Re: [xwiki-users] Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010

2009-12-24 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all!

It is for sure! 2010 will be even a better year for all of you, thus, 
for XWiki!

Enjoy The Time!


Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Just a quick note to wish everyone in the XWiki project very happy  
> festivities and a happy next year for 2010.
> The XWiki project has seen exciting times in 2009 as described on:
> Let's all make 2010 even better :)
> Take care,
> -Vincent
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] upgrading problem

2008-05-09 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Just repeat the process: update the system again to XE 1.3.2 and be 
extremely careful with the import process.



> Hi,
> I have upgraded my XE1.2.1 with XE 1.3.2(stand alone) and imported the
> backup(xar file) of old version (My mistake is all document was
> selected). Now the system completely changed to old version. What
> should do to regain updated veesion?
> Regards,
> Project trainees.
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] How safe is xwiki?

2008-05-09 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks for this explanation. Sergiu. Could this be the seed for a 
Security entry in the General Links right side menu in

It will be at least in EPEC Network! :-)



Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> Hi Alain,
> There are 2 security areas when talking about XWiki: the security of the 
> underlying system, and the security of the wiki itself.
> The first one depends a lot on the security of the container (Tomcat, 
> for example), and I think that most containers are pretty safe to use, 
> as a lot of websites are built on the Java technology. One important 
> aspect is the security model of the JVM; you can leave the container 
> without a security manager, which allows an application to do anything 
> (well, anything the user owning the java process can do on the system), 
> or enable the security manager which allows an application to do only 
> what you tell it to. While enabling the security manager is the safest 
> thing to do, we didn't quite experiment with this, so we can't provide a 
> good policy file that will allow XWiki to run, you will have to write it 
> yourself; there is a minimal file which allows XWiki to start under the 
> security manager, but it isn't tested on more than viewing a page (see 
> If you want to play around 
> with this policy file until you determine the minimum safe set of rules, 
> then you won't have anything to worry about on the system security.
> The second part is a bit trickier, as it depends a lot on how you manage 
> users and their rights. If you only grant view and edit rights to people 
> you trust, then there shouldn't be any risks. If you open the wiki for 
> public registration and public editing, then you will have the problem 
> any wiki has: anyone can alter the data. This is where the 
> administrator(s) are needed: managing users and their roles/rights. A 
> pretty good thing is that XWiki has versioning, so you can always revert 
> a document to a previous version, and a recycle bin, so you can recover 
> deleted documents.
> Regarding rights, there is a major issue: XWiki has something called the 
> Programming right, something that allows users to go beyond simple 
> editing, as it allows a user to write scripts that can alter all the 
> data in the wiki, or even scripts that can do anything a java program 
> can do (even access the filesystem and send data over the network). This 
> is where the security manager I talked about above is useful, as it 
> restricts what such a script can do on the system. Now, this is 
> something you should take extra care about: it is not a problem unless 
> you make it one. Never let this right be used in the wiki, it is not 
> intended to be granted to normal users but to your "super" 
> administrators, who know how and when to use this access right. This 
> means that you should only use the default Admin account to setup the 
> wiki, then create a normal user for day-to-day editing.
> So, as a conclusion, XWiki CAN be safe, and it CAN be unsafe, it is only 
> a matter of proper configuration. It does not contain anything 
> inherently unsafe, it is built on a safe platform, with the dangerous 
> things (programming right) locked up by default.
> Alain M. wrote:
>> Please, can anyone help me on this matter?? I have waited some time but 
>> didn't get an answer. This is important, any information will help
>> ---
>> If I install xwiki in a VPS, and leave it running, with a firewall that
>> leaves open only the port that xwiki is using,
>> Could it be atacked by a hacker to gain access to the server?
>> Do I need some extra protection? Is there a security tutorial?

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] How safe is xwiki?

2008-05-10 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Alain,

Alain M. wrote:
> Hi Sergiu,
> ok, I can say then that:
> 1) Container security doesn't seam to a major concern, or you would have 
>   been more preocupied. I will seek a qualified professional and pass 
> him your information.
> 2) wiki secure by it's users is up to me :) this is quite normal
> BUT the real question: is if xwiki by it self has security issues. Let 
> me give an example: php has a weekness known as "sql injection".

Just a brief comment as my skills aren't enough to keep this discussion: 
you are comparing two different things. PHP can not be one term of the 
comparison. You can compare PHP with Java; or XWiki with MediaWiki (the 
first running on a Java servlet container, the second running on PHP.

We come from MediaWiki. We was pretty happy there, but we where missing 
a number of things. Granularity in access control was the main one. 
XWiki is walking fast toward a powerful rights managing system.

Hope this helps,

> Is XWiki prone to the same kind of problem?
> Thanks,
> Alain

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] conditional sizing

2008-05-11 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all,

I've frequently facing a problem when facing images inserted in XWiki 
documents. It is by not means a XWiki specific issue, but I would like 
to post it here to see if others have some idea about how to solve it.

It is far easy to insert an image in a XWiki document by using the image 
macro. It is also possible to control hight and width by passing these 
parameters to the macro. But when users are allowed to upload pictures 
and it is not possible to control the properties of the uploaded files, 
it is frequent that some pictures doesn't fit a required width when a 
height is fixed, or viceversa.

Could you figure out how could I set image dimensions taking into 
account the originally attached file size?

Thanks for your insight!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] redirecting upon login

2008-05-12 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all,

I've a kind of an urgency so, please, accept my apologies if I didn't 
browse lists and issues looking for a similar doubt.

I am in a meeting where I will use XWiki to present some ideas about 
collaboration driven with a wiki-wiki environment (and XWiki will be 
presented as the BEST option to create such an environment!).

I do need to do a simple thing: I have a document with two versions. One 
of them can be freely accessed (this is the case and the second one that is now freely 
accessible ( but access must been restricted. 
Of course I can control this access with users' rights, but how could I 
forced logged users to go to the second release and not logged users to 
the first one?

The perfect situation would be that active links in will be only showed when logged (or logged 
with an granted access user).

Any idea will be welcome! Thanks for your help!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] problem importing XAR, 1.4 rc2

2008-05-13 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Dave

Dave Mangot wrote:
> I just upgraded from 1.1 to 1.4 RC2.  The upgrade went pretty smoothly 
> but I overwrote our Quicklinks bar so I was trying to get it from my 
> backup.  I uploaded the XAR but when I tried to open it I get

Even though ther are a number of messages in this list relating with 
errors at importing time and to workout them, if it is still possible 
for you to get a functioning wiki working with 1.1 will be easier for 
you just re-edit your Quicklinks panel once you get a working 1.4x 

Edit the modify panel in Object mode, copy the code of the modified 
fields and stored it safely. Once you get the new release functioning, 
you quickly could modify these two panels.

As for the "modify password" utility, it is clearly a 1.4x related 
issues as a new and improved wiki administration is included with this 
new release (browse devs list for those threads). As I told you 
yesterday in IRC, I am still running a XE1.3.x release.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Programming Help

2008-05-14 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
I've quoted your statement in our wiki! :-)



Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi,
> On May 14, 2008, at 12:41 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Hi,
>>  I have to deal some external data in xwiki. Is it require to connect
>> xwiki with Mysql through Hibernate.cfg or Is it possible through  
>> program
>> using velocity or groovy? Is velocity enough for transactions? One
>> another Qn. a groovy code should be called by a velocity code?
> Everything is possible... your imagination is the limit :)
> See the sql plugin for example:
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Xwiki email plugin in myxwiki?

2008-05-29 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
>>I would like to know whether XWiki's email plugin is available in  
>> myxwiki farm or if there is any other way to send emails to users of a  
>> particular wiki.
> Yes, $xwiki.mailsender
Just another link for further reference: API (Application Program 
Interface) to send emails...



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Virtual Wikis II

2008-06-07 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

hel-o wrote:
> I have got two more questions concerning virtual wikis.
> 1. Is it possible to add more than one domain for a virtual wiki?
> z.B.,, ???

Yes, this is possible. You only have to instantiate 
XWiki.XWikiServerClass once for each domain referencing a given virtual 
wiki (XWiki.XWikiServerYourVirtualWiki document). As an example, look at 
this image...

Both resolve to the same IP and point to 
the same virtual wiki.

Of course you have to configure your DNS accordingly!
> 2. I found that users of the controller wiki are able to log into the
> virtual wiki.
> Is this default behavior, a coincidence or just a bug?
> Thanks
> Helmut 

I am working with an outdated 1.3.8295 installation. Any user created in 
the controller, is able to log to any of the virtual wikis what has no 
access to their contents.

Hope this helps,


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] It's voting time again: Help XWiki ! Vote for it's creator at a French radio contest !

2008-06-09 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Done! Good luck!



Ludovic Dubost wrote:
> Hi XWiki users and developers !
> It's voting time again.. You have helped me get through to the semi 
> final a few month ago, and this week is the voting period for the 
> semi-final.  What's less fun is that this time we cannot not the 
> current voting result in real time so we have to push as much as we can.
> You can vote here (in french too but that should not be too difficult 
> ! Make
> sure you select the second person at the top !):
> This can give a nice additional boost to XWiki !
> Thanks to all of you for you continuous support of XWiki and
> participation to the lists.
> Ludovic
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] XWiki Does Not Handle Attachments Efficiently

2008-06-09 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi AW,

I think there is a general agreement about the fact that an option to 
store attachments, particularly big ones, outside the database. I think 
it was of the main reasons to accept/promote WebDAV integration as one 
of the projects to be developed during the current Google Summer of Code 
(GSoC) mentored by Ludovic Dubost.

Perhaps these threads will help you to catch up with this issues and 
make some contribution!!!

