Works for me.


> On May 9, 2019, at 20:50 , Paul Wilson <> wrote:
> Dear Sumon and all,
> To reduce confusion over ISP/LIR/etc terminology, perhaps the charter could 
> be stated more simply, along these lines:
> “The Policy SIG charter is to develop policies which relate to the management 
> and use of Internet address resources within the Asia Pacific region. …”
> My 2c, with best regards,
> ________________________________________________________________________
> Paul Wilson, Director-General, APNIC
> <> @apnicdg
> On 9 May 2019, at 19:53, Sumon Ahmed Sabir wrote:
> Thank you very much Aftab and Owen for your constructive feedback. We will 
> definitely consider those views.
> If any one has any different perspective please jump in and share your 
> thoughts.
> Sincerely,
> Sumon
> On Mon, May 6, 2019 at 10:52 AM Owen DeLong < 
> <>> wrote:
> Aftab, I think you misread the proposed language.
> First, neither the current version nor the proposed version refer to members 
> at all, but to the actions of the APNIC, NIRs, and ISPs. The one change I 
> think should be made there is to replace ISPs with LIRs since not all LIRs 
> are technically ISPs, though that is certainly the most common case.
> As to your “not limited to” or “services related to resources”, I fail to see 
> how that is not addressed by the proposed “…and related services”.
> I support the language proposed by Sumon whether or not he chooses to take my 
> NIR suggestion.
> Owen
>> On May 5, 2019, at 03:21 , Aftab Siddiqui < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Thanks Sumon bhai for the initiative,
>> <nitpik>
>> Revised text suggest that all members/resource holders in APNIC are ISPs 
>> only, I would suggest to make it "APNIC and NIR members or resource holders 
>> in Asia Pacific region". Because not all members are resource holders.
>> Secondly, when you start mentioning topics in the charter then it may create 
>> confusion moving forward that only these topics can be covered so how about 
>> adding "not limited to" or "services related to resources" or something like 
>> that. 
>> </nitpik>
>> Regards,
>> Aftab A. Siddiqui
>> On Sun, May 5, 2019 at 4:31 PM Sumon Ahmed Sabir < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Dear Members,
>> In the last APNIC meeting in Daejoan there was a discussion that there is a 
>> perception 
>> That Policy SIG discusses only about “Address Policy”. On the other hand 
>> there is a understanding 
>> that Policy SIG covers a wider range of registry issues, RPKI or any other 
>> topics that requires a
>> procedures and rules. 
>> To avoid confusion and to bring clarity in the Policy Charter few proposals 
>> came in. That either we can change the Name of the Policy SIG to cover wider 
>> range or to amend the Policy-SIG Charter to bring clarity about the scope of 
>> Policy SIG.
>> After discussions chairs feels that we can make some changes in the SIG 
>> Charter to bring clarity:
>> Current SIG Charter 
>> <> says:
>> ‘The Policy SIG charter is to develop policies and procedures which relate 
>> to the management and 
>> use of Internet address resources by APNIC, NIRs, and ISPs within the Asia 
>> Pacific region.”
>> And here is the possible changes proposed:
>>  “The Policy SIG charter is to develop policies which relate to the 
>> management and use of Internet  address resources by APNIC, NIRs, and ISPs 
>> within the Asia Pacific region.  These include policies for resource 
>> allocation, recovery and transfer, and for resource registration within 
>> whois, reverse DNS, RPKI and related services.”
>> Please share your views, comments or suggestions in this regard.
>> Sincerely,
>> Sumon, Bertrand and Ching-Heng
>> Chairs, Policy-SIG
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