[WISPA] Cajun WISP Night before Christmas

2007-12-24 Thread Allen Marsalis

Cajun WISP Night before Christmas

'Twas de night before Christmas
An' all t'ru de NOC,
Dey don't a bit pass
Except fro' the BOC.

De cable been nezzle
All snug on de flo',
While hackers been wrestle
for cracks in de do'.

Dare nothin' indy firewall
to keep out St. Nick,
Cause he's out to own ya'll
An' he knows all de trick!

Den out on de rooftop
Dey got such a clatter,
Make soun' like old Boudreau
Done fall off de ladder.

I run like a possum
To got to de do',
Trip over some co-axe
An' fall on de flo'!

As I look out de do'
In de light o' de moon,
I t'ink "Man, you crazy
I t'aught it was noon!"

An' dere above de treetop
When I stretch out ma' head,
Dere's eight big alligator
A pullin' a Rohn sled!

An' a short fat Cajun
Wit a long tripod stick,
I know r'at way
Got to be ole St. Nick.

Mo' fas'er an' fas'er
De gater dey came
He whistle an' holler
An' call dem by name:

"Ha, Ping!
Ha, Linus!
Ha, Tracerut an' Gun-new
Gee, Snoop
Gee, Tee Cee Pee Dump
an'Ace-cee-el too!"

To the top o' de roof
I yells to Boudreau,
"Haul ass down the ladder,
St. Nick is our foe!

Like Taint Suzie's cat
Down the ladder he fly
Boudreau didn't stop
Come a run hisse'f by.

But up on the rooftop
Dem ole 'gater dey climb
Wit a rack full of gear
An' St. Nicklus behin'.

Up go his tripod and mast
Po'nted North it would seem,
Dat deres a long shot -
Must be a tight beam!

Den on top o' de roof
The mast, hard done it sway,
Some Ballast was needed
in de worst kinda way.

De gaters make dem idea
An' it soun' like de hail,
W'en all dem 'gater
Done sot down dey big tail.

Den down in de NOC
I sot down at my PC,
St. Nick got association
Wit' radio t'ree!

"Sacre!" I axclaim
"Ma network got a hole!
I t'ink to ma'se'f it cannot be, no
Ole Boudreau's a Mole?

St. Nick spoofin' IP,
An' hide like a cat
While 'gaters chew co-axe
leavin' ma users dead flat.

He was usin' linux
Dat was fo' sure,
I pinged his network int'face,
while he was takin' de tour.

I hacked ma way in
t'ru a hole in his bot,
Tee el cee sot wide open
So I take a few shot.

His eyes how dey shined
his dimples how scarry!
While I fo'matted his drive
He could execute no q'arry.

Ha! His cheek was like rose
His nose like cherry
On secon' t'ought maybe
He commit harry carry!

Den I peek t'ru de window
An' what do I see,
St. Nick a sittin' dere
Staring down r'at at me!

But a wink in his eye
An'a shook 'o his head
Make my confi-dence dat
I don' got to be scared.

He don' do no talkin'
But smiled at my work.
Gave me a wink,
An' den turn wit' a jerk.

Den he hop on his sled,
Wit de gear off o' de roof.
He ain't no fool, him!
For to make no more big goof.

He jump in his sled,
And crack his big whip.
De 'gater fly off,
An' don' make one dip.

An' I hear him shout loud
While runnin' tail he go,

"Merry Christmas to All,
'Til I hack you some mo!"

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RE: [WISPA] Locustworld meshes?

2007-09-15 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 09:39 AM 9/15/2007, chris cooper wrote:

Id be interested to see how they worked with high gain directional
antennas.  With the proper antennas you could pick up some penetration,
help pick through noise and change polarities.  Anybody used the Meraki
boxes this way?

Please follow my train of thought for a second.  When using 
directional antennas, then a bit of aiming is required right?.  But 
the benefits are as you say.  Now such antennas need to be mounted 
right?  So this is a "fixed wireless mesh" we are talking here, not a 
mobile mesh with antennas in motion. What makes this possible is 
"multiple radio systems" (3, 4, even 5 radios).  So given all this, 
how would Meraki provide anything that say Mikrotik couldn't 
do?  Choose paths?  There isn't much to choose when using directional 
antennas on each end (PtP)  You know what's there already, one radio, 
the other end of the link.  So it is just a matter of switching 
interfaces to a second interface when the best interface goes down 
(if ever).  OSPF is pretty good at that.  Not arguing, just curious 
about all that.  Also I'm brainstorming possible configurations with 
an omni on one end and a directional on the other.  I need a couple 
of good cheap directional 900MHz antennas for some testing.  I have 
two omni's already and wasn't too impressed going omni to 
omni.  Signal started to drop off after about a quarter mile  or so, 
and that isn't going to cut it.


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Re: [WISPA] Locustworld meshes?

2007-09-15 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 10:24 PM 9/14/2007, George Rogato wrote:

Optimized Link State Routing protocol (OLSR) is a routing protocol 
that is optimised for mobile ad-hoc networks, sometimes called 
wireless mesh networks. It is a proactive link-state routing 
protocol that floods a full topology table to all nodes in the 
network which then compute optimal forwarding paths locally

First I've never used OLSR so I know little about it.

However the key words here is "mobile" and "ad-hoc".  In the 900 
"mesh" application I'm dreaming of, similar to muni-wifi, the nodes 
aren't mobile, nor are they "ad-hoc".  The nodes are fixed to poles 
and buildings, and the nodes are infrastructure just like we always 
used. Also I don't plan on using any single radio systems requiring 
locustworld, etc.

