Colds are a virus, there is no such thing as a cold caused by bacteria. Might be different viruses, but a cold is always a virus. And yes CS is effective against the cold virus..... And yes, sometimes it doesnt work for some reason. get some echenacia (boy that is spelled wrong) tincture and some of that Zicam for the times that the virus gets you anyway. Last year I got one cold that lasted about 2 days, everyone else around me, including the child that was sneezing a coughing all over everyone, had it for weeks. There are also people that swear that putting peroxide in the ears will do the trick if caught right away,,,,, cant beat the price and maybe its true.

On Oct 8, 2004, at 10:26 AM, wrote:

I can tell the difference between a virus caused cold and a bacteria caused cold when taking CS. The bacteria caused cold is wiped out within 2 days. The viral cold runs its normal course. I can only conclude that CS alone is not effective against viral colds.

David Bearrow

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