNS reverse configuration

2013-04-05 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Fri, 2013-04-05 at 14:21 +0200, Juan Jose wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> Is there some howto or some procedure to connect Samba4 to oVirt 3.1
> and what components are necessary to install and configure?,  René,
> can you post all steps to configure it to have oVirt working with
> Sanba 4, please?

Sorry, can't give you detailed information on how to create a Samba 4
directory (use UCS appliance) - there is plenty of documentation in the
internet on how to do that.

To connect oVirt to your existing Samba domain, use the DNS server from
your samba server on your ovirt-engine host (don't do replication to
external bind servers, as this causes some issues). You have to make
sure, that you have valid forward (A) and reverse (PTR) DNS entries for
your ovirt-engine host and SRV records for LDAP, Kerberos,... (but these
should be created by default and are required for your Windows clients,

You can join your Samba4 domain with "engine-manage-domains
-provider=ActiveDirectory ..."

I hope this helps you a bit.

> Many thanks in avanced,
> Juanjo.
> On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 1:28 PM, Eduardo Ramos
>  wrote:
> Even though ovirt-engine did not tried connect to samba4, I
> used another user. The issue is that engine-manage-domains
> said not found PTR entry, although host/nslookup/dig command
> say the opposite. Is there any detail?
> On 04/04/2013 05:36 PM, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 8:48 PM, Chris Noffsinger
> wrote:
> I have successfully gotten samba4 to work with
> ovirt but I could not use the Administrator
> user.
> I had to create another admin user to. Get it
> to work.
> Chris Noffsinger
> It is intended to be so and I think it is the right
> thing to separate
> respective roles.
> I had to do the same with FreeIPA.
> Gianluca
> ___
> Users mailing list
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] DNS for IPA in oVirt

2013-04-09 Thread Koch (ovido)

Thanks a lot for your detailed explanation.
That mean that I don't need DNS entries (forward and reverse) for oVirt
engine anymore, only SRV records for the directory service (for sure)?
So using IP or /etc/hosts is sufficient.


On Mon, 2013-04-08 at 09:55 -0400, Yair Zaslavsky wrote:
> Hi,
> When you add a new domain - let's say what happens from DNS 
> perspective is -
> a. if useDnsLookup at engine-manage-domains conf is set to "true" then
> dns_lookup_realm  = true
> and dns_lookup_kdc = true
> Will be placed at the krb5.conf that is being created.
> This will cause the internal java kerberos implementation to issue DNS srv 
> requests per realm (for example, if you want to add the domain, 
> the realm will be EXAMPLE.COM) 
> for kerberos -
> the srv record query will look like and it will 
> return a list of KDCs for the realm.
> If useDnsLookup is not set to true, 
> This will cause the manage-domains utility to issue kerberos DNS srv records, 
> and fill the krb5.conf file with information on KDCs per realm.
> In return you will get a list of corresponding hosts for the ldap servers.
> b. If -ldapServers was not passed - a DNS srv record will be issues to get 
> the ldap servers for the domain -
>  after the manage-domains utility performs kerberos 
> authentication.
> This is done, in order to get a URL of an ldap server to be used, to send an 
> ldap query and get the user id for the given user at the command line utility.
> So, as long as your DNS is configured properly, and the SRV records are well 
> defined, you will get SRV records for kerberos and ldap.
> - Original Message -
> > From: "René Koch (ovido)" 
> > To: "ovirt-users" 
> > Sent: Friday, April 5, 2013 3:47:07 PM
> > Subject: [Users] DNS for IPA in oVirt
> > 
> > Hi list,
> > 
> > I don't want to ask my question in the mail thread of Eduardo to avoid
> > mixing topics.
> > 
> > Can you give me more detailed information on how oVirt is using DNS
> > internally and how IPA users can work in the following scenario:
> > 
> > # engine-manage-domains -action=list
> > Domain:
> > User name:
> > Manage Domains completed successfully
> > 
> > # cat /etc/hosts | grep engine
> >
> > 
> > # ip a
> > 2: eth0:  mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast
> > state UP qlen 1000
> > link/ether 00:1a:4a:00:64:14 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
> > inet brd scope global eth0
> > 
> > # host
> > has address
> > 
> > # host
> > domain name pointer
> > 
> > So in my case I have correct DNS settings (forward and reverse), but my
> > ovirt-engine host has a totally different IP address.
> > 
> > I didn't test SSO with Kerberos in user portal (maybe this want work),
> > but authentication with IPA user in user portal and admin portal is
> > working fine even with these totally wrong DNS configuration.
> > 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > René
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> >

Users mailing list

[Users] oVirt Presentations

2013-04-09 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hello list,

I just want to inform you that I'll be talking about RHEV and oVirt on 2
(maybe 3) events in Austria and Germany in the next weeks (45min
presentation slots).

The first one is at the Open Source Data Center Conference in Nuremberg,
Germany which takes place from April, 17th to April, 18th:

Details on my presentation (presentation language is German):
Main focus will be Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization, but will also talk
about oVirt.

The second event is at the Graz Linux Days in Austria on April, 20th: (Sorry, there's no English version available)

Details on my presentation (in German):
As this event is a non-profit community event I'll be focusing on oVirt,
but will also talk about differences to RHEV.

Eventually I'll be talking about oVirt on the Linux Weeks in Vienna,
Austria, too. This event is from May, 2nd to May, 4th:
At the moment the call for papers is still running...

If there's someone from Germany or Austria on this list and attends on
one of these events please let me know :)


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Ims shared disks and ovirt storage

2013-04-09 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hi Gianluca,

On Tue, 2013-04-09 at 12:50 +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> Hello, 
> I have the chance to work on Intel blades where I have option to
> confihure shared disks between them at enclosure level.
> Their controller is scsi.
> How could I configure as shared storage in ovirt? 
> I presume neither Fc nor iscsi are possible. .. so what can i do in
> your opinion? 

Is this an Intel modular server, btw?
If yes - create a Fibre channel datacenter and add the storage as FC
LUNs. I can also send you a working multipath.conf for Intel Modular if


> Thanks in advance
> Gianluca
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Ims shared disks and ovirt storage

2013-04-09 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Tue, 2013-04-09 at 13:59 +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 9, 2013 at 1:56 PM, René Koch (ovido)  wrote:
> > Hi Gianluca,
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 2013-04-09 at 12:50 +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> >> Hello,
> >> I have the chance to work on Intel blades where I have option to
> >> confihure shared disks between them at enclosure level.
> >> Their controller is scsi.
> >> How could I configure as shared storage in ovirt?
> >> I presume neither Fc nor iscsi are possible. .. so what can i do in
> >> your opinion?
> >
> >
> > Is this an Intel modular server, btw?
> > If yes - create a Fibre channel datacenter and add the storage as FC
> > LUNs. I can also send you a working multipath.conf for Intel Modular if
> > required...
> >
> >
> > Regards,
> > René
> >
> Yes, it is an Intel modular server (I don't know well this platform
> but I think IMS is its acronym)

You can contact me if you have questions regarding these server - I
use(d) this system in the company I worked before and on customer side.

> The multipath working configuration would be more than appreciated ;-)
> But does this mean there are configuration with dual scsi or is
> multipath needed in every case (as I see oVirt config implies
> multipath configuration anyway.)

Attached is a working multipath.conf for RHEV-H 3.0.
You need a working multipath.conf file if you have redundant storage

Find out the wwids of your devices and add them to your
blacklist_exceptions section.

# multipath -ll
mpathb (b00015521f5d4) dm-0 Intel,Multi-Flex
size=96G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=50 status=active
| `- 0:0:0:1 sdb 8:16 active ready running
mpatha (222140001553601d1) dm-1 Intel,Multi-Flex
size=20G features='0' hwhandler='0' wp=rw
|-+- policy='round-robin 0' prio=50 status=active
| `- 0:0:0:0 sda 8:0  active ready running

Don't forget to persist /etc/multipath.conf if you're using ovirt-node!
With this config you don't need the Intel multipath drivers, btw.

Please let me know if you have further questions.

> Gianluca

defaults {
path_selector   "round-robin 0"
getuid_callout  "/lib/udev/scsi_id --whitelisted 
rr_min_io   100
max_fds 8192
rr_weight   priorities
no_path_retry   fail
user_friendly_names yes
blacklist {
   wwid 26353900f02796769
devnode "^(ram|raw|loop|fd|md|dm-|sr|scd|st)[0-9]*"
devnode "^hd[a-z]"
blacklist_exceptions {
wwid "b00015521f5d4"
wwid "222140001553601d1"
devices {
device {
vendor  "Intel"
product "Multi-Flex"
getuid_callout  "/lib/udev/scsi_id --whitelisted 
path_selector   "round-robin 0"
hardware_handler"1 alua"
rr_weight   uniform
rr_min_io   100
no_path_retry   queue
features"1 queue_if_no_path"
product_blacklist "VTrak V-LUN"
multipaths {
multipath {
uid 0
alias mpatha
gid 0
wwid "222140001553601d1"
mode 0600
multipath {
uid 0
alias mpathb
gid 0
wwid "b00015521f5d4"
mode 0600
Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Ipa server inside ovirt itself. ..

2013-04-12 Thread Koch (ovido)

I don't see big issues, as you can always log into oVirt as
admin@internal and start/stop/reset/... your IPA-vm.

If your other vms use IPA for authentication (e.g. for service SSH) you
can configure sssd for caching credentials if your IPA server is
unavailable. ipa-client-install is doing it automatically, btw.


On Fri, 2013-04-12 at 09:20 +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> Hello,  I have a test environment where I am short of hw.
> My engine is based on fedora 18 and I would like to test freeipa on
> centos 6.
> What are the drawbacks of creating a vm that is also one
> authentication domain for ovirt itself (apart the obvious ones)? 
> Can i set it so that is the first to start? 
> Can i set a subset of VMs to start only if this one is up and is
> giving ipa service (for example through a test connect command? )
> Thanks Gianluca
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] High Availability OVirt

2013-04-19 Thread Koch (ovido)

You can use a cluster software like pacemaker or RH Cluster to make your
ovirt-engine high available.

I personally recommend to virtualise it on a KVM host, as keeping
virtual machines high available is much easier then making all services
ovirt-engine need high available (but it's possible for sure).

So what happens when your engine hosts goes down:
- You can't login into webadmin and user portals
- high availability and live migration features of your virtual machines
aren't working
- You can't start/deploy new virtual machines
- Your hosts and virtual machines that are already running stay up of

As clustering brings in more complexity I would use a server with RAID,
redundant power supplies and redundant network interfaces (bonding) for
ovirt-engine instead of clustering. Only when using desktop
virtualization where availabilty of the user portal is really important
I would cluster ovirt-engine.
(But this is just my personal opinion)


On Fri, 2013-04-19 at 08:19 -0300, victor nunes wrote:
> Is there any way to create redundancy oVirt-engine?
> We install oVirt-engine in a machine, and what happens if that burning
> machine?
> Is there anything that can be done to remedy this?
> Att,
> -- 
> “Encarada do ponto de vista da juventude, a vida parece um futuro
> indefinidamente longo, ao passo que, na velhice, ela parece um
> passado 
> deveras curto. Assim, a vida no seu início se apresenta do mesmo modo
> que as coisas quando as olhamos através de um binóculo usado ao
> contrário; mas, ao 
> seu final, ela se parece com as coisas  tal qual são vistas quando o
> binóculo
> é usado de modo normal. Um homem precisa ter envelhecido e vivido
> bastante para perceber como a vida é curta”.
>  (Poema de Arthur Schopenhauer)
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] 1 node cluster problem

2013-04-22 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Mon, 2013-04-22 at 08:53 +0200, Jakub Bittner wrote:
> Dne 22.4.2013 08:33, Itamar Heim napsal(a):
> > On 04/22/2013 09:30 AM, Jakub Bittner wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I have one node cluster (ovirt version 3.2) and this node went down
> >> because kernel panic. In wui I can see it is down, but VMs are still
> >> reported to be running. (they dont, ofcourse..) I manualy rebooted that
> >> host and now it is up. But problem is, that I can not activate it in wui
> >> (still red)
> >>
> >> If I press "Confirm 'Host has been Rebooted'" it says:
> >> Manual fence did not revoke the selected SPM ( since the
> >> master storage domain was not active or could not use another host for
> >> the fence operation.
> >>
> >> If I try to put host in maitenance it says:
> >>
> >> Error while executing action: Cannot switch the following Hosts to
> >> Maintenance mode:
> >> One or more running VMs are indicated as non-migratable. The
> >> non-migratable VMs are:
> >>
> >>
> >> I removed "HA mode" from, but did not do the job.
> >>
> >> I can not even Power off running hosts.
> >>
> >> Is there any way what to do?
> >>
> >> Thank you,
> >> Jakub Bittner
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> > iirc, there is a corner case with a single host in DC around this 
> > fixed post ovirt 3.2 (,
> > but if you rebooted the host, and it is back up, engine shouldn't have 
> > an issue connecting to VDSM and detecting the VMs are no longer running.
> >
> > if the host/vdsm are up and running, and host is activated in engine - 
> > what status is it at?
> Hypervisor node is reported to be down by ovirt engine, but it is 
> running. The VMs have question mark in their statuses.

Can you attach vdsm.log of your hypervisor?

I guess there will be error messages like missing logical volumes or
libvirt getcapability check issues. Have seen these and host-behavior
was the same as in your case. I solved it by changing storage to local
NFS. Didn't had enough time to report bugs, yet - sorry for this.


> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[Users] NFS domain and LVM

2013-05-07 Thread Koch (ovido)

I just rebooted my NFS server which hosts a ISO domain which is used by
RHEV 3.1 and oVirt 3.2. In both environments the ISO domain became
inactive and I tried to activate it again.
In RHEV this worked fine, but in oVirt it didn't.

Just for your information: both - RHEV and oVirt use "Local on host" as
datacenter storage type.
I normally use a local NFS server and mount the share locally (dc with
storage type NFS) as "Local on host" is making troubles in most of my
setups (in both - oVirt and RHEV) and the issues are mainly missing
(sometimes lost) volume groups.
As my oVirt 3.2 setup is a testing environment and my test vms are still
running, I'll keep it in this state for finding a solution for this. As
said, have seen issues like this more then one time before, so maybe
this is a bug and need some attention (can also open a bug report if

vdsm.log is telling me that the storage domain doesn't exist (as
complained by vdsm daemon):

2013-05-07 16:44:18,493 INFO
(pool-3-thread-47) [210a0bcb] START, ActivateStorageDomainVDSCommand( 
storagePoolId = 484e62d7-7a01-4b5e-aec8-59d366100281, ignoreFailoverLimit = 
false, compatabilityVersion = null, storageDomainId = 
a4c43175-ce34-49a5-8608-cac573bf7647), log id: 33c54af7
2013-05-07 16:44:20,770 ERROR
(pool-3-thread-47) [210a0bcb] Failed in ActivateStorageDomainVDS method
2013-05-07 16:44:20,781 ERROR
(pool-3-thread-47) [210a0bcb] Error code StorageDomainDoesNotExist and
error message IRSGenericException: IRSErrorException: Failed to
ActivateStorageDomainVDS, error = Storage domain does not exist:
2013-05-07 16:44:20,791 ERROR
(pool-3-thread-47) [210a0bcb]
IrsBroker::Failed::ActivateStorageDomainVDS due to: IRSErrorException:
IRSGenericException: IRSErrorException: Failed to
ActivateStorageDomainVDS, error = Storage domain does not exist:

More interesting is the behavior of my host (CentOS 6.4) which tries to
find a logical volume and is doing some iSCSI-scans:

Task=`ab00697e-32df-43b1-822b-a94bef55909d`::ref 0 aborting False
16:44:20,555::misc::84::Storage.Misc.excCmd::() '/usr/bin/sudo
-n /sbin/multipath' (cwd None)
16:44:20,608::misc::84::Storage.Misc.excCmd::() SUCCESS:  =
'';  = 0
16:44:20,609::lvm::477::OperationMutex::(_invalidateAllPvs) Operation
'lvm invalidate operation' got the operation mutex
16:44:20,609::lvm::479::OperationMutex::(_invalidateAllPvs) Operation
'lvm invalidate operation' released the operation mutex
16:44:20,609::lvm::488::OperationMutex::(_invalidateAllVgs) Operation
'lvm invalidate operation' got the operation mutex
16:44:20,610::lvm::490::OperationMutex::(_invalidateAllVgs) Operation
'lvm invalidate operation' released the operation mutex
16:44:20,610::lvm::508::OperationMutex::(_invalidateAllLvs) Operation
'lvm invalidate operation' got the operation mutex
16:44:20,610::lvm::510::OperationMutex::(_invalidateAllLvs) Operation
'lvm invalidate operation' released the operation mutex
16:44:20,610::misc::1064::SamplingMethod::(__call__) Returning last
16:44:20,610::lvm::368::OperationMutex::(_reloadvgs) Operation 'lvm
reload operation' got the operation mutex
16:44:20,612::misc::84::Storage.Misc.excCmd::() '/usr/bin/sudo
-n /sbin/lvm vgs --config " devices { preferred_names = [\
] ignore_suspended_devices=1 write_cache_state=0
disable_after_error_count=3 filter = [ \\"r%.*%\\" ] }  global {
locking_type=1  prioritise_write_locks=1  wait_for_locks=1 }  back
up {  retain_min = 50  retain_days = 0 } " --noheadings --units b
--nosuffix --separator | -o
ee a4c43175-ce34-49a5-8608-cac573bf7647' (cwd None)
16:44:20,759::misc::84::Storage.Misc.excCmd::() FAILED:  =
'  Volume group "a4c43175-ce34-49a5-8608-cac573bf7647" not found\n';
16:44:20,760::lvm::373::Storage.LVM::(_reloadvgs) lvm vgs failed: 5 []
['  Volume group "a4c43175-ce34-49a5-8608-cac573bf7647" not found']
16:44:20,760::lvm::397::OperationMutex::(_reloadvgs) Operation 'lvm
reload operation' released the operation mutex

Re: [Users] Vlan interface on top of bonding

2013-05-08 Thread Koch (ovido)

first of all welcome to the oVirt project.