Lets say a node can see two upstream nodes and two downstream 
nodes.  And then lets say one of the upstream nodes fails.  Not much 
thought needs to be given as to which is the most Optimal route to 
take.  i.e. The only other one.   Now for a zillion laptops floating 
around all over the place forming an adhoc network,  with nodes 
coming and going in a dynamic fashion, yeah I'm sure a specialized 
wireless mesh protocol is necessary such as locustworld, et al.. I 
believe somewhere around 30 or more mesh wireless (mobile) mesh 
protocols have been developed over the years each with it's own pros 
and cons.  I'm not thinking about anything mobile unless it is the 
users laptop roaming around his house and yard.  In that case, I 
don't think I need a "mesh" protocol at all, or anything other than 
common interior routing gateway protocols.  Am I right?  I wonder 
what Strix uses in their multi-radio systems?  


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Re: [WISPA] Locustworld meshes?

2007-09-14 Thread Allen Marsalis

Exactly my point George.  I don'/t...


At 09:16 PM 9/14/2007, George Rogato wrote:

Allen Marsalis wrote:
I'm just asking why you think you need something else besides BGP or


George Rogato

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Re: [WISPA] Locustworld meshes?

2007-09-14 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 04:01 PM 9/14/2007, Japhy Bartlett wrote:

How come nobody seems to be using it?

The first Locustworld/meshbox/ultramesh deployment in the US was 
around 2000 a few dozen miles north of me in Vivian LA, (Fastline?) I 
met with the owner last year.  Basically he was an WISP worth about 
$20-30k with debt of about $100k+  I really hated to see that..

The thing about "mesh" is this.  If all nodes are stationary  that is 
one thing.  (Muni-wifi nodes on lightpoles for example)  If all nodes 
are roaming/moving that is entirely another matter.  I am beginning 
to believe that no "mesh" (TCP/IP stack) is required if all notes are 
stationary like NOC's and NAP's and Telco Hotels on the Internet are 
stationary yet meshed using BGP (without locustworld or meraki)... 
Roaming in an entirely different matter.  But meshes come often hand 
in hand with roaming which is too much to swallow all at once if you 
ask me.  If it was easy to provide a multi-MBPS service with roaming 
cellphone technology, (roaming) they would have done it by now. EVDO 
sucks in my town.  Faster than 1xRTT but still very intermittent with 
dropped connections.

Imagine a fire truck racing across town roaming from WIFI AP to AP 
without braking his TCP/IP socket.  That is true mesh.  Many "mesh" 
protocols and/or solutions don't address this issue of roaming across 
subnets which can be a TCP/IP nightmare on very large networks such 
as muni wifi networks.

Building a network that cannot scale in size is like building a time 
bomb, or at the very least, painting yourself into a corner.  My 
point?  I'm just asking why you think you need something else besides 
BGP or OSPF.  If your nodes move, then I gotcha, Use Meraki or 
whatever mesh protocol works..  Otherwise, what exactly is your 
problem with OSPF?  I'm just trying to learn more about meshing, and 
my comments are JMHO...


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RE: [WISPA] The MOBL Sage (Warning: Long Post)

2007-09-13 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 03:38 PM 9/13/2007, Brad Belton wrote:

Yes, I remember Jack always speaking very highly of Jay Wright.  I never met
Jay, but I hear he can sell ice to an Eskimo...a real slick Willy if you
know what I mean.

Did you have much contact with Jack or Jay?

I negotiated the sale of my company directly with Jay.  So yes.  Jack 
was my boss.  So yes again.  However I never met Jay before the sale, 
and I only met Jay one time for an hour or two after the sale.  LOL, 
maybe I'm the "slick willy".  Yep he wired a million dollars to my 
attorney to buy me without ever meeting me face-to-face or laying 
eyes on my company.  Jack did come by once or twice before hand 
though to check me out.  The whole experience was very strange due to 
the lack of due diligence before the sale and other oddities...


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RE: [WISPA] The MOBL Sage (Warning: Long Post)

2007-09-13 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 03:30 PM 9/13/2007, Joel White wrote:

Jack was also a consultant for Kite and was tasked with "solving the CPE
problem" of the "no CPE needed" Muni-Wifi deployments.

LMAO, now Joel, out of respect for Brad I will not comment further on 
Beech on these boards.  Brad drove out of his way to loan me a AP one 
time, and not everyone does that.  Besides, I think the CEO and CFO 
had more to do with this plan, whatever it was.


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RE: [WISPA] The MOBL Sage (Warning: Long Post)

2007-09-13 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 10:28 AM 9/13/2007, Patrick Leary wrote:

...And by the way Allen, whatever the route you took to get back, I am
just glad you are. As I said before, you were missed. You were, are, and
always will be one of the good guys.

One day many of us should hit the porch with some scotch, a good laptop
and good wireless connection :) and write a book.

Patrick your thoughtful post means a lot to me.  Count me in!   (I 
have piles of notes)  I always wanted to write a book with someone 
like Steve or yourself, you knowto raise the overall caliper of 
the book.  ;-)  LOL.

You know something..  While I was laying on my back in the dentists 
chair yesterday staring at the ceiling while getting a root canal, 
there were a few posters stapled to the ceiling to give patients 
something to look at.

One of the posters struck me pretty hard.  It showed a litter of cute 
puppies..  Above the picture it reads:

"Eat Well, Live Well, Play Well, Be Well, Sleep Well, Love Well

No where in there did it say "Get Rich or Die Trying:


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RE: [WISPA] The MOBL Sage (Warning: Long Post)

2007-09-13 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 10:21 AM 9/13/2007, Patrick Leary wrote:

Your tale is certainly a cautionary one. My advice to WISPs is that if
you are trying to exit via a sale of the company you built with your
blood, sweat, tears and personal dollars ONLY sell for cash.

Here is an additional cautionary thought FWIW.  I always had a great 
reputation and so did my company.  After I left, ShreveNet quickly 
went from being the best to the worse ISP in town. The employees 
scattered to the wind, but I'm still here. I thought it would be easy 
to start a new business however people do not forget and forgive so 
easily.  I even had one ex-customer jokingly call me a traitor years 
later!   You guys were the best!  Why did you sell out!?

