First thing I would do is to grab the property from the guide.
Right now it's only grabbing the transform, position and primitive.

in gear\xsi\rig\component\   in setFromHierarchy()

I would had a dictionary where I could store the property
just after

self.tra[name] = obj.Kinematics.Global.Transform
self.pos[name] = obj.Kinematics.Global.Transform.Translation
> list( obj.Properties("Save*") ) ) #you probably
need to chck that the result is not None

That wouldn't work with building the rig from an xml file.. but I don't
think you care about that.

then in gear\xsi\rig\component\   in MainComponent.step_01()

I would add an extra method that would grab this property and add the
parameters the anim_prop

    def step_01(self):
        > self.copyGuideProperties()

def copyGuideProperties( self ):

   for prop in
      for param in prop.Parameters:
        # Do whatever is needed to copy the property
        self.anim_prop.AddParameters( #Copy of the parameter)

For the rest what can I say... no worries Steven, I am well-aware that gear
might not suit all the needs of production.

I developed gear at sixbrids. It was supposed to be the base of our rigging
and animation tool set before the company went down. We haven't used it in
production and I'm sure we would have added a lot more and address all
these issues if we actually used it. It's free and open source... but I'm
not feeling responsible to make it work in every studio's pipeline.
You don't have the budget to extend gear, you don't have the budget to
build your own solution... the problem is not gear... it's your budget. :-)

Hope it helps !

On 23 April 2013 16:16, Steven Caron <> wrote:

> hey jeremie
> where should i look in the gear source if i wanted to move an existing
> gear_PSet applied to a guide and move it the component in the final rig?
> ie. add parameters using (shift+p), add layout and logic in the gear_PSet
> text widget. click build and this be copied up to the final rig.
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Steven Caron <> wrote:
>> ok, so here is where i usually get caught up in gear. don't take it
>> personally, i am very appreciative of a free and open solution, but i
>> usually hit this wall. i can't get the budget usually to extend gear enough
>> to suit my needs, so i have to use it as is.
>> s
>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 3:47 PM, Jeremie Passerin <>wrote:
>>> oh maybe I misunderstood your question... the parameters won't persist
>>> if you rebuild the rigs. :(
>>> This is just to add a parameter to an existing rig... but otherwise yeah
>>> parameter and layout will persist.
>>> On 23 April 2013 15:40, Steven Caron <> wrote:
>>>> ok i can work with this..
>>>> so add parameters from the gui, then type in the layout and logic.
>>>> click generate logic. these parameters should persist? can i reuse the
>>>> existing properties? like anim_prop?
>>>> i too hope you can share it :) good luck!
>>>> s
>>>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 3:26 PM, Jeremie Passerin 
>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>> gear_PSet is a regular property that can save it's own layout.
>>>>> After adding a parameter to the property you need to make sure it's
>>>>> also decribe in the layout, otherwise it doesn't show up.
>>>>> You can see the layout by activating the debug mode of the Gear_PSet.
>>>>> (I don't have gear installed here right now, but if I remember correctly
>>>>> you just need to select the property and in the menu you should have
>>>>> something like Debug Parameter Set ) Now when you open the property you
>>>>> should have an extra tab showing the code of the layout and the logic.
>>>>> Youhave a button to generate a default layout if that helps.
>>>>> it's an extension of what Daniel Niero describe here :
>>>>> On a side note, I'm working on new tools here at Blur and that
>>>>> includes a new rig builder that is more flexible and less dependant of the
>>>>> whole Blur pipeline stuff... I secretely hope to be able to share it once
>>>>> it's been tested. It's a combination of gear and Mega Rig Builder. I think
>>>>> you would like it.
>>>>> On 23 April 2013 15:07, Steven Caron <> wrote:
>>>>>> so how do i just add simple parameters to a gear_PSet? just a flat
>>>>>> list?
>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 3:04 PM, Steven Caron <>wrote:
>>>>>>> you don't have to remind me of that, i miss it sooo much. if it
>>>>>>> wasn't so tied to blur pipeline i would be using it :)
>>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 3:01 PM, Jeremie Passerin <
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> The Blur way where you can actually rebuild part of the rigs
>>>>>>>> without deleting everything is very interesting too.

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