Hope this helps,


AW wrote:
> Is there anything I can do to make XWiki 1.4 handle large attachments? That
> is, attachments from a few megabytes up to a few dozen megabytes.
> XWiki does not appear to efficiently handle attachments in general; large
> attachments appear to require extraordinary measures and resources.
> In testing prior to a deployment I attempted to attach a 56 MB file to an
> instance running on a server with 2GB of RAM and using MySQL as the
> database.
> To attach the file:
> 1. I first had to set the MySQL max_allowed_packet value in /etc/my.cnf to a
> larger value, since by default it's only 1MB and XWiki stores attachments
> directly in the database, rather than saving them in the file system and
> referencing the attachment's path.
> 2. Next I needed change the maximum attachment size in XWiki, which can be
> done by "edit[ing] the XWiki.XWikiPreferences class and add[ing] a
> NumberProperty field of type long, named upload_maxsize" which I finally
> figured out I could accomplish by visiting a page similar to
> "http://my.server/xwiki/bin/edit/XWiki/XWikiPreferences?editor=object";
> ...although this wasn't immediately obvious.
> 3. At this point attempting to attach the file resulted in a JDBC error,
> which I resolved by manually changing some columns in the database from type
> mediumblob to longblob.
> 4. Attempting to attach the file still didn't work, this time due to Java
> heap space limitations. I increased the size of the heap, modifying the
> JAVA_OPTS with -Xmx512m -Xms512m (setting the initial and maximum heap sizes
> to 512MB, up from 256). This had no effect on the error, so I increased the
> size to 1 GB, but the error persisted. At 1.2 GB I was able to attach the
> file.
> Next I attempted to delete the attachment along with the page to which it is
> attached. My naïve assumption was that deleting an attachment should be
> easier than adding one and I didn't anticipate problems. Unfortunately, this
> again resulted in out of memory errors. To work around the problem I tried
> deleting the attachment by clicking the delete button in the show -->
> attachments screen. This still resulted in an out of memory error, so I
> upped the heap size to 1.6 GB, or 80% of the RAM in the server. This
> resulted in very heavy swapping, yet still failed due to an out of memory
> exception. (On the positive side, at least the swapping helped keep the
> processor utilization under 100%.)
> I've ordered another 2GB of RAM and will try increasing the heap size again
> after it's installed. Until then, is there anything I can do to keep
> attachments from eating the server alive? If I recall correctly, there has
> been talk about saving attachments externally, rather than within the
> database. Has anyone built a mechanism to allow this, or is there any news
> to report on that front?
> Also, does anyone have any advice on how I can excise this page and its 56MB
> attachment from the system prior to more memory arriving? (I'd like to do so
> as, aside from the attachment problems and dysfunctional WYSIWYG editor, the
> system looks deployable.)
> As it stands, unless I'm doing something incorrectly, I have to conclude
> that it's basically impractical to use attachments larger than a few
> megabytes with XWiki, and even small attachments are frightfully ungainly.
> - AW
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] ever growing /work/Catalina/localhost/xwiki folder

2008-07-16 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all out there!

Even though I've been silent for a while, I have kept both eyes on XWiki 
evolution! Great to see how software and community keeps improving. 
Thanks for the great work.

Unfortunately we are still running an outdated 1.3.8295 XWiki Enterprise 
server, running on a Suse Enterprise Server 9.0 box, Tomcat 6.0.10 and...

# java -version
java version "1.4.2_10"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_10-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_10-b03, mixed mode)

During this last weeks I was seeing like the disk space available in the 
server decreased. Finally, XWiki, or XWiki running on this particular 
server was guilty.

Look at this:

This PRDCHARPOL.FIG1.png file was cloned a number of times. In this 
case, the list only shows the copies created in a short time after I've 
manually removed the work directory and restarted the server. The only 
solution has been to removed the files.

The same is true with a bunch of files.

Once the in troubles files have been removed from the page, the cloning 
process goes ahead, but only directory attachments is replicated.

Please, any idea? Thanks!

All the best,


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Internationalization query

2008-08-18 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Syam!

Not a real answer, but a call to a related issue:

I've never tried the es_es release yet, but we will face this same 
problem with different Spanish flavours.

Also, if you browse Jira,, for translation and 
internationalization issues, there are a bunch of them. I've been far 
from XWiki for some weeks and need to catch up now. Your help will be 
really welcome!

I don't know if we anybody have worked in the internationalization part 
during these last three months. Anybody out there?



syam_kg wrote:
> Hi
> I am facing a problem in internationalization. I want to have different
> versions of a document for UK and USA. The language would be English for
> both these countries but some difference in the contents. Is it possible
> with Xwiki. I have tried with adding an
> file. But didn't work. Please help.
> Regards
> Syam

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] [Request for Feedback] New WYSIWYG Editor Interface

2008-08-21 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Guillaume,

I can see there many of the actions we daily do with some effort by 
using the XWiki editor, so I am sure our users will enjoy a lot this new 

Just a couple of doubts. Perhaps they are about features not implemented 
yet or this could not be the better place to post them, but I would like 
to forward this message to some people here that will appreciate the 
work done.

Here the doubts:

   1. We currently rely on some Thunderbird nice add-ons (It's all text!
  is the winner here) or the use of browsers like OmniWeb to do
  find/replace actions. Won't be these features included in the new
  WYSIWYG editor?
   2. Have you already considered internationalization issues? How could
  we contribute to launch the new editor simultaneously in some
  other languages?
   3. As we try to use XWiki as the entry point for our workflow, import
  must not be of major importance for us (of course, it will really
  welcome as we usually receive, and keep receiving, contributions
  in these formats). But export, at least to RTF, is "critical" for
  us. Independently of the method used to export or to import (I see
  that officeimporter comes from a GSoC initiative) documents, why
  does the import menu is in the WYSIWYG and the export options only
  in the upper one? I understand that the export process could be
  accessed without editing a document, but perhaps users could
  expect to find the export options close to the import ones in the

Thanks you very much,


Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> Hi fellow XWiki users,
> I've spent the last couple weeks working on designing mockups for the new
> version of the WYSIWYG editor that's currently in the works.
> I've put all my work on this page :
> and I'd be glad to gather initial user feedback on these mockups. Please
> tell us what you think about them now so that we can improve the screens
> before implementation begins at full speed.
> Specifically, I'm wondering about the following things :
>- Can the text be improved to make things easier to understand ? If so,
>where ?
>- Are some features harder to reach than they should ?
>- Are dialog boxes & trays consistent with user models of how edition
>software usually behaves ?
>- Do you see anything that will make an user wonder what's happening and
>where he / she should click next ?
> Please note that the colors are only indicative at this stage - a designer
> will improve my work before we get to the final stage. I'll try incorporate
> your feedback soon and will let you know how the subseuent development goes.
> Thanks in advance,
> Guillaume

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] uploading Pages files

2008-09-25 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all,

Please, could anybody confirm this? I am not able to upload iWorks 
*.Pages files. No error message by using Firefox version 3.0.1. Safari 
Version 3.1.2 (5525.20.1) shows *.Pages files grayed. Modifying file 
extension doesn't change the behavior of any browser.

Please, any idea? Why I am not able to upload these files?

I am still using XWiki Enterprise 1.3.8295 running on a Suse 
Linux/Tomcat/MySQL box.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] uploading Pages files

2008-09-25 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks Guillaume. I will forward the question to the Mac forums then. I 
will be back if I get any answer.



Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> I don't know why but I'm experiencing the same behavior here. It's the same
> for any html upload (gmail as well) and is not limited to XWiki. A
> workaround is to compress the file using your MacBook built-in compression
> tool and uplaod the zipped file to the wiki.
> Guillaume
> On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 12:52 AM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT
> Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Please, could anybody confirm this? I am not able to upload iWorks
>> *.Pages files. No error message by using Firefox version 3.0.1. Safari
>> Version 3.1.2 (5525.20.1) shows *.Pages files grayed. Modifying file
>> extension doesn't change the behavior of any browser.
>> Please, any idea? Why I am not able to upload these files?
>> I am still using XWiki Enterprise 1.3.8295 running on a Suse
>> Linux/Tomcat/MySQL box.
>> Thanks!
>> Ricardo
>> --
>> Ricardo Rodríguez
>> Your EPEC Network ICT Team
>> ___
>> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Linking to Google (Analytics and search)

2008-11-16 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi, Gerritjan,

I am afraid I have no answer for your question, but I would liketo ask 
you for the name/link or your site. May I read this disclosure? We are 
working in contents about pharmacogenomics and it will be great to have 
contact with other people in the Human Health arena using XWiki. Thanks!


Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
> All,
> Where and how would you suggest to link a xWiki to google analytics?
> Besides that, How can I control what content is indexed by external  
> search engines (like Google, Yahoo)
> I have specific content that I would like to exclude from indexes,  
> although it is on public accessible pages.
> In our system it is accessible by clcking a disclosure (because it  
> contains medical advise)
> Gerritjan
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Linking to Google (Analytics and search)

2008-11-18 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks, Gerritjan!

I can read the disclaimer and get your point about why do you want to 
exclude it from indexing. Once people reach your site they could always 
take advantage of the great indexing capabilities included with XWiki.

Nice to see works like yours! We (the Genomic Medicine Group at USC, 
Spain) have now some groups working on research and genetic diagnose of 
a big number of congenital diseases. And we are looking forward to use 
XWiki in our work! Keep in touch!



Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> We will go live in November...
> Keep an eye on (currently a static site)
> The Section "Ask the Doctor" will be replaced by xwiki first!
> Our disclaimer is already there?
> Gerritjan Koekkoek
> On 16 nov 2008, at 13:20, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT  
> Team wrote:
>> Hi, Gerritjan,
>> I am afraid I have no answer for your question, but I would liketo ask
>> you for the name/link or your site. May I read this disclosure? We are
>> working in contents about pharmacogenomics and it will be great to  
>> have
>> contact with other people in the Human Health arena using XWiki.  
>> Thanks!
>> Ricardo
>> Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
>>> All,
>>> Where and how would you suggest to link a xWiki to google analytics?
>>> Besides that, How can I control what content is indexed by external
>>> search engines (like Google, Yahoo)
>>> I have specific content that I would like to exclude from indexes,
>>> although it is on public accessible pages.
>>> In our system it is accessible by clcking a disclosure (because it
>>> contains medical advise)
>>> Gerritjan
>>> ___
>>> users mailing list
>> -- 
>> Ricardo Rodríguez
>> Your EPEC Network ICT Team
>> ___
>> users mailing list
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] [ANN] XWiki Enterprise 1.7 Milestone 3 Released

2008-11-21 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi, Thomas,

I think the link to xwiki-enterprise-wiki-1.7-milestone-3.xar in the 
downloaded page is not correct. It must read

but it currently links to:



Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> he XWiki development team is pleased to announce the release of XWiki
> Enterprise 1.7 Milestone 3.
> Go grab it at
> Last milestone of the XWiki Enterprise 1.7 version.
> Main changes:
> * Webdav support
> * Groovy upgrade
> * New script macro
> Important bug fixes:
> * The old LDAP authenticator is still used by default in some cases
> Note that general goals for XWiki Enterprise 1.7 are
> * Working and usable (i.e. users can use them for their day to day
> work instead of the old Syntax and old WYSIWYG editor) versions of new
> rendering and new WYSIWYG editor.
> * Working JCR (can be used for day to day work instead of Hibernate).
> * French XE
> * Blog revamping
> * Webdav integration
> For more information see the Release notes at:
> Thanks, The XWiki dev team
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] XEM 1.4 working with XE 1.7.3?

2008-11-21 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all,

Please, must I be able to run XEM 1.4 on a new XE 1.7 milestone 3 instance?



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] XEM 1.4 working with XE 1.7.3?

2008-11-24 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks, Thomas. I've already installed it and it is working so far. I'll 
keep this thread posted with any issue.



Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Nov 22, 2008 at 2:49 AM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network
> ICT Team <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Please, must I be able to run XEM 1.4 on a new XE 1.7 milestone 3 instance?
> It should work yes.
>> Thanks!
>> Ricardo
>> --
>> Ricardo Rodríguez
>> Your EPEC Network ICT Team
>> ___
>> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] display user profile(s)

2008-12-08 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Gerritjan,

If you want to show all the users of a given group, perhaps the page 
showing the group members could help you. Something like...

Here the default card shown when using Albatross skin in a plain old 
1.3.8295 XE...

Email is not displayed by default for security reasons. You can always 
play with XWiki.XWikiUserSheet and customize it. Or even better, create 
your own users sheet based on the default one to ease the update process.

To show the email is as simple as to read the email property from the 
current user document with, for instance, $doc.display("email", $obj).

Hope this helps,


Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anybody have experience on how to show in a public user page
> - a list of users of a certain group with links to a page that will  
> show some details per user: (like Name(s), phone, e-mail and photo)
> What is the best way to layout such a card, create a stylesheet with  
> 's?
> Gerritjan
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] display user profile(s)

2008-12-10 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Gerritjan,

I am afraid I've done nothing on my own! As for the list of group 
members, when a new group is created in XWiki a new "document" will 
store its definition. A group is "simply" a new document with one or 
various XWIKI.XWikiGroups objects. Each of those objects stores an user 
belonging to a given group. You can browse/edit/remove/instantiate the 
same or another class by editing the group with the object editor (by 
clicking edit>object in the upper menu or by adding ?editor=object to 
the edit URL).

If you edit the group with the wiki editor, you will see only...


So, each time to call a group, the document will include the sheet 
XWiki.XWikiGroupSheet will be in charge of rendering the page showing 
the members of the group.

If you wiki-edit any user, you will onle see...


XWiki.XWikiUserSheet is on charge of rendering the information about any 
given user.

So, you can edit these sheets or create new one using them as templates 
to adjust what is shown for each of your groups/users.

For instance, to edit XWiki.XWikiGroupSheet you must enter an URL like 

Hope this helps,


Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> this is pretty much how I would like to see it;
> can you show me how you achieved this, what is the script behind it?
> Gerritjan
> On 8 dec 2008, at 23:23, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT  
> Team wrote:
>> Hi Gerritjan,
>> If you want to show all the users of a given group, perhaps the page
>> showing the group members could help you. Something like...
>> Here the default card shown when using Albatross skin in a plain old
>> 1.3.8295 XE...
>> Email is not displayed by default for security reasons. You can always
>> play with XWiki.XWikiUserSheet and customize it. Or even better,  
>> create
>> your own users sheet based on the default one to ease the update  
>> process.
>> To show the email is as simple as to read the email property from the
>> current user document with, for instance, $doc.display("email", $obj).
>> Hope this helps,
>> Ricardo
>> Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Does anybody have experience on how to show in a public user page
>>> - a list of users of a certain group with links to a page that will
>>> show some details per user: (like Name(s), phone, e-mail and photo)
>>> What is the best way to layout such a card, create a stylesheet with
>>> 's?
>>> Gerritjan
>>> ___
>>> users mailing list
>> -- 
>> Ricardo Rodríguez
>> Your EPEC Network ICT Team
>> ___
>> users mailing list
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] advice on wiki structure

2008-12-11 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Graham,

If you are looking for consultancy, I am sure is the 
right place to start with.

If you are simply asking if what you are looking for is possible with 
XWiki, I think yes. I think it is worth you take a look to Virtual 
servers ( 
and XWiki Enterprise Manager 

XWiki has a huge number of features, many of them not obvious by now for 
a regular user like me, that allow fine grained access control and a 
complete separation between business rules, presentation and data.

I think we need a better understanding of the available tools and a lot 
of imagination to put things together! :-)

Hope this helps,


creegers wrote:
> I'm currently trying to measure XWIKI against some business requirements; our
> business are basically looking for a simple WIKI that we can use to store
> corporate/enterprise knowledge in a single place and make available to the
> public via our websites and internally to our customer service agents.
> For a little more background to the requirements, the business is a
> financial institution that provides loan products in different countries.
> Each country currently has their own website (served on different domains,
> with no obvious links to others), customers can apply for financial products
> and administer their accounts through the sites, the terminology used to
> describe the products is the same regardless of the country, however the
> business rules e.g. application process, interest rates is/can be different. 
> The business want to expose the content deemed as publicly available through
> a FAQ/WIKI section on each website, however they don't wish other countries
> content to be displayed on that website.
> Our customer service agents should be able to search the entire WIKI when
> dealing with customers phone enquiries, they also wish there to be more
> internal information available to the agents. 
> I'm struggling to think of a way to achieve this using XWIKI and would be
> grateful of any advice.
> Thanks in advance
> Graham

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] advice on wiki structure

2008-12-12 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Don't you think this is worth a FAQ entry?

Look at



Regan Gill wrote:
> Ricardo (and anyone else who like me needed to do more with users and groups 
> than xwiki provides by default),
> This may help you get started and save time. I have added a bunch of extra 
> properties to users to store more information by changing XWikiUserSheet and 
> use velocity to display the information in useable ways. Below is the basics 
> of a page I have for simply displaying all the info for every user of the 
> wiki, although in our case it has a bunch of custom properties. Following 
> that is some code to show users in each group. 
> /**Start code here**/
> All Team Members on the Wiki (using velocity)
> #set ($sql = ", BaseObject as obj where and 
> obj.className='XWiki.XWikiUsers'")
> #set ($allUsers = $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql))
> Click User name to get more information or edit profile
>  cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" nowrap>
>   User
>   Project
>   Email
>   Company
> #foreach ($user in $allUsers)
>  #set ($userdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($user))
>  #set ($em = $userdoc.display("email","view",$user))
>   [$userdoc.first_name $userdoc.last_name | $userdoc] 
>   [$em | mailto:$em ]
>  #end
> /**END xwiki code
> /**Start code here**/
> Get the email of all users in a group (using velocity)
> #set ($sql = ", BaseObject as obj where and 
> obj.className='XWiki.XWikiGroups'")
> #set ($allGroups = $xwiki.searchDocuments($sql))
> #foreach ($group in $allGroups)
> 1.1 $group
>   #set ($groupdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($group))
>   #set ($groupMembers = 
> $util.sort($xwiki.rightsmanager.getAllMembersNamesForGroup($
>   #foreach ($mem in $groupMembers)
>   #set ($userdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($mem))
>   #set ($em = $userdoc.display("email","view",$mem))
>   $em
> #end
> #end
> /**END xwiki code
>> -Original Message-
>> From: [] On
>> Behalf Of [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
>> Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2008 1:56 AM
>> To: XWiki Users
>> Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] advice on wiki structure
>> Hi Graham,
>> If you are looking for consultancy, I am sure is the
>> right place to start with.
>> If you are simply asking if what you are looking for is possible with
>> XWiki, I think yes. I think it is worth you take a look to Virtual
>> servers
>> (
>> and XWiki Enterprise Manager
>> (
>> XWiki has a huge number of features, many of them not obvious by now
>> for
>> a regular user like me, that allow fine grained access control and a
>> complete separation between business rules, presentation and data.
>> I think we need a better understanding of the available tools and a lot
>> of imagination to put things together! :-)
>> Hope this helps,
>> Ricardo
>> creegers wrote:
>>> I'm currently trying to measure XWIKI against some business
>> requirements; our
>>> business are basically looking for a simple WIKI that we can use to
>> store
>>> corporate/enterprise knowledge in a single place and make available
>> to the
>>> public via our websites and internally to our customer service
>> agents.
>>> For a little more background to the requirements, the business is a
>>> financial institution that provides loan products in different
>> countries.
>>> Each country currently has their own website (served on different
>> domains,
>>> with no obvious links to others), customers can apply for financial
>> products
>>> and administer their accounts through the sites, the terminology used
>> to

[xwiki-users] [Fwd: Re: What is the way you use to add/modify events "easily"]

2008-12-28 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Hi all,

Just to keep the list posted about some XWiki side-relations. This topic 
was brought into the list by Jeremie Bousquet one year ago. Simile 
Timeline, and related projects (, is getting 
better as XWiki is, thus to bring them together could be of major 
interest for both sides!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] MIT Simile Widgets (spiffy JS Timeline/Timeplot/Timegrid) for Xwiki?

2009-02-05 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Please, must I expect that the timeline snippet or the modifications 
proposed by Niels work fine in a 1.3.8295 XWiki Enterprise. Sorry, I now 
that I must update this server...

Thanks for your help,


Niels Mayer wrote:
> FYI, I've updated and commented the Timeline example (
> ) in
> preparation of my nefarious deconstruction of the widget into a novel
> interface for a totally different form of usage ...
> working example:
> sources: &
> Next steps is to remove this constraint (suggested in
> ). If you
> forget to do this, nothing works;  yet, adding it is quite annoying and
> shouldn't be needed:
>> Prerequisites
>> You must add this line:
>> type="text/javascript">
>> At the bottom of the "HTTP Meta Information" field in *Administration* > *
>> Presentation*.
> Seems like the following links are good starting points for a solution to
> the above issue: Installing MIT Simile's Timeline locally (w/ Rails
> integration) | Ryan Kanno: The diary of an Enginerd in
> Hawaii&
> Message  &
> Message...
> This entails installing a local copy of the timeline javascript and
> modifying a few lines of source. Othewise, with the existing solution,
> you're stuck with loading the simile javascript for any page on your site,
> slowing down the initial load time even more with yet more global javascript
> that never gets called in most situations. (Alternately, perhaps catenating
> all the timeline javascript and shoving it into a single xwiki doc or
> template that gets included only in a timeline-using app).
> -- Niels
> PS: I think it would be interesting to put extra attributes on certain sets
> of documents, and then sql-query for those documents with those attributes
> and present them in the timeline. That way,  for example, one could render a
> sequence of steps over time, where each step is a xwiki doc. There's no
> reason why the horizontal axis needs to represent discrete time. It can
> represent any monotonically increasing sequence. For example, editing the
> sequence of steps and concurrent streaming media for purposes of making a
> movie or real-time presentation composed from wiki components.
> PPS:
> another interesting application of the Timeline widget. It would be
> interesting if xwiki could support SPARQL (
> ). The timeline widget doesn't
> necessarily need to be used as a timeline... you could also use it to
> present complex database result sets laid out in two-dimensions, for example
> (e.g. search hits presented over topic and confidence in matching.).
> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 1:44 PM, Jean-Vincent Drean
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I've played quite a lot with Simile Timeline in the past.
>> I've made a little snippet showing last modifications within the wiki
>> on :
>> In action:
>> JV.
>> On Thu, Jan 22, 2009 at 8:35 PM, Niels Mayer  wrote:
>>> Has anybody integrated any of MIT's open source "Project Simile" (
>>> ) JS widgetry into Xwiki? For
>>> example their
>>> or ??
>>> This has been discussed previously on these lists:
>>> Unfortunately, all the emails mention example links that no longer exist,
>> so
>>> there's no obvious Xwiki examples providing Simile widgetry in Xwiki ...
>>> FYI, Other environments have integrated some of the MIT function

Re: [xwiki-users] MIT Simile Widgets (spiffy JS Timeline/Timeplot/Timegrid) for Xwiki?