Did you configure vlan tagging for your ovirtmgmt network?
If you're using vlan tagging on (bonded) interfaces in oVirt you have to
add a vlan tag to all logical networks - can't mix tagged and untagged
logical networks.

e.g (same for bonds as well):
Name - VLAN- Network Name
eth0 - eth0.10 - ovirtmgmt
   eth0.11 - lan1
   eth0.12 - lan2

Hope this helps.

Best Regards

René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

On Wed, 2013-05-08 at 11:18 -0300, Juan Pablo Lorier wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to ovirt and I'm dealing with network configuration. I have a
> host with a bonding of 4 eths and on top of that I added ovirtmgmt
> interface. I now want my vm to work on vlan 128 so I added the nic to
> ovirtmgmt bridge. I have access to vlan 1 (the bridge to the bond) but
> even if I add the vlan interface into the vm, I have no network traffic
> on vlan 128.
> I've created a new network in the cluster for vlan 128 but the web UI is
> not allowing me to add it on top of oviftmgmt (which I can do manually
> in the host but then I can't add it to the vm as a new nic because it
> only shows the ovirtmgmt interface).
> Is there a way to do this by cli?
> Regards,
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Engine-config -s small problem

2013-05-17 Thread Koch (ovido)

No, oVirt isn't aware of config changes - it's by design, not a bug.

You always have to restart engine when changing values (as noted in
engine-config help text).

# engine-config -h

### 2. In order for your change(s) to take effect,
###restart the oVirt engine service (using: 'service ovirt-engine


On Fri, 2013-05-17 at 13:57 +0200, noc wrote:
> Hi All,
> Don't know if this is documented somewhere but I ran into an interesting 
> problem yesterday. First we had intermittent problems with ssh 
> connecting to VMs which we traced to having two oVirt installation being 
> active in one subnet. Found the post from January where it is explained 
> how engine allocates its mac address pool and how to set it with 
> engine-config -s MacPoolRanges. Today I remembered that I had done that 
> when I was about to start a VM and removed the nic from the VM and added 
> it back. To my surprise it got the same macaddress as it had (from the 
> old range). On a hunch I restarted ovirt-engine and redid the remove/add 
> operation and now it got a new mac address from the range specified.
> Shouldn't the engine be aware that the config is changed if you use 
> engine-config and reload its cached values from the database?
> I expected this but it seems not to be the case, bug or by design.
> Joop
> --
> irc: jvandewege
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] help with ovirtsdk api

2013-05-17 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 19:47 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 05/14/2013 05:47 PM, Thakker, Dhawal wrote:
> > Hi ALL,
> >
> > We have multiple version of RHEV  within our infrastructure. I have
> > written a script (using example available on internet) which could
> > search a VM in multiple RHEV instance, display stats of vms and of
> > hypervisors.
> >
> > However, I am unable to find any documentation or examples which could
> > help me to group hypervisors based on cluster name and show the storage
> > stats for each storage domain.
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> bcc'd infra and cc'd which is more correct for this 
> question[1]
> per your question - can you please give an example of what you are 
> trying to accomplish?

If you can specify in more detail what you want to do I can maybe help
you getting the right API calls/queries.

To my understanding you want to list all hypervisors (and stats, too?)
grouped by cluster name, right?
- host01
- host02
- host03
- host04

And you also want to display storage stats for each storage domain.
Should they also be grouped in any way or is it just displaying stats?

Btw, do you use one of the SDKs (Python/Java), ovirt-shell or are you
connecting to REST-API directly (using curl, perl LWP::UserAgent,...)?


> Thanks,
> Itamar
> [1] well, since its rhev and not ovirt, red hat support is also a viable 
> option.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Dhawal.
> >
> > This email is confidential and should not be used by anyone who is not
> > the original intended recipient. PGDS cannot accept liability for
> > statements made which are clearly the sender's own and not made on
> > behalf of the company. In addition no statement should be construed as
> > giving investment advice within or outside the United Kingdom.
> >
> > PGDS (UK ONE) LIMITED, Laurence Pountney Hill, London, EC4R 0HH.
> > Incorporated and registered in England and Wales. Registered Office as
> > above. Registered number 1967719.
> >
> > "PGDS" is the trading name of certain subsidiaries of Prudential plc
> > (registered in England, number 1397169), whose registered office is at
> > Laurence Pountney Hill London EC4R OHH, some of whose subsidiaries are
> > regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Prudential plc is not
> > affiliated in any manner with Prudential Financial, Inc, a company whose
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> >
> > A list of other Prudential companies together with their registered
> > statutory details can be found in 'About Prudential' on
> >
> >
> > An e-mail reply to this address may be subject to interception or
> > monitoring for operational reasons or for lawful business practices.
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Infra mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released

2013-05-17 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 17:03 +0200, Ernest Beinrohr wrote:
> On 16.05.2013 16:31, René Koch wrote:
> > I'm happy to announce version 1.2 of check_rhev3.
> > 
> > 
> Thank you, this is quite useful for us.

I hope it's useful :)

If there are some features missing please let me know, too.
> -- 
> Ernest Beinrohr, AXON PRO
> Ing, RHCE, RHCVA, LPIC, +421-2--6241-0360, +421-903--482-603
> icq:28153343, skype:oernii-work, 
> __
> “The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding
> bureaucracy.” ― Oscar Wilde 

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Fwd: Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released

2013-05-22 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Wed, 2013-05-22 at 14:59 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> >  Original Message 
> > Subject: [Users] Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released
> > Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 16:31:24 +0200
> > From: René Koch 
> > To: users 
> >
> > I'm happy to announce version 1.2 of check_rhev3.
> >
> > check_rhev3 is a monitoring plugin for Icinga/Nagios and it's forks,
> > which is
> > used to monitor datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms, vm pools and storage
> > domains
> > of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) and oVirt virtualization
> > environments.
> >
> > The download locations are
> >*
> >*
> >
> >
> >*
> >
> >
> >
> > For further information on how to install this plugin visit:
> >
> >
> > A detailed usage documentation can be found here:
> >
> >
> >
> > Changelog:
> >
> > - General:
> > -   Moved project to github:
> >
> > - New features:
> > -   Verify RHEV-M certificate
> > -   Allow authentication sessions for authentication in RHEV >= 3.1 and
> > oVirt >= 3.1
> > -   Use option -n  to check a specific nic
> >
> > - Bugs fixed:
> > -   Performance data issue with check_multi
> >
> >
> > If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email: ​
> >
> >
> > Thank you for using check_rhev3.
> >
> >
> >
> Hi Rene,
> we deployed the plugin and noticed its flooding the event log with login 
> events for the user its using via the REST API.
> can you please add persistent session to the REST API calls so login 
> will happen only once and won't flood the log?

It's one of the features in the latest version (1.2):

 -o, --cookie
Use cookie based authenticated sessions (requires RHEV >= 3.1)

I implemented it in the following way:
- Plugin checks if file with session cookie exists (per default
in /var/tmp)
- If not: login with username and password (that's why you need to
specify auth pair or authfile) and fetch JSESSIONID
-- Writes ID into session cookie file
- If cookie file is found: login using JSESSIONID and ignore username
and password. So you can change username/password and login will still
- If login using session ID fails and cookie file exists, it will be
deleted and a login with username and password is tried the next time
the plugin is executed

If you start the script with -vvv you can see if login is down with auth
session or with username/password...

I didn't test it with oVirt 3.2 (yet), but works fine in RHEV 3.1.


> Thanks,
> Itamar
> Thanks,

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Active Directory Groups

2013-05-23 Thread Koch (ovido)

I also had a problem with '#' in an customer project with RHEV 3.0, but
we also had issues with a broken active directory replication. White
spaces aren't a problem in groups.

I can't tell if groups with '#' are working, as I told them to not use
special characters in group names and to fix their replication. Now
everything is working fine, but don't know if they created new groups
for RHEV or if it was just the replication.


On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 00:36 -0400, Yair Zaslavsky wrote:
> I don't remember encountering such an issue, but probably never
> checked.
> a. What is the search string you're passing in order to get the
> users/groups?
> b. From quick look at the code - looks like this is at the step
> of initializing the data that will be queried  - that is, before
> sending the AD query.
> Eli - looks like this is from the SeachQuery.InitQueryData - can you
> elaborate here?
> __
> From: "Thomas Scofield" 
> To: "users" 
> Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 4:06:29 AM
> Subject: [Users] Active Directory Groups
> I was attempting to assign some permissions to Active
> Directory groups and ran into an issue where groups with
> spaces or the # sign in them.  The engine log contained
> messages like these
> 2013-05-22 08:39:35,228 WARN
>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.SearchQuery]
> (ajp--
> ResourceManager::searchBusinessObjects - erroneous search text
> - ADGROUP: name=#Virtual Engineering
> 2013-05-22 08:39:35,228 WARN
>  [org.ovirt.engine.core.bll.SearchQuery]
> (ajp--
> ResourceManager::searchBusinessObjects - erroneous search text
> - ADUSER: allnames=#Virtual Engineering
> The group name is valid.  The example above contains both the
> space and #, but trying groups with just a space and others
> with just a # also fail.  I was able to successfully add
> groups that contained characters and -.  Has anyone else had
> an issue like this?
> ___
> Users mailing list
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Fwd: Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released

2013-05-23 Thread Koch (ovido)
On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 10:55 +0300, Sasha Chuzhoy wrote:
> On 05/22/2013 05:18 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> > On 05/22/2013 03:55 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >>
> >> On Wed, 2013-05-22 at 14:59 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> >>>>  Original Message 
> >>>> Subject: [Users] Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released
> >>>> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 16:31:24 +0200
> >>>> From: René Koch 
> >>>> To: users 
> >>>>
> >>>> I'm happy to announce version 1.2 of check_rhev3.
> >>>>
> >>>> check_rhev3 is a monitoring plugin for Icinga/Nagios and it's forks,
> >>>> which is
> >>>> used to monitor datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms, vm pools and 
> >>>> storage
> >>>> domains
> >>>> of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) and oVirt virtualization
> >>>> environments.
> >>>>
> >>>> The download locations are
> >>>> * 
> >>>>
> >>>> *
> >>>>
> >>>>  
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> *
> >>>>
> >>>>  
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> For further information on how to install this plugin visit:
> >>>> 
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> A detailed usage documentation can be found here:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Changelog:
> >>>>
> >>>> - General:
> >>>> -   Moved project to github:
> >>>>
> >>>> - New features:
> >>>> -   Verify RHEV-M certificate
> >>>> -   Allow authentication sessions for authentication in RHEV >= 3.1 
> >>>> and
> >>>> oVirt >= 3.1
> >>>> -   Use option -n  to check a specific nic
> >>>>
> >>>> - Bugs fixed:
> >>>> -   Performance data issue with check_multi
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email: ​
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Thank you for using check_rhev3.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Hi Rene,
> >>>
> >>> we deployed the plugin and noticed its flooding the event log with 
> >>> login
> >>> events for the user its using via the REST API.
> >>> can you please add persistent session to the REST API calls so login
> >>> will happen only once and won't flood the log?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> It's one of the features in the latest version (1.2):
> >>
> >>   -o, --cookie
> >>  Use cookie based authenticated sessions (requires RHEV >= 3.1)
> >>
> >>
> >> I implemented it in the following way:
> >> - Plugin checks if file with session cookie exists (per default
> >> in /var/tmp)
> >> - If not: login with username and password (that's why you need to
> >> specify auth pair or authfile) and fetch JSESSIONID
> >> -- Writes ID into session cookie file
> >> - If cookie file is found: login using JSESSIONID and ignore username
> >> and password. So you can change username/password and login will still
> >> work.
> >> - If login using session ID fails and cookie file exists, it will be
> >> deleted and a login with username and password is tried the next time
> >> the plugin is executed
> >>
> >> If you start the script with -vvv you can see if login is down with auth
> >> session or with username/password...
> >>
> >> I didn't test it with oVirt 3.2 (yet), but works fine in RHEV 3.1.
> >
> > well, we are trying it with next version of RHEV actually :)
> > sasha - can you please start the script with -vvv to provide the log 
> > for login behavior?
> >
> Here is all (I 

Re: [Users] Fwd: Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released

2013-05-23 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 11:11 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 05/23/2013 11:07 AM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 10:55 +0300, Sasha Chuzhoy wrote:
> >> On 05/22/2013 05:18 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> >>> On 05/22/2013 03:55 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>> On Wed, 2013-05-22 at 14:59 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> >>>>>>  Original Message 
> >>>>>> Subject: [Users] Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released
> >>>>>> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 16:31:24 +0200
> >>>>>> From: René Koch 
> >>>>>> To: users 
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I'm happy to announce version 1.2 of check_rhev3.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> check_rhev3 is a monitoring plugin for Icinga/Nagios and it's forks,
> >>>>>> which is
> >>>>>> used to monitor datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms, vm pools and
> >>>>>> storage
> >>>>>> domains
> >>>>>> of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) and oVirt virtualization
> >>>>>> environments.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> The download locations are
> >>>>>>  *
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  *
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  *
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> For further information on how to install this plugin visit:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> A detailed usage documentation can be found here:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Changelog:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> - General:
> >>>>>> -   Moved project to github:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> - New features:
> >>>>>> -   Verify RHEV-M certificate
> >>>>>> -   Allow authentication sessions for authentication in RHEV >= 3.1
> >>>>>> and
> >>>>>> oVirt >= 3.1
> >>>>>> -   Use option -n  to check a specific nic
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> - Bugs fixed:
> >>>>>> -   Performance data issue with check_multi
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email: ​
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thank you for using check_rhev3.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Hi Rene,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> we deployed the plugin and noticed its flooding the event log with
> >>>>> login
> >>>>> events for the user its using via the REST API.
> >>>>> can you please add persistent session to the REST API calls so login
> >>>>> will happen only once and won't flood the log?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> It's one of the features in the latest version (1.2):
> >>>>
> >>>>-o, --cookie
> >>>>   Use cookie based authenticated sessions (requires RHEV >= 3.1)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> I implemented it in the following way:
> >>>> - Plugin checks if file with session cookie exists (per default
> >>>> in /var/tmp)
> >>>> - If not: login with username and password (that's why you need to
> >>>> specify auth pair or authfile) and fetch JSESSIONID
> >>>> -- Writes ID into session cookie file
> >>>> - If cookie file is found: login using JSESSIONID and ignore username
> >

Re: [Users] Fwd: Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released

2013-05-23 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 11:22 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 05/23/2013 11:21 AM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >
> > On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 11:11 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> >> On 05/23/2013 11:07 AM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >>> On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 10:55 +0300, Sasha Chuzhoy wrote:
> >>>> On 05/22/2013 05:18 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> >>>>> On 05/22/2013 03:55 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On Wed, 2013-05-22 at 14:59 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> >>>>>>>>  Original Message 
> >>>>>>>> Subject: [Users] Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released
> >>>>>>>> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 16:31:24 +0200
> >>>>>>>> From: René Koch 
> >>>>>>>> To: users 
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> I'm happy to announce version 1.2 of check_rhev3.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> check_rhev3 is a monitoring plugin for Icinga/Nagios and it's forks,
> >>>>>>>> which is
> >>>>>>>> used to monitor datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms, vm pools and
> >>>>>>>> storage
> >>>>>>>> domains
> >>>>>>>> of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) and oVirt virtualization
> >>>>>>>> environments.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> The download locations are
> >>>>>>>>   *
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>   *
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>   *
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> For further information on how to install this plugin visit:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> A detailed usage documentation can be found here:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Changelog:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> - General:
> >>>>>>>> -   Moved project to github:
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> - New features:
> >>>>>>>> -   Verify RHEV-M certificate
> >>>>>>>> -   Allow authentication sessions for authentication in RHEV >= 3.1
> >>>>>>>> and
> >>>>>>>> oVirt >= 3.1
> >>>>>>>> -   Use option -n  to check a specific nic
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> - Bugs fixed:
> >>>>>>>> -   Performance data issue with check_multi
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email: ​
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Thank you for using check_rhev3.
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> Hi Rene,
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>> we deployed the plugin and noticed its flooding the event log with
> >>>>>>> login
> >>>>>>> events for the user its using via the REST API.
> >>>>>>> can you please add persistent session to the REST API calls so login
> >>>>>>> will happen only once and won't flood the log?
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> It's 

Re: [Users] vm pools

2013-05-23 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Mon, 2013-05-20 at 16:43 -0400, Eli Mesika wrote:
> - Original Message -
> > From: "Ryan Wilkinson" 
> > To:
> > Sent: Monday, May 20, 2013 6:05:32 PM
> > Subject: [Users] vm pools
> > 
> > Is there a method with pools to update (install new apps or updates) a
> > "golden image" and have those updates propagate to a pool? Seems currently
> > you have to create a new template from the image and then create a new pool.
> Hi
> Currently you will have to create a new template from the image and build the 
> pool on top of it ...


I started writing a Perl (prototype) script a year ago to make the
process of "updating" pool vms a little bit easier. What this script
does (should do) is:
- stop all vms which belong to this pool
- detach vms from pool
- delete vms
- delete pool
- delete template
- create new template from master vm
- create new pool
- add users/groups to pool

All these tasks are possible with the Python/JAVA SDKs and ovirt-shell,
Just make sure no other vms/pools uses this template with thin
provisioned allocation policy. And don't forget error handling...


