So, Ode,
From your posts over time and your website info re toenail fungus, I haven't seen any indication that you have ever taken EIS in really large quantities? Have you ever tried adding a little DMSO to the EIS, either for topical or oral use? Just curioius. There seems to be a big dichotomy among silverlisters, some being for ingesting large amounts of CS daily for certain purposes (pint or more daily) to those who limit intake to 8 oz or less, some even going for mere teaspoons as a total daily dose. You have said, and I agree, that the only dosing that makes sense is to dose for effect. So if under a cup of EIS daily isn't getting rid of the fungus totally, why not try a quart? I'm not joking, I'd really like to know if you have tried that much for a few weeks, or if not, why not?

Ode Coyote wrote:

With "dose for effect", PPM is not very important.
It's virtually impossible to over-dose.

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