2009-02-06 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Niels,

Niels Mayer wrote:
> Did you remember to  do this:
> ...
> type="text/javascript">
> At the bottom of the "HTTP Meta Information" field in *Administration* > *
> Presentation*.
> ..
Thanks for your help!

Yeap, I did that, restarted Tomcat (just in case!) and saved the page as 

Here the error:

Any input will be welcome!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] MIT Simile Widgets (spiffy JS Timeline/Timeplot/Timegrid) for Xwiki?

2009-02-06 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Niels,

Thank you for your insight. I am almost sure that doc names and spaces 
have not inappropriate characters, but I can not be so sure about titles.

My first trial following your message has been to test your code in a 
XWIKI ENTERPRISE 1.7-MILESTONE-3.14362 It worked without a glitch.

Of course this not solve the doubt if the reason for the failure is in 
the contents. I think that is time to face the update process with this 
server and eliminate some possible causes. I need to reach the end of 
February with this installation untouched. I will be move then to XE 1.7.3.

I will be back ASAP!



Niels Mayer wrote:
> (1) check to see whether the affected tables and queries in the timeline
> example are
> actually *in* your database and that the schema hasn't changed (any xwiki
> experts feel free to
> chime in on whether this is or isn't the problem -- tho I'm pretty sure that
> was in 1.3...).
> ... and if it's not a db  schema issue ...
> (2) It also might be a variant of the problem i found with inappropriate
> characters in documents, spaces and "subject/titles" thereof.
> Your error is:
>> RCSNode Info as ni where Id and group by
>>, order by max( 
>> desc?<>Wrapped
>>  Exception: could not resolve property: space of:
>> com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument web,, max( from
>> com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWiki Document as doc , com.xpn.xwiki.doc.rcs.XWiki
>> RCSNode Info as ni where Id and group by
>>, order by max( 
>> desc?<>@
>>  Timeline.ChangesList
>> 17,45?<>
> From:
>> Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page
>> Timeline.ChangesList Wrapped Exception: Invocation of method
>> 'searchDocuments' in class com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki threw exception
>> com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3223 in 3: Exception while
>> searching documents with SQL
>> <>web,
>>, max( from XWiki Document as doc , XWiki RCSNode Info as ni
>> where Id and group by,
>> order by max( 
>> desc?<>
> Do any of your spaces (or document names) have inappropriate characters,
> like `` ' '' or `` " '
> For some reason these don't necessarily get noticed (to the point of
> creating problems that pop up backtraces),  until you run the timeline:
> ( characters entered as document
> title must be escaped or a cascade of bugs occur ). Edit/save the offending
> document even "fixes" em -- with lossage of all characters after first ' " '
> And all it takes is one document with one such character to make the
> Timeline blow up. The extra quotes could be in some innocent document made
> years ago... but if you accidentally "quoted a phrase" in a subject
> somewhere it triggers the error. Solution: use two single quotes, e.g.
> ``quoted a phrase'' ...
> I'm Stating #2 on remote chance my intuituion on this is correct. I didn't
> spend much time looking at your site to find such docs, etc...just got the
> error backtrace and noticed the oddness of it.
> Niels
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 1:41 AM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT
> Team  wrote:
>> Yeap, I did that, restarted Tomcat (just in case!) and saved the page as
>> admin.

Re: [xwiki-users] MIT Simile Widgets (spiffy JS Timeline/Timeplot/Timegrid) for Xwiki?

2009-02-08 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Oops! Where in the hell I'd read 1.7.3 :-) Thanks, Vincent!

I keep looking for more time to keep track of this great software! 
Thanks for your work!


Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> On Feb 6, 2009, at 11:45 PM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT  
> Team wrote:
>> Hi Niels,
>> Thank you for your insight. I am almost sure that doc names and spaces
>> have not inappropriate characters, but I can not be so sure about  
>> titles.
>> My first trial following your message has been to test your code in a
>> XWIKI ENTERPRISE 1.7-MILESTONE-3.14362 It worked without a glitch.
>> Of course this not solve the doubt if the reason for the failure is in
>> the contents. I think that is time to face the update process with  
>> this
>> server and eliminate some possible causes. I need to reach the end of
>> February with this installation untouched. I will be move then to XE  
>> 1.7.3.
> There's no such thing as XE 1.7.3 yet :) There's a 1.7.1 and maybe  
> there'll be a 1.7.2 (not planned yet).
> Since XE 1.8 final is planned for early March I'd suggest you move to  
> XE 1.8RC1 or RC2 at that time.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
>> I will be back ASAP!
>> Best,
>> Ricardo
>> Niels Mayer wrote:
>>> (1) check to see whether the affected tables and queries in the  
>>> timeline
>>> example are
>>> actually *in* your database and that the schema hasn't changed (any  
>>> xwiki
>>> experts feel free to
>>> chime in on whether this is or isn't the problem -- tho I'm pretty  
>>> sure that
>>> was in 1.3...).
>>> ... and if it's not a db  schema issue ...
>>> (2) It also might be a variant of the problem i found with  
>>> inappropriate
>>> characters in documents, spaces and "subject/titles" thereof.
>>> Your error is:
>>>> RCSNode Info as ni where Id and  
>>>> group by
>>>>, order by max( 
>>>> desc?<
>>>>> Wrapped Exception: could not resolve property: space of:
>>>> com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWikiDocument web,, max( from
>>>> com.xpn.xwiki.doc.XWiki Document as doc ,  
>>>> com.xpn.xwiki.doc.rcs.XWiki
>>>> RCSNode Info as ni where Id and  
>>>> group by
>>>>, order by max( 
>>>> desc?<
>>>>> @ Timeline.ChangesList
>>>> 17,45?<
>>> From:
>>>> Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page
>>>> Timeline.ChangesList Wrapped Exception: Invocation of method
>>>> 'searchDocuments' in class com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki threw exception
>>>> com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3223 in 3: Exception  
>>>> while
>>>> searching documents with SQL
>>>> < 
>>>>> web,
>>>>, max( from XWiki Document as doc , XWiki RCSNode  
>>>> Info as ni
>>>> where Id and group by,  
>>>> order by max( 
>>>> desc?<

Re: [xwiki-users] XWikiLock and it's duration time

2009-05-09 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Sergiu,

Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> See

I'm trying to to go to this second link to no avail. Here what I get...

I've tried to find the page by searching for "locks" and "lock" (no 
simultaneously). None of these two pages showed up. Even funnier: if i 
log into XWiki, I get a page given 12 results but showing just one. If I 
log out, I get 13 results, all of them showed in the result page.

Please, does this any sense for you? Thanks!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] XWikiLock and it's duration time

2009-05-10 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks, Sergiu.

Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> My bad, I didn't properly escape the #if. Fixed now.

Please, does search behave like expect if (posting here a paragraph from 
e previous entry for easier reference)...

I've tried to find the page by searching for "locks" and "lock" (no 
simultaneously). None of these two pages showed up. Even funnier: if i 
log into XWiki, I get a page given 12 results but showing just one. If I 
log out, I get 13 results, all of them showed in the result page.

Thanks again!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] XWikiLock and it's duration time

2009-05-10 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> What search did you use?

The Lucene search available in the right column. Logged in as rrodriguez

Here the results...
> Using the dedicated FAQ search from the FAQ home page, I correctly get 
> the two entries at the top of the list:
Here what I get when accessing this link...

Does this make any sense for you? Thanks.


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] XWikiLock and it's duration time

2009-05-10 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> Another proof that the Lucene search doesn't work pretty well.

A pity! A whole and reliable index is a must. I've been stuck with 
1.3.8295 for almost a year promising a nice search utility once we get 
an update to the current XWiki release! :-)

I will browse dev list and Jira for Lucene related issues and follow the 
> Looks like somebody played with the access rights on that document. It 
> has been broken for a year and nobody complained about it... It's fixed 
> now, you can try again.
Reached! Thanks.

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Failed to evaluate content with id XWiki Preferences

2009-05-11 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all,

I've seen this before with XE 1.8.2 and reproduced it with the brand new 
XE 1.8.3 (XWiki running on Tomcat 5.5 in a Windows Vista box)...

This link...


Leads to this error message...

This seems to be the error...

org.apache.velocity.exception.MethodInvocationException: Invocation of 
method 'getPrettyName' in class com.xpn.xwiki.api.PropertyClass threw 

Here most of the text thrown by the exception...

Is it worth to create a Jira issue with this?

I've a XE 1.7-milestone-3.14362 (running on Mac OS X/Tomcat) running 
without this glitch.




Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Failed to evaluate content with id XWiki Preferences

2009-05-11 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks, Sergiu.

Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> This means that one of the properties listed in the sheet does not exist 
> in the class. Which is strange... Are you sure you're using the right 
> xar? The trunk administration application is not compatible with 1.8.3, 
> so try importing the administration 1.10.1 xar ( 
> ).

I have tried a number of times, both with 1.8.2 and 1.8.3 releases. Each 
installation with its own xar file. Between trials the xwiki schema was 
removed (I'm using MySQL). But of course I could be doing something wrong.

You are sending a link to the administration application XAR. I asume 
this application is included with the default Wiki XAR for each release, 
isn't it?

I can not reach the box in troubles right now. I'll try again ASAP and 
keep this thread posted with results. Of course, if nobody else is 
suffering this problem, I am doing something wrong here!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Failed to evaluate content with id XWiki Preferences

2009-05-12 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

[Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team wrote:
> I can not reach the box in troubles right now. I'll try again ASAP and 
> keep this thread posted with results. Of course, if nobody else is 
> suffering this problem, I am doing something wrong here!

I can consistently reproduce the error. Here the process:

1. To stop Tomcat.
2. To completely remove xwiki folder and xwiki.war.
3. To stop MySQL.
4. To drop xwiki schema.
5. To restart to Windows Vista box.
6. To download again XE 1.8.3 and the concerned default xar file 
(available at ). Those were stored in my desktop to avoid any confusion 
with previously downloaded files. Here how they do like...
7. To install the newly downloaded files.
8. To get to same error message when accessing General at 

BUT, if I import the XWiki administration application available at...

