I've worked with both of them in the past years, but I did the switch to
UE4 and before using UDK ( Unreal Development Kit ) for a couple of reason.

Consider that I'm talking from a 3D artist point of view, who as zero
knowledge about scripting, and this is one of the main reason why I find
myself at home with UE4, because the blueprint system has the same logic (
more or less ) as ICE....it was really amazing to create something from
scratch in a couple of hours after installing it!

Unity has on its side its huge community, thousand of games for mobile and
pc, hundreds of usefull plugins and tons of tutorials from A to Z to
achieve basically what you want, from simple pong to more advanced
stuff...but for me the huge downside is that to achieve this you have to
learn scripting, which I find very very tedious, but thats my opinion...and
please do not forget that in order to achieve what you want usually you
rely on third party plugins...want a better GUI? buy the plugin...want FX
shaders? buy the plugin...want AI for your enemies? buy the plugin, and so
on...in the end you could end up spending A LOT of money just to have some
basica stuff which you could code ( if you have the knowledge... )
For me Unity is a good engine for a team project, not for a personal one.

UE4 documentation at the moment sucks, they keep addin features and many
people complain that they're going way too fast, but damn they're making
this engine very fun to work with.
Want photorealistic architectural visualization? tons of examples
Want CG level graphics for your cutscene and in game? almost there since
the shaders are really really well developed.
Want to code your own game using a visual node based system? blueprint is
for you ( or code your own stuff using C++ )

Honestly I will go towards UE4, because of the license for schools, because
of the blueprint system, because of the graphic capabilities, mobile
export, and so on...
You have a rigging toolkit called ART which comes free with the
engine...its similar to Species, but a bit expanded and it will go towards
non human character also, but you can use also Softimage for rigging and
import your rigged character ( I did a tutorial on Species into UE4 ) so
its quite open in terms of what you need to do...


2015-01-19 23:08 GMT+01:00 Graham Bell <graham.b...@autodesk.com>:

> Thing is, there really isn’t much between Unreal and Unity now.
> Not so long ago, many would go Unreal for high end PC/Console, and Unity
> for everything else, especially iOS and Android. But now, they’re both
> cross platform on just about anything.
> I know some people, who have favoured Unreal because they like that it’s
> C++, and Unity leans a lot more towards C#, but others aren’t bothered.
> Both have huge communities, Unity has done a great job in getting to
> smaller and indie devs, and Unreal has had UDK and the whole Unreal
> Tournament thing for years.
> I see both engines being used a lot, though recently I have seen a lot
> more people adopting or even moving to UE4. I think the new pricing and
> license model from Unreal has really changed people’s minds and drawn them
> towards Unreal. And their new education policy has just made it so easy for
> people to adopt it, from Uni’s all the way down to primary schools.
> Could you offer both, and let students go with what they prefer?
> G
> From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com [mailto:
> softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Cristobal Infante
> Sent: 19 January 2015 21:11
> To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
> Subject: Re: Teaching Unreal vs Unity
> Unity is probably easier to teach and learn right?
> Had a quick look at Unreal and it does seems like a more technical
> package..
> On 19 January 2015 at 21:07, Angus Davidson <angus.david...@wits.ac.za
> <mailto:angus.david...@wits.ac.za>> wrote:
> Thats a very valid point. Its the major point behind us going Maya in our
> 3d animation courses ;(
> Kind regards
> Angus
> --
> Angus Davidson
> 074 580 3744
> On 19 January 2015 at 10:38:41 PM, Jordi Bares Dominguez (
> jordiba...@gmail.com<mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com>) wrote:
> The thing is that Unity produces content for Android, iOS, Mac, Windows,
> Web… and you can manage the output optimisation as you go along and have
> one single development in C# but then produce the content for each
> device/platform, this is the reason is getting so much traction, its
> simpler and cost effective so they will get a job easier I would imagine.
> I would suggest you ask to the industry in your area and see.
> cheers
> jb
> On 19 Jan 2015, at 22:28, Angus Davidson <angus.david...@wits.ac.za
> <mailto:angus.david...@wits.ac.za>> wrote:
> Hi Jordi
> Every little bit helps ;)
> We are currently only looking at PC/Mac  so being able to compile for all
> devices / platforms is not a requirement.
> Unity does seem to have far more content which is definitely useful when
> you need to point the student towards additional tutorials.
> The games they make are fairly small. as the focus is more on the design
> of the game itself (they do of course go hand in hand to a large extent,)
> In first year they don’t use a computer at all, focusing purely on analogue
> games to allow them to get to grips with gameplay design and theory.
> Kind regards
> Angus
> --
> Angus Davidson
> 074 580 3744
> On 19 January 2015 at 10:07:43 PM, Jordi Bares Dominguez (
> jordiba...@gmail.com<mailto:jordiba...@gmail.com>) wrote:
> I like Unreal but Unity strength on multiple platform compilation and the
> huge user base and market place make it extremely attractive.
> If you aim for pure games may be Unreal is more appropiate, if you aim to
> get your students to do games and web, and digital content and… then Unity
> is pretty much  the standard nowadays, specially with the upcoming Unity5
> which looks very very good indeed.
> hope it helps
> jb
> On 19 Jan 2015, at 22:03, Angus Davidson <angus.david...@wits.ac.za
> <mailto:angus.david...@wits.ac.za>> wrote:
> Hi All
> Mostly out to educators , but very all opinions welcome as I know quite a
> few folks have played around with Unity and Unreal
> We have a new Games design degree. We are now in the Fourth year which
> means our first set of student are in their final year. We are in a
> situation where we have started our 2nd and 3rd game design students in
> Unity3d (for the past year)
> This went fairly well for a first year and we got some decent work out of
> it. However since paying for our first 30 EDU licences a few things have
> happened
> 1) Unlike last year the timetables make it impossible to only need 30
> licences for 60 students
> 2) We now have a fourth year adding another 30 licences to that figure for
> a total of 90
> 3) As per the usual at a University our budget has been cut , however this
> time its been cut 40%
> 4) Our lovely currency has gone to crap vs the dollar
> 5) Unreal released a free edu version of their engine.
> So the burning question is do we suck up the one year with Unity and move
> to Unreal or is Unity the better one to stick with for teaching purposes.
> its worth noting we are also stuck with Maya as the 3d App that they will
> have access to, as we are no longer allowed to teach our beloved Softimage
> :(
> Apologies for the wide scope of the question but budgeting is currently
> giving me sleepless nights .
> --
> Angus Davidson
> ICT Project Leader- Digital Arts
> University of the Witwatersrand.
> 074 580 3744
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