I think my future customers will always wonder if I am going to sell 
them out again, which is always a possibility.  But I'm no 
quitter!  I outlasted a lot of Internet companies and upstream 
providers like uu.net Worldcom, Global Crossing, etc.  Anyway the 
moral of this lesson is do not sell out and expect to keep your 
career unscathed.  I would not sell my entire company again unless it 
was enough to retire on.


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RE: [WISPA] The MOBL Sage (Warning: Long Post)

2007-09-13 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 01:04 PM 9/13/2007, Brad Belton wrote:

Sorry for the confusion.  No Jack Beech is my brother's (Jack Belton)

Ah, yeah now I remember you telling me that years ago.  I do 
appreciate you refreshing my memory.  Jack Beech was somehow friends 
of the CEO (Jay Wright) and after he no longer ran the ISP's, he 
moved over to the Progames website division. But I'm not sure there 
was anything Jack could have done to save the day considering the 
Cornell financing deals, and ridiculous salaries, bonuses, and so forth.


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RE: [WISPA] The MOBL Sage (Warning: Long Post)

2007-09-13 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 11:03 AM 9/13/2007, Brad Belton wrote:

Thanks for taking the time to touch on some of your experiences with
MobilePro.  As you know my interest is because Jack Beech is my brother,
Jack Belton, brother-in-law.

Am I reading this right?  Jack Beech is your brother?  Your last name 
is Belton so do you mean that Jack Belton is your brother and Jack 
Beech is your brother-in-law?   Sorry for my confusion.  And thanks 
for the clarification.  I've got to run, but I'll pick back up later.


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RE: [WISPA] The MOBL Sage (Warning: Long Post)

2007-09-13 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 10:21 AM 9/13/2007, Patrick Leary wrote:

Anyway, after BreezeCOM Bruce went on looking for the Next Big Thing,
first trying to lead the old Wave Wireless out of Sarasota, FL. That did
not go so well and he went on to start-up a new chip company. That went
south and the next I heard was that he had joined MobilePRO. I think he
did that for only about a year, then left that too. I have no idea what
he is up to now.

Yeah me neither.  But it is interesting to note that MobilePro's CEO 
(Jay Wright) was also at Wave Wireless (Speedcom) with Bruce back 
during that time functioning as their CFO.  The "good ole boys 
network" was alive and well.


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RE: [WISPA] The MOBL Sage (Warning: Long Post)

2007-09-13 Thread Allen Marsalis
Patrick, thanks for the follow up.  True, I am very fortunate and 
lucky indeed.  I did not loose any money with my shares and not all 
the ISP's can say that.  Some were only able to sell MOBL after it 
fell into the teens or lower.  I still have a beautiful wife and two 
healthy/smart kids.  And my Dad.  Friends that wish to help.  And 
a crazy new community website software package that I created and 
don't know what to do with!  :)


At 10:21 AM 9/13/2007, Patrick Leary wrote:

Quite a story Allen. I am aware of some minor parts of the MobilePRO
saga. Bruce Sanquinetti was the former president of the U.S. subsidiary
of BreezeCOM. He left BreezeCOM the same week I joined in August of
1999. He was a pretty mercurial guy from what I gathered by those that
had worked with him. I am glad he left (or was asked to leave, I don't
know which), because the corporate culture I have always worked under
and tried to foster is a much different type and Lord knows I don't do
well with autocrats -- I am, er, a bit too opinionated. I am now into my
9th year.

Anyway, after BreezeCOM Bruce went on looking for the Next Big Thing,
first trying to lead the old Wave Wireless out of Sarasota, FL. That did
not go so well and he went on to start-up a new chip company. That went
south and the next I heard was that he had joined MobilePRO. I think he
did that for only about a year, then left that too. I have no idea what
he is up to now.

Your tale is certainly a cautionary one. My advice to WISPs is that if
you are trying to exit via a sale of the company you built with your
blood, sweat, tears and personal dollars ONLY sell for cash. Fortunately
Allen you did get 1/2 in cash and you were smart enough to sell your
shares as soon as you could.


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Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-12 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 12:13 AM 9/13/2007, Travis Johnson wrote:


The biggest problem I see when looking at mesh is having access to 
all those locations... people's homes, light poles, telephone poles, 
whatever. You now have to install UPS systems, rebooters, have the 
equipment some-what secure, etc.

Bingo, I didn't say anything early on, but you hit the nail 
Travis.  The biggest problem I see is the un-even-ness of property 
ownership in my plan (rural tier 4 areas).  Fortunately as you move 
into a town, pieces of land keep getting smaller and smaller.  My 
only solution is to deviate from the use of omni antennas towards 
directional antennas to increase the distance between nodes from 1 
mile to maybe 2 to 4 miles between nodes.

But here are some very loose number regarding muni wifi.  By 
comparison to my plan, imagine 15 to 20 nodes per square mile at 
$2500 to $3500 per node.  Usinging standards based (generic) hardware 
I think I can reduce that cost to under $900 per node.  Now imagine 
if a 900MHz AP with omni works to 1 mile radius, or 2 miles 
circumference.  This is nearly 4 square miles of coverage for under 
$1k.  (less than $250 per square mile).

This is almost like averaging between the economics of "fixed 
wireless" and "muni wifi" networks.  But in my areas, that might lead 
to 4X success rates in site surveys..\


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RE: [WISPA] Legal Charges used in Malicious Interference Situations

2007-09-12 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 08:49 PM 9/12/2007, Mac Dearman wrote:

  We (all the WISP's) have a pact in N. Louisiana - - no one buys Canopy!

Wrong!!  See www.bluebirdwireless.com...  NW is now polluted 
thanks to motos sales team infecting our 911 center and recruiting 
their employees to quit and join the private sector.  (blue bird 
wireless)  Which BTW is the nations largest "prepay: provider located 
a mile from me.  And ironically is MobilePro's closest competition... 
Or was... LOL

BTW, I owe you a steak Mac.  If you ever make it to Shreveport, I 
will name the place.  You won't be sorry.  Mac you are one hellova 
guy and I will never forget camp sagnasty God Bless.