**It works fine**

Please, does this make any sense for you? Thanks!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Failed to evaluate content with id XWiki Preferences

2009-05-12 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
The same error,, 
installing XE 1.8.3 in a Mac OS X. I don't know where I am failing.

Importing xwiki-application-administration-1.10.1.xar doesn't work in 
this case.

Does this information help to identify any issue? Where could I be 
wrong? Thanks!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Error parsing XWiki.XwikiPreferences...

2009-05-13 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi, Loris,

Loris Conedera wrote:
> Hi all,
> I get an error installing 1.8.3 Enterprise XAR on Xwiki 1.8.3,
> Thanks,
> Loris
> This is the exception i get...
> Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page
> XWiki.XWikiPreferences Wrapped Exception: Failed to evaluate content
> with id XWiki Preferences
> Error number 4001 in 4: Error while parsing velocity page 
> XWiki.XWikiPreferences
> Wrapped Exception: Failed to evaluate content with id XWiki Preferences
> com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 4001 in 4: Error while
> parsing velocity page XWiki.XWikiPreferences
> Wrapped Exception: Failed to evaluate content with id XWiki Preferences...

Could you have a look to the previous thread "Failed to evaluate content 
with id XWiki Preferences" initiated on May the 12th 
( to see if it fits to your issue? Could you 
describe your environment? I am getting different behaviors when working 
in Tomcat/Windows Vista or Tomcat/Mac OS X. As it seems that it is by no 
means a frequent problem, so I am guessing if it could have anything to 
do with the platform where XWiki is installed.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Error parsing XWiki.XwikiPreferences...

2009-05-13 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks Loris! Thus, we have a new scenario where the apparently the 
same, or related problem, appears. Let's see if others could add more 
info on this issue.



Loris Conedera wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
>> Could you have a look to the previous thread "Failed to evaluate content
>> with id XWiki Preferences" initiated on May the 12th
>> ( to see if it fits to your issue? Could you
>> describe your environment?
> I'm running XWiki on this Environment:
> OS: Linux (Kernel 2.6.24)
> Container: Tomcat 6 (Java 1.6)
> I tried to drop database and restart, i tried to import the XAR that
> works for you but it fails on my server,
> Thanks,
> Loris
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Error parsing XWiki.XwikiPreferences...

2009-05-13 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
It did the trick here as well. Thanks!



Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> Loris Conedera wrote:
>> Now It's working...
>> I didn't change any configuration, i just stopped and started Tomcat
>> and i didn't get the error.
>> I imported the Administration application again and I got the error...
>> so i restarted Tomcat and now it works!
>> I don't understand...
>> Can you try?
>> Thanks,
>> Loris
>> 2009/5/13 [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
>> :
>>> Thanks Loris! Thus, we have a new scenario where the apparently the
>>> same, or related problem, appears. Let's see if others could add more
>>> info on this issue.
>>> Greetings,
>>> Ricardo
>>> Loris Conedera wrote:
>>>> Hi Ricardo,
>>>>> Could you have a look to the previous thread "Failed to evaluate content
>>>>> with id XWiki Preferences" initiated on May the 12th
>>>>> ( to see if it fits to your issue? Could you
>>>>> describe your environment?
> OK, I debugged it a bit, and it seems that somebody forgot to merge a 
> change in the administration application used in 1.8.3. Restarting the 
> container seems to fix the issue.

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] [Mac OS X 10.5.7, PostgreSQL 8.3.7, Java 1.5.0_16, Tomcat 6.0.18] Xwiki WAR running in a Tomcat container started as a daemon

2009-05-26 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Christian,
> Following the instructions given at 
>, I was able to get my 
> Tomcat container started
> as daemon. I already put the Xwiki WAR file in the 'webapps' 
> directory. Pointing the browser to http://localhost:8080/xwiki only gave
> me a blank page. Nothing on it. However manually starting Tomcat 
> brings me back the correct behavior (the well known Xwiki starting
> page).
> In the daemon mode, the others contexts (like 'manager', 'examples') 
> work. Only the Xwiki one did not. What am I doing wrong? Does
> anyone already have some experience with a Xwiki in a daemon started 
> Tomcat container? Attached, you will find the 'jsvc' processes
> started and 'catalina.out'. Tell me if you need more information. 

I can just confirm this behaviour and share with you a couple of 
messages that John Malis ( sent to me last  
October 2008 on this issue. I've not been able to work on this issue 
since then. I do hope they could be useful for you!

6/10/08 20:48

Hello Ricardo,
I just use the admin id since I just use OS X for development. When you 
create and unpack the tomcat executables as admin, everything will have 
read/write access and admin ownership with read/write access. You can 
set up your own system id specifically for Tomcat. Look at the mysql 
instructions on how to do it. Just give ownership to that id to 
everything in the Tomcat directory and make sure the owner has 
read/write access to everything. (chown -R). Maybe give admin group or 
admin id to the Tomcat directory group permissions (chgrp -R).


6/10/08 20:51

One more thing. I forgot that if you want to run tomcat under an id 
other than your own, I believe you will have to use jsvc to boot tomcat.




Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] delete pages with unallowed characters in their names

2009-05-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Sebastian,

To hack the database is always a delicate issue!

Perhaps this could help you...

Please, let us know is this makes the trick. Thanks.



Sebastian Kannengiesser wrote:
> Hi guys,
> is raw database hacking the only way to remove such pages?
> e.g. when looking at the orphaned pages tab in AllDocs, I find documents,
> generated through faulty code evaluation, such as .../SpaceName/ so to say, somehow the page was created with somje html stuff in its name.
> I've got lots of other examples. But when clicking on delete, XWiki tells
> me, that the page does not even exist yet. So, what can I do to delete it
> without hacking in the database itself.
> thanx for any suggestions
> Sebastian
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] [Mac OS X 10.5.7, PostgreSQL 8.3.7, Java 1.5.0_16, Tomcat 6.0.18] Xwiki WAR running in a Tomcat container started as a daemon

2009-05-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Christian,

Christian Ribeaud wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> Many thanks for your answer. I am not sure what I have to do.
> When John is talking about admin id, is he thinking about root? On my  
> Mac Leopard, I am logged as
> normal user (lets say 'guest', without any administrative rights). I  
> have another account to be able to
> perform administrative tasks. As 
> is suggesting, I changed the owner of the Tomcat directory to  
> 'guest:admin'. Is this the problem?
> Should I perform a 'chown -R root:admin Tomcat'.
> My '' file (used to start 'jsvc') partly looks as following:
> ...
> JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
> CATALINA_HOME=/Library/Tomcat/Home
> TOMCAT_USER=christianr
> ...
> Should I change here the 'TOMCAT_USER' variable? I tried 'root' but  
> this did not solve the problem.
> Best,
> christian

I am afraid that I can not help you. As I said in the previous message, 
I've had no time to follow the clues given in this two messages.

What seems clear is that we are not facing a XWiki issue, but a Mac OS 
X/Tomcat interaction characteristic/oddity. In any case, I consider that 
it is pertinent to keep this discussion alive here, in the XWiki users 
list, as it relates with a given installation of XWiki (combining Mac OS 
X with Tomcat and a RDBMS).

I have to catch up with this issue and I am afraid I won't be able to do 
that in the following couple of weeks.

Please, could you consider to contact directly with John Malis 
( I am sure that he is ready to help! But he of 
course need somebody ready to spend so time on this side of the problem!

Thank you so much,


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] delete pages with unallowed characters in their names

2009-05-28 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Sebastian,

Sebastian Kannengiesser wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> thanx for the tip, but apparently in my case it does not work.
> Doing just the $xwiki.getDocument("myspace.

Re: [xwiki-users] delete pages with unallowed characters in their names

2009-05-28 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> Sorry, it was supposed to be, not

Thanks Sergiu! I was getting an error and I was not able to explain it!


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] [Mac OS X 10.5.7, PostgreSQL 8.3.7, Java 1.5.0_16, Tomcat 6.0.18] Xwiki WAR running in a Tomcat container started as a daemon

2009-05-31 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Christian,

Just a cross-reference from devs list that could be useful in this thread

Christian Ribeaud wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> Many thanks for your answer. I am not sure what I have to do.
> When John is talking about admin id, is he thinking about root? On my  
> Mac Leopard, I am logged as
> normal user (lets say 'guest', without any administrative rights). I  
> have another account to be able to
> perform administrative tasks. As 
> is suggesting, I changed the owner of the Tomcat directory to  
> 'guest:admin'. Is this the problem?
> Should I perform a 'chown -R root:admin Tomcat'.
> My '' file (used to start 'jsvc') partly looks as following:
> ...
> JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
> CATALINA_HOME=/Library/Tomcat/Home
> TOMCAT_USER=christianr
> ...
> Should I change here the 'TOMCAT_USER' variable? I tried 'root' but  
> this did not solve the problem.
> Best,
> christian

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Lucene again

2009-07-16 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all,

I am seeing some weird behaviour of Lucene search on XWiki. Using 
Firefox 3.0.11 in a Mac OS X box. Please, look at this:

While logged in...

Only one entry shown in each page.

While logged out...

Please, does this make any sense for you? Thanks!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Lucene again

2009-07-23 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Please, does Lucene search work fine for you? Thanks!



[Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am seeing some weird behaviour of Lucene search on XWiki. Using 
> Firefox 3.0.11 in a Mac OS X box. Please, look at this:
> While logged in...
> Only one entry shown in each page.
> While logged out...
> Please, does this make any sense for you? Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Ricardo

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Lucene again

2009-07-24 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks Anamaria,

I've heard/read that Lucene has some kind of problems, but this was long 
time ago, so it is for sure that the module has been improved. Let's see 
if others have the same problem and anybody at XWiki perhaps could take 
a look at this. The search is almost no useful in this situation.

Is this a known bug? How could we find a workaround this problem? Thanks!



Anamaria Stoica wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> I just tried the same search for "component" on (from
>, and I got exactly the
> same 2 set of results as you (as in the screenshots; number of results and
> order) for logged in and logged out.
> I have:
> Safari Version 3.1.2 (5525.20.1)
> Mac OS X Version 10.5.6
> And my XWiki account is a regular one.
> I don't know what's going on, but hope this helps.
> Anamaria
> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 1:57 AM, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT
> Team  wrote:
>> Please, does Lucene search work fine for you? Thanks!
>> Cheers,
>> Ricardo
>> [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I am seeing some weird behaviour of Lucene search on XWiki. Using
>>> Firefox 3.0.11 in a Mac OS X box. Please, look at this:
>>> While logged in...
>>> Only one entry shown in each page.
>>> While logged out...
>>> Please, does this make any sense for you? Thanks!
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ricardo
>> --
>> Ricardo Rodríguez
>> Your EPEC Network ICT Team
>> ___
>> users mailing list
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] attaching and accessing PNG files

2009-07-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all,

I've been seen this for some time now, but I'd no time to test it a bit 
until today.

