Re: [ZION] Taliban in Pakistan

2002-11-11 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Jon Spencer favored us with:

But my whole point is that it is SO easy to sit back and second
guess what might have been or could have been or whatever 57 years ago.  But
all those who do this are not in the position that President Truman was.

Truman fired MacArthur.  It is unlikely that he did anything else 
right.  All MacArthur wanted was permission to win the Korean War.  He 
should have quit before Truman fired him.  But Truman was a first class 
villain.  My feelings about Truman are 180 degrees out of phase with those 
I feel for Washington, Reagan, etc.

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"A liberal in the Church is merely one who does not have
a testimony."  --President Harold B. Lee
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] scriptures are not secular?

2002-11-11 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Gary Smith favored us with:

EVERY ward or branch has a little old man or lady who speaks in tongues
every fast and testimony meeting! Usually they spew forth sermons about
fire and brimstone. Of course, everyone understands what they are saying
even before they speak, since we all expect it

Much of scripture is devoted to descriptions of this "fire and 
brimstone."  I wonder why so few pay attention?  Maybe the Lord made a 
mistake to include such negative, pessimistic stuff in the scriptures, do 
you think?

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"A liberal in the Church is merely one who does not have
a testimony."  --President Harold B. Lee
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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[ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Steven Montgomery
Perhaps Marc should ask himself the question why Utah appears to be 
dominated by one party politics. Perhaps Utah just leads the way in setting 
trends. The following analysis of our recent elections comes from


To the chagrin of the liberal elites, the American people made a monumental 
shift to the right in the 2002 mid-term elections. For the first time in 
history, the Republican Party gained seats in both the House and Senate in 
a non-presidential election. In the gubernatorial races, more Democrat 
incumbents went down in defeat, as the GOP defied expectations with 
victories in liberal states like Maryland, Massachusetts and Hawaii. As for 
state legislatures, the majority of them are now controlled by Republicans.

On various referendum issues, American citizens spoke from the heart. In 
Virginia, voters crushed a sales tax hike initiative. In Massachusetts, 
citizens rejected bilingual education in favor of English-only instruction. 
In the state of Nevada voters repudiated homosexual marriage and 
legalization of marijuana. Likewise, in controversial races with hot-button 
issues like "immigration," Republicans rolled to victory. Rep. Tom Tancredo 
(R-CO), who has made immigration reform and border security the cornerstone 
of his Capitol Hill tenure, was re-elected with nearly 70% of the vote, 
after weeks of slander by radical ethnic groups and the liberal Denver 
press. In Georgia, a Republican was elected governor for the first time 
since Reconstruction! This victory was due, in large part, to Democrat 
incumbent Roy Barnes' politically-correct destruction of the Georgia state 
flag, as well as his laxity in addressing illegal immigrants within the state.

All of these electoral results enumerate a political, social and cultural 
trend to the right. They also happen to coincide, with no surprising 
reason, a major surge in Republican Party registrations in southern states 
and a big increase in independent/third-party registrations nationally 
during the last three election cycles. Hopefully, the White House and 
Republicans in Congress will wake up and seize this opportunity to enact a 
real conservative and populist agenda that reflects the true mainstream of 
America. Among the top priorities of the 108th Congress should be border 
security and immigration reform. Stay tuned with at as we fight to put the interests of American 
citizens first.

My concern is that many of these newly elected Republicans will turn out to 
be RINO's (Republican in name only).

Steven Montgomery

"Nations are defined by their founders. George Washington set a standard of
selfless public service and heroic private virtue against which American
politicians continue to be measured - and found wanting - even today." 
--Steven W. Mosher 

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Re: [ZION] War against all of Islam

2002-11-11 Thread Dan R Allen

After much pondering, Gary Smith favored us with:
>Do we wait until Islam engulfs the nations and becomes a giant
>threat,before we "encourage" it to stand down and live peacefully among
>the nations of the world?

Do you really think there is any danger that Islam could become "a giant
threat" that "engulfs the nations?"  That seems rather unlikely to me
regardless of we do or don't do.

IIRC, there is a cleric in England that has declared his intention of
making that country Islamic using whatever means necessary. Whether or not
he succeeds is one thing, but part of my recollection is that he also spoke
out justifying the 9/11 attacks.

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Re: [ZION] War Against All of Islam

2002-11-11 Thread Dan R Allen

> Dan:
> What do you consider as first? IIRC, we did start troop movements, but
> first bombs didn't drop until after the coalition was in place.

That's my point.  it was a LOOONNGGG time between the two events.  We are
not even near the point where bombs would drop, and President Bush seems to
be building his coalition much better than most anyone thought.  of course,
only time will tell.  The big election wins didn't hurt his efforts one

Granted - at least when measured against the length of time of actual
fighting. But again, IIRC, most of the delay was due to our inefficiency in
moving the heavy armor and supplies over there. We really didn't have much
in the way of forward bases before then, and we needed to create a line of
defense before we could get serious about going on the offensive. Saudi was
clearly on board at the very start; we couldn't have started moving troops
until then. I think the announcement of the coalition was delayed until we
were on the ground and ready to go.

This battle will be different - and this is only a battle in a _very_ long
war; because the situation is different. We already have a lot of material
there, we have troops on the ground training already, and the tactics will
most likely be "search and destroy" vs. "denial of ground" type missions.

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Re: [ZION] War Against All of Islam

2002-11-11 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 23:18 11/8/2002 -0800, Stacey wrote:

Where do the Mexicans align themselves?

Certainly not at a border crossing!

Till the ever-watchful

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Re: [ZION] War Against All of Islam

2002-11-11 Thread Dan R Allen

I don't think so. The foreigners had to get their assets into place, too.
wasn't unilateral. In fact, it's ironic that you're showing this particular
of ignorance on the topic -- it was precisely because the Saudis allowed
non-Moslem soldiers on its soil that set bin Laden off. You started off
politically, first with the Saudis, to get permission to move some of the
that couldn't be airlifted in (like most of the tanks your army uses).
infantry were only brought in when the infrastructure was in place. And
Australian and British ships can't sail any faster than their U.S.
-- they headed for the Gulf months ahead of time, just like the U.S. forces

My recollection is slightly different here Marc: The Airborne Divisions
were the first in. They were there to provide defense against a possible
thrust into Saudi Arabia, and the area around the shipyards so that the
heavy material had a place to stage from.
Beyond that you're right: everybody had to get their equipment there and
sorted out before anything could get started.

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Re: [ZION] Taliban in Pakistan

2002-11-11 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 09:31 11/9/2002 -0700, M Marc wrote:

I was in one of the classrooms at Parirenwatwa Hospital (formerly Sir Sanford
Fleming Hospital) in Harare, Zimbabwe, about 7 or 8 years ago, and saw a 
of what happened when a janitor picked up a small vial of caesium powder 
and put
it in his pocket (it was a lesson on the need for proper storage security 
-- this
kind of incident would be unthinkable in an OECD country's hospital. One would
hope, anyway). He only had it for a day before he gave it to a doctor,

How comforting.  My office is sandwiched between a plant growth room and 
Cesium storage.

Till the glow-worm

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Re: [ZION] Taliban in Pakistan

2002-11-11 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 12:45 11/9/2002 -0700, Steven wrote:

The primary target was Kokura, a major munitions manufacturing center. 
Kokura was obscured by clouds and smoke (leftover from an earlier raid on 
a nearby city) so the bombadier couldn't get an exact target despite three 
separate passes. The secondary target was Nagasaki which was also obscured 
by clouds but after a couple of passes the clouds parted, and the rest is 

As though precision was really necessary.  Hindsight is always very good.

Till the ever watchful

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Re: [ZION] War against all of Islam

2002-11-11 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 17:42 11/9/2002 -0600, St Paul not Minnesota wrote:

Tell me the name
of just one Muslim that does not despise the Jews and wish that their
nation was dissolved?

Munther Unes.  A very fine gentleman if ever I have met one.


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Re: [ZION] Liberal dems unveil...

2002-11-11 Thread Elmer L. Fairbank
At 16:20 11/10/2002 -0900, BLT wrote:
  Another was "the shot heard 'round the world" fired at Lexington and 
Concord.  I wish we could do it again.  It would have been wonderful to 
have lived in that day when freedom was a flame upon every lip, or at least 
every lip that mattered.

