Well according to Mercola, it *does* wash off, which would explain why we
are depleted nowadays (also people using sunscreens of course).  In the old
days, people didn't shower every day, it used to be bath days once a week if
you were lucky enough to have a bath, and people washed in just soap.  Not
these SLS laden products most use now.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: Malcolm
Date: 04/07/2009 21:27:09
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>Vit. D 3 'hype'
This has been discussed in the recent past, and if my memory serves me
(always wonder about that):
1) The oil soluble vitamins are not 'washed out' by water like C and B's
are; so they remain stored and can achieve toxic levels.  My personal
experience has been that A and E (D-alpha tocopherol) taken to excess
(my excess) make me feel like I did the wrong thing, ucky.  So far vit D
hasn't given me this reaction @ 2,000 IU per day for a coupla weeks
2)Vit D is made by exposure of cholesterols, in our skin, to sun, or
certain energy levels of light but the formation takes place under a few
layers of the epidermis, and thus doesn't wash off under normal bathing
any more than the cholesterols do.  I dunno what sunscreens do to or for