Even though PNG files attach correctly, they fail to be accessed both by 
the {image:} macro and the direct link to the attechment.

Please, look at this page...

This work...

This other doesn't...

The browser keeps "thinking" but the image doesn't show up.

PNG and JPG images have been generated in a MacBook Pro by using 
Preview. I get the same behavior using Firefox, Safari and OmniWeb.

Please, any idea? Thanks!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] attaching and accessing PNG files

2009-07-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi, Guillaume!

Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> Well, I can see both images just fine in Safari 4... Are you sure this
> doesn't come from your configuration?

Well, those are good news for XWiki! But I am not able which settings in 
my configuration could affect to png file attached to XWiki pages. 
Please, could you figure it out?

In any case, note that the page must show four times the same image. 
Here the code...

And here what I am seen when accessing the site with Firefox and Safari...

(jpg file, no problem at all!)

Thanks for any idea!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] attaching and accessing PNG files

2009-07-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks for testing!

Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> Both your links are working fine for me (FF 3.5 on Ubuntu).
Any idea about why could stack here? Thanks.

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] attaching and accessing PNG files

2009-07-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi, Thomas,

Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> Why do you have mixed XWiki 1.0 ({image:coreSlice.png}) and 2.0 syntax
> ([[image:coreSlice.png]]) ? It's not possible that this can print 4
> images, you will get two in 1.0 and  two in 2.0.
It was just a test. Here another one by using 1.0 syntax. The code...

I only see one picture, the one in jpg format.

Here what I am seeing using Firefox...

Note the name of the png file on the top-left corner of the shown 
picture (the one in jpg format).


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] attaching and accessing PNG files

2009-07-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Patrick Dignan wrote:
> If you are trying to view it on Internet Explorer, I know in the past  
> there have been some issues with Internet Explorer and .png files in  
> general.  Perhaps it is related to that and not XWiki specific?
Hi, Patrick. I do remember that issue, but now IE is not involved so 
far. Please, if you have it installed, could you try the links? Thanks!


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] attaching and accessing PNG files

2009-07-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> Which html does it produce ?
Here the code...



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] attaching and accessing PNG files

2009-07-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> Maybe there is a cache issue, did you tried to force FF cache cleaning ?

Nope, I've not tried that. I've cleaned up FF cache, restarted the 
browsers and... the problem has been solved in FF, Safari and OmniWeb!

But... why? And why does it only affect to png files? In any case, 
thanks for your time and sorry for the noise.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] It's time to tell us what you're looking for!

2009-07-28 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
First of all, congratulations to the whole community for the XWiki's 5th 

Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> Hi fellow XWikiers,
> While celebrating XWiki's 5th birthday last week, we spent a couple days
> brainstorming with the full team about where XWiki stands today and what its
> future holds. We came up with a long list of features and ideas and we'd
> love to get community feedback before deciding in which direction we're
> going to move forward once our 2.0 release is out.
> To this aim, we've built a survey that we'd like our users and developers to
> take. It's a bit long though definitely worth the pain. We're eagerly
> waiting for your feedback to start working on new and existing features.
> You can access and fill the survey at the following address:
> Thanks a lot for your time,
> Guillaume on behalf of the XWiki Team

Please, is there any way of following the results of the survey on-line?

After hitting the submit button I've been forwarded to 
Is this te expected behavior?


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Lucene again

2009-07-29 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks Sergiu!

Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> FYI, I fixed the search problems on, but the real problem is 
> somewhere in the rights checking mechanism combined with virtual wikis. 
> At least now I know what the problem is.
> Watch for
> and 

I do hope to be able to help any of these days! :-)


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] LDAP subscription

2009-08-01 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> Currently there is only LDAP-> WiIKI sync in XWiki (mainly because
> it's generally the only thing needed).
> Now I think it would not be very difficult to do the WIKI -> LDAP
> based on event: when a user document is modified/created, update the
> LDAP server.
Just in case it could be of any value to add one groups interested in 
the XWiki-LDAP synchronization feature, it will be great for us too!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Questions on managing user workspaces.

2009-08-04 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Nathan, wrote:
> Hi, I recently installed xwiki workspaces on my ubuntu box and I'm having a  
> few issues.

Sorry, I've never used Workspaces, so I am afraid I can not help here.
> Also, a bit of a side question, but where can I find out more about using  
> xwiki to setup structured data?
Please, what kind of structured data are you thinking about here? 
Relational databases? XML Schema or DTD based documents? Any other type?



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Lucene again

2009-08-06 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi, Sergiu,

Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> FYI, I fixed the search problems on, but the real problem is 
> somewhere in the rights checking mechanism combined with virtual wikis. 
> At least now I know what the problem is.

I am afraid something is not working fine with search again.

*Logged-in search*. Looking for "model" in (after 
your last messages about the new data model). All wikis, all spaces when 
working with Lucene. All spaces when trying WebSearch.

LuceneSearch: 61 hits. Only AIXM is showed.
WebSearch: 4 hits. All in one page.

*If I log-out...*

LuceneSearch: 63 hits. Three pages. All of them show up.
WebSearch: 2 hits.

Please, does this make any sense for you? Thanks!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] [Fwd: [people] CFP: ISWC 2009 Workshop on Collaborative Construction, Management and Linking of Structured Knowledge]

2009-08-08 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Sorry for being late with this message! The deadline for paper 
submission is 10 August 2009, but only now I've regained access to the 
nepomuk-kde list.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Where to download the documents of xwiki?

2009-08-11 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi, Fly-Island,

flyisland wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have just started my journey of xwiki (installed the standalone version of
> windows), and want to find more documents of xwiki.
> I can read the documents online on, but I prefer to read it
> offline and can not find the documents download links. Where to download the
> documents of xwiki?

To the best of my knowledge, there are not such documents. XWiki is in 
constant improvement and growth, thus to be in contact with its 
"ecosystem" is a must. Of course you can always create a snapshot of any 
document by using the different print options (upper menu; mainly export 
as PDF and/or RTF).



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Wiki suitability by ACL, security, and support

2009-08-12 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Trevor,

Trevor wrote:

> If any users on the mailing list have trials or tribulations with these 
> servlets and/or databases, any comments would be welcome.

Just some more candid comments :-) I think we could subscribe the whole 
five points list you have originally posted. I would exchange with each 
other points 1 and 5, being the support team/community the most 
important strength. From this team/community continuously sources great 
new ideas that are implemented in brand new features, changes in 
structure, plans for a new data model,... I thing that the devs list is 
a great example about how thinks evolve here.

Perhaps the biggest weakness is the update process. Even it is not 
difficult, it is a bit tricky and, if you are not careful enough, it is 
possible to make common mistakes as overwriting modified pages with new 
versions included in a new default xar.

Layout modification has been improved a lot. I am anxious to see the new 
skin that will be included with the brand new XWiki 2.0.

We have at the moment a small XWiki installation running in a Suse Linux 
server and with MySQL as database backend. We are planning to install 
two more servers in the following few months to get at least a new 
"productions instance" and a reasonable development environment.

We are a small group, so must be the weight of our opinion!, but XWiki 
has became centric to our collaborative infrastructure  thus of our 
whole work.

I am sure your experience will be greatly welcome in this win-win scenario!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Wiki suitability by ACL, security, and support

2009-08-12 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi, Trevor,

Trevor wrote:
> Are you running with Jetty?  I've seen reference in the mailing list about 
> setting up a SecurityManager policy; do you use one?

Nope, we are running, and have always done that, on Tomcat. Why? Because 
years ago Tomcat already was easy to install in at least the four 
software platforms we are running here (Mac OS X, Novell Netware, Suse 
Linux and Windows) and Tomcat was the servlet container chosen by 
Novell, we have successfully used it for a number of applications and 
has a nice support/development community. The reason to choose Tomcat 
had nothing to do with XWiki.

And no, we have not used Tomcat Security Manager yet.  I am afraid I can 
not be of much help with this issue!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] XWiki (with Tomcat/MySQL) security

2009-08-14 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Trevor wrote:
> Hello,
> 1. I am wondering if any users running XWiki on Tomcat 5.5 have set up a 
> SecurityManager policy.  The documentation isn't really clear on this, other 
> than "it's an issue" that may not be resolved.  The one "comment" on 
> that has a security policy is close but not quite clear.  I 
> couldn't figure out the part about Log4J.
> - is a policy necessary?
> - without one, are there any inherent security risks using XWiki/Tomcat "out 
> of the box"?
> - what about Tomcat's default "users" and "roles"?
> 2. Are there any security risks using the default "xwiki" installation 
> location in webapps?  ie. if it's there and someone realizes you're running 
> XWiki, couldn't they then direct their attacks specifically at MySQL / Tomcat 
> / XWiki, looking for holes?  I tried installing the WAR to a different 
> location, and failed miserably.  Does it matter?
> 3. Is anyone using XWiki over SSL?  Anything special we need to do for that, 
> other than getting a certificate?

Concerning this, please, Vincent, is this entry still valid?



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] [Proposal] XWiki 2.0 Skin Name

2009-08-16 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

I would like to update this as well.

+1 for turaco


Update :

*gnatcatcher* | +1 Caty, +1 Guillaume, -1 Vincent, -1 ThomasM, -1 ThibautD
*dove* | +Vincent, +0 Guillaume, -1 ThibautD
*colibri* | +Caty, +Vincent, +0 Guillaume, +1 VincentG, +1 ThibautD
*heron* | +1 ThomasM, +1 JV, +1 hel | +1 Vincent | +1 raluca | +1 Caty, -1
*pelican* | +1 Ludovic
*bustard* | +1 hel, -1 Vincent
*robin* | +1 hel
*tit* | +1 raluca, -1 ThomasM
*turaco* | +1 Marius, +1 ThibautD, +1 Ricardo
*seagul* | +1 VincentG
*tanager* | +1 Eduard



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Customizing export

2009-08-25 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Ralf, Hel-o,

The page/section you are pointing out contains only a simplified 
graphic. I've not been able yet to understand how this fit, or it 
doesn't with the new components infrastructure.

Another "must"...

There are also a number of related threads in the devs list. Please, 
look for equations rendering, MathTran or TeX in devs list and in Jira 
( There are a big number of pending 
issues where I am sure your help will be greatly welcome!

As far as I see, devs are pretty busy polishing the new XWiki 2.0 RC1. I 
think that to document how things are currently doing related to PDF/RTF 
customized export, and in many other areas!, is a work to be done.

Still, another clue from a message recently sent by Sergiu....

[Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team wrote:

> > Hi, Sergiu, all,
> > 
> > Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
>> >> Hello Community,
>> >>
>> >> I have committed today the first implementation of a new XWiki feature: 
>> >> rendering mathematical equations into images. It is available as a 
>> >> standalone component, and as a syntax 2.0 macro.
> > 
> > Please, does this work open a door to LaTeX as a supported syntax for
> > XWiki? Not only for equations/formulas but for whole documents? Thanks.

