[ZION] Canada: Bush is a Moron

2002-11-24 Thread Gary Smith
Alright, Jim, Now We're going to have to take away your reporter's
credentials. Just see the nice men in the dark suits at your front door. 
They'll handle everything

And when they're done with you, we'll just see if Bush is still a moron. 

K'aya K'ama,
Gerald/gary  Smithgszion1 @juno.comhttp://www
"No one is as hopelessly enslaved as the person who thinks he's free."  -
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Jim C:

Granted, Bush probably _is_ a moron.  But it's astronomically bad form 
for a politician in a foreign government to say so in public.

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Re: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
We won't get into what Richard Nixon called Pierre Trudeau. Even though many
Canadian list members might find this the sole point of agreement between us and
Mr. Nixon, mentioning the actual term would be against the charter.

Jim Cobabe wrote:

> Well, it's an embarrasment, admittedly.  When a politician makes such a
> flagrantly _honest_ public expression of sentiment, particularly in
> front of a critical audience, it's always hard for them to live it down.
> Canadians needn't feel so bad.  It isn't as though US politicians in the
> analogous political office have never humiliated themselves in public.
> ---
> Mij Ebaboc
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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RE: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Jim Cobabe

Well, it's an embarrasment, admittedly.  When a politician makes such a 
flagrantly _honest_ public expression of sentiment, particularly in 
front of a critical audience, it's always hard for them to live it down.

Canadians needn't feel so bad.  It isn't as though US politicians in the 
analogous political office have never humiliated themselves in public.

Mij Ebaboc

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RE: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Jim Cobabe

Stephen Beecroft wrote:
You don't think she qualifies as "one actively engaged in conducting the 
business of a government"? You don't think she is "a person engaged in 
party politics as a profession"? I think she very clearly qualifies 
under at least those two definitions.

Yes, another tautology.

Clearly she would considered a politician if she was involved in US 
politics.  It would be laughable to argue that Ari Fleisher is not a 

But admittedly, everything in Canada is strange and wonderful, 
unknowable by any but the most intrepid scientist, and with their 
primitive system of national government, the origins of which are lost 
in antiquity, it is feasible that other formal categorizations are more 
appropriate.  Perhaps those engaging in Canadian politics are not 
necessarily politicians.  Perhaps, for example, this woman might serve 
as a wholly apolitical appointee to the Royal House--in some office like 
the Royal Hereditary Grand Diaperer, or the King's Royal Food Taster.

I can well imagine such a possibility.

Mij Ebaboc

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Re: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Jim Cobabe wrote:

> Granted, Bush probably _is_ a moron.  But it's astronomically bad form
> for a politician in a foreign government to say so in public.

a. Francie Ducros is not a politician; and
b. She did not say it in public. It was in the course of a private conversation
with someone, a conversation which was overheard by a reporter.

The Toronto Star article was quite clear on both counts. Why do some people insist
on reading more into it? If it makes you feel any good, I can guarantee, from my
own experience in the civil service of a Westminster-style government, that her
career is now toast. She'll be lucky to get a job as a PR hack for a dot-com. (see
my post of the Don Martin column)

> Besides, Canada and the US are supposed to be collaborating in the "war
> on terror(TM)", and this is just a horrifying breach of international
> security.  What if Saddam reads this political comment and finally
> catches on to the truth about Bush's intellectually challenged status?

"Collaborating" means, of course, that we do your bidding. We always do, and what
thanks do we get?  "Horrifying breach of international security?" You'd think we'd
bugged the Oval Office and blabbed what we heard to Saddam. Get a grip, folks!
Think: is Canada even possible of committing even a slightly pesky breach of
international security, let alone a horrifying one?

Okay, I know you're probably being facetious. But then we all know that the reason
we're going to war with Iraq and not Pakistan is that no hotel in Islamabad has a
mosaic in the lobby that pictures the king's papa, and on which people are forced
to tread in an immature attempt at insult.

> ---
> Mij Ebaboc
> //
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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Re: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Stephen Beecroft wrote:

> -Jim-
> > Canadian politician calls President Bush a moron.
> -Marc-
> > It wasn't a politician, it was an aide,
> Huh? That's like saying, "It wasn't an animal, it was a housefly." Of
> course she is a politician. Do you mean that she is not an elected
> official? That much is clear, but really doesn't impact Jim's point.

No, it's not. It's like saying, "It wasn't an animal, it was a vegetable." A civil
servant is not a politician.

> > and it was in a private conversation at a social event,
> All the more reason to keep one's mouth shut instead of spewing such
> bile. How humiliating for her, and deservedly so.

Indeed. But my point was merely to point out that it wasn't a politician who said
this. That it has become such an issue in the U.S. surprises me. It's we
Canuckistanis who are supposed to be the thin-skinned ones ;-)

> > *No politician* said this -- Ducros hasn't been elected to
> > anything, she's just Chrétien's communications director.
> I don't think "politician" and "elected official" are necessarily
> synonymous, which is apparently your understanding. So you think that
> Colin Powell is not a politician? George Stephanopolous was not a
> politician? I disagree.

