As someone who uses both packages...

I think Soft users underestimate Render Layers in Maya.  Granted, the
horror stories would turn anyone off... but like anything there are the
workarounds to the minefield.  #1 being, don't put materials on polygon
faces.  ( hey, in soft you don't put them on polygon clusters either! )
 But other than that, they have been totally fine.  ( other users have
different experiences I'm sure. )  But as a Soft user, I'm here to say..
 they're not AS BAD as you've heard.  Room for improvement is needed of

I think the biggest single improvement that'll give Maya's render-layers
the "Softimage" workflow immediately, is Partitions, or RenderGroups.
 That, along with a way to visualize them in the outliner.

You can already make overrides, ( some might argue even easier in Maya.. )
However, the issue is how to manage and quickly visualize the data.  There
is no concept of how to easily see what you've done in a layer.  ( other
than investigating objects and such )   Picking up a scene from another
artist in Maya could potentially be a nightmare if they work or organize
scenes differently than you.   Where in Soft, you can easily at a glance
see what's been done.

Anyway...    Partitions, or RenderGroups  Add them.

On Sat, Mar 22, 2014 at 2:46 AM, Tenshi S. <> wrote:

> Exactly, they're here now, because they want to alienate us with "new"
> improvements thanks to "softimage users", why they don't listen Maya users
> in their proper channels. They've been asking a lot of improvements over a
> decade; but asking Softimage users, it's like they're trying quietly to
> drag us to Maya.
> It's nice to see people from Autodesk magically appear here, but it's not
> a good time to do that and for this. :)
> In fact, they'll need to be here to give us news about Softimage, trying
> to help us in other ways, saying at least the transition period it's been
> extended or something.
> On Fri, Mar 21, 2014 at 1:16 PM, Rob Wuijster <> wrote:
>>  Hi Laurence,
>> With all do respect to you personally, but I still don't understand why
>> these kind of questions are being asked -now-.
>> AD had SI for 5 years, and most of the SI team went to AD as well as part
>> of the aquisition.
>> With all this recent talk about making Maya better and looking to
>> Softimage, one would expect that most of the good things in SI were already
>> planned to be integrated into Maya.
>> You have the SI team there to tell you how stuff works. Pick up the good
>> things, and improve on the stuff that could be improved. Read up on years
>> of forum posts and mailinglist what is to be improved.
>> So please don't insult us by finally popping in after the kill to see how
>> you can lure us in to start using Maya.
>>  my angry and depressed EURO 0.02 as start of the weekend.
>> Rob
>> \/-------------\/----------------\/
>> On 21-3-2014 19:05, Laurence Cymet wrote:
>> Hello,
>> My name is Laurence Cymet, I am the product manager for lighting and 
>> rendering on Maya. In the past few weeks I've been out to talk to many 
>> Softimage customers, and I can certainly understand your frustration with 
>> the move to EOL Softimage, so we're doing what we can to improve things.
>> I am not here to try and sell anyone on Maya. My goal is to improve Maya, so 
>> if you are interested in discussing what we need to do to make it a better 
>> place to render for you, feel free to post here or email me directly at 
>> <>
>> Also -  I will happily answer any questions I can about rendering in Maya, 
>> don't hesitate to ask.
>> Thanks,
>> Laurence Cymet
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