> From: Ben Goertzel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> "Consciousness", like many natural language terms,
> is extremely polysemous
> A formal definition of "reflective consciousness"
> was given by me in a blog post a few days ago
> http://goertzel.org/blog/blog.htm
> -- Ben G

This is a great post BTW.

Consciousness does exhibit hypersetual(sic) behavior and combining that with
virtual multiverses and your model of will you could actually build a
robo-mechanical mind that, well if you put it into a little bug like robot
would exhibit lifelike behavior. I will have to think about the hyperset
consciousness model since it is nice and you can apply it to different
approaches to AGI but I don't know if it explains enough or what else is
needed to get to higher levels of consciousness as in humans or above.
Naturally it would have to be flushed out as is but I'm just wondering if
hypersets are the best tools for the primary descriptor of consciousness,
they may very well be but will have to do some research on similar
mathematical structures to concur as they may just be a pig-in-the-poke.


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