> > 
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Guest Agent

2013-05-23 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Tue, 2013-05-21 at 08:28 +0200, Vinzenz Feenstra wrote:
> On 05/20/2013 03:12 PM, wrote:
> > Ok, thanks. from where can I start?
> > 
> > 
> On Fedora 17+ you can install the guest agent by 'yum install
> ovirt-guest-agent-common'
> On other OS you can start by checking out the git repository on the OS
> you'd like to build it on.
> `git clone`
> On Windows you should follow these instructions:
> On Linux you go into the repository
> $ ./
> $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --without-sso
> And then as root
> # make install 
> However not all files might yet be put into the right places on all
> systems, and for Debian/Ubuntu systems we don't have any daemon or
> upstart scripts, so far we only support systemd in the repository so
> that would have to be done manually.

Are there plans to provide packages for Windows or various Linux
distributions in oVirt repositories as long as they aren't available in
official distro repos?

Another little bit off-topic question: what are the criteria for an
operating system to be listed as an operating system when creating new
servers/desktops? At the moment the same os'es are listed as in RHEV.
In my opinion either all distributions which are fully tested (working
IDE/VirtIO disks, e1000/rtl/VirtIO nics, maybe guest agent available...)
should be listed here - in a similar way as you can find it in

For me it's clear that I can run e.g. Debian vms on oVirt and I have to
choose Other Linux for debian. But having e.g. Debian, Ubuntu, openSUSE
in the list of operating systems and their icons in user and self
provisioning portal would look much nicer.

Last, it would be great to have a matrix of operating systems in oVirt
wiki to provide an overview which operating systems are working and
where you can find guest agent packages - as available for e.g. VMware
and KVM. I think there are a lot of users tried out different operating
systems and are willing to update the support matrix...
I think this would help a lot to find the right settings for operating
systems. e.g. for Fedora 18 I can/should choose VirtIO disks and nics,
but for Solaris 10/11 only IDE disks are working and network isn't
working (none of the 3 types).

What do you think?

> > Jose
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > From: "Vinzenz Feenstra" 
> > To:
> > Cc: "Itamar Heim" ,
> > Sent: Segunda-feira, 20 de Maio de 2013 10:56:21
> > Subject: Re: [Users] Guest Agent
> > 
> > On 05/19/2013 10:14 AM, wrote:
> > 
> > For Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora, RH) and Windows (7,8,2008,2012)
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks
> > 
> > Jose
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > De: "Itamar Heim" 
> > Para:
> > Cc:, "Vinzenz Feenstra"
> > 
> > Enviadas: Sábado, 18 Maio, 2013 20:50:29
> > Assunto: Re: [Users] Guest Agent
> > 
> > 
> > On 05/18/2013 09:38 PM, wrote:
> > > Hi, where can I found guest agent for installation?
> > 
> > 
> > for which OS?
> > Vinzenz - we should have a wiki on this if we don't already
> > have one.
> > 
> > We do have a description in the repository for Fedora and Windows
> > targets, however we don't have yet a description for other Linux
> > distributions than Fedora since we haven't supported it yet.
> > There has been some work done for supporting other distribution
> > targets however without single sign on support.
> > 
> > I will put the wiki pages on my todo list.
> > 
> > 
> > >
> > > Thanks
> > > Jose
> > >
> > > --
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > > Jose Ferradeira
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ___
> > > Users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Regards,
> > 
> > Vinzenz Feenstra | Senior Software Engineer
> > RedHat Engineering Virtualization R & D
> > Phone: +420 532 294 625
> > IRC: vfeenstr or evilissimo
> > 
> > Better technology. Faster innovation. Powered by community collaboration.
> > See how it works at
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> Regards,
> Vinzenz Feenstra | Senior Software Engineer
> RedHat Engineering Virtualiza

Re: [Users] Fwd: Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released

2013-05-27 Thread Koch (ovido)
On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 16:22 +0300, Sasha Chuzhoy wrote:
> On 05/23/2013 11:07 AM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > On Thu, 2013-05-23 at 10:55 +0300, Sasha Chuzhoy wrote:
> >> On 05/22/2013 05:18 PM, Itamar Heim wrote:
> >>> On 05/22/2013 03:55 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >>>> On Wed, 2013-05-22 at 14:59 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> >>>>>>  Original Message 
> >>>>>> Subject: [Users] Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2 released
> >>>>>> Date: Thu, 16 May 2013 16:31:24 +0200
> >>>>>> From: René Koch
> >>>>>> To: users
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> I'm happy to announce version 1.2 of check_rhev3.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> check_rhev3 is a monitoring plugin for Icinga/Nagios and it's forks,
> >>>>>> which is
> >>>>>> used to monitor datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms, vm pools and
> >>>>>> storage
> >>>>>> domains
> >>>>>> of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) and oVirt virtualization
> >>>>>> environments.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> The download locations are
> >>>>>>  *
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  *
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>  *
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> For further information on how to install this plugin visit:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> A detailed usage documentation can be found here:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Changelog:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> - General:
> >>>>>> -   Moved project to github:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> - New features:
> >>>>>> -   Verify RHEV-M certificate
> >>>>>> -   Allow authentication sessions for authentication in RHEV>= 3.1
> >>>>>> and
> >>>>>> oVirt>= 3.1
> >>>>>> -   Use option -n  to check a specific nic
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> - Bugs fixed:
> >>>>>> -   Performance data issue with check_multi
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email: ​
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> Thank you for using check_rhev3.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>> Hi Rene,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> we deployed the plugin and noticed its flooding the event log with
> >>>>> login
> >>>>> events for the user its using via the REST API.
> >>>>> can you please add persistent session to the REST API calls so login
> >>>>> will happen only once and won't flood the log?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> It's one of the features in the latest version (1.2):
> >>>>
> >>>>-o, --cookie
> >>>>   Use cookie based authenticated sessions (requires RHEV>= 3.1)
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> I implemented it in the following way:
> >>>> - Plugin checks if file with session cookie exists (per default
> >>>> in /var/tmp)
> >>>> - If not: login with username and password (that's why you need to
> >>>> specify auth pair or authfile) and fetch JSESSIONID
> >>>> -- Writes ID into session cookie file
> >>>> - If cookie file is found: login using JSESSIONID and ignore username
> >>>> and password. So you can change username/password and login w

[Users] Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2.1 released

2013-07-23 Thread Koch (ovido)

I'm happy to announce version 1.2.1 of check_rhev3.

check_rhev3 is a monitoring plugin for Icinga/Nagios and it's forks,
which is used to monitor datacenters, clusters, hosts, vms, vm pools and
storage domains of Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization (RHEV) and oVirt
virtualization environments.

Download this plugin from:

For further information on how to install this plugin visit:

A detailed usage documentation can be found here:


  * Bug fixed: 
  * Fixed search regex for hosts and networks

If you have any questions or ideas, please drop me an email: ​

Thank you for using check_rhev3.

Best regards

René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] New UI plugin: UI-VDSM-Hooks

2013-07-23 Thread Koch (ovido)
Sorry for not coming back to your earlier.
I was on vacation and afterwards totally busy with projects.
I'll check it this week and will let you know.


On Wed, 2013-06-19 at 12:21 -0400, Vojtech Szocs wrote:
> Hi Daniel,
> this plugin looks very cool!
> I'm starting to realize that CGI scripts are quite handy for implementing any 
> sort of server-side logic for UI plugins, especially since we have Apache web 
> server in front of JBoss application server (Engine) in standard oVirt 
> installation.
> Looking at the code, this plugin should work fine with oVirt 3.2.1+ since 
> showDialog API changes landed into 3.2.1 release.
> Regarding the issue with bad dialog content - you can edit start.html and put 
> following code right before api.showDialog call:
> window.alert(url);
> This will show actual dialog content URL - you can try opening this URL 
> normally in browser and see what happens. My guess is that it will show same 
> thing as the dialog.
> Important thing is, this URL points to *selected host* machine (not Engine), 
> i.e. 
> http:///cgi-bin/ui-vdsm-hooks/ui-vdsm-hooks.cgi?command=&args=
> This means selected host machine should have some web server like Apache 
> installed with necessary CGI scripts in place, i.e. 
> cgi-bin/ui-vdsm-hooks/ui-vdsm-hooks.cgi + 
> cgi-bin/ui-vdsm-hooks/scripts/ -> CGI scripts are invoked 
> right on given host machine.
> Michael, René - can you try ^^ and let us know if you still encounter issues 
> with bad dialog content? What happens when you manually open dialog content 
> URL in browser?
> Regards,
> Vojtech
> - Original Message -
> > From: "Daniel Erez" 
> > To: "René Koch (ovido)" 
> > Cc:
> > Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 8:45:37 PM
> > Subject: Re: [Users] New UI plugin: UI-VDSM-Hooks
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > - Original Message -
> > > From: "René Koch (ovido)" 
> > > To: "Michael Wagenknecht" 
> > > Cc: "Daniel Erez" ,
> > > Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 4:32:46 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [Users] New UI plugin: UI-VDSM-Hooks
> > > 
> > > Hi Daniel,
> > > 
> > > First of all thanks for the very useful plugin!
> > > 
> > > Is this plugin compatible with oVirt 3.2.1 or is a newer version
> > > required (didn't update to 3.2.2 yet)? I'm having the same issue as
> > > Michale and I think api.showDialog causes this issue, but didn't had
> > > enough time to verify yet...
> > 
> > It would probably require newer builds...
> > As the plugin uses a rather recent API (e.g. adding a button
> > 'OnlyFromContext').
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Regards,
> > > René
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On Mon, 2013-06-10 at 15:06 +0200, Michael Wagenknecht wrote:
> > > > Yes I have and the ui-vdsm-hooks.cgi is accessable from the web server.
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Am 10.06.2013 14:59, schrieb Daniel Erez:
> > > > >
> > > > > - Original Message -
> > > > >> From: "Michael Wagenknecht"
> > > > >> To:
> > > > >> Sent: Monday, June 10, 2013 1:15:34 PM
> > > > >> Subject: Re: [Users] New UI plugin: UI-VDSM-Hooks
> > > > >>
> > > > >> I have a problem with the plugin.
> > > > >> I installed it like the other ui-plugins I use, but if I choose a
> > > > >> function like "GetAllTasks", I only get a new window with the ovirt
> > > > >> startpage.
> > > > > Have you copied the cgi-bin folder into a web server in your host?
> > > > >
> > > > >>
> > > > >> Am 09.06.2013 18:40, schrieb Daniel Erez:
> > > > >>> Hi,
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> I've created a new UI plugin that allows invocation of VDSM commands
> > > > >>> directly from the WebAdmin (using CGI scripts and vdsClient).
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> You can read all about it in my blog: 
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>> Thanks,
> > > > >>> Daniel
> > > > >>> ___
> > > > >>> Users mailing list
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>>
> > > > >> --
> > > > >> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> > > > >>
> > > > >> Michael Wagenknecht
> > > > >> FuH Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH
> > > > >> Geschäftsführer Carola Fornoff
> > > > >> HRB Freiburg 701203, UID DE255007372
> > > > >> Hauptstr. 4, D-79224 Umkirch
> > > > >> Tel +49 7665 93288-0, Fax -150
> > > > >>
> > > > >>
> > > > >> ___
> > > > >> Users mailing list
> > > > >>
> > > > >>
> > > > >>
> > > > 
> > > 
> > >
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2.1 released

2013-07-24 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Tue, 2013-07-23 at 18:11 +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 5:44 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >
> > I'm happy to announce version 1.2.1 of check_rhev3.
> > A detailed usage documentation can be found here:
> >
> >
> >
> > Thank you for using check_rhev3.
> Inside the detailed doc
> "
> All RHEV Checks are executed via RHEV REST-API, so the following
> requirements must be met:
> HTTPS connection from Monitoring server to RHEV Manager (default: TCP/8443)
> RHEV Admin user for REST-API login
> "
> Can we somehow limit the power of the user?
> Is there a predefined role that has a sort of "select all" (such as
> 'select any table' in Oracle terms) or could it be easily built and
> set?

This was required for RHEV 3.0, which was the version I initially wrote
the plugin for.

For newer versions (>= 3.1) of oVirt and RHEV you only need the
following permissions (create new role for it, or is there a role
available in oVirt > 3.2.1?):
Account Type: Admin
System - Configure System - Login Permissions

This allows a user to connect to REST-API (and Administrator Portal) and
read everything, but doesn't allow any changes (=> read only).

I'll update the documentation.
Thanks for reporting this documentation bug.


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Serve webpage on ovirt-engine machine

2013-07-24 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Wed, 2013-07-24 at 11:30 +0200, Neil wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I realise this probably isn't an oVirt issue, however I would like to
> ensure making any changes won't affect the access (or running) of my
> oVirt system.
> I'm trying to setup my oVirt engine machine to also run BackupPC
> however I have to disable the oVirt vhost in apache in order to access
> the BackupPC web front end on port 80.
> Is there a way to safely force the oVirt webadmin to only respond on
> port 443 so that I can run my BackupPC on port 80? No matter what I've
> tried so far with my vhosts the apache ajp always redirects all
> requests to the oVirt web admin login page on port 80 or 443.

You could either create apache vhosts for your different services or
just edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/ovirt-engine.conf and exclude your BackupPC
url from beeing passed to proxy url (add before ProxyPass option).
e.g (don't know exact BackupPC url, so you have to adapt):
ProxyPass /backuppc !
ProxyPass / ajp://localhost:8702/ retry=5 timeout=3600

Hope this helps.


> Thank you, any guidance is appreciated.
> Regards.
> Neil Wilson.
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Nagios monitoring plugin check_rhev3 1.2.1 released

2013-07-24 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Wed, 2013-07-24 at 11:58 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 07/24/2013 11:26 AM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 2013-07-23 at 18:11 +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> >> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 5:44 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I'm happy to announce version 1.2.1 of check_rhev3.
> >>
> >>> A detailed usage documentation can be found here:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Thank you for using check_rhev3.
> >>
> >> Inside the detailed doc
> >> "
> >> All RHEV Checks are executed via RHEV REST-API, so the following
> >> requirements must be met:
> >>
> >> HTTPS connection from Monitoring server to RHEV Manager (default: TCP/8443)
> >> RHEV Admin user for REST-API login
> >> "
> >>
> >> Can we somehow limit the power of the user?
> >> Is there a predefined role that has a sort of "select all" (such as
> >> 'select any table' in Oracle terms) or could it be easily built and
> >> set?
> >
> >
> > This was required for RHEV 3.0, which was the version I initially wrote
> > the plugin for.
> >
> > For newer versions (>= 3.1) of oVirt and RHEV you only need the
> > following permissions (create new role for it, or is there a role
> > available in oVirt > 3.2.1?):
> > Account Type: Admin
> > System - Configure System - Login Permissions
> there should be a built-in 'viewer' role with this

In my oVirt 3.2.1 setup there's no such predefined role.
Was this maybe added later?

> >
> > This allows a user to connect to REST-API (and Administrator Portal) and
> > read everything, but doesn't allow any changes (=> read only).
> >
> > I'll update the documentation.
> > Thanks for reporting this documentation bug.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] NFS data domain use host + local storage question

2013-07-25 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Thu, 2013-07-25 at 09:07 -0400, Jason Keltz wrote:
> Hi.
> I have a few questions about data domains...
> I'm not sure that I understand why when adding a new NFS data domain 
> what the "Use Host" is for?
>  From the RHEV documentation -  "All communication to the storage domain 
> is from the selected host and not directly from the Red Hat Enterprise 
> Virtualization Manager. At least one active host must be attached to the 
> chosen Data Center before the storage is configured. "
> .. but I'm puzzled..  don't all the nodes mount the NFS storage directly 
> from the NFS storage server?
> Is this saying that if I have two nodes, v1 and v2, and I say "Use Host" 
> v1 then v2 gets at storage through v1?  What if v1 is down?
> Don't all nodes need a connection to the "logical" storage network?


You need a host to initialize the storage.
The host you have to choose with "Use Host" initially creates the data
structure,... on the storage.

Afterwards all host in your cluster will mount the storage and write
data for their vms. There's no one-node bottleneck.

> ---
> On the topic of local storage...
> Right now, I have one node with 1 disk (until some ordered equipment 
> arrives)...
> /data/images is /dev/mapper/HostVG-Data
> I want two of my nodes to store local data.  The majority of VMs will 
> use the NFS datastore, but a few VMs need local storage, and I'd like to 
> split these VMs across two nodes, so two nodes will have their own local 
> storage...

So you will have vm storage on node01, node02 and on your NFS storage,

> If I was going to install local data on the node, I wouldn't install it 
> on the OS disk - I'd want another disk, or maybe even a few disks!If 
> I added another disk to this system, how would I go about making *this* 
> disk "/data/images" instead of the root disk? Do I have to reinstall the 
> node?

I would recommend to use LVM and add new disks into your logical

> I'm also puzzled by this statement: "A local storage domain can be set 
> up on a host. When you set up host to use local storage, the host 
> automatically gets added to a new data center and cluster that no other 
> hosts can be added to. Multiple host clusters require that all hosts 
> have access to all storage domains, which is not possible with local 
> storage. Virtual machines created in a single host cluster cannot be 
> migrated, fenced or scheduled. "
> So .. let's say I have two nodes, both of them have some local disk, and 
> use the NFS data store.  I can see why I wouldn't be able to migrate a 
> host from one node to the other IF that has was using local data storage 
> for the specific virtual machine.  On the other hand, if it's a VM that 
> is NOT using local storage, and everything is in the NFS datastore, then 
> does this I can't migrate it because each host would have to be in its 
> own cluster only because it has local storage for *some* of the VMs!?

Each local storage host requires it's own datacenter and you can't mix a
datacenter with local storage with NFS storage.

What I would do in your case:
1. Use CentOS/Fedora hosts instead of oVirt-Node.
2. Configure NFS-Server on each Node.
3. Have 1 datacenter with 1 cluster and 2 nodes with storage type NFS.
4. Add 3 storage data domains (NFS-Share of each host and NFS-Share of
your main NFS server).
5. Bind vms with local NFS server to local host...