I stood in the middle of that bridge one day in a snowstorm and 
contemplated the great things that took place there.  It was a powerful 
moment.  I am grateful for my ancestors and their associates who cared 
enough about freedom to sacrifice their comfort and safety to secure them.


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[ZION] Just War

2002-11-11 Thread Steven Montgomery
An interesting commentary by a Catholic scholar on just war. Note 
especially the emphasis he puts on "non-combatant immunity" considering our 
recent discussions, pro and con, regarding this issue:

Steven Montgomery

". . . it is as much their [The Elders of Israel] duty to study correct 
political principles as well as religion, and to seek and know and 
comprehend the social and political interests of man, and to learn and be 
able to teach that which would be best calculated to promote the interests 
of the world."--John Taylor

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[ZION] Some 11/11 thoughts

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
We used to be rather thin-skinned about criticism in Canada. While
there's still a lot of that, as these letters in today's Flop and Flail
show, in response to the right-wing cult figure Jonah Greenberg's half
tongue-in-cheek column in National Review that Canada should be invaded
for its own good, we're learning to take a joke (and just ignore the
ignorant ramblings of an idjut like Pat Buchanan. At least Greenberg's

 Monday, November 11, 2002 – Page A12

Yerevan, Armenia -- If Jonah Goldberg really intended to portray
Canadians as wimps (Head To The Bunkers, The Yanks Are Coming -- Nov.
9), his article in National Review is, if nothing else, poorly timed.

As his country's massive military prepares to crush a Third World
country, ours remembers those who were lost in past wars. What's
poignant is that at critical junctures in at least the First and Second
World Wars, the United States turned its back on its allies, while
Canadians fought hard.

One might think the U.S. military, or the mindset that governs it, is
only prepared to go to war when  the enemy is virtually incapable of
offering a credible resistance, and only requires allies to give some
semblance of legitimacy to the endeavour.

Monday, November 11, 2002 – Page A12

Port Hope, Ont. -- Bombing Canada, as Jonah Goldberg suggests, with
tongue firmly planted in cheek beside his foot, is not such a novel
concept . . . after all, the Yanks have already had ample practice
blowing up Canadians in Afghanistan.

Monday, November 11, 2002 – Page A12

Toronto -- "If we give away the milk for free, you won't subscribe to
the cow," National Review senior editor Jonah Goldberg lamely quips in
his on-line column to induce people to subscribe to his silly magazine.
On the other hand, anyone with an Internet connection is able to read
many of National Review's right-wing rants for free. My question is,
when you can get an unlimited supply of free manure, why buy the bull?

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
will pick himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
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[ZION] The USA's contribution to the poppy as token of Remembrance Day

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
I've been concentrating Remembrance Day as a Canadian formal stat
holiday, but it is also Armistice Day in the U.S. And, though most
Canadians don't seem to know this, ironically the poppy came to be
popularized by a U.S. lady. I only ever see it in Commonwealth
countries, but my father-in-law (who fought in the U.S. 17th Airborne in
the Battle of the Bulge, under command of the British 8th Army) once
told me that there are areas of the U.S. where the poppy is worn today.
We went shopping on Saturday and all the Royal Canadian Legionaires and
the Air Cadets were out with poppies, throughout the mall. About a third
of those in church yesterday were wearing one (we went to Callingwood
Park ward, instead of Spruce Grove ward, because our soon-to-be
four-year-old granddaughter was giving a talk in Sacrament there).

Here's the story, as contained in today's "Social Studies" column by
Michael Kesterton:

Poppy Day creator

In 1944, The New York Herald Tribune reported: "Miss Moina Michael, who
originated Poppy Day in 1918 as a memorial to the World War dead, died
[May 10] in a hospital after an illness of several months. She was 74
years old. Col. John McCrae's poem, "In Flanders Fields", gave Miss
Michael the inspiration for the annual poppy sales, which spread to many
nations...Miss Michael, a teacher, who was for 25 years on the
University of Georgia* faculty, first read Col. McCrae's poem two days
before the armistice in 1918. It touched her so deeply that she resolved
to wear a poppy as a pledge toward fulfillment of Col. McCrae's ideals."
In 1919, the newspaper adds, Miss Michael's poppy-wearing campaign
proceeded informally, but in 1920 the plan was adopted by the national
convention of the American Legion.zion-l

*Ironically the post I gave a few days ago, with a link to the poem, was
to a site at Emory University's English dept., which is also in Georgia.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
will pick himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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author solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the
author’s employer, nor those of any organization with which the author
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Re: [ZION] New stake in France

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Not yet.


> Marc Schindler:
> Only in France would two chefs be part of a stake presidency!
> ___
> And what a fine presidency it must be!  Wonderful news for
> the saints in the Toulouse area.
> Have you heard anything more about land for a temple in
> the area of Paris?
> Larry Jackson
> Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today
> Only $9.95 per month!
> Visit
> /
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
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Re: [ZION] Flying Lessons (was Taliban in Pakistan)

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler


> Marc Schindler:
> Very good! Another week in Moose Jaw for our boy genius :-)
> Larry Jackson:
> I think he'll enjoy his fortnight with the Moose Javians.
> Marc:
> My cousin's husband ... is tired of rotary wing and wants to
> switch to fixed wing.
> Larry:
> I work for a place that modifies military aircraft.  We call
> the helicopter folks our ceiling fan division.
> Marc:
> We put the base there because there's nothing to hit that's
> higher than a grain elevator)
> Larry:
> Except for that water tower five miles out on final approach.
> (Is Spruce Grove near Cold Lake?)

Define close. Their ward is in one of our sister stakes, the Edmonton Bonnie Doon
stake, but I would estimate it's a good 3 or 4 hour drive to the NE to Cherry
Grove, the closest major city at the SW corner of the base (which, including the
Primrose Lake Air Weapons Range, extends well into Saskatchewan -- probably about
the size of Connecticut).  Here's a map, which doesn't have a scaleso you can
figure out how close Cold Lake is by seeing where the Cherry Grove ward is:

As you can see, we're on the other side of Edmonton from Cherry Grove, so add an
hour to get through greater Edmonton to the trip. Parkland Ward, which is our
sister ward, is the one of which Mark Gregson is the bishop.

> Larry Jackson
> Sign Up for Juno Platinum Internet Access Today
> Only $9.95 per month!
> Visit
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
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Re: [ZION] Removing Christianity from US history

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
These stories may or may not be true. How do you know?  Many people think
Washington cut down a cherry tree when he was a lad, too, but this story has been
traced to a "moral tale" by a Protestant preacher, iirc, in the 19th century.

Stacy Smith wrote:

> I want to see more of this kind of stuff.  Where can I find more?
> Stacy.
> At 06:15 AM 11/11/2002 +, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >During the French and Indian War, the 23-year-old Washington was
> >fighting with the British against the French who were allied with
> >the Indians. On July 9, 1755, in the Battle of the Monongahela, the
> >British regiments were ambushed by the French and Indians. Of the
> >86 British and Virginia officers, only Washington was not shot off
> >his horse.
> >
> >After retreating to Maryland, Washington wrote his mother. "After
> >the battle was over I took off my jacket and I had four bullet
> >holes through my jacket, but not a single bullet had touched me.
> >I had several horses shot out from under me, but I was not hurt in
> >any way. God's hand was on me. God protected me and kept me through
> >the battle."
> >
> >In 1770, Washington traveled back to the region and an old Indian
> >chief, having heard Washington was back, traveled to meet him. The
> >chief told Washington, "You don't know me, but 15 years ago you and
> >I were in these same woods. I commanded the Indians you were
> >fighting that day. We saw you riding through the woods and knew you
> >were a leader. If we could kill you we knew your troops would
> >scatter, so I instructed my braves to fire at you. I personally
> >fired at you 17 times. When I saw that none of our bullets had any
> >effect on you, I told my braves to stop shooting. I have traveled
> >all this way to meet the man God would not let die in battle." This
> >spiritual account, and many others like it, used to be in our
> >history textbooks.
> >
> >/
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> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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Re: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
I guess I should repost the interview with Pres. Marlin K. Jensen after all. This
is the interview where he discusses and clarifies a letter that had been sent out
to stake presidents to be read in all wards in at least the United States. One
party domination is in direct defiance of the Brethren.