Fine. But they aren't/weren't politicians. If you have an idiosyncratic definition
that's fine by me. But see above for the point of the issue. You're straining at a
gnat. Leave that to us Canuckleheads, we've had more experience at it and do it
with more theatricality.

> Stephen

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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Re: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Stephen Beecroft wrote:

> -Marc-
> > OK. And? A civil servant fits none of these definitions.
> You don't think she qualifies as "one actively engaged in conducting the
> business of a government"? You don't think she is "a person engaged in
> party politics as a profession"? I think she very clearly qualifies
> under at least those two definitions.

First of all, I don't think that hunting through dictionaries until you find a
definition you like proves anything, other than one's obsession with something.
And secondly, no, I don't think she's actively engaged in conducting the business
of a government. She works *for* the government, she is not *part* of the
government. I realize that under the Jacksonian system of "to the victor goes the
spoils" model of civil service, you might blur the line, but under the Westminster
system the line is much clearer. And since we're talking about a Canadian civil
servant, you're bound by our definition on this one.  If you insist on trying to
apply your idiosyncratic definition, I can only assume you are reading more into
this than it deserves, in which case, as I've already suggested, leave that to the
experts ;-)

> Stephen

Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

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RE: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Jim Cobabe

Granted, Bush probably _is_ a moron.  But it's astronomically bad form 
for a politician in a foreign government to say so in public.

Besides, Canada and the US are supposed to be collaborating in the "war 
on terror(TM)", and this is just a horrifying breach of international 
security.  What if Saddam reads this political comment and finally 
catches on to the truth about Bush's intellectually challenged status?

Mij Ebaboc

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RE: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> OK. And? A civil servant fits none of these definitions.

You don't think she qualifies as "one actively engaged in conducting the 
business of a government"? You don't think she is "a person engaged in 
party politics as a profession"? I think she very clearly qualifies 
under at least those two definitions.


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RE: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Stephen Beecroft
> Canadian politician calls President Bush a moron.

> It wasn't a politician, it was an aide,

Huh? That's like saying, "It wasn't an animal, it was a housefly." Of 
course she is a politician. Do you mean that she is not an elected 
official? That much is clear, but really doesn't impact Jim's point.

> and it was in a private conversation at a social event,

All the more reason to keep one's mouth shut instead of spewing such 
bile. How humiliating for her, and deservedly so.

> *No politician* said this -- Ducros hasn't been elected to
> anything, she's just Chrétien's communications director.

I don't think "politician" and "elected official" are necessarily 
synonymous, which is apparently your understanding. So you think that 
Colin Powell is not a politician? George Stephanopolous was not a 
politician? I disagree.


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Re: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler


A civil servant fits none of these definitions. Just admit you misread the

Jim Cobabe wrote:

> One entry found for politician.
> Main Entry: pol·i·ti·cian
> Pronunciation: "pä-l&-'ti-sh&n
> Function: noun
> Date: 1589
> 1 : a person experienced in the art or science of government; especially
> : one actively engaged in conducting the business of a government
> 2 a : a person engaged in party politics as a profession
>   b : a person primarily interested in political office for selfish or
> other narrow usually short-sighted reasons
> //
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author
solely; its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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RE: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Jim Cobabe
One entry found for politician.

Main Entry: pol·i·ti·cian 
Pronunciation: "pä-l&-'ti-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 1589

1 : a person experienced in the art or science of government; especially 
: one actively engaged in conducting the business of a government

2 a : a person engaged in party politics as a profession
  b : a person primarily interested in political office for selfish or 
other narrow usually short-sighted reasons  

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Re: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler
I've already taken Jim to task for confusing an aide with a politician, so I won't 
dwell on it -- the Toronto Star article appears accurate and fair -- but
here's some more commentary on what it means for the *aide*, from Southam columnist 
Don Martin:

Cheap shot a costly error
Don Martin, Calgary Herald, 23/11/02
'Moron' comment may bring babble chill to Parliament Hill

OTTAWA / There’s a netherworld between Ottawa journalists and federal government 
officials where the rules of engagement in doing the devil’s work are flexible,
negotiable and often personal.

Francie Ducros is now a dead flak talking because the rules at the time of her “moron” 
comment were fuzzy, the confidentiality agreement with one party to the
conversation did not apply to others within earshot and she’s disliked by more media 
than is usual for a veteran spin doctor.

The prime minister’s 40-year-old spokeswoman was blurting away Wednesday in Prague, 
allegedly on an off-the-record basis to a CBC reporter following a formal
background briefing, when her caustic assessment of U.S. President George W. Bush as a 
“moron” was overhead by surrounding reporters.

Unguarded candour

Those journalists were still operating under the rules of a NATO background briefing, 
one of those wretchedly useless thumbsuckers that provided carefully
filtered insight into the prime minister’s conduct courtesy of unidentified 
“officials” which, in Chretien’s case, is almost always Francie Ducros.

What I suspect happened next is one of those difficult dilemmas many reporters find 
themselves trapped in when a contact says something in a moment of unguarded
candour that’s so incredibly stupid, it could end their career.

The journalist must make a life-or-death call: Is the cost of killing the contact for 
short-term story glory greater than ignoring the slip-up in exchange for
long-term favourable considerations?