Or with GlusterFS:
1. Use CentOS/Fedora hosts instead of oVirt-Node.
2. Configure replicated GlusterFS volume over your 2 nodes
3. Have 1 datacenter with 1 cluster and 2 nodes with storage type NFS
4. Add 2 storage data domains (NFS-Share of GlusterFS volume and
NFS-Share of your main NFS server).

Disadvantage of GlusterFS with NFS: one of your 2 nodes is exporting the
NFS share and if this node is down your storage domain is down and you
have to manually fix the mount.

> Finally - I had previously asked about using MD RAID1 redundancy on the 
> root drive, which isn't available yet on the node.  Are there any 
> options for creating redundant local storage using MD RAID1, or it's the 
> same -- no redundancy on local storage unless you're using a RAID card 
> where the driver for that card has been integrated into the node?

MD-Raid or DRBD,... isn't possible, (yet?).
You could try GlusterFS 3.4 (replicated volume over your 2 nodes)...

Hope this helps.


> Jason.
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] NFS data domain use host + local storage question

2013-07-25 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Thu, 2013-07-25 at 09:55 -0400, Jason Keltz wrote:
> On 07/25/2013 09:27 AM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > On Thu, 2013-07-25 at 09:07 -0400, Jason Keltz wrote:
> >> Hi.
> >>
> >> I have a few questions about data domains...
> >>
> >> I'm not sure that I understand why when adding a new NFS data domain
> >> what the "Use Host" is for?
> >>
> >>   From the RHEV documentation -  "All communication to the storage domain
> >> is from the selected host and not directly from the Red Hat Enterprise
> >> Virtualization Manager. At least one active host must be attached to the
> >> chosen Data Center before the storage is configured. "
> >>
> >> .. but I'm puzzled..  don't all the nodes mount the NFS storage directly
> >> from the NFS storage server?
> >> Is this saying that if I have two nodes, v1 and v2, and I say "Use Host"
> >> v1 then v2 gets at storage through v1?  What if v1 is down?
> >> Don't all nodes need a connection to the "logical" storage network?
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > You need a host to initialize the storage.
> > The host you have to choose with "Use Host" initially creates the data
> > structure,... on the storage.
> >
> > Afterwards all host in your cluster will mount the storage and write
> > data for their vms. There's no one-node bottleneck.
> >
> Great!  Got it .. thanks..
> >> ---
> >>
> >> On the topic of local storage...
> >> Right now, I have one node with 1 disk (until some ordered equipment
> >> arrives)...
> >> /data/images is /dev/mapper/HostVG-Data
> >>
> >> I want two of my nodes to store local data.  The majority of VMs will
> >> use the NFS datastore, but a few VMs need local storage, and I'd like to
> >> split these VMs across two nodes, so two nodes will have their own local
> >> storage...
> >
> > So you will have vm storage on node01, node02 and on your NFS storage,
> > right?
> >
> All the VMs on node01 and node02 would be stored on the NFS datastore.
> Most of the VMs would have any required data stored on the NFS datastore 
> as well.
> A few of the VMs on node01 and node02 would have a requirement for a 
> local data store.
> >> If I was going to install local data on the node, I wouldn't install it
> >> on the OS disk - I'd want another disk, or maybe even a few disks!If
> >> I added another disk to this system, how would I go about making *this*
> >> disk "/data/images" instead of the root disk? Do I have to reinstall the
> >> node?
> > I would recommend to use LVM and add new disks into your logical
> > volume...
> If I added another disk, would I be able to remove the existing 
> datastore through the engine, and create a new one pointing at only the 
> new disk?

Afaik if you add another local data store the existing one will become
inaccessible from within oVirt. If I remember correctly a new datacenter
and new storage domain will be created and the original one will be
dropped from oVirt, but still contains data.

> >> I'm also puzzled by this statement: "A local storage domain can be set
> >> up on a host. When you set up host to use local storage, the host
> >> automatically gets added to a new data center and cluster that no other
> >> hosts can be added to. Multiple host clusters require that all hosts
> >> have access to all storage domains, which is not possible with local
> >> storage. Virtual machines created in a single host cluster cannot be
> >> migrated, fenced or scheduled. "
> >>
> >> So .. let's say I have two nodes, both of them have some local disk, and
> >> use the NFS data store.  I can see why I wouldn't be able to migrate a
> >> host from one node to the other IF that has was using local data storage
> >> for the specific virtual machine.  On the other hand, if it's a VM that
> >> is NOT using local storage, and everything is in the NFS datastore, then
> >> does this I can't migrate it because each host would have to be in its
> >> own cluster only because it has local storage for *some* of the VMs!?
> >
> > Each local storage host requires it's own datacenter and you can't mix a
> > datacenter with local storage with NFS storage.
> sigh.  This seems so rigid!  I understand, for example, why clusters 
> must encompass same CPU type.  I do not understand why a host cannot 
> connect to both local da

Re: [Users] Nic names : always start by eth0

2013-07-30 Thread Koch (ovido)

The easiest way is to remove 70-persistent-net.rules in your master-vm,
remove HWADDR-strings from ifcfg-eth* friles, shut it down and create
the template.
Btw, also remove your ssh-keys in your template to create unique ones
for each vm...


On Tue, 2013-07-30 at 14:59 +0200, wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an ovirt cluster which runs CentOS VM. I have a template to 
> create VM. On this template, there are two interfaces, eth0 and eth1.
> When I create a VM using this template, the new interfaces are named 
> eth2 and eth3. It can be pretty annoying and I would like to know if it 
> would be possible to always start by eth0 ?
> If I remember the discussion on IRC, it would be necessary to clean old 
> udev rules (in centos it seems to be 
> /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules)
> Thanks,
> Regards,
> Grégoire
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] local repo for Fedora 18 based nodes

2013-07-30 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Tue, 2013-07-30 at 08:01 -0400, Sven Knohsalla wrote:
> Hi,
> we currently run F18 based nodes as oVirt 3.2.1 HVs.
> For installation it was necessary to have internet access for the
> nodes during the triggered setup from engine server.
> Which repo does the engine/HV need to make an offline installation
> possible:
> ?

Hi Sven,

yes, that's the right one...

> I wanted to setup a small repo server for the HVs on the engine itself
> (although need this for OSMA),
> do I need any custom configuration on the engine server therefore or
> is it sufficient to populate the repo file on the HVs?

All you have to do is to change the URL of ovirt.repo to point to your

Btw, you can also have a look at Spacewalk, but if you only want a
repo-server it may be an overkill:


> Thanks in advance!
> Best,
> Sven.
> Sven Knohsalla | System Administration
> Office +49 631 68036 433 | Fax +49 631 68036 111  |E-Mail
> | Skype: netbiscuits.admin 
> Netbiscuits GmbH | Europaallee 10 | 67657 | GERMANY
> Register Court: Local Court Kaiserslautern | Commercial Register ID:
> HR B 3604
> Management Board: Guido Moggert, Michael Neidhöfer, Christian Reitz,
> Martin Süß
> This message and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
> intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
> are addressed. It may also be privileged or otherwise protected by
> work product immunity or other legal rules. Please notify the sender
> immediately by e-mail if you have received this e-mail by mistake and
> delete this e-mail from your system. If you are not the intended
> recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or
> taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is
> strictly prohibited.
> Warning: Although Netbiscuits has taken reasonable precautions to
> ensure no viruses are present in this email, the company cannot accept
> responsibility for any loss or damage arising from the use of this
> email or attachments.
> Beschreibung: Beschreibung:
>  consider the environment before printing
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] about using vlan or quantum in ovirt

2013-08-07 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Wed, 2013-08-07 at 20:18 +0800, lofyer wrote:
> How can we implement the following scenarios in current oVirt release?
> 1. Suppot four VMs (VMA, VMB, VMC and VMD) run on the same Virtualization 
> node. VMA and VMB is in one subnet, while VMC and VMD is in another subnet. 
> VMA/VMB can communicate with VMC/VMD, or VMA/VMB can not communicate with 
>  case1: can comunicate with
> subnet1  case2: can not comunicate with  subnet2  
> ++++
> |  +-+  +-+  [|  +-+  +-+  |
> |  | VMA |  | VMB |  ||  | VMC |  | VMD |  |
> |  +-+  +-+  ||  |-+  +-+  |
> ++++
>  +--+ 
>  |  Virtualization  |
>  |  Node|
>  +--+
> (LAN)
> 2. Suppose VMA and VMC run on one Virtualization Node, while VMB and VMD run 
> on the other Virtualization Node. VMA and VMB is in one subnet, while VMC and 
> VMD is in another subnet. VMA/VMB can communicate with VMC/VMD, or VMA/VMB 
> can not communicate with VMC/VMD.
>   case1: can comunicate with
> subnet1   case2: can not comunicate withsubnet2   
> +--+
> |   +-+|
> |  +-+  |  +---+   [  +-+  |  +---+
> |  | VMA |  |  |  +-+   |  |  | VMB |  |  |  +-+  |
> |  +-+  |  |  | VMC |   |  |  +-+  |  |  | VMD |  |
> +--+   |  +-+   |  +---+  |  +-+  |
> +--+   +--+
> |  Virtualization  |   |  Virtualization  |
> |  Node|   |  Node|
> +--+   +--+
>   |  |
>  (LAN)
> Can we do this with oVirt network (vlan tag)? If yes, how? If no, is Quantum 
> (Neutron) network OK? and where should we find more information in oVirt 
> documents?


I would solve this in the following way:

1. configure 2 logical networks with vlans
e.g. lan1 (vlan id 100, ip network, lan2 (vlan id 200, ip
2. assign vnics of vms to corresponding logical network
3. create firewall rules on firewall to allow/disallow communication (fw
must be in both vlans)

Hope this helps.


> 1 attachments
> vnet.txt(3K)
> download preview 
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] glance and neutron deep dives on youtube

2013-08-07 Thread Koch (ovido)
I want to thank Frederico, Mike and Eli for preparing deep dive webinars
and thanks a lot for putting them on YouTube.
Sadly I couldn't participate, but will watch the slides and videos.

I hope you keep going with such webinars.

Again, thanks a lot!

On Tue, 2013-08-06 at 12:10 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 08/03/2013 06:46 AM, Jason Brooks wrote:
> >
> > Hey everyone,
> >
> > To make them easier to access, I converted the Elluminate session
> > recordings [1] for the recent Glance and Neutron integration deep
> > dives into regular videos and put them up on YouTube:
> >
> > oVirt / Glance Integration Deep Dive:
> >
> >
> > oVirt / Neutron Integration Deep Dive:
> >
> >
> > Regards, Jason
> >
> >
> > [1]
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> thanks jason - can you please add these links to [1] above?
> I've added them to youtube ovirtproject channel
> Thanks,
> Itamar
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Automating the manual labour between us admins and our potential customers (orderportal)

2013-08-09 Thread Koch (ovido)
Hi Karli,

Thanks a lot for sharing the code of your orderportal! I think this
portal is really useful for providing a easier method to create/order
new virtual machines as the (extended) user portal already does.

I'll try it out and maybe will have some questions.
First question right now: is and if yes how is your software licensed?


On Thu, 2013-08-08 at 11:42 +, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> Here´s a little something I´ve been tinkering on for some time now;
> the oVirt orderportal!
> I had the idea that if you somehow could get users to order resources
> and give them the ability to, for themselves, take care of their VM´s
> lifecycle without ever having to involve us then that´s what I´d call
> a win-win situation; they get VM´s and we don´t have to lift a finger
> while cashing in on the profits;) While you could just give everyone a
> quota and let them install VM's on their own, those installation would
> most likely lack some of the extra quality that we as experts can
> provide, like to make sure they are domain connected, are
> automatically updated and so on.
> The basic idea is to have, first of all, a domain (in our case it´s MS
> Active Directory) where all of your customers are stored so that they
> are able to just use their regular accounts when ordering and
> administering their resources, and a mail-server that can send the
> confirmations out directly to them. Then it´s our job as admins to fix
> up some templates so that it´s possible to spin up new VM's fast and
> effortlessly enough. Another one of the things that enables this
> solution is to have dynamic DNS activated on the network where these
> VM's are located so that they can just be called something, e.g. based
> on their MAC address, like we do. That way, you are able to anticipate
> what their domain name is going to be. You then register an alias for
> that domain name with the alias name of whatever the customer wanted
> it to be called. Create a domain user that you use to connect all of
> these VM´s to the domain when the template machines start up, so that
> your customers can log in to their VM's with their regular domain
> accounts. And create a role in oVirt that you assign to this manager
> that is only permitted to do what it´s supposed to be doing, and
> nothing else; create VM, take snapshot, assign permissions, etc.
> What´s needed to get up and running with all of this?
> - A LOT!:S Thing is, I´ve done this so that it basically just "works
> for us"™, and not much done about making the code dynamic or flexible
> so you´re going to have to dig in and mod all of the config files so
> that it fits your situation accordingly. But I thought that since the
> basic grunt work is done, I might as well share it so that if anyone
> else gets the same idea, they won´t have to invent the entire wheel
> all over again, they´ll just have to make my wheel fit into their
> car:)
> Anyone who decides they´d like a shot at this, I´ll be more than happy
> helping with any questions you might have.
> Big thanks to you developers, who gave me directions about how to use
> the PythonSDK! I´d also like to give my warmest thanks to the guys at
> paperboardinc, especially Ning, who helped fixing up the
> authentication popup. Having an orderportal without an authentication
> would have been waaay to naive for anyone to stomach:)
> Screenshots are attached.
> -- 
> Med Vänliga Hälsningar
> ---
> Karli Sjöberg
> Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
> Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)
> S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
> Phone:  +46-(0)18-67 15 66
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[Users] oVirt and Infiniband

2013-08-13 Thread Koch (ovido)

Does anyone have oVirt (or a plain KVM hypervisor) running on Infiniband
where the virtual machines are bridged to an Infiniband interface (with
EoIB kernel module)?

I'm having issues in such a setup where vms can't communicate over this


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Compiling ovirt-guest-agent on FreeBSD

2013-08-19 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Mon, 2013-08-19 at 09:53 +0200, Michal Skrivanek wrote:
> On Aug 19, 2013, at 09:41 , Karli Sjöberg  wrote:
> > Hi!
> > 
> > As part of a template I´m preparing, I´m wondering how to compile the agent 
> > with just the basics included. I´ve tried running like:
> > 
> > --without-gdm-plugin --without-gdm2-plugin  --without-kdm-plugin 
> > --without-pam-ovirt-cred
> > --with-gdm-plugin=no --with-gdm2-plugin=no --with-kdm-plugin=no 
> > --with-pam-ovirt-cred=no
> > --disable-gdm-plugin --disable-gdm2-plugin --disable-kdm-plugin 
> > --disable-pam-ovirt-cred
> > --enable-gdm-plugin=no --enable-gdm2-plugin=no --enable-kdm-plugin=no 
> > --enablepam-ovirt-cred-=no'
> > 
> > # ./configure ${OPTIONS}
> > 
> > Regardless of how I try, it just responds:
> > configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: ${OPTIONS}
> > 
> > I took the package from the "official" repo, src file:
> > ovirt-guest-agent-1.0.6.tar.bz2
> > 
> > What am I doing wrong?
> Hi
> the parameters are gdm, kdm and sso, set them to no


Should it be possible to disable SSO in 1.0.6 already (cause these options are 

r.koch@pc-ovido02:~/tmp/ovirt-guest-agent-1.0.6$ ./configure --without-sso 
--without-gdm --without-kdm
configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --without-sso, --without-gdm, 

It's working fine with guest-agent from GIT (tested compiling on Debian but not 
on FreeBSD):

# git clone
# ./
# ./configure --prefix=/usr --without-sso
# make install


> Thanks,
> michal
> > 
> > -- 
> > 
> > Med Vänliga Hälsningar
> > ---
> > Karli Sjöberg
> > Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
> > Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)
> > S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
> > Phone:  +46-(0)18-67 15 66
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Users mailing list

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

DI (FH) René Koch
Senior Solution Architect

ovido gmbh - "Das Linux Systemhaus"
Brünner Straße 163, A-1210 Wien

Phone:   +43 720 / 530 670
Mobile:  +43 660 / 512 21 31

Users mailing list

[Users] Please test check_rhev3 1.3 alpha

2013-08-19 Thread Koch (ovido)

As discussed in previous thread I improved the authentication of my
Nagios plugin to use auth cookies per default and fall back to username
and password authentication on failure.
Here's a documentation how authentication is handled now:

You can download the alpha version from:

Please note that this is an early development version not intended to
use in production setups yet (requires some testing).
If you test it, please give me some feedback if the authentication is
working as expected. This means, that no "user@domain logged in"
messages appear in oVirt engine (if using oVirt >= 3.1) when Nagios is
checking oVirt environment.
Thanks a lot for testing and your feedback!

There's one known issue - if REST-API returns an error the plugin also
falls back to username and password. This happens e.g. when querying
interface statistics for vlan tagged interfaces on RHEV 3.2, which
returns "Operation Failed" (see
Don't have a solution for this right now...


Users mailing list

[Users] Linux sysprep

2013-08-19 Thread Koch (ovido)

Has anyone an idea what's the easiest way to sysprep Linux (CentOS 6 and
RHEL 6) machines?

The use case is the following: I want to create a lot of virtual
machines (e.g. 100) by cloning from one template.
So I create a master vm, create a template and a pool with 100 vms
assigned to it and set all 100 vms to prestarted.

The problem is now, that when I run "sys-unconfig" before creating the
template, which does a "touch /.unconfigured" I have to go through the
sysconfig-tui and set a new root password for all 100 hosts.

So what I'm looking for is a script like the sysprep tool for windows
which sets parameters for me automatically.
I only need to change:
* Hostname + set DHCP_HOSTNAME in ifcfg-eth0 (Hostname == Pool-VM-Name)
for some dhcp/ddns magic :)
* Clear udev network-rules
* remove SSH-Keys
* Remove RHN ID and join Satellite/Spacewalk-server
* root-password,... should stay the same

My first question is: does oVirt provide such a functionality for Linux
guest out-of-the-box? I couldn't find one.