[emphasis added in bold red]

Salt Lake Tribune
Types: Utah On-Line
Published: 05/03/1998
Page: A1
Keywords: Web Edition; UT; Mormon Church General Authorities;
Politics-Politicians; Social Issues; Communities
Transcript of Marlin Jensen Interview
Byline: Salt Lake Tribune
 Editor's Note: The following is a transcript of a Salt Lake Tribune
interview, conducted on April 23, 1998, with Marlin Jensen of the 1st Quorum of
the Seventy of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Marlin is also a
member of the LDS church's Public Affairs Committee.
  (Jensen's comments have been transcribed verbatim. The Tribune's questions
were edited for clarity
  and concision.)
   The Salt Lake Tribune: Earlier this year, the Mormon Church First
Presidency issued a statement encouraging  members not only to actively
participate in politics, but to run for elected office. What was the motivation?

   Marlin Jensen: ``I think the letter went to stake presidents, I believe
just in the United States. But we even gave some thought and it was discussed how
to do something on a worldwide basis because I think the perception that our
leaders had is that as individual church members we're maybe not quite living up
to our obligation to be good citizens. Not just voting, but actually participating
in the functions of government on an appointed and an elected basis.

 So I think the letter reflects a general concern worldwide that it is really
part of our religion to be good citizens and to do our share in the community. And
its probably related doctrinally in a way to the idea that we're not just to build
up the kingdom of God but we're also to establish his righteousness.

 So that there's a need in order for the gospel to be preached and carried off
to all the world to have an environment of righteousness in which that can occur.
And, in a word, without a good neighborhood and a good community it's very
difficult to have a good family. So good government is very much in the best
interests of us as a church and in the work we have to preach the gospel. So that
I think would have been the general concern.

  But I think frankly there was a more specific concern related to the state
of Utah as well that prompted the initial discussion of this.

 It seems like historically -- and maybe it had to do with our more rural
character at the time, but it seems (and I have thought about this in the little
community where I was raised in Huntsville) that the people of the church, the
main leaders, the main people in the church in that period maybe 40 or 50 years
ago, were people of affairs. They were people who did lead the community as well
as the church. Of course, there was a much greater homogeneity in those days and
we're much more diverse now. But I think there's just a feeling that we need to be
more active and more visible and reach out more in a civic way than we've been

  Here in Utah in part I think it's related to the fact that the Democratic
Party has in the last 20 years waned to the point where it really is almost not a
factor in our political life right now. And I think there is a feeling that that
is not healthy at all -- that as a state we suffer in different ways. But
certainly any time you don't have the dialogue and the give-and-take that the
democratic process provides, you're going to be poorer for it in the long run.

  We are locally and I think there is a feeling that even nationally as a
church, it's not in our best interest to be known as a one-party church. The
national fortunes of the parties ebb and flow. Whereas the Republicans may clearly
have the upper hand today in another 10 years they may not. So there are just so
many reasons I think to have a robust multi-party system going
locally and nationally for us, as well as the international responsibilities we
feel -- that's at the heart of this as well.''

  Tribune: Democrats, only half-jokingly, say it may be time for the LDS
Church to once again draw a line down the middle of ward houses and assign

  Jensen: ``I think if you look at the letter you'll notice that there's a
reference here to urging men and women to be willing to serve -- as you were
mentioning -- on school boards, in city and county councils and commissions, state
legislatures and other high offices of either election or appointment, including
involvement in the political party of their choice. I think that really was an
attempt, is an attempt on the part of the First Presidency to indicate that part
of being a good Latter-day Saint would be to be politically active in a party of
our choice. That we just can't sit by and let other

Re: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Steven Montgomery
At 04:11 PM 11/11/2002, Marc wrote:

  Here in Utah in part I think it's related to the fact that the 
Party has in the last 20 years waned to the point where it really is 
almost not a
factor in our political life right now. And I think there is a feeling 
that that
is not healthy at all -- that as a state we suffer in different ways. But
certainly any time you don't have the dialogue and the give-and-take that the
democratic process provides, you're going to be poorer for it in the long run.

Political parties come and go.  Shortly after the U.S. was founded there 
were the Whigs and the Federalists. So now we have Republicans and 
Democrats--so what? The main point Elder Jensen was making imo is the 
"dialogue." If the Democratic party goes by the wayside there will always 
be another party willing to step in and take its place.

  We are locally and I think there is a feeling that even nationally as a
church, it's not in our best interest to be known as a one-party church. The
national fortunes of the parties ebb and flow. Whereas the Republicans may 
have the upper hand today in another 10 years they may not. So there are 
just so
many reasons I think to have a robust multi-party system 
locally and nationally for us, as well as the international 
responsibilities we
feel -- that's at the heart of this as well.''

Note here he states, "multi-party system," not necessarily the elitist two 
party system we have now. The point is the Democratic Party is losing 
because they've lost touch with the common voter. I don't like a one-party 
dominance either--let all parties participate and give them equal chances, 
but don't worship before the altar of Democratic Party politics.

Steven Montgomery

"Nations are defined by their founders. George Washington set a standard of
selfless public service and heroic private virtue against which American
politicians continue to be measured - and found wanting - even today." 
--Steven W. Mosher 

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Re: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
Very good!


At 04:11 PM 11/11/2002 -0700, you wrote:

I guess I should repost the interview with Pres. Marlin K. Jensen after 
all. This
is the interview where he discusses and clarifies a letter that had been 
sent out
to stake presidents to be read in all wards in at least the United States. One
party domination is in direct defiance of the Brethren.

[emphasis added in bold red]

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Re: [ZION] Removing Christianity from US history

2002-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
I realize that now after discussing this with Muhammad.


At 03:46 PM 11/11/2002 -0700, you wrote:

These stories may or may not be true. How do you know?  Many people think
Washington cut down a cherry tree when he was a lad, too, but this story 
has been
traced to a "moral tale" by a Protestant preacher, iirc, in the 19th century.

Stacy Smith wrote:

> I want to see more of this kind of stuff.  Where can I find more?
> Stacy.

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RE: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> One party domination is in direct defiance of the Brethren.

"Defiance"? Institutions are not capable of defiance, only individuals. 
Which individuals do you believe are in defiance of the Brethren? The 
leaders of the Republican party in Utah? Any Utah Republicans? Any LDS 
Republicans? Please clarify your accusation, so I can tell whether I and 
my family are included in it.

> Tribune: What is the attitude of church leaders toward the
> lingering sentiment among some Mormons -- apparently stemming
> back to comments made by former LDS President Ezra Taft Benson
> -- that it is difficult to be a good LDS member and a Democrat?

I recall that statement as being "liberal Democrat", though of course I 
could be mistaken. But even if I am correct, this is after all the 
Tribune we're talking about, so it's rather naive to expect truth or 


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Re: [ZION] War Against All of Islam

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
I agree -- the 101st airborne, which is a light division and can be airlifted, as
its name implies, was the first *foreign* military on the scene, but they were
not the first military forces there.

Dan R Allen wrote:

> Marc:
> I don't think so. The foreigners had to get their assets into place, too.
> It
> wasn't unilateral. In fact, it's ironic that you're showing this particular
> kind
> of ignorance on the topic -- it was precisely because the Saudis allowed
> foreign,
> non-Moslem soldiers on its soil that set bin Laden off. You started off
> politically, first with the Saudis, to get permission to move some of the
> things
> that couldn't be airlifted in (like most of the tanks your army uses).
> Light
> infantry were only brought in when the infrastructure was in place. And
> Canadian,
> Australian and British ships can't sail any faster than their U.S.
> counterparts
> -- they headed for the Gulf months ahead of time, just like the U.S. forces
> did.
> Dan:
> My recollection is slightly different here Marc: The Airborne Divisions
> were the first in. They were there to provide defense against a possible
> thrust into Saudi Arabia, and the area around the shipyards so that the
> heavy material had a place to stage from.
> Beyond that you're right: everybody had to get their equipment there and
> sorted out before anything could get started.
> /
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] Taliban in Pakistan

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
It's not hard to shield against caesium; I wouldn't worry if I were her. The energy
is less than 1 MEV by a long shot; only a few hundred thousand KEV, if I recall
correctly. Enough to ionize upon contact, but it doesn't require much more than a
lead-lined room to keep it shielded.

