Hi Sandhya:

Human case study - fascinating idea. 

Getting back to the grind would be, I am sure, surprisingly reassuring and 
satisfying in some areas. Meanwhile, it does look like you have the building 
blocks of a good retirement plan in place. I hope you have a number to work 
with as a target retirement corpus, which has been arrived at reasonably 
conservatively. Once you are past that milestone, you will once again be 
working because you love it, not because you need to. 

It would be great to get another update from you a year or two from now, on how 
it all panned out, sent while on your travels with your daughter to another 
exotic location. Good luck with everything!

Warm regards


-----Original Message-----
From: silklist 
[mailto:silklist-bounces+shyam.sunder=peakalpha....@lists.hserus.net] On Behalf 
Of Sandhya aka Sandy
Sent: 15 September 2016 13:41
To: silklist@lists.hserus.net
Subject: Re: [silk] To retire or not - that is the Q.

Hi Folks

I had posted the original question about a couple of years ago and I thought 
that I'd share my journey since then as a "human case study" on this subject as 
it were :). So this may be a somewhat longish post. I got a lot of valuable 
tips from the thread then (thanks!!) and here are the ones I implemented:

1) Put together a *retirement corpus* (have to admit that I didn't exactly have 
one at that point in time): took the payout from the company, liquidated assets 
such as an old property, withdrew PFs, exited expensive schemes and streamlined 
outflow of money - I found a surprising number of recurring payments that I 
didn't really need to make. I also moved my home loan to another bank with a 
lower interest rate.

2) Hired a* professional "family office" investment consultant* to invest and 
maintain this corpus. I enjoy the financial planning aspect of wealth 
management, but my weakness is I hate paperwork - and this from a person whose 
career was built on documentation! So for my own sanity, I decided I needed 
this service.

3) Took out a *personal health insurance* before I left the company. It was 
helpful to ensure that I get some things done while still employed: credit 
cards, visas etc. These get much harder to apply for if you have a fledgling 

4) Started a *consulting business* in training. I got a documentation and a 
training gig working few days a week right from the get go, that provided 
enough to cover monthly expenses. I also invested in some *skills-building*:
went through training to get coaching certification as I enjoy that.

So far, so good. I had my expenses covered, got a little extra time to spend 
with my daughter, went for training classes, could catch up with friends, and 
even attended sketching classes to indulge a long-neglected hobby. I spent any 
spare time writing, which is my first passion.

Then, what? I had today covered, then I started wondering if I have the 
tomorrows of my daughter (who was only 4 then) and myself covered. What about 
inflation, rising educational and other life costs my daughter had yet to 
incur. I realised my corpus just wasn't quite enough yet, and as a single Mom, 
I had only my own resources that I could count on.

If I sold my current *house*, moved into a smaller place, and downsized our 
lives, we could still manage. That was what my head said. But when the time 
came to do it, I found myself wavering. It's a lot harder to do, especially if 
you're accustomed to a certain lifestyle that comes with three decades of 
corporate life.

All I got from my parents was a good* education* and I was determined to give 
my daughter that. She was flourishing in her current school I couldn't quite 
see her being as successful in another curriculum. So that meant continuing her 
current expensive school and whatever that led to. She had jsut started her 
education and had another 10-15 years to go.

What I never heard growing up was a constant place to call "home" as I was an 
Army brat. My house gave me that, and I wanted my daughter to have that as long 
as possible. The real estate market in B'lore being what it is, getting another 
place to stay may eat away a significant part of whatever additional corpus I 
might get through a sale. Also, this was a safe, gated community and a nice 
environment for her to grow up.

I also enjoy globetrotting and there are so many countries in the world I 
haven't been to yet! And I wanted to share that with my daughter too.

What all that meant was that I wasn't really ready to downsize. At least not 
just yet. I was sure my consulting service would build up, but that would take 
time, I also figured that I had another decade worth of working in me before 
retiring from corporate life. That would be the fastest way to maintain all my 
above mentioned aspirations. I had just come to this realisation when I got a 
job offer from a company nearby. In the meantime, My family (parents, sis and 
family) had moved in with me to help with child and home care. So taking care 
of the home became more of a shared responsibility and that gave some relief.

So I'm back to the grind, not exactly loving it, and come to terms with what 
that gives to my life. However, with this whole exercise, I have a clearer path 
to retirement, have things sorted in my head, and I try to make more time for 
the things I want to do.

Still planning for retirement... and more immediately, a trip to Vietnam!

On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 10:59 PM, Dave Long <dave.l...@bluewin.ch> wrote:

> Shyam (and others), would be interested in your thoughts on this approach.
>> http://www.wsj.com/articles/how-to-get-more-pleasure-out-of-
>> retirement-spending-1473645961
> Ideally, money is not the only scare resource one has to allocate in
> retirement: there's also time.
> There are many pursuits where willingness to be awful for a short 
> while at first eventually pays back with an upward slope (granted, 
> likely with several plateaus) of mastery.
> Some of these pursuits even allow one to apply that mastery to 
> increase derived pleasure without increasing spending.
> -Dave
> Le Guin, "The Dispossessed":
>> And then there is challenge. Here you think that the incentive to 
>> work is finances, need for money or desire for profit, but where 
>> there’s no money the real motives are clearer, maybe. People like to 
>> do things. They like to do them well. People take the dangerous, hard 
>> jobs because they take pride in doing them, they can — egoize, we 
>> call it — show off? — to the weaker ones. Hey, look, little boys, see 
>> how strong I am! You know? A person likes to do what he is good at 
>> doing…

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