[Wikimedia-l] Re: Wikimedia Movement Charter ratification voting results

2024-07-24 Thread Samuel Klein
On Wed, Jul 24, 2024 at 5:36 AM Philip Kopetzky 

> Maybe to offer a bit of a counter-argument to you, Itzik, that not all is
> lost, if I may ;-)

(-:  Agreed, Philip.  We have reached a point in group transition where it
is easy to be paranoid, because change brings uncertainty about the future.
But we are closer now to meaningful delegation and shared decisions and
prioritization.  In some arenas the bottleneck is identifying community
priorities, rather than having a mechanism for acting on them.

> Communities and affiliates have shown what they want,

True to an extent, which needs refinement.
Communities have always wanted self-governance, but were the least involved
in this charter+council development. Affiliates as a group are dominated by
user groups, which are a fairly arbitrary subset of persistent active
projects and were not intended to serve a global representation or
governance function.

> Over the last few years the level of cooperation between communities and
> affiliates has become a lot higher

Also because of simple community-run mechanisms such as SWAN.

> The working groups wrote the recommendations, but more importantly, taught
> many people involved in the working groups about what the challenges are to
> implement those recommendations. The CEE Hub is a direct result of this
> process

This is a good point and a useful frame of reference.  I also found the
comments on the charter over the past few months from a number of regional
networks to be a good sign.  Since the time of the working groups, we are
missing similar collective evaluations from the Projects; and we are
missing a rhythm of peer feedback for those participating in discussion
about their ideas, hopes, and concerns (outside of facilitated in-person
events, which are costly and exclusive.)

> So maybe the next step should [be] to build a structure that
> organisations, communities and indvidiuals voluntarily join... out of a
> sense of optimism and hope that together we can overcome the challenges we
> all together are facing and support each other in those challenges that
> only some of us need to face ;-)

Well put.  Mutual support, resolving unsolved issues, and deduplication of
effort are excellent motivation.

Itzik wrote:
> the board made very clear in their resolution - they don't want any
change of forces

We read the same text and interpret it in very different ways. 🖤
I see an explicit desire for change, and commitment to mechanisms for
making it happen, however incremental.

> No one will decide how much money the foundation will spend.
> It is up to them to decide how much money will go to the rest of the
movement bodies...

Technically, the WMF Board already decides how much money goes to different
things.  But we still (colloquially) say that the CEO and staff set the
budget and spending plans, which are submitted to the community for public
comment and to the Board as proposals for approval.

So when the Board plans for a new committee to "have the authority to
adjust grantmaking structures... including establishing global or thematic
funding goals" and says it will "seek the recommendations and insights of
this body for proposals [for] how much of the Foundation’s budget will be
made available for grants distribution", that seems to be asking clearly
for a comparable sort of proposal for approval.  Where such proposals
conflict, the Board would have to iterate or otherwise find a compromise.

Finally, this seems like a good moment to note that the WMF's fundraising
and budget are only part of the whole. Today it manages more than 80% of
staff and of funds raised (with WMDE accounting for the plurality of the
rest), but we should be planning and developing shared language* for a
future where fundraising and support are more distributed.


* To begin with, we should have an overall visualization of the flow of
funds, in-kind support, and time in the movement.  If anyone has been
working on this, or would like to, please get in touch.
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Wikimedia Foundation Board resolution and vote on the proposed Movement Charter

2024-07-11 Thread Samuel Klein
Thank you, Nat and all, for the clarity.  I appreciate that the resolution
directly addresses work to be taken on by a future Global Council, and ways
to start delegating that work.  A complementary change that we've needed
for some time is a community process for mediating conflict resolution
across the movement.  The first test could be resolving conflicts around
the charter:
  a) aligning the expectations and concerns of all parties
  b) sorting out how to iterate on a charter, and to explore an interim
Council   [before ... *(checks notes)* ... 2027]

A Charter and Council are not only among our 2030 goals, they are a
prerequisite for many more.  We should not delay.  It's good to see
foundation-led progress on the delegation front; let's also use the
momentum from this vote to progress on the other fronts.

Maciej wrote:
> *When we asked for the Board to accelerate their process so we could save
the community *
> *from going through the costly process that would bring no fruit, we were

I thought this sounded plausible at first, to conserve time and energy.
But it was pointed out that most of the cost was in the leadup to the vote;
the process was defined by the MCDC, so revising the timeline wasn't the
board's call; and by the time of the SWAN meetings many participants were
looking forward to voting and wanted that to continue regardless.

The charter is certainly mature enough for a widely broadcast and
translated public vote.  Without that, we had only the input of WMF
liaisons, the affiliates and staff who showed up to this year's WM Summit,
and the few hundred who found their way to Meta to weigh in.

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[Wikimedia-l] Re: A Case for Mobile Editing

2024-06-29 Thread Samuel Klein
Yes, a thousand times yes!  This is one of our great weaknesses,
experienced most by editors who only have phones to access the sites. But
it is also quite hard for me, and I regularly put off even small edits
until I am at a laptop or desktop.

Thank you for writing this, Pavan. I will share it.


On Wed, Jun 26, 2024, 8:33 AM Pavan Santhosh via Wikimedia-l <
wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Dear Fellow Wikimedians,
> I am Pavan Santhosh, an Indian Wikimedian and Program Manager of CIS-A2K.
> [1] I would like to share my recent article on the Diff titled "A Case
> for Mobile Editing
> ".
> The article discusses the challenges faced by users, particularly in the
> Global Majority countries, when editing Wikipedia on mobile devices.
> Despite the increasing number of mobile internet users, the current mobile
> editing tools are not user-friendly, limiting effective contributions. It
> emphasizes the need for improving mobile editing features to enhance
> inclusivity and accessibility.
> I believe this is crucial for the advancement of the Wikimedia movement
> and would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on the aspects
> discussed in my article.
> Best regards,
> Pavan Santhosh,
> Program Manager,
> CIS-A2K.
> [1} https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/CIS-A2K
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Board requirements

2024-06-26 Thread Samuel Klein
On Wed, Jun 26, 2024, 3:14 PM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
galder...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> That said, I would understand that some members of the board vote against
sharing power.

This is a non-sequitur, as Nat's letter was not a vote against sharing
power. It proposed first steps to share power, however incomplete, and ways
to address concerns with other steps laid out in the current charter text.

But the letter was certainly *confusing*, as you illustrate. I hope someone
will clarify how the Board envisions a progression of power-sharing and
capacity-building (likely in the form of a Council) to be able to take on
more and more complex decisions.

> What is the point of having a Board?

Chris said it well: to provide their independent judgement in the best
interest of the mission.  Including, on occasion, not rubber-stamping
proposals put before them, bu sending them back for further revision..

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[Wikimedia-l] Re: [BoT-MCDC decision discussion]

2024-06-25 Thread Samuel Klein
Farah, you spoke my mind. I read institutional commitment to resolving this
point of the Strategy recs (an effective Charter + Council), using a less
drawn-out method to work through the remaining issues.

But the latest feedback from the committee liaisons has raised doubts.  So
it would reduce uncertainty and tension for the WMF to reaffirm its
commitment, via the liaisons or some other representative.



On Tue, Jun 25, 2024, 5:43 AM  wrote:

> Hi Victoria,
> The fact that the three of you are running for re-election should not
> preclude "a firm commitment [by the WMF] to catalyzing a successful charter
> + council".  After all, this is not a personal commitment of individual
> board members (and please correct me if you were in fact asking for an
> individual commitment, SJ).  You still have half a year on the board to
> take part in decision-making processes before a new board is confirmed.
> Regards,
> Farah
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: [BoT-MCDC decision discussion]

2024-06-24 Thread Samuel Klein
Hello Lorenzo,

Thanks for the fast turnaround on this response.

On Mon, Jun 24, 2024, 10:10 AM Lorenzo  wrote:

> *From an operational capacity perspective, any delay now would also
> require postponing other planned movement-wide processes with an impact
> that goes beyond the movement charter.*

This is a self-imposed constraint that takes the Charter less seriously
than it merits.

* specifically our recommendation talks about moving forward this year by
> shifting some of the functions that have been proposed for the Global
> Council to global, community-representing bodies, and iterating over those
> models
> .
> *

That's good, we need more like this. As part of a global council, which we
also need to iterate over.

*We are also in conversation with the MCDC about what would be the future
> of the movement charter itself if the currently proposed charter doesn't
> pass the ratification. Despite the concerns about the current draft, we all
> support the goals intended by  a charter. *

Let's have that conversation publicly, as a movement.  We can do better
than this mix of private communication with the committee + frustrated
public letters.

For instance, starting with a clear commitment to iterate towards a working
charter and council, this year, with shorter cycles and public
collaboration and broad participation by individual contributors, not just

Given the uncertainty of the current moment, it would be clarifying for you
or other Board representatives to make a firm commitment to catalyzing a
successful charter + council. Something stronger than 'supporting the goals
and conversing about what the future could hold'.

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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Wikimedia Foundation Board liaisons reflections on final Movement charter draft

2024-06-21 Thread Samuel Klein
I agree with Christophe (no surprise) and also with what Paulo and
Gnangarra wrote.

–  The Board should vote first.  (Obviously the community can organize its
own vote for a no-WMF-approval-required movement body, but here we are
talking about shared decision-making that starts with WMF delegation and
facilitation -- so alignment is a prerequisite.)

=  The current charter has known flaws*. Its text and details have been in
constant flux, and are absolutely not ready to be set in stone. It must be
easy to change; not the current approach of making every small change
*very* slow
and difficult
As Paulo says, that is worse than no charter.

≡  We should all commit to meaningful change, to updating movement
structures and distributing power and decision-making effectively.  This
year, that means starting to share aspects of each core responsibility,
while iterating [in public!] towards a polished charter.
 I appreciate the motion toward this suggested in Nat's letter; there
should also be groups focusing on a simple version of movement support
(complementing affcom) and on movement strategy (complementing existing
annual processes).


☷ *Flaws: hundreds from small to large have been thoughtfully pointed out
in feedback to date.  Many were addressed in the last revision, but many
more have not been.  To name one prominent type of flaw: the current draft
creates a number of new risks and problems for the movement, including
risks related to the very power sharing it is designed to address, without
acknowledging or addressing the challenges that each raises:
 ⧺  It is gameable. (Ex: the GC sets strategy for all, decides who can be
an affiliate, its own budget and size, and all funds dissemination.)
 ⧺  It would shift most power from a WMF with few checks and balances, to a
Council with almost none.  That's not good governance, nor good transition
tactics.  It is also not in keeping with the recommendations from the last
movement strategy process (which involved more community energy, and was
done in a more collaborative + nuanced + open way, than this charter)
 ⧺  It would accelerate the unplanned trend of shifting power and
governance responsibility to affiliates, specifically to user groups (which
make up most affiliates) -- explicitly the opposite of the original intent
of creating such a lightweight form of affiliation.
 ⧻  It would *mandate* that the Council immediately do four difficult
things, and that an unspecified dispute resolution body will do a fifth.
Overpromising leads to confusion, not strength.

Finally, after the practical issues are addressed, before proposing
something like this as a founding movement document, the language deserves
a round of tightening for eloquence, inspiration, and clarity.  There are
neologisms, grammatical quirks, odd wordings, easily misinterpreted
clauses, and a lack of proportionality or parallelism.


On Fri, Jun 21, 2024, 8:50 AM Gnangarra  wrote:

> Hi
> Have to agree with Christophe, if the recommendation of the BOT
> liaisons to the Board about the MCDC is to reject it, then the Board should
> meet first and make their collective decision regardless of the cost.  This
> is a broad document, with as significant a potential for good and as it
> does harm.
> On the checks and balances it has very limited capacity if not absolutely
> no meaningful options for change should it be needed, there's not even a
> last dire last resort Board can dissolve the GC nuclear option.
> We have time to wait for the Boards decision.
> On Fri, 21 Jun 2024 at 20:37, Paulo Santos Perneta <
> paulospern...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> People don't approve a bad or deficient Constitution, and then hope for
>> improvement afterwards.
>> No Charter is way better than a problematic Charter.
>> Paulo
>> Christophe Henner  escreveu (sexta,
>> 21/06/2024 à(s) 13:29):
>>> Hi Nataliia,
>>> Thank you for your clear feedback. I’m concerned about the current
>>> situation regarding the Movement Charter.
>>> Firstly, I recommend the Foundation vote first in the process. The
>>> board, being the smaller group with decisive power, should *lead by
>>> example* to avoid wasting the community’s time and energy if the
>>> charter is not going to be approved. After three years of discussion, it is
>>> unlikely that a few more days will change the board's opinion.
>>> Let’s be mindful of the toll additional voting will take on all of us.
>>> This way, we can collectively acknowledge that this effort did not result
>>> in an agreement by everyone and create space to move onto the next step of
>>> our collective journey sooner rather than later.
>>> Secondly, the Strategy Process was initiated and funded by the Wikimedia
>>> Foundation and led by it until the recommendations phase.
>>> It seems counterproductive to delegate the charter creation to a
>>> volunteer group only 

[Wikimedia-l] Re: Mopping with the tap open

2024-06-10 Thread Samuel Klein
 whatever lacks proper
>> sources - something we actually often indulge in in paper encyclopedias, in
>> my own experience. I'm very glad that the era of rampant tolerance with
>> people adding unsourced content - something that was already against all
>> good practices back in 2001 - is now a distant, sad memory. The quality of
>> our Wikipedia skyrocketed since then, changing the paradigm from "Wikipedia
>> is not reliable" to "Wikipedia is actually quite reliable, so much that I
>> actually want to be there" all over the Lusophone world - and bringing new
>> problems of its own. But that's undoubtedly the way to go, and it's sad it
>> took so much time to actually implement what should have been there already
>> from day 1.
>> Best,
>> Paulo
>> Romaine Wiki  escreveu (quarta, 6/03/2024 à(s)
>> 13:59):
>>> In the past days, a new Wikipedia contributor edited Wikipedia and made
>>> a great contribution, except... This user added zero sources, and the
>>> article in what the edit was made was about a living person. So the
>>> verifiability is a problem and in conflict with the policy Biographies of
>>> living persons. This was just one example of thousands that have to be
>>> dealt with every day in Wikimedia. And every day the community tries to
>>> maintain the quality of Wikipedia and has to deal with this kind of edits.
>>> I asked myself the question: why did this new contributor not add any
>>> sources?
>>> I logged out, went to an article and clicked edit. Made some
>>> modifications (in the Visual Editor), and then clicked Publish changes. In
>>> the steps I took to edit the article, I got nowhere a message that
>>> Wikipedia wants to have sources for the information I added. Nowhere!
>>> I hope that every experienced user by now understands the importance of
>>> adding sources. But we cannot expect from new contributors to already know
>>> this. They need to be informed that adding sources is needed. They do not
>>> go first read the manual of Wikipedia with all the help and project pages,
>>> they just start editing right away. They think, link in many other
>>> platforms, that if they do something wrong, they get a message while
>>> editing/uploading/etc.
>>> For some strange reason, if you edit Wikipedia, you get no notification
>>> at all that you need to add sources, even while this is one of the most
>>> important pillars of Wikipedia. The result is that a lot of work of these
>>> new contributors gets lost, because the information is removed from the
>>> articles because of a lack of sources. If those new users would have got a
>>> message in the Visual Editor during the editing, a lot more contributions
>>> would be able to stay in Wikipedia, less new contributors would get
>>> demotivated, and it would reduce the workload of existing users who do the
>>> maintenance every day.
>>> As with the influx of edits without sources nothing is done, the Dutch
>>> expression "mopping with the tap open" (Dutch: dweilen met de kraan open)
>>> applies here.
>>> Romaine
>>> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Integrating OWID with Wikimedia

2024-04-28 Thread Samuel Klein
[Changing the topic to be more precise: how to get OWID specifically to

Ah, I recall that Amir said last year that he sees this as complex,
requiring a sanitized mirroring service inside WM production, which in turn
requires traversing an entire 'path to production' that is underspecified.

Getting OWID to work on WM sites seems like a cleanly-scoped and
accomplishable task. Less ambiguous than the current partial plan for a
Graph: replacement
for instance.  The question for our priority-queue is: how do we make this
possible and maintainable, how do we get the many people interested working
towards a common goal?  This depends on basic questions about how community
devs can work within current WMF frameworks, which I hope this can serve
as motivation to resolve.


(Galder: Obviously we could still help translate the text of Our World in
Data via a mirror, which would benefit the 100M/yr users of OWID graphs --
a natural collaboration -- but you're right that there's less motivation
for our communities to translate this when they can't see the results
directly on their home projects.)

On Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 3:18 AM Galder wrote:
> No, we can't.

On Sun, Apr 28, 2024 at 2:56 AM Samuel Klein  wrote:

> Thoughtful mirroring would address some of Amir's concerns.  (Amir: which
> ones remain?)
> Could you use the gadget with a mirror?
> On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 1:50 PM James Heilman  wrote:
>> The other option would be to have a copy of the OWID software on our own
>> servers (it is all openly licensed). We tried this sort of with the OWID
>> mirror which you can see here on the wmcloud
>> https://owidm.wmcloud.org/
>> And functional within a mediawiki install here
>> https://mdwiki.org/wiki/WikiProjectMed_talk:OWID/Archive_1
>> From what I understand moving in this direction would require the
>> software running on production servers with WMF staff support and maintance.
>> We have already uploaded all the data that makes these graphs to Commons
>> by the way.
>> James
>> On Sat, Apr 27, 2024 at 11:11 AM Amir Sarabadani 
>> wrote:
>>> (Not Andy, but a global interface admin in my volunteer capacity)
>>> Hi,
>>> The difference is that here the third party code is being run under the
>>> context of Wikipedia. That means even with sandboxing mitigation such as
>>> iframe (which has been broken before), it's much easier to break out and
>>> collect user credentials such as session information or run any arbitrary
>>> action on behalf of the users. While, opening a link explicitly is
>>> protected by browsers to make sure they won't be able to access cookies in
>>> wikimedia or run arbitrary code on behalf of the user targetting wikimedia
>>> projects. That's not impossible to break but it's much much harder (and
>>> zero day bugs of this type are in range of millions of dollars). That's why
>>> it's recommended to avoid opening unknown links or if you really have to,
>>> open them in services such as "Joe's sandbox". What I'm saying is that it's
>>> making it easier and cheaper to attack users.
>>> The second aspect is trust. Users understand links go to external
>>> website we don't control but a dialog is not enough to convey wikimedia's
>>> lack of control. People might assume the code or security has been vetted
>>> by wikimedia which is not the case. It's worth noting that the click
>>> through rate for SSL/TLS security warnings for Chrome was 70% (
>>> https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/usenixsecurity13/sec13-paper_akhawe.pdf).
>>> Even in many cases where it was a legitimate "man in the middle attack". It
>>> got better since 2013 but it's still quite high.
>>> Another aspect is that, it basically this turns OWID into a target for
>>> what's called "watering hole attacks" (
>>> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watering_hole_attack). This is similar to
>>> what happened to MeDoc, a tax helper app where it got compromised to launch
>>> NotPetya, one of the most devastating cyber attack ever recorded (
>>> https://www.wired.com/story/notpetya-cyberattack-ukraine-russia-code-crashed-the-world/
>>> ).
>>> It also brings to question of users data being transferred. As far as I
>>> know (I migh

[Wikimedia-l] Re: We need more interactive content: we are doing it wrong

2024-04-27 Thread Samuel Klein
 was a solution involving adding the software to our own platform
>>>> instead of loading it. It was dismissed by the Wikimedia Foundation. It's
>>>> not disappointment the word I'm looking for.
>>>> Best
>>>> Galder
>>>> 2024(e)ko api. 26(a) 21:38 erabiltzaileak hau idatzi du (
>>>> acoo...@wikimedia.org):
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>> I’m Andy Cooper, the Director of Security at the Wikimedia Foundation.
>>>> Over the past week, teams within the Wikimedia Foundation have met to
>>>> discuss the potential legal, security, and privacy risks from the OWID
>>>> gadget introduced on this thread. We’re still looking into the risks that
>>>> this particular gadget presents, but have identified that it raises larger
>>>> and more definite concerns around gadgets that use third party websites
>>>> more broadly, such as in a worst case scenario theft or misuse of user’s
>>>> personal identity and edit history. This, in turn, raises further questions
>>>> and how we should govern and manage this type of content as a movement.
>>>> As a result, we’re asking volunteers to hold off on enabling the OWID
>>>> gadget on more wikis and to refrain from deploying more gadgets that use
>>>> third party content and/or are automatically enabled for all users for
>>>> certain pages until we have a better review process in place. I realize
>>>> that this is frustrating for people here who have been working on OWID and
>>>> are excited about it as a work around while graphs are disabled. The
>>>> creativity and effort of volunteer developers has been and continues to be
>>>> crucial for our movement’s success, and part of our team’s job is to make
>>>> sure that happens in scalable and responsible ways. We wanted to let
>>>> everyone here know about these concerns right away while we work to better
>>>> understand the issue. If you’d like to be further involved in this topic,
>>>> please visit the new Meta-Wiki page [1] where we’ll share updates,
>>>> questions, and discuss next steps.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Andy
>>>> [1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/OWID_Gadget
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>>> --
>>> James Heilman
>>> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
>>> _______
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> --
> James Heilman
> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Persian Wikipedia passing 1 million article milestone

2024-04-23 Thread Samuel Klein
Ah there it is!! Wonderful.


On Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 5:14 AM Samuel Klein  wrote:

> Now someone just needs to update https://wikipedia.org
> 🌍🌏🌎🌑
> On Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 1:12 AM Asaf Bartov  wrote:
>> Truly, an impressive community, working in difficult conditions.
>> Kudos to the Farsi Wikipedia!
>> On Tue, 23 Apr 2024, 19:01 Amir Sarabadani  wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Persian Wikipedia (fa.wikipedia.org) which recently celebrated its 20th
>>> birthday just passed its 1,000,000 article milestone.
>>> Many volunteers have built, contributed, protected and loved this wiki
>>> for the past two decades and here's to many more decades to come.
>>> It has been a bumpy road but providing a free source of information to
>>> more than 130M Persian language speakers has always been a pleasure,
>>> especially when the concepts of fact and truth are under threat like never
>>> before.
>>> Persian Wikipedia is being viewed by around 30M people monthly and has
>>> had 350M page views every month while only ~1,500 active editors [1] and
>>> ~35 admins have been keeping it alive and protecting it from all types of
>>> harm.
>>> [1] Users making more than five edits in the past 30 days
>>> https://stats.wikimedia.org/#/fa.wikipedia.org/contributing/active-editors/normal|line|2-year|(page_type)~content*non-content|monthly
>>> Here is to volunteers of Persian Wikipedia
>>> --
>>> Amir (he/him)
>>> ___
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>>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
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>> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Persian Wikipedia passing 1 million article milestone

2024-04-23 Thread Samuel Klein
Now someone just needs to update https://wikipedia.org


On Wed, Apr 24, 2024, 1:12 AM Asaf Bartov  wrote:

> Truly, an impressive community, working in difficult conditions.
> Kudos to the Farsi Wikipedia!
> On Tue, 23 Apr 2024, 19:01 Amir Sarabadani  wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Persian Wikipedia (fa.wikipedia.org) which recently celebrated its 20th
>> birthday just passed its 1,000,000 article milestone.
>> Many volunteers have built, contributed, protected and loved this wiki
>> for the past two decades and here's to many more decades to come.
>> It has been a bumpy road but providing a free source of information to
>> more than 130M Persian language speakers has always been a pleasure,
>> especially when the concepts of fact and truth are under threat like never
>> before.
>> Persian Wikipedia is being viewed by around 30M people monthly and has
>> had 350M page views every month while only ~1,500 active editors [1] and
>> ~35 admins have been keeping it alive and protecting it from all types of
>> harm.
>> [1] Users making more than five edits in the past 30 days
>> https://stats.wikimedia.org/#/fa.wikipedia.org/contributing/active-editors/normal|line|2-year|(page_type)~content*non-content|monthly
>> Here is to volunteers of Persian Wikipedia
>> --
>> Amir (he/him)
>> ___
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>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: We need more interactive content: we are doing it wrong

2024-04-17 Thread Samuel Klein
>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
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>>> --
>>> James Heilman
>>> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
>>> ___
>>> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
>>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
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> --
> James Heilman
> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Launch of the course "OpenRefine for Wikimedia Commons: the basics"

2024-04-08 Thread Samuel Klein
Fantastic. I've been needing something like this!


