@Eric Truman: I considered a different approach and did a bit of RnD in
order to check which was the best solution, and in the end I did the switch
to Unreal...

Character customization WIP <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CLuZJFCC7Q>

This is a tool I'm currently working on...it took me 2 days in total (
consider 2-3 hours per day ) to figure out the logic behind the blend shape
blending, visual update, lipsync retargeting and so on, which is something
that in Unity I have to code, there is no script which currently do that,
and of course I have to hire someone for this...

I already asked, more or less a year ago, about some custom scripts for an
interactive architectural project I was working on, to be able to see in
into the browser and be, well, interactive...only for the scripts ( 6 in
total ) the average price I was asked was 800$, plus some plugins (
including Playmaker for simple node based logic stuff ), so in the end the
loss on the project was way too much.

Luckily I waited and UE4 came out, and the time and effort to develp the
project was well spent, not too complicated to setup and to test some of
the stuff I requested a quotation in Unity most of the stuff was already
there, and the node based editor was a life saver.

I perfectly know that with programming knowledge all those problems in
Unity could be easily solved, but I still find the workflow very tedious in
Unity...and I got easily bored with programming stuff, so in part its my
fault, in part the ICE-like setup of blueprints made things easier for me.

Currently in UE4 there are still some dumb things which they're still
broken/bugged, but at least I'm able to start and end a project without too
many issues or desperately ask for help ;)

2015-01-20 4:29 GMT+01:00 Siew Yi Liang <soni...@gmail.com>:

>  Hi Angus:
> Just came off a Unity project for my last job (http://neveralonegame.com/).
> My advice is exactly the opposite; if you value your time as an artist,
> don't even bother with Unity. It's nowhere near the level it needs to be to
> even think about competing with UE4/CE3, let alone other game engines.
> I normally don't like to write negative things, but because I feel so
> strongly against how Unity is designed (and how they responded to our
> support requests for stuff that was clearly broken), here's my breakdown of
> why I disliked working with it.
> *Shaders*: Even U5's new PBR shaders are a nightmare to work with. No
> node-based shader editor (other than Shaderforge, thank god for that) makes
> it very difficult for non-technically inclined artists to work up cool
> shaders. And I was working with U4, which was terrible in itself in terms
> of OOTB offerings for lighting. And as for the "one-click multi-platform
> deployment" stuff, yea...the last 3 months of Never Alone were our main
> engineer and a few of us frantically trying to figure out why our shaders
> were all compiling pink on PS4/fine on PC/geometry not rendering on
> XB1/other mad bugs, and Unity pretty much refusing to help fix their own
> bugs. At least with UE4 we'd have been able to fix the problems, whether
> ours or the engine's.
> *Mechanim*: The entire animation system is a nightmare to me. The
> retargeting system really pissed me off as an animator, and as a rigger, I
> wouldn't ever want to work with it again. Essentially whatever rig you
> provide Unity will always be re-targeted to a internal rig that is
> pre-defined and unchangeable...and it provides 2 spine bones for
> deformation, along with also requiring you to setup RoMs for every single
> joint...for every single character that you make. The only benefit to this?
> Animation re-targeting. Which no other sensible re-targeting system (afaik)
> does in this manner. The alternative? None, other than using the legacy
> animation system which is unsupported and does not have IK solvers. I
> should also point out that it was in response to Unity's nonsense with
> Mechanim that I ended up writing a custom viewer for Maya just so our
> animators (and I) could look at our own animations and critique them
> objectively without worrying about if Unity was actually doing some weird
> stuff with the Avatar system that was causing them to look different
> in-engine.
> *Shuriken *(particle system): Let me put it this way, having worked with
> UE4 and Unity (and a few other particle systems besides), there's no
> contest. Shuriken is in serious need of an overhaul; it's way too basic and
> buggy (esp. with animated textures and mesh particles), and 99% of the time
> effects I want I end up using a combination of scripting/shaderforge to get
> what I want, rather than struggling with the limitations of Shuriken.
> *Pipeline*: Unity's YML files (way it stores metadata) is an absolute
> nightmare. Apart from the annoying way it generates metadata files (and
> regenerates GUIDs for every asset comes in) the way it works (by randomly
> writing metadata everywhere within the same YML file) pretty much ensures
> that if you have more than 2 people working on the same level at the same
> time, you're going to end up with merge conflicts all the time unless you
> have very, VERY well-trained artists/designers in terms of SVN
> lock/whatever VCS you choose to work with. We ended up with a gDoc that had
> people manually update what section of which level they were working on
> based on nothing more than an honour system, because people didn't know how
> to use SVN lock, and you can imagine how that went :)
> As for animators, because blend state trees also use the same YML file
> storage format (and the same dumb ways of using GUID/UUIDs to refer to
> animation clips instead of filenames) also ensures that only ONE person can
> work on ONE file at a time, and must ensure that their file is checked in
> along with the metadata file that accompanies it, or Unity will start
> regenerating it on everyone's machines automatically, and then when they
> check those files in, enjoy resolving the resulting mess of conflicts!
> I'm not here to plug UE4 really (I personally am a huge fan of CE3 cause
> I'm a graphics whore :P), but I will say that if you think it's easier to
> 'learn' Unity compared to UE4...perhaps the UI? But I would suggest that
> running into technical roadblocks that actively inhibit producing quality
> content is far more damaging than getting over a higher learning curve.
> Hope that helps, (and it doesn't sound like I'm bashing Unity too much)!
> :P
> Yours sincerely,
> Siew Yi Liang
> On 1/19/2015 7:58 PM, Eric Turman wrote:
>  @Nicolas Esposito
> "....In the end you could end up spending A LOT of money just to have some
> basica stuff which you could code ( if you have the knowledge... )
> For me Unity is a good engine for a team project, not for a personal one."
>  I think that you might benefit from considering thinking from a
> different point of view:
> Purchasing the right asset from the asset store can save a lot more money
> in the long run when you stop to consider how much time it would take you
> to create that from scratch (even if you are a competent coder.) When
> Considering assets from the asset store, the real questions are:
> * Could I script/learn-to-script this in less time than I would have to
> pay myself at $n/hour
> * Does the asset give enough capability and flexibility out of the box,
> and, if possible, what could it take to extend its capabilities
> * Is this something that I would rather invest in my time to become
> proficient at
>  Unity allows an individual or very small team to accomplish a wide
> variety of projects on a wide variety of platforms that could otherwise be
> out of their reach.
>  There are even node based setups in the asset store for programming.
>  As for examples in Unity, there are many as well.
>  Cheers,
> -=Eric
>  --
> -=T=-

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