This has been discussed in the recent past, and if my memory serves me
(always wonder about that):

1) The oil soluble vitamins are not 'washed out' by water like C and B's
are; so they remain stored and can achieve toxic levels.  My personal
experience has been that A and E (D-alpha tocopherol) taken to excess
(my excess) make me feel like I did the wrong thing, ucky.  So far vit D
hasn't given me this reaction @ 2,000 IU per day for a coupla weeks

2)Vit D is made by exposure of cholesterols, in our skin, to sun, or
certain energy levels of light but the formation takes place under a few
layers of the epidermis, and thus doesn't wash off under normal bathing
any more than the cholesterols do.  I dunno what sunscreens do to or for

3)It usedta be that vit D2 was "The stuff" and added to milk; the
'sunshine vitamin' according to the advertising hypsters.  Now it's vit
D3.  Anyone know what happened to vit D1?  Will we have the new and
improved D4 soon?

4) It's a hormone.

The whole idea that we should "take some thing" -or not - for whatever
is suspect.

Take care, (oops?)
OK; Give care,

On Sat, 2009-07-04 at 16:35 +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
> According to mercola, the trouble with getting Vit D3 from the sun is
> that people tend to shower using products after sun exposure and this
> robs the skin of the vit D which has been made along with cholesterol
> in the skin.  48 hours should be allowed for the vitamin to synthesize
> properly, or you should just allow water to run over the skin, not
> soap stuff.  This is one of the reasons that people's systems are
> depleted.  Dee 
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Indi
> Date: 04/07/2009 15:39:14
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Vit. D 3 'hype'
> I always remember reading that Vit D, being oil-based and thus not
> easily
> eliminated, was one of the few vitamins that can actually cause harm
> if
> over done. Supposedly, the human body will automatically make all it
> needs
> through exposure to sunlight. Of course, lots of things one reads turn
> out
> to be utter bull, especially medical and nutrition advice, so who
> knows...
> Also, the various forms of what is commonly called "Vitamin D"
> apparently
> have radical differences in their effect on the body.
> Personally, I think we don't really know squat about nutrition yet and
> should take it all with a grain of NaCl. Of course, for someone who
> has a
> serious illness, some experimentation may be worthwhile. Probably
> beats
> whatever patent meds the docs have been bribed to prescribe this
> week...
> --
> indi

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