This, no, but the new parsing/rendering engine does. I see there already 
is a tex part in


To contribute on this topic implies to dig into source code. I think 
that this thread in devs could ease the path to a better understanding 
about XWiki architecture!

How to Automatically Build and Run Xwiki Within Eclipse?



x-ray wrote:
> Hi hel-o,
> Did you finally find a solution for your problem?
> I have the same problem. I want to change the PDF layout and structure. The
> wiki page here
> (
> is a good start but it does not explain in detail how to change the fopxsl
> or xhtmlxsl. An example with some code snippets would be great.
> Anybody who can help? Thanks.
> Would be much appreciated.
> Ralf 
> hel-o wrote:
>> Another question,
>> we've been trying to change the pdf export layout:
>> Created the Class, and a new pdf export definition.
>> Now changing the style works but when we try to change xhtmlxsl or fopxsl
>> nothing happens.
>> Is this a know bug or is there somthing one should know 
>> Second question:
>> Is this a way to create a own export definition for another format e.g
>> latex
>> Thanks
>> hel. 

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Testing new public xwiki open source community chat on jabber

2009-08-25 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Please, Vicent, what client are you using for MAC OS X? iChat? Adium? 
Any other software?

I don't find the settings to auto reconnect to Colloquy is doing this pretty accessing 
XWiki IRC channel.



Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Till now we were using IRC (and we still are) but there are a few  
> issues with it and the biggest one is that you don't get to see  
> messages sent to you when you're offline. Thus we're trying a new  
> solution using Jabber/XMPP.
> If it works well we'll then switch from IRC to it.
> If you want to participate in the test and join us you can log in on 
> name: xwiki
> server:
> Note that you can log with your gmail id if you don't have a jabber id.
> See you there.
> Thanks
> -Vincent
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Testing new public xwiki open source community chat on jabber

2009-08-25 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks, Caty.

Ecaterina Valica wrote:
> I use Pidgin
> for Win.

I've almost lost track of this option. I will give a try... when I am 
able to download a Mac OS X release! It seems that Fink is experiencing 
some problems right now.

Please, does Pidgin automatically reconnect in Windows?



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Testing new public xwiki open source community chat on jabber

2009-08-25 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks all!

Vincent Massol wrote:
> I use Adium. Works very well. Make sure you use the 1.4beta version.

1.4b did the trick. Prior releases, at least here, didn't allow to 
bookmark the chat room.

I miss some IRC colleagues here :-)

Please, have you been able to join IRC chat rooms from Adium? I've tried 
a number of different IRC servers and chat rooms to no avail: Adium 
doesn't find the chat rooms.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Testing new public xwiki open source community chat on jabber

2009-08-25 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Vincent Massol wrote:
> Yes both IRC and Jabber work fine in Adium for me.
> That said if you plan to use IRC on Mac I recommend that you use  
> Colloquy.
OK, I will keep Colloquy updated and an eye on Adium IRC connection 


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] #info, #warning and floating boxes

2009-08-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

When working with XWiki 1.0 syntax, any info or warning box flows under 
a floating box that, for instance, holds a table of content.

For instance...

Please, could this be avoided? Thanks!


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] #info, #warning and floating boxes

2009-08-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Vincent Massol wrote:
> Can you provide the CSS to fix it?

Nope. Sorry! But I will try discover how to do it.


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] #info, #warning and floating boxes

2009-08-28 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks, Sergiu.

Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
> Yes, just add "overflow: hidden" to its CSS. ("overlow: auto" would be 
> better, but I noticed a strange dark bottom border when using it...)

It works without a glitch at least with Toucan skin (XE 2.0m2), Firefox 
3.5.2, Safari 4.0.3 and OmniWeb 5.10.

Don't you consider an improvement to modify the concerned CSS for toucan 
and introduce it for Collibri in the coming XE 2.0RC1 release?

At least for infomessage and warning message?

.infomessage {
  background-image: url( $xwiki.getSkinFile('icons/silk/information.gif') );
  color: #369;
  overflow: hidden;
.warningmessage {
  background-image: url( $xwiki.getSkinFile('icons/silk/error.gif') );
  color: #D5A13D;
  overflow: hidden;

Thanks for your help,


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Hierarchical document structures

2009-08-28 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Willi Schiegel wrote:
> Hello all,
> is it possible to have hierarchical document structures in Xwiki like it 
> is possible with Dokuwikis name spaces?
> In Dokuwiki I can have
> Home -> Personal Pages -> User One -> Project 1 -> Coding
> Home -> Personal Pages -> User One -> Project 2 -> Coding
> where the two "Coding" pages are different.
> Thank you.
> Greetings,
> Willi

To the best of my knowledge, hierarchy in XWiki is currently limited to 
two levels: Space and Document, but there are other solutions to create 
deeper taxonomies. See this...



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] [Vote] Default Color Theme

2009-09-01 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
+1 (4)

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Selective space export

2009-09-07 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Francisco!

Hernández Cuchí wrote:
> Hi, 
> That is not really what I want. My problem is that I have an xwiki 1.7.14 and 
> I wanto to move to a 2.0milestone 2 in another machine. I get a lot of 
> corrupted xar files (cannot open them with 7zip) because of java memory heap 
> exception (even if they are spaces of only one page!). So I need a different 
> way of exporting the data, because if I have 40 spaces, 10 xar files are 
> corrupted. Even, I wrote my own snippet to get the spaces exported 
> selectively, but still getting corrupted xar files. So, ¿is it posible to 
> backup the database and import it in the new installation?
Hopefully I will face a similar workflow in the following weeks, so let 
see if I am able to help here :-)

As far as I understand, you have to XWiki installations. Each of them on 
a different box. What you are looking for is to move the whole 1.7.14 
database to a brand new 2.0m2 in a different box.

If this is what you want and although this not solve the doubts about 
why do exports get corrupted, you can export the whole XWiki database 
schema, reimport it in the new database installation (if there is one in 
the same box where you have installed the new XWiki instance) and 
provided you have correctly configured username and password in 
hibernate.cfg.xml file it must work.

The first time the new XWiki instances starts, the required database 
schema updated will be performed by the system. I've done that severel 
times in the past without any problem working with MySQL databases. 
There have been issues related with schema updates in early releases, 
but I've not read anything about them lately. In fact, it is a similar 
process to install a new XWiki from the scratch but dealing with an 
existing database. If XWiki finds a database, it will use it instead of 
creating a new one.

Of course modifications done to Velocity templates, skins,... not stored 
in the database must be done separately. Also, as with a regular update, 
you must be extremely cautious when importing the new default xar file 
for the new release.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Find Currently Logged In Users

2009-09-10 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Jean Couteau wrote:
> Dilipkumar Jadhav a écrit :
>> Hello guys,
>> Is there a way to find all the currently logged in users?
>> For load testing purposes, it would be nice to know if we could get a head
>> count of all those who are logged in.
>> Thank you.
> Hi,
> I do not have a clue on how to do it, but I would be interested by the 
> answer. That's a quite nice feature...



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Good News for the XWiki Open Source Project: French State Research funding

2009-09-16 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Congratulations! Even though this is important, I am sure this is one a 
new small step toward an even greater product! I would like to "hijack"  
this thread to thank all  devs and users to make XWiki better every day.

Best wishes for a highly productive new course!


Ludovic Dubost wrote:
> Hi XWiki Community,
> I'm happy to share some good news for the XWiki Platform and Community 
> that we got today.
> We (XWiki SAS) had responded to a French Government Call for Web 2.0 
> Projects in early July and we got the good news today that our project 
> was selected with 43 other projects (among 340 proposals) to receive 
> state funding.
> In this project, where the research entity INRIA/ECOO and Open Source 
> company Mandriva are also participating, we have proposed to enhance 
> XWiki's social features and integrate Real-Time capabilities in XWiki 
> (both for editing information and viewing information in real-time).
> We already worked with INRIA/ECOO on XWiki Concerto (offline and 
> mobile XWiki) which is the specialist in France and probably Europe of 
> Operational Transformation Technology (which is used in Google Wave 
> for real-time capabilities).
> We'll talk more about the features this will bring to XWiki when we 
> formally launch the project. We don't know yet how fast it will go to 
> formalize the public funding and start the project (it usually takes 
> at least a few month).
> It's great to be able to continue to work on innovative technologies 
> in the Wiki space, which is not that easy as we have already so much 
> work to package and polish all the great ideas and features that are 
> already in the XWiki platform.
> It's also great to see the progress the XWiki software has made in the 
> last year, from XWiki 1.8 to XWiki 2.0 coming out soon. The new 
> rendering, new Wysiwyg editor, the Office Importer and now the new 
> skin are making XWiki do a lightyear of progress in just one year !
> Ludovic
> ___
> users mailing list

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Translations for XWiki Enterprise 2.0

2009-09-23 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi Guillaume,

We will take care of Galician and Spanish translations. XWiki Core will 
be the first stop. Sorry for the delay!



Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> Hi XWikiers,
> I know some of you regularly update translations for languages on
> . I've just refreshed the list of translations, which
> created a slew of new empty strings :-)
> It would be great if we could fill as much of them as possible before
> releasing XWiki Enterprise 2.0. I'll handle the French ones.
> You can find empty translations for your language on
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Guillaume

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] users Digest, Vol 27, Issue 15

2009-10-06 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> Why exactly do you needs pages to be stored in the filesystem? Maybe you can
> find a way to address your use case using existing XWiki features...

In our case more than pages are attached files what we need to be stored 
in the filesystem. Could this be also your case, Luis?

These files are usually images or data files generated by several 
analytical facilities. I don't know at what extend a XWiki installation 
using MySQL as RDBMS is suitable for storing, let's say, some hundreds 
of files weighting about 30Mb each. As far as I remember, this is a 
pending issue in XWiki, but it has not been forgotten.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] XWiki book

2009-10-15 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Guillaume Lerouge wrote:
> Hi Joshua,
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 9:02 PM, Rieken, Joshua 
> wrote:
>> Is anyone working on an XWiki book and can tell us about it? :-) I think
>> the current documentation improvement efforts are great, but what we really
>> need is a good book that ties together XWiki capabilities with up-to-date
>> examples.
> I think Vincent has been thinking about such a book for years now but he
> never got to actually write it :-)
> There is no active effort to write the book at the moment but I'm sure
> Vincent still keeps the idea in mind... for later ;-)
> Guillaume

Please, let me add a comment: this book must be "only" a snapshot of the 
current state of XWiki documentation in I mean, the printing 
preflight must be generated on the fly from contents. Just 
code and contents between "us" and the offset printing 
machine. Is this an acceptable/affordable challenge?