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Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-12 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 06:11 PM 9/12/2007, Marlon K. Schafer (509) 982-2181 wrote:

From the conversations I've had with people trying to use, or just 
around, mesh gear, it doesn't usually work very well once the 
network starts to come alive.  The old hub and spoke method works best.

But the entire Internet is a Mesh of sorts.  Remember back in the 
90's how the "internet" was designed to withstand a nuclear attack? 
(using lots of hub and spoke and routing for redundancy)  My old 
friend, lets cut  through the "image" of mesh.  What "mesh" is in my 
opinion is the elimination of tall vertical realestate (expensive) 
and the adoption of low vertical realestate (free) such as lightpoles 
and rooftops.  Mesh means routing rather than bridging. Instead of 
shooting high for big supercells, mesh is a series of microcells or 
picocells down low (cheap).  Instead of dumping money into towers and 
tower climbers (sorry Bob my friend) mesh is made of equipment in a 
non-special environment.

Now you might think that mesh means use of omni antennas... Not 
so.  maybe, maybe not.  To me mesh means communication between 
multiple nodes (places) that are connected to each other in a web 
(like the Internet)  Strix is on th right track.  But like so many 
manufacturers, they are better at shipping gear than designing 
business plans for others to invest in (like MobilePro).

But I do not believe in throwing out the baby with the 
bathwater.  Strix had something (before they laid off half their 
staff this month).  They chose folks like MOBL to cater to rather 
than you or me.  I believe there is a market for 900 rural mesh 
"sub-muni networks".  Am I wrong?



Some of the new "mesh" gear uses different channels for broadcast 
vs. backhaul.  But that's not really mesh anymore, it's hub and 
spoke stuffed into a single box.

I'm told that if you insist on running mesh, at least make sure that 
it never goes more than 2 or 3 layers deep.

Personally, in your area, I'd run 900 to mini pops.  In the 
population centers I'd run small micro cells of wifi.  Good speeds, 
cheap installs, lots of flexibility etc.

It's good to see ya back.  This biz is like a good drug isn't 
it.  Once you are hooked, you can never get very far away.


(509) 982-2181
(408) 907-6910 (Vonage)Consulting services
42846865 (icq)WISP Operator since 1999!

- Original Message - From: "Allen Marsalis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 9:16 AM
Subject: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

I was a WISP in the late 90s and early 00s. Some of you may know 
me.  It's good to see many familiar faces still here.  In recent 
years, I have pursued new interests but I keep thinking back on my 
experiences as a WISP. I had a lot of good times back then.  I'm 
thinking about creeping back into the WISP business.

After I sold in 2004, I followed a new trend in wireless in the 
press called "muni wireless" promoted by manufacturers such as 
Strix and Tropos. This concept has taken some major blows in the 
press this month:


This hits close to home because the company who bought my WISP 
(ShreveNet) boasted being the largest WISP with the largest muni 
WIFI network in the nation in Tempe AZ (NeoReach aka Kite aka 
MobilePro) which sold these properties recently to Gobility.  (Big Yawn)..


I'm certainly am not posting this thread to defend or even discuss 
the somewhat failed muni wireless concept.  Some say it was a 
failure because of the model rather than technology, caused by 
giving away free service to the anchor tenant (the city) and so 
forth.  Whatever... I couldn't care less about the past or 
Earthlink or Google, or MobilePro or huge muni wifi networks.

However I am fascinated by the mesh technology in general, 
especially after witnessing the old Nokia "collapsible" bridged 
mesh networks of the 90s.  LOL, a lot has changed since then.  I 
often wonder how Dave Peterson and Ultramesh/locustworld turned 
out.  Once upon a time, he sold product to a WISP near me in Vivian 
LA to build the first mesh network

RE: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-12 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 10:44 AM 9/12/2007, D. Ryan Spott wrote:

and like a typical dot-com
they spent and expanded far faster than they should have 'cause hey, there's
a second round coming and when they went looking for that second round,
the large investor played their strategy and said no second round for you!

Ryan for some reason this post resonates within me like a church 
bell.  "like a typical dot-com" Happy Customers don't mean 
much.  Never have.  It's Happy Shareholders (investors) is where the 
money is.  Sorry if I'm a bit cynical or jaded


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RE: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-12 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 06:35 PM 9/12/2007, Gino Villarini wrote:

Using dif radios for wifi and backhaul isn't mesh any more? How so?

I was under the impression that "mesh" was the ability of the equipment
to form a interconnection between the nodes with alternative paths to
the Internet feed 

I hate to be a pain.Marlon got me started in this industry.  He 
is a true wireless pioneer, not I.   But we have our differences...


I'm sure our definitions and connotations of "wireless mesh" differ, 
and rightfully so.


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[WISPA] The MOBL Sage (Warning: Long Post)

2007-09-12 Thread Allen Marsalis

Hello Allen,

Good to see you back and doing well.  Curious to hear your take on the
MobilePro saga.  On or off list is good with me.

The  Friends

Quite a few people have asked me (A) what have I 
been doing lately? And (B) please tell me the 
MobilePro saga.  It means a lot to me that some 
of you have asked about me.  It has hit me that 
although only have a handful of friends here in 
town, I did have 100+ friends in this 
industry!  Thank you all for your kind thoughts 
and I do apologize for dropping off the planet 
like I did.  That was my loss more than anyone 
else's.  You are some of the finest people I have 
ever met in my life, besides my old ShreveNet 
staff.  You know how I felt about my crew.  Heck, 
you all helped me train them!  ;)

The Saga

I will start with the MobilePro Saga and get it 
out of the way and move on to more positive 
things like the goodthings I have been up to in 
the past year or two.  I tell you “The Saga” not 
as an excuse for my hiatus from the wireless 
industry, and excuse for my strange behavior, but 
well…….(get it? “Well”, that’s a deep subject, 
LOL) well………..because some of you asked me too 
(cough cough Brad Belton cough cough).