"Elmer L. Fairbank" wrote:

> At 09:31 11/9/2002 -0700, M Marc wrote:
> >I was in one of the classrooms at Parirenwatwa Hospital (formerly Sir Sanford
> >Fleming Hospital) in Harare, Zimbabwe, about 7 or 8 years ago, and saw a
> >display
> >of what happened when a janitor picked up a small vial of caesium powder
> >and put
> >it in his pocket (it was a lesson on the need for proper storage security
> >-- this
> >kind of incident would be unthinkable in an OECD country's hospital. One would
> >hope, anyway). He only had it for a day before he gave it to a doctor,
> How comforting.  My office is sandwiched between a plant growth room and
> Cesium storage.
> Till the glow-worm
> /
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> /

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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[ZION] Madsen claims

2002-11-11 Thread Stephen Beecroft
I enjoy listening to Truman Madsen. Though he tends to sappy and 
over-the-top rhetoric, he is knowledgeable and pretty enjoyable to 
listen to. I'm listening to some lectures he gave on Joseph Smith, 
wherein he references some things I'm not familiar with and have been 
unable to turn up on Google. Can anyone help me out with references?

1. Lillian Freeze (Lilian Freise? something like that) recorded that 
Joseph Smith said that the day would come that only Latter-day Saint 
women would want to have children.

2. William Dimick (Demick? Dimik?) was told by Joseph that he would 
never taste of death.

Help, anyone?


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Re: [ZION] Just War

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
In the Catholic Church the concept of a "moral war" was first set out by
Augustine some 1600 years ago. His definition was somewhat harsher than our's,
and also that of the modern RC Church.

Steven Montgomery wrote:

> An interesting commentary by a Catholic scholar on just war. Note
> especially the emphasis he puts on "non-combatant immunity" considering our
> recent discussions, pro and con, regarding this issue:
> --
> Steven Montgomery
> ". . . it is as much their [The Elders of Israel] duty to study correct
> political principles as well as religion, and to seek and know and
> comprehend the social and political interests of man, and to learn and be
> able to teach that which would be best calculated to promote the interests
> of the world."--John Taylor
> /
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> /

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
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RE: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Jim Cobabe

"One party rule" will eventually fulfil the prophetic vision of early 
Church leaders.  There will be only one party that follows the Lord.  
Everyone else will follow the adversary.  Ultimately this is the only 
partisan association that matters.  While this may not be the pattern 
for this day, the time is near at hand.

Excerpt from "Proclamation of the Twelve", April 6, 1845

As this work progresses in its onward course, and becomes more and more 
an object of political and religious interest and excitement, no king, 
ruler, or subject, no community or individual, will stand neutral. All 
will at length be influenced by one spirit or the other; and will take 
sides either for or against the kingdom of God, and the fulfillment of 
the prophets, in the great restoration and return of his long dispersed 
covenant people.

Some will act the part of the venerable Jethro, the father-in-law of 
Moses; or the noble Cyrus; and will aid and bless the people of God; or 
like Ruth, the Moabitess, will forsake their people and their kindred 
and country, and will say to the Saints, or to Israel: "This people 
shall be my people, and their God my God." While others will walk in the 
footsteps of a Pharaoh, or a Balak, and will harden their hearts, and 
fight against God, and seek to destroy his people. These will commune 
with priests and prophets who love the wages of unrighteousness; and 
who, like Balaam, will seek to curse, or to find enchantments against 

You cannot therefore stand as idle and disinterested spectators of the 
scenes and events which are calculated in their very nature to reduce 
all nations and creeds to one political and religious standard, and thus 
put an end to Babel forms and names, and to strife and war. You will, 
therefore, either be led by the good Spirit to cast in your lot, and to 
take a lively interest with the Saints of the Most High, and the 
covenant people of the Lord, or on the other hand, you will become their 
inveterate enemy, and oppose them by every means in your power.

 (James R. Clark, comp., Messages of the First Presidency of The Church 
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 6 vols. (Salt Lake City: 
Bookcraft, 1965-75), 1: 257.)

Mij Ebaboc

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RE: [ZION] Madsen claims

2002-11-11 Thread Jim Cobabe

Stephen Beecroft wrote:
1. Lillian Freeze (Lilian Freise? something like that) recorded that 
Joseph Smith said that the day would come that only Latter-day Saint 
women would want to have children.

Can't locate such a refernce.  Will continue searching.

2. William Dimick (Demick? Dimik?) was told by Joseph that he would 
never taste of death.

This reference appears to be to William Huntington, and his father, 
Dimick Huntington.  The Huntingtons were associates with Joseph Smith in 
Nauvoo.  After he was instrumental in delivering Joseph from the mobs in 
Nauvoo, Joseph promised William that he would never taste of death.  
Madsen refers to this in a footnote--

William Huntington went west with the exodus and settled eventually in 
Springville, Utah. One night, forty-three years after the Nauvoo 
incident, just after going to bed he was conversing with his wife in the 
darkness. He said something and she replied. She said something and he 
did not reply. After two or three repetitions she lighted a lamp. 
Without a sigh or a shudder he had died. The family believed this was 
the fulfillment of Joseph's promise, which is universalized in the 
Doctrine and Covenants: "And it shall come to pass that those that die 
in me shall not taste of death, for it shall be sweet unto them; and 
they that die not in me, wo unto them, for their death is bitter" (D&C 
42:46-47). See diary of Oliver B. Huntington, vol. 2, p. 271, entry of 
March 19, 1887.
 (Truman G. Madsen, Joseph Smith the Prophet [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 
1989], .)

Mij Ebaboc

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RE: [ZION] Madsen claims

2002-11-11 Thread Jim Cobabe

Here's the other reference--

Joseph Smith made many prophetic statements that last to our day.  Some 
of them seemed preposterous at the time. Lillie Freeze recalls one such. 
"He said the time would come when none but the women of the Latter-day 
Saints would be willing to bear children."fn In large measure this is 
already happening today-before our eyes. 

YWJ 2 (November 1890): 81. One can refuse to bear (beget) children . And 
one can refuse to bear (love and nurture) begotten children. Both 
refusals are epidemic in our time.

 (Truman G. Madsen, Joseph Smith the Prophet [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 
1989], 39.)

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Re: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Marc A. Schindler favored us with:

I guess I should repost the interview with Pres. Marlin K. Jensen after 
all. This
is the interview where he discusses and clarifies a letter that had been 
sent out
to stake presidents to be read in all wards in at least the United States. One
party domination is in direct defiance of the Brethren.

Those Utah Mormons don't seem to mind defying the Brethren when it comes to 
shopping at the mall on Sunday, why should they pay any attention to the 
Brethren when it comes to being Republican or Democrat?

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
At present, the Book of Mormon is studied in our Sunday
School and seminary classes every fourth year. This
four-year pattern, however, must not be followed by
Church members in their personal and family study. We
need to read daily from the pages of the book that will get
a man "nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by
any other book." (Ezra Taft Benson, October 1988)
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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RE: [ZION] Madsen claims

2002-11-11 Thread Johnna Cornett
the huntingtons were converts from new hampshire, and arrived in the 
kirtland period.  dimick's sister zina is one of the famous zinas my 
daughter is named after. 

Jim Cobabe wrote:
> Stephen Beecroft wrote:
> ---
> 1. Lillian Freeze (Lilian Freise? something like that) recorded that 
> Joseph Smith said that the day would come that only Latter-day Saint 
> women would want to have children.
> ---
> Can't locate such a refernce.  Will continue searching.
> ---
> 2. William Dimick (Demick? Dimik?) was told by Joseph that he would 
> never taste of death.
> ---
> This reference appears to be to William Huntington, and his father, 
> Dimick Huntington.  The Huntingtons were associates with Joseph Smith in 
> Nauvoo.  After he was instrumental in delivering Joseph from the mobs in 
> Nauvoo, Joseph promised William that he would never taste of death.  
> Madsen refers to this in a footnote--
> William Huntington went west with the exodus and settled eventually in 
> Springville, Utah. One night, forty-three years after the Nauvoo 
> incident, just after going to bed he was conversing with his wife in the 
> darkness. He said something and she replied. She said something and he 
> did not reply. After two or three repetitions she lighted a lamp. 
> Without a sigh or a shudder he had died. The family believed this was 
> the fulfillment of Joseph's promise, which is universalized in the 
> Doctrine and Covenants: "And it shall come to pass that those that die 
> in me shall not taste of death, for it shall be sweet unto them; and 
> they that die not in me, wo unto them, for their death is bitter" (D&C 
> 42:46-47). See diary of Oliver B. Huntington, vol. 2, p. 271, entry of 
> March 19, 1887.
>  (Truman G. Madsen, Joseph Smith the Prophet [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 
> 1989], .)
> ---
> Mij Ebaboc

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RE: [ZION] War against all of Islam

2002-11-11 Thread Johnna Cornett
I know an entire family that would fit that description.  Their 
8-year-old daughter is in my daughter's class at school.  We became 
friends when both girls were in kindergarten together.