On Thu, Apr 4, 2024, 7:02 AM Giovanna Fontenelle 

> Hello!
> We are happy to announce that there is now a free and publicly accessible
> course on the learning platform, WikiLearn, on how to upload and edit files
> on Wikimedia Commons using OpenRefine: *OpenRefine for Wikimedia Commons:
> the basics*
> .
> OpenRefine  is a free
> data-wrangling tool that can be used to process, manipulate, and clean
> tabular (spreadsheet) data and connect it with knowledge bases, including
> Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons.
> This online course is available at any time, for free. Anyone with a
> Wikimedia account can enroll with the click of a button. It can be followed
> at your own pace, with computer-graded exercises. A certificate is awarded
> at the end to those who complete the course.
> The training is suitable for Wikimedians, Wikimedia affiliate staff, and
> partners (e.g. GLAM staff and Wikimedians in Residence). Accomplishing the
> course should take an average of 6 to 8 hours.
> This course was developed as part of the Wikimedia Foundation's training
> and sustainability grant to OpenRefine
> .
> It is currently available in English and can be easily translated into
> other languages (more about the translation process here
>  and here
> ).
> Translations for this course in French, Spanish, and Portuguese are being
> worked on and will be available very soon.
> Please, feel free to share this course with people you think might be
> interested in learning more about OpenRefine or Wikimedia Commons, who are
> part of your network, in groups, social media, or any other places.
> Thank you!
> Best,
> Giovanna & Sandra
> Giovanna Fontenelle (she/her)
> Program Officer, Culture and Heritage
> Wikimedia Foundation 
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Outcomes from the March Meeting for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees

2024-03-28 Thread Samuel Klein
> I wanted to clarify that it is not 3% of all donors that go on to make an
> unreverted edit.  All donors are directed to a “Thank You” page after their
> donations, which includes several calls-to-action.  This year, we included
> a call to “Try editing Wikipedia”. Due to the way that we restrict tracking
> due to user privacy, the chart representing the editing funnel
> actually starts once a donor has clicked that call to create an account. In
> other words, of the people who donated during the Big English banner
> campaign, only 12,005 actually clicked through from the donor Thank You
> page to create an account. From those who click through, about 3.7% of
> people end up completing an unreverted edit.
I see, that explains why this wasn't more than a footnote.  :)   Someone
who just donated is unlikely to be a bot or spammer, so not surprising
their edit quality is higher.

Once someone decides to try editing, ideally almost all of them would make
an edit, without needing to make an account.  Perhaps: "Try editing" -->
simple interface for easy edits --> make a few edits -->  see a few edits
by others to review 👎👍 (or offer the same edits to a few people) --> only
then make an account via simple creation popup...

Thank you for clarifying and updating the report.  I left a few
comments on that
talk page

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[Wikimedia-l] Re: We need more interactive content: we are doing it wrong

2024-03-23 Thread Samuel Klein
Beautiful. Thank you Felipe!!


On Sat, Mar 23, 2024, 5:54 AM Felipe Schenone  wrote:

> Hi Galder, I just did this fix
>  and
> your Vivarium seems to be working now. The documentation was ok, but a bit
> confusing, so I improved it too. Soon I'll send a patch to make those
> "special categories" unnecessary. In the meantime, they're a necessary
> annoyance, I'm afraid. Cheers!
> On Sat, Mar 23, 2024 at 5:37 AM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
> galder...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Felipe, that's a really great move. I looked to these examples a
>> couple o years ago, and this seems that a good option to add some
>> interactive content. Anyway, I have tried to replicate it and can't make it
>> work (https://eu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Txantiloi:Vivarium). Is the
>> documentation right?
>> Best
>> Galder
>> --
>> *From:* Felipe Schenone 
>> *Sent:* Friday, March 22, 2024 10:39 PM
>> *To:* Wikimedia Mailing List 
>> *Subject:* [Wikimedia-l] Re: We need more interactive content: we are
>> doing it wrong
>> Hi everyone, good news!
>> Thanks to this humble change
>> (deployed
>> today) it is now possible to load a specific gadget when a specific
>> template is used in a page. This opens the door (or perhaps a window?) to
>> interactive content using JavaScript. See for example this article in
>> the Spanish Wikipedia  for
>> an interactive instance of Conway's Game of Life, and scroll down for more
>> instances!
>> I started documenting the system at MediaWiki.org, under the title template
>> gadgets , and included
>> many working examples. Check it out!
>> Perhaps the system isn't as friendly or powerful a solution as some might
>> hope. But it's very real, and it only depends on us now. Next week, when
>> the documentation and examples are a bit more cooked, I'll propose adding a
>> few "template gadgets" to the English Wikipedia, since my experience has
>> taught me that when something hits the English Wikipedia, it quickly
>> spreads elsewhere. I'll link to the proposal when I do, in case you want to
>> participate.
>> There's so much more that could be said about this, but I'd rather keep
>> it short. If you have questions or ideas, feel free to write them here or
>> at the relevant talk page
>> .
>> Kind regards,
>> Felipe (User:Sophivorus)
>> On Thu, Feb 8, 2024 at 5:31 AM danboy12342 Mui 
>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I agree that Wikipedia needs to spend a few quarters spending time on our
>> main product. The website is very impressively still the top result of a
>> huge number of searches and in this new AI age; despite the controversy
>> around it, wikipedia is the top source for many LLMs. Therefore while it
>> doesn't need to be the only focus or even *the* focus most of the time
>> it does need to be kept working but not just kept as is, it needs to be
>> innovative and continue to meet the growing demands of a "modern" and
>> "useable" site that allow users to get the information they need as fast
>> and effectively as possible, these days that means interactivity.
>> I feel I'm repeating others but a quick burst of very serious investment
>> into the site and its many sister pages needs to happen sooner rather than
>> later.
>> Finally I'd like to thank Marshall again for his remarkable comments.
>> It's good to see that this issue is clearly a priority that foundation
>> staff are already looking at.
>> - Daniel.
>> -
>> On Wed, Feb 7, 2024, 09:17 Gnangarra  wrote:
>> Hi
>> I just like to highlight one point, that raises concerns;
>> perhaps enabling other platforms/apps to use our content to make
>> interactive or video materials there.
>> While this sounds like an easy solution we run into a number of hidden
>> costs.  These are significant when we push for reusers to present what we
>> are doing in better ways we lose the movement's revenue stream as less
>> people see our donation banners.  With less direct traffic we also
>> sacrifice the ability to convert readers into contributors which has always
>> been our primary source of community sustainability and growth.   I know
>> other providers will find different ways to present our efforts in part or
>> in whole that is part of our purpose, to do our mission and achieve our
>> goals we need prioritise internal solutions.
>> This also leads us to a related issue that our mission is to make the sum
>> of all knowledge freely available. When we look to outside parties to share
>> our efforts we lose our ability to ensure that the information is neutral,
>> and that it's freely accessible.  Butch is r

[Wikimedia-l] Re: Outcomes from the March Meeting for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees

2024-03-19 Thread Samuel Klein
These updates keep getting better.  (I left out the board updates from my
recent thanks for regular newsletters lifting all of our boats :)

I realize this is the smallest footnote of a long and significant update,
but: does this mean *3% of donors* who saw a thank-you note inviting them
to edit went on to make an account and at least one unreverted edit?  3% of
all donors is almost as many new editors as we get each year.  That's
spectacular, staggering, superb.  Let's please see how this scales in
various dimensions.

W♥, SJ

We heard from the Advancement team about donor thank-you page changes
> ,
> which invited donors to edit and yielded 4,398 new user accounts being
> created [8
> ].
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: [Wikimedia Announcements] This Month in GLAM: February 2024

2024-03-18 Thread Samuel Klein
> Calendar: March's GLAM events
> http://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM/Newsletter/February_2024/Contents/Events
> <https://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM/Newsletter/February_2024/Contents/Events>
> --
> About *This Month in GLAM*
> http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM/Newsletter/About
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM/Newsletter/About>
> Single page view
> http://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM/Newsletter/February_2024/Single
> <https://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM/Newsletter/February_2024/Single>
> Twitter
> http://twitter.com/ThisMonthinGLAM <https://twitter.com/ThisMonthinGLAM>
> Add your story / Work on the next edition
> http://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM/Newsletter/Newsroom
> <https://outreach.wikimedia.org/wiki/GLAM/Newsletter/Newsroom>
> ___
> Please note: all replies sent to this mailing list will be immediately
> directed to Wikimedia-l, the public mailing list of the Wikimedia
> community. For more information about Wikimedia-l:
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Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Wikimania program: Call for proposals is now liv

2024-03-11 Thread Samuel Klein
Hurrah!  Thanks for kicking this off, so excited about the upcoming mania.

On Mon, Mar 11, 2024 at 3:25 PM  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> The call for proposals for Wikimania 2024 is now open. We are looking for
> session proposals that help bring to life this year’s spirit: *Collaboration
> of the Open*. We want to hear from you – what work are you doing to
> foster collaborations across regions, languages, disciplines, and beyond?
> How are you and your community contributing to building the open ecosystem?
> Apply to lead a workshop, host a panel, present a poster, or run a tool
> demonstration that helps us all see the power of openness and
> collaboration. You can apply to speak in person, virtually, or in a hybrid
> format. More information, including FAQs and the full list of questions
> from the call for proposals, is available on the Wikimania Wiki
> <https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2024:Program>.
> Best regards
> Wojciech Pędzich, COT member, Wikimania 2024 Programme Lead
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: [OFFICE HOURS] Wiki Loves Folklore 2024 Office Hour Part Two

2024-02-28 Thread Samuel Klein
Thanks, this looks informative and your email layout is beautiful :)

On Wed, Feb 28, 2024 at 9:51 PM Chabota Kanguya  wrote:

> Dear Community members,
> I hope you're doing well. We're excited to invite you to the upcoming Wiki
> Loves Folklore 2024 Office Hour Part Two, where we'll be discussing how to
> make our jury processes better.
> Event Details:
>- Date: March 2nd, 2024
>- Time: 4:00 pm UTC https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/1709388000
>- Where: Zoom
> What's Happening:
>Introduction by Isaac Chabota Kanguya (Communication Officer): Isaac
>will start things off with a quick 10-minute talk. He'll explain why having
>fair and inclusive jury procedures is important for Wiki Loves Folklore.
>Presentation by Suyash (Jury Coordinator for Wiki Loves Folklore 2024): 
> Next,
>Suyash will speak for 20 minutes about "How to Set Up a Good Jury for Wiki
>Loves Folklore Photography Contest." He'll help to choose good pictures
>Presentation by Nokib Sarkar (Lead Tool Developer for WLF 2024): Then,
>Nokib will talk for 20 minutes about "How We Judge Writing Contests using
>Campwiz Tool." He will show how to use the jury functionality in campwiz.
>Questions and Chat Time: After the presentations, we'll have 10
>minutes for you to ask questions and share your thoughts.
> We think this event will be really helpful, and we'd love for you to be
> there. To save your spot, just click here
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Loves_Folklore_2024_Office_Hour_2#Participants>
> Thanks so much for all your support with Wiki Loves Folklore. We're
> looking forward to chatting with you soon!
> Best,
> Isaac Kanguya
> Communication Officer International Team WLF 2024
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Advocacy updates: Wikimedia and the US Supreme Court

2024-02-26 Thread Samuel Klein
What's the worst-case scenario for us to be concerned about, if these are

On Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 1:12 PM Franziska Putz  wrote:

> Dear all,
> I’m Ziski from the Global Advocacy team.  I’d like to draw your attention
> to important hearings happening this week at the United States Supreme
> Court.
> The hearings on two cases that will be crucial for Wikimedia have just
> started: NetChoice, LLC v. Paxton and Moody v. NetChoice, LLC. Both cases
> are challenges to state laws in Texas and Florida, which impact content
> moderation on social media websites. You may recall that back in December,
> the Foundation issued a "friend of the court
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amicus_curiae>" brief urging the Justices
> to strike down these laws, explaining that they pose a serious threat to
> projects like Wikipedia. You can read about our position on Diff, in our
> <https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/12/07/texas-and-florida-laws-are-unconstitutional-and-threaten-volunteer-editors-right-to-edit-wikipedia/>press
> release
> <https://wikimediafoundation.org/news/2023/12/07/wikimedia-foundation-calls-on-us-supreme-court-to-strike-laws-that-threaten-wikipedia/>,
> and in the
> <https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/12/07/texas-and-florida-laws-are-unconstitutional-and-threaten-volunteer-editors-right-to-edit-wikipedia/>
> brief
> <https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22-555/292649/20231207143139081_22-277%2022-555%20ac%20Wikimedia%20Foundation.pdf>
> itself.
> <https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/12/07/texas-and-florida-laws-are-unconstitutional-and-threaten-volunteer-editors-right-to-edit-wikipedia/>
> The US Supreme Court is  hearing the cases now, and we are there in person
> talking to stakeholders and observing the proceedings. We expect the Court
> to rule this year and will be providing updates as we know more.
> The problem: As they are written, these laws prohibit website operators
> from banning users or removing speech and would generally risk Wikipedia’s
> volunteer-led systems of content moderation. That’s because these laws were
> designed to prevent social media platforms from engaging in politically
> motivated content moderation, but were drafted so broadly that they would
> also impact Wikipedia. The case is also important beyond the impact it
> might have on our projects. It represents a scenario that is part of a
> trend globally, where governments introduce legislation to address harms
> from big tech actors, yet Wikimedia ends up as the dolphin inadvertently
> caught in the net. This is one reason that WMF is working alongside
> affiliates to raise awareness about how Wikimedia’s model of community-led
> content governance works and why it is important to protect.
> What to watch for:  We will be monitoring these developments closely in
> the United States, with an eye to possible ripple effects in other
> countries.
> We will provide updates on how the Court rules later this year. In the
> meantime, please reach out with any questions or comments and look at the 
> resources
> we’re compiling on how to explain the Wikimedia model
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Global_Advocacy/Resources> to
> policymakers.
> All the best,
> Ziski
> Franziska Putz (she/her)
> Senior Movement Advocacy Manager
> Global Advocacy, Wikimedia Foundation
> fp...@wikimedia.org
> UTC Timezone
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] We need more video: doing it right

2024-01-30 Thread Samuel Klein
[New thread for the discussions started by brion, Ivan, James and others on
becoming video-friendly and building a community of video editors and
curators. Was "*Re: We need more interactive content.*"]

James Heilman wrote:

> With VideoWiki we have been able to create some higher quality content
> with a partner at MyUpchar. The text was written by us, the individual
> short animations were done by them, and then the tool combines it all
> together with text to speech. Hope to get the tool working again soon:
> https://mdwiki.org/wiki/Video:Tuberculosis

A nice example of a) creating a space explicitly to develop new tools and
encourage one another in using them; b) trialing a workflow that can be
automated at need.

Text-to-speech and animation tools have also advanced tremendously since
that was produced; this is also becoming an important channel for more
mainstream media (I see the spammers taking over mainstream social media
with it as well, in how-tos, education, news, sports, and leisure).


On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 2:25 AM Ivan Martínez  wrote:

> It is not difficult to do something that is already happening. By
> referring to encyclopedic videos I am talking about multimedia that can
> enrich existing content. I understand your point, it's a bit like what
> happened with the project of reading recorded Wikipedia articles that after
> years seem obsolete.
> What I am referring to is all that multimedia material that is visual,
> that can be made into video to complement articles. The process you mention
> is complicated, but not impossible, in fact, there are many of us editors
> who have all those skills already implemented in the projects.
>> > By not having a Youtube 2.0 we are avoiding a Wikipedia 2.0 with pure
>> encyclopaedic videos. I see a false dilemma there.

brion wrote:

> My recommendations for Wikimedia Foundation on this subject:
> 1) Overturn the requirement to avoid handling h.264 files on Wikimedia
> servers or accept them from users or serve them to users. Allow importing
> h.264 uploads and creating h.264 transcodes for playback compatibility.
> 2) Create an interactive media team with at least two engineers, a
> designer, and a project manager
> 3) Give this team a remit to rebuild *and maintain in an ongoing fashion*
> the existing TimedMediaHandler, Graphs, Score, 3D, etc extensions
> 4) Integrate those tools cleanly with mobile apps and social media
> embedding tools managed by other teams
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: We need more interactive content: we are doing it wrong

2024-01-30 Thread Samuel Klein
Galder: fair enough, let's keep this thread for interactive content.
Brion's excellent suggestions deserve their own thread.

On Tue, Jan 30, 2024 at 1:14 PM James Heilman  wrote:

> With respect to OWID, one can see the interactive graphs working within a
> mediawiki environment here .
> Our hope for next steps to get around the current blockers is to show a
> static version of the graph from Commons with a play button overlay. When
> the play button is hit a consent pop up similar to what you see for maps
> on Wikivoyage  when you request
> a layer such as "relief maps". This will then bring in the corresponding 
> interactive
> content hosted from the wmcloud
> .
> While this be acceptable to the powers that be? I am not sure.

Yea, this is fantastic.  Thank you for the demonstration. We should
creatively upgrade our approaches to privacy and security to make it
possible to do this. This is a purely technical challenge, not a social
adoption or licensing one, for overcoming self-imposed obstacles of our

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[Wikimedia-l] Re: We need more interactive content: we are doing it wrong

2024-01-26 Thread Samuel Klein
On Fri, Jan 26, 2024 at 2:53 AM Jan Ainali  wrote:

> Brion wrote:
>> > 1) Overturn the requirement to avoid handling h.264 files on Wikimedia
>> servers or accept them from users or serve them to users. Allow importing
>> h.264 uploads and creating h.264 transcodes for playback compatibility.
>> Yes, this is essential.  Can be via a separate videowiki in the short
>> term (or NCcommons) if the WM Commons community is united in opposition.
> I disagree. Using non-open tools in our workflows is a poison that should
> be resisted by any means possible.

You've single-handedly contributed massively to free knowledge outputs and
education across a range of formats, so surely something poisonous to your
work (or enthusiasm!) would be problematic.  But I don't think tools that
allow people to share free knowledge in whatever format they have and
thereby convert it to free formats, are remotely harmful.

People who have existing media will generally not use a new app; the most
impactful missing steps are
a) a stickier intake wizard (iterative uploading and license-clearing)
b) automatic transcoding (without the uploader having to grok + do it)

geni wrote:
> I really doubt we will ever get much in the way of encyclopaedic videos
on our platforms

?   Many creators say they are glad to relicense their existing fantastic
work, but don't have time/will to overcome the current obstacles to such
reuse that they have to [personally] overcome for each video.  So we only
get bulk contributions, through a third-party who is familiar with the
wikis, once in a while...  a modest homegrown example: depthsofwiki has a
range of great short videos that are partly educational and mainly
inspiring to delve into the wikis and learn things. I suspect none of them
are on Commons despite obvious relevance to the movement for outreach,
illustration, and the like.

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[Wikimedia-l] Re: We need more interactive content: we are doing it wrong

2024-01-25 Thread Samuel Klein
On Thu, Jan 25, 2024 at 9:51 PM Ivan Martínez  wrote:

Strategy 2030 was clear that the way was in the opposite direction
> .

Absolutely.  That has only become more true.   (Happy new year, my friend.)

Brion wrote:
> 1) Overturn the requirement to avoid handling h.264 files on Wikimedia
servers or accept them from users or serve them to users. Allow importing
h.264 uploads and creating h.264 transcodes for playback compatibility.

Yes, this is essential.  Can be via a separate videowiki in the short term
(or NCcommons) if the WM Commons community is united in opposition.

> 2) Create an interactive media team with at least two engineers, a
designer, and a project manager
> 3) Give this team a remit to rebuild *and maintain in an ongoing fashion*
the existing TimedMediaHandler, Graphs, Score, 3D, etc extensions

Yes. Just to coordinate + streamline all the development, design, and
coordination across the movement.  It would likely save everyone time and
resources in the end, instead of so many half-focused groups and good ideas
hitting dead ends.

wʍ, SJ
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Google not indexing Wikisource for last few years now.

2024-01-21 Thread Samuel Klein
Google can certainly index our beloved, well-behaved, text- and
context-rich, low-bandwidth sites.*
The fact that this happens differentially for Google and not other indexes
implies it's within their control.
If you're getting boilerplate responses about SEO, you may not be talking
to the people who care or can resolve this.

I wonder if we can make this easier for indexers to understand and address
a) maintaining an index of essential free knowledge
  -- a star catalog of sites in the constellation: including our core
sites, MDwiki, &c,
  -- pointers for each to a sitemap or equivalent, and a change-feed or
b) maintaining visualizations of index speed and coverage, via spot checks


* Jorge wrote: "we don’t have any influence or can decide what Google
indexes..." -- we seem to have a good deal of soft influence.
"...or where Wikimedia content ranks in their search" -- as I understand
it, this isn't about search rank at all.  It's about being able to find
newly added knowledge, that doesn't exist anywhere else online, in a range
of languages.  (asking about search rank may rightly trigger a boilerplate
immune response)
** Scholar and Patents have their own feeds they prioritize; this could be
a similar carve-out of attention. The sitemaps don't need to be accessible
to "any spider on the web" (if this is why we turned them off). Something
that only shows pages created or changed in the last window would also

On Fri, Jan 19, 2024 at 10:46 AM Michael Snow 

> I realize SEO has its own jargon, but to those not immersed in the field
> it is completely tautological to say a page is not indexed because "the
> indexing process determines that the page is unlikely to be requested in
> search." In an open-ended search, you aren't necessarily requesting a
> specific page, you're only asking the search engine to point you to
> pages that will hopefully be relevant to your query. It would be more
> honest and straightforward for Google to say that "based on our
> knowledge of what people search for, your page would appear so rarely
> among the highest-ranked results that we're not going to bother
> including it in our index."
> --Michael Snow
> On 1/19/2024 4:55 AM, npe...@wikimedia.org wrote:
> > Hi everyone,
> >
> > I am Nicholas Perry, Senior Manager of Strategic Partnerships at WMF.
> Following up on Jorge's previous email to add a summary of Google's recent
> response to this issue, which was originally shared by Suman on this
> Phabricator ticket: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T325607.
> >
> > 
> > The web is really large and the search index can simply not include
> every single page. A page that otherwise has no problems may not be indexed
> for a myriad of complex reasons, for instance if the indexing process
> determines that the page is unlikely to be requested in search. This is in
> line with the Search Central documentation that states: "Google doesn't
> guarantee that it will crawl, index, or serve your page, even if your page
> follows the Google Search Essentials."
> > 
> >
> > Google also shared a document containing resource links, which can be
> found in the Phabricator ticket. They also encouraged people to submit any
> questions and attend their SEO Office Hours (
> https://developers.google.com/search/help/office-hours), with the caveat
> that Google might not be able to answer all questions in a given instance.
> >
> > Best,
> >
> > Nicholas
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Basque Wikimedians User Group four year report

2024-01-10 Thread Samuel Klein
What a delight to read this, Galder.  Thank you for making such a
beautiful, thorough, and loving report.