Here goes..

It is somewhat of an interesting story I guess, 
for inside industry people like us, or else this 
might be extremely Off Topic for this list.  As a 
WISP, this is not as easy story for me to 
tell.  Not a happy story for me.  I would like to 
tell the story and forget as much as possible and 
move on.  Perhaps there is something that you can 
learn from this (yeah like Allen is not so smart 
after all? – (Maybe and maybe not, you decide)

The Disclaimer

It has been over 3 years since the sale of my 
(W)ISP to MobilePro.  I am no longer under any 
agreement or obligation.  I am now entitled to 
express my opinion right or wrong.  This is my opinion and only my opinion.

The Beginning

Roll the clock back to 2004.  Life is pretty 
good.  Speaking at WISPCON.  Drinking Romulan Ale 
with some of the finest people on the 
planet.  (now argue that point)   Why on earth 
would I want to sell my company?  The WISP of my 
dreams?  Whatsup wit dat?   There were a whole 
host of reasons for selling out and many of which 
were personal some were reasonable, and some 
might have been downright psychotic.  Here are 
some of the reasons I had for selling, just in 
case any of you ever consider selling 
yourself.  That might be one of the most 
difficult decisions you ever make.  Choose wisely!

(A) I was not a “pureplay”.  We offered wireless, 
DSL, dialup, T1, hosting, web design, hotspots, 
you name it, I tried it all.  My problems began 
as I began to take a beating on dialup amid new 
competition with cablemodem and several DSL 
carriers.  I was bleeding revenues about 1% of 
month despite growth in broadband areas (DSL, 
wireless and T1) But I was all over the Northern 
state.  Not much DSL and T1 out there in the 
boonies.  And wireless was relatively a new trick 
for everyone back in those days.

I was debt free until 1999 when I acquired the 
second largest ISP in the area (I was the 
largest).  With this new debt, I borrowed even 
more to host all these new customers.  (The old 
ISP was using crap)  I got a good interest rate 
with the bank and with my father, both who backed 
me.  LOL, then we REALLY started growing fast! 
(mainly dialup)  So much of this debt was the 
result of left over baggage from the dial days 
plus the acquisition days and subsequent growth days.

I began looking into my crystal ball and began to 
worry seeing an ever changing future in 
broadband. (especially wireless) Would I ever get 
this debt paid off in time before I must prepare 
for the next round of change?  Then bang, my 
father came down with melanoma cancer in his 
lungs. This was right after Matt Larsen’s Dad 
died.   My Dad already had prostate cancer and 
basil cell carcinoma. (3 types total) at this 
time (04)  My doctor told me he probably wouldn’t 
see his next birthday.  He was 84 at the time.  I 
wanted to pay off my Dad before he passed 
away.  That was a major factor.  It was important 
to me that he be proud of his remaining only son.

The First Lesson

All Doctors aren’t always right.  My father found 
some new doctors with new ideas and had 3 very 
targeted lung surgeries (1 per year) and is doing 
remarkably well now for an 87 year old man.  I am 
very proud of him.  He is one “tough old bird” 
and just like the energizer bunny, he keeps going 
and going and going.  He still drives to his 
office every day for a few hours every day.  I’m 
on the 5th floor and he is on the 11th floor, 
still at 333 Texas all these many years. (He longer than I)

Also a part of this lesson is to use various 
domain names for unique services.  That way you 
can sell part and not all of a property. (as needed)

More Reasons

Around that time I suddenly had a “bad back”.  I 
didn’t know what was wrong with my back. Lookin

Re: [WISPA] IP Assignments

2007-09-12 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 02:24 PM 9/12/2007, Mike Hammett wrote:
I'm not sure when it was changed, but you need one less bit of 
address space to get your own, direct allocation.


You now only need two /24s to request your own /22 from Arin.

Yeah but will everyone route a /22??  I am no routing guru but in the 
old days, you had to have a /19 for sprint to route it for 
instance.  I bought a /20 a couple of years later and had no problems 
out of Sprint or anyone.  Perhaps today's routers have so much 
memory, the BGP views fit with no problem.  I remember back when 64M 
would do the job. Then 256M, etc.  But its news to be if a /22 is 
fully accepted in all router tables.  Wow only here for a couple of 
days and learning stuff already.  :)


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RE: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-11 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 08:21 AM 9/11/2007, Jeff Broadwick wrote:

Nah, he uses it to hide the Romulan Ale when he goes to movies and ball
games.  :-)

LOL, I haven't had any Romulan Ale in a while.   I needed a laugh.

Remember this one?  "I used to have a life, now I have customers"

I might add, "Now I have no customers, so when do I get my life back?"  :)


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
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Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-11 Thread Allen Marsalis
For my daughter as a night shirt.  Anytime I receive an XL, I give to 
her.  If its a medium, then I get to keep it!


At 07:12 AM 9/11/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

XXL  What are you going to do with it??  Make a tent  :-)

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-Original Message-
From: Allen Marsalis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 21:30:01
To:WISPA General List 
Subject: RE: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

I was only about a half year off.  Not bad for an old man.  :)   I'm
not sure I remember your youngest though.  A belated congratulations
to you!  I know you are proud of them both.  My son is now a freshman
in high school and has outgrown me already.  Homecoming is this
Saturday.  Wow how time flies. My daughter is 9 and in a few more
years, she might be taller than me as well..

Yeah got one of those old BreezeCom shirts in XXL?  That is, if they
aren't collectors items by now... ;)


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
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RE: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis
I was only about a half year off.  Not bad for an old man.  :)   I'm 
not sure I remember your youngest though.  A belated congratulations 
to you!  I know you are proud of them both.  My son is now a freshman 
in high school and has outgrown me already.  Homecoming is this 
Saturday.  Wow how time flies. My daughter is 9 and in a few more 
years, she might be taller than me as well..

