On Friday 17 October 2008 09:15:14 am Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> > if this is a git snapshot then you have not named it correctly.
> > http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/NamingGuidelines#Snapshot_package
> >s you only need to provide tarballs for official releases.  which your
> > packages look like.
> > https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/SourceURL#Using_Revision_Control
> > when ive needed to ship straight from source control ive used a script
> > and put that in the package.
> It is not git snapshots (those are the .git.sha1). It is normal official
> package. But the question is if this version will be in Spacewalk 0.3? I
> do not know. And neither I, you or Fedora should care, 'cos fedora take
> package independently.
> But I did not want or wanted to discuss this specific bug. I wanted to
> discuss tar.gz in general.
> > Note that you need to maintain the spec file in Fedora's cvs once its
> > in. you can keep a copy in git  but you need to be aware that people
> > might make modifications to the spec, at times.
> I know.
> > On that note there is room on fedora hosted for tarballs.  but only
> > officially released ones should go there.
> What is officially? Every package I made is offically. I usually create
> several officially package.
> Can you please tell me how can I put it on fedora hosted? I mean on
> daily bases.

scp to fedorahosted.org:/srv/web/releases/s/p/spacewalk/    they are available 
at https://fedorahosted.org/releases/s/p/spacewalk/  

you should only put tarballs there that have x.x.x releases  if its a git 
snapshot  that has the git hash as a release they should not go there.

I am going to ask you again. do not put me in the To or CC or BCC of email to 
mailing lists. 


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