On Wed, Jan 10, 2024 at 4:25 AM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
galder...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Dear wikimedians,
> In the last four years the Basque Wikimedians User Group has been working
> on improving Basque Wikipedia with students, teachers and, logically,
> wikimedians. It has been the largest project made in the last seven years
> by our user group. Today we are starting a new path for the future, so we
> have made this report trying to summarize what we have achieved:
>  https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Memoria_2020-2023.pdf
> <https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Memoria_2020-2023.pdf>
> This project would be impossible without the help many of you have
> provided. From learning paths to tools, from ideas to content, a wikimedian
> never walks alone. I want to thank everyone who have been with us in this
> path for your help.
> We continue, but sometimes it's a good idea to see what we have done, so
> we can go further.
> Thanks
> Galder Gonzalez
> Basque Wikimedians User Group
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: The Book Creator

2024-01-08 Thread Samuel Klein
This is so cool Felipe!  Agreed there's a whole lot that can be done via
I know a few other wiki-maintainers who have used or continue to be
interested in such tools; copying one :)


On Sun, Jan 7, 2024 at 8:57 AM Felipe Schenone  wrote:

> Hi! Today I coded a simple template that is able to generate something
> like a book and prompt the user to print or download it.
> See https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Template:Download_PDF for usage and
> https://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/MediaWiki:TemplateScript-DownloadPDF.js
> for the code.
> As you can see, I put it on the English Wikiversity rather than the Basque
> Wikipedia. This is because template scripts
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/TemplateScripts> are not yet enabled on
> the Basque Wikipedia.
> If you see potential in this approach, you may want to write to your
> community and have template scripts enabled there. Then you can copy-paste
> the template and code and improve upon it.
> I too miss the Collection extension, but it's been too long to hope for a
> fix. Perhaps this approach holds more water, at least in the short/mid
> term. There's quite a lot that can be done via JavaScript like this.
> Cheers!
> On Wed, Dec 27, 2023 at 4:01 PM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
> galder...@hotmail.com> wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Some years ago, when we started the Education Program at the Basque
>> Wikipedia, we used a lot the Book Creator (or Collections) extension. It
>> allowed to bind some articles and download them in PDF or DOC/ODT formats
>> for further editing (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Book). This
>> was a great feature, as it allowed us to send the teachers and students a
>> collection of articles they had created. The teacher could create free
>> learning materials from the articles created by their students, and
>> download them in DOC/ODT format allowed to edit them, rearrange and add
>> other materials. Some teachers said us that they have created learning
>> materials using Wikipedia articles created by their students.
>> Anyway, in 2017 the Wikimedia Foundation decided to break the book
>> creator, because there were some errors in the PDF creator. So they
>> disabled the book creator and added a note saying that the system is
>> "Undergoing changes". The message is still visible, but no changes are
>> being done. (You can follow the last messages of redesigning the book
>> creator here:https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T175681).
>> I know that this is not the most important feature that is broken. There
>> are many other broken things. But creating materials for students, and
>> being able to read them offline or edited by teachers is a feature that
>> aligns with our mission and vision. As always happens, no one is
>> accountable for having something broke for six years. And it doesn't seem
>> that this feature will return in the future. At least, the PediaPress link
>> is still working, but there you can't edit your book, only pay for have it
>> printed.
>> I think no one knows what will happen with this feature. I write this
>> message simply to say that I miss it a lot.
>> Thanks
>> Galder Gonzalez
>> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Welcoming a future Trustee to the Wikimedia Foundation Board

2023-11-02 Thread Samuel Klein
ecisions.  And Kathy has wasted no time in
>> pre-onboarding to the Wikimedia Foundation and learning about the Movement
>> and Board. She has been joining the Audit and Governance Committee meetings
>> for the past few months. Kathy also will also be joining other Trustees in
>> person at the WikiConference North America event in Toronto, which will be
>> her first community event, and also an opportunity to get to know some of
>> her future colleagues on the Board better.
>> I would like to thank Tanya Capuano for continuing to support the
>> Foundation while Kathy is pre-onboarded to the Audit Committee and the
>> Board. Tanya has also graciously agreed to remain an Advisor to the Audit
>> Committee after her term officially ends in December.
>> Recently, Maryana Iskander announced Talking: 2024 [6], conversations to
>> share, listen, and learn with intention as we all continue to plan our
>> future as a movement. If you would like to talk to me about this or any
>> other Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees topics, you can use the Let’s
>> Talk feature to sign up for a time to speak with me [7].
>> [1]
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/OG3NQUL4HKUYPRSLUKM2RI2LRXGJRG5I/
>> [2]
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Governance_Committee/Board_recruitment
>> [3]
>> https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Trustees/Recruiting_procedure
>> [4]
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/PAKLDS53PN7GVLYVML6OWSTEEF5KWJ2M/
>> [5]
>> https://wikimediafoundation.org/news/2023/11/01/wikimedia-foundation-welcomes-kathy-collins-as-new-incoming-board-trustee-and-audit-chair/
>> [6]
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Community_Affairs_Committee/Talking:_2024#October_2023_Update_and_Invitation_to_Talking:_2024
>> [7]
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Community_Affairs_Committee/Talking:_2024#Let's_talk
>> Best regards,
>> antanana / Nataliia Tymkiv
>> Chair, Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees
>> *NOTICE: You may have received this message outside of your normal
>> working hours/days, as I usually can work more as a volunteer during
>> weekend. You should not feel obligated to answer it during your days off.
>> Thank you in advance!*
>> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Announcing the formation Wiki Club Jamia

2023-11-01 Thread Samuel Klein
Sweet, nice media coverage :)  Thanks for sharing, Aafi.

On Wed, Nov 1, 2023 at 8:34 AM The Aafi  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I am thrilled to announce the formation of "Wiki Club Jamia", an
> extra-curricular club at Jamia Millia Islamia University, in New Delhi,
> India. The club aims to engage the varsity's students in global knowledge
> through the Wikimedia movement.
> This club has been formed as a part of the Deoband Community Wikimedia
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Deoband_Community_Wikimedia>'s
> Leadership Development and Skills Infrastructure Program and a total of
> seventeen students and research scholars are credited as its founders.
> The Chenab Times has covered this. Please take a look at the news piece
> <https://thechenabtimes.com/2023/10/31/students-establish-wiki-club-at-jamia-millia-islamia-university/>
>  and
> find the Meta-Wiki page here
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Club_Jamia>.
> Best regards
> Aafi
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Hiba Abu Nada, RIP

2023-10-28 Thread Samuel Klein
What a loss...  It is terrible and terrifying indeed; and could be any of
us.  We must do what we can to end this senseless destruction.
And it seems especially within our remit to ensure that every community has
access to knowledge and a way to share what they see and experience, even
under the most terrible conditions of disaster, censorship, or war.

"*Everyone has won their war, and you were left behind, naked, in your mud.

*None of Darwish <https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poets/mahmoud-darwish>'s
poems can return to the bereaved what they have lost.*"

Dar Diwan has their reprinting of her novel
<https://www.diwanworld.com/products/408> on the main page carousel; could
anyone reach them to ask about making (or helping make) an ebook?  We have
a copy in my local library; I will see how I can help get it translated.


I created Adam, a thought that beckoned me from vast distances of
> whiteness, before I discovered ink and bestowed upon him long lines of
> expression.
> When I wrote Adam, I became so immersed in him that I could not be
> anything else but him. Adam emerged in the soul of this novel from an
> old, forgotten
> sin, hidden behind the folds of dimensions, from the cover of a book
> sighing on the shelf of oblivion, from an imagined garden whose memory was
> erased,
> leading it to think it was a plastic rose on the edge of a jacket, and
> from a line of black blood longer than Homer's Iliad and heavier than
> Sisyphus's boulder.

> Here, you will find yourself searching with Adam for a gelatinous
> murderer, living with his mother as she unravels the mysteries of love on a
> military uniform,
> rushing with Aziz toward the light at the end of his dream's tunnel. You'll
> sate your hunger with those who set the tables of their souls on the outskirts
> of cities.
> You will shout with the masses, singing with them as if you discovered
> your own voice just a second ago.

> Beware, for you will fall in love and feel hope, and perhaps the final
> punctuation of the novel will not suffice, and maybe... what comes after
> "maybe" will!
> I have made the punctuation marks illusory and temporary here as I grant
> you, dear reader, the right to place your own marks, your questions and
> pauses,
> your exclamation marks, your counterarguments, and your concluding full
> stop.  But before you read "*Oxygen is not for the Dead*", take in a dose
> of color;
> for things are very gray inside.  Remove your heart and enter the events,
> for all the forthcoming imagination is very real indeed.

On Sat, Oct 28, 2023 at 8:04 PM attolippip  wrote:

> very sad news, thank you, Andy, for sharing this. a loss of any innocent
> life is sad, and loss of civilians to unjustified violence in any and all
> wars is horrible... and losing a fellow Wikimedian is especially painful --
> i wish to read a book by her some day, for now i can only commemorate her
> in the wikiway by translating the article about her into Ukrainian:
> https://uk.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=5087934
> (and then improving it, as more sources will appear)
> З повагою / Best regards,
> antanana
> Wiki Loves Monuments Ukraine
> Disclaimer: This letter is sent in my Wikimedia volunteer capacity, not as
> a Board member of Wikimedia Foundation
> сб, 28 жовт. 2023 р. о 15:45 Andy Mabbett 
> пише:
>> I just learned that a Wikimedian, Hiba Abu Nada, was one of the
>> casualties in Gaza. She was 32, and died on 20 October, during an
>> airstrike.
>> May the region soon be at peace.
>> --
>> Andy Mabbett
>> @pigsonthewing
>> http://pigsonthewing.org.uk
>> ___
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>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/GNLEEYRXPIEPM54KQJDDRZ3WYDEYL3S2/
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> ___
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> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
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> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikimedia-l] Re: Osama and Ziyad

2023-10-05 Thread Samuel Klein
Have there been any recent cases where community voices were mobilized to
contribute to national or international campaigns for someone's release?

It sounds like a community group, working to support others, might be an
outlet for interest in advocating for those in jail, and maintaining up to
date information on their condition and needs, ways to get letters to them,
&c. They could get advice from the WMF team, and work with and through
Amnesty (et al). The reasons that a specific org might not want to advocate
openly for a victim may not apply to individuals, who have their own
leverage and can advocate on behalf of humanity.



On Thu, Oct 5, 2023, 2:58 PM Maggie Dennis  wrote:

> Hello, all.
> I’m Maggie Dennis. I’m the VP who oversees our human rights team in its
> work. Reiterating what the team previously said about not being able to
> discuss particular situations, I can disclose a little more general points
> about our approach as you pose, LW, and, I hope, address some of your
> concerns, Lodewijk.
> It’s devastating when community members face targeting for their
> dedication to supporting free knowledge. This matters a lot to me, to my
> team, and to all the Foundation. I know it matters to you as well.
> The Wikimedia Foundation does resource this important work. We have
> partners in this field with whom we collaborate closely. Our human rights
> team possesses extensive experience in addressing such issues and also
> maintains strong connections with NGOs specializing in these areas. We
> regularly engage with these organizations on both general matters and
> specific cases.
> Every situation in which a community member is targeted is unique, and we
> recognize the need for specialized responses and support. Volunteer
> well-being is our priority, and we are committed to providing the right
> assistance for each case. While we believe in the importance of public
> discourse and transparency, safety always takes precedence. In some
> instances, the Foundation has found it appropriate to speak publicly to
> address these challenges and have done so. In others, we may be advised to
> handle matters differently.
> In terms of some Wikimedians who might have concerns whether our strategy
> is the right one, I fully respect that there must be. Because each case is
> different and frequently these situations are highly complex, we know that
> even different expert organizations might rank the risk and the right
> response of a specific situation differently. We have sometimes sought
> multiple opinions on a case. At the end of the day, we collaborate closely
> with relevant groups on our response to ensure the safety and well-being of
> individuals affected and the broader community members who could be
> impacted. We do the best we can to uphold the principles of free knowledge
> while prioritizing safety for everyone.
> While I can’t discuss specific cases, I am always happy to talk about
> general matters of policy and approach in my quarterly community
> conversations. We will also answer questions to the extent that we believe
> we safely can that are posed about the team’s work to
> talktohumanrig...@wikimedia.org. Depending on the case,the human rights
> team may provide ways to help or avenues to connect with  organizations who
> are supporting. They may also be able to advise when silence is regarded as
> the best response. (There are some risks to being too open about who we
> work with and how we work that we need to consider every time.)
> People can read more generally about the human rights team
>  here.
> While this is not my area of focus in my role at the Foundation, I also
> want to generally call out that the Foundation also conducts human rights
> advocacy routinely in regards to legislation. Our Global Advocacy
>  team not only meets
> with legislators around the world to fight for the rights that keep free
> knowledge free, but also considers and guides our work by providing
> proactive human rights assessments and policy development, such as the Human
> Rights Policy
> .
> Best regards,
> Maggie
> On Thu, Oct 5, 2023 at 3:14 AM Lauren Worden 
> wrote:
>> Dear WMF Human Rights Team:
>> I would like some clarification on your statement below. In
>> particular, does your stated approach allow you to follow the best
>> practices described at
>> https://freedomhouse.org/2023/summit-for-democracy-political-prisoners
>> to, e.g., "meet regularly with family members of political prisoners,
>> advocacy groups, and media outlets and journalists, in public and in
>> private, in their efforts to secure an individual’s release"?
>> The literature review at
>> https://opendocs.ids.ac.uk/opendocs/handle/20.500.12413/17277 states:
>> "The theoretical and empirical literature attributes s

[Wikimedia-l] Re: Exciting News: Announcing the locations of Wikimania 2025 and 2026

2023-09-25 Thread Samuel Klein
What wonderful news -- thank you for setting locations so far out.


On Mon, Sep 25, 2023, 10:51 AM Iolanda Pensa  wrote:

> Dear Wikimedians,
> Wikimania 2023  – whether we participated virtually or in Singapore – was
> a reminder of the power of diversity and collaboration, and so many future
> possibilities when Wikimedians come together. For the Wikimania Steering
> Committee, it was great to experience the new regional collaboration model
> of organizing Wikimania and to see the benefits of overlapping organizers
> learning from each other, as with the 2023 ESEAP
>  [1] and the 2024 CEE
>  teams [2]. In this
> spirit, it brings us much excitement to announce the organizers of
> Wikimania in 2025 and 2026.
> Wikimania 2025 will be hosted by a collaboration of volunteers and
> affiliates in East Africa (EARTH
> )
> [3], with extended support from the Wiki Indaba Steering Committee (WISCom
> ) [4] and
> other Wikimedians from across the continent. Hosting Wikimania will be
> beneficial for energizing new and active communities in the region and will
> foster content growth and enhance contributions across the continent. This
> will mark the 20th Wikimania – a significant milestone as only the second
> to be held in Sub-Saharan Africa and the first in East Africa. The exact
> city will be selected in the coming months based on careful assessments of
> political and social developments and discussions with Wikimedia groups and
> local experts.
> Wikimania 2026 will be organized by a collaboration of French-speaking
> Wikimedia groups and hosted in Paris – a first for Wikimédia France and the
> WikiFranca  communities
> [5]. This special Wikimania will celebrate the 25th anniversary of multiple
> Wikipedia editions including Basque, Catalan, Dutch, French, German,
> Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, and Spanish, as well as English and more. We
> will have a novel opportunity to celebrate this incredible milestone
> together as a global community in Paris.
> Get involved, learn more – Wikimania is co-created with Wikimedians from
> around the world and there is something to do for everyone. Wikimania 2024
>  [6] will take place
> in Poland – preparations are already under way and a call for volunteers
> will be launched soon. So please contribute however you can. We will also
> continue to expand hybrid and virtual participation and greater on-demand
> content. Stay tuned.
> Selecting locations this far in advance means better choice of venues,
> more time for visa processes, less pressure for organizers, and greater
> learning and partnership opportunities. If you have any questions or
> comments, are interested in hosting a future Wikimania, or want to join the
> Wikimania Steering Committee, please reach out to us on wiki
>  [7] or at
> wikima...@wikimedia.org. For more information, visit Diff
> [8].
> The Wikimania Steering Committee is pleased to make this announcement in
> partnership with the Wikimedia Foundation, the East Africa Regional and
> Thematic Hub (EARTH), the Wiki Indaba Steering Committee (WISCom),
> WikiFranca, and Wikimédia France.
> On behalf of the Wikimania Steering Committee,
> Iolanda
> [1] The ESEAP hub, hosts of Wikimania 2023 –
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/ESEAP_Hub
> [2] The CEE hub, hosts of Wikimania 2024 –
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_CEE_Hub
> [3] The East Africa Regional and Thematic Hub (EARTH) –
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/EA_Regional_and_Thematic_Hub_(EARTH)
> [4] The Wiki Indaba Steering Committee –
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Indaba_Steering_Committee
> [5] WikiFranca – https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiFranca/en
> [6] Wikimania 2024, watch this page –
> https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2024:Wikimania
> [7] The Wikimania Steering Committee of volunteers –
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_Committee
> [8] This announcement and more on Diff, the Wikimedia Blog –
> https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/09/24/announcing-the-locations-of-wikimania-2025-and-2026/
> ___
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> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Sharing an update on the Wikimedia Foundation Knowledge Equity Fund’s grantees

2023-08-18 Thread Samuel Klein
> Warmly,
> Erik
> [1]
> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/16/Knowledge_Equity_Fund_%28Round_1%29_-_Borealis_philanthropy_report.pdf
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/6654SWPDLQMI5SLKSWMSJB5YNIBOGTEC/
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Public archives at 
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Sharing an update on the Wikimedia Foundation Knowledge Equity Fund’s grantees

2023-08-16 Thread Samuel Klein
Hello Nadee and all, thanks for this update.

I appreciate the trend towards supporting Wikimedia fellows with this
program -- who could help their host organizations learn how to make their
work compatible with free knowledge projects.  They could also bridge our
current wikimedia communities + the sources we draw on, with the
communities working with and through these hosts.  It seems a step in that
direction to ensure that each recipient has some champions within the
current movement, through the updated selection + nomination process.

Lodewijk writes:

> given the large backlog that we're dealing with in knowledge equity, I'm
not very afraid that we'll have to worry about overcrowding in this space
for a while.
> I personally think we may be reasonably well located for this - maybe not
to be the most important funder, but we will have the chance to make a
> I am however convinced that where it comes to climate change there are
many other organizations that are much better positioned. Of course, this
is likely very subjective :)

This!  Also, to one of Steven's points, people working on underserved
languages and topics should certainly be able to get sources or equipment
to create media for Commons.  And direct grants in the form of modest
[student] scholarships can be beloved and culturally impactful programs for
building communities of people advancing shared goals. These are not
mutually exclusive.  I'd love to see a portfolio model of ecosystem support
where it is available at every scale from $100- to $100K+.  At which point
we could see where we feel best located to make a difference.

Humidly, SJ
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Google not indexing Wikisource for last few years now.

2023-08-16 Thread Samuel Klein
+1 to this!  It can be quite helpful for smaller sites. Thanks for the idea


On Wed, Aug 16, 2023, 3:37 PM Tilman Bayer  wrote:

> Apropos Google Search Console:
> This might also be an opportunity to make public at least some of the data
> that Search Console provides to site owners. That should enable community
> members (especially from smaller projects) to detect such issues earlier
> and in a more systematic fashion - compared to the kind of experimentation
> on individual URLs that gave rise to
> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T325607 in this case. And also, to take
> a broader view, to think more systematically about content aspects of SEO.
> (Some of the smaller projects have been quite interested in this, see e.g.
> https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Wikivoyage:Search_engine_optimization .)
> If you are an editor of a non-Wikimedia website, Search Console is a
> standard tool to help understand where your readers are coming from, how
> they may be accessing your work and where your site may have issues
> that prevent them from doing so. There is no reason to assume it couldn't
> be quite useful for editors on Wikimedia wikis too.
> Publishing some of the Search Console data was already considered a couple
> of years ago as part of the conversations about
> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T172581 . Back then, there was a sense
> that while there might be some privacy considerations regarding the more
> granular data, other parts could be made available with relatively little
> effort.
> Regards, Tilman
> On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 9:41 PM Sohom Datta  wrote:
>> Has anyone tried telling the Google Search Console to index all the
>>> Wikisource language domains? Presumably a Foundation sysadmin would
>>> need to add the ownership verification tokens to do so:
>>> https://search.google.com/search-console/welcome
>> This has already been done for a while.
>>> for what I've read, it suffices to generate a sitemap file with
>>> MediaWiki and how to submit it to Google. There is a script for
>>> that: generateSitemap.php.
>> Once done, the sitemap has to be updated regularly in order to include
>>> the new pages.
>> I did look into this, but it seems like we do not generate sitemaps for
>> any sites right now ? The closest I got was
>> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T198965 which mentions that we did
>> generate them around 2018 and hosted them on sitemaps.wikimedia.org,
>> however they were recently (in Jun 2023) deleted due to the sitemaps being
>> out of date and not helping our SEO rankings for Wikipedia.
>> Also while digging this up right now, I came across
>> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T332101#8898869 which assumes that
>> Google uses a RCFeed/EventStreams API provided by the Wikimedia Foundation
>> to index pages. Is this true in the case of Wikisource, could it be
>> possible that they (Google) might not be using this for Wikisource and/or
>> Wikisource pages are getting filtered out (on Wikimedia Foundation's end)
>> due to some configuration error ?
>> Regards,
>> Sohom Datta
>> ---
>> Open-source contributor @Wikimedia, @Chromium
>> On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 8:59 PM Amir Sarabadani 
>> wrote:
>>> See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T325607#8846296 and onwards
>>> Am Di., 1. Aug. 2023 um 17:27 Uhr schrieb Lauren Worden <
>>> laurenworde...@gmail.com>:
 Has anyone tried telling the Google Search Console to index all the
 Wikisource language domains? Presumably a Foundation sysadmin would
 need to add the ownership verification tokens to do so:


 On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 7:53 AM Dušan Kreheľ 
 > Hm.
 > Page: La akonca (1888) (be.wikisource.org)
 > Created day with the last modification: 17:26, 7 July 2023‎ CEST
 > Indexed by Google: 7. júl 2023 18:21:14 UTC
 > Not indexed: https://be.wikisource.org/wiki/Alkahol_(1913)
 > 2023-08-01 8:47 GMT+02:00, Bodhisattwa :
 > > Hello all,
 > >
 > > Apologies for cross-posting.
 > >
 > > For those who have not noticed till now, Google is not indexing any
 > > Wikisource language editions for the last couple of years which
 > > means that any Wikisource contents in any languages, which are being
 > > created in these years, are not searchable on Google and hence
 > > remain invisible on the web.
 > >
 > > This is an extremely demotivating and frustrating situation for the
 > > existing Wikisource volunteers to witness, draining away all of our
 > > and current efforts to bring and retain viewers, readers, GLAM
 partners and
 > > any potential new editors. We already have a very low awareness and
 > > visibility about Wikisource among general internet users due to
 lack of
 > > organized support in these years but the invis

[Wikimedia-l] Re: Tribute to Ingo Koll (User:Kipala)

2023-07-11 Thread Samuel Klein
Oh, I will miss him!!  I've had many conversations with Kipala over the
years. He was a bridge for people and ideas, making the possible real.
Always uplifting, and patient with me in the early days of sw:wp.  An
excellent thought Asaf, to honor his memory.  💔❤️‍🔥, SJ

On Tue, Jul 11, 2023 at 5:51 PM Asaf Bartov  wrote:

> What a tremendous loss.  Ingo was a great Wikipedian, a great human being,
> and a friend.
> It is comforting to know that his great work in Swahili Wikipedia will
> remain, providing free knowledge to millions of people, forever. His
> personal example, too, will resonate forever with all who knew him: Ingo's
> dedication and patient perseverance in the face of frustrations and
> setbacks was a personal inspiration to me, and I am grateful to have had
> his example, and for the small part I had been able to play in helping some
> of his efforts in Africa.
> I encourage everyone to consider contributing something on Wikipedia, in
> whatever language you're comfortable in, perhaps about an east African
> topic. Ingo would have liked that.
> Asaf Bartov (he/him/his)
> Lead Program Officer, Community Development Communities
> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
> Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
> sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality!
> https://donate.wikimedia.org
> On Wed, Jul 12, 2023 at 12:42 AM Antoni Mtavangu <
> antonicmtava...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> “Your dedication, leadership, and commitment to helping our Wikimedia
>> communities within the Movement will always be remembered.”
>> Hello dear Wikimedians,
>> Wikimedia Tanzania
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Community_User_Group_Tanzania>
>> and Jenga Wikipedia ya Kiswahili
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Jenga_Wikipedia_ya_Kiswahili> User
>> groups are in particular, deeply saddened following the passing of our
>> beloved fellow Wikimedian *Ingo Koll (user: Kipala)*, who according to
>> the information shared by his wife with us, he has passed away on the 10th
>> July 2023 at his house in his home country, Germany.
>> Ingo Koll was a German who happened to live in Tanzania and Kenya for
>> many years. Being a pastor and a lecturer, he learned Swahili and became
>> one of the super-active Swahili Wikipedia contributors and administrators.
>> He was a reliable cornerstone in the development of Swahili Wikipedia. He
>> was a knowledgeable person who collaborated closely with the Astronomy and
>> Space Science Association of Tanzania (ASSAT) to contribute much on
>> Astronomy topics in Swahili language on Swahili Wikipedia, was one of the
>> great mentors who helped the formation of Wikimedia Tanzania and also was a
>> co-founder of Jenga Wikipedia ya Kiswahili (Build Swahili Wikipedia).
>> Tanzanian and East African Wikimedians benefited much from his unwavering
>> support, leadership, mentorship, and coaching when it came to training them
>> on Wikimedia projects, especially about Wikipedia.
>> Wikimedia Tanzania, Jenga Wikipedia ya Kiswahili User Groups, and all
>> other Wikimedians who interacted with him within the Wikimedia Movement
>> will always remember his valuable contributions to the Movement.
>> May his soul rest in peace. Amen!
>> *On behalf of Wikimedia Tanzania and Jenga Wikipedia ya Kiswahili,*
>> Antoni Mtavangu (He/Him)
>> Cofounder-Wikimedia Tanzania
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Community_User_Group_Tanzania>
>> ___
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>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
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>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/C7XFYZR2UCZV7IQC2R7YKMZTBZJHIGBO/
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: New WIKIMOVE Podcast: Wikimedia Deutschland for the Movement

2023-06-10 Thread Samuel Klein
I love these! Thank you for sharing, glad to hear a second season is


On Fri, Jun 9, 2023, 6:50 AM Eva Martin  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> We are releasing today the last WIKIMOVE podcast of the season: *Wikimedia
> Deutschland for the Movement,* a conversation with WMDE Chair and
> Executive Director about the role of our organization in the implementation
> of movement strategy. You can find this podcast on our website
>  and
> all podcast app.
> Based on the success of our first season, we are excited to announce that
> we will be back in September with a second season of WIKIMOVE! You can use
> this summer break to listen to our previous episodes
>  and share with us your
> ideas for this new season on our
> meta page.
> -
> *What's in this episode?*
> The two leading women of Wikimedia Deutschland share why they think
> movement strategy is critical for the survival of our movement and of free
> knowledge. They talk about what they see as WMDE’s role in moving towards
> the strategic direction, what WMDE already does, and how the ways of
> working of the largest chapter have already changed.
> *Our guests are…*
> • Alice Wiegand, Chair of Wikimedia Deutschland since 2017, Wikipedia
> editor since 2004
> • Franziska Heine, Executive Director of Wikimedia Deutschland, former
> head of Software Development
> Find us on all podcast app:
> Spotify
> | Apple Podcast
>  | Google
> Podcast
> | Stitcher 
> Soundcloud
> | Deezer  | JioSaavn
>  | Podchaser
>  |Youtube playlist
> We hope you enjoy this episode!
> Your WIKIMOVE Team
> Nikki, Nicole, Eva
> --
> Eva Martin
> Program Coordinator
> Movement Strategy and Global Relations
> Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
> Phone: +49 30 219 158 26-0
> https://wikimedia.de
> Keep up to date! Current news and exciting stories about Wikimedia,
> Wikipedia and Free Knowledge in our newsletter (in German):
> https://www.wikimedia.de/newsletter/
> Wikimedia Deutschland – Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
> Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
> der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
> Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Mastodon and Wikimedia

2023-05-31 Thread Samuel Klein
Very cool ! Nice work, would love to see more of these reports on the
posting experience, thanks for sharing this.

