On Thursday 23 October 2008 04:51:32 am Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> Dennis Gilmore wrote:
> > scp to fedorahosted.org:/srv/web/releases/s/p/spacewalk/    they are
> > available at https://fedorahosted.org/releases/s/p/spacewalk/
> scp nocpulse-common-2.0.6.tar.gz
> fedorahosted.org:/srv/web/releases/s/p/spacewalk/
> scp yourfile-1.2.tar.gz scm.fedorahosted.org:$YOURPROJECT # No trailing /
> So I tried:
> scp nocpulse-common-2.0.6.tar.gz fedorahosted.org:spacewalk
> nocpulse-common-2.0.6.tar.gz
>                                  100% 6485     6.3KB/s   00:00
> Perfect!
> Odd think it goes to one dir. So there will be soon quite big mess. And
> I think that their FS will not like it.
it does  make a dir in there for your project   to create some organisation.  

> > you should only put tarballs there that have x.x.x releases  if its a git
> > snapshot  that has the git hash as a release they should not go there.
> Sure
> > I am going to ask you again. do not put me in the To or CC or BCC of
> > email to mailing lists.
> Dennis, do not be angry. This is how everybody else works and why we
> have ReplyAll in mailing clients.
> It is good protection in case you are not subscribed to mailing list.
> And such situation already happen at least once.
there is also a reason why mail clients have reply to list.  please use it. 



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