I think I could solve this with virt-sysprep and virt-file, but I'm
unsure if I can use it with oVirt (or only with plain libvirt):

For this tools it's required that the vm is not running, as it changes
files on the disk. If I'm using a before-vm-start hook, it should be
save to access the disk and change content with virt-sysprep/virt-file,
But do I have access to the disk in a before-vm-start hook?
If using NFS storage I should be able to access all disks on the
NFS-share, but for iSCSI/FC-LUNS - are they available on the hypervisor
in this stage?

Another option would be to write a custom script which is started during
boot and disables itself after successful run (in the same way as
firstboot - I already have such a script for RHN Satellite/Spacewalk
joins). The problem here is: How do I get the (oVirt) name of this vm
(would need something like virt-whoami :) )? Is the (internal oVirt) ID
of this vm stored somewhere in the filesystem of this vm? I don't think

Thanks a lot for suggestions,

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Feedback/ input needed on Host power management

2013-08-21 Thread Koch (ovido)
On Tue, 2013-08-20 at 15:50 -0400, Malini Rao wrote:
> Hello everyone, 
> We received a few responses to the email below that were very helpful and it 
> seemed like while some people preferred one over the other concept, there was 
> a general need to see the power management card details in a handy manner. 
> Taking all the feedback into account, we have made an iteration to the 
> concept and want to present it back to you for your feedback. Please see 
> attached. In this version, the dialog presents the following flow from top to 
> bottom -
> 1. enable power management
> 2. Then Select which cards to use
> 3. Then indicate to the system whether those cards should be used 
> concurrently or sequentially.

Great that you choose this flow - I think it's the one which is the most
user friendly one.

> Within Step 2 in the flow, the details for each card are collapsed by default 
> but can easily be expanded.
> Besides feedback on the attached mockup, we also have some questions that we 
> would like some clarifications on -
> 1. When power management is enabled on a host, will atleast one card NEED to 
> be enabled? If yes, is that always the Primary card ( in other words, should 
> the primary card ever be disabled?)

I think the primary card has to be enabled whenever power management is
enabled, but power management should stay disabled per default.

> 2. Currently, in the mockup, we have checkboxes to enable and disable certain 
> cards and also the ability to add cards. Should there be an ability to remove 
> cards too in addition to turning them on/ off or is it ok to just add/ remove 
> and take out the checkboxes all together?

If you keep with the concept of having a primary and secondary card you
shouldn't be able to remove one of these 2 cards - only
enabled/disable/edit it.

One thing that keeps in mind for a future improvement (somewhere after >
3.3) would be a power management template.
When having a bigger setup (assuming 20 hosts from the same manufacturer
and therefor with the same remote management cards) you have to set
address, username, password, type, (maybe port) and (maybe options) 20
times (with 2 cards 40 times). But it would be much easier if I create a
power management template and set all parameters except address, choose
this template in power management tab of each host and set the address
of the card there.
But as said - would be nice to have in the future.


> Thanks
> Malini
> - Original Message -
> From: "Malini Rao" 
> To: "engine-devel" 
> Cc:, "Itamar Heim" , "Eli Mesika" 
> , "Einav Cohen" , "Eldan Hildesheim" 
> Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 2:50:46 PM
> Subject: Feedback/ input needed on Host power management
> Hello all, 
> In taking a look at the current implementation of Hosts> Power management, we 
> have come up with a couple of approaches on improving this from a UX 
> perspective 
> - 
> We want your thoughts and input on what approach makes more sense from a 
> user's perspective before fine tuning the UI.
> Thanks
> Malini
> User Experience designer
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] oVirt and Infiniband

2013-08-21 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Tue, 2013-08-20 at 00:24 +0200, René Koch wrote:
> -Original message-
> > From:Dan Kenigsberg 
> > Sent: Monday 19th August 2013 23:48
> > To: René Koch ; Itzik Brown 
> > Cc: ovirt-users 
> > Subject: Re: [Users] oVirt and Infiniband
> > 
> > On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 03:48:14PM +0200, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > > 
> > > Does anyone have oVirt (or a plain KVM hypervisor) running on Infiniband
> > > where the virtual machines are bridged to an Infiniband interface (with
> > > EoIB kernel module)?
> > 
> > As far as I recall the EoIB module is not yet in upstream kernel. Could
> > you give more details on your setup (distro, kernel, module)?
> > Do you get connectivity between the hosts? Maybe Itzik and his
> > colleagues could help us here.
> Thanks for your answer.
> That's right - EoIB isn't in the kernel.
> I installed module from Mellanox OFED package and even there it's marked as 
> unstable...
> OS is CentOS 6.4.
> At the moment I've also an open support case with Mellanox trying to solve 
> the connectivity issue.
> So I have support from official site, but was thinking maybe someone has 
> already experience with such a setup and also had some issues/tipps for me...
> My problem is some sort of a bridge or maybe MAC translation issue (unsure 
> cause of a lot of unanswered ARP requests in tcpdump and bridge is working on 
> Ethernet interfaces).
> I have bridge ovirtmgmt on eth2 interface (eth2 is a (virtual) ethernet 
> interface bound to the Infiniband-interface) with an IP address configured on 
> it.
> Hosts can reach each other, so ethernet to infiniband translation seems to 
> work.
> But when I create a vm in oVirt this vm can only communicate with IPs/vms on 
> the bridge.
> This mean I can ping the IP of the host and other vms on this bridge, but no 
> host behind the bridge (like e.g. other hosts or vms on other hosts)...

Mellanox support team found the issue:
Daemon openibd requires write access to libvirt which is restricted by
oVirt per default.

When changing auth_unix_rw to "none" networking of the vms is working fine
over the inifinband network.

So my question is now:
I think there's a good reason why write access to libvirt is restricted.
In my particular setup no one will do a virsh start/stop/whatever so
from a user point I can live with an open libvirt.

But are there any troubles I can run into from oVirt side with
auth_unix_rw="none" beside users doing evil virsh stuff?

Today I tested it and ran into a first issue which I didn't investigate
so far (will do this week):
- Started vm from oVirt on node
- Changed auth_unix_rw to "none"
- Restarted libvirt on node
- VM was running according to "virsh list"
- VM was stopped in oVirt
- Started vm in oVirt on another node
- vm was running twice
Will have a look at the logs what append exactly this vm...

> Regards,
> René
> > 
> > > 
> > > I'm having issues in such a setup where vms can't communicate over this
> > > bridge...
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Regards,
> > > René
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > ___
> > > Users mailing list
> > >
> > >
> > 
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Linux sysprep

2013-08-21 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Wed, 2013-08-21 at 13:18 +0400, Yuriy Demchenko wrote:
> Although you've already got some answers with payload/cloudinit idea, I 
> can point at another solution I've used myself:
> Use a vdsm-hook to write vmname into some bios field, then one-time 
> init-script inside template to configure your vm as you need.

Thanks a lot, Yuriy.
That's an interesting solution you came up with. Although I'm unsure if
I like to use bios fields for this. Beside this "little bios hack"
you're doing the same as with payloads except you're properly using
dmidecode in your init-script to get the vm name instead of mounting a
floppy and reading content of a file.


> Yuriy Demchenko
> On 08/19/2013 06:17 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > Another option would be to write a custom script which is started during
> > boot and disables itself after successful run (in the same way as
> > firstboot - I already have such a script for RHN Satellite/Spacewalk
> > joins). The problem here is: How do I get the (oVirt) name of this vm
> > (would need something like virt-whoami:)  )? Is the (internal oVirt) ID
> > of this vm stored somewhere in the filesystem of this vm? I don't think
> > so

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Linux sysprep

2013-08-21 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Mon, 2013-08-19 at 16:54 -0400, Greg Padgett wrote:
> On 08/19/2013 04:26 PM, René Koch wrote:
> >
> > -Original message-
> >> From:Greg Padgett 
> >> Sent: Monday 19th August 2013 21:16
> >> To: René Koch 
> >> Cc: ovirt-users 
> >> Subject: Re: [Users] Linux sysprep
> >>
> >> On 08/19/2013 10:17 AM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> Has anyone an idea what's the easiest way to sysprep Linux (CentOS 6 and
> >>> RHEL 6) machines?
> >>>
> >>> The use case is the following: I want to create a lot of virtual
> >>> machines (e.g. 100) by cloning from one template.
> >>> So I create a master vm, create a template and a pool with 100 vms
> >>> assigned to it and set all 100 vms to prestarted.
> >>>
> >>> The problem is now, that when I run "sys-unconfig" before creating the
> >>> template, which does a "touch /.unconfigured" I have to go through the
> >>> sysconfig-tui and set a new root password for all 100 hosts.
> >>>
> >>> So what I'm looking for is a script like the sysprep tool for windows
> >>> which sets parameters for me automatically.
> >>> I only need to change:
> >>> * Hostname + set DHCP_HOSTNAME in ifcfg-eth0 (Hostname == Pool-VM-Name)
> >>> for some dhcp/ddns magic :)
> >>> * Clear udev network-rules
> >>> * remove SSH-Keys
> >>> * Remove RHN ID and join Satellite/Spacewalk-server
> >>> * root-password,... should stay the same
> >>>
> >>> My first question is: does oVirt provide such a functionality for Linux
> >>> guest out-of-the-box? I couldn't find one.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> I think I could solve this with virt-sysprep and virt-file, but I'm
> >>> unsure if I can use it with oVirt (or only with plain libvirt):
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> For this tools it's required that the vm is not running, as it changes
> >>> files on the disk. If I'm using a before-vm-start hook, it should be
> >>> save to access the disk and change content with virt-sysprep/virt-file,
> >>> right?
> >>> But do I have access to the disk in a before-vm-start hook?
> >>> If using NFS storage I should be able to access all disks on the
> >>> NFS-share, but for iSCSI/FC-LUNS - are they available on the hypervisor
> >>> in this stage?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Another option would be to write a custom script which is started during
> >>> boot and disables itself after successful run (in the same way as
> >>> firstboot - I already have such a script for RHN Satellite/Spacewalk
> >>> joins). The problem here is: How do I get the (oVirt) name of this vm
> >>> (would need something like virt-whoami :) )? Is the (internal oVirt) ID
> >>> of this vm stored somewhere in the filesystem of this vm? I don't think
> >>> so
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Thanks a lot for suggestions,
> >>> René
> >>>
> >>
> >> Hi René,
> >>
> >> You may be able to accomplish at least some of what you want using
> >> Cloud-Init, some features of which we've integrated into oVirt [1].  It
> >> went in recently so may not be in whichever version you're running, but
> >> you can probably borrow some of the concepts to get the job done.
> >
> > Thanks a lot for your answer - this definitely points me into the right way.
> >
> Great, happy to help.
> >
> >>
> >> Just a few ideas:
> >>- create a vm payload [2] and attach it to the VM which can hold your
> >> config info e.g. vm name, which a custom script could pick up.  No need
> >> for the latest oVirt with this option.
> >
> >
> > For some strange reason I totally missed the vm payload feature (and it 
> > seems to be introduced already in oVirt 3.1 according to the release notes).
> > Can I attach a vm payload via webadmin portal of oVirt 3.2 (and if yes - 
> > how?) or only via REST-API?
> >
> > So if I understand this right, I would do the following:
> > - use before_vm_start_hook which creates the payload and updates vm xml 
> > definition - add  with e.g. file name "unattended.txt" andcontent 
> > "hostname=

Re: [Users] Linux sysprep

2013-08-22 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Wed, 2013-08-21 at 19:49 -0400, Greg Padgett wrote:
> On 08/21/2013 07:25 AM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> [snip]
> > I'm just playing around with the payload feature but I can't access the
> > cd/floppy in my vm.
> > I adapted Yuriy's script
> > ( - which is
> > working fine btw) to create payload xml content and write it with
> > hooking.write_domxml(domxml).
> >
> > In vdsm.log I can see that my python script exits with status code 0 and
> > that the content seems to be added to the vm definition:
> >
> > Thread-130844::DEBUG::2013-08-21
> > 12:43:52,669::libvirtvm::1520::vm.Vm::(_run)
> > vmId=`79dc3123-4584-4dd9-b0f0-c28ede13d672`:: > encoding="utf-8"?>
> > centos6
> > snip
> > 
> >  > name="unattended.txt">hostname:
> > centos6
> >
> >
> > But in my vm I can't mount the cd drive:
> > # mount /dev/sr0 /media
> > mount: you must specify the filesystem type
> >
> > Is there a special filesystem I have to specify?
> >
> > Furthermore shouldn't I be able to see the payloads content added to
> > this vm via REST-API? Because I can't.
> >
> > Maybe I'm doing some wrong?
> >
> >
> > Thanks,
> > René
> That's a neat script.  I haven't used it--instead I just send xml to the 
> rest api, something like this, which looks a lot like yours:
>  href="/api/vms/6aec2d40-e36f-4b02-ab75-933d93f4cb8b">
>some content   
> To attach the payload via the rest api, note that you'd need to send a put 
> request to /api/vms/ rather than pass the xml in the run/start 
> action, because that's not yet supported.  Doing this, inside my vm I see:
>[root@cloud-init-test ~]# blkid
>/dev/sr1: UUID="2013-08-21-19-39-40-00" LABEL="CDROM" TYPE="iso9660"

I see - so only via REST-API really means only with REST-API ;)
I'll add the payload via put request - thanks a lot!

> And I can mount it without any problems.  You can also check the qemu 
> process listing on the host--for instance, mine shows:
> /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -drive 
> file=/var/run/vdsm/payload/29e331f9-42df-46e1-aad1-88101b134606.fe53caf3339d55b2b37a893e19e9f10a.img
> While the vm is running, you can check that file with `file` (should 
> report ISO 9660), mount it on the host, etc.
> HTH,
> Greg

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] oVirt and Infiniband

2013-08-22 Thread Koch (ovido)
On Thu, 2013-08-22 at 05:16 -0400, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 08/21/2013 03:32 AM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >
> > On Tue, 2013-08-20 at 00:24 +0200, René Koch wrote:
> >>
> >> -Original message-
> >>> From:Dan Kenigsberg 
> >>> Sent: Monday 19th August 2013 23:48
> >>> To: René Koch ; Itzik Brown 
> >>> Cc: ovirt-users 
> >>> Subject: Re: [Users] oVirt and Infiniband
> >>>
> >>> On Tue, Aug 13, 2013 at 03:48:14PM +0200, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> Does anyone have oVirt (or a plain KVM hypervisor) running on Infiniband
> >>>> where the virtual machines are bridged to an Infiniband interface (with
> >>>> EoIB kernel module)?
> >>>
> >>> As far as I recall the EoIB module is not yet in upstream kernel. Could
> >>> you give more details on your setup (distro, kernel, module)?
> >>> Do you get connectivity between the hosts? Maybe Itzik and his
> >>> colleagues could help us here.
> >>
> >>
> >> Thanks for your answer.
> >>
> >> That's right - EoIB isn't in the kernel.
> >> I installed module from Mellanox OFED package and even there it's marked 
> >> as unstable...
> >> OS is CentOS 6.4.
> >>
> >> At the moment I've also an open support case with Mellanox trying to solve 
> >> the connectivity issue.
> >> So I have support from official site, but was thinking maybe someone has 
> >> already experience with such a setup and also had some issues/tipps for 
> >> me...
> >>
> >> My problem is some sort of a bridge or maybe MAC translation issue (unsure 
> >> cause of a lot of unanswered ARP requests in tcpdump and bridge is working 
> >> on Ethernet interfaces).
> >> I have bridge ovirtmgmt on eth2 interface (eth2 is a (virtual) ethernet 
> >> interface bound to the Infiniband-interface) with an IP address configured 
> >> on it.
> >> Hosts can reach each other, so ethernet to infiniband translation seems to 
> >> work.
> >> But when I create a vm in oVirt this vm can only communicate with IPs/vms 
> >> on the bridge.
> >> This mean I can ping the IP of the host and other vms on this bridge, but 
> >> no host behind the bridge (like e.g. other hosts or vms on other hosts)...
> >>
> >
> >
> > Mellanox support team found the issue:
> > Daemon openibd requires write access to libvirt which is restricted by
> > oVirt per default.
> >
> > When changing auth_unix_rw to "none" networking of the vms is working fine
> > over the inifinband network.
> >
> > So my question is now:
> > I think there's a good reason why write access to libvirt is restricted.
> > In my particular setup no one will do a virsh start/stop/whatever so
> > from a user point I can live with an open libvirt.
> >
> > But are there any troubles I can run into from oVirt side with
> > auth_unix_rw="none" beside users doing evil virsh stuff?
> >
> > Today I tested it and ran into a first issue which I didn't investigate
> > so far (will do this week):
> > - Started vm from oVirt on node
> > - Changed auth_unix_rw to "none"
> > - Restarted libvirt on node
> > - VM was running according to "virsh list"
> > - VM was stopped in oVirt
> > - Started vm in oVirt on another node
> > - vm was running twice
> > Will have a look at the logs what append exactly this vm...
> >
> isn't the right thing is to configure openibd to use same credentials 
> vdsm is using (or with their own credentials)?

