> On Dec 08, 2016, at 19:44, Mirko Jankovic <mirkoj.anima...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Q2: * Why maya crashes around 5 times in 1 hour with an older service pack? 
> need the new one to only crash once per hour...
> Because you need strong reason to SELL subscription ie.. with subscription 
> you have latest patches fixes and so on bla bla PR crap.
> Otherwise if you don't keep paying subscription non stop it will be 
> impossible for you to work close to normally.....
> So imagine an version of Maya that works just fine no problems nothing. You 
> really think anyone would stick to subscriptions and keep paying for new 
> buggy crap that comes out every couple months?
> Simple math AD would be happiest on planet if you can access their software 
> cloud only paying every second you are using it.
> There is such thing as profit, but there is also such thing as pure greed at 
> cost of user experience and needs.

Honestly, while technically and legally different, paying maintenance all those 
years from Softimage | 3D to ‘Sumatra’ to an actually usable XSI doesn't feel 
so different. And there were stretches in development and false promises, but 
you always had to pay annually.

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