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] XWiki at the Enterprise 2.0 Conference in California

2009-10-17 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Congratulations! Let's do it the XWiki way!

Ludovic Dubost wrote:
> We did it 

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Meeting Manager Annoucement

2009-10-18 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Thanks, Ludovic, and thanks to "Groupe Glon"!

Ludovic Dubost wrote:
> Hi,
> We have published the Meeting Manager application which has been 
> sponsored by "Groupe Glon".
> The meeting manager is an XWiki 2.0 application which allows to plan 
> and manage meetings and meeting cycles. It's a very nice and complete 
> application.
> You can plan your meeting by setting an agenda, adding participants 
> and propose a vote for meeting dates (a little like Doodle). You can 
> then write your meeting notes. 

Until now, we have been using Doodle to get an agreement on meeting date 
and "regular" XWiki pages for meeting notes. This applications will 
allow to capture the whole process within a XWiki instance. Cool!



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Accidentally Imported Old XAR

2009-10-20 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

Alan Flisch wrote:
> Does nobody have any advice they can give me?

Reimporting the concerned pages from the right XAR ?

What do you get when going to...

http://yourhost/xwiki/bin/import/XWiki/XWikiPreferences ?


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] [Proposal] New free and community-managed farm on

2008-01-22 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
sachin mittal wrote:
> Hi Vincent,
> People who are interested in free xwiki and want to use it as an 
> experimental tool can download it and play with it. It costs nothing 
> for them.
> As far as I have seen that students and other such individuals seldom 
> become paying customers. They typically use for project work etc.
> I think hosted solution should focus on paying customers only unless 
> you want to test the scalability of xwiki real time by giving free access.

Following this reasoning, how does Netcipia ( 
in the proposed schema?



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] errors while importing

2008-01-23 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all,

After updating to XWiki 1.2 I'm trying to get the updated documents 
included in in the installation.

If I import all the documents included in I systematically get the same three 
errors with:


Only by previously removing these three documents I get a full import.

These are the ERROR messages recorded in catalina.out:

sh-3.2# tail -n2000 catalina.out | grep ERROR
11:52:16,486 ERROR http-80-15
SimpleLog4JLogSystem:logVelocityMessage:154 - Left side 
($request.withversions) of '==' operation has null value. If a 
reference, it may not be in the context. Operation not possible.  [line 
16, column 73]
11:58:05,003 ERROR http-80-17 
AbstractBatcher:doExecuteBatch:61 - Exception executing batch:
11:58:05,005 ERROR http-80-17 
AbstractFlushingEventListener:performExecutions:300 - Could not 
synchronize database state with session
11:58:05,006 ERROR http-80-17 
Package:installDocument:606 - Failed to save document Main.LuceneSearch
11:58:06,476 ERROR http-80-17 
AbstractBatcher:doExecuteBatch:61 - Exception executing batch:
11:58:06,478 ERROR http-80-17 
AbstractFlushingEventListener:performExecutions:300 - Could not 
synchronize database state with session
11:58:06,479 ERROR http-80-17 
Package:installDocument:606 - Failed to save document Panels.SyntaxHelp
11:58:07,261 ERROR http-80-17 
AbstractBatcher:doExecuteBatch:61 - Exception executing batch:
11:58:07,263 ERROR http-80-17 
AbstractFlushingEventListener:performExecutions:300 - Could not 
synchronize database state with session
11:58:07,265 ERROR http-80-17 
Package:installDocument:606 - Failed to save document Photos.NewAlbum
11:58:09,332 ERROR http-80-18 
Cache:cancelUpdate:423 - internal error: expected to get a state from 
key [xwiki:XWiki.XWikiGuest]
11:58:27,359 ERROR http-80-9 
AbstractBatcher:doExecuteBatch:61 - Exception executing batch:
11:58:27,362 ERROR http-80-9 
AbstractFlushingEventListener:performExecutions:300 - Could not 
synchronize database state with session
11:58:27,365 ERROR http-80-9 
SimpleLog4JLogSystem:logVelocityMessage:154 - Method isWatchedDocument 
threw exception for reference $xwiki in template  at  [111,23]
11:59:01,372 ERROR http-80-17 
AbstractBatcher:doExecuteBatch:61 - Exception executing batch:
11:59:01,373 ERROR http-80-17 
AbstractFlushingEventListener:performExecutions:300 - Could not 
synchronize database state with session

Please, is this a problem with my installations? Something that 
could/must be improved in the .xar file?

Let me know if more lines from catalina.out or any other test can help 
to work out this issue. Thanks.

Best regards,


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] [xwiki-devs] log

2008-01-23 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi Raffaele,
> 2) Can you try finding the answer on I'd like to ensure  
> this information can be easily found. If you can't find it let us know  
> how you searched for it so that we can improve how users can find it.

Hi Vicent,

By going to Documentation > Documentation for XWiki Enterprise > 
Administrator's Guide > Logging you reach this document...

But, why logging or log4J doesn't find anything in Search?

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] [xwiki-devs] log

2008-01-23 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Vincent Massol wrote:
> That's because the lucene search is not fully working right now... I'm  
> aware of this and Thomas Mortagne is working on this. I know he tried  
> to fix this last week but wasn't able to find the issue till now.  
> Basically some pages are not correctly indexed somehow.
> We really need to crack this issue. It's annoying me as well...
> Thanks
> -Vincent

Pity I am not able to help with this bug! :-(

By the way, I am seeing some Lucene related messages in catalina.out 
after upgrading to 1.2. My main concern now is to work out what I see 
like a problem while creating new virtual wikis, but I will go back to 
the Lucene messages ASAP and keep this thread posted.


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] Exception while patching

2008-01-24 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all,

I've recently updated a couple of XWiki installations to 1.2.6932.

Either with old documents or with new ones, when I try to see a given 
revision of a page, any of them, I get the following exception:

Error number 3103 in 3: Exception while reading document version {1}
Wrapped Exception: Error number 13027 in 13: Exception while patching
Wrapped Exception: line::java.lang.NumberFormatException
com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3103 in 3: Exception while 
reading document version {1}
Wrapped Exception: Error number 13027 in 13: Exception while patching
Wrapped Exception: line::java.lang.NumberFormatException
at com.xpn.xwiki.XWiki.getDocument(
at com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiAction.handleRevision(
at com.xpn.xwiki.web.ViewrevAction.render(
at com.xpn.xwiki.web.XWikiAction.execute(
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
at Source)

This happens both in wikis where I've imported the 1.2 .xar and where I 

Comparisons between releases usually show the whole content highlighted 
green. Or no changes at all.

New documents work fine for "a while". I say "a while" because I am not 
able to identify the point where they start behaving as the old ones.

Please, could you help me with this issue! Thank you so much.


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Exception while patching

2008-01-24 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
[Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've recently updated a couple of XWiki installations to 1.2.6932.
> Either with old documents or with new ones, when I try to see a given 
> revision of a page, any of them, I get the following exception:
> Error number 3103 in 3: Exception while reading document version {1}
> Wrapped Exception: Error number 13027 in 13: Exception while patching
> Wrapped Exception: line::java.lang.NumberFormatException
> com.xpn.xwiki.XWikiException: Error number 3103 in 3: Exception while 
> reading document version {1}

Sorry, surely I must follow this JIRA issue...



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Exception while patching

2008-01-25 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Vincent Massol wrote:
> Really weird... never seen this. We could try to upgrade to a newer  
> version of JIRA

Both times I got the same error. Both times I was connected from the 
same box and the same location, but this has nothing to do with the 
client side, has it?

Please, let me know if I can be of any further help to work out this 
issue. Thanks!

Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Exception while patching

2008-01-25 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Vincent Massol wrote:
> This issue is closed already so could you please create a new one  
> stating the problem again?
> Also, in order to understand the pb I need to know what's the xwiki  
> database version for the different wikis you've updated. This is  
> printed like this in the logs:
> "No storage migration required since current version is [6431] "

Hi Vincent,

I will hold the thread in the JIRA issue

BTW, I've created only a couple of JIRA issues so far, but both times 
I've got the same error message when hitting the create button...

Am I doing anything wrong? Is this a know problem? Must I create a JIRA 
Issue about the JIRA Issue? :-)


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] on xwiki.virtual.redirect

2008-01-25 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team

xwiki.virtual.redirect seems not have effect on my 1.2 installations. 
Any called to XWiki server with a domain name not registered as virtual 
wiki is answered by the controller, not redirected to 
xwiki.virtual.redirect. There is a XWikiServerXwiki document with a 
XWiki.XWikiServerClass pointed to the controller database.

Servers have been working fine until I've updated to 1.2.6932.

Has anybody seen this?


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] Importing .xar in virtual wiki

2008-01-26 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Dicheva, Darina wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to install a virtual wiki by following the steps given in
> "Creating a virtual XWiki environment" - everything worked fine except
> the very last step - for some reason I cannot import the .xar file in
> the virtual wiki. I select it and it appears in the list under "Select
> the file you wish to import", but when click on the file name, instead
> of seeing all the objects with the checkboxes, I get an error message
> "The page cannot be displayed" and in the address of the opened page:
> javascript:void()
> Any idea how to solve this problem? (I had the .xar file successfully
> imported in the main wiki (the controller).

Hi, Darina,

As you know this is a very generic error message, so I think some more 
research is due to see what is happening there.

I can think of:

   1. What XWiki release are you installing? What servlet container? I
  don't know it these could matter here, but it is always useful
  information for people eager to help here!
   2. Could you reimport the .xar file into the controller (just try
  with some documents)?
   3. Does this happens with several web browsers?



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

[xwiki-users] simple Groovy script

2008-01-26 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Hi all,

I included this quite simple Groovy script in a XWiki page:

<% println "Hello World"
list = ["Rod", "James", "Chris"]
list.each { println it }
println "${list.size()}" %>

And I get...

Hello World 3

But nothing about printing list.

The same script works fine in groovyConsole being the output:

Hello World

Please, what am I doing wrong? Must I expect that a script working in 
groovyConsole do the same in a XWiki page?

Thanks for your help,


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

Re: [xwiki-users] simple Groovy script

2008-01-27 Thread [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT Team
Vincent Massol wrote:
> Hi Ricardo,
> I remember this problem was reported some time ago but unfortunately  
> nobody has looked into it:
> We'd like to move to the latest Groovy version in 1.3. Maybe this will  
> help. Any help would be most welcome.

Oops! I was not able either to find it prior to send this message to the 
list. Sorry.

I've tried to change groovy-all-1.0-jsr-06.jar with groovy-1.5.1.jar but 
it seems that it is not that simple to move to the new Groovy version :-(

I'll make any new comment in the concerned JIRA Issue.


Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

users mailing list

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