Absolutely agree that this would be the best solution, but unfortunately
there's no config option for openibd to use credentials when connecting
to libvirt :(

> >
> >>
> >> Regards,
> >> René
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >>>>
> >>>> I'm having issues in such a setup where vms can't communicate over this
> >>>> bridge...
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Regards,
> >>>> René
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> ___
> >>>> Users mailing list
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >> ___
> >> Users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> >

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Linux sysprep

2013-08-22 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Thu, 2013-08-22 at 09:55 +0200, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-08-21 at 19:49 -0400, Greg Padgett wrote:
> > On 08/21/2013 07:25 AM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > [snip]
> > > I'm just playing around with the payload feature but I can't access the
> > > cd/floppy in my vm.
> > > I adapted Yuriy's script
> > > ( - which is
> > > working fine btw) to create payload xml content and write it with
> > > hooking.write_domxml(domxml).
> > >
> > > In vdsm.log I can see that my python script exits with status code 0 and
> > > that the content seems to be added to the vm definition:
> > >
> > > Thread-130844::DEBUG::2013-08-21
> > > 12:43:52,669::libvirtvm::1520::vm.Vm::(_run)
> > > vmId=`79dc3123-4584-4dd9-b0f0-c28ede13d672`:: > > encoding="utf-8"?>
> > >   centos6
> > > snip
> > >   
> > >  > > name="unattended.txt">hostname:
> > > centos6
> > >
> > >
> > > But in my vm I can't mount the cd drive:
> > > # mount /dev/sr0 /media
> > > mount: you must specify the filesystem type
> > >
> > > Is there a special filesystem I have to specify?
> > >
> > > Furthermore shouldn't I be able to see the payloads content added to
> > > this vm via REST-API? Because I can't.
> > >
> > > Maybe I'm doing some wrong?
> > >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > René
> > 
> > That's a neat script.  I haven't used it--instead I just send xml to the 
> > rest api, something like this, which looks a lot like yours:
> > 
> >  > href="/api/vms/6aec2d40-e36f-4b02-ab75-933d93f4cb8b">
> >
> >  
> >some content   
> >  
> >
> > 
> > 
> > To attach the payload via the rest api, note that you'd need to send a put 
> > request to /api/vms/ rather than pass the xml in the run/start 
> > action, because that's not yet supported.  Doing this, inside my vm I see:
> > 
> >[root@cloud-init-test ~]# blkid
> >/dev/sr1: UUID="2013-08-21-19-39-40-00" LABEL="CDROM" TYPE="iso9660"

Hm, for some strange reason I can PUT the payloads XML to a specific vm
without any errors using REST-API, but it seems to never really update
the vm definition (when testing with GET payloads is missing again and
no cd in my vm). PUT for e.g. usb definitions is working fine (system is
oVirt 3.2).

Anyway, I don't have enough time at the moment to investigate this
further, so I use Yuriy's script (thanks!) and add the hostname via SKU
number. But will maybe play with vm payloads later again.

If anyone is interested in the scripts, feel free to use them:
(please note that these will only work for RHEL/CentOS/Fedora/other


> > 
> > And I can mount it without any problems.  You can also check the qemu 
> > process listing on the host--for instance, mine shows:
> > 
> > /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 [...] -drive 
> > file=/var/run/vdsm/payload/29e331f9-42df-46e1-aad1-88101b134606.fe53caf3339d55b2b37a893e19e9f10a.img
> > 
> > While the vm is running, you can check that file with `file` (should 
> > report ISO 9660), mount it on the host, etc.
> > 
> > HTH,
> > Greg
> > 
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Linux sysprep

2013-08-22 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Thu, 2013-08-22 at 10:34 -0400, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 08/22/2013 10:19 AM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> ...
> >
> >
> > Hm, for some strange reason I can PUT the payloads XML to a specific vm
> > without any errors using REST-API, but it seems to never really update
> > the vm definition (when testing with GET payloads is missing again and
> > no cd in my vm). PUT for e.g. usb definitions is working fine (system is
> > oVirt 3.2).
> >
> > Anyway, I don't have enough time at the moment to investigate this
> > further, so I use Yuriy's script (thanks!) and add the hostname via SKU
> > number. But will maybe play with vm payloads later again.
> >
> > If anyone is interested in the scripts, feel free to use them:
> >
> > (please note that these will only work for RHEL/CentOS/Fedora/other
> > clones)
> >
> iirc, that's by design actually... since the payload may contain 
> passwords for sysprep, etc...
> so do the PUT and check its there by launching the VM

Hm, this makes sense.
I managed now to create a payload cd and can also access it from my vm
as expected.

Thanks all for your help,

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Setup Host Network dialog - actions availability [ux][BZ#984737]

2013-08-23 Thread Koch (ovido)
On Thu, 2013-08-22 at 13:04 -0400, Einav Cohen wrote:
> Hi,
> This is about attempting to address the difficulty of finding the edit-action 
> in 
> the Setup Host Network dialog, as documented in "Bug 984737 - usability: 
> webadmin 
> difficulty in assigning client ip, no gateway possible" in bugzilla.
> We have a suggestion from Eldan (see attached 
> "HostSetupNetworks-HoverPopUp.png") 
> which was described in the BZ (comment #3) and seemed acceptable by the 
> reporter 
> (comment #4), however IIUC - one of the main pain points described in the BZ 
> was 
> the fact that the user could not find the option to Edit the connection 
> properties 
> since he was looking in the wrong place, and needed to hover on the correct 
> place, 
> in order to find that option.
> So although the idea is somewhat helpful, my concern is that this solution is 
> not 
> enough (comment #5).
> Another proposal from Malini (comment #6) is to add an "actions" drop-down 
> menu in 
> the form of a small "gear" icon-button - see attached 
> "HostSetupNetworks-DropDownMenu.png".
> This proposal addresses my concern, however I have a question about another 
> concern 
> with this solution:
> would the actions-drop-down menu-items panel be revealed appear upon click or 
> upon 
> hover?

In my opinion this is the better solution but still not enough. Let me 
explain why:

There are 4 reasons (or did I forgot one?) why I want to change the network 
1. Add new logical networks
2. Remove logical networks
3. Change ip addresses of 1 (or more) logical networks
4. Configure/change bonding options

Ad 1 and 2: In the Setup hosts networks dialog the behavior is ok - 
improvements should be done when creating new logical networks.
I think neutron integration will improve this...

Ad 3:
When changing (or adding) an ip address I first have to verify what's the
current ip configuration of this host.
If I don't use dns/static hosts entry I can see the current ip address
of ovirtmgmt host in hosts tab, but for all other networks or when
having hostnames configured I have to go to the "Network Interfaces"
subtab of each host. In this tab I can already see the address I (properly)
want to change or the interface where I want to add a new ip address.

So why not allowing to edit ip addresses here?
I don't mean going back to oVirt 3.0 style but just make existing ip
addresses changeable here already by making the existing ip address 
clickable and open the edit network window.

Bondings/logical networks should stay in setup host networks and there
should also be a gear icon to edit/remove logical networks like in the 
DropDownMenu.png screenshot which reveals when clicking on it. Then you
have the possibility to change the ip config wherever it's easier for you.

I also vote for removing the tooltip on logical networks and instead display
the ip address (and maybe MTU) below the logical network name.
ovirtmgmt (VLAN 1)
logical network 1
logical network 2

As ip addresses will most likely be configured only for ovirtmgmt, display
network and storage network this dialog wouldn't get floated with too many

Ad 4: Add a gear icon in the same way as for 3, but keep the ability to
change the configuration only in "Setup hosts networks" dialog, no need imho 
in "Network Interfaces" subtab...


> if it will be upon hover, it might seem weird/be conflicted/be somewhat 
> confusing 
> with the hover functionality that reveals the logical-network details pop-up.
> if it will be upon click, it means that in order to edit a logical network, 
> two 
> clicks will be required in order to get to the edit dialog, as opposed to one 
> click 
> in the current state and in Eldan's suggestion. 
> maybe having two clicks in order to get to the edit dialog is acceptable, 
> however 
> there may be some solutions for that:
> one possible solution would be to combine both attached suggestions, i.e. the 
> actions 
> within the hover pop-up, as well as the actions drop-down menu, however it 
> means that 
> there will be some redundancy of the actions availability.
> another possible solution is to keep only the gear + down-arrow icon (or 
> maybe only 
> the down-arrow icon), without the actual drop-down menu there, just in order 
> to indicate 
> that there are some options available in that area, and have Eldan's pop-up 
> appear when 
> hovering on that icon (or even on the entire logical-network area, as happens 
> today with 
> the current details pop-up)
> thoughts?
> Regards, 
> Einav
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] ipmilan or iLo4

2013-09-03 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Tue, 2013-09-03 at 15:46 +0200, Neil wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I'm testing some DL360gen8 hosts and was wondering what power
> management utility would be recommended, I usually only use Dell
> servers and use the ipmilan by default, but not sure if there would be
> any benefits to rather using iLo instead?

I mainly use ipmilan in oVirt/RHEV/clusters as this works fine on newer
generations where fence_ilo sometimes doesn't.


> Thanks.
> Regards.
> Neil Wilson.
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] so, what do you want next in oVirt?

2013-09-05 Thread Koch (ovido)

Thanks for starting this thread again.

On Tue, 2013-08-20 at 17:19 -0400, Itamar Heim wrote:
> earlier in the year we did a survey for feature requests / improvements 
> / etc.
> since a lot of things were added, and priorities usually change, I'd 
> like to ask again for "what do you need the most from oVirt / what are 
> your pain points" next?
> below[1] I've listed my understanding of what already went in from 
> previous survey requests (to various degrees of coverage).
> Thanks,
> Itamar
> [1] from the top 12
> V Allow disk resize


> V Integrate Nagios/Zabbix monitoring - via a ui plugin

Zabbix isn't working yet with my ui plugin (is there maybe another one
which integrates Zabbix?) - but it will be available in a future
Btw, there will be a new version of the monitoring ui plugin with new
features available out at the end of this week...

> V Highly Available engine - via hosted engine[2]
> V Open vSwitch integration - via neutron integration
> X Allow cloning VMs without template

This is definitely one feature I would like to see.

> ? Enable hypervisor upgrade/updates through engine[3]

The next feature I would like to request.

> V Allow engine on an oVirt hosted VM - via hosted engine[2]
> V Enable guest configuration (root password, SSH keys, network) via
>guest agent in engine - via cloud-init

Cool. Can this be done on oVirt-node as well or only on
CentOS/RHEL/Fedora hosts?

> X Integrate v2v into engine

Vote for this again :)

> ? Bond/extend ovirtmgmt with a second network for HA/increased
> X Integrate scheduling of snapshots and VM export for backups in
> V Spice – support Google Chrome - via mime based launch

At the moment spice support is really a pain (especially on Windows as
the is missing). Great to hear that spice support has
improved and Chrome can be used as well!

> Other items mentioned in previous survey which should be covered by now:
> - Fix timeout when adding local host during all-in-one configuration
> - Fix engine set-up when SELinux is disabled
> - Provide packages for el6 (CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux)
> - Allow multiple VMs to be deployed from the same template at the same
> - ISO domains on local/GlusterS

ISO and export domains on FC/iSCSI would be good to have as well.

> - Show IP addresses in Virtual Machines->Network Interfaces
> - OpenStack Quantum support (now called Neutron)
> - noVNC support
> - Support spice.html5 and websocket proxy
> - Add other guest OSes to list

Good to hear that other Linux distributions will be added as well.

> - Port oVirt guest agent to Ubuntu[6]
> - SLA - Allow resource time-sharing
> - Spice - Mac client (via mime based launch)
> - Spice - port XPI plug-in to Windows (not sure this will happen, but
>mime based launch allows using firefox now)
> - Spice - client for Ubuntu/Debian (should be covered via mime based

Additional features I would like to see are:
- oVirt guest agent for Ubuntu/openSUSE/SLES/Debian *

*Ubuntu is already available thanks to Zhou Zheng Sheng

- Resource pools
At the moment only Quotas are available (which is great, btw), but in
some cases it's necessary to implement resource pools. E.g. Limit CPU,
Memory and Network for group of test vms, but give full resources to
production vms. Maybe this could be done with cgroups?
So e.g. I don't want to give a compile machine a full cpu core, but only
1 core with 500MHz or limit the bandwith to e.g. 10Mbit/s.

- Upload ISOs within the GUI to ISO domain

- Use existing share for ISO domain
When creating an ISO domain, oVirt creates it's own directory
structure with IDs. It would be nice if an existing share could be used
(e.g. an ISO share on NFS server which is used by other service, too)
without creating the structure with IDs. I know that the IDs are needed
internally but I think it should be possible to reuse an existing share.

Last but not least I want to thank all contributors of this project for
their great work so far!


> [2] hosted engine is in active development, but not released yet.
> [3] host update is supported, but not for general yum update.
> [4] a lot of improvements were done in this space, but i'm not sure if
>  they cover this exact use case
> [5] backup api is now being pushed to master, and orchestration of
>  backups should probably happen via 3rd part backup vendors?
> [6] I'm not sure packaging exists yet, but ubuntu is covered for the
>  basic functionality of the guest agent.
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

[Users] oVirt Solaris support

2013-09-06 Thread Koch (ovido)

I want to start the discussion about Solaris support on oVirt again, as
there was no solution for it yet.

On my oVirt 3.2.2 environment I installed Solaris 11 U1 with the
following specs:
* Operating System: Other
* nic1: rtl8139
* Disk1: IDE (Thin Provision)
* Host: CentOS 6.4 with qemu-kvm-

These are the same settings as on my RHEL 6.4 KVM host (except I can
choose Solaris 10 as OS in virt-manager), which has KVM version:
qemu-kvm-rhev- (I wanted to use this host
as a RHEV host, so the qemu-kvm-rhev package is installed in case you

What's working:
* OS installation on IDE disk
* Bringing up network interface

What's not working on oVirt:
* Network connections  - on RHEL 6.4 with plain libvirt/kvm this is

I can see the mac address on my CentOS host, but can't ping the Solaris

# brctl showmacs ovirtmgmt | egrep '00:99:4a:00:64:83|port'
port no mac addris local?   ageing timer
  2 00:99:4a:00:64:83   no10.72

# arp -an | grep '00:99:4a:00:64:83'
? ( at 00:99:4a:00:64:83 [ether] on ovirtmgmt

When using tcpdump on the vnet interface which belongs to the Solaris vm
(ip I can see ARP requests from the vm for ip address of
my CentOS host ( but no response to it. Same when pinging
other ips in this network:

# tcpdump -n -i vnet2
tcpdump: WARNING: vnet2: no IPv4 address assigned
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol
listening on vnet2, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535
18:15:35.987868 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell, length 46
18:15:36.487399 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell, length 46
18:15:36.987536 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell, length 46

I also compared the qemu-kvm process list on the KVM with the oVirt
machine and can't see much differences except that oVirt has more
information like smbios
oVirt host:

 -netdev tap,fd=27,id=hostnet0

RHEL KVM host:

 -netdev tap,fd=32,id=hostnet0

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot / get Solaris networking running
is welcome.
Changing the interface to e1000 doesn't work either.

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] oVirt Solaris support

2013-09-16 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Fri, 2013-09-06 at 22:26 +0100, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:

> On Fri, Sep 06, 2013 at 06:23:42PM +0200, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I want to start the discussion about Solaris support on oVirt again, as
> > there was no solution for it yet.
> > 
> > On my oVirt 3.2.2 environment I installed Solaris 11 U1 with the
> > following specs:
> > * Operating System: Other
> > * nic1: rtl8139
> > * Disk1: IDE (Thin Provision)
> > * Host: CentOS 6.4 with qemu-kvm-
> > 
> > These are the same settings as on my RHEL 6.4 KVM host (except I can
> > choose Solaris 10 as OS in virt-manager), which has KVM version:
> > qemu-kvm-rhev- (I wanted to use this host
> > as a RHEV host, so the qemu-kvm-rhev package is installed in case you
> > wounder)...
> > 
> > What's working:
> > * OS installation on IDE disk
> > * Bringing up network interface
> > 
> > What's not working on oVirt:
> > * Network connections  - on RHEL 6.4 with plain libvirt/kvm this is
> > working...
> > 
> > 
> > I can see the mac address on my CentOS host, but can't ping the Solaris
> > vm:
> > 
> > # brctl showmacs ovirtmgmt | egrep '00:99:4a:00:64:83|port'
> > port no mac addris local?   ageing timer
> >   2 00:99:4a:00:64:83   no10.72
> > 
> > # arp -an | grep '00:99:4a:00:64:83'
> > ? ( at 00:99:4a:00:64:83 [ether] on ovirtmgmt
> > 
> > When using tcpdump on the vnet interface which belongs to the Solaris vm
> > (ip I can see ARP requests from the vm for ip address of
> > my CentOS host ( but no response to it. Same when pinging
> > other ips in this network:
> > 
> > # tcpdump -n -i vnet2
> > tcpdump: WARNING: vnet2: no IPv4 address assigned
> > tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol
> > decode
> > listening on vnet2, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535
> > bytes
> > 18:15:35.987868 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell
> >, length 46
> > 18:15:36.487399 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell
> >, length 46
> > 18:15:36.987536 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell
> >, length 46
> > 
> > I also compared the qemu-kvm process list on the KVM with the oVirt
> > machine and can't see much differences except that oVirt has more
> > information like smbios
> > oVirt host:
> > /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm
> > 
> >  -netdev tap,fd=27,id=hostnet0
> >  -device
> > rtl8139,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=00:99:4a:00:64:83,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3
> > 
> > RHEL KVM host:
> > /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm
> > 
> >  -netdev tap,fd=32,id=hostnet0
> >  -device
> > rtl8139,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:51:c2:97,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3
> > 
> > Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot / get Solaris networking running
> > is welcome.
> > Changing the interface to e1000 doesn't work either.

Thanks a lot for your answer and sorry for my late response - I was sick
leaving last week.

> - Would you share the output of your `brctl show`?

# brctl show
bridge name bridge id   STP enabled interfaces
;vdsmdummy; 8000.   no  
dmz 8000.0025901ad140   no  eth0.200
ovirtmgmt   8000.0025901ad140   no  eth0.100
setup   8000.0025901ad140   no  eth0.500
test2   8000.0025901ad140   no  eth0.602

vnet1 is a Debian 7 vm which has a perfectly working network.
vnet2 is the Solaris 11 vm which can't communicate over the network.