On Wed, May 31, 2023 at 4:22 AM Kunal Mehta  wrote:

> (changing the subject seems long overdue)
> Hi all,
> I wanted to share two cool things related to Mastodon and Wikimedia.
> First, it's now possible to verify your Wikimedia account on
> Mastodon[1]. The documentation for this is at
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Extension:RealMe>. Thanks to Taavi
> who led the technical development and all the other people who provided
> input during the process[2].
> On 4/13/23 03:11, Kunal Mehta wrote:
> > In any case, I'm primarily writing this email to let people know that we
> > have started a community-run Wikipedia Mastodon account, which you all
> > are invited to follow at <https://wikis.world/@wikipedia>, and more
> > importantly contribute to, details of which are available at
> > <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/@Wikipedia>.
> The @Wikipedia account has been posting about a month and a half now, so
> I've written up a report of the experience and reception so far and
> provided metrics[3] on individual posts:
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/@Wikipedia/May_2023>. (We'll aim to do
> similar metrics reports in the future, but likely won't advertise it as
> widely as this list unless there's a desire for it.)
> [1] For free, no need to pay $8 for the checkmark.
> [2] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T322717
> [3] All of these metrics are public, but require a bit of scripting to
> aggregate.
> Thanks,
> -- Kunal / Legoktm
> ___
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> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: ChatGPT as a reliable source

2023-05-17 Thread Samuel Klein
nsulted by other people than the
>> editor
>> >> to check the content.
>> >>
>> >> Is this possible with ChatGPT? No, becaue if you address the same
>> >> question to CHatGPT, you will have a different answer.
>> >>
>> >> In this case how the people verificaying the information can check that
>> >> the editor did not invent the result?
>> >>
>> >> Kind regards
>> >>
>> >> On 17/05/2023 09:08, Kiril Simeonovski wrote:
>> >> > Dear Wikimedians,
>> >> >
>> >> > Two days ago, a participant in one of our edit-a-thons consulted
>> >> > ChatGPT when writing an article on the Macedonian Wikipedia that did
>> >> > not exist on any other language edition. ChatGPT provided some
>> output,
>> >> > but the problem was how to cite it.
>> >> >
>> >> > The community on the Macedonian Wikipedia has not yet had a
>> discussion
>> >> > on this matter and we do not have any guidelines. So, my main
>> >> > questions are the following:
>> >> >
>> >> > * Can ChatGPT be used as a reliable source and, if yes, how would the
>> >> > citation look like?
>> >> >
>> >> > * Are there any ongoing community discussions on introducing
>> guidelines?
>> >> >
>> >> > My personal opinion is that ChatGPT should be avoided as a reliable
>> >> > source, and only the original source where the algorithm gets the
>> >> > information from should be used.
>> >> >
>> >> > Best regards,
>> >> > Kiril
>> >> >
>> >> > ___
>> >> > Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org,
>> guidelines at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
>> and https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
>> >> > Public archives at
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/WMGIBNPN5JNJGUOCLWFCCPD7EL5YN6KU/
>> >> > To unsubscribe send an email to
>> wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> Ilario Valdelli
>> >> Wikimedia CH
>> >> Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
>> >> Association pour l’avancement des connaissances libre
>> >> Associazione per il sostegno alla conoscenza libera
>> >> Switzerland - 8008 Zürich
>> >> Wikipedia: Ilario
>> >> Skype: valdelli
>> >> Tel: +41764821371
>> >> http://www.wikimedia.ch
>> >>
>> > ___
>> > Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org,
>> guidelines at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
>> and https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
>> > Public archives at
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/4L4K2BUD3YYTAKN6JPHVSSVGOFHW5AKG/
>> > To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
>> ___
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>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
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>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/DNOFFTF2DECPFETILCWBOVT5AD63R3UH/
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> ___
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> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Wikianswers Proposal

2023-05-15 Thread Samuel Klein
>>> not-too-distant future, I can foresee that some minimal-use projects may
>>> also have to justify their existence.  I am all in favour of being
>>> visionary - but I'm also in favour of planting these visions in solid
>>> ground.
>>> Risker/Anne
>>> On Mon, 15 May 2023 at 12:19, Ilario Valdelli 
>>> wrote:
>>> I like the idea.
>>> Sometimes people need a simple answer.
>>> At the moment to receive an answer from Wikipedia for some articles
>>> people need a Phd.
>>> A solution like that can give a smart and quick and understable answer.
>>> Kind regards
>>> On Mon, 15 May 2023, 11:48 Adam Sobieski, 
>>> wrote:
>>> Wikimedia,
>>> Per the recent interest in and discussions about artificial intelligence
>>> in this mailing list, I am pleased to indicate the *Wikianswers*
>>> project proposal. The proposal describes some approaches for
>>> integrating these technologies (e.g., multimodal dialogue systems,
>>> chatbots, and question-answering systems) with existing Wiki platforms.
>>> "Wikianswers would be a large-scale, user-editable cache of multimodal
>>> answers from artificial intelligence systems, e.g., one or more large
>>> language models, which tightly integrates with Wikipedia, Wikidata, and
>>> Commons."
>>> This project proposal is described in more detail here:
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikianswers .
>>> Thank you. Please feel free to review the project proposal and to
>>> comment either here or there with any opinions, questions, feedback, or
>>> suggestions.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Adam Sobieski
>>> ___
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>>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
>>> Public archives at
>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/JXYO3QW6QYCBHLS4JOHKPPAIJRPMYO4C/
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
>>> ___
>>> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
>>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
>>> Public archives at
>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/5BFKXPFA6NWGBEY26YSBRP3PUNFWW73Y/
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
>>> ___
>>> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
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>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/35ALTTWNCCV56EMW7KYCP7NRKVDXBRIY/
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
>>> --
>>> Ilario Valdelli
>>> Wikimedia CH
>>> Verein zur Förderung Freien Wissens
>>> Association pour l’avancement des connaissances libre
>>> Associazione per il sostegno alla conoscenza libera
>>> Switzerland - 8008 Zürich
>>> Wikipedia: Ilario
>>> Skype: valdelli
>>> Tel: +41764821371http://www.wikimedia.ch
>>> ___
>>> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
>>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
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>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/TMO5RH5OGGY6EO4Q6KJPC7F2WZE2I5GT/
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
>>> --
>>> James Heilman
>>> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
>>> ___
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>> ___
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> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Deror Lin passed away

2023-05-06 Thread Samuel Klein
Ahh no! he will leave such a hole in the world.
What joyful memories I have of exploring history and geography with him;
and a photo with him from Haifa stills sits on my fridge.

Love and condolences to his family; thank you so much Itzik for letting us


On Sat, May 6, 2023, 3:59 AM itzik Edri  wrote:

> Dear friends,
> I'm sorry to update that our friend and colleague Deror Lin
> (user:Deror_Avi) passed away this morning.
> Deror was a truly Wikimedian in blood who poured his heart and soul into
> the movement in many ways, even in his final days. He joined Wikipedia in
> 2004 and was one of the founders of Wikimedia Israel. For over 16 years, he
> served as an active board member.
> He was the driving force behind Wikimania 2011 in Haifa and a key member
> of the Wikimania committee ever since. He led countless programs and
> projects, both locally and internationally, including conferences, WLM
> competitions, educational programs, photo and editing contests, and many
> others.
> More than that, he wrote over 8,600 articles on HEWP (comprising more than
> 2% of it!), making him the number one article writer in HEWP, alongside
> more than 37,000 contributions to Commons.
> For his huge contribution and love for the movement, he was honored last
> year as the Wikipedia Laureate of 2022.
> Deror, you were not just a colleague but a true friend. We worked together
> on many projects, events, and initiatives over the years. No matter the
> situation, you always had a smile and shining eyes with your love for
> Wikipedia.
> *On behalf of Wikimedia Israel, I extend our deepest condolences to
> Deror's family and friends. You will always be remembered, Deror.*
> *ברוך דיין האמת. Baruch dayan ha-emet*
> Itzik.
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Feedback on the Wikimedia Foundation’s annual plan for 2023–24

2023-04-28 Thread Samuel Klein
Hear, hear!  I'll add that this plan provides enough specifics that it is
possible to give feedback at the level of individual ideas and have nuanced
practical discussion (the best way to engage our detail-oriented
communities), rather than just general feelings of support or unease.


On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 11:55 AM Frank Schulenburg <
frank.schulenb...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> A good annual plan provides staff with clear direction for the upcoming
> year. It builds on the long-term strategy and on the organization's core
> values. It takes the external trends and forces into account that affect
> the organization's ability to fulfill its mission. It is written in a
> language that is understandable. It sparks excitement about the road ahead,
> while creating a shared understanding of what success looks like and how to
> measure it.
> Measured against these criteria, the Wikimedia Foundation's annual plan
> for 2023–24 is an enormous improvement over previous documents of this kind
> and I'd like to take the opportunity to thank everyone involved in creating
> this plan for their hard work.
> The plan does a great job at providing context and is also honest in its
> assessment of what went wrong in the past, as well as about the general
> situation we're currently in. It acknowledges that "there are activities
> where others in the movement may be better placed to have meaningful
> impact". It is honest about the collective "strategy fatigue and loss of
> momentum" we've been facing for a while now.
> With regard to the high-level picture, the plan describes clearly how the
> ongoing change in search habits on the web and the advent of generative AI
> have the potential to affect our projects significantly going forward. When
> you dig deeper you'll find all kinds of little nuggets that address
> technical and non-technical issues we've been dealing with over the past
> couple of years.
> I found the plan easier to read than comparable documents we've seen on
> Meta and elsewhere. As a non-native English speaker, I particularly welcome
> this change!
> On this list and on our wikis we've traditionally been quick in pointing
> out flaws and what's not working well. I hope this email is a step toward a
> world where we're equally as fast when it comes to providing positive
> feedback whenever appropriate.
> All the best,
> Frank
> ___
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> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: The Board Sister Project Faskforce is looking for the voluntary advisory members

2023-04-14 Thread Samuel Klein
Wonderful to see this.

On Fri, Apr 14, 2023 at 11:16 AM Victoria Doronina 

> Dear all,
> I am writing on behalf of the Community Affairs Committee of the Wikimedia
> Foundation Board of Trustees [1] to invite you to work with us as a Volunteer
> Advisory Member of the Board’s newest task force–the Sister Projects Task
> Force. The Sister Projects Task Force will be a group of community
> members and Foundation trustees working together on a strategy to support
> the life cycle of non-Wikipedia projects across the movement.
> The Community Affairs Committee charter calls on addressing “the review of
> the existing sister projects and new sister site applications, including
> creating a formalized procedure, from application to approval/rejection”
> [2] as one of the responsibilities of the Committee. We are forming the
> Sister Projects Task Force to deliver on this commitment. This Task Force
> will create processes to support the development of sister projects, which
> enrich and expand the way we share knowledge with the world.
> We need your expertise to make this happen. We welcome applicants from
> different sister projects, regions and languages, bringing different
> perspectives to the table. You can read more about the selection process
> and apply to join us on Meta [3]. Apply until 15 May 2023.
> Please share this email with anyone you think may be interested in
> applying.
> Best regards,
> Victoria Doronina
> Wikimedia Foundation trustee, Lead of the Wikimedia Foundation Board
> Sister Projects Task Force (SiPTaF)
> [1]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Community_Affairs_Committee
> [2]
> https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Community_Affairs_Committee_Charter#Responsibilities
> [3]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Community_Affairs_Committee/Sister_Projects_Task_Force
> --
>  Victoria Doronina
>   Trustee
> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
> Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the
> sum of all knowledge. Help us make it a reality.
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: 23 March: Invitation to Open Community Call on ChatGPT, generative AI, and Wikimedia

2023-04-03 Thread Samuel Klein
> At this point I guess I would recommend adding five or so
> g2.cores8.ram36.disk20 flavor VPSs to WMCS, with between one and three
> RTX A6000 GPUs each, plus a 1TB SSD each, which should cost under
> $60k. That should allow for very widely multilingual models somewhere
> between GPT-3.5 and 4 performance with current training rates.

Having part of the cluster for this makes sense, even as what it is used
for changes over time.

> These models can be quantized into int4 weights which run on cell
> phones:
> https://github.com/rupeshs/alpaca.cpp/tree/linux-android-build-support
> It seems inevitable that we will someday include such LLMs with
> Internet-in-a-Box, and, why not also the primary mobile apps

Eventually, yes. A good reason to renew attention to mobile as a canonical
wiki experience.
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Recognition of Wiki Advocates Philippines User Group

2023-03-27 Thread Samuel Klein
Beautiful.  Great photos and inspiring backstory to the egg icon family :)
Congrats and hope to see more from you all.

On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 10:58 AM Affiliations Committee <
aff...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hi everyone!
> I'm very happy to announce that the Affiliations Committee has recognized
> [1] Wiki Advocates Philippines User Group [2] as a Wikimedia User Group.
> The group aims to advocate for free knowledge through the different
> Wikimedia projects, promoting the use of these projects primarily but not
> limited to education and promoting equal gender representation.
> Please join me in congratulating the members of this new user group!
> Regards,
> Jeffrey Keefer
> Chair, Affiliations Committee
> [1]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Affiliations_Committee/Resolutions/Recognition_of_Wiki_Advocates_Philippines_User_Group
> [2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Advocates_Philippines_User_Group
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: 23 March: Invitation to Open Community Call on ChatGPT, generative AI, and Wikimedia

2023-03-23 Thread Samuel Klein
The Bau lab (that produced ROME) is great; see their update MEMIT
https://memit.baulab.info scaling that approach.

On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 3:43 PM Lauren Worden 

> On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 12:20 PM Samuel Klein  wrote:
>> Thanks Yael and all for hosting this!  A great conversation which we
>> should revisit regularly.
> Yes, I hope that this can be a (monthly?) regularly occurring event given
> the current state of very substantial advancements and improvements in the
> field.
> I want to reiterate some links which I feel may be of considerable help to
> those trying to understand our situation:
> RARR: https://arxiv.org/abs/2210.08726
> ROME: https://rome.baulab.info/
> -LW
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: 23 March: Invitation to Open Community Call on ChatGPT, generative AI, and Wikimedia

2023-03-23 Thread Samuel Klein
Thanks Yael and all for hosting this!  A great conversation which we should
revisit regularly.

On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 4:40 PM Yael Weissburg 

> Hi Everyone,
> Last year, as part of our annual planning process, the Wikimedia
> Foundation shared a list of external trends
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Chief_Executive_Officer/Maryana%E2%80%99s_Listening_Tour/External_Trends>
> that we believed were likely to significantly impact the context in which
> the Wikimedia movement operates. Our focus at the time was on the changing
> nature of search, the astronomical rise in the global demand for content,
> and rich media content in particular, and the concerning rise of
> misinformation and disinformation. We heard from many in our movement about
> additional trends that our movement faces that we didn’t include in that
> list, but that are critical to how we as a movement operate, including the
> de-prioritization of investigative journalism, and the damage to GLAM
> institutions wrought by the global pandemic.
> As part of this year’s annual planning process, we set out to update that
> list. In particular, we’ve been tracking recent advancements in artificial
> intelligence (AI). In our recent Diff post on the topic, [1] we noted some
> risks as well as some potential opportunities for our movement as this
> technology continues to evolve. Since there has been a great deal of
> interest in and discussion about AI products like ChatGPT and what it means
> for Wikimedia over the past few months (including several threads on the
> topic on this mailing list), we’d love to explore this topic in more depth
> with you and continue the conversation about its implications for us as a
> free knowledge movement.
> I’d like to invite you all to an open call on 23 March at 18:00 UTC (find
> your local time here) [2] where we can share reflections on the
> opportunities, risks, and questions we see raised by new AI tools and
> products.
> The call will be held on Zoom. If you’re interested in joining, email
> answ...@wikimedia.org and we will share the Zoom link with you via email.
> We will work to coordinate interpretation for languages where there are 3
> or more interested community members; please email answ...@wikimedia.org
> with interpretation requests as well.
> For those who are unable to join the call, but interested in following and
> contributing to the conversation, we plan to share notes on our External
> Trends Meta page [3] afterward so that you can add your thoughts.
> Whether in person or on-wiki, I hope you’ll share your ideas so that we
> can all get a broader understanding of the potential benefits and
> challenges of this emergent technology. Looking forward to the discussion!
> Best,
> Yael Weissburg
> https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/02/17/looking-outward-external-trends-in-2023/
> https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/1679594401
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Foundation_Annual_Plan/2023-2024/Draft/External_Trends
> *Yael Weissburg* (she/her)
> VP, Partnerships, Programs & Grantmaking
> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
> M: (+1) 415.513.6643
> I work from San Francisco. My time zone is UTC -7/-8.
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/BTIM7FBO3XATNOLL7OMAPCQQWC2DM45X/
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: The Wikimedia Enterprise API project

2023-02-07 Thread Samuel Klein
Chris - My thoughts exactly. A satisfying report: useful, informative,
densely linked.

TLDR:  revenue at 2% of the WMF total; projected to be cashflow positive
this year.
9 FTEs, up-to-date landing page
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise>, even headshot
photos for a majority of the team.
(And a subtle reminder that we should consider doing something awesome with
a community-led merch store!)

Liam - for the product update, I'm curious how hosting costs + usage have
changed over the year (and implications for what we learn to optimize)


On Tue, Feb 7, 2023 at 10:16 AM Chris Keating 

> Thanks Liam! That looks admirably clear and very thorough - would be great
> to see this level of detail and transparency in other aspects of the WMF's
> work
> Chris/ The Land
> On Tue, 7 Feb 2023, 14:35 Liam Wyatt,  wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Following the initial announcement and project launch in 2021, and press
>> release about first customers in 2022, the Wikimedia Enterprise team has
>> today published the *first financial report* and a summary of a
>> forthcoming *product update*.
>> This has been published today on the Diff blog, here:
>> https://diff.wikimedia.org/2023/02/07/wikimedia-enterprise-financial-report-product-update/
>> [also available in German
>> <https://diff.wikimedia.org/de/2023/02/07/wikimedia-enterprise-finanzbericht-und-produktupdates/>
>> ]
>> One of the principles
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise/Principles> of the 
>> Wikimedia
>> Enterprise project has been “the publication of overall revenue and
>> expenses, differentiated from those of the Wikimedia Foundation in general,
>> at least annually”. We are therefore proud to present the inaugural edition
>> of the Wikimedia Enterprise financial report – covering the calendar-year
>> 2022, its first year of operations.
>> The update also includes a description of some of the API features that
>> have been under development. While the primary use-case is companies which
>> consistently require very high-speed updates of very large amounts of
>> Wikimedia content, it is important to note that there are several
>> free-access methods.
>> If you have written questions or comments about the update, please share
>> them on the project’s talkpage
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_Enterprise> on Meta. As
>> described in the blogpost, we consider this report covering the 2022
>> calendar year to be a “beta” version. We are actively seeking feedback
>> about how its structure, content, and explanations can be improved for the
>> next edition in late 2023, which will cover the 2022-23 fiscal year.
>> If you prefer real-time conversation: A public meeting will be hosted by
>> the Enterprise team this Friday, February 10 @1900 UTC to discuss this
>> announcement - details on the project homepage
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise>.
>> If you have any other questions please consult the FAQ
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise/FAQ>.
>> Sincerely,
>> * Liam Wyatt [Wittylama]*
>> Senior Program Manager
>> for *Enterprise,* *Campaigns, & WikiCite*
>> Wikimedia Foundation
>> ___
>> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
>> Public archives at
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/DVYUXJMRGYUKRZI6VRUVW2JKPU27QDF3/
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> _______
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: The Endowment, again

2023-01-20 Thread Samuel Klein
The statements are not mutually exclusive. They are likely both true, and
what one might expect from governance decisions to date.

WME got its 501c3 status last year, expanded its Board, and is working on
its structure. It will start emitting 501c3 reports this year.  It will
need staff to take over any of the investment management Tides currently
provides; I would expect the current endowment fund (the collective action
fund) to remain there until an alternative is in place.

The sorts of regular reports we care about (reflections on organizational
structure, timelines, goals and budgeting, coordination with WMF,
practicalities of how an endowment functions) are only partly related to
the mandatory reports of a charity.  Lodewijk, agreed that those sorts of
clarifications are great, and relevant to how we all plan for the future;
perhaps we can catalyze a public conversation about such things.

Warmly, SJ
(still hoping for part of our movement to put out a series of plans for
maximizing project functionality on a minimal budget)

Dan S writes:
> Since the answers express mutually exclusive propositions...
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Upcoming vote on the revised Enforcement Guidelines for the Universal Code of Conduct

2023-01-11 Thread Samuel Klein
It is a good idea to link the CoC itself, even if the enforcement
guidelines remain up in the air.

wiki💖, Sj


On Thu, Jan 5, 2023, 12:59 PM Chico Venancio 

> Nataliia,
> Thanks for addressing this issue, I do think your message clarified a lot
> and moves us forward with some paths and goalposts.
> For a single, very symbolic, example, let me point you in the right
> direction of https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T280886
> A full 4 months after the resolution, and now 20 months ago, I created a
> rather simple task add links to the UCoC to all WMF wikis. Code for it was
> written and it briefly was live before being reverted due to indecision on
> where the text policy should live.
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[Wikimedia-l] Tom Lehrer blanket PD declaration

2022-12-20 Thread Samuel Klein
A number of projects could benefit. Doesn't mention CC0 but seems like a
superset (affirms that he held exclusive © on all songs + lyrics)

Happy holidays. (And thanks, TL!)