Elmer L. Fairbank wrote:
> At 17:42 11/9/2002 -0600, St Paul not Minnesota wrote:
> >Tell me the name
> >of just one Muslim that does not despise the Jews and wish that their
> >nation was dissolved?
> Munther Unes.  A very fine gentleman if ever I have met one.
> Till

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[ZION] A Whirlwind Trip South

2002-11-11 Thread John W. Redelfs
It looks like I'm going to make a whirlwind visit to SLC-Provo this coming 
weekend.  My son-in-law, Jeff, has taken a job with the University of 
Alaska in Juneau and has to report for work on the 19th.  He is going to 
fly up and leave my daughter with the job of driving the family automobile 
to Prince Rupert and putting it on the ferry.  I thought I would fly down 
there and help her drive back.

So...  I'm going to be in Provo from about 4:00 PM Saturday, until I hit 
the road for Canada on Wednesday morning, Nov. 20th.  I've got to be to the 
ferry in Prince Rupert by Sunday the 24th at 4:30 PM.

By my calculations it is going to be a 1287 miles trip from Provo to Prince 
Rupert by shortest route.  But the route passes pretty close to Cardston 
and Edmonton.  I wonder if I should breeze through and say hi to Tom and 
the two Emontonions on my way.  It would only add about 300 miles to my 
trip, and I'm going to get to Prince Rupert about a day early anyway.  It 
sure would be fun to meet Tom, Marc and Mark face to face.

Anyone in the Provo-SLC area that would like to go to McDonald's with me or 

Your friend and brother,
John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: [ZION] A Whirlwind Trip South

2002-11-11 Thread Stephen Beecroft
If you decide to take the coastal route, stop by and visit. I'll even 
show you around Microsoft's campus, though I can't get in any 


John W. Redelfs wrote:
> It looks like I'm going to make a whirlwind visit to SLC-Provo this 
> coming 
> weekend.  My son-in-law, Jeff, has taken a job with the University of 
> Alaska in Juneau and has to report for work on the 19th.  He is going to 
> fly up and leave my daughter with the job of driving the family 
> automobile 
> to Prince Rupert and putting it on the ferry.  I thought I would fly 
> down 
> there and help her drive back.
> So...  I'm going to be in Provo from about 4:00 PM Saturday, until I hit 
> the road for Canada on Wednesday morning, Nov. 20th.  I've got to be to 
> the 
> ferry in Prince Rupert by Sunday the 24th at 4:30 PM.
> By my calculations it is going to be a 1287 miles trip from Provo to 
> Prince 
> Rupert by shortest route.  But the route passes pretty close to Cardston 
> and Edmonton.  I wonder if I should breeze through and say hi to Tom and 
> the two Emontonions on my way.  It would only add about 300 miles to my 
> trip, and I'm going to get to Prince Rupert about a day early anyway.  
> It 
> sure would be fun to meet Tom, Marc and Mark face to face.
> Anyone in the Provo-SLC area that would like to go to McDonald's with me 
> or 
> something?
> Your friend and brother,
> John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Steven Montgomery wrote:

> At 04:11 PM 11/11/2002, Marc wrote:
> >   Here in Utah in part I think it's related to the fact that the
> > Democratic
> >Party has in the last 20 years waned to the point where it really is
> >almost not a
> >factor in our political life right now. And I think there is a feeling
> >that that
> >is not healthy at all -- that as a state we suffer in different ways. But
> >certainly any time you don't have the dialogue and the give-and-take that the
> >democratic process provides, you're going to be poorer for it in the long run.
> Political parties come and go.  Shortly after the U.S. was founded there
> were the Whigs and the Federalists. So now we have Republicans and
> Democrats--so what? The main point Elder Jensen was making imo is the
> "dialogue." If the Democratic party goes by the wayside there will always
> be another party willing to step in and take its place.

And that's fair enough. It was the lack of creative tension you have when there's
more than one party, and also the fact that the Church needs to "spread its bets,"
so to speak, that I think are their main concerns.  I don't think this is about
Democrats and Repubs. per se.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer, nor
those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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RE: [ZION] A Whirlwind Trip South

2002-11-11 Thread John W. Redelfs
After much pondering, Stephen Beecroft favored us with:

If you decide to take the coastal route, stop by and visit. I'll even
show you around Microsoft's campus, though I can't get in any

I wish I could, Stephen.  But there isn't any coastal route from the 
Seattle area to Prince Rupert.  It means driving hundreds of miles inland 
to go north in BC only to drive hundreds of miles back to the coast.

You mean you can't get in any of the building because they laid you off? 
Shame on them.  Now that you are no longer working for Microsoft, do you 
still have the tenacious loyalty to them that you used to feel?

How is the job hunt going?

John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
At present, the Book of Mormon is studied in our Sunday
School and seminary classes every fourth year. This
four-year pattern, however, must not be followed by
Church members in their personal and family study. We
need to read daily from the pages of the book that will get
a man "nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by
any other book." (Ezra Taft Benson, October 1988)
All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR

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Re: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Stephen Beecroft wrote:

> -Marc-
> > One party domination is in direct defiance of the Brethren.
> "Defiance"? Institutions are not capable of defiance, only individuals.
> Which individuals do you believe are in defiance of the Brethren?

Well, for starters the Republican congressman who publicly criticized Pres.
Jensen for his remarks. Also, you've missed a quite legitimate parsing of my
sentence. When one says x is in defiance of y, that implies that "belief in x" is
in defiance of y. I think that's pretty standard English.

> The
> leaders of the Republican party in Utah? Any Utah Republicans? Any LDS
> Republicans? Please clarify your accusation, so I can tell whether I and
> my family are included in it.
> > Tribune: What is the attitude of church leaders toward the
> > lingering sentiment among some Mormons -- apparently stemming
> > back to comments made by former LDS President Ezra Taft Benson
> > -- that it is difficult to be a good LDS member and a Democrat?
> I recall that statement as being "liberal Democrat", though of course I
> could be mistaken. But even if I am correct, this is after all the
> Tribune we're talking about, so it's rather naive to expect truth or
> balance.

And I trust you read Pres. Jensen's answer to the question?

I think the reason Pres. Jensen was assigned to talk to the Trib and not the D.N.
was precisely because of the Trib's reputation; it was sending Daniel into the
lion's den, and is all the more useful, politically, for that reason. That is, no
one can accuse him of taking only soft ball lob shots.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Maybe. But that will be then. This is now, and we're to listen to the counsel
we're given now.

Jim Cobabe wrote:

> "One party rule" will eventually fulfil the prophetic vision of early
> Church leaders.  There will be only one party that follows the Lord.
> Everyone else will follow the adversary.  Ultimately this is the only
> partisan association that matters.  While this may not be the pattern
> for this day, the time is near at hand.

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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RE: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> [Previously] One party domination is in direct defiance of the
> Brethren.
> [Now] Also, you've missed a quite legitimate parsing of my
> sentence. When one says x is in defiance of y, that implies
> that "belief in x" is in defiance of y.

Okay, that's reasonable. I don't agree with it, but it's much different 
from (and more inoffensive than) the meaning I originally inferred from 
your words.