> - Particulalry, does the host device with sit on the same
>   bridge as your Solaris VM? is the ip of the oVirt host and it's ip is configured on
this bridge (and reachable from the Debian 7 vm):

# ip a | grep ovirt
5: ovirtmgmt:  mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue
state UNKNOWN 
inet brd scope global ovirtmgmt

> - Do you see the who-has packet when sniffing the bridge device?

Yes, I can see them:
12:24:16.311218 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell, length 46
12:24:16.311246 ARP, Reply is-at 00:25:90:1a:d1:40, length

I can also see the MAC of the S

Re: [Users] so, what do you want next in oVirt?

2013-09-16 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Sun, 2013-09-08 at 18:03 -0400, Doron Fediuck wrote:
> - Original Message -
> > From: "René Koch (ovido)" 
> > To: "Itamar Heim" 
> > Cc: "ovirt-users" 
> > Sent: Thursday, September 5, 2013 11:31:57 AM
> > Subject: Re: [Users] so, what do you want next in oVirt?
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Thanks for starting this thread again.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Tue, 2013-08-20 at 17:19 -0400, Itamar Heim wrote:
> > > earlier in the year we did a survey for feature requests / improvements
> > > / etc.
> > > 
> > > since a lot of things were added, and priorities usually change, I'd
> > > like to ask again for "what do you need the most from oVirt / what are
> > > your pain points" next?
> > > 
> > > below[1] I've listed my understanding of what already went in from
> > > previous survey requests (to various degrees of coverage).
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > Itamar
> > > 
> > > [1] from the top 12
> > > V Allow disk resize
> > 
> > 
> > Great!
> > 
> > 
> > > V Integrate Nagios/Zabbix monitoring - via a ui plugin
> > 
> > 
> > Zabbix isn't working yet with my ui plugin (is there maybe another one
> > which integrates Zabbix?) - but it will be available in a future
> > release.
> > Btw, there will be a new version of the monitoring ui plugin with new
> > features available out at the end of this week...
> > 
> > 
> > > V Highly Available engine - via hosted engine[2]
> > > V Open vSwitch integration - via neutron integration
> > > X Allow cloning VMs without template
> > 
> > 
> > This is definitely one feature I would like to see.
> > 
> > 
> > > ? Enable hypervisor upgrade/updates through engine[3]
> > 
> > 
> > The next feature I would like to request.
> > 
> > 
> > > V Allow engine on an oVirt hosted VM - via hosted engine[2]
> > > V Enable guest configuration (root password, SSH keys, network) via
> > >guest agent in engine - via cloud-init
> > 
> > 
> > Cool. Can this be done on oVirt-node as well or only on
> > CentOS/RHEL/Fedora hosts?
> > 
> > 
> > > X Integrate v2v into engine
> > 
> > 
> > Vote for this again :)
> > 
> > 
> > > ? Bond/extend ovirtmgmt with a second network for HA/increased
> > >bandwidth[4]
> > > X Integrate scheduling of snapshots and VM export for backups in
> > >engine[5]
> > > V Spice – support Google Chrome - via mime based launch
> > 
> > 
> > At the moment spice support is really a pain (especially on Windows as
> > the is missing). Great to hear that spice support has
> > improved and Chrome can be used as well!
> > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Other items mentioned in previous survey which should be covered by now:
> > > - Fix timeout when adding local host during all-in-one configuration
> > > - Fix engine set-up when SELinux is disabled
> > > - Provide packages for el6 (CentOS, Red Hat Enterprise Linux)
> > > - Allow multiple VMs to be deployed from the same template at the same
> > >time
> > > - ISO domains on local/GlusterS
> > 
> > 
> > ISO and export domains on FC/iSCSI would be good to have as well.
> > 
> > 
> > > - Show IP addresses in Virtual Machines->Network Interfaces
> > > - OpenStack Quantum support (now called Neutron)
> > > - noVNC support
> > > - Support spice.html5 and websocket proxy
> > > - Add other guest OSes to list
> > 
> > 
> > Good to hear that other Linux distributions will be added as well.
> > 
> > 
> > > - Port oVirt guest agent to Ubuntu[6]
> > > - SLA - Allow resource time-sharing
> > > - Spice - Mac client (via mime based launch)
> > > - Spice - port XPI plug-in to Windows (not sure this will happen, but
> > >mime based launch allows using firefox now)
> > > - Spice - client for Ubuntu/Debian (should be covered via mime based
> > >launch)
> > 
> > 
> > Additional features I would like to see are:
> > - oVirt guest agent for Ubuntu/openSUSE/SLES/Debian *
> > 
> > *Ubuntu is already available thanks to Zhou Zheng Sheng
> > 
> > - Resource pools
> > At the moment only Quotas are available (which is great, btw), but in
> > some cases it's necessary to implement resourc

Re: [Users] Ubuntu/Debian ovirt-guest-agent

2013-09-16 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Sat, 2013-09-14 at 14:14 +0800, Zhou Zheng Sheng wrote:
> Hi Jakub,
> on 2013/09/10 21:52, Jakub Bittner wrote:
> > Hello Zhou Zheng Sheng,
> > 
> > I tested your ovirt-guest-agent PPA which you provided and it works on
> > Ubuntu Precise (12.04) as expected, but I can not install it on Debian
> > Wheezy because that package needs upstart-job from Ubuntu which is not
> > in Debian...
> > Would you be so kind and provide even Debian packages on your PPA? :-)
> > I dont know if sysvinit style file for launching daemon is included by
> > oVirt.
> > 
> > Thank you.
> > 
> > Jakub Bittner
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> Two good news.
> Developers fixed the bug in latest master, so I updated the
> ovirt-guest-agent package for Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring) to 1.0.8. This
> package should be OK to use with 12.04 (Precise) as well.
> I also wrote a Debian specific SysV init script for the guest agent.I
> tested in my Debian Wheezy guest. There is a small problem,
> does not support hosting Debian packages, and for each
> package per Ubuntu release, it hosts the latest version. So I upload the
> Debian specific oVirt guest agent package as a Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise)
> package.
> You can dowanlod them from the following link.
> In all, the ovirt-guest-agent-1.0.8 (Raring) package is for both Ubuntu
> Raring and Precise. The ovirt-guest-agent-1.0.8 (Precise) is for Debian.

Great work - thanks a lot for the Debian and Ubuntu packages!

Just one little thing:
Can you add python-apt to the dependency list (it's missing in the
Debian Wheezy package - didn't test the Ubuntu packages but maybe it's
missing there, too)?

If python-apt isn't installed it's not possible to fetch installed

15:23:22,977::ovirt-guest-agent::37::root::Starting oVirt guest agent
15:23:23,015::GuestAgentLinux2::101::root::Unknown package management.
Application list report is disable requires this python module to get the package

All other features like system shutdown, nic information, memory,... are
working fine.



Users mailing list

Re: [Users] oVirt Solaris support

2013-09-16 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Mon, 2013-09-16 at 15:14 +0100, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 12:33:34PM +0200, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > 
> > On Fri, 2013-09-06 at 22:26 +0100, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> > 
> > > On Fri, Sep 06, 2013 at 06:23:42PM +0200, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > > > Hi,
> > > > 
> > > > I want to start the discussion about Solaris support on oVirt again, as
> > > > there was no solution for it yet.
> > > > 
> > > > On my oVirt 3.2.2 environment I installed Solaris 11 U1 with the
> > > > following specs:
> > > > * Operating System: Other
> > > > * nic1: rtl8139
> > > > * Disk1: IDE (Thin Provision)
> > > > * Host: CentOS 6.4 with qemu-kvm-
> > > > 
> > > > These are the same settings as on my RHEL 6.4 KVM host (except I can
> > > > choose Solaris 10 as OS in virt-manager), which has KVM version:
> > > > qemu-kvm-rhev- (I wanted to use this host
> > > > as a RHEV host, so the qemu-kvm-rhev package is installed in case you
> > > > wounder)...
> > > > 
> > > > What's working:
> > > > * OS installation on IDE disk
> > > > * Bringing up network interface
> > > > 
> > > > What's not working on oVirt:
> > > > * Network connections  - on RHEL 6.4 with plain libvirt/kvm this is
> > > > working...
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > I can see the mac address on my CentOS host, but can't ping the Solaris
> > > > vm:
> > > > 
> > > > # brctl showmacs ovirtmgmt | egrep '00:99:4a:00:64:83|port'
> > > > port no mac addris local?   ageing timer
> > > >   2 00:99:4a:00:64:83   no10.72
> > > > 
> > > > # arp -an | grep '00:99:4a:00:64:83'
> > > > ? ( at 00:99:4a:00:64:83 [ether] on ovirtmgmt
> > > > 
> > > > When using tcpdump on the vnet interface which belongs to the Solaris vm
> > > > (ip I can see ARP requests from the vm for ip address of
> > > > my CentOS host ( but no response to it. Same when pinging
> > > > other ips in this network:
> > > > 
> > > > # tcpdump -n -i vnet2
> > > > tcpdump: WARNING: vnet2: no IPv4 address assigned
> > > > tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol
> > > > decode
> > > > listening on vnet2, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535
> > > > bytes
> > > > 18:15:35.987868 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell
> > > >, length 46
> > > > 18:15:36.487399 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell
> > > >, length 46
> > > > 18:15:36.987536 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell
> > > >, length 46
> > > > 
> > > > I also compared the qemu-kvm process list on the KVM with the oVirt
> > > > machine and can't see much differences except that oVirt has more
> > > > information like smbios
> > > > oVirt host:
> > > > /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm
> > > > 
> > > >  -netdev tap,fd=27,id=hostnet0
> > > >  -device
> > > > rtl8139,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=00:99:4a:00:64:83,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3
> > > > 
> > > > RHEL KVM host:
> > > > /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm
> > > > 
> > > >  -netdev tap,fd=32,id=hostnet0
> > > >  -device
> > > > rtl8139,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:51:c2:97,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3
> > > > 
> > > > Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot / get Solaris networking running
> > > > is welcome.
> > > > Changing the interface to e1000 doesn't work either.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Thanks a lot for your answer and sorry for my late response - I was sick
> > leaving last week.
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > - Would you share the output of your `brctl show`?
> > 
> > 
> > # brctl show
> > bridge name bridge id   STP enabled interfaces
> > ;vdsmdummy; 8000.   no  
> > dmz 8000.0025901ad140   no  eth0.200
> > ovirtmgmt   8000.0025901ad140   no  eth0.100
> >

Re: [Users] oVirt Solaris support

2013-09-16 Thread Koch (ovido)
On Mon, 2013-09-16 at 18:36 +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 6:27 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >> >
> >> > Here's the complete qemu cmd:
> >> >
> >> > RHEL 6.4 (plain KVM - Solaris networking is fine):
> >> > /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -name solaris11 -S -M rhel6.3.0 -enable-kvm -m
> >> > 1024 -smp 1,sockets=1,cores=1,threads=1 -uuid
> >> > e7d3b9a4-8605-dc4f-9092-41d68dd83735 -nodefconfig -nodefaults -chardev
> >> > socket,id=charmonitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/solaris11.monitor,server,nowait
> >> >  -mon chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control -rtc base=localtime 
> >> > -no-shutdown -device piix3-usb-uhci,id=usb,bus=pci.0,addr=0x1.0x2 -drive 
> >> > file=/var/lib/libvirt/images/solaris11.img,if=none,id=drive-ide0-0-0,format=raw
> >> >  -device 
> >> > ide-drive,bus=ide.0,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-0-0,id=ide0-0-0,bootindex=1 
> >> > -drive if=none,media=cdrom,id=drive-ide0-1-0,readonly=on,format=raw 
> >> > -device ide-drive,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-1-0,id=ide0-1-0 
> >> > -netdev tap,fd=40,id=hostnet0 -device 
> >> > rtl8139,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:f0:27:d3,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3 
> >> > -chardev pty,id=charserial0 -device 
> >> > isa-serial,chardev=charserial0,id=serial0 -device usb-tablet,id=input0 
> >> > -vnc -vga cirrus -device 
> >> > intel-hda,id=sound0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x4 -device 
> >> > hda-duplex,id=sound0-codec0,bus=sound0.0,cad=0 -device 
> >> > virtio-balloon-pci,id=balloon0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5
> >> >
> >> > CentOS 6.4 (oVirt - Solaris can't reach other nodes):
> >> > /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm -name solaris11 -S -M rhel6.3.0 -cpu Nehalem
> >> > -enable-kvm -m 1024 -smp 1,sockets=1,cores=1,threads=1 -uuid
> >> > cbaa0cf5-d9e6-40e4-a269-9dc495f4c0d5 -smbios
> >> > type=1,manufacturer=oVirt,product=oVirt
> >> > Node,version=6-4.el6.centos.10,serial=54443858-4E54-2500-901A-0025901AD140,uuid=cbaa0cf5-d9e6-40e4-a269-9dc495f4c0d5,sku=solaris11
> >> >  -nodefconfig -nodefaults -chardev 
> >> > socket,id=charmonitor,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/solaris11.monitor,server,nowait
> >> >  -mon chardev=charmonitor,id=monitor,mode=control -rtc 
> >> > base=2013-09-06T15:08:22,driftfix=slew -no-shutdown -device 
> >> > piix3-usb-uhci,id=usb,bus=pci.0,addr=0x1.0x2 -device 
> >> > virtio-serial-pci,id=virtio-serial0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x4 -drive 
> >> > file=/rhev/data-center/484e62d7-7a01-4b5e-aec8-59d366100281/2055b80d-d59d-4fe6-80ec-5499674feed5/images/0786a273-780a-4f58-acc4-9b123953bde8/0c07f1f9-f9c0-4ac0-bfec-bee7a1c35a0b,if=none,id=drive-ide0-0-0,format=raw,serial=0786a273-780a-4f58-acc4-9b123953bde8,cache=none,werror=stop,rerror=stop,aio=threads
> >> >  -device 
> >> > ide-drive,bus=ide.0,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-0-0,id=ide0-0-0,bootindex=1 
> >> > -drive 
> >> > if=none,media=cdrom,id=drive-ide0-1-0,readonly=on,format=raw,serial= 
> >> > -device ide-drive,bus=ide.1,unit=0,drive=drive-ide0-1-0,id=ide0-1-0 
> >> > -drive 
> >> > file=/var/run/vdsm/payload/cbaa0cf5-d9e6-40e4-a269-9dc495f4c0d5.f3b4e68b93e9d35d3f17328fae2e178e.img,if=none,media=cdrom,id=drive-ide0-1-1,readonly=on,format=raw,serial=
> >> >  -device ide-drive,bus=ide.1,unit=1,drive=drive-ide0-1-1,id=ide0-1-1 
> >> > -netdev tap,fd=27,id=hostnet0 -device 
> >> > rtl8139,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=00:99:4a:00:64:83,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3 
> >> > -chardev 
> >> > socket,id=charchannel0,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/channels/,server,nowait
> >> >  -device 
> >> > virtserialport,bus=virtio-serial0.0,nr=1,chardev=charchannel0,id=channel0,name=com.redhat.rhevm.vdsm
> >> >  -chardev 
> >> > socket,id=charchannel1,path=/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/channels/,server,nowait
> >> >  -device 
> >> > virtserialport,bus=virtio-serial0.0,nr=2,chardev=charchannel1,id=channel1,name=org.qemu.guest_agent.0
> >> >  -chardev spicevmc,id=charchannel2,name=vdagent -device 
> >> > virtserialport,bus=virtio-serial0.0,nr=3,chardev=charchannel2,id=channel2,name=com.redhat.spice.0
> >> >  -spice 
> >> > port=5902,tls-port=5903,addr=0,x509-dir=/etc/pki/vdsm/libvirt-spice,tls-channel=main,tls-channel=display,tls-channel=inputs,tls-channel=cursor,tls-channel=playback,tls-channel=record,tls-channel=smartcard,tls-channel=usbredir,seamless-migration=on
> >> 

Re: [Users] oVirt Solaris support

2013-09-16 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Mon, 2013-09-16 at 16:29 +0100, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 04:39:47PM +0200, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, 2013-09-16 at 15:14 +0100, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> > 
> > > On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 12:33:34PM +0200, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > On Fri, 2013-09-06 at 22:26 +0100, Dan Kenigsberg wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > On Fri, Sep 06, 2013 at 06:23:42PM +0200, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > > > > > Hi,
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I want to start the discussion about Solaris support on oVirt 
> > > > > > again, as
> > > > > > there was no solution for it yet.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > On my oVirt 3.2.2 environment I installed Solaris 11 U1 with the
> > > > > > following specs:
> > > > > > * Operating System: Other
> > > > > > * nic1: rtl8139
> > > > > > * Disk1: IDE (Thin Provision)
> > > > > > * Host: CentOS 6.4 with 
> > > > > > qemu-kvm-
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > These are the same settings as on my RHEL 6.4 KVM host (except I can
> > > > > > choose Solaris 10 as OS in virt-manager), which has KVM version:
> > > > > > qemu-kvm-rhev- (I wanted to use this 
> > > > > > host
> > > > > > as a RHEV host, so the qemu-kvm-rhev package is installed in case 
> > > > > > you
> > > > > > wounder)...
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > What's working:
> > > > > > * OS installation on IDE disk
> > > > > > * Bringing up network interface
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > What's not working on oVirt:
> > > > > > * Network connections  - on RHEL 6.4 with plain libvirt/kvm this is
> > > > > > working...
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I can see the mac address on my CentOS host, but can't ping the 
> > > > > > Solaris
> > > > > > vm:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > # brctl showmacs ovirtmgmt | egrep '00:99:4a:00:64:83|port'
> > > > > > port no mac addris local?   ageing timer
> > > > > >   2 00:99:4a:00:64:83   no10.72
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > # arp -an | grep '00:99:4a:00:64:83'
> > > > > > ? ( at 00:99:4a:00:64:83 [ether] on ovirtmgmt
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > When using tcpdump on the vnet interface which belongs to the 
> > > > > > Solaris vm
> > > > > > (ip I can see ARP requests from the vm for ip address 
> > > > > > of
> > > > > > my CentOS host ( but no response to it. Same when 
> > > > > > pinging
> > > > > > other ips in this network:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > # tcpdump -n -i vnet2
> > > > > > tcpdump: WARNING: vnet2: no IPv4 address assigned
> > > > > > tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol
> > > > > > decode
> > > > > > listening on vnet2, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 65535
> > > > > > bytes
> > > > > > 18:15:35.987868 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell
> > > > > >, length 46
> > > > > > 18:15:36.487399 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell
> > > > > >, length 46
> > > > > > 18:15:36.987536 ARP, Request who-has (Broadcast) tell
> > > > > >, length 46
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > I also compared the qemu-kvm process list on the KVM with the oVirt
> > > > > > machine and can't see much differences except that oVirt has more
> > > > > > information like smbios
> > > > > > oVirt host:
> > > > > > /usr/libexec/qemu-kvm
> > > > > > 
> > > > > >  -netdev tap,fd=27,id=hostnet0
> > > > > >  -device
> > > > > > rtl8139,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=00:99:4a:00:64:83,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > RHEL

Re: [Users] oVirt to oVirt VMs migration

2013-09-17 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Tue, 2013-09-17 at 13:17 +0200, Hervé Leclerc wrote:
> Hello,
> I've 2 ovirt managers with their own hosts
> What is the best way to migrate a VM from one oVirt Stack to the
> other ?
> Is it possible to make it live like virt-v2v does with esxi?