Yeah got one of those old BreezeCom shirts in XXL?  That is, if they 
aren't collectors items by now... ;)


At 08:32 PM 9/10/2007, Patrick Leary wrote:

LOL. My girls are 6.5 and 4 now. They don't care much what the shirt
says so long as it has something sparkly on it. :)  And I have plenty of
old BreezeCOM shirts still.


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
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RE: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis
I'm proud to say no Canopy shirts in this house Gino!   I can't 
afford them.  (major ducking)  :)


At 08:35 PM 9/10/2007, Gino Villarini wrote:

I'll bet they prefer the Motorola Canopy T-shirts!

;-) ... ducking!

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RE: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 06:37 PM 9/10/2007, Patrick Leary wrote:

Allen, great to see you pop up on the list again. You've been missed.

Thanks Patrick.  I trust all is going well with you.  I hear you are 
now vice president.  Great job!  (I mean that both ways. You do a 
great job and have a great job)  :)   Our kids are all growing 
up!   Your daughter must be what about 7 now.  Am I close?  Mine is 9 
and still wears her oversized Mikrotik and Trango 
T-shirts!  :ducking:   LOL, She's still waiting for her Breezecom t-shirt.. ;)


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
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Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 05:12 PM 9/10/2007, you wrote:


Metricom's long out of business, but technologically, they made it
work (albeit at ~28 Kbps, and later ~128 Kbps). One of the key things
they did to make it work at 902-928 MHz is to use FHSS and small
channel sizes rather than fixed, wide channels as all the current
902-928 MHz BWIA gear (except Alvarion's BreezeNet [?].

I clearly see your point as an old FHSS guy.  hehehe

LOL, between you and me, I would never have waxed so philosophically 
over this idea had it not been for the muni-wifi movement with its 
limited non-overlapping channels. Multiple radio systems got me 
interested in meshing a while back.  I guess I'm not the only one, 
but my market is definitely not city wifi like Strix.

The earlier version did both mesh and access using 902-928 MHz. The
newer version used 2.3 and 2.4 GHz for the mesh (backhaul) and 902-928
MHz for access only.

Gotcha, many thanks for responding to me Steve.  I think there is 
something to be learned under every new stone, and even some old 
stones long forgotten my most...  I barely remember Metricom and 
"packet radio".

Hmmm I just saw a HughesNet commercial.  The one with the pretty lady 
in a green dress.  I assume GEO satellite service still stinks to 
high heaven??  I nearly forgot about those guys...  I once knew Avi 
Freedman when he was into some satellite stuff and learned enough not 
to be too scared of the sat guys who have their own unique set of 
expensive problems.


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Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 04:00 PM 9/10/2007, John Valenti wrote:


It sounds as if you might be proposing this for a suburban or even
tree filled urban environment. One problem you might run into is
clear spectrum in 900MHz.  I've use Trango gear out in rural areas,
where it works OK. I've only done a few scans in the city (East
Lansing and Lansing, specifically). Both of those scans were so
depressing I never tried making any links with 900 in town. All the
channels were what the Trango manual calls "unsuitable".

Point noted.  My testing thus far has been at my house which is in an 
remote community a couple miles outside of town.  Results may and 
probably will vary and I get closer to town, but I'm not wanting to 
compete with cable or DSL.  I was hoping to find some still under 
served small towns that would appreciate my services..

I have a few of the SR9 cards and am just starting to work with them.
I read somewhere that Trango (for example) rejects interference
better than the SR9. No personal experience one way or another yet.

I saw were Ubiquiti has cavity filters but I have no idea what they 
cost or how well they work.  I had one Trango 900 POP years ago and 
it worked well.  But 6 sectors ain't happening. (I had only a few 
customers off one sector)  But I'm really thinking in terms of 
multiple radio systems (SBC's) for a number of reasons.

My new rule of thumb with Trango is that I can go 2 miles.

I recall a little bit better for me.  But the spectrum may have been 
really clear.  I didn't have a 900MHz option for my cheap spectrum 
analyzer.  I sold my company not long after hanging that gear.

You might consider a modified mesh structure that uses 2.4 or 5GHz
(or even 900 after testing) to those few LOS houses, then something
like Meraki mesh to connect close neighbors.

Nodding, I have thought in terms of large outter mesh with an inner 
micro mesh structure that isn't intended to go very deep (lots of 
hops)  But out in the boonies, I'm not sure 2.4/5.8 is going to get 
me very far  when houses might be a quarter or half mile apart. (or 
more)  If I did have a tower in the area, perhaps "breaks" in the 
mesh could be "patched" with a new "homerun" shot if you follow me.

Thanks for the feedback


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
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Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis
Thanks George.  Sounds like wise advice to me considering all the 
things happening within the industry in recent years.  Google is 
petitioning the FCC for nationwide prime spectrum?  I'm short a few 
billion it seems..  Even if my idea is technically doable, then I 
must go find the right markets which is a challenge all in itself.  I 
sometimes see data centers and there aren't many dialup customers 
left and lots of empty modems.  How Netzero can still afford to run 
ads I do not know.


At 03:23 PM 9/10/2007, George Rogato wrote:
I'm glad your still around the industry Allen, every one in a while 
someone says, Where's Allen M? Makes us wonder.
Myself, I would only look at 900 as a temporary frequency to use. 
Maybe a couple years, more in the very rural areas and less urban wise.

Too many others are using 900 or starting to use it. Electric and 
water companies for meter reading, walmart and other bigbox for id 
and our portable phones still use 900 even when their 2.4 or 5.8.

So if building something out and realizing it has a short time span 
works. Then 900 is workable.