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Re: [ZION] A Whirlwind Trip South

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Let us know what you decide, and I'm sure I speak for the 3 of us when I say we'll
do what we can to accommodate you. I'm probably the closest to the highway you'll
be on (the Yellowhead) but Mark's not too far off, and Cardston's about a 45
minute side trip each way (from the main highway south from Lethbridge to

"John W. Redelfs" wrote:

> It looks like I'm going to make a whirlwind visit to SLC-Provo this coming
> weekend.  My son-in-law, Jeff, has taken a job with the University of
> Alaska in Juneau and has to report for work on the 19th.  He is going to
> fly up and leave my daughter with the job of driving the family automobile
> to Prince Rupert and putting it on the ferry.  I thought I would fly down
> there and help her drive back.
> So...  I'm going to be in Provo from about 4:00 PM Saturday, until I hit
> the road for Canada on Wednesday morning, Nov. 20th.  I've got to be to the
> ferry in Prince Rupert by Sunday the 24th at 4:30 PM.
> By my calculations it is going to be a 1287 miles trip from Provo to Prince
> Rupert by shortest route.  But the route passes pretty close to Cardston
> and Edmonton.  I wonder if I should breeze through and say hi to Tom and
> the two Emontonions on my way.  It would only add about 300 miles to my
> trip, and I'm going to get to Prince Rupert about a day early anyway.  It
> sure would be fun to meet Tom, Marc and Mark face to face.
> Anyone in the Provo-SLC area that would like to go to McDonald's with me or
> something?
> Your friend and brother,
> John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> //
> ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> ///  ///
> /

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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RE: [ZION] A Whirlwind Trip South

2002-11-11 Thread Jim Cobabe


I'm living at my folk's place in central Utah these days.  Not doing 
much of anything--I've just been hanging around half-heartedly looking 
for gainful employment.  I can come and find you just about any time. It 
would be great fun to get together--how about a temple session at Provo, 
or Timpanogos?

Jim Cobabe

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RE: [ZION] A Whirlwind Trip South

2002-11-11 Thread Tom Matkin

Marc A. Schindler wrote:
> Let us know what you decide, and I'm sure I speak for the 3 of us when I 
> say we'll
> do what we can to accommodate you. I'm probably the closest to the 
> highway you'll
> be on (the Yellowhead) but Mark's not too far off, and Cardston's about 
> a 45
> minute side trip each way (from the main highway south from Lethbridge 
> to
> Montana).

The trip from Provo to Cardston takes 12 hours if you only stop for gas 
and perhaps one or two very fast pottie breaks at road side rest areas.  
If you tempt fate and have a very fast car you can do it in 11 hours.  
If you are a young person in love and out of touch with reality you 
might even shave a half hour off that.  If you are the type that stops 
to eat it will take you 13 or 14 hours.  If you stop to smell the 
roses well plan for two days.

There are a wide variety of routes with varying advantages and 
disadvantages.  Basically, the best thing to do is take the I-15 from 
Provo to at least Wolf Creek Mt. Just north of Wolf Creek you can cut 
off for the shortest route to Canada (not necessarily the quickest). If 
you are interested in the quickest you carry on through Great Falls to 
the border.  There are a couple of places to cut off when Cardston is 
your goal to save a few minutes, but the Coutts/Sweetgrass border 
crossing on I-15 is the only 24 hour port of entry in the vicinity and 
going there reduces the complication of possibly sleeping in a car in 
the Montana wilderness waiting for the border to open in the distant 

After crossing the border at Coutts/Sweetgrass you get to Cardston 
either by taking highway #501 west after going north from the border 
about 12 miles.  Or you can go about 20 miles north and cut off west to 
Raymond, then south to Cardston.  But that's longer and the road isn't 
any better imho.

If you stretched your day out on Wednesday to reach Cardston you would 
find beds and breakfast at the Matkin home.  The next day it would be a 
6 hour drive to Edmonton.  I'm no expert on how long it takes to get 
from Edmonton to Prince Rupert. But it would probably take a monster day 
(we used to drive from here to Vancouver in a single day, when we didn't 
know any better and I suppose it would be a comparable journey).  If it 
stretched out for two days you would get to Prince Rupert by Sat. night. 
 Which builds a little slack into your itinerary in case you have a flat 
tire, get hit by food poisoning from eating tainted deep fried chicken 
gizzards at the Flying J in Rocker, Montana (just west of beautiful 
downtown Butte) get lost, encounter normal winter driving conditions, or 
stop to smell the roses.

> "John W. Redelfs" wrote:
> > It looks like I'm going to make a whirlwind visit to SLC-Provo this 
> > coming
> > weekend.  My son-in-law, Jeff, has taken a job with the University of
> > Alaska in Juneau and has to report for work on the 19th.  He is going to
> > fly up and leave my daughter with the job of driving the family 
> > automobile
> > to Prince Rupert and putting it on the ferry.  I thought I would fly 
> > down
> > there and help her drive back.
> >
> > So...  I'm going to be in Provo from about 4:00 PM Saturday, until I hit
> > the road for Canada on Wednesday morning, Nov. 20th.  I've got to be to 
> > the
> > ferry in Prince Rupert by Sunday the 24th at 4:30 PM.
> >
> > By my calculations it is going to be a 1287 miles trip from Provo to 
> > Prince
> > Rupert by shortest route.  But the route passes pretty close to Cardston
> > and Edmonton.  I wonder if I should breeze through and say hi to Tom and
> > the two Emontonions on my way.  It would only add about 300 miles to my
> > trip, and I'm going to get to Prince Rupert about a day early anyway.  
> > It
> > sure would be fun to meet Tom, Marc and Mark face to face.
> >
> > Anyone in the Provo-SLC area that would like to go to McDonald's with me 
> > or
> > something?
> >
> > Your friend and brother,
> > John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > //
> > 
> > ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> > ///  ///
> > /
> > 
> >
> --
> Marc A. Schindler
> Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland
> “Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he 
> will pick
> himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill
> Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the 
> author
> solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s 
> employer,
> nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
///  ///

[ZION] Truman (was Taliban in pakistan)

2002-11-11 Thread Gary Smith
Knowing no one is perfect, I try to judge a person for all that they try
to do, even if their choices end up occasionally being wrong. Truman
chose not to continue the Korean War into China, because he realized a
few things: First, they outnumbered us by hundreds of millions. Second,
we had just finished one world war, and most Americans and our allies
weren't ready for another. Third, we were there under UN authorization,
and they had not authorized entering China. Fourth, as much as I like
MacArthur, he disobeyed prime military orders about speaking out against
the Commander in Chief, and the president's orders to stop,  in the
press. MacArthur pushed, and Truman didn't blink. Truman fired him
because he was forced to do so. Had Truman left him in, he would have
lost tons of political capital and integrity. 

We can attack individuals for the choices they made through hindsight, or
we can realize that such decisions are complicated. Chaos theory states
that a butterfly flapping its wings today in China can cause storms in
America in two weeks. Do we condemn Truman for limiting the Korean war,
yet then you condemn George W Bush for seeking to extend the war on
terrorism to Iraq?  Just where is the consistency? 

Do we condemn Reagan for ending the Cold War? Because there is no longer
the two major powers balancing each other, it opened a vacuum for the
terrorists to step into. Personally, I think I prefer having the soviets
balancing our freedom, because at least we knew where they were and what
to expect of them. They didn't blow themselves up in order to gain

Or do we praise Reagan for his efforts in the short term, knowing that no
one can know the long term effects, good or ill; nor can we know what
effects would occur if we did nothing.

If you were in an airplane and somehow had a valid prediction that your
plane would hit another plane and go down in flames, what would you do?
Would you turn the plane around? Yet, what if that is what causes the
plane to crash? Do you do nothing, and hope that you don't end up in the
wrong place at the wrong time?  You see the conundrum? All we can see is
the short term. Truman couldn't anticipate 50 years ago that we would go
through such a long Cold War, or a period of freedom for those nations. 

Wilford Woodruff divided the nations after WWI, including making a new
nation called Yugoslavia. How was he to know that he was combining ethnic
groups that had been trying to kill each other for centuries, and that
his carving of nations would be affecting us almost a century later? It
is easy to condemn in hindsight. It is very hard to predict the long term
outcomes of any choice.

Now, with Jimmy Carter (I'm watching his Bio on PBS right now), we can
condemn him on many things, because he was wishy washy. He didn't make a
real choice, and dragged things down. In running for Governor, he played
the racists and the black side of the issues. In his run for presidency,
he said he was liberal, centrist, and conservative, all at once. Ford
condemned his wishy washiness, and it continued through the entire

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

JWR:Truman fired MacArthur.  It is unlikely that he did anything else 
right.  All MacArthur wanted was permission to win the Korean War.  He 
should have quit before Truman fired him.  But Truman was a first class 
villain.  My feelings about Truman are 180 degrees out of phase with
I feel for Washington, Reagan, etc.