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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Obnoxious fundraisers again: Undismissable notice

2022-12-18 Thread Samuel Klein
David - include a screenshot next time?  I haven't seen that banner
design.  I browse logged-out on Android, and have been seeing a close or X
at the top for large banners, or both (Close X) at the bottom of medium
ones.  Is there a way to see all current banners + how they look in various
emulators?  Perhaps https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fundraising_banners could
use an update.

I am curious about the use + impact of anything over a single screen of
banner, and would love to read more about how that's evaluated; it seems
hard to use both if I want to give and if I do not.  And if banners have
unique names anywhere, it would be good for this to be findable by readers
to make these conversations easier // more reproducible  S

On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 2:23 PM David Gerard  wrote:

> You put the dismissal button *two screens away* from where the user is.
> You're choosing to make the banner hard to dismiss.
> Look, we're trying to assume good faith here, but you're not making it
> easy with the track record of observed behaviour.
> On Sat, 17 Dec 2022 at 19:14, Samuel Patton  wrote:
> >
> > Hi all, I work in online fundraising and I'd like to provide some
> clarification on this particular mobile fundraising banner. There are
> several options to dismiss the banner. There is a "no thanks" option at the
> top of the banner. A user can also scroll down to see the article without
> needing to click on the banner at all.
> >
> > I appreciate the feedback on ways to make it simpler for readers to
> reach their article and find what they're looking for. We'll line up some
> close option tests to try over this weekend.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Sam
> >
> > On Sat, Dec 17, 2022 at 2:05 PM Rey Bueno via Wikimedia-l <
> wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org> wrote:
> >>
> >> Here's a proposition for the WMF.
> >>
> >> You can keep the banners as big and as long as you want, but in return
> you must sponsor the next Arch Missions to back contents from top 10
> Wikipedias (English, Japanese, Russian, French, German, Spanish, Italian,
> Chinese, Arabic, Portuguese) to Moon & beyond. Editors do not get paid from
> spending so much time on Wikipedia, but at least they'll all derive some
> reward from it.
> >>
> >> Context of Arch Mission:
> >>
> https://www.space.com/40598-lunar-library-wikipedia-astrobotic-moon-mission.html
> >> ___
> >> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org,
> guidelines at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
> and https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> >> Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/Z63PMAW7ICAPH7XWHMWOUA5JDPKGPTY3/
> >> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Sam Patton (he/him)
> >
> > Senior Manager, Online Fundraising
> >
> > Wikimedia Foundation
> >
> > ___
> > Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> > Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/5W4HJO3XBPV7ZQRSDUABKXLHQYSYLV7L/
> > To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Reminder – expressions of interest for Wikimania 2024 and 2025 (deadline December 16th)

2022-12-15 Thread Samuel Klein
Thanks for the reminder, Butch!  Great to think about this far in advance.
Rounding up local Glam + education + government partners, venue
sponsors/hosts, and financial sponsors is an enjoyable bit of regional
capacity-building if done far enough out.  A Wikimania conference is a
beautiful day to honor and invite partners to showcase their work and to
meet one another.  (It's also good that WMF is able to provide funding, but
that's no substitute for a good local network)



On Sat, Dec 10, 2022, 5:26 AM Iolanda Pensa  wrote:

> Dear all,
> Wikimania is an extraordinary event: consider hosting it!!
> By December 16th express your interest in hosting Wikimania in 2024, 2025
> and beyond
> https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2024:Expressions_of_Interest
> You don’t need to have a venue secured or event logistics in place, that’s
> something we will work on together. At this point, we are primarily seeking
> your expression of interest. Hosting an international event with the size
> and magnitude of Wikimania – and now with added distributed and hybrid
> participation models – is complicated. With resources from the Foundation
> and guidance from the Wikimania Steering Committee, you will also have
> access to professional event organizers on the ground that can support this
> work. We also plan for an overlap with the current Wikimania 2023
> organizing team to build in plenty of time for learning and
> collaboration.
> Looking forward to discuss with you new locations for our future Wikimanias
> Best regards,
> Iolanda, on behalf of the Wikimania Steering Committee
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimania_Committee#Members
> ___
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> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Most visited articles in 2022

2022-12-14 Thread Samuel Klein
>> 26100
>> 97 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qatar 26100
>> 98 https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/International_Museum_Day_2022 25800
>> 99 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joyce_Vincent 25700
>> 100 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aníkúlápó_(2022_film) 25300
>> On Wed, Dec 7, 2022 at 7:41 PM Romaine Wiki 
>> wrote:
>>> For some languages it is easy as a particular language is spoken in one
>>> country mainly. (Still there might be some local languages/dialects that
>>> are then not represented in the data.)
>>> For some other languages is is not easy to get the statistics of the
>>> most visited pages of a country as the language is spoken in multiple
>>> countries.
>>> If for example one country only has 3% of the population in comparison
>>> to another country with the same language, the language statistics are very
>>> biased. The larger country consumes so much data, that the data of the
>>> country with the smaller population is invisible. If we have no data for
>>> them, we let those unseen communities down.
>>> Romaine
>>> Op wo 7 dec. 2022 om 18:21 schreef Jan Ainali :
>>>> On Swedish Wikipedia we collect it on one page:
>>>> https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Mest_visade_artiklar_2022
>>>> Doing it per language is much easier than per country, as the data is
>>>> publicly available.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Jan Ainali
>>>> Den ons 7 dec. 2022 kl 16:36 skrev Romaine Wiki >>> >:
>>>>> Every year it reaches the headlines of the news: the top 10 or top 100
>>>>> of most visited Google searches of the past year in my country. This I 
>>>>> have
>>>>> seen in some other countries too.
>>>>> People are interested and with making this data public, something
>>>>> positive is said about Google (besides all the negatieve news about them
>>>>> during the rest of the year).
>>>>> This is something simple Wikimedia could do too: sharing this kind of
>>>>> data (*by country*) with the world. It would bring Wikipedia closer to the
>>>>> public, more positive awareness.
>>>>> Or otherwise making this data available to the local chapters so they
>>>>> can bring positive news about Wikipedia.
>>>>> Romaine
>>>>> ___
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>>>>> guidelines at:
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>>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
>>>>> Public archives at
>>>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/HXWUCYYRLL44LFIPZ6YXHLLDL7H63ZKD/
>>>>> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
>>>> ___
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>>>> guidelines at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines
>>>> and https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
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>>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/INAMQFF4MPWHCFRXRDOSTNQH7S46Q3K5/
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>>> ___
>>> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
>>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
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>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/AXYFSIPGTZMKKBVKHULBAK5BO5MUHSTH/
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
>> --
>> Isaac Johnson (he/him/his) -- Senior Research Scientist -- Wikimedia
>> Foundation
>> ___
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>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
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> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: December Wikimedia Foundation Board Meeting Outcomes

2022-12-14 Thread Samuel Klein
Nataliia -- Thank you for posting these so promptly, I know it is harder
than it looks.  Sam.

On Tue, Dec 13, 2022 at 10:19 AM Nataliia Tymkiv 

> Dear all,
> The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees met for their final meeting of
> 2022 on December 7. Two members of the Movement Charter Drafting Committee
> (MCDC) – Érica Azzellini and Manavpreet Kaur – were invited to join the
> meeting as Board Visitors
> .
> == Board Business ==
> Quite a bit of regularly scheduled Board business was covered, including:
>Appointing Mike Peel [1] to the Board and reappointing Shani Evenstein
>Sigalov to her second term [2]. Their terms will run from December 7, 2022
>until December 31, 2025. You can read more about Mike and Shani here on
>Diff [3].
>Most of the work of the Board is done via its committees. Each year
>each Trustee’s committee assignments are approved to serve on individual
>Board committees, either as full members or as alternates. The new
>membership is listed here [4].
>The Board also approved the September 8 Board meeting minutes [5].
> == Governance Reforms ==
> During the meeting, the Board also approved changes to the Affiliations
> Committee Charter [6]. Also, the Community Affairs Committee (CAC) is to
> oversee the Affiliations Committee on behalf of the board from now on, and
> will be responsible for any future revision of the Affiliations Committee
> Charter, and for appointing Board Liaisons. CAC will likewise be providing
> oversight to the Language Committee [7]. These changes will help CAC to
> work more directly with the advising Board committees, to assess and
> provide support, and to make changes quicker if needed.
> == 2022 Board Selection Review ==
> The Board also received an update from the Governance Committee on their
> recent meeting with the Elections Committee in November. The past selection
> process was challenging because of the lack of clarity on the roles of all
> the bodies involved. The Board acknowledges that the process became
> overcomplicated, and changes mid-process added more confusion and
> frustration. For the next Board selection process, there would be more
> clearly defined roles for the Elections Committee, the Governance Committee
> / Board Selection Task Force, and Foundation staff, to avoid slowdowns and
> lack of clarity on process. These updated roles and responsibilities will
> be made public to help voters and candidates understand how decisions are
> being made. The Board agreed with the recommendation from the Governance
> Committee to seat Trustees in 2024 at the December board meeting, so that
> there is enough time to plan the next selection process, and make all
> necessary changes to the SecurePoll software etc.
> == Foundation Updates ==
> During the meeting the Board also received a report from staff on the
> current financial outlook as well as an update on year-end fundraising
> revenue: the first week
> of
> the revised banner campaign on the English Wikipedia shows a roughly 50%
> decline in donations. As this was information for only one week, the Board
> needs more data to understand the implications, and will therefore be
> meeting again with staff in January to discuss next steps.
> After the Board meeting there was an open Q&A session with Foundation
> staff, to discuss the meeting outcomes, and the fundraising data.
> == 2023 Meeting Dates ==
> The regular 2023 Board meeting dates have been set and the Board will be
> meeting:
>March 9-12, New York, USA
>June 21 (Virtual)
>August (Wikimania, Singapore, the exact date(s) TBD)
>December 6 (Virtual)
> == Open Conversation with Trustees on December 15 ==
> I hope to see you at the upcoming CAC Open Conversation with Trustees
> ,
> happening December 15, at 12:00 UTC, on Zoom (write to
> ask@wikimedia.org if you would like to register). As usual, the call
> will be recorded, and there will be a live YouTube stream. This call will
> have interpretation into Arabic. As communicated before, the aim is to
> provide interpretation for any language where there are five or more
> interested community members, but as mentioned on the page, the requests
> should have been made at least 5 days before the event.
> [1]
> https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Resolution:Appointing_Mike_Peel_to_the_Board_of_Trustees
> [2]
> https://foundation.wikimedia.org/wiki/Resolution:Renewing_Shani_Evenstein_Sigalov%E2%80%99s_Appointment_to_the_Board_of_Trustees,_2022
> [3]
> https://diff.wikimedia.org/2022/12/12/the-wikimedia-foundation-welcomes-two-community-and-affiliate-s

[Wikimedia-l] Re: [Wiki Loves Monuments] Decision of WLM in Ukraine organizers not to submit photos for the international round

2022-12-13 Thread Samuel Klein
I appreciate this and the extraordinary photos of Ukrainian heritage that
came out of past years' contests, one of the fruits of which is sitting on
my wall.

❤️‍🩹⚡🌼, SJ


On Tue, Dec 13, 2022, 10:46 AM Olga Milianovych <
olga.milianov...@wikimedia.org.ua> wrote:

> Hi all,
> On behalf of the organizing team for Wiki Loves Monuments in Ukraine I’m
> writing to inform you of our decision not to submit photos for the
> international round.
> Traditionally, Wiki Loves Monuments in Ukraine has been one of the biggest
> WLM local contests in the world, as well as among the biggest projects
> supported by Wikimedia Ukraine.
> This year, Ukraine and subsequently the contest has suffered from Russia’s
> full-scale invasion. Particularly, for security reasons the organizers had
> to limit submissions only to photos taken before February 24th, 2022, which
> is the date when Russia openly invaded Ukraine.
> Despite the limitations, we managed to organize the contest in 2022 and
> attract almost 14,000 photos of Ukrainian cultural heritage from almost 300
> participants. They illustrate over 5,300 monuments, including 351 monuments
> depicted for the first time.
> However, the local organizers will not be submitting Ukrainian photos for
> the international round because of the international organizers’ decisions
> to accept photos from Russia on the international stage. To be clear, we do
> not support this decision and had asked the international team not to
> accept Russian photos in the international round.
> While we fully support the spread of free knowledge in various forms, we
> believe that it is not appropriate to promote on the international level
> photos from the country that wages a brutal war against Ukraine, kills
> thousands of Ukrainians – and systematically destroys and steals Ukrainian
> cultural, architectural and archaeological monuments.
> Besides, Russia’s war has deprived Ukrainian photos of equal conditions in
> the competition. While daily life in Russia continues largely as normal,
> Ukrainian photographers have had to operate in extremely difficult
> conditions and under many limitations – both the formal ones imposed for
> security reasons and the overall situation in Ukraine (power blackouts,
> problems with internet connectivity, personal hardship etc.)
> Therefore, we cannot accept Ukrainian photos competing alongside Russian
> ones – we do not think that in current circumstances it is the right thing
> to announce which Ukrainian photos are better and which are worse than
> Russian ones.
> We are grateful to Ukrainian participants and volunteers who have made the
> contest possible this year against the odds, as well as to international
> organizers for their hard work in supporting the largest photo contest in
> the Wikimedia ecosystem.
> Best regards,
> Olga Milianovych
> Member of the organizing committee for Wiki Loves Monuments in Ukraine
> (Disclaimer: Antanana is a member of the Wiki Loves Monuments Ukraine
> organizing committee. Due to her currently serving on the Wikimedia
> Foundation Board of Trustees she recused herself from taking part in
> discussions and making decisions on this topic).
> ___
> Wiki Loves Monuments mailing list
> To unsubscribe send an email to
> wikilovesmonuments-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
> http://www.wikilovesmonuments.org
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Vote for your favourite sound logo

2022-12-07 Thread Samuel Klein
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> Public archives at
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: [Wikitech-l] Save the date! Coolest Tool Award 2022: Friday, Dec 16th, 17:00 UTC

2022-12-07 Thread Samuel Klein
my favorite award of the year :) thanks for keeping up the tradition.


On Wed, Dec 7, 2022, 5:56 AM Seyram Komla Sapaty 

> Hi everyone!
> The fourth edition of the Coolest Tool Award
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Coolest_Tool_Award will
> happen online on Friday 16 December 2022 at 17:00 UTC!
> The event will be live streamed on Youtube in the MediaWiki (
> https://www.youtube.com/user/watchmediawiki) channel.
> See 
> https://zonestamp.toolforge.org/1671210028 for your timezone.
> The awarded tools will be showcased in a virtual event, with broadcasted
> video and chat channels for socializing. We will send more details and
> links soon.
> Save the date, and join us celebrating the great work volunteer developers
> do for the Wikimedia communities.
> We hope to see you there!
> Komla, for the Coolest Tool Academy 2022
> --
> Seyram Komla Sapaty
> Developer Advocate
> Wikimedia Cloud Services
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Nine Month Update & Foundation Leadership Team

2022-09-06 Thread Samuel Klein
Seconded — thank you for these continuing updates, and for always inviting
conversation. Essential, even when it takes time for those seeds to sprout.


On Tue., Sep. 6, 2022, 7:11 p.m. Craig Newmark, 

> Maryana, much appreciated!
> Craig Newmark, craigslist founder
> craignewmarkphilanthropies.org
> On Tue, Sep 6, 2022, 9:53 AM Maryana Iskander 
> wrote:
>> This message is being translated into other languages on Meta-wiki. ‎You
>> can help with more languages.
>> Hi everyone,
>> I’ve started my ninth official month as CEO of the Wikimedia Foundation.
>> Based on feedback from this list and elsewhere, I am trying to proactively
>> communicate every few months on my priorities and what I continue to learn.
>> I regularly return to the five ‘puzzles’
>> I identified in my original letter to you. For me, these continue to pose
>> big questions about our role in the world and our ways of working with each
>> other. I’ve mentioned that one highlight of the year so far has been
>> bringing colleagues together – volunteers, editors, affiliates, Foundation
>> staff, board members – to reconnect at a human level. Many of you have
>> shared with me the need for more spaces that can help us build (and
>> rebuild) relationships and trust.
>> As more communities return to in-person events, I have benefitted from
>> spending time with volunteers at WikiCon Brasil and at the Wikimania meetup
>> hosted in Cape Town. I look forward to participating in-person and
>> virtually at many more regional gatherings in the months ahead.
>> I am writing today to provide you with an update on the three priorities
>> I identified in January.
>> Priority 1: Strategy and Planning
>> My first priority remains focused on strategy and planning. In June, we
>> shared the successful adoption of the Wikimedia Foundation’s Annual Plan
>> .
>> It is now anchored in the strategic direction of our movement – knowledge
>> equity and knowledge as a service – and it identifies the Foundation’s
>> strengthened focus on regions and on projects. This plan benefited from the
>> contributions and feedback of hundreds of volunteers who provided input
>> on-wiki and through other multilingual channels of communication. We’ll
>> share updates on progress before the end of the calendar year on the Annual
>> Plan meta page and in other forums. Our intention is to continue asking for
>> guidance and input from volunteers, affiliates, and communities.
>> I mentioned in my April message that the Wikimedia Foundation has grown
>> very rapidly over the past 3 years as part of its medium term plan – 
>> increasing
>> its budget by more than 30% in the past year with the addition of more than
>> 200 new people since 2020. This growth will not continue as we stabilize
>> and make sure that new resources are delivering maximum impact for our
>> mission. The Foundation’s approved budget represents a 17% increase, most
>> of this is inflationary and other year-on-year costs. Funding to other
>> movement entities (individual and affiliate) grew by 24% percent.
>> While the annual plan is an important start, it does not address all of
>> the significant strategic issues facing Wikimedia – none of which can be
>> solved in a single year. Within the framework of our movement strategy and
>> emerging charter, I plan to continue partnering with Foundation
>> stakeholders and communities in co-planning approaches to tackle strategic
>> issues that an annual plan cannot fully address. The Board of Trustees will
>> help kick this off with strategic planning engagements at the board’s
>> upcoming meeting in Berlin. This will be followed by important
>> conversations about strategy implementation at the Wikimedia Summit
>>  (returning for
>> the first time since 2019).
>> Priority 2: Leadership
>> I highlighted in January that CEO transitions are disruptive for most
>> organisations and change often continues after a new leader has arrived. I
>> have been trying to build a broader leadership team at the Wikimedia
>> Foundation as I focus on successfully onboarding new hires, investing
>> more in internal talent management, undertaking succession planning for key
>> roles, and providing stronger communications support for the Foundation’s
>> senior team.
>> Product/Technology
>> My top priority when I joined was to actively step in and support the
>> Foundation’s product and technology teams while we recruited executive
>> leadership of these mission critical functions with a new Chief Product and
>> Technology Officer. This goal has b

[Wikimedia-l] Re: Wikivideos - New project proposal

2022-08-23 Thread Samuel Klein
Revisiting this thread: I love these ideas. Crossover design when?


On Fri., Aug. 5, 2022, 8:48 a.m. James Heilman,  wrote:

> We have a very similar project at VideoWiki which you can see here
> https://mdwiki.org/wiki/Video:Tuberculosis
> The compiler is here
> https://videowiki.wmcloud.org/en/videowiki/Video:Tuberculosis?wikiSource=https://mdwiki.org&viewerMode=editor
> We have it working in about 19 languages.
> This new effort builds the video when you hit play rather than storing
> versions on Commons, which has pluses and minuses.
> James
> On Thu, Aug 4, 2022 at 9:31 PM Felipe Schenone 
> wrote:
>> Hi! I just proposed https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikivideos
>> This project proposal is based on an extension I developed recently
>> called https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:WikiVideos that
>> basically introduces a  tag that generates videos with a syntax
>> quite similar to  tags.
>> I also already secured https://wikivideos.org, where you can test the
>> extension.
>> Cheers!
>> PS: Please comment at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikivideos or at
>> https://wikivideos.org (depending on the nature of your comment) to try
>> to keep the discussion together.
>> ___
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>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/GGEME3ETBIWY2V3B2QAE6ZWEHOZU6352/
>> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
> --
> James Heilman
> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Invitation to join the Movement Strategy Forum

2022-08-21 Thread Samuel Klein
Quim, thanks for sharing.  This feels like a project where going part-way
and stopping could make things more confusing, but seriously embracing the
challenge of integrating the strengths of discourse and wikis, and ensuring
the result helps streamline and integrate and improve communication, could
be excellent -- and well received / used by more people than just us.

+ Automatic translation of discussions is essential, tangibly useful for
our communities, and very satisfying.
 --> how can we bring this to Mediawiki?  This is a core question for
community health, movement development, and tech.  It is a straightforward
concept, not exclusive to Discourse, and we should learn from it.

+ Forum threading and features (tags, emotes) are nice, beloved by some.
This is the third attempt to start a WM-related discourse.
 --> how might we support integrating discourse into a) mediawiki, b)
interwiki links? (so that a forum post could link to *m:Power_structure*,
and a meta post could link to *f:Wikischool*)

– Wikimedia Space was closed after a year, and its links no longer resolve.
 --> how can we add discourse into current versioning + archiving workflows?