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
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Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis
Thank you David for your thoughts on this.  I too am a bit 
skeptical.  :)  Which is why I decided to ask for comments from you 
guys.  There is the additional issue of "mesh" routing protocols but 
I think (and I mean think) I may have that covered if the physical 
stuff worked out ok.  It's just the whole concept might fall flat for 
a dozen reasons.  I'm trying to figure out how many nodes I would 
need to deploy in a real world test, but I also want to think this 
out before getting that far and spend a bunch of money.  The idea may 
be so bad that testing is unwarranted.

But hey, there must be at least 8 people left in the country without 
broadband, and I want to give it to them! ;)


At 01:05 PM 9/10/2007, David E. Smith wrote:

Allen Marsalis wrote:

I take it that nobody has ever built a 900MHz NLOS mesh network before.
Which is not a good sign to me.  That's a sign that my idea 
probably won't work.

I'd be very skeptical just because of what I lovingly call the 
"Tropos Effect."

Obviously, all these nodes eventually have to come back to... 
somewhere that has a big bad Internet connection. Your office, a 
central tower, whatever. If you're near that tower, you don't have 
much of a problem, as your laptop is talking to a node that's 
talking directly to that point of origin. If you're a few blocks 
away, where your laptop talks to a node that's two or three hops 
away, there's cumulative bandwidth loss and added latency, and just 
more things that can go wrong generally.

Your proposal gets rid of the worst part of how Tropos does things. 
They use the same radio both for inter-node communication and for 
customers, same SSID, same everything; by using separate radios for 
backhaul and customer access, you're already coming out ahead.

There will still be added overhead and latency, the more nodes you 
have to go through, and the folks at the farthest reaches of the 
network won't have as good an experience as the folks close to your 
point of origin.

I'm a bit skeptical. The expense of 900MHz gear, and the sheer 
number of units you'd need to for a wide coverage area, makes this 
seem like a really difficult idea to pull off. Nevertheless, I wish 
you luck, if you do choose to deploy something like that.

David Smith

** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
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RE: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis
Wow thanks for the info Joel.  I bought a couple of SR9's last week 
and I'm experimenting now.  I might need a 900MHz range spectrum 
analyzer for this one.  :)

Re: In fact, I worked under you I believe!!

LOL, well sort of.  There was no budget, so my job was pretty weird 
while it lasted.  Bruce S. sniped my position which I always thought 
was a good thing given the circumstances surrounding the death spiral 
toxic financing deals.  Doesn't look like he was able to save the day 
with his muni wifi program.

Did you move to Tempe?  Are you back in Ohio?  I should probably call 
Paul this week and see what's happening.  I hope he isn't too 
depressed over the deal like I am (or was)  :)


At 01:05 PM 9/10/2007, Joel White wrote:


There is a second manufacture of 900 Mini-Pci cards which is Zcomax. The two
(ubnt and Zcomax don't talk because of different center frequencies. Zcomax is
what Tranzeo is using in there 900 products, so this may be a good way to go,
with the ability to have pre-manufactured client radios. What I have found
with any Atheros card running 5Mhz channels, is that if you scan from another,
you will see the first card transmitting on a channel about 20mhz away. This
transmit is about 20dB less than the primary, but still prevalently there. I
think you could see some issues because of this, and I wonder what frequency
that ends up being when the 900 card is a re-badge of 2.4. To explain this
better, channel 6 on 2.4 is 906 on the ubiquity cards I believe. If I then
scan and see a signature at 2457, what frequency is that on the 900
conversion? It is probably in the high 800 range by my estimate. There are
definitely some issues there.

Also, I have seen better connections with Motorola 900 than with the put
togethers. I do think your idea is something worth while, and I've thought
about something similar myself. I am also familiar with the Muni-market, and
the downfalls, and the good ideas of it. If you remember me, you know I worked
for one of them. In fact, I worked under you I believe!!

Good to see you back.

Joel White
NexGenAccess Inc.

NexGenAccess Inc. <http://www.nexgenaccess.com>

-- Original Message ---
From: "Gino Villarini" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "WISPA General List" 
Sent: Mon, 10 Sep 2007 12:49:35 -0400
Subject: RE: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

> You 900 idea souns interesting, but youll need a 900 muni client and/or
> 900 pcmcia card for customers
> Gino A. Villarini
> Aeronet Wireless Broadband Corp.
> tel  787.273.4143   fax   787.273.4145
> -Original Message-
> On Behalf Of Allen Marsalis Sent: Monday, September 10, 2007 12:17
> PM To: wireless@wispa.org Subject: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks
> I was a WISP in the late 90s and early 00s. Some of you may know
> me.  It's good to see many familiar faces still here.  In recent
> years, I have pursued new interests but I keep thinking back on my
> experiences as a WISP.  I had a lot of good times back then.  I'm
> thinking about creeping back into the WISP business.
> After I sold in 2004, I followed a new trend in wireless in the
> press called "muni wireless" promoted by manufacturers such as Strix
> and Tropos.  This concept has taken some major blows in the press
> this month:
> <http://wifinetnews.com/archives/007869.html>http://wifinetnews.com/arch
> ives/007869.html
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20521155/

> ew=news
> http://www.unstrung.com/document.asp...ng_sitedefault
> <http://www.alleyinsider.com/2007/08/as-earthlink-el.html>http://www.all
> eyinsider.com/2007/08/...thlink-el.html
> http://www.computerworld.com/blogs/node/6120
> This hits close to home because the company who bought my WISP
> (ShreveNet) boasted being the largest WISP with the largest muni
> WIFI network in the nation in Tempe AZ (NeoReach aka Kite aka
> MobilePro) which sold these properties recently to Gobility.  (Big
> Yawn)..
> <http://www.bbwexchange.com/wireless_isp/>http://www.bbwexchange.com/wir
> eless_isp/
> I'm certainly am not posting this thread to defend or even discuss
> the somewhat failed muni wireless concept.  Some say it was a
> failure because of the model rather than technology, caused by
> giving away free service to the anchor tenant (the city) and so
> forth.  Whatever... I couldn't care less about the past 

Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 01:02 PM 9/10/2007, George Rogato wrote:
So does this mean that you now agree with me that little wireless 
cards can be used for wireless broadband?