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[ZION] War against Islam

2002-11-11 Thread Gary Smith
Islam is gaining power in much of the Western world. Already in the
Norway, they make up 10% of the population, which is a huge part of the
voting bloc. With such a power bloc like that, politicians are now being
soft on Islamic fundamentalists, and are even condemning US efforts
against terrorism.f

Islamic groups are encouraging more to move into the nation, so they can
become an even greater power there. Other nations in Europe are feeling
the same effects of migration and conversion to Islam. Just look at who
some of the more "popular" terrorists have been: converted Americans and

They are exporting their religion, which is not the terrible thing. The
terrible thing is that they are also exporting their jihad. Muslim
schools in England and Europe are now found to be teaching anti-Western
sentiments. Islamic calendars with Sept 11 marked with burning airplanes
were found in some of these schools after the 9/11 tragedy.

Their Jihad is on the same level as the Christian Crusades. Those who
went on the Crusades were promised everlasting life. They were told to
use whatever means to obtain the holy city. And they did. They were
ruthless, killing men, women and children. They even toppled
Constantinople, an Orthodox Christian city! 

So it is with the Jihad today. It is a holy war. In holy war, or a
Crusade, people will do whatever is necessary to obtain victory and

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Do you really think there is any danger that Islam could become "a giant
threat" that "engulfs the nations?"  That seems rather unlikely to me
regardless of we do or don't do.

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Re: [ZION] A Whirlwind Trip South

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Don't worry, John, they all look the same anyway ;-)

But it is a nice, green campus -- kind of like a university. Stephen was a good
host when I visited there. Sadly illness has prevented return trips, although my
minister has been down since to speak at the Microsoft world government leaders
conference, and normally I'm part of his retinue. I like Seattle (except for the
traffic). I'm one of the few people who, during the all too brief time I lived
there, actually enjoyed the climate.

Stephen Beecroft wrote:

> If you decide to take the coastal route, stop by and visit. I'll even
> show you around Microsoft's campus, though I can't get in any
> buildings...
> Stephen
> John W. Redelfs wrote:
> > It looks like I'm going to make a whirlwind visit to SLC-Provo this
> > coming
> > weekend.  My son-in-law, Jeff, has taken a job with the University of
> > Alaska in Juneau and has to report for work on the 19th.  He is going to
> >
> > fly up and leave my daughter with the job of driving the family
> > automobile
> > to Prince Rupert and putting it on the ferry.  I thought I would fly
> > down
> > there and help her drive back.
> >
> > So...  I'm going to be in Provo from about 4:00 PM Saturday, until I hit
> >
> > the road for Canada on Wednesday morning, Nov. 20th.  I've got to be to
> > the
> > ferry in Prince Rupert by Sunday the 24th at 4:30 PM.
> >
> > By my calculations it is going to be a 1287 miles trip from Provo to
> > Prince
> > Rupert by shortest route.  But the route passes pretty close to Cardston
> >
> > and Edmonton.  I wonder if I should breeze through and say hi to Tom and
> >
> > the two Emontonions on my way.  It would only add about 300 miles to my
> > trip, and I'm going to get to Prince Rupert about a day early anyway.
> > It
> > sure would be fun to meet Tom, Marc and Mark face to face.
> >
> > Anyone in the Provo-SLC area that would like to go to McDonald's with me
> > or
> > something?
> >
> > Your friend and brother,
> > John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >
> Stephen
> //
> ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> ///  ///
> /

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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[ZION] scriptures are not secular?

2002-11-11 Thread Gary Smith
The saints tend to magnify the doctrines and truths that the living
prophet does. Pres Hinckley speaks little about fire and brimstone
(except for abusive husbands and fathers), and speaks much on hope and
joy. He is giving us the direction we should generally go, while not
forgetting what his predecessors have taught.

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Much of scripture is devoted to descriptions of this "fire and 
brimstone."  I wonder why so few pay attention?  Maybe the Lord made a 
mistake to include such negative, pessimistic stuff in the scriptures, do

you think?

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Re: [ZION] A Whirlwind Trip South

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
It is kind of rough. If he leaves from Skagway, he takes the Alaska Highway to
just across the BC/Yukon border, then head uth to Prince Rupert, hit the
Coquahalla Highway to Vancouver -- it's like a big backwards "C", whereas if he
goes through Grande Prairie AB (where I think Kilometre 0 is on the Alaska
Highway), he goes east a bit on highway 43 to Valleyview, then SSE on Highway 40
to Gunn, where the highway turns into freeway. In fact, it just occurred to me
that the next town after Gunn is Onoway, so he could see Mark quite easily.
Highway 40 ends at the Yellowhead (highway 16) which goes east into Edmonton,
splitting into 16 and 16A, which go on either side of Spruce Grove. From there
it's highway 2 where the speed limit is 110 kph, the fastest in Canada, to Calgary
and Fort Macleod. Then highway 3 on the Crowsnest Highway to Lethbridge. From
there you can take a 45-minute detour to Cardston on highway 5, or you go SE from
Lethbridge to the Coutts AB/Sweetgrass MT border crossing (which is in the process
of being upgraded to freeway). From Sweetgrass it's I-15 all the way south to Salt

Alternately, if he drives from Prince Rupert, it's the Yellowhead all the way
through Jasper National Park to Edmonton, via Spruce Grove; Onoway is only a 10
minute side trip. That's the most direct way. Hey, John, you could see Bonnie. She
lives in Prince George, which is on the Yellowhead, deep in the interior of B.C.
(they're part of our temple district, in fact).

The only way to visit Seattle is to take the ferry down the Inside Passage from
Ketchikan (if there is one) or Prince Rupert, but that would take quite a while, I
would think -- a few days, John?

One helluva drive, I must say. And one I'd like to take some day.

"John W. Redelfs" wrote:

> After much pondering, Stephen Beecroft favored us with:
> >If you decide to take the coastal route, stop by and visit. I'll even
> >show you around Microsoft's campus, though I can't get in any
> >buildings...
> I wish I could, Stephen.  But there isn't any coastal route from the
> Seattle area to Prince Rupert.  It means driving hundreds of miles inland
> to go north in BC only to drive hundreds of miles back to the coast.
> You mean you can't get in any of the building because they laid you off?
> Shame on them.  Now that you are no longer working for Microsoft, do you
> still have the tenacious loyalty to them that you used to feel?
> How is the job hunt going?
> John W. Redelfs   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ===
> At present, the Book of Mormon is studied in our Sunday
> School and seminary classes every fourth year. This
> four-year pattern, however, must not be followed by
> Church members in their personal and family study. We
> need to read daily from the pages of the book that will get
> a man "nearer to God by abiding by its precepts, than by
> any other book." (Ezra Taft Benson, October 1988)
> ===
> All my opinions are tentative pending further data. --JWR
> //
> ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> ///  ///
> /

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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Re: [ZION] A Whirlwind Trip South

2002-11-11 Thread Marc A. Schindler
Edmonton to Prince Rupert depends a lot on the weather. Good weather -- probably 10
hours. Bad weather...well, who knows. The freeway from Edmonton (the Yellowhead)
peters out around Hinton, as I recall, but it's still good highway through Jasper
National Park and in B.C. BC speed limits are only 90 kph, though.