I would appreciate it if reports on this Forum could explicitly address
~ how & why Space was closed, and implications for the approach here,
~ how to keep links to Space discussions working/redirecting appropriately,
and implications for how to ensure the same linkrot doesn't happen here,
~ how conversations there & on the Meta Forum
 & on other evergreen pages on Meta
are intended to be kept in synch, for both short-term discussions (like
rfcs) and long-term strategizing (like a page describing the history and
state of an initiative)
~ what it might look like for this to later become a more standard part of
our wikiverse (e.g., *forum.wikimedia.org/c/strategy

Warmly, SJ

On Sun, Aug 21, 2022 at 9:18 AM Mike Peel  wrote:

> On 21/8/22 00:17:59, Quim Gil wrote:
> > Given that this Forum is especially conceived to better support those
> > who can't or won't use Meta for discussions and collaboration, we don't
> > think a Meta RFC would be the right tool for this task.
> I think this is a good example of the problem here. You've already
> decided that on-wiki is not the answer, so any appeals for you to do
> things on-wiki get noted down in documents like this, and promptly
> ignored. It's a very high impact bias that undermines the whole report
> and process. A more neutral (and independent?) review that took into
> account more of the options would have helped.
> BTW, personally I'm worried about scope creep here - if it is just
> movement strategy, then the damage is at least limited to that topic,
> but it's already crept into being involved in the WMF board election,
> for example. Hopefully at least that trend won't continue?
> Anyhow, see you on-wiki.
> Thanks,
> Mike
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Reflections about Visa situation for Wikimedians

2022-08-16 Thread Samuel Klein
ore they start? Can the WMF give
>> official
>> > support and help contacting embassies? Is there any way to address this
>> in
>> > a good manner?
>> >
>> > I feel really sad that there is no equity in this matter. I know that it
>> > is naïve to think about a world without borders, but isn't our Wikimedia
>> > movement supposed to support everyone? How can we be better at this?
>> >
>> > P.S: This post is not about myself or situation, but rather a reflection
>> > after talking with many people facing this issue in my region, and who
>> > missed so many events because of Visas. I don't want them to miss events
>> > again in the future! Is it possible?
>> >
>> > Thank you all for taking the time to read this, and I wish you a good
>> > Tuesday!
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> > --
>> > -
>> > *Anass SEDRATI*
>> > ___
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>> > Public archives at
>> >
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/Z7XKE7ZWPUNTGELZCSQNLDEQSKBS7U3N/
>> > To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
>> -- next part --
>> A message part incompatible with plain text digests has been removed ...
>> Name: not available
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>> --
>> Subject: Digest Footer
>> ___
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>> --
>> End of Wikimedia-l Digest, Vol 570, Issue 3
>> ***
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Wikimedia integration in OpenRefine: looking for developers

2022-08-12 Thread Samuel Klein
This is indeed an amazing project !!  I encourage anyone interested in
federated approaches to scaling Wikidata, or reconciliation generally, to

On Fri, Aug 12, 2022 at 10:56 AM Antonin Delpeuch 

> Hello Wikimedia community,
> I posted a message on Wikidata's project chat explaining that I would like
> to stop working on Wikidata integration in OpenRefine (which also applies
> to Wikimedia / Wikibase integration in general):
> Wikidata integration in OpenRefine: could this be your project?
> <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat#Wikidata_integration_in_OpenRefine:_could_this_be_your_project?>
> https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat#Wikidata_integration_in_OpenRefine:_could_this_be_your_project
> ?
> I do intend to keep working on OpenRefine and focus my work on the core
> tool. I am by far not the only contributor to Wikibase integration, but I
> want to make it clear that I am keen to let other contributors take the
> lead on this, because I do not have enough time myself to grow this part of
> the tool as much as it deserves.
> As I explain in Wikidata's project chat, I think this is a really nice
> project to work on, and you will be supported by Sandra Fauconnier, our
> project director, who is a keen Wikimedian.
> So: the floor is yours!
> If you are interested in the topic, join us today in our Wikimania
> hackathon session:
> https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T314803
> Cheers,
> Antonin
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Seven Wikimedia chapters rejected as permanent observers to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

2022-07-25 Thread Samuel Klein
Jan -- Nice work. Who will represent us to ECOSOC?
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Announcing the six candidates for the 2022 Board of Trustees election

2022-07-21 Thread Samuel Klein
;> candidates for the Board of Trustees. Considering joining the Board of
>> Trustees is no small decision. The time and dedication candidates have
>> shown to this point speaks to their commitment to this movement.
>> Congratulations to those candidates who have been selected. A great amount
>> of appreciation and gratitude for those candidates not selected. Please
>> continue to share your leadership with Wikimedia.
>> Thank you to those who followed the Affiliate process for this Board
>> election. You may review the results of the Affiliate selection process.
>> The next part of the Board election process is the community voting
>> period. You may view the Board election timeline here
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2022#Timeline>.
>> To prepare for the community voting period, there are several things
>> community members can engage with in the following ways:
>>- Read candidates’ statements
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2022/Candidates>
>>  and
>>read the candidates’ answers to the questions posed by the Affiliate
>>- Propose and select the 6 questions for candidates to answer during
>>their video Q&A
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2022/Community_Voting/Questions_for_Candidates>
>>- See the Analysis Committee’s ratings of candidates on each
>>candidate’s statement
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2022/Candidates>
>>- Propose statements for the Election Compass
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Wikimedia_Foundation_elections/2022/Community_Voting/Election_Compass>
>>  voters
>>can use to find which candidates best fit their principles.
>>- Encourage others in your community to take part in the election.
>> Best,
>> Movement Strategy and Governance
>> *This message was sent on behalf of the Board Selection Task Force and
>> the Elections Committee*
>> --
>> Jackie Koerner (she/her) Communication Specialist, Movement Strategy and
>> Governance Location: Midwestern US (UTC-5)
>> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
>> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: @Wikipedia losing opportunities in Twitter

2022-07-12 Thread Samuel Klein
+1, not just en:wp. I'd love to see community mods involved in maintaining
the core social accounts. We could certainly queue up messages on a
wikipage using existing scripts and tools, in a way that could be
multiplexed across different media channels (and the workflow used by
anyone federating such updates to other platforms). Slight tweaks to
ITN/DYK formats in many languages (optimizing for embeds, replies,
threading) would make great posts. [and we have solid social media stars in
the community who could help as well or guest-curate from time to time]

On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 6:10 PM Nathan  wrote:

> The English Wikipedia community has managed the Main Page in English for
> many years, including rapidly updated ITN and DYK sections. The prominence
> of the Main Page has declined a little bit as a landing page, but it
> suggests that there may be better alternatives to staff planning tweets out
> a few weeks ahead and taking submissions via a Google form. Perhaps the
> communications team can look into some of these options that might leverage
> the strength and core competencies of the community?
> ~Nate
> On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 6:05 PM Lauren Dickinson 
> wrote:
>> Hi everyone, I hope you are all doing well and enjoying the new images
>> from the Webb telescope. They are truly incredible.
>> In response to Lodewijk's question, the Foundation's Communications
>> Department manages the English Wikipedia social media accounts (on
>> Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/wikipedia/>, Twitter
>> <https://twitter.com/Wikipedia>, and Instagram
>> <https://www.instagram.com/Wikipedia/?hl=en>), as well as the Wikimedia
>> Foundation accounts. There is more information about that on Meta-Wiki
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Social_media>.
>> We try to plan the content calendar about one to two weeks in advance,
>> but we stay flexible to react to current events and Wikimedia news. We
>> always welcome ideas for articles and content to share from both the
>> Wikimedia Foundation and Wikipedia channels. You can share ideas with us at
>> any time via this Google Form
>> <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSchEZ_-8jCJP6E6UQguy_MjOYgoNUfSyzNhbnWU5S1D9_aenw/viewform>.
>> Amplifying the work of volunteers in the movement is important to us, and
>> we value suggestions on opportunities for us to do this further.
>> Regarding the Webb telescope news, we are planning to share the related
>> Wikipedia article as this Friday's Article of the Week
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Social_media/Article_of_the_week> on
>> Wikipedia's social media channels, and to highlight that the images are
>> available on Commons. Every Friday, we share an article that is relevant to
>> current global events and conversations (e.g. we shared about Hajj
>> <https://twitter.com/Wikipedia/status/1545492143023820813> last week),
>> so we thought the Webb telescope would be a perfect fit for this week.
>> We also look for opportunities to retweet posts from others related to
>> Wikimedia and current topics. For example, we just shared this post from
>> Wikimedia Chile
>> <https://twitter.com/Wikipedia/status/1546936039968743425> about the
>> Webb images. With this approach, we can share about the same topic in
>> multiple ways, from a range of perspectives, and celebrate community
>> groups. Another way is by sharing blog posts and media coverage that
>> mention us.
>> With that in mind, another idea I would like to propose is a blog post
>> on Diff <https://diff.wikimedia.org/> that tells the story of how
>> Wikimedia communities responded to the release of the images and made sure
>> information and the photos were quickly available on Wikimedia projects.
>> This is just an idea. If anyone is interested in writing that blog, please
>> let us know! We can then amplify the post on social media to bring it more
>> visibility.
>> Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!
>> Lauren
>> *Lauren Dickinson (she/her)*
>> Senior Communications Manager
>> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 1:43 PM effe iets anders <
>> effeietsand...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> How is @Wikipedia (and similar accounts) being managed right now? I'm
>>> mostly curious about the process how the tweets are decided upon - is this
>>> a staff-driven process or is there some community engagement? Is it planned
>>> out long in advance, or reactive (or somewhere in betwee

[Wikimedia-l] Re: @Wikipedia losing opportunities in Twitter

2022-07-12 Thread Samuel Klein
We should all be answering questions :)  The public interest will only grow
with the glorious images coming out today.

On Tue, Jul 12, 2022 at 10:45 AM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
galder...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Good day,
> Yesterday, the James Webb telescope published its first image, called
> "Webb's Frist Deep Field" (
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webb%27s_First_Deep_Field). An article
> about the image existis in 14 languages. The tweet announcing it has
> collected in less than a day more than 77.000 RTs and 275.000 likes (
> https://twitter.com/NASAWebb/status/1546621080298835970). The main object
> of the image didn't have any article at any Wikipedia (not an item at
> Wikidata) yesterday. Now we have an article in 8 languages:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMACS_J0723.3-7327 and a category in
> Commons.
> Well, the Wikipedia twitter handle didn't tweet anything about this
> achievement, and didn't give any contest to the image. (
> https://twitter.com/wikipedia).
> We could be answering questions. "By 2030, Wikimedia will become the
> essential infrastructure of the ecosystem of free knowledge". We could be
> centering free knowledge at Wikimedia.
> Best,
> Galder
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/ZOCBTOH4CXJDCV74J7YR6HAVL7EAGOQF/
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
Public archives at 
To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikimedia-l] Re: The Wikimedia Enterprise API project

2022-06-21 Thread Samuel Klein
>>>> have written a lot of documentation to get your feedback about our progress
>>>> and where it could be further improved before the actual product is
>>>> ‘launched’ in the next few months. We have been helped in this process over
>>>> the last several months by approximately 100 individual volunteers (from
>>>> many corners of the wikiverse) and representatives of affiliate
>>>> organisations who have reviewed our plans and provided invaluable
>>>> direction, pointing out weaknesses and opportunities, or areas lacking
>>>> clarity and documentation in our drafts. Thank you to everyone who has
>>>> shared your time and expertise to help prepare this new initiative.
>>>> A essay describing the “why?” and the “how?” of this project is now on
>>>> Meta:
>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise/Essay
>>>> Also now published on Meta are an extensive FAQ, operating principles,
>>>> and technical documentation on MediaWiki.org. You can read these at [1] [2]
>>>> and [3] respectively. Much of this documentation is already available
>>>> in French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
>>>> The Wikimedia Enterprise team is particularly interested in your
>>>> feedback on how we have designed the checks and balances to this project -
>>>> to ensure it is as successful as possible at achieving those two goals
>>>> described above while staying true to the movement’s values and culture.
>>>> For example: Is everything covered appropriately in the “Principles” list?
>>>> Is the technical documentation on MediaWiki.org clear? Are the explanations
>>>> in the “FAQ” about free-access for community, or project’s legal structure,
>>>> or the financial transparency (etc.) sufficiently detailed?
>>>> Meet the team and Ask Us Anything:
>>>> The central place to provide written feedback about the project in
>>>> general is on the talkpage of the documentation on Meta at:
>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_Enterprise
>>>> On this Friday (March 19)  we will be hosting two “Office hours”
>>>> conversations where anyone can come and give feedback or ask questions:
>>>>13:00 UTC via Zoom at https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/95580273732
>>>>22:00 UTC via Zoom at https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/92565175760
>>>>(note: this is Saturday in Asia/Oceania)
>>>> Other “office hours” meetings can be arranged on-request on a technical
>>>> platform of your choosing; and we will organise more calls in the future.
>>>> We will also be attending the next SWAN meetings (on March 21)
>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Wikimedia_Affiliates_Network,
>>>> and also the next of the Wikimedia Clinics
>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Clinics
>>>> Moreover, we would be very happy to accept any invitation to attend an
>>>> existing group call that would like to discuss this topic (e.g.  an
>>>> affiliate’s members’ meeting).
>>>> On behalf of the Wikimedia Enterprise team,
>>>> Peace, Love & Metadata
>>>> -- Liam Wyatt [Wittylama], Wikimedia Enterprise project community
>>>> liaison.
>>>> [0]
>>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Recommendations
>>>> [1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise/FAQ
>>>> [2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise/Principles
>>>> [3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise
>>>> *Liam Wyatt [Wittylama]*
>>>> WikiCite <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiCite> Program Manager & 
>>>> Wikimedia
>>>> Enterprise <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Okapi> Community Liaison
>>>> Wikimedia Foundation
>>>> ___
>> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
>> Public archives at
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/DPY5AEJOQGRAMP3FC7OLFIKSMEIJU7BN/
>> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/DWFFDR2WL3R6VXOB6IRTZ2VT5LOZI4FP/
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
Public archives at 
To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikimedia-l] Re: The Wikimedia Enterprise API project

2022-06-21 Thread Samuel Klein
 the quality and quantity of Wikimedia content available to our many
>>> readers who do not visit our websites directly (including more consistent
>>> attribution). Moreover, it does so in a way that is true to our movement’s
>>> culture: with open source software, financial transparency, non-exclusive
>>> contracts or content, no restrictions on existing services, and free access
>>> for Wikimedia volunteers who need it.
>>> The team believes we are on target to achieve those goals and so we have
>>> written a lot of documentation to get your feedback about our progress and
>>> where it could be further improved before the actual product is ‘launched’
>>> in the next few months. We have been helped in this process over the last
>>> several months by approximately 100 individual volunteers (from many
>>> corners of the wikiverse) and representatives of affiliate organisations
>>> who have reviewed our plans and provided invaluable direction, pointing out
>>> weaknesses and opportunities, or areas lacking clarity and documentation in
>>> our drafts. Thank you to everyone who has shared your time and expertise to
>>> help prepare this new initiative.
>>> A essay describing the “why?” and the “how?” of this project is now on
>>> Meta:
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise/Essay
>>> Also now published on Meta are an extensive FAQ, operating principles,
>>> and technical documentation on MediaWiki.org. You can read these at [1] [2]
>>> and [3] respectively. Much of this documentation is already available
>>> in French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
>>> The Wikimedia Enterprise team is particularly interested in your
>>> feedback on how we have designed the checks and balances to this project -
>>> to ensure it is as successful as possible at achieving those two goals
>>> described above while staying true to the movement’s values and culture.
>>> For example: Is everything covered appropriately in the “Principles” list?
>>> Is the technical documentation on MediaWiki.org clear? Are the explanations
>>> in the “FAQ” about free-access for community, or project’s legal structure,
>>> or the financial transparency (etc.) sufficiently detailed?
>>> Meet the team and Ask Us Anything:
>>> The central place to provide written feedback about the project in
>>> general is on the talkpage of the documentation on Meta at:
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_Enterprise
>>> On this Friday (March 19)  we will be hosting two “Office hours”
>>> conversations where anyone can come and give feedback or ask questions:
>>>13:00 UTC via Zoom at https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/95580273732
>>>22:00 UTC via Zoom at https://wikimedia.zoom.us/j/92565175760 (note:
>>>this is Saturday in Asia/Oceania)
>>> Other “office hours” meetings can be arranged on-request on a technical
>>> platform of your choosing; and we will organise more calls in the future.
>>> We will also be attending the next SWAN meetings (on March 21)
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategic_Wikimedia_Affiliates_Network,
>>> and also the next of the Wikimedia Clinics
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Clinics
>>> Moreover, we would be very happy to accept any invitation to attend an
>>> existing group call that would like to discuss this topic (e.g.  an
>>> affiliate’s members’ meeting).
>>> On behalf of the Wikimedia Enterprise team,
>>> Peace, Love & Metadata
>>> -- Liam Wyatt [Wittylama], Wikimedia Enterprise project community
>>> liaison.
>>> [0]
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Strategy/Wikimedia_movement/2018-20/Recommendations
>>> [1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise/FAQ
>>> [2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise/Principles
>>> [3] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Enterprise
>>> *Liam Wyatt [Wittylama]*
>>> WikiCite <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiCite> Program Manager & 
>>> Wikimedia
>>> Enterprise <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Okapi> Community Liaison
>>> Wikimedia Foundation
>>> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/DPY5AEJOQGRAMP3FC7OLFIKSMEIJU7BN/
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
Public archives at 
To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikimedia-l] Re: [Wikidata] A collaboration between three Wikimedia affiliates to advance the technical capacities of the movement around Wikidata

2022-06-21 Thread Samuel Klein
> Wikimedia Deutschland
> --
> Maria Heuschkel
> Projektmanagerin
> Softwareentwicklung
> Wikimedia Deutschland e. V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
> Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0
> https://wikimedia.de
> Unsere Vision ist eine Welt, in der alle Menschen am Wissen der Menschheit
> teilhaben, es nutzen und mehren können. Helfen Sie uns dabei!
> https://spenden.wikimedia.de
> Wikimedia Deutschland — Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V.
> Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter
> der Nummer 23855 B. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für
> Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/029/42207.
> ___
> Wikidata mailing list -- wikid...@lists.wikimedia.org
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikidata-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
Public archives at 
To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikimedia-l] Small joy of the day: Txikipedia

2022-06-19 Thread Samuel Klein
Reminded today of how beautifully this kids encyclopedia has worked out:
Txikipedia:Azala  (main
page),  Txikipedia:Gengis_Khan

More languages should try that.   a) simple skin hack, b) loving and lovely
idea, c) more compelling to me than the standalone kidipedia projects :)
 Anyway, thanks for improving my weekend, Txikipedians.   SJ

(posting to wm-l since wp-l is gone now...)
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
Public archives at 
To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikimedia-l] Re: what do we do with all this opportunity?

2022-06-18 Thread Samuel Klein
James! Thanks for this case in point.

The free knowledge ecosystem includes hundreds of  thousands of devs around
the world. Most don't think to collaborate with us or through our
codebases, most who do bounce off of current systems, and those who stay
still have a hard time getting code reviewed or fit into a roadmap, or
small grants.

But W also have more genuine, unqualified goodwill than any technical
project I know.  Few doors for technical collaboration or future-creation
would be closed if we only learn how to ask and welcome the result.

So instead of asking "which tools should we try to test + implement, if we
can figure out how to configure it" or "which of these independent
proposals seems worthy of a one-time grant" (like any startup or website or
grantor out there, limited by the time of the few people setting it up), we
should Be Bolder.
Sketch in broad strokes what we need and want to see, commit to working
together to make it so, look for partners who want to collaborate with us
in making the best ecosystem on the planet. E.g.

 — what open graph database will scale to support general knowledge graphs
10 and 100x our current size? The whole planet needs one. Whatever we
migrate to next should be <http://should.be/> a community that joins us to
reach that goal.

 — what discourse tools can support our wide ranging and intense
discussions, constantly tested by our active (once rare, but increasingly
possible and important in a networked world) collabs and consensus-building
across language divides?

There are So. Many. Other areas where the ecosystem of open tools is
scattered, loving, and small, and focus by and with us could elevate the
possible into the commonplace.
 — embedded annotation, like Hypothesis
 — simultaneous editing, like Etherpad
 — embedded synchronous discussion, like IRC or Brave Talk
 — content translation flows
 — visualizations w embedded data, like OWID
 — media editing, like videowiki
 — format conversion + transcoding
 — working with file formats of existing and emerging fields of
 — book creation
 — course creation
 — script creation
 — data reconciliation, like OpenRefine

Most of these ideas have approaches (open tickets in Phab) with some depth,
with internal and external champions, and with potentially modest
implementations that could be distributed if that ever became a burden. But
these opportunities are sitting unresolved because a) they don't fall under
the goals of any existing initiatives, and b) we've built
anti-infrastructure: a system that makes contribution from the edges hard
or risky. Lots of tickets opened by people offering to do the work note
that they want some sort of confirmation that the result could be adopted
or implemented, before they commit months of effort to it.

Our internal models for priority and focus need to consider the broader
picture of the technical ecosystem we could empower and uplift, and need to
register the value of working with and committing to other entire networks
(including having many times more people solving these issues alongside
us). Otherwise we are not providing the infrastructure needed by our own
editing networks, not to mention the rest of th free knowledge ecosystem.


On Sat., Jun. 18, 2022, 6:37 p.m. James Heilman,  wrote:

> I have not found getting funding from the WMF for projects easy. VideoWiki
> for example has mostly been funded by WikiProjectMed / personally funded.
> Our first grant application since fully taking on the effort was declined
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Project/Rapid/WPM:VideoWiki> and
> our programmer working on the project has thus moved on. Our experience has
> been similar regarding our collaboration with Our World in Data. We have
> gotten the interactive graphs working on our own site
> <https://mdwiki.org/wiki/WikiProjectMed:OWID> and offered to work on
> doing the same for Wikipedia (plus making them multilingual). Jumping
> through hoops to meet WMF requirements will; however, cost about 1,000 USD.
> WikiProjectMed has never received funding from the WMF and as a much much
> smaller NGO cannot cover these programming expenses for the movement.
> James
> On Sat, Jun 18, 2022 at 3:49 PM Samuel Klein  wrote:
>> We face the paradox <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fredkin%27s_paradox>
>> of choice <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overchoice>, the lull of peace,
>> and the fog of distributed bureaucracy.
>> ~ With great possibility comes disfocus. (and a few things with focus!)
>> ~ With no clear challenge or adversary, we've become comfortable fussing
>> over small changes... Even as the world moves on to new frontiers and
>> companies race to enclose derivatives of our work. This peace is coming to
>> an end.
>> ~ Our central overhead costs are quite high. So

[Wikimedia-l] Re: what do we do with all this opportunity?

2022-06-18 Thread Samuel Klein
We face the paradox  of
choice , the lull of peace, and
the fog of distributed bureaucracy.
~ With great possibility comes disfocus. (and a few things with focus!)
~ With no clear challenge or adversary, we've become comfortable fussing
over small changes... Even as the world moves on to new frontiers and
companies race to enclose derivatives of our work. This peace is coming to
an end.
~ Our central overhead costs are quite high. So high^ that it seems to
baffle everyone involved, each believing the bureaucracy must be caused by
some other part of the system, outside of their or their org's control.

Our projects are already a global standard for multimodal collaboration at
scale, we should embrace that and rise to meet it.  Building some of the
world's best free, mulitilingual, accessible tools for is within our remit,
experience, and budget.
  [Discourse raised a *total *of $20M over its lifetime. we could support +
spin out free-knowledge free-software layers like that every year.]

Let's practice working together, focusing on a few things each year that
can change not only our projects but the world, honoring existing work and
aggressively shedding anything we are doing that others are alreay doing
almost as well.


*^* Up to 10-to-1 in some areas, plus delays of years inserted into
otherwise continuous processes.  This ratio can slip into the negative if
one includes opportunity cost, or funded work that displaces or drives out
comparable voluntary work; or that demands thousands of hours of input for
little result.

On Fri, Jun 17, 2022 at 8:45 AM Galder Gonzalez Larrañaga <
galder...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Or, maybe, just making Wikimedia a non-obsolete environment. I'm sure the
> money can go to that effort.
> --
> *From:* Felipe Schenone 
> *Sent:* Friday, June 17, 2022 12:51 PM
> *To:* Wikimedia Mailing List 
> *Subject:* [Wikimedia-l] Re: Wikimedia Foundation Inc. design staff
> I agree with the diagnosis, but maybe not with the solution. If Wikimedia
> is getting "overfunding" and doesn't quite know what to so with it, there's
> probably plenty of good things to do. We could start a community process to
> decide it, because as you say, reducing funding efforts or saving
> indefinitely for the future isn't likely to happen or even desirable,
> considering the alternatives.
> Here are some ideas:
> * Investing in clean energy sources for Wikimedia servers.
> * Funding of external developers and libraries on which MediaWiki depends.
> * Funding of open knowledge projects beyond Wikimedia, to not stray too
> far the original intentions of donors and volunteers.
> * Funding of other non-knowledge altruistic projects (like buying land for
> a natural reserve). I'm sure the funding team could rethink and generalize
> the campaign to justify this use for future donations.
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2022, 4:47 AM  wrote:
> The question of you is important. The Wikimedia Foundation hired a lot of
> people in the last years and I do not see so big change in the output. It
> is a question that is from my point of view relevant for different areas at
> the Wikimedia Foundation. I dont support a too big focus on efficiency that
> needs a lot of metrics to measure and to create these metrics needs then a
> lot of staff. What is needed and what not is not easy to measure. With
> increasing available resources the staff will probably increase. This is an
> usual behaviour of humans that they try to use resources if available and
> do not only allocate them for the future or say no and try to reduce the
> needed resources if not neccessary. From my point of view the Wikimedia
> Foundation should reduce the Fundraising acitivities and try to reduce in
> the next years the yearly expenses or pay at least attention that they do
> not increase further. The salaries at the Wikimedia Foundation are
> currently from my point of view in relation to Germany based NGOs high. I
> think interesting documents to get an overview about the work of the
> Wikimedia Foundation are the quaterly tuning sessions.
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikimedia_Foundation_tuning_sessions,_FY2021-22
> Hogü-456
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/LL7NEZZNI7QBLBXDCKFFBVYHBJCDRMXX/
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public a

[Wikimedia-l] Re: Developer Portal is launched! Discover Wikimedia’s technical areas and how to contribute

2022-06-15 Thread Samuel Klein
multiple rounds
>of user testing
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_Advocacy/Developer_Portal/History#User_research_and_testing>
>the Design Strategy team
><https://design.wikimedia.org/strategy/index.html> at the Foundation
>for helping us with designing a research study and recruiting a diverse
>group of users to test the final version of the site
>people who helped with key doc improvements and content reviews: Haley
><https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:HLepp_(WMF)>, Kamil
><https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:KBach-WMF>, Komla
><https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:SSapaty_(WMF)>, Nick
><https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Quiddity_(WMF)>, Srishti
>translators and translatewiki.net community, especially Abijeet
><https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:APatro_(WMF)>, Niklas
><https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Nlaxstrom-WMF>, and Verdy_p
>People who helped us with steps towards production and deployment:
>Alexandros <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:AKosiaris_(WMF)>,
>Andrew <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:AndrewBogott_(WMF)>, Brian
><https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:BKing_(WMF)>, Ryan
><https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:RKemper_(WMF)>, Valentin
> We hope that this new resource will be fun to explore and ultimately be
> useful for your work.
> If you are interested in learning more about the thinking behind the user
> journey design for the Developer Portal, please see the blog post on Diff
> <https://diff.wikimedia.org/2022/06/15/illuminating-pathways-to-technical-documentation/>.
> For more information about the technical implementation and design
> principles, please see the corresponding post on the techblog
> <https://techblog.wikimedia.org/2022/06/15/new-discovery-tool-for-technical-documentation/>.
> All key information is also available on the project page
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_Advocacy/Developer_Portal> of
> the Developer Portal.
> Feedback, ideas and questions are more than welcome on the talk page of
> the project
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Developer_Advocacy/Developer_Portal>.
> Let's keep discussions in one place. :-)
> Birgit & the Developer Portal project team
> --
> Birgit Müller (she/her)
> Director of Technical Engagement
> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Selena Deckelmann joins as Chief Product & Technology Officer

2022-06-13 Thread Samuel Klein
Welcome Selena -- thank you for this kind introduction.
I hope you find the Foundation and projects warm and welcoming, with ample
humor and beauty in them (and in 'practice, not theory'!).