You can export them to your export domain on ovirt manager 1, detach the
export domain afterwards, attach it to ovirt manager 2 and import the

> Regards
> Hervé Leclerc
> Alter Way
> 1, rue royale
> 9 ème étage
> 92210 St Cloud
> +33 1 78152407
> +33 6 83979598
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] oVirt Solaris support

2013-09-17 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Mon, 2013-09-16 at 19:16 +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 6:39 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >
> > and what about the qemu command line produced by virt-manager ?
> >
> >
> >
> > Good point - here's the command line of Sol11 with virt-manager on this
> > oVirt host:
> >
> Could it be that the
> -cpu Nehalem
> in some way can influence the problem? It only appears in oVirt
> generated command line

Yes, indeed it does (even I have no clue how this can influence
When adding cpu model to my plain kvm machines libvirt xml network isn't
working anymore.
I'll test with some hook scripts if removing the cpu model will solve
the network issue for my oVirt Solaris guest.
Thanks for the hint.


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] oVirt to oVirt VMs migration

2013-09-17 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Tue, 2013-09-17 at 15:22 +0200, Hervé Leclerc wrote:
> Thank you René, 
> A question :
> - You can export them to your export domain on ovirt manager 1 : OK 
> - Detach the export domain afterwards OK
> - Attach it to ovirt manager 2 : How do you do that ? how do you
> declare the Exports  in manager 2? it complains that the directory is
> not empty

Did you try to create a new one or import an existing one?
You have to import it, but make sure that it's not activated in your
other environment.

> ...import the vms : the goal
> Regards
> Hervé Leclerc
> Alter Way
> 1, rue royale
> 9 ème étage
> 92210 St Cloud
> +33 1 78152407
> +33 6 83979598
> On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 1:20 PM, René Koch (ovido) 
> wrote:
> On Tue, 2013-09-17 at 13:17 +0200, Hervé Leclerc wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >
> > I've 2 ovirt managers with their own hosts
> >
> >
> > What is the best way to migrate a VM from one oVirt Stack to
> the
> > other ?
> > Is it possible to make it live like virt-v2v does with esxi?
> You can export them to your export domain on ovirt manager 1,
> detach the
> export domain afterwards, attach it to ovirt manager 2 and
> import the
> vms.
> Regards,
> René
> >
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Hervé Leclerc
> > CTO
> > Alter Way
> > 1, rue royale
> > 9 ème étage
> > 92210 St Cloud
> > +33 1 78152407
> > +33 6 83979598
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] oVirt Solaris support

2013-09-17 Thread Koch (ovido)
On Tue, 2013-09-17 at 14:38 +0300, Itamar Heim wrote:
> On 09/17/2013 02:23 PM, Ren Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >
> > On Mon, 2013-09-16 at 19:16 +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> >> On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 6:39 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>> and what about the qemu command line produced by virt-manager ?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> Good point - here's the command line of Sol11 with virt-manager on this
> >>> oVirt host:
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> Could it be that the
> >> -cpu Nehalem
> >>
> >> in some way can influence the problem? It only appears in oVirt
> >> generated command line
> >
> > Yes, indeed it does (even I have no clue how this can influence
> > networking).
> > When adding cpu model to my plain kvm machines libvirt xml network isn't
> > working anymore.
> > I'll test with some hook scripts if removing the cpu model will solve
> > the network issue for my oVirt Solaris guest.
> > Thanks for the hint.
> if you can pinpoint and reproduce, probably worth adding the qemu-kvm 
> mailing list

I managed to get Solaris networking running when removing cpu model and
cpu match attributes, which are added by oVirt but not by virt-manager.

I created a hook script (99_fix_solaris) which removes these
information. Afterwards networking is fine in Solaris guests:

Just one question renaming:
Is there any downside from oVirt side when removing these cpu
information like e.g. features aren't working as expected?

Thanks all for the hints.


Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Ubuntu/Debian ovirt-guest-agent

2013-09-18 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Wed, 2013-09-18 at 12:36 +0800, Zhou Zheng Sheng wrote:
> Hi René,
> You are correct. I add python-apt as a recommend dependency package and
> upload the package again for Ubuntu and Debian. I didn't notice the
> problem because I have other packages in my test machine which depend on
> python-apt. Thanks.

No problem.

Btw, are you (or anyone else) working on getting the guest agent into
official Debian/Ubuntu repositories?
Your packages are working really well, so it should be not to hard to
get them into official repos...

> on 2013/09/16 21:37, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > 
> > On Sat, 2013-09-14 at 14:14 +0800, Zhou Zheng Sheng wrote:
> >> Hi Jakub,
> >>
> >> on 2013/09/10 21:52, Jakub Bittner wrote:
> >>> Hello Zhou Zheng Sheng,
> >>>
> >>> I tested your ovirt-guest-agent PPA which you provided and it works on
> >>> Ubuntu Precise (12.04) as expected, but I can not install it on Debian
> >>> Wheezy because that package needs upstart-job from Ubuntu which is not
> >>> in Debian...
> >>> Would you be so kind and provide even Debian packages on your PPA? :-)
> >>> I dont know if sysvinit style file for launching daemon is included by
> >>> oVirt.
> >>>
> >>> Thank you.
> >>>
> >>> Jakub Bittner
> >>> ___
> >>> Users mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >> Two good news.
> >>
> >> Developers fixed the bug in latest master, so I updated the
> >> ovirt-guest-agent package for Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring) to 1.0.8. This
> >> package should be OK to use with 12.04 (Precise) as well.
> >>
> >> I also wrote a Debian specific SysV init script for the guest agent.I
> >> tested in my Debian Wheezy guest. There is a small problem,
> >> does not support hosting Debian packages, and for each
> >> package per Ubuntu release, it hosts the latest version. So I upload the
> >> Debian specific oVirt guest agent package as a Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise)
> >> package.
> >>
> >> You can dowanlod them from the following link.
> >>
> >>
> >> In all, the ovirt-guest-agent-1.0.8 (Raring) package is for both Ubuntu
> >> Raring and Precise. The ovirt-guest-agent-1.0.8 (Precise) is for Debian.
> > 
> > 
> > Great work - thanks a lot for the Debian and Ubuntu packages!
> > 
> > Just one little thing:
> > Can you add python-apt to the dependency list (it's missing in the
> > Debian Wheezy package - didn't test the Ubuntu packages but maybe it's
> > missing there, too)?
> > 
> > If python-apt isn't installed it's not possible to fetch installed
> > packages:
> > 
> > MainThread::INFO::2013-09-16
> > 15:23:22,977::ovirt-guest-agent::37::root::Starting oVirt guest agent
> > MainThread::INFO::2013-09-16
> > 15:23:23,015::GuestAgentLinux2::101::root::Unknown package management.
> > Application list report is disable
> > 
> > requires this python module to get the package
> > information.
> > 
> > All other features like system shutdown, nic information, memory,... are
> > working fine.
> > 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > René
> > 
> > 
> >>
> > 

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] oVirt professional support?

2013-09-18 Thread Koch (ovido)
On Wed, 2013-09-18 at 12:29 -0400, Mike Burns wrote:
> On 09/18/2013 10:41 AM, Alan Johnson wrote:
> > Thanks, Dave!
> >
> > I have had one such reply off list.  Are you encouraging them to post on
> > list despite the commercial nature of the response?
> >
> I think we'd be very interested in getting them involved in the 
> community.  I wasn't aware of any other support options around oVirt 
> other than the RHEV product suite from Red Hat.

That's very interesting as most other projects sometimes react not
really cool if users/companies announce commercial services.

The company I'm working for / I co-founded (company name ovido - located
in Vienna, Austria) is offering professional services for amongst others
Linux, monitoring and virtualization like consulting, trainings but we
also support these installations. Our main virtualization focus is RHEV,
but for some customers oVirt is - for various reasons - the solution
which fits better their need.

As we really like oVirt and RHEV we try to spread out the word with
magazine articles or presentations on open source events (mainly in
Austria and Germany). Besides this I started open sources project like
the check_rhev3 Nagios/Icinga plugin and the ui plugin for
Icinga/Nagios. What we don't do is announce our offering of commercial
services in an obvious way in mailing lists.


> Mike
> > 
> > Alan Johnson
> > 
> > Date Format PSA 
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 5:16 AM, Dave Neary  > > wrote:
> >
> > Hi Alan,
> >
> > On 09/18/2013 02:49 AM, Alan Johnson wrote:
> >  > We are looking into professional support options for oVirt.  We are
> >  > investigating the obvious path of switching to RHEV, but the effort
> >  > involved is still TBD.  So, we are wondering if there are other
> >  > companies out there that migth provide direct support, training, or
> >  > consulting services for oVirt.
> >
> > I would welcome alternate service vendors proposing services around
> > oVirt - I think there would also be a great opportunity to collaborate
> > with the oVirt community and improve the project for everyone if your
> > company is offering support.
> >
> > Of course I am biased, but I think that RHEV is the best choice for a
> > professionally supported oVirt installation today.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Dave.
> >
> > --
> > Dave Neary - Community Action and Impact
> > Open Source and Standards, Red Hat -
> > Ph: +33 9 50 71 55 62  / Cell:
> > +33 6 77 01 92 13 
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Users mailing list

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Re: [Users] Ovirt-engine

2013-09-19 Thread Koch (ovido)
On Thu, 2013-09-19 at 20:00 +0530, kumar shantanu wrote:
> Hello Markus, 
> Thanks for coming back so quickly. I will read the document shortly.
> In the mean time my kvm hypervisor is already running and it's
> attached to iscsi storage. 
> Do I need to convert all machines ? or I can simply mange all the
> stuff through ovirt-engine like I am managing with virt-manager for
> now. 

Your hypervisor must be CentOS 6 or Fedora 18/19 in order to be able to
manage it with oVirt (other Linux distributions are still a wip).

As oVirt has a totally different concept as virt-manager you have to
import your machines into oVirt. As Markus already wrote this can be
done using virt-v2v.

> On Thu, Sep 19, 2013 at 6:33 PM, Markus Stockhausen
>  wrote:
> > Von: []" im
> Auftrag von "kumar shantanu []
> > Gesendet: Donnerstag, 19. September 2013 14:49
> > An: users
> > Betreff: [Users] Ovirt-engine
> >
> > Hello Everyone ,
> >
> > Can I use ovirt-engine to mange my already installed/running
> kvm host/guest ?
> > If yes can someone guide me to the documentation/howto
> please ?
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Shantanu
> Hello,
> welcome to the list. ovirt uses a central management server
> (ovirt-engine) that
> manages the machine definition in a database. It controls VMs
> on several hypervisor
> hosts with this information. To get a VM into the database you
> have to import
> it. virt-v2v helps me for VMWare sources and it should do the
> trick for you. Find
> more info in chapter A.1.2.4 of this page:
> Markus
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Multiple network interfaces on engine?

2013-09-23 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Mon, 2013-09-23 at 12:50 +0200, Rickard Kristiansson wrote:
> Thanks Michael,
> I'm still trying to get my head around this, but I can't see how I
> configure the networks on the engine?
> For nodes and AOI it's OK, but in my case I am running the engine as a
> separate server which is not a node and does not show up as a Host in
> the GUI.

Does your engine really need access to the storage?
ovirtmgmt network should be sufficient in most cases.

You can configure the network of engine using your favorite editor and
edit/create /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files...


> Or do I need to add the engine as a host in the GUI as well, to be
> able to configure it?
> __
> Från: "Michael Pasternak" 
> Till: "Rickard Kristiansson" 
> Kopia:
> Skickat: måndag, 23 sep 2013 12:21:40
> Ämne: Re: [Users] Multiple network interfaces on engine?
> On 09/23/2013 12:54 PM, Rickard Kristiansson wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I want to use two network interfaces connected to different networks
> in Engine (3.3), where one is for ovirtmgmt and one is for a separate
> storage network.
> > It works fine for a minute or so after rebooting Engine, but then
> the configuration is changed by Engine, connecting both interfaces to
> bond0 and losing connectivity (as
> > obviously you can't bond those two interfaces when they are
> connected to separate physical networks..).
> > What is the mechanism doing this, 
> please see this [1].
> [1]
> > and it is possible to disable this automatic network bonding on the
> engine so that we can use separate networks on the network
> interfaces..?
> attaching logs would help, but i guess it happen cause you did not
> saved
> your host network config, i.e when host got rebooted, it performs
> roll-back
> to old config, this is actually disaster recovery mechanism.
> > 
> > Rickard
> > 
> > **
> > 
> > 
> > ___
> > Users mailing list
> >
> >
> > 
> -- 
> Michael Pasternak
> RedHat, ENG-Virtualization R&D
> ___
> Users mailing list

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] Multiple network interfaces on engine?

2013-09-23 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Mon, 2013-09-23 at 14:14 +0300, Michael Pasternak wrote:
> On 09/23/2013 01:53 PM, René Koch (ovido) wrote:
> > 
> > On Mon, 2013-09-23 at 12:50 +0200, Rickard Kristiansson wrote:
> >> Thanks Michael,
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> I'm still trying to get my head around this, but I can't see how I
> >> configure the networks on the engine?
> >> For nodes and AOI it's OK, but in my case I am running the engine as a
> >> separate server which is not a node and does not show up as a Host in
> >> the GUI.
> > 
> > 
> > Does your engine really need access to the storage?
> > ovirtmgmt network should be sufficient in most cases.
> > 
> > You can configure the network of engine using your favorite editor and
> > edit/create /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-* files...
> I'd avoid doing this, changing network config behind the engine's back is
> not supported and may cause re-config on reboot on which Rickard
> originally complained.

I totally agree that configuring the network directly on the hosts
should be avoided.

I think I misunderstood the issue of Rickard - I thought he has issues
configuring network for the engine itself. 
But (after reading your last email with your suggestions) the question
is how to define logical networks in engine and deploy config on hosts
(if this is the case please don't do any configuration manually with an

> > 
> > 
> > Regards,
> > René
> > 
> >>
> >> Or do I need to add the engine as a host in the GUI as well, to be
> >> able to configure it?
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> __
> >> Från: "Michael Pasternak" 
> >> Till: "Rickard Kristiansson" 
> >> Kopia:
> >> Skickat: måndag, 23 sep 2013 12:21:40
> >> Ämne: Re: [Users] Multiple network interfaces on engine?
> >>
> >>
> >> On 09/23/2013 12:54 PM, Rickard Kristiansson wrote:
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> I want to use two network interfaces connected to different networks
> >> in Engine (3.3), where one is for ovirtmgmt and one is for a separate
> >> storage network.
> >>> It works fine for a minute or so after rebooting Engine, but then
> >> the configuration is changed by Engine, connecting both interfaces to
> >> bond0 and losing connectivity (as
> >>> obviously you can't bond those two interfaces when they are
> >> connected to separate physical networks..).
> >>> What is the mechanism doing this, 
> >>
> >>
> >> please see this [1].
> >>
> >>
> >> [1]
> >>
> >>
> >>> and it is possible to disable this automatic network bonding on the
> >> engine so that we can use separate networks on the network
> >> interfaces..?
> >>
> >>
> >> attaching logs would help, but i guess it happen cause you did not
> >> saved
> >> your host network config, i.e when host got rebooted, it performs
> >> roll-back
> >> to old config, this is actually disaster recovery mechanism.
> >>
> >>
> >>>
> >>> Rickard
> >>>
> >>> **
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> ___
> >>> Users mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> -- 
> >>
> >>
> >> Michael Pasternak
> >> RedHat, ENG-Virtualization R&D
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> > 

Users mailing list

Re: [Users] How can I make a VM "immortal"?

2013-09-24 Thread Koch (ovido)

On Tue, 2013-09-24 at 08:44 +0800, lofyer wrote:
> On 2013/9/24 6:03, Itamar Heim wrote:
> > On 09/23/2013 06:18 PM, lofyer wrote:
> >> Besides assigning a watchdog device to it, are there any other ways to
> >> make the VM autostart even if an user shutdown it manually?
> >> ___
> >> Users mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> > if a user shut down a vm from inside or via engine?
> > i suggest an external script on engine monitoring its status and 
> > starting it for such a use case
> You mean a anacrontab script?

You can for example use Nagios/Icinga with the event handler
functionality. When your vm is down, Nagios/Icinga can start it again
via an event handler script (which will use Pyhton SDK or REST-API to
start the vm).


PS: Had some mail/dns issues today, so maybe some mails with suggestions
are missing on my side...

> ___
> Users mailing list

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