Tom Matkin wrote:

> Marc A. Schindler wrote:
> > Let us know what you decide, and I'm sure I speak for the 3 of us when I
> > say we'll
> > do what we can to accommodate you. I'm probably the closest to the
> > highway you'll
> > be on (the Yellowhead) but Mark's not too far off, and Cardston's about
> > a 45
> > minute side trip each way (from the main highway south from Lethbridge
> > to
> > Montana).
> The trip from Provo to Cardston takes 12 hours if you only stop for gas
> and perhaps one or two very fast pottie breaks at road side rest areas.
> If you tempt fate and have a very fast car you can do it in 11 hours.
> If you are a young person in love and out of touch with reality you
> might even shave a half hour off that.  If you are the type that stops
> to eat it will take you 13 or 14 hours.  If you stop to smell the
> roses well plan for two days.
> There are a wide variety of routes with varying advantages and
> disadvantages.  Basically, the best thing to do is take the I-15 from
> Provo to at least Wolf Creek Mt. Just north of Wolf Creek you can cut
> off for the shortest route to Canada (not necessarily the quickest). If
> you are interested in the quickest you carry on through Great Falls to
> the border.  There are a couple of places to cut off when Cardston is
> your goal to save a few minutes, but the Coutts/Sweetgrass border
> crossing on I-15 is the only 24 hour port of entry in the vicinity and
> going there reduces the complication of possibly sleeping in a car in
> the Montana wilderness waiting for the border to open in the distant
> morning.
> After crossing the border at Coutts/Sweetgrass you get to Cardston
> either by taking highway #501 west after going north from the border
> about 12 miles.  Or you can go about 20 miles north and cut off west to
> Raymond, then south to Cardston.  But that's longer and the road isn't
> any better imho.
> If you stretched your day out on Wednesday to reach Cardston you would
> find beds and breakfast at the Matkin home.  The next day it would be a
> 6 hour drive to Edmonton.  I'm no expert on how long it takes to get
> from Edmonton to Prince Rupert. But it would probably take a monster day
> (we used to drive from here to Vancouver in a single day, when we didn't
> know any better and I suppose it would be a comparable journey).  If it
> stretched out for two days you would get to Prince Rupert by Sat. night.
>  Which builds a little slack into your itinerary in case you have a flat
> tire, get hit by food poisoning from eating tainted deep fried chicken
> gizzards at the Flying J in Rocker, Montana (just west of beautiful
> downtown Butte) get lost, encounter normal winter driving conditions, or
> stop to smell the roses.
> Tom
> >
> > "John W. Redelfs" wrote:
> >
> > > It looks like I'm going to make a whirlwind visit to SLC-Provo this
> > > coming
> > > weekend.  My son-in-law, Jeff, has taken a job with the University of
> > > Alaska in Juneau and has to report for work on the 19th.  He is going to
> > > fly up and leave my daughter with the job of driving the family
> > > automobile
> > > to Prince Rupert and putting it on the ferry.  I thought I would fly
> > > down
> > > there and help her drive back.
> > >
> > > So...  I'm going to be in Provo from about 4:00 PM Saturday, until I hit
> > > the road for Canada on Wednesday morning, Nov. 20th.  I've got to be to
> > > the
> > > ferry in Prince Rupert by Sunday the 24th at 4:30 PM.
> > >
> > > By my calculations it is going to be a 1287 miles trip from Provo to
> > > Prince
> > > Rupert by shortest route.  But the route passes pretty close to Cardston
> > > and Edmonton.  I wonder if I should breeze through and say hi to Tom and
> > > the two Emontonions on my way.  It would only add about 300 miles to my
> > > trip, and I'm going to get to Prince Rupert about a day early anyway.
> > > It
> > > sure would be fun to meet Tom, Marc and Mark face to face.
> > >
> > > Anyone in the Provo-SLC area that would like to go to McDonald's with me
> > > or
> > > something?
> > >
> > > Your friend and brother,
> > > John W. Redelfs, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > >
> > > //
> > >
> > > ///  ZION LIST CHARTER: Please read it at  ///
> > > ///  ///
> > > /
> > >
> > >
> >
> > --
> > Marc A. Schindler
> > Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland
> >
> > “Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he
> > will pick
> > himself up and continue on” – Wins

Re: [ZION] War against Islam

2002-11-11 Thread Stacy Smith
I agree that the Islamists are gaining power.


At 09:25 PM 11/11/2002 -0600, you wrote:

Islam is gaining power in much of the Western world. Already in the
Norway, they make up 10% of the population, which is a huge part of the
voting bloc. With such a power bloc like that, politicians are now being
soft on Islamic fundamentalists, and are even condemning US efforts
against terrorism.f

Islamic groups are encouraging more to move into the nation, so they can
become an even greater power there. Other nations in Europe are feeling
the same effects of migration and conversion to Islam. Just look at who
some of the more "popular" terrorists have been: converted Americans and

They are exporting their religion, which is not the terrible thing. The
terrible thing is that they are also exporting their jihad. Muslim
schools in England and Europe are now found to be teaching anti-Western
sentiments. Islamic calendars with Sept 11 marked with burning airplanes
were found in some of these schools after the 9/11 tragedy.

Their Jihad is on the same level as the Christian Crusades. Those who
went on the Crusades were promised everlasting life. They were told to
use whatever means to obtain the holy city. And they did. They were
ruthless, killing men, women and children. They even toppled
Constantinople, an Orthodox Christian city!

So it is with the Jihad today. It is a holy war. In holy war, or a
Crusade, people will do whatever is necessary to obtain victory and

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Do you really think there is any danger that Islam could become "a giant
threat" that "engulfs the nations?"  That seems rather unlikely to me
regardless of we do or don't do.

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RE: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Jim Cobabe

I understand that the Church does not endorse any political policy, 
except in cases where a moral issue is involved.  There is a strong 
effort to avoid the suggestion that the platform of a particular 
political party represents or has the unilateral backing of the Church.  
This has been the policy of the Church as long as I have been aware.

I do not recall any general Church statments from the First Presidency 
that have mentioned any particular concern or direction with regard to 
partisan politics.  It has long been my impression that we should 
deliberate on important political matters independent of any partisan 
considerations.  To fulfill this directive Church members are encouraged 
to be personally involved in local politics.  That has been the extent 
of the counsel.

Elder Jensen, a Church General Authority and Utah Democrat, in a 
statement to the media, reemphasized this point.  He also shared a 
personal concern of "some of the brethren" about the possible unwanted 
ill effects stemming from lack of political diversity in the Utah 
political scene.  He expressed the thought that it was unfortunate for 
Church members to have unjustified negative impressions of the 
Democratic party, since some good people choose to affiliate therein.h 
He did not, however, suggest in any way for members to support 
Democratic partisan policy, split themselves evenly between parties, 
join the Democrats, or vote for Democrat candidates, since that would 
have contradicted other points of his statement, and the long-standing 
general counsel.  Elder Jensen did not elaborate about which "brethren" 
he was referring to, nor did he develop this thought much further, and I 
don't recall any other statements from the Church augmenting his brief 

What I got from his statement was that it's just fine for Church members 
to be Democrats, if they so choose.  And it's also fine if they choose 
something else.

Mij Ebaboc

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RE: [ZION] One Party Rule?

2002-11-11 Thread Jim Cobabe

Most of the concern about Utah Democrats wasting away to nothing is 
misplaced anyway.  Democrats have always been well represented as a 
minority in state politics.  There are regularly Democrat members of the 
Utah delegation to the US Congress, as with the current Sentator 
Matheson, and formerly Bill Orton.  Democrats have been elected Governor 
of Utah and Mayor of SLC many times in the past.  Scott Matheson and Ted 
Wilson are well-noted examples, men who served in thier political 
appointments with honor and distinction.

My real animosity with Democrats is primarily directed toward a few 
unrepresentative radical liberals, who for some reason simply seem tend 
more to Democrat affliliation.  I believe these people entertain ideas 
and ideologies that are a danger to my freedom and personal welfare.  
Perhaps California Senator Barbara Boxer is one of the more spectacular 
examples.  But of course there are equally dangerous fringe Rebublicans, 
left and right, that also belong on the list of those who'd never be 
missed.  And the most serious threat, from deceitful and evil 
power-mongering Gadiantons, probably defies any partisan poltical or 
philosophical characterization.  I am sure that kind of secretive 
wickedness lives in niches all along the political spectrum.

Mij Ebaboc

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[ZION] Carl Sagan quote

2002-11-11 Thread Cousin Bill
I read this and thought I'd pass it on.
(B"If science were explained to the average person in a way that is accessible
(Band exciting, there would be no room for pseudoscience.  But there is a kind
(Bof Gresham's Law by which in popular culture the bad science drives out the
(Bgood. And for this I think we have to blame, first, the scientific community
(Bourselves for not doing a better job of popularizing science, and second,
(Bthe media, which are in this respect almost uniformly dreadful. Every
(Bnewspaper in America has a daily astrology column. How many have even a
(Bweekly astronomy column?  And I believe it is also the fault of the
(Beducational system. We do not teach how to think. This is a very serious
(Bfailure that may even, in a world rigged with 60,000 nuclear weapons,
(Bcompromise the human future."
(B- Carl Sagan
(BThe Burden of Skepticism
(BBill Lewis
(BAKA Cousin Bill
(BDo you want liberty in your lifetime?
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