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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Join the new Movement Strategy Forum community review

2022-06-12 Thread Samuel Klein
Hi Tgr :)  Of course you've been involved in Discourse administration as
much as anyone.

> Our community's hostility to experiments is one of the biggest obstacles
> to adaptation and addressing long-present problems

That seems unfair.  Please reconsider. (your opinion carries a lot of
weight and can be self-actualizing!)
There is certainly a wariness of fragmenting experiments that don't have
the promise of bringing new ideas back into our core tools and sites. It's
great to borrow from & integrate w other projects, and the integration
needs to happen. We need enough gravitational attraction in the core to tie
things together.

If we had a strong persistent vision for how to support multilingual
discourse on our projects, and someone leading its design was warmly
engaged here, pointing out how this contributes to the ongoing work, most
of the stated concerns would go away.

  One-click translation is important.  Talk page sections (and flow) should
have it.  There are solvable details.
  Automatic link-expansion can be handy.  Talk pages should have it as an
option.  There are solvable details.
  The ability to sort a list by voting is important. (People do this
laboriously on wikis all the time!) We should have an in-band solution.

Let's practice fast clear templates for experiments:
 1. Social templates for saying 'we want this', proposing simplest workable
 2. Clarity of maintainers and decision making. Who (in each area) can say
'we *plan* to have this', update roadmaps or plans of record, allocate
time, iterate onp experiments?
 3. Technical templates for trying new tools in a way that informs and
improves our core, and is persistently reusable. (We have tried many
discourse instances. What is the recommended way to synchronize it with a
 4. Giving shout-outs to existing work. Underrated + uplifting. We have
community scripts or feature requests that have tried to add most of these
features to MediaWiki itself. Naming them and their outcomes can highlight
what we still have to learn from new implementations.


(PS. I like this experiment & it motivates MW improvements. But for those
who might not immediately think of what we /lose/ by moving a q&a to a
forum, off the top of my head:
 ~ unified recent changes
 ~ unified notifications
 ~ nestable threading
 ~ coherent archiving
 ~ easy wiki-linking and backlinks
 ~ easy transclusion onto other pages
 ~ the abstraction of talk pages (or other annotation)
 ~ translation flow for non-automated translation

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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Open Call for Wikimania Volunteers

2022-06-11 Thread Samuel Klein
Thanks, Antoni!  Are you also looking for translators?  How is language
support going to work this year?

Warmly, SJ

PS - It's hard to see what is still needed when things happen via forms and
off-wiki.  Any updates you can post to the wiki itself would be welcome ///

On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 9:53 AM Antoni Mtavangu 

> Hello dear Wikimedians!
> We would like to let you know that The Wikimania 2022 Core Organizing Team
> wants to work with you in making the Wikimania 2022 Conference inclusive as
> possible. The roles we would like you to support us during Wikimania
> includes Trust and Safety, Session Q&A Facilitators, Tent Managers, Help
> Desk, Newcomer Host, and Newcomer Desk. In all those tasks, no prior
> experience is necessary as we will provide training for all volunteers.
> We kindly ask those who are  interested to join us at the Wikimania
> Festival (August 11-14) in either of the roles mentioned to sign up here
> <https://diff.wikimedia.org/2022/06/03/open-call-for-wikimania-volunteers/>
>   to support one of the roles mentioned above.
> We look forward to celebrating with you at this year’s Wikimania Festival!
> On behalf of Wikimania 2022 COT
> <https://diff.wikimedia.org/2022/02/24/announcing-the-wikimania-2022-core-organizing-team/>
> ,
> Antoni Mtavangu (He/Him)
> Wikimania 2022 COT member
> <https://diff.wikimedia.org/2022/02/24/announcing-the-wikimania-2022-core-organizing-team/>
> Cofounder-Wikimedia Tanzania
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Community_User_Group_Tanzania>
> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
> "By 2030, Wikimedia will become the essential infrastructure of the
> ecosystem of free knowledge, and anyone who shares our vision will be able
> to join us."
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Fact-checking where resources flow

2022-06-02 Thread Samuel Klein
> Outside the United States", spending on activities outside the US amounted
> to a total of $20,076,181 in 2020.[3] This means well over 80% of WMF
> expenditure was in the US.
> The Form 990 also provides a breakdown by global regions, detailing the
> precise amounts the WMF spent in each region. Again, I found this paints a
> very different picture to what the Indian public has been told in the
> Indian Express.
> First I added up all the amounts (Program Services, p. 29, and
> Grantmaking, pp. 30–31) that were spent in Europe and North America
> (excluding the US). I arrived at a total of $14.8M – which means that 73.5%
> of the total spending on non-US activities was in these regions of the
> affluent north.
> This left only $5.3M, or about 3% of total WMF revenue in 2020/2021, for
> the entire rest of the world, which also includes countries like Saudi
> Arabia, Russia, Japan, Korea and Taiwan, which are not usually included in
> the Global South. The actual money flowing into the Global South is thus
> even less than 3% – hardly "most" of the money raised.
> Raju mentioned the volunteers. I thought, let's leave Program Services
> expenses (which presumably would include servers and caching centres
> abroad) out of the equation and look at Grantmaking alone (pages 30 and 31
> of the Form 990).
> The Grantmaking total for activities outside the US given in the Form 990
> is $3,475,062.
> Almost exactly $1.2M (35%) of that went to Europe and North America
> (excluding the US).
> So total grantmaking in the entire rest of the world outside Europe and
> North America was $2.3M, or 1.4% of the money the WMF raised in 2020/2021.
> Again 1.4% is not "most of the money raised", by any stretch of the
> imagination. And the Global South only accounts for a part of that 1.4%.
> Lastly, as Raju was speaking to the Indian public, I wanted to find out
> how much money the WMF actually spent on grantmaking in India. The Form 990
> only gives grantmaking totals for "South Asia" – which along with India
> includes other major countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan.
> These totals are $75,198 (grants and other assistance to 22 individuals,
> certainly not rank-and-file Wikipedians, given the average amount) and
> $3,339 (grants to organisations). This yields a total of $78,537 for all of
> South Asia.
> I make that 0.048% of the WMF's 2020/2021 revenue. Only a part of that may
> have been spent in India.
> Please verify these figures for yourselves; I have provided the sources
> below. If I have made a mistake somewhere, please tell me.
> It occurred to me that perhaps some grantmaking figures in 2020 were
> particularly low because of the Covid pandemic, which began in the spring
> of that year. But Covid was a global pandemic affecting countries around
> the world. So all countries would have been affected equally. And Covid was
> not as serious in India in 2020 as it was in 2021.
> I also know the WMF increased its grantmaking budget for the current year.
> But even if grants to South Asia were to increase a hundredfold compared to
> 2020, they would still represent only 5% of WMF revenue. Such is the gap
> between what is said in the Indian Express and the reality on the ground.
> Allow me to make an appeal to your conscience.
> The Wikipedia idea is to provide neutral and accurate information to the
> public. I would say that Wikimedians – especially Indian Wikimedians – who
> believe in that idea have a job to do here, because based on the above,
> what the Indian public has been told in the Indian Express simply does not
> match the reality.
> Look at it like a Wikipedia article. If you found an article making claims
> so wildly at variance with published facts, would you let them stand? Or
> would you at least start a discussion on the talk page, to try and find out
> why there is such an apparent discrepancy?
> Let's have that discussion now, here and on social media.
> Best,
> Andreas
> [1]
> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/foundation/1/1e/Wikimedia_Foundation_FY2020-2021_Audit_Report.pdf#page=5
> – see also
> https://www.dailydot.com/debug/wikipedia-endownemnt-fundraising/
> [2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Fundraising#Indian_email_texts
> [3]
> https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/foundation/e/e4/Wikimedia_Foundation_2020_Form_990.pdf#page=29
> ___
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> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
> https://list

[Wikimedia-l] Re: Congratulations to accepted candidates for Google Summer of Code 2022 & Outreachy Round 24

2022-05-27 Thread Samuel Klein
What a crew!!  Excited to see interest in WDComplete and edit requests
Congrats to all, wishing you an inspiring and productive summer. 💮🛼


On Thu., May 26, 2022, 9:04 p.m. Oby Ezeilo,  wrote:

> Congratulations to all of them 🎉🎉🎉
> Regards
> Oby Ezeilo
> On Fri, May 27, 2022, 12:59 AM Satdeep Gill  wrote:
>> Many many congratulations to all the candidates as well as the mentors!
>> I am sure this will enrich the movement with new tools and developers.
>> Regards
>> Satdeep
>> On Thu, May 26, 2022, 9:37 PM pavan santhosh 
>> wrote:
>>> Congratulations to all the successful candidates and mentors!!!
>>> 26 మే, 2022, గురు 17:08కి, Vasanth Gopa  ఇలా
>>> రాశారు:
 Hello Folks,

 Please join me in welcoming Wikimedia's accepted candidates for Google
 Summer of Code 2022 and Outreachy Round 24!

 *Google Summer of Code 2022*

1.  Nivas Ramisetty, India,   Campaigns Retention Metrics Dashboard
 Mentors: KCVelaga, Jayprakash12345.

2.  Ayan Sarkar, India,  Improve the picture selector of the
 Commons Android app
 Mentors:  Syced, Aditya.

3.  Lalit Suthar, India,  Extending the WikidataComplete plugin for
 enabling data donations, recommendations, and gamification
 Mentors: Gabinguo
 , Aleksandr Perevalov

4.  Ankit Gupta, India,  Edit Request Wizard
 Mentors: Enterprisey
 , SD0001

5.  Shashwat Khanna
 , India,  Modernize
 JavaScript build process and dependencies for Wiki Education Dashboard
 Mentors: Sage (Wiki Ed)

6.   Lennard Hofmann
 , Germany, Rewrite
 the Wikidata Infobox on Commons in Lua
  Mentors: Mike Peel

7.  Amal Paul, India,  Command-line interface for Canasta
 Mentors: Jeffrey Wang
 , Yaron Koren

 *Outreachy Round 24*

1.  Vaidehi Atpadkar,  Add support for tracking specific namespaces
 to Programs & Events Dashboard
 Mentors: Sage Ross.

2.  Nazia Tasnim,   Build Python library to work with html-dumps
 Mentors: Martin Gerlach, Isaac Johnson.

3.  Feliciss,  What's in a name? Automatically identifying first
 and last author names for Wikicite and Wikidata
 Mentors: Mike Peel
 , Pigsonthewing

4.  Luis Roberto,  What's in a name? Automatically identifying
 first and last author names for Wikicite and Wikidata
 Mentors: Mike Peel
 , Pigsonthewing

 We would like to encourage accepted candidates to introduce themselves
 this thread, share with us where they are coming from and give a brief
 overview of the project they will be working on.

 We’re so proud of the contributions they have made so far to our
 and we look forward to having a wonderful time working with them over
 summer! Also, a huge shout-out to the project mentors for their
 and commitment!

 Thank you to Srishti, Jay Prakash
  and Aisha Khatun
  for coordinating
 this round along with me!

 [1] Google Summer of Code 2022:
 [2] Outreachy Round 24:


 Gopa Vasanth 
 Twitter  | LinkedIn

[Wikimedia-l] Re: Simplifying governance processes

2022-05-24 Thread Samuel Klein
Pascale: you are the best  :)  Let us by all means take inspiration from
math and art.

Erik notes, about UX testing:
> it's also possible to provide volunteers with the resources to do it.

Yes, our ability to let people run A/B/Z tests, is extremely powerful.  We
should make more use of this, and teach more people to use it :
particularly the editors already spending long hours fine-tuning designs.

Lodewijk writes:
> Mostly agree with SJ here, with one exception: I do think that some
standing committee to rule on conduct issues is necessary

Yes, elected conduct-decision bodies make sense.  I'm suggesting we use a
simpler process, not be too particular about it, and iterate. The more
drawn-out and elaborate a selection, the more we filter out people who
would prefer to be doing non-bureaucratic work.

Let's combine a slate of elections into *one annual election process*.
Make the range of elections intriguing rather than daunting.

Also, as Steven notes, we need to rebuild norms for leadership /
stewardship of individual projects + decisions. Whoever is planning and
leading an initiative -- be bold and humble, responsive and iterative,
empowering others to fix what's broken.


On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 7:34 PM Nathan  wrote:

> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 5:38 PM Steven Walling 
> wrote:
>> On Thu, May 19, 2022 at 10:27 AM Evelin Heidel 
>> wrote:
>>> +1 to this, my perception is that we're wasting a lot of volunteer's +
>>> staff time + resources into complex governance processes without clear
>>> results. In theory, the reason why you want this much transparency &
>>> process is to make sure decision making (and in turn resources) are
>>> allocated fairly, but in practice so much bureaucracy makes it very hard
>>> for people to participate, leading to even more inequality.
>>> It's a complex balance to strike but definitely the current initiatives
>>> are not even a good aim to begin with.
>>> cheers,
>>> scann
>> 100% this.
>> The intentions behind the complex governance processes are good in that
>> they intend to increase inclusivity. But it’s easy to forget the most
>> limited resource we have is the attention of volunteers. The groups we
>> include the least today have the least free time and money. Longer,
>> multi-step processes to form and elect committees to set up committees to
>> review processes to inform a decision then has exactly the opposite of the
>> intended effect because it reduces participation to the slim group of
>> people who have the time and patience for such a process. The CIA wrote a
>> manual about how to sabotage organizations, and it’s like they wrote a
>> perfect description of exactly how things operate right now: "When
>> possible, refer all matters to committees for further study and
>> consideration. Attempt to make the committee as large as possible–never
>> less than five."[1]
>> The other reason we ended up in this situation is simply a lack of strong
>> leadership. People feel like they don't have the permission or safety to do
>> things unless they've done the maximum amount of consultations possible.
>> This is why decisions flounder in limbo for a long time, with no one really
>> knowing if they are happening or not happening. We're stuck because we're
>> trying to reset our governance to solve the problem where it's unclear who
>> is able to decide what and when... but we're trying to solve that by
>> perpetually punting a decision to some other committee or council of
>> people. It's turtles all the way down.
>> 1:
>> https://www.openculture.com/2022/01/read-the-cias-simple-sabotage-field-manual.html
> I think that means we need to acknowledge some culpability for this
> phenomena - in environments like this list, folks learn that no decision is
> too benign to spark controversy and any actually controversial decision is
> guaranteed to garner a vitriolic backlash.
> Combine that with the normal tendencies of bureaucracies, magnified by the
> special nature of the WMF, and the result is explosive growth in
> distributed decision-making organs.
> Accurate insights from SJ and others, if not necessarily new, but unlikely
> to lead to change because all the incentives that led to this place remain.
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
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> Pu

[Wikimedia-l] Simplifying governance processes

2022-05-18 Thread Samuel Klein
Dear Board (and all),

The growing complexity of governance efforts is defeating us. Process creep
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Avoid_instruction_creep> is an
existential threat for projects like ours – it is self-perpetuating if not
actively curtailed, as it filters out people who dislike excess process.
There's a reason 'bureaucrats' and 'stewards' have unglamorous titles.

Global governance in particular seems to be suffering from this now. Let's
try to scale it back!  Recent developments, all at least somewhat confusing:

*Global Council*: A three-stage vote for the drafting committee.  After 6
months of work in private, we know the charter will cover governance,
resourcing, & community
<https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Movement_Charter/Content>.  A ratifiable
charter by 2023 should include Council scope, then *another* group may
draft an election process. Council elections would start mid-2024.

*Conduct*: Two years from first draft to realization. Custom review &
revision process for policy, set to change ~once a year. Enforcement by
*another* group (U4C), not yet defined, with an idea about annual elections
for it [starting in 2023?].

*WMF Board*: A *four*-stage election, with a new complex nomination
template. Nominees evaluated by *another* elected 9-person Analysis
Committee, followed by a two-stage vote.
Months of process, 16 staff facilitators.

Something has to give. We don't have time for all of these to be different,
complex affairs.
And this complexity feels self-imposed, like trying to push spaghetti
through a straw.

~ ~ ~
Four short proposals for your consideration:

1. Focus discussions on the decisions we need to resolve, not on process.
We need a foundation Board & global Council for specific practical reasons.
What challenges do they need to resolve this year?  What major issues +
nuances are at play?

2. Make elections simple, flexible, consistent.
Build tools and frameworks that *conserve* rather than soak up community
time.  Make longer processes capture proportionately detailed results.
Empower a standing election committee.

3. Highlight ways people can engage with governance + prioritization,
regionally + globally, beyond winning elections to procedural bodies.
*Support* organizers + facilitators rather than *hiring* them out of their
communities to facilitate on behalf of a central org.

4. Delegate more.  Delegate to community.  Delegate *design* and
Our communities excel at self-organization, and rebel against arbitrary
mandates. Avoid language or policies that remove agency or
exaggerate staff-community division.

𝒲♡,  SJ

Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Building Partnerships and Identifying and Addressing Harassment Online self-guided courses now available on WikiLearn platform

2022-05-14 Thread Samuel Klein
Cassie + Asaf -- again, very cool, I'd like to share this more widely, but
it's still a bit too confusing.
- Courses  includes some test courses that
should probably be hidden, many copies of each course, and no details for
the Harassment course.
- It's not clear if there is a permanent page to point to for each course
separate from the instances of that course (w/ a given start date).


I'm not sure why you chose this frame for your response (open edx is great,
we need better options for courseware, these existing courses should be
more accessible and resuable. *And* it should be integrated into WV, which
is open to courses about the wikis. :)  ...  but I understand the sentiment!

WV is an editable, open space for people to create, collaborate + comment
on, fork, and translate courses (or just lists of resources for learners).
It's permanently versioned, multilingual, crosslinked, transcludable,
*gradual*.  It has the pros and cons of default mediawiki, and [unlike,
say, wikisource] hasn't been updated or customized since the rise of online
courseware platforms; nor have those platforms tried to become very wiki.
A missed opportunity on both sides.

People in the movement who are developing and updating their own courses
should certainly be invited to add them in some way to WV. (here's a
category  for you.) If
we're inviting people to add to learn.wiki, let's please make that an easy
option in the workflow.   And eventually, once the platform is open to
community course-creation, of course some integration in the other
direction would be nice to capture the work of people currently teaching
courses on the wiki (limited by topical scope if that's the intent, or
perhaps there can be self-referential courses about using the wikis and
other wikis on the same instance)


On Fri, May 13, 2022 at 12:57 PM Mike Peel  wrote:

> Ah, OK, so it's not "intended to serve the entire Wikimedia movement!" -
> it's focused on internal Wikimedia training, not external users? I
> missed that, sorry, and thanks for the correction.
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Building Partnerships and Identifying and Addressing Harassment Online self-guided courses now available on WikiLearn platform

2022-05-11 Thread Samuel Klein
> please email the Community Development team at comdevt...@wikimedia.org
> Thank you,
> The Community Development Team
> Cassie Casares
> Program Support Associate
> Community Development
> Wikimedia Foundation
> ccasa...@wikimedia.org
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Open proxies and IP blocking

2022-04-30 Thread Samuel Klein
On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 11:25 AM Steven Walling 

> On Sat, Apr 30, 2022 at 12:37 AM effe iets anders <
> effeietsand...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This family of methods risks a two class community, but I'm not sure if
>> that is worse than the current situation. I'm not sure what would be the
>> 'right' path either.
>> A throttle plus flagging proxy edits to admins are really good ideas.
> Creating visibility for functionaries and ways to dial down volume without
> blocking everyone entirely are the right way to allow more openness
> balanced with control.

+1.  We already have many classes, not just two, as we flag accounts by
seniority, an important aspect of soft security.
We should always try to limit hard blocks and expand the capacity +
efficiency of reviews and responses after contribution.

> Thanks for hopping in the conversation Danny, glad to know the team is
> thinking on this. The poorly designed way that proxy blocks and requesting
> IPBE are communicated feels like low hanging fruit that the Foundation
> design and product teams could tackle here?

Two other ideas:
- Let people who are vouched for by current users in good standing
automatically get IPBE (linked to the vouching account).  Or let current
users create a new account for someone they bouch for, and ask on-wiki on
their behalf for IPBE for that account.  Simple, transparent.
- Make the steps in the block-exemption process and the range of banners +
messages people see when blocked, more browsable and editable by the
community of editors.

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[Wikimedia-l] Re: New co-ED at Wikimedia Deutschland

2022-04-28 Thread Samuel Klein
Wow, fantastic.  Warm regards and kudos to you all.  

On Thu, Apr 28, 2022 at 9:39 AM Lukas Mezger 

> Dear Wikimedia friends,
> Our path towards an open digital society can only be achieved through open
> software solutions. This is why the Wikimedia Deutschland Supervisory
> Board adopted a governance reform at our meeting on 9 April and asked 
> Franziska
> Heine <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Franziska_Heine_(WMDE)>, our
> current head of software development, and Christian Humborg
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Christian_Humborg_(WMDE)>, our
> current executive director, to jointly take on the leadership of Wikimedia
> Deutschland starting 1 August. Franziska will be the first female ED in the
> history of Wikimedia Deutschland and Wikimedia Deutschland might be the
> first Wikimedia chapter with a dual leadership.
> We believe that our decision to introduce a dual leadership is very much
> in line with the sentiment of the Wikimedia communities that accessible and
> attractive software is and will always be essential for all current and
> future Wikimedia projects. Having two co-EDs lends equal weight to
> requirements of the community and the resulting software solutions.
> Together with the rest of the Supervisory Board, I am very much looking
> forward to continuing to work with Franziska and Christian as our new dual
> leadership. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Franziska and
> Christian for their work on our new governance structure and especially
> Christian for convincing us of this path forward.
> Kind regards,
> Lukas
> --
> Dr. Lukas Mezger
> Vorsitzender des Präsidiums / chair of the Supervisory Board
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Collection / Special:Book usage

2022-04-24 Thread Samuel Klein
1000 per month!  Interesting.  Do we have readership / download data for
those created?