Yes George I do.  In fact I used pcmcia cards back in '03 and '04 at 
ShreveNet for residential pops with good results after we got the 
bugs out.  I'm sure there was a time I felt differently about 
"cards".  Sorry if I ever gave you a hard time about it.


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
** ISPCON Fall 2007 - October 16-18 - San Jose, CA   www.ispcon.com **
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Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 12:56 PM 9/10/2007, Steve Stroh wrote:


Metricom did.



Thanks for the reply Steve.  Can you share if they were able to make 
it work or not?  Any info would be greatly appreciated.


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
** ISPCON Fall 2007 - October 16-18 - San Jose, CA   www.ispcon.com **
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** Use Customer Code WSEMF7 when you register online at 
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RE: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 11:49 AM 9/10/2007, you wrote:

You 900 idea souns interesting, but youll need a 900 muni client and/or
900 pcmcia card for customers

Thanks much for the reply Gino.  My idea is like "muni wireless" in 
that there really is no CPE per se.  With muni wifi, each node is on 
top of a light pole or building.  With my idea, I would place a pole 
in the yard (or rooftop) of select customers to form the NLOS 
mesh.  Each box would have at least two 900MHz cards plus one wifi 
card for the customer to access using a laptop (or desktop with cheap 
wifi adapter).  Like with muni wifi, I would own all the rooftop and 
poletop outdoor gear.

But in a sense you are correct.  In fact it would be more like two 
900 cards per customer if you are not at the edge of the mesh.  I'm 
able to get 0.1 miles of NLOS using wifi so in theory, next door 
neighbors may not need any 900 (not be a node in the mesh)

One goal is to reduce the need for towers.  A climber fell to his 
death here only a few months ago, and I can't afford expensive tower 
space and climbers anyway.  I'd rather put that capital in to more 
gear to grow the mesh "organically".

I take it that nobody has ever built a 900MHz NLOS mesh network 
before.  Which is not a good sign to me.  That's a sign that my idea 
probably won't work.


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
** ISPCON Fall 2007 - October 16-18 - San Jose, CA   www.ispcon.com **
** FREE Exhibits and Events Pass available until August 31 **
** Use Customer Code WSEMF7 when you register online at 
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Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 11:42 AM 9/10/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I guess you dont love me anymore because you dont return my emails


I do love you Bob and I'm truly sorry about that.   Around '04 I used 
to spend about 4 to 6 hours a day on email and my new boss put an end 
to all that.  After I quit, I bounced around between many email 
addresses and fell into an email funk.  My old shreve.net address 
seems to be working now so I dusted it off to give it a try.  Last 
month I accidently wiped out my bandwise account..  Not making 
excuses, its my fault.  I tried to call you a few weeks ago to chat 
but dropped the ball again.  I've made many mistakes lately.

But I just can't stop thinking about wireless!  ;)


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
** ISPCON Fall 2007 - October 16-18 - San Jose, CA   www.ispcon.com **
** FREE Exhibits and Events Pass available until August 31 **
** Use Customer Code WSEMF7 when you register online at 
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Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 11:42 AM 9/10/2007, Bob Moldashel wrote:
YeahThat was him  And yes..it was the first one. Because I 
was at the second one ( I think) and he banged in sick for the 
show  (or something...)

Bob I remember missing you in Chicago but not Dallas.  If I ever knew 
you were in Dallas, I'd be there just to meet you face to face for 
the first time.


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
** ISPCON Fall 2007 - October 16-18 - San Jose, CA   www.ispcon.com **
** FREE Exhibits and Events Pass available until August 31 **
** Use Customer Code WSEMF7 when you register online at 
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Archives: http://lists.wispa.org/pipermail/wireless/

Re: [WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis

At 11:29 AM 9/10/2007, you wrote:
Wow, I think the last time I saw this guy was WISPCON-Dallas...  the 
first one if there was more than one.

That was me.  There is only one me, that's for sure.  :)Dallas 
WISPCON was my last convention.


** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
** ISPCON Fall 2007 - October 16-18 - San Jose, CA   www.ispcon.com **
** FREE Exhibits and Events Pass available until August 31 **
** Use Customer Code WSEMF7 when you register online at 
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[WISPA] Thoughts on 900MHz mesh networks

2007-09-10 Thread Allen Marsalis
nd don't 
wish to hire any climbers unless it is for aggregate backhaul PtP 
which is fine. This post has nothing to do with PtP shots. But any 
thoughts or feedback on 900MHz meshing is appreciated.  I do see a 
few problems with this concept, however I am at the stage where I 
think some feedback might be helpful.  I'm hoping some of you 
followed the muni wireless trend and gear from Strix, Tropos, Belair, 
etc.  Not all their ideas were wrong or bad.

One last question or two if I may.  Is there only one manufacturer of 
900MHz mini-pci cards? (Ubiquiti SR9) Also, do you think it is it too 
late in 2007 to start a WISP?  ;)  Last, would 700MHz system 
eventually creep in over a few years and eat my lunch?

Thank you all and as always, good luck to all WISPs!

Best Regards,

Allen Marsalis
am @ bandwise dot com

P.S.   After all these years, I still cringe when lightning strikes 
and I think of you guys all the time.  :)  It is certainly good to 
see the WISP industry moving along and so many familiar names still 
in the business.  I wish you all continued success!

** Join us at the WISPA Reception at 6:30 PM on October the 16th 2007 at ISPCON 
** ISPCON Fall 2007 - October 16-18 - San Jose, CA   www.ispcon.com **
** FREE Exhibits and Events Pass available until August 31 **
** Use Customer Code WSEMF7 when you register online at 
http://www.ispcon.com/register.php **

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WISPA Wireless List: wireless@wispa.org


Archives: http://lists.wispa.org/pipermail/wireless/