We were fortunate to be able to work on an ad for Chick-Fil-A recently, rendered in Redshift.


*Client:* Chick-Fil-A/Radiate Films
*Director:* Ben Smallbone
*Art Director:* Joel Gibbs
*3D:* Tim Crowson
*Comp:* Joel Gibbs/Don Culwell

The concept was simple: have a camera move through a room as it changes decor to reflect a different decade from the 1960s up through the present day. We technically had 2 weeks from start to finish, but in reality we wound up with a much tighter schedule. We certainly didn't have time to model what we needed, so we bought some commercial models, retextured and reshaded them, and lit the scenes. In the end I was able to get each decade accounted for in about one work day each. Spent a couple of hours in the morning gathering and prepping the assets, then blocking in the lighting and shading, then rest of the day tweaking, and finally off to render. Joel and Don then took it and comped it in After Effects.

- The 3-bounce cap was raised right as I started lighting this, and I was so thankful! I used 8 bounces on this job and it really helped, especially in the 70s set, with all the orange spill everywhere.

- The shag carpet in the 70s set is not hair. It's just a single dense rug instanced around the room.

- Rendered using IPC + BF. The longest frames were for the 70s and took maybe 12-15min on our fastest machines. Other shots were closer to the 5-6 min mark.

- The 80s set was tough! Have you ever tried to actually define the 80s in terms of style? It's a mess! We all have ideas about it, but when it comes time to actually produce something that says '80s', and you have like a day to do it, it's not easy. Stupid 80s! In the end, we had a couple of different directions to go in, and just picked one.


*Tim Crowson
*/Lead CG Artist/

*Magnetic Dreams, Inc.
*2525 Lebanon Pike, Bldg C, Suite 101, Nashville, TN 37214
*Ph*  615.885.6801 | *Fax*  615.889.4768 | www.magneticdreams.com

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