In the case of Ducros, who will depart the Ottawa press scene along with Jean Chretien 
and never get within a light year of any influential position under Paul
Martin’s reign, that imminent expiry date ensured her slip of the tongue was a death 

Hers became the cheap shot heard ‘round the world.

Now, speaking as someone who has had the odd off-the-record lunch with Ducros, I find 
her interesting because she’s so utterly and blindly loyal to the prime
minister; our chats are like having someone read you all Chretien’s private talking 

If nothing else, and nothing is usually all she leaks, Ducros provides fresh insight 
into Chretien’s wrongdoing denial strategies.

But she’s talked herself into big trouble on this one, and many a spin doctor feels 
her pain.

“No experienced communications person in the country hasn’t experienced what Francie 
is living through now. It’s like a cold rush of s*** to the heart,” quips
former Alliance communications director Phil von Finckenstein. “But if you don’t want 
it out there, don’t say it. Off the record means on the record.”

I disagree to a point. The Ducros comment would likely have passed without consequence 
had it been shared over the sixth round of vodka in a Prague bar, or as
an offhanded comment uttered while walking down a hotel hallway.

But to make such an inflammatory observation in the same briefing room where she’d 
handed out Prague pablum to news-starved journalists moments before, well,
that’s, um, moronic.

And, if you must shoot from the lip before your brain is fully loaded, one of the last 
reporters you’d want within hearing range was standing beside her.

Robert Fife, the Southam News / National Post bureau chief in Ottawa (who is NOT my 
boss, for the record), has been described as a journalist who could pick up
two sticks on the street and rub them together into a front page headline.

He’s particularly deadly on the campaign trail, to the point where rival journalists 
apprehensively storm hotel newsstands first thing in the morning to see
what story angle they’ve missed.

In Prague, Fife was engaging in a Fife specialty – taking no prisoners as he took aim 
at a story he knew had front page ink written all over it.

Babble chill

But what will happen as a result of this story could change the way Parliament Hill’s 
netherworld is governed. Babble chill will enter into relationships where
some of the best information flowed to the public without attribution.

The prime minister said as much at his final news conference. “We don’t live in as 
civilized a world as we used to, where private conversations are private.”

That’s unfortunate. The prime minister has shared some fascinating and useful insights 
with me during two interviews in his office with the caveat it was deep

It was much the same when I worked in Alberta, where important information usually 
flowed freely with jugs of five per cent amber truth serum.

Here in Ottawa, the rules will change in a Ducros-spun world where she meant it when 
she said it – and didn’t when she read 

Re: [ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Marc A. Schindler

Jim Cobabe wrote:

> Canadian politician calls President Bush a moron.

It wasn't a politician, it was an aide, and it was in a private conversation at a 
social event, which was overhead by another reporter -- and it was the 2nd
reporter who reported on it. Jason Kenney is simply using this issue as a way of 
promoting his own party, and as his party is the official opposition, he's just
doing his job. But it's a tempest in a teapot. *No politician* said this -- Ducros 
hasn't been elected to anything, she's just Chrétien's communications

> Chrétien's decision to keep Ducros quickly came under fire back in
> Ottawa.
> "He should have accepted her resignation, perhaps with regret, perhaps
> understanding that people make mistakes," Canadian Alliance MP Jason
> Kenney said. "Senior officials should be held accountable for those
> mistakes."
> Kenney suggested Ducros' remarks reflect a pattern in the Chrétien
> government, "a consistent attitude of anti-Americanism which has hurt
> our relationship on softwood lumber, on agriculture ... It doesn't help
> us in getting access to the decision-makers in the White House and in
> Washington."
> Conservative Leader Joe Clark said Chrétien should have accepted the
> resignation. "Ms. Ducros has done the honourable thing; so should the
> prime minister."
> ---
> Jim Cobabe
> http://members.tripod.com/~jcobabe
> When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more
> nor less.
> //
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Marc A. Schindler
Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada -- Gateway to the Boreal Parkland

“Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick 
himself up and continue on” – Winston Churchill

Note: This communication represents the informal personal views of the author solely; 
its contents do not necessarily reflect those of the author’s employer,
nor those of any organization with which the author may be associated.

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[ZION] Canada: Bush is a moron

2002-11-23 Thread Jim Cobabe


Canadian politician calls President Bush a moron.

Chrétien's decision to keep Ducros quickly came under fire back in 

"He should have accepted her resignation, perhaps with regret, perhaps 
understanding that people make mistakes," Canadian Alliance MP Jason 
Kenney said. "Senior officials should be held accountable for those 

Kenney suggested Ducros' remarks reflect a pattern in the Chrétien 
government, "a consistent attitude of anti-Americanism which has hurt 
our relationship on softwood lumber, on agriculture ... It doesn't help 
us in getting access to the decision-makers in the White House and in 

Conservative Leader Joe Clark said Chrétien should have accepted the 
resignation. "Ms. Ducros has done the honourable thing; so should the 
prime minister." 

Jim Cobabe

When I use a word, it means just what I choose it to mean--neither more 
nor less.

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