I don't have an unusual story to tell, just a parade of illness and
deaths similar to what many others have experienced. There was one 10
day period last October when I lost 3 close people. The loss that hurt
the most wasn't even someone related to me (by blood, at least) and
has already been discussed on this list [1].

Most of them made me more angry than sad. OK, first angry, then sad -
because I thought many of them were preventable. Maybe a dollop of
survivor's guilt as well.

Some groups of friends with whom I made regular plans to hang out with
over video calls played their part in maintaining sanity, as was the
extremely welcome discovery that the 3 of us appear to like being
cooped up together in the house. :)

[1] https://www.mail-archive.com/silklist@lists.hserus.net/msg30166.html

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