On Sun, Apr 24, 2022 at 4:24 AM Mike Peel  wrote:

> On 17/4/22 17:40:35, Strainu wrote:
> >
> >
> > Pe duminică, 17 aprilie 2022, Tito Dutta  > <mailto:trulyt...@gmail.com>> a scris:
> >  > Hello,
> >  > This was a very useful tool for the readers. I used it a lot when it
> > was working.
> >  > User namespace books page category shows 50,000 subpages:
> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:User_namespace_book_pages
> > <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:User_namespace_book_pages>
> >  > (Please see language sidebar for other languages)
> >
> > You could probably go though all the pages in all the equivalent
> > categories and have a histogram of usage based on page creation time.
> This sounded interesting, so I made the histogram, just for enwiki, here
> it is:
> https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Book_collection_enwiki_histogram.pdf
> The count is pages created per month.
> Key dates:
> - February 2009 - initial peak, tool enabled?
> - May 2013 - rapid increase, it became more visible?
> - October 2014 - peak usage (1145/month)
> - End of 2017 - rapid decrease, reduced visibility?
> - January 2020 - drop to close to zero, tool disabled?
> Thanks,
> Mike
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Collection / Special:Book usage

2022-04-23 Thread Samuel Klein
How lovely.  Thank you Dirk for your work on this.
I was just today talking with a friend about how one might customize a
beautiful wikibook and potentially give it its own permanent ID and, say,
contribute it to the Open Library.

On Sat, Apr 23, 2022 at 10:14 AM Dirk Hünniger via Wikimedia-l <
wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hi Juergen,
> the mediawiki2latex tool is still used see
> https://qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=mediawiki2latex
> it can handle complex tables. It is fully open source, distributed as a
> debian package, which can run on an OS as a docker container. Currently
> I am only investing little time to keep it working. Still I could do
> more if demand rises in the furtuer
> Yours Dirk
> On 22.04.22 22:19, Juergen Fenn wrote:
> > Dear Erik,
> > Dear list,
> >
> > Am 22.04.22 um 21:35 Uhr schrieb Erik Moeller:
> >> That specific book is a good example of the problems that we've always
> >> had with PDF generation by way of LaTeX, such as complex tables. Also
> >> note the intermittent appearance of unsupported tags in the output.
> >>
> >> As far as I know, the renderer they use is still partially
> >> proprietary. I'm not sure if it would still be seen as valuable to
> >> open source fully, given that LaTeX is indeed probably a technical
> >> dead-end for these kinds of conversions, and given that the codebase
> >> is very old.
> >
> > You might like to know that there is a more recent free
> > MediaWiki-to-LaTeX project that is actively maintained by Dirk Hünninger
> > and can be tried out on WMF Labs:
> >
> > https://mediawiki2latex.wmflabs.org/
> >
> > I understand that Dirk produced some PDF versions for German Wikibooks,
> > but I do not know whether he is still contributing.
> >
> > I put Dirk in CC to let him know we speak of matters LaTeX. Maybe he
> > would like to join the conversation.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Jürgen.
> ___
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Open proxies and IP blocking

2022-04-21 Thread Samuel Klein
This is granted on
> local projects by administrators and globally by stewards. »
> I repeat -> ... legitimate users... may freely use proxies until those
> are blocked. the Editors can be permitted to edit by way of an open proxy
> with the IP block exempt flag <-- it is not illegal to edit using an
> open proxy
> Most editors though... have no idea whatsoever what an open proxy is. They
> do not understand well what to do when they are blocked.
> In the past few weeks, the number of African editors reporting being
> blocked due to open proxy has been VERY significantly increasing.
> New editors just as old timers.
> Unexperienced editors but also staff members, president of usergroups,
> organizers of edit-a-thons and various wikimedia initiatives.
> At home, but also during events organized with usergroup members or
> trainees, during edit-a-thons, photo uploads sessions etc.
> It is NOT the occasional highly unlikely situation. This has become a
> regular occurence.
> There are cases and complains every week. Not one complaint per week.
> Several complaints per week.
> *This is irritating. This is offending. This is stressful. This is
> disrupting activities organized in good faith by good people, activities
> set-up with our donors funds. **And the disruption** is primarlly taking
> place in a geographical region supposingly to be nurtured (per our strategy
> for diversity, equity, inclusion blahblahblah). *
> The open proxy policy page suggests that, should a person be unfairly
> blocked, it is recommended
>- * to privately email stewards[image: (_AT_)]wikimedia.org.
>- * or alternatively, to post a request (if able to edit, if the
>editor doesn't mind sharing their IP for global blocks or their reasons to
>desire privacy (for Tor usage)).
>- * the current message displayed to the blocked editor also suggest
>contacting User:Tks4Fish. This editor is involved in vandalism fighting and
>is probably the user blocking open proxies IPs the most. See log
> So...
> Option 1: contacting stewards : it seems that they are not answering. Or
> not quickly. Or requesting lengthy justifications before adding people to
> IP block exemption list.
> Option 2: posting a request for unblock on meta. For those who want to
> look at the process, I suggest looking at it [3] and think hard about how a
> new editor would feel. This is simply incredibly complicated
> Option 3 : user:TksFish answers... sometimes...
> As a consequence, most editors concerned with those global blocks... stay
> blocked several days.
> We do not know know why the situation has rapidly got worse recently. But
> it got worse. And the reports are spilling all over.
> We started collecting negative experiences on this page [4].
> Please note that people who added their names here are not random newbies.
> They are known and respected members of our community, often leaders of
> activities and/or representant of their usergroups, who are confronted to
> this situation on a REGULAR basis.
> I do not know how this can be fixed. Should we slow down open proxy
> blocking ? Should we add a mecanism and process for an easier and quicker
> IP block exemption process post-blocking ? Should we improve a process for
> our editors to pre-emptively be added to this IP block exemption list ? Or
> what ? I do not know what's the strategy to fix that. But there is a
> problem. Who should that problem be addressed to ? Who has solutions ?
> Flo
> [1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/No_open_proxies
> [2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Log/Tks4Fish
> [3]
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Global_permissions#Requests_for_global_IP_block_exemption
> *[4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/No_open_proxies/Unfair_blocking
> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/No_open_proxies/Unfair_blocking>*
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Open proxies and IP blocking

2022-04-20 Thread Samuel Klein
w a
>> new editor would feel. This is simply incredibly complicated
>> Option 3 : user:TksFish answers... sometimes...
>> As a consequence, most editors concerned with those global blocks... stay
>> blocked several days.
>> We do not know know why the situation has rapidly got worse recently. But
>> it got worse. And the reports are spilling all over.
>> We started collecting negative experiences on this page [4].
>> Please note that people who added their names here are not random
>> newbies. They are known and respected members of our community, often
>> leaders of activities and/or representant of their usergroups, who are
>> confronted to this situation on a REGULAR basis.
>> I do not know how this can be fixed. Should we slow down open proxy
>> blocking ? Should we add a mecanism and process for an easier and quicker
>> IP block exemption process post-blocking ? Should we improve a process for
>> our editors to pre-emptively be added to this IP block exemption list ? Or
>> what ? I do not know what's the strategy to fix that. But there is a
>> problem. Who should that problem be addressed to ? Who has solutions ?
>> Flo
>> [1] <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/No_open_proxies>
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/No_open_proxies
>> [2] <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Log/Tks4Fish>
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:Log/Tks4Fish
>> [3]
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Global_permissions#Requests_for_global_IP_block_exemption>
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Global_permissions#Requests_for_global_IP_block_exemption
>> *[4]
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/No_open_proxies/Unfair_blocking>https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/No_open_proxies/Unfair_blocking
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/No_open_proxies/Unfair_blocking>*
>> ___
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>> wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at:
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines>
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l>
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
>> Public archives at
>> <https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/UU76SJ5LZI5MA5F3WC3NSY4UMGDQTGXR/>
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/UU76SJ5LZI5MA5F3WC3NSY4UMGDQTGXR/
>> To unsubscribe send an email to 
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>> ___
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>> <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines>
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> -- Bence Damokos Sent from Gmail Mobile
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Collection / Special:Book usage

2022-04-17 Thread Samuel Klein
or even to "Extensions used by Wikimedia - Legacy", but again,
> > before I do this, I'd like to make sure that it's not actually
> > used by a lot of people.
> >
> > --
> > Amir Elisha Aharoni · אָמִיר אֱלִישָׁע אַהֲרוֹנִי
> > http://aharoni.wordpress.com <http://aharoni.wordpress.com>
> > ‪“We're living in pieces,
> > I want to live in peace.” – T. Moore‬
> >
> >
> > ___
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> >
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Open letter on negating race and ethnicity as "meaningful distinctions" in the UCoC

2022-04-08 Thread Samuel Klein
Thanks Anasuya.  +1 to all of this!

For the backlog of specific change proposals like this that have been made
and not yet addressed/rebutted or implemented: how should these be sorted?
(Ditto for the possibility of implied revisions in the recent announcement)

Perhaps we could use more parallel drafts in order to compare specific


On Fri., Apr. 8, 2022, 1:38 p.m. Anasuya Sengupta, <
anas...@whoseknowledge.org> wrote:

> Tl;dr Urgent need to address the note denying race and ethnicity as
> “meaningful distinctions among people” in the Universal Code of Conduct
> (UCoC). The current wording is highly problematic and can result in
> endorsing systemic and individual discrimination and violence on the basis
> of race and ethnicity, rather than preventing it.
> Dear Wikimedians,
> We are writing this letter as the Whose Knowledge? user group, both to
> Wikimedia-l, as well as adding it to the talk page for the UCoC.[0] We
> endorsed the UCoC in the community voting process because we are committed
> to its principles and intentions (indeed, some of us have been expressly
> working towards it within the movement for a very long time, in multiple
> ways).
> However, we continue to be deeply concerned about the current wording of a
> specific note in the UCoC: under Section 3.1 about Harassment, the note
> under Insults states that “The Wikimedia movement does not endorse "race"
> and "ethnicity" as meaningful distinctions among people. Their inclusion
> here is to mark that they are prohibited in use against others as the basis
> for personal attacks." (emphasis ours)[1]
> This is both manifestly incorrect and entirely against what we believe to
> be the principles and intentions of the UCoC. Other Wikimedians have
> already pointed out the deeply contradictory nature of this statement,
> including WJBScribe on the talk page in May 2021,[2] but their comments
> appear not to have been considered yet.
> By stating that "The Wikimedia movement does not endorse "race" and
> "ethnicity" as meaningful distinctions among people," those responsible
> for this text do not seem to fully grasp that:
>Even though the concept of ‘race’ as a biological distinction has been
>refuted, ‘race’ as a social construct has been fully accepted by modern
>scholars.[3] Even more importantly, we know historically that the concept
>of ‘race’ was created and developed to serve and justify European
>colonialism in its quest to enslave, marginalize, oppress, dominate and
>exterminate black, brown and indigenous peoples in the lands they
>colonized. This form of “racial science” was also responsible for the
>genocide of Europeans who would otherwise be racialized as white outside of
>Europe, in particular during World War II. Since then the concept of ‘race’
>has been used to develop and create some of the most wide ranging systems
>of power and privilege that currently marginalize and oppress the majority
>of the world.
>By denying or not ‘endorsing’ the existence of race as a “meaningful
>distinction among people”, the Wikimedia movement is not doing non-white
>people any favors or helping to end racism or racist demonstrations, such
>as insults based on race. As we’ve said before, being silent about racism
>doesn’t make it go away. It only creates the perfect environment for the
>continued existence of the deep structural powers and privileges that
>created it in the first place.[4]
>Additionally, it is equally manifestly important to acknowledge the
>ways in which the concept of ‘ethnicity’ is used to create “meaningful” -
>including violently discriminatory - “distinctions” amongst people,
>including Islamophobia and anti-Semitism as two obvious examples. It is
>equally obvious that the concepts of ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ are not
>equivalent and/or interchangeable, and cannot be used so.
>By including such a problematic statement, the UCoC contradicts the
>movement’s commitment to knowledge equity, clearly stated and approved as
>part of our Wikimedia Movement Strategy for 2030. The Universal Code of
>Conduct of a movement that doesn’t “see” race or ethnicity or acknowledge
>the historical and current effects of our racialized and ethnically-driven
>world, cannot and will not be able to “focus our efforts on the knowledge
>and communities that have been left out by structures of power and
>Leaving this wording in, also negates the ongoing efforts by
>individuals and organizations across the movement who work with passion and
>commitment towards knowledge equity in different ways, including through
>challenging racist and ethnically discriminatory behavior in our projects.
> As long-time members of our movement, we assume good faith, and recognize
> that this current wording may have happened 

[Wikimedia-l] Re: UCoC Phase 2 Ratification Results Announcement

2022-04-07 Thread Samuel Klein
On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 1:25 AM Željko Blaće  wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 6:34 AM effe iets anders 
> wrote:
>> (sidenote: the fact that this announcement is being made by a WMF staff
>> member probably means that this process is less community driven than I
>> thought. )
>> For a fundamental document like this, I'm surprised to see that there is
>> 40+% opposition. Is there a good understanding of what in the UCoC is
>> causing so much opposition?
That's a good question.  I'd like to see a summary of feedback and open
issues.  [NTS: we need an 'Issues' tab alongside Talk pages]
Some common points made in Meta discussions that remain unaddressed:

* No sufficient mechanism for revision / self-correction   [*and no
'partial support' option, as Z. said. leaving a 'no' as the only way to
push for other revisions*]

Basic concerns:
⁑ Mandatory? training
⁑ Mandatory? pledge‽
⁑ No right to be heard
⁑ Easy to troll + game

Broader concerns:
⁂ Long / confusing text, hard to translate, harder to apply evenly
⁂ Could override rather than support local community governance
⁂ Feels WMF-driven rather than community-driven ...
⁂  ... could become time-eating bureaucracy regardless of benefit

The construction of vote procedure did not allow for partial support (one I
> would also prefer myself) but only binary + comment.
> This is suboptimal for lengthy documents and elaborate (but suboptimal)
> processes.
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Preserving cities and buildings, block by block

2022-03-24 Thread Samuel Klein
Such a beautiful project Nikolay, thank you! With a wide range of locales
<https://domofoto.ru/cities/> (here is Mykolaiv
Do you know if they accept mundane houses and buildings? That might
overload the current interface.
And I wonder if a parallel interface into the same dataset that is
localized / backed up would be helpful.

On Thu, Mar 24, 2022 at 1:34 PM Коля Красный via Wikimedia-l <
wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hi!
> There is a Russian project https://domofoto.ru directly on that. IDK if
> there’s same projects on other languages.
> Четверг, 24 марта 2022, 18:32 +03:00 от Samuel Klein :
> Are there any projects in the vein of Geograph <https://geograph.co.uk/>,
> OSM, Yelp, or Wikipedia for people remembering and preserving images and
> information about cities, city blocks, buildings?  Particularly for cities
> that are damaged by disaster or war, this seems like a valuable thing to do
> at the granularity of "the unit that individuals photograph, remember,
> share with one another".
> It would be good to have a freely-licensed structural history of a city in
> this fashion, block by block. And something that refugees from a crisis
> could do to preserve areas they frequented.
> SJ
> --
> @metasj   w:user:sj
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
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> Public archives at
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> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
> <http:///compose?To=wikimedia%2dl%2dle...@lists.wikimedia.org>
> --
> Nikolay Bulykin (User:Красный)
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
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Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
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Public archives at 
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[Wikimedia-l] Preserving cities and buildings, block by block

2022-03-24 Thread Samuel Klein
Are there any projects in the vein of Geograph ,
OSM, Yelp, or Wikipedia for people remembering and preserving images and
information about cities, city blocks, buildings?  Particularly for cities
that are damaged by disaster or war, this seems like a valuable thing to do
at the granularity of "the unit that individuals photograph, remember,
share with one another".

It would be good to have a freely-licensed structural history of a city in
this fashion, block by block. And something that refugees from a crisis
could do to preserve areas they frequented.

@metasj   w:user:sj
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
Public archives at 
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Announcing the 2022 Wikimedia Hackathon

2022-03-08 Thread Samuel Klein
Wow, fantastic -- I love this model for online facilitation + local
gatherings.  Any sort of available/recommended hackathon event-kit?

On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 12:03 AM Risker  wrote:

> (re-sending on behalf of Haley Lepp)
> Hello everyone!
> Your friendly neighborhood Hackathon committee is thrilled to announce the
> 2022 Global Wikimedia Hackathon! We invite you to join us for three days of
> collaborating, interactive sessions, and social fun from May 20-May 22.
> The Hackathon will be held online and there will be grants available to
> support local in-person meetups around the world. You can find more
> information about this on our MediaWiki.org page
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2022>, which will
> continue to grow over the next few weeks. For more details, read below.
> Who: The Hackathon is for anyone who contributes (or wants to contribute
> to) to Wikimedia’s technical areas - as code creators, maintainers,
> translators, designers, technical writers and other technical roles. You
> can come with a project in mind, join an existing project, or create
> something new with others. The choice is yours! Newcomers are welcome.
> We will send out more information on how to schedule a session in the
> program soon. You can also add yourself to the participants list
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2022/Participants>,
> and mention if you would like to help with tasks such as facilitation or
> welcoming newcomers. There will be scholarship stipends available- please
> stay tuned for more information.
> What: A Wikimedia Hackathon <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Hackathons> is
> a space for the technical community to come together and work together on
> technical projects, learn from each other, and make new friends.
> When: May 20-May 22. The schedule will be announced shortly. We are
> trying to plan events so that people in all time zones can participate
> comfortably. There will be core hours several times a day when most events
> will occur, and online social and hacking spaces open 24 hours a day
> throughout the three days.
> Where: The Hackathon will primarily be held online. However, very soon we
> will share an application for local affiliates to apply for grants to host
> in-person local meetups. Meetups can be anything from social gatherings
> with food, to a party for watching the opening or closing ceremony, to a
> pre-event workshop, to renting a venue where people can participate
> together in the online event. Grants can range from 500-5000 USD. Stay
> tuned for more information!
> How (can you help)?:
>We are seeking another committee member! The commitment is around 3
>hours per week. If you are interested, please contact
>We have an ideas page.
><https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_Hackathon_2022>What are
>you interested in? What would you like to see or do in this year’s
>hackathon? Please share your ideas with everyone! This is a community
>Hackathon and we will work together to put on a great event.
>Do you have any accessibility or translation requests? Please contact
> Cheers,
> Your Hackathon Committee
> Andre <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:AKlapper_(WMF)>
> Haley <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:HLepp_(WMF)>
> Jay <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Jayprakash12345>
> Lucas <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Lucas_Werkmeister>
> Marios <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Magioladitis>
> Neslihan <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/User:Flanoz>
> Selene
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=User:SYang_(WMF)&action=edit&redlink=1>
> ___
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/NTSTK5GDEYQ75FX5C46TCFS3ZGMWZCMA/
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
Public archives at 
To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

[Wikimedia-l] Re: Our World in Data (OWID)

2022-03-02 Thread Samuel Klein
Good to know, would love to help with this on wiki... Easy to do it in a
way they can backport when they have time.

On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 10:58 AM James Heilman  wrote:

> Hey SJ
> Yes working to add OWID both to the sources tab.
> With respect to translation, am in discussion with OWID and they have no
> capacity to add this infrastructure for a couple of years. We will need to
> build something ourselves if we want it sooner. Am looking for volunteers
> who are interested :-) Or funding to help hire someone to work on this.
> James
> On Wed, Mar 2, 2022 at 8:41 AM Samuel Klein  wrote:
>> Fantastic.  I would include OWID in the Sources attribution line in the
>> embeds.
>> Do they already have a start at translation?  A strings file associated
>> w/ each map?
>> On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 4:52 PM James Heilman  wrote:
>>> We at Wiki Project Med are working to get Our World in Data (OWID)
>>> working within a mediawiki environment.
>>> 1) We have created a mirror of their website on WMF servers
>>> <https://owidm.wmcloud.org/grapher/interventions-ntds-sdgs>. Hopefully
>>> this has allowed us to address security and privacy concerns.
>>> 2) We have created an extension
>>> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OurWorldInDataMirror> that
>>> allows the use of this content within a mediawiki install
>>> 3) We have made a bunch of changes to formatting, such as removing the
>>> logo, to make it compliant with WP practice and style. You can see an
>>> example on MDWiki in the infobox here
>>> <https://mdwiki.org/wiki/Neglected_tropical_diseases>.
>>> My question to the movement is are their communities interested in using
>>> this technology? There are about 4,000 of these graphs
>>> <https://owidm.wmcloud.org/charts>. We of course will also need to
>>> develop a framework for translation.
>>> Best
>>> --
>>> James Heilman
>>> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
>>> ___
>>> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
>>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
>>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
>>> Public archives at
>>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/JFDYY5EIWNACATLHRWHUIXYSDCTS5LVE/
>>> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
>> --
>> Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
>> ___
>> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
>> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
>> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
>> Public archives at
>> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/HMXQAHTDUQNWD2F6NKQFPQFF6X4N6SGJ/
>> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org
> --
> James Heilman
> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/UW7Z6VOL6Z2DFIWE7KOKYPBWBV3U2QFP/
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
Public archives at 
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Our World in Data (OWID)

2022-03-02 Thread Samuel Klein
Fantastic.  I would include OWID in the Sources attribution line in the
Do they already have a start at translation?  A strings file associated w/
each map?

On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 4:52 PM James Heilman  wrote:

> We at Wiki Project Med are working to get Our World in Data (OWID) working
> within a mediawiki environment.
> 1) We have created a mirror of their website on WMF servers
> <https://owidm.wmcloud.org/grapher/interventions-ntds-sdgs>. Hopefully
> this has allowed us to address security and privacy concerns.
> 2) We have created an extension
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OurWorldInDataMirror> that
> allows the use of this content within a mediawiki install
> 3) We have made a bunch of changes to formatting, such as removing the
> logo, to make it compliant with WP practice and style. You can see an
> example on MDWiki in the infobox here
> <https://mdwiki.org/wiki/Neglected_tropical_diseases>.
> My question to the movement is are their communities interested in using
> this technology? There are about 4,000 of these graphs
> <https://owidm.wmcloud.org/charts>. We of course will also need to
> develop a framework for translation.
> Best
> --
> James Heilman
> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/JFDYY5EIWNACATLHRWHUIXYSDCTS5LVE/
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
Public archives at 
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: Sanctions against the Russian Federation; support for Ukrainian Wikimedians

2022-03-01 Thread Samuel Klein
A great question!  Dear renvoy, antanana and others in Ukraine, please stay
Not only, what is WMF doing, but what an we all do to help?

Here's a potential Ru block in the works, and a request for better VPN
support for editors in the region.


On Tue, Mar 1, 2022 at 8:26 AM Andy Mabbett 

> How do US, Geman/EU (for Wikidata) and other sanctions affect our
> movement and its projects?
> How is WMF supporting Wikimedians in Ukraine? And - where sanctions
> allow - supporting Wikimedians in Russia, who are trying to
> disseminate facts and fight censorship and propaganda?
> --
> Andy Mabbett
> @pigsonthewing
> http://pigsonthewing.org.uk
> ___
> Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines
> at: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and
> https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia-l
> Public archives at
> https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org/message/SED4KIJS6W5F6PKI4NHHJORZN74L6AQ7/
> To unsubscribe send an email to wikimedia-l-le...@lists.wikimedia.org

Samuel Klein  @metasj   w:user:sj  +1 617 529 4266
Wikimedia-l mailing list -- wikimedia-l@lists.wikimedia.org, guidelines at: 
https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Mailing_lists/Guidelines and 
Public archives at 
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[Wikimedia-l] Re: [Wikimedia Announcements] Ukraine's Cultural Diplomacy Month: We are back in 2022!

2022-02-23 Thread Samuel Klein
Thanks for sharing -- a nice idea and gorgeous page; nice to see the *wikigap
challenge* model proliferating.

On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 6:00 PM Valentin Nefedov 

> Hello, dear Wikipedians!Wikimedia Ukraine, in cooperation with the
> Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and Ukrainian Institute, has
> launched the second edition of writing challenge Ukraine's Cultural
> Diplomacy Month <http://ucdm.wikimedia.org.ua>, which lasts from 17
> February to 17 March 2022. The campaign is dedicated to famous Ukrainian
> artists of cinema, music, literature, architecture, design and cultural
> phenomena of Ukraine that made a contribution to world culture. The most
> active contesters will receive prizes.
> We invite you to take part and help us improve the coverage of Ukrainian
> culture on Wikipedia in any language!
> Sincerely,
> Valentyn Nefedov a.k.a. Renvoy
> ___
> Please note: all replies sent